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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Uranometria: Boy Wonder--Chapter 1

It. Is. Here!!!!!! This is the sequel of Uranometria but there's no romance in this one like Spittoon. There's a lot more thriller, suspense. It's absolutely fascinating. Boi Wunder is a stylized version of 'Boy Wonder' from two different things: Wunder came from wunderkind and Boi came from Avril Lavigne's song Sk8er Boi. Neat huh? Thank you for liking my love story, "What Did You Say?" I can't believe how many viewers read it. Thank you, that is a blessing. Thank you, thank you. Enjoy the sequel, hope you like it. --KatDon

Chapter 1: Homecoming Return

"Fate is waiting for us, opportunities in the future that we want to chase without being dragged down by the past. Our dreams are approved by and aligned with the belief of a place of happiness. Even though we will always remember the good and bad memories that we had made throughout moments of our life, we keeps on going. We live in the moment and always looks forward."

One year later....

Here she stands on the stage for a moment. Then she opens of the answer and bowed her head. Just then; a woman called out: "Kiyohime, what's wrong? You won, sweetheart." This stunt Kiyohime as she couldn't believe it. She was so paralyzed that she didn't hear the applause. It became a faded memory. Kiyohime came home in the back door to see her shadowed kitchen which was blue painted walls. Table and chairs that matched the walls. Blue and white checkered title under the window behind the sink. The counter was blue but there was white outlined in the cracks. Something was wrong, Kiyohime was called in by her mother and grandmother where she enters to see out the window that a line of people was walking down straightly because the air conditioners broke and they had to go find some place to cool off. Kiyohime try to protest nevertheless there was nothng she could do. She follows her family in the crowd. Journey into a 'wondrous land' whose great boundaries that of being famous is the 'American Dream'. That why people come to the Golden Coast. The place in Tinsel Town is where Kiyohime Willow lives. Her father left when she was younger, Kiyohime was a gifted prodigy as well as a rare beauty with dark purple hair and a light complexion. Full lips, rosy cheeks, and a curvy yet slender figure. 

Kiyohime never saw herself as gifted, she didn't care about what everyone thought of Tinsel Town. She hated Tinsel Town! It was a place where everyone does not want to be the person at a bar every night. They want to meet 'The One' and be a 'Tinsel Star', but in reality; it won't be so great as they think! Tinsel Town is overly romanticized to hide the wolves in sheep's clothing. Life in Tinsel Town isn't as wonderful like a movie scene of exaggerated, passionate romance. People are too brainwashed by the idea of the care to intellectualism so their minds are things fluffy yet inoffensive. It's not perfect however people are obsessed with the glamorous lie. The Golden Coast is not so bad to her, it's where the grass is greener, making girls lustful and wild. Bikini tops undone, while boys are turning their heads to this sight--risk breaking their necks. Nowhere here has girls as fine, voluptous and fresh as the Golden Coast but Kiyohime never cae for that either. She doesn't care about being as fresh, beautiful and wonderfully hot as those girls on the beach. She despise that too, she even despises Tinsel Town for it is an aspirational, doomed place. It has such soulless people and the only way they would accept others if these naive people who dreamt of fame would sell their soul too. Tinsel Town is a fake, a sham. How does she know this? Once upon a time, there was a beautiful woman name Lyra who became this symbol of voluptous that nobody took her seriously. Lyra used the name Andromeda for her role in celebrity. She eventually died of an overdose. 

Kiyohime knows her, that was her older sister. The sister she looked up to when they were kids. She had learned that Tinsel Town had done such cruel things that changed her sweet, loving sister into a 'burnt out lighter'. Kiyohime had been a victim to annoyingly nosy reporters who harassed her and did some awful reports on T News. They made Lyra sound like a floozy woman, which was not true. Kiyohime is sickened by the newscaster's snide remarks about her. Kiyohime resented Lyra's friend, Tsifira, for poisoning Lyra so much and possibly caused her overdose. Kiyohime hated Tinsel Town. She hated doing the whole air conditioner broken and going to a place to cool off from the heat. She hated the egoistic, insensitive, and screwed up lives. Kiyohime believes Golden Coast is haunted by a milion faded celebrities that rose so quickly and burned out too soon. Tuned out of reality; Kiyohime created a self created fantasy that is more fun than the cold light of day and she is the happiest in her own dream world where she lived in the life she always wanted. Her problems vanished from sight. But destiny is going to change her life for good. One day it will. In Nihon; Painting the picture of a boy that does no wrong, he's the type that obeys his parents as they won't approved any troubled person. But he is not what he appears to be for he is a loner. He's the heroic, nice guy that won't hesitate to help someone in need. A broken boy with a troubled past but he is cute. 

