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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Über*Fremden--A Collection of Tales

Hello everyone, I have a surprise for all of you. Remember all those short stories? Well, I put them all together for this big collection. This is my very own fairytales into one book. It's known as Über Fremden, which means "above stranger" in German. The person narrating these stories is an eccentric, bookworm girl name Nana Wendall as she begins to tell stories about different people. But I'm not asking you guys to read this in one day but to read it as you can and choose the one you like best. Please read and enjoy! --KatDon 

There once was a girl who looked young but she must seemed older. She reading a book and looked up to see someone come in and smiled at them with her full attention on them: "Hello my name is Nana Wendall, here I tell you the fairy tales about the different heroes who become legends. Please listen to the fairytale called 'Liberty Justice Revenge'. Let's begin this, shall we?" She turned the pages to the first tale and begin for the story is about to begin as this person listens to her:

Chapter 1: Night Agent of LJR

The time of blissful happiness has gone away, the end of summer comes closer. Autumn enters, and now you have to deal with the harsh realities of life and death. Summer begins in and ends, Tony Beverly’s father died as the summer ended. At his father’s funeral; Young Tony cried, ran home and locked himself in his room. When his mother got home and knocked on the door to his room, Tony simply said, “Wake me up when September ends.” Here comes those times again, written in the stars called destiny. People only become what they really are when they feel pain, so that they can’t hide their real personality anymore. Spring was a time when Tony's father was still alive and can also represent the innocent, youthful period of someone’s life. In about the present time; Tony is a teenage boy who is entering his new school. His overprotective mother annoys him and his annoying siblings are driving him crazy. Tony struggles with the fact that he is a high school graduate who is not going to college. He has no other plans, which this very much stresses him out. Tony's family is in poverty and they have no choice but to move to Japan and to live with his mother's relatives for awhile. However Tony doesn't want to go. His mother try to convince him to come, "It's so beautiful there, Tony. You'll miss out on the four seasons, don't you want to see your best friends?" She would say but Tony's response was always, "I hate the dead of winter, I hate how cold it is. I really don't want to go." 

His mother kept urging, "You'll never know how wonderful it is." "I told you, I hate the cold." snapped Tony. Although he was stubborn; his mother gave up and lets him decide what he wants.  Tony felt bad as he decided to please his mother by going to Japan but he needs to prepare himself for the cold. He knows that Japan has the dead winter and at night, it drops below minus 20 to 30. Two weeks later; Tony and his family move to Japan as Johnny says farewell to the life he lived in. He vows to return to his hometown one day. While hours on the plan ride to Japan; Tony is bored of the long journey and he soon falls asleep. He wakes up to be greeted by other people in Japan. And he finds out of where he was staying--In a  house with an old-style thatched roof. He managed to get Internet and TV but found that the house he was staying with his family each of them had different rooms. It was strange than the house that he lived in. Tony is faced to face with the different life here in Japan. It was all too hard to believe! One day, Tony received a message from his best friend, Casey Jones, who asked him to meet him in Shinjuku as he wants him to see the sights of Japan. Tony is unsure however Casey insisted that it'll be fun. So, Tony goes to Shinjuku and waited for his friend. Tony is a shy fellow who has trouble making friends for he was stuck with some poisonous friends. He remembered how he once trusted this people. They were Alfred Stormalong and Febold Feboldson, Tony had trusted them and hang out with them. One day, Tony hang out with Febold as they went to places until the next day where he spread horrible lies about Tony. And worse, Alfred refuse to believe Tony that Febold did something. Another time, Tony did not call back Alfred because of the fact that he was tired after a long day. 

The next morning, Tony realized he was supposed to go out with Alfred to see a movie with some other friends however while texting his friend; Tony was shocked to find out in his message that broke his heart: "You didn't respond to me last night after we promised to catch up with some friends on a movie night. When you text me, I laughed at you. You are a disgusting, selfish person and I never want to see you again." Tony couldn't believe it and text back, "OK, if that's how you feel then I guess we can't be friends anymore." But then he got another one that shocked him harder: "Fine! I don't need you and neither does Febold. Goodbye, you piece of crap! LMAO!" It was horrible, Tony had never been so upset in all of his life. Never felt so betrayed. He had knew Alfred, Febold, and Casey since they were kids. Why was this happening? Tony was worried, he told Casey online about it and Casey was shocked. His response was, "I don't know what to say, man. I can't believe Febold and Alfred did that." Suddenly, Tony was startled when someone shouted in his ear, interrupting his reverie: "HEL-LO TONY BEAVER!!!!!!" Tony jumped and looked to see a boy his age with dark blonde hair. "Casey? Casey, is that you?" Tony asked, squinting at his friend. Casey Jones used to have dark hair, black but it wasn't black anymore--It was a dark blone. The boy threw his hands in the air, "Introducing the man of action! The star in the sky! The one and only! Casey Jones!" He exclaimed. Tony was excited to see his friend, "Casey! It is you, I can't believe it!" He said. Casey laughed and playfully punched his friend, "How you been Tony?" "Oh, you know. The usual." said Tony. Tony and Casey haven't seen each other since 5th grade, where it was the last day Casey was going to move to Japan. Tony gave him a jade charm as a farewell present. It was Casey's favorite gem and he wore it as a pendant. The two friends were now walking in Shinjuku; Tony could not believe how he was walking in the land of  lights, people with almond eyes and nice skin as well as dark hair, and also a whole light of strange. 

Tony was walking to the entrance of his new school, telling himself to get a grip and try not to make a bad impression himself. He had so many thoughts surrounding him and he doesn't know what to say. However people gawked at him. He looked unease, "Why are they all staring at me?" thought Tony. He looked and saw Alfred there, "Alfred? What are you--" However before he continued; Tony saw him looking at him menacingly and attacked him. Enrique woke up as he saw it was all a dream. Later in the morning of his new school; Tony pushed the doors of the school open as he walked in wearing a uniform. Being the new kid wasn't easy as it looked. He could see girls giggling and waving at him. Tony smiled but he didn't see where he was going. He soon bump into someone else. He heard someone chuckling. "Great!" thought Tony, "Way to make a first impression." He came to the person he bumped into. "Are you OK?" asked Tony. There was a girl with glasses and hair in pigtails, she was wearing a uniform. She laughed nervously, "Yeah. Sorry about that." The girl looked at him, "The newbie I presumed?" She said. "Um, yeah...H--hi, I'm Tony Beverly." said Tony. "It's a pleasure to make your aquantince, I'm Molly Tōshu." said the girl with glasses. "Nice to meet you." said Tony. He helped Molly collect her things but Molly picked them up herself quickly. She thanked him as she went away, Tony wondered about this girl, "What could she be hiding?" He wondered. One dark and stormy night; panic arose in people with oval-shaped heads, abnormally large eyes, stubby arms and legs, and lack noses, ears, fingers, necks, and flat feet without toes. And there he goes! He ran as fast as his legs could take. Feet splashed in the puddles but he didn't stop. He hid in the most cloest place that caught his eye--A warehouse! He ducked in and shut the door. 

He prayed no one would find him however as he backed up; he ran into a figure so he looked up to see that there was a brainless thug prowling over him. The thug grabbed the boy, but the boy was faster and punched him. The boy got away, escaping however all of the others weren't so lucky. But this boy vowed he will save his people and he will do it with help from his friends! During lunch, Tony is sitting with Casey when they are approached by other people: Furancis Marion, Mose Hanfurī, Jō Magarac, and John Henri. Furancis is an energetic, hyperactive, and eccentric young man who gets to flirt with girls. Mose is a laid back guy that likes to tease Furancis about his behavior while Jō is a level headed fellow and John is a nice guy. They got to know Tony better, but Tony just simply states his reason of coming to Japan: "I just came here because my family and I went through poverty." He simply said. "That's cool, I mean, coming down here to do better is cool." said John. "Nice save." Mose said, and the boys laugh. Then, Casey mentions to Tony about Evangeline. Tony was terrified to hear that name--Evangeline Bellefontaine, she was a girl he knew back during the time they were kids. The girl who always had nosebleeds, it was pretty disgusting. "Is she gross as ever?" Tony asked. "No way man, she looks better than she originally did." Casey said. "Did you see her boobs? Man, what a bunch of jiggles there!" Furancis said. "Oh don't get yourself started with boobs, you perv!" Mose scolded, Furancis freaked out. Tony was shocked, Evangeline was here? In Japan? Boy, this should be interesting. 

Just then, the doors flung opened. Heads turned. Mouths drop open, especially Tony's. There was a red haired beauty with ivory white complexion, she wore a Japanese school girl uniform--A sailor top with long sleeves and skirt. She wore knee high socks and shoes. Casey called out first, "What's up, Evangeline?" Tony couldn't believe it, this red head hottie is Evangeline Bellefontaine as everyone then started approach and surround her but not crowd her too much. "Hey Evangeline-Chan!" said one of the students. "What's up, Eva-San?" said a second student. "Looking good." remarked a third student. So much went on until Evangeline saw Tony and said, "Tony!" "Evangeline?" Tony asked. Evangeline rushed over, she hugged him and she looked as if she was going to cry. "Oh, I haven't seen you since fifth grade." She pulled away and Tony looked up to see her big breasts, they looked orb like and jiggly. "Wait!" He thought, looking away. "What am I doing?" Evangeline looked at him, "So, you look the same as I remember. A wallflower but still so cute." She said. Tony laughed along with her, Wallflower. Yes, he had always been a wallflower. Un-noticed. Unidentified. Always picked last, hardly at all. "Yeah, guess I'm a nobody huh." said Tony. "No, don't say that! It's not your fault, it's just people are so absorbed with life that they need to turn around see the last man standing and offer him to come play." Evangeline said. Tony blushed, that was the nicest thing that anybody ever said about him. Casey patted a hand on Evangeline's back, "Hey Eva! Good to see you again." He greeted. "Casey, hey!" Evangeline said, hugging her friend. Casey noticed Tony and called out, "Hey buddy, come in and join the group-hug." Tony gladfully did, he embraced Evangeline and Casey. For the first time, he had people that actually do care about him. While walking home, Tony saw the beach and went to see how beautiful the sea was but saw something strange along the shore. 

It looked like a body however from the distance he was at; it was hard to tell. Tony went down to the beach. He went over to the body, which was a young man. The young man woke up shock wheh he saw Tony, startled he sat up. "You--you saw me here?" He asked, stammering. "Oh, um, yeah." Calypso replied. "I saw you lying there, I thought you were hurt." The boy panicked, he started to say to himself: "The mission, the mission." "What?" Tony asked. But the boy ran away from sight and Tony wondered what happened but he realized how late he is as he needed to get home fast! At home, while lying in bed; Tony wondered all of the craziness that happened to him today: First his best friend was in the city of Tokyo Japan. Second, the most grossiest girl with nosebleed is hot as she has no more nose bleeds. And lastly, the mysterious boy he found on the beach was acting weird. He soon fell asleep, however he had a strange dream: He dreamt that he was standing on the ledge, the ledge crumbles under from him and he falls into this supermassive black hole. The hole has a light brightens up and he saw demonic monsters. But then the boy had fire coming from his hands and he burnt the monsters! Someone calls out his name, “Antonio? Antonio, Antonio. Tony!” “’Ay-yah!” Tony exclaimed. The person calling him was his mother. She was standing over him in his bedroom. “Wake up, Tony. You were talking in your sleep again.” His mother scolded. Tony clutched his head, “Sorry, I just had a horrible nightmare.” He said. "Well, nightmares are making you late. Come on, get up! It's almost 7 honey." said his mother. Tony stretched and got out of bed, he looked out as it was raining outside. He sighed, it was going to be one of those days. But he couldn't help wondering what was that dream all about. Him fighting monsters, fire coming out of his hands. This is too crazy to believe. 

Later during lunch while talking to his friends Casey and Evangeline; Tony opened his fortune cookie and read his fortune: "If you find your world is caving in on you; Bet your gonna need a friend who will take those fears away." This made Tony curious as he looked over at the busy student working girl Molly who got orders ready but when she catched his eye, she briefly waved as she got back to work. While walking home, Tony had to drop off some books at the librairy. He called his mother and told her that she was walking home. Once that was taking care of, Tony was walking home at night. He suddenly heard a strange sound and he turned around. "H--Hello?" Tony called. Nobody answered, but there was that sound again. And it was getting closer. "Come on out, I don't know who you are but I know you're out there." He warned. Suddenly, there it was, it was a child who turned into a monster. It had horns on its head, wings on its back, and bared his fangs. It snarled at the horrified Tony. But something crashed in as the creature cried out in pain and fell to the floor dead. Trembling yet relieved; Calypso examined the dead monster. Just then, he felt a shadow upon him. Tony looked up to see that it was the same boy she saw at the shore. "It's you." Tony said. He tried to flee however he fell down into the city, this was it. He thought it was over when the young man reached over and saved him. Tony couldn't believe that this guy saved him and they were on the roof again. "Thanks man." said Tony. "What the hell are you doing up here?" The young man asked. "Who are you? How--?" Tony started to say, but the young man stopped him. "It's a long story." the young man replied. And so it was, the young man is Johnny Reb and he is part of an organization called League of Liberty Justice Revenge, or LJR for short. He says that he and many others are out to help those to set free, find help for the helpless and avenge those that need to see that there is hope out there. 

Johnny then took Tony to meet his master, Joshua Karebu! While there, Tony comes across this strange middle aged man. "Can I help you?" asked the man. Tony remembers what he was going to ask, "Um, yes. I--" He started. However, the man said: "Let me ask you a different way--What do you seek?" Tony was surprised as he said, "Just--To know where I am, I guess." The man smiled, "You are in a world known as Schilda." He explained, "This is Shangri-La. The valley and here we are to protect. But our mission starts tonight after you finish with school." "What's the first mission?" asked Tony. Master Karebu showed him, "The Wee Folks--There had been some people, who don't seem to be human but yet they are kidnapped and now there's only one that we'd taken in after he searched for help." explained Master Karebu. Tony is surprised, he vows to come back tomorrow and he kept to his word. And so, every day after school and at night when his homework & dinner was finished; Tony goes out as his night agent. Lucky for him he told his mother about a new job he has a night and he promise not to be late. While in his days training at night; Tony makes friends with the reckless yet daredevil-ish broken person name Billy Yank. Pretty boy is Leo Belgicus, the lone wolf gladiator Sam Michel, a brilliant and beautiful girl name Kathleen and her heart of gold friend Marianne. An intelligent yet lazy young man Olav Nordmann as well as the only female with a determined spirit is Marie Clara, a girl who is multiracial of Spanish cultures is Columbia dela Cruz with her brother Juan dela Cruz. Billy Yank showed Tony the administration and all around the entire area of LJR. Leo Belgicus shows Tony the technology and security cameras. Kathleen and Marianne tell them about the different places in Schilda: There was Kvenland, where a strange land of other people are. There is Xibalba, the place where the most fearful are. And then there is Nysa, a beautiful valley with people who are drop dead gorgeous and are the kindest people anyone will ever meet but they have a dark side to them. There's a place in Nysa which is known as Einsam Kokoro. 

Tony noticed a shadowy area, "What's this one?" He asked. Kathleen looked unease, but Marianne responded: "Oh don't mind that one, this one is Svartalfheim. That's where the monsters come from." Tony looked curious, "And what are the monsters called?" He asked. Kathleen looked up and then she glance at him for a moment before saying, "They are Hudruns." Tony looked at her in shock as Kathleen continued, "They are chaotic off springs of the tragic maiden harpy--Ophelia." Tony was stunt by that name, "Ophelia?" He asked. "Yes, legend has it that she was violated and betrayed by her beloved. She went into a lucid state and nearly drowned in the lake, people say she die through submersion of water but most people don't believe that." explained Kathleen. Tony was trying to process as much information as he could, those monsters are the children of some woman name Ophelia? Who the heck is Ophelia? He wondered about all this, until he heard familiar voices. Tony turned around and was shocked to see who it was--"What's up, Tony Beaver?" Casey asked. Casey and Evangeline stood there smiling at their friend. Tony couldn't believe it, "You guys...you're night agents?" He asked in disbelief. Casey and Evangeline laughed; "We've been night agents long before you." said Casey. "Of course, we're known as night ninjas." Evangeline added. Tony smiled, "That's awesome!" He exclaimed. "So, we'll be working for you." said Casey. "Well, that's great!" Tony said. "Oh, and let's not forget someone important that will make an addition to our crew." Casey said. "Make that two." Evangeline replied brightly. As if on cue, this mysterious girl entered the room. She has chocolate brown hair and dark eyes like pools, she wore a jumpsuit with a bandana around her head. The rest of her long hair was pinned up and braided. Her name is Rosie Foster, but her full name Veronica Rosalie Foster. Everyone called her Rosie, however she doesn't like to be called Veronica. 

Sadly for Rosie is that she doesn't have any friends. "Hey Rosie, how ya doing?" Marianne greeted her. Rosie didn't respond, she only nodded. She looked over at Casey and Evangeline, "Hey you guys." Rosie greeted softly. "Hey Rose, you're back! Where you've been?" asked Casey. Rosie shrugged, "Just had some things to do." She said and didn't explained anything else however she was curious when she saw Tony. "Case, who's this?" Rosie asked. "Who is she, Casey?" Tony asked. "Tony my boy, meet the Red Bloom of the Hour--Rosie Foster!" Casey said to his best friend. To Rosie he said, "Rose baby, this is my best friend Tony Beverly." Tony smiled and lent out his hand, "Nice to meet you." He said. Rosie did not take it as she could only stare down at him, "Pleasure." She replied. Tony put his hand down in disappointment, but he shrugged it off. Just then, the gang's other member enters the room. A boy with an oval-shaped head, abnormally large eyes, stubby arms and legs, and lack noses, ears, fingers, necks, and flat feet without toes. His hair was distinctively kept shaved and he wore a blue and black cloak that has a white bow. In the middle of the bow was a diamond jewel on the bow. "Hello, my name is Barnabas and I am one of the Wee Folks." said the little guy. Tony and the others adored it! "Oh, how cute." Evangeline said. "It's like a little chibi." Casey pointed out. "It is!" agreed Tony. Even Rosie smiled at the little guy, just smiling a little, but she noticed Tony can see her smile and she fixed her composure. Tony stared at her as he was wondering about her smile: "Did she smile? Right there? That was pretty weird." He thought. Just then, there was loud thunder above the corporation building that clapped so loud that everyone jumped. Then a horrible wind has broke into the gym as the students and teachers were in terror as they ran. 

Suddenly, by surprise, Tony gets caught in the storm. "HELP, SOMEBODY!!!!" He cried. "TONY!" screamed Casey, but he too got caught in the storm. One by one Evangeline, Rosie and Pygmalion got caught in the storm. Just then, each of them were glowing different colors: Tony glowed red and orange, Casey glowed whitish blue and dark blue, Evangeline glowed silvery white, Rosie glowed purple, and Barnabas glowed yellow. Once then, they were given each powers: Fire, water & ice, earth, and air. Fire was given Tony, water and ice was given to Casey, Evangeline got the power over light, Rosie got the power over darkness, and Barnabas got the power over flying with his own signature color spectrum coming from him. The middle aged master grinned as he said, "A storm has come, and it begins." For the time being; the gang woke up in a meadowy field and come across a house where nobody was home. It wasn't right, "Hey guys. I don't think this is a good idea to come in here." Tony said. "Hey, we're not going to touch anything--We just want to look around." Casey replied. "But Case--" Tony started to say, but Casey cut him off, "For crying out loud; relax OK? Geez Antonio, you're scaring me." He remarked. So the five friends went into the house. While inside the house, Tony was tensed that something wasn't right but he felt calm here. It was so peaceful, being in someplace that wasn't his own. He stopped wandering enough to see a piano. A piano that he once had as a child, he remembered that sounds of Beethoven's "Fur Elise" that he used to play with his father. That was so long ago, Tony was seven years old at the time of that happy memory. Tony walked over to the piano and begin to play this classical piece. His fingers were adequate on the keys, he let the music guide him. Tony didn't realize he was attracting someone else's attention. 

Tony felt like he was living in his happy moments of his past all over again! By the time Tony finished, he felt cool over him. "Ahem!" Tony snaps out of her turns around to see a young man applauding. He has near blonde haired, he looked like a nice guy with a rebel going on. "Oh! I'm sorry!" Tony said. "That was good." said the young man. "Th-Th-Thank you." stammered Tony. But the young man seemed to pity him, "Do you know Beethoven? I mean, I know his pieces but I never met anyone who can play one of them. You're talented." He said. Tony looked over at him with suspiciousness, "And you are?" Tony asked. "I am Alan Nero, welcome to my lovely home." said the young man. Tony looked around, "Yeah, it's nice." He replied. Later; Tony, Casey, Evangeline, and Rosie heard of a swimming hole in this place so they decides to go swimming. Tony and Casey wore swim suits while Evangeline and Roseie were in a short-looking bottoms and bikini strapless top. Tony and Casey were staring in awe at how hot the girls looked in those bikinis. "Whoa, I think I'm feeling horny!" Casey whispered. Tony elbowed him, "Stop that!" He muttered, "You sound like Furancis." Casey chuckled, "Come on, you know you want to smack that." He teased. "What?!" rasped Tony, almost loudly. Casey cracked up, slapping his knee. There was no one around, so they slip in and enjoying the cool water. It wasn’t too hot, not too cold. However someone was watching Evangeline splashing about and Rosie lounging about. Someone took a good look at the girls' bodies, smiling in delight and saying: "They're perfect for my latest project." 

Once swimming is over; the gang decide to explore some more. Evangeline looked at it as she watched the ballerina twirl, however in the reflection; she thought she saw someone there and turned but found no one was there. Evangeline shake her head and rubbed her eyes, "I must be seeing things." She muttered. Evangelinewatched the mechanic ballerina dance until its tired, machine heart beats slowly until the song disappears. Then it stops. There was an eerie silence until Evangeline heard singing, sad but soft crooning: "There was an old woman all skin and bone Who lived near the graveyard all alone. She thought she'd go to church one day To hear the parson preach and pray." And another voice went, "O-o-o-o-o-o! O-o-o-o-o-o!" The singing went again, but the words were different than the first: "And when she came to the church-house stile She thought she stop and rest awhile. She came up to the door, She thought she'd stop and rest some more." Then, the same voice after went, "O-o-o-o-o-o!  O-o-o-o-o-o!" Evangeline was a little freaked out when she heard the singing again with different words, somehow this song sounded familiar, "But when she turned and looked around She saw a corpse upon the ground. From its nose down to its chin The worms crawled out, and the worms crawled in." There it was again! "O-o-o-o-o-o!  O-o-o-o-o-o!" The singing came there again, "The woman to the preacher said, 'Shall I look like that when I am dead?'" Then, it was there the last time: "O-o-o-o-o-o!" and the singing said in a creepy, low tone, "The preacher to the woman said, 'You shall look like that when you are dead!" 

There was something that made Evangeline shrieked when she heard a shock, panicky scream, "AAAAAAAAAAA!" Evangeline ran as she went to the bathroom, which was the safest place she could think of. There was a voice on the opposite side of the door. It was just a quiet, whisper voice.Leaving the bathroom; Evangeline started to run. Then, Evangeline was scared to see small animals lying dead on the ground bleeding. Evangeline had a shocked and saddened look on her face however she kept moving as she begins to walk a little more with that worried look. As Evangeline kept moving, there were more dead animals as Evangeline moved past them looking more and more worried She was shocked to see how they all died in rather gruesome ways. Evangeline was running up a hill and then she stopped, there was a man in black with his back against Evangeline. Evangeline looked happy to see the man in black but when Evangeline walked closely toward the man. In a split second, the girl saw the man facing towards her with his eyes open and they were black with those red glowing dots. He laughed as he said, "Hello. Do you want to play with me?" Just in a split second the man lunged at Evangeline who let out a loud screeching. For Casey; he was walking in a hallway. The floor was shiny and checkered, the walls were a dark greyish purple with animated candlelight’s and a few dark bloodstains here and there. Down the steps, Casey noticed that the walls have gotten darker and more reddish; the walls turned more dark red and the torches were a black flame now. Suddenly, he could hear someone whisper, "Try to keep this interesting for me." Casey turned around to see where the voice came from, and what he saw made him scream. Sitting in a chair, staring right at him was the man in black smiling with bloodstains under his eyes.

In the meantime; Rosie walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. She bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling her eye. What she saw was a bedroom and in the corner was a woman whose skin was incredibly pale. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. She stared in confusion for a while. Rosie almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity but decided not to. As Rosie was still looking, the woman turned sharply and she jumped back from the door, hoping she would not suspect he had been spying on her. The scenery changed before her eyes, all she saw was redness. She couldn't make anything out besides a distinct red color, un-moving. Perhaps these inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red. Rosie backs away but then she found a record about that room: A long time ago, a man was killed after he murdered his wife in there, and what people find that even now, whoever stays there gets very uncomfortable. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red. But Rosie looked afraid just like Evangeline did, though not as much, more rather she looked a little unnerved. Then there was that maddening laugh came again. Rosie saw several bloodstains on the ground as she looked nauseated walking down this blood-stained road, still he kept going. Then the man appeared right in front of her with those black and red eyes, "Found you!" He said. The man lunged at Rosie who let out a distorted screech. Tony looked around as he has not seen his friends nor Barnabas! And he was getting very worried. 

He found unsuspected people but all of them had abnormal body shapes, claw hands, and looked like naked humans but looked more violent. "What?" whispered Tony, he couldn't believe it. "Magnificent isn't it?" A voice said. Tony turned around and saw Alan standing there with a sadistic smile on his face, red pupils, and black sclera. He stepped out of the shadows to admire his work, "These scoundrels are part of my newest creation." He said. "Sir Alan?" asked Tony. "What did you do to them?" "Isn't this wonderful? You see, my pet, I had always wanted to know what happens if I did something like this, or this....Or maybe something....." He ranted, a psychotic look in his eyes. Not a good sign! Tony is terrified as Alan looked over at him and took a step towards him. Tony stepped away from him, "But you...I have much bigger plans for you, my pet. And your dear friends too." Tony rushes out but heard the sound of Alan calling out to him, "Toooooonnnnnnnnnnyyyyyy." Tony shivered, he tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. "No, come on! Come on, come on!" Tony muttered. Just then, The deranged Alan had a sickle in his hand and was laughing like mad. With all his strength; Tony breaks down the door and runs. He managed to escape as he found his friends tied to autopsy tables and he freed them with his flames, carefully not to burn them. Learning that they were free; Alan tried to kill them out of rage. He managed to kill one of the Wee Folks, who was once a tool used by Alan, as Tony was so angry that he burnt his house however he sparred Alan out of mercy. However, while walking away; Tony felt a gun in his head as he turned to see Alan with his clothes burnt and looked insane. It was a scary sight. "I WILL BLOW YOUR FRICKING BRAINS OUT, YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD!!!!" He screamed. Then, something crashed in! There he was--Johnny Reb! Johnny kicks  him to the ground and stands over him, "Like their ever yours!" He remarked. 

During that time; Tony, Casey, Evangeline, Rosie, and Barnabas are looking for the Wee Folks and found them in the basement. They got them out of there alive however the Wee Folks were trembling in fear over the Hundruns. But using their powers of fire, water and ice, light, dark, and the ability to fly; Tony and his friends put their powers to the test as they defeated these monsters and the Wee Folks cheered! Once the four of them were rescued; Master Joshua explained to Tony and his friends that Alan was creating Hundrun Dolls out of humans and he had done it to the guests that let them stay with. Tony couldn't believe his eyes and he was scared to know what might happened to him. He even looked at the house he burnt down, "Did I do that?" He wondered. "Yeah man, you did that." Casey said. Barnabas was so grateful for Tony and the others' help: "Thank you for saving my people." He said, "Without you, I would have never see them again." "That's what friends are for." replied Tony. Barnabas looked at him, "Friends?" He asked. "Yeah, friends. Want to join us?" Tony said. Barnabas was teary eyes when he heard that. "Yeah!" He cried. And so, Barnbas became a member of Liberty Justice Revenge! Meanwhile, someone was reading about LJR: "What are the Liberty Justice Revenge Night Agents? They are bastard, that's what they are!" barked a young lady, "We have to find out about them and being a threat to us all!" This was Joan Kaye; she is eccentric, power-hungry, sarcastic, paranoid, unstably insane. Her servant is Michael Gerth; a mature, level headed, and naivete young man that is concern about who's father is always busy. 

"I couldn't agree more, Lady Joan!" said Michael. "Michael, did I ask for your opinion?!" shouted Joan. Michael looked startled, "No sir, I was just--" He started to say but his boss cut him off. "No, I didn't!" Joan said with a strained in her voice. She turned away but she was plotting something up her sleeve......

Chapter 2: Strange Girl 

"Rule #1: Have fun with your girl-toy! But when you’re done having fun, be sure to leave her before she leaves you. You don’t want to be the one that's heartbroken afterwards!" said an alluring voice. He continues, "Rule #2: Don’t get attached to someone that could suddenly walk out of your life, because they can do exactly that, and they could leave you broken in the dust." He pauses to drink some water and then he said, "Rule #3: Don’t let your heart be easy to grab because then it could be taken and taken advantage of. And of course, Rule #4: Look sweet and innocent so she won't know whats come for her and keep her wanted you, who could resist us anyway?" He said. Other people applauding. The leader has pointy ears like elf ears, glowing amethyst colored hair and he looked inhumanly beautiful. This is Freyr Bellecassé as he started to speak to the crowd who are beautiful just like him: "Four rules on how to be a heartbreaker. It’s a guide for everyone! People are always on a look for some adventure, they’ll realize that they've fell in love with a stranger; someone that she will never really knew. Since you’re not going to be the one heartbroken, it’s pretty reasonable to assuming that you’re just playing with the girls. Girls like a bad boy. People say we're 'homewreckers', like hell!" The others agreed, as his leader continues: "We just don’t like to commit to a relationship, we're proud of not having a relationship. we're free and we does as we please. We don’t need anyone to complete us. If we do have someone, we  always got to have the power. We're not committed. We..are 'home wrecker'." said Freyr. There is unsettling mumurs in the crowd. Freyr grins, "We can’t let go of the past failed relationships. We still has emotional scars that haven’t healed yet and it's so damaged to trust other people; that’s why we plays with them instead, don't we?" He asked. Everyone cheered and Frey exclaimed: "Welcome to the world of Einsam Kokoro Club!" Later, Freyr was walking with three pretty boys and one beautiful young woman name Branwen. "So, who's the fairest of them all?" Freyr asked. "Why you, boss." said the three boys.  "All of us." said Branwen, "But the most of all, beauty not only comes from outside but also within." Freyr nodded, "It's true." He replied. "Agreed." answered one boy. "Can't deny that." said the second. But the third one pop up to mention something: "Did you hear about this girl? I heard she's pretty fair herself." 

