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Monday, September 29, 2014

Uranometria: Deep Horror--Chapter 1

Hey guys, this is Katherine Donovan. And I got the first chapter of Uranometria: Deep Horror. There is a girl who is stalking Jack Morder for a reason and has a heartbroken past of tragedies from people that she cared about that were eliminated in a cruel matter by the most horrible jerks that wanted her to suffer so much. Meanwhile, Jack meets a reincarnation of the comrades that died as he hopes to never make the same mistake again. I hope you guys like it. Enjoy! --KatDon

Chapter 1: Girl, Revenant

Swimming in the beautiful ocean, under the sea where fishes vertigo about in their natural habitat. But among the waters, there is a dark and cold area with the most lethal species of mankind. This nethermost part is known as the deep sea, it's where the creepiest and bony fish live. The angler fish live among the under-waters but not just them in the deep sea but sharks, barracudas, and other dangers among them. They are hard to believe to be in the fish category. There is one person who is interested in these creatures was Franklin Azurr who did experiments, there were many mysterious deaths of sailors and marine biologists. There was corpses as they were disfigured of sight and hard to look at as they are all mangled. If people thought the underwater monsters were creepy in the sea, imagine what it'll be like to have creatures on land wandering about. A real nightmare, a scary thought. But all these horrible things are dwelt in a great box. What lies in it is a secret, and nobody should not ask any questions about it. The box was left here to be kept safely. 

In the meantime....

Cassandra, Jack, Minerva, Bellerophon, Tristan, George, Margaret, Siegfried, Indra, and Commander Adam Rustung were patrolling in Mictlan. Slaying Revenants, left and right--the whole battlefield was crazy! "There's too many of them, sir!" Cassandra called. "Keep pushing a little more, only three percent remain." Commander Rustung instructed. "Roger that, we're almost there!" hollered Bellerophon. He turned to Cassandra and said, "Hang in there, Cass. We're almost there." Cassandra nodded, She can't give up now--fighting to survive, push and push. No matter what, never surrender. Run, fight, for the sake of survival here and now! Never stopping, panting out of breath but she did not ceased until the Revenants are all slaughtered. Once it was over, victory came about for Abendstern Squad, the name of Commander Rustung's military unit. Cassandra was out of breath as the others, she was tired as she almost passed out but Jack caught her along with Minerva and Bellerophon, they escorted her back to the base of Abendstern. Commander Rustung praised everyone for their hard work today but some noticed Cassandra was not present however Adam, Siegfried, and Indra knew where. In one of the cabins; Cassandra was asleep as Jack, Minerva, and Bellerophon watched her. They're concern for how hard she work and what she's been through before. "No one should go through that again, just like--" Minerva started to say but Jack glared at her. "Don't mention that again, I can't believe it--they were possessed!" 

"Yes, it's so shocking but we're not sure what happens now and she hasn't spoke about it since." replied Bellerophon. "If I see them--I'll make them pay for their sins." Minerva vowed. "Come on, we don't know what really happened." said Jack. While Jack and Minerva banter amongst themselves; Bellerophon looked around and gasped at the sight of a girl Jack's age. She has a white dress and dark brown hair. But the girl went away quickly, Jack and Minerva heard their friend gasp. "What's wrong, Bellerophon?" Minerva asked. Bellerophon looked at his friends who are concern for him. But Bellerophon laughed nervously, "Nothing, just thought I saw something. Must be my imagination getting the best of me." He assured them but he wonders what it might be. In the meantime at night; Tristan and George looked up at the dark sky with diamond like stars twinkling about up there. "Man, look at the stars. I wonder how many there are." said George. "Who knows." guessed Tristan with a shrug, "A million, maybe a billion." "Wow, that's amazing." replied George. But they were both tired as they decided to get some rest but they stop in their tracks to hear singing. It sounded like, "Shatter....Shatter." repeated over and over again. Tristan and George were dizzy by the singing as they decide to get some sleep in their cabins tonight. While everyone slept; The person that was singing, it was a girl with dark brown hair and wearing white. It was a strapless, flowing dress and wears no shoes on her feet. She looks over at Jack who slept so peacefully. She walked over and wrapped her arms around him. Caressing his hair as she whispered, "So, the beast sleeps tonight. In the army, this mighty army....Is where these warriors have traits of swift, force, strength, and mysteriousness about themselves." The girl watched as Jack's chest rise slowly up and down as he slept. "He may sleep like a human but I know he has a burning red fury within that body of his." rasped the girl softly. Then, she leaves Jack for a moment to look over at Cassandra and said, "And you...Once I destroy you....Once you are out of the picture, Jack is mine! All mine, he won't be a pet of you anymore." The girl muttered quietly. But she hits the sides of her temples as she said in a soft groan, "Urrrgggh!" She calms down by telling herself in a soothing voice, "OK, OK. I'm fine, I'm all right." The girl left as she turned out to be a Revenant just like Jack but there's something more unstable in the head about her. A vengeful girl with desire of revenge. Hatred. All in her system. Later in a strange house known as Tranen Manor; The girl watched the memories on the Moneta about Jack and the others: Young Jack Morder living in a happy life but he was a fearsome person when it came to his anger. Jack was not an idiot, he was simply emotional. The memories changed--It was an unconscious dream of darkness and blood flowing...Wait? Whose blood is that? There were monsters with claws and baring their teeth. Someone called out a name, "Jack...Jack!" The boy, Jack, woke up from sleep with a start. He panted and looked around, his foster sister Minerva was calling his name. She was dressed in uniform. 

"W-what?" Jack asked. "Come on, we're gonna be late." Minerva urged. At once, Jack threw the covers to reveal he was in his pajamas. "Sorry, coming!" He called. As Minerva left the room; Jack got ready. He got his uniform on and looked out the window. The beautiful sky, would it be like this forever? He wasn't sure about that. "Jack! Minerva is waiting!" It was his mother's voice. "Coming Mom." He called. And left his room with his messenger bag. It was the first year of middle school, Jack and his friends were attending there. They were excited about the next field trip until one day, it happened. Jack was paying attention but he heard a scratching sound. “What the heck was that?” He wondered. He turned and was shocked to see an Revenant! Jack got up, when his teacher asked but saw the creature too. The Revenant broke in and wreck the classroom. The only ones that survived luckily were Jack, Minevra, and Bellerophon. They each hurried back to their homes, Jack enters his house but is stunt to find his mother struggling against an Revenant. She looks to see her son, “Everything’s going to be OK. Just don’t look.” “Mom!” Jack cried but his mother shake her head, “Sweetheart. Just go, please!” She said. Tears welled in his eyes, “No….No, NO, NOOO! I’m not leaving you! Just forget it!” Jack shouted. “JACK! GO, RUN!” screamed his mother. The Revenant bite into Jack's mother, who gasped. Jack was motionless, frozen, his mother was lifeless now as she bled to death. Jack was pulled away by Minerva, who dragged him off. She and he reunite with Bellerophon and other survivors from the school. Losing his mother to a Revenant was the most unsettling mental wound, and ever since that day; he vowed to wipe out as many Revenants as possible. One day earlier when he was a preteen, Jack reunited with his father who loses his edge on sanity! "Dad? Are you OK?" Jack asked, noticing his father was acting stranger than usual today. His father turned to him slowly, "Jack...Did you see what they did to your mother?" He asked ominously. "What?" Jack said, "I don't know what you're talking about." "Did you see them murdered innocent people?" Professor Morder asked. "Dad, why are you asking me this? What's going on?" Jack insisted. Jack's father seized his son's shoulders and he looked overwrought, "TELL ME YOU SAW PEOPLE GETTING THEIR VISCERAS TORN OUT AND EATEN! THE INNOCENT LIVES DYING, PLEASE! YOU HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT YOU SAW ON THAT DAY!!!!!!" He demanded. Jack was frightened, "I--I heard scratching on the window, I looked and--I ran home during all this disaster! Why the hell would you ask me this?! Mom's dead, her throat had been torn open and I didn't save her! It's all my fault! Punish me if you want but it won't bring her back!" Jack protested. But somehow he didn't, Professor Morder never raised a hand on his son and always forgave him before. He released his son from his grasp and he turned away where an emotional yet quiet sound made Jack wondered if his father was really crying. He had never seen his father cried before. Not in his life has Jack seen his Dad blubber. Morder begin to pray softly to himself in a murmur: "Oh God....Please, help this little boy to face the dark days ahead. Show him if he becomes an abomination, he will deliver these monster back to hell." "Dad? Dad?" Jack called out to his father, "What's wrong?" His father turned to his son after he wiped his eyes with his back turned. "Jack, I have something to show you." Jack and his father were heading towards Professor's workshop, the one that Jack and his friends were told to never go in there. But when they got inside, Jack went unconscious and then he woke up strapped to a table and his father standing over him with a scalpel. Jack was so scared that he tried to scream for help but his father put a hand over his mouth and shouted: "SAVE THE INNOCENCE, MY SON! YOU PRAY, BOY! YOU PRAY FOR MERCY!!!!" That's all he remembered from his father and he had a nightmare about it. Jack woke up and found out that his father was gone but he doesn't know where so he is now in the custody of the Tenderfoot Orphanage. There, Jack plans to have a better life at the place he dreams of: The Abendstern Squad. Minerva and Bellerophon learned about his intentions and confront him. "Jack, are you sure about this?" Bellerophon asked. "I'm dead serious, I'm going to see if I can be part of this squad." Jack said enthusiastically. "I don't know about this--" Minerva starts to warn, "I know what I'm doing!" Jack declared. "Then, I'm coming along." Bellerophon replied. "No. Way." Jack said. "I am!" Bellerophon insisted, "I'm sick of being bullied all the time! It's high time I stand up and fight--Even if I'm pushed to the limit." 

"Me too." said Minerva. Jack glared at her, "Nobody is following me anywhere! This is my burden to bare, not you!" "So?" Minerva said, "We're not coming with you by being concern for you, we got our own struggles to bare." Jack looks at her and then he said, "OK. It's settled then, all for one--One for all." Minerva and Bellerophon nodded at this. They were going to find their liberation and find a way to shatter themselves from the lives they live in. But it looked like Jack's life was also going to change for good. When Jack was 15, his present age; He made friends during his training: Beowolf Kannibale, Apollo Himmel, Gaia Erde, two goofballs name George Trottel & Margaret Reiten and made a rival with Tristan Fanger but they made a truce and got along just a little bit. But one day while left to die alone, Jack refuse to be forgotten and screams out: "Shattter me! Shatter me!" over and over again. That's when he turned into a Revenant; taking out his enemies and shocking everyone. When Jack was confronted by the head of the Abendstern Squad Commander Adam Rustung and the mysterious Captain Siegfried Krieger about his intentions; Jack said: "I just want to be a member of the Abendstern Squad so I can butcher the Revenants with my bare hands." And so, with much difficulties and others to arranged; Jack was a member of Abendstern Squad. There, he meets Captain Krieger's squad members--Evander Fidel, Isadore 'Izzy' Sophos, Jesse Agapito, and Gwendolyn Wite. 

Gwnedolyn becomes friendly towards Jack; some of the others are nice to him but wary about trusting him such as Izzy, Jesse, as well as Evander. But Jack was closed friends with them so much that he was stricken with grief after he failed to save them. The one person that killed them was the Revenant Crone, or better known as Gaia Erde. Gaia was arrested for her crimes after he battle with Jack. However things changed when Beowolf and Apollo turned out to be Revenants too as they were the ones that started the massacre of Jack's school. The Revenants known as Revenant Alpha and Revenant Omega. They betrayed their dear friends, which they later feel guilty about, and escaped. Hurt and shocked by this deception; Jack vows to find them and eliminate them for what they did. Once more while watching the Moneta, The girl was observing all this as she becomes even more obsessive. She turns away and goes to her room where she close the door and lied on her bed for a moment; the faces from Mictlan are haunting her. But the most ones are Jack, Minerva, Bellerphon, Siegfried, Tristan however mostly Jack. And then her hands fumbled under the covers and she begins to...Jerk. She looked like she was crying, thinking about Bellerophon's tearful face and hysteria. Thinking and in tears, the girl begins to moan softly and gasps while remembering when she saw Jack's suffering memories, his determination, his emotions, and his transformation into a Revenant. Later, she is in the bathroom, washing her hands. "Ugh, I gotta stop with the Ruddy Mitts Treatment." She said to herself. She dried her hands as she said in a timid like voice, "That's the last time I'll do that again, being a girl and play with myself over something fixating for nightmarish, melancholic, and amazing things."

