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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Spittoon: Bulletproof Titanium--Chapter 5

Hello everyone, this is Katherine Donovan and this is the end for Bulletproof Titianium. Apparently I don't have much ideas for this anymore as I used to but maybe one day, I will create a crossover franchise with Tamsin and others from my stories (Well, except for my darker ones). So, I don't think it's over quite yet and I hope you guys like it! Thanks for your supporting views, see you next time! --KatDon

Chapter 5: All's Well it Ends Well

The pressures of becoming monsters of ghoul and titan are coming down on Atlas and Osiris; they wonder if Tamsin can help either one of them if they both were to break down, they must be looking for security in life. They needs some type of unpredictability in their lifestyle of Titan and Ghoul. This is killing Atlas and Osiris on the inside. They just could not endure this, they feel like this is not real. They are something they are not. Its not easy to be a monster and eventually it comes out. They want to be broken down. The feeling of being buried by the pressures of monstrosity. However, Tamsin clearly has a carnal desire for Atlas's suffering and wishes to comfort him, her relationship with Osiris is becoming more of a friendship as nowhere near love. She is sad but Osiris is fine with this. Atlas is so lethal, that he should wear a warning label so no other girls go put their hands on him or suffer any lethal beast-charged tripping. Atlas has become dangerous, as with the emotions Tamsin feels towards him. Tamsin cannot help but love the feeling she’s getting from. The same thing with Karina, who is getting a carnal attraction off of Osiris when he's a ghoul. She gets really hot when he becomes a ghoul. But the four of them are called in for a mission: Mission in Wit's End Urban, that is. 

In the past; He was asleep again. 10 year old Elegua Enders dreamt for so long, even around morning. That's when he woke up with a start. He saw someone peering down at him, it was his 9 year old brother Hermod. "Hermod, what are you doing peering at me like that?" Elegua asked in a groggy tone. "You were supposed to be ready, I was waiting for you to wake up. We were supposed to go to the Carews' house, remember? It's Zorya's birthday." Hermod explained. Elegua groaned in disbelief, he couldn't believe it. He'd forgotten about that, it was Zorya's tenth birthday today! He couldn't believe he forgotten about it. "Sorry, tell Mom and Dad to wait for me. I'll be right down." said Elegua. Hermod nodded as he headed out. A few seconds later, Elegua was dressed as he was waling with his family to the Carews' house. It wasn't that far, it was just a short walking distance. Elegua and his family live in a rural, small, relatively isolated sheep farming town of Wit's End Urban. It was a nice to place to live but there was only one problem; the sun would set and everyone was quick to get back home. Ferocious monsters that feed on human blood and flesh, 'Blood Suckers' they were called. Children and teenagers were forbidden to go out alone. Even adults weren't allowed to go out alone either. If anyone disobeyed, they will be killed by the Blood Suckers. And this is true, there's a lot crimes involving with these monsters. Elegua and Hermod obeyed to these rules however Elegua wasn't sure if they were real or not. 

He wanted to know if they were real or not. Hermod begged his brother not to risk it, Elegua made up his mind. Lleu is not the only one who likes it; their mother disapproves it. And Elegua's father, Dante? He is neutral; he agrees with his wife and also his oldest son. While at the Carews' place; Elegua and Hermod had a birthday present they wanted to present. They got out a table and draw something on the table before using the elements of solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. They created a music box but Zorya screamed because it looked inhuman from the looks of it. Zorya begin to cry while the Ender brothers comfort her.  Later, Elegua and Hermod were outside as they waited to be punished. "Zorya, honey, they weren't trying to scare you. They were trying to do something special on your birthday." Zorya's parents said. "I'm sorry for this." said Mrs. Enders with chagrin, "This was a mistake. We'll give them a talking to about this." Mr. Enders was so intrigued by what he was seeing, "A work of art." He mumbled. Mrs. Enders looked at her husband, "Honey?" She asked. "Darling, punishing our boys for a piece of beautiful craftsmanship? Nonsense! It's amazing! Look at this work." said Mr. Enders. Zoya's parents had to agree, "But I didn't know you teach them." said the father. Dante shake his head, "I didn't. I think they might have went into my study." He admitted. On the way home; Mrs. Enders and Hermod laughed as Mr. Enders was reading the book. Mr. Enders then asked his sons how did they know how to learn elemental alchemy. Elegua and Hermod explain they learned it from the books in Dante's study, whenever he's away somewhere. 