He lives in a lonesome world called Nihon where there is cherry blossom seasons, generally nice people, a beautiful countryside and a whole lot of strange. His name is Typhon Gale. Typhon lost the love of his life, name Kára Elias, who was a martyr in a school massacre of where she lived. Typhon wanted to save her but it was too late! He never forgiven himself for that day. He cherishes the memories of Kára, remembering good things about his life with her and visits her grave but he knew that the flowers he brought to Kára's grave would not resurrect her. He had a dream that he fell asleep and died where he is reunited with her as he finally got the life he always wanted. In Heaven with Kára. Sadly, it was just a dream and Typhon was too young to die from the likes of monsters that were part of that school shooting. Their destinies are about to change when a twist of fate spins their world upside down! One day, Typhon was walking down the stairs to find a meadow however he got lost and stumbled across an abandoned dungeon, he gets locked in. Typhon was trying to find a way out however it was impossible. Then, he discovers a trap door and it opened up, revealing a secret staircase. He went down the stairsbut Typhon lost his footing and fell down into the abyss. While walking back to her house; Kiyohime wandered to a forest and she saw a glowing well. She peered in the well but then she lost her balance and fell into the well. Others out there too got themselves into something more crazier: A young lady name Amalthea Vali was going to another job interview and entered an elevator but on the elevator buttons, there was a rabbit on there. 

Curious, Amalthea pressed it. She then suddenly felt the elevator going faster and twisting around and around. A younger girl name Eostre Ossian was taking a walk when she saw a whitish blue deer who runs away after Eostre saw her and Eostre went after it. The deer sprinted faster, Eostre followed it, no matter how tired she was, she didn't stop until she found that deer. The deer went into a tunnel and Eostre followed it, disappearing into a vortex. Pad. Pad. Splish. Splish. The sound of feet in the water but this red flood was not water and the person responsible found a window broke open. There were clicking sounds and he turned around to see a line of soliders with guns in hand. One of them called out, "Freeze! Don't make any sudden movement, you are surrounded so surrender now." He smiled and then outstretch his arms before falling into the ocean that was below and fell into the abyss. His name was Grendel Cain and he was free from sin and from the past that he was troubled by. "It's true. I'll find a friend at last but if I don't--I'll make one." Grendel thought. He resurfaced to find a place with stained glass windows and enter the building where he found a lot of people sleeping. They looked motionless as if Grendel couldn't tell if they were asleep or not. Grendel saw a girl sleeping in a motionlessly matter and hugged her after seeing how beautiful she was and then the girl woke up. This girl was Cassandra. As soon as she awoke from slumber for one year, her friends woke up as well and they all were happy to see one another. Grendel found Cassandra attractive and got so close that he could smell the fragrance coming off of her skin. Cassandra jumped when she felt someone against her, "Hello...." She said. 

Grendel move back but bumped into a pillar and clutched the back of his head for the pain. Cassandra is surprised to meet with Grendel. She came over to him as Grendel cringes with fear, "I'm sorry, I apologized!" He said. Grendel was about to run however Cassandra stopped him. "Wait, are you OK?" She asked. Grendel blushed at the sight of her. Cassandra looked at him closely as she pointed at the scar on the side of his head. "Where did you get that scar?" Cassandra asked. "It's nothing!" claimed Grendel. Grendel shield it, the scar was a gash with slashes like stitches on them. He remembered that scar which was from the bottle bashed against the side of his head. Bloodied shards in his skin, he wanted to forget about it. Cassandra decided something, she went over to Grendel and asked, "Would you like to come along?" Grendel lightened up to hear this and nodded, accepting this proposal. Then, Cassandra faced Brother 10 and gives out her speech: “This is it, this is war. It may be hard but we have to deal with it.We are facing war, and going all out to deliver! I know all the evils that come along with it are right around the corner, but I'm ready to face it head on. Why don’t we shake shit up with the baddies? I don’t follow the trends, save that for the newspapers. I put in twice as much effort to be liked but who cares? Some nights we do well and is able to collect the reward, other times we just gives up. Through struggle, we wish for a way to provide a sense of security or protection for ourselves and others from more worldly problems. But some nights, we wish we didn’t have to deal with everything that comes in this war. It is unbearably stressful at times; wishing we didn’t have to deal with all of that. Fate is waiting for us, opportunities in the future that we want to chase without being dragged down by the past. Our dreams are approved by and aligned with the belief of a place of happiness. Even though we will always remember the good and bad memories that we had made throughout moments of our life, we keeps on going. We live in the moment and always looks forward!" 

