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Uranometria: Boi Wunder--Volume 4

It. Is. Here!!!!!! This is the sequel of Uranometria but there's no romance in this one like Spittoon. There's a lot more thriller, suspense. It's absolutely fascinating. Boi Wunder is a stylized version of 'Boy Wonder' from two different things: Wunder came from wunderkind and Boi came from Avril Lavigne's song Sk8er Boi. Neat huh? Enjoy the sequel, hope you like it. --KatDon

Chapter 1: Homecoming Return

"Fate is waiting for us, opportunities in the future that we want to chase without being dragged down by the past. Our dreams are approved by and aligned with the belief of a place of happiness. Even though we will always remember the good and bad memories that we had made throughout moments of our life, we keeps on going. We live in the moment and always looks forward."

One year later....

Here she stands on the stage for a moment. Then she opens of the answer and bowed her head. Just then; a woman called out: "Kiyohime, what's wrong? You won, sweetheart." This stunt Kiyohime as she couldn't believe it. She was so paralyzed that she didn't hear the applause. It became a faded memory. Kiyohime came home in the back door to see her shadowed kitchen which was blue painted walls. Table and chairs that matched the walls. Blue and white checkered title under the window behind the sink. The counter was blue but there was white outlined in the cracks. Something was wrong, Kiyohime was called in by her mother and grandmother where she enters to see out the window that a line of people was walking down straightly because the air conditioners broke and they had to go find some place to cool off. Kiyohime try to protest nevertheless there was nothng she could do. She follows her family in the crowd. Journey into a 'wondrous land' whose great boundaries that of being famous is the 'American Dream'. That why people come to the Golden Coast. The place in Tinsel Town is where Kiyohime Willow lives. Her father left when she was younger, Kiyohime was a gifted prodigy as well as a rare beauty with dark purple hair and a light complexion. Full lips, rosy cheeks, and a curvy yet slender figure. 

Kiyohime never saw herself as gifted, she didn't care about what everyone thought of Tinsel Town. She hated Tinsel Town! It was a place where everyone does not want to be the person at a bar every night. They want to meet 'The One' and be a 'Tinsel Star', but in reality; it won't be so great as they think! Tinsel Town is overly romanticized to hide the wolves in sheep's clothing. Life in Tinsel Town isn't as wonderful like a movie scene of exaggerated, passionate romance. People are too brainwashed by the idea of the care to intellectualism so their minds are things fluffy yet inoffensive. It's not perfect however people are obsessed with the glamorous lie. The Golden Coast is not so bad to her, it's where the grass is greener, making girls lustful and wild. Bikini tops undone, while boys are turning their heads to this sight--risk breaking their necks. Nowhere here has girls as fine, voluptous and fresh as the Golden Coast but Kiyohime never cae for that either. She doesn't care about being as fresh, beautiful and wonderfully hot as those girls on the beach. She despise that too, she even despises Tinsel Town for it is an aspirational, doomed place. It has such soulless people and the only way they would accept others if these naive people who dreamt of fame would sell their soul too. Tinsel Town is a fake, a sham. How does she know this? Once upon a time, there was a beautiful woman name Lyra who became this symbol of voluptous that nobody took her seriously. Lyra used the name Andromeda for her role in celebrity. She eventually died of an overdose. 

Kiyohime knows her, that was her older sister. The sister she looked up to when they were kids. She had learned that Tinsel Town had done such cruel things that changed her sweet, loving sister into a 'burnt out lighter'. Kiyohime had been a victim to annoyingly nosy reporters who harassed her and did some awful reports on T News. They made Lyra sound like a floozy woman, which was not true. Kiyohime is sickened by the newscaster's snide remarks about her. Kiyohime resented Lyra's friend, Tsifira, for poisoning Lyra so much and possibly caused her overdose. Kiyohime hated Tinsel Town. She hated doing the whole air conditioner broken and going to a place to cool off from the heat. She hated the egoistic, insensitive, and screwed up lives. Kiyohime believes Golden Coast is haunted by a milion faded celebrities that rose so quickly and burned out too soon. Tuned out of reality; Kiyohime created a self created fantasy that is more fun than the cold light of day and she is the happiest in her own dream world where she lived in the life she always wanted. Her problems vanished from sight. But destiny is going to change her life for good. One day it will. In Nihon; Painting the picture of a boy that does no wrong, he's the type that obeys his parents as they won't approved any troubled person. But he is not what he appears to be for he is a loner. He's the heroic, nice guy that won't hesitate to help someone in need. A broken boy with a troubled past but he is cute. 

He lives in a lonesome world called Nihon where there is cherry blossom seasons, generally nice people, a beautiful countryside and a whole lot of strange. His name is Typhon Gale. Typhon lost the love of his life, name Kára Elias, who was a martyr in a school massacre of where she lived. Typhon wanted to save her but it was too late! He never forgiven himself for that day. He cherishes the memories of Kára, remembering good things about his life with her and visits her grave but he knew that the flowers he brought to Kára's grave would not resurrect her. He had a dream that he fell asleep and died where he is reunited with her as he finally got the life he always wanted. In Heaven with Kára. Sadly, it was just a dream and Typhon was too young to die from the likes of monsters that were part of that school shooting. Their destinies are about to change when a twist of fate spins their world upside down! One day, Typhon was walking down the stairs to find a meadow however he got lost and stumbled across an abandoned dungeon, he gets locked in. Typhon was trying to find a way out however it was impossible. Then, he discovers a trap door and it opened up, revealing a secret staircase. He went down the stairsbut Typhon lost his footing and fell down into the abyss. While walking back to her house; Kiyohime wandered to a forest and she saw a glowing well. She peered in the well but then she lost her balance and fell into the well. Others out there too got themselves into something more crazier: A young lady name Amalthea Vali was going to another job interview and entered an elevator but on the elevator buttons, there was a rabbit on there. 

Curious, Amalthea pressed it. She then suddenly felt the elevator going faster and twisting around and around. A younger girl name Eostre Ossian was taking a walk when she saw a whitish blue deer who runs away after Eostre saw her and Eostre went after it. The deer sprinted faster, Eostre followed it, no matter how tired she was, she didn't stop until she found that deer. The deer went into a tunnel and Eostre followed it, disappearing into a vortex. Pad. Pad. Splish. Splish. The sound of feet in the water but this red flood was not water and the person responsible found a window broke open. There were clicking sounds and he turned around to see a line of soliders with guns in hand. One of them called out, "Freeze! Don't make any sudden movement, you are surround so surrender now." He smiled and then outstretch his arms before falling into the ocean that was below and fell into the abyss. His name was Grendel Cain and he was free from sin and from the past that he was troubled by. "It's true. I'll find a friend at last but if I don't--I'll make one." Grendel thought. He resurfaced to find a place with stained glass windows and enter the building where he found a lot of people sleeping. They looked motionless as if Grendel couldn't tell if they were asleep or not. Grendel saw a girl sleeping in a motionlessly matter and hugged her after seeing how beautiful she was and then the girl woke up. This girl was Cassandra. As soon as she awoke from slumber for one year, her friends woke up as well and they all were happy to see one another. Grendel found Cassandra attractive and got so close that he could smell the fragrance coming off of her skin. Cassandra jumped when she felt someone against her, "Hello...." She said. 

Grendel move back but bumped into a pillar and clutched the back of his head for the pain. Cassandra is surprised to meet with Grendel. She came over to him as Grendel cringes with fear, "I'm sorry, I apologized!" He said. Grendel was about to run however Cassandra stopped him. "Wait, are you OK?" She asked. Grendel blushed at the sight of her. Cassandra looked at him closely as she pointed at the scar on the side of his head. "Where did you get that scar?" Cassandra asked. "It's nothing!" claimed Grendel. Grendel shield it, the scar was a gash with slashes like stitches on them. He remembered that scar which was from the bottle bashed against the side of his head. Bloodied shards in his skin, he wanted to forget about it. Cassandra decided something, she went over to Grendel and asked, "Would you like to come along?" Grendel lightened up to hear this and nodded, accepting this proposal. Then, Cassandra faced Brother 10 and gives out her speech: “This is it, this is war. It may be hard but we have to deal with it.We are facing war, and going all out to deliver! I know all the evils that come along with it are right around the corner, but I'm ready to face it head on. Why don’t we shake shit up with the baddies? I don’t follow the trends, save that for the newspapers. I put in twice as much effort to be liked but who cares? Some nights we do well and is able to collect the reward, other times we just gives up. Through struggle, we wish for a way to provide a sense of security or protection for ourselves and others from more worldly problems. But some nights, we wish we didn’t have to deal with everything that comes in this war. It is unbearably stressful at times; wishing we didn’t have to deal with all of that. Fate is waiting for us, opportunities in the future that we want to chase without being dragged down by the past. Our dreams are approved by and aligned with the belief of a place of happiness. Even though we will always remember the good and bad memories that we had made throughout moments of our life, we keeps on going. We live in the moment and always looks forward.!" 

The others cheer, Grendel was impressed by her chivalrous personality and he seem to have some sort of crush on her now. Grendel is amazed to be flying in a ship to the sky, "Where are we going? Heaven?" He asked. Cass laughed, that sounded familiar to her. "Oh no." She said, "A floating island high in the sky. You'll love it. Trust me. Trust us." While writing, Ophelia can see something from afar. "Cass? Is that Cassandra?" Ophelia muttered. She peered her eyes over and gasped with delight before running over shouting: "Cassandra is back! Yippee!" She skipped, hopped, jumped, cheered, bellowed, shouted, and sing. "Hey, hey! Everybody!" Ophelia called out. She called out the names who were occupied that their heads turned when they heard her voice ring in the wind: "Eulalie!" Ophelia cried, "Dei-dreeeee! Turan! Norna! Ariadne! Juana! Woo Hoo!" She found Melisande, "Melisande, Melisande, my friend!" Everyone was confused at the bouncing Ophelia who was ranting and raving. "She's back, she's back!" Ophelia cried. Once the others managed to calm her down, they ask: "Who is back?" "Cassandra, one year has passed and she & her crew have returned!" Ophelia replied with glee. Everyone looked shocked, "No way!" They all cried. Ophelia excited beckons them to follow her, "Come and see!" Sure enough, she was right and everyone rejoice to see their all loving heroine. They reunited with Cassandra and Brother 10. Grendel is shy around others as people can sense something odd and weird about him, he can sense it as he hated it. Grendel is angry. Grendel is too upset over this but looks at Cassandra talking and laughing with the rest of them. In the meantime; Cassandra begins to have a vision: She could see seven people in her head, they are reincarnated as her dead friends. It was to get something back in return from what was lost before. However danger lurks around the corner. A reincarnation of Ector Absalom will return as well. Cassandra is told to put a stop to this. As a way to not repeat the same tragedy that happened to her before in the past. 

While asleep; Cassandra's dream was interrupted by Grendel, who made a psychic link to her mind. He then felt her skin against her and then darkness enveloped them. The next morning, Cassandra woke up with a gasp as she thought she had some sort of dream. But she realized what happened in her mind. Carefully not to disturb anyone, Cassandra got out of bed and hurry to the shower. Where she let the steamy warm water sprayed on her bare skin. "I can't believe I did that! Did I seriously do that? Crying like---No, this feels weird. This doesn't feel right, why do I feel this way? Have I felt this way?" She thought. It seems that the emotional numbness has melted and some sort of intimacy healing her. It 'cured' her somehow and she never felt more human as she did before. But it was in her mind. No physical contact and it felt weird for her that this happen. Grendel was so obsessed with her so much. He finally found someone in his life to love. But while his time with Brother 10 and Cassandra; Grendel had a tendency to be masochistic yet kinky. He becomes enraged anytime the enemy Wendigos tried to kill Cass or her friends. Cass and the others are creeped out by Grendel's overzealous behavior; so Proteus caused him to have a flesh wound in his leg, where his thigh was. While resting up for awhile, Grendel's sanity begin to slip like crazy. He couldn't sit still as he hobbled on crutches. Grendel worries about his concerns for Cassandra and the others. He called Cassandra, who insisted that everything was fine. As he was recovering; Hanuman and Proteus came by to check on Grendel but instead they taunt him, explaining the awful truth: They admitted that they were using him at the beginning. Grendel felt foolish, he was heaved with sadness and anger that he saw a tranquilizer. He uses on the two, screaming: "WHY?! WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY LOVE ME FOR WHAT I AM?! WHYYYYYYY?" Hanuman and Proteus tried to flee from him but it was no use, they were numb in their limbs. No escape. 

Later, Grendel sat as Hanuman and Proteus was bound and gag while Grendel sat as he remember his past: Standing behind his bedroom door as his parents argue; Grendel knows that his father is an alcoholic. He feels as if he was charity sometimes to his parents' marriage. His father, Offa's heart is vacant which is still too much to handle. Grendel tries so hard to continue to seek the love from his father however it was hopeless. He couldn't get through him. No hope for his father now. His father had lied to Grendel and his mother, physically and mentally abused them. Grendel could not understand his father's abusive nature towards him. Especially with his mom. It was a young age that Grendel went through, however one night would change everything for him. In his teen years of homeschooling; Grendel came out of his room and saw his father swig after swig with his alcohol. Grendel would like to heave him but it was hard to let him go that way, he went to his father Offa  as he begged him to stop drinking for him! But Offa ignores him, Grendel continues to plead with his dad--He really can't let go. Grendel wants Offa to be a true father he always wanted. Grendel claims that his strong drinking is messing up this family. Offa got so mad that he grabbed one of the liquor bottles and bashed Grendel on the right side of his face, that is where Grendel got that scar from. The shards from the bottle was in his skin, Grendel screamed with terror as he felt blood oozing from there. The next thing he knew, Grendel was in the hospital as his mother heard what happened and was in hysterics. She filed for divorce against her husband, who was in rehab at the time after his arrest. Sometimes, Grendel would have nightmares from that night. After the stitches were removed; he had a red scar on the side of his face. He would look at the scar and remembered what happen on that day. 

Grendel hated school; he was always bullied there every day. From his childhood to his young adult. In elementary; Grendel saw a bunch of kids playing and he approaches them, saying: "Hi guys." The kids stare at him before bursting out laughing and walking away. Grendel was hurt by the harsh rejection as he bowed his head. He was hurt: "Why were they laughing at me? What did I do? All I did was said 'hi'. I just wanted to play..." He thought. Another time he was playing an innocent game of tag when three bullies throw tennis balls at him hard and one of them grabbed his wrists but a teacher caught them and rescues Young Grendel. The bullies are punished for what they done. Middle school wasn't any better, he was bullied for his perfect writing skills and one of the friends he trusted spread a rumor that Grendel was writing about the 'hottest girls' when the actually truth was Grendel was writing only about mermaids, fairies, and angels. Although, it was too painful to admit. Grendel tried to get help from his teachers, only one help but another ignored him as he had cotton balls in his bushy ears. They principal explained that they staff wasn't trained to do things like that. Grendel was angry as he cut classes and fake sick to not be around the bullies. Finally, he broke down to his mother and left school in order to get away from the bullies for good. There's no love for him. Everybody had hurt him, hated him, resented him, destroyed him almost, and try to make him fade away in obscurity. Here he was, inflicted with wounds emotionally. Now that a rage point came over him, now nobody can stop him. Nobody, except for his dearest mother Gefion, ever gave him the love and acceptance that he longed for. Grendel couldn't take it anymore, nobody. No love at all. Finally, he then said: "Time to kill." He dumped his crutches as he limped over to Cassandra & the others from Brother 10. He claims that it's an emergency. But it was a ruse, he pulled out a gun as he begin to shoot at different objects in the room they were in. 

Grendel begin to shriek with tears pooling out of his eyes, "EVERYTHING YOU TOLD ME WAS A LIE!!!!" Cassandra and the others were scared, they never seen him this way and they were so frightened of not knowing what might happen. He pointed at everyone with his gun, "You--all of you! You used me, lied to me! What was I to you people? A pawn? To toss aside? Is that all I was to you?!" He screamed. "Calm down, we didn't mean to lie--" Lleu started to explain but Grendel shot at the lamp, at the ceiling and at a window. "DON'T START, Hanuman and Proteus told me everything! EVERYTHING!!!!! Well, those bastards got what was coming for them!" claimed Grendel. Cassandra stared at him with fear, "What did you do them?" She asked, gasping. Grendel smirks down at her, "Knock them out. Bound. Gag them good. The usual crap. They told me how you fabricated me, marionetted me and my mind. And that accident was really no accident at all!" He explained briefly. "You son of a--!" shouted Zaden but the gun went off at a wall as Grendel shouted back at him, "SHUT YOUR FACE, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO DEFIES ME!!!!!" Knowing that insulting him wasn't going to cut it, Lleu came up with a plan. Then, he had an idea. "You know what? You're right." Lleu admitted. Grendel looks at him, "About what?" He asked in a calmer sounding tone. "You were right, we used you. You were just fresh meat on the table. A total sucker." answered Lleu. Grendel nodded, "So you admitted." He said. "Yes, you were nothing more than a pathetic, demented fool. A laughingstock." explained Lleu, "But we would like to form an apology of a compromise. We'll take the fall, mostly me, because it was my idea. Believe me on this, Grendel--" 

But Grendel interrupted, "OH NO, YOU DON'T!!!" He cried. He burst out laughing but remained serious however there was a disturb edge in his voice, "DO NOT START, with your blame thyself game', son of a gun! I'MMMMM THE JUGGERNAUT, and you are my heifer. And THIS? Is my CRIB!!!" That didn't work at all. Things were about to get more complicated. It looks like they were going to be stuck with this crazy guy for awhile. Ophelia witnesses all this and  pulled out her walkie talkie and spoke into it: "Attention rookies. S.T.I. I repeat, S.T.I.--Save the Innocence." This calls the rookies into action. Typhon Gale, Kiyohime Willow and Regulus Alphard apprehended Grendel while Griffin Enbarr, Hespero Agron, Eostre Ossian, and Amalthea Vali saw Cassandra and the others looking at them with surprise. Griffin held his hand up and pulling them up to their feet, while Amalthea and Eostre comforted them. Cassandra looks at Typhon, who looks back at her with a grin before he sends Grendel out the window. Cassandra and the others were shocked by these new heroes who had come to their rescue. "Who are you?" asked Cassandra. "Your saviors." said Typhon, the way he said it sounded like a question. Cassandra scoffs at this, "Saviors? Like knights in shining armor? That's pleasant." She remarked. Typhon laughed, "I'm Vahagn. And this is Lysithea, Charis, Fauna, Guinefort, Orion, and Melanion." He introduced to the others. Before accepting the mission; Typhon and the rookies took on names: Typhon chose one called Vahagn, Kiyohime chose Lysithea, Eostre chose Charis, Amalthea chose the name Fauna, Regulus chose Guinefort, Griffin chose Orion, and Hespero chose Melanion. They stop Grendel, who was going to hurt them but failed. The prophecy reincarnate tragedy did not proceed. 

Cassandra and her team return to get the information on these rookies from Mimir Sofus, who explains that they came here on their own somehow. It was the courtesy of Ophelia, but was told to follow orders. Mimir ask Cassandra if she is willing to cooperate with these rookies. Cassandra accepted with no hesitation. She seems interested in Vahagn, liking so much to get to know him better. On a mission; Cassandra and Vahagn teamed up as Cassandra grows curious about him. When they are confronted by Wendigos; Vahagn uses a kitana to take down them all with a single blow. Cassandra couldn't believe her eyes when she saw this! "Whoa, he just took down the Wendigos with such power! Just who is he?" thought Cassandra. Vahagn continued to fight, Cassandra lunged after the Wendigos but was thrown off the ledge of a cliff. "Auuugghh!" screamed Cassandra, she was going to use her flight but someone's arms wrapped around her. "I gotcha, hold onto me Cass!" Vahagn told her. They were falling out of the sky as Cassandra use flight, surprising Vahagn. They got to the ground where they managed to get to a safe place. While resting in a cave; they decided to stay in there for the night to get away from the Wendigos, Cass wonders if she is thrown off by the sleep effect as her powers were delaying at the time. She didn't want to lose her powers now. While lying on the ground next to each other, about a few inches away. It was quiet, dark but the silence didn't last. "There's something I want to ask you." Cassandra said. "What is it?" Vahagn inquired. Cassandra sat up, "Why me? Why did you save me?" She asked. Vahagn thought for a moment, then he said, "Because--I didn't want anyone to die alone. Or better yet, I didn't want them to die at all." Cassandra stared at him with amazement, "Wow....Amazing. You really are a nice guy." She said with a smile. 

She laid back down, it was quiet for a moment before Cassandra spoke up again: "Hey Vahagn, can I ask you a favor?" asked Cassandra. "Anything." replied Vahagn. "Take my hand?" Cassandra asked. Vahagn looked at her with surprise, Cassandra looked at him still. "There's a world I wish to know about." She said. Vahagn stared at her. "OK." He finally said. Then he reached over and took her hand. Cassandra held onto it, "Wow, so warm." She muttered. Then, they both fell asleep. The next day, Cassadra was testing her powers as Vahagn could see. Cass was relived to see they were still inact, still working. "Is that telekinesis?" Vahagn asked. Cassandra looked at his facial expression which was astoundment. "...Yes." replied Cassandra, nervously. "Mimir Sofus told me about you. And your powers." explained Vahagn. Cassandra looked at him with an amused grin, "Uh oh." She said. "Don't worry, nothing bad but he said you have a way to redeem people. So, Ms. Redeemer, how does it feel to have helped so many people?" Vahagn asked. Cass smiled, "Ha, funny." She said. "Come on, you atoned...A thousand?" Vahagn guessed. "Seventy or more but I might have lost count." Cassandra admitted. "Can you demonstrate your powers? For me?" asked Vahagn. Cassandra looked at him with surprise, then she smiled. The next minute, Vahagn lays down on the ground, usually with the arms crossed over his chest. Cassandra sit around him and attempt to lift his body using nothing but their index and middle fingers. Then begins the chant: "Light as a feather, stiff as a board. Light as a feather, stiff as a board....." Vahagn was lifted but he was amazed by how gifted she is. But they are rescued by the other agents of Silver Branch and brought back to HQ. 

While back at HQ; Cassandra learn from her mother about her father, where his comments had been like a double edge sword. The first was the oppression comments: "The pressure of being an agent was one of the things I worried about when she was part of Silver Branch. It's in her genes with her parents. Just like her mom. Someone had to take care of her and that would be me." But then, he had said something that sounded so saccharine, "Cass won't even talk to me. I don't blame Silver Branch; I never said that. I was misquoted. Silver Branch has been wonderful to my daughter. Now they are warning me not to say anything else. I would never blame Annis. She is a wonderful mother. I love Cassandra. I think about her all the time and I pray she is OK and safe." The final straw came when Boreas return old stuff he had kept from his wife and daughter. Then, left a voice mail on Annis's cellphone: "I hate all of you....This is my last communication with you and you two can go to hell for all I care! Goodbye!" It was bitter and hilarious, but it hurt. Hurt so bad. How could Cassandra do this? She was ashamed to think that this guy was really her father. Speaking of family; Turan has gotten herself in family crises: She learn a horrible secret of her blood powers from Mimir. It turns out that Turan is half human, half Sigbin. A Sigbin was a symbiotic monster that feasts on blood. Turan is shocked, she shook her head as she said, "No...No, this can't be....It can't be..." She repeated over and over until she screamed, "NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!" She ran away as the others look on with concern. Turan hid as she begins to cry with anguish. This has to be some bad dream, this couldn't be real. She must be dreaming. But it wasn't! It was the truth. 