There was a girl who was a Revenant type like Jack, Beowulf, Apollo, and Gaia. She wore a one shoulder dress made out mangled flesh and blood at elbow length while blood seeping among her bare feet. Her irises were red of an inflamed rage and her hair was white as snow as well as her skin complexion. She used her bloody, wraithlike disembodied hands to take out the other Revenants without remorse. She is chased by Jack, Minerva, Bellerophon, Tristan, and Siegfried as they sprung a trap on her; kidnapping Revenant Girl. Later, The Revenant Girl's wrists were bound over her head as Abendstern kept watch over her. Siegfried glared down at her, "Well hello Monster Girl. Anybody there? I know you can hear my voice. Tell us who you are and maybe we can spare you mercy--If you are willing to cooperate." He said. Revenant Girl glared back at him but didn't reply. Siegfried looked over at the girl, she was so innocent with blood splattered among her. Red and white contrast with one another, red for impurity and white for vestal, this girl was among rage and pure at the same time. She looked so angry and also hiding her emotions so much. Captain Krieger was misunderstood over the purpose about pawing the other soldiers' minds as well as fondling with their emotions. "Why the hell would she do that? What was the meaning into that?" wondered Siegfried. Revenant Girl turned away from him but Siegfired seized her jaw, squeezed her cheeks so hard and forced her to look at him. "Don't you dare look away from me, look at me right in the eyes and tell us who you are." demanded Siegfried, "You think any of us don't know who are. By the time their done with you, I can't wait to see you burn like a witch tied to a stake. Now, I'm going to ask you this one more time--Who. Are. You?" 

Revenant Girl was quiet and responded in a creepy yet ethereal voice so inhuman and so beautiful that it was chilling too. "I can't explain myself, Captain. You see, I'm not myself. But who cares for you anyway, you are nothing but a deck of cards." Then she opened her mouth as it looked unhinged and let out a diabolic cry from her maw and Revenants came as they free the creature lady while trying to ambush the Abendstern Squad, who overpower them. Revenant Girl was gliding away but she stumbled upon Bellerophon and smiled with delight, "Hello Little Lamb." She said with a purr. Bellerophon jumped but then he realized that Revenant Girl looked familiar, "You're that girl who spied on me." He said. Revenant Girl looked surprised as the others looked curious as they tried to trap her again but the Revenant Girl slipped passed them and escaped so fast that the rest of the squad lost sight of her. Instead, they are faced with predators with bony and eerie features. They are called Tiefsee Psaria, which are like deep sea, bony fishes underwater. They are similar to swallowers, angular fishes, and others that are strange. They attacked Cassandra and the others who are horrified by this sight. Cassandra has never seen these type before and managed to back away from the terror. She telekinetically pushed them away but was unable to destroy them with her powers for they have an anti telekinesis immunity. The Tiefsee Psaria creatures went away and Cassandra burrowed research on these things and learned of the girl's name: Her name is Persephone Johannes. She is  tragic, tortured and misunderstood. As a 15 year old girl; Persephone was lonely, shy and timid around others as she had no confidence. A fractured young soul, in need of support and love. But when she was abused and tortured; she became a cold-blooded killer to the wicked. She turned homicidal, sadistic, and destructive nature to those that hurt her. When Persephone was a child; she lost her father when she was a child and her cruel mother Pandora remarried to a depraved, dominant, and oppressive man that became her stepfather name Damasus Maclain. Pandora change her name from Pandora Johannes to Pandora Maclain.

Damasus used to chain her up, as instructed by Pandora who was fanatically pious, she speaks with religious overtones but her motives were malevolent and believed everything in the world was considered 'unclean'. She wore a dark grey ceremonial dress and headdress with white roses, crucifixes, and wore no shoes but rather slippers. Damasus was a presumed as a fanatic pious man that was a ruse to her in order not to be abused by her. He is a malicious, and aggressive man with overtones of conniving, cruel, and verbally abuses Persephone and tormenting her. Pandora was aware of the abuse however she didn't do anything as she wanted her daughter to be 'cleansed of sin'. Damasus was hungry for admiration, power, obedience and chivalric honor. When Damasus was told to chain up Persephone, he seemed to have a sadistic side as he was delighted to be alone with her. "You think you can hurt me, I don't think you can escape with those chains Little Lady." said Damasus. Persephone glares up at her stepfather, "Chains are nothing, I've been abused before. It's no big." She insisted. Damasus pulled out a syringe and smiled in a sinister way as he said, "That's nothing, compared what I'm going to do to you." Persephone looked horrified as her screams were the only thing that echoed in the house. Persephone was now a 'monster', a Revenant, where she was shunned by her mother sometimes when she became this way but Persephone learn to control her power. She made friends in elementary name Abinadi Licht and his younger sister Penthesilea. Even their mother Gingira who treated Persephone very kindly. Abinadi, Pentesilea, and Gingira were shocked to learn what had happened with her life and her new life as a Revenant hybrid but they want to report Pandora and Damasus for the abuse and trouble. Damasus found out as he told Pandora, which they both plan to kill her. But while Persephone was at school; she and her friends are given a shocking message that something was wrong at home. 

They hurried back home, Persephone enters the house but is stunt to find their mother struggling against Pandora. She looks to see her children, “Everything’s going to be OK. Just don’t look.” “Mom!” Penthesilea cried but their mother shake her head, “Kids, listen to me....Remember that grenade--Just pull the top and throw it at the wall!” She said. Tears welled in their eyes, Persephone cried out, “Gingira! Don't do this, please!”  "Listen to me, Persephone, Just go, RUN!” screamed Gingira. Pandora stabbed a knife into Penthesilea and Abinadi's mother, who gasped while Pandora panted as she looked content at the deed had been done. Penthesilea and Abinadi was motionless, frozen, their mother was lifeless now as she bled to death. They were pulled away by Persephone, who took the grenade, pulled the pin, and threw it at the wall. Persephone felt so guilty for not saving their mother, which was the most unsettling mental wound. She would do anything to pay them back one day. However in a few years when they were young teens; Penthesilea and Abinadi offered to go after Pandora and her stephusband Damasus, Persephone refused however Penthesilea begs so Persephone decided to trust her to go. That was a tragedy she'd never forget. She reached over where Pandora and Damasus, they were gone but a body was among them. It was Abinadi as well as Penthesilea, who died earlier before Abinadi. They were on the ground, bleed profusely. Persephone couldn't believe it, "Abinadi! Penthesilea!" She cried, rushing over to them. She grasped onto Abinadi 's hand, "Come on. Stay with me, you guys will be fine....I'l get you a doctor soon enough." Persephone said. Abinadi  opened his eyes, he smiled. "I'm sorry. I thought...I thought I was doing you a favor." He said. Persephone trembled, "Yes. You were." She said. "That's good. We love you, you are our best friend." whispered Abinadi. He closed his eyes, and with that, he died. Persephone couldn't believe it, she bowed her head. He was gone, they both were, her best friends were dead.

Upset, Persephone confronted Damasus. They fought off against each other. But Persephone got the best of him, Damasus was pinned to the ground. "This is the end for you." said Persephone. "Oh really? You weren't so sure of yourself? Well, it won't be peaceful for you for long." taunted Damasus, "You are nothing, you couldn't be strong enough to save your peers in that massacre. You couldn't save your dearest friends, nor their sweet mother when your mother killed her!" Persephone shuttered, she couldn't believe it and she lost control of herself. She begin to stab him repeatedly while screaming hysterically. When she snapped out of it, Persephone was shocked as she saw that her hands were dripping with blood. She begins to cry uncontrollably, she thought she lose consciousness. About a few years later; Persephone was in school but she hated it; she was always bullied there every day. From her childhood to her young teens. In elementary; Persephone saw a bunch of kids playing and he approaches them, saying: "Hi guys." The kids stare at her before bursting out laughing and walking away. Persephone was hurt by the harsh rejection as she bowed her head. Another time she was playing an innocent game of tag when three bullies throw tennis balls at him hard and one of them grabbed his wrists but a teacher caught them and rescues Young Persephone. The bullies are punished for what they done. Middle school wasn't any better, she was bullied for her perfect writing skills and one of the friends she trusted spread a rumor that Persephone was writing about the 'hottest boys' when the actually truth was Persephone was writing only about other matters but it was too painful to admit. Persephone tried to get help from her teachers, only one help but another ignored him as he had cotton balls in his bushy ears. But he  explained that the staff wasn't trained to do things like that. There's no love for her. Everybody had hurt her, hated her, resented her, destroyed him almost, and try to make her fade away in obscurity. 

However one of the former bullies name Elpis Paulo takes pity on Persephone and turned to her nice friends she now hangs out with to befriend Persephone. It worked as Persephone became very close to the four friends she made. At a festival; Persephone, who was having a blast with friends: Kleobis Holz, Biton Luft, Osiris Feuer, and Svafa Wasser. Just then, unexpected visitors crashed the party with loaded guns and started a massacre. They shot at other people who fell to the floor. Panic filled everyone else, they try to flee but some were shot in the process. "Kleobis! Biton! Osiris! Svafa!" called Persephone. "Persephone!" Biton called. "Persephone, where are you?!" hollered Kleobis. She went over but looked on in horror as her friends were wounded, almost dead. She noticed that Osiris was panting of the wound bleeding from there as he cries out, "Ohhh, the pain." He noticed Persephone there and calls out, "Get away from here!" "Save yourself Persephone!" Svafa called out, "Get away from here!" However they were all shot at as Persephone screamed with terror. She was shot too, in her thigh, and it took awhile for her to recover. While resting up for awhile, Persephone's sanity begin to slip like crazy over the tragedy as she thought about the people that tortured her, her former friend Lilith 'Lila' Reginn. The other bullies: Camilia 'Cammy' Ewan, Tammuz Jaso, and Nessus 'Ness' Zoma were the ones that tortured her. As she was recovering; Lila Reginn and Tammuz Jaso came by to check on Persephone but instead they taunt her, explaining the awful truth: They admitted that they were the ones that killed her four best friends. Persephone felt foolish, she was heaved with sadness and anger that she turned into her Revenant form, screaming: "WHY?! WHY IS EVERYONE I LOVE IS KILLED?! WHYYYYYYY?" Lila and Tammuz tried to flee from her but it was no use, they were already killed. Later, Persephone sat as she looked at Tammuz and Lila's bodies. 

Then, Persephone confronted Cammy and Ness as she pulled out a gun and begin to shoot at different objects in the room they were in. Persephone begin to shriek with tears pooling out of her eyes, "EVERYTHING YOU TOLD ME WAS A LIE!!!!" Cammy and Ness  were scared, they never seen her this way and they were so frightened of not knowing what might happen. Persephone pointed at the couple with her gun, "You--all of you! You killed them! My best friends! Lila and Tammuz told me everything! EVERYTHING!!!!! Well, those bastards got what was coming for them!" claimed Persephone. Cammy stared at her with fear, "What did you do them, you freak?" She demanded. "I GOT RID OF THEM!!!!!!" Persephone screamed, she dropped her gun and turned into a Revenant as she slaughtered them both. In her rage; she went back to home where her mother was not back yet. However, she went to the forbidden box that her mother told her not to open. But Persephone lifted the lid nearly upright and looked inside. It seemed as if a sudden swarm of inhuman creatures brushed past her, taking flight out of the box,. while at the same instant she heard her mother calling in pain. "Ohhhhh, it's them!' Pandora cried, "You naughty girl! Why have you opened the box?" Persephone let fall the lid and looked about her to see what was happening to her mother. The thundercloud had so darkened the room that she could not very clearly see what was in it. But she heard a growl of monstrosity. Then, there was the slashing and the ripping. It was a squeamish noise. Persephone dared not to look but she flung herself upon the floor and rested her head there. She was sobbing as if her heart would break. 

