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Friday, August 8, 2014

Uranometria Volume 2--Chapter 3

The third chapter of Uranometria volume 2! I managed to get some ideas on here. Hopefully, I'll get more. And maybe I'll try to get volume 3 (SPOILER ALERT, LOL!). Anyways, let me know what you think of chapter 3. --KatDon

Chapter 3: The Fault in Destiny

Surya is being punished and taken into recovery facility of addicts and troubled people. All of her Nepenthe drug is being disposed of as there were no more and Silver Branch can finally get on with their mission at long last. In the arrival of the town known as Suddene; All of the agents were separated by a force of darkness and got separated from one another. Cassandra woke up as she stumbles upon a dark, dark woods. She entered the woods and hiked in there. She put her best foot forward. Into the woods, she saw a big house. It was a 13 story manor, Cassandra had never seen a house like this! She saw a cupboard in the kitchen but out came the wind. Cassandra jumped and ducked. It was getting creepier and creepier for her, she had no idea where she is. Just then, a voice within this house made her shivered. "Who will stay with me on this cold and lonely night? WHOOOOOOO?" Cassandra was terrified, "Um, I...I mean no harm." She said in a timid voice. But the voice sounded like it was getting closer, "Mi ti doughty walker...Leechee, kinchee, colly, molly, dingle dingle!" Cassandra called back, "Who are you? Where are you?" But then, the voice got even more closer. "Who's got my money, who has it? Whooooooooo?"" Cassandra was really scared, "Oh Good Lord." She thought. But then she thought, "It doesn't know where I am." However, she heard the voice coming down the steps. "Wheeeeerrrrrreeee isssss myyyyyy toooooooeeeeeee." The voice groaned. 

Cassandra backed away, but she thud against something and heard the voice in his ear, "Who is in my house?" She then turned around and saw a grotesque face with bulging eyes and messy hair. It reached out at her, "YOOUUUU!" The monster cried. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Cassandra screamed, she fell to the ground. Cassandra shivered and was afraid to look up. A laugh snapped him out of her fear. She looked up to see a boy laughing as he took off his mask. "Did I scared you?" The boy asked with a grin on his face. Cassandra looked red faced at how scared she must've been, but she said: "No, not really." The boy smirked, "Uh huh."He said. He wasn't buying it. Cassandra stuttered, "I--Um, who are you?" The boy smiled at her and said, "I'm Thanatos Agnolo. Welcome to my mansion." "You live here?" Cassandra asked. "Of course, why? You think its haunted?" Thanatos asked. He chuckles and then he leads her by the hand and said, "C'mon. I'll show you around." But stops to ask, "What's your name cutie?" Cassandra looked a little shy, "Cassandra." She replied. "Sweet, let's go Cass!" said Thanatos. And off they went. Eulalie was walking down the street however while she was walking, two guys appeared. They looked thuggish as they blocked their path. "Hey sweetie, where do you think yo' going?" One of them said. "Um, I don't know. Here?" Eulalie replied. "Sorry, this is the boss's territory." said the lackey. "Who says it's his territory? Can anyone walk here?" asked Eulalie. One of the lackeys looked at her chest, Eulalie stamped her foot and said: "Hey! I'm talking to you, asshole! My eyes are up here!" "Hey, sweetheart. Only boss makes the call whenever anyone can enter or not." said the other lackey. Now Eulalie was furious, she can't believe someone would take over and claim no is to pass this area. "Who does this boss think he is?" She thought and then she glared at the two viciously.  

"Where is your boss then? I need to speak with him right this minute!"  behest Eulalie. "Yeah...." said one of the guys, he looked at Eulalie's chest and remarked, "You're not so much of a blonde kitty yourself." Eulalie blushed, she crossed her arms. "Kitty? Blonde?" She said with fury. The other two regret that when they saw her face, "Oops." They said. Then, they ran away as Eulalie chased them fiercely. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU, AND SMOTHER YOU!!!!" She cried. "OH MAN!!!" One of them cried. "CEASE! DESIST!" said the other. "I'M GONNA PUT YOU BOTH SIX FEET UNDERNEATH, THEN DIG YOU OUT AND DUPLICATE YOU TWO  AND KILL ALL OF YOUR CLONES!!!!" ranted Eulalie. "Get hold of yourself!" said one of the guys. "Retrain, I say!" cried the other. Someone grabbed her by her arms, holding her back while saying: "Hold it." "No, let go of me! I'll skin you alive, I bet this so called boss of yours is a Head Honcho! An obese, perverted loser of this cesspool!" She screamed. "What's so funny?!" demanded Eulalie. One of them managed to speak, "Uh, do you want to know where our boss is?" "Where?!" Eulalie cried. The other ducked his head and pointed, "He's right behind you." Eulalie's face fell. "Say wha--?" She started to say but she turned and saw some silver haired guy. "AAAHHH!" She freaked out and flopped to the ground, feigned a faint. The silver haired guy glared at one of the lackeys, he hits him over the head. "Now you've done it." said the silver guy. "Sorry boss." said the lackey. Eulalie was still as a doll, she felt like screaming again. "Wow-wee!" She thought, "He's hot!" But then she thought for a moment. "Wait, that's Laran?!" wondered Eulalie. She denied it, "It can't be..." thought Eulalie. She decided to peek out and there he was staring down at her, "It is him." Her thoughts cried, she laid down in another feign faint. 

In the meantime, Ariadne went to the first room she found, where someone was sitting in the rocking chair. "Hello?" She asked. The figure turned around and walked over but as it got closer, Ariadne freaked out. The figure was a young lady, she had scars from her body of her neck, arms, legs, and hands. Ariadne was speechless, she could not believe it. "Are you OK?" asked Ariadne. "Oh sure, I had these for awhile." replied the girl. "You certain? I can get you some medical help." said Ariadne. "No, these are my birthmarks." said the girl. Ariadne looked at her funny, "Birth...Marks?" She inquired. "Yes, I apologize." explained the girl, "I'm some sort of witch." "I see." said Ariadne, "Then that explains it then." The girls got to know one another: "I'm Ariadne." said Ariadne. "Nice to meet you, my name is Proserpina." said the girl. Back with Eulalie; she just woke up as she saw the lackeys in the room, she glares at them. The lackeys grinned nervously, "Hi." They said. "Where's your boss?" asked Eulalie, "Not that I care but I want to know where he is." "What? So you can scream like a maniac?" remarked the other lackey. Eulalie glares at him, "No. I felt bad for insulting him. I mean, I feel idiot." She protested. "It shouldn’t be our problem that your feelings for the boss is so strong." remarked the lackeys. Eulalie scoffs at this and then she replied with sarcasm in her voice, "Oh, I got a 'thing' for him. Yeah, sure. Right. I'm one of those girls who love bad boys." The lackeys smiled with nervousness for a weird reason. Eulalie continued to rant with sarcasm, "Laran's smoking, he's cool which is so weird to say." She sounded like a valley girl but remain her dryness in her voice, "Listen, like in hell I have some sort hots for him. He's not someone I'd go crazy for--said. "Eulalie?" one of the lackeys said. Eulalie sighed and gave him a look, "What?" She snapped. "He's standing behind you again." said the lackey. Eulalie turned around and she saw Laran looking at her funny, it looked sort of smug. He looked different than before. 