While she slept, she had nightmares about killing everyone in a bloodied way and woke up shrieking. Luckily nobody can hear her as she sneaked out to be alone. Turan looked up at the sky, seeing how pretty it is. She begin weeping again. But she felt someone draped their coat around her. She looked up and turned around to see Kai, who's back is turned to her. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But I'm here if you need me." Kai said. Turan looked at him, nodded then she said, "Thanks." Kai may be a jerk but he had been quite nice to her. Along with the others, they seem to defrost Turan. The next morning; Turan is much calmer as she learns the name of her mother, Morgause Jael, and her father is Taylor Cypris. Looks like Turan and the others are in for a lead to find Morgause Jael. There is one lead--Someone, a bounty hunter called Riquet the Snake. He was a former hustler but eventually quit to be a bounty hunter. He has a daughter name Kallo the Rose. In the meantime, Elia the Prophetess is told by the other prophets of a cult called Truth Rosary about a 'witch of blood' will be coming soon. Elia was fearful but there was one prophetess who stood out from the rest of the cult. Her name is Hanna, she didn't seem to laid back by this as she assured Elia the Prophetess to not be so worried about it. She says that not everything is a sin. Elia is confused, she didn't want to believe it. She then heard about Miscreants Band. She thought that they could be dangerous however she begins to have visions in her head of Asura and Tucker, she is tortured but why did she feel comforted? Why does she feel so safe?

When the Truth Rosary cult heard about this, they pressured her by the cult members, they kept telling her: "It's a curse, they are trying to ravish your thoughts, making them unclean. They are demons that must be destroy!" Elia is confused with the thoughts in her head and Hanna saves her, telling the others to leave her be. The cult members can't touch Hanna, for she was the High Rank Assistant of the cult. She was untouchable, Elia thanked her but Hanna told her, "It was nothing." Hanna then warn her that the cult members have different opinions and some of them are not always right. Elia, confused, accepted this. Later, at a strange, peach themed hotel looking boarding house. There was a model of peach fruit twirling on top like the shing-ding was a casino or something. That is where Riquet the Snake and his daughter, Kallo the Rose. Turan; along with Asura, Tucker, Haaken, and Cannetella behind her went in there. It was so dark in that house, there was no sign for this Riquet the Snake anywhere. There wasn't any security around, "Geez, what is he? Cocky? Or is he springing a trap?" thought Turan. While looking around, there was a sun ray shining down on someone. There was beautiful young girl who looked 17 years old. She was slender, has ivory skin with pink blush on her cheeks. Her hair was shoulder length wavy dark brown hair. Her breasts' size is about 75 centimeters. She wore a long sleeved pink sweater, with a red green vest with a white outline around the vest. She has a red fringed skirt, pink leggings, a red cowboy hat and matching colored high heeled boots. She looked pretty, but she looked sad. Turan and the others watch her, she was looking around however she saw them in the darkness. "Father! Father, intruders!" cried the girl. She ran away quickly. "Wait!" called Turan. Too late! The alarm went off, Turan and the others didn't like this. "That can't be good." Tucker remarked. 

Suddenly, They were confronted by a tall man. He had a dark brown hair that was shoulder length but not so long like his daughter. He has a muscular fit body and a stubble beard. His attire was a maroon jacket, maroon boots, maroon pants, and a matching colored wide brimmed hat. Turan couldn't believe it, this couldn't be him--Could it? "Gotcha right where we want you--" Asura said. "--Riquet the Snake!"  said Asura and Tucker. The two of them charged at Riquet, Kallo gasped with fright as she watched helplessly but Riquet smirked. He blocks their attacks with his double swords. Riquet looked at them, who are shocked, as he said: "So this is Miscreants Band I heard so much about. And you as well, Lady Red Turan!" A few minutes later; Turan, Asura, Tucker, Haaken, Cannetella, Riquet, and Kallo were sitting around having a meeting. "You want me to join you ragtag of misfits?" asked Riquet. Turan was nervous but kept calm. Professional. "Well--Yeah. You know someone by the name of Morgause Jael?" said Turan. That name seem to ring a bell to Riquet, "Oh, the call girl? Yeah. Why?" He remarked. Turan wasn't sure how to proceed but she said it anyway, "I think I know her, she's my biological mother." Riquet stared at her silently for a moment. Then he burst out laughing like a madman. Kallo looked at her father as if he had lost his senses. Once Riquet caught his breath, he said, "I knew it, that strumpet. You look just like her, poor tramp. She was forced to be a hustler for that cruel mack that violated her bitty innocence." He sounded serious over that last part. Turan looked at him, "What's his name?" She said. Riquet looked at her, "Taylor Cypris." He said. Riquet thought about this proposal, he then made his decision. "All right then. I'll help, under one condition." replied Riquet. 

Turan looked at him, "What's the condition?" She inquired. "My machete was taken from me by Taylor. He kept my baby in the shed so retrieve it and I'll give you the information of your mother's whereabouts." explained Riquet. Turan smiled, "Deal." She said with a nod. "One more thing, take Kallo with you." Riquet said, gesturing towards his daughter. Kallo looked up in horror, Turan nodded. "OK." She said with no hesitation. "What? Father--" Kallo protested. "You'll protect her, won't you?" "Sure, who knows! She might learn something." Turan remarked. Kallo bowed her head, she noticed Asura and Tucker look at her. She looked away, but felt big hands on her shoulders. Her father smiled down at her in a comfort manner, "You'll be fine, my porcelain doll." He said. Kallo had no other choice, "Yes, Father." She admitted. Kallo wasn't comfortable with a bunch of strange people but she cannot disobey her father. She loved him so much. 

But something unexpected is about to happen........

Chapter 2: The Kids of the Blood

"In my mind, he was there and I was misunderstood. In my mind, in the psychic link, his body and mind....We became entwined....He whispered that I was beautiful....The feeling of love wasn't so numb anymore. Something in my heart was throbbing over this feeling. I don't remember if I felt this way before, trauma made me forget memories and feelings...Grendel somehow helped me in a way. I feel emotionally resurfaced, human." Cassandra was at her therapist as she begins to talk of her feelings. Once the session was over, Cassandra left. At a discount store; Cassandra had heard about Ariadne's new album, Breakthrough, and decides to listen to it. When she heard the song "Breakthrough"; she immediately loved it. Cassandra begin to have tears in her eyes because she could relate to the song. It wasn't sad, it was but it was a very intense song. She bought the CD and left the store. Cassandra was walking in the city when she saw someone singing and wonders who that it. When she saw up close, she couldn't believe it was: Ariadne was singing. When she finished; everybody applauded and she took a bow. Ariadne looked over to see Cassandra with a grin, who gave her a thumbs up, and Ariadne smiled with glee. It has been so long since the last time they talk to each other, which was before Cassandra's mission one year ago. Ariadne is asked how she is, "You know. I think I found my freedom and found a good place to start my life at its new beginning." She responded. Ariadne confessed she suffered from an eating problem. Cassandra is surprised, Ariadne begin to cry a little and reveals her story. 

While Ariadne was singing her song that she wrote. Her mentor scolded at her, he called her a 'fat vocalist' for her talent. Then he pinched her skin hard, saying: "You need to lose a few pounds of flubber here!" Ariadne was flabbergasted and seems upset at the face that he just dissed her on her music masterpiece. Troubled in her anguish; things were changing for her: She begin to have an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even when underweight. She refused to keep weight at what is considered normal for her age and height, Ariadne begins to have a body image that is very distorted, be very focused on body weight or shape, and refuse to admit the danger of weight loss. And did some extreme dieting: She cut food into small pieces or moving them around the plate instead of eating, exercising all the time, going to the bathroom right after meals, refusing to eat around other people, & using pills to make themselves urinate, have a bowel movement and decrease their appetite. However the results got worse. Ariadne suffered of depression, she has bone strength loss, and wasting away of muscle and body fat. She was feeling miserable; Ariadne was so thin. And here she was worrying about the grease and calories of food yet she denied it. But questioned why she was feeling this way. One day, her sister and daughters noticed and begin to talk to her. Ariadne then broke down crying as she explained that she thinks she is having a problem. She believes this isn't normal of what she was feeling. People don't think like this. Realizing she wasn't happy; Ariadne begin to change. It was a journey through problems in her life and now she is improving in her life. Ophelia left her blog open and Cassandra begins to read this story that astounded her: The story is called Fallen Star. 

"Starla was known to be a liar; she was a bad liar and a bad girl to start with. She goes too far as her older brother, Stellan, exposed her online of pictures of her tantrums as she lost friends and she is so ashamed that she packs up and leaves her home. She begins a new life, avoiding to talk to her friends, and she then takes an interest in parties and sleeping with guys. Although angry with her; Starla's family still loves her. One month later; Astrid, Starla's mother, invited Starla for a reunion with friends and family. Starla didn't respond but she finally responds with a 'fine! I'll come to this damned party.' When Starla arrived; she was dressed in tight fitted outfits, she's smoking, and drinking. She swears a lot as she oppresses everyone she meets: Starla makes fun of the girls, she makes fun of her friends, she gets all trashy with boys, and bullies the others. Everyone remembers the sweet, innocent girl Starla was as they wondered what happened to her! Starla claims that her 'sweet self' is gone and is 'never coming back'. During the reunion; it gets intense but it all comes crashing down when Starla gets into an aggressive fight with Stellan, when her attorney arrives as he comes to say that Starla is suing Stellan for 'verbal abusive'. Starla smirks at her family as she claims that they hate her now and she walks away. Astrid, Stellan, and Starling are upset but Tahti promises to help them get through this. In court; Starla claims that Stellan ruined her life with those pictures and says that he's been mean to her, to her mother, and to her little brother Stellan. She claims her father had 'messed up her big brother', and now Stellan became 'a monster'. After the trial; Starla's friends beg her to come back but Starla acts like they don't exist and she is laughing at them hysterically. 

After having enough of this; Tahti confronts Starla, who fakes that she is sleeping but Tahti can't stand it and the two of them argue. However; Tahti finds out that Starla had been cutting herself and convinced her to get some help however Starla laughs at her for being delusional. Tahti reveals to Astrid what Starla has being doing to herself, Astrid goes and talks to her daughter but Starla accuses her of letting Stellan bully her and Astrid stops her from saying such things. She said that her brother has been helping with the family, Starla refuses to believe that because she says her brother is a jerk and ruined her life. She tells her mother to go away. Then, she closes the door on her mother's face, Astrid walks away crying. Starla is hurt inside as she is feeling suicidal but a man stops her and convinces her to find happiness in family, in the Savior. Starla says that her family betrayed her as she hates her life; hates her brother for ruining his, and hates herself for being a liar! The next day at the part of trial; Stellan finally apologizes to Starla and begs her to come home but Starla calls him pathetic, saying that their mother told him to say that until she collapses and is rushed to the hospital. At the hospital, Starla is revealed to have a panic attack and if she doesn't get off of the drugs, it could get worse. Starla is told that her family loves her but she tearfully confesses that she took drugs because of what she did and hates lying. There was a poem that she wrote to them: 

I'm sorry that I was explosive, 
I'm sorry that I was aggressive and violent.
I'm sorry that I was horrible to you, 
I'm sorry that I was selfish. 
I'm sorry that I said mean things to you, 
I'm sorry that I blab truthful things without meaning to hurt you. 
I'm sorry that I was greedy, 
I'm sorry that I was rebellious. 
I'm sorry that I took out my rage on others without knowing why,
I'm sorry that I hurt you physically and emotionally. 
I'm sorry that I made you cry, 
I'm sorry that I laugh at you. 
I'm sorry that I called you names and teased you. 
I'm sorry that I made you unappreciative and being insincere, 
I'm sorry that I made up excuses. 
I'm sorry that I lied, 
I'm sorry that I scared you. 
I know I said sorry a lot but what else can I say? 'I'll never do it again?' I already said that and I keep doing it over and over again. What do you want me to do? Clean the slate then make it dirty again? I'm remorseful, I'm not perfect. I really, honestly don't know what to say. I apologize over and over again nevertheless, I don't know what to say anymore....Sorry. Her family is touched by this. She begs to drop the charges, she says she'll move back, and she will go to therapy. The trial has ended, the charges against Thoreau are dropped, Starla moves back home, and she goes to therapy. She ask for help for all the lies she told! Although things were not perfect for the family; still it was enough."

After reading this, Cassandra wipes her eyes but she backs away for she didn't want to get caught. But she believes Ophelia will be a wonderful writer one day. In the meantime, Sigbins were lurking around in the daylight. They appear to have a solid form when they have elongated jaws, teeth and tongues. But there are two main teeth in front are sharper. They feast on human blood and has two hearts. A bunch of kids were hiding and watching. They wonder what to do. "Hell-O Sig-bins!" called Turan. The Sigbins turned, they glared at her. "It's the tramp's daughter!" One of them hissed. "You're going down, strumpet flooz!" Another rasped. They charge at her but Turan unleashed her blood powers and took them out with one single blow. Once that was over; Turan sighed, "Whew, that really tuckered me out!" Tucker gave Turan a look, "Seriously? Very funny, Turan." He said. Turan shrugs. "THAT WAS WICKED!!!" A kid's voice cried out. Turan and her group jumped, "What the--?" yelped Turan. She turned to see a bunch of kids with ecstatic looks on their faces. "Who the hell are you?" asked Asura. The first one, the lead kid, announced, "WE--Are the Kids of the Blood!" Kallo looked scared, "You mean...Vampires?!" She asked. The lead kid looked at her and said, "No! Never!" A second said, "We got blood powers like you...See?" They cut their palms as they draw blood out in various different ways. "You tykes have what?" demanded Turan. Her mind is racing, "These kids have the same ability of blood as me? Impossible!" She thought. "Yup!" said an Asian looking kid. "Cool, huh?" said a tall black kid. The lead kid introduces himself and his friends, "I am Jephthah Kimball and these are my friends--Hasan Kelly, Fereyel Gomer and his brothers, Momotaro and Issunboshi. Romulus and Remus Pitney, and their little brother Esben." He turns back to Turan, "That is why we want to ask you something...." All the other kids as well as Jephthah got on their knees, "PLEASE MAKE US YOUR STUDENTS!!!" They chorused. It was an awkward silence. "What now?" Turan asked, breaking the silence. "You are--Oooh, nice pecs!" Jephthah said, looking at her breasts as his eyes widened. 

Turan is shocked and offended by that, "AAAAHH!" She screamed as she smack the boy. His friends  exclaim, "Ouchhh." "Dirty little boy." Turan muttered. "Hey, it was a mere compliment. Can you train me--Us! Can you train us?" said Jephthah. "Ha, In your dreams." remarked Turan, "Now if you excuse me, I got work to do." She and her crew were about to leave when Jephthah and the others catch up with them, "Oh, c'mon! You gotta! We need your help so badly!"  He begged. "LIKE HELL! I'M NOT GOING TO TRAIN A BUNCH OF SNOT NOSED KIDS WITH PERVY TENDENCIES!!!!" exclaimed Turan. Jephthah and his friends cringed as they laugh nervously, "AH! Heh, heh, heh...." "Besides, I don't like guys." Turan said. Turan and the others were about to leave as she called out, "Ha ha, see ya!"The kids stop her, "Wait, you can't leave us! If we go back to the dojo, our parents will kill us. Sahbum Nim will use the Conditioning Stick, we'll be grounded. Kicked out." said Fereyel. "Yeah, that'll be fun." remarked Debbo. Kallo looked concern, "Why would they do that?"  She asked. "We ran away when we should've been at practice but we couldn't live this life anymore." explained Debbo. "Hey Kallo, come on! We got to move." Turan called. Kallo stops her, "Wait, Turan. Can't we take them with us? Please?" Her pretty eyes were begging and Turan knew she couldn't resist. "All right, all right! But no more of your antics!" Turan said to the kids. She turned but one of the kids, Issunboshi, pipes up. He had a cute face and a bowel shaped haircut. "How about a musical number?" His voice sounded squeaky and high, almost cute. Turan moaned. Kallo watch how Turana and the others were fighting, she never met so many people that would risk her life to save her. Kallo remembered her past where she has been a victim of domestic violence, possibly at the hands of her former lover name Gil. 

Now, Kallo can't take it anymore. She was sick of what Gil was doing to her and she will not stand for it. During her time when she was abused by her boyfriend; Kallo was crying immensely over him. Kallo has been doing her best to try to get him to listen — screaming, deceiving and bleeding for him. Even after all that he still will not listen. Kallo does not want his help this time, maybe never again. Why would she? After Gil has tormented her daily even when she had thought he would stop and she was at wits end. He is messing with her mind. Gil is making it harder to believe in herself, basically making it harder for her to keep fighting him. What a jerk! Kallo is losing her will to fight against the abuse, but she knows she has to break away from Gil's hold on her, so she continues to fight. After Gil is feeding her lies she finds herself almost giving up again. Kallo can’t keep living like this with him in control of her. She must escape from his power before she gives up because she cannot take anymore of living like this. Kallo doesn't want to die, but she can't keep living like this. Gil can scream and torment her all he wants but she is going to escape from him. Kallo can’t keep being suffocated by him, she needs to breathe. She is rising out of the sea of pain he has caused her. This is her last time getting forced to almost give up. Kallo will no longer take this anymore and will be free from her prison. She has had enough of the pain and torment of being in this relationship and is ready to get out of her 'prison' as she won’t live like this anymore. Kallo won’t be dealing with the pain of the relationship anymore and she will be free to live her life. In the present, She admits she is not so much of a warrior. "You can do it, Kallo. After all, you are a warrior." Asura said. "I don't think I'm a warrior." Kallo replied nervously. "Sure you are, you just don't know it yet." confirmed Asura. "How do you know that?" asked Kallo. Asura smirked, "I just do." He answered smugly. 

"Watch and learn what I'm about to show you....Get ready, aim your target and wait for the right moment to fire...." said Asura. Once he waited, he attacked. "...HEE-YAH!" He cried. He strike the beast, who fell down. "There, easy. Try it." said Asura. Kallo smiles shyly, "Sure, how bad could it be?" She said. Asura showed her what to do and let her try it on her own. He reminded her, "Remember--Ready, Aim...And wait for the right moment to fire." Kallo nodded, "Got it." She said. She waited for her enemy to come and it did, she hit it down and lost her balance. "Ah, oof!" Kallo tumbled down and steadied herself up when she felt a shadow upon her and looked up to see Asura. "Uh, sorry..?" Kallo said nervously. Asura wasn't upset, "Not bad for a beginner but you were off balanced a little." He said. Kallo grinned slightly, "Heh." She said. But found that Asura is pretty hot. Jephthah and his friends watch this with jaws dropped open. Then they march over to go between them: "'Scuse us!"  Jephthah announced. "Fair Lady has fallen down!" Issunboshi squeaked. "Make way!" Momotaro said. "Move it!" Romulus remarked. "Pardon!" Remus said. "Coming through!" Hasan said. "Out of the way!" Esben announced, helping Kallo up. "Damsel in distress needs help!" Fereyl said. "Stand clear!" Jephthah said. "You got some nerve, you lech!" Debbo said to him. "Hey White Snow, this guy trying to spellbound you?" Issunboshi asked. Kallo smiled, she giggled.  Kallo laughs at this and then she replied with sarcasm in her voice, "What kind of guy are you?" Asura turned to her and said, "One of a kind." Meanwhile; Someone was singing the song of something called Warabe Uta: "Let me pass, let me pass. What is this narrow pathway here? It's the narrow pathway of the shrine, please allow me to pass through. Those without good reason shall not pass. To celebrate this child's birthday, I've come to dedicate my offering. Going in will be fine, fine, but returning will be scary. It's scary but let me pass, let me pass." It was part of dream, Elia's dream where she is dreaming of wonderful things. 

In a boat, she buys an egg, and it turns into Humpty Dumpty. The woman serving in the shop turns into a sheep, and the next minute they are rowing in a rowing boat somewhere. They were traveling in a mystical, psychedelic countryside where tangerine trees are pleasant skies. The kaleidoscope was reflecting into colorful symmetrical shapes that looked like flowers. Elia gets off the boat and goes to a bridge near a fountain. Nearby there are rocking horse people eating marshmallow pies. She’s confused like Alice when she fell down the hole. She knew that place didn't exist for sure however she knew typical 'sweet dreams' won’t lead to happiness. But then again, nothing leads to happiness. There are others who are sadists and some are masochists. But Elia focused on where she was now. This utopic destination in her dreamworld can only be seen by those pure at heart. When she shares a symbiotic connection, she knows that she has just arrived. This utopic destination in her dreamworld can only be seen by those pure at heart. When she shares a symbiotic connection, she knows that she has just arrived. Everyone has their own utopia. Its the ultimate for a love seance in ultimate bliss on the sand. All her life, she is always in a hurry, always waking up early for school. Elia's life is a big blur as it’s going so fast. She is having to live her life by the clock because of school. Her time is not for wasting and she has realized that. Someone else can follow the average person’s rules and expectations. While she tries to enjoy her life and find happiness, Elia realizes that less is more. She realizes her dreamworld is valuable and should visit all the places she’s always wanted to visited and live her life to the fullest. She’s done with the extra scum. Elia wants everyone in her world to know that she’s out having fun and enjoying her dreaming. Elia won’t miss out on the fun at the beach in her sleep. 

But then Elia felt her nose running so she wipes her nose from the snot, only to find blood on her hand. Elia gasped, "Help....Help me." She looked around as she saw no one was paying attention. She begin to run as the bleeding from her nose went down her nostrils to her lip. It was in her mouth, "No!" She gasped. Looking around frantically, but didn't see who was coming. Elia looked up and gasped. A zombie demon had a grin that showed his sharp teeth and chuckling at her. "What's the matter? It's just a nosebleed, just plug it up!" "Stay away from me, stay away from me!" Elia screamed but she is surrounded by other people who looked demonic and undead. Elia backs away in horror, she then stumbles as she heard a zombie taunting in a satanic voice, "Bleeding to death? Your time has come. You sweet, little, fidget girl!" Elia backs away on the floor as they were closing in on her. Then, the demonic zombies chanting: "Die, die, die!" Elia panted, gasping. This was too frightening for her. It was like hell, there was no escape from here. "Help me, help me! Help me! Help! Please! AUGH!!!!" She screeched. Clutching her head as she cowers away from the zombies, who continued to jeer and laugh. She saw The Devil himself as the engineer. "Ha! Ha!" croaked the Devil, "we're nearing hell." Then, Elia shrieked with agony, she begged of the Devil to stop the train! But he capered about and sang with glee, And laughed and joked at their anguish. In the dream reality; The others are concerned at the hysterical Elia "Is she all right?" One asked. "She looks scared." replied another. "Somebody--Get a doctor!" called a third. Elia woke up with panic attacks. Elia was overcome with worry, anxiety, and she prayed.

She placed her hands in a prayer and begin to beseech, "Forgive me, Lord...If you would be so kindly to listen when I request you to bear no malice towards me for what I've committed. Help me see my faults and self regards." However, Elia is interrupted as well as summoned by the cult, where Kallo is hostaged. How did this happen? It was the girl that Turan met before one year ago: The girl turned around, "No...You!" She gasped. Her telekinetic powers activated and were about to attack however Turan held up her hands, motioning the others who had their powers and weapons ready to stand down, saying to the girl: "Easy, easy. We just want to talk to you....Can we take this more privately?" "NO!" cried the girl. Her powers forced everyone back and she took off running. Turan was not going to let this girl escape. Never again. "Please! I swear, we will never hurt you!" Turan begged, coaxing her. "You can't take me there, I beg of you! Don't take me back there!" The girl shrieking, "Stay away, get out! Leave me alone! Don't come near me!" Her powers caused objects to float in the air, "Wait! Easy, you can't do---" Turan protested. However, The girl didn't listen so then Turan used her blood symbiotic powers and knocks her out. "You got her!" John cried. "Nice one." Nezha remarked. Turan sighed deeply, she looked over and said to the girl, "Sorry. But I want to help you...I don't know where to take you back to anyway." The girl's name is Elissa. Previously, Elissa has woken up as stressed as she was when she fell asleep, due to last night's murder, she needs something to calm the nerves before facing another day of the painful reality of the situation. 