Suddenly there was a gentle tap on her skin. "What can that be?" thought Persephone, lifting her head. "Who are you?" asked Persephone. "Why are you, poking me?" A sweet voice spoke to her: "Wake up, it's me. Elpis." said the voice. "No, no," answered Persephone, again beginning to sob, "I have had enough of you people! You are horrible creatures and you should stay away from me!" "I'm not like my friends. Come on, Pretty Persephone! I am sure you will let me in." Elpis said gently. So Persephone got back up as Elpis healed her wound which stung her, and immediately the pain was gone. Then she kissed Persephone on the forehead, and her hurt was also cured. "Will you stay with me," asked Persephone, "forever and ever?" "As long as you need me," said Elpis with a smile, "I promise I'll never leave you. There may be times now and then when you will think that I have left you. But again, and again, and again, when perhaps you least dream of my being with you, you shall see the glimmer on you for I am your only hope, the only hope that was left in the box." In the present; Persephone may have attributes of kindness towards Elpis, who became her caretaker, but Persephone somehow became a different person: She was hardheaded, passionate and impulsive however she possesses great amounts of selflessness, perseverance, fortitude, and a vigorous determination. Persephone has traits of a clever, intelligent and quick-witted young lady with a sharp tongue. She is shown to be ruthless, cynical however her inner feelings show she is depressed, traumatized, tortured, mentally unstable and constantly haunted by the memories of her past. Her skeptical nature is where she is abrasive and unapproachable but always delivered in deadpan. She speaks in brash and insulting manner, to those that irritate her or try to provoke her. As a Revenant, like Jack, Persephone is savage, bloodthirsty, and all-round uncontrollable. She even shows a more sadistic and vindictive side to her to want to kill the ones that enjoy tormenting the innocence, similar to her past.

But has a softer side of care greatly for those that are innocent and does not killed the guiltless, kind, and good nature people. She doesn't want to be like her mother or stepfather, or any of the tormentors in her life. Witnessing these memories on the Moneta; Cassandra understands her intentions. Meanwhile; Jack was carrying flowers of lilies, carnations, and poppies to visit the memorial sites of Evander Fidel, Isadore 'Izzy' Sophos, Jesse Agapito, and Gwendolyn Wite. He placed them there, then he brushed the leaves away and starts to speak: "Hi guys. I came to see you, I'm sorry I was busy for awhile with Cassandra. You know, the girl I met that killed that Revenant without touching it? Yeah, her. I know, it's crazy." He paused. He thought about the day where he failed to save them. Then, he felt like crying. "I...I should've listened, I just thought I was doing the right thing. I didn't.....I can't blame Gaia, it's my fault too. I wish I could go back and change it, save all of you. But I know I can't." said Jack. He bowed his head as he wrapped his arms around himself, shivered in the cold wind. "I miss you so much....Evander, I miss the way that you were neutral whenever we argued. Jesse, your leadership really was the heart everything since they don't call you third in command for nothing. You were a true friend too.....Izzy, you and your big mouth--Heh.....But you had a big heart. You may not care but I do.....You were always aloof, talking like you knew everything." said Jack, chuckling a little but he softens up, ".....But you were like a guide, helping me. The same with Gwnedolyn, thank you for welcoming me into the squad for the first day. And...To all of you, I--I really appreciate it, Gwen." A tear rolled down his cheek, he wiped it away and covered his eyes with one hand but more tears were cascading down more and more. 

"I don't know, should I say I'm sorry? Should I?" He said sobbingly. Jack bent to the ground, sniffing and crying so nobody can hear it. But then, someone came by and ask, "Hey...What are you doing?" It was a friendly, cheerful voice that sounded curious. Jack wiped his tears away and turned to see a girl but he did a double take for the girl looked familiar. She had hair medium long length with hair accesories that were light blue and white with dark blue as well. "Gwendolyn?" thought Jack. But he looked at the hair accesories again, they were lavender and teal--Not blue and white colors. The girl looked at him with curisoity, "You're looking at my hair accesories, are you interested in them?" She asked. Jack looked away, "Uh--I just thought they looked pretty on you." He said shyly. The girl looked surprised, "Oh really? Wow, thanks. No guy has complimented on them except one of my friends. Two others just say that I look like a weird hippie, can you believe that?" She said with a laugh. Jack laugh too, but he was a little disappointed that the girl was not Gwendolyn. "Damn, I thought for a moment...." thought Jack. "Hey, are those flowers? Who are they for?" the girl asked. Jack looked up surprised, the girl noticed. "Oh, sorry. I was just curious. They look so pretty." She apologized. Jack looked at the flowers at the memorial site. "Poppies, lilies, and carnations....It's for some friends of mine, they were true companions and comrades that died." explained Jack. The girl looked at the site, "Oh, I'm so sorry." She said with sympathy. "Do you have any losses of your own?" asked Jack. 

The girl looked at him and shook her head, "No. Not really." She said, "I mean, not in awhile." "I see." said Jack. He turned to leave, but the girl caught up with him. "Hey, what's your name? You seem like an interested person." She said. Jack stopped, that reminded him of something. That's what Gwendolyn once said, "So, you're Jack, huh. You're an interested person." Jack snapped back to reality, he looked over at the girl and said, "Jack. Jack Mordor." The girl smiled and she too introduced herself: "I'm Sedna Anastasios." Jack talked to Sedna as he got to know her better but after about an hour later; Sedna had to go home however she has some friends that she wants him to meet, assuring him that they are good people. Sedna was one of the nicest people Jack has ever met, Jack and Sedna agree to meet at the memorial site tomorrow. The next day, Sedna was nowhere in site as Jack believe that she broke her promise. Just before he was about to leave, Sedna appeared and surprised him with a forget-me-not flower. She appears to have other friends--Svafar Navin, Helgi Suzaku and Shango Lazarus. Svafar was  a responsible and firm as he has a straightforward manner. Shango is a cocky, obnoxious but has a heart of gold and Helgi is a stern as well as reasonable guy. While Jack was with them; he laughs and talks with them but in his heart, Jack can see the four as he is reminded of Evander, Izzy, Jesse, and Gwendolyn. He felt sad, he felt so much emotion in him. Realizing whaat he was thinking of, he had to stay calm. Jack didn't want to show any weakness around them. 

"Hey, Sedna?" Jack asked. "Yeah?" Sedna said. "What were you doing out here yesterday?" Jack inquired. Sedna was shy, blushing a bit. "Oh, nothing." She admitted. Shango nudged her in the ribs playfully, "Yeah, right. You were drawing right?" He said lightly.  Sedna smiled vivaciously, "So what if I was!" She said, giving him a light-hearted shove.  Jack looked surprised, "You draw?" He asked. "Yeah, I....Here."  Sedna looked nervous as she pulled out her sketchbook and showed it to Jack, who looked stunt at how much of a great artist she is. "Wow, it's beautiful." Jack breathed. Sedna looked surprised, then she seemed pleased. "Really?" She asked. "Mmm-Hmm." Jack answered with a nod. "Show her my favorite." Shango said. Sedna realized what he meant, "Oh yeah." She flipped a little more and showed it to Jack, who looked surprised at what it was--or who, actually. "Whoa, that looks like--" Jack said.  Sedna grinned, "Yeah, it was of Captain Siegfried Krieger. Nice huh?" She said. Jack is surprised by this, he had to admit---This girl was good. "Jack?" Sedna said. "Yeah?" said Jack. "Do you think.....do you think we can join you guys?" Shango asked. Jack looked surprised, "You want to join the Abendstern Squad?" He inquired. The four of them nodded, Jack could almost see them, "I can't let that tragedy happen again!" He thought. "I don't know, it might be dangerous....Besides, I'll have to asked Captain Krieger first, it's not really up to me." said Jack. "OK." Sedna said coolly. Jack and his new companions to meet one another back here tomorrow, Jack said goodbye before he went away. In the meantime, Sedna seemed to have someone cleaning and decided to help her. That someone was Persephone. But she was humming to herself, she was discovered yesterday. Today, Persephone was humming to herself while cleaning a little.
Sedna, who was cleaning beside her, heard her humming softly. "Singing helps you work faster?" She asked. Persephone jumps and looks up. "Sorry?" She asked. "You were singing a little softly. Sounds like that song is nice." replied Sedna. "It's Ariadne Sirius, she's one of my favorite artist. The song is 'Breakthrough'. If you want to hear it, I got the CD." said Persephone timidly. Sedna nodded, "Hmm. Never heard of her. It sounds nice." She replied. Persephone smiled and they continued to work. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Deep Horror--The Next Part of Uranometria

Here I have the next part of Uranometria. I know I have been editing in my other previous chapters, there are so many things going on with in this next story. I hope you guys forgive me for that. Anyways, stay tune for Uranometria: Deep Horror. See you soon! --KatDon

Friday, September 26, 2014

Uranometria: Mind Games--Chapter 6

Hello guys, this is Katherine Donovan and this is the sixth & final chapter. Yes, yes, it features the flashbacks again. Sorry, I'm out of ideas. I got nothing right now, forgive me for doing this twice. Heh heh, writer's block and I'm trying to piece together things. I feel isolated like a girl stuck in the tower, got some issues going on and trying to help out. Hope you guys like it! 

Chapter 6: I Owe You My Life

A young boy was just a step away, just a breath away. Close to the edge, he couldn't believe himself. He was so scared, the boy could not take it anymore and he spread his arms out before falling. However when he was in midair of falling; someone--or something--seized him before he went down. The boy was shocked at this! Who would do something like this? He looked and there he saw a stranger, it was Yvain. Yvain was using his telekinesis to save the boy from falling to his death. The boy couldn't believe what he was seeing, he just couldn't believe it! Yvain used his mind powers to gently pull the boy up back to the land and back to reality. The boy was amazement as he sat there for a moment, trying to process of what just happened. He begins to cry when he remembered his friends, it would pained him if anybody learn that he took his own life like this. The boy saw that Yvain was gone and he made a vow to find the guy that saved his life by finding out his name! The boy found someone that did know, it was an agent from Bronze Branch--one of the operations that Antrocles and Yvain formerly used to work for. The boy demanded out of that guy, "A guy with supernatural telekinesis powers that saved a boy from taking his own life by falling off the cliff, where is he?" The guy told him and the boy went to where Yvain was. He sneaked in as he spied on Antrocles, Yvain, and the others as they learn about where to find Cassandra. Xian interrupted this meeting, "Hold it, nobody is going anywhere!" The others froze with fear, the boy glares at Yvain and called out: "Stop right there, you!"

Earlier before.....

At the nightclub Rhythym Blue tonight; Damon and Heidi, hidden above the ceiling watching the people, were going after the entire club because the residence there has the vermin of the world inhabit it where they make cruelty and mockery of the vermins in the lower zoo by stripping their beauty into filth with their greed and victimize them for the things they've been through. "I'm starting the explosives, this club is going down--Correct Damon?" Heidi asked. "Affirmative, wait until I give the signal." answered Damon. Heidi nodded and continued to work while Damon watched the others talking, laughing, and partying. Luckily nobody could see him since the ceiling was shadowy and dark as it is bright with neon lighting down there. He spotted the most well known vermin of them all--District Attorney Fraus Dolos, the man who represented criminal Elizar as the jury found the guy 'not guilty' and there was no justice. Now here Fraus was surrounded by females, who seduce him as he drinks away. "I see, so the worst vermin of them all is here in Rhythym Blue." remarked Damon, to no one particular. He snickers to himself as he looked around from above, "This place is going to hell in about one hour." thought Damon. But then something changed, he saw someone among the vermin crowd. She wasn't even a vermin. It was a young vestal woman with the purity of a child. She is woefully naive, without too significant a difference, but in all she almost has never have any flaws that actually affect them in a way that truly matters, usually going for endearing traits such as beauty and innocence. She wore a white off the shoulder dress with a white collar, 3 buttons down the front and a side zipper closure. 