His hair color was different, it was more ash gray. It suits him, but when she realized she was thinking this; Eulalie growled in anger and her hands twitched like she's prepared to choke someone. She lets out an anger yell, "Auuuuugggghhhh!" She flops back on the bed. Laran looked at her confused, "Weird." He muttered. Eulalie's eyes bulged out, she tensed and point a finger at Laran's men, rasping to them: "Not one word!" The lackeys nodded, "Gotcha." They said and left the room. Meanwhile, Deirdre has a strange dream: She dreamt that she was encountered with a female demon, who taunted her about being strong enough. Deirdre begs with her, however the female demon tortures her as she kicks her into an abyss of darkness with fire. Deirdre woke up from the dream. She was panting and panting in fear. Deirdre couldn't interpret the dream but she feared for her life. She found a nice room, which was quiet with a bed and a couch. As Deirdre stepped inside; A pale figure of a boy appeared with blood oozing from his fingers! Deirdre shrieked, she shivered as the pale boy waved its bloody fingers. "Bloody fingers! Blood fingers!" He cried. But a girl appeared, she steps in front of Deirdre and said, "Oedipus, What did I tell you? I thought I told you not to do that!" The girl scolded. Oedipus looked sheepish, "Sorry Aoife, I'm just fooling around, you know me." said Oedipus. The girl sighed deeply, "Fine! But if people saw your fingers like that, they won't be able to stay because of hemophobia." Aoife remarked. This made Oedipus grinned nervously, "Heh-heh. My bad!" He went away to the bathroom. Aoife shake her head, "Jeez Louise!" She muttered. Aoife smiled at Deirdre with comfort, "Sorry. He does that for fun, no harm intended." She explained. Deirdre brightens up, "It's fine. He seems harmless." She said. "Oh yeah, he is--Just don't call him a vampire and he'll be piss." warned Aoife. Both girls laughed. "I'm Deirdre, by the way." said Deirdre. "I'm Aoife, nice meeting you Deirdre." said Aoife. But then she thought of something, "Wait Deirdre. You mean you're named after a mythological woman with a cursed beauty." She asked. Deirdre looked at her for a moment and then she laughed, "Yes. Ghastly isn't it?" said Deirdre. Aoife grinned, "It's not a bad name. It's pretty." She admitted truthfully. 

Later, Eulalie was alone at night as she paced around angrily. Laran couldn't help to listen, he wasn't the one to eavesdrop but he wanted to know what the heck was wrong with her. He listened to hear her rants to herself: "...Bullshit, absolute shit. He doesn't know any damn thing about me. It's just like with Jean...Why? I can't have any guys like him torment me or hurt me in a way he did. Touching me in places of my..." Laran did a double take, "What did she say?" He thought however he blurted out, "What sucker did that to ya...?" He gave himself away as Eulalie saw him with wide eyes. Then, Eulalie grinned nervously, "One moment." She grabbed her pillow and took a deep breath before screaming into it, "Mmmmggghhh!" A few minutes later, Eulalie and Laran were sitting away from each other awkwardly. They didn't spoke for awhile, and Laran was afraid to piss her off again. He decides to break the silence. "Soooo, you OK?" asked Laran. Eulalie whipped her hair, she leaned over at him as she looked viciously angry, "Do not. Tell. Anyone!" warned Eulalie. Laran backed away as he looked over at her. "Please, if you say one word to anyone; I'll friggin' kill you." threatened Eulalie. Laran looked at her, she was serious. Her eyes were red from crying as it seems. She looked tired and all wrenched up from stress. Laran sighed and said, "All right, I won't...Can I ask you about what you said the other night?" Eulalie looked at him but she covered her mouth with her hand as if she was going to be sick. "Oh my--!" She turned away as her hands clutched on the rail. Eulalie was silent for a moment before she gasped out, "You heard all that too?" Laran looked at her with regret, "Um, yeah. Sorry, I'll shut up about everything about it."  He said. 

"I don't know if I'm even normal." Eulalie mumbled. Laran looked at her, "Really?" He sounded surprised. Eulalie nodded, "Yeah, I have strange powers. And I'm afraid that I'm not the most normal person as you can tell." She explained. Laran looked sympathetic as he grins and he tells her, "Stay here. I'll be back. Anf if you hear something, come downstairs. OK?" Eulalie is confused however she nodded. She waited and waited. And waited. Nothing happened. Suddenly they heard something and Eulalie went to check it out. She went downstairs and came across an empty fireplace. Where legs suddenly appeared. Then, the rest of the body, and finally the arms and the head. The thing begin to spin around and around faster and faster. Then looked into Eulalie's eyes, she begin to look scared. "What do you come for?" Eulalie asked in a timid voice. The thing then said. "What do I come for? I come...For youuuuuu!" He tackled her to the floor, she screamed and screamed. The thing laughed as Eulalie begin to get angry, she was about to swing an arm over but stopped when the thing's face looked familiar. It was Laran, although he didn't look human. He looked canine, not like his usual. Eulalie remembered what the lackeys said about the boss's territory. "He's a...No, no. I can't say it!" She thought. Eulalie was trembling, Laran turned to her with an eager grin: "So, what do you think of me now?" But his face fell when Eulalie saw what he was now. "Oh my--!" Eulalie gasped. "You're a were--were--were--" She stuttered. Laran looked annoyed, then he mocked her by replying, "Were--Were--Werewolf." and then he said, "Like it?" "It--it--It suits you." squeaked Eulalie. But she fainted and Laran managed to catch her with one swift, fluid movement. Laran sighed, "Geez. Why do I have to be the one with the girls?" He muttered to himself. Meanwhile Cassandra and Thanatos were near the fireplace, where the lights. It was quiet but not really spooky. "It's quite nice to be by the fire." Cassandra whispered. "Yeah, it is." Thanatos agreed. 

Thanatos slipped his fingers into hers and they linked. But Cassandra felt emotionally numb, was this love? She couldn't understand it. At all anymore, it's just she had been shocked a lot. Just then, a Wendigo surprise attacks Cassandra and Thanatos. The two of them head towards a bridge, where another Wendigo in a bunny costume, nearly kills them. It chases them with the axe as Cassandra and Thanatos are horrified to find the victims' bodies mutilated and also the carcasses of poor rabbits that have been eaten by the Wendigos. Cassandra and Thanatos arrived at a building, they go to the third stall on the fourth floor. They knock on the stall door. "Branwen, Are you here?" called Cassandra. "Yes, I'm here." replied a voice. Cassandra and Thanatos turned to see Branwen stands in with bobbed hair, a red skirt, a buttoned shirt, she has one hand white clean while the other is bloodied red. With her is a three-headed lizard hissing at them, Thanatos looks frightened. Elena is being malevolent, she pounces Cassandra and forces a heated needle to carved into Cassandra's stomach as well. She screamed however something appeared, it pushed Branwen away and Branwen screamed with terror, "It wants my blood! It wants my blood!" She then ran away in fear. Cassandra was confused but she almost fell to the ground as she looked up in horror to see the creature looking at her, "Pardon me, pretty thing, is something wrong?" He asked. 

Cassandra was so frightened that he could hardly speak. "No, I mean no harm...." She explained for him. "Sorry, I mean no harm." said the creature. Cassandra thought he sounded familiar, "Thanatos?" She asked. In the meantime; Ariande learns Proserpina is a witch with powers that comer from the birthmarks on her body. The birthmarks are her powers, which Proserpina can manipulate body-art and either make them manifest in physical form or gain her powers directly. Aoife is a witch with powers of darkness. She can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. She can cloud anyone or anything into total darkness. Together; Cassandra, Eulalie, Ariadne, and Deirdre managed to recruit them as Thanatos, Laran, Proserpina, and Aoife learned what's going on as they join them. And another mission lurks around the corner, soon enough. 

Long ago.....

He ran from home, scared, he couldn't go back there. He did something bad, at least that's what he was told. It's too much for him however he felt like he was being persuaded, and when he turned around; he was right. There were thuggish looking men chasing him and he ran faster. He ran until it felt like his lungs were about to burst from his chest. But he didn't stop though, no matter how much his pitter patter heart felt like it was losing control and the men stop chasing him, one of them called out: "That's right, run! Run Little Piggy, you are a disgrace for being a killer." The others laughed as he cried. He cried as he finally passed out until he felt someone beside him, "Poor sweet prince...." said a woman's voice. He looked up, "Who are you?" He asked through his tears that he had cried. "Do you look for revenge? If you are, listen to the sound of my voice....You did not killed your father, why your uncle did. I will give you power greater among other things. In exchange, I want only half of your blood....So, do we have a deal?" said the woman. He couldn't believe that his uncle was responsible for what happened to his father. But he had to get stronger and confront his uncle of the truth. He opened his mouth and said: "Yes.....I hereby accept your contract!" The woman giggled in a soft, posh manner and whispered, "Good boy." She then cut his hand and drinks half of his blood. 

Present era.......

