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Friday, September 4, 2015

West Journey Tempest: Volume 2--Chapter 5

This is the fifth chapter of volume 2 to West Journey Tempest. A young lady's life is spiraled out of control when she receives hate comments, jealous of a new girl, broke up with her boyfriend, and it gets worst from here. Inspired by the urban legend 'pasta of Annora Petrova, Black Swan, and Perfect Blue; please enjoy and hope you guys like it! --KatDon

 Chapter 5: Price of Fame and Failure

Many young girls, encouraged by family, friends and teachers, would like to become successful. Visions fills the minds of many promising young girls and women and they will do almost anything to achieve such a lofty goal. There is no doubt that these dreams can take turns for the worse. Annora Peters was born a successful young woman. By age six she began trying her hand at her fame. Thereafter, she was taught by famous trainer and boyfriend name Sergei. That night she was experiencing a lot of anxiety in anticipation. She is growing up. She depicts the thinking of a girl. Because a young girl doesn’t see life the way it actually is, she sees just the good parts of it. Annora confesses that she used to see life the same way, but now she doesn’t. She is not a woman yet, but she’s also not a girl any more. She past over the phase when she was said what to do. Now she thinks for herself. She sees the world with her own eyes and she has her own vision. Even though she embraces a more image she’s still the same Annora. Now she’s just looking for who she wants to be. And she assures us that she will find her way. Since Annora is in fact a primadonna girl, she wants everything. Annora really can’t do anything about her egotism; it’s not a flaw, it’s her personality, and the world just has to deal with it! In her eyes, she does no wrong. It’s simply everyone else who is wrong! Even through all the stuff she puts you through, you still keep coming back. She’s asserting her dominance, Annora doesn’t care about any consequences, because to the primadonna girl, there are no consequences. She’s aware that she’s a diva, but in her eyes, she sees no wrong in that. Even though she lives such a pompous lifestyle, underneath the big ego is a girl who is genuinely struggling with herself. Life isn’t necessarily a breeze when you’re a primadonna girl; Annora could be saying that either life is so repetitively hedonistic that it’s not much fun anymore, or that it’s incredibly difficult and strenuous, what with everything she does to keep being a successful star. She doesn’t just want your attention span used up on her, she wants the attention you have. She doesn’t just want her boyfriend to love her, she wants him to adore her and spend all his time with her. Because she’s a primadonna girl, she wants everything that people are capable of giving, and often, still more than that. Annora Peters has decided to be someone who all the boys love and adore, even if it’s not the real her. As a primadonna, Annora commands all of the boys' attentions, as well as all their cameras' memory spaces. And she adores the feeling of being desirable. She’s a primadonna girl, she can’t help but want things! And she’s successful at getting what she wants. All she has to do is butter up the person she’s going to ask, and then pop the pretty question. That’s how, even though she doesn’t deserve her privileges, she has them. Her life is dreamy and glamorous, as if she were the star of her own show, or the main character on the stage. And she absolutely loves it. The primadonna girl has her successes and failures, even though she craves only successes. As long as Annora gets all the power and all the material possessions in the end, she’s willing to do anything. Society really doesn’t want to spend its time appeasing the unappeasable primadonna girl, but Annora can’t stand for that. Even when the lights dim and the curtains close, she’ll be hopelessly spinning around and trying to catch attention. It wasn't until she found comments about her that read: "Annora Peters is a selfish bitch who is going to get what she deserves, she is a pathetic little good girl who should die friendless and alone!" Annora is shocked as she doesn't know what is going on. She learns that she is competiting with a new girl who is much more prettier. In walked in Kayla, mysterious and gorgeous while also nice. Too nice. She has large breasts and an hourglass figure. Annora doesn’t completely fit this mould she doesn’t feel valued in society. She resembled a thin model with no extra weight, Annora realizes she will never quite live up to the unrealistic image of Kayla. Annora is jealous of Kayla because she looks beautiful and is attracting the guy of her dreams, Sergei, and she’s ashamed of admitting her enviousness. Annora cannot help but have a desire as she wants everything that Kayla has so that Kayla will come to her. She wants to figure out why Sergei seduce othe women and not her. She wants to drown herself in the women’s perfume because she believes that Sergei is attracted to her for the way she smells and is causing her pain. "I wish I was her. Why do you love her and not me?" She thought while watching Kayla with Sergei. She feels the same emotions of restlessness that is usually linked with having a crush on someone. In this case, she can’t sleep or get peace for a different reason: Sergei