Elegua looked up nervously, "Are you mad at us?" He asked. "Not at all." said Mr. Enders, "I'm proud of you." "I am as well." agreed Mrs. Enders. "I think we should brag to everyone we know." And so, Mr. Enders let his sons in his study. Elegua and Hermod took the opportunity to study from the books, Zorya started to hang out with them. When the trio hangs out, Hermod sometimes gets in trouble with the bullies and Elegua & Zorya come to his rescue. Hermod appreciates at them however he hates being rescued all the time. Elegua sometimes like to scare Hermod about the Blood Suckers, Hermod would run while Elegua would laugh. Finally Zorya turned on him; daring him to go into town after dark to see these monsters and Elegua accepts, vowing to never scare his brother again. At night; The trio were standing in a circle of light, looking left and right. All of a sudden his flashlight burnt out. The three friends stood still, waiting for something to happen. Then, there was some creature with claw-like hands and a body that walked on all fours. Its limbs and posture make it seem deformed or mangled. There was black tenctacle-like appendages out of his back and featureless face. Elegua wanted to scream for help or for his friends to run either way, but he was so scared that he could not make a noise. Elegua tried to flee, but the creature pounced him. It attacked him and then there was a struggle between the creature, Elegua tried to get the monster off him however the beast seized his arm and bit him in his wrist. 

Elegua screamed, then he fainted. A few minutes later, Mr. & Mrs. Enders was so shocked that he gasped. "Good Lord!" Mrs. Enders gasped. Zorya was carrying Elegua who was alive but unconscious. She was crying from the looks of it. "Please...Help us, He's dying of blood loss!" Zorya weeped. Mr. Enders recognized her underneath all that mess of wet long hair. "Zorya? Is that you?" He asked. Elegua was unconscious however he needed an operation or he'll die. Hours went by as the operation was a success; Elegua, Hermod, and Zorya woke up as they saw the Blood Suckers, who found them as they were about to kill them when Mrs. Enders stepped in and let herself take for the kill. "Mom! No!" cried Elegua. "Elegua, get out of here now!" exclaimed Beatrice. "No, I'm not leaving you!" Elegua screamed. Before his mother could say anything else, she gets stabbed in the chest and Zorya pulled him along as Elegua and Hermod cried in fear, "Mooooommmmmm!!!!!!" Tears were cascading down their faces. The two of them lost consciousness, however they woke up in the custody of Zorya's aunt and the brothers' father. They were recovering as the townspeople are shocked to find out what happened. Losing his mother to a Blood Sucker was the most unsettling mental wound, and ever since that day; Elegua vowed to wipe out as many Blood Suckers as possible. Zorya and Hermod learn about Elegua's intentions so they talk to him: "Elegua, are you sure about this?" Zorya asked. "I'm dead serious, I'm going to see if I can be part of this squad." Elegua said enthusiastically. "I don't know about this--" Hermod starts to say. 

"I know what I'm doing!" Eleguaa declared. "Then, I'm coming along." Hermod replied. "No. Way." Elegua said. "I am!" Hermod insisted. "I'm sick of being bullied all the time! It's high time I stand up and fight--Even if I'm pushed to the limit." "Me too." said Zorya. Elegua glared at her, "Nobody is following me anywhere! This is my burden to bare, not you!" "So?" Zorya said, "We're not coming with you by being concern for you, we got our own struggles to bare." Elegua looks at her and then he said, "It's settled then, "It’s us against the society. Three against many.." Zorya and Hermod nodded at this. They were going to find their liberation and find a way to shatter themselves from the lives they live in. But it looked like Elegua's life was also going to change for good. Hermod had a vision in his sleep: He dreamt that there was people screaming, a blood bath, and madness. So Elegua, Hermod, Zorya, Mr. Enders, and Zorya's aunt all pack their things. They went to catch the bus in time, they climbed aboard but while roaring away; they receive word on the news that the monsters attacking all the people that were screaming and there was blood splatter like a shower of petals. Madness was in the air--Hermod's vision has come true so Aeneas and his friends search for a new home. Elegua begin to dream as he dreamt of something more beautiful. And the others were looking forward into finding their paradise. 