"....And so she had given him the powers beyond his wildest dreams and he was ready for anything. But little did he know that something would await for him....." A girl's voice read from the book she was reading aloud while alone. This was Ligeia Soren. She was 15 to 16 years of age. She had long, straight, dark brown hair hair that reaches the back of her waist and pale skin, and a slight build. She had dark purple eyes as well. And wore a sailor fushuku school uniform and uwabaki shoes. The book she was reading is titled, The Prince's Vengeance, which is by Oona Mab Titus. Ligeia was an athletic girl who liked nothing more than martial arts & combat as well as reading fantasy novels. But when she heard her cellphone ring, she bookmark the page and answers her cell, "Hello?" She said. "Ligeia, where are you? Your father is about to arrive home and he will mad if you aren't here on time." It was her mother and she sounded frightful. She always sounds fearful and weird when it comes to Ligeia's father. Her mother always worked at home and her father worked as a sound engineer. Every time he come home, he always blamed his wife and daughter for his suffering, bringing his problems from work at home. Now, Ligeia found this annoying. "Mom, I'll be home. Don't worry." assured Ligeia, she sounds so laid back about this but she was on her feet as she heads over to her house. "Honey, please. I just want to please your father. Hurry, I beg of you. Remember the last time he got mad at me?" Her mother said tearfully. 

"Mom, if he tries to hurt you again; I'll kick his ass and send him right over to the police." snapped Ligeia. "Ligeia, for heaven sake, he is a good man." remarked her mother. "Oh sure, that's what you keep telling me but when he becomes a jerk most of the time at home and anywhere, is he a good man? Is he?" Ligeia said. Her mother was silent, but she finally spoke up saying, "Just hurry home." "Fine, I will." said Ligeia. She said goodbye and hung up. This always happens however despite this, she knew what was going on. Ligeia looks up to her mother very much, and thinks her mother is gorgeous. After all, who doesn’t think their mother’s one of the most amazing people ever? Ligeia especially thinks her mother looks even more beautiful tonight, with her hair done up all nicely and looks closer, she can see a bruise under her mother’s eye. Black eyes are a common result of being punched or slapped in the face, and are associated with victims of violence. This implies that Ligeia’s mom has been a victim of domestic violence, possibly at the hands of her father. However, Ligeia’s mother has hidden her eye bruise well, presumably with makeup and she’s wearing a cheesy fake grin while joking around, pretending she’s okay. But Ligeia sees through those lies, knowing her mom really isn’t okay even though she pretends to be in order to maintain the calm, later disrupted, in the household. Her father apologizes to her mother by buying her jewelry. Ligeia sarcastically calls him a good man for doing this, when it reality it makes nothing better. But now, Ligeia can't take it anymore. She was sick of what her father was doing to her mother and she will not stand for it. 

At home, there they were. Her father looked at her with his cold gaze and her mother looked all smiling as usual. "Hi honey." said her mother. Ligeia smiled fake, "Hi Mom." replied Ligeia, she glanced at her father and her cheesy smile faded, "Hi Dad." She said in a dull voice. Her father glared at her, but Ligeia walked on. "And where the hell are you going?" Her father asked in a brash tone. "I have homework, you know." snapped Ligeia. "You should've done that at school." remarked her dad. "Dad, schoolwork is to do at school and homework is to do at home. Get it?" Ligeia said smugly. "Don't use that tone with me, young lady." Dad growled. "I can use it whenever I want, Wife beater!" said Ligeia. Her father rised up from the chair he was sitting in. "You do not talk back to me that way, you really think I beat my own wife and then you!" He said, his face was inches closer to her side of her face. "I am sick of you beating mom when she did nothing to you." replied Ligeia. "You don't know a damn thing she done, she always done something. I do everything to keep her happy and she has to give me it back but she tells me of things in a rude manner!" said her father. Her mother looked like she was about to breakdown but she held back. "It's not Mom, it's you Dad. It's time for you to open your eyes." said Ligeia. She then leaves like it was the last word. But her father grabbed a lamb and was about to hit her when Ligeia punched it. It felt into pieces, Ligeia glared at her father who looked baffled. Her mother was in tears but they were silent. "Don't you dare, Dad. I'm warning, don't mess with me or Mom--At all." said Ligeia. And just like that, she left to her room. 

Once she was finished with her dinner and homework later, she went to go brush her teeth and put on her comfy clothes as she was ready for bed but that night, she could not sleep. She pulled out the book she had been reading, she was reading so far about the 'prince' name Tannhauser Gray. She loved reading about him and she was about him and what he was like. Tannhauser was calm, sophisticated, and arrogant due to his aristocratic upbringing. Tannhauser has short ebony hair with dark blue tints and his bangs swept to the side of his face. He has cyan eyes that are normally half closed and was light tan. His personality has so much passion he has on revenge and his intense nature seems to beguiled Ligeia and the reading helped her fall asleep. Soon, she was dreaming--Her only way from all the pain. Ligeia is happiest in her own dream world where she has the life she has always wanted and all her problems disappear. She is put down by the people she admires like her father. She doesn’t live in reality. Ligeia spends her time dreaming of what could be in her own make-believe land. She tunes out of reality, and lives in a self-created fantasy. Literally, she might have more fun in her dreams at night than in the cold light of day. It seems like the people in an aspirational, doomed place are soulless, and the only way they would accept her as their own would be if she could lose hers too. But she wasn't going to, never will she ever. Ligeia thought of her mother and  how she was a deeply troubled person. Yet, the perception of her still stands as a smiling, happy woman. In Ligeia's dreamworld; she dreamt that she was Alice in a boat, she buys an egg, and it turns into Humpty Dumpty. The woman serving in the shop turns into a sheep, and the next minute they are rowing in a rowing boat somewhere. 

They were traveling in a mystical, psychedelic countryside where tangerine trees are pleasant skies. The kaleidoscope was reflecting into colorful symmetrical shapes that looked like flowers. Ligeia gets off the boat and goes to a bridge near a fountain. Nearby there are rocking horse people eating marshmallow pies. She’s confused like Alice when she fell down the hole. She walked to where the ultimate bliss on a desolate isolated sand beach of fictional Kokomo. She knew that place didn't exist for sure however she knew typical 'sweet dreams' won’t lead to happiness. But then again, nothing leads to happiness. There are others who are sadists and some are masochists. But Ligeia focused on where she was now. This utopic destination in her dreamworld can only be seen by those pure at heart. When she shares a symbiotic connection, she knows that she has just arrived. Everyone has their own favorite Dreamworld Resort, their utopia. Its the ultimate for a love seance in ultimate bliss on the sand. In the dream land, it is just another ordinary day until Ligeia meets a mysterious boy who inspires her to look for the majesty and beauty in what others would find mundane. The boy said to her, "Control your own destiny, live every day to the fullest." and then he went away. Ligeia ponders these words to herself. All her life, she is always in a hurry, always waking up early for school. Ligeia's life is a big blur as it’s going so fast. She is having to live her life by the clock because of school. Her time is not for wasting and she has realized that. Someone else can follow the average person’s rules and expectations. While she tries to enjoy her life and find happiness, Ligeia realizes that less is more. She realizes her dreamworld is valuable and should visit all the places she’s always wanted to visited and live her life to the fullest. She’s done with the extra scum. Ligeia wants everyone in her world to know that she’s out having fun and enjoying her dreaming. Ligeia won’t miss out on the fun at the beach in her sleep. 

But hearing two, incoherence voices shouting and Ligeia woke up from her dream. She could hear her father shouting and her mother crying. It was interrupting her from her slumber. Ligeia was angry, she couldn't stand it and gets out of bed. She went to see her dad kicking and hitting her mother, who could not do anything but cower and weep. Ligeia went back to her room but stops as she cannot ignore it any longer. Now she’s going to tell him all that she has done for him, which includes crying immensely over him. Ligeia has been doing her best to try to get him to listen — screaming, deceiving and bleeding for him. Even after all that he still will not listen. Ligeia does not want his help this time, maybe never again. Why would she? After her father has tormented her daily even when she had thought he would stop and she was at wits end. He is messing with her mind. He is giving her misconceptions and making it harder to believe in herself, basically making it harder for her to keep fighting him. What a jerk! Ligeia is losing her will to fight against the abuse, but she knows she has to break away from his hold on her, so she continues to fight. After feeding her misconceptions and lies she finds herself almost giving up again. Ligeia can’t keep living like this with him in control of her. She must escape from his power before she gives up because she cannot take anymore of living like this. Ligeia doesn't want to die, but she can't keep living like this. He can scream and torment her all he wants but she is going to escape from him. Ligeia can’t keep being suffocated by him,she needs to breathe. She is metaphorically rising out of the sea of pain he has caused her. This is her last time getting forced to almost give up. 