The collar didn't cover the slenderness of her neck. She seemed sweet, young, beautiful, innocent, and wholesome maiden. She was covered in a sash too, as if she was cold--which she does. Damon is fascinated with this girl. The beauty, the innocence. She was perfect. He had never seen someone like this young lady, she looks like a teenage girl who is hanging out with the wrong crowd. This charming beauty is none other than Ophelia. She was with Cassandra as Damon remember seeing as well as talking to her. "Heidi, hang on!" Damon commanded to her. Heidi look up, "What is it? I'm almost done." She said. "Just--Wait. Keep working on it, wait until I come back." explained Damon. He swiftly pass the others and sneak into the crowd. He was inching to Ophelia but Heidi's voice squak on the earpiece communication: "Remember, let me know when to activate the bombs." Just then, Ophelia heard this and saw Damon: "Wait, there's a bomb?" She asked in disbelieve. "Uh oh." thought Damon, "Nice one--Heidi." Ophelia glared at him, "Are you responsible? Wait--Are you crazy?! You--" She started on him but Damon cupped her delicate face and pulled her close in a liplock kiss. Ophelia was stunt for a moment before she swoon. Damon carried her and slipped her away from the crowd. Cassandra has a vision of Ophelia getting kidnapped as she realize something is wrong when all of a sudden, there was a loud boom sound and the crowd scream. There was the remains of Fraus Dolos and also there was a report that Elizar had been blown to pieces. In the meantime; Ophelia was half asleep to feel someone caressing her hair. "You have such long beautiful hair." A voice murmured, who touch her hands. "You have really delicate hands. So small...."

Ophelia woke up and confronted Damon, who try to calm down but then he noticed her chest. "Pardon my inner deviant; but you have a very vast size of breasts." He said. Ophelia look down at her chest and glared at Damon. "Ughhhh, I know I have large bazookas, will you stop talking about them? All right!" Meanwhile; Cassandra was trying to find out where Ophelia is, she is getting clairvoyant visions and she can Damon there. She is shocked when she remembered something: The dinner party. However, Damon walked over at Cassandra and took her hand, the girl looked at him. "Your hand is like a holy place that my hand is unworthy to visit. If you’re offended by the touch of my hand, my two lips are standing here like blushing roses, ready to make things better with a kiss." He said. Cassandra looked at him, "My good man, you don’t give your hand enough credit. By holding my hand you show polite devotion. After all, roses touch the hands of people." She said "What? Don’t people and roses have lips too?" asked Damon. "Of course, why wouldn't they?" said Cassandra. "Then don’t move while I act out my prayer." Damon said. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. The girl flushed, she went away. "By any chance, can art thou tell me thy name?" Damon inquired. "My name is Cassandra." said Cassandra. She went away and Damon watched her go. Cassandra couldn't believe this! "He's got Ophelia." She thought. 

Cassandra contact Eulalie, who was on her way to help her, however she runs into Pythias and his gang, whom they remember her. Orvor tripped and gave the trio's position away and Eulalie confronted them again, "How did you get in here? And why did you come? If any of my comrades find you here they’ll kill you because of who you are." Pythias showed his respect by bowing to her on one knee and he then spoke to her bravely, "I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble. I care about you a lot. Please let me be your servant so I can help you. You’ll be killing me if you don’t." Eulalie looked at him with shock, turned away and then she said with nervousness back at him, "...Well, it's a good thing you can’t see my face because it’s dark out. Otherwise, you’d see me blushing about the things you’ve said to me tonight. I would be happy to keep up good manners and deny the things you said." "Then, forget about good manners." suggested Pythias with a warm smile. The other children in the facility called IEPS where special needs are treated like they are not human and mistreated badly. It was a living hell for the poor children. Later; Xian is standing among the school.  The children of the academy are almost violent but misunderstood and nonverbal people.  They may be whatever age they are but still act quit childish. They have sensory stimulation, social triggers, communication problems, and unusual interests. They have disheveled hair. They are running around babbling lyrically about the strange visions flashing through her deranged mind, singing creepy little rhymes, scattering flowers and occasionally bashing people's heads in. There is bustling with noises of crying and scolding. Mornings go like this: There is prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, sing along, they have to do work, and one of the students have learning therapy. Then they go out for P.E., the children finally come back to go to the bathroom, and have lunch. In the afternoons; the children have different classes like TaeKwon-Do, they have music but some are hypersensitivity to the noises, and they go outside to play. They have snack and then they go home. The kids in the middle school have a different lesson in class: They have prayer and the Pledge, they have work to do. Next they go down for P.E. and then snack, then they go back to do their work, and finally they have lunch. They have music or some of them are having physical or learning therapy. 

And lastly they go home. There are some stressful days of kids having major outbursts that would go on for minutes, maybe hours. Some who are disobedient, and some that make accidents. For Xian; it was like a day care. Insanity, the other staff members acted apathetic of the situation as it seem. But it wasn't like they care but they try to calm them and they've experienced such as getting bitten and scratched. At the end of the day; The two of them are exhausted, Xian begins to think of the abuse he suffered when he was a little boy. He realized that a couple of teachers are mistreating kids, keeping them from having fun because they can't 'behave right'. Xian  is troubled by this, they think these kids should be positively reinforcement and not be handled roughly. Xian been through that, these kids shouldn't be treated this way and something must be done. He realized that a couple of teachers are mistreating kids, keeping them from having fun because they can't 'behave right'. Something must be done. Later in the late afternoon; Xian was walking alone in the woods with nothing but a gun and he was looking out for anyone who might want to try and hurt him. Xian has never seen trees so big, he has been isolated for so long that he didn't know what things are called anymore. Just then, some rowdy teenagers were stalking Xian, who noticed and walk further but the teenagers were still following. Xian took out his gun and held it at them, the teenagers laugh however Xian pulled the trigger. He was upset for what he done that he threw the gun on the ground and with great strength; smashed it into pieces like crazy. Xian was just a step away, just a breath away. Close to the edge, he couldn't believe himself.

 Xian was so scared, he could not take it anymore and he spread his arms out before falling. However when he was in midair of falling; someone--or something--seized him before he went down. Xian was shocked at this! Who would do something like this? He looked and there he saw a stranger, it was Yvain. Yvain was using his telekinesis to save the boy from falling to his death. The boy couldn't believe what he was seeing, he just couldn't believe it! Yvain used his mind powers to gently pull the boy up back to the land and back to reality. Xian was amazement as he sat there for a moment, trying to process of what just happened. He begins to cry when he remembered his friends, it would pained him if anybody learn that he took his own life like this. Xian saw that Yvain was gone and he made a vow to find the guy that saved his life by finding out his name! Xian shot all the Pretas that stood in his path. Finally; Xian found someone that did know, it was an agent from Bronze Branch--one of the operations that Androcles and Yvain formerly used to work for. Xian demanded out of that guy, "A dude with supernatural telekinesis powers that saved a boy from taking his own life by falling off a cliff, where is he?" The guy told him and Xian went to where Yvain was. He sneaked in as he spied on Androcles, Yvain, and the others as they learn about where to find Cassandra. "Great!" Androcles exclaimed. "Let's go, we have to find her." said Yvain. Xian interrupted, "Hold it, nobody is going anywhere!" The others froze with fear, Xian glares at Yvain and called out: "Stop right there, you!" Androcles and his comrades tried to escape however the boy found them and confronted Yvain, demanding to know why did he help him and Yvain showed him memories of Androcles's past, their lives, everything: 

There was a little boy chained to a wall as a 'toy' to sate a monster. The poor boy looked up, he was trembling with fear. "Wanna play? We'll have fun--Just you and me!" A sickening sweet voice squealed. The little boy begged for mercy, "Please! Don't do this to me!" But that person didn't listen. The first thing that happened to the boy was that he was pushed into a wall. His fingers put high above his head against the wall, the boy's legs spread apart and his feet back, causing them to stand on his toes with the weight of the body mainly on his fingers. The boy then suffered from branding on his skin and mutilation. The second was he was trapped. The lights flicked on and off until it was pitch black. He couldn't see and he felt like he was being violated. It hurt him so much, he couldn't stand it anymore! He cried and cried, begging to stop but he could hear laughter. It drove him insane. The third thing that happened, he was subjected to noise: holding him in a room where there was a continuous loud and hissing noise. The boy begin to lose his mind almost when he thought he heard creepy singing but held it together as he managed to get out alive. Through the fourth step where he is depriving of sleep! He couldn't sleep because he was too scared of nightmares of what he went through. While in the chamber; he is subject to a reduced diet during his stay! "Help me!" He cried. Just then, he doesn't having enough strenght any more to think, he is too tired from what it is he is suffering from. He naturally concludes that he's going insane. Then he heard the song of the tormentor's voice singing like a lunatic, "One little, two little, three little Indians. Four little, five little, six little Indians. Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians. Ten little Indian boys......Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians. Seven little, six little, five little Indians. Four little, three little, two little Indians. One little Indian boy." "Stop!" cried the boy. Then, his tormentor fell down with fear. He was killed by a telekinetic force and  became anew. 

“All right, you bastards!” A gruff, tough guy barged in wearing a tank shirt that showed his muscular arms and wore military jeans with boots. “Which one of you sons of a guns trashed my boys?!” He growled, “I don’t have time for games, nobody messes with me and gets away with it scot free! Personally, I don’t think your powers are fake.” ranted the tough guy. “Wow! Someone who doesn’t believe….A hero defending humanity from monstrosity.” the first out of the duo said. The second one scoffs a little. “Yeah, you think your hot shit don’t cha? Well, you know what I think! If you had powers, then kill me right now!” challenged the tough guy. “You mean it? OK, as you wish.” said the guy, pointing a gun at him with his mind. The tough guy recoiled in fear. The other three looked on. Gasping in horror at this. “Hey, bro. Take it easy, I was kidding. I joke…C’mon.” The tough guy said, weakly. The first one attacked the tough guy with a telekinetic force, throwing him over his crew. “Aah!” The others cried, they saw the tough guy’s body landed on the ground. “My bad. no I wasn’t.” sneered the first. The throws on the ground as he crushes his leg slowly. “Do you know who I am? My name is Androcles Stelios. Like my powers, bud? Mind over matter. I don't need my strength to deal with low life scum like you.” said the guy. The tough guy begs for mercy but Androcles doesn't and he torture him to the point of being crippled. Androcles and his comrade, Yvain Aste--They both have telekinesis. Their other companions are Hijiro and Maud, who are sidekicks even though they are not telekinetic. They vowed to take down one person who is the most powerful: Cassandra Endymion.

Androcles and Yvain glared down at her. "You....!" Antrocles growled. "....Casandra Endymion." finished Yvain. Cassandra gasped, "What the--No, it can't be!" She knew who they were! "Yeah, Big Bad from Bronze Branch! What's the matter, scared?"  taunted Androcles. "I'm not scared of you, not both of you." replied Cassandra, she turned around and walked away proud. "Hey Cass, wanna see something really scary?" called Androcles. Cassandra laughed with no humor in her voice, "Like hell." She hollered back. "You know a place called Decimus Manor? I heard it's pretty haunted there." said Androcles. Cassandra turned to him, "What makes you think I'd go there?"  She snapped. Androcles smirked, "You really do like a challenge don't you? I heard there's ten little kids there. But be careful, there's three monsters living there." He said. "Ooh, I think I'm going to wet my pants." mocked Cassandra, turning away but Androcles was still persistent. "Why don't you find it? It's on 10th Indian Street." He called out. Cassandra smirk at him, "10th Indian Street? I'll see what I can fine." She said with sarcasm. In the meantime; Yvain is reading part from a book: "Come into the garden, Maud, For the black bat, Night, has flown. Come into the garden, Maud, I am here at the gate alone; And the woodbine spices are wafted abroad, And the musk of the roses blown. For a breeze of morning moves, And the planet of Love is on high, Beginning to faint in the light that she loves on a bed of daffodil sky, To faint in the light of the sun she loves, To faint in his light, and to die....." He stopped to see Maud nearby, "Did you write that for me?" She asked. Yvain smiles, "No, it's written by Alfred Tennyson." He said. Maud looked disappointed, "That's a shame, will write something for me one day?" She asked. Yvain nodded, "One day, I will. Promise." He said. Maud beamed with pride. 