Freyr nodded, "Of course." He said, not really believing there was a fair maiden but he couldn't be too arrogant, beauty wasn't very important but on the inside it matters. In the meantime; There was a woman is lying on the ground in a treeless, mostly tawny field, looking up at a gray house on the horizon; a barn and various other small outbuildings are adjacent to the house, the image quickly fades as it now introduces of soft melting pocket watches. a figure as the famous seventeenth-century work in which a painter, thought to be a self-portrait of Vermeer, is depicted with his back to the viewer, in distinctive costume. Next; The viewer finds itself in front of an almost photo-realistic table setting with a slice of ham in the center. The scene is made surreal by the presence of an eye staring back at the viewer from the center of the ham. Terrified; the viewer ran off in a startling matter. Then, the viewer saw a geometric monster type creature and connected to a similar monster. The two creatures appear to be two parts of the same creature so that it appears to be wrestling itself. All over the background and on parts of the monster are boiled beans that look like they are melting. The monster stands on trees and a brown wooden box. The background is a blue sky with clouds, that are darker in some parts and lighter in others. A nude female figure rises from the back of the head; The woman's mouth is near a thinly clad male crotch, a suggestion that fellatio may take place. The male figure seen only from the waist down has bleeding fresh cuts on his knees. Below the central profile head, on its mouth, is a locust. A swarm of gather on the locust's abdomen, as well as on the prone face. In the landscape below, three other figures are arranged, along with an egg and sparse other features. Two of the characters in the landscape are arranged in such a way as to cast a long single shadow, while the other character is seen hurriedly walking into the distance. The viewer hear something ringing calmly, softly and got a closer look to see where bells float high in the sky. The viewer comes across a horrifying scene: a blood-smeared nude woman, is seen lying on a couch. The assassin of the painting's title, a well-dressed man, stands ready to leave, his coat and hat on a chair next to his bag. He is however delayed by the sound of music, and in an unhurriedly relaxed manner, listens to a gramophone. In the meantime, two men armed with club and net wait in the foyer to ensnare him, whilst three more men also watch from over the balcony.

The viewer turned around but themselves in another horror place. A disembodied face hovering against a barren desert landscape. The face is withered like that of a corpse and wears an expression of misery. In its mouth and eye sockets are identical faces. In their mouths and eyes are more identical faces in a process implied to be infinite. Swarming around the large face are biting serpents. In the lower right corner is a hand print that was left by someone's own hand. Once the viewer panted from that horrible face, they come across Narcissus sitting in a pool, gazing down. Not far away there is a decaying stone figure which corresponds closely to him but is perceived quite differently; as a hand holding up a bulb or egg from which a Narcissus is growing. The viewer tried to get his attention but he didn't get up. After walking away; the viewer saw something strange in the distance as they saw of nearly identical men dressed in dark overcoats and bowler hats, who seem to be drops of heavy rain (or to be floating like helium balloons, though there is no actual indication of motion), against a backdrop of buildings and blue sky. The men are spaced in hexagonal grids facing the viewpoint and receding back in grid layers. But that's not all; a man in an overcoat and a bowler hat standing in front of a short wall, beyond which is the sea and a cloudy sky. The man's face is largely obscured by a hovering green apple. However, the man's eyes can be seen peeking over the edge of the apple. Another subtle feature is that the man's left arm appears to bend backwards at the elbow. The person who is looking at those paintings is a young lady with a faraway expression on her face, she was a pretty girl with delicate hands and feet. She was thin, she had pretty skin of olive and pale. Her name is Kaguya, she's rather short for her age with a small build. With her frail physique, is the source of much shame for Kaguya, leading her to have poor self-esteem and believing herself to be a burden upon others. 

In the meantime; Tony dreamt that he found himself sitting on the ground in a deserted, destroyed school hallway. He slowly begins to stand up and makes his way through the hallway. Tony then sees a teacher in a classroom who's stricken with fear and closes the door, realizing he is the cause of the damage. As Tony makes his way outside the school building, a police car arrives and the teacher rushes outside to tell the policeman about him. Tony then quickly rides a bicycle home to pack his things. While at home, he sees a news report about the incident, causing him to quickly gather his things to flee.  Tony is running away from a dangerous team in the woods. He is caught by one of the men who pushes him to the ground. He is using his fire powers once again to push the men away in a burst of power. Even though nobody else can see it, Tony knows that he is special on the inside. Tony may even be hiding something. He has hidden strengths that nobody is aware of--fire. As an agent; Tony can be himself when no one is around to judge him. Tony feels happy and has fun so he doesn’t want that someone makes him irritated. Through his actions and words, he has tried to show his former friends that he won’t be allowed to become meaningful to himever again. No matter how hard he tries to show thm, they won’t accept the fact that they will never be friends again! “Don’t burn bridges if you can’t swim in friendships!" He said. This time he won’t let it get to him! "I'm invincible so take your shot because I will burn it and when you shoot me; I’ll have nothing to be losed. Keep going, it doesn’t make a difference, I'm too strong!" He announced. Tony turned around and fell down the stairs, only he woke up with a start when he looked around in his bedroom and found out it was all a dream. He looks at the clock. "Oh snap!" cried Tony, "I'm going to be late!" He got dressed and ate before running to school. Being a night agent wasn't so easy, not a single bit. 

"I don't know if I want to do this man." Casey said nervously. Tony, Casey, Evangeline, Rosie, and Barnabas are at a diner on the weekend where Tony will demonstrate his powers; carefully not to exposed these powers. "Tony, Tony, wait! I'm not sure about this." Casey insisted. He didn't want to be burnt nearly by Tony's powers, "C'mon, I promise you I won't hurt you." said Tony. "Promise?"  asked Casey. "Yeah, I--" Tony promised but he surprised him with a flame torching him. "Yowch!" Casey yelped, he doused his hand. The girls and Barnabas was surprised that they had to hold their laughter. "Why you..." Casey glared at her but a small smile was on his face. Tony had his hands torched in the palm of his hands. "Gotcha." He said, chuckling. Afterwards, The gang then were walking in the city. Evangeline gaspsed as she said, "Look, look! Watch this." She said. She played her uses light powers to light up objects in the air; shocking the crowd who think that angels are seen. "Wow! Ooooh, oooohhh, Ooooh!" Barnabas squealed. "Ohhhhhh, awesome." complimented Casey. "Thrilling." Tony agreed. "That's nothing, look. Watch and learn." Rosie said, she strolled over to a man and darknes him through a force fields. Then, the man's eyes are shocked and scared. The boys are laughing like crazy. "You just made him scared, oh my god--that was great!" Casey said, gasping to catch her breath from chuckling. "Wow, that's awesome." The gang is summoned to LJR for another mission. However before anything could be done; A storm came but this time, it took place in the daytime and it nearly blew the heroes away from their base. But Tony escapes however when he looked around, he found himself in a stranded area as he called out for help but there was no one there. 

No one, at all. Tony had to stay calm and use the time to use the skills that he was taught by Johnny Reb. Building a survival shelter is an absolute priority for Tony. He was faced in a survival situation in harsh or unpredictable weather. A good shelter must protect her from the elements and be comfortable enough for resting and sleeping. He knew that most people cannot survive unprotected from rough weather for more than a few hours. Lucky for him, Tony did find a good shelter: It was dry, well drained and reasonably flat. It looked comfortable, distance to water and has a supply of firewood. It has building materials for your shelter and provides protection against strong winds. He recalled that Johnny had added a shelter tarp, an emergency blanket and an extra poncho to his gear. Now it was time to find water. But that wasn't going to be easy so she looked around and not a single trace of clean water was found. Tony makes a water filter so she gathered water in a container: "To start with, you need a container. If you can find a large, empty can, use it. Punch 5-10 holes in the bottom of the can. A large plastic bottle is also fine. Cut the end of the bottle off evenly. If there is no container available, you have to use what material that nature can provide, or that you brought with you. If you find a birch tree, make a cone of birch bark. The cone will need to have a fairly small hole in the bottom. Tie the cone with rope to keep it from opening up. Now the first, you need to stop the sand to get out of the container. Find some filter material you can place at the bottom. For instance; inches of pebbles, a grass mesh, make sure it’s nonpoisonous grass, or cotton material."

"Add a layer of gravel. The main purpose of the gravel layer is to strengthen the filter material and prevent sand mixed with the water you get from the filter. Fill your bottle or cone with sand. Collect some water. Pour your collected water through the filter. Catch it in another container at the bottom. Look at the water that comes out of the filter. It should be clear. If not, you may have to pass the water through the filter more than once." Now he made her own water filter and puts water in there and she can drink it. Just as Johnny taught him. He tended to the fire but after a few hours; she had to create an SOS, which meant Save Our Souls, is the best known international distress signal. Everyone should be familiar with SOS. The SOS signal can be transmitted by any method, visual or audio. Tony remembered the code for SOS is 3 short, 3 long and 3 short signals. Pause. Repeat the signal. The SOS signal can, for instance, be constructed as a ground to air signal with rocks and logs, or whatever material he have available. At night he can use a flashlight or a strobe light to send an SOS to, for instance, an aircraft. During the day, he can use a signal mirror. If it is difficult to produce long and short signals, Tony should know that almost any signal repeated three times will serve as a distress signal. However he and his friends reunite while being kidnapped. This was too much for him. No escape. The thug was furious and grabbed Tony's neck, choking him. He was about to die without air in his throat, when that same burst of power, he had before where it came from him and the captor cry out in pain. He fell backwards, he was critically injured as he fell unconscious. Tony was shocked, she begin to weep sorrowfully. "Oh my God...." He gasped. "Oh...." She wept and wept until there was nothing left. "You can do it, Tony. After all we've taught you, you are a warrior." "I don't think I'm a warrior." He replied nervously. "Sure you are, you just don't know it yet." confirmed Johnny. "How do you know that?" asked Tony. Johnny smirked, "I just do." He answered smugly. Using his fire powers; Tony fought back. Every Handun he encountered, he wasn't afraid to take a swing. He would not take pride in killing or harming but rather to save himself and become a true hero. 

Tony leaves, he couldn't believe it. He shook his head, "I don't know what an instructor would think of leaving a bunch of kids this way but I don't like it. That's just irresponsible." thought Tony. However the master arrived for he was coming back from errands. Tony managed to put a smile on his face and meets with the little kids of the dojo: Hans, Tom, Fereyel, Debbo, Issunboshi, Momotaro, Hasan, Galeotto, Molly, Gretel, Belle-Etoile, Soleil, Heureux, Jack, Esben, and Ginger. But Tony comes across a quiet girl. "Who are you?" asked Tony. The kids chuckled as a leering Belle-Etoile said smugly, "Oh don't mind her, that's Cherie. She doesn't talk much." "She's always so quiet, always muted." Gretel said. Tony look at a shy, shameful Cherie. She looked like she was going to cry, Tony could sense that girl is voiceless and needs a voice to speak out. He feels bad for her and becomes interested. The next day; Tony wanders into the chaotic dojo and saw Cherie being bullied. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? You see a cat around?" One of the boys taunted to Cherie. Tony called out, "Hey big guy, get!" He ordered and waves him away who waddles away. He comes over at Justine who looks away shyly. "Cherie?" Tony asked. Cherie didn't look at him, she looked ashamed. But Tony replied sympathetically, "I know it must be hard for you but whatever bothers you, come talk to me OK?" Cherie nods. "OK, good." Tony said. Belle Etoile was bathing in a spring with a waterfall while the servant girls are sewing nearby as they let the young mistress relax. Just then, Soleil saw a little girl in a black dress but it looked torn. Soleil stop sewing and followed the young lady. However, she lost sight of her. She looked around when she is seized by a claw that gagged her and pulled her into the unknown. Gretel noticed that Soleil didn't come back and went to go look for her. She walked about a minute and was grabbed and dragged away. Belle Etoile  was too busy relaxing to notice anything, but she was suddenly pulled under. She struggled and struggled, she tried to fight this unknown aquatic monster but it was no use. It was too late! In a wagon; four bodies are wrapped in sheets and pulled away. They are hidden away in a safe place. Later, bodies filled the wagon, all wrapped up. 

As a little girl; Cherie  was lonely, shy and timid around others as she had no confidence. A fractured young soul, in need of support and love. When Justine  was 3 years old; she lost her father and her cruel foster mother Elizabeth remarried to a depraved, dominant, and oppressive man that became her foster stepfather name Vlad. Vlad used to chain her up, as instructed by Elizabeth who was fanatically pious, she speaks with religious overtones but her motives were malevolent and believed everything in the world was considered 'unclean'. She wore a dark grey ceremonial dress and headdress with white roses, crucifixes, and wore no shoes but rather slippers. Vlad was a presumed as a fanatic pious man that was a ruse to her in order not to be abused by her. He is a malicious, and aggressive man with overtones of conniving, cruel, and verbally abuses Cherie and tormenting her.  Cherie glares up at her stepfather, "Chains are nothing, I've been abused before. It's no big." She insisted. Vlad pulled out a syringe and smiled in a sinister way as he said, "That's nothing, compared what I'm going to do to you." Cherie looked horrified as her screams were the only thing that echoed in the house. Rosie was lying in her bed as she thought about her past: Here she stands on the stage for a moment. Then she opens of the answer and bowed her head. Just then; a woman called out: "Rosie, what's wrong? You won, sweetheart." This stunt Rosie as she couldn't believe it. She was so paralyzed that she didn't hear the applause. It became a faded memory. Rosie came home in the back door to see her shadowed kitchen which was blue painted walls. Table and chairs that matched the walls. Blue and white checkered title under the window behind the sink. The counter was blue but there was white outlined in the cracks. Something was wrong, Rosie was called in by her mother and grandmother where she enters to see out the window that a line of people was walking down straightly because the air conditioners broke and they had to go find some place to cool off. 

Tony was shocked by Cherie's past and was trying to find her. He found her: Cherie made her way through the cathedral, away from the people praying. She placed her hands in a prayer and begin to beseech, "Forgive me, Lord...If you would be so kindly to listen when I request you to bear no malice towards me for what I've committed. Help me see my faults and self regards. Show me when I ask you if I had remained innocent as the lamb....I couldn't think, I lost it and I should've done something." Just then, she saw multiple shadows. Cherie turned around, "No...!" She gasped. "Cherie, whatever you think your doing, please don't do it." said Tony calmly. Cherie looked away from him, "Please, go away." She said darkly. "Let me help  you, Cherie." Tony coaxed, walking over to her carefully. Melisande begin to weep, "Why can't you people leave me alone?" She demanded through her sobs. Tony hold back his own tears, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you went through so much pain." He said, "I know the real truth, it's OK, you don't have to hide from me. I can help you, nobody will hurt you but I can't help you if you close yourself in. Open your heart, I want to be your friend." Cherie trembled but she gives in and she was placed in a better home from her cruel foster parents. She will never forget Tony, who was the person that was a true friend to her. Meanwhile; Evangeline goes to meet her record producer name Hot Shot but while Ariadne was singing her song that she wrote. The producer laughed at her and called her a 'Sarah Face with no place' for talent. He shows Evangeline an example of talent of music videos of sexy women dancing! Evangeline is flabbergasted and seems upset at the face that he just dissed her on her music masterpiece. Leaving the studio in such a fit, Evangeline was driving back to her flat as she curses: "Stupid producer, 'Sarah Face with no place' huh...He can't appreciate real musicians when the only thing he looks at his the dancing and those with no talent." 

However she got a record deal and eventually her CD with two music videos were out today: They were the latest ones already. The first new music video sets in Sydney, Australia where Evangeline is at her apartment with a kangaroo. She is seen fishing, scuba diving, and shopping. It is hinted that she is in a witness protection program where she is being pursued by bad guys but she had enough so she sets up traps for them. The plan works; she ties them up and tortures them with girlie things. Evangeline is faced with tougher guys at the beach but she fends them off and is honored as a hero. She is seen with a boy, her love interest as assumed, and they danced. There are several shots of Evangeline singing live and of her crowd surfing. The second new music video starts off with Evangeline waiting for her lover by the gate in London, England. There are flashbacks featured of how Evangeline and her lover first met. Their rivalry, which involves with the two of them struggling to admit their feelings to one another. One day, they actually admitted their feelings to each other and shared a kiss. They go on a date in a boat. But her lover's father disapproves of this and forbids him to see her so they plan to eloped. In the present; Evangeline is still waiting, thinking that her lover stood her up and was about to leave when she sees him walking towards her. She runs to him as they tenderly embrace each other. Some segments in the video show of Evangeline singing in different places like the Big Ben clock tower and a bridge. The music video begins with Evangeline packing her things and tearfully hugging her friends before she turns her back on them for her journey ahead of her. It changes to years later where Evangeline returns and reunites with her friends. But she is surprised by how things have changed since she has been gone. Some of her friends have drifted apart from her but others still remained close. There are various scenes of Evangeline and her friends going to places, going crazy in a silly way, laughing, and having a good time. In some scenes shows Evangeline playing the guitar, singing in her room, and looking out her window. 

Meanwhile; Kaguya  stumbles upon a dark, dark woods. She entered the woods and hiked in there. She was a little frightened but she put her best foot forward. Into the woods, she saw a beautiful land. Kaguya had never seen a house like this!  Just then, a singing voice within this house made her body stiff. She backed away, but he thud against something and heard the voice in his ear, "Who is in my house?" She then turned around and saw a grotesque face with bulging eyes and messy hair. "YOOUUUUUUUUUUUU!" The monster cried. Kaguya fell to the ground. She curled up and was afraid to look up. However, she was grabbed from behind and Heidi was suspended by her wrists, her mouth had a gag in her mouth and she muffled in fear. Her eyes widened while a creepy monotone voice was almost sing-song, "My love, I know you love me too. You need me, you need me in your life. You can't live without me, and I'd died without you--I'd kill for you." Tony, Casey, Evangeline, and Rosie are sent on a mission to find the mute and beautiful Kaguya. The person that kidnapped her is a predator. His diary was discovered: "Her lips taste like fruit punch, she says. She puts lip balm flavored on them, I can tell. I understate my love for her, I don't reveal my true feelings for Kaguya and my desire to get in bed with her. I have a reputation for hitting off with women but I have changed. I am quite fond of spontaneous romance, I want passions with my Kaguya. She has no shame in her game. She lies about her promiscuity for she lives in a luxurious lifestyle, a smooth talker to the boys--Including me. Kaguya can talk her way out of any situation, how? Because she's beautiful! Watching women like her eat ice cream is sensuous...Kaguya...." 

Tony and his friends found out that Kaguya was being held at some place of a stonehedge and strangely enough there was a house that the stonehedge surrounds it. When the four of them entered there, they are discovered by security! “You there! You are on reserved terrain! Release your artilleries and yield or we will use deadly dynamism.” said a soldier over the speakers. Evangeline unleashed her light powers and she took down the guards. Then she straightened up and sneered, “Sorry, not happening!” called Evangeline. She and the other three ran off from the guards. Angry at this incompetence; The man turned on the microphone for the speakers, “What the hell is happening down there? Guards, get off your posteriors and investigate! I’ll be in my chambers, don’t let those jack asses show up here!” He commanded. As Tony and his friends were running from the guards when one of the guards made an announcement, “Warning! We are padlocking up on all zones immediately. Soldiers must—gah!” He is knocked out, he stumbles forward. The man glares down at him and speak over the public address system, “Enough, you fool! Give heed, you bastards. No one damages my territory like this. I foresee it was valued.” He declared. Evangeline and Rosie was swifter than the other guards. Light powers, dark flash, and they smiled triumphally. “Would you kindly step down there and maimed those bastards?” Just then, a flash of light shine upon the four of them, Rosie gasped. A male snickered was broadcasted over the speakers, “I found you now. You look fetching on monitor, ladies. But you’ll be wholesome apprehended!” The man’s voice purred. He started to fire away ricochet ammunitions but  Evangeline helped her friends dodged them with her light powers meandering from the shells of the cannon. Tony and his friends could hear haunted singing, they are running as they are searched but they are sidetracked by the horrifying paintings that were almost copies of infamous, nightmarish artwork. They could see the strange man seems to whisper in Kaguya's ear. His right arm reaches under hers so that he can grasp her head. She looks horrified. 

The man saw Tony and the gang before he had an arm around Kaguya's nape tightly and in his other hand was a steak knife, "Don't come and closer--Or she dies, she knows that she belongs to me." The man threatened. Just then, Tony glared at the man and fire started behind the man, who was horrified by this, "What the--What is this sorcery?" He demanded, "What's going on? Are you doing this?" More fire flaming up the buildings and  things were falling apart. "I don't believe it!" gasped the man. "Kaguya!" Tony called, he successfully caught her and pulled her close to him. "C'mon, we gotta get away!" He said. Just before they left; The man emerged from the rubble as he cried out, "No, please! Don't leave me here, Kaguya!" But Tony flexed his hand out and fire burnt the man's face as he fell to oblivion! Kaguya was terrified as she sniffled and sobbed quietly. "Are you OK?" Tony asked. Kaguya nodded. Tony put an arm around her to say, "It's over." Kaguya smiled at him, nodding. And they both walk away. Back at LJR headquarters; Tony and his friends learn from the Master about Kaguya's past: Long ago; A man photographs outside of a church when he is about to snap another picture when he can see a young girl in the lenses. He looks up to see this little, beautiful girl who is wearing a short sleeved white and blue dress with Mary Jane blacks. She has white blonde hair that stands out from the average Sunday clothes she wore. "Beautiful." muttered the man. The girl glance at the man and smiles brightly. 

The man photographing the church is someone name Fidgen, he has been closed to the family ever since but mostly desires the dark blonde girl who is Young Kaguya. Young Kaguya spends time with him where she fascinates Fidgen. Kaguya is always wearing vestal white. Having daisies all a scattered and she writes and sings to herself. Just then, the doors open and an elfen looking man strolled in. He walked to the bed where Kaguya slept and kissed her cold lips. Kaguya woke up with a harsh, soft gasp and was relieved that it was all just a dream. For the time being; Evangeline is lying in her room as she looked at a magazine. She was in a white straitjacket with the restraints of straps, zippers, and a high collar capable of gagging the wearer is loosen and the long sleeves that flare outwards closer to the cuffs are also not tight and is loosen up. She wore no shoes as she begins to sing 'Frere Jacques' to herself. Evangeline looked at her mail and saw a letter from Joan Kaye! Joan would like to work for her and Evangeline becomes suspicious about this girl. Later on ; Joan paced left and right from them. "Listen up!" She said to them. "We are working for Evangeline on a video and it must be perfect....Any questions?" Everyone said no in unison and Joan dismisses them. Michael stares at Joan, he knows Joan has a fixation for perfection and also other things in her life that frustrate her. 

She always adjusts with the time clocks at the right time but if it's not the right time; it becomes a problem. She's germaphobic and obsessed with cleaning. Gets upset if spot of dirt is seen. 
Joan likes brands of foods that have a 'satisfying taste' and becomes picky with other brands of foods that don't taste the same as the other. She likes peace and quiet, but loud places for finding noisy places unsymmetrical. She freaks out over mispronunciation to words to be the exact one. Joan has issues with a cut of hair missing from bangs of hair. and has an addiction to color order; as in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Meat, cheese, condiments and ingriedents order on sandwiches. Joan hates colds and hot heat, likes warmth. She picks a chip that's not too crunchy. Her things are alphabetical order of CDs, books, etc. Joan freaks out over wearing only one foot with sock and shoe. Freaks out over Internet access not working. She freaks out if people touches stuff. She fix things that are left out or incomplete, troubles when it's not finished and cannot work on it, starts to be a bothersome. She fix things that are out of place, not align, not straighten and becomes an issue. And the worst one of all is that Joan is verbally berates self for saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing, starts cutting self. 

He fears that her behavior will scare others and it could give her a bad name. 

Chapter 3: Great Consequences, The Seed of Einherjar

It was a dark and stormy night, something evil is lurking in the shadows and has come to take despair and turn into a horrible thing. Whatever it was, no mortal was aware what was happening to them. Evangeline was working on her music video with Kaia, who was impressed with her talent of singing and how she has so much energy within her. But then, someone try to make Evangeline laugh a little and she did because she couldn't help it. However, Kaia was irritated at this. She was angry, very upset. “STOP! CEASE! DESIST!” screeched Kaia. Evangeline was shocked to see this, she backs away from the scene. Then, Kaia exclaimed, “GET THAT SON OF A GUN OUT OF MY PRODUCTION, IMMEDIATELY!” “All right, you guys are out of here!” Gerth ordered, the funny guy and his friends slipped away. Kaia marched off the scenario. She went over to Gerth with gritted teeth, “Gerth, this is supposed to be a perfect production, right?” She asked tightly. Gerth looked nervous so Kaia grabbed him by the shirt collar, “Right?” She nearly shouted. “Y—Yes! Yes it is!” Gerth stammered “And who is the director?” Kaia asked sweetly. Gerth gulped. “WHO IS THE DIRECTOR HERE, IDIOT?!” yelled Kaia. “You. You are the director of this video, this production.” Gerth answered quickly. Kaia lets him drop to the floor as she said, “Precisely.” She started glaring at the fearful crowd, “I am the director! I. Am. The Director. Of. This. PRODUCTION!”  squawked Kaia. 

She showed her rage which horrifies the crowd. “If I hear one more interruption, I will plunge you all into a nightmare which there is no waking! We clear?” warned Kaia. The staff nodded obediently, without hesitation. Fanny’s anger faded as she became her usual self, she became her cheerful self again. “OK! Like, let’s do that again from the top.” claimed Kaia cheerfully. But she was shocked to see Evangeline was walking away. "Wait! Where are you going?" called Kaia. "I'm sorry, I can't work like this." Evangeline explained. "What? But it's nothing--" Kaia protested. "It is something, look! You want to find me? Find my friends Tony Beverly and he can help you out." Evangeline said. "Don't go! I'm sorry!" Kaia called but it was too late. In the evening; Kaia was upset over what happened today, she paced around as she talked to no one as Gerth sat there listening. "She can't get rid of me that easily, who does that primadonna girl think she is? Has she have any idea of who she's dealing with? How could she fire me that easily? Why I for one that wanted to work with her!" said Kaia. Gerth sighed, "Kaia, you were freaking out and she wasn't sure if she was ready to deal with someone like you. People are scared of being around you." He explained. Kaia stopped for a moment, remembering something. "I--Wait, she mentioned she has friends I can talk to right?" Kaia asked. "Yes, Tony Beverly I believe it was." remembered Gerth. But then he saw a crazy smirk on Kaia's face, "Oh no--Don't tell me!" Gerth moaned. "Yes! If there's no Tony Beverly, then Evangeline will work for me! She will never reject me, nobody will!" Kaia cried, she laughed maniacally. 
Kaguya is in the waiting room, next to her guardian who squeezed her hand and smiled at her warmly. Just then, a nurse called out: "Kaguya, you are needed." Kaguya looked at her guardian, who nods her as a gesture to go on ahead. Kaguya is sitted in a chair where wires and pads on her legs & arms. She is told by the doctors and nurses to hold still, Kaguya sat there as she looked around with her eyes. Kaguya could feel the pulse in the her veins, her arteries were throbbing with pain and Kaguya was gasping in agonizing suffer. "It's all right, it's almost over Kaguya." said one of the nurses. Kaguya begin to twitch and she trembles with fear. She clucthed the arm of the chair she sat in. Kaguya saw a bright light and she woke up to see that she was standing up; she has developed powers of superhuman strength, superhuman speed, and inhuman agility. She didn't feel so cold like she originally did, Kaguya had a better metalbolism. Her weak body has become thin but has lean muscles and is quite more athletic, Kaguya has the power to detect impending threats. 

Tony is doing homework when Barnabas appeared, "What'cha doing?" asked Barnabas. "Doing homework." replied Tony, "I'm almost done with it--even though it's such a pain." "Why?" Barnabas asked. Tony looked at him, "Why what?" He inquired. "Why is homework such a pain?" said Barnabas. "It's all the studying, all of the solving with problems in math." Tony explained. "But it's supposed to help you, right?" said Barnbas. "Yeah, but it's just such a waste to do it." said Tony, "It's like training but much harder for your brain." "The brain is the most important thing, it's true that training your mind is really a resistant process but it can help you develop what you want to be." Barnabas explained. Tony nodded, "Yeah, that's true." He answered. "Tony, what do you want to be in the future?" Barnabas asked. Tony shrugged, "I don't know what I want to be but I'll find out one day." He replied. "I hope you get stronger and become what you want to be. I'll always be rooting for you." Barnabas said. Tony smiled at his little buddy, "Thanks Barnabas."He said, ruffling the Wee Folk boy's hair as the little guy beamed and giggled. 

One day while walking home from school; Tony was sure he heard someone's car starting and rearing from one direction to the other. And then it crashed, police sirens were on the way. And they arrested the guy. This young man was Damon Leto; he was a rebellious young man who like doing these reckless stunts. While he was at the police jail cell; one of the cops came to Damon's cell and unlocked it. Damon looked up as the guard said, "Hey buddy, you're free to go." Damon gave him a suspicious look, "Oh yeah, says who?" He asked. The guard gestured to someone standing there, "He says he knows you." said the guard. There was a guy standing there with an angry face. Damon looked relieved, "Gunther, hey bro!" He started to say but Gunther cut him off, "Don't give me that crappy greeting, let's go Damon." He said harshly. Now Damon knew he was in big trouble but he's always been in trouble. It was quiet down the road as Damon looked at his brother's face, "Gunther, don't tell me you're still mad about that extreme measure of driving." Damon said. Gunther was pissed of hearing this, "Extreme measure? That's more than 'extreme measure', Damon, you and your antics of idiotic daredevil stunts! Are you out of your mind?" He demanded. Damon rolled his eyes, "Great, here we go again." He remarked. "Well, I've had about had it with you! And not just me, Mom is sick of it too!" Gunther said. "I know, I feel bad--I don't need another lecture!" Damon protested. 

"Well, that's part of life Damon, you need one! You've been doing this adrenaline stuff since you were 13. What was it? Revenge against those bastards for beating the crap out of you? Has anyone ever stopped you? Told you this was a bad idea? But more importantly, ask you why you do this?" Gunther said. Damon knew where he was going with this, but he turned away to look at the window. Gunther's face softened a bit as he said, "Well, I'm not going to ask because I know why." Damon then said, "I don't want you mentioning that, all right?" Gunther was annoyed, "Fine, I'm done talking." He said. In the meantime; A prince name Casimir was sitting there looking bored. "Will you be much longer or what? I mean, it's like I got nothing better to do." He remarked. The painter noticed him putting his chin in his hand, "Prince Casimir, please try to remain still. I just need to color in and I'll be done in fifteen minutes." said the painter. But Prince Casimir is annoyed, "Ugh, damn outfit. This looks ridiculous, I feel like a...a...swan!" He remarked. His father, Ouranos, smiled as he said: "You look handsome, my liege." "Huh, it's all I do. I pose for pictures and portraits. Attends at parades, do nothing but smile and wave. Nothing more exciting or challenging." Casimir said, he was getting up from the chair to walk around. "Casimir?" Ouranos called out. The painter was annoyed, "I knew I should've come here." He muttered. He took his painting and try to follow the prince pacing about as he continued to rant, "I'm not just a swan for people to look like. I can speak several languages--Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Gaelic, and Russian. I can even count by 6's, 7's, and by 9 too!" The painter was frustrated at the fact the prince moving around, "Your Highness!" He called out. 