She wash the sheets and shower before burning away the bloodied clothes. Cleaning away traces of the crime. One minute she seems so perfect and innocently invincible, the next minute she is a whack job. The pressure to get it right is so overwhelming that she has to escape from herself. Elissa wants to forget the negative aspects of their relationship and to continue on as if there is nothing wrong. The killing trait is takes over her mind and how her life involves doing certain things to stop bad things from happening and the bad thoughts that come along with the illness. Earlier, she had been stalking Turan and the others but when she saw Kallo; things got so bad. Elissa is jealous Kallo is with them. She pulled out a machete as she begin to shoot at different objects in the room they were in. Elissa begin to shriek with tears pooling out of her eyes, "YOU USED ME!!!!" Turan and her squad were scared, they never seen her this way and they were so frightened of not knowing what might happen. Elissa pointed at everyone with the machete, "You--all of you! You used me! How could you?!" She screamed. "You're right. We used you. But we can work things out." Turan explained. "So you wanna make me feel better?" Elissa asked. Turan shook her head, "No." She said, "I want to help you." Elissa stares at her in disbelief, "Help me? You? You abandoned me, I really hated that?!" She hissed. "I didn't mean to....." replied Turan. Elissa can feel herself drifting and Turan placed her hands on her cheeks where she keeps her head steady. "You gotta stay with me, I want to help you. We can help you. We can fix this together." Turan coaxed her. Elissa's eyes flashed as she spoke out in a raspy yell: "I DON'T WANT TO FIX THIS!!!!" Turan is thrown against a wall telekinetically as Kallo is kidnapped and sold her to a cult called Truth Rosario. 

Now, Truth Rosario was waiting for Turan and the others to come and rescue her. But Elia thought about Elissa. It was so incredibly good, it’s all Elia has been able to think about lately. She can’t stop thinking about this guy she even dreams about him. They were on her mind 24/7. Paranoid; Elia is always looking around to see if one of them near by. She is always thinking about them and how they makes her feel. In line with this dangerous obsession in her head, the sacrifices made for love are worth the great times that come along with it. Asura and Tucker is all she can think about. She’s so into him that everything she hear it’s them, their voices. She snapped out of it when she saw them with Turan and hid, however she saw Elissa letting her powers show as the cult begin beseeching prayers in soft whispers. Turan called out, "Elissa, we can talk about this!" Elissa wouldn't step down. "You can't make and stick with a decision. You weren't satisfied with the I was. Maybe I'm annoying! I mean, I thought what we had was special! Our friendship was the best damn thing! Now the friendship wore on, all ended with no energy left. You are a huge contradicting hypocrite. Changing your mind a lot doesn’t really let other people trust you! You changed your mind again and again! I cant be forced to return to the same girl I was one year ago. I am breaking away and rebelling! No one can try to tell me that I gotta be a different type of person. I'm not gonna change for anyone, and I demand that you will see where I'm coming from, because I cannot be tamed!" She blasted a telekinesis and continues to rant, "I told you before--Make friends with me, it’s probably not smart to be on my bad side. You better watch out. I can be a nightmare! You don’t know how powerful I am actually. I really don’t deal with crap. If you hurt me, I will get you. I am flawless, and I will rip you to pieces if you wrong me in any way!"

Watching this, Kallo feels encased and begins to hallucinate of her fears. She trembles with fear until she angrily slammed her fist into the glass but then she falls back, as her fears got worse enough to torment her. Her hands tied behind her back, she was a hostage and she had her head bowed. "Nobody moves or the witch is burn!" said the captor leader. "You wouldn't!" Turan called out. "It is Allah's righteousness to take down those that have defiled Him!" said the leader. This was it, this was the end of the line: People think Kallo is just like any other girl but she knows she’s something special. Kallo is a girl. She’s tired of being dismissed as something not unique or special.  Kallo snapped! She lunged at her captors and cut their throats open, blood sprayed out and one of her captors cried out in agony. "Stop her!" said the leader. But the other men tried however she was too invincible. She continued to fight, even if she had hands tied behind her. Kallo was covered in blood. Someone cut her free, she turned around to see who it was, it was Asura who used a blade to cut her from the bounds and she was at last free. "Thanks." said Kallo. She went in as she slaughtered the cult as she cried out, "CRAZY!!!! YOU'RE CRAZY, OVERZEALOUS, INSANE WITH IDEAS OF EVERYTHING BEING A SIN!!!!!  More blood was splattered on her suggestive body but she didn't care, she wasn't going to stop until men like them were dead. Kallo faces her enemies of the Sigbins as she never felt so free in all her life! Turan and the others couldn't believe this, Elia watched this as she couldn't believe this. Elissa stops to see this as she fights back. But Kallo didn't feel any effect from Elissa's power. She finally retrieve her father's machete. 

Kallo smirked at her, "Don't get distracted now, this is the grand finale!" She said. Elissa looked disgusted, "No way, I'm done here. I'm outta here!" She said. "Hold up, we're not through here!" Kallo called out. "You are with me." Elissa snapped. "There is still time." said Melisande. "Shut up, you little heifer--" Elissa cried, but Kallo slapped her. Everyone gasped in shocked, Elissa is angry as she screamed: "SHE SLAPPED ME!!! CRAP, YOU BITCH!" Elissa looked at her and then turned to everyone else, "Do something about this cow, you freaks!" She shouted. "Like hell!" Elissa looked around frantically, panic rose in her chest. "C'mon, help me out here! She's not like all of you!" She begged. Turan cried out, "She's my friend!" Elissa turned back to Kallo with a deadly glare, "You can't get away like this." She said. "Sorry, I just did." Kallo remarked. Belle Etoile was pissed, "THIS ISN'T OVER YET! NOT BY A LONG SHOT!!!!" She screamed sending Turan, Kallo, Asura, Tucker, and the others flying but using the blood powers together, Turan and the Kids of Blood formed a sleigh. They were bumping one by one down. "Watch your step when entering and exiting." Momotaro said. "Do not engage in rowdiness towards others, except Wendy-Go--GOS!" Issunboshi piped. "Requesting permission to land, we're going in!" Remus said. "We're not in danger of crashing!" Romulus said. "Keep your feet in the ride at all times, thank you!" Hasan said. They were tumbling down, down, down they went as Jephthah said, "We hope you enjoy it, thank you for flying the Flight Blood Kid!" They landed after a few bumpity bumps. While getting off, relieved that they got the machete, they could hear a scream and hurried over to see who it was. 

Elia screamed in horror, helplessly, "Help me! Help me! Help me!" The Sigbins were advancing on her as she screeched, "NOOOOOOO!" The Sigbins was about to kill Elia however Kallo took a gun out and rapidly shot at the Sigbins. Kallo nearly fainted from her own shock. She was sobbing on the floor, upset over what she did. Elia woke up to meet Turan and the others looking down at her. "Hi." said Turan with a smile. Elia trembled, she didn't know what was going on but she didn't want to be tortured again by these people. "No. Stay back, get away from me." She whimpered. Turan noticed how frightened she looked, "No, don't be scared. It's OK, I won't hurt you. You're safe, I swear." She explained. "Are you sure you're all right?" said Turan. "Yeah, I--I am." said the girl, sobbing a little. "Can you tell me your name?" Cassandra inquired gently. "Elia." replied Elia. But then she panicked again as Turan soothes her, but Elia thrashed more and more. "Get away from me---" screamed Aneris. She then calmed down and sighed into Turan's lap. "Easy, easy...That's right." said Turana. "You're okay, you're just upset. It's OK, shhh." However, trouble approaches when bossy Margaret 'Gretel' Mather, immature Soleil Alphonse, snobby and ignorant Finette Straus, annoying Nennella Girvin, clueless Buttercup Knox, Gretel's bratty and annoying little brother Johnny, Finette;s butterball troublemaker younger brother name Heureux, and Johnny's instigating friends Kadar Xiomar & Mikko Wyatt. But there was one nice girl name Cherie Allen who was quiet and the others harassed her about her muteness. 

As she was on a mission, Ophelia is kidnapped and tortured by a laff box's laughter recorded plays over and over again, torturing her emotionally as to how loud it is. This cause her to be a doll, she develops into a darker self. Ophelia has flashbacks: "This is impossible, you are a figment of my imagination." Ophelia exclaimed. Cheshire smiled, a slasher looking grin. "Oh, I've existed before you could ever created me on paper or in your head." He said. Ophelia was crazed up as she begins to write down things in her diary: "Maybe I liked them because I didn't want love! Maybe I need a climax, a part of me wants to break free from the purity and finally know what the fuss women scream about. Call me, floozy! But I am not like normal girls, I can't pronounce words right! I do many reckless choices which can also be stupid. I hate sitcoms with dumb laugh tracks on them! Denying it being an issue but I don't have enough money for a fricking hearing test I long for to break free! I got a negative, instigating older brother and an overprotective mother! I hate myself for upsetting my mother so much! I'm nothing more than a narcissist that goes on her laptop. Writes make believe stuff to escape isolation. I can't go to college for life is cruel, I can't go through that again! I'm a ridiculous, selfish, uncaring, screwed up piece of crap is all I am!" And she went away to destroy all that was loud. 

While on a rampage; Ophelia is attacked and handcuffed from behind. She struggled but it was no use as she was shocked to see that it was her friends, Roland, Ace, Janus, Astrild, George, and Margaret are responsible. "This isn't the time for this, now release me!" She demanded. "Sorry, we can't do that. You're going insane." Roland said. "I'm fine!" claimed Ophelia. "YOU'RE NOT!!!!"  Roland shouted. He looked at Ophelia as he feels bad, "Just stay here until we get back." He said. Ophelia couldn't believe it, betrayed by her friends and allies as she cried out: "RELEASE ME, RELEASE ME!!!" 

Chapter 3: Beat Still, My Heart

While lying in her bed after her night prayers; Elia thought about the highlights of her day that she had. She thought about Hanna's wise words: She says that not everything is a sin. Elia is confused, she didn't want to believe it. She then heard about Miscreants Band. She thought that they could be dangerous however she begins to have visions in her head of Asura and Tucker, she is tortured but why did she feel comforted? Why does she feel so safe? When the Truth Rosary cult heard about this, they pressured her by the cult members, they kept telling her: "It's a curse, they are trying to ravish your thoughts, making them unclean. They are demons that must be destroy!" Elia is confused with the thoughts in her head and Hanna saves her, telling the others to leave her be. The cult members can't touch Hanna, for she was the High Rank Assistant of the cult. She was untouchable, Elia thanked her but Hanna told her, "It was nothing." Hanna then warn her that the cult members have different opinions and some of them are not always right. Elia, confused, accepted this. It was so incredibly good, it’s all Elia has been able to think about lately. She can’t stop thinking about this guy she even dreams about him. They were on her mind 24/7. Paranoid; Elia is always looking around to see if one of them near by. She is always thinking about them and how they makes her feel. In line with this dangerous obsession in her head, the sacrifices made for love are worth the great times that come along with it. Asura and Tucker is all she can think about. She’s so into him that everything she hear it’s them, their voices.

"I know they were out there, I have to find them again! But the problem is, what would I say?" thought Elia. Her eyelids felt so heavy that he drifted to sleep. The next day, Elia is doing her morning chores. She thought about the time that Turan and her crew rescued her: Elia felt her nose running so she wipes her nose from the snot, only to find blood on her hand. Elia gasped, "Help....Help me." A zombie demon had a grin that showed his sharp teeth and chuckling at her. "What's the matter? It's just a nosebleed, just plug it up!" "Stay away from me, stay away from me!" Elia screamed but she is surrounded by other people who looked demonic and undead. Elia backs away in horror, she then stumbles as she heard a zombie taunting in a satanic voice, "Bleeding to death? Your time has come. You sweet, little, fidget girl!" Elia backs away on the floor as they were closing in on her. Elia screamed in horror, helplessly, "Help me! Help me! Help me!" The Sigbins were advancing on her as she screeched, "NOOOOOOO!" The Sigbins was about to kill Elia however Kallo took a gun out and rapidly shot at the Sigbins. Kallo nearly fainted from her own shock. She was sobbing on the floor, upset over what she did. Elia woke up to meet Turan and the others looking down at her. "Hi." said Turan with a smile. Elia trembled, she didn't know what was going on but she didn't want to be tortured again by these people. "No. Stay back, get away from me." She whimpered. Turan noticed how frightened she looked, "No, don't be scared. It's OK, I won't hurt you. You're safe, I swear." She explained. "Are you sure you're all right?" said Turan. "Yeah, I--I am." said the girl, sobbing a little. "Can you tell me your name?" Cassandra inquired gently. "Elia." replied Elia. But then she panicked again as Turan soothes her, but Elia thrashed more and more. "Get away from me---" screamed Aneris. She then calmed down and sighed into Turan's lap. "Easy, easy...That's right." said Turana. "You're okay, you're just upset. It's OK, shhh." Before Elia went back; Asura gives her a necklace. This proves that he really cares about people like her.

"Where did you get that?" A voice asked. Elia turned to see the leader o Truth Rosario--High Matron standing there. Elia looked at the object, "Oh, it's a gift. Cool huh?" She said, showing her. The old woman walked over and looked at it. "It's unholy." The High Matron said. Elia looked annoyed, "It's not unholy." She said. Then, Elia finished cleaning. Matron watched her and then she said, "Throw it away, it's a proselytizing tool from these fiends." Elia sigh, "No, High Matron. Stop being so ridiculous." She said, "I wish you could say that you're happy that I'm OK and safe." Elia turned away from her. High Matron follows her, "You've fallen between cracks I fear for you." He said. "What? You think I'm going to hell for this?" replied Elia sarcastically. "I don't want to think what's going to happen. But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Anointed One; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out." said Matron. "Matron!" groaned Elia.  "And when that time comes, you'll be dragged in the depths of abyss." Matron ranted. Elia was really upset by this, "Dad, is this how you see me as this people? I told you, they are just helping me." She snapped. "And I told you, they are not your friends! They will destroy you just like sin! Sin never dies!" shouted Boreas. "Matron, Stop this now! I want you to be flat out honest and answer me--" Elia admonished. Matron but cut her off. "I am only trying to protect you from these people." Matron said. "Those people are my friends, Matron." Elia confessed. Matron looked at her with disbelief, then a smirk appeared on his face. "Friends? Friends?" The High Matron said, then she laughed at Elia who looked down. She clenched her fists. Matron claps menacingly as he spoke to her, "All those bitches, They are feeding you lies, like anyone else." 

Elia covered her ears, "Please, Stop it!" She shouted. But did not Matron ceased, "They tell you things They just want to brainwash ... They are demons, do not stay here...." Elissa had enough of this as she storms in. "BE QUIET!!!!" Elissa screamed, her powers caused the furniture to raise and drop as Matron was terrified. She fell down on the ground and looked up in shock. "Good God." Matron whispered. Elissa stared down at him blankly. "I belong here, Father. Things are going to change around here." She said sternly. Matron was gasping for breath but rasped out, "Sorcery. I knew it." "It's not sorcery. Wanna know where it's coming from? Me. There are other people out there who like me have this power." Matron turned back to Elissa, "Do not use this power!" The old hag demanded. "It's my power, I decide whether to use it or not!" Elissa exclaimed. "Renounce That power! You must surrender it! You must never use it!" Matron cried with the edge of hysteria in her voice. Elissa continued to talk, "I am nothing like you...And I'll never be like you. You can wallow, pray, and cry all you want but I'm staying here." Elia stares down at the loathly lady sternly, "Not you or anyone else can stop me...And I don't want to talk about it anymore." And with that; she walked away. In the meantime; Turan tosses the machete to Riquet, who catches it with ease. He smiled happily, "Ah...How I miss you." said Riquet. Turan grinned, "Now...For your end of the bargain?" She asked. Riquet looked up, "Yeah. Morgause Jael...I heard that she's in a place of a country side with your little brother name Boaz....." Kallo try to speak up to her father about what she learn, Riquet gently try to tell her not now but Kallo refuses to be silent. 

"I went out in the world for experiences, finding myself. I had experienced the whole world and I don’t wish to go back to a sheltered existence. Being sheltered by you made me feel imprisoned. Leaving the sheltered existence was an eye-opening experience to me and changed my behavior." explained Kallo. She brushed a strand of hair from her face as she continued, "I used to see life the same way, but now I don't. I see the world with my own eyes and I have my own vision. I was insecure. It was difficult period in my life. I needed time to understand who I am. I have to know myself. I'm ready to become a woman and leave behind the younger me." Riquet stared at his daughter before bursting out laughing, "I'm pleased that you went out and became independent rather than continuing a sheltered and controlled existence. As they once say, 'Acknowledging the courage it takes to change what you’ve always known.' My daughter, She was given very many things…She was given so many things but she needed someone to help her embrace what she had and to help her open her eyes and see what she had." said Riquet. He is proud of his girl who is no longer little and has become a woman. Kallo thank Turan and the others before seeing them off. That night; Kallo never felt a passion like this, and has never felt this way before. She can’t stop tossing & turning at the thought of this guy. Asura is all she is thinking about is driving her crazy; making her heart beat faster by thinking about being close with him. Kallo remembered that she was looking around however she saw them in the darkness. "Father! Father, intruders!" cried the girl. She ran away quickly. She was being scared before and remembered what happened in her life when she was sent with Turan and the others: "One more thing, take Kallo with you." Riquet said, gesturing towards his daughter. Kallo looked up in horror, Turan nodded. "OK." She said with no hesitation. "What? Father--" Kallo protested. "You'll protect her, won't you?" "Sure, who knows! She might learn something." Turan remarked. Kallo bowed her head, she noticed Asura and Tucker look at her. She looked away, but felt big hands on her shoulders. 

Her father smiled down at her in a comfort manner, "You'll be fine, my porcelain doll." He said. Kallo had no other choice, "Yes, Father." She admitted. Kallo wasn't comfortable with a bunch of strange people but she cannot disobey her father. She loved him so much. The present, Kallo never knew how scared she was before but she was no longer afraid. She remembered more memories: The kids stop Turan, "Wait, you can't leave us! If we go back to the dojo, our parents will kill us. Sahbum Nim will use the Conditioning Stick, we'll be grounded. Kicked out." said Fereyel. "Yeah, that'll be fun." remarked Debbo. Kallo looked concern, "Why would they do that?"  She asked. "We ran away when we should've been at practice but we couldn't live this life anymore." explained Debbo. "Hey Kallo, come on! We got to move." Turan called. Kallo stops her, "Wait, Turan. Can't we take them with us? Please?" Her pretty eyes were begging and Turan knew she couldn't resist. "All right, all right! But no more of your antics!" Turan said to the kids. She turned but one of the kids, Issunboshi, pipes up. He had a cute face and a bowel shaped haircut. "How about a musical number?" His voice sounded squeaky and high, almost cute. Turan giggles and remembers also what Asura told her about her being a warrior on the inside: "You can do it, Kallo. After all, you are a warrior." Asura said. "I don't think I'm a warrior." Kallo replied nervously. "Sure you are, you just don't know it yet." confirmed Asura. "How do you know that?" asked Kallo. Asura smirked, "I just do." He answered smugly. "Watch and learn what I'm about to show you....Get ready, aim your target and wait for the right moment to fire...." said Asura. Once he waited, he attacked. "...HEE-YAH!" He cried. He strike the beast, who fell down. "There, easy. Try it." said Asura. Kallo smiles shyly, "Sure, how bad could it be?" She said. Asura showed her what to do and let her try it on her own. He reminded her, "Remember--Ready, Aim...And wait for the right moment to fire." 

Kallo nodded, "Got it." She said. She waited for her enemy to come and it did, she hit it down and lost her balance. "Ah, oof!" Kallo tumbled down and steadied herself up when she felt a shadow upon her and looked up to see Asura. "Uh, sorry..?" Kallo said nervously. Asura wasn't upset, "Not bad for a beginner but you were off balanced a little." He said. Kallo grinned slightly, "Heh." She said. But found that Asura is pretty hot. Jephthah and his friends watch this with jaws dropped open. Then they march over to go between them: "'Scuse us!"  Jephthah announced. "Fair Lady has fallen down!" Issunboshi squeaked. "Make way!" Momotaro said. "Move it!" Romulus remarked. "Pardon!" Remus said. "Coming through!" Hasan said. "Out of the way!" Esben announced, helping Kallo up. "Damsel in distress needs help!" Fereyl said. "Stand clear!" Jephthah said. "You got some nerve, you lech!" Debbo said to him. "Hey White Snow, this guy trying to spellbound you?" Issunboshi asked. Kallo smiled, she giggled.  Kallo laughs at this and then she replied with sarcasm in her voice, "What kind of guy are you?" Asura turned to her and said, "One of a kind." In the present, Kallo felt something swirling inside of her, then she had another memory: Watching this, Kallo feels encased and begins to hallucinate of her fears. She trembles with fear until she angrily slammed her fist into the glass but then she falls back, as her fears got worse enough to torment her. Her hands tied behind her back, she was a hostage and she had her head bowed. 

"Nobody moves or the witch is burn!" said the captor leader. "You wouldn't!" Turan called out. "It is Allah's righteousness to take down those that have defiled Him!" said the leader. This was it, this was the end of the line: People think Kallo is just like any other girl but she knows she’s something special. Kallo is a girl. She’s tired of being dismissed as something not unique or special.  Kallo snapped! She lunged at her captors and cut their throats open, blood sprayed out and one of her captors cried out in agony. "Stop her!" said the leader. But the other men tried however she was too invincible. She continued to fight, even if she had hands tied behind her. Kallo was covered in blood. Someone cut her free, she turned around to see who it was, it was Asura who used a blade to cut her from the bounds and she was at last free. "Thanks." said Kallo. She went in as she slaughtered the cult as she cried out, "CRAZY!!!! YOU'RE CRAZY, OVERZEALOUS, INSANE WITH IDEAS OF EVERYTHING BEING A SIN!!!!!  More blood was splattered on her suggestive body but she didn't care, she wasn't going to stop until people like them were dead. Kallo faces her enemies of the Sigbins as she never felt so free in all her life! Turan and the others couldn't believe this, Elia watched this as she couldn't believe this. Elissa stops to see this as she fights back. But Kallo didn't feel any effect from Elissa's power. She finally retrieve her father's machete. Looking back, Kallo never knew she would go that far but she was pushed over an emotional point and found courage inside herself. 

Ophelia got off her house and entered it. She had just broke free from the bounds that hold her together and had to do what she had to. The effect of the noise was putting a lot of effect into her mindset. Just then while inside, she heard something. Something that made her cover her ears. She heard it--A creepy sound of belly laughter. Ophelia heard laughter over and over again. Ophelia said to the laughter recorders with an emotionless look: "I hate you all, stop your laughter." and then she caused them all. She begin to repeatedly stomp every last one of them until they died out. Ophelia spit on the machines. Then she hurried away and then she set it on fire, melting the ice palace. She almost set the city on fire in her rage and emotional passion. And finally; Ophelia became furious and pursued her enemy in rage. Roland, unaware that Ophelia broke free, "This isn't the time for this, now release me!" She demanded. "Sorry, we can't do that. You're going insane." Roland said. "I'm fine!" claimed Ophelia. "YOU'RE NOT!!!!"  Roland shouted. He looked at Ophelia as he feels bad, "Just stay here until we get back." He said. Ophelia couldn't believe it, betrayed by her friends and allies as she cried out: "RELEASE ME, RELEASE ME!!!" He felt guilty. Thinking of the memory he treasured most of her: He ducks under his covers and tried to convince himself that he can do it. And he peeks out, he then closed his eyes and leaned over at Ophelia. Their lips met, in a kiss. He realized what he's doing and backs away. "Oh crap, oh crap!" He thought, "I kissed a girl! I kissed a girl on her rosebud lips! Oh shit...It just got real!" Ophelia cheered, "Yay!" Roland glared back at her, "Never. Again." He warned. "Oh, you know you like it." teased Ophelia, she pumps her fists as she twirled around. Roland watched with annoyance on his face but laughs a little, "Damn, she's friggin' pretty." He remarked.