Just then; Yvain and Maud could hear someone humming so they saw Ophelia balancing herself on the sidewalk as she sang to herself in a pretty but eerie sound to her voice, "Miss Lucy had a baby, His name was Tiny Tim. She put him in the bathtub, To see if he could swim.He drank up all the water, He ate up all the soap, He tried to eat the bathtub--But it wouldn't go down his throat. Miss Lucy called the doctor. Miss Lucy called the nurse. Miss Lucy called the lady, With the alligator purse. In came the doctor. In came the nurse. In came the lady, With the alligator purse. 'Mumps' - said the doctor. 'Measles' -said the nurse. 'Nothing' - said the lady with the alligator purse. Out went the water. Out went the soap, Out went the bathtub, that wouldn't go down his throat. Out went he doctor, Out went the nurse. Out went the lady, with the alligator purse. And now Tiny Tim, Is home all better, With his throat cleared up, And bubbles no longer there." Yvain is interested to know who she is and hid himself to get a better look at her without being seen. Ophelia sense someone was there so she turned and looked into the shadows. "I know you're there, don't be scared." Ophelia called out. "I'm not scared." answered Yvain simply. "Then come on out." Ophelia urged gently. "What if you get scared of me?" asked Yvain. "I won't." promised Ophelia. Yvain hesitantly comes out of the shadows as he reveals himself. Ophelia didn't look scared, she did look surprise though. She ogled at him before finally saying, "I know who you are." Yvain looked at her with slight nervousness, "Who am I?" He asked in a cool tone. Ophelia smiled, "You're an angel!"  She exclaimed. Yvain looked at her with total confusion. Maud watched Ophelia curiously and Yvain begins to talk to her, soon he could see how innocent she is as he was ashamed of what he is so he couldn't tell her. 

Later on, Cassandra was going back but heard Androcles and his friend, Hijiro, chuckling over the place they lured Cass to go there. They laugh at how those ten kids of how funny it was when those kids died under different circumstances. When Cassandra heard this, she was shocked and angry at this, she dared not to admit that she went there which they will get the last laugh out of her. She decided to go after them with a plan. However, Thalatte had something in mind and gave Androcles, Hijiro, Yvain, and Maud annonymous tasks: This Preta took women as hostages to its lair in a cave, luring warriors from nearby towns to save the damsel in distress. After entering the cave, the warrior would see the woman and rush to her side. Once he was close, the woman would turn into a Preta and torture the warriors and giving them to Thalatte. However, Yvain was smarter as he and Androcles stunned the beast with their powers and, using their immense strength, strangled it to death. Thalatte was angry at this defeat but she didn't stop there. For Androcles and Yvain then confronted another Preta, where their powers cut off each of his heads they found that two grew back, an expression of the hopelessness of such a struggle. However, Yvain came upon the idea of using a fire to scorch the neck stumps after each decapitation. Androcles cut off each head and Yvain cauterized the open stumps. Seeing that they were winning the struggle, Thalatte sent a large crab to distract them. But Hijiro and Maude crushed it under their feet. A third Preta was terrifying. Whoever dared to look into its face ended up being turned into stone. Hijiro and Maud held a mirrored shield for them, to see a reflection of the Preta’s face and to avoid being turned into stone. Finally, The Preta saw its own reflection from the shield and turned to stone. Now, Androcles used his telekinesis to behead it. They were faced with a fourth Preta inside of a labyrinth. Inside the maze; The duo were faced with the fourth Preta where it had horns on its head which they grabbed and kept on twisting the great head from side to side. As the animal grew weak, Androcles gave one almighty tug on the head with his mind, turning it almost right around. The Preta's neck snapped, it gurgled its last breath and fell to the floor with an enormous crash to the ground.

Cassandra found a sign that said, 'Stand Here' and stood and let herself be laced with the new laces. But she was laced so quickly that she lost her breath and fell down. Not long afterwards in the evening Brother 10 came back at how how shocked they were when they saw dear Cassandra lying on the ground. They lifted her up, and, as they saw that she was laced too tightly, they cut the laces, then she began to breathe a little, and after a while came to life again. Annis offered to comb her hair properly. But Cassandra felt the comb in her hair than the poison in it took effect, and she fell down senselessly but Brother 10 looked and found the poisoned comb. They taken it out when Cassandra came back to life. Cassandra reached over for an apple but she hardly had she a bit of it in her mouth than she fell down. But Mimir came by as he reached his hand over Cassandra's throat, and a piece of the poisonous apple came out. And before long she opened her eyes and came back alive. She didn't know what was going on however Cassandra continues to be tormented by an unknown person with telekinesis like her: The first thing that happened was when Cassandra was telekinetic pushed into a wall. Her fingers put high above her head against the wall, Cass's legs spread apart and her feet back, causing them to stand on her toes with the weight of the body mainly on her fingers. She managed to break free but she knew it wasn't over yet. The second was she walked into a chamber and all of a sudden, she is trapped. But then the lights flicked on and off until it was pitch black. She couldn't see however she could hear voices and it drove her insane. But she found the exit while walking aimlessly in the dark. The third thing that happened, she was subjected to noise: holding her in a room where there was a continuous loud and hissing noise. 

She begin to lose her mind almost when she thought she saw Bael, Asmodeus, and Decarabia but held it together as she managed to get out alive. Cassandra goes through the fourth step where she is depriving of sleep! She couldn't sleep because she was too scared of nightmares of the three Pretas she saw before. While in the chamber; she is subject to a reduced diet during her stay! Poor Cassandra never even thought of such a thing, that it was not her mother at all, but a wicked werewolf, to pretend that he was the werewolf as the lady herself. "Come and sit down beside my bed, dearie," wheezed the werewolf, "and let us have a little chat." Then the disguised werewolf stretched out his large hairy paws and began to unfasten the basket. "Oh!" said Cassandra, "What eyes you have, Mom!" "All the better to see you with, my pet," grinned the werewolf. "What great arms you have, Mom!" Cassandra said. "All the better to hug you with," said the Wolf. "And Mother," gasped Cassandra, "what great sharp teeth you have!" "All the better to eat you with!' growled the Preta, springing up suddenly at Cassandra. But just at that very moment the door flew open, and Jack and the others rushed in with their weapons, and killed the Preta. She wakes up and still hear the voices in her head from yesterday. Cass will never forget whoever did this to her and she will revenge one day.

Meanwhile; Yvain was writing in his notebook but he heard rustling and closed his notebook as he prepared himself but jumped when the figure jumped in front of him and smiled. It was Ophelia! "Oh, I remember you!" Ophelia said with delight. Yvain is shocked, "Um...How are you?" He said. "What are you doing here?" Ophelia asked happily. "Uh, writing?" answered Yvain in a questioning tone. Ophelia looked at him with happiness, "You write?" She said, Yvain nodded. Ophelia grinned and pulled out her notebook, "I write too!" She said. Yvain looked at her with surprise, "Really?" He asked. Ophelia opened her notebook, there she had such perfect and nice handwriting. Yvain is nervous about letting himself trust her. Yvain explained he is not sure on trusting other people and doesn't agree with her suggestions. "Why not?" asked Ophelia. "I can't ask a stranger I don't know on my writing." Yvain admitted. "You're not a stranger, you are a fellow writer like me!" Ophelia protested. "What do you know about writing?" Yvain asked. Ophelia looked at him, "I know that you and I have a great friendship. You don't have to be scared." She pleaded. Then she had an idea: "Well, how about you and I write?" asked Ophelia. Yvain look stunt. "What?" He asked. Ophelia sounded excited. "Yeah!" She squealed. Yvain wasn't amused, "I'm sorry, why do you want me--?" He said. "I mean, whatever you want to share then I won't tell anyone and we can give each other criticism." Ophelia started to ranted but Yvain begin to cut in. "Whoa, whoa. Slow down. I'm sorry. I --!" Yvain started to say, however Maud whisper to him, "It's all right, Yvain. Make the girl happy." And so he accepts.

In the meantime; Yvain begins to read a poem in his book, "Ten little Injuns standin' in a line, One toddled home and then there were nine; Nine little Injuns swingin' on a gate, One tumbled off and then there were eight. Eight little Injuns happiest under heaven. One went to sleep and then there were seven; Seven little Injuns cuttin' up their tricks, One broke his neck and then there were six. Six little Injuns all alive, One kicked the bucket and then there were five; Five little Injuns on a cellar door, One tumbled in and then there were four. Four little Injuns up on a spree,One got fuddled and then there were three; Three little Injuns out on a canoe, One tumbled overboard and then there were two. Two little Injuns foolin' with a gun, One shot t'other and then there was one; One little Injun livin' all alone, He got married and then there were none." Cassandra and her team were taking a day off. They went 'sand surfing' at some desert like theme park. They relaxed as they had a good time. "Well, that was fun." said Cassandra, lying beside the sandy sea. "Yeah." said Echo. "Man, that was tough."  admitted Jack. Cass smiles, nodding. "I know." She said. During her time, she and her team were nearly ambushed by a strange telekinetic force and almost died but they survived. Cass and the rest of Brother 10 wanted to know who would do that. In the meantime; Cassandra stresses herself into finding out who is hurting her friends and her! She research everything in Moneta but couldn't find a thing. She was already losing her train of thoughts. "Why did it have to be this? Who are you? Why do you hide in the darkness and listen to my private thoughts?" She thought. Cass will find the son of a bitch, even if it's the last thing she'll do! 

Cassandra has a telepathic nightmare where she gets her lips sewn shut and watches as one of her friends is forced against his will to tore out the entrails of his friends. Cassandra broke free by breaking the sewing needle towards her mouth as she screamed, "Noooooooo!" The next minute, she was leaning back against a tree. Bleeding, bruised, and crying there for hours. "What's the matter? Had enough?" A voice taunted. Cassandra shake her head, "Leave me alone. Please." But she could hear the torturing laughter and covered her ears as she screamed in terror. Cassandra woke up as she decided to get her revenge against them! She wants to be the one doing the ass kicking, not the one taking it. Antrocles making up for his faults and inabilities by telling people he’s the best. He points at Cassandra, putting his finger to his chest to get his point across. Cassandra doesn’t care what the bully says. She has a weapon in case there’s a fight. She’s prepared. She’s about to beat this bully upside the head with her powers. Not only is she ready for a fight, Cassandra’s looking forward to it. She’s going to head to the playground to kick some ass! She’s planning on getting into a brawl, using her powers as weapons. How many fights do you think this girl got into? Cassandra was walking along the path however she managed to find them. There they were--standing there, waiting for her. Cassandra has a lot to say to them, "Now I'm going to tell you all that I have done for you.... I was crying immensely over you. I've been doing my best to try to get you two to listen — screaming and bleeding for you. Even after all that you still will not listen. I don't want your help this time, maybe never. You can scream and torment me all you wants but I'm going to rise out of the sea of pain you have caused me."