Ligeia will no longer take this anymore and will be free from her prison. She has had enough of the pain and torment of being in this relationship and is ready to get out of her 'prison' as she won’t live like this anymore. Ligeia won’t be dealing with the pain of the relationship anymore and she will be free to live her life. As Ligeia went down the stairs, she remembered the words from the book, which is the one that Tannhauser will respond to if someone says it. So, Ligeia hurries over as she cries out: "Hear my cry, Tannhauser. For Father shall die, before death I wish upon suffering first and leaving his heart dark and blue! Good luck to Mother, good luck tonight to make her soul bright and free, no death upon thee. Here me, save Mother and killed Father!" She was saying it as a playful way and then she went away to her room. But the next day, she was shocked to find the police. It was a crime scene, her mother was in tears as she was being questioned by detectives. "What's going on?" asked Ligeia. One of the detectives approached her cautiously with the news, "I'm sorry to tell you this but your father was killed. He was hitting your mother and then an intruder from behind has killed him." He said. Ligeia was shocked, she couldn't believe it--Did the spell somehow....No, impossible! It was just from a story and Tannhauser Gray didn't exist. This couldn't be true, her dad murdered. Ligeia was upset, she looked at her mother and she went back to her room. She looked at the book, "It's pure fiction. It can't be real." thought Ligeia. After the police left and Ligeia & her mother went some place safe from the so called slaughterhouse of their once beloved home. But their home was never considered 'home', not with its haunted memories of terror and abuse there that Ligeia's mother will not admit. 

While mother and daughter had breakfast; there was a broadcast on the news about a murder: A teenage girl was babysitting at night. The children have been put to bed upstairs and the babysitter is downstairs, busying herself with homework. The phone rings, and she hears at the end of the line either silence, a strange voice laughing or heavy breathing. She at first dismisses the calls as a practical joke, but as she prepares to hang up, a sinister voice asks her, "Did you check the children?" When she asks who it is, the caller hangs up. Rather than checking on the children, the teenager decides to ignore the call and goes back to her reading. The stranger calls back several times, each time becoming more persistent and aggressive. Eventually the girl becomes worried and calls the police, who ask her to wait for the man to call again, so that they can trace the call. When he calls again, she manages to keep him talking for a few minutes and, when the police call back, they tell her that the call is coming from a second line inside the house. As she runs to the door she sees a figure with a bloody axe running down the stairs, and just manages to avoid his blow. She runs outside into the waiting arms of police, who are about to arrest the man but found he was gone. They then search upstairs and find out that he had already killed the children. On the walls, in blood, it says, "THEY WERE NAUGHTY...." and the person responsible was still large as well as unknown. The babysitter admits that she said something from a book she once read and she said, "Hear my cry, Tannhauser. For the evil children shall die, before death I wish upon suffering first and leaving his heart dark and blue!" Though nobody didn't believe the babysitter of 'Tannhauser' being responsible and she was making it all up. She was now being harrassed and being accused of being a 'bad sitter' and a 'child hater'.

That story sounded familiar to Ligeia, it was the same thing that she said of her father. Tannhauser, Tannhauser Gray. He was responsible for the murder of her abusive father. Ligeia didn't say anything about this to anyone. She didn't want to be consider crazy like the poor babysitter on the news. The next day, Morning awoke her as Ligeia looked over at the skyline and saw a beautiful sunrise. "Wow. It looks like it's going to be a great day." murmured Ligeia. She saw people walking by the beach but something strange along the shore. It looked like a body however from the distance she was at; it was hard to tell. Ligeia left the balcony and went down to the beach. She went over to the body, which was a young man: He looked like 15 to 17 years of age, dark brown hair, and he was a good looking boy there. "A boy? How--" Ligeia wondered. She puts her ear to his chest, Ligeia listened for a moment, and then she gasped. This boy was alive, much to her amazement, this lovely creature was still breathing! "Impossible, no boy such as he would ever survive by himself." Ligeia thought. Gingerly; She placed her hands on his shoulders and shook him gently. "Hey, boy? Are you OK? Please, wake up?" chided Ligeia, softly. The boy stirred in his sleep and moaned, then he opened his eyes. My, what beautiful eyes he had in those pupils. He saw Ligeia, startled he sat up. "You--you saw me here?" He asked, stammering. "Oh, of course." Ligeia replied. "I saw you lying there, I thought for a second you were dead." The boy panicked, he pulled out a knife, he aimed at his heart and prepared to kill himself. "NO!!!!" Ligeia cried, she seized his wrist as she struggled the knife away from him. The boy didn't have the energy to fight back, he looked weary and exhausted. Well, for someone who washed up on shore; he didn't look so good. Ligeia seemed upset, "What in the hell would you try to kill yourself like that? Don't you know what life has in store for you? Don't do this to yourself, please!" She ranted but stopped as she had no point in talking to the boy. 

The boy stare at her with a stoic look, then he stood up and ran off. Ligeia watched him go, she wondered of his erratic behavior. "Who was that boy?" Ligeia thought. In the minute around noon, after the funeral of Ligeia's father; there was a party as Ligeia was walking to her mother who was talking and laughing with people. Ligeia wasn't sure if talking to her was a good idea as she was about to walk when she heard her mother called out to her. "Ligeia, honey. Come say hello to Mr. Tannhauser Gray." said her mother. There was a young man with pale skin and dark hair, he looked about 16 years old as well as polite and kind with a hint of eyes looking wide awake like a normal person, it was the young man from the beach. "Hi Ligeia." said the mysterious young man. Ligeia looked at him, then she said, "Your name sounds familiar to me." The young man laughed in surprise, "Really? I didn't know that." He said with innocence in his voice. "Yeah. Sounds weird, doesn't it?" said Ligeia. Tannhauser shrugs, "I guess. I'm surprised by that name myself, funny how I'm named by the guy from The Prince's Vengeance book." He said. Ligeia nodded, her mother seemed eager. "He and his adoptive mother has come from a place in an island, isn't it exciting?" She said. Ligeia nodded but there was something about this boy she didn't trust. She continued to observe him, the way he was talking and laughing with others. This really was getting under her skin a little, she know she shouldn't however Ligeia couldn't help it. He was definetly hiding something from her. From everyone that's around him. Surely, it was a mask he was hiding behind and didn't want anyone to know his true face exactly. One way or another, Ligeia will uncover the truth. She learned something about her research on Dorain Tannhauser, he worked for someone name Oona, who run an organization called Knight Templars. The Knight Templars are attractive-looking guys but they got elusive sides to them. Ligeia learns the names of Knight Templars: Galahad Baldur, Siegfried Adonis, Roland Hyacith, Cid Ganymede, Damien Naoise, Louis Paris, and Alfred Diarmuid. Ligeia's skin was crawling, like bugs was scrabbling all over her. 