As she was on a mission, Ophelia is kidnapped and tortured by a laff box's laughter recorded plays over and over again, torturing her emotionally as to how loud it is. This cause her to be a doll, she develops into a darker self. Ophelia has flashbacks: "This is impossible, you are a figment of my imagination." Ophelia exclaimed. Cheshire smiled, a slasher looking grin. "Oh, I've existed before you could ever created me on paper or in your head." He said. Ophelia was crazed up as she begins to write down things in her diary: "Maybe I liked them because I didn't want love! Maybe I need a climax, a part of me wants to break free from the purity and finally know what the fuss women scream about. Call me, floozy! But I am not like normal girls, I can't pronounce words right! I do many reckless choices which can also be stupid. I hate sitcoms with dumb laugh tracks on them! Denying it being an issue but I don't have enough money for a fricking hearing test I long for to break free! I got a negative, instigating older brother and an overprotective mother! I hate myself for upsetting my mother so much! I'm nothing more than a narcissist that goes on her laptop. Writes make believe stuff to escape isolation. I can't go to college for life is cruel, I can't go through that again! I'm a ridiculous, selfish, uncaring, screwed up piece of crap is all I am!" And she went away to destroy all that was loud. Now she's going to lose herself but when Janus discovered her diary of the 'awakening' entry, he learns that she's feeling voluptuous. It was something that a woman's monthly was feeling at this time. In a horrible vision, Ophelia was standing on the ledge to a fiery chasm as he was pushed down. But someone caught her before she could reach the flames. When Ophelia looked up; it was Janus. "What the hell are you doing here?" Ophelia asked. "I came to rescue you." replied Janus. "Please, go away." Ophelia begged. "Sorry. Can't do that." said Janus. 

But had a smile on his face said, "I will...Only if you stop this." "I will." said Ophelia. "It's a done deal." replied Janus. Ophelia broke down crying and Janus embraced her gently however firmly. "I thought we'd lost you." said Janus. "I thought so too, thank you." said Ophelia. They pulled away from one another and Janus surprised her with a passionate kiss on her lips. Ace watched this with a stoic and uncaring look but he seemed jealous, Jeremiah sighed deeply. "What's with you?" asked Ace. "Ugh, How dare that son of a bitch! He's kissing my girl....!" groaned Roland, "Oh, please. Your girl?" replied Ace. "It sucks! Ugh!." complained Roland. Meanwhile deep in the acre woods, In a place, like no place on earth. Long ago, a seer name Oyuki had her heart ripped out of her chest; killed by the vain sorceress, Tamamo Mae. It was quite tragic but according to the other seers; Oyuki and Tamamo will be reborn however the rebirth Oyuki will have her revenge. But Oyuki won't die again, she will be more than dead.....Now in a place which its attribute to its people and region in the color of white. White as ivory, this captivating world known as Ljosalfheim. It is a place where the swans float on the rivers. They were majestic, beautiful birds. There once was two sisters name Cressida and Myrsina. Cressida and Myrsina were both married however Cressida struggles in the pregnancy for she cannot but she is told by some volvas that the way she must conceive a child, she must prick her finger and make her wish. Cressida does, she wished for a child with 'a complexion as sallow as ivory, a mouth as crimson as a rose, and hair black like the raven' and it came true. Cressida and her husband, Eirian have a daughter name Arachne. 

She was so beautiful that all the people came to visit her. Even Myrsina and her family came to see her. Watching from the mirror, Egeria became jealous and plots to eat her heart when she's 17 years old. When hearing Egeria's jealousy as well as her plan to take her heart; a seer name Aradia came to Cressida and Eirian where she tells them about Egeria's plot to take her daughter's heart when she turns 17. But Aradia came to bestow a gift upon Arachne: When Arachne turns 17, and gets her heart ripped out of her chest; she will not die but become an undead for awhile until she retrieves her heart and restore back to life as a human. Aradia told them about Oyuki is to be reborn, and the only way she can if she comes into Arachne. Tamamo Mae, the witch, has been reborn in Egeria so prophecy must be fulfill or Oyuki will not get her revenge. Cressida and Eiriran accepted this, heeding this from Aradia, who vanished after satisfied for hearing the couple's obedience. Years later, Arachne grew up into a beautiful young lady. By her 17th birthday, she was so beautiful that people in the world admired her for it. However also, Arachne was very kind and everyone admired that too. Upon an acropolis; there was a dark castle as Egeria turned to the looking glass as she said to it: "Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" asked Egeria. The mirror spoke to her: "My lady, you are the fairest but someone else is more fairest than you." Egeria couldn't believe this, "What? Who could it be?!" She demanded. "Arachne. And she is a thousand times more fairer than you." replied the mirror. Egeria is angered by this, she wonders what she should do at the moment. Then she had an idea. Later, Arachne is drugged and kidnapped by Egeria's Sigbin guards, who sold her to the dark lady. Arachne is held captive in a tower, she is alone and is horrified as she couldn't sleep and she has a lot of stress because there is nothing she can do. 

However she escapes until Egeria sends the Sigbins after her, Aradia try to steer Arachne to safety. But it was too late, she is being held hostage by the Sigbins. One of the Sigbins looked over and gouged her heart out. "Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!" cried Aradia. The Sigbins were cackling with glee but they wouldn't laugh for long. Arachne rise, her eyes were hollow and black with red pupils. She had blood coming from the whole in her chest. Her appearance was different: There were short ram horns, her hair became red like mahogany, her clothes matched her hair and her face was pinkish white. Aradia couldn't believe this, Arachne. She was rising as some sort of undead being who was slaughtering the Sigbins in order to get her heart back. And she did kill them all, she butchered them. She beheaded them, and then she made their limbs go numb so she can split them apart in a grisly way. Aradia were shocked by this, Aradia couldn't believe that someone like her would such things. Finally, Arachne faced the leader of the Sigbins, who was holding her heart so Heart less Arachne put up a pretty good fight. She broke his legs and the heart went up, Arachne caught in her hand and placed it back in her chest. The hole in her chest closed up and she turned back to normal. Aradia could only stare at her in amazement. Who was this girl? Whoever she was, she was nothing out of the ordinary. Meanwhile; A woman in red name Blanchette alone in the club. She’s trying to dance away her thoughts. However, a pervert name Thom tries to hit her however Blanchette is not interested with him. The guy tried to touch her but she tells him to back off. "Oh come on, quit playing games!" said Thom. But Blanchette has bad memories from being torture and shoves him away. This provokes him as a fight broke out with Blanchette wielding a long, steel pole that had a sharp end of the staff. 

The guy tried to touch her but she tells him to back off. "Oh come on, sweetheart. Quit playing games!" said Thom. Blanchette has bad memories from being torture and shoves him away. This provokes him as a fight broke out with Blanchette wielding a long, steel pole that had a sharp end of the staff. During the fight, Thom tackles her as he tries to strangle her until her symbiotic like blood powers threw him backwards and Blanchette became chaotic. The crowd screams as they ran out. Once it was all over; Blanchette panted as the damage has been done and it was vacant but she was too stunt to know what happened. Just then, Blanchette sensed that someone was coming. She quickly hid in the dark as she jumped at the sound of marching footsteps--Like an army or something. "What a dump." said a first. A second remarked, "Yeah. Looks like this place went to hell." "Hmm, hell. I have to agree with that." said a third. Blanchette was shaken with fear over this, "What to do? What to do? How to get out of this?" She thought. Just then, she heard a soft snarl and peeks out to see a creature. It was going after the people, surprise attack. "Oh crap, what do I do now?" wondered Blanchette She had no other choice, she had to save them. She quietly hid in the shadows as Blanchette sneaks behind the creature and she wrestles with it before incinerate it. She thought about her troubling past: It was dark and there was no sound. Just then, she thought she heard something and turned around. "Who's there?" She called out. No one answered so Blanchette kept walking however she felt like someone is following her so she begins to run but that was a big mistake. Her heel broke and slid down a steep street but the figures approached, evil chuckles. "Stay away from me!" cried Blanchette but they didn't listen. 

Blanchette was attacked and tortured by five men. Just then, there were police sirens in the air and the men heard them as they escaped. A few weeks later in the bright light of the morning sun, there was a bustling city. The last of Blanchette's attackers ran and grunted. “Faster, fool! Run faster than that!” He said to himself. But the guy felt a drop kick jolted him as he tumbled down a hill. The thug growled in pain as the boot stepped on his throat. The guy tried to struggled when a glass-like knife pierced his heart, letting out an ear splitting screeched and he died. For the time being; Elissa felt someone stalking her and begins to hallucinate. But it got worse and worse to her. Finally, she hid but felt someone tapping on the door which made her jump. "Why don't you open the door?" said a voice, "You'll be happier if you open the door. It's not so bad..." Elissa trembled, however she didn't know what to do anymore. Maybe it won't be so bad. However, she won't fall for it but she musters the courage. Panting with fear; Elissa had her pen knife in her hand as she mumbling to herself in a mantra: "I'm OK. I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid....." She went out there, looking around as she stepped out of her hiding spot. She looked left, then right. Breathing a sigh of relief, Elissa walked as she said to herself over and over again, "I am not afraid, you hear that?" Then she shouted out, "I AM NOT SCARED!!!!!" Just then, a crash of thunder was so loud that made Elissa screamed and jumped. She stumbles away and faints but not before Asura caught her. "Was it all a lie?" thought Elissa. 

Elissa begin to have a nightmare of the execution: She was standing over behind him as her loved one was brave as martyred towards a bunch of fearsome, tear streaking faces. "Elissa? When you kill me, please be sure that you remember the love and the care I've given you. Don't ever forget what I've given you." He said. Elissa was shaken but she had to keep her arm straight, "Please....forgive me...." She thought tearfully. And she pulled the trigger. In the void; Elissa screamed: "Ohhh, what have I done? What have I done?" She cried and cried until there was nothing left. Once Elissa woke up from being unconscious; she saw  a shimmering light appears before her. Elissa looked up, she saw that it was Turan. "Is that you, Turan?" Elissa asked. "You're going to be OK, Elissa. I know you ere forced to kill. It wasn't your fault." replied Turan.

Chapter 4: Undead Heart

Alone in her room, Cassandra thought about so many people in her life. However, she is given a mission which is about hearts being ripped out literally out of chests, blood thirsty people, monsters, a zombie girl with a beating heart, and blood thicker than water while ink is the thickest than blood. She is reminded of her out of heart experienced creature and she learns the actual story. Long ago; A seer name Gullveig had her heart ripped out of her chest by the Aesir. It was quite tragic however other seers told of a vision that Gullveig will have her revenge. Meanwhile; People think Blanchette is just like any other girl. but she knows she’s something special. She’s tired of being dissmissed as something not unique or special. Blanchette is a girl, but she often doesn’t act the way girls are expected to act. In fact, she can even seem a little violent at times. She’s more than capable of being raunchy and blood thirsty. Blanchette can be sexy and gritty, a personality which are especially frowned upon when exhibited by a girl. Being unladylike comes naturally to Blanchette, because her thoughts aren’t ladylike. Blanchette doesn’t think this is a particularly bad thing; she says “bloody” and “guts” so casually, one would think she was being somewhat sarcastic. Most girls are so concerned about their weight and how they look, They can have their fake food, but Lynette’s going to enjoy the real thing. Girls are never encouraged to fight for things they want, or “let themselves go”. 

However, Blanchette isn’t going to be a perfect girl. Blanchette doesn’t care about her weight or anything like that, and it bores her when girls obsess over their appearances because Blanchette doesn’t even bother thinking about it. The things they say don’t interest Blanchette and so she tends to tune them out or she responds back with sarcasm and rudeness, “So, you eat a lot of calories. Who cares? I’m falling asleep here from how boring you are, can’t you talk about something more interesting?” Of course, the other girls are likely unappreciative of this attitude, and don’t try to talk to Blanchette again. Mean girls are constantly get picked at by others, because of their appearance and actions. Making fun of “superior and rich" women makes self-conscious girls feel better about themselves. Society tells girls that they should be soft and polite, and not be capable of “fighting dirty” or breaking the rules. Blanchette doesn’t want to go along with what society is telling her to be. Because she doesn’t make an effort to fit in with the other girls, she is mocked and ridiculed. She believes the reason these girls gossip about her is to hide their own insecurities. The things they’re saying aren’t true anyways. Society wants Blanchette to be a typical girl and conform to its ideas of what a girl should be like, and for a while she even went along with it. But now, Blanchette’s going to laugh and do what she wants. She wants drama and carnage. But mostly carange. She wears everything red! A mini skirt, a bandana bra, and high heels. She wore a retro, wiggle dress. Tight skinny jeans. And a floral doily collar and keyhole accent on the back.

Just then while walking around; the creatures attacked, puncturing Arachne's chest and her heart was out again. The raging parasite awakens and her no heart body rises as she was determined to take them out. The commotion started to attract the attention of Cassandra, who heard this. Curious, she walked over there to see what was going on. When Cassandra got closer, she were shocked to see no heart Arachne losing control on the monsters. Then, seeing Cassandra and stares her, Arachne bites into Cassandra's flesh and she can see her memories: "All right! It's time to announce the winners of this year's Prom King and Queen." He had a small envelope in his hand and rips it up. "And the winners are....REUBEN MATTHEWS AND JUDY DAVIS!" Everyone broke into an applause, Reuben and Judy went to the stage to accept their crowns as Judy is given a bouquet of roses. Just then, unexpected visitors crashed the party with loaded guns and started a massacre. They shot at other people who fell to the floor. Panic filled everyone else, they try to flee but some were shot in the process. Cassandra watched in horror as her friends were being shot at. She noticed that Reuben was panting of the wound bleeding from there as he cries out, "Ohhh, the pain." Judy noticed Cassandra there and calls out, "Get away from here Cass!" "Save yourself Cass!" Asher called out, "Get away from here!" However they were all shot at as Cassandra screamed with terror. 

Cassandra was getting prepared for a job interview, she had a resume prepared with her. She took a shower motionless, she slowly clean her hair and body. Then, she got dressed and put on lip gloss. As she went to the interview; it doesn't go smoothly. The sounds of a loud boom set off Cassandra as she screamed while remembering the tragic incident. The employer then said after Cassandra calmed down, "I cannot hire someone who cannot get her act together. Go get some therapy and come back as a sane lady!" Cassandra was humiliated of this, she walked out with tears in her eyes and drove away. As she got back home; Cassandra takes a bubble bath. As her feet were at the foot of the tub, she rested her eyelids and slid underwater. This where she can daydream in this state. She had done it many times. This time, it was different. Today, she was swimming in the Caribbean sea and saw the animals hiding behind the rocks. She went under the sea as she sees fishes swim as they move their lips, 'Swim' and 'Talk to me.' With her feet in the air and her head on the ground; She begin to spin around however her head inside has collapsed and there's nothing. She begins to wonder, "Way in this water, I swim....Where my mind is? Where is it? Where is my mind? Where is my....Mind?" The word 'mind' begins to echo over and over again. Cassandra opened her eyes and emerged from the water of the bath, gasping for breath. Then, Cassandra could not look at her mother when she got out of the bath and hurried to her room. Later on, Cassandra woke up, lying the grassy fields and gets up from the ground. She begins to look around however she looks around but almost lost her footing. She looked down, horrified that this mass of earth is floating in the sky! "Am I in Heaven?" wondered Cassandra, she begins to walk around. 

"Well if this Heaven, then why don't I feel dead?" thought Cassandra. She looked around to see perfect blue skies, white puffy clouds, tall buildings, and trees. She was curious so much that she didn't watch where she was going, Cassandra slammed into someone! "Oh hey--" She started to say but she saw that it was a thick, burgundy haired boy who has light skin and leaned muscular figure built. He wore a crimson glory colored T shirt, sweat pants, and sneakers. "Hi." Cassandra said, surprised. "I'm sorry, I didn't know where I was going, I apologize!" Although the guy looked cool-headed, he smiled kindly. "It's fine." He answered. Cassandra is touched by his smile, he sure was nice. Cute too. But she begins to hear his thoughts in her mind. "Are you OK?" asked the guy. "Uh, yeah." said Cassandra quickly. "What's your name?" asked the young man. "My name is Cassandra." answered Cassandra. "I'm Samson, Samson Diaz." said the young man. Cassandra nodded, "Yes...Do tell, Samson. Are you what they call a swordsman?" She asked. Samson looked at her with surprise, "How--How did you know?" He asked. Cassandra looked over at him and said with a smile, "I don't know. I guess my mind can read your mind." She replied. Samson looked at her with dazed amazement, "OK. Let's find out where we are." He finally said. Cassandra seemed intrigued, "'We'? As in us? Together?" She asked. "I like to get to know you, Samson. I really do." Samson smiled back and they both journeyed into the unknown.

Cassandra stared at everyone fighting and rolled her eyes up to the ceiling, then she flexed out her hand and yelled, "SHUT UP!!!" The others were lifted from the ground, Cassandra couldn't believe that she was the only doing this. Then she drops them down safely, she sighed and smiled. "Now, tell me....who's a misfit?" asked Cassandra with a witty look on her face. The others stared up in amazement, "Ohhhh...." They chorused. One minute later; Samson, Justice, Echo, Proteus, Kamaitachi, Christopher, Lleu, Hanuman and Zaden were standing up like soldiers. Cassandra paced left and right from them. "Listen up!" She said to them. "We come from different places of our homes, and brought here for an unknown reason. So, If we're going to find some answers, we need to ventured to the unknown and find this person responsible for this; we must put our colors--our personalities aside--and become one....Any questions?" Borvo raised his hand, "Ma'm, I have one." He said. Cassandra turned to him, "Yes Borvo?" She asked. Borvo then talked normally, "Um...Exactly where do we start?" Cassandra nodded, thinking about that. "Ah, that's a very good question my friend." She turned to the horizon of the city, pointing over to a building. "You see that building over there? This building stands out than the rest of them, it has stained glass windows. I'm curious to know what's in there." 

 Just then; the creatures attacked, puncturing Cassandra's body abdomen. Cassandra felt anger, the wounds on her body begin to vanish from her skin. Samson, Proteus, Zaden, Lleu, Christopher, Hanuman, Justice, Echo, Kamaitachi, and Borvo are shocked to see this. Cassandra had tears in her eyes; thinking about her dead friends and their dreams which were gone forever. Now she was pissed, the creatures looked scared so they try to leave but Cassandra held them against their will and then killed them one by one with her telekinetic powers. The commotion started to attract the attention of others: Eulalie, Deirdre, Turan, Norna, Ariadne, & Juana and their new friends heard this. Curious, they walked over there to see what was going on. When they got closer, they were shocked to see Cassandra losing control on the monsters who had killed innocent lives. Once it was over, Cassandra finally calmed down and looked around the deceased of others, she saw that there was a child's body lying there motionlessly. She had tears in her eyes and she looked at the citizens who were watching her lose control. "Does anybody have anything to make a cremation? I want to make a proper funeral for the lives that are lost." said Cassandra. The others looked at each other, not sure what to do. Samson turned to them and said, "Listen, I know that was scary for all of you to see but this girl saved all of you from those beasts and she had a heart for the people that were killed." A bartender came forth with a bottle of liquor. A guy who was a smoker had a lighter. And someone who had fireproof materials & a proper funeral was made for them. 

Captain Krieger realized Cassandra was not using her powers, so he walked over to her and stares down. Cassandra didn't meet his eyes but he spoke to her: "He who is impulsive can be murdered. As a result, though we have heard of foolish urgency in battle, inventive has never been seen associated with far-off hindrances. To accomplish centenary fights is not of the cardinal merit. Conquer one's enemy past combating is the climax of power. You can't show fear, you are stronger than this." Krieger went behind her, speaking softly to her. "Allow your expedition be that of the tempest, your density that of the woods. In maraud and liberation be like the pyre, in stability like the peaks. Allow your strategies be crepuscular yet substantial as night, and when you run, drop like a drum fire." Then he spoke up, "Let's try it again." said Siegfried. He moved away, Cassandra took his words to heart and she concentrated. However she can hear something, she looked around but no one was speaking but she can hear in their thoughts. A song, it sounded strange. Like a chorus of an army. The song goes like this: “Art of war….” and Cassandra could hear a thought singing, “Quick as the cyclone air.” The chorus of thoughts belted into her mind, “Art of war….” The main thought crooned, “Of the calming as the woods.” The chorus of thoughts intoned in Cassandra’s head, “Art of war…” The main thought serenaded, “Be brutal as the flaring flames, adequate as the great peaks of the mountain.” The singing in her head, it gave her courage. She concentrated and then she managed to telekinetically break apart all of the objects of the training. All the dummies but she manages to control her emotions. Once she was finished; there was an applause from the others. She was embraced by someone from behind.

While taking a walk in the forest, Cassandra saw Jack training but then Cassandra watched in horror as Jack turned into a Revenant creature, “Oh dear Lord! He’s a Revenant?” She thought. Revenant Jack begin to do all sorts of combat moves in order to take down these savage, killer monsters. Cassandra hide behind a tree, watching him work hard at his skills. Once Jack was done, he changed back to normal but he fell unconscious. This is it, this was her chance to see inside his head and she rushed over there. Cassandra kneel down at the unconscious Jack, she placed her hands on the side of his face and begins to read his mind: In a flash; she saw it. His memories. "Jack...I don't want to hurt you, I just want to understand you. To feel better, to feel like I'm not the only one." Cassandra thought, talking to him in his thoughts. Suddenly, she felt a burst of pain through her. "What's happening? I feel--Augh! It hurts!" She said, gasping. Jack regained consciousness, he was shocked to see what was happening. "Oh no!" He thought. Cassandra begin to change into a Revenant, she was unaware of what is going on but for the first time, she wanted to fight. She saw other Revenants and she went after them fiercely. She lunged at them as she rescues lives like the other soldiers and kills them. As soon as she is done; the soldiers stared at her in fear. Revenant Cassandra approached them and placed her claw-hand on Lieutenant Reiten. A few moments later; she was in astonishment. “Cassandra…Endymion? Is that you?” asked Margaret. Cassandra transformed back to normal. She gasps as she fell unconscious to the ground.

"Dad!?" Cassandra cried. The man turned as he released Jack, he smiled at her, "Cassandra, my daughter." "What the hell are you doing here? How did you find me?" demanded Cassandra. Boreas's smile faded, "Do not talk to your father that way!" He admonished. "I'm an adult now, Father. Now tell me what you want." Cassandra said. "I want you back." Boreas begged. He walked one step closer, "Father." Cassandra started to say nervously. "It could be like it was before, Daughter." Boreas said, pleadingly. This horrified Cassandra, "No, Dad!" She said. Never, she never want to go back to the way it was. Being abused by him. No, no. "You were the only one I ever loved, worthy. Especially your mother. I know you're every thought, I can't live without you." He said. "Father, Stop this now! I want you to be flat out honest and answer me--" Cassandra admonished. But did not Boreas ceased one bit, "They tell you things They just want to brainwash ... They are demons, do not stay here." Cassandra spoke back, "Too late, Father. I've already made ​​my decision." Boreas looked at her, "Cassandra, you get your ass out there right now!" "Shut up!" Cassandra screamed, her telekinesis caused the furniture to raise and drop as Boreas was terrified. He fell down on the ground and looked up in shock. "Good God." He whispered. Cassandra stared down at him blankly. "Dad, stand up." she commanded. Boreas shook his head, I was trembling. Cassandra gritted her teeth. "FATHER, STAND UP NOW!" She exclaimed, flexing her hand out as she lifts him telekinetically. Boreas shouted as everyone was in shock of what they are seeing. "I belong here, Father. Things are going to change around here." Cassandra said sternly. 

"Renounce That power! You must surrender it! You must never use it!" Boreas cried with the edge of hysteria in his voice. "No!!! I am not going to listen to this anymore!" Cassandra said loudly. Boreas then begin to say a prayer while weeping: "Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make veils for the heads of persons of every state to hunt to life ..." Cassandra continued to talk, "I am nothing like you...And I'll never be like you." Boreas snubbed her and prayed desperately. Cassandra spoke again, "You can wallow, pray, and cry all you want but I'm staying here." "... I will not allow a witch to live ...." muttered Boreas but he was dropped to the floor and was weeping pathetically. Cassandra stares down at him sternly, "Not you or anyone else can stop me...And I don't want to talk about it anymore." And with that; she walked away. Cassandra sighed, she turned to her father. "I'm going, OK? You wait here." Cassandra ordered but Boreas slapped her so hard that she fell to the ground. She tried to get back up however she was pinned down by her father. "Stupid brat, why do deliberately defy me? Is it me? You love to get hit? You love it, right? Do you love it when I beat you to a pulp?!" yelled Boreas, wrestling her to the ground. "Get away from me!" cried Cassandra. "What happened to my sweet girl? Huh What happened to my beloved daughter Where's my angel?" argued Boreas. Cassandra clenched her teeth and shouted out, "Gone, father! She's gone, and she's not coming back!" 