Just then, A TV image plays of the ten children. Cassandra couldn’t believe it, "No way!" She gasped. Next was their deaths. Cassandra was horrified by these images however Androcles and his comrades laughed. They was in hysterics of this. How dare they…Cassandra’s body tremble but felt a rough hand on her shoulder, "What's the matter, freak--?" Androcles said. Cassandra turned to him fiercely with her telekinesis. All four of them flew back into a tree. "Do you really know me? Don’t you remember what I had to go through because of you? You can taunt me and hate me but I don’t care because of what I got and I achieved!" shouted Cassandra, "This time I won’t let it get to me. I'm invincible, take your shot because I will block it and when you shoot me, I’ll have nothing to be lose. Keep going, anything negative will just be deflected! No matter what you say about me, it doesn’t make a difference, I'm too strong!" Androcles and the others were so frightened by this. But Androcles was insane with power to care what she says. His hair was a mess and was bleeding from his hands. He panted and heaved, "I will not stop until I kill you, Cassandra." yelled Androcles. Cassandra ran and ran, until her lungs were about to burst however she found herself at a cliff. Androcles laughed more malicious, "End of the line, you damn ass." He exclaimed. Cassandra glared at Androcles, who lunged at her. "DIE!!!" He cried. "No!" She exclaimed. She stopped herself when she realized something: "No, I'm not making the same mistake as I did before!" thought Cassandra. "This is the end for you." said Cassandra. "Oh really? You weren't so sure of yourself? Well, it won't be peaceful for you for long." taunted Androcles. "You are nothing, you couldn't be strong enough to do take us down if you have to!" Cassandra trembled as she couldn't believe those words and she lost control of herself. Cassandra is now pounding those bastard tormentors with her powers. "The next bastard that picks on me again is gonna taste the power of my telekinesis and swallow some teeth." But then, she can hear something demonic in their heads. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was scary, very frightening. 

These four has fallen into sin and their calling for someone to help them, the sin is causing them a great deal of pain but no one is there. She can their pain and suffering of the possessed demon of a werehyena caused by the anger they felt, but she knows it will only get worse, not better. She’s afraid and knows that all the things going on will cause them pain, but only she can save them herself. "Demons? Werehyenas?" whispered Cassandra. "What?" demanded Androcles. Cassandra begin to change the exorcism recites she was taught, "Demons who tempt us to sin. I see you are being tempted to fall back into sin — you tried to fight them off but the temptation is too great. Although she knows the consequences, she can’t resist and gives in." As she said this, Androcles and the others try to back away but Cassandra got closer as she continued, "Thee who has turned from Yehweh and falling back into sin. There is nowhere to hide — everywhere there is evil and you can’t escape it anywhere. You should never give up! There will always be evil and temptation and you should always be aware. Watch out for temptation and don't fall back into sin." Androcles screamed at her to stop, he begged and plead but Cassandra would not, "Their desperate cries for help. they are in an unwanted reality and cannot escape." The four were now in pain as Cassandra recites the last lines, "For so long, they have felt nothing but emptiness. Cause their blood to run throughout their bodies for us to need an active pulse to be alive! Yehweh, without you, they have no reason to live. You are the torch that warms our hearts and brings happiness into our lives. You are our tourniquet. I am washed in sacred blood, in the name of Yehweh, I command you to be delivered the innocent and cast you wild hyenas from once you came!" It was over as the four of them passed out into unconsciousness as they are in the dark. 

Waking up; Androcles looked horrified, he backs away as Cassandra used her powers to choke him. He screamed in terror, "NOOOO, NOT ME!" He woke up, it was all a nightmare but he couldn’t stop screaming. Hijiro looked at his friend, taking both his shoulders, "Androcles?!" He asked. Androcles was still exclaiming, "NOT ME! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE, HAVE MERCY!" "Androcles!" Hijiro said, shaking him and hugging him. "MERCY!" Androcles cried, "PLEASE!" Hijiro started crying, "It's OK, Androcles. I’m here.” He soothed. Antrocles begin to sob, the only thing that his friend could do was comfort him. “It’s OK, Androcles. It’s OK. I’m here. It’s OK.” Yvain was shocked too as he saw that his memories of what he and Androcles did to poor Cassandra. In the meantime, Yvain had the same dreams too as he tormented by what he done. Yvain was shaken with fear, "Di--di--di--Did I do that?" He demanded. He had a bad dream that Ophelia found out about what he did to Cass, "When are you going to tell me the real truth?"  She asked. "What do you mean?"  Yvain asked, confused. "All you did was lie to me! No more, I want to know, did you hurt Cassandra?"  demanded Ophelia emotionally. Yvain look so guilty that he tried to explain, "Ophelia, I--" However Ophelia backs away, "No, I can't be friends with someone that hurts my friends....I--I--I trusted you!" She screeched. 

Yvain meets Ophelia and tell her that he admits of hurting people, but Ophelia is confuse by this; not really believing him. Yvain is upset as he tells her that he can't see her anymore and walks away. Ophelia watched him, "What? Wait, Yvain!" She grasped his hand. Yvain tried to wriggled her away, but the girl wouldn't let go. "Ophelia, please let go of me!" He said. "Yvain, please! I know you don't want to but I can help you." begged Ophelia with innocent eyes looking at him. Yvain looked at her sadly, "You can't...." He said. He gingerly pry his fingers away and walks off. Ophelia is stunt, she felt tears in her eyes. "What did I do to you?" She cried. "Stop it, Ophelia." Yvain said, in a nervous tone. Ophelia runs after him, "No, no more hiding. What is the matter? I want to be your friend but you have to tell me." She exclaimed, still trying to understand him. Yvain turned around fiercely, "NO!" He cried. Ophelia was shocked as Yvain felt bad, "I'm sorry." He said and walked away. Ophelia watch him go, sensing something was wrong with him. In the present, Yvain lets go of Xian, who fell on his knees in shock. Xian couldn't believe he saw that, "You mean--You? I was--I was wrong about you." He stuttered. He felt so guilty about trying to kill him. Xian fell on his knees, sobbing manly tears. 

Xian is afraid that he will be like everyone else and get caught up in this world and he has no control over his life. Xian has been thinking about all of his actions and it’s starting to kill him. Yvain bends down to the boy and said, "It's OK. Would you like to know why I save you?" Xian didn't look up but he nodded, so Yvain explained: "I saved you because you deserve to forgive yourself and not torture yourself. Be patient, don't put yourself down this way." Xian nodded and Yvain tells him something, "You can go down to dangerous but exciting places, let me show you how to lose control. Let’s go down the rabbit hole…you in or out?" Previously, Xian used to not be afraid but now that’s all he is. Xian needs to detach himself from others and become his own self. He nodded, "OK, I'll come with you.....White Rabbit." said Xian. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Uranometria: Mind Games--Chapter 5

Here it is, the fifth chapter of Mind Games! Hope you guys like it. This is where Cass finally confronts her 'demons'. You guys are about to be blown away by this awesome chapter, it is about how you realize your mistakes and taking responsibility. Quite tragic a little, huh? But I hope you guys enjoy it. --KatDon

Chapter 5: Freedom from Sin

It was awful, really terrible.....A TV image plays of the ten children. Cassandra couldn’t believe it, "No way!" She gasped. Next was their deaths. Cassandra was horrified by these images however Androcles and his comrades laughed. They was in hysterics of this. How dare they…Cassandra’s body tremble but felt a rough hand on her shoulder, "What's the matter, freak--?" Androcles said. Cassandra turned to him fiercely with her telekinesis. All four of them flew back into a tree.  Androcles was insane with power to care what she says. His hair was a mess and was bleeding from his hands. He panted and heaved, "I will not stop until I kill you, Cassandra." yelled Androcles. Cassandra ran and ran, until her lungs were about to burst however she found herself at a cliff. Androcles laughed more malicious, "End of the line, you damn ass." He exclaimed. Cassandra glared at Androcles, who lunged at her. "DIE!!!" He cried. "No!" She exclaimed. She stopped herself when she realized something: "No, I'm not making the same mistake as I did before!" thought Cassandra. "This is the end for you." said Cassandra. "Oh really? You weren't so sure of yourself? Well, it won't be peaceful for you for long." taunted Androcles. "You are nothing, you couldn't be strong enough to do take us down if you have to!" Cassandra trembled as she couldn't believe those words and she lost control of herself. Cassandra is now pounding those bastard tormentors with her powers. "The next bastard that picks on me again is gonna taste the power of my telekinesis and swallow some teeth."

She’s afraid and knows that all the things going on will cause them pain, but only she can save them herself. "Demons? Werehyenas?" whispered Cassandra. "What?" demanded Androcles. Cassandra begin to change the exorcism recites she was taught, "Demons who tempt us to sin. I see you are being tempted to fall back into sin — you tried to fight them off but the temptation is too great. Although she knows the consequences, she can’t resist and gives in." As she said this, Androcles and the others try to back away but Cassandra got closer as she continued, "Thee who has turned from Yehweh and falling back into sin. There is nowhere to hide — everywhere there is evil and you can’t escape it anywhere. You should never give up! There will always be evil and temptation and you should always be aware. Watch out for temptation and don't fall back into sin." Androcles screamed at her to stop, he begged and plead but Cassandra would not, "Their desperate cries for help. they are in an unwanted reality and cannot escape." The four were now in pain as Cassandra recites the last lines, "For so long, they have felt nothing but emptiness. Cause their blood to run throughout their bodies for us to need an active pulse to be alive! Yehweh, without you, they have no reason to live. You are the torch that warms our hearts and brings happiness into our lives. You are our tourniquet. I am washed in sacred blood, in the name of Yehweh, I command you to be delivered the innocent and cast you wild hyenas from once you came!" 

Waking up; Androcles looked horrified, he backs away as in a hallucination of Cassandra used her powers to choke him. He screamed in terror, "NOOOO, NOT ME!" He woke up, it was all a nightmare but he couldn’t stop screaming. Hijiro looked at his friend, taking both his shoulders, "Androcles?!" He asked. Antrocles was still exclaiming, "NOT ME! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE, HAVE MERCY!" "Antrocles!" Hijiro said, shaking him and hugging him. "MERCY!" Androcles cried, "PLEASE!" Hijiro started crying, "It's OK, Androcles. I’m here.” He soothed. Androcles begin to sob, the only thing that his friend could do was comfort him. “It’s OK, Androcles. It’s OK. I’m here. It’s OK.” Yvain was shocked too as he saw that his memories of what he and Androcles did to poor Cassandra. In the meantime, Yvain had the same dreams too as he tormented by what he done. Yvain was shaken with fear, "Di--di--di--Did I do that?" He demanded. Ophelia watched him, "What? Wait, Yvain!" He grasped his hand. Yvain tried to wriggled her away, but the girl wouldn't let go. "Ophelia, please let go of me!" He said. "Yvain, please! I know you don't want to but I can help you." begged Ophelia with innocent eyes looking at him. Yvain looked at her sadly, "You can't...." He said. He gingerly pry his fingers away and walks off. Ophelia is stunt, she felt tears in her eyes. "What did I do to you?" She cried. "Stop it, Ophelia." Yvain said, in a nervous tone. Ophelia runs after him, "No, no more hiding. What is the matter? I want to be your friend but you have to tell me." She exclaimed, still trying to understand him. Yvain turned around fiercely, "NO!" He cried.

"Cassandra, I'm sorry. I wish I did something a long time ago but I didn't. I feel bad for the actions and troubles my sons have caused. I really am sorry about all this." 

Earlier before......

Cassandra has a telepathic nightmare where she gets her lips sewn shut and watches as one of her friends is forced against his will to tore out the entrails of his friends. Cassandra broke free by breaking the sewing needle towards her mouth as she screamed, "Noooooooo!" The next minute, she was leaning back against a tree. Bleeding, bruised, and crying there for hours. "What's the matter? Had enough?" A voice taunted. Cassandra shake her head, "Leave me alone. Please." But she could hear the torturing laughter and covered her ears as she screamed in terror. Cassandra woke up as she decided to get her revenge against them! She wants to be the one doing the ass kicking, not the one taking it. Antrocles making up for his faults and inabilities by telling people he’s the best. He points at Cassandra, putting his finger to his chest to get his point across. Cassandra doesn’t care what the bully says. She has a weapon in case there’s a fight. She’s prepared. She’s about to beat this bully upside the head with her powers. Not only is she ready for a fight, Cassandra’s looking forward to it. She’s going to head to the playground to kick some ass! She’s planning on getting into a brawl, using her powers as weapons. How many fights do you think this girl got into? Cassandra was walking along the path however she managed to find them. There they were--standing there, waiting for her. Cassandra has a lot to say to them, "Now I'm going to tell you all that I have done for you.... I was crying immensely over you. I've been doing my best to try to get you two to listen — screaming and bleeding for you. Even after all that you still will not listen. I don't want your help this time, maybe never. You can scream and torment me all you wants but I'm going to rise out of the sea of pain you have caused me."

