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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Three Girls, One Murderous Instinct (CreepyPasta)--Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Jane, Sally and Clockwork

Jane the Killer's skin was white and beautiful, her dark hair was like the midnight sky, and she wore a black dress. She looked stunning but she killed a lot of people. She wandered the streets as she carried the knife in her hands as she searched for him...Jeff the Killer. They weren't related of course, but she became this as an adversary to his creepy, twisted smile of his. She will never forgive him for the pain he caused her, the death of her family. It hurt her for so long that it made every inch of her skin crawl. It was then, Jane heard a little girl crying and looked around. She crept in as she saw a little girl with her hands over her face. Jane hid the knife in her dress and approached the little girl. "What's wrong, little girl? What are you doing out here all by yourself?" asked Jane in a gentle voice. The little girl responded, "I...I have nobody to play with, I'm all alone...." Jane looked confused, her black eyes that made her pools of sclera even blacker were confused. "What do you mean sweetheart?" Jane asked. The little girl uncovered her face and Jane gasped. The little girl then said, "What I'm saying is....Will you play with me?" Jane jumped back, she drew the knife out and demanded answers from the little girl. "Who are you?" She asked. "I'm Sally....Sally Williams....I was killed and raped by my uncle Johnny." The little girl answered. Jane lowered her weapon, "You're uncle....He...he...raped and killed you?" She inquired. "Yes, he came over to visit and came into my room where he made me touch him...I didn't want to but he said it was all part of the game." Jane looked over at her, "So....You were molested? God, fuck! That's awful!" She said. Sally glared at her, "Watch your tongue, Miss Black!" She scolded firmly. "I am not Miss Black, I got a name. I'm Jane. Jane the Killer." Jane said. "Are you related to that smug killer name Jeff?" Sally asked. "Like hell!" Jane exclaimed, "I may be a killer but I don't want anyone to go to sleep....They need to be awake for this." Then, a voice spoke up: "There is no TIME to sleep or awake, it doesn't matter anyway." Jane and Sally turned to see a young woman with brown messy hair and a clock in her eye. "Fuck! What happened to your eye?" Jane gasped. "Oh, it's a makeover I gave to myself. Do you like it?" The girl replied. "You did that?" Sally said, "Did it hurt?" The girl shook her head, "Not much. Pain doesn't matter to me. There is no time for pain, I know that time is not fast or slow. Nobody can control time, and yours is up." She said. She took her two knives and lunged at Sally. 

Jane clashes with the girl with clock in her eye as she said, "Listen here you bitch! I won't let you kill the little girl. I don't want you to go to sleep, you need to be awake so I can find out your name." The girl said, "I'm Clockwork, formerly by the name of Natalie. Your time is up, Raven Girl!" Jane gritted her teeth, "I think it's time you know my name, Clock-work! I'm Jane the Killer, and don't you ask if I'm related to Jeff....I'M NOT!!!!! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BACK OFF!!!!" Clockwork did so and looked at Jane for a moment. "Hmm, perhaps your time isn't up Jane and neither is the girl. I feel we need to converse some more, shall we?" She suggested. And so, these three begin a conversation and talked about their lives: Jane told Clockwork and Sally about her past, how Jeff murdered her family and how she became on who she is today. Sally told the horrible abuse of her uncle, his murder, and how Sally was revived because of her revenge against her Uncle Johnny. And finally, Clockwork told Sally and Jane of her abusive father. Her teachers, her boyfriend, her drawings, and her insanity that caused her to kill her family. She even mentions the killings at the mental hospital. Jane fumbled with her drink, "So you were in a mental hospital, you killed the doctors and your family...Sounds like Jeff but then again, the abusive father and the oppressive teachers is enough to push you....And you were molested by your uncle once. He knew you told your mommy and he raped and killed you....And here you are back from the dead.....Then, I believe we can come to an understanding, can we?" She said. "I believe there is still TIME to do so. I mean, I heard Jeff might as well as team up with people like Ben, Toby, and others out there." Jane made her teeth clenched, "I think we need more suffering girls like us. I heard he's back and he's not dead. It's funny, I thought he'd be dead by now since I killed him but he can't die and neither can us girls." She said. "We need more girls to PLAY with us. It can't be us three, right?" Sally said. "I think I know other girls in the area. There's a scarecrow, ragdoll, and others out in the area." Clockwork remarked. "As long as we don't gather Nina....Stupid Nina the Killer." Jane growled. Clockwork smirked at her, "Nah. I doubt it, Nina is Harley to Jeff's Joker. She'll be making bloody Marys with him. Time only can tell what they are up to." She assured her. "What kind of alliance is this Jeff conspiring with?" Sally questioned. "As I stated; Ben and Ticci Toby....There's Masky and Proxy, oh! Slender Man and Smile Dog. There's Laughing Jack and Jason the Toymaker." explained Clockwork. 

"He sure is making himself big, well screw him! We have to find him." Jane said, crushing the cup in her bare hands. Sally was nervous but she said, "Let's just find our lovely ladies of darkness. Then we can have our little fun, right?" Jane and Clockwork looked at her, then at each other before smiling. And so, the three dark hearted women set out on a quest to find more girls out there!

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