Her telekinesis broke Boreas's hand who cried out in pain. Cassandra moved away from him but then Boreas seized her, "You're not going anywhere!" screamed Boreas. Cassandra pushed his hand away, "Get off me!" She exclaimed, Cass turns away from him. "You cannot handle this!" Cassandra turned back to him, "Oh, I can't? I'm the one messed up and trying to atone for my sins. You're The one who is in denial!" She bellowed, and stormed off. "CASSANDRA!" Her father shouted, charging after her but Cassandra hold him back with her powers. In a strained voice she said, "I warn you, Father. Stay there and you do not say a word until I'm gone." Cassandra lets him go and then she softens up as she said, "I'll come back later. I love you." "Oh, look at this! Ain't it touching?" mocked Ector, pretending to cry but was smirking. "I love celebrations, I really do." Cassandra’s eyes bulged in horror. "Our great heroes are honored at long last but you won't be honored when I play...This!" A large TV image plays of someone entering a movie cinema. Cassandra couldn’t believe it, "It can't be!" She gasped. Next was gunshots, people screaming. It shows images of Cassandra’s friends and other people being shot at. "Oh my..." Mimir gasped. "Oh no...!" Trygve cursed. Everyone was horrified by these images however Ector and his friends laughed. They was in hysterics of this. 

They thought this was all so funny? How dare they…Cassandra’s body tremble but felt a rough hand on her back, "Bitch, are you gonna cry--" Ector said. Cassandra turned to him fiercely with her telekinesis. Ector flew back into a column. "Ohhh!" The crowd gasped. "Uh oh." Lleu said softly. "Cass." Samson muttered. Jack was furious at Ector, he ran over at him and cried, "You will pay for that!!!!!!" "Jack!" Bellerphon cried. Too late, Ector pulled out a gun and fired at Jack. Jack fell to the ground, "Nooooo! Jack..." Cassandra screamed. She rushed over to him. Cassandra felt hot tears running down her face, she turned to Ector. Her veins pulsed with anger. A turning point where her powers are activating. She looked up and spread out her arms, where her powers bend the lights from above. Just then, someone followed her and came up to her, putting a hand on her. Cassandra whirled around, gasping. "Cass, it's me!" Jack said with a small smile. Cassandra let out a sigh and embraced him. "Jack, you're all right." She said. Cassandra buried her face, there was heaving of sobs. Jack hugged her back, "I'm sorry that happened." He said, patting her back tenderly. Cassandra sniffed. "Oh, Jack! It was awful. He was so mean to me..." She blubbered. Jack could only pat her back, soothing her: "It's OK, Cass. It's OK.." But he looked up and his eyes widened with terror. "LOOK OUT, CASS!" He cried.

Ector laughed more malicious, "End of the line, you damn ass." He exclaimed. Cassandra held her friends close, she glared at Ector, who lunged at them. "DIE!!!" He cried. "No!" She exclaimed. Cassandra telekinetically seized him by the throat and pulls him toward her but she did it too far. Cassandra, Jack, and Trygve watched as Ector fell down to his death. Cassandra couldn’t believe what she had done. "I killed him...I....AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed hysterically, waving her hands frantically. Jack took her hands and speaking to her, "Cass, Cass." When Cassandra didn’t answered; Jack slapped her. Cassandra stopped screaming, she slowly placed a hand on her cheek where she had been slapped. Cassandra looked at him, "Jack..." She whispered. Jack sighed, "Sorry. Are you OK?" He asked. Cassandra feebly shake her head. "I don't know, I can't live like…" She admitted. She went to the ledge and spread her arms out. She was about to take a step until Trygve reached for her. "Cass, nooo!" He cried. Jack and Trygve seized her, Cassandra struggled against them as she tried to push him away. "Let go of me! Let go! Lemme--" She ranted. "Don't even try, I am not letting go no matter what you say." Jack said. After many struggles; Cassandra gives up and embraces her friends. "Oh, you guys." She sobbed and begin crying until she fell asleep. Jack carried her, she felt light weighted in his arms. 

Cassandra faced Brother 10 and gives out her speech: “This is it, this is war. It may be hard but we have to deal with it.We are facing war, and going all out to deliver! I know all the evils that come along with it are right around the corner, but I'm ready to face it head on. Why don’t we shake shit up with the baddies? I don’t follow the trends, save that for the newspapers. I put in twice as much effort to be liked but who cares? Some nights we do well and is able to collect the reward, other times we just gives up. Through struggle, we wish for a way to provide a sense of security or protection for ourselves and others from more worldly problems. But some nights, we wish we didn’t have to deal with everything that comes in this war. It is unbearably stressful at times; wishing we didn’t have to deal with all of that. Fate is waiting for us, opportunities in the future that we want to chase without being dragged down by the past. Our dreams are approved by and aligned with the belief of a place of happiness. Even though we will always remember the good and bad memories that we had made throughout moments of our life, we keeps on going. We live in the moment and always looks forward!" Cassandra's dream was interrupted by Grendel, who made a psychic link to her mind. He then felt her skin against her and then darkness enveloped them. The next morning, Cassandra woke up with a gasp as she thought she had some sort of dream. But she realized what happened in her mind. 

Carefully not to disturb anyone, Cassandra got out of bed and hurry to the shower. Where she let the steamy warm water sprayed on her bare skin. "I can't believe I did that! Did I seriously do that? Crying like---No, this feels weird. This doesn't feel right, why do I feel this way? Have I felt this way?" She thought. It seems that the emotional numbness has melted and some sort of intimacy healing her. It 'cured' her somehow and she never felt more human as she did before. But it was in her mind. No physical contact and it felt weird for her that this happen. On a mission; Cassandra and Vahagn teamed up as Cassandra grows curious about him. When they are confronted by Wendigos; Vahagn uses a kitana to take down them all with a single blow. Cassandra couldn't believe her eyes when she saw this! "Whoa, he just took down the Wendigos with such power! Just who is he?" thought Cassandra. Vahagn continued to fight, Cassandra lunged after the Wendigos but was thrown off the ledge of a cliff. "Auuugghh!" screamed Cassandra, she was going to use her flight but someone's arms wrapped around her. "I gotcha, hold onto me Cass!" 

Vahagn told her. They were falling out of the sky as Cassandra use flight, surprising Vahagn. They got to the ground where they managed to get to a safe place. While resting in a cave; they decided to stay in there for the night to get away from the Wendigos, Cass wonders if she is thrown off by the sleep effect as her powers were delaying at the time. She didn't want to lose her powers now. While lying on the ground next to each other, about a few inches away. It was quiet, dark but the silence didn't last. "There's something I want to ask you." Cassandra said. "What is it?" Vahagn inquired. Cassandra sat up, "Why me? Why did you save me?" She asked. Vahagn thought for a moment, then he said, "Because--I didn't want anyone to die alone. Or better yet, I didn't want them to die at all." Cassandra stared at him with amazement, "Wow....Amazing. You really are a nice guy." She said with a smile. She laid back down, it was quiet for a moment before Cassandra spoke up again: "Hey Vahagn, can I ask you a favor?" asked Cassandra. "Anything." replied Vahagn. "Take my hand?" Cassandra asked. Vahagn looked at her with surprise, Cassandra looked at him still. "There's a world I wish to know about." She said. Vahagn stared at her. "OK." He finally said. Then he reached over and took her hand. Cassandra held onto it, "Wow, so warm." She muttered. Then, they both fell asleep. The next day, Cassadra was testing her powers as Vahagn could see. Cass was relived to see they were still inact, still working. "Is that telekinesis?" Vahagn asked. Cassandra looked at his facial expression which was astoundment. "...Yes." replied Cassandra, nervously. "Mimir Sofus told me about you. And your powers." explained Vahagn. Cassandra looked at him with an amused grin, "Uh oh." She said. "Don't worry, nothing bad but he said you have a way to redeem people. So, Ms. Redeemer, how does it feel to have helped so many people?" Vahagn asked. 

Cass smiled, "Ha, funny." She said. "Come on, you atoned...A thousand?" Vahagn guessed. "Seventy or more but I might have lost count." Cassandra admitted. "Can you demonstrate your powers? For me?" asked Vahagn. Cassandra looked at him with surprise, then she smiled. The next minute, Vahagn lays down on the ground, usually with the arms crossed over his chest. Cassandra sit around him and attempt to lift his body using nothing but their index and middle fingers. Then begins the chant: "Light as a feather, stiff as a board. Light as a feather, stiff as a board....." Vahagn was lifted but he was amazed by how gifted she is. While back at HQ; Cassandra learn from her mother about her father, where his comments had been like a double edge sword. The first was the oppression comments: "The pressure of being an agent was one of the things I worried about when she was part of Silver Branch. It's in her genes with her parents. Just like her mom. Someone had to take care of her and that would be me." But then, he had said something that sounded so saccharine, "Cass won't even talk to me. I don't blame Silver Branch; I never said that. I was misquoted. Silver Branch has been wonderful to my daughter. Now they are warning me not to say anything else. I would never blame Annis. She is a wonderful mother. I love Cassandra. I think about her all the time and I pray she is OK and safe." 

The final straw came when Boreas return old stuff he had kept from his wife and daughter. Then, left a voice mail on Annis's cellphone: "I hate all of you....This is my last communication with you and you two can go to hell for all I care! Goodbye!" It was bitter and hilarious, but it hurt. Hurt so bad. How could Cassandra do this? She was ashamed to think that this guy was really her father. Arachne stopped as Cassandra passed out. Arachne caught her in time but witnessed the bite mark on her shoulder was left on her healed on its own. Arachne wonders who this girl might be as she is amazed as she wonders if she and her are somewhat similar to one another. When Cass woke up, Arachne became her friend and comrade of Silver Branch. The same with Blanchette when she encounters Turan. In the meantime, Elia begin to write her book about Truth Rosario cult. She had escaped and lives with Hanna, who is her roommate. She calls her book, "Behind the Rosary's Candor". 

The first lines went like this, "Hello, my name is Elia. I am a prophetess. I am Yehweh's Daughter. I'm not perfect and I am nothing like the cult of Truth Rosario. I was cut off from the outside world, I finally fled with Hanna my friend, once the cult began advocating our sentences for 'sinning' and 'brainwashing' so we had to flee...."

Chapter 5: A Mouthful of Empathy and Memories

Ariadne was in her bikini where she can see on the TV of a blue themed supermarket and it has a colorful interlocking plastic brick area for kids. There was a person talking on the Internet about 30 year old dog! Although it could be a rumor. Ariadne left her apartment. Ariadne is at the swimming pool where she manipulates water when nobody is looking. She sings to herself as she made big bubbles where she can pop it. Then she went underwater. Ariadne love going under water--the feeling of diving, turning upside down and the ability to move freely in the surroundings. It was absolutely beautiful. But she can see blood on the water. Ariadne looked up as she can see Turan standing over her. On both sides, there is Kai and Perun. "Swimming little mermaid?" Turan taunted. Ariadne rest her elbows on the ground, "The water is always bluer." Turan leered over to her, "So...You think water is thicker than blood?" She asked. Ariadne shrugged, "'Course I do, I mean--I could be wrong. Can you prove it?" She said. "That's for you to find out." remarked Turan. "Yeah, if blood is thicker than water, then ink is thicker than blood, right?" Ariadne inquired cleverly. "Nothing is thicker than blood, you know!" snapped Turan. "How do you know that? You're just a female brute." Ariadne said with a smile. "Uh-uh, don't compare me to my team! I am not stupid like the rest of those bastards!" Turan sighed, "OK. Fine." She admitted. Turan and the other two smirk at this.. "Oh, Turan? I just realize something..." Ariadne said, pretending to be a child waving their hand in class. Turan look down at her as if she was a squashed bug. "What?" She said. "Water is thicker than blood...." said Ariadne, splashing her and her boys. 

Turan glared at her viciously, Ariadne smiled smugly as she said: "....if the water is frozen, that is." The water that soaked Turan froze her a little. Turan is shocked as Ariadne got out and got her towel. "Well, nice of me to break the ice." She remarked, then she laughed and walked away to the exit. Turan glares at her as she walk away. When Ariadne return home, she was surprise to have unexpected company. No heart form Arachne then bit into Ariadne's flesh, she can see her memories as well and it's more intense: 17 year old Ariadne Sirius didn't had a lot of friends, she was all alone and she hated it. Ariadne always wanted to be a musician. But nobody recognized her pretty singing voice. Without much encouragement or any reconciliation; Ariadne never had any dreams of being a talented artist. So some of them couldn't wait to get out of high school, to get as far away from here. There were some that were noticed in the wrong ways. During the school shooting; Ariadne and Juana for the time being were hiding from one of the killers trying to find survivors to look for them and then killed them. Ariadne and Juana prayed quietly to not be found by this man--Whoever he was. One day later; Ariadne goes to meet her record producer name Hot Shot but while Ariadne was singing her song that she wrote. Hot Shot laughed at her and called her a 'Sarah Face with no place' for talent. He shows Ariadne an example of talent of music videos of sexy women dancing! Ariadne is flabbergasted and seems upset at the face that he just dissed her on her music masterpiece. Leaving the studio in such a fit, Ariadne was driving back to her flat as she curses: "Stupid producer, 'Sarah Face with no place' huh...He can't appreciate real musicians when the only thing he looks at his the dancing and those with no talent." 

But then in her fury, she discovers she has ice and water powers after she stopped the rain with her flaring hands and then turned the raindrops into ice. Ariadne got back into her car, muttering to herself: "Too weird." Ariadne was suffering from writer's block and she cannot seem to come up with any other music pieces lately. She decided to get some air when all of a sound of someone crying made her ears perked. Ariadne went downstairs as she hurried out to see who was weeping. She found a girl with untidy magenta hair, wearing a blue dress that reached her knees, black ballet shoes, and white leggings. There she sat on a rock, her face buried as she hugged her knees. Ariadne reached over and touched the girl, asking: "Are you OK?" The girl looked up startled, glaring when she saw Ariadne. "What do you want?" demanded the girl. "I heard you crying, and I came to see if you were OK." explained Ariadne. The girl sniffed, "I'm OK. I'm just stress, that's all. Why do you care?" She snapped. "Don't be that way, are you sure you're all right?" said Ariadne. "Yeah, I--I am." said the girl, sobbing a little. "What's your name? Can you at least tell me that?" Ariadne inquired gently. "Melisande Zebedee." replied the girl. Melisande turned around and looked scared, "No..It's them." She whispered. "What?" asked Ariadne. "NOOOO, NOT ME!!! NOT ME!!!" cried Melisande. Then she ran away quickly, Ariadne ran after her!

Ariadne looked around to see the colors in the air as she danced around, feeling magic in the air of how beautiful this place. However, she was daydreaming so much that she didn't watch where she was going. Because she bumped into someone else: "Aaah!" The person said. "Yipe!" Ariadne yelped. Ariadne and the other person stumbled down as Ariadne cries, "Good Lor--Whoa!" Down, down they went but Ariadne uses her water powers to save her and the person she is tumbling with. "Hey, pal! What the hell?" Ariadne demanded. "Sorry about that." The person said. He was a cutie, Ariadne felt like a jerk to this totally attractive guy with glasses, which he was adjusting. "Hello...It's OK. I'm fine, it's no big deal." Ariadne apologized. "You serious?" asked the guy asked. "Yeah, my bad. And I'm dead serious." confirmed Ariadne. "Fascinating." The guy complimented. Ariadne smiled, The guy realized he forgot to introduced himself. "Oh, sorry. Janus Sayer." He introduced. Ariadne shake his hand, "Ariadne Sirius." She said. Ariadne runs her fingers through her hair as her ice/water powers are revealed to Dio, Phoebe, and Janus who watch with wide eyes at this. Ariadne looked at their gaping faces and grinned before she sped away with a trail of ice behind her.

That was about to change when someone looked up and saw something in the distance. "Look, up there!" One of the soldiers called. Immediately, The stoned face captain saw someone standing on a mountain top. It was Ariadne, which she hollers: "Soldiers, heed my words, I am here to delivery you from the hands of the Revenants. Witness a miracle I will perform."  The others looked at each other with confusion, the stoned face captain watched what she can do. Ariadne took a deep breath and flexed her hands out. She then said to herself, "Water....my friend...my partner...my world...my element...the only thing I ask for you...is for a little control." All of a sudden; to everyone was shocked to see a body of water in the sky. Then, the water came onto the Revenants and drowned them. Ariadne then said to the water, "Water flowing through...." She chanted, ".....Freeze up when this spell is through." The water turns into a huge block of ice prison for the creatures. Then she glided down and kicked the ice block, which exploded in pieces. Ariadne landed among the pieces, she saluted. "Ariadne Sirius, reporting for duty." She announced. She beamed and then looked to see stoic-faced captain looking at her. "Captain Siegfried Krieger. Nice to meet you." said the stoic faced guy.

Ariadne got leads on where her sister is. She is being held at a facility of the 'insane females' so Ariadne and the others head over there but soon discover that it's tight with security and had to take down the guards with their abilities, which they did successfully. Ariadne seized one of the guards and demanded from him, "Where is Phaedra Sirius?" "I--I don't know!" He protested. "You better know, tell me!" cried Ariadne, clenching tighter and the guard grimaced in pain. "All right, all right....She's in Room 346." He choked out. "You sure?" asked Ariadne. "Yes! She has her medicine almost every day." protested the guard. Ariadne nodded, "All right. Thanks." She said. They did in time, a young woman was in the room and turned around. "Who are you?" She asked. "Phaedra, it's me. Ariadne." said Ariadne. The woman, Phaedra, was spellbound. "What? Aria, is that you?" asked Phaedra. Ariadne nodded, then they embraced each other in a tearful moment.  "I thought you were dead." said Phaedra, when she pulled away. "I thought you were dead." replied Ariadne. "I'm so glad to see you." said Phaedra, "You met my daughters, I assumed?" "Yes, they are gorgeous, angels." said Ariande. "Yes, I know. Ohhh..." said Phaedra. Just then, the guards came. “You there! You are on reserved terrain! Release your artillery and yield or we will use deadly dynamism.” said a soldier over the speakers. Ariadne unleashed her snake powers and she took down the guards. Then she straightened up and sneered, “Sorry, not happening!” called Ariadne. She and the other three ran off from the guards. 

Ariadne was separated from her crew until she was held hostage by Perseus Aion. Zachariah threatened to kill her, however he was unaware that stoic Captain Krieger. He apprehended Perseus, and rescued Ariadne. Perseus tried to stab Krieger, who wrestled the knife away but with so much strength, he stabbed Perseus on accident, much to everyone's shock. In his fear; Zachariah got away, but Ariadne didn't want to leave until she found Zachariah. "Why?" Krieger asked. "You saw what he tried to do, I will not..." Ariadne said. "What? An eye for an eye? Fight fire with fire? Is that it?" Krieger asked. Ariadne chuckled darkly with no humor and said, "That's the thing...You forget, you don't know anything about me." "I am not going to let you go after him by yourself." said Krieger. "Oh really?" Ariadne said, unleashing her powers. "Captain Krieger, what are you going to do to stop me?" Calmly, Krieger walked over and put his hands on her shoulders. Ariadne gasped, but she heard him say: "Nothing. Because I'm going to help you do it." Ariadne trembled, "You'd do that...For me?" She asked. Then, her emotions got the best of her and she embraced Krieger tightly but he didn't care, all that matters he was going to help her. He caressed her hair in a comfort manner. "Thank you, thank you!" blubbered Ariadne. She wiped her face and pulled herself together. There was a battle to be started. Ariadne and her crew confronted Zachariah. "So you came. I knew you've come." He said. "Why'd you do it, Zachariah?" asked Ariadne. Zachariah glared at her fiercely, "Why? Why? Because you people have no idea what it's like to be a loner. You think you're so great but you're not." He exclaimed. 

"You're wrong, I'd never been noticed before. I was all alone and nobody ever noticed me." Ariadne said. "Yeah, you know it feels huh? Well no loneliness from me, I was nothing to anyone and was the figure of ridiculed. All of us were. Ector. Orcus. All of them!" Zachariah cried. Ariadne looked at him with disbelief, "You started a massacre all because of being bullied?" She asked. "YEAH, SO WHAT?!" screamed Zachariah, waving his hands around as his eyes were bloodshot. "I HATED EVERYONE, I HATED THEM ALL!!!!" "Oh, Zachariah...I never knew...I didn't know." protested Ariadne. "Why didn't you get help?" asked Juana. "Oh sure, the principal said that these people weren't such bad people and didn't do a damn thing." He said. Captain Krieger attempt to take him down however Zachariah got the best of him and took him down. Upset, Ariadne confronted him. That's when Ariadne and Zachariah fought off against each other. But Ariadne got the best of him, Zachariah was pinned to the ground. "This is the end for you." said Ariadne. "Oh really? You weren't so sure of yourself? Well, it won't be peaceful for you for long." taunted Zachariah. "You are nothing, you couldn't be strong enough to save your peers in that massacre. You couldn't save your family when I killed them!" Ariadne shuttered, she couldn't believe it and she lost control of herself. She begin to stab him repeatedly while screaming hysterically. When she snapped out of it, Ariadne was shocked as she saw that her hands were dripping with blood. Ariadne begin to cry uncontrollably, "Di--di--di--Did I do that?" She spluttered out. She thought she lose conscious and Krieger placed his hands on her shoulders comfortingly. 

She is trapped in an ice cage. When Siegfried saw this, he went to get the others for help. While Ariadne is encased in an ice fort; she begins to hallucinate in there as she begins to peer into the glass but she saw a blurry image of Zachariah in there. She trembles with fear until she angrily slammed her fist into the glass but then she falls back, as her fears got worse enough to torment her. She cower into a ball as she thought to herself: "I couldn’t see any footprints in the snow because I was alone. I was the only one there, but I was also alone in my heart because everyone thought I was a monster and went against me. I left because I was afraid about what people would say about me, and was afraid of hurting the people I loved. I blamed myself for not controlling my powers better, and also for shutting isolating myself in the process. The storm outside was a lot like what I was feeling inside. I tried to control my powers and not let anyone know, but I couldn’t, and nobody knows I tried to. Everyone thought that I was evil and was trying to kill the people I cared for. I'm sorry, I couldn’t keep my powers locked in without anyone knowing. I feared that my power would harm others because I accidentally hurt someone. So I had to be a good girl and not let anyone know so to not hurt anybody. I had to hold it in for a long time."

In the meantime, Siegfried and the others hurried over. During that time; he remembered a memory of someone he once knew: A young lady stands tall, Siegfried watched what she can do. The queen took a deep breath and she glided down and kicked the Revenant, which exploded in pieces. The maiden landed and she curtsy. But noticed Siegfried and the two locked eyes for a moment. Helios got a good look of the young lady: The young woman has hair was straight and of mid length and flowing while also very wavy. Her eyes has shades of turquoise and sea green, there were gems on the sides of her eyes near her eyes. There was white and dark blue among the eyelids. There was a few strands of her hair were bright blue and some few strands were light blue and white. Then the young lady remembered she didn't introduced herself. "I'm Gwendolyn Wite." She said. Gwendolyn beamed and then looked to see Siegfried looking at her and said. "My name is Captain Siegfried Krieger. Nice to meet you." But that day, Gwendolyn offered to go after a band of Revenants, Siegfried refused however Gwendolyn begs so Siegfried decided to trust her to go. That was a tragedy he'd never forget. He reached over where the Revenants, they were all dead but another body was among them. It was Gwendolyn. She was on the ground, bleed profusely. Siegfried couldn't believe it, "Gwendolyn!" He cried, rushing over to her. He grasped onto her hand, "Come on. Stay with me, you're going to be OK." He said. Gwendolyn opened her eyes, she smiled. "Sir, I'm sorry. I thought...I thought I was doing you a favor. Please tell me I was useful for something." She said. 