The others cheer, Grendel was impressed by her chivalrous personality and he seem to have some sort of crush on her now. Grendel is amazed to be flying in a ship to the sky, "Where are we going? Heaven?" He asked. Cass laughed, that sounded familiar to her. "Oh no." She said, "A floating island high in the sky. You'll love it. Trust me. Trust us." While writing, Ophelia can see something from afar. "Cass? Is that Cassandra?" Ophelia muttered. She peered her eyes over and gasped with delight before running over shouting: "Cassandra is back! Yippee!" She skipped, hopped, jumped, cheered, bellowed, shouted, and sing. "Hey, hey! Everybody!" Ophelia called out. She called out the names who were occupied that their heads turned when they heard her voice ring in the wind: "Eulalie!" Ophelia cried, "Dei-dreeeee! Turan! Norna! Ariadne! Juana! Woo Hoo!" She found Melisande, "Melisande, Melisande, my friend!" Everyone was confused at the bouncing Ophelia who was ranting and raving. "She's back, she's back!" Ophelia cried. Once the others managed to calm her down, they ask: "Who is back?" "Cassandra, one year has passed and she & her crew have returned!" Ophelia replied with glee. Everyone looked shocked, "No way!" They all cried. Ophelia excited beckons them to follow her, "Come and see!" Sure enough, she was right and everyone rejoice to see their all loving heroine. They reunited with Cassandra and Brother 10. Grendel is shy around others as people can sense something odd and weird about him, he can sense it as he hated it. Grendel is angry. Grendel is too upset over this but looks at Cassandra talking and laughing with the rest of them. In the meantime; Cassandra begins to have a vision: She could see seven people in her head, they are reincarnated as her dead friends. It was to get something back in return from what was lost before. However danger lurks around the corner. A reincarnation of Ector Absalom will return as well. Cassandra is told to put a stop to this. As a way to not repeat the same tragedy that happened to her before in the past. 

While asleep; Cassandra's dream was interrupted by Grendel, who made a psychic link to her mind. He then felt her skin against her and then darkness enveloped them. The next morning, Cassandra woke up with a gasp as she thought she had some sort of dream. But she realized what happened in her mind. Carefully not to disturb anyone, Cassandra got out of bed and hurry to the shower. Where she let the steamy warm water sprayed on her bare skin. "I can't believe I did that! Did I seriously do that? Crying like---No, this feels weird. This doesn't feel right, why do I feel this way? Have I felt this way?" She thought. It seems that the emotional numbness has melted and some sort of intimacy healing her. It 'cured' her somehow and she never felt more human as she did before. But it was in her mind. No physical contact and it felt weird for her that this happen. Grendel was so obsessed with her so much. He finally found someone in his life to love. But while his time with Brother 10 and Cassandra; Grendel had a tendency to be masochistic yet kinky. He becomes enraged anytime the enemy Wendigos tried to kill Cass or her friends. Cass and the others are creeped out by Grendel's overzealous behavior; so Proteus caused him to have a flesh wound in his leg, where his thigh was. While resting up for awhile, Grendel's sanity begin to slip like crazy. He couldn't sit still as he hobbled on crutches. Grendel worries about his concerns for Cassandra and the others. He called Cassandra, who insisted that everything was fine. As he was recovering; Hanuman and Proteus came by to check on Grendel but instead they taunt him, explaining the awful truth: They admitted that they were using him at the beginning. Grendel felt foolish, he was heaved with sadness and anger that he saw a tranquilizer. He uses on the two, screaming: "WHY?! WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY LOVE ME FOR WHAT I AM?! WHYYYYYYY?" Hanuman and Proteus tried to flee from him but it was no use, they were numb in their limbs. No escape. 

