A massive anomaly ravaged Japan's mainland and destroyed most of Tokyo, sinking three-quarters of the city into the ocean. Ten years later, the story shifts to Ganta Igarashi, a seemingly ordinary student attending Nagano Prefecture's middle school. As an escapee, a survivor of the great earthquake, Ganta has no memories of the tragedy and has lived a normal life. This all changes when a strange person covered in blood and crimson armor floats through his classroom windows. Grinning madly, the 'Red Man' massacres Ganta's entire class but instead of killing him, embeds a red crystal shard in Ganta's chest. Within days of the massacre, Ganta is subjected to a kangaroo court as a suspect and is sentenced to death at Deadman Wonderland, a prison that doubles as a theme park.While trying to survive as an inmate on death row, Ganta intends to find the 'Red Man' to clear his name. In a bizarre twist, Ganta begins to develop the ability to manipulate his own blood, to the point of turning it into a weapon. Unknown to Ganta, he has become one of the prison's "Deadmen," an isolated group of prisoners possessing the Branches of Sin which makes them capable of controlling their blood. After his ability is discovered, Ganta is forced to participate in brutal gladiatorial death matches known as Carnival Corpse, whose anonymous spectators pay large amounts of money to watch. In his long struggle to survive he manages to befriend some of those he fought off in the arena and with their help, Ganta continues his quest to uncover the identity of the 'Red Man', why he turned into a Deadman, and the dark secrets the prison authorities are hiding.
There is something going on with this anime with many theories, so please take a look and see for yourself!
Deadman Wonderland is a lot like Alice in Wonderland: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. Deadman Wonderland, ironically in the title, is a grim version of the book. Ganta is like Alice however he suffers trauma and is accused of killing his classmates. He goes to the rabbit hole, and taken to Wonderland--the prison facility. There, he finds a White Rabbit name Shiro and is forced to fight others. The red haired doctor is a sadistic version of the Blue Caterpiller while Tamaki is a cruel person similar to the Red Queen or the Duchess. Who knows! Nagi is a lot like the Mad Hatter, he has a dark side to him that seems insane since the death of his wife and his vocal chords were ripped out. Toto aka Mockingbird is similar to the Cheshire Cat and the main enemy is a lot like the Queen of Hearts and the Jabberwocky. Shiro's persona is similar to the Queen of the Hearts but it is unknown because the White Rabbit is involved with the Queen of Hearts which could explain why Shiro and the main antagonist are together in some scenes.
Ganta is similar to Yuki from Future Diary: Fourteen year old boy who starts off as a crybaby and takes multiple levels in badass afterward out of necessity? Check. Fourteen year old love interest who knew him from a long time ago that he doesn't remember and has a totally crazy, if tragic side to her? Check. Only sane man in a crazy, dangerous, game-like world that drew him in against his will and keeps trying to kill him? Check. Starts going semi-crazy mid-way through the series? Check. One-eyed, one-armed badass elder best friend who starts off as an enemy but becomes a sort of surrogate elder sibling? Aforementioned love interest asks him to kill her towards the end of the series? Check. Gee, where have we seen this before? Yes, Yuki from Future Diary! He has this problem, with a girl name Yuno and also everyone is out to kill him.
Shiro is similar to Lucy of Elfen Lied: Due to her split personality, Shiro is at the same time a supporting character and an antagonist. As Shiro, she would morally support Ganta and help him get through his days in Deadman Wonderland and his severe depression, as well as assisting him in a battle and saving his life on couple occasions (for example, Ganta's battle with Shishito Madoka). As Wretched Egg, she would psychologically torture Ganta by killing his friends and pinning the blame on him, as well as intimidate him by overpowering, leaving Ganta to feel frightful and resentful towards her as a sort of revenge for her pain and suffering in her past. Now, why does that sound strangely familiar? Why Lucy from Elfen Lied, of course! Shiro can be known as a Yandere. Yandere is a Japanese glossary term of Anime and Manga for a person who is initially very loving, caring, and gentle to someone they truly like and care for, before their romantic devotion becomes mentally destructive in nature, often through violence and/or brutality.
Makina has Super Breasts: Makina has huge breasts, is the strongest non-superhuman woman in the series. True, but have you met any woman in real life with a G size breasts? Maybe if you got surgery for that, yes but born with it. Who knows! Makina might have completed a world record for having big boobs! Then again, there are such women with G size however it only comes to plus size women but Makina is a skinny and fit young lady.
The Deadman Wonderland theme song is a Rip Off: What? Really? No, not really! There's something behind it. One Reason is a single by DWB feat. Fade. It is the opening theme for the Deadman Wonderland anime. The original song was titled Black Hearts and Dollar Signs but was re-released with new lyrics under the new name for the anime. The song “One Reason” by Fade featuring Deadman Wonder Band (DWB), was the opening theme song to the Japanese anime Deadman Wonderland. A limited edition of “One Reason” was also released in 2011, which included a bonus DVD of the anime movie Deadman Wonderland. The song "One Reason" ranked 4th on the Independent Label music chart.
The theme song is Ganta's story: One Reason is the story of Ganta's story. It talks about how Ganta was accused of murdering his friends and classmates, how he was sentenced to Deadman Wonderland, and suffers in the facility of such horrendous things. But his goal to clear his name while also avenging the death of his classmates courses through him. The chorus talks about Ganta is a Deadman and he wants those in his way to 'bleed like him'. In such a way!
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