Siegfried trembled, "Yes. You were." He said. "That's good. I'm glad I met you, Captain Kreiger." whispered Gwendolyn. She closed her eyes, and with that. She died. Siegfried couldn't believe it, he bowed his head. She was gone, the one true friend he was closed to. But while he receives a letter that was meant for him from Gwendolyn. It said: "Dear Captain Siegfried, I had a dream of where I am running in a tunnel made from ice and the ice begin to defrost, it made my heart warm. I believe that dream told me about you. I had a dream that told me about what love was going to be like. It's silly, you think of me as a friend but when I got to know you more and more, I believe my cold heart defrost. Thank you, I think I'm in love with you. You taught me a lot of things and I want to allocate myself to you. You inspired me so much, maybe for some reason you love me too. Maybe not...A man like you is strong, brave, and wonderful. I hope maybe you can say yes...." Siegfried's vacant expression was crestfallen, he couldn't believe it. But he didn't, he couldn't...He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to think of this but this girl, this brave and devoted young lady who had followed him wherever he went was gone. He wasn't sure what to say about the letter, the letter floated to the ground. It was too much for him to bear this heavy burden on his shoulders. "No, I'm not losing her! I lost Gwendolyn once, I am not losing Ariadne. Never!" Never. Ever. EVER! AGAIN!" thought Siegfried, his face was emotionless but he looked furious among the smoothness looking like cracks on the floor. 

Back with Ariadne, she stands up when she saw a hallucination of a butterfly as she begins to feel better. But then Ariadne is filled with dread when she saw a bat flying. She backs away with fear. Then, she could hear someone singing in her head: "I revolve in the dark, I look at the stars through me...." She has a hallucination in the encased ice as she saw herself with a body filled with cracks like she was made of glass and begins to have a scary illusion of herself breaking out of the fort but she is falling to her doom. But the singing sounded stronger than her fears, "....Artificial heart tired, The song disappears...." Ariadne put that out of her head and decides to go for it, the singing sounded powerfully when she stands up, "...Someone shed light, I have been frozen by fear in me. Someone make you feel as I live, and break me...!" The song went on as she shatter the fort but herself in her hallucination she shatters as well. "After keeping my secret to myself, I finally let it go. Even though people think I'm a witch full of evil power now, I still feels good about letting it go." She thought, "I had been holding my secret back for years and never letting anyone in. I feel like a heavy burden had been lifted. I feel like that because I didn’t have to keep the secret anymore now that the damage has been done and it’s a really good feeling to know that you don’t have to go around not acting like yourself anymore." "...Cut me from this line. Spinning dizziness, ceaselessly...." went the singing. "I can’t harm anybody. So why not live freely?" thought Ariadne. "...Someone make you feel as I live, and break me!" belted the singing. Ariadne faces her enemies and begins to remove her weaponry. Then, she unleashed her powers; laughing happily at herself and uses her powers against her foes and demons. 

"Instead of worrying and being scared of the outcome, I'm taking chances to do what I want to do. I'm not going to shut out anyone anymore, or sit down and worry and fear." thought Ariadne, as she removed her uniform top, revealing a bandeau top underneath and begins to run but looks behind as she smirks at those with astounding glances. "The fear controlled me and made me stay out. And I wasn’t scared of hurting others when I was so far away from them. Therefore, my past fears would not haunt me when I wasn’t close to anyone." She thought with such glee. Ariadne stomped on the ground, turning it into ice and using water into her own weapons. She felt stronger, more confident and no longer afraid. "I'm not scared anymore. And because I'm not scared anymore, I have a chance to see how much I could do with my gift which I thought it was a curse. Now I am rhapsodical!" thought Ariande. Ariadne twirled like a prima ballerina, she never felt this happy or this freedom in her life. "Zachariah's ghost brought me down for awhile, but I'm getting stronger, so nobody won’t see me cry. I like how my life is now, free and not having to worry. I'm determined to stay and never go back to how it used to be. I'll just live on and let other people say what they want to say about me. In fact, I'm so happy and positive now that I finally appreciate the beauty in my blessing. I love being free after being cooped up and reserved. I'm staying at with my team free, uncontrolled by anyone but me."She removed the hair-tie from her bun and shook her long tresses out where she ran her fingers through them as glitter filled each strand. Ariadne's clothes became cyan colored thanks to her ice and water. "I can start a new life, free from worry and filled with happiness — like  a new day." thought Ariadne happily. She never felt so free in all her life! And now she was faced with new beginnings. And for awhile, she's not the least bit cold! "...Someone make you feel as I live, and break me!"

Glad to be alive after that was over, Ariadne was dizzy from what happened and Arachne clutched her head, Turan arrived at Ariadne's apartment but when she saw Arachne, she screamed. Then, Arachne takes a bite of Turan's flesh and can see her memories: 18 year old Turan Cypris, who was considered an 'untouched prude' as she was always vestal that boys wondered if she was pure or floozy. Even the athletic gifted student 18 year old Norna Thomas was an amazing with her gifted skills but no one has ever seem to notice her. They never did. But in the massacre, Turan was attacked and tortured by five men while Deirdre and Norna, who were hidden, watched in terror as they weep softly. Ariadne and Juana for the time being were hiding from one of the killers trying to find survivors to look for them and then killed them. Turan was once abandoned when she was a baby and had been in many foster homes, she lived with a family that was dysfunctional and neglected her while Norna on the other hand was kidnapped and experimented into some sort of being that was going to be the ultimate weapon.

George Trottel and Margaret Reiten got to the stone figure as George beat the drum. But nothing happened. "Hello?" Margaret said to the stone figure. Nothing happened, so George walked up to it and said, "Wakey wakey. Up and at 'em!" Still nothing. Margaret was getting annoyed. "Ugh, c'mon! Wake--" She didn't realized she was holding the drumstick as the stone figure fell apart. George and Margaret watch in horror as it fell apart. "Uh oh." They both said. They looked each other nervously before back at the figurine. "Look at what you've done!" George exclaimed. "Me? You should've stopped me!" protested Margaret. "Yeah, well...You're the one who got upset." George argued. However they noticed someone coming towards them, Turan swayed side to side but saw George watching her. George was terrified as he started to run out as the wind went swoosh. But then, he felt a boom against him. Turan had bombard him and knocks him off balance, Turan lands on top of him. Her blood formed into magical-like, slender hands which one caresses his sides while the other holds the back of his neck. George can't seem to escape as Turan presses down her chest on his torso. The blood hands slide down in the back of his shirt towards his skin. The blood hand multiple as it caressed his back, his arm, his shoulders, and down to his thighs. George is frightened and confused to resist, Turan's eyes were red violet clouding her vision and not looking at him. The red bloodied girl on top of him was a shade of red, like a raw piece of meat. He could feel her heart beating like wings flapping furiously. Memories coming back to him. Him and Margaret, his friend, stumbling across a nice looking house and a woman who seemed sweet. She was fun, she had a wonderful garden and she had great hospitality. 

But the seemingly sweet woman turns out to be a creepy hag that was a Revenant. The Revenant Hag then caused George to suffer of torture and is placed with a painful mark. Luckily, Margaret rescues him and they killed the hag, escaping from the house and reunited with their families. George panted as he found his voice, "No...Don't touch me...." He begged towards Turan but she says, "A...scar?" Her voice, she sounded like a creature from the netherworld! "Wha--?" George choked. The blood hands formed together as they did some sort of surgery upon him. "Stop it....!!!!" He cried. But then he felt something, the pain, the roughness of his scar was healing from the blood hands. Turan's head move back and forth, swaying left and right. She stood up slowly as she started singing in that creature voice again, "Where is my head?....Where is my head?...What do I...say or tell? Please tell me, where is my head?" George watched her stood up, her red violet eyes faded as they became normal once again. Her voice was more human sounding again. She became normal, although she looked normal at him. Margaret saw Turan standing there motionless. She looked at George, who looked back nervously and looked at Turan who looked dazed. George and Margaret escorted the stupefied Turan back to their base so she can be examined at.

Charlemagne 'Charles' Blut is the new leader now and he is another good leader just as Reinold was but his blood powers is much too deadly as he fears of hurting others. His behavior and fears remind the others of Reinold was. Charles' Blut is 27 year old, very good looking but also he is reserved. His friend from childhood: Naimon Frosch, who is younger than him by three years--He is about 24 years old. 12 year old Juliana Lause was the only girl on this team. And there are other young men: 20 year old Roland Wilde, 23 year old Oliver Vieh, 22 year old Ganelon Furunke, 21 year old Thierry Grashupfer with his close friend who is the same age as him Pinabel Dunkel.  And lastly is Ogier Eins, who is 23 years old. Their opposites are Rote Zentrum Castillo; A clan that wields ice and water abilities. 27 year old pompous, smug leader is Caesar Konig, the lady second in commander 24 year old Rachel Kaiserin. The jack of the trades, 19 year old Ace Schelm. The others include 20 year old David Springer, 23 year old Pallas Knape, 22 year old Judas Bischof, and someone who is the same age as him is Lancelot Turm. 23 year old Etienne Rossel, and lastly is Hector Soldat who is 21 years old and Argus Diener is the same age as him.

Concurrently, Turan enters a warehouse, where the gang is, and closed the door behind her. She was still in her red ninja disguise as she kept looking quiet and masculine. But when she got inside; the fewer lights from above flicked on, and there they were—Weiss Castillo. They looked intimidating, look like some sort of fire-like rage ready to burst. The leader, with dark brown hair and mature looking, like his late 20’s. He spoke with a stoic quiet voice, “So, you’re the buyer. We need to talk.” Turan seemed shocked, but nodded. The leader, Charlemagne 'Charles' Blut, walked around circling Turan. It was a lie. We saw on the news that those explosives were used to attempt murder. No more games, we want answers.” This was getting out of hand, Turan tried to back away but was blocked. “Nowhere to run, Sorry.” said the gentleman guy. Turan was ready to fight back but the junior high looking guy name Roland Wilde restrained her and pinned her down, he smirked arrogantly. “Heh, you messed with the wrong crowd, pal.” He snickered. The others were staring down at her. Turan felt a pulse of panic, trauma of her past came back, from that night. She tried to wrangle away but Roland used his shoe to press down harder. Emilia felt like she was choking, she resist the urge to blow her cover.  “Uh-uh. I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Roland warned. He glared down at Turan, she felt anger inside her. Stress, the same she felt the night she was attacked. That was it, the limit was broke. No turning back now! Never again, she would have to suffer, never!

Turan clenched her fist as Roland grabbed her shirt, “You got some nerve messin’ with…” but he stopped and blushed. He accidentally grasped something round and orb like. “—the hell?” He muttered. Then, it came down on him as he face became a cherry red. "Holy--Boss, this is no dude." Roland said. Charles looks at him, "What?" he asked. "It's a girl!" exclaimed Roland. "WHAT?!" The boys of Weiss Castillo exclaimed. Turan freed herself away from Roland’s grasp, she revealed her true identity which had a Cheshire grin on her face. “'s the matter boys? Did you know I was a girl?" She said. Weiss Castillo, who were sneering and glaring, were now terrified by this. "No, hey! Hey! Come on, sugar--" said one of them, Pinabel. "DONT CALL ME SUGAR!" Turan screeched. She punches, kicks, upper cut hit, and knee to groin on each of the guys; who were terrified to fight back. Turan turned to her next victim but she stopped to see a familiar little girl. "You?" Turan asked. "You remember me, Turan." said the little girl, smiling. Turan nodded, slightly dazed. "Yes, you are Juliana, I can't believe it's you." She admitted. "Let me introduce my full name, I am Juliana Lause." said Juliana. The Vindicators were stunt by this. “You two know each other?” Charles asked. Juliana smiled up at him, “I saw in the city one day.” The other boys looked at Turan, the gentleman name Naimon Frosch smiled dazzling: "You're not what I suspected..." He said. Turan scoffed at him, “Oh, you trying to hit on me, hot stuff? I don’t think so. Not since you guys try to kick my ass.” She remarked. The other guys looked embarrassed and they were guilty.

 The girl turned around, "No...You!" She gasped. Her telekinetic powers activated and were about to attack however Turan held up her hands, motioning the others who had their powers and weapons ready to stand down, saying to the girl: "Easy, easy. We just want to talk to you....Can we take this more privately?" "NO!" cried the girl. Her powers forced everyone back and she took off running. Turan was not going to let this girl escape. Never again. "Please! I swear, we will never hurt you!" Turan begged, coaxing her. "You can't take me there, I beg of you! Don't take me back there!" The girl shrieking, "Stay away, get out! Leave me alone! Don't come near me!" Her powers caused objects to float in the air, "Wait! Easy, you can't do---" Turan protested. However, The girl didn't listen so then Turan used her blood symbiotic powers and knocks her out. "You got her!" John cried. "Nice one." Nezha remarked. Turan sighed deeply, she looked over and said to the girl, "Sorry. But I want to help you...I don't know where to take you back to anyway." The girl's name is Belle Etoile.

Turan has gotten herself in family crises: She learn a horrible secret of her blood powers from Mimir. It turns out that Turan is half human, half Sigbin. A Sigbin was a symbiotic monster that feasts on blood. Turan is shocked, she shook her head as she said, "No...No, this can't be....It can't be..." She repeated over and over until she screamed, "NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!" She ran away as the others look on with concern. Turan hid as she begins to cry with anguish. This has to be some bad dream, this couldn't be real. She must be dreaming. But it wasn't! It was the truth. While she slept, she had nightmares about killing everyone in a bloodied way and woke up shrieking. Luckily nobody can hear her as she sneaked out to be alone. Turan looked up at the sky, seeing how pretty it is. She begin weeping again. But she felt someone draped their coat around her. She looked up and turned around to see Kai, who's back is turned to her. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But I'm here if you need me." Kai said. Turan looked at him, nodded then she said, "Thanks." Kai may be a jerk but he had been quite nice to her. Along with the others, they seem to defrost Turan. The next morning; Turan is much calmer as she learns the name of her mother, Morgause Jael, and her father is Taylor Cypris. Looks like Turan and the others are in for a lead to find Morgause Jael. There is one lead--Someone, a bounty hunter called Riquet the Snake. He was a former hustler but eventually quit to be a bounty hunter. He has a daughter name Kallo the Rose.

Later, at a strange, peach themed hotel looking boarding house. There was a model of peach fruit twirling on top like the shing-ding was a casino or something. That is where Riquet the Snake and his daughter, Kallo the Rose. Turan; along with Asura, Tucker, Haaken, and Cannetella behind her went in there. It was so dark in that house, there was no sign for this Riquet the Snake anywhere. There wasn't any security around, "Geez, what is he? Cocky? Or is he springing a trap?" thought Turan. While looking around, there was a sun ray shining down on someone. There was beautiful young girl who looked 17 years old. She was slender, has ivory skin with pink blush on her cheeks. Her hair was shoulder length wavy dark brown hair. Her breasts' size is about 75 centimeters. She wore a long sleeved pink sweater, with a red green vest with a white outline around the vest. She has a red fringed skirt, pink leggings, a red cowboy hat and matching colored high heeled boots. She looked pretty, but she looked sad. Turan and the others watch her, she was looking around however she saw them in the darkness. "Father! Father, intruders!" cried the girl. She ran away quickly. "Wait!" called Turan. Too late! The alarm went off, Turan and the others didn't like this. "That can't be good." Tucker remarked. 

Suddenly, They were confronted by a tall man. He had a dark brown hair that was shoulder length but not so long like his daughter. He has a muscular fit body and a stubble beard. His attire was a maroon jacket, maroon boots, maroon pants, and a matching colored wide brimmed hat. Turan couldn't believe it, this couldn't be him--Could it? "Gotcha right where we want you--" Asura said. "--Riquet the Snake!"  said Asura and Tucker. The two of them charged at Riquet, Kallo gasped with fright as she watched helplessly but Riquet smirked. He blocks their attacks with his double swords. Riquet looked at them, who are shocked, as he said: "So this is Miscreants Band I heard so much about. And you as well, Lady Red Turan!" A few minutes later; Turan, Asura, Tucker, Haaken, Cannetella, Riquet, and Kallo were sitting around having a meeting. "You want me to join you ragtag of misfits?" asked Riquet. Turan was nervous but kept calm. Professional. "Well--Yeah. You know someone by the name of Morgause Jael?" said Turan. That name seem to ring a bell to Riquet, "Oh, the call girl? Yeah. Why?" He remarked. Turan wasn't sure how to proceed but she said it anyway, "I think I know her, she's my biological mother." Riquet stared at her silently for a moment. Then he burst out laughing like a madman. Kallo looked at her father as if he had lost his senses. Once Riquet caught his breath, he said, "I knew it, that strumpet. You look just like her, poor tramp. She was forced to be a hustler for that cruel mack that violated her bitty innocence." He sounded serious over that last part. Turan looked at him, "What's his name?" She said. Riquet looked at her, "Taylor Cypris." He said. Riquet thought about this proposal, he then made his decision. "All right then. I'll help, under one condition." replied Riquet. 

Turan looked at him, "What's the condition?" She inquired. "My machete was taken from me by Taylor. He kept my baby in the shed so retrieve it and I'll give you the information of your mother's whereabouts." explained Riquet. Turan smiled, "Deal." She said with a nod. "One more thing, take Kallo with you." Riquet said, gesturing towards his daughter. Kallo looked up in horror, Turan nodded. "OK." She said with no hesitation. "What? Father--" Kallo protested. "You'll protect her, won't you?" "Sure, who knows! She might learn something." Turan remarked. Kallo bowed her head, she noticed Asura and Tucker look at her. She looked away, but felt big hands on her shoulders. Her father smiled down at her in a comfort manner, "You'll be fine, my porcelain doll." He said. Kallo had no other choice, "Yes, Father." She admitted. In the meantime, Sigbins were lurking around in the daylight. They appear to have a solid form when they have elongated jaws, teeth and tongues. But there are two main teeth in front are sharper. They feast on human blood and has two hearts. A bunch of kids were hiding and watching. They wonder what to do. "Hell-O Sig-bins!" called Turan. The Sigbins turned, they glared at her. "It's the tramp's daughter!" One of them hissed. "You're going down, strumpet flooz!" Another rasped. They charge at her but Turan unleashed her blood powers and took them out with one single blow. Once that was over; Turan sighed, "Whew, that really tuckered me out!" Tucker gave Turan a look, "Seriously? Very funny, Turan." He said. Turan shrugs. "THAT WAS WICKED!!!" A kid's voice cried out. 

Turan and her group jumped, "What the--?" yelped Turan. She turned to see a bunch of kids with ecstatic looks on their faces. "Who the hell are you?" asked Asura. The first one, the lead kid, announced, "WE--Are the Kids of the Blood!" Kallo looked scared, "You mean...Vampires?!" She asked. The lead kid looked at her and said, "No! Never!" A second said, "We got blood powers like you...See?" They cut their palms as they draw blood out in various different ways. "You tykes have what?" demanded Turan. Her mind is racing, "These kids have the same ability of blood as me? Impossible!" She thought. "Yup!" said an Asian looking kid. "Cool, huh?" said a tall black kid. The lead kid introduces himself and his friends, "I am Jephthah Kimball and these are my friends--Hasan Kelly, Fereyel Gomer and his brothers, Momotaro and Issunboshi. Romulus and Remus Pitney, and their little brother Esben." He turns back to Turan, "That is why we want to ask you something...." All the other kids as well as Jephthah got on their knees, "PLEASE MAKE US YOUR STUDENTS!!!" They chorused. It was an awkward silence. "What now?" Turan asked, breaking the silence. "You are--Oooh, nice pecs!" Jephthah said, looking at her breasts as his eyes widened. 

Turan is shocked and offended by that, "AAAAHH!" She screamed as she smack the boy. His friends  exclaim, "Ouchhh." "Dirty little boy." Turan muttered. "Hey, it was a mere compliment. Can you train me--Us! Can you train us?" said Jephthah. "Ha, In your dreams." remarked Turan, "Now if you excuse me, I got work to do." She and her crew were about to leave when Jephthah and the others catch up with them, "Oh, c'mon! You gotta! We need your help so badly!"  He begged. "LIKE HELL! I'M NOT GOING TO TRAIN A BUNCH OF SNOT NOSED KIDS WITH PERVY TENDENCIES!!!!" exclaimed Turan. Jephthah and his friends cringed as they laugh nervously, "AH! Heh, heh, heh...." "Besides, I don't like guys." Turan said. Turan and the others were about to leave as she called out, "Ha ha, see ya!" The kids stop her, "Wait, you can't leave us! If we go back to the dojo, our parents will kill us. Sahbum Nim will use the Conditioning Stick, we'll be grounded. Kicked out." said Fereyel. "Yeah, that'll be fun." remarked Debbo. Kallo looked concern, "Why would they do that?"  She asked. 

"We ran away when we should've been at practice but we couldn't live this life anymore." explained Debbo. "Hey Kallo, come on! We got to move." Turan called. Kallo stops her, "Wait, Turan. Can't we take them with us? Please?" Her pretty eyes were begging and Turan knew she couldn't resist. "All right, all right! But no more of your antics!" Turan said to the kids. She turned but one of the kids, Issunboshi, pipes up. He had a cute face and a bowel shaped haircut. "How about a musical number?" His voice sounded squeaky and high, almost cute. Turan moaned. Once Belle Etoile woke up from being unconscious; she saw  a shimmering light appears before her. Belle Etoile looked up, she saw that it was Turan. "Is that you, Turan?" Belle Etoile asked. "You're going to be OK, Belle Etoile. I know you ere forced to kill. It wasn't your fault." replied Turan. Arachne let go of Turan, she clutch her head and reach in her bag draped around her body and pulled out her heart, which she contains in there, and place it back in her chest when her back is turned to them. Arachne escaped, Turan and Ariadne tried to stop her however she was already gone. Why did she do that? Why do that to both Ariadne and Turan? Well, Arachne told Cassandra that she can absorb memories through a bite but she luckily doesn't infect anyone. Cassandra is amazed with this. Arachne was scared of hurting people but Cassandra assures her as long as she is careful with this gift, however she needs practice. 

After she runs away, she explored the land of Carlisle; Arachne was curious so much that she didn't watch where she was going, she slammed into someone! "Oh hey--" She started to say but she saw that it was a thick, burgundy haired boy who has light skin and leaned muscular figure built. He wore a crimson glory colored T shirt, sweat pants, and sneakers. "Hi." Arachne said, surprised. "I'm sorry, I didn't know where I was going, I apologize!" Although the guy looked cool-headed, he smiled kindly. "It's fine." He answered. Arachne is touched by his smile, he sure was nice. But she begins to hear his thoughts in her mind. "Are you OK?" asked the guy. "Uh, yeah." said Arachne quickly. "What's your name?" asked the young man. "My name is Arachne." answered Arachne. "I'm Thorstan Davidson." said the young man. But they are interrupted by a bunch of crazy ones: Hercole O'Arthur, Jorge Samuel, and Percio Alfredo. A fight breaks out until finally, however Arachne cries out: "Hault!" They all stopped when they saw Arachne and Samson. "What are you doing?" Cassandra asked. Hercole looked at them, "Who are you?" He asked. Percio sneered at the two, "Freak" He remarked. Hercole, Jorge, and Thorstan turned to him and glared at him: "Who're you calling a freak?!" The fight breaks out. 

Arachne stared at everyone fighting and rolled her eyes up to the ceiling, then she yelled, "ENOUGH, ALREADY!" The others jumped and fell down, Arachne sighed and smiled. "Now, tell me....who's a misfit?" asked Arachne with a witty look on her face. The others stared up in amazement, "Whoa...." They chorused. And so, Arachne came up with the team name--Nimrod. These four weren't too bright and were reckless however their hearts are caring and strong. 

Chapter 6: The World is a Cruel Place

It was an ordinary day, Ophelia was bored but she typed away on her laptop of a new chapter. But alas, she has no other ideas. She was bored, very tedious of average and wanted something more different. Fortunately, her wish came true. She felt a shadow upon her, she jumped as she pulled off her headphones to hear someone's familiar voice: "Oh Ophelia." said Siegfried in a low singsong like tone. Ophelia look up with wide eyes, "Uh, yes, Captain Siegfried Krieger who I admired and respect despite he can't smile?" She asked. Captain Krieger held up something, "See what I got." He said. Ophelia couldn't believe it: "THAT IS MY ATTACK ON TITAN EREN JAEGER PLUSH DOLL!" She exclaimed. "Go forth with Turan or this goes in the ashes." remarked Siegfried. "Have mercy, Man of Steel! I will go forth with Turan, promise!" Ophelia said. Captain Krieger nodded, "Good, here." He said, handing it back to her and Ophelia hugged her plush doll. "Thank you." She said. Siegfried turned away as Ophelia look up, she waved as she called out, "Have a good day, best and bravest warrior that fangirls look up to!" Ophelia nervously turned to Turan and asked, "Did I do something wrong? Please let me know, I'm sorry." "Remember that Half Christmas shing ding?" Turan asked. Ophelia looked at her suspiciously, "Yeah..." Turan grinned, "Well, I think it's time." It was Half Christmas where they shop gifts of anime and Disney stuff for people from Rising Sun. These people were recovered addicts and mentally illed types that are getting help so Turan decided to do something good and takes Ophelia to a place called Anime Topic. 