But Casimir didn't heed as he continued to talk, "I don't care much of being a prince, I just want to be different. And do something for a change." The painter was exhausted and in exasperation. "How about you make a change of staying still, Prince Casimir! Everyone needs a copy of you of those portaits." He begged. "Everyone always has portraits of me in different clothes, I feel like 'what's the point'!" Casimir said, he removed the clothes and changed into his comfortable clothes. Ouranos turned to the frustrated painter and said to him, "Why don't you come back later? Casimir might be in a better mood if you return." The painter nodded, "Good. I think my coffee break is calling me." He remarked. Once the painter left; King Ouranos went to see him, who was lying on his bed. "Casimir?" He asked. "I know what your going to say, I wasn't on my best behavior." said Casimir. "No, that's not. I've noticed that you've been this way since you were 15 years of age, what has gotten you to feel this way?" said Ouranos. "Father, have you ever feel like you're lucky to have servants and a palace to live in? But then you look out and see that not everyone is so fortunate as we are?" Casimir asked. Ouranos's face soften, "I guess. Now that you mention it, I have." He admitted. "I just feel like I'm not living up to my potential, Father. I would like to be a real service to the community, to my home here in England. Maybe help out at schools or hospitals." Casimir said. Ouranos knew where he was getting at, his son was 15 and was taking a ride in the country side. When he looked out there, he saw homeless people, people with sickly complexions, orphans, people dying, and other great terrors. Casimir couldn't believe what he was seeing here, he felt bad and thought about the life he was living in. 

At night; Damon was in his bed as he thought about what his brother said: "You've been doing this adrenaline stuff since you were 13. What was it? Revenge against those bastards for beating the crap out of you? Has anyone ever stopped you? Told you this was a bad idea? But more importantly, ask you why you do this?" This pained Damon, he knew what Gunther was getting at with this, he pulled the covers over his head. He felt pain in his heart, "Dammit! Why does he have to go and say that?" He thought with anger. He thought about the arguement with his mother when he and Gunther got home: "How could you be so reckless?" demanded Ms. Leto. She had her hands balled into fists at her hips and looked angry while wearing an apron. "Mom, I wasn't doing this to get attention!" protested Damon. "Oh no? Then what do you call going at about faster then above the normal speed while driving? You could've hurt someone!" His mother protested. "Mom, nobody was nearby! It wasn't like I was about to hurt somebody!" Damon claimed. "I don't what you're doing, you got to be more careful while driving mister! You got two chances out of these, don't do anything crazy! Seriously, you gotta be more responsible as Gunther!" Ms. Leto. But then she looked regretful and said, "What I mean is...You have to be more considerate. Think about others." "Oh, be considerate like that goody goody brother of mine? The one that can do no wrong? Please Mom, being goody goody won't get me anywhere!" Damon said. "Yes it can, people noticed you for your good deeds. Not doing reckless things, like driving so fast or getting in trouble! Tell me who were you with!" His mother said. "NO ONE, I WAS ON MY OWN!!!" Damon cried out. They continued to argue until Damon could not stand it and went into his room. Damon had to think about his father, Moshe. 

Early in the morning, Casimir was sleeping when he has a vision of someone drowning and he woke up. He hurried outside to the fountain where he could a small figure drowning and pulled him out of there. Once Casimir pulled him out, it was a Wee Folk who was coughing. "Hey, I've heard you of your kind." Casimir said. The little Wee Folk looked him, "Yes. I am a Wee Folk." He said. "Oh, that's nice. My name is Prince Casimir, who are you?" asked Prince Casimir. The Wee Folk smiled at him, "Hello, I'm Daphnis." He said and he begin to fly with wings coming from his back. Casimir couldn't believe his eyes of what he was seeing, "Where did you come from?" He asked. "Your grandfather has sent me to help you on what you need." said Daphnis. Casimir was shocked, he hasn't seen his grandfather in awhile, "How did you know my grandfather?" He asked. "'How' you say? Well, your father told him that and then he came to help you." said Daphnis in a matter of fact tone to him. Casimir knew that perhaps this little fellow could help him make a difference in life. On that fateful morning; Damon was sleeping in when he heard someone honking outside his door, he looked out and he could see his friend Ettore waiting for him. "What are you doing down there?" asked Damon. Ettore grinned at him mischievously, "Aren't you coming? Come on, I wanna take you out for a drive!" He said. "I can't!" Damon replied. "Come on, it'll be fun! I mean, I'm not going to let you drive and get arrested." Ettore clarified. Damon smiled, "Fine, hang on a sec!" He said. A minute later; they were driving on the highway as they were crying out things like: "WOOOOOO!" and "Yeah, all right!!!!". There was also "Wooo, wah, wooo!", "All right, wooooo!", "Hell yes!" and "YEAHHHHH!". But this fun turn a deep turn when another car was driving along however the car Ettore was driving in was faster. Damon then noticed, he looked horrified. "ETTORE, WATCH OUT!!!!" He cried out. Ettore noticed and looked scared, "OH CRAP!!!" Too late, the car collided with one another and a bright light took over. Damon woke up in the hospital with bruises and cuts on him, he was greeted by his happily crying mother. Damon asked, "Where's Ettore?" His mother looked at him regretfully, "I'm  sorry." She said. Damon was shocked, he couldn't believe it. Ettore was dead! 

In the meantime; Kaia managed to hunt down Tony, who was walking home from school as usual. Tony thought this girl looked lost but she seemed distant in the head. When Kaia came up to him; she looked over at him. "Tell me, do you know someone name Tony Beverly?" asked Kaia in a strained tone. Tony smiled sneakily, "Hmm, do I know him? Isn't he the one with a kind hearted person?"He asked. Kaia nodded, "Yes." She said. "And he has a flame of fire in his hands?" Tony asked. Kaia bounced up and down, "Yes!" She exclaimed. "And is seen with his friends--Casey, Evangeline, and Rosie?" Tony asked. Kaia threw her hands up in the air, "YEEEEESSSSSSS!" She cried. "Nope, sorry. You three got the wrong guy. I don't know him and I'm not him." Tony said. Kaia's grin faded, "Dammit!" She groaned. While walking away; Tony smiled and thought to himself: "Hmm, maybe she's not so smart after all." As he was walking away, a blade nearly stab him but he dodged it. "Hold on there, you sucker punch!" Kaia exclaimed, "What do you take me for? Stupid?" Tony was nervous to have seen a deranged girl holding a knife in her hand, "OK Fire Starter, it's time!" She said. Just then, Kaia leers at him. "Any last words?" She asked. "Just one--BARNABAS!!!" Tony called. Just then, Barnabas appeared as he flew with wings on his back and swooped over to lift Tony from the ground as they flew away. Kaia stood there before she start to exclaim, "What? A little flying dude? I thought his crew was useless!" Gerth appeared beside her, "Yeah, strange isn't it? Heh, heh, heh." He said nervously. Kaia turn back to him with a glare, "What's with the 'heh, heh, heh'?" She asked. But she looked at Gerth in shock, "Wait a minute, you knew he had a little flying dude and you didn't say anything? He's no little flying dude, he's known as a....WEE FOLK!!!!! UGH!!!" 

She grab little strands of her hair. Gerth looked at her in disbelief, "Oh c'mon! Don't tell me you don't know about Barnabas? He's the most bravest out of all the Wee Folks of all and part of Tony's crew." He said. Kaia looked up and commanded at him: "TAKE HIM OUT AND THE REST OF THE BASTARDS AS WELL!!!!" Gerth looked at her in surprise, "Why me?" He asked. Kaia looked really ticked, "Gerth, are you chickening out on me?" She asked with gritted teeth. Gerth sighed, "No, but why kill Barnabas?" Kaia looked at him, "Why? He's the key to the others' defense." She replied. Gerth looked irritated and sighed deeply, "Fine then." He replied. He got a knife in hand and went away. Meanwhile; Damon was so ashamed of himself for not stopping Ettore, or saving the parents and the baby which caused that poor girl's family to die in the accident as well as Damon's best friend. Ms. Leto and Gunther enter the room, "Damon?" Ms. Leto asked in a soft voice. "Please leave me alone." Damon said weakly. "Honey, it's OK." His mother assured him but Damon sat up almost immediately, "DON'T TELL ME IT'S OK, ALL RIGHT?! I KNOW IT WAS MY FAULT!!!" Damon shouted, but he hid his face. "I should've saved Ettore, I should--UGH, DAMMIT! DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT!!!!!" He sounded so upset, his mother and Gunther came to embrace him. Later, Gunther was sitting in his room as he thought about his brother's grief. He thought about something that wrecked him: He was sitting with a golden blonde haired girl, she was beautiful. Gunther smiled at her and the two of them shared a kiss. But the girl was convulsing in a paroxysm. Gunther parted his lips away as he stared at her in shock. "Talia! Talia!" He cried. Gunther blamed himself for what happened to Talia and he had to think he and Damon weren't so different after all. They may have temperamental personalities and different point of views however they have the same grief of loved ones. Although Ettore was Damon's friend, still Ettore was like a second brother and almost part of the family. 

For the duration; Tony, Casey, and Evangeline were playing as Rosie and Barnabas watched them. But someone was watching from the bushes and looked at how much fun. Then he stepped forward with the knife in hand and the gang saw this as they scream in terror. Dropping the knife down; Gerth couldn't believe what he was doing, "I can't do it, please forgive me but my dearest mistress asked me to do this...." He said. Tony, Casey, Evangeline, Rosie, and Barnabas looked confusion. "Who?" asked Tony. "She's mad, she wants you all dead! She knows who you are!" Gerth said. "Who are you talking about?" Rosie asked. "Her name is Kaia!" Gerth said. Evangeline is shocked to hear this, "Oh no!" She gasped. Gerth shooed them way urgently, "Go, get away from here! Hurry!" He cried. The gang got away in fear and managed to tell Master Joshua, who warns them that Kaia is one of the most dangerous people anyone has ever met. Joshua then explained to Tony something alone: He told him about something called Einherjar, which they were a brand of warriors who will face evil of the Hunduns. Joshua told Tony that he was a Einherjar and there was more just like him! With different powers but there was something that Einherjars have one true thing in common--A mark! Tony is confused however Joshua assured him that his mark will appear if he comes across other  Einherjars one day. For the time being; Damon and Gunther went through different phases: Damon found out his powers of light and Gunther learned his powers of dark. But he has the ability to absorb memories through skin contact was pretty deadly. Just then, Damon was mourning over  Ettore's death when he and Gunther are approached by Wee Folks. They were Pythias and Hagen, Pythias pitied Damon as he offered to help him. And Hagen told the Leto Brothers that someone wants to help them. Damon and Gunther were lead by Pythias and Hagen as they meet Master Morgenstern, who offers a better life. 

Looks like someone is in a good mood; Kaia was happy to hear Tony is no longer part of Evangeline's life and looks on the Internet. She was humming to herself as she looked pretty chipper in purple and pink. She seemed so satisfied and seemed so smug that was beyond strange, however she is shocked to find Evangeline's picture smiling with her friends--Tony, Casey, and Rosie there! "What? They're still alive?" Kaia said. Then she looked angry and cried out: "GERTH!!!" Later, Gerth was facing an angry Kaia as he looked ashamed. "How could you let them escape? Did they trick you? Manipulate you? Threaten you? Try to kill you? You promise to be my loyal servant, you promised!!! Now I can't trust anyone, not even from you!!!! WHERE IS TONY BEVERLY AND HIS BASTARDS OF A CREW?" She demanded. Gerth looked ashamed still but it changed to a honest look, "I couldn't kill them, I sent them away. They were innocent, Kaia. How could--" He said. But then, he is slapped in the face. "INNOCENT MY ASS YOU DAMNED FOOL!!!! I WANT THEM DEAD!!! THEY CANNOT TAKE ME DOWN THAT EASILY!!!!" Kaia cried. Gerth rolled his eyes, "I know, they will corrupt you." He said. Kaia glared at him, "You think? Who's fault is that?" She said. Then she grabbed his shirt and said to him, "You and I are going out to find them, if they take us down first, we're through now let's go!!!!" She ordered. They head off to find them and they search for them, but then Kaia decided to do something different and sent someone to take him down. She gets a phone call from her father, much to her joy, and told her that someone called 'The Dark Master' has someone to recruit them. Kaia was excited to hear this, she was so gleeful that it made Gerth anxious to see his mistress looking more insane as she did before. 

Master Morgenstern told Damon and Gunther to find some people to recruit them because having two alone is not enough. The brothers heed to Morgenstern's words and they head off on a journey with Pythias and Hagen alongside them. They had to find Grey Cordwood, Cannetella, Haaken Stormalong, Esther Lebeau, and Peter Bunyan. In the meantime; The prison door creaked opened, footsteps echoed against the floor in the hallways. The guards appeared at the cell of Grey Cordwood. "Wake up you thief!" One of the guards announced, "Your trial and excuition awaits for you!" No response. "Hey, you thief! Didn't you hear me?" The guard said. Still no answer so they got the keys out and opened the door only to find the jail cell empty. They noticed that the bars of the cell were slightly bent and they were angry: "Why that lousy--DAMN YOU GENTLEMAN THIEF!!!!" One of the guards shouted, "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS YOU GALLANT, STICKY FINGERED BASTARD!!!!!" Grey was moving at such great speed swiftly and got on top of a building. He saw cars driving by, they were police and their lights were flashing. Grey smiled, "Speed is everying--Especially when you escape from trial and death." He said to himself and whisked away into the night. The next morning; Damon, Pythias, Gunther, and Hagen walking in a land of orange leaf trees. While walking along the path; Damon and Gunther stop to sense something's coming closer and closer. Going left and right, so Gunther concentrated, he could have sworn someone fast at the speed of light was coming. Closer and closer. And when it did; the duo used their powers to stop them in their tracks. 

There he was, Grey Cordwood himself! "So, you're Grey Cordwood." Damon notified. Grey smiled, "In the flesh!" He said, "So what's a couple of newcomers doing in a place like this?" He asked. "Just--You have dead or alive posters with your face on them." remarked Damon. "Well, I'm not completely surpised. A thief gallantly  has great speed and smarts. I'm quite the unique guy, aren't I?" bragged Grey. "Yeah, you make a pretty good crew member." said Damon. "Like hell." said a woman's voice. All of the others turned to see a gorgeous young lady in a kelly green dress that glitters and her hair was in an elegant bun. This was Grey's sidekick name Cannetella, who helps him on his master thief missions as she is a sorceress with great powers, healing abilities, and invincibility spells. "Ah, Cannetella. You are interrupting a man's business." said Grey. Cannetella backs down, as her lips pouted but her mouth looked like a rosebud. Puckered like cherry on top of a sundae. Grey turned back to the other four. "I would be delighted to join but only if you solve some riddles." He said, " Would you like to play?" Damon was annoyed, "I don't have time for this man." He replied. "Come now, would you like to play a game of riddles? If you win, I'll join your team." Gunther was irritated but he accepted, "Fine--if we win, only you would join us after this is over." He said. Grey smiled, "Deal."He said. The Gentleman Thief bowed gallantly, "I humbly accept." So he sets them off to find the riddles around in the city and to not draw attention to themselves; Grey made sure Damon and the other three to find them in places where not a lot of people would be around. This was good, it was time for them to start the games with riddles. 

Damon, Gunther, Pythias, and Hagen found the first riddle: Three people check into a hotel room. The bill is $30 so they each pay $10. After they go to the room, the hotel's cashier realizes that the bill should have only been $25. So he gives $5 to the bellhop and tells him to return the money to the guests. The bellhop notices that $5 can't be split evenly between the three guests, so he keeps $2 for himself and then gives the other $3 to the guests. Now the guests, with their dollars back, have each paid $9 for a total of $27. And the bellhop has pocketed $2. So there is $27 + $2 = $29 accounted for. But the guests originally paid $30. What happened to the other dollar?  "What does that mean?" Damon asked. Gunther looked at the riddle, a sign of rememberance crossed his face. "Wait, I think I know this...." He said. He solved the answer: There is no missing dollar. The men spent $27. Of which $25 went on the room and $2 went to the light fingered bell boy. You can not add the $2 the bellboy has to the $27 the men spent as this $2 actually comes out of the $27 the men spent, the other $25 going on the room. Then, the foursome move onto the second riddle, Why is a raven like a writing desk? "Um, I haven't the slightest idea?" Damon asked. "That's a reference from Alice in Wonderland." Gunther asked. Hagen looked at Yvain, "Alice in Wonderland?" It inquired. "Yeah, where Alice goes to the Mad Tea Party and meets the Mad Hatter, he asked that question to Alice. Alice try to figure it out but she couldn't and the Mad Hatter admits, 'I haven't had the slightest idea'." Gunther explained. "So what is the answer? There isn't one?" Pythias asked.

"In an introduction to a later edition of the book, Lewis Carroll addressed the issue, saying it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is never put with the wrong end in front. In the original preface, 'never' was spelled 'nevar,' which is 'raven' backwards. The answer is 'they both stand on sticks and they both come with inky quills.'" Gunther responded. Damon looked annoyed, "In English, please." "Because there is a B in both and an N in neither." said Gunther, thus solving the riddle. Then, onto the third and next riddle: What creature that walks on four legs, two legs, and on three legs? "Human." Hagen replied. Gunther shook his head, "No, not a human." He said. Hagen looked at him with disbelief, "What? But it is, isn't it? A human baby crawls on four legs, two as an adult, and three for an elder man with a cane." It pointed out. "True. But it says, 'four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening.' A human takes years to grow. They can't transform instantly." explained Gunther. Hagen sighed, its hand palming its forehead. "Dang it, you're right!" She admitted. "So, what it is?" Damon asked. "The mythical creature with the body of a lion and a human head." explained Gunther. "What's that?"  asked Pythias. "The Sphinx." answered Gunther, and he solved that one too. Impressed; Grey and Cannetella accept their offer of joining them. They head off to find someone called Haaken. While walking; Damon and the gang saw who was coming to them. It was a big muscular man with a chonmage and he was in a vest & trousers. He had wooden geta on his feet and Tabi socks. And he also carried a kitana in hand. But with clothes that he wore weren't too good with the cold winter. This man doesn't get cold surprisingly, he is Haaken Stormalong. 

"Why have you come here?" Haaken asked in a big booming voice. "Hold on, we don't know want any trouble, OK? We just..." Damon tried to explain, but Haaken didn't want to hear it. "It's time for you to know your place." He said. This was getting irritating for them! Damon and the others have no other choice but to take down this guy. So they fought the samurai however Gunther went out of his mind and shoved the big guy into a tree! Shocked; he rushed over to see if he's OK. "Crap. Crap. Crap!" He panted as he looked over the unconscious Haaken. "Aww man, Gunther! Why did you have to go and do that bro?" demanded Damon panicky. "I didn't mean to do it that hard!" protested Gunther. "If he's dead, we're going to be in big trouble and it's all your fault!" Pythias remarked. "Leave him alone, it was an accident!" Hagen argued. While everyone squabbled amongst themselves; Haaken had a smile on his face and punched Gunther in the stomach, Gunther fell over as he was shocked over what just happened. Then, Haaken let out a deep laugh that startled everyone, he was laughing heartily. He rise up with a grin on his face, "Ah, great power. I am satisfy with the outcome of the battle. I give you my best wishes, good man." He said. Gunther looked up at him and rasped out, "I guess we're even." He was rasping because that punch took the wind out of him. Haaken accept Damon and the gang's request and joins them. In the meantime, A young beauty who has white blonde hair and a curvaceous, buxom figure. Her hair was short as it framed her face. Esther Lebeau was sniffling as she tried to wipe her tears from her eyes. She had her friend Peter Bunyan draped around her and Esther was escorting her unconscious friend. Earlier before, they have been attacked by monsters. They have been harassed and beaten up. Peter took the beaten, he couldn't bare Esther to get hurt. But Esther was so upset. 

However, she is shocked when she heard the Hunduns letting out a blood curdling scream of pain and she opened her eyes. She saw that they were being speared by some people, these people were none other than Damon, Gunther, Pythias, Hagen, and all of the others. They were fighting these monsters with their powers and skills. This was too much to believe! Too much to process. Finally, Damon noticed Esther, "Hey. You OK?" He called out. Esther nodded, but then when Damon looked to see Peter around Esther and asked, "Your friend OK?" Esther shook her head, "My friend--He's been hurt!" She managed to say through her tears. Cannetella step forward, "Let me take a look at him." She said. Esther looked at her with a worried look, "Who are you?" She asked. "Don't worry, you can trust me." replied Cannetella. So, Cannetella took a look at Peter's wounds and right on the spot, she healed him. When Peter awoke, he was glad to see Esther. "Esther! I'm so glad to see that you're OK." Peter said. He and Esther embraced, it seems these two friends were like brother and sister. Esther and Peter accepted Damon and the gang's offer of joining them so they went with them. Morgenstern is amazed as he has given Damon and the others' some tasks that were lethal. 

The girls locker room of school was filled with them changing, bras and undies exposed in front of others as they chatted among themselves about school. Rosie was getting dressed but she noticed something about Evangeline, "Wow Evangeline, look at you!" She said. Evangeline looked at her, "What's wrong, Rosie?" She asked. "You got a hot body." remarked Rosie. Evangeline scoffed, "So? So do you." She said. "Yeah but I'm jealous." Rosie said. Evangeline looked at her, then she grabbed her boobs. "Ah!" Rosie gasped. "Oh come on, look at these jiggle physics! Don't be jelly girl!" Evangeline teased. Rosie was squirm, "Quit it, let go of my boobs!" She protested. Evangeline laughed as Rosie shouted: "Ah! Ah! Let go!" Tony was having a good weekend as he took a walk to see cherry blossoms and shrines of good places. But there was a beautiful garden that Tony was amazed to see. Tony was curious so much that he didn't watch where he was going, Tony slammed into someone! "Oh hey--" He started to say but he saw that it was a young man in tailored pants and a vest with a shirt. "Are you OK?" asked the guy. "Uh, yeah." said Tony quickly. "What's your name?" asked the young man. "My name is Tony." answered Tony. "I'm Casimir." said the young man, "Let's find out where we are." Tony seemed intrigued, "'We'? As in us? Together?" He asked. "I like to get to know you, Casimir. I really do." Casimir smiled back and they both journeyed into the unknown. Just then, Tony noticed that he is being stalked and attacked by thugs. Tony tried to escape and run but the thugs came up to him. 

"Release him!" Casimir commanded. One of the thugs laughs at the boy, "Like hell!" He said.  Casimir reveals himself, "I said, release her! In the presence of Prince Casimir, I command you to let the boy go. Now!" He commanded. The thugs show some respect for the man now. "Prince Casimir!" They said, bowing to him in respect. Tony looked at him, "He's a prince?" He thought. During that time; Tony felt pain in the inside of his chest and looked to see what it was, A mark but it looked more of a rash and it resembled a rosemary. Casimir was feeling the same pain and saw on him was a rash-like mark on him that resembled a pansy. There were vine like markings across their bodies like a virus, it was completely crazy! Tony and Casimir looked at one another, "What's going on?" asked the prince. "I have no idea." replied Tony. Watching from afar where he could see this; Master Joshua smiled and said, "Alas they have awaken." Tony and Casimir had to depart but vowed to meet again. Just then, Tony saw someone was being attacked and burnt the Hundun but it melted and splashed on him. Tony was amazed with himself, "I did it! Ew....I really did it! I can't believe it! I just nobody saw--" He turns around as his smile faded. "--That."What he saw was a 15 year old girl, who looked horrified at Tony. She saw it, she saw him kill that beast. "Oh crap." Tony thought. He slowly smiled kindly, "Hello there---" he greeted but the girl lunged at him, "AAAAHHHH!" She cried. The girl begin to claw at her like a wild maniac. Trying to punch him but Tony restrained the girl. "Hey! Hey!" He protested, the girl did not yield. "Stop! Cease! Take it easy! Will you stop?! I am not going to hurt you!" Tony held the girl's fists away from him. "Who are you?!" The girl demanded. "My name is Tony. I swear, I will not hurt you." The girl stopped and she looked at Tony with a soft glance, "Are you a hero?" asked the girl, softly. "I could be." replied Tony. 

Just then, the girl step forward towards Tony but Tony felt pain again as did the girl. The girl looked as she saw a rash like mark of a daisy and vines cascading her body. Tony held the girl and said, "It's all right, don't be scared." "I'm not." said the girl. Tony befriends the girl, whose name is Winona. In the meantime; trouble went ahead. “All right, you bastards!” A gruff, tough guy barged in wearing a tank shirt that showed his muscular arms and wore military jeans with boots. “Which one of you sons of a guns trashed my boys?!” He growled, “I don’t have time for games, nobody messes with me and gets away with it scot free! Personally, I don’t think your powers are fake.” ranted the tough guy. “Wow! Someone who doesn’t believe….A hero defending humanity from monstrosity.” Damon said. Gunther scoffs a little. “Yeah, you think your hot shit don’t cha? Well, you know what I think! If you had powers, then kill me right now!” challenged the tough guy. “You mean it? OK, as you wish.” said the Damon. The tough guy recoiled in fear. The other three looked on. Gasping in horror at this. “Hey, bro. Take it easy, I was kidding. I joke…C’mon.” The tough guy said, weakly. The first one attacked the tough guy with a telekinetic force, throwing him over his crew. “Aah!” The others cried, they saw the tough guy’s body landed on the ground. “My bad. No joke here.” sneered Damon. The throws on the ground as he crushes his leg slowly. “Do you know who I am? My name is Damon Leto. Like my powers, bud? It helps me deal with low life scum like you.” said the guy. The tough guy begs for mercy but Damon doesn't and he torture him to the point of being crippled. Morgenstern praised Damon and the others' for their work, he told them to take down one person which was obvious who it was--Tony Beverly! Master Morgenstern promised no one was going to get hurt. 

However, he crashed into someone--or two rather--But when he looked up, Damon and Gunther glared down at her. "You....!" Damon growled. "....Tony Beverly." finished Gunther. Tony looked up in hurry, "What the--? Who are you?" "What you don't know us? Big Bad us, Damon and Gunther! What's the matter, scared?"  taunted Damon. "I'm not scared of you, not both of you." replied Tony, he turned around and walked away proud. "Hey Tony is it? Wanna see something really scary?" called Damon. Tony looked at them, "Like what?" He asked. "You know a place, a haunted mansion? I heard it's pretty haunted there." said Damon. Tony looked at Damon, "What makes you think I'd go there?"  He asked. Damon smirked, "You really do like a challenge don't you? But be careful, there's monsters living there." He said, "Why don't you find it? I double dare ya." Tony decides to take that chanllenge, "OK, it's a deal." He said. Entering inside later in the haunted mansion; Tony looked in one of the room to see ten little boys having dinner but it ends up badly as he watched in horror as one of them choked to death as nine kids watch in horror. The nine kids couldn't sleep of what they saw but they finally went to sleep and one of them was found with their throat torn open. The eight couldn't stay in each of the rooms however one of them didn't believe there was something wrong here and decided to sleep but he never came out of his room. Seven waited, while they wait; they cut up some fruits and vegetables. One of them cut his hands by accident and bled to death. Now there were six of them as they were trying to probe a beehive. But one of them got stung by a lot of bees and he drowned into the river for he couldn't swim. Five left as they got lost in the woods but one of them caught by a hermit as he was never seen again. Now, four went by the sea as a whale came and swallowed one of them. Three went to another forest which was forbidden and was mauled by a bear. Two were lost and no place to go, they were dehydrated and try to find water. One of them died from lack of thirst and one was left. But in his devastation; the last threw himself off a cliff, and then there were none. 

Tony was so scared, he couldn't believe this was happening but then he felt like someone was watching him and looked around when she saw a young lady holding flowers in a bouquet. Cackling like a maniac and sobbing of such sadness. She almost drowned and how she was surrounded by different children, one of the children was beautiful. Pale olive, with a hint of tan. She had such pretty skin and big dark brown eyes that sparkled like stars in the night sky. Tony was amazed but then he stumbled across something. He pulled out to see, "A princess wand?" Tony pressed the button but instead of any tingling music of sparkles, there was instead a creepy laugh. And then it stopped. "What was that?" Tony asked. Just then he could see something and lifted the foil. Tony was startled to see what it was. "Oh man, that looks demonic! A girl hurting herself." He said with terror. Just then he dropped the wand and ran out as his legs could take him. While walking home, someone came from behind and grabbed Evangeline. "So you think you could escape!"  said a voice. "Let me go!!!" Evangeline cried, trying to struggle of his grip. The person who was holding his grip on her begin to tear off Evangeline's clothes off, Evangeline covered her curvaceous body and looked ashamed. She could hear the others were laughing. Evangeline could feel her heart pumping and felt her blood boiling. But these people were gone, and by that time Casey found her and helped her to her feet. "Who did this to you?" Casey asked. Evangeline crossed her arms to cover herself and didn't say anything. 

In the meantime at night; Rosie was collecting some sort of storage and was returning back when she heard footsteps. Rosie turned around to hear or see nothing. "Hello, anyone there?" Rosie called. She peered into the blackness, to her horror she saw glowing eyes and started to run. "Stay back! Stay away!" She cried but she tripped and fell but felt hands on her. Rosie turned around and screamed with terror. The next minute, she was leaning back against a tree. Bleeding, bruised, and crying there for hours. "What's the matter? Had enough?" A voice taunted. Rosie shake her head, "Leave me alone. Please." But she could hear the torturing laughter and covered her ears as she screamed in horror. A moment later at dawn; Tony noticed Rosie did not come back home and decided to find her. "Rosie, hey Rose! Rosie! Where are you?" He called. He searched for her until he found an alley and someone crouch in the corner, "Rosie, is that you?" called Eulalie. The figure turned and it was Rosie. She was covered in scars and bruises. She was bleeding from her head and also and from her legs. Rosie was fidgetting as she hugged her knees. Tony was horrified, "Oh--! Rosie, what happened?" He asked. Tony managed to comfort her. "Who did this to you?" He asked. Rosie gulped and admitted, "They--They did things...Unspeakable things....I can't forget, Oh Tony, it was awful....!" She clutched her head while Tony embraced her, "It's OK, it's OK Bell." He said but his face was angry. Later on, Tony was walking but heard Damon and his gang; except Esther, Gunther, Peter, and Hagen, chuckling over the place they lured Cass to go there. They laugh at how Evangeline and Rosie were attacked so much. When Tony heard this, he was shocked and angry at this, he decided to go after them with a plan. Tony found Damon, Gunther, and the others 

Just then, A TV image plays of Evangeline walking home and being attacked while shamefully stripped. Tony couldn’t believe it, "No way!" He gasped. Next was Rosie was attacked. Tony was horrified by these images however Damon and his comrades--except Gunther, Esther, Hagen, and Peter--laughed. They was in hysterics of this. How dare they…Tony’s body tremble and  turned to them. "Do you really know me? Don’t you remember what I had to go through because of you? You can taunt me and hate me but I don’t care because of what I got and I achieved!" shouted Tony, "This time I won’t let it get to me. I'm invincible, take your shot because I will block it and when you shoot me!" Fire came out of his hands and he used fire from his mind. Tony doesn’t care what the bully says. He has a weapon in case there’s a fight. He’s prepared. He’s about to beat this bully upside the head with his fire powers. Not only is he ready for a fight, but to kick some ass. Damon and the others were so frightened by this. But Damon was insane with power to care what she says. His hair was a mess and there was burnt marks on his hands. He panted and heaved, "I will not stop until I kill you, Tony Beverly." yelled Androcles. "This is the end for you." said Tony. "Oh really? You weren't so sure of yourself? Well, it won't be peaceful for you for long." taunted Androcles. "You are nothing, you couldn't be strong enough to do take us down if you have to!" Tony trembled as he couldn't believe those words and she lost control of herself with the flaming fire. Just then, Damon and the others realize what they are doing. Damon was in terror, "What have I done?" Gunther was shocked too, "He tricked us all...Morgenstern tricked all of us!" He said. 