On a damned cold night; Elegua, Hermod, and Zorya are sitting when monsters comes up, smashes the window and attacks them. Karina witnesses all this and  pulled out her walkie talkie and spoke into it: "Move in." This calls the others into action. Tamsin, Atlas, and Osiris fought the monsters, which they smashed into panes of a window, chasing them as they slammed their heads as a small portion of blood was splat onto the ground. They looked back at them with a grin before she sends the the monsters out the window. Elegua, Hermod, and Zorya were shocked by these new heroes who had come to their rescue. Atlas turned into a Titan while Osiris became a ghoul. Karina turned to the trio and smiled, “My name is George Bellero, I'm here to rescue you.” She said. Elegua gaped at the mysterious girl before dropping to his knees. “Unbelievable.” He muttered. Tamsin helps the three as they head off to find the source of the Blood Suckers and monsters which was all lead by a mad scientist that tries to destroy the three friends however Atlas protects Tamsin and the others as a Titan. He doesn’t want to rely on his mind might get violated and become dumber. Atlas has to stop making passive acts and modify his life. There are plenty of obstacles in his life, slowly appearing, making it more painful. Atlas doesn’t have the ability to think straight any longer, but he won’t stop living.

Elegua, Hermod, and Zorya helped out by ridding of evil for good in their world. The mission has been successful; Tamsin, Atlas, and Osiris--even Karina--went back to HQ. But Atlas was bleeding from the Titan he was as Tamsin tried to help him but both were remembering their lives with one another was hardships. Just then, A guardian appeared, much to everyone's surprise, and heals Atlas. Tamsin is relieved and the the couple embraced one another. "I thought I'd lost you." said Atlas. "Me too, I'm glad." said Tamsin. They pulled away from one another and looked at each other. "I um..." Atlas stuttered but Tamsin said it, "I love you." Atlas looked at her, she was smiling at him as she did before. Atlas smiled back, "I love you too." He admitted. They lean over at one another and kissed each other on the lips. Osiris is upset to see this as he knows that he and Tamsin are merely more than friends. Tamsin is his wings, the person who allows her to fly. Without her in his life he has nothing to keep him up in the sky and therefore begins to fall back down to the ground. Without her; Osiris feels insecure and lonely, to the point where her him so much. He still adores her and is lost on his own. They’re just meant to be, but alas, no more. The only way he can cope without her is to pretend that she is still with him. Osiris can’t sleep with the thought of her being with another guy. 

Karina is jealous of this and goes to her room to be alone. Everything she is thinking about; Karina’s clawing and gripping for everything that she remembers about Osiris because she doesn’t want to forget. Osiris is always running through her mind and is all over the place, but in that moment Karina wishes that he was there even though she might have no idea what to say or what to do, she just wishes that he/she was there. She did some crazy shit with him and they didn’t think about the consequences or regrets, they just did it for no damn reason. "Damn, I’d do anything to have him here." She thought. "I miss him so much, I’d do anything just to smile at him again." Then she went to sleep and a fantasy dream: Karina moaned out loud, "I'm bored." "Why so bored? Wanna do house work?" asked her mother. "That's not fun! Why can't we go to the mall? Find a manga? Find an anime?" ranted Karina. "Maybe." Her mother said. "When?" asked Karina with excitement. "Um...How about tomorrow? Or the weekend?" Her mother suggested. "Awww, come on! Tomorrow is fine." moaned Karina. Her mother sighs, "Oh, all right." She said. "YAY! I haven't been outside in a long time." Karina replied. "You went for a walk today." reminded her mother. "That's the closest I'll ever get!" whined Karina. "Baby steps, we'll improve." said her mother in a comforting tone. Sadly, it was a fantasy. 

Osiris thought for a moment however he was doubtful about her being a fighter. "This girl? Please. She doesn't seem like one...Or is she?" He thought. "You know some things? You know almost all the agents? Smart girl but I don't think you got brawn don't ya?" chaffed Osiris, "You're just a prissy girl who just doesn't like getting her nails broken. I know if you are able to fight--Let a real man show you how." He left with a small snickered with his boys laughing along with him. And they were gone. But Karina was furious, she clenched her teeth so hard that it gritted. "Prissy? Just a girl?" She thought. Then she exclaimed, "That's it!!!! NOW I'M PISSED!!!!!" She marched away to strip off her long sleeved top to reveal a sleeveless tank. She put on an arm wrap around both of her upper arms and loaded her gun to kill some beasts. Osiris was fighting while his lackeys cheered for him but now Osiris was surrounded by so many that it was too overwhelming. He didn't know he was going to get out of this mess. One monster crashed down. It was swaying back and forth like crazy before it passed out. The monster looked up as it saw Karina, who looked down at him, saying: "Now you know how I feel, bub." She put a gun to his head and then shoves his corpse so hard to the others who fell sideways--Much to Osiris's surprise. He was shocked to see an enraged Karina exclaiming like a bansee: "That was for calling me 'prissy'!" Then she took her gun and shot at the the monsters that were coming from above and falling like flies. "And that's for saying I was a girl to fight!" Karina bellowed. 