"There's Sword Art Online." said Ophelia. T Shirts of Kirito and Asuna, playing cards, lanyards, a wall clock, plush dolls, rubber bracelet, and phone cases. "Oh look, Ouran High School Host Club." Ophelia continued to ramble. "There's Digimon, Pokemon, Black Butler...Digimon--The original. OMG, that is awesome." Turan said. "Dragon Ball Z." replied Turan. "Kiki's Delivery Service?" Ophelia asked, holding a T shirt that says 'Miss Witch'. "Yes." Turan called. "My Neighbor Totoro." remarked Ophelia. "Fairy Tail, Death Note, Soul Eater...." ranted Ophelia, "...Future Diary!" "Take it easy." chided John. "Sorry." Ophelia said softly. "Guys, she's not being too loud." said Turan. "Puella Magi Madoka Magica." Ophelia said, showing her of a poster. "Ooh, that's cute." Turan said, she looked around and said, "Hetalia!" "OK, hurry. We gotta hurry." Turan said, "Now to the Disney..." That wasn't so hard to find. "There's Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves." countered Ophelia, "I see Mulan. Beauty and the Beast. Aladdin, a whole new world....Nightmare Before Christmas, man that's been around since....The Lion King....Hakuna Matata....Rapunzel, Alice in Wonderland. Princess and the Frog, Lilo and Stitch, there's Frozen too." Once they got the stuff; Turan and Ophelia headed off with stuff as they used created stockings and wrapped them in makeshift boxes and wrapping. Turan dressed as a Sexy Santa with tight capri pants, a long sleeved shirt, and fluff while Ophelia dressed in a black pencil dress with a off the shoulder white top and colorful floral embroidered details.

Then they went to the bunks as they sing semi quiet, "We wish you a Merry Half-Christmas; We wish you a Merry Half-Christmas; We wish you a Merry Half-Christmas and a Happy Fourth of July." They waited but nobody woke up. Yet! So they try again, "Good tidings we bring to you and your....QUARTERS! Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy--" One of them woke up as they complain, "I wanted Hatsune Miku." "No, not Hatsune Miku. It's Half Christmas Santa!" Ophelia said. "What?"Half Christmas?" said one of the sleepers who was talking with a groggy tone. "It's Half Christmas!" cheered Ophelia and Turan. "Never heard of it." muttered one of the sleepers. "THAT'S CUZ YOUR JAPANESE!!!!" Turan exclaimed. "Yeah, it's an American holiday." Ophelia chimed in. "Americans love it, can't you tell?" said Turan, "I'm Half Christmas Santa." "Where's your reindeer?" asked the bunker. "It's Half Christmas. It doesn't get cold in the summer, people don't have Christmas in the summer." explained Turan. She turns and patted Ophelia's head, "And this is my trusty elf." "What's your name?" asked the Japanese bunker. "Santa's Little Helper!" said Ophelia happily. "That's not a name." said the bunker. "You wanna be rude? Then fine!" Ophelia said. "No." said the bunker. "I don't know if...Oops!" Turan said, trying to remove the blanket but let it dropped and Ophelia playfully swat her, "Santa doesn't not open other people's bunks!" She scolded. "He sees you when your sleeping...!" Turan remarked, "Come on, it's fricking Half of Holidays!" So they got them up and they opened their stockings and wrappings of presents where they were happy of this. Once the happy moment was over, trouble occurs as Ophelia and the others are summoned back where trouble occurred. 

One of the teenagers slain by alleged school shooter Cato Sade was dating his ex-girlfriend, Ida. A group of friends close to Sade told that Ida had dated Sade, and that after they broke up, she began seeing one of the victims, Maurice Devin. Cato felt forgotten after the couple broke up. She saw something she liked in Sade that others didn't see. After dating Sade, she and Maurice started to date on and off, but the relationship became more serious in recent months. Devin often told his friends that he loved the girl and was crazy about her. He made derogatory jokes about Cato, calling him names and threatening to beat him up, they said. Hearing this; Cato said he was going to learn how to fight so that he could take on Maurice. He was a thin, small teenager, but had been building up over the past year by lifting weights. 17 year old Maurice was one of five high school students shot in a rampage at the high school by the shooter Sade. Three students-- Maurice, Felix Marquez and Donny Gonzales--died from their wounds. Another wounded student, 18 year old Gino deValore has been released from the hospital and 17 year old Walker Trent remains hospitalized. Leonardo Marquez, the father of Felix Marquez who was killed by Sade, was outraged by the escape. "This cannot be happening. This guy killed my son and killed three kids. What type of system are they running here?" he demanded. Cato who was serving three life sentences for a notorious high school shooting spree, escaped from a prison but was later taken back into custody. 

The school shooter likely got up in the middle of the night before his sentencing to scrawl the word "killer" across a prison T-shirt, a brazen move that shocked his attorney, victims' families and even the judge. After the convicted killer arrived in court for his sentencing hearing on Tuesday, he unbuttoned his blue button down shirt to reveal the T-shirt. There were gasps in the courtroom. Shortly after, Sade spewed vile and unprintable words at the families of three students he killed, gave them the finger and then laughed and smiled as they described him as an animal and a monster. But he escaped...again. He is involved with an extremist operation. There is a video of a black-clad, masked militant holding a knife then says the execution is in retaliation for his girlfriend's 'betrayal'. It then cuts away to show a man name Mr. Cassidy kneeling next to a man who experts say appears to be the same militant who featured in the videos showing the deaths of two other men. In his speech, which seems to have been made under duress, the hostage says: "My name is Bernie Cassidy. I would like to declare that I hold you, Mimir, entirely responsible for my execution." The family of aid worker Cassidy who is being held hostage by the militants in a doomed world has urged his captors to contact them: "We are the family of Bernie Cassidy. We have sent messages to you to which we have not received a reply. We are asking those holding Bernie to make contact with us." But they took no heed and killed him, dismember his head! It was grisly, when Siegfried saw this, he was pissed. 

He and Ariadne hunted down the bastard. They saw them celebrating until Siegfried intervene with his fast speed and strength. "Enough already!" commanded Siegfried, he picks up the bastard as he drags him and slams him down hard. "Get up, you coward!" The executioner whimpered in fear, "Mercy, mercy...." Siegfried picks him off the ground, "You got some nerve picking on the innocent, don't you?" He said. Then he glares at him and replies, “You really shouldn’t have done that…You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?” Then, Siegfried beat the crap out of the guy while the others are watching with fear. Ariadne couldn't believe it. She never seen him this mad before! One of the extremist, a woman with a midriff top and a long skirt, was watching as she tried to attack but she is kidnapped by a governmental agency army. Siegfried continues as he then stopped to say, "Had enough, you greedy bastard who has no mercy?" Cato was so scared that he surrenders and he was sent back to prison. A reporter filmed him doing it and it went viral. Siegfried gathered the pieces of the dismembered pars and held a funeral pyre for them. Arachne watched Ariadne embracing Siegfried and used her telekinetic touch ability, which she had discovered earlier when she was with her friends. She learn this when she was comforting one of her friends and discovers psychokinesis but can see through people's minds without physically touching them and she can see both of their memories: "You don't know what the dangers lie ahead no matter where we go." said Siegfried. Ariadne turns around and approached him. She said to Siegfried, "You've been to many more domiciles than me so you think that you know more about people like me than I do myself. We all have particular expertise pertinent to our conduct and standpoint. Being outside of our element can reduce us to a state of simplicity." She said. 

Ariadne walked ahead as Siegfried followed her in curiosity although he looked stoic still underneath all that. Ariadne looked back at him, she was smiling. "I can take you on a journey!" She said to him, then she turned to a beautiful scenario of places from below. "The world you don’t know exists is more beautiful than you can imagine. You’ve lived your whole life letting your expectations motivate your actions; are you ready to be impulsive?" Ariadne asked while taking his hand, Siegfried took it and looked at it. Ariadne smiles as she showed Siegfried more while saying, "I can be your guide through a new realm. A way of seeing the world that was once unattainable. Forbidden. The truly free recognize no authority, no masters holding leashes." She said while twirling with happiness. Then, Ariadne leans over at Siegfried, her forehead touches his and they were looking at each other's eyes again. "Free to live as we chose and the only real limitations are those you impose upon yourself." She breathed, her breath smelled of peppermint. It was intoxicating as it seems. Ariadne pulled away for a moment and she glance back at him. Siegfried thought for a moment, "I had thought life was what and how I viewed it but now I realize that....there is so much more. I'm having a change of heart with the new heights I've reached. I'm seeing things from a different, more clear perspective." He said. 

"You can own everything there is to have in the world, but you’ll never be happy and understand it until you can put away with the greed and selfishness." said Ariadne. But then she sensed someone was crying out as she and Siegfried head over there. They saw the ocean was calm. But no one was there as she looked around but then she is trapped in an ice cage. When Siegfried saw this, he went to get the others for help. While Ariadne is encased in an ice fort; she begins to hallucinate in there as she begins to peer into the glass but she saw a blurry image of Zachariah in there. She trembles with fear until she angrily slammed her fist into the glass but then she falls back, as her fears got worse enough to torment her. She cower into a ball as she thought to herself: "I couldn’t see any footprints in the snow because I was alone. I was the only one there, but I was also alone in my heart because everyone thought I was a monster and went against me. I left because I was afraid about what people would say about me, and was afraid of hurting the people I loved. I blamed myself for not controlling my powers better, and also for shutting isolating myself in the process. The storm outside was a lot like what I was feeling inside. I tried to control my powers and not let anyone know, but I couldn’t, and nobody knows I tried to. Everyone thought that I was evil and was trying to kill the people I cared for. I'm sorry, I couldn’t keep my powers locked in without anyone knowing. I feared that my power would harm others because I accidentally hurt someone. So I had to be a good girl and not let anyone know so to not hurt anybody. I had to hold it in for a long time."

In the meantime, Siegfried and the others hurried over. During that time; he remembered a memory of someone he once knew: A young lady stands tall, Siegfried watched what she can do. The queen took a deep breath and she glided down and kicked the Revenant, which exploded in pieces. The maiden landed and she curtsy. But noticed Siegfried and the two locked eyes for a moment. Helios got a good look of the young lady: The young woman has hair was straight and of mid length and flowing while also very wavy. Her eyes has shades of turquoise and sea green, there were gems on the sides of her eyes near her eyes. There was white and dark blue among the eyelids. There was a few strands of her hair were bright blue and some few strands were light blue and white. Then the young lady remembered she didn't introduced herself. "I'm Gwendolyn Wite." She said. Gwendolyn beamed and then looked to see Siegfried looking at her and said. "My name is Captain Siegfried Krieger. Nice to meet you." But that day, Gwendolyn offered to go after a band of Revenants, Siegfried refused however Gwendolyn begs so Siegfried decided to trust her to go. That was a tragedy he'd never forget. He reached over where the Revenants, they were all dead but another body was among them. It was Gwendolyn. She was on the ground, bleed profusely. Siegfried couldn't believe it, "Gwendolyn!" He cried, rushing over to her. He grasped onto her hand, "Come on. Stay with me, you're going to be OK." He said. Gwendolyn opened her eyes, she smiled. "Sir, I'm sorry. I thought...I thought I was doing you a favor. Please tell me I was useful for something." She said. 

Siegfried trembled, "Yes. You were." He said. "That's good. I'm glad I met you, Captain Kreiger." whispered Gwendolyn. She closed her eyes, and with that. She died. Siegfried couldn't believe it, he bowed his head. She was gone, the one true friend he was closed to. But while he receives a letter that was meant for him from Gwendolyn. It said: "Dear Captain Siegfried, I had a dream of where I am running in a tunnel made from ice and the ice begin to defrost, it made my heart warm. I believe that dream told me about you. I had a dream that told me about what love was going to be like. It's silly, you think of me as a friend but when I got to know you more and more, I believe my cold heart defrost. Thank you, I think I'm in love with you. You taught me a lot of things and I want to allocate myself to you. You inspired me so much, maybe for some reason you love me too. Maybe not...A man like you is strong, brave, and wonderful. I hope maybe you can say yes...." Siegfried's vacant expression was crestfallen, he couldn't believe it. But he didn't, he couldn't...He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to think of this but this girl, this brave and devoted young lady who had followed him wherever he went was gone. He wasn't sure what to say about the letter, the letter floated to the ground. It was too much for him to bear this heavy burden on his shoulders. "No, I'm not losing her! I lost Gwendolyn once, I am not losing Ariadne. Never!" Never. Ever. EVER! AGAIN!" thought Siegfried, his face was emotionless but he looked furious among the smoothness looking like cracks on the floor. 

The others had been searching for Ariadne forever by now, they didn't know where she was and Siegfried begin to grow anxious. "Ariadne, Ariadne! Where are you?" called Phaedra. "Here!" Ariadne's voice called out, she emerged from hiding. Everyone is shocked to see Ariadne's new appearance: She wore her hair in a left side braid woven with snowflake incrustations, and wisps of her bangs slicked back on top of her head. She wears a crystal-blue outfit  made out of ice. It look as if it been crystallized and it had translucent, powder blue sleeves. Covering her feet are boots made entirely from ice. The shoulders had white pom-poms. "Ariadne...." Phaedra was the first to speak, "You look....Different. It suits you." Ariadne smiles brightly, "Thanks, I have no idea of how I felt in the end." Phaedra was confused, "What do you mean?" She asked. "I feel like I broke free from my prison of pain and agony. I maybe still struggling but I feel free for the first time in forever." explained Ariadne. The others are pleased to hear that, "I'm glad to hear that." said Siegfried. "Thank you, Sieg--I mean, Captain Krieger." said Ariadne. "How do you feel from what you've been through?" asked Bricriu. Ariadne was quiet for a moment, then she smiled. "Calm, no longer afraid....Fantastic, I mean." She said. Bricriu grinned, "Good to hear." Phaedra walked over and hugged her. "We're proud of you." She said. Ariadne hugged her back. After completing the rest of her work; Ariadne is taking a bath alone. She kept thinking about her feelings to resolve them would cause some confusion of whether the relationship should be saved or stuck out. 

However, this is nothing new: visions of them being together and happy, all of the moments that they had together are what she wants. And she's thinking about what could've been. She knew this was it, it was all going to change, and she began to have absent minded second thoughts about whether this will all go to plan. She pretended to get what she wanted to be happy. But mentors and other people have doubted her unrealistic ambitious dreams, telling her that would never happen. "Is it OK to live in an average life? Do you need to pretend you are something you’re not? Will I get my chance of wed to Captain Krieger? Do I have the power in my hands? If he needs me; I will be there....All the time. In a frequent manner......I’ll be there when needed." She thought. Then she realize what she was thinking and shake her head. "What am I saying? He's not the object of my affection, he's my friend." Ariadne muttered, she sank underneath the bath water. Afterwards; Ariadne and Siegfried were working but Ariadne then stops him with a question: "Can I ask you something?" asked Ariadne, stopping Siegfried. Siegfried looked at her curiously underneath her stoic gaze. "What is it?" He asked. Ariadne looked hesitantly, then she said. "You were interested in my training, would you like to spar me in it? Although, you need to be without a top because things are going to get...wet." Siegfried wasn't sure about this, "I don't know..." He said. "You said you would one time." said Ariadne. Siegfried was calm but he sounded desperate to get out this with his pathetic excuses, "I have to take care of the other works." He claimed.

 "You got everyone and you trusted my sister." reminded Ariadne. Siegfried looked annoyed, "Right..." He finally sighed out. Then he looked at her with slight nervousness, "...But, you're not going to be topless." He said. Ariadne replied, "To be totally honest, I wear bandeau tops and pants. That's about as naked as I'll ever get." Siegfried shake his head, he looked away thinking. Ariadne waited for his response. Siegfried couldn't believe this but he said: "Not taking off all my clothes." Ariadne smiled, "No, topless. That's fun." She said. "Bandeau, huh. 'That's about as naked as I'll ever get.'" remarked Siegfried, "This should be interested." Ariadne flushed, she looked at him with a grin. Meanwhile in the stall room; Siegfried was waiting for Ariadne, he tapped his foot a little but he still waited. He was being patient and not wondering what Ariadne was doing. "I'm not looking you know." Siegfried called out. "I know, I trust you."  replied Ariadne. There was a bit of shuffling and Ariadne muttered, "OK." She stepped out as she said, "So, what do you think?" Siegfried was surprised--despite his serene looking--to see Ariadne in a garment made of a strip of cloth that wraps around a woman's breasts. "That's a bandeau?" He inquired. Ariadne gave him a look, "You never seen one before?" She asked. "Modesty is everything to soldiers." answered Siegfried. Ariadne nodded, thinking about it. "True." She said. Siegfried got up and took off his coat, "My turn." He was about to go in the stall but glares back at Ariadne and said in a cold voice: "No peeking." Ariadne blushed, she turned away. "I'm not." She called. She turned away and heard small shufflig as she waited, and waited. And waited. 

But she was eager to know what did his body look like, Ariadne was itching to know. "Don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, Don't look!" She thought. There was one more shuffling and then Siegfried's voice was quiet sounding but he sound like he called out, "Done." Ariadne sighed, "Finally, it's about ti--Whoa!" She cried. Talk about a washboard abs chest; this guy's got pectorals with lean muscular arms to match. A six pack, crazy for any girl to want to have some. "Dude, and I thought you might be scrawny." said Ariadne. "I do push ups and sit ups." replied Siegfried. "Shoot me now." muttered Ariadne. "Sorry?" asked Siegfried, raising an eyebrow slightly. "Nothing. Come on, let's go." During the training; Siegfried was fast but so was Ariadne's powers which was a lot more faster than hers. She couldn't believe this, she and Siegfried were going at the same speed during the fight. Ariadne was flushed with this thought that she couldn't believe. During that time; Ariadne was so close to Siegfried that she could smell the scent of the captain. He smelled so amazing of soap, flowers, cedar, and musk. "Wow, his scent is mouthwatering." thought Ariadne, breathlessly. But she had to focus, he's coming! The next minute, Siegfried Krieger was on top of Ariadne, he was on top of her! Ariadne couldn't move, she couldn't breathe but then Siegfried's soft but rough whisper brushed against her face, "Gotcha." He said. Ariadne swooned from that. When she awoke, Siegfried has his uniform top back on as he helped Ariadne to her feet. "Nice work." praised Siegfried. "That was fun, indeed." agreed Ariadne. She got her top on and smile at the stoic Siegfried who didn't smile back however he nodded. Then, Ariadne waved and left in a jiffy; blushing like a maniac. Later on, Ariadne was thinking of memories of Siegfried Krieger. Ariadne couldn't comprehend but somehow, she didn't know if this was possible but could she be falling for Captain Siegfried Krieger? 

"Siegfried looks damn hot when he beats the crap out of Cato. And the tramp in that extremist group looked like she was gonna murder every last one in the room including Siegfried who just beats the crap out of Cato." said one of the fangirls. "Actually she was going to murder Krieger only, because he was beating up Sade so brutally. I have a question; why do all the girls like Siegfried? I know he's stoic, badass but a jerk with a golden heart. But why do the ladies like you like him?" said Ariadne. The first fangirl shrugged, "Who knows? But even though I'm not mad as a hatter, I liked Siegfried's character, persona and voice." Ariadne nodded, "Yeah, maybe girls like a girl in mystery." "Good. I don't have the hots for Levi but he seems nice despite being a jerk off to everyone but he has a gold heart of goodness. I mean he has respect for those who died like that one soldier that bled to death." Another fangirl said. "Well most girls who saw Siegfried beat the crap out of Cato, well, me included when I watched it happened, they went, "That was hot!", and other stuff, too." said the first fangirl. "I thought that scene was intense....Made my skin crawl deliciously, I never knew he could do that." replied Ariadne. The first fangirl nodded, "That was how he's badass, and it made other fangirls' skins crawl." She said. "Ha ha, Wow. I thought I was the only one, Guess the fangirls got a turn on for that." laughed Ariadne. "Sort of. I was kinda thinking in the back of my mind that kicking the crap out of Sade is the new pole dancing for Siegfried." said the first. The other girls, including Ariadne, stared at her funny. 

The first one noticed, "What? That's what I thought in the back of my mind." "Pole dancing...Pfft, Oh you fangirls." said Ariadne, chuckling. "Hey, That's what I thought in the back of my mind." said the first, she held her hands defensively. "Funny but creative." remarked Ariadne. A third butt in as she was suealing, "OMG!!! Me too!!! I just love how he fling those legs around and those beastly eyes glowing like hell!!! hahaha and I thought i was the only one who loved this scene!!" "Yeah he did and I loved it!! Hahaha! I don't know, that's what I seemed to notice." said the first, "I'm crazy to say that Siegfried goes even higher than any crushes for me. He's my husband." "NO HE IS MAH HUBBY!! You can have your other man while i marry the bravest soldier!" The second cried. "Same here though I'm crazy for him too...If i ever meet a guy like him I would automatically marry him on the spot." said the third. "Even if he is brave, but still a hot badass." gushed the first. "True. Well actually me and him would actually be the same size." squealed the second. "You're just an inch taller than him." reminded the first. "I KNOoooooooW!!! AND omg lucky!!!!! taller guys have bigger attributes as well... if ya know what i mean..." said the third, gushing too as she winked at the second. That made her have pervy tendencies, "Oooh, They'd be super fun for sure!!!" cried the second as she giggled, "Tee-hee!" 

Ariadne managed to escape as the chatty fangirls didn't notice. She shook her head. She came to her sister and sat down with a plop. Ariadne was exhausted from all this. "Geez, fangirls. Gushy, annoying fangirls." groaned Ariadne. Phaedra smiled, amused, "Oh come on, it's not his fault that all of the girls are crazy for him." She said. "They're comparing to him to the most powerful people....Samson. Zaden. Proteus. Christopher. I'm at wit's end." complained Ariadne. She gets up and leaves, but she heard squealing and screaming girls. "Speak of the devil, better go see if he's OK and not trampled alive." thought Ariadne. She could see a stoic Siegfried, she was quicker than the beeline of damsels swooning. "So, you got yourself fangirls--Be careful." Ariadne whispered to him. "Great, this is going to be annoying." said Siegfried, "What a day, it's only a matter of time." "Why do you have to deal with these girls anyway?" Ariadne asked. "Hey, I beat the crap out of the guy." Siegfried said sarcastically, "Nobody cares about the victims that are dead, only me. Besides, I can't make the media change but I can give encouragement to others." While the other girls were happy to see him and Siegfried looks in the crowd of a shy girl in there. She wore a blue sleeveless dress with white polka dots, a white collar, 3 buttons down the front ad she wore sheer tights as well as white Mary Jane shoes. 

The girl was shy however she looked up to meet Siegfried's stoic gaze and she smiled, giving him a thumbs up. It was a way for her to say, "Good luck." Siegfried nodded and looked away. Something about that girl troubles him. Siegfried could hear someone crying and sniffling. He went to see a girl who had her face buried in her hands. It was the same girl, her blue dress was nearly in shreds. Her tights were torn and her shoes were missing. Siegfried ask the girl who did this and the girl reluctantly reveals what happen. The next minute, Siegfried beaten the bastards and gave justice to the girl. 