Just then, Tony came over and felt the pain of his mark on him but he's not the only one who feels it. Damon and Gunther can feel it too! Damon could see a rash-like mark on his shoulder and it looks like there's vines there but he could a columbine flower there! Gunther could see his own rash-like mark of a violet. Tony is shocked to find more just like him, Casimir, and Winona. Later on, Damon and the gang were shameful for what they did and Master Joshua forgives them but gave them a warning: "Watch your backs, people like to manipulate other people." He said. The Leto Brothers and their gang  are really upset about how Morgenstern had tricked them into destroying Tony Beverly, they’ll never go back to being bad again. This seriously changed their views on evil, but they’ve grown personally through the experience. They are becoming stronger and they don't want to go back to their old ways. Damon and Gunther had to talk as they came to the question over one thing:  “Are we going to make it through these hardships and stay together?” The answer was yes, yes they were. Damon felt bad for all the things that happened and he turned to Gunther, "I'm not good at saying such emotional crap but I just want to say, thanks for being there for me--even if I'm a jack ass." He said. Gunther smiled sadly, "You're my brother, Damon. It's what I'm here for. Always." He replied. And the Leto Brothers reconcile, thus starting a new beginning. It's going to pay off well for a beloved mother, a caring brother, and for Damon himself. 

Chapter 4: The Birth of Madness

It looks like a memory of someone else's: A middle aged woman name Gertrude is saying, "I won’t speak to her." "She’s insistent. In fact, she’s crazed. You can’t help feeling sorry for her." replied one of the man said. "What does she want?" Gertrude asked, she sounded annoying. "She talks to the baby a lot, and says she hears there are conspiracies around about the baby, and and gets angry over tiny matters, and talks nonsense. Her words don’t mean anything, but her babbling causes her listeners to draw conclusions." explained a man's voice. "It’s a good idea to speak to her, since she might lead those with evil intentions to dangerous conclusions." said a second voice. "Fine. Let her come in." replied Gertrude with a sigh. Ophelia enters all insane and has a pregnant stomach out, "Where is my beautiful mother?" She said. "What are you doing, Ophelia?" Gertrude asked. "I’m sorry, did you say something?" Ophelia asked as she had flowers in her hands as she begins to dance around, twirling as it looks like. Gertrude watched with exasperation, her husband enters as she turns to him, "Honey, look at this poor girl." She said. The man turned to Ophelia and smiled kindly, "How are you doing, my pretty lady?" He asked. "I’m quite well, thank you. I hope everything will turn out fine. We must be patient, but I can’t help crying when I think of the labor from the baby." Ophelia ranted, "My brother will hear about this. And so I thank you for your kindness." She skips away with the baby. The man looked at Ophelia and turned to Gertrude, "How long has she been like this?" He asked. Gertrude shook her head, "Oh, her grief has poisoned her mind. Amleth has hurt her! Oh, Claude, when bad things happen, they don’t come one at a time, but all at once. First her love has betrayed her, then her friends had betrayed her as well. Poor Ophelia has been robbed of her sanity. Deprived of her purity; oh, dear Claude, I feel as though I’m being murdered many times over."

It turns out to be a dream for the mute Kaguya and looked to see what time it is. She gets out of bed, takes a quick shower, gets dressed in nice clothes, eats breakfast, and puts on her shoes while brushing her hair. She leaves where a chaffeur is waiting and sits in the vehicle. Meanwhile; There seems to a meeting room for two people, nobody else was in the room. "She's one of my best girls." said a man. "But?" the second man inquired. "She's different." The first replied. "In what way that might be?" The second asked again. "In every single way." answered the first. "Is she orphaned?" The second asked. "Yes." said the first. "She doesn't speak? Is she deaf?" The second questioned. "No, a selective mute. She only communicates through writing." explained the first. "She writes well?" the second asked. "Very much so." confirmed the first. The second nodded, "Brilliant, very good. I blieve we can arrange a time for her to come in and work for us." He said. "She'll work just fine." assure the first. In the meantime; Kaguya was angry for what happened and she was selfish and wallowing in self pity. She is known to be a mute. But Kaguya has a vision of herself crowned with vine leaves, clothed in the skins of fawn and dancing with the wild abandonment. She is carrying a bouquet of rosemary, pansies, fennel, columbine and rue, sings her last song, and runs out in a burst of mad laughter with crying fits of sadness. She puts herself down as a 'narcissistic, depressed, horrendous daughter, and bad sister'.  Madness, she has fallen into madness. Madness among the flowers. Tony and Winona were looking for the way out until they are confronted by Hunduns and got separated. Just then, Tony could've sworn he felt someone by him and is about to attack when he stopped himself. "Winona?" Tony asked. "Tony?" inquired Winona in disbelief. "Tony!" Casimir called out in greeting. "Casimir?" Tony asked. "Prince Casimir!" cried Winona. 

The prince couldn't believe who it was, "Winona Sacheverell?" He said. Tony looked at Casimir with surprise, "What, you know her?" He asked. "You know her?" asked the prince. "You know him?" Winona almost squeaked. "You know him?" Tony asked. Just then a stream of aqua blue came and Barnabas appear. His wings were tucked away. "Enough you guys!" He scolded. "Barnabas!" Tony cried with glee. Then there was a stream of teal coming down, and another Wee Folk came down. "Such bickering." said the Wee Folk while tucking his wings away. "Daphnis!" Prince Casimir exclaimed. Then a color path of fuschia came down and a female Wee Folk who was so cute came to the others. "My what a bunch of chatter-boxes." She said, patting her curls and tucking her wings away. "Lynette!" Winona squealed. Lynette saw Brnabas and embraced him, "Barnabas, what's up?" She said. Barnabas hugged her back with blusing cheeks of joy, "Hi Lynette, looking good li'l lady!" He said. Daphnis held his hand up, "Greetings Barnabas! Lynette." He said. "Daphnis!" Barnabas said, slapping his hand in a high five. Tony, Casimir, and Winona looked at each other. "A reunion, I see." Casimir remarked. Winona giggled, Tony sighed deeply but smiled in relief. Tony, Casimir, Winona, Barnabas, Daphnis, and Lynette were walking in the forest. Just then; Tony, Casimir, and Winona felt pain from their rash-like marks as they could hear someone singing: "Einherjars is going down, Going down, going down. Einherjars is going down, My fair Tony." What was that voice coming from? The trio felt like falling down. "Tony, cover your ears!" Barnabas cried out. Tony did but his arm was hurting him. The same with Winona and Casimir, who were covering their ears. They ran, they ran, but the singing got louder and they could still hear it, "Einherjars is going down, Going down, going down. Einherjars is going down, My fair Casi. Einherjars is going down, Going down, going down. Einherjars is going down, My fair Winona." It wasn't enough, the singing got stronger and trio fell unconscious. Barnabas, Daphnis, and Lynette protect their friends however someone intervene and knocked them out. Looks like it was going to be one tough day! 

Speaking of tough days, Damon was in the car as he was shocked over many things back in Japan. He was shocked over the deadly accident of his best friend, Ettore. He was shocked that he was tricked by Morgenstern and harmed two of Tony's female friends. Well, more than just harm...He shuddered just thinking about it. "You OK, Damon?" Gunther asked. Damon feebly nodded, "I'm fine." He said. "You want a bite to eat?" Gunther asked. Damon shook his head, "I don't have an appetite for anything, I just want to go home and sleep." He replied. Gunther nodded, "All right then." He said. They were coming across a turn however they hit something and there was a pop sound that made the car stopped. Both boys were stunt by this. "What was that?" Damon inquired in a strained tone. Gunther looked nervous, "Um, the tire....broke." He said. Damon sighed deeply, "Great, just great!" He complained. It was quiet for a few seconds until Damon said, "What are we going to do, Gunther?" "I don't know, we're practically in the middle of nowhere! What can we do? Nothing!" Gunther replied. Damon was getting agitated, "Come on, there's gotta be somebody around......Where....where?" He was muttering to himself. This was getting hopeless, "This sucks." moaned Gunther. "Don't just sit there, you do have a spare tire right?" Damon asked. Gunther thought for a moment before he unbuckled his seatbelt, "Let me see...." He said as he got out of the car. Gunther was rummaging through some stuff and then he returned ro the car moments later. "Nope." was all he could say. Now Damon was mad, "You're kidding me!" He whined. Gunther shook his head, "No, I'm not." He said. Damon leaned back in the passenger seat, "Damn!" He muttered. "What now?" Gunther asked. "I say we look for help." suggested Damon. Gunther gave him a look of disbelief, "No shit." He said shaking his head. "Well I can't just sit in here." Damon said. "I can!" Gunther remarked. "And do nothing? That's not a smart move!" Damon answered. 

Gunther was annoyed, "Look, I'm not walking out there with broken heeled boots and ripped leather on the shoes." He replied. Damon laughed, "You're such a girl!" He said. Gunther gave his brother a look, "I'm not!" He claimed. Damon playfully punched him, "Yeah you are, a girl would be like....'Girl, I got heels and shorts on, I'm not going outside.' Like that!" He said, trying to imitate a girl's voice. Gunther chuckled a bit, "I'm not a girl!" He exclaimed. "You look like a girl!" Damon said, playfully shoving him. Gunther gave him a look, "Oh, really? Really? Very encouraging!" He said. Damon unbuckle his seatbelt, "Fine, if you won't go Mr. Girl--I will!" He replied and left the car. Gunther knew he couldn't leave the car but he couldn't help feel more troubled by the thought that something might happened to his brother, so he unbuckled his seatbelt. "Wait up!" Gunther called out, leaving the car door. Damon and Gunther were now exhausted from walking and looking for someone to assist them. "There's nobody, Damon!" Gunther said. "C'mon, Girlie, you getting cold feet yet?" Damon teased. Gunther shoved his brother's arm, "Shut up!" He said. Just then, Damon could see someone in the distance. "Hey look, there's someone." He said, pointing over to something afar. Damon begin waving his hands, "Hey! Hello! Can you help us?" He called. The figure didn't turn around, "He probably can't hear us." noted Gunther. Damon walked up to the person and touched his shoulder, "Hey, yo!" He said. But the figure turn around with a gas mask around his face and there was steam of smoke. "Wha--?" Damon wondered. He and Gunther passes out. In the meantime; Tony didn't know where he was and it felt dark in the room. But he felt someone was next to him. "Get your ass back here, Gerth!" Kaia's voice demanded. "Kaia, I need to examine to see if he's still alive." Gerth's voice was saying. Now Kaia was shrieking, "Of course he's still alive, you idiot! They all are! I got blood bags up the wazoo!" Tony was trying to adjust his eyes but Gerth noticed and freaked out, "Ah! He's waking up!" Gerth cried. "Give him another shot, hurry!" Kaia shouted. Tony felt a sting in his arm, "Aagh!" He gasped and fell into unconsciousness. 

Damon noticed that Pythias was next to him but in his blurry vision he saw a chain around his Wee Folk friend's neck. "Pythias? What are you doing here?" He muttered, he begin to look around and saw some sort of dark red substance entering his arm of his blood. Damon freaked out and try to pull the tube out of him however someone drugged him after they injected him with a tranqulizer however there was an explosion and a bright light appear. Kaia screamed: "SOMEONE'S BREAKING IN!!!" In  Kaia's team; she has some people besides Gerth. There was a young teenager name Fionnuala 'Nuala', a strange but interesting and arrogant guy name Fiachra, and his hot blooded companion name Connor. There was man that was different from all the rest, Aiden who seemed troubled by all this. These were part of Kaia, and they were loyal to her. But Aiden and Gerth weren't too uncomfortable with Kaia's moodiness. In the meantime of a memory; Ophelia looked around and saw many people she didn't know, then she bumped into a woman name Rosemaria Beverly. She also has met the queen, Pansy as her real name as. Ophelia meets another woman name Daisy and her husband, Red Wing. She comes across Columbine and Violet, she knew them but Ophelia felt sad thinking about them: "Rosemaria, I just want to be your friend." Ophelia said. She begin crying, she cried over the memories of madness and how friendships are never longer--especially with the wrong crowd type. In another part of Schidna, away from Shangri-La; Kaguya was spying on Damon and his buddy, Pythias, as they were resting under a tree. She made her move towards him and examine his body as he slept. Kaguya looked over at him--His muscular body so lean, the pecs on him made her blush a little as she wonders if she could touch those abs. But his arms looked so strong, Kaguya leaned her hand on Damon's arm and her fingers ran through her the veins and muscles. She smiled dreamily but the moment was interrupted as Damon begin to stir. 

"Hello?" mumbled Damon, he was waking up and Kaguya tunred quickly away and ran! By the time Damon woke up; he saw that nobody was there! "That's weird, I thought someone was here." He thought. Damon got up and looked around, he found his brother sleeping under a tree. "Gunther, hey, Gunther!" Damon said, "Wake up!" Gunther begin to stir and woke up. "Damon, you're OK." He muttered. Damon grinned, "Sure am." He said. They looked around in the strange woods. "Where are we?" asked Gunther. "How I should know? I don't know this place." remarked Damon. Just then, there was a wolf whistle sound and someone crying out, "Well, well, what do we have here?" Damon and Gunther turned around, Pythias and Hagen did the same as they could someone with a shaven head and a slasher grin on his face. There was his comrade, someone with a pompadour and long hair to his shoulders. He looked superficial. "What the?" Damon said. "Who are they?" Pythias asked. "Should we report this to Master Margon?" The shaven hair man asked. The one with the pompadour shrugged, "Maybe, my goodness interesting people." He remarked. Just then a voice called out: "What are you guys doing?" It was a young girl who looked like she was 10 years old and had red hair. She had green eyes and freckles on her nose and the sides on her face. When she saw the Leto Brothers and the Wee Folks; a psychotic smile appeared on her face. "Oh, what is this?" She said in a cute and creepy tone. Gunther was getting nervous, "This is bad, Damon. What do we do?" He asked. "Run." Damon said. And they did; they ran like hell! Damon, Gunther, Pythias, and Hagen. "Hey, their getting away!" The red head girl called. The shaven haired guy called out to Damon and the others, "Dammit. Ey! Where you going?" "Away from you freaks!" Damon shouted back. Now that irritate the shaved head guy, "Freaks? Is that a challenge? You're going down bastards!" He said. He held out a kitana and head off after them. The girl and the guy with the pompadour followed the shaved head guy. 

Damon cursed, "Oh great! Their after us!" "Should we fight them?" Gunther asked. "It's two of us, right? How?" Damon shouted. "We should fly!" Pythias called out. "Yeah!" Hagen agreed. So, Pythias and Hagen's wings spread out. They carried their friends out of there. As Pythias and Hagen got them to safety; Damon and Gunther learned from their Wee Folk buddies about who those people were. The shaved haired man is Jonah Gewalt; he is known as one of the best fighters and known as The Gladiator of Fortunates. Jonah is known as a 'lucky' person to survive in fights however he is 'unlucky' enough to die. And the man with shoulder length hair and that weird pompadour is Finn Narziss. He is the most egoistic fighters and most annoying people that likes to put down others for not looking so 'dashingly beautiful'. And that red head is Bianca DiDraco, Margon's lieutenant and daughter. "Um, can I ask you guys something?" Damon asked. "Shoot." replied Pythias. "Who is Margon?" Damon said. Pythias and Hagen looked at each other with horrified expressions. "You guys don't know about the most dangerous man of Schidna?" Hagen asked. Gunther shook his head so Hagen and Pythias told the story: Margon DiDraco is the most lethal man who killed 40 men he faced and 41 men that dared to fight him. The name 'DiDraco' means 'The Dragon' because he has inhuman strength compare him to a vampire, a . Meanwhile; Esther, Peter, Grey, Haaken, and Cannetella are looking for Damon, Gunther, Pythias and Hagen. They sent Pythias and Hagen to go find the Letos somewhere. But when the two Wee Folks didn't come back twenty minutes later, Esther decides to go look for them. They were looking around when Esther and the others come across a military base. There seemed to be something of a training they were doing today. But someone noticed and came over to see who was there. That person looked like a captain, and he becomes a gentleman. "Well hello there." The captain greeted. Esther smiled weakly, "Sorry, wrong area." She said. Esther, Grey, Haaken, Cannetella, and Peter turned as the captain called out, "Wait!" the captain called out. Esther waved at him, "Really, this was a big mistake." She assured him. 

However; Esther and the gang try to leave but they are confronted by Hunduns, until the captain and his soldiers took down the monsters. Esther is shocked as she showed respect to the army that saved her and her friends. The captain is Darmarchus Marchosias; friendly, bumbling, and strange but kind hearted and sees the best in others. His grim and blood thirsty lieutenants are Harvey Rugaru and Blaise Calu. Harvey is a stoic, dark hearted, loyal soldier to Darmarchus while Blaise was a sadistic, aloof, but good person. He is more than just loyal to his captain, he is quite obsessively respected to him. Esther couldn't lied to someone like Darmarchus, he seemed too nice. So she did and Darmarchus listened. In the meantime; Tony, Casimir, and Winona wake up in a forest and looked for help. But then they bumped into someone else. Tony and the others are shocked to see who it was. "Damon, Gunther?" Tony asked. "Tony?" inquired Damon in disbelief. "Tony?" Gunther asked. "Not this again!" cried Barnabas. "Hello? Is anybody there?" A voice called out. It sounded polite and authoriative. Tony, Casimir, Winona, Damon, and Gunther looked to see a businessman in a suit and glasses. "Who are you?" Tony asked. "My name is Kemp Morgan." said the businessman, "I believe you saw an explosion and a bright light yes? That was all me. I got you all to safety." Tony looked at the businessman as if he was crazy but he remembered he heard a crash from the wall and in his blurry vision he saw a blind of light. "Yeah, I did saw that before I passed out." He said. "We all did." Casimir clarified. "Good, I am from the agency of Über Fremden." replied Kemp. Kemp explained that Kaia had implanted a serum known as Ríastrad. Ríastrad is known as for people suffering from a frenzy spasm when stressed, in a raging anger, and going insane. She is planning to use this serum to turn people into madly insane cronies. 

Tony and the others are shocked by this, "What can we do? How can we control this?" Tony asked. "There's no way she can do this to us." Casimir replied, "Do you know an expert that can help?" "I know someone who can help you, she did a background check on you guys." said Kemp. Tony and the others stared at him in shock, "What?" Tony asked.  Tony and the other four saw a report on them from her, "Clever girl." said Casimir. "Indeed. She is one of my best spies." said Kemp. "But?" Gunther inquired. "She's different." Kemp replied. "In what way that might be?" Casimir asked. Kemp smiled at this, the irony, "Let's just say in every single way." He answered. Kaguya was about 7 years of age, naive yet wide eyed at all the world around her and loves to fantasize about being in a world of her own in order to escape the place and finds herself in a place where she is loved as well as appreciated. Alice liked to pretend to be a princess and rule her own castle. She dreamt of being a singer and be heard someday. She loved listening to genres of music like pop. She yearns to be part of her own world. Kaguya is happiest in her own dream world where she has the life she has always wanted and all her problems disappear. At 16 year old; Kaguya was a loner who wants to have friends. Her tormentors were there to bully her mercilessly at her screw ups. Today, Kaguya was klutzy than usual today. It was the exact same thing, she would drop it or hit someone by accident but it's not enough to be mocked at by the other girls"Eat shit, disgusting little pig!" jeered the leader. The others laugh, except for Kaguya. She was approached by her bullies who start harassing her: "Hey Kaguya, what's up?" said the leader. "Kaguya, why aren't you talking?" said one of the henchwomen. "Come on, cat got your tongue?" said the second henchwoman. "She doesn't have a cat, but still has her tongue." said the leader, "You don't care at all, Kaguya. Why would you care? Oh that's right it's because you can't talk." Kaguya still wouldn't reply and then the leader said to her friends, "Let's go, girls. Let's leave her alone--It's not our fault she's a freak." 

Tony explained to Kemp about how he met Kaguya, because he has rescued her with his friends: Tony, Casey, Evangeline, and Rosie are sent on a mission to find the mute and beautiful Kaguya. The person that kidnapped her is a predator. Tony and his friends found out that Kaguya was being held at some place of a stonehedge and strangely enough there was a house that the stonehedge surrounds it. When the four of them entered there, they are discovered by security! “You there! You are on reserved terrain! Release your artilleries and yield or we will use deadly dynamism.” said a soldier over the speakers. Evangeline unleashed her light powers and she took down the guards. Then she straightened up and sneered, “Sorry, not happening!” called Evangeline. She and the other three ran off from the guards. Angry at this incompetence; The man turned on the microphone for the speakers, “What the hell is happening down there? Guards, get off your posteriors and investigate! I’ll be in my chambers, don’t let those jack asses show up here!” He commanded. As Tony and his friends were running from the guards when one of the guards made an announcement, “Warning! We are padlocking up on all zones immediately. Soldiers must—gah!” He is knocked out, he stumbles forward. The man glares down at him and speak over the public address system, “Enough, you fool! Give heed, you bastards. No one damages my territory like this. I foresee it was valued.” He declared. Evangeline and Rosie was swifter than the other guards. Light powers, dark flash, and they smiled triumphally. “Would you kindly step down there and maimed those bastards?” Just then, a flash of light shine upon the four of them, Rosie gasped. A male snickered was broadcasted over the speakers, “I found you now. You look fetching on monitor, ladies. But you’ll be wholesome apprehended!” The man’s voice purred. He started to fire away ricochet ammunitions but  Evangeline helped her friends dodged them with her light powers meandering from the shells of the cannon. 

Tony and his friends could hear haunted singing, they are running as they are searched but they are sidetracked by the horrifying paintings that were almost copies of infamous, nightmarish artwork. They could see the strange man seems to whisper in Kaguya's ear. His right arm reaches under hers so that he can grasp her head. She looks horrified. The man saw Tony and the gang before he had an arm around Kaguya's nape tightly and in his other hand was a steak knife, "Don't come and closer--Or she dies, she knows that she belongs to me." The man threatened. Just then, Tony glared at the man and fire started behind the man, who was horrified by this, "What the--What is this sorcery?" He demanded, "What's going on? Are you doing this?" More fire flaming up the buildings and  things were falling apart. "I don't believe it!" gasped the man. "Kaguya!" Tony called, he successfully caught her and pulled her close to him. "C'mon, we gotta get away!" He said. Just before they left; The man emerged from the rubble as he cried out, "No, please! Don't leave me here, Kaguya!" But Tony flexed his hand out and fire burnt the man's face as he fell to oblivion! Kaguya was terrified as she sniffled and sobbed quietly. "Are you OK?" Tony asked. Kaguya nodded. Tony put an arm around her to say, "It's over." Kaguya smiled at him, nodding. In the meantime; Receiving the money from her boss; Kaguya was counting the other remains of money when a male's voice called out, "I'll take it all, good looking." There was raucous laughter, Kaguya looked up in shock. The three thugs cornered her, Kaguya was so frightened that she backed away to the dead end of the alley. "The dough you have, how much is it?" The first one demanded. "Listen, cough up the cash and no one gets hurt." said the leader. "Leave her alone." A voice said. The three of them turned around to see Tony Beverly approaching them, "Turn away, and get out of here." He commanded. "Aww, who's the tough guy?" said the second thug. "The lady here won't give up the dough she has in the bag." said the leader smugly. "That's her money and none of your concern." replied Tony. Kaguya is about to take out the leader, but she was punched in the face and fell down. The three thugs laugh, they were about to take in the money until Tony kicks the leader's hand. "That's for laying a hand on a girl." He said. 

The second was about to attack, but Damon grabbed him from behind and tackled him. "That's for calling harassing her." Tony continued, still gesturing towards Kaguya. The third is about to run, however Gunther blocked him and knocked him out. "And that's, for anyone, that tries to escape." finished Tony. The other three ran off in terror from Tony, Casimir, Winona, Damon, and Gunther. Later, Kaguya regains consciousness, when she heard Tony's voice: "Hey, are you OK?" Kaguya opened her eyes, her blurry vision cleared to see Tony and his allies standing before her. "Don't worry, they won't come around to hurt you anymore." Tony said to her. She couldn't believe who is standing in front of her: Kaguya got scared and she gets up to run but Casimir stopped her, "Your name's Kaguya right?" He said. Kaguya looked stunt, she trembles however she could hear Tony's voice: "Your superviser name Kemp told us about you." Kaguya looked up nervously, but she looked away with a painful look. Later, Kaguya is sitting their with her arms folded in her lap. She didn't want to look at them, she knew who they were. Just then, Tony spoke out: "Can we call you.......'Nana'?" Kaguya nodded, "I need you to help us with something." Tony said, then he looks into his pockets as he rummages in there and hands her papers with information. "Do you know something called Ríastrad?" He asked. Kaguya looks at him, she nodded again. So, Kaguya wrote down how Ophelia had intoxicated herself with Ríastrad and went mad after Amleth had abused her of force towards her after lying to her about being in love with her. Kaguya reveals a shocking secret about Kaia--She's her sister, and then wrote--"Well, you're in luck. You got me, otherwise you wouldn't know how to defeat her."

Later; Esther, Grey, Haaken, Cannetella, and Peter was still looking for Damon, Gunther, Pythias, and Hagen however they could see someone in the distance. Esther gasped with amazement, "There they are!" She said. "Hey guys!" Damon called. "We looked everywhere for you!" Cannetella said. "You guys were looking for us?" Gunther asked. Esther nodded, Pythias looked at Damon, "We said to them we'd look for you." He explained briefly. "Well, it's good to worry about your leader." said Damon. When his allies heard that; they couldn't believe it and Pythias had tears of joy in his eyes, "Really?" He asked. "Yeah." Damon said with a nod. Pythias hugged his buddy and so Damon and his brother went with their allies. During that time; Damon coughed a little and noticed that there was saliva but he didn't see any saliva on his hand, it was a dark red color. He couldn't believe it, "What is that? Blood?" wondered Damon. For the time being; Ophelia was pregnant, Gertrude could see her dancing and skipping. "If you were sane and could urge me to take revenge, you couldn’t be more persuasive than you are now." "Look at my flowers. There’s rosemary, that’s for remembering. Please remember, love. And there are pansies, they’re for thoughts. Here are fennel and columbines for you—they symbolize adultery. And here’s rue for you—it symbolizes repentance. We can call it the merciful Sunday flower. You should wear it for a different reason. And here’s a daisy, for unhappy love. I’d give you some violets, flowers of faithfulness, but they all dried up." said Ophelia. 

Someone can hear a noise, "Wait, what’s that sound?" A voice asked. Claude came in. "The bad news just keeps on coming, one disaster after another. Ophelia nearly drowned." Gertrude couldn't believe it, "What happened?" "There’s a willow that leans over the brook, dangling its white leaves over the glassy water. Ophelia made wild wreaths out of those leaves, braiding in crow-flowers, thistles, daisies, and 'dead men’s fingers.' Climbing into the tree to hang the wreath of weeds on the hanging branches, she and her flowers fell into the gurgling brook. Her clothes spread out wide in the water, and buoyed her up for a while as she sang bits of old hymns, acting like someone who doesn’t realize the danger she’s in, or like someone completely accustomed to danger. She then crawled out after she gave birth to a daughter--Two." "Are the babies all right?" Gertrude asked. Claude nodded, "Their both OK." He answered. "And Ophelia?" Gertrude asked. "She's fine, it seems the insanity has faded from her." "Good. Thank God." Gertrude said. In the meantime; Ophelia is nursing her babies. Each of the babies are Kaguya and Kaia. 

The person that kidnapped her is a predator. Tony and his friends found out that Kaguya was being held at some place of a stonehedge and strangely enough there was a house that the stonehedge surrounds it. Tony and his friends could hear haunted singing, they are running as they are searched but they are sidetracked by the horrifying paintings that were almost copies of infamous, nightmarish artwork. They could see the strange man seems to whisper in Kaguya's ear. His right arm reaches under hers so that he can grasp her head. She looks horrified. The man saw Tony and the gang before he had an arm around Kaguya's nape tightly and in his other hand was a steak knife, "Don't come and closer--Or she dies, she knows that she belongs to me." The man threatened. Just then, Tony glared at the man and fire started behind the man, who was horrified by this, "What the--What is this sorcery?" He demanded, "What's going on? Are you doing this?" More fire flaming up the buildings and  things were falling apart. "I don't believe it!" gasped the man. "Kaguya!" Tony called, he successfully caught her and pulled her close to him. "C'mon, we gotta get away!" He said. Just before they left; The man emerged from the rubble as he cried out, "No, please! Don't leave me here, Kaguya!" But Tony flexed his hand out and fire burnt the man's face as he fell to oblivion! Kaguya was terrified as she sniffled and sobbed quietly. "Are you OK?" Tony asked. Kaguya nodded. Tony put an arm around her to say, "It's over." Kaguya smiled at him, nodding. 

In the meantime; Receiving the money from her boss; Kaguya was counting the other remains of money when a male's voice called out, "I'll take it all, good looking." There was raucous laughter, Kaguya looked up in shock. The three thugs cornered her, Kaguya was so frightened that she backed away to the dead end of the alley. "The dough you have, how much is it?" The first one demanded. "Listen, cough up the cash and no one gets hurt." said the leader. "Leave her alone." A voice said. The three of them turned around to see Tony Beverly approaching them, "Turn away, and get out of here." He commanded. "Aww, who's the tough guy?" said the second thug. "The lady here won't give up the dough she has in the bag." said the leader smugly. "That's her money and none of your concern." replied Tony. Kaguya is about to take out the leader, but she was punched in the face and fell down. The three thugs laugh, they were about to take in the money until Tony kicks the leader's hand. "That's for laying a hand on a girl." He said. The second was about to attack, but Damon grabbed him from behind and tackled him. "That's for calling harassing her." Tony continued, still gesturing towards Kaguya. The third is about to run, however Gunther blocked him and knocked him out. "And that's, for anyone, that tries to escape." finished Tony. The other three ran off in terror from Tony, Casimir, Winona, Damon, and Gunther. Later, Kaguya regains consciousness, when she heard Tony's voice: "Hey, are you OK?" Kaguya opened her eyes, her blurry vision cleared to see Tony and his allies standing before her. "Don't worry, they won't come around to hurt you anymore." Tony said to her. She couldn't believe who is standing in front of her: Kaguya got scared and she gets up to run but Casimir stopped her, "Your name's Kaguya right?" He said. 

Kaguya looked stunt, she trembles however she could hear Tony's voice: "Your superviser name Kemp told us about you." Kaguya looked up nervously, but she looked away with a painful look. Later, Kaguya is sitting their with her arms folded in her lap. She didn't want to look at them, she knew who they were. Just then, Tony spoke out: "Can we call you.......'Moonkitten'?" Kaguya nodded, "I need you to help us with something." Tony said, then he looks into his pockets as he rummages in there and hands her papers with information. "Do you know something called Ríastrad?" He asked. Kaguya looks at him, she nodded again. So, Kaguya wrote down how Ophelia had intoxicated herself with Ríastrad and went mad after Amleth had abused her of force towards her after lying to her about being in love with her. Kaguya reveals a shocking secret about Kaia--She's her sister, and then wrote--"Well, you're in luck. You got me, otherwise you wouldn't know how to defeat her."