Later, Grendel sat as Hanuman and Proteus was bound and gag while Grendel sat as he remember his past: Standing behind his bedroom door as his parents argue; Grendel knows that his father is an alcoholic. He feels as if he was charity sometimes to his parents' marriage. His father, Offa's heart is vacant which is still too much to handle. Grendel tries so hard to continue to seek the love from his father however it was hopeless. He couldn't get through him. No hope for his father now. His father had lied to Grendel and his mother, physically and mentally abused them. Grendel could not understand his father's abusive nature towards him. Especially with his mom. It was a young age that Grendel went through, however one night would change everything for him. In his teen years of homeschooling; Grendel came out of his room and saw his father swig after swig with his alcohol. Grendel would like to heave him but it was hard to let him go that way, he went to his father Offa  as he begged him to stop drinking for him! But Offa ignores him, Grendel continues to plead with his dad--He really can't let go. Grendel wants Offa to be a true father he always wanted. Grendel claims that his strong drinking is messing up this family. Offa got so mad that he grabbed one of the liquor bottles and bashed Grendel on the right side of his face, that is where Grendel got that scar from. The shards from the bottle was in his skin, Grendel screamed with terror as he felt blood oozing from there. The next thing he knew, Grendel was in the hospital as his mother heard what happened and was in hysterics. She filed for divorce against her husband, who was in rehab at the time after his arrest. Sometimes, Grendel would have nightmares from that night. After the stitches were removed; he had a red scar on the side of his face. He would look at the scar and remembered what happen on that day. 

Grendel hated school; he was always bullied there every day. From his childhood to his young adult. In elementary; Grendel saw a bunch of kids playing and he approaches them, saying: "Hi guys." The kids stare at him before bursting out laughing and walking away. Grendel was hurt by the harsh rejection as he bowed his head. He was hurt: "Why were they laughing at me? What did I do? All I did was said 'hi'. I just wanted to play..." He thought. Another time he was playing an innocent game of tag when three bullies throw tennis balls at him hard and one of them grabbed his wrists but a teacher caught them and rescues Young Grendel. The bullies are punished for what they done. Middle school wasn't any better, he was bullied for his perfect writing skills and one of the friends he trusted spread a rumor that Grendel was writing about the 'hottest girls' when the actually truth was Grendel was writing only about mermaids, fairies, and angels. Although, it was too painful to admit. Grendel tried to get help from his teachers, only one help but another ignored him as he had cotton balls in his bushy ears. The principal explained that the staff wasn't trained to do things like that. Grendel was angry as he cut classes and fake sick to not be around the bullies. Finally, he broke down to his mother and left school in order to get away from the bullies for good. There's no love for him. Everybody had hurt him, hated him, resented him, destroyed him almost, and try to make him fade away in obscurity. Here he was, inflicted with wounds emotionally. Now that a rage point came over him, now nobody can stop him. Nobody, except for his dearest mother Gefion, ever gave him the love and acceptance that he longed for. Grendel couldn't take it anymore, nobody. No love at all. Finally, he then said: "Time to kill." He dumped his crutches as he limped over to Cassandra & the others from Brother 10. He claims that it's an emergency. But it was a ruse, he pulled out a gun as he begin to shoot at different objects in the room they were in. 

Grendel begin to shriek with tears pooling out of his eyes, "EVERYTHING YOU TOLD ME WAS A LIE!!!!" Cassandra and the others were scared, they never seen him this way and they were so frightened of not knowing what might happen. He pointed at everyone with his gun, "You--all of you! You used me, lied to me! What was I to you people? A pawn? To toss aside? Is that all I was to you?!" He screamed. "Calm down, we didn't mean to lie--" Lleu started to explain but Grendel shot at the lamp, at the ceiling and at a window. "DON'T START, Hanuman and Proteus told me everything! EVERYTHING!!!!! Well, those bastards got what was coming for them!" claimed Grendel. Cassandra stared at him with fear, "What did you do them?" She asked, gasping. Grendel smirks down at her, "Knock them out. Bound. Gag them good. The usual crap. They told me how you fabricated me, marionetted me and my mind. And that accident was really no accident at all!" He explained briefly. "You son of a--!" shouted Zaden but the gun went off at a wall as Grendel shouted back at him, "SHUT YOUR FACE, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO DEFIES ME!!!!!" Knowing that insulting him wasn't going to cut it, Lleu came up with a plan. Then, he had an idea. "You know what? You're right." Lleu admitted. Grendel looks at him, "About what?" He asked in a calmer sounding tone. "You were right, we used you. You were just fresh meat on the table. A total sucker." answered Lleu. Grendel nodded, "So you admitted." He said. "Yes, you were nothing more than a pathetic, demented fool. A laughingstock." explained Lleu, "But we would like to form an apology of a compromise. We'll take the fall, mostly me, because it was my idea. Believe me on this, Grendel--" 