is rebuffing her feelings by being with Kayla. Annora doesn’t need Sergei's company to enjoy herself tonight, and she’s also convincing him and herself that she will not need him in her life again. Tonight, her goal is to erase her troubles and enjoy herself with Kayla. On her night out she’s gonna come across a brand new guy that will make her completely forget about her troubles with her current lover. Everyone’s gonna be talking about this night and how she’s completely obliterating the memory of the guy that’s messed with her by having a fun night with her girls, and hooking up with new guys. He had it coming, though, he knew that the day would come where she would get up, leave, and do it on her own. She pushes the buttons even more to express that she’s had enough, and that she’s doing perfectly fine without him in her life. She’ll be fine without the guy trying to bother her and ruin her evening, she’s got her girls and that’s what matters. However; something changes as she didn’t expect it to happen and it wasn’t her idea but because she was so drunk, it gave her the confidence to kiss a girl and not feel awkward about it. Basically, Annora was probably drunk, and is therefore confused with what she should do. It is hard for her to just kiss boys. It seems the traditional view of orientation being a fixed trait was mostly determined through research conducted on men. Girls, on the other hand, seem to have a fluid orientation, falling in and out of love with both genders over a lifetime thus being magical while her kissing a girl and liking it is actually quite the norm, and really is no big deal. She just wanted to try to get a taste of how it feels like to kiss a girl. Annora also worries that her boyfriend won’t take this issue up quite seriously allegedly labelling her. However, it was a dream and Kayla was amused to hear it. But she is going to pursue her desires over what logic and reason are advising her to do. The feeling of commitment that the person in this song is experiencing when faced with this sudden decision as good emotions that also come along with the constricting ones perhaps going along with the love she feels for Sergei. Annora has come to terms that Sergei doesn’t love her and never will. She questions why she continues to fool herself into thinking this person will love her and to thinking that this relationship would work out in her favor. Annora doesn’t want to hear the excuses Sergei has however she isn’t ignorant to her lover’s lies and doesn’t see the point of what he’s saying. She’s generally hurt by the things he has said to her. This is more of she fell in love with Sergei and he’s saying that they’ll always still be friends. She criticizes her significant other’s pride and cowardice, which prevents him from ending the relationship. Annora is in denial and doesn’t want to put the relationship to an end. She knows that both her and Sergei won’t end it, so suggest that they pretend everything is going well. It’s just that Sergei cannot commit to her and only ever wants her when he is drunk or when they have contact. She doesn’t feel as if she completes him. She doesn’t want to know the truth because she’s tried for this relationship and can’t let go of what they may have once had. She strives for perfection and will not accept anything less. She is very bitter and feels she can’t let go of the relationship and her need for perfection as she realized this was a bad decision. She regrets breaking up and misses being part of the relationship. Annora was upset with her partner, but feels she overreacted by breaking up. She now wants to move on and forget about the breakup, but can’t let go of what has happened. She wants more and more so she doesn’t feel sad. She doesn’t want materialistic goods, she wants something from the heart. She wants love. For a far unexplained reason, Annora has been purged from a relationship that she is emotionaly seized to. However, she’s wasted her time trying to be in a relationship with someone she simply cannot have. She feels stupid for investing so much time in an unrequited love, and now she’s fragile. Fearful of being hurt again. She’s finally starting to give up on her task at hand, she wishes to become unnoticeable. Instead of her having to deal with herself, she’s passing it to her children. She realizes the destruction she has created, and just wants to be far from it. She wants to give affection to the person, but she gives too much. This happens with so many people that other people even say that she’s clingy. Even though she likes the attention, she does not have feelings for him anymore. Sometimes people are scared when they’re alone. She understands that it seems selfish of her to ask for another night with him since she was the one who broke their relationship off. Annora is searching for a reason to keep coming back to this guy. She gives lame excuses that she’s bored with him, but yet she still keeps coming around. As if she’s lying. Annora broke up with him, so she’s not really looking for a man to hold on to, she could’ve had himbut yet she cant stay away. Even though she broke up with her lover, she wants him to hold her through the night and to help her get over him. This results in her doing this several times over a longer period of time, breaking up in the mornings and getting together in the evening, indulging in an evil, never-ending circle. However; Sergei