Chapter 5: Free from the Curse

Ophelia was at a formal party where she's shy around others until her mother Gertrude called out, "Ophelia! Come say hello to some nice hello." There was a woman with short wavy hair that framed her face, has a brilliant smile with nice teeth and skin. Another is a queenly princess who wore gold and purple, a young lady in white dress, one with dark makeup and clothes and her sister wore sparkling attire. Ophelia felt she could belong for once in a lifetime. These girls are Rosemaria Beverly, Princess Pansy, the mysterious Daisy, Columbine Leto and her sister Rue. Columbine and Rue seemed standoffish but Rosemaria, Pansy, and Daisy are the nicest people to Ophelia. Pansy is going to be crowned queen after marrying a nice king that loves her unconditionally; she is nervous however Rosemaria, Daisy, and Ophelia supported her courage and strength which Pansy faced her fears finally. This friendship got bad after Columbine and Rue took part in cruel pranks and gaslighting, stealing her stuff and putting them somewhere else. They bully her on Internet, write awful things about her, and graffiti on her house. Gertrude, her mother, was stressed about that as she felt bad for her daughter's distress. Rosemaria, Queen Pansy, and Daisy remain loyal to her although there had been some rumors about them but there was nothing to prove there. Columbine and Rue also conspired in Ophelia to get pregnant by Amleth. "I won’t speak to her." said Gertrude. "She’s insistent. In fact, she’s crazed. You can’t help feeling sorry for her." replied one of the man said. "What does she want?" Gertrude asked, she sounded annoying. "She talks to the baby a lot, and says she hears there are conspiracies around about the baby, and and gets angry over tiny matters, and talks nonsense. Her words don’t mean anything, but her babbling causes her listeners to draw conclusions." explained a man's voice. 

"It’s a good idea to speak to her, since she might lead those with evil intentions to dangerous conclusions." said a second voice. "Fine. Let her come in." replied Gertrude with a sigh. Ophelia enters all insane and has a pregnant stomach out, "Where is my beautiful mother?" She said. "What are you doing, Ophelia?" Gertrude asked. "I’m sorry, did you say something?" Ophelia asked as she had flowers in her hands as she begins to dance around, twirling as it looks like. Gertrude watched with exasperation, her husband enters as she turns to him, "Honey, look at this poor girl." She said. The man turned to Ophelia and smiled kindly, "How are you doing, my pretty lady?" He asked. "I’m quite well, thank you. I hope everything will turn out fine. We must be patient, but I can’t help crying when I think of the labor from the baby." Ophelia ranted, "My brother will hear about this. And so I thank you for your kindness." She skips away with the baby. The man looked at Ophelia and turned to Gertrude, "How long has she been like this?" He asked. Gertrude shook her head, "Oh, her grief has poisoned her mind. Amleth has hurt her! Oh, Claude, when bad things happen, they don’t come one at a time, but all at once. First her love has betrayed her, then her friends had betrayed her as well. Poor Ophelia has been robbed of her sanity. Deprived of her purity; oh, dear Claude, I feel as though I’m being murdered many times over."

For the time being; Ophelia was pregnant, Gertrude could see her dancing and skipping. "If you were sane and could urge me to take revenge, you couldn’t be more persuasive than you are now." "Look at my flowers. There’s rosemary, that’s for remembering. Please remember, love. And there are pansies, they’re for thoughts. Here are fennel and columbines for you—they symbolize adultery. And here’s rue for you—it symbolizes repentance. We can call it the merciful Sunday flower. You should wear it for a different reason. And here’s a daisy, for unhappy love. I’d give you some violets, flowers of faithfulness, but they all dried up." said Ophelia.  Someone can hear a noise, "Wait, what’s that sound?" A voice asked. Claude came in. "The bad news just keeps on coming, one disaster after another. Ophelia nearly drowned." Gertrude couldn't believe it, "What happened?" "There’s a willow that leans over the brook, dangling its white leaves over the glassy water. Ophelia made wild wreaths out of those leaves, braiding in crow-flowers, thistles, daisies, and 'dead men’s fingers.' Climbing into the tree to hang the wreath of weeds on the hanging branches, she and her flowers fell into the gurgling brook. Her clothes spread out wide in the water, and buoyed her up for a while as she sang bits of old hymns, acting like someone who doesn’t realize the danger she’s in, or like someone completely accustomed to danger. She then crawled out after she gave birth to a daughter--Two." 

"Are the babies all right?" Gertrude asked. Claude nodded, "Their both OK." He answered. "And Ophelia?" Gertrude asked. "She's fine, it seems the insanity has faded from her." "Good. Thank God." Gertrude said. In the meantime; Ophelia is nursing her babies. Each of the babies are Kaguya and Kaia. When she woke up; Kaguya begins to see and looked around, she's inside the world of Einsam Kokoro Club.  But she is approach by a young man who was so beautiful it broke Kaguya's heart, "Now wait just a minute! I wasn’t ready, I was fashioning on being funny and cute but I totally blew it. Can I have a second chance? Please?” The boy asked with pleading eyes. Kaguya smiled, looking a little shy however she saw something however she bumps into someone and she gasped, "Aaah!" "Yipe!" The person yelped. Kaguya and the other person stumbled down. Down, down they went but Kaguya uses her powers to save her and the person she is tumbling with. "Hey, pal! What the hell?" The person demanded. "Sorry about that." Kaguya said. The person was shocked to see how cute Kaguya was, "Hello...It's OK. I'm fine, it's no big deal." The young man apologized. "You serious?" asked Kaguya quietly. "Yeah, my bad. And I'm dead serious." confirmed The young man, "Yeah, my bad! I'm sorry! But, be careful." Kaguya nodded, looking so scared. "Are you OK?"  asked one of the pretty boys. Kaguya nodded. "How did you do that?" asked another pretty boy, referring to her abilities. 

Kaguya looked at him, she just shrugged. Freyr glared at her, but he looked blushing in the face as he looks at her breasts shyly. "That's one way to convince me..." He muttered. Kaguya glared back at him suspiciously and looked down at her boobs, she covered herself. "So, why'd you do it?" asked Kaguya. Freyr flashed a glare at her, "You have no idea do you?" He snapped as he went over to her. He grasped her chin and pulled her close in a kiss. Kaguya's body pulsate, "Mmm..." She said muffled but she felt something lingering in her mouth that caressed the roof of it inside. "Oh..." She thought. Now, she felt a different sensation....Arousal. "Oh my God! I--I--" thought Kaguya, she pushed Freyr away as blood spurt from her nose. Kaguya panted, and panted, she clutched at her throat as she tried to catch her breath. "Oh...Wow...That was..." She stammered. "Did you like that? Hm?" said Freyr smugly. "Um...I need to clean myself up, OK? I feel...oooh." said Kaguya. That night; Kaguya somehow sleeping out in the open, without a blanket, She's shivering in her sleep, turning over in a really vulnerable way and clutching herself. Freyr comes along, see her distress, and react to it by tenderly draping a blanket over her shoulders, petting her on the head, and saying, "Sleep tight, Kaguya." Freed from the discomfort, Kaguya faintly smiled in her sleep, she is grateful for the warmth. The next day, Kaguya was lying in her bed but she felt someone beside her. She awoke as she turned to see one of the pretty boys looking over at her. "Aaah!" gasped Kaguya. "What are you doing here?" She asked. The pretty boy caresses her hair, "Just coming to see how the little princess is doing."  He said. Kaguya was told that Freyr wanted to help her. He wants to get to know her and Kaguya got out of bed. While she was with Freyr; she is shown inner beauty. Touched; Kaguya broke down as she explains her past to Freyr. Damon and the gang stunned their opponents with their powers and using their immense skills, fighting back but so did Margon, his crew, Darmarchus, and his army as well. But once Damon and Gunther fought back; Margon, Darmarchus, and their comrades left on good terms with the Leto brothers. 

As it turns out; Kaia is tragic, tortured and misunderstood. As a 15 year old girl; Kaia  was lonely, shy and timid around others as she had no confidence. A fractured young soul, in need of support and love. But when she was abused and tortured; she became a cold-blooded killer to the wicked. She turned homicidal, sadistic, and destructive nature to those that hurt her. Her father Amleth loved her however his true colors were revealed. He is a malicious, and aggressive man with overtones of conniving, cruel, and verbally abuses Kaia. "You think you can hurt me, I don't think you can escape with those chains Little Lady." said Amleth. Kaia glares up at her stepfather, "Chains are nothing, I've been abused before. It's no big." She insisted. Amleth pulled out a syringe and smiled in a sinister way as he said, "That's nothing, compared what I'm going to do to you." Kaia looked horrified as her screams were the only thing that echoed in the house. About a few years later; Kaia was in school but she hated it; she was always bullied there every day. From her childhood to her young teens. There's no love for her. Everybody had hurt her, hated her, resented her, destroyed her almost, and try to make her fade away in obscurity. In the meantime; Casey and Evangeline were patrolling but they did not ceased until the Hunduns are all slaughtered. Once it was over, victory came about for the two of them, Evangeline was out of breath as the others, she was tired as she almost passed out but Casey caught her along and escorted her back to the base. While the two were asleep in different beds; A figure looks over at them who slept so peacefully. The next day; Kaia is chased by Casey, Evangeline, and Rosie as they sprung a trap on her; kidnapping Kaia. Later, her wrists were bound over her head as the gang kept watch over her. 

Just then; Nuala, Fiachra, Connor, and Aiden came to her rescue and took down Casey and Evangeline. Casey and Evangeline try to catch up but they all escaped with ease. However back at the hideout, Kaia was pretty mean to them and putting them down for being pathetic. This made Gerth upset as well as the others. But Gerth knew one thing: Kaia was a girl that didn't do things right or always caused trouble while Kaguya did things correct or be respectful and nice. For Kaia; she always say that he wish for better food and a better home. She would complain and is not caring for others.  What also was the trouble for Kaia is that she was demanding: "Here, sew this button on." She wouldn't ask for permission, she would force it from someone, "I want to read the comics!" She said, trying to rip it away from the paper that his mother was reading. Kaia would also force her way to see something without asking. Kaia was always misplacing his stuff, she would beg her busy mother for help. Kaia was mean to wildlife and has no respect for them. She throws stones at birds, scare the squirrels, and stomps on the ants. Kaia would do hazardous things. But that's not all, Kaia is very bad in school: She is loud and distracts other people around her. Kaia also complains about other things. However, she got so mean to Gerth that he managed to arranged something and he meets with Evangeline and Casey to tell them hat had happened. 

So Evangeline and Casey staged a kidnapping towards Gerth that Kaia went totally crazy to find him but Casey tells her that because of her, Gerth wasn't coming back. Kaia is guilty for what she's done and thinks that Gerth is gone because of her. She tried to find him but alas she screamed out: "I'm sorry! I am an awful person to all of you, but it's because I was hiding my deepest depression  and all of mean so much to me! I was rejected and alone back then, I was so distant and reserved, cold hearted...Because I didn't want to be alone ever again. Please! Don't go away...." She was too late, she couldn't get there fast enough. Tearful at this; Kaia walked away sadly. She sniffed as she wiped a few tears away, she breathed heavily as she would cry there for good. Just then, she looked surprised at this. She turned around and was embraced by a familiar face! "Gerth!" Kaia said, she was crying so much that she could hardly talk. "Did you really think I would you like this?" Gerth asked. Kaia shrugged, it was hard to talk when she was crying so much. Upset, Kaia confronted Amleth. They fought off against each other. But Kaia got the best of him, Amleth was pinned to the ground. "This is the end for you." said Kaia. "Oh really? You weren't so sure of yourself? Well, it won't be peaceful for you for long." taunted Joseph, "You are nothing, you couldn't be strong enough to save your mother from being defiled by the likes of me--That heifer!" Kaia shook violently, she couldn't believe it and she lost control of herself. She begin to killed him while screaming hysterically. When she snapped out of it, Kaia was shocked as she saw that her hands were dripping with blood. She begins to cry uncontrollably, she thought she lose consciousness. When Kaia woke up; Casey and Evangeline surround her with Aiden, Nuala, Fiachra, and Connor. Just then, Kaia broke down: "I made it all up, everything about my dad was a lie! I try not to think about the times when he was mean to me, he called me a spawn of the heifer. He was so mean, what kind of father is that? I'm nothing, nothing..." Kaia sobbed. 

Evangeline put an arm around her, "You are something, in fact would you like to be my friend?" She said softly. "Really?" asked Kaia. Evangeline nodded and the two girls embraced each other. In a memory; There was a reunion where Queen Pansy and her husband host a birthday party for their 3 year old son Casimir where Rosemaria and her husband brought 2 year old Tony, Daisy brought 1 year old Winona, and Columbine came with her sons--Damon and Gunther who were both  3 years old--with her sister Rue. Rosemaria, Pansy, and Daisy want the Leto sisters to be held accountable for their actions. Ophelia crashed the party with her daughters as she has come to present gifts for them: She made predictions that Daisy will leap from the cliff, she predicted Rosemaria's husbands's death and Rue's murder. Then Ophelia went away but during that time; the visions came true just as she foretold. In modern day; Rosemaria, the queen, and Columbine are all kidnapped. Master Joshua had to warn Tony and the others as he explained what happened to Kaguya and Ophelia, as well as some other things. When Rosemaria, the queen, and Columbine woke up; they couldn't believe where they were and who was there. "Well Rosemaria, remember this place? This is the place where we all first met." Ophelia said. Rosemaria looked at her with nervousness, "Ophelia, why are you doing this? You know I would never hurt you." She said. 

Ophelia looked at her, "Oh really? What about those catty rumors I've been hearing about you conspiring with the Leto sisters, hmm?" She said. "I've heard them and I am upset to hear about them." Rosemaria claimed. "You upset? Like I'm supposed to believe that!" Ophelia screamed. "Ophelia, please don't do this to any of us! We have families, we'll give you a great treatment--Anything to make you happy." Pansy begged. "Oh, Your Majesty--I'm flattered! Except for one problem...I don't take royal treatments from backstabbers." Ophelia remarked. She looked over at the women, "Now then....Eenie, meanie, miney, moe....Catch a backstabber by the throat, if she screams; let her die. My witchy mother said pick the squeamish one and you...are...the...one.....We got a winner." She said, picking out a terrified Columbine. "NO, COLUMBINE!!!!" The queen cried out. Rosemaria was terrified for her friends and cried out, "All right, all right....Ophelia?...I'm sorry, for everything." Ophelia glared at Rosemaria and said, "Your too late." Just then, voices were shouting out. Each mother could recognize her own. "MOM!" Tony cried out. "TONY!!!!" Rosemaria shouted. Casimir's voice also called out, "MOTHER!!!" "HERE CASIMIR!" The queen called out. Two other voices each called out: "MOM!" called Damon. "MOM!" Gunther called out. "DAMON, GUNTHER!!!" Columbine shouted. Tony, Prince Casimir, Winona, Damon, Gunther, and their Wee Folk companions arrived just in time. 

Ophelia poise the knife a little bit close to Columbine's neck, "You just had to come here, didn't you?" She demanded. "Ophelia, please don't do this." Tony begged. "What about your mother and stepfather? They loved you." Casimir put in. "Mother never cared or loved me. She pretended to care and so did Claude!" Ophelia cried. She inched the knife closer to Columbine's throat. "Wait, what about Kaguya? And Kaia?" Winona mentioned. Ophelia stopped and looked at her, "What are you talking about?" She said. "Kaguya? She's a mute. It was because of you." repllied Winona. "So what? It wasn't my fault." Ophelia claimed. "The reason she became a mute was because she was scared of you and she was publically humiliated at school and you took that upon yourself to kill those that hurt her. She became a mute because of that humiliation and also what you did!"  explained Winona, holding out an object--It was a necklace of a pendant with a gem in the middle. "Where did you get that?" demanded Ophelia. "She loved you, she and Kaia both loved you!" countered Winona. "I protected them, but they never love me." Ophelia claimed. "They did but they were scared to be around you." claimed Winona. Ophelia glared at her, "You're just like Columbine, she always wanted to torment me!" She cried. "She atoned for her sins after Rue died and realized how bad she was to you." Winona claimed. Ophelia was so mad that she yelled, "Enough! It's time for you to suffer!" She uses a knife to try and plunged it into Columbine while Rosemaria cried out, "NOOO!" 

Before Ophelia could do anything; Tony charged at her with fire and saved Columbine while plunging down at her. Ophelia couldn't believe it, "Wha--what are you doing?" She demanded. "Stopping you and unleashing us from this curse!" Tony cried. He remembered Master Joshua telling him that the only way to stop the curse was to cut her arm and burnt a mark into the cut in order to released Tony and the others from the curse. So that's what Tony did! He did that and soon enought there was the pain in all of them but it was easing and the flower rash marks were disappearing. At that moment, it was over as Ophelia lied there in guilt and felt so guilty that she noticed she was bleeding so she asked Tony to take her to the lake. There, Ophelia lied in there. All of a sudden; Kaguya appeared with Kaia beside her and they sat with their mother. Ophelia told them how she nursed them here when they were babies. She told them to live well as she still loves them. Kaguya replied, "Kaia and I will always love you Mom." Ophelia smiles and she closes her eyes before disappearing in the water. Kaia was saddened by this however her mother could finally rest. Kaguya said, "Mother, sweet flowers for a sweet girl. Goodbye dearest mother." 

At a festival of Japan; Tony, Casey, Evangeline, Rosie, Prince Casimir, Winona, Damon, Gunther, Kaguya, and Kaia were having a great time. The Wee Folks were flying by to watch over them as Kaguya looked in the crowd as she thought she saw her mother. But then her mother disappeared and Kaguya knew that she was in a better place. During that time; Nuala, Connor, and Fiachra are playing the tall grass and flowers meadow as Aiden and Gerth watched this with smiles but they looked over at the sleeping Kaia. At the break of dawn, Kaia is dancing in the fields; but she stops and looked over at the morning sun coming up and can see a new day has come upon her. In reality, Kaia was taking a walk in the city when she saw someone playing violin and wonders who that it, she leanred that it's a pretty song. When the song finished; everybody applauded. "You know." thought Kaia, "Gerth and the others had helped me out in so many ways. I think I found my freedom and found a good place to start my life at its new beginning." 

Nana ended the story and turned to the person listening, "Did you like this story? A happy yet bittersweet and heroic ending. Well, heroic sacrifices are much heart-wrenching. That's what Ophelia did, and she died in peace. All right, we have the next story. This story is 'Übermensch', read this story. A very good story." She explained and begin to tell another tale:

In this dream; there was a bunch of men saying the creed at once: "I am a Soldier. I am a Warrior and a member of a team. I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself. I am a guardian of freedom and the way of life. I am a Soldier....I am a Berkser." Garen dreamt that he was walking on this plank and the scenario was all white. "Hello?" He called, "Is anyone there?" Nobody answer until he felt someone's hands around his neck in a tender act of love. "I want you, come find me..." A girl's voice whispered in her ear. Garen woke up, gasping for breath out of fright. Images of a liplock kiss, then the lips departed as Garen's voice whispered against the gasping beautiful girl, "Did you like that? I really hope you did. Because I've been wanting to do that all this time." Lips osculated together in a passionate manner, hands on skin. In an embrace of something tender and sweet. Cannot see but can feel the touch of delicate skin, it sends a feeling to be alive. When they breathe; it opens the airways and a heart beating in this life and breathes again, so beautiful....Licking lips. Fingers interlocking, hands holding together against white sheets. Cushty panting. Velvety incoherent whispers. It was dark, it felt blurry, so hard to see but there was a feeling of flesh entwined, carassing hair, touching skin. Head threw back with a jerk. Nails digging into the skin. Blood scars like scrapes on a chalkboard. More cushty gasps that were reserved: "Oh, oh, oh...." gasped a female's voice. "That's it...That's it...You're entering a whole new world." said Garen's voice softly. Biting bottom lip, but a pleasurable scream shrilled out. 

Garen woke up with a startled jolt from his slumber, he couldn't believe of that perverted dream he had and clutched his head. He calmed down and got his training started. Then he heard about Berserkers attack on the city and Garen goes out there as he faces Berserkers. In the afternoon later on; Garen, Victoria, and Hermes were taking a walk one day when Garen begins to wince at a throbbing headache, which was cause by the vision of a girl. He couldn't see the girl clearly in his head. But he saw a glimpse of the vision of her flowing dark hair and the curve of her lip. The throbbing pain stopped when the three friends saw a girl 20 years old was skipping with a pink parasol and smiling heartrendingly at them. She wore a white shirt dress long enough to reach her knees and wearing shoes. However, Berserkers try to go after her and Garen saves her. He then turn back to normal and helps Brynhilde. Garen helps her get home, he enters the girl's house as she begins to flirt with him in sleeveless nightgown that showed her arms and her pretty legs but also her cleavage. "So, you want something to eat or drink?" She purred. "Oh great." said Garen with a laugh. "What?" asked Brynhilde all innocently. "Brynhilde Decio, are you trying to seduce me?" Garen inquired. Brynhilde had to laugh at that, "What? No! No, no....Maybe!" She said the last part with a sly glance. Garen shake his head, "You're insane." He turned away but Brynhilde called after him, "Hey listen, Mayhawk?" Garen turned around, "What?" He asked. "Do you like me?" Brynhilde questioned. Garen had a smile on his face, "Maybe...Why?" He asked. "Listen, if you want to hang out in a more non...sensual way, give me call." Brynhilde flirted. Garen blushed a little, "Sure. Can I go back now?" He said. Brynhilde nodded, "Of course." She replied. Garen nodded, "Thanks." He said. Before he could leave; Garen heard Brynhilde's voice: "Would you like a drink?" Garen is shocked and looked at her, "What?" He seemed irritated. Brynhilde noticed and rephrased, "Relax, I thought you would be dehydrated, I don't have to seduce you but you mind we get to know you better." Garen accepted. 

While having a drink with Brynhilde; Garen got to know her better: "My family name and legacy is carried on through the sons of the family. Because of this, women could find honor only through the marriage and the union of families, and the children they had. They were matched depending on their home skills, grace, and beauty. And my hopes to meet the standards of the matchmaker to keep my family from disgrace. In the tradition at this time, a woman’s main role was to marry and be a mother." She explained. Brynhilde stopped as she looked crestfallen. Garen noticed her troubled expression. "You look upset." He said. Brynhilde is looking at her reflection and reliving the fact that her meeting with the matchmaker ended in disaster. She is also upset about bringing shame to her family because she is not like the other poised and ‘perfect’ girls her age. Then she spoke out, "Is being a wife is really my role to play in the world? I mean, if I were to speak my mind all the time; I'd disgrace my family and they’d be ashamed of me for breaking tradition. A reflection is supposed to be an image that projects the same physical qualities of an object. However, I believe that reflections are meant to cast the character of objects. Therefore, I want her reflection to portray my true character as a determined, independent, and caring individual; I don't want her reflection to portray a beautiful and perfect girl who’s only role in life is to marry and be a perfect wife. Nonetheless, I don't know how to make the reflection in my mind become a reflection in reality." Garen looked at her with sympathy and took both of her hands and told her, "You did such good things, you will one day bring honor to your family...You'll also bring honor to me." He said. Brynhilde smiled at him, "Thanks." She said. Then she sat up and said, "Hey you want to fight?" "Oh, you want to fight me?" asked Garen in a teasing tone. "Yeah, that is if you're scared." replied  Brynhilde. Garen laughed, "Scared of you? Like hell." He said. "Come on, bad boy! Come and get me." said Brynhilde, posing in a seduction dare. Garen is surprised to see her that way, "Damn, here goes..." He said. Brynhilde prepared herself and bounces off as she cried, "He-yah!" "Wha--?" Garen thought, he dodged her and Brynhilde smiled at him. "Haha, I got passed you. And you thought I was a distressed damsel." She remarked. Garen looked at her with amazement, "Whoa, I think I like you Brynhilde." He said. 

"I'll bet you like this." Brynhilde said, she jumped and stretch out her leg to kick him: "Yah!" She lets her leg dropped. Garen dodged her, "You're good." He replied. "Thanks, I learned from the best." Brynhilde said. Garen laughed, "Oh, you laugh huh?" remarked Brynhilde. Garen attack, going into Berserker form. He grabbed Brynhilde in a chokehold around her neck, "Ah--! Oh my--!" Brynhilde gasped. "Choking, you like that?" Garen said in a growling noise. "Ye--ye--YES!" Brynhilde said in a breathy voice. "What the?" Garen looked at her with shock. "Don't stop, don't stop!" Brynhilde gagged. Garen couldn't believe it, "Shit!" He exclaimed. Garen turn back to human and look at her, "What the--What is wrong with you? You want to die?" He demanded. Brynhilde was panting, "No, I'm sorry. I didn't want to I--" She tried to explained. Garen sighed, "OK, let's just try to take it slow." He responded. Brynhilde nodded, so they fought back however Garen scatched Brynhilde by accident and gave her bleeding scars. "Ah! Am I bleeding?" gulped Brynhilde. Garen felt bad, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He tried to say. Brynhilde took interest in this, "Wow, I'm bleeding....Look at my blood...Mmm." She moaned. Garen narrowed his eyes at her, "Huh?" He asked. Brynhilde realized what she was doing, "Sorry, I'm doing it again." She explained. Garen shook his head with a smirk on his face, "You are so weird." He said. Brynhilde nodded, "Who knows, you might fall in love with me." She replied. And she begin to waltz around. Garen watched her with amazement and smiled at how beautiful she is. Later, Garen takes down the Berserkers while being a Berserker himself. He faces down on them and fights them all, slaying them with such passion and violence. It was a bloody mess because Garen's violent and vigorous nature, he panted and panted after he was exhausted from fighting. But he couldn't stop thinking about Brynhilde and how pretty she is. "Why am I feeling this?" He thought to himself. In the meantime; Garen is working when he heard classical music and went to see where the music is coming from. 

He entered a room where he found Brynhilde is dancing alone. He enters as he looks at her mesmerizing self. "What are you doing in here?" Garen asked. Brynhilde stopped for a moment, she strolls over to him with a smile. "Dancing to this song, it's pretty is it not?" She replied. Garen listened to the song and nodded, "It sounds nice. You dance very well." remarked Garen. Brynhilde answered back with a grin, "Thanks, practice makes perfect." She lends out her hand, "Would you like to try it?" She asked. Garen looked nervous, "No, I don't think..." He started to say but Brynhilde hold firm and said, "C'mon, just one second." Garen sighed, giving in. Brynhilde lead him to the floor, she stood there with him as she instructs him of what he needs to do: "OK, first your gonna put your hand on my shoulder here. Good, now put you arm around my waist. Awesome! And I'm gonna..Oh wait, I made a mistake. There. We're gonna go slow, follow my lead but we'll do baby steps." answered Cassandra. Garen awkwardly placed his hands on her shoulder and then in her hand. "1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3...Oh!" Jack stepped on her foot, he then winced with shame. "I'm sorry." He said. "No, my bad! I went too fast." Brynhilde apologized. Garen felt tears of anger in his eyes, "Ugh, forget this crappy--" He cried, he was about to pull away but Brynhilde hold him tightly, "Uh, uh. C'mon, one little screw up. No blood, no foul. It's all good." She said. Garen leaned his head on Brynhilde's shoulder, "I guess I'm more of a brute than a gentleman." He remarked. Brynhilde smiled, "That's why I'm helping you." She reminded. Garen looked at her eyes, Brynhilde looked back at him in his eyes and then she did something she never imagined. Leaning towards him, she pressed her lips against his. However, Garen went to his job and he faced the Berserkers where Brynhilde witnessed this when she was suspicious of his secret life. After taking down the Berserkers; Garen sensed someone behind and turned around but looked shocked to see the love of his life. 

Brynhilde was shocked by what she saw and fainted behind however Garen caught her in time. Later, Garen explained what he is and his duties in life. Brynhilde listened as she looked at him. “So, what are you?” asked Brynhilde. “I can’t explain it, I am human.” explained Garen briefly. This didn’t satisfied Brynhilde one bit. “That’s not a good answer.” She said. Garen sighs, “Fine. Maybe I can show you.” He said. “How?” asked Brynhilde. Garen leans over and kisses her on the lips. He parted her lips away from Brynhilde and looked at her. "So, whatcha think?" Garen asked with a smile. Brynhilde was speechless until she remembered what happened. "Arrgh!" She shouted. Brynhilde charged at him but Garen dodged her as he hit a wall. "You're right, you're right. I should've done that. It was wrong to kiss you but it's just a kiss. I was trying to show you--" Garen said quickly as possible. "Never. Again!" Brynhilde warned. "Right, sorry! Sorry!" Garen apologized. "'Less I say so." muttered Brynhilde. Garen looked at her, "What you say?" He asked. "Nothing!" replied Brynhilde, defensively. Garen held up his hands, "OK, OK, Take it easy. I thought you said something but never mind." He claimed. Brynhilde nodded, "Are you really a Berserker?" She asked. “Yeah, I just…I was a freak accident monster. I am no demon nor angel. I came to know you—Brynhilde Decio.” Garen explained. At once; Brynhilde nodded. “OK. I’ll trust you. But if you pull anything, I’ll kill you.” She said. Garen nods, obeying to her word. Later on at night; Garen would hear her screaming. He went to the chamber and opened the door. "Hey, are you OK?" asked Garen. Brynhilde had a nightmare, it look as she was screaming and thrashing about earlier. She was now startled to see Garen as she ducked her the covers in terror. "S--sorry, just ghosts haunting me in my dreams!" stuttered Brynhilde Then, she cursed softly to herself: "Oh sh--I forgot something." Brynhilde got out of bed and went out of her room for a moment and she went back to the bed. But she was too scared to sleep! Garen looked at her, "You scared?" He asked. "I--No! I just..." Brynhilde didn't know what to say. "You want me to leave?" asked Garen. "No!" cried Brynhilde, startling him. "I want you stay by me. Please...Until I fall asleep." She was trembling so Garen sat on the foot of the bed. "I'll be here while you sleep." He said. 

Brynhilde was relieved and begin to fall asleep. When she woke up; Brynhilde found Garen sleeping and caressing his head however she touched his wound on the back of his neck and found memories of Garen's past: It was an unconscious dream of darkness and blood flowing...Wait? Whose blood is that? There were monsters with claws and baring their teeth. Someone called out a name, "Garen...Garen!" The boy, Garen Mayhawk, woke up from sleep with a start. He panted and looked around, his foster sister Victoria Marquis was calling his name. She was dressed in uniform. "W-what?" Garen asked. "Come on, we're gonna be late." Victoria urged. At once, Garen threw the covers to reveal he was in his pajamas. "Sorry, coming!" He called. As Victoria left the room; Jack got ready. He got his uniform on and looked out the window. The beautiful sky, would it be like this forever? He wasn't sure about that. "Garen! Victoria is waiting!" It was his mother's voice. "Coming Mom." He called. And left his room with his messenger bag. It was the first year of middle school, Garen and his friends were attending there. They were excited about the next field trip until one day, it happened. Garen was paying attention but he heard a scratching sound. “What the heck was that?” He wondered. He turned and was shocked to see a monster out there! Garen got up, when his teacher asked but saw the creature too. The monster broke in and wreck the classroom. The only ones that survived luckily were Garen, Victoria, and their best friend Hermes Sophos. They each hurried back to their homes, Garen enters his house on the mountain but is stunt to find his mother struggling against the frenized monster. 