Chapter 7: Growing Pains

People in the aisle of a store crowding around a giggly, insane young man who is comforted by the short, big blonde woman. Then, the giggly man confesses emotionally of horrible abuse he suffered. The others took pity on him, including the blonde, who are spoiling their affections on this hysterical, mentally illed guy. Ophelia watched this bizarre scene but continues with her grocery shopping. Just then, a man in a blue buttoned down shirt approach her. "Excuse me, miss, do you know where the milk is?" The guy asked, winking at her slightly. Ophelia was weird out by that as she is thrown off a little, "Um--Down that aisle?" She said, she quickly walked away. Later, she got the stuff she wanted but then she saw a carton of milk with a sticky note that had somebody's phone number on it with a creepy message writing, "Call me and see me sometime." Ophelia found this eerie, taking the milk and putting it back before taking the sticky note and tore it to shreds. "Whoever did that is a real creep." She thought. Ophelia shuddered, she couldn't believe that happened: "Too weird this day has become." She said to no one in particular. Meanwhile; Elia the Prophetess is in an attire of a sailor's top and black shorts underneath a short navy blue apron skirt. She wears knee high socks with heeled flats. No longer as a prophetess and decides to live a normal life with the Good Shepherd want her to live a good life. Elia is armed with a bow and arrows as she made her way to find Asura. Crazy how this guy has been in her head since she was saved, it was annoying but at the same time, Elia liked it. She was so distracted that she bumps into a girl with a luxurious silk fabric tunic flowing dress and white shoes. 

It was Kallo the Rose, she looked so pretty and pure that well. Her hair wavy in nice exuerbent curls. Elia couldn't believe it who it was, she remembered her. "It's you!" Elia gasped. Kallo recognized her, "You're the prophetess that was attacked!" She said. "You're the beauty from Turan's group!" replied Elia. Soon, the girls introduce themselves: "I'm Kallo the Rose." Kallo said. "Elia." answered Elia. And they became fast friends. While journeying on the path; they stumble upon an abandoned subway station. They both enter inside however they are suddenly are rescued by Asura. Once they were saved; Asura recognized the once prophetess, "Elia?" He asked. Elia smiled a little shyly, "Hi." She replied. Kallo appeared behind her, "Wow, nice place here." She remarked. "Kallo?" Asura said. Kallo turned around, blushing, "Asura!" She squealed with delight as she ran over and embraced him. Asura is stunt, "What are you doing here?" He asked. Kallo pulled away, "Looking for you." She said. Asura looked at her funny while Tucker looked suspicious as Haaken and Canntella looked amused. "What?" Asura asked. Kallo realized what she said, she blushed as she tries to find the words to say. "What I mean is, I thought you need help." stuttered Kallo. Asura looked her over and decided to bring her along as well as Elia. Asura and his comrade, Nehza. There was Canntella and Haaken as they were to track down a bunch of creatures. Twin sisters, Cosima and Damona, born conjoined by the face. As they grew older, the two were forced to travel everywhere with each other, and even ended up falling in love with the same guy. Everyone jeered at them for their disfigured appearance,they jeered and bullied them both freaks. Dealing with this long enough, they both smashed their mirror and used a piece of broken glass to separate their faces. This made the two even more disfigured then before, but allowed them to not be stuck to each other. 

Cosima and Damona became demented serial killers who would murder anyone who refused to see their inner beauty. Another one they need to catch is someone called Sun Wukong. When Sun Wukong was little; Sun Wukong was constantly teased or made fun of as a kid for having a disease which forced him to cover his skin from the sunlight and made him bald; his whole family also had it. One night, while listening to music on the radio, Sun Wukong was electrocuted from a thunderstorm. The shock made his ears burned, and, being a struggling musician, Sun Wukong proclaimed that everyone would hear his music, even if they had to die just to do so. When he was old enough, he became a DJ. He would play music loud enough to make peoples ears bleed, and made the lights so bright that it would burn everyone inside. And lastly was a vixen called Tyche. According to the authorities, Tyche has existed as long as humans have had to make a choice. This succubus preys upon those in her path and gambles, usually winning over her victims. While initially only presenting the choices and allowing those that gamble with her to choose, Tyche started pressing her victims to make the extra gamble, thus altering their fates in her favor. Such an instance occurred in one of the events' advertisements wherein she viciously tortured an unfortunate man tied to a giant roulette wheel. Tyche disguised herself as a beautiful yet also ominous woman who became more and more hideous and demonic as her true form emerged and her victims made their choices. While walking; they face Sun Wukong and the twins with Tyche leering at the others. Kallo and Elia got separated from the others. 

They managed to fight the Sigbins but Asura and the others got there, they were amazed how the girls fighting back; "What took you so long?" panted Kallo. "Oh, did I really kept you waiting?" asked Asura in a mock tone. "Yes, shame on you." Kallo remarked, amused. However, during the battle, Tyche sends Kallo into a portal as she found herself in a structure is overgrown with a thick meaty biomass. As she struggled and realized something; Kallo is nice and pure because, to everyone else, that seems more desirable than being an easy tramp. Society still values the innocence, perceived dependency, and inexperience of a chaste female. She wishes she wasn’t such a 'good girl', and that she missed out on a lot of fun. She realizes this and she’s afraid of dying alone. Kallo feels as if she is close to drowning, where her face his just above the water’s edge. Yet since her feet aren’t touching the ground, it’s probably only a matter of time before she can’t go on. Seems like she’s been thrown in the deep end. Kallo’s thinking so intense about Asura that she’s actually seeing him, even when it’s impossible. If only she could make it there. And she does. She breaks through the blood in a cloud of spray, her white dress drenched in red, her head thrown back, her hair flying about her head, with her gasping for breath. Seeing how she is covered in carnage, she smears her hands and face away. But she feels no longer maidenly. She screams of ectasy, "I'm alive! Ohhh man, I'm alive and better then I diddd!" Elia and the others heard a yelp, they turn around. "What was that?" Asura asked. "Sounds like a cry." Tucker said. Elia realized it was Kallo and believes she had climax in her time. Then she said cleverly, "Nah, it sounds like a dying harpy." but she looked back, "Kallo? Is that you?" thought Elia. Soon, Kallo catch up with the others, who were shocked to see her new change and Kallo became different, a more experienced warrior. 

For the time being; there was a girl name Shadiya who was beautiful and starting her first day. She is introduced to the others: "Everyone, may I introduce you to Shadiya Marquise?" said the teachers. While working on the computers; One student peeks at her research on torture chambers, "Geez, why are you looking up that crap?" remarked the student. Shadiya glare back at her, "I don't know, why are you looking at my shit?" She snapped. Soon, Shadiya was nothing more than a wicked witch. Her comments were so mean. She jokes horribly of a portly woman, "Twerking has to be the stupidest dance...If you want to see a rump shake, you should see that fattie there. She has a lot to jiggle for." Shadiya didn't wish to work with others, "I'm not working with a bunch of idiots who want to do a project on self interrogatory." Shadiya was mean to a snobby, mean girl and spew horrid things to her, "Yeah, look at the wannabe blonde there. She'd be a perfect blonde, she's got a hot body but all she needs is flaxen hair. She's been a perfect prostitute in the process. With a chest and a cleavage. Golly, what a flooz." Everyone hated her however they couldn't stand up to her. Just then, a young man name Jodock who has gone through horrible things. Shadiya made fun of him for this and Jodock couldn't stand this long enough. He stood up to her, "You insulted me, laughed at my losses, made fun of me, humiliated my family, Why? Because I’m human. Doesn’t a human have eyes? Doesn’t a human have hands, bodily organs, a human shape, five senses, feelings, and passions? Doesn’t a human eat the same food, get hurt with the same weapons, get sick with the same diseases, get healed by the same medicine, and warm up in summer and cool off in winter just like everyone else? If you hurt us, don’t we bleed? If you tell a joke, don’t we laugh? If you kill us, don’t we die? And if you treat us badly, won’t we try to get revenge? If we’re like you in everything else, we’ll resemble you in that respect. I’ll treat you as badly as you taught me to—and you’ll be lucky if I don’t outdo others." 

Shadiya was shocked and all of a sudden, she was somehow defeated but her personality changed from Jodock and became different. Shadiya befriend Jodock and begin to be nicer to everyone else. Soon, Jodock and Shadiya went on a date. But things got intense as Shadiya doesn't want to be in love but she was. Jodock was in love as he said, "I swear by the spring roses of my family's graves, by honor, truth, and everything, I swear I love you. I love you so much that I can’t hide my passion for you. Don’t assume that because I’m pursuing you there’s no reason to pursue me. But getting it without asking is much better." He claimed. Shadiya turned to him and said, "And I swear by my youth and innocence that I’ve only got one heart and one love to give, and that I’ve never given them to a someone else. So goodbye." Shadiya was about to walk away when Jodock called out, "Stay, Please, tell me what you think of me." Shadiya didn't turn around, "I think you’re denying what you really are." She simply answered. "If that’s true, I think the same thing about you." Jodock replied. "You’re right. I am not what I am." Shadiya said, as she let her hair down fall to her face, like a curtain to cover her emotions, "I would you were as I would have you be." "I wish you were what I wanted you to be." said Jodock. "Would it be better if I were that, instead of what I am? I wish I were something better, because right now I’m a big fool." choked Shadiya, "I never told you I loved you. I kept my love bottled up inside  until it destroyed me, ruining my beauty. I grieved. I just sat waiting patiently, sadly, smiling despite  sadness. My complexion turned greenish from depression. Doesn’t that sound like true love? We might talk more and promise more, but in fact we talk more than we really feel. We might be great at making vows, but our love isn’t sincere. I am the only daughter in my family, but I’m not completely sure about that." 

Jodock hugs her and assured her, "Here, go quickly and clean up." He said. Before Shadiya left; Jodock hands her something, I wish to give you this jewel. My love won’t go away and won’t be denied." Shadiya gratefully accepted, sure enough she was indeed in love. Ariadne, in the meantime, was busy looking at the tape on the Moneta over what happened with Sato: "Enough already!" commanded Siegfried, he picks up the bastard as he drags him and slams him down hard. "Get up, you coward!" The executioner whimpered in fear, "Mercy, mercy...." Siegfried picks him off the ground, "You got some nerve picking on the innocent, don't you?" He said. Then he glares at him and replies, “You really shouldn’t have done that…You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?” Then, Siegfried beat the crap out of the guy while the others are watching with fear. Ariadne couldn't believe it. She never seen him this mad before! One of the extremist, a woman with a midriff top and a long skirt, was watching as she tried to attack but she is kidnapped by a governmental agency army. Siegfried continues as he then stopped to say, "Had enough, you greedy bastard who has no mercy?" Cato was so scared that he surrenders and he was sent back to prison. "Playing that again?" Siegfried asked, "You know how annoying that is." "I know they've played that over and over again but you have to admit, you were pretty bad-ass back there." Ariadne remarked. "Yeah, I had to take down the son of a bitch. I didn't ask for any fame." Siegfried said. Ariadne looked at him with a smirk, "You didn't ask for an entourage." She said. Siegfried turned back to her, "What do you mean by that?" He asked. Ariadne smiled and she types into the Moneta. Once she found the memories, she pressed it as she played it out for him. 

"Siegfried looks damn hot when he beats the crap out of Cato. And the tramp in that extremist group looked like she was gonna murder every last one in the room including Siegfried who just beats the crap out of Cato." said one of the fangirls. "Actually she was going to murder Krieger only, because he was beating up Sade so brutally. I have a question; why do all the girls like Siegfried? I know he's stoic, badass but a jerk with a golden heart. But why do the ladies like you like him?" said Ariadne. The first fangirl shrugged, "Who knows? But even though I'm not mad as a hatter, I liked Siegfried's character, persona and voice." Ariadne nodded, "Yeah, maybe girls like a girl in mystery." "Good. I don't have the hots for Levi but he seems nice despite being a jerk off to everyone but he has a gold heart of goodness. I mean he has respect for those who died like that one soldier that bled to death." Another fangirl said. "Well most girls who saw Siegfried beat the crap out of Cato, well, me included when I watched it happened, they went, "That was hot!", and other stuff, too." said the first fangirl. "I thought that scene was intense....Made my skin crawl deliciously, I never knew he could do that." replied Ariadne. The first fangirl nodded, "That was how he's badass, and it made other fangirls' skins crawl." She said. "Ha ha, Wow. I thought I was the only one, Guess the fangirls got a turn on for that." laughed Ariadne. "Sort of. I was kinda thinking in the back of my mind that kicking the crap out of Sade is the new pole dancing for Siegfried." said the first. The other girls, including Ariadne, stared at her funny. The first one noticed, "What? That's what I thought in the back of my mind." 

"Pole dancing...Pfft, Oh you fangirls." said Ariadne, chuckling. "Hey, That's what I thought in the back of my mind." said the first, she held her hands defensively. "Funny but creative." remarked Ariadne. A third butt in as she was suealing, "OMG!!! Me too!!! I just love how he fling those legs around and those beastly eyes glowing like hell!!! hahaha and I thought i was the only one who loved this scene!!" "Yeah he did and I loved it!! Hahaha! I don't know, that's what I seemed to notice." said the first, "I'm crazy to say that Siegfried goes even higher than any crushes for me. He's my husband." "NO HE IS MAH HUBBY!! You can have your other man while i marry the bravest soldier!" The second cried. "Same here though I'm crazy for him too...If i ever meet a guy like him I would automatically marry him on the spot." said the third. "Even if he is brave, but still a hot badass." gushed the first. "True. Well actually me and him would actually be the same size." squealed the second. "You're just an inch taller than him." reminded the first. "I KNOoooooooW!!! AND omg lucky!!!!! taller guys have bigger attributes as well... if ya know what i mean..." said the third, gushing too as she winked at the second. That made her have pervy tendencies, "Oooh, They'd be super fun for sure!!!" cried the second as she giggled, "Tee-hee!"  After the memory stopped playing on the Moneta; Siegfried looked at her, who looked smug. "Gee, you better watch out. Fans are going to eat you alive and want you so badly." said Ariadne. Siegfried looked at her and then looked away, "Yes. I'd better, I don't want to draw attention to myself." He answered. He left as Ariadne looked after him. She looked at the memory; The girl was shy however she looked up to meet Siegfried's stoic gaze and she smiled, giving him a thumbs up. It was a way for her to say, "Good luck." Siegfried nodded and looked away. Something about that girl troubles him. Siegfried could hear someone crying and sniffling. 

He went to see a girl who had her face buried in her hands. It was the same girl, her blue dress was nearly in shreds. Her tights were torn and her shoes were missing. Siegfried ask the girl who did this and the girl reluctantly reveals what happen. The next minute, Siegfried beaten the bastards and gave justice to the girl. In the meantime; Ophelia was lying in her room and she remembered her memories of that day of shopping at Anime Topic: "There's Sword Art Online." said Ophelia. T Shirts of Kirito and Asuna, playing cards, lanyards, a wall clock, plush dolls, rubber bracelet, and phone cases. "Oh look, Ouran High School Host Club." Ophelia continued to ramble. "There's Digimon, Pokemon, Black Butler...Digimon--The original. OMG, that is awesome." Turan said. "Dragon Ball Z." replied Turan. "Kiki's Delivery Service?" Ophelia asked, holding a T shirt that says 'Miss Witch'. "Yes." Turan called. "My Neighbor Totoro." remarked Ophelia. "Fairy Tail, Death Note, Soul Eater...." ranted Ophelia, "...Future Diary, Attack on Titan!""Puella Magi Madoka Magica." Ophelia said, showing her of a poster. "Ooh, that's cute." Turan said, she looked around and said, "Hetalia!" "OK, hurry. We gotta hurry." Turan said, "Now to the Disney..." That wasn't so hard to find. "There's Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves." countered Ophelia, "I see Mulan. Beauty and the Beast. Aladdin, a whole new world....Nightmare Before Christmas, man that's been around since....The Lion King....Hakuna Matata....Rapunzel, Alice in Wonderland. Princess and the Frog, Lilo and Stitch, there's Frozen too." Once they got the stuff; Turan and Ophelia headed off with stuff as they used created stockings and wrapped them in makeshift boxes and wrapping. Turan dressed as a Sexy Santa with tight capri pants, a long sleeved shirt, and fluff while Ophelia dressed in a black pencil dress with a off the shoulder white top and colorful floral embroidered details. 

Then they went to the bunks as they sing semi quiet, "We wish you a Merry Half-Christmas; We wish you a Merry Half-Christmas; We wish you a Merry Half-Christmas and a Happy Fourth of July." They waited but nobody woke up. Yet! So they try again, "Good tidings we bring to you and your....QUARTERS! Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy--" One of them woke up as they complain, "I wanted Hatsune Miku." "No, not Hatsune Miku. It's Half Christmas Santa!" Ophelia said. "What?"Half Christmas?" said one of the sleepers who was talking with a groggy tone. "It's Half Christmas!" cheered Ophelia and Turan. "Never heard of it." muttered one of the sleepers. "THAT'S CUZ YOUR JAPANESE!!!!" Turan exclaimed. "Yeah, it's an American holiday." Ophelia chimed in. "Americans love it, can't you tell?" said Turan, "I'm Half Christmas Santa." "Where's your reindeer?" asked the bunker. "It's Half Christmas. It doesn't get cold in the summer, people don't have Christmas in the summer." explained Turan. She turns and patted Ophelia's head, "And this is my trusty elf." "What's your name?" asked the Japanese bunker. "Santa's Little Helper!" said Ophelia happily. "That's not a name." said the bunker. "You wanna be rude? Then fine!" Ophelia said. "No." said the bunker. "I don't know if...Oops!" Turan said, trying to remove the blanket but let it dropped and Ophelia playfully swat her, "Santa doesn't not open other people's bunks!" She scolded. "He sees you when your sleeping...!" Turan remarked, "Come on, it's fricking Half of Holidays!" So they got them up and they opened their stockings and wrappings of presents where they were happy of this. Thinking of that day made Ophelia happy as she will never forget that day. Her day just got better when her mother tells her that she liked that one story she wrote on her blog. 

Ophelia was happy to hear this, she was so pleased. So grateful at this encouragement. In the meantime; Turan was looking around when she comes across a young man in trouble. She manages to rescue him but the man was spellbound by Turan who glowed in the sunlight. He ogled at her as she tries to get some sense into him. "Hey man, you all right? Hello, you OK? Talk to me!" Turan spoke to him. The guy snaps out of it and introduces himself, "Hi, I'm Giles. I'm 19 years old and I live in--" But Turan kicks him to the curb and turned away all flustered. "Did you have to go and do that?" said Norna in the communication. "He was hitting on me! And ogling at me!" exclaimed Turan, a little quieter. But she is grabbed from behind, one arm around her neck. "Ah, hey!" Turan gasped. It's Giles! He smiled playfully and rubbing his knuckles on his head, "Noogie Time, payback!" He said. Turan was squirming around as she squabbled, "My hair, you're ruffling my hair! Stop, let go! Uncle! Uncle!" Giles laughed, let her go, "Haha, got ya." He said. Turan blushed but she turned away pouting. But they had problems with dealing with someone who likes to send out riddles and played a game called Riddler. Turan and Giles figured them out. The first one was strange, "John gave his brother James a box: About it there were many locks. James woke and said it gave him pain; So gave it back to John again. The box was not with lid supplied, Yet caused two lids to open wide; And all these locks had never a key--What kind of box, then, could it be?" It was tough but Turan saw a picture with two boys with a box on one of their heads, "John gave James a box on the head." Turan said. They solved the riddles. In the meantime; Kallo and the others encountered with a female cult known as Five Sacred Maidens. Though seeing them as normal looking people; they were attacked by Sigbins so Kallo and the gang saves them. But rather than giving any thanks of gratitude; the women begin to berated them and threw things at them. Especially one of the perplexed, unsure, but loyal prophetesses name Veleda. Elia stopped her, "What are you doing?" She asked in a demanding voice. 

"They are among witchcraft." said Veleda, however she has a look of confusion her face. "We saved all of you and this is how you repay us?" demanded Elia. Veleda is shocked by this as she doesn't know what to believe in anymore. Kallo managed to talk to Veleda, who ceased and decides to let them stay for one night however they are to never try anything that was 'dehumanized'. Veleda was confused by Elia's words as she glanced over to see Asura's glance at her. Veleda flushed with shame and walked away. Back with Turan and Giles, they found more riddles. The second one was this, "If you have it, you'd like to share it. If you share it, you haven't got it. What is it?" Someone had their finger over their lips as a way to say, 'Shhh'. Turan finally learned of the answer: "A secret." The third riddle didn't make any sense, "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" and the answer it was, "Because both of them can fly." They managed to track down who might be leaving these clues. Veleda couldn't sleep meanwhile as she thought about Elia's words and how the cult here has been treating her and she couldn't decide what it was anymore. Just then, she could see that there was a creature coming towards the temple, towards her window. Veleda tried to flee however the creature--which turns out to be a Sigbin--attacked her. Veleda thought she was going to die but Asura came in and rescued her. Veleda stared at him with amazement, "I--Thank you." She whispered. Just then, the cult popess name Albruna, entered as she mistakenly sees Asura as a threat however Veleda tried to explain but the head mistress would not heed however Veleda accidentally let her light powers which shocks Kallo and the gang. Albruna calls Veleda a 'witch' and vows to burn her before she left. 

Turan and Giles found the last riddle: "No matter how long I've been in there, no matter if my coffin begins to leak, the worms crawl in--the worms crawl out. What am I?" Turan heard this and answered, "A corpse." Finally, Turan and Giles encountered with someone name Reins who tells Turan about Taylor: He was experimenting with lots of specimens with Sigbins. He tells to watch out for Taylor because he is possibly stronger than she is but Turan vows to get better than him. For the time being, Veleda bonded with Asura and Nehza where she vents out how she is caught between her loyalty to the elders of the cult and also to the fact that what they are putting in her head is wrong. Asura listens as he advises her to break free from the pain she suffered from. Veleda isn't sure however with much encouragement, she decides to take her chance. The next day; Veleda is ostracized by the cult and she abandons them after the others learn of her light manipulating abilities. On the land, Veleda noticed how everything is changing because of what happened to her. She is away from those that judge her as she strips from her cult outfit to reveal a white criss-cross white top with gold on the front and white long pants. Veleda realizes that she no longer needs to hide her abilities and is free from the restrictions she had to endure in her life. She rejoices in finally being able to use her power, without limits, to let go. While she made bridges and staircases for herself; Kallo and the others watch her from a hill. Veleda was running and skipping with joy, she accidentally fell into red paint which she uses light to made her pure white clothes into rosy colors. Twirling and smiling while activating more with her powers, Veleda thought to herself: "Fate is waiting for me, I gotta chase the future opportunities. I'm letting go of my past and moving forward in my life. Under the blessing; my dreams are aligned with the belief."

Back at Silver Branch HQ; Turan and Giles just got back as they decide to relax. Giles was going to rest while Turan takes a shower. While in the shower, Turan was washing herself in one of the stalls, when she heard Norna's voice: "Hey Turan, I have something to tell you." "What is it?" asked Turan. "I managed to find some information on where your mother might be. She is located in Urdrwell, where she's been hiding out from him all this time." explained Norna. Turan was excited to hear this but she had to remain calm as she inquires more information, "Do you know where my father is?" "He's located approximately away from her,  Hvergelmir." replied Norna. Turan was stoked to hear this. "Extreme awesome sauce!" exclaimed Turan. She turn off the shower and grabbed her red towel. She emerged with the towel wrapped around her body as she walks out to gather her clothes. "Once I find that bastard and take him down." She said but she turned and did a double take when she saw Asura, Kai, Tucker, Ares, and all the others there. "Guys, what are you doing here?" She asked with clenched teeth. Norna, among the gang, spoke up: "Um, they came--we came to tell you that--You know that guy, Giles?" Turan looked at her funny, "What about him?" What she heard shocked her, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! He is sleeping, in my room?!" exclaimed Turan. 

"Shh, Turan! Don't raise your  voice. And also, where else are we gonna put him? Your room is where we found him and he looked cozy in there." Norna protested. The others cringed while the two girls debated. "Where else an I going to change alone? My room's the only private place that I get to change! Wake him up and tell him to go sleep somewhere else!!!" demanded Turan. "That's the most heartless thing to say, I'm not doing that." said Norna. Giles was resting but wakes up and gets up to hear the argument. He enters the shower as he startles everyone by asking, "So, where's the free food?" Once everyone recovered; Turan glance over at him with a shaken appearance. He was a strange man, she had to give him that. But Turan seems to like him. 

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