This was too much, she had to find out from him sooner or later. On her way home from school, Ligeia had to do some errands for her mother but by the time she was finished; it was getting dark and she decides to walk home. While she did, she heard some sounds in the distance. Ligeia couldn't help but feel paranoid, "Do I ever get the feeling I'm being followed?" She thought. Realizing what she was thinking; Ligeia brushed this off by laughing it off. "Ha, stupid." She mumbled. Ligeia walked away. Then, she heard a scritch-scratch sound behind her. Slowly; she turned around. "H--Hello?" She called. Nobody answered, but there was that sound again. And it was getting closer. Ligeia pulled out her rod, ready to use it. "Come on out, I don't know who you are but I know you're out there." She warned. Suddenly, there it was--It was a monster, which resembled a zombie. It snarled at the horrified Ligeia. "Dear Elijah! What is that zombie doing here?" She breathed. The zombie pounced Ligeia, it growled and snarled more. Blood oozed from its mouth. Its eyes glowed of red. But the undead creature cried out in pain and fell to the floor dead. Trembling yet relieved; Ligeia examined the zombie. Just then, she felt a shadow upon her. She looked up to see that it was the same Tannhauser Gray standing over her with a stoic look. "Who are you?" demanded Ligeia. Tannhauser smiled at her, "I think you know, don't you? You summoned me, didn't you?" He said. Ligeia was so shocked, she knew his name was familiar and it was right there on her lips: "Tannhauser Gray..." She was staring off into space then she cried out, "You can't be real!" 

Tannhauser looked calm and casual, "But I am." He said with a shrug. Ligeia pulled out the book and held it up for him to see, "Your character from the book." She claimed. "I already exists before the book was written." Tannhauser replied with serenity. Ligeia looked at him with confusion which then turned to shocked, "What? You mean all this is based off--?" She stopped, then gasped in fright as Tannhauser chuckles sinisterly, "That's right." He said. "Oh...." was all that Ligeia could say. "Tch, I didn't know a foolish girl like you would be slow enough to figure it out." tsked Tannhauser. Ligeia thought of something else that shocked her, "And Oona Mab Titus, does she exist? Tell me!" She demanded. Tannhauser circles around her slowly as he looks over at her. "You are so desperate, aren't you?" He said. Ligeia responds back, "I just want to know." She sounded much calmer. Tannhauser stared at her, Ligeia blushed. This boy, he was so handsome that it irritated her. Then, Tannhauser responds back. "OK, here. I brought you something." He said, he reached into his pockets. "What is it?" asked Ligeia with curiosity. Tannhauser looked at her apathetically before puling out a gun. "Sorry." He said, "Time to say goodbye." Ligeia looked at him, terrified. Tannhauser looked at her face, somehow she reminds me of someone he once knew. He then saw a vision of a girl with blonde hair. Pretty baby blue eyes. And she wore white and blue clothes with a hint of transparent clothing of sash and sleeves of the outfit. "Tannhauser, I beg of you. Please, save--" She said with plea. Tannhauser trembled as be begin to clutch his head. "No, sis I--Eliza." He muttered as he lowered his gun. "Eliza, I'll never let you die. Don't die..." Ligeia looked at him with concern, "Hey, are you OK? You look unwell. Can I get you a drink of water or something to eat?" She asked. Dorian took a step back, "Please. Stay away, stay back. I--" He muttered. Flashback etched in his mind of him as a young boy and the beautiful Eliza smiling at him. Tannhauser, in reality, was so in devastation. "Eliza..." He whispered. Then, Tannhauser nearly fell on his face but Ligeia caught him in his arms. "Who in the world is Eliza?" She thought. At dawn later on, her mother had saw Ligeia carrying the unconscious Tannhauser and helped her out. Now Ligeia is with the mysterious yet pretty young fellow. Her mother turned to her and asked, "Ligeia, is this who I......" But Ligeia nodded, "Tell me, Mother, who is the beautiful boy?" She asked. "I don't know sweetie, I really don't know anymore." replied her mother. 

Later, Ligeia was home alone with Tannhauser, who was still unconscious until he awoke when Ligeia was watching him as she has something to eat. Seeing that her mother is gone as they can have privacy, Tannhauser tells her the truth of what he was, he was to slay all zombies. Tannhauser explains to her about what happened sixteen years ago: A mad scientist had different fish tanks of strange fishes. The scientist did experiments with resurrecting the dead but they were failures because the zombies tried to attack however the scientist would kill them with a single blow to the head. One day, something caught his eye. He spotted a woman skinny dipping in the lake, with no clothing on her body and no bathing suit. But her pale white skin shimmered like glitter, her raven black hair, however she didn't last long for she hit her head while swimming and drowned but the mad scientist fished her out as he decides to use her for one of this zombie experiments. And he did. But when the Snow White woke up, she then attacked the scientist. The scientist was about to kill her with his gun however the Snow White was quicker, she clawed the gun away from him as she charges at him. His fate is unknown. Then, Tannhauser begins to explain what happened two weeks ago in the present, It was an alleged tanker accident, as it was on the news but no one knew what happened. But soon animals went into a rampage as they bit the workers, who went mad and bit all of the others. There was a lot of screaming and agonized voices in the area.  Only one surviving human barricaded himself in the bathroom, trying to drown out the agonized screaming. But then the man heard whispers saying to him: "Why don't you open the door?", "We've come for you.", "You'll be happier if you open the door." and "It's not so bad..." 

The man was tempted, he didn't know exactly what to do anymore. There is no zombie apocalypse, which Knight Templars are preventing one. This world is plagued by zombies, as Knight Templars is a  shadowy organization creates an order of warriors to hunt and kill the undead. And Tannhauser explains that the Knight Templars are searching for the Treasure of the Grail, which is supposed by a sacred chalice--The second part of their mission. Ligeia is interested as she decides to help out but Tannhauser refused, fearing what the others might think of him. But Ligeia didn't care for she was prepared to face anything. And help them find this chalice. Tannhauser was surprised however he accepts. Since what happened last night, Ligeia was in her bed as she then fell asleep. She suddenly begin to dream: She dreamt that she was in a vast, escher-inspired room filled with stairways. She looked down to see Tannhauser as a mirrored reflection from below but he was upside down and he begin to sing. As he sang, Ligeia was running around as she is confronted by him when he flipped right side up from being upside down. He then looks over at Ligeia, who stares at him. His voice sounds pretty, soft yet sad: "I belong to you. My entire life revolves around you even if you don't know that I exist and I would do absolutely anything to make you happy even if you treat me like nothing. Please notice me, or I'll kill me." Ligeia woke up, gasping. She looked around but it was all a dream. Actually, the first dream she had of Tannhauser Gray. 

She went back to sleep, but this time she had another dream; she dreamt she wanders through the ballroom, she wore a shimmering pseudo-medieval green and silver gown with gold trim, with huge off-the-shoulder sleeves and a full skirt. She has white ribbons in her hair. Ligeia continued to wander in the ballroom. But she is eventually found by Tannhauser, who wore a dark suit with matching pants. She is drawn into a dance with him. Tannhauser's attempts to seduce Ligeia with visions of an opulent, decant lifestyle. "You belong to me. You will be mine. I'll would kill anyone else who looks at you, or you if you so much as look at anyone else." Once again, Ligeia woke up gasping and saw that it was morning. She was trembling, she did not want to think Tannhauser that way. She was scared to think that perhaps he liked her for some reason. And maybe, she was illuminated by him. Somehow she couldn't explain it. But yes she was interested in him. It's strange but also bewitching. After school; Ligeia was reading her book again of the Knight Templars. She never knew that they existed too, if Tannhauser exists; then they must have existed as well. Ligeia is filled with questions and answers that haven't been answered just not yet. Tannhauser wasn't saying much about them however Ligeia never asked; she put that out of her head and begins to read about the different perspective views of the other Templars: The first was Galahad Baldur. He was a good person. He seemed like a good person; he was well-adjusted, kind, humble. As a firm believer in the ideal of pacifism, he is a reluctant soldier who often expresses sorrow. Galahad in the past was too timid to defend himself, he had a frail physique which had shamed him. He used to have poor self-esteem as had believed to be a burden to his comrades. Galahad had tried so hard to prove his worth. 