She looks to see her son, “Everything’s going to be OK. Just don’t look.” “Mom!” Garen cried but his mother shake her head, “Sweetheart. Just go, please!” She said. Tears welled in his eyes, “No….No, NO, NOOO! I’m not leaving you! Just forget it!” Garen shouted. “GAREN! GO, RUN!” screamed his mother. The monster bit into Garen's mother, who gasped. Garen was motionless, frozen, his mother was lifeless now as she bled to death. Garen was pulled away by Victoria, who dragged him off. The monster was known as a Berserker. Garen and Victoria reunite with Hermes as they join the other survivors from the school. Losing his mother to a Lobishomen was the most unsettling mental wound, and ever since that day; Garen vowed to wipe out as many Berserkers as possible. One night, Garen reunited with his father who loses his edge on sanity! "Dad? Are you OK?" Garen asked, noticing his father was acting stranger than usual today. His father turned to him slowly, "Garen...Did you see what they did to your mother?" He asked ominously. "What?" Garen said, "I don't know what you're talking about." "Did you see them murdered innocent people?" Mr. Phoenix asked. "Dad, why are you asking me this? What's going on?" Garen insisted. Garen's father seized his son's shoulders and he looked overwrought, "TELL ME YOU SAW PEOPLE GETTING THEIR VISCERAS TORN OUT AND EATEN! THE INNOCENT LIVES DYING, PLEASE! YOU HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT YOU SAW ON THAT DAY!!!!!!" He demanded.

Garen was frightened, "I--I heard scratching on the window, I looked and--I ran home during all this disaster! Why the hell would you ask me this?! Mom's dead, her throat had been torn open and I didn't save her! It's all my fault! Punish me if you want but it won't bring her back!" Garen protested. But somehow he didn't, his father never raised a hand on his son and always forgave him before. He released his son from his grasp and he turned away where an emotional yet quiet sound made Jack wondered if his father was really crying. He had never seen his father cried before. Not in his life has Garen seen his dad blubber. His father turned to his son after he wiped his eyes with his back turned. "Garen, I have something to show you." Garen and his father were heading towards a workshop, the one that Garen and his friends were told to never go in there. But when they got inside, Garen went unconscious and then he woke up strapped to a table and his father standing over him with a scalpel. Garen was so scared that he tried to scream for help but his father put a hand over his mouth and shouted: "SAVE THE INNOCENCE, MY SON! YOU PRAY, BOY! YOU PRAY FOR MERCY!!!!" Earlier before; Victoria and Hermes came to see Garen's father however he left them a glass of water for each of them. But Mr. Phoenix had drugged their glasses of water and the two of them fell asleep after drinking the water. Phoenix had ordered the military to take care of the three and trained them to fight off against the Lobishomens. When Garen, Victoria, and Hermes woke up; one of the men gasped. He ran off crying out, "Sir! The three of them woke up! They're awake now!" 

Garen cringed, "Geez! you just had to yell that loud, didn't you?" He moaned. The three of them sat up as they looked around. Just then, the trio found themselves faced to face with a commander officer and a stoic face man who didn't smile. Garen smiled a little weakly, "Am I dead?" He asked. The commanding officer chuckled a little, "Not really." He said. He introduces himself as Commander Amun Orendel , the stoic man next to him was Captain Corvus Richard. And there was second commander Sharon Thoth. Garen, Victoria, and Hermes were helped up as they were welcomed by Amun Orendel and Sharon but Corvus wasn't too sure about this. Letting a bunch of three complete strangers in this army, not his usual cup of tea. Garen, Victoria, and Hermes were amazed, thrilled to see that they were at a military base. The three of them are given a tour by Sharon as Jove and Helios had other matters to take care of. Sharon showed them the bunks of their cabin, they were shown the training area & the mess hall. Garen looked around however he accidentally bumps into someone. "Hey! Watch it!" snapped the person, he looked leaned with muscles and tall but he was quite glaring at Garen, which annoys him. Once that guy was gone; Garen asked, "Who's that jerk off?" Sharon looked and replied back, "Ah, that is Roland Bishop. He tends to speak his mind, which gets him in trouble. Don't mind him." And they moved on but Garen looked back, he rolled his eyes and sighed. He was already making enemies, just a great way to start his first day here. Nice. 

Garen and his friends are introduced to nicer people: Ichabod Jannes, Marama Harout, Junon Lancelot, Simon Forseti, Oliver Samael, and Dawn Tyr. Garen made friends with them as he reveals his true intentions of taking out all the Lobishomen. The others are shocked about this as they listened when Garen tells them about his experience. Roland entered as he listened to Garen talking before he laughs and says, "You believe you can take on the Berserkers? Come on, get serious! Like someone like you is bad enough to kill Berserkers." Garen glares at him, "You got some problem with that?" He said. Victoria and Hermes managed to stop him as Oliver stops Justice however Captain Richard called out, "What's going on?" And the fight dissolves quickly. Corvus eyed Garen, who glanced at him with curiosity, and then after looking back at him; he left. Atlas shuddered, "Creepy." He thought. During in his bed in the cabins, Garen could not sleep. He thought of the past that buried into his head were resurfacing and making him tremble. "I wish that I...I would've saved her..." He whispered about his mother, as he went to sleep. Roland watch him with intense anger, "Who is this guy? Who does he think he is?" He thought and then turned away as he too went to sleep.  The next day; Garen, Victoria, and Hermes  were at the training grounds where they learn how to spar with one another. They learned how to attack and archery. How to use weapons in combat. Drill exercises were difficulties for Garen, who would fall behind from the others as Roland begins to taunt him, "Try working harder, newbie. Not so easy isn't it?" He really looked arrogant, white hot anger filled Garen's chest as he used that to get stronger. 

He kept pushing. And pushing. Soon, Garen improved better in the drill exercises while Roland struggle. Garen chuckled at the irony, "What's the matter Bishop? Aren't you working hard enough?" He called. Simon, Ichabod, and Marama laughed along him; Roland stopped to catch his breath, but when he looked up, he saw that Oliver was laughing with Garen however noticed Roland glaring at him and stopped while turning away embarrassed. Roland saw Garen standing with Victoria, Hermes, Ichabod, Marama, and Simon. When Garen saw Roland panting; he crossed his arms as he smirked smugly. Roland made a tsked sound, "Sore loser." He muttered. Later, Roland was complaining about Garen while hanging out with Oliver. "Unbelievable! That newbie has gotten a lot more powerful!" He was saying. Oliver had to point out the obvious, "Maybe you shouldn't been so arrogant. You always do that to newcomers actually." He said. "Yeah, yeah. Shut up." grumbled Roland. Oliver chuckled, "But seriously Roland, you gotta stop with this snarky attitude to the ones who are new here. You berated him with words and that helped him get better." replied Oliver with solemn in his voice. Roland didn't interject, he knew that his friend was right. "I'll try to be nice but I can't stand Mayhawk!" He said. This intense rivalry went on for awhile until they agree to a truce. Garen gained the interest of Wilhelm Datin as he offered him to take part in an experiment which Garen agrees. 

However while being the subject; Garen suddenly felt pain and he became a Berserker but he was no ordinary Berserker--He was chosen to slay as many Berserkers as he can. Accepting this, he became a Berserker Hunter, hunting many as he can. Days drifting by; the only ones that knew were Datin, Victoria, Hermes, Roland, and Captain Reece. In Reece's group, Garen meets his squad members--Agravine Eastsun, Gaheris Westmoon, Gareth Norville, and Gabrina Sutherland. Things got bad when a swarm of Berserkers attack and overpower Garen and the rest of Captain Reece's squad. Garen looked for them in the chaos. "Agravine! Gareth! Gaheris! Gabrina!" called Garen. "Garen!" Agravine called. "Garen, where are you?!" hollered Gaheris. He went over but looked on in horror as his comrades were wounded, almost dead. Garen noticed that Gareth was panting of the wound bleeding from there as he cries out, "Ohhh, the pain." He noticed Garen there and calls out, "Get away from here!" "Save yourself Garen!" Gabrina called out, "Get away from here!" However they were all butchered as Garen screamed with terror. They were on the ground, bleed profusely, when Corvus found them. He couldn't believe it, he rushed over to them, "Come on. Stay with me, you guys will be fine....I'l get you a doctor soon enough." Corvus said. Gabrina opened her eyes, she smiled. "I'm sorry. I thought...I thought we were only to hel you." She said. Corvus nodded, "Yes. You were." He replied. "That's good. Thank you....Captain Corvus....." whispered Gabrina. She closed her eyes, and with that, she died. Corvus couldn't believe it, he bowed his head. She was gone, they were all dead. Finally, Brynhilde woke up from the memories in her sleep with a gasp and she now knows who Garen truly is. 

Nana sighed, "Übermensch, man was that a good story or what? Well, if you want something more heroic. Read this, it's called 'Clarity of Accidents'. Read this story and I promise you, you will be amazed." She said and turned the page to another story to read, the person listening to her is not bored and is eager to hear more stories from her: 

In the police jail cell; one of the cops came to 15 year old Anubis Twain's cell and unlocked it. Jude looked up as the guard said, "Hey buddy, you're free to go." Anubis gave him a suspicious look, "Oh yeah, says who?" He asked. The guard gestured to someone standing there, "He says he knows you." said the guard. There was his fraternal brother standing there with an angry face. Anubis looked relieved, "Bata, hey bro!" He started to say but Bata cut him off, "Don't give me that crappy greeting, let's go Anubis--Dad's waiting." He said harshly. Now Anubis knew he was in big trouble but he's always been in trouble. It was quiet down the road as Anubis looked away from his father. "How could you be so reckless?" demanded his father. "Dad, I wasn't doing this to get attention!" protested Anubis. "Oh no? Then what do you call going at about faster then above the normal speed while driving? You could've hurt someone!" His father protested. "Oh c'mon dad, nobody was nearby! It wasn't like I was about to hurt somebody!" Anubis claimed. "Listen Anbu, you got to let people noticed you for your good deeds. Not doing reckless things, like driving so fast or getting in trouble! Tell me who were you with!" His father said. "NO ONE, I WAS ON MY OWN!!!" Anubis cried out. Just then, the family didn't know that a car was coming in at them. Anubis then noticed, he looked horrified. "DAD, WATCH OUT!!!!" He cried out. His father noticed and looked scared, "OH CRAP!!!" Too late, the car collided with one another and a bright light took over. Anubis woke up in the hospital with bruises and cuts on him, he was greeted by his bandaged but happy brother who embraced him. Anubis asked, "Where's Dad?" Bata looked at him regretfully, "I'm  sorry, he didn't make it." He said. Anubis was shocked, he couldn't believe it. His father was dead! 

At the funeral; Anubis was so ashamed of himself for not stopping his father, or saving him or the other family in the other vehicle. Once the funeral was over, Bata enter the room, "An?" Bata asked in a soft voice. "Please leave me alone." Anubis said weakly. "Anubis, it's OK." His brother assured him but Anubis sat up almost immediately, "DON'T TELL ME IT'S OK, ALL RIGHT?! I KNOW IT WAS MY FAULT!!!" Anub shouted, but he hid his face. "I should've saved Dad, I should have listened to him, I should have told the truth, I should--UGH, DAMMIT! DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT!!!!!" He sounded so upset, his brother came to embrace him. Jude felt bad for all the things that happened and he turned to Bata, "I'm not good at saying such emotional crap but I just want to say, thanks for being there for me--even if I'm a jack ass." He said. Bata smiled sadly, "You're my brother, Anubis. It's what I'm here for. Always." He replied. And the Twain Brothers reconcile, thus starting a new beginning. That night, Anubis dreamt that he was walking on this plank and the scenario was all white. "Hello?" He called, "Is anyone there?" Nobody answer until he felt someone's hands around his neck in a tender act of love. "I want you, come find me..." A girl's voice whispered in her ear. Jude woke up, gasping for breath out of fright and fell back asleep. Images of a liplock kiss, then the lips departed as Jude's voice whispered against the gasping beautiful girl, "Did you like that? I really hope you did. Because I've been wanting to do that all this time." Lips osculated together in a passionate manner, hands on skin. In an embrace of something tender and sweet. Cannot see but can feel the touch of delicate skin, it sends a feeling to be alive. When they breathe; it opens the airways and a heart beating in this life and breathes again, so beautiful....Licking lips. Fingers interlocking, hands holding together against white sheets. Cushty panting. Velvety incoherent whispers. It was dark, it felt blurry, so hard to see but there was a feeling of flesh entwined, caressing hair, touching skin. 

Head threw back with a jerk. Nails digging into the skin. Blood scars like scrapes on a chalkboard. More cushty gasps that were reserved: "Oh, oh, oh...." gasped a female's voice. "That's it...That's it...You're entering a whole new world." said Anubis's voice softly. Biting bottom lip, but a pleasurable scream shrilled out. Anub sat up, he couldn't believe he had a dream that way. He was covered in sweat and his nose was running. "Anubis?" His brother asked. Jude jumped and glanced to see Bata in the doorway, "Everything OK?" asked Bata. "Yeah, it's nothing. Just a dream." claimed Anubis. Bata nodded, "So...What was all that panting and whispers I could hear? And you were talking in your sleep." He remarked. "I was?" Jude asked. "Yeah, you were saying, 'it's gonna be all right.' and 'I'm here'. You were also saying, 'That's it' twice and 'you're entering a whole new world'. For the love of--Geez An, what do you dream about in there?" explained Bata. "Maybe you should've listened." said Anubis, looking mortified and red face. "Look, keep your dreams to yourself, OK?" Bata said. Anubis gave his brother a look, "Keep yourself out of my business, all right?" He said. Bata sighed, "Fine. I just want to show you something here." He replied and hand him the newspaper. Anubis took a look at it, "Supernatural Accident?" said the headline. It said that in the accident, a girl might have caused the accident of Anubis and Bata's father to die as well as the other people in the opposite vehicle. Anubis was angry to read this and learns where the girl is hiding out at the cathedral although people brush that off as nothing. That night inside of a cathedral; Anubis and Bata were waiting with his camera and other things. They didn't have to wait long when the Twain Brothers suddenly can see someone coming and saw a glimpse of Ashley, "Belle Dame Sans Mercy!" Bata said softly. Anubis gasped when he saw her as well. Ashley let her hood fall and fell on her knees near a pew and folded her hands together. "I confess to Almighty Goodwill, To blessed Mary, To the blessed archangel Michael, To the holy apostles, to all the saints. And to you, Father, that I have sinned in thought." She prayed. 

Just then, there were monsters known as Manananggals attacked and Ashley fights back while Bata is getting this on his brother's camera, "Now we're going to prove who you are, you witch!" He said to himself. Ashley uses her psionic telekinesis to take down the Manananggals."Come on Bata, I need help--Now!" He begged. "I'm on it!" Anubis said, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. When the battle was over; the Twain Brothers came from his hiding spot to confront Ashley. "What are you doing here? Just tell me, who are you? Really?" Anubis demanded. Shock to see them; Ashley felt weak and she fainted. When she woke up, Ashley didn't know what she was doing or where she was. But she found herself with the brothers however she couldn't see them completely. "Can you tell us your name?" Bata's voice asked. "They're all dead..." Ashley said weakly. There was silence, "Who is?" asked Anubis nervously. Ashley started to speak but she stuttered. "My--my--my--" She felt someone's hands on her shoulders, "Whoa, whoa, take it easy!" Bata commanded sternly. Ashley begin crying, "He's a bad man, a bad man! He's evil!" she sobbed. Then Ashley begin to howl in anger. "MURDERER!!! MONSTER!!!" she screeched and thrashed. Then, the hands on her shoulders pulled her into his chest. "Hey, hey, easy! Take it easy!" He said loudly but Ashley thrashed more and more. "I'll kill 'em! I kill 'em and---" screamed Ashley. She then calmed down and sighed into the guy's lap. "Easy, easy...That's right." said Anubis caressing her hair. He soothed Ashley again: "You're okay, you're just upset. It's OK, shhh." Ashley spoke up, "You're all gonna die...." And passes out. 

The next thing that happened, Ashley woke up to find a piano. A piano that she once had as a child, she remembered that sounds of Beethoven's "Fur Elise" that she used to play with her father. That was so long ago, Ashley was seven years old at the time of that happy memory. Ashley walked over to the piano and begin to play this classical piece. Her fingers were adequate on the keys, she let the music guide her. She didn't realize she was attracting someone else's attention. Ashley felt like she was living in her happy moments of her past all over again! Ashley was in a garden, underneath a cherry blossom tree. The petals of the blossoms were falling off were cascading down like snowflakes. When she saw this as she laughs joyfully. She was like a butterfly fluttering and fluttering in the spring, from flower to flower. It was so peaceful, being in someplace that wasn't...By the time she finished, she felt cool over her. "Ahem!" Ashley snaps out of her daydream and turns around to see a young man applauding. He had disheveled dark haired, he looked like a nice guy with a rebel going on--It was Anubis. He was looking over at Ashley and wondered if she was a merciless killer however he just saw a shy, fidget girl standing there in the room. 

Ashley moved away as she seemed embarrassed. "Oh! I'm sorry!" She whispered softly. "That was beautiful." said Anubis. "Th-Th-Thank you, I hope I--" stammered Ashely. "I, um, looking for someone name Anubis Twain?" Ashley said. Anubis grinned impishly. "You're looking at him." He replied. Ashley looked embarrassed. "Oh....! I didn't know! Your voice is familiar, I didn't see you clearly in the van. You were the brothers from before, right? Thanks." Anubis nodded. "Its fine, you look lost." He noted. Ashley turned away with a flushed face. "Was I?" She said, looking at the window which begin to rattle. "Everyone can be lost sometimes, even I can be so you're not alone." Anubis reassured her. Ashley said, laughing to herself but she felt a fool. "I don't think I'm lost, I think I have gone a little crazy."  Then, the window cracked in a startling matter. "Whoa!" Anubis cried. Ashley covered her mouth, "Oh! Oh, damn! I'm sorry." She said. Ashley turned around and locked eyes with Anubis. Embarrassed; Ashley bowed her head, Anubis put and arm around her in an embrace so gingerly that Ashley felt comforted and safe for a moment, just a moment she felt safe. "Looks like someone is getting too comfortable." A voice said. Ashley jumped and saw a man standing with a skeptical look on his face--Bata. Introductions went about as Jude watched the vulnerable Ashley answered them. 

To get her settled; Ashley entered the classroom, she opened the door to see students talking amongst themselves as they wait for their teacher to come. Ashley looked to see a lone desk in the back of the class and walks up and takes her seat there. Just then, the door opens and the chatter silenced. In walk a teenager, Ashleywas surprised to see that it was a teen boy walking in. He had dark hair and powder blue eyes, pale skin and he was pretty cute. A mature looking boy in well-dressed clothes. "All right, take your seats." He said. "Let's settle down now." The young man cleaned his throat and continued, "Welcome, My name is Bata Twain." Ashley was stunt, "That's Bata Twain?" She mumbled. "He's nothing that I would picture." Just then, the window cracked and the students jumped. Unfazed; Bata glanced at Ashley, “Was it you, Miss Samson?” He asked. Ashley shrugged her shoulders, “No. Why would you say that?” She asked. “You looks like your trouble to the core.” Bata noted, “You looked like you want to rebel but who knows! Maybe you will.” Ashley glared at him, who had his back turned. Ashley clenched her fist. "Oh, I'm trouble to the core? How does he know that I'm trouble? Who does he think he is? Low life child prodigy my ass." She thought. "He doesn't know a damn thing about my past!" However, Ashley felt her nose running so she wipes her nose and to find blood on her hand. Ashley gasped, "Help....Help me." She looked around as she saw no one was paying attention. She looked up and gasped. A zombie-like demon had a grin that showed his sharp teeth and chuckling at her. "What's the matter? It's just a nosebleed, just plug it up!" "Stay away from me, stay away from me!" Ashley begged but she is surrounded by other people who looked demonic and undead. 

Ashley backs away in horror, she then stumbles as she heard a zombie taunting in a satanic voice, "Bleeding to death? Your time has come. You sweet, little, fidget girl!" Ashley backs away on the floor as they were closing in on her. Then, the demonic zombies chanting: "Die, die, die!" Ashley panted, gasping. This was too frightening for her. It was like hell, there was no escape from here. "Help me, help me! Help me! Help! Please! AUGH!!!!" She screeched. Clutching her head as she cowers away from the zombies, who continued to jeer and laugh. In reality; The others are concerned at the hysterical Ashley. "Is she OK?" one student asked. "She looks scared." replied a girl. "Somebody--Get a doctor!" called another student. Bata immediately rushed over and took Ashley by the shoulders, "Hey, Ash! Ash! calm down!" He begged. Ashley continued to scream so Bata begin to do something out of element: He slapped Ashley across her face. Ashley stopped screaming, she panted as her hallucination ended. Ashley look to see that her nose is no longer bleeding. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Bata said, looking ashamed. He embraced Ashley, who looked dazed. Ashley was being treated at the medics, she looked better but her hair was a mess. She heard someone calling her name, Ashley looked up and saw that it was Anubis running towards her. Overjoyed with tears in her eyes; Ashley embraced her friend as she was happy to see him. "Are you all right?" Jude asked, he pulls away from the embrace as he looks at her tired eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing, really." claimed Ashley. Bata then scoffs at her, "Well it's not your fault that you cause two things to collide right?" He remarked. Ashley gaspsed when she heard this, she looked over at the smug Bata who walked away. 

In her rage; Ashley doodled a crude art of Bata Twainin class, she gave the drawing sharp teeth and a word bubble next to him, saying: "Blah, blah, Blah!" It was so funny when she finished because she laughed to herself. "And pray tell what's so funny, Miss Samson?" Bata called out. Ashley calls out smugly, "Nothing Mr. Twain." Bata marched over to her desk and snatched the doodle. He looked at it, then sarcasm crossed his face. "Is this how you see me?" Mr. Twain asked. He showed the doodle to the class, who snickered at this as Bata crumpled the drawing and stomped it with his foot. Ashley didn't flinched. Mr. Twain leaned in her face and said, "Respect me or I'll fail you." Ashley glared back at him, "Fail me and you'll be sorry!" She replied. "Ooooooh!" went the students. Bata was surprised by this and narrowed his eyes. "Are you threatening me?" He asked. Ashley shrugged. "I'm simply giving you a warning." She said. Bata smirked, "Hmm...Interesting." was all he could say and continued his lesson. After class, she sneaked off to the library to dig up some research and was trying to find some files on anything but she couldn't find a thing! Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw some scrolls in the back and gets up to take a look. As she opened one of the scrolls; she couldn't read what it says. 

She heard someone coming and hid. It was Bata, he appeared to inspect the scrolls, Ashley watched him carefully as she saw him looking at one. “Does he know?” thought Ashley. Without thinking; she pounced at him, who fell down and felt Samson's hands around his throat. "You know how to read this thing?" She demanded. "Y-Y-Yes. I do." Bata managed to choke out. Ashley loosens her grip on her him and gets up as Cain panted and cough, "Good, you can help me understand it. Go! Do it! Get down to reading! What are you waiting for? Is it hard for you to read too?" She commanded. Bata looked at it and said, "This scroll, I don't think we can use it. It has a--" "‘has a--has a--has a--' What? Tell me one word and I'll be satisfied. The scroll has a problem? A password? An aneurysm?" Ashley guessed. "A secret code." Bata said, he looked at her with chutzpah. Ashley narrowed her eyes. She pinned his neck to the wall hard with her shoe, "How do I know you're telling the truth?" She asked. "Because--If--If I lied then you would get in trouble and I'll be in trouble." gagged Mr. Twain. Ashley released him, "All right, top secret is in your hands." She said. Ashley turned to walk away but Bata stops her. 

"Hold up! Look, no one, such as yourself, should look at this. Besides, if you discover it then--" He said. Ashley raised a finger to hault him. "Don't tell me, they'll gag me and lock me up to keep my mouth shut." She said. Bata looks at her before he nods. "Exactly." He said. "Gotcha." Ashley said with a thumbs-up. The two of them left the library. At night; Anubis heard Ashley screaming. He went to the chamber and opened the door. "Hey, are you OK?" asked Jude. Ashley had a nightmare of her walking the streets where she saw one car about to crash into the other and tried to stop it however she lost concentration by the sound of another car and that's when the cars crashed. She was screaming and thrashing about earlier. She was now startled to see Anubis as she ducked her the covers in terror. "S--sorry, just ghosts haunting me in my dreams!" stuttered Ashley. Anubis looked at her, "You scared?" He asked. "I--No! I just..." Ashley didn't know what to say. "Um, are you're OK? I'm not sure--" Jude place a hand on her forehead but he suddenly saw visions in his mind. Ashley try to push him away, "Let go of me! Ah!" She gasped. But Anubis didn't, he could see images in his head that were memories: A girl happy smiling and playing. Another memory shows of that happy girl crying as she tries to cover her ears from the screaming coming from downstairs. A third shows a woman screaming as the girl cowers and whimpers, "Don't you dare cry or I'll give you a good damn reason to cry!" The woman shouted. The girl was a young version of Ashley, who was abused as child. There was a dream that showed of Ashley move away from her mother, Ashley's mother, who had pleaded with her not to go. But Ashley did not listen. Her mother tried to stop the car, she was yelling: "ASHLEY, MOMMY LOVES YOU!!!" 

Ashley's driving escort locked the doors as she drove away, while Ashley's mother screamed, "I will find you and bring you home! You hear me? I WILL FIND YOU!!!" "What the--?" Anubis thought, "What is all this?" Ashley thrash about violently from her friend, "Stop it!" She cried. "Get out, GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY HEAD, STAY OUT OF MY MIND! PLEASE!" More memories invaded into Anubis's head, he saw a massacre. Anubis was horrified, "Ah...What...?" He thought. "Stop this..." He saw in his mind of people getting shot and all sorts of people tortured to death. Ashley pushed him away and ran off while Anubis went to find his brother to go find her. In a flashback; Ashley remembers how her mother Hanna was very disgusted by Ashley as they couldn't stand the sight of her so she send her to live with Hazelelponi. Hazelelponi was kind to poor Ashley and taught her craft as well as art. Ashley developed into a dollmaker as she made friends of her own. She pretended that the dolls she made were her sisters and Ashley became an 'imaginary friend ventriloquist' as she pretended to speak as her own imaginary friends. She was so angry of the cruelty her mother did and decided to sent in a doll for her mother but created a knife in the doll to try to kill her mother. As a joke around the time she was 13; Ashley was honored to wed to the spoiled and pompous Bedan, who was also disgusted at Ashley and cheated on her with the clever and beautiful, Delilah Cendron. Then, her mother and many others tied her up, spin her on the pedestal wheel, and threw fruit at her as a sort of humiliation. Ashley was so ashamed and she retreated to isolation of Hazelelponi. Hazelelponi cared for Ashley, where she comforted her and gave her love. Then, a fire broke out in Hazelelponi's home as Ashley survived with severe burns as Hazelelponi died in the fire. Ashley remembered that she saw Delilah and the other girls. 

There, she vowed revenge where she killed those who wronged her, wrapped up and placed in a statue made out of woven fibers called a wicker man as the bodies are place in there and lightened up. Ashley watched the wicker man light up as she begin to dance around slowly, swaying back in forth. Starting to remember old memories that were kept held in for so long, and is now feeling the pain again from it. In reference for all the many times Ashley got by when she held on to her insecurities, and assumptions. After all the pain Ashley goes through, she continues to fall. She  can’t give up on herself, even though she would be better off if she did so. Anubis and Bata is simply a item she can't get over regerdless of what happens in her, and wishes she didnt need them in her life. she wishes she dosen't need to chase them and try to work things out. They're like a appendix to her, It's in most of our bodies, but theres no real general or vital use for it. "I still fight and I don’t know why....I still fight and I don’t know why." thought Ashley while thinking of Anubis and Bata, "If my heart breaks into despair and sadness, why are you the one that cures them? If If love isn’t something that makes sense, why doesn't it make so much sense to me?" "Ashley!" Jude called out. Ashley turned around, "Anubis? Bata?" She asked. The Twain Brothers look at her, "Why are you so scared? Why can't you admit that you killed our father?" Bata demanded. "Because it was an accident!" insisted Ashley. "Like hell!" Anubis said, he stepped forward and seized her while saying, "Look, tell us you did it and we'll--" But stops when Anubis saw in Ashley's mind of a flashback: She was walking the streets of a highway where she saw one car about to crash into the other and tried to stop it however she lost concentration by the sound of another car and that's when the cars crashed.

Anubis is shocked to hear this and he doesn't hate her anymore. But Ashley was bleeding from the wound as she wanted to die, she fainted however Anubis and Bata rush to save her. Poor Ashley who was crying and she could barely breathe however she lives. Bata learn from Anubis of what really happened in the accident and forgives Ashley in the hospital. Ashley is not relieved and she becomes kamikaze, she wanted to end her life nevertheless Jude wouldn't let her, and the same goes for Bata. Anubis turned to Ashley and locked eyes with her while talking to her, "You cant blame yourself because you never had real love to understand. You have no understanding of something that was never there. It's not your fault." Ashley begin to cry happy tears however she had to say, "If my heart breaks into despair and sadness, why are you the one that cures me? If If love isn’t something that makes sense, why doesn't it make so much sense to me when you're around me?" Anubis smiled and looked at Bata, who smiled too, then Anubis turned back to her, "Because I'm your clarity in the ashes." He replied. Ashley smiles and so her life to recovery would begin. She was going to get stronger and never cause anymore problems with her powers. And she made good friends--Anubis and Bata Twain. 

Nana smiled brightly as she looked up at the listener, "Did you like 'Clarity of Accidents'? No? Well, my friend, perhaps I shall introduce you to 'Baccara'! Interested enough for ya? Well, ;et's start shall we? Here we go..." She said, beginning to tell the next story: 

"My life....It was once so beautiful but then it turn bitter when my father was killed in a car accident....How my rival ruined me. I was cheated out of my childhood for a private practice--Nobody didn't help me or never cared for me. They didn't even protect me, or talk to me, or ask me how I feel. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to do something about it--even it kills me. Heaven, have mercy on me..." When she was little; Biancabella is looking outside of a rainstorm as she steps into the rain and she motions with her hand at the raindrops. But then, the rain drops froze. Everyone is startled by this, even Biancabella was shocked. In modern day; The plane is hovering in the air, a man looks out the window happily and content. He lets out a sigh of relief, "Ah, I'm going home--My home where my family awaits. My trip was quite nice, but there's no place like home." Just then; he was startled by a voice: "Yes, no place like home isn't it. I cannot wait to arrive too." said a mature sounding teenager, it belong to 18 year old Biancabella Baccara. "Miss?" The man asked in confusion. "Oh, sorry. I was just agreeing with you." Biancabella replied politely. "You can't wait to return home too?" The man asked. There was an indifference to Biancabella's face. "Yes." She said. As the plane landed; Biancabella got off and was walking in town however she felt someone near her, "Hello Biancabella, welcome home." A voice greeted from behind. Biancabella turns around to see familiar faces. It was her childhood friends--Leveret Svarog aka The Mad Rabbit, Crevan Talos aka The March Fox  and Bernadette Whiro aka The Dorbear. "Leveret! Crevan! Bernadette! Hi, good to see you again. It's been years since the last time." Biancabella replied, embracing her friends in greeting. They talk for awhile when Biancabella look to see the 

"You know that room upstairs, it's been vacant now hasn't it?" Biancabella said, sitting in the chair. "Up there? No, nobody goes up there." Leveret said lightly. "Why?" Biancabella asked. Leveret was silent before speaking, "People say it's haunted by something more frightened." Biancabella's head shot up, "Haunted?" She asked. Leveret nodded, "Yes, but they could be mistaken." He said. Later on; Biancabella is lying in her room as she looked at a magazine. She was in a white straitjacket with the restraints of straps, zippers, and a high collar capable of gagging the wearer is loosen and the long sleeves that flare outwards closer to the cuffs are also not tight and is loosen up. She wore no shoes as she begins to sing: "Frère Jacques, frère Jacques, Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous? Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines! Ding, daing, dong. Ding, daing, dong." She stops for a moment and sings it to herself in English, "Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, Brother John? Brother John? Morning bells are ringing! Morning bells are ringing! Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong." She remembered a flashback of the trio who helped her out; Leveret, Crevan, and Bernadette inside the abandoned place, calling out: "Biancabella!" They heard someone called back to him, "Go away!" However they ran in as he was shocked to see what Biancabella is doing: Her ankle chained to explosives of dynamite on the rock being prepared. "What are you doing?" asked Leveret, eyes filled with fear. "Making a statement." replied Biancabella. "B, whatever you think your doing, please don't do it." said Crevan calmly. Biancabella looked away from him, "Please, go away." She said darkly. "Let us help  you, B." Bernadette coaxed, walking over to her carefully. 