A monster tried to sneak attack her, but Karina knocked him with her fist without turning around. She took the lifeless body and threw at Osiris's lackeys, who fell down in a heap. Karina twirled her gun and tucked it back in its case. "And THAT'S FOR YOUR PERVY LACKEYS!!!!!" She cried out. Then she laughs a little maniacally that sounded creepy, "So let me see if I got this right....." She said. Then she looks at Osiris with a glare, "I'm a prissy, girlie girl who is afraid I'll break a nail? Hello, did you see me whoop those guys asses? What? Is that not good enough for ya, brotha? Are you satisfied? are you blind as a bat? Or are you just a sexist?" She ranted. Osiris smirks, amused at her anger. "Oh no, I see how it is and I am NOT going to accept that." Karina storms over to him as she continued to fulminate, "I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU SO SHUT UP!!!!!!!!" It turns out those lackeys were really monsters. So, together; Karina and Osiris defeated them. Osiris and Karina were walking hand in hand as Osiris wonders if he was wrong about Karina in some way. Just then, There was a hipster kind of man in a wide-brimmed hat, tanned skin, starry purple colored vest and dark blue pants. He was playing his guitar but when he saw Osiris and Karina pass by where he was, he stops and said, "Hey, is this fair lady yours?" Osiris looked at him funny, "What?" He asked. The man grinned, "She's not yours?" He teased playfully. "No, she's mine." said Karina, clueless. The man laughs as he took off his hat and bowed, then puts it back on. "Your happy on your holiday, you feel free and happy. This is how you two should enjoy the moment you’re living." said the man. 

He begin to play his guitar as he said, "A way of seeing the world that was once foreign. Truly free recognize no authority, no masters holding leashes. You two are free to live as we chose and the only real limitations are those you impose upon yourselves. You’ve lived your whole life letting your thoughts motivate your actions; are you ready to be primal? I can be your guide through a new world." He said. The man begin to play something that sounded like a love song, "Had you thought of life was what and how you viewed it but now realizes that there is so much more? This world can elevate one’s mind in a different perspective. With the new heights you've reached, you begin to have a change of heart." He stopped playing and managed to get Osiris and Karina all snuggled while he said, "Here we got a man and a woman where they get a private island and can get away from the people who don’t like their relationship." Osiris looked surprised, "No, it's not like that." He said. The man give him a knowing smile, "Whatever it is, it's a lot of trouble in your life?" asked the man. Osiris thought about it and shrugged, "Yeah...." He said. The man slapped him on the back, "There you go!" He said. Osiris winced and gives the man a look but he was too busy playing his guitar, the man said as he played: "Have faith in what you want to do. Two different people but someday, one family." He stopped to make a frame like pose with his hands towards Osiris and Karina, who blushed, but the man didn't stop. "They don’t have to feel the pain of being alone as they had for their entire lives before meeting each other. Now that they know each other, you two would be happy spending time together."  explained the man. 

Osiris and Karina looked at each other, they walked away with the man calling: "Catch that buzz, you two crazy love birds!" He laughed and continue to play his guitar. Seeing that Osiris loves Tamsin more than her; Karina made it seem like she just wasn’t that type to fall in love, and she’s telling him to not get his hopes up because she’s not going to fall in love with him. Karina scoffed at the thought of love because it’d been a painful experience for her in the past, and she wants to shield herself from that happening again. They’re close to falling in love but Karina won’t allow herself to love him back. Osiris doesn’t want to break her heart, he just wants to love her. Osiris hopes to amend her broken heart. They had a fight with one another, which caused her to ignore Osiris who is just there to comfort her. Osiris can tell the reason Karina’s so reluctant to love is because she’s been hurt because of him being in love with someone else. She tries to smile away the pain, but he knows what’s going on. He wants to make her feel better. But learning of her feelings for him; Osiris is shocked as he learns that Karina loves him more than Tamsin does. Osiris found Karina and promises her that his love will be easy, painless, and calming to the troubled past of Karina. She’s scared he’s just going to break her heart. Osiris wants to let her know that he wants them to live it in happiness. "There is just so much you can take before your heart gives up. It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."