But Grendel interrupted, "OH NO, YOU DON'T!!!" He cried. He burst out laughing but remained serious however there was a disturb edge in his voice, "DO NOT START, with your blame thyself game', son of a gun! I'MMMMM THE JUGGERNAUT, and you are my heifer. And THIS? Is my CRIB!!!" That didn't work at all. Things were about to get more complicated. It looks like they were going to be stuck with this crazy guy for awhile. Ophelia witnesses all this and  pulled out her walkie talkie and spoke into it: "Attention rookies. S.T.I. I repeat, S.T.I.--Save the Innocence." This calls the rookies into action. Typhon Gale, Kiyohime Willow and Regulus Alphard apprehended Grendel while Griffin Enbarr, Hespero Agron, Eostre Ossian, and Amalthea Vali saw Cassandra and the others looking at them with surprise. Griffin held his hand up and pulling them up to their feet, while Amalthea and Eostre comforted them. Cassandra looks at Typhon, who looks back at her with a grin before he sends Grendel out the window. Cassandra and the others were shocked by these new heroes who had come to their rescue. "Who are you?" asked Cassandra. "Your saviors." said Typhon, the way he said it sounded like a question. Cassandra scoffs at this, "Saviors? Like knights in shining armor? That's pleasant." She remarked. Typhon laughed, "I'm Vahagn. And this is Lysithea, Charis, Fauna, Guinefort, Orion, and Melanion." He introduced to the others. Before accepting the mission; Typhon and the rookies took on names: Typhon chose one called Vahagn, Kiyohime chose Lysithea, Eostre chose Charis, Amalthea chose the name Fauna, Regulus chose Guinefort, Griffin chose Orion, and Hespero chose Melanion. They stop Grendel, who was going to hurt them but failed. The prophecy reincarnate tragedy did not proceed. 

Cassandra and her team return to get the information on these rookies from Mimir Sofus, who explains that they came here on their own somehow. It was the courtesy of Ophelia, but was told to follow orders. Mimir ask Cassandra if she is willing to cooperate with these rookies. Cassandra accepted with no hesitation. She seems interested in Vahagn, liking so much to get to know him better. On a mission; Cassandra and Vahagn teamed up as Cassandra grows curious about him. When they are confronted by Wendigos; Vahagn uses a kitana to take down them all with a single blow. Cassandra couldn't believe her eyes when she saw this! "Whoa, he just took down the Wendigos with such power! Just who is he?" thought Cassandra. Vahagn continued to fight, Cassandra lunged after the Wendigos but was thrown off the ledge of a cliff. "Auuugghh!" screamed Cassandra, she was going to use her flight but someone's arms wrapped around her. "I gotcha, hold onto me Cass!" Vahagn told her. They were falling out of the sky as Cassandra use flight, surprising Vahagn. They got to the ground where they managed to get to a safe place. While resting in a cave; they decided to stay in there for the night to get away from the Wendigos, Cass wonders if she is thrown off by the sleep effect as her powers were delaying at the time. She didn't want to lose her powers now. While lying on the ground next to each other, about a few inches away. It was quiet, dark but the silence didn't last. "There's something I want to ask you." Cassandra said. "What is it?" Vahagn inquired. Cassandra sat up, "Why me? Why did you save me?" She asked. Vahagn thought for a moment, then he said, "Because--I didn't want anyone to die alone. Or better yet, I didn't want them to die at all." Cassandra stared at him with amazement, "Wow....Amazing. You really are a nice guy." She said with a smile. 