Biancabella begin to weep, "Why can't you people leave me alone?" She demanded through her sobs. Leveret hold back his own tears, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you went through so much pain." He said. Biancabella gave him a glare as she telepathically choke holds of them. The trio chokes and gasps for air. "Look at what you made me do, Leveret!" Biancabella sobbed. "Don't kill us, Biancabella!" rasped Leveret. "Why not? Haven't I been through enough?!" exclaimed Biancabella, tears were splashing out from her eyes. Leveret had never seen such painful rage in a girl like her, Biancabella let them go so they can breathe as she begin to cry again but she tells the three of them in her grief, "I--I--I killed my family....Did you know that? I hate myself for it, I really do, it's all my fault!" Leveret walked slowly to her, "I know the real truth, you were blackmailed! That bastard was going after your family! It's OK, you don't have to hide from me or any of us. We can help you, nobody will hurt you but we can't help you if you close yourself in. Open your heart, we want to be your friend." Leveret said. Biancabella considered this, she was touched by the fact that he came to find her. That was sweet. Nobody has ever done that for her. Not at all. Biancabella nodded, "OK. Get me out of here." She said. However; Biancabella became insane as her friends were concern for her. Lingering in the doorway; Leveret, Crevan, and Bernadette could see a beautiful landscape. Harmonic alarm clocks, creatures calling out names, wind whispering softly, raindrops falling from the not so gray skies, fields of origami flowers, candy clouds puffing, vivid purple skies, silent until angels sing on high. "Biancabella?" Leveret called. He could hear, "Oh! It's beautiful here." "Don't leave me alone!" pleaded Biancabella from afar. Leveret, Crevan, and Bernadette stopped when they saw a blood trail and followed it. It got further and further, they found Biancabella turning away from him and Leveret, Crevan, and Bernadette called her name, "B!" Biancabella turned and stare at him but she fainted on the ground. She blamed herself for being a victim to the past but Leveret, Crevan, and Bernadette encouraged, "It's never too late." They comfort her and Biancabella found the strength to make herself better. 

Meanwhile; A man was look a picture book as he saw this of a girl in different outfits that weren't too revealing: Who was this girl? The mysterious girl in the vintage dress is a singer name Heidi. No last name is given for her but she is known for her strange fashion. In art books of herself; she wears the strangest things and there's even pictures of herself. She wears headpieces of butterfly frames, bows and ribbons, skull on doilies, and an encased skull on the side of her head. Her facial decorations has teardrop kinds that are below her eyes. She wore her signature neck piece of a ruffled choker with a bow. Heidi wore a bow with a brooch around her neck, she sometime wears a diamond key, and her name in 'bling' as people would call it. In the spotlight, her hair changes over time from blue to purple by dying it. However she avoided having her hair shown as white blonde for some strange reason. As an artist, she wears over-sized studs and studs and spikes. The rings she wears is a gun ring, a doll head ring, and a spike ring. But never her favorite white and pink ring. The shoes that she wore while in the public eye is all different kinds: One shoe pair is black bow high heels, another pair is of laced open side stilettos, a third pair is laced pink pumps, a fourth is of black studded and chained ones, a fifth is a pair that is ribbon, and a last pair is over-sized platforms. She wears shoulder pieces, makes outfits out of toilet paper and garbage bags as well as a broken bird cage. Her latest outfit is of her in a panda dress. While alone, Heidi wore a cerulean blue knee-length dress, with a white pinafore apron on top. Underneath her dress, she wears a white petticoat, white stockings, white knee-length pantalettes, black strapped Mary Jane shoes and a black bow in her hair. This girl was Biancabella, who made her career as a model of the strangest, not so controversial, and expressive darkly images. 

That night; Biancabella screamed with terror as she flared her arms away and tried to get out but there was no escape. She felt the pair of eyes staring down at her, they were about to get closer and closer until Biancabella awoke with a shriek and sat up the night, trembling with fear. Later in the day; Biancabella was standing in the rain, at a building to get to the bus stop. She was dropped off by an agent however she was soaking wet. Just then, she thought someone called out to her: "Are you going to a bus stop?" It was a young man, he was stoic looking. He wore an attire of grey jeans and blue plaid blazer. "Um, yes. I am!" Biancabella called out shyly. "Would you like a ride?" asked the young man. "I would, thanks." said Biancabella, and she entered the passenger seat. "Thank you, thank you for rescuing me." She replied. "You're welcome." answered the stoic man. While driving, Biancabella was so grateful by this young man's kindness; she couldn't help it: "Uh...My name is Biancabella Baccara." "I'm Dennis Faust." said the stoic man. Biancabella talked, the man was not the chatty type but he listened and kept his answers simple. The rain had stopped, Biancabella and Dennis noticed. "I'm quite glad it rained." said Biancabella, smiling. Dennis looked at her and he smiled faintly at her. The two of them arrived at the bus stop, Biancabella could see the blue sky and clouds that were white. Dennis stopped his car, Biancabella left but not before saying goodbye and thanking him once again. Dennis nodded and Biancabella went to the bus stop, just in time to see the bus approaching. She looked back but found the car was driving away. "Maybe he's in a hurry." thought Biancabella. She turned and climbed up onto the bus. 

As she opened the door, there was no turning back now. While looking around, she saw that it was empty for years. "Now, let's see....Which way do I go to?" muttered Biancabella, looking around. Just then she heard a tweaked sound of a clock turning. There was a pause and then there was a glimmer sound to a music box. Biancabella wandered around until she found the music box, a crystal ball like one with a figure of a ballerina pirouetting. She was so delighted to see this beautiful thing as she beckons it over to her telekinetically and held it in her hands. She looked at it as she watched the ballerina twirl, however in the reflection; she thought she saw someone there and turned but found no one was there. Biancabella shake her head and rubbed her eyes, "I must be seeing things." She muttered. Biancabella watched the mechanic ballerina dance until its tired, machine heart beats slowly until the song disappears. Then it stops. There was an eerie silence until Biancabella heard singing, sad but soft crooning: "There was an old woman all skin and bone Who lived near the graveyard all alone. She thought she'd go to church one day To hear the parson preach and pray." And another voice went, "O-o-o-o-o-o! O-o-o-o-o-o!" The singing went again, but the words were different than the first: "And when she came to the church-house stile She thought she stop and rest awhile. She came up to the door, She thought she'd stop and rest some more." Then, the same voice after went, "O-o-o-o-o-o!  O-o-o-o-o-o!" Biancabella was a little freaked out when she heard the singing again with different words, somehow this song sounded familiar, "But when she turned and looked around She saw a corpse upon the ground. From its nose down to its chin The worms crawled out, and the worms crawled in." There it was again! "O-o-o-o-o-o!  O-o-o-o-o-o!" The singing came there again, "The woman to the preacher said, 'Shall I look like that when I am dead?'" Then, it was there the last time: "O-o-o-o-o-o!" and the singing said in a creepy, low tone, "The preacher to the woman said, 'You shall look like that when you are dead!" 

There was something that made Biancabella shrieked when she heard a shock, panicky scream, "AAAAAAAAAAA!" Biancabella ran as she went to the bathroom, which was the safest place she could think of. There was a voice on the opposite side of the door. It was just a quiet, whisper voice. "Why don't you open the door?" said the voice, "I've come for you. You'll be happier if you open the door. It's not so bad..." Biancabella trembled, however she didn't know what to do anymore. Maybe it won't be so bad. However, she won't fall for it but she musters the courage. Panting with fear; Biancabella had her pen knife in her hand as she mumbling to herself in a mantra: "I'm OK. I'm not scared, I'm not scared. I can do this. I'm not afraid....." She went out there, looking around as she stepped out of her hiding spot. She looked left, then right. Breathing a sigh of relief, Biancabella walked as she said to herself over and over again, "I am not scared, you hear that? Not scared at all." Then she shouted out, "I AM NOT SCARED!!!!!" Just then, a crash of thunder was so loud that made Biancabella screamed and jumped. "Oh crap." She muttered. Then laughed to herself. However she finds something fell and she jumps.There laying on the floor was a mascot on the floor. It looked like some sort of disturbing looking one that remained unfinished, Biancabella looked at it and then to her horror; the mascot started to get up. First sitting up, then climbing to its feet, the mascot stood there at the center of the room, its fake face just starting at Biancabella directly as she mumbled "No...This can't be happening..." over and over and over. She wanted to run however her legs refuse to work. She wanted to scream however she was so terrified that she could not make a sound! 

The mascot now quietly looking at her. Biancabella raised her eyes once again to the costumed figure."Hey," it said in a hushed, perverted voice, "Wanna see my head come off?" It started to pull at its own head, working its clumsy, glove-clad fingers around its neck with clawing, impatient movements similar to a wounded man trying to pull himself free of a predator's jaws. As it worked its digits into its neck. So much blood...thick, chunky, yellow blood. Biancabella turned away, sickened by the sight, she only cared about getting away. Finally, as she calmed down; Biancabella walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. She bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling her eye. What she saw was a bedroom and in the corner was a woman whose skin was incredibly pale. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. She stared in confusion for a while. Biancabella almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity but decided not to. As Biancabella was still looking, the woman turned sharply and she jumped back from the door, hoping she would not suspect he had been spying on her. The scenery changed before her eyes, all she saw was redness. She couldn't make anything out besides a distinct red color, un-moving. Perhaps these inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red. Biancabella backs away but then she found a record about that room: A long time ago, a man was killed after he murdered his wife in there, and what people find that even now, whoever stays there gets very uncomfortable. 

But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red. Biancabella was scared, however she found something that frightened her. There were four test subjects also had large portions of muscle and skin torn away from their bodies. While the heart, lungs and diaphragm remained in place, the skin and most of the muscles attached to the ribs had been ripped off, exposing the lungs through the ribcage. All the blood vessels and organs remained intact, they had just been taken out and laid on the floor, fanning out around the eviscerated but still living bodies of the subjects. They continued to scream to be left in the chamber and alternately begged and demanded that the gas be turned back on, lest they fall asleep. One of the subjects died from having his throat ripped out, another was gravely injured by an artery in his leg severed by one of the subject's teeth. When heart was seen to beat for a full two minutes after he had bled out to the point there was more air in his vascular system than blood. Biancabella was scared, she thought she heard someone's footsteps as she pulled out her pen knife and prepared for anyone who might be coming would attack her. There was a figure standing there, she didn't know who it was. It looked like a silhouette of a man and then a creature. Biancabella pointed her pen knife at the remaining figure, "I won't be locked in here with you! Not with you!" She screamed at the figure. "WHAT ARE YOU? I want to know!" 

The figure replied, "Have you forgotten so easily? I am the madness that lurks within you all, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind. I am what you hide from in your beds every night. I am what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven where we cannot tread." Biancabella got away as she didn't look back. In the meantime, Biancabella got away as she found a movie player which she saw herself as a kid scared to see small animals lying dead on the ground bleeding. Young Biancabella had a shocked and saddened look on her face. In a split second, Biancabella saw the man facing towards her with his eyes open and they were black with those red glowing dots. He laughed as he said, "Hello. Do you want to play with me?" The girl ran, looking scared out of her wits. Suddenly there was a creepy laugh, Young Biancabella tripped and laid there and started crying. But then the man appeared right in front of her and the girl looked up in horror. Blood started to come down those blackened eyes of the man's as a grin slowly grew from his face as he looked down at the horrified girl. Just in a split second the man lunged at Young Biancabella who let out a loud screeching. Biancabella was scared as she looked away as she could hear someone whisper, "Try to keep this interesting for me, Baccara." Biancabella turned around to see where the voice came from, and what she saw made her scream. Sitting in a chair, staring right at her was the man in black smiling with bloodstains under his eyes. Biancabella ran, clutching the music box. 

She found her own diary in the middle of the room, it was a black one with metal like decorations and a skull. When she opened it, she read the entries which said: "The world is a scary, crazy place and you have to be kind of insane to play the game properly. In other words, you will lose sleep because you have to spend so much time working. You have to stalk things if you want them, in the sense that you have to be manipulative and cunning. You can’t think about morals when you’re going after something. You have to strike violently and swiftly or else you’ll miss it. Soon you can start to be a little more slick about it, or more groomed, as it were; you get a handle on playing the game. You start to get the look of the people you run with and the mannerisms." Biancabella turned the page and read the next entry, "You have to jump at the chance to step on somebody for your own gain. You've got to watch to make sure nobody stabs you in the back. The older you get, the harder it’s going to be to keep up the game of using and being used, and you'll eventually retire and move somewhere. Everybody that lives this way dies the same, sad and alone." In the next page of the entry, it said: "When you get to the end of your life, you will look back and look back on all of the actions you took in your life. The closer you come to death, the more you stop caring about your enemies and the people that you have hurt or have injured you. feeling more helpless and useless. Being a corner of your bed, trying to psyche yourself up to rid himself of  sad thoughts. If you were running in a pack, but you realize you feel that you are unique. You need to break out of that world." 

Inside it was a small room, and an extremely morbid scene. There were traces of blood and tiny bone fragments lay scattered across the floor.What truly frightened her to hear strange, agonizing screams that were extremely frightening and on the walls, she found letters that said: “That's where three kids went.” and she looked over to found dead people slumped in pools of their own blood. Biancabella looked over at them, she kicks one over gently and saw their eyes gouged out. Biancabella was shocked by this as she backs away in fear. But she thought she saw someone there, when she glanced over; no one was there. Biancabella did find something on the floor, it was a ripped out entry from the journal she read. It sounded like a rhyme, "It was four o'clock, there were slimy badgers. Going around and making holes in it of the grassy plot at the sundial. All it was misery, with wings less parrots and a green hog from home whistles. Beware of Erasmus Heri." She looked at her entry went like this, "A music box ballerina spins around, so my gray mindset stems from within. Day after day I've become monotonous, creating a stable but spiritually draining life. I yearn to escape from the container. I'm sick of rotating around day after day and want my soul to fly free—even if that involves becoming broken. I'm afraid of changing my ways, so I'm frozen, unable to do anything. Please let me go free; I don't this to be shattered, but erased, so I can forget about it as I reconnect with the world. On one hand, I desire freedom. On the other, I want to stay safe. I might be unhappy inside the glass, but at least I know I’ll be okay. If I escapes, I might die outside. Birds are free, but open to the sky’s dangers."

Long ago....A boy photographs outside of a church when he is about to snap another picture when he can see a young girl in the lenses. He looks up to see this beautiful girl who is wearing a short sleeved white and blue dress with Mary Jane blacks. She has white blonde hair that stands out from the average Sunday clothes she wore. "Beautiful." muttered the man. The girl glance at the man and smiles brightly. The boy photographing the church is Erasmus Heri, he has been closed to the family ever since but mostly desires the ashen blonde girl who is Young Biancabella. Young Biancabella spends time with him where she is fascinated with stories about Fiona. The 'fruitful' Fiona, however it is a metaphor story about Biancabella and how he feels about her. When she turned 9 and her friendship with Erasmus soured when Erasmus forced Biancabella to be a slave in order to save her family. However, she couldn't take anymore and stopped. Just then; Biancabella was 12; there was a tragedy came upon her family where Erasmus had her family tied up and he forced her to burn them, which she reluctantly does while having Erasmus screaming at her. Her family died in the fire, Biancabella was traumatized with burnt marks on her skin. She survived as she fears Erasmus, for the monster that he is. Biancabella was suspended by her wrists, her mouth had a gag in her mouth and she muffled in fear. Her eyes widened while a creepy monotone voice was almost sing-song, "My love, I know you love me too. You need me, you need me in your life. You can't live without me, and I'd died without you--I'd kill for you." In the meantime; Leveret, Crevan, and Bernadette was looking for their friend when all of a sudden, they received a note that reads: "I have Biancabella, come and find me if you dare but DON'T TRY ANYTHING!!!!!"

She found Erasmus's diary and was horrified to read the entries in there: "Her lips taste like fruit punch, she says. She puts lip balm flavored on them, I can tell. I understate my love for her, I don't reveal my true feelings for Fiona and my desire to get in bed with her. I have a reputation for hitting off with women but I have changed. I am quite fond of spontaneous romance, I want passions with my Fiona and so infatuated for Little Fiona. All I wanted was a romantic night with her my way. Biancabella, my Fiona. She has no shame in her game. She lies about her promiscuity for she lives in a luxurious lifestyle, a smooth talker to the boys--Including me. People who don't know Little Biancabella are fooled by her demeanor as everyone falls in love with her looks. Yet nobody knows what she's like, I can't understand how persuasive she is. Fiona can talk her way out of any situation, how? Because she's beautiful! Watching women like her eat ice cream is sensuous...Fiona...." Biancabella was horrified and read the next entry: "Biancabella is a party girl at heart, she gets dressed up and hopes to find a crowd. Always depending on the kindness of strangers, everything you want is impossible. She's playing around and breaking my black heart. Looks being drained due to stress. She doesn't care for the abuse she gets for loving me. She seeks only happiness and doesn't see the problem. Even if it's an older man--Me." She didn't not know to trust to tell someone about him. 

Erasmus wore a top hat and a suit which looked colorful and wild. He wore gloves and nice shoes as well as a neck tie. "Ah, you came! I knew you came, and your brought the fishes. How delightfu--Huurkkk!" He said, but was seized by the throat. "Where is she?!" demanded Leveret. Erasmus choked as he managed to gasp out, "Who?" "Biancabella, your Fiona." Leveret remarked. Erasmus smiled in a depraved manner, "Ah, her." He said. Then, he said, "I'll tell you where but one thing--HAVE SOME POWDER!!!" As he hit Damon with a powdered puff but this powder was strong and knocked him out. When Leveret and the other two woke up, he saw paintings in a crude inspired way. There was Erasmus slitting a man's throat and flayed off all his skin and he strung the chair. Then, a second man who was tied naked to a column, and flayed alive. The man's quartered body was then distributed as a war trophy among the army, and his skin was stuffed with straw and sewn, reinvested with his military insignia, and exhibited riding an ox in a mocking procession along the streets. There was a crude vision of Erasmus with an army of skeletons wreaking havoc across a blackened, desolate landscape. Fires burn in the distance, and the sea is littered with shipwrecks. A few leafless trees stud hills otherwise bare of vegetation; fish lie rotting on the shores of a corpse-choked pond. In the foreground, skeletons haul a wagon full of skulls; in the upper left corner, others ring the bell that signifies the death knell of the world. A fool plays the lute while a skeleton behind him plays along; a starving dog nibbles at the face of a child; a cross sits in the center of the painting. People are herded into a trap decorated with crosses, while a skeleton on horseback kills people with a scythe. A third vision where Erasmus feasting upon a child. The child's head and part of the left arm has already been consumed. The right arm has probably been eaten too. Erasmus is on the point of taking another bite from the left arm; as he looms from the darkness, his mouth gapes and his eyes bulge whitely. 

Levret, Crevan, and Bernadette could hear haunted singing.  Then they heard voices and got ready, the trio found the white door as he barged it open. Erasmus had an arm around Biancabella's nape tightly and in his other hand was a steak knife, "Don't come and closer--Or she dies, she knows that she belongs to me." Erasmus threatened. "Leveret, help me!" Biancabella begged tearfully. Just then, bottle corks popped and objects lifting 15 feet in the air. Erasmus was horrified by this, "What the--What is this sorcery?" He demanded, "What's going on? Are you doing this?" Leveret was standing there calmly but a smirk appeared on his face, "Maybe I am." More objects were still levitated in the air but then the ceilings were crumbling and  things were falling apart. "I don't believe it!" gasped Erasmus. "Leveret!" Biancabella cried, reaching towards him. "Biancabella!" Leveret called, he successfully caught her and pulled her close to him. "C'mon, we gotta get away!" He said. Just before they left; Erasmus emerged from the rubble as he cried out, "No, please! Don't leave me here, Fiona!" Heidi glared at him, "I told you, I'm not Fiona--It's Biancabella....You force me to killed my family." She claimed and turned away. Erasmus tried reaching as he screamed hysterically, "FIONA!!!" Biancabella turned and screamed as loud as she could, "I'M NOT YOUR FRIGGIN' CARMEN, YOU BASTARD!!!!" Then with all of her might; Biancabella kicked Erasmus in the head, his neck snapped and he fell lifeless in the rubble however Damon pulled her as they got to safer ground. Once they got away; Leveret looked at how much damage the manor is but looked over at Biancabella who was quiet for a moment. "Are you OK?" Crevan asked. Biancabella nodded, "I will be." She admitted. Bernadette hugged Biancabella, Crevan patted her shoulder, and Leveret walked over to her and put an arm around her to say, "It's over." Biancabella smiled at him, "Yes." She said. They walked away. 

Nana leaned back in her chair with a grin, "Ah, great things aren't they? Well if Baccara didn't made your heart sing then try this one---Spessa: Blood and Water! Please enjoy." She said and she begin another tale: 

Part 1: She Wolf Asena 

People think Asena is just like any other girl. but she knows she’s something special. She’s tired of being dismissed as something not unique or special. Asena is a girl, but she often doesn’t act the way girls are expected to act. In fact, she can even seem a little violent at times. She’s more than capable of being raunchy and blood thirsty. Asena can be sexy and gritty, a personality which are especially frowned upon when exhibited by a girl. Being unladylike comes naturally to Asena, because her thoughts aren’t ladylike. Asena doesn’t think this is a particularly bad thing; she says “bloody” and “guts” so casually, one would think she was being somewhat sarcastic. Most girls are so concerned about their weight and how they look, They can have their fake food, but Asena’s going to enjoy the real thing. Girls are never encouraged to fight for things they want, or “let themselves go”.  However, Asena isn’t going to be a perfect girl. Asena doesn’t care about her weight or anything like that, and it bores her when girls obsess over their appearances because Asena doesn’t even bother thinking about it. The things they say don’t interest Asena and so she tends to tune them out or she responds back with sarcasm and rudeness, “So, you eat a lot of calories. Who cares? I’m falling asleep here from how boring you are, can’t you talk about something more interesting?” Of course, the other girls are likely unappreciative of this attitude, and don’t try to talk to Asena again. Mean girls are constantly get picked at by others, because of their appearance and actions. Making fun of “superior and rich" women makes self-conscious girls feel better about themselves. 

Society tells girls that they should be soft and polite, and not be capable of “fighting dirty” or breaking the rules. Asena doesn’t want to go along with what society is telling her to be. Because she doesn’t make an effort to fit in with the other girls, Asena is mocked and ridiculed. She believes the reason these girls gossip about her is to hide their own insecurities. The things they’re saying aren’t true anyways. Society wants Asena to be a typical girl and conform to its ideas of what a girl should be like, and for a while she even went along with it. But now, Asena’s going to laugh and do what she wants. She wants drama and carnage. But mostly carange. She wears everything red! A mini skirt, a bandana bra, and high heels. She wore a retro, wiggle dress. Tight skinny jeans. And a floral doily collar and keyhole accent on the back. How did she became this way? Long ago, about one year ago; Asena is a ecdysiast, an exotic dancer to be exact, who is making money to go and live a new life from the life she live of sin and troubles. One night it was dark and there was no sound except the chirpy ringtone came from Asena's cellphone that was in her bag. She answered it, "Hello?" She said. Asena listened before she responds back, "Hey, it's me. Just got back from 'struttin' my stuff' if you know what I mean." Another pause and then she said, "I know, I know. Look, once I get that hundred grand; then I'm done. OK? It's my last tomorrow." A short pause, "OK, cool. Thanks." And she hung up after saying goodbye to that person. 

Just then, Asena thought she heard something and turned around. "Who's there?" She called out. No one answered so Asena kept walking however she felt like someone is following her so she begins to run but that was a big mistake. Her heel broke and slid down a steep street but the figures approached, evil chuckles. "Stay away from me!" cried Asena, but they didn't listen. Asena was attacked and tortured by five men. Just then, there were police sirens in the air and the men heard them as they escaped. Asena developed a hatred towards men as she gets her revenge. It stripped her of her being a ecdysiast. One day, Asena woke up with a rash on her back and then the rash came to life as Asena developed blood-like symbiotic powers with flesh engorged masses across her body. Finally; She tracks down those that wronged her and prepared herself for the craziest journey yet to come. One week later; Asena alone in the club. She’s trying to dance away her thoughts. Although they still haunt her, Asena thinks that they haven't “won”. She won’t let the men that attack her affect her life forever. These men hurt her in more ways than one, but most likely emotionally and physically. Yet, the experience hasn’t killed her soul. However, a pervert tries to hit her however Asena is not interested with him. The guy tried to touch her but she tells him to back off. "Oh come on, sweetheart. Quit playing games!" said the pervert. Asena has bad memories from being torture and shoves him away. This provokes him as a fight broke out with Asena wielding a long, steel pole that had a sharp end of the staff. During the fight, The perverts tackles her as he tries to strangle her until her symbiotic like blood powers threw him backwards and Asena became chaotic. The crowd screams as they ran out. 

From the building rooftop; someone saw the screaming crowd leaving the crowd. "What's going on over there?" asked one of the boys. "I don't know, it looks like someone is starting something." said the second. "Let's go check it out." said the first guy's companion. "Right!"  replied the second guy's companion. And they went down their own flight. Once it was all over; Asena panted as the damage has been done and it was vacant but she was too stunt to know what happened. "Wow, did you do all this?" said a voice. Asena was startled to hear someone behind her and turned around, "Ohhh-!" She gasped. There was Damon Leto! And his brother Gunther. "He's hot....Wait, what the hell am I thinking? Focus, Asena!" thought Asena. She cocked her hips and placed her hands on them. "And you are?" asked Asena. Damon was impressed by this girl and lent out his hand, "Damon Leto, nice to meet you." He introduced. "Well Damon, it's time to know your place." Asena said. She pulled out her harpoon weapon with a sharp point to it. Asena tried lunging at Damon but someone shouted out:  "Woooo, what do we have here?" asked a voice. Damon grimaced at who it was, "Oh no, it's them!" Just then, Asena's hands were tied behind her back in a quick motion, she was a hostage and she had her head bowed. "Nobody moves or the woman goes down!" said Margon. "You wouldn't!" Damon called out. Margon laughed, "Oh trust me, nothing says more than seeing you all burn like anyone else would!" said the leader. The others snickered. This was it, this was the end of the line.....Or was it? Asena snapped! She lunged at her captors and fought the gang, blood sprayed out but they weren't dead. Asena cried out, "ANIMALS!!!! YOU'RE AN ANIMAL, CURSED, DISEASED WITH FILTH AND GRIM!!!!!  More blood was splattered on her suggestive body but she didn't care, she wasn't going to stop until men like them were dead. But they weren't and they stopped Asena. 

Just then, Asena and the others sensed that someone was coming, she instructed everyone to hide or someone will find them. She quickly hid in the dark as she jumped at the sound of marching footsteps--Like an army or something. "What a dump." said a first. A second remarked, "Yeah. Looks like this place went to hell." "Hmm, hell. I have to agree with that." said a third. Asena was shaken with fear over this, "What to do? What to do? How to get out of this?" She thought. Just then, she heard a soft snarl and peeks out to see a creature. It was going after the people, surprise attack. "Oh crap, what do I do now?" wondered Asena. She had no other choice, she had to save them. She quietly hid in the shadows as Asena sneaks behind the creature and she wrestles with it before incinerate it. Asena panted and panted however she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. With her eyes widened with fear, she turned around, she was face to face with some guy. He looked psychotic, Asena was scared as she couldn't move. She pulled out her staff and stabbed him but she pierced his shoulder instead. The guy looked at where he had been hit. "Does it hurt?" asked Asena, staring at him. "Nope." said the guy, and then he throbbed her. Hard. Asena cried out in pain at how much it hurt. "Crazy son of a bitch!" She cried, "Why the hell would you do that?!" The guy snickered, but stops when he heard Asena moaned softly as she grinned while saying, "Actually...I kind of liked it." That's when she cuts her hand and her blood became a weapon to her! Asena couldn't believe it, how could she do that? 

As leader; Asena was a hot tempered, cranky, bitter, and loses her temper easily. She would b pouncing Finn, grabbing his neck and try to strangle him. It would take a lot to restrain her however Asena would kick their keisters for touching her. Asena was the most violent and cold hearted young lady with a vulnerable side to her. Tension ceased when Asena and the gang get an assignment where they need to find a file about Asena and the keys to her past and the only person that knows is a bounty hunter name Diablo Wilder. Later, at a strange, peach colored hotel looking boarding house. There was a model of peach fruit twirling on top like the shing-ding was a casino or something. That is where Diablo and his daughter, Eulalie. Asena; along with Damon, Gunther, Hagen, and Pythias behind her went in there. It was so dark in that house, there was no sign for this Diablo Wilder anywhere. There wasn't any security around, "Geez, what is he? Cocky? Or is he springing a trap?" thought Asena. While looking around, there was a sun ray shining down on someone. There was beautiful young girl who looked 17 years old. She was slender, has ivory skin with pink blush on her cheeks. Her hair was shoulder length wavy dark brown hair. Her breasts' size is about 75 centimeters. She wore a long sleeved pink sweater, with a red green vest with a white outline around the vest. She has a red fringed skirt, pink leggings, a red cowboy hat and matching colored high heeled boots. She looked pretty, but she looked sad. Asena and the others watch her, she was looking around however she saw them in the darkness. "Father! Father, intruders!" cried the girl. She ran away quickly. "Wait!" called Asena. Too late! The alarm went off, Asena and the others didn't like this. "That can't be good." Damon remarked. 

Suddenly, They were confronted by a tall man. He had a dark brown hair that was shoulder length but not so long like his daughter. He has a muscular fit body and a stubble beard. His attire was a maroon jacket, maroon boots, maroon pants, and a matching colored wide brimmed hat. Asena couldn't believe it, this couldn't be him--Could it? "Gotcha right where we want you--" Damon said with a smug look. "--Diablo Wilder!"  said the Leto Brothers. The two of them charged at Diablo, Eulalie gasped with fright as she watched helplessly but Diablo smirked. He blocks their attacks with his double swords. Diablo looked at them, who are shocked, as he said: "So this is the Leto Brothers I heard so much about. And you as well, Lady Asena!" A few minutes later; Asena, Damon, Gunther, Pythias, Hagen, Diablo, and Eulalie were sitting around having a meeting. "All right then. I'll help, under one condition." replied Diablo. Asena looked at him, "What's the condition?" She inquired. "My machete was taken from me by Morgenstern. He kept my baby in the shed so retrieve it and I'll give you the information of your mother's whereabouts." explained Diablo. Asena smiled, "Deal." She said with a nod. "One more thing, take Eulalie with you." Diablo said, gesturing towards his daughter. Eulalie looked up in horror, Asena nodded. "OK." She said with no hesitation. "What? Father--" Eulalie protested. "You'll protect her, won't you?" asked Diablo. "Sure, who knows! She might learn something." Asena remarked. Eulalie bowed her head, she noticed Damon, Gunther, Pythias, and Hagen look at her. She looked away, but felt big hands on her shoulders. Her father smiled down at her in a comfort manner, "You'll be fine, my porcelain doll." He said. Eulalie had no other choice, "Yes, Father." She admitted. Eulalie wasn't comfortable with a bunch of strange people but she cannot disobey her father. She loved him so much. 