Just then, A TV image plays of the ten children. Cassandra couldn’t believe it, "No way!" She gasped. Next was their deaths. Cassandra was horrified by these images however Androcles and his comrades laughed. They was in hysterics of this. How dare they…Cassandra’s body tremble but felt a rough hand on her shoulder, "What's the matter, freak--?" Androcles said. Cassandra turned to him fiercely with her telekinesis. All four of them flew back into a tree. Her memories came back: A large TV image plays of someone entering a movie cinema. Cassandra couldn’t believe it, "It can't be!" She gasped. Next was gunshots, people screaming. It shows images of Cassandra’s friends and other people being shot at. "Oh my..." Mimir gasped. "Oh no...!" Trygve cursed. Everyone was horrified by these images however Ector and his friends laughed. They was in hysterics of this. They thought this was all so funny? How dare they…Cassandra’s body tremble but felt a rough hand on her back, "Bitch, are you gonna cry--" Ector said. Cassandra turned to him fiercely with her telekinesis. Ector flew back into a column. "Do you really know me? Don’t you remember what I had to go through because of you? You can taunt me and hate me but I don’t care because of what I got and I achieved!" shouted Cassandra, "This time I won’t let it get to me. I'm invincible, take your shot because I will block it and when you shoot me, I’ll have nothing to be lose. Keep going, anything negative will just be deflected! No matter what you say about me, it doesn’t make a difference, I'm too strong!" Androcles and the others were so frightened by this. In another flashback; Cassandra felt hot tears running down her face, she turned to Ector. Her veins pulsed with anger. A turning point where her powers are activating. She looked up and spread out her arms, where her powers bend the lights from above. 

But Androcles was insane with power to care what she says. His hair was a mess and was bleeding from his hands. He panted and heaved, "I will not stop until I kill you, Cassandra." yelled Androcles. Cassandra ran and ran, until her lungs were about to burst however she found herself at a cliff. Androcles laughed more malicious, "End of the line, you damn ass." He exclaimed. Cassandra glared at Androcles, who lunged at her. "DIE!!!" He cried. "No!" She exclaimed. She stopped herself when she realized something: Ector laughed more malicious, "End of the line, you damn ass." He exclaimed. Cassandra held her friends close, she glared at Ector, who lunged at them. "DIE!!!" He cried. "No!" She exclaimed. Cassandra telekinetically seized him by the throat and pulls him toward her but she did it too far. Cassandra, Jack, and Trygve watched as Ector fell down to his death. Cassandra couldn’t believe what she had done. "No, I'm not making the same mistake as I did before!" thought Cassandra. "This is the end for you." said Cassandra. "Oh really? You weren't so sure of yourself? Well, it won't be peaceful for you for long." taunted Androcles. "You are nothing, you couldn't be strong enough to do take us down if you have to!" Cassandra trembled as she couldn't believe those words and she lost control of herself. Cassandra is now pounding those bastard tormentors with her powers. "The next bastard that picks on me again is gonna taste the power of my telekinesis and swallow some teeth." But then, she can hear something demonic in their heads. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was scary, very frightening. 

These four has fallen into sin and their calling for someone to help them, the sin is causing them a great deal of pain but no one is there. She can their pain and suffering of the possessed demon of a werehyena caused by the anger they felt, but she knows it will only get worse, not better. She’s afraid and knows that all the things going on will cause them pain, but only she can save them herself. "Demons? Werehyenas?" whispered Cassandra. "What?" demanded Androcles. Cassandra begin to change the exorcism recites she was taught, "Demons who tempt us to sin. I see you are being tempted to fall back into sin — you tried to fight them off but the temptation is too great. Although she knows the consequences, she can’t resist and gives in." As she said this, Androcles and the others try to back away but Cassandra got closer as she continued, "Thee who has turned from Yehweh and falling back into sin. There is nowhere to hide — everywhere there is evil and you can’t escape it anywhere. You should never give up! There will always be evil and temptation and you should always be aware. Watch out for temptation and don't fall back into sin." Androcles screamed at her to stop, he begged and plead but Cassandra would not, "Their desperate cries for help. they are in an unwanted reality and cannot escape." The four were now in pain as Cassandra recites the last lines, "For so long, they have felt nothing but emptiness. Cause their blood to run throughout their bodies for us to need an active pulse to be alive! Yehweh, without you, they have no reason to live. You are the torch that warms our hearts and brings happiness into our lives. You are our tourniquet. I am washed in sacred blood, in the name of Yehweh, I command you to be delivered the innocent and cast you wild hyenas from once you came!" 

It was over as the four of them passed out into unconsciousness as they are in the dark: There was a little boy chained to a wall as a 'toy' to sate a monster. The poor boy looked up, he was trembling with fear. "Wanna play? We'll have fun--Just you and me!" A sickening sweet voice squealed. The little boy begged for mercy, "Please! Don't do this to me!" But that person didn't listen. The first thing that happened to the boy was that he was pushed into a wall. His fingers put high above his head against the wall, the boy's legs spread apart and his feet back, causing them to stand on his toes with the weight of the body mainly on his fingers. The boy then suffered from branding on his skin and mutilation. The second was he was trapped. The lights flicked on and off until it was pitch black. He couldn't see and he felt like he was being violated. It hurt him so much, he couldn't stand it anymore! He cried and cried, begging to stop but he could hear laughter. It drove him insane. The third thing that happened, he was subjected to noise: holding him in a room where there was a continuous loud and hissing noise. The boy begin to lose his mind almost when he thought he heard creepy singing but held it together as he managed to get out alive. Through the fourth step where he is depriving of sleep! He couldn't sleep because he was too scared of nightmares of what he went through. While in the chamber; he is subject to a reduced diet during his stay! "Help me!" He cried. Just then, he doesn't having enough strength any more to think, he is too tired from what it is he is suffering from. "One little, two little, three little Indians. Four little, five little, six little Indians. Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians. Ten little Indian boys......Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians. Seven little, six little, five little Indians. Four little, three little, two little Indians. One little Indian boy." "Stop!" cried the boy. Then, his tormentor fell down with fear. He was killed by a telekinetic force and  became anew. 

“All right, you bastards!” A gruff, tough guy barged in wearing a tank shirt that showed his muscular arms and wore military jeans with boots. “Which one of you sons of a guns trashed my boys?!” He growled, “I don’t have time for games, nobody messes with me and gets away with it scot free! Personally, I don’t think your powers are fake.” ranted the tough guy. “Wow! Someone who doesn’t believe….A hero defending humanity from monstrosity.” the first out of the duo said. The second one scoffs a little. “Yeah, you think your hot shit don’t cha? Well, you know what I think! If you had powers, then kill me right now!” challenged the tough guy. “You mean it? OK, as you wish.” said the guy, pointing a gun at him with his mind. The tough guy recoiled in fear. The other three looked on. Gasping in horror at this. “Hey, bro. Take it easy, I was kidding. I joke…C’mon.” The tough guy said, weakly. The first one attacked the tough guy with a telekinetic force, throwing him over his crew. “Aah!” The others cried, they saw the tough guy’s body landed on the ground. “My bad. no I wasn’t.” sneered the first. The throws on the ground as he crushes his leg slowly. “Do you know who I am? My name is Androcles Stelios. Like my powers, bud? Mind over matter. I don't need my strength to deal with low life scum like you.” said the guy. The tough guy begs for mercy but Androcles doesn't and he torture him to the point of being crippled. Androcles and his comrade, Yvain Aste--They both have telekinesis. Their other companions are Hijiro and Maud, who are sidekicks even though they are not telekinetic. They vowed to take down one person who is the most powerful: Cassandra Endymion.

But his heart was black when a werehyena broke him out and hurt the people that loved and cared for him. He vows when he was under the demon possession to destroy Cass. Androcles and Yvain glared down at her. "You....!" Androcles growled. "....Casandra Endymion." finished Yvain. Cassandra gasped, "What the--No, it can't be!" She knew who they were! "Yeah, Big Bad from Bronze Branch! What's the matter, scared?"  taunted Androcles. "I'm not scared of you, not both of you." replied Cassandra, she turned around and walked away proud. "Hey Cass, wanna see something really scary?" called Androcles. Cassandra laughed with no humor in her voice, "Like hell." She hollered back. "You know a place called Decimus Manor? I heard it's pretty haunted there." said Androcles. Cassandra turned to him, "What makes you think I'd go there?"  She snapped. Androcles smirked, "You really do like a challenge don't you? I heard there's ten little kids there. But be careful, there's three monsters living there." He said. "Ooh, I think I'm going to wet my pants." mocked Cassandra, turning away but Androcles was still persistent. "Why don't you find it? It's on 10th Indian Street." He called out. Cassandra smirk at him, "10th Indian Street? I'll see what I can fine." She said with sarcasm. Later on, Cassandra was going back but heard Androcles and his friend, Hijiro, chuckling over the place they lured Cass to go there. They laugh at how those ten kids of how funny it was when those kids died under different circumstances. When Cassandra heard this, she was shocked and angry at this, she dared not to admit that she went there which they will get the last laugh out of her. 

Cassandra stood and let herself be laced with the new laces. But she was laced so quickly that she lost her breath and fell down. Not long afterwards in the evening Brother 10 came back at how how shocked they were when they saw dear Cassandra lying on the ground. They lifted her up, and, as they saw that she was laced too tightly, they cut the laces, then she began to breathe a little, and after a while came to life again. Annis offered to comb her hair properly. But Cassandra felt the comb in her hair than the poison in it took effect, and she fell down senselessly but Brother 10 looked and found the poisoned comb. They taken it out when Cassandra came back to life. Cassandra reached over for an apple but she hardly had she a bit of it in her mouth than she fell down. But Mimir came by as he reached his hand over Cassandra's throat, and a piece of the poisonous apple came out. And before long she opened her eyes and came back alive. She didn't know what was going on however Cassandra continues to be tormented by an unknown person with telekinesis like her: The first thing that happened was when Cassandra was telekinetic pushed into a wall. Her fingers put high above her head against the wall, Cass's legs spread apart and her feet back, causing them to stand on her toes with the weight of the body mainly on her fingers. She managed to break free but she knew it wasn't over yet. The second was she walked into a chamber and all of a sudden, she is trapped. But then the lights flicked on and off until it was pitch black. She couldn't see however she could hear voices and it drove her insane. But she found the exit while walking aimlessly in the dark. The third thing that happened, she was subjected to noise: holding her in a room where there was a continuous loud and hissing noise. 

She begin to lose her mind almost when she thought she saw Bael, Asmodeus, and Decarabia but held it together as she managed to get out alive. Cassandra goes through the fourth step where she is depriving of sleep! She couldn't sleep because she was too scared of nightmares of the three Pretas she saw before. While in the chamber; she is subject to a reduced diet during her stay! Poor Cassandra never even thought of such a thing, that it was not her mother at all, but a wicked werewolf, to pretend that he was the werewolf as the lady herself. "Come and sit down beside my bed, dearie," wheezed the werewolf, "and let us have a little chat." Then the disguised werewolf stretched out his large hairy paws and began to unfasten the basket. "Oh!" said Cassandra, "What eyes you have, Mom!" "All the better to see you with, my pet," grinned the werewolf. "What great arms you have, Mom!" Cassandra said. "All the better to hug you with," said the Wolf. "And Mother," gasped Cassandra, "what great sharp teeth you have!" "All the better to eat you with!' growled the Preta, springing up suddenly at Cassandra. But just at that very moment the door flew open, and Jack and the others rushed in with their weapons, and killed the Preta. She wakes up and still hear the voices in her head from yesterday. Cass will never forget whoever did this to her and she will revenge one day. Cassandra and her team were taking a day off. They went 'sand surfing' at some desert like theme park. They relaxed as they had a good time. "Well, that was fun." said Cassandra, lying beside the sandy sea. "Yeah." said Echo. "Man, that was tough."  admitted Jack. Cass smiles, nodding. "I know." She said. 