He has succeed his goal as a greatest ambition being to one day stand on equal footing as his friends. Galahad is loyal, selfless, worrying for his comrades' safety. He is level-headed, keeping everyone under control when their emotions get the better of them. Although initially meek and a bit cowardly, Galahad's potential shines brighter as he gradually gains more confidence in himself. Despite this cynical outlook, Galahad's most consistent traits remain his kind heart and keen intuition. As he matures, he becomes an amiable and righteous young man. He takes his job earnestly, and will not vacillate to sacrifice his life in order to protect the people he cares about. Ligeia cannot wait to meet him one day. He sounds like a nice guy. Ligeia read the second member of Knight Templar: Siegfried Adonis was next; this guy was interesting. More like two faced, one is good and one is much more dark natured than his other good side. At least, he's that way whenever he is pushed over the edge. Siegfried seems like a happy, charming, relaxed, and laid-back jokester, and for the most part he is. However, he is also a complex person with a terrible childhood that he hides from those close to him. He also deeply cares for his comrades and is never afraid to rush to their aide in battle. Siegfried is one of the most kindest people of Knights Templars, he is good with romancing with women. Ligeia is curious to meet this guy, he is eccentric sounding with his personality. The third is Cid Ganymede. Cid is a quiet but determined young man. He is patient and calm, he always analyze a situation before acting. He hides his feelings well behind an impassive mask. 

As part of Knights Templars, he has sheer ruthlessness and deadly accuracy. Despite his stoic demeanor, Cid is also known as a sadist, being highly skilled in torturing people psychologically, emotionally or physically. He displays an annoyance and dislike of Roland Hyacith. Although they used to butt heads when they were bratty children however they still have a share a fierce rivalry which stems from their differing view points. Despite their bitter rivalry, which would occasionally turn violent, They respect one another to a certain degree, admitting that he lacks the latter’s courage. In battlefield, Cid and Roland sets aside their enmity towards one another. The fourth is Roland Hyacith. Now this guy is a conflicted character. While he remains calm in many situations that would concern his fellows, he's also prone to angry emotional outbursts in response to many. He tends not to care what others think of him or his ideas and takes direct action even when he is uncertain. Roland is a fierce warrior descended from a long, proud clan. When he was younger he was calmer and much more cerebral. Then there is Louis Paris. Louis is mostly quiet and calm, yet he is somewhat Janus-faced. He is usually seen happily smiling, but can easily get sidetracked due to the other ranks and becomes rather dark. He takes things seriously, but knows a joke when he hears one. On few occasions he is shown to have a very aggressive side. If he is pushed too far, he can gain a fiercely angry personality. His angry side is so intense that it frightens the other Knight Templars. In the past; Louis was a clumsy and easily duped young boy. His kind nature and nervousness results in him becoming the victim of many bullies and practical jokes. Despite Louis's cowardly exterior, he is shown to be very bold at times. One time, he was kidnapped and tortured physically. He was psychologically taunted and bullied, laughed at. It got to the point where Louis cannot take it anymore. He breaks free as an unstoppable rage made him fearsome by others. and Hector Diarmuid. Hector was a mysterious young man that came from an aristocratic heritage. Ligeia is curious about him. 

Ligeia was in a vast, Escher-inspired room filled with stairways. She looked down to see Tannhauser as a mirrored reflection from below but he was upside down and he begin to sing. As he sang, Ligeia was running around as she is confronted by him when he flipped right side up from being upside down. He then looks over at Ligeia, who stares at him. His voice sounds pretty, soft yet sad: "I belong to you. My entire life revolves around you even if you don't know that I exist and I would do absolutely anything to make you happy even if you treat me like nothing. Please notice me, or I'll kill me." Something in her mind begin to swim in remembrance, it was just like a dream. The room faded as it turned out be an illusion. "Thank you." Tannhauser said. "For what?" asked Ligeia. "For helping me. I owe you." replied Tannhauser. Ligeia blushed, she then said to him, "It was nothing, it was the least I could do--." She said but Tannhauser turns his head and then his eyes looked intense, "You gotta hide, now! They're coming!" He said. Ligeia looked at him with surprise, "You can hear--?" She asked but Tannhauser shushed her with a finger to his lips. "Shh, just hide." He whispered. Ligeia hid from whoever was coming. She could hear the doors burst open, she jumped and managed to stay quiet. Then she gasps softly to hear unfamiliar voices: "You took care of them?" One of them asked. "Yeah." Tannhauser said. A second replies, "I'm surprise you took them out by yourself." Ligeia could hear Tannhauser made a scoff sound, he sounded smug when he said: "What can I say? I'm the coolest." Ligeia rolled her eyes. A third chuckled, "Right. Still arrogant as usual." He said. Ligeia saw zombies out there and managed to sneak out as Tannhauser got the others to leave the room. She was running away when she saw a building being destroyed and a big piece of debris was about to fall on her. 

Ligeia was frightened to see the debris about to fall on her and she could not make her legs move until someone saved her. The debris fell to the ground, missing Ligeia. She opened her eyes and looked up to see the champion, she couldn't believe it. It was a young man with wore his golden-blond hair short and neat with a parting on the left side. His eyes are and set in a broader face. Ligeia felt shy, she couldn't believe this cutie came to save her. "Um...Thanks." She said. The young man smiled, "No problem, I was right to find you." He said. Ligeia looked at him with surprise, "How--?" She asked. "Tannhauser sent me. I'm Galahad Baldur, you're Ligeia right?" said the young man. Ligeia was horrified, "Ga--Ga--Galahad? You--you--Your Galahad Baldur?" She stuttered. Galahad nodded, "Yes." He said. Galahad escorted Ligeia to some place safe and said to her, "You'll be safe here." "No, I want to help." protested Ligeia. "I just don't want you to get hurt, rest awhile. I'll be back." said Galahad. "Wait!" Ligeia cried but Galahad was gone. "Be careful." She said softly. However her safe haven is short lived when a bunch of thugs confronted her, "Sorry sweetheart. You ain't safe any place." Just then, a young man with long, jagged, dark brown hair in a ponytail appeared and beat up the three thugs and the others. One of them was horrified as he turned to his leader, "Boss, I know that guy. It's him, it's Siegfried Adonis!" Ligeia was amazed by this, "Sieg--Sieg--Siegfried?!" She gasped. Siegfried smirked at Ligeia, he then turned to the men and fought them. 

Ligeia watched him, she was amazed by this sight. And she was about to get away when she is in danger. One of the zombies was about to pounce her as Ligeia prepared to fight back but the zombie was knocked to the ground. Ligeia was shocked to see who it was: It was a young man with short black hair that covers his left eye and he wore a loose tank shirt and has pants that cut off just below the knee. He wears black boots and his hands are covered by fingerless gloves. "I got this." said the young man. Ligeia looked at him with no surprise, "I believe you are from Knight Templar." She said. The young man looked at her, "That's right, I'm Cid Ganymede." He said, holding a hand to her. Ligeia looked at him and took his hand, it felt warm. "Ligeia Soren." She said. Other thuggish men were confronting Ligeia, who fought them however she is entrapped by a big, muscular man however someone rescued Ligeia. It was a young man with short black bangs with his spikes pointing upward. "Wait a second, it's you--Cynical, narcisstic bastard." said the young man. "My name is Roland Hyacith, and who are you?" said the young man. Ligeia was surprise, she never knew it was with him. "Roland...Hyacith." She rasped. Roland did not look at her and focused on his opponents. Ligeia backed away to safety. But she was in shock over what was going on. This was all too crazy to believe, but more zombies are attacked until someone else was. 

A young boy with having short brown hair parted in the middle which flips outwards. His eyes are amber gold and his creamy white. "You OK?" asked the boy. "Yeah, thank you." admitted Ligeia. "Good." said the young man. They were smiling at one another. "Oh, Ligeia Soren." introduced Ligeia. "Ah, Louis Paris." said the boy. Ligeia looked at him, "Louis.....Paris....?" She asked with a double glance. "Yeah." replied Louis. Ligeia is shocked with surprise, she couldn't believe it. Has she lost her mind? She must be dreaming! "This isn't happening! This is all a dream, a dream I tell ya!" She thought. “So, here’s the plan guys. We’re going up to the Sleeping King’s Mountain.” said a young man. he continues to talk about the plan, “But as we’re climbing up, the zombies are coming. Siegfried and Cid? Take the ones on the left. Roland and Alfred will take on the right and above. Louis and I will take on the ones from the bottom. Of course, Tannhauser and Ligeia—you two will be taking on the zombies from the center.” The vehicle stops, Galahad turns back to them: “Any questions?” He asked. The others didn’t looked questionable. “Nope, we’re all good.” Ligeia replied. “All right then, let’s move! Remember, if you don’t stand against them; you’ll fall to their clutches.” Galahad replied. They moved in, shooting and slashing with their weapons at the zombies. Once the gang took care of the zombies; they went inside but when they got in, they were surprised to find that it looked like a normal room, than a dark and damp cave. 