However; the relationship used to be very meaningful to them but now that it’s over it doesn’t mean anything to them since they struggled. It is so forgotten that there isn’t any trace of it at all anymore. Even though their relationship ended, she still hasn’t forgotten how they broke up and goes back to the sadness of it. Karina trying to get rid of what happened in her past relationship and let go of all her past memories. When she came back, Osiris wasn’t there. The place she went back was gone along with Osiris’s memory. The relationship meant a lot to him and he wished that they could’ve stayed together. Nothing can make them go back to the way they were before because words are too late to mend everything now. Karina wants Osiris to say how he feel about her. She’s tired of having to wait and is ready to leave. She would’ve done anything for that person if he would have just said something. Karina in love with Osiris and she’s not getting any reaction from him, so she feels being ignored which makes her desperate. She’s still inexperienced in love, Karina is in love with that person, however she has given up and decided to leave. The feelings of unrequited love have become too strong to handle. They’re slowly giving up. They love the other person so much but feel as though they are getting nothing in return. They wish they were enough to make that person love them but they feel as if there failing. They would have done anything for them but they can’t keep waiting.

While in bed, Karina felt the door knocking and managed to stay quiet. But heard Osiris's voice, "Karina...I know that you're still there. People have probably wondered why you didn’t even come out. I'm often told to be brave, even when it feels hopeless. I'm always been there for you." It was quiet for a moment, then Karina said, "Osiris. I don't want you to waste your time worrying about me. I believe that you will be able to feel the warm feeling of love for someone else." Osiris bowed his head as he finally said, "I never had a good life didn't I?" He finally said. Osiris clenched his hand into a fist. "But I still had something back--My love for you!" He cried. Karina sat up as she can hear Osiris's voice: "I had love you since I found out that you love me and I'm not in love with Tamsin if you think I am." He said, "I love you, I want to be with you!" During this time; Karina felt her heart at its core begin to stir of a strange emotion. That's when Karina and Osiris made them re think things; Karina has changed her previous feelings on love and now believes that it's never too late, reflecting how she feels with Osiris and the faith she has despite the relationship that was struggling without one another. They have  let go her past and broke free from the memories that held them back. 

Karina's heart felt like the strings were being pulled gently, her eyes watered a little and she trembled. The door opens as Osiris and Karina embraced each other and they both kissed. In the meantime as they are lying in bed all clothed, their arms entwined; Tamsin and Atlas started to talk of the future. Then, Tamsin suggest they have a child of their own: "Maybe we could have a kid....A little girl." She said. "Now?" asked Atlas. Tamsin thought for a moment before crying out, "No, wait..." and then she jumped off the bed. "Yes." She went out as Atlas cried out, "Wait!" He was unsure what she might be up to. Tamsin came back with a pen and paper, she begin to write down on the notepad. "Our kid could be a little girl." She said. "Seriously?" Atlas asked. Tamsin ignored him as she continued to write, "Our little girl would never give up." She said. Atlas peered over her shoulder to question this of whatever it is she is doing, "What is this?" He asked. "Wishes, I was once told that if you write down wishes on what your future child would be." explained Tamsin. Atlas looked amazed, "Oh, that's cool." He admitted. Tamsin and Atlas came up with more ideas for their future kid: "She could have your beauty, and my brains." suggested Atlas. Tamsin gave him a look, "What's wrong with my brains? I'm smart too, you know." She said, sassing him. 

Atlas held up his hands in defense, "I'm not saying that." He said. Tamsin looked at him, a sneaky grin appeared and then she said: "OK, that's it. You ask for it!" She wrote something as she was satisfied of what she wrote, "She can have half of mine and half of yours." said Tamsin. Atlas sighed, "Fair enough." He admitted. Then he thought of another idea. "She can be beautiful." said Atlas. Tamsin smiled and wrote this down but added another, "Sweet." She said. "See things differently than others." said Atlas, Tamsin nodded as she wrote this down. They were thinking more ideas: "Whimsical." said Tamsin. Atlas raised an eyebrow, "Whimsical?" He asked. Tamsin nodded, "Yeah, to dream." She said. "Honest to a fault." countered Atlas. "Understanding." replied Ariana. They were writing more: "Have a big heart?" asked Atlas. They looked at each other for a moment and then nodded happily, "Yes." They said. Finally, they took all the notes and put in a lavender colored box that says, "Wishing Box". In the meantime; He waltzed the whole night with Tamsin. Atlas was so focused on her that he was oblivious to the song he had known by heart. Change is a dependent on one’s desire to do so. In that one moment, everything can change. To throw away their past and embrace a new life.

Nonetheless, the love triangle is letting go of the past and moving forward in life. Their fates waiting for them, opportunities in the future that they wants to chase without being dragged down by the past. It's under Heaven’s blessing. They are dreaming under the banner of heaven, dreams are approved by and aligned with the belief of an ultimate place of happiness. Even though Tamsin will always remember the good and bad memories that she’s made throughout moments of her life, she keeps on going. Tamsin lives in the moment and always looks forward. Like a sweet caress of twilight. All love life's a great thing and live forever after. 

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