She laid back down, it was quiet for a moment before Cassandra spoke up again: "Hey Vahagn, can I ask you a favor?" asked Cassandra. "Anything." replied Vahagn. "Take my hand?" Cassandra asked. Vahagn looked at her with surprise, Cassandra looked at him still. "There's a world I wish to know about." She said. Vahagn stared at her. "OK." He finally said. Then he reached over and took her hand. Cassandra held onto it, "Wow, so warm." She muttered. Then, they both fell asleep. The next day, Cassadra was testing her powers as Vahagn could see. Cass was relived to see they were still inact, still working. "Is that telekinesis?" Vahagn asked. Cassandra looked at his facial expression which was astoundment. "...Yes." replied Cassandra, nervously. "Mimir Sofus told me about you. And your powers." explained Vahagn. Cassandra looked at him with an amused grin, "Uh oh." She said. "Don't worry, nothing bad but he said you have a way to redeem people. So, Ms. Redeemer, how does it feel to have helped so many people?" Vahagn asked. Cass smiled, "Ha, funny." She said. "Come on, you atoned...A thousand?" Vahagn guessed. "Seventy or more but I might have lost count." Cassandra admitted. "Can you demonstrate your powers? For me?" asked Vahagn. Cassandra looked at him with surprise, then she smiled. The next minute, Vahagn lays down on the ground, usually with the arms crossed over his chest. Cassandra sit around him and attempt to lift his body using nothing but their index and middle fingers. Then begins the chant: "Light as a feather, stiff as a board. Light as a feather, stiff as a board....." Vahagn was lifted but he was amazed by how gifted she is. But they are rescued by the other agents of Silver Branch and brought back to HQ. 

While back at HQ; Cassandra learn from her mother about her father, where his comments had been like a double edge sword. The first was the oppression comments: "The pressure of being an agent was one of the things I worried about when she was part of Silver Branch. It's in her genes with her parents. Just like her mom. Someone had to take care of her and that would be me." But then, he had said something that sounded so saccharine, "Cass won't even talk to me. I don't blame Silver Branch; I never said that. I was misquoted. Silver Branch has been wonderful to my daughter. Now they are warning me not to say anything else. I would never blame Annis. She is a wonderful mother. I love Cassandra. I think about her all the time and I pray she is OK and safe." The final straw came when Boreas return old stuff he had kept from his wife and daughter. Then, left a voice mail on Annis's cellphone: "I hate all of you....This is my last communication with you and you two can go to hell for all I care! Goodbye!" It was bitter and hilarious, but it hurt. Hurt so bad. How could Cassandra do this? She was ashamed to think that this guy was really her father. Speaking of family; Turan has gotten herself in family crises: She learn a horrible secret of her blood powers from Mimir. It turns out that Turan is half human, half Sigbin. A Sigbin was a symbiotic monster that feasts on blood. Turan is shocked, she shook her head as she said, "No...No, this can't be....It can't be..." She repeated over and over until she screamed, "NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!" She ran away as the others look on with concern. Turan hid as she begins to cry with anguish. This has to be some bad dream, this couldn't be real. She must be dreaming. But it wasn't! It was the truth. 

While she slept, she had nightmares about killing everyone in a bloodied way and woke up shrieking. Luckily nobody can hear her as she sneaked out to be alone. Turan looked up at the sky, seeing how pretty it is. She begin weeping again. But she felt someone draped their coat around her. She looked up and turned around to see Kai, who's back is turned to her. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But I'm here if you need me." Kai said. Turan looked at him, nodded then she said, "Thanks." Kai may be a jerk but he had been quite nice to her. Along with the others, they seem to defrost Turan. The next morning; Turan is much calmer as she learns the name of her mother, Morgause Jael, and her father is Taylor Cypris. Looks like Turan and the others are in for a lead to find Morgause Jael. There is one lead--Someone, a bounty hunter called Riquet the Snake. He was a former hustler but eventually quit to be a bounty hunter. He has a daughter name Kallo the Rose. In the meantime, Elia the Prophetess is told by the other prophets of a cult called Truth Rosary about a 'witch of blood' will be coming soon. Elia was fearful but there was one prophetess who stood out from the rest of the cult. Her name is Hanna, she didn't seem to laid back by this as she assured Elia the Prophetess to not be so worried about it. She says that not everything is a sin. Elia is confused, she didn't want to believe it. She then heard about Miscreants Band. She thought that they could be dangerous however she begins to have visions in her head of Asura and Tucker, she is tortured but why did she feel comforted? Why does she feel so safe?