“This is the Sleeping King’s chamber? Is the treasure inside?” asked Siegfried. Galahad nodded, “Yes, we’re getting closer. I can feel it.” He was right, they were getting closer. Roland looked around to see flowers, there was archer of flowers. “Look at these flowers, their so pretty.” He remarked. “It almost looks like a memorial site.” noted Ligeia. The others walked through the archer; they were surprised to find that the so-called treasure was a white coffin. Gold on the side, painted flowers on the front. “This is the strangest treasure chest I have ever seen.” noted Tannhauser. “Do you think a dead body is in there?” asked Cid. Ligeia grimaced, “Oh gross…” She said. Tannhauser looks around, “Where’s the key?” She asked. Louis looked around as well, he saw something shimmer in the flowers, and she reaches in and pulls out the silver object. “Got it, it’s here.” He took the key, she place it in the lock of the casket and turns it before the lid snaps open. Something glowed inside. When they look inside; they gasped in amazement, in this casket was a young girl. Blonde haired, fair skin, petite hands, small feet, and she wore a lavender dress with whitish purple shoes. But she had an amazing beauty to her. “She’s beautiful.” breathed Cid. “I never seen anyone as young as her.” said Siegfried. “She looks like an angel.” said Ligeia. Tannhauser grazed her cheek, his hand went behind her head and he felt something in her head. “What is this? A hairpin?” He leaned over to the girl but heard her breathing. Tannhauser pulled away, he put two fingers on the unconscious girl’s throat. He gasped with fear. “Guys…She’s alive!” He said.

The others are in dazed. “What?” asked Ligeia, her eyes widened. “How long she’s been in here?” inquired Galahad. “I’m not sure but I’m going to try and pull it out.” said Tannhauser, he was about to pull the hairpin but Cid stopped him. “Wait, allow me. You might get brutal like you did last time.” He reminded. Tannhauser looked at him, then he nodded. “OK.” He said. Dorian held the girl’s head while Cid carefully pulled the pin from her head. Suddenly, to both of their surprise, the girl’s head wound closed up--making a squishy sound. The girl woke up. She sat up, clutching her head.  “Are you OK?” asked Tannhauser. The girl jumped. She backs away fearfully. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Tannhauser assured her. “Who are you people?”  The girl asked. “We’re good people.” Ligeia replied. “What’s your name, sweetheart?” asked Siegfried. The girl replied shyly, “Flidas.” “Do you have a last name?” Cid asked. “I don’t remember.” said Flidas said, sadly. “What about your parents? How old are you?” asked Ligeia. “I don’t know! I don’t remember anything!” cried Flidas. She looks away from the surprised faces, “I’m sorry.” She whispered. Tannhauser gingerly carried her, “C’mon. Let’s get you out of here.” He said. Knight Templars, Ligeia, and the mysterious girl walked out of the cave. But the zombies appeared to ambush them, Flidas gasped, clutching onto Tannhauser tightly and hid her face. They managed to get her back safe and sound so she can rest. And she did. 

Flidas begin to have the same dream: She falls asleep as she remembers her past as a child: She remembered that she was a little girl, on a canoe and heading towards a place. Her father is with her, who is rowing the oar of the boat. "Father, where are we going?" asked Young Flidas. Her father turned to her with a smile, "My daughter, I am taking you to see the wise woman. You will talk to her alone about anything you wish." said her father. But her dream turns into nightmare. The flames were everywhere of their once beloved village. The people watched with fear, a little girl had tears in her eyes, “Daddy! Where’s Daddy? I want to see Daddy!” Flidas said. She was attempting to go in the inferno village but the others restrained her. “I’m sorry sweetie, but you can’t.” said a woman. “Daddy--!” Flidas protested. A man put a hand on her shoulder and smiled with reassuring. “Don’t worry, my dear. I’m sure he’s all right.” He said. “Everyone!” A voice called out. “The boats are here, let’s go!” Immediately, the people ran to the docks and onto the boats. “But what about Daddy?” Flidas begged. “Honey, the fire is getting closer. We have to go right now!” commanded another woman. She got little Flidas on the boat. The men got the flag up and the engine starting, the boat start sailing away from the village but Flidas would not give up. She was about to get out of the boat and in the flaming village however other people held her back. Flidas kicked and cried out, “You’re leaving Daddy behind! Why are you leaving him behind?” All of a sudden, there was a huge eruption and the village exploded. There was a red, orange, and black big cloud. Tears streaming down the her face: “Daaaaadddyyy!!!!!!!!” She screamed. Flidas sank to the floor and cried. The people looked at her, feeling guilty. Anguish filled them. The poor girl, they should’ve listened, they should’ve waited! They should’ve gone back to rescue those who could have been still alive. 

But they didn’t, their fear made them panicky, and they ran from the fire.That burning fire could scorched anything and everyone. Nobody knew who started the fire, this was no accident. Someone intended to start that fire. What kind of monstrosity would do such damage to their village? Flidas's father, he was dead. He died in that explosion. His daughter just lost her father, that poor girl. Her name is And she was very angry, why couldn’t they wait? Why were they afraid? And more importantly, who started that fire? Whoever burnt her village and killed her father; they won’t have any mercy from her. She vows to get her vengeance on who is responsible. She would never forget the huge compliment to her of Knight Templars recognize how their support can turn a bad day on its head, and make everything better. Flidas begins to watch videos of music videos by her favorite artist, Tristana Harper. The first, and debut, music video starts off with Tristana arriving at her embassy in Paris, France. Tristana caused havoc by playing loud music, jumping on the bed, and putting on makeup. She is uneasy of the supper meals like snails, frog legs, and goose liver. In Paris, Tristana explored all the museums and all the places such as well as the Notre Dame. But she stumbles across a photo shoot and meets a beautiful but nice model. They become friends as Tristana and the model go shopping. They have lunch and attend a party/dance. Tristana and the model meet two good looking guys, they dance with them. There are scenes of Tristana performing on stage with her band.  

The second new music video sets in Sydney, Australia where Tristana is at her apartment with a kangaroo. She is seen fishing, scuba diving, and shopping. It is hinted that she is in a witness protection program where she is being pursued by bad guys but she had enough so she sets up traps for them. The plan works; she ties them up and tortures them with girlie things. Tristana is faced with tougher guys at the beach but she fends them off and is honored as a hero. She is seen with a boy, her love interest as assumed, and they danced. There are several shots of Tristana singing live and of her crowd surfing. The third new music video starts off with Tristana waiting for her lover by the gate in London, England. There are flashbacks featured of how Tristana and her lover first met. Their rivalry, which involves with the two of them struggling to admit their feelings to one another. One day, they actually admitted their feelings to each other and shared a kiss. They go on a date in a boat. But her lover's father disapproves of this and forbids him to see her so they plan to eloped. In the present; Tristana is still waiting, thinking that her lover stood her up and was about to leave when she sees him walking towards her. She runs to him as they tenderly embrace each other. Some segments in the video show of Tristana singing in different places like the Big Ben clock tower and a bridge. 

The music video begins with Tristana packing her things and tearfully hugging her friends before she turns her back on them for her journey ahead of her. It changes to years later where Tristana returns and reunites with her friends. But she is surprised by how things have changed since she has been gone. Some of her friends have drifted apart from her but others still remained close. There are various scenes of Tristana and her friends going to places, going crazy in a silly way, laughing, and having a good time. In some scenes shows Tristana playing the guitar, singing in her room, and looking out her window. The music video starts off in an Old Western era where two men are waiting for their opponent to show up in a ghost town. There was an eerie feeling in the air, and the two men turn to see that their opponent, Tristana, was standing in their direction. She was wearing a sexy cowgirl. She steps forward to them, cocked her hips as she had her rifle and then the shooting begins. Then, it ends with Tristana defeating them both. There are lots of conflict, there are some tables turned, but then the antihero is planning on jumping from the ledge however the female stops the hero, who obeys and loses the battle. He weeps of the darkness inside him but is comforted by his female friend, who is tearful of his loss. The antihero is a jerk as the female friend stands up to the antihero, who storms away. Other scenes show Tristana playing the piano and lying on the floor. 