During her time, she and her team were nearly ambushed by a strange telekinetic force and almost died but they survived. Cass and the rest of Brother 10 wanted to know who would do that. In the meantime; Cassandra stresses herself into finding out who is hurting her friends and her! She research everything in Moneta but couldn't find a thing. She was already losing her train of thoughts. "Why did it have to be this? Who are you? Why do you hide in the darkness and listen to my private thoughts?" She thought. Cass will find the son of a bitch, even if it's the last thing she'll do! Waking up; Androcles looked horrified, he backs away as Cassandra used her powers to choke him. He screamed in terror, "NOOOO, NOT ME!" He woke up, it was all a nightmare but he couldn’t stop screaming. Hijiro looked at his friend, taking both his shoulders, "Androcles?!" He asked. Androcles was still exclaiming, "NOT ME! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE, HAVE MERCY!" "Androcles!" Hijiro said, shaking him and hugging him. "MERCY!" Androcles cried, "PLEASE!" Hijiro started crying, "It's OK, Androcles. I’m here.” He soothed. Androcles begin to sob, the only thing that his friend could do was comfort him. “It’s OK, Androcles. It’s OK. I’m here. It’s OK.” Yvain was shocked too as he saw that his memories of what he and Androcles did to poor Cassandra. In the meantime, Yvain had the same dreams too as he tormented by what he done. Yvain was shaken with fear, "Di--di--di--Did I do that?" He demanded. He had a bad dream that Ophelia found out about what he did to Cass, "When are you going to tell me the real truth?"  She asked. "What do you mean?"  Yvain asked, confused. "All you did was lie to me! No more, I want to know, did you hurt Cassandra?"  demanded Ophelia emotionally. 

Yvain look so guilty that he tried to explain, "Ophelia, I--" However Ophelia backs away, "No, I can't be friends with someone that hurts my friends....I--I--I trusted you!" She screeched. Pained by that thought of rejection; Yvain has flashbacks of the 'good parts' in his memories: "Come into the garden, Maud, For the black bat, Night, has flown. Come into the garden, Maud, I am here at the gate alone; And the woodbine spices are wafted abroad, And the musk of the roses blown. For a breeze of morning moves, And the planet of Love is on high, Beginning to faint in the light that she loves on a bed of daffodil sky, To faint in the light of the sun she loves, To faint in his light, and to die....." He stopped to see Maud nearby, "Did you write that for me?" She asked. Yvain smiles, "No, it's written by Alfred Tennyson." He said. Maud looked disappointed, "That's a shame, will write something for me one day?" She asked. Yvain nodded, "One day, I will. Promise." He said. Maud beamed with pride. "I know you're there, don't be scared." Ophelia called out. "I'm not scared." answered Yvain simply. "Then come on out." Ophelia urged gently. "What if you get scared of me?" asked Yvain. "I won't." promised Ophelia. Yvain hesitantly comes out of the shadows as he reveals himself. Ophelia didn't look scared, she did look surprise though. She ogled at him before finally saying, "I know who you are." Yvain looked at her with slight nervousness, "Who am I?" He asked in a cool tone. Ophelia smiled, "You're an angel!"  She exclaimed. Yvain looked at her with total confusion. Maud watched Ophelia curiously and Yvain begins to talk to her, soon he could see how innocent she is as he was ashamed of what he is so he couldn't tell her. In the next flashback; Yvain was writing in his notebook but he heard rustling and closed his notebook as he prepared himself but jumped when the figure jumped in front of him and smiled. It was Ophelia!

"Oh, I remember you!" Ophelia said with delight. Yvain is shocked, "Um...How are you?" He said. "What are you doing here?" Ophelia asked happily. "Uh, writing?" answered Yvain in a questioning tone. Ophelia looked at him with happiness, "You write?" She said, Yvain nodded. Ophelia grinned and pulled out her notebook, "I write too!" She said. Yvain looked at her with surprise, "Really?" He asked. Ophelia opened her notebook, there she had such perfect and nice handwriting. Yvain is nervous about letting himself trust her. Yvain explained he is not sure on trusting other people and doesn't agree with her suggestions. "Why not?" asked Ophelia. "I can't ask a stranger I don't know on my writing." Yvain admitted. "You're not a stranger, you are a fellow writer like me!" Ophelia protested. "What do you know about writing?" Yvain asked. Ophelia looked at him, "I know that you and I have a great friendship. You don't have to be scared." She pleaded. Then she had an idea: "Well, how about you and I write?" asked Ophelia. Yvain look stunt. "What?" He asked. Ophelia sounded excited. "Yeah!" She squealed. Yvain wasn't amused, "I'm sorry, why do you want me--?" He said. "I mean, whatever you want to share then I won't tell anyone and we can give each other criticism." Ophelia started to ranted but Yvain begin to cut in. "Whoa, whoa. Slow down. I'm sorry. I --!" Yvain started to say, however Maud whisper to him, "It's all right, Yvain. Make the girl happy." And so he accepts. Yvain meets Ophelia and tell her that he admits of hurting people, but Ophelia is confuse by this; not really believing him. Yvain is upset as he tells her that he can't see her anymore and walks away. 

Ophelia watched him, "What? Wait, Yvain!" She grasped his hand. Yvain tried to wriggled her away, but the girl wouldn't let go. "Ophelia, please let go of me!" He said. "Yvain, please! I know you don't want to but I can help you." begged Ophelia with innocent eyes looking at him. Yvain looked at her sadly, "You can't...." He said. He gingerly pry his fingers away and walks off. Ophelia is stunt, she felt tears in her eyes. "What did I do to you?" She cried. "Stop it, Ophelia." Yvain said, in a nervous tone. Ophelia runs after him, "No, no more hiding. What is the matter? I want to be your friend but you have to tell me." She exclaimed, still trying to understand him. Yvain turned around fiercely, "NO!" He cried. Ophelia was shocked as Yvain felt bad, "I'm sorry." He said and walked away. Ophelia watch him go, sensing something was wrong with him. Turan, in the meantime, was thinking back to where she saw Norna as a Wendigo: Norna's face was almost sallow, her eyes glowed of a reddish yellow, and her hands were like razor-like talon hands. Lips twisted and stained with blood. Turan was too frightened to move, "Norna?" She gasped. Norna looked ashamed, "Go." She hissed in an ethereal and harsh tone. Turan was too scared, Norna then shouted: "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" Her voice was diabolistic, more harsher. Then, she ran on all fours--Hands and feet--Norna felt hot tears flowing from her eyes. She was so ashamed of herself. Back in reality; Turan had to remember that Norna was the one that saved her from the attack and became her friend. "I'm going to find her and bring her home. 

While looking for her; Turan can sense her and found her in an abandoned place. "There you are!" Turan cried. Norna can hear her, but she looked away from her, "Please, go away." She said darkly. "Let me help  you, Norna." Turan coaxed, walking over to her carefully. Norna begin to weep, "Why can't you people leave me alone?" She demanded through her sobs. Turan hold back her own tears, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you went through so much pain." She said. Norna then revealed her half Wendigo form and choke holds of Turan by the throat. Turan chokes and gasps for air. "Look at what you made me into, Turan!" Norna sobbed. "Don't kill me, Norna! Please!" rasped Turan. "Why not? Haven't I been through enough?!" exclaimed Norna, tears were splashing out from her eyes. Turan had never seen such painful rage in her, Norna let him go so he can breathe as she begin to cry again but she tells Tristan in her grief, "I--I--I killed people like this....Did you know that? I hate myself for it, I really do, it's all my fault!" Turan walked slowly to her, "I know the real truth, you are half human and half Wendigo and you wanted to live a normal life! It's OK, you don't have to hide from me. I can help you, nobody will hurt you but I can't help you if you close yourself in. Open your heart, I want to be your friend." Turan insisted. Norna considered this, she was touched by the fact that she came to find her. That was sweet. Nobody has ever done that for her. Not at all. Norna nodded, "OK. Get me out of here." She said. And Turan did, bringing her back home. 

Turan found her mother, who was living in a nice house. Nervous at first, but Turan knocks on the door and a woman answers it. "Hi mom." said Turan. The woman looks shocked, "What?" "It's me, Turan." replied Turan. Turan and her mother Morgause reunited with one another, talking to one another. Turan gets a surprise--She meets her younger brother, Mordred. Antrocles is upset by what he did as he thought about the actions he done and must atone for his sins, "Cassandra, I'm sorry. I wish I did something awhile in that moment but I didn't. I feel bad for the actions and troubles we've caused. I really am sorry about all this." He thought with such despair. He was going to make things right, Antrocles knew he would one day do something nice for Cassandra--Starting now! 

Meanwhile in a more subtle room within nightclub Rhythym Blue tonight; Damon and Heidi, hidden above the ceiling watching the people, were going after the entire club because the residence there has the vermin of the world inhabit it where they make cruelty and mockery of the vermins in the lower zoo by stripping their beauty into filth with their greed and victimize them for the things they've been through. "I'm starting the explosives, this club is going down--Correct Damon?" Heidi asked. "Affirmative, wait until I give the signal." answered Damon. Heidi nodded and continued to work while Damon watched the others talking, laughing, and partying. Luckily nobody could see him since the ceiling was shadowy and dark as it is bright with neon lighting down there. He spotted the most well known vermin of them all--District Attorney Fraus Dolos, the man who represented criminal Elizar as the jury found the guy 'not guilty' and there was no justice. Now here Fraus was surrounded by females, who seduce him as he drinks away. "I see, so the worst vermin of them all is here in Rhythym Blue." remarked Damon, to no one particular. He snickers to himself as he looked around from above, "This place is going to hell in about one hour." thought Damon. But then something changed, he saw someone among the vermin crowd. She wasn't even a vermin. It was a young vestal woman with the purity of a child. She is woefully naive, without too significant a difference, but in all she almost has never have any flaws that actually affect them in a way that truly matters, usually going for endearing traits such as beauty and innocence. She wore a white off the shoulder dress with a white collar, 3 buttons down the front and a side zipper closure. 

The collar didn't cover the slenderness of her neck. She seemed sweet, young, beautiful, innocent, and wholesome maiden. She was covered in a sash too, as if she was cold--which she does. Damon is fascinated with this girl. The beauty, the innocence. She was perfect. He had never seen someone like this young lady, she looks like a teenage girl who is hanging out with the wrong crowd. This charming beauty is none other than Ophelia. She was with Cassandra as Damon remember seeing as well as talking to her. "Heidi, hang on!" Damon commanded to her. Heidi look up, "What is it? I'm almost done." She said. "Just--Wait. Keep working on it, wait until I come back." explained Damon. He swiftly pass the others and sneak into the crowd. He was inching to Ophelia but Heidi's voice squak on the earpiece communication: "Remember, let me know when to activate the bombs." Just then, Ophelia heard this and saw Damon: "Wait, there's a bomb?" She asked in disbelieve. "Uh oh." thought Damon, "Nice one--Heidi." Ophelia glared at him, "Are you responsible? Wait--Are you crazy?! You--" She started on him but Damon cupped her delicate face and pulled her close in a liplock kiss. Ophelia was stunt for a moment before she swoon. Damon carried her and slipped her away from the crowd. Cassandra has a vision of Ophelia getting kidnapped as she realize something is wrong when all of a sudden, there was a loud boom sound and the crowd scream. There was the remains of Fraus Dolos and also there was a report that Elizar had been blown to pieces. In the meantime; Ophelia was half asleep to feel someone caressing her hair. "You have such long beautiful hair." A voice murmured, who touch her hands. "You have really delicate hands. So small...."

Ophelia woke up and confronted Damon, who try to calm down but then he noticed her chest. "Pardon my inner deviant; but you have a very vast size of breasts." He said. Ophelia look down at her chest and glared at Damon. Things were not going to go well, maybe--Maybe not.