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Monday, November 20, 2017

Obsession Diary: Vinsmoke Family--Entry 1

This is entry 1 of Obsession Diary about Judge Vinsmoke and his evil sons as this one is focusing on Sylver Eden and her obsession with the Vinsmoke Family. Sylver is obsessed with the Vinsmoke Family's downfall and seeing them suffer from the pain of failure since what he done to so many people and creatures alike. It drives her mad, see how crazy this is gonna get! --KatDon 

So you are once in control of North Blue, how pathetic. You want to be in control? Go ahead and try. What is it about power that can make someone weak in the knees? Perhaps it's the control issues, to be dominated by someone that's just more than you, or is it something that just brings out our primal lust? You remember how we met? You didn't know it was me, how foolish are ya? You didn't know the sexy, sweet talking gal with a faux Southern accent. You were talking shit about what happened to Zoro and Sanji, I pretend to find it funny but deep down--I was sicken. There was no way in hell this could be Sanji's family right? No, the eyebrows--the deep sounding voices and how tall you guys were.....I felt like I was gonna clash with the titans, due to my petite figure. You guys were gonna get the shock of your life, but then Blue Boy name Niji was getting suspicious. He put his hands on me, wanting to know if I was 'Psycho Eden'. I kept my best face and laughed, "Do I look like I'm Sylver Eden?" And left it at that. But you saw my friends, got so shocked and they apprehended you. I had to take off my wig, my wig cap and whip my hair as I smiled at your shocked facial expressions. "Oh boys, you didn't know it was me did ya?" I said and giggled. We meet again as you saw I was  at my breaking point, you teased me but I screamed: "I will NOT STAND HERE QUIET!" Swinging the ax and singing to myself, I did good on you guys did I? You haven't seen anything yet, bad boys. 

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