The video begins with Tristana walking to an empty park, which has a glowing sunset. She falls on her knees and sheds tears while singing the song. During that time; A figure is seen behind a tree as this person is spying on Tristana in her anguish. The person feels bad for her, he approached Tristana, who is still weeping. The figure place a hand on her shoulder, Tristana turns around to see and is astounded so she embraces this person. Segments of Tristana walking in a neon lightened city, swimming in a pool while looking up at the blue sky before she goes underwater. She is seen lying on a comfy bed while she sings the song. The music video starts with a teen girl found a boy lying on the beach. The boy woke up with a start and is about to attempt suicide but fails as he escapes. The second scene shows of the girl giving him an envelope, which the boy rips it up into pieces. The girl is saddened however the boy wipes her tears away but he leans beside her, vowing to kill her. The girl wonders why but one day, she confronts the boy however she is held at gunpoint. The boy cannot bring himself to pull the trigger. The next scene shows the boy fighting in war in his giant robot but he falls defeated as he thought of the girl before passing out. The boy wakes up to see the girl sitting beside him, she smiles at him before she gets up and walks away. The boy watches her go, wondering why can't he kill her. Tristana appears in some scenes of her on the roof of a hotel by the pool, walking on the beach, and swimming in the ocean. 

In the music video; Tristana is running to find her lover, she finally finds him but he has his back towards her. Flashbacks show that they were once a happy couple but somehow the guy becomes depressed and has been doing bad things, such as drinking and stealing. Tristana is hurt, confused. That's when she found a paper with writing, a letter as it seems, and reads it. But she is shocked to see what she had read. She drops it and rushes out. Tristana is seen talking to her lover, who still has his back to her. The climax shows that her lover falls backwards, his face is buried in her neck as he cries in it. Later, the boy is recovering at the hospital; Tristana holds her lover's hand as she smiled hopefully. In the video, Tristana is seen at a neon themed arcade/tavern. Once that last music video was finished, Flidas then joins the others where they talk of a mysterious, seemingly mythological female name Nesace Heights. Nesace is a aqua maiden who controls water and she appears at shore. So Briar comes with Knight Templars and Ligeia to see for herself. Underwater was so beautiful for Ligeia, the blue was so wonderful and clear. But she had to focus, she had to remember what she came here for. She looked in the sand, she looked among the fishes, she looked in the coral, she looked in the seaweed but she found nothing! With a sigh, which her sigh formed a single bubble from her breath mask and she swam up to the surface. 

Gasping for breath; Ligeia took off her mask and snorkel gear. She takes off her fins as she reveals wearing her bikini. Ligeia went back to her friends with a disappointed look on her face.  “Did you find anything?” Siegfried asked. Ligeia shook her head sadly, “No, not really.” She said. “What do you mean ‘not really’?” demanded Roland. Ligeia shot a glare in his direction with her eyes, “Hey, give me a break. I looked everywhere. Nothing, nada, zip!” She snapped. Galahad shook his head, “This can’t be right, there should be something. Someone….” He said as he looked at the map. “Maybe it’s the wrong area.” Cid suggested. “No, these are the right coordinates.” insisted Galahad. Tannhauser let out a sigh, he dropped on his knees as he buried his head for one second, and looked up with irritation. “We’re wasting our time looking for a mythological person that doesn’t exist.” He complained. “I know she exists, I know she does!” Roland declared as he folded up the map. Ligeia sat on a rock and looked among the blue sea. “Got any better ideas?” She asked. Nobody didn’t realized that a figure was swimming up to the surface. There was bubbles that the gang can see from shore. Ligeia was the first one to notice, “What is that?” She asked. The others gathered to see what she was pointing at. “Is it…Ohhhh…” She asked. 

“No, could it be?” Galahad muttered. They watched in mixed feelings of amazement and fear as a figure emerged from the deed, a young lady it looks like. She had a curvaceous figure, ivory white skin, straight black hair that covered her face. She wore a black bandeau top that revealed her midriff and matching pants that reached down towards her knees. When the girl removed the hair from her face; she revealed her face. Beautiful, dark brown eyes, small nose, and glossy black luscious lips. Cid approached the girl as he said to her softly, “Hey, you OK?” The girl replied back in a creepy monotone,  “Fire. Who started the fire?” Cid looked at the others with a perplexed look. “What fire? What are you talking about?” He asked. “Fire, I see fire.” said the girl. “What?” Cid asked as he leaned closer. The girl seized Cid by the neck and they fell into the water. “Oh man, Cid!” Siegfried shouted. The girl tries to drown Cid but he breaks free and swims, he gasped for breath. He dragged the girl away, the girl released her grip from him and ran away. “She’s getting away!” Briar cried. “After her!” Roland called. They chased after the girl however they paused for a breath and they lost sight of her. “What happened?” Flidas asked. “We lost sight of her.” Ligeia replied. “What?” Flidas asked in disbelief. “She was too fast!” Ligeia called. In anger, Roland as he growled, distressed over their failure. “Dammit! She got away!” He cursed. 

That night, Nesace managed to get back to the land, to look for the people she encountered earlier. Nesace’s hair is now side swept, cascading down her slender shoulder on the left. But when she got through the forest towards the beach, it was already vacant and getting dark. She was wondering when she was hand gagged from behind. “Gotcha! Can’t get away this time.” Cid said with a leer on her face. Nesace struggled, muffling but she thought she heard snickering from behind. Cold anger kicked in as she somehow she was glowing and she broke free from Cid’s grip and let out a screeched. Cid and Roland fell to the ground as they look up in horror to see Nesace's eyes glowing blue. Cid is frightful, "I'm--I'm sorry!" He stuttered. Nesace clenched her fist tightly. "All I want is to be alone." She said with despair in her voice. Cid scrambled to his feet, "I know, but we just want to know who you are. Are you Nesace?" He asked. Nesace eyed him carefully, "Why do want to know about that?" She inquired. "People have been talking about you. They brush you off like your a myth but I know you're real." Cid explained. Nesace looked at him coldly, "People--filth! Lies!! You're all alike." She shouted. "I'm not like that! Yeah, there are people who are vile but I--I mean, my friends and I are not like that. And I'm sorry, my excitement got the best of me, forgive me. But what is your name?" Susanoo said. Nesace looks at him, she was quiet for a moment before answering. "Nesace. Nesace Heights." She replied. "I'm Cid and this is my...friend, Roland." Cid said, gesturing to Roland. He didn't necessary think of Roland as a 'friend' but he rather cut to the chase rather than talk all night. "Listen, we need your help on rescuing a priestess. You think you can help us?" Cid asked. Nesace thought about the idea and agreed to help. 

On a damned cold night; Galahad, Siegfried Adonis, and Roland are sitting in a car when Wendigos comes up, smashes the window and attacks them. Flidas, Cid, Damien, Louis, and Alfred is encountered by a mob of Wendigos who storm in, smashing the glass, and Tannhauser, Ligeia, and Nesace who get violently attack in the street by a Wendigo. Ophelia witnesses all this and  pulled out her walkie talkie and spoke into it: "S.T.I. I repeat, S.T.I.--Save the Innocence." This calls the others into action. Eulalie, Deirdre, Turan, and Norna fought the Wendigos, which they smashed into panes of a window of a bus stop. Ariadne, Melisande, Juana, and Phaedra took down the Wendigos, chasing them as they slammed their heads as a small portion of blood was splat onto the ground. Juana saw Alfred looking at her with surprise, she held her hand up and pulling him up to his feet, while Juana comforted him. Tannhauser, Ligeia, and Nesace were trying to fight these monsters however it was hopeless until Cassandra came to save them by her telekinesis. She looked back at them with a grin before she sends the Wendigos out the window. Ligeia and the others were shocked by these new heroes who had come to their rescue. 

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