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Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Life of a Zombie (iZombie Liv's POV)

My name is Liv.....Short for Olivia Moore. When I was still alive, I was a surgeon. This was my life before I died, I saved lives even getting invited by someone who actually hated me and wanted to kill me to a party on a boat. It's weird to say that even when Marcie loathed me and my guts as a profession. But she showed new respect and I declined her offer however my once fiancee, Major Lilywhite, encouraged me to. He then smiled, "What's the worst thing that can happen?" So I went, and I can tell I was having a blast. Some creep approached me and offered me a drug called 'Utopium' which would--as quote on quote--fry your brain. Basically, having my mind turn into a corn dog. It wasn't so tempting, the guy try to pull me closer but I splash my drink in his face. Then, he puffed out smoke and I heard screams behind me. All hell was breaking loose on the party, people were shooting weapons at others who acted like animals. I hid under the table before gathering up the courage and fled. I remembered my fiancee's words echoing in my head: "What's the worst thing that can happen?" The worst that can happen? Try an explicated party gone wrong, the guy that try to offer me the drug slashed at my arm and I fell into the water. I woke up and found myself in a body bag as I threw up water out. I saw my arm was bleeding and a strand of my hair became whitish blonde. One of the people that was in charge of the body bags for the deceased was shocked. He got up and ran, screaming to tell the others what happened. I knew that party was going to blow, but let  me you ask you something...How often can you say you've been changed, really changed by a party? It's probably wrong to see a dead body and think: "What the hell am I doing with my life?" I mean, I didn't map out or color coded this. See, I used to be passionate....inspired....alive! Now I'm mostly just hungry, and a zombie so there's that. But my boss at the morgue--Ravi--finds out and is obsessed with learning about the zombies. I've been terrified of somebody finding out for months and he's acting like my condition is like the measles or something. Listen, I can't choose to be dead, I can't even tell the people that I love what's going on with me....But I can choose to fight for justice. When I eat a brain, I get visions. Flashes in my head of the deceased. Weird power, I know but it's enough to catch the killer and nail his ass to the wall. My name is Liv....I'm a zombie. Brains....Brains....Brains, what's up with these brains? I don't find them tasty, it's really gross and I can't help but feel disgusted but if I don't eat, I'll become meaner and dumber. I'm trying to live a normal life when I'm really one of the living dead and nobody but my best friend, Major, and Ravi know about it....And of course, Blaine, ugh! Anyway, most people would live their lives without knowing about all the stuff that's been going on. Not that knowing makes life easier, those of us on a regular name basis with a shadow sight aren't exactly well adjusted. It can suck to be the so-called chosen one. That being said, I do all right--at least in the sunlight I don't look like a dried up cantaloupe when the sun hits me. I don't look all pruny and gross, that would be un-human of me. My arms and legs nor my face becomes like a raisin with wrinkles. But hey, the world is full of weird stuff. You must be wondering, is this a a zombie? Frankly, yes! An O-liv-ia-ing Zombie who is an undead alabaster badass and sexy brains to match. But I don't wear pink, I don't slay zombies or monsters with a single chainsaw, and I don't break dance. I could if I would! I am not a boy who dresses in pink, you know? I don't have someone who is a mute and writes in conversations. Well, that would be cool: A break dancing zombie who wears pink and is an alabaster undead badass. But if I were a zombie boy, I'd have a harem by now right? Yeah, that would be cool, if I were a guy. A witch or vampire, hmm...Anything can happen. However, I don't live in that life. Wish I did and then people would know I'm a zombie by now and I won't have torch wielding villagers at my apartment but people counting on me to save the day. Pink is the new Dead, haven't you heard? As long as there is things like zombies, viruses, humanly criminals, and visions from the brains that I eat....I am going to catch those bastards.....One hundred percent! 

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