When the Truth Rosary cult heard about this, they pressured her by the cult members, they kept telling her: "It's a curse, they are trying to ravish your thoughts, making them unclean. They are demons that must be destroy!" Elia is confused with the thoughts in her head and Hanna saves her, telling the others to leave her be. The cult members can't touch Hanna, for she was the High Rank Assistant of the cult. She was untouchable, Elia thanked her but Hanna told her, "It was nothing." Hanna then warn her that the cult members have different opinions and some of them are not always right. Elia, confused, accepted this. Later, at a strange, peach themed hotel looking boarding house. There was a model of peach fruit twirling on top like the shing-ding was a casino or something. That is where Riquet the Snake and his daughter, Kallo the Rose. Turan; along with Asura, Tucker, Haaken, and Cannetella behind her went in there. It was so dark in that house, there was no sign for this Riquet the Snake anywhere. There wasn't any security around, "Geez, what is he? Cocky? Or is he springing a trap?" thought Turan. While looking around, there was a sun ray shining down on someone. There was beautiful young girl who looked 17 years old. She was slender, has ivory skin with pink blush on her cheeks. Her hair was shoulder length wavy dark brown hair. Her breasts' size is about 75 centimeters. She wore a long sleeved pink sweater, with a red green vest with a white outline around the vest. She has a red fringed skirt, pink leggings, a red cowboy hat and matching colored high heeled boots. She looked pretty, but she looked sad. Turan and the others watch her, she was looking around however she saw them in the darkness. "Father! Father, intruders!" cried the girl. She ran away quickly. "Wait!" called Turan. Too late! The alarm went off, Turan and the others didn't like this. "That can't be good." Tucker remarked. 

Suddenly, They were confronted by a tall man. He had a dark brown hair that was shoulder length but not so long like his daughter. He has a muscular fit body and a stubble beard. His attire was a maroon jacket, maroon boots, maroon pants, and a matching colored wide brimmed hat. Turan couldn't believe it, this couldn't be him--Could it? "Gotcha right where we want you--" Asura said. "--Riquet the Snake!"  said Asura and Tucker. The two of them charged at Riquet, Kallo gasped with fright as she watched helplessly but Riquet smirked. He blocks their attacks with his double swords. Riquet looked at them, who are shocked, as he said: "So this is Miscreants Band I heard so much about. And you as well, Lady Red Turan!" A few minutes later; Turan, Asura, Tucker, Haaken, Cannetella, Riquet, and Kallo were sitting around having a meeting. "You want me to join you ragtag of misfits?" asked Riquet. Turan was nervous but kept calm. Professional. "Well--Yeah. You know someone by the name of Morgause Jael?" said Turan. That name seem to ring a bell to Riquet, "Oh, the call girl? Yeah. Why?" He remarked. Turan wasn't sure how to proceed but she said it anyway, "I think I know her, she's my biological mother." Riquet stared at her silently for a moment. Then he burst out laughing like a madman. Kallo looked at her father as if he had lost his senses. Once Riquet caught his breath, he said, "I knew it, that strumpet. You look just like her, poor tramp. She was forced to be a hustler for that cruel mack that violated her bitty innocence." He sounded serious over that last part. Turan looked at him, "What's his name?" She said. Riquet looked at her, "Taylor Cypris." He said. Riquet thought about this proposal, he then made his decision. "All right then. I'll help, under one condition." replied Riquet. 

Turan looked at him, "What's the condition?" She inquired. "My machete was taken from me by Taylor. He kept my baby in the shed so retrieve it and I'll give you the information of your mother's whereabouts." explained Riquet. Turan smiled, "Deal." She said with a nod. "One more thing, take Kallo with you." Riquet said, gesturing towards his daughter. Kallo looked up in horror, Turan nodded. "OK." She said with no hesitation. "What? Father--" Kallo protested. "You'll protect her, won't you?" "Sure, who knows! She might learn something." Turan remarked. Kallo bowed her head, she noticed Asura and Tucker look at her. She looked away, but felt big hands on her shoulders. Her father smiled down at her in a comfort manner, "You'll be fine, my porcelain doll." He said. Kallo had no other choice, "Yes, Father." She admitted. Kallo wasn't comfortable with a bunch of strange people but she cannot disobey her father. She loved him so much. 

But something unexpected is about to happen........

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