During the journey; it got colder and Eulalie was complaining on how cold it was. However, Damon gave her his jacket and Eulalie puts it on. She couldn't help but look at him with curiosity, "Geez! I can't believe it, why is he being nice to me?" thought Eulalie, she had a suspicious look on her face. During that time; Asena, the Leto Brothers, Pythias, Hagen, and Eulalie are under attack by monsters. Damon and Gunther fought alongside Asena, while Eulalie was amazed to see this. "Wow, they just took down those beasts with light and dark....Who are these guys?" Eulalie whispered. "Just some cool guys, right?" said Pythias. Eulalie jumped to see them both with wings and right beside her. They grinned at her, "You sure are interested huh." Pythias remarked. Eulalie shrugged, "They're just something special, nothing that I am." She replied. "You're something special, too. Don't think they are the only ones--We all are." Hagen remarked. Eulalie is touched by this. Once the battle is over; Asena glared at the Leto Brothers. "Did I say you guys can help me?" She asked. "What? We just trying to help you, Bloody Mary." Damon said. Asena glared at him, "Bloody Mary? Really?" She demanded. "THAT WAS WICKED!!!" A kid's voice cried out. Asna and her group jumped, "What the--?" yelped Asena. She turned to see a bunch of kids with ecstatic looks on their faces. "Who the hell are you?" demanded Asena. 

The first one, the lead kid, announced, "We got blood powers like you...See?" They cut their palms as they draw blood out in various different ways. "You tykes have what?" demanded Asena. Her mind is racing, "These kids have the same ability of blood as me? Impossible!" She thought. "Yup!" said an Asian looking kid. "Cool, huh?" said a tall black kid. The lead kid introduces himself and his friends, "I am Sharik and these are my friends--Kai, Jovan,  Robin and his brothers, Tucker and John. Ajax and Achilles, and their little brother Perun." He turns back to Asena, "That is why we want to ask you something...." All the other kids as well as Sharik got on their knees, "PLEASE MAKE US YOUR STUDENTS!!!" They chorused. It was an awkward silence. "What now?" Asena asked, breaking the silence. "You are--Oooh, nice pecs!" Sharik said, looking at her breasts as his eyes widened. Asena is shocked and offended by that, "AAAAHH!" She screamed as she smack the boy. His friends  exclaim, "Ouchhh." "Dirty little boy." Asena muttered. "Hey, it was a mere compliment. Can you train me--Us! Can you train us?" said Sharik. "Ha, In your dreams." remarked Asena, "Now run along and to whatever it is." 

"Wait, you can't leave us! If we go back to the dojo, our parents will kill us. Sahbum Nim will use the Conditioning Stick, we'll be grounded. Kicked out." said Robin. "Yeah, that'll be fun." remarked Jovan. Eulalie looked at the children with sympathy, "Why?" She asked. "We didin't go to practice but we couldn't live this life anymore." explained Ajax. "Hey guys, come on! We got to move." Asena called. Damon stops her, "Wait, Asena. Can't we take them with us? Please?" Asena looked at him and looked at the kids who were giving her pathetic excuse puppy eyes, "All right, all right! But no more of your antics!" Asena said to the kids. She turned but one of the kids, Tucker, pipes up. He had a cute face and a bowel shaped haircut. "How about a musical number?" His voice sounded squeaky and high, almost cute. Asena moaned. During that time; Eulalie was feeling down so Damon decides to cheer her up, by giving her lessons on fighting. He saw a monster and decides to slay it for practice, and to shot off a bit. "Watch and learn what I'm about to show you....Get ready, aim your target and wait for the right moment to fire...." said Damon. Once he waited, he attacked. "...HEE-YAH!" He cried. He strike the beast, who fell down. "There, easy. Try it." said Damon. Eulalie decides to and tries to slay another beast, she succeeds but trips and falls. She trembled, feeling rather foolish until she felt a shadow upon her, it was Damon who smirked down at her. "Not bad." He said. Eulalie laughed nervously however she had to blush at how attractive Damon was. 

Later, when they got to the place where Asena's file was, Asena learn a horrible secret of her blood powers from the file. It turns out that Asena is half human, half Strigoi. A Strigoi was a symbiotic monster that feasts on blood but since she's female, she's known as a banshee. Asena is shocked, she shook her head as she said, "No...No, this can't be....It can't be...I'm not a freak..." She repeated over and over until she screamed, "I'm not a freak, I'm not, I'M NOT!!!!" She ran away as the others look on with concern. Asena hid as she begins to cry with anguish. This has to be some bad dream, this couldn't be real. She must be dreaming. But it wasn't! It was the truth. While she slept, she had nightmares about killing everyone in a bloodied way and woke up shrieking. Luckily nobody can hear her as she sneaked out to be alone. Asena looked up at the sky, seeing how pretty it is. She begin weeping again. But she felt someone draped their coat around her. She looked up and turned around to see Damon, who's back is turned to her. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But I'm here if you need me." Damon said. Asena looked at him, nodded then she said, "Thanks." Damon may be annoying to her but he had been quite nice to her. Later on while in a bathtub with red coloring to it from the color tablet; Asena is bathing alone as she looked dazed while singing creepily to herself: "I see a white door and I want it splattered red. No other colors, I want them to turn red. I see the girls walk by dressed in their innocent clothes, I have to turn my head until my violence goes." She begin to giggle maniacally as she continued to croon, "I see a line of cars and they're all splattered red, with roses and my past, both never to return. I see people turn their heads and quickly look away. Like a sinner in church, it just happens every day."

End of Part 1

Part 2: Aqua Frost

Long ago at a festival; Melusina, who was having a blast with siblings:  David, Solomon 'Sollie', Rehoboam and Asa. Just then, an unexpected visitor crashed the party with loaded guns and started a massacre. He shot at other people who fell to the floor. Panic filled everyone else, they try to flee but some were shot in the process. "David! Sollie! Rehoboam! Asa!" called Melusina. "Melusina!" Sollie called. "Mel, where are you?!" hollered Rehoboam. She went over but looked on in horror as her siblings were wounded, almost dead. She noticed that David was panting of the wound bleeding from there as he cries out, "Ohhh, the pain." He noticed Melusina there and calls out, "Get away from here!" "Save yourself Mel!" Asa called out, "Get away from here!" However they were all shot at as Melusina screamed with terror. She was shot too, in her thigh, and it took awhile for her to recover. Learning who killed her family, Melusina confronted the killer. They fought off against each other. But Melusina got the best of him, the family's killer was pinned to the ground. "This is the end for you." said Melusina. 

"Oh really? You weren't so sure of yourself? Well, it won't be peaceful for you for long." taunted the killer, "You are nothing, you couldn't be strong enough to save your family!" Melusina shuttered, she couldn't believe it and she lost control of herself. She had water and ice coming out from her and killed him violently while screaming hysterically. When she snapped out of it, Melusina was shocked as she saw that her hands were dripping with blood. She cried uncomfortably. Since the death of her siblings; Melusina had long hair that reached down to her waist and it was beautiful. However she begins to cut her long hair. Now her hair reaches to her nape but not past her shoulders. During her grief; Melusina begin to discover she can control ice and water. Melusina was trapped in an ice cage. While Melusina is encased in an ice fort; she begins to hallucinate in there as she begins to peer into the glass but she saw a blurry image of her family's killer in there. She trembles with fear until she angrily slammed her fist into the glass but then she falls back, as her fears got worse enough to torment her. She cower into a ball. Then, Melusina stands up when she saw a hallucination of a butterfly as she begins to feel better. But then Melusina is filled with dread when she saw a bat flying. She backs away with fear. Then, she has a hallucination in the encased ice as she saw herself with a body filled with cracks like she was made of glass and begins to have a scary illusion of herself breaking out of the fort but she is falling to her doom.

Melusina put that out of her head and decides to go for it  however she has another hallucination of seeing cracks all over her face, arms, and her neck and breaks out from the cage. A day later; Melusine is looking outside of a rainstorm as she steps into the rain and she motions with her hand at the raindrops. But then, the rain drops froze. Melusine was shocked; but she could see in the raindrops that there was David, Solomon 'Sollie', Rehoboam and Asa. She gasped and let the water dissolved as the sun came out. She was panting and tries her best to calm down. In the present; Melusina was carrying flowers of lilies, carnations, and poppies to visit the memorial sites of David, Solomon 'Sollie', Rehoboam and Asa. She placed them there, then she brushed the leaves away and starts to speak: "Hi guys. I came to see you, I'm sorry I was busy for awhile. I know, it's crazy." She paused. She thought about the day where she failed to save them. Then, she felt like crying. "I...I should've listened, I just thought I was doing the right thing. I didn't.....I wish I could go back and change it, save all of you. But I know I can't." said Justine. She bowed her head as she wrapped her arms around herself, shivered in the cold wind. "I miss you so much....Rehoboam, I miss the way that you were neutral whenever we argued. David, your leadership really was the heart everything since they don't call you third in command for nothing. You were a true sibling too.....Sollie, you and your big mouth--Heh.....But you had a big heart. You may not care but I do.....You were always aloof, talking like you knew everything heh, and dearest Asa, you were like a guide, helping me." She stopped for a moment; A tear rolled down her cheek, she wiped it away and covered her eyes with one hand but more tears were cascading down more and more. "I don't know, should I say I'm sorry? Should I?" She said sobbingly. 

Melusina bent to the ground, sniffing and crying so nobody can hear it. Melusina was haunted by memories of David, Solomon 'Sollie', Rehoboam and Asa as she wept bitterly until she found a girl sketching and leaning her back on a tree. Melusina spies on her behind a tree, but her breath was soft and heavy which startled the girl. She turned around but Melusina already ran. She ran and hid behind a tall tree however someone sneaking and startled her, "Ah-Ha!" Melusina gasped, tripped backwards and fell. There was a laugh, saying: "Works every time!" The young man looked down at her, "Well. You're the stalker, are you besotted with the fair lady?" He joked. Melusina shook her head, she duck down so no one can't tell if she's crying. "I'm sorry, I was interested in her drawing...That's all!" sniffled Justine. "Down Mark, chill out!" The young lady scolded, she approached Melusina with a smile. "Don't mind him, he's just being...." She stopped to notice Melusina was crying as she looked concern, "Hey, are you OK?" The girl asked. Melusina sniffed, wiping her tears and composing herself. "It's nothing--really!" She blubbered insistently. "Nice one, Mark!" A voice called out. Melusina didn't hear the banter, she was focused on the four. They looked very familiar. David, Sollie, Rehoboam and Asa. "It can't be, can it? They look like them!" Melusina thought, tears clouding her vision. She meets the four of them--Mark Harish, Silas Tototl, Paul Gajendra, and Josephine Arleigh. Just then, they heard a commotion going on so Melusina decides to find out what's going on. She could see people under attack, Melusina turned to the four of them and said: "Stay here, I'll be right back!" And she went down in a jiff! 

Down below; A stoned face captain and others cadets are under attack by the monsters. But lately, they were struggling against them and things weren't going too well. That was about to change when someone looked up and saw something in the distance. "Look, up there!" One of the soldiers called. Immediately, The stoned face captain saw someone standing on a mountain top. It was Melusina, which she hollers: "Soldiers, heed my words, I am here to delivery you from the hands of the monsters. Witness a miracle I will perform."  The others looked at each other with confusion, the stoned face captain watched what she can do. Melusina took a deep breath and flexed her hands out. She then said to herself, "Water....my friend...my partner...my world...my element...the only thing I ask for you...is for a little control." All of a sudden; to everyone was shocked to see a body of water in the sky. Then, the water came onto the Revenants and drowned them. Melusina then said to the water, "Water flowing through...." She chanted, ".....Freeze up when this spell is through." The water turns into a huge block of ice prison for the creatures. Then she glided down and kicked the ice block, which exploded in pieces. Melusina landed among the pieces, she saluted. "Melusina Yuki, reporting for duty." She announced. She beamed and then looked to see stoic-faced captain looking at her. "Captain Corvus Reece. Nice to meet you." said the stoic faced guy. Melusina is taken into custody by Captain Reece, there she meets the members there: A kind, spunky girl name Joan Kaye, formerly known as Kaia. And her friend Micahel Gerth who is formerly known as Gerth. Melusina heard about Casey Jones and Evangeline Bellefontaine but they are not here; however Connor, Fiachra, Nuala, and Aiden used to be members and they turned out to be traitors as they broke rules so they were kicked out. 

Later; Corvus asked her if she's prepared for anything. Melusina jumped up and was walking with the captain following, she claims she can face anything. "You don't know what the dangers lie ahead no matter where we go." said Corvus. Melusina turns around and approached him. She said to Corvus, "You've been to many more domiciles than me so you think that you know more about people like me than I do myself. We all have particular expertise pertinent to our conduct and standpoint. Being outside of our element can reduce us to a state of simplicity." She said. Melusina walked ahead as Corvus followed her in curiosity although he looked stoic still underneath all that. Melusina looked back at him, she was smiling. "I can take you on a journey!" She said to him, then she turned to a beautiful scenario of places from below. "The world you don’t know exists is more beautiful than you can imagine. You’ve lived your whole life letting your expectations motivate your actions; are you ready to be impulsive?" Melusina asked while taking his hand, Corvus took it and looked at it. Ariadne smiles as she showed Siegfried more while saying, "I can be your guide through a new realm. A way of seeing the world that was once unattainable. Forbidden. The truly free recognize no authority, no masters holding leashes." She said while twirling with happiness. Then, Melusina leans over at Corvus, her forehead touches his and they were looking at each other's eyes again. "Free to live as we chose and the only real limitations are those you impose upon yourself." She breathed, her breath smelled of peppermint. It was intoxicating as it seems. Melusina pulled away for a moment and she glance back at him. Corvus thought for a moment, "I had thought life was what and how I viewed it but now I realize that....there is so much more. I'm having a change of heart with the new heights I've reached. I'm seeing things from a different, more clear perspective." He said. "You can own everything there is to have in the world, but you’ll never be happy and understand it until you can put away with the greed and selfishness." said Melusina.

After completing the rest of her work; Melusina is taking a bath alone. She kept thinking about her feelings to resolve them would cause some confusion of whether the relationship should be saved or stuck out. However, this is nothing new: visions of them being together and happy, all of the moments that they had together are what she wants. And she's thinking about what could've been. She knew this was it, it was all going to change, and she began to have absent minded second thoughts about whether this will all go to plan. She pretended to get what she wanted to be happy. But mentors and other people have doubted her unrealistic ambitious dreams, telling her that would never happen. "Is it OK to live in an average life? Do you need to pretend you are something you’re not? Will I get my chance of wed to the Captain? Do I have the power in my hands? If he needs me; I will be there....All the time. In a frequent manner......I’ll be there when needed." She thought. Then she realize what she was thinking and shake her head. "What am I saying? He's not the object of my affection, he's my friend." Melusina muttered, she sank underneath the bath water. Afterwards; Melusina and Corvus were working but Melusina then stops him with a question: "Can I ask you something?" asked Melusina, stopping Siegfried. Siegfried looked at her curiously underneath her stoic gaze. "What is it?" He asked. 

Melusina looked hesitantly, then she said. "You were interested in my training, would you like to spar me in it? Although, you need to be without a top because things are going to get...wet." Corvus wasn't sure about this, "I don't know..." He said. "You said you would one time." said Melusina. Siegfried was calm but he sounded desperate to get out this with his pathetic excuses, "I have to take care of the other works." He exclaimed. "You got everyone and you trusted my sister." reminded Melusina. Corvus looked annoyed, "Right..." He finally sighed out. Then he looked at her with slight nervousness, "...But, you're not going to be topless." He said. Melusina replied, "To be totally honest, I wear bandeau tops and pants. That's about as naked as I'll ever get." Corvus shake his head, he looked away thinking. Ariadne waited for his response. Corvus couldn't believe this but he said: "Not taking off all my clothes." Melusina smiled, "No, topless. That's fun." She said. "Bandeau, huh. 'That's about as naked as I'll ever get.'" remarked Corvus, "This should be interested." Melusina flushed, she looked at him with a grin. Meanwhile in the stall room; Corvus was waiting for Melusina, he tapped his foot a little but he still waited. He was being patient and not wondering what Melusina was doing. "I'm not looking you know." Corvus called out. "I know, I trust you."  replied Melusina. 

There was a bit of shuffling and Melusina muttered, "OK." She stepped out as she said, "So, what do you think?" Corvus was surprised--despite his serene looking--to see Melusina in a garment made of a strip of cloth that wraps around a woman's breasts. "That's a bandeau?" He inquired. Melusina gave him a look, "You never seen one before?" She asked. "Modesty is everything to soldiers." answered Corvus. Melusina nodded, thinking about it. "True." She said. Corvus got up and took off his coat, "My turn." He was about to go in the stall but glares back at Melusina and said in a cold voice: "No peeking." Melusina blushed, she turned away. "I'm not." She called. She turned away and heard small shufflig as she waited, and waited. And waited. But she was eager to know what did his body look like, Melusina was itching to know. "Don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, Don't look!" She thought. There was one more shuffling and then Corvus's voice was quiet sounding but he sound like he called out, "Done." Melusina sighed, "Finally, it's about ti--Whoa!" She cried. Talk about a washboard abs chest; this guy's got pectorals with lean muscular arms to match. A six pack, crazy for any girl to want to have some. "Dude, and I thought you might be scrawny." said Melusina. "I do push ups and sit ups." replied Corvus. "Shoot me now." muttered Melusina. "Sorry?" asked Corvus, raising an eyebrow slightly. "Nothing. Come on, let's go." During the training; Corvus was fast but so was Melusina's powers which was a lot more faster than hers. She couldn't believe this, she and Corvus were going at the same speed during the fight. Melusina was flushed with this thought that she couldn't believe. During that time; Melusina was so close to Corvus that she could smell the scent of the captain. He smelled so amazing of soap, flowers, cedar, and musk. "Wow, his scent is mouthwatering." thought Melusina, breathlessly. But she had to focus, he's coming! 

The next minute, Corvus Reece was on top of Melusina, he was on top of her! Melusina couldn't move, she couldn't breathe but then Corvus's soft but rough whisper brushed against her face, "Gotcha." He said. Melusina swooned from that. When she awoke, Corvus has his uniform top back on as he helped Ariadne to her feet. "Nice work." praised Corvus. "That was fun, indeed." agreed Melusina. She got her top on and smile at the stoic Corvus who didn't smile back however he nodded. Then, Melusina waved and left in a jiffy; blushing like a maniac. Feeling so humiliated; Melusina could not help but cry and she found a lake as she looks down. She found a boat, steps into it and starts rowing while hearing the tribal sounds of men chanting in her mind, "He-yah, he-yah, he-yah, he-yah, he-yah, he-yah, he-yah, Heee-yaaahhh...." over and over each time she rowed the boat. But stopped when she came across a path and looked down at the water. She remembered the diary entry she found of herself: "...Should I marry Captain Reece?...Is this the end for me?...." Melusina was startled that she backed away and looked back to see something wasn't there. "Geez, I'm going insane." She muttered to herself. And continues to row again and again. 

Corvus watched Melusina as she bonds with Mark Harish, Silas Tototl, Paul Gajendra, and Josephine Arleigh. Corvus learn from the others about Melusina had lost four siblings and she has some reason to believe that Mark, Silas, Paul, and Josephine remind her of her deceased siblings. Later, Corvus talked to her and told her of what he knows. Shocked; Melusina chuckled darkly with no humor and said, "That's the thing...You forget, you don't know anything about me." "I am not going to let you go by yourself." said Krieger. "Oh really?" Melusina said, unleashing her powers. "Captain Reece, what are you going to do to stop me?" Calmly, Corvus walked over and put his hands on her shoulders. Melusina gasped, but she heard him say: "Nothing. Because I'm going to help you." Melusina trembled, "You'd do that...For me?" She asked. Then, her emotions got the best of her and she embraced Corvus tightly but he didn't care, all that matters he was going to help her. He caressed her hair in a comfort manner. "Thank you, thank you!" blubbered Melusina. She wiped her face and pulled herself together.

End of Part 2

Delighted; Nana squealed and giggled, "Wow, how amazing is that? So did you like it? Are you satisfied? Not your cup of tea right? Well, my last story here I promise you will make you astound. This one is called 'Zuckerdose Hakucho'! Enjoy." said Nana, she went to the last story as the person listening is more intrigued then ever before: 

17 year old Helene Cyngus was playing the piano and singing to herself, "I was an ugly duckling. I was ashamed of myself and was lost. Trying to fit myelf in the crowd, but no matter where I go, it's the same--They laugh and point at me, 'You don't belong here'. Tears streaming down my face, running, and hiding. Will I find my place in the spotlight?" She stopped, her fingers left the keys and sat there for a moment; reminscing into oblivion. Helene was a young maiden who came from a multi-Spanish mother name Leda who came from a family that came from relatives of Latinos: Spain, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the others from South America. As for her father, Elijah, is from a crossbred family of Greek and Spanish. Sadly; a terrible accident took Elijah's life and Helene felt grief for the loss of her father. Despite her father's death, Helene dreamed to be a singer-songwriter however she's been dealing with a lot of prejudice from people like Stella Darling. Stella has fair skin, piercing blue eyes, and bouncy blonde curls. Contrasts from Helene's shiny brown skin, dark hair, and chocolate brown eyes. After her father's death; Helene suffers from stage fright. When she was 13; Helene was onstage and she puked when she was so nervous. Now Helene wasn't sure of performing in front of a live crowd, it was so scary with blinding lights and eyes watching is very nauseating. 

To make matters worse; Stella bullies her on her heritage and her puking. She acts like Miss Perfect and she believes she's better than everyone else. Helene hates being different from all the rest as she would like to teach Stella Darling a lesson! However; Helene has no idea what to do. Helene not only writes and plays her own music, but works at a diner called EAT AT LESTER'S. EAT AT LESTER'S was a casual diner where people come for breakfast and lunch but dinner was not acceptable for they close at 5 p.m. Helne and her best friend Dona Juanita 'DJ' Santiago works at the diner as it was an ordinary daily task for them but something is about to change. It was a rainy day and Helene was doing what she usually does. Someone came in with a purple, gold, and white umbrella. He folds the umbrella and stands while shaking the water from his umbrella. Helene was wiping a table when she felt a tap on her shoulder and looked up to see DJ. "What is it?" Helene asked. "Holy frijoles! Hottie at 3 o'clock, hija!" DJ whispered. There stood a good looking, elfin-like, pretty boy type guy who was dashingly hot as he made heads turn but Helene wasn't impressed. DJ was ogling at the pretty boy and then a smile appeared on her face, "Watch this bonita work her magic." She said to Helene and sauntered over to the angelic hottie and leads him to his table. Once she was done talking to him, DJ walk over to Helene with an excited smile and whispers to her, "Go get him, chica!" Helene rolled her eyes and walked over to take the guy's order. 

"Hello, my name's Helene and I'll be your server for today." Helene said. The pretty boy type guy smiled dazzingly, "So what are you recommending from you to me?" He asked in a seductive purr. Helene was annoyed but maintained her face composure, "None. Can I take your order?" She asked. "Water. With lemon on the side." said the pretty young fellow. Helene wrote that down, "Coming right up." She said. And she got the water with lemon on the side. Once giving him his drink; Helene pulled out a pen and paper as she said, "You ready to eat?" "Can you keep me coming?" The gorgeous fellow flirted. Helene suppressed her smile, "No, sorry. Are you hungry?" She asked. The guy looked over at the menu, "Hmm...Grilled chicken, spinach leaves, red new potatoes, low sodium salt." He said. Helene got that down, "Coming up." She said and sauntered away. After work; Helene goes to her room and change her clothes but before that, she took a shower. Once she was showered and in comfortable clothes; Helene played the piano while singing her song. She wants to perform however thinking about an audience makes her uneasy. Doom and gloom of sorrowful pain for not accepting herself, Stella Darling's pretty and smug looks haunt Helene, the jeers and how her posse laughs at Darling's mean jokes as well as her remarks on her heritage. Helene wants to change, to be someone beautiful. Be a hermosa for others to see. 

In the meantime, a female cult called Feministin Amazonas which is lead by Hippolyta Hassemanner. Old Hippolyta is a teacher and a 'force feeder' to force the foowers of males are evil as they are carnal, purely abusive, and perverted species. The followers are brainwashed by Hippolyta's teachings about how evil men are. The followers are Diana Cleary, Athena Wurdig, Hestia Sauber, and Judith Weiss. They are ordered to destroy all men but only two followers aren't brainwashed however they don't want to displease their crone mistress nor the others. These two are Prunella Vierge and Maleen Reinheit believe not all men are bad. They are caught between loyalty and confusion, it was a difficult thing when it comes to a so-called sanctuary. And Prunella had a secret power deep inside herself that nobody knows. She has the power of light and hides from others. Meanwhile at the corporation of N.I.J.I. is where Iris Regenbogen watches Helene and Prunella, she knew Helene of her low self esteem, their hardships so she decides to help out. "I think it's time for them to receive the FROOT of the world." She said. While doing errands for her mother one day after work; Helene came across that pretty boy from the diner and she found herself enamored with him. He smiled at her as he went away, Helene was stunt by this as she stumbles away. After returning home with the stuff; Helene decides to take a walk on the boardwalk. Tonight, the moon was big and bright. It was more beautiful than Helene herself as she envies it, if only she could be beautiful and bright like the moon. Then she made a wish. "I wish I could sing, I wish I didn't have to be afraid. I wish to be the most confident girl in the world." whispered Helene. As if on cue; something fell from the sky. A small object fell to the ground by her feet, Helene jumped and took a look at it. The needle had some sort of psychedelic substance in it. Helene decides to take it home to look at it. At home; Helene took a look at the needle in her room but there was something on it. 

There was a note and it says, "POKE ME!" Curious; Helene decides to test it. But then, she felt an adrenaline sensation through her body. Her heart was racing, her nerves wrecking like crazy, her spine tingling, and her veins pulsing. Her rich dark hair was now a multicolor of pink, blue, and lavender. Her clothes changed to a bikini top and Daisy Duke shorts, high heeled pumps, and her skin became sunkissed. Helene's shy and doubtful persona turned to a flirty, confident, zany, and sexy young lady. "WOW-ZAH!" The zany Helene said. She looked at herself in the mirror as she exclaimed, "Woo-wah! I look like a California Girl!" After playing around, the needle came with a sedative that turns her back to normal. And she injects the sedative as she became herself again. Helene realized that her life was about to change forever, she looked at the needle as it says on there, FROOT. "Huh, FROOT? That's what it's called? Weird!" Despite that, she decides to call herself 'Svana' and the next day; she does her singing performance again. Just then, Stella Darling enters to play the video of 13 year old Helene puking onstage--making Helene a laughingstock! Humiliated; Helene fled as she used FROOT and changed into Svana where she pull pranks on her by cutting one of her pigtails off, make her trip, and kiss her boyfriend. Then, Svana confronts Stella as she exposes her big breasts as a fake for she used bra padding and wipes her makeup off her face. Stella was mortified and fled off while everyone cheered for Svana. 

Inspired by standing up against her nemesis; Svana decides to use the power of FROOT to save the lives of children, stop criminals, prevent accidents as well as castrophe, heal others, and charms the public with her goodness. Svana also helps people who have low esteem and give them confidence. For the time being, dealing with the radical teachings and hypocritical manipulation of lies; Prunella and Maleen escaped Feministin Amazonas however the crone Hipolyta saw this as well as Prunella's light powers, and was determined to bring the girls 'home' with help from the followers. Svana learns that a place called Einsam Kokoro is having a night of tango and other dances like cha-cha, salsa, fandango, merengue, flamenco, mambo, and samba. Helene called her mother and asked her if she can go to this event that was tonight, her mother said it was fine. After work and school; Helene went home to shower, change into a red dress, matching heels, and put a rose in her hair while slathering red lipstick and putting on mascara. Once she promised her mother to be back by nine; Helene got away and driving to the event however when she got there; she pulled out the FROOT needle and becomes Svana. Svana's outfit was a halter swing dress and her hair was side swept. She had a rose in her hair as she enters inside. 

While inside; Svana meets the pretty boys--Adonis Koibito, Ganymede Allein, and Hyacith Utsukushisa. There was pretty girls too: The beautiful buxom maiden name Branwen Liebling and her female posse. The posse is the Schwan Sisters--Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. Svana is awestruck to meet the young man when she was Helene, his name was Freyr Bellecasse. He was so handsome, very elfin looking and is so hot. Svana becomes Freyr's partner and they dance together which Svana kissed his lips as her own lips are filled with adrenaline. This made Freyr fall for her however it was almost nine and Svana had to leave her pretty Prince Charming and his beautiful people. Svana used the sedate when she got out and becomes Helene. As she got home, Helene knew she was in love and was so tired that she went to bed. At work the next day, Helene served two girls name Prunella and Maleen but then Hippolyta and her followers entered as they start a shooting. DJ called 911 however she; along with Helene, the staff, and the customers watch as the cult confronted Prunella and Maleen. Helen knew things were about to go down hill so she ducked in the restroom, went in the stall, and pulled out the FROOT needle. She then injects herself with the FROOT serum as she becomes Svana and she takes down Hipplyta and the cult while bringing them to justice. But after the battle; Svana was injured as rainbow substance oozed from her wounds. 

Prunella and Maleen escort her to the hospital, in order to repay the heroic effort of rescuing them. But it rained and the girls decides to take shelter, they came across Einsam Kokoro Club. They are shocked to meet such beautiful, good people. Freyr noticed Svana and helps her out but he uses the FROOT sedate as he learns of Svana's idenity--Helene Cyngus. Freyr, Prunella, Maleen, and the rest of Einsam Kokoro are shocked by this. However; they nurse her back to health. Helene woke up as she is shocked that everyone knows her identity. Nevertheless, they wish to welcome her, Prunella, and Maleen into their 'family' for their talent, beauty, and goodness. Helene accepts as she makes friends with Prunella and Maleen, she also finally fulfills her dreams of being a singer and faces her fears of stage fright. Seeing Helene being an international success; Stella was baffled and pretend to be Helene's friend but she is left in shambles after Helene said to her, "Who said you and I were friends?" and laughs at her while walking away. Helene made her mama proud, found her place in the world, and found her happy ending. She even completed her song: "Blossom from the ugly, saw the beauty in me, and now that I'm a swan--I am unstoppable. Found the true beauty, now that I'm a swan; I found myself here in this world." Meanwhile; Iris Regenbogen is relieved by how Helene turned out to be--A strong and confident young lady in the end, for she has given Helene the FROOT of the world! 

Satisfied, Nana closed her book and said, "And that is the end of these fairytales, what did you expect a happy ending? Nope, the adventures still continue!" She stood up and walked to put her book down on a table. "Yes, that's right. And how do you I know this? Well, what if I told you that I know these people?" Nana said, looking at the listener and smiling mysteriously. This surprised the listener as this has never been occurred to before at all that Nana knew these people, they weren't fictional after all. 

The End

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