Zim suffers from Delirium, Narcissistic Personality, and Paranoia: Zim is loud, crazy and strange but why is that? It could be that Zim suffers of insanity, narcissism and paranoia. His insane, self-centered and manipulative deeds. It can be hard to credit, but he's demonstrated some true cunning on occasion. He's more insane than stupid, but his insanity is what makes him do stupid things in the first place, so it's hard to tell the difference. Given that he is part of a race who's obsessed with conquering planets for petty reasons, it's not surprising. Justified still, since he isn't very good at acting out false feelings, however, the humans are too stupid to notice.
Ms. Bitters is An Alcoholic: Zim and Dib's teacher, Mrs. Bitters, is named after an alcoholic product used in preparing cocktails. Considering she's a disgruntled elementary school teacher who's always in a bad mood, her name may have been meant to suggest that she drinks heavily to cope with the stress of her thankless job.
Gaz is a Sociopath: While she's just apathetic; Gaz tends to care little for some people; because she thinks she's surrounded by thoughtless people. Sometimes, she can be this to her brother. However, these moments are often motivated by her own interests. Other than tormenting people she doesn't like and eating pizza, she really doesn't have much of a personality. Gaz would rather play video games than just about anything, and she is very very good at them. And terrifying if you get in her way! It doesn't take much to set her off, especially if it's from her brother. If she can be bothered to help at all, she's this. She occasionally shows glimpses of a softer side, where she is disturbed by Dib giving up on the paranormal and relieved when everything returns to normal. She also seems to really want to spend time with her father. Gaz could be a psychopath but with a heart of gold!
Irkens are Orcs: Orks are Warhammer 40,000's race of green-skinned barbarians, a brutish species that exists only to wage war on everything else in the galaxy - or failing that, themselves. Inhumanly tough and naturally inclined toward violence, Orks are exceptional warriors, if unruly soldiers. Their technology tends to be crude but effective, their vehicles ramshackle, smoke-belching contraptions that can be built from whatever scrap metal is available. Irkens look, act and think like Orks. Their names even sound alike. Perhaps Irkens were the Orks' ancestors.
Irkens are genderless: Yes, it sounds odd but consider it for a moment. Irkens are shown to be made presently though technology (cloning most presumably but before such technology came around they obviously had to reproduce biologically (unless Irkens were artificially created by some unknown third party as host for the PAK...but that is a speculation for another section). Jhonen said that Irkens don't have reproductive organs, and that is also shown in the show to be true. As a super-organ the squeedly spootch preforms all functions so therefore logically it is also responsible for reproduction, and via the mouth is the only access to the squeedly spootch this may also explain why Irkens have unusually long tongues. So when Zim licks the screen in Door to Door we're basically getting a Face Full of Alien Wing-Wong? The above guess mentions that "female" Irkens have Tertiary Sexual Characteristics. However, that troper seemed to mean that there are only male Irkens. However, Irkens are artificially created, as we see in a flashback, and seem to have no genatalia whatsoever. They wouldn't actually need to be either gender. To this troper, it seems much more likely that Irkens do not actually have genders at all. Any time we hear an Irken being referred to by a masculine or feminine pronoun is simply implying which gender to other species the individual more closely resembles. Well, the Irkens are sexless. Gender is the mental component, and Irkens clearly display a mental gender split, some are "masculine" which is the "Standard" Irken, and some are "feminine" with curled antennae, eyelashes, and a higher voice. See Transformers, Tron or Digimon for examples of sexless entities that have gender. Irkens are asexual, but that was not always the case! The first Irkens reproduced more or less like humans, but as they moved towards mechanical reproduction they lost all sexual organs. Modern Irkens are technically not male or female, but retain aspects of gender because they are more or less harmless and provide diferent perspectives and offers resistance to bioweapons and other diseases which is the same reason why Irkens are not all clones. Irken genders are reversed from the obvious. The ones that look like girls aren't female. A good many years before the time of the show, Irken society worked more like a social insect society, with many plain workers, a few frilly mating drones and a much taller queen or two) Currently, as Irkens are now vat grown (perhaps due to the problem of hatching enough baby Irkens to grow an army), the distinction between female and male, worker and drone, has dissolved, though they still have queens under a different name and not responsible for producing massive amounts of eggs. Males are still being grown as the Control Brains likely want keep a few around in case of emergency. Zim and Tak are seen as being the opposite of their real gender due to their voices and to Irken spoken language being close enough to English that translators are not necessary.
The whole world goes through bipolar disorders: ZIM is an egomaniac and strongly implied to be legally insane, GIR is a crazed Cloud Cuckoolander, Dib is a Butt Monkey who desires affection and validation, Gaz is freaking scary, Professor Membrane is a Mad Scientist and neglectful father with a burning hatred for Santa Claus, and Skoodge is an oblivious Butt Monkey. And that's just the main cast! The universes status as this would have been delved into more had the show gone on longer. The Invader Zim universe is made up of idiots, Jerkasses, Butt Monkeys, Chew Toys and the occasional Only Sane Man, with plenty of Comedic Sociopathy to go around. These include the Black Comedy, the Sadist Show and the World Gone Mad. Some settings in the show which, at first sight, looks nice and cute. The world is full of cheery colors, people are smiling, happy and helpful, and you're probably thinking you've just stepped into a Sugar Bowl that seriously Tastes Like Diabetes. Suddenly, you notice something wrong, and upon investigating, you realize that every single thing below the surface is horribly wrong and dysfunctional. That can only mean one thing: The Earth has already been taken over. It's been taken over by whatever faction Dib's father Professor Membrane belongs to. The military is subservient as well. Zim is tolerated because he has solved more problems than he has caused, and he is a diversion for Dib. Specifically, the mice from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy are the ones in control. This earth is actually the Second Earth, and most of the people are so painfully stupid because the creators of the artificial life either greatly underestimated human's intelligence or didn't quite have the technology to make them as intelligent as they originally were. Or it was taken over by the furons, who abandoned the planet after getting enough Furon DNA, which was well before 1979, and Zim landed in a location where most humans have non-functioning Furon DNA (the second game suggests that humans who's DNA is rendered useless are complete idiots). Membrane's family are among the exceptions.
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