was black-balled because of his association with her and he quit training her! While Annora is with her overprotective mother name Nancy Peters; Nancy doesn’t reassure Annora when she is frightened but instead reinforces her fears and puts some of her own into her in order to make sure she will come running to her when threatened so she can protect her. Her paranoia and overprotectiveness is only damaging Annora’s self esteem and social skills, making her think she needs her approval for everything. Her mother attempts to police her whereabouts on what she says or does as Annora becomes afraid to be vulnerable with other people in part because of her mother putting her fears into her. All the things she was deprived of while being sheltered from the world. Annora didn’t feel like herself trying to maintain her past innocent image and this has robbed her of herself up until this point. She drastically changed her image, and was introducing a new look of herself, who is more mature, almost a woman, but at the same time much more sexier. Being sheltered prevented her from understanding who she was and what she wanted. She prefers to make mistakes and figure things out on her own than to feel restricted by authorities her whole life. Her mother is telling her how she should about what image to present to the public. She doesn’t feel the image she’s presenting is actually what she’s like though and wants to truly be herself now. Annora has decided that now is the time for her to get the things she’s been deprived of while being sheltered. Annora is sick of her overprotective mother, she is sick at how Nancy is suffocating her emotionally and left her out of anger! That's when Annora discovers that Bree is in the hospital for attempting to take her own life a few weeks ago and goes to see her. In these past weeks, Bree has been using it for so long that she has started believing that this mask is the real her. The pain that she feels, as she tries to convince whereas if she tries to touch them, in the sense she tries to meddle with her persona, she feels the bitter pain of it being so badly broken now. Her persona wants to make her believe that what she is going through is fake, and when she has gone through it all she will then understand that it wasn’t real. She’s wondering if people would love her looks or her actual personality. She’s in love with a Sergei but they knew that a relationship between them couldn’t work well, so he had to leave. But, she’s not able to let him go. She’s tormented by thoughts of him every day, and she knows she’s being childish by holding onto his memory this long, but she feels she needs to have him with her until the memories leave by themselves. Her emotional wounds won’t get better, and it hurts so bad emotionally that she thinks she can physically feel it, and that there’s too much time that she’s put into this thing that it’s unable to be erased. She and this guy were very close, and losing him was like losing a part of her. Time can’t erase the wounds of her loss, and she doesn’t know it but she’s opening the wounds by holding on to him. She loved him very much, and cared deeply about him. Then, he left her, and she became nothing. She never realized how much she needed him until the day he left, and she can’t stop wanting him back, her mind is slowly slipping into insanity. His presence, his grace, how he made her feel, made him her whole world. She’s then taken apart after he’s gone, with only shattered memories of the past times they had, to hold on to! Memories of him are slowly driving her insane. Images of him haunt her, and she hears his voice in her mind. She can’t help needing him, but she is desperately trying to hang on to what she has left of her sanity. She knows that their relationship had been a bad idea from the beginning, and she’d had to protect him from his fears, and she never got anything back, but she unwittingly gave all of herself to him. And now that he’s gone, she can’t live knowing that he’s not here. It wasn't until Annora is shocked by more hateful letter as she went to confess to Bree, who was in the hospital, and told her: "I know you hate me, but we were best friends once and I need you to read this. I think I'm in serious trouble and there's nothing you can do, but I need you to read this so you understand. I know we haven't talked in awhile. It's been forever, but what happened to you wasn't my fault. At least it wasn't entirely my fault. I know everyone thinks it was, but I would never do anything to hurt you." Bree looked at her with a glare, "You betray me..." She said. Annora looked down, "I know...I'm so sorry." She admitted. That's when the unexpected happens: She has cut herself, and is bleeding while screaming: "You're perfect! I'm not! You've become obsessed with the spotlight are now simply the puppets of others, the fool everybody laughs at!" Annora is horrified and ran off! She arrives at home and she is paranoid of her stalkers has stopped outside her house. So she’s locking the door and not looking back because she’s scared. She’s getting changed undressing in the dark and not letting them see her, hiding from them. They’ll never know the way that what they’ve said has freaked her out and made her paranoid. She can’t believe they’d try and get her to do the things they want her to do, which is whatever the stalker’s demands are. They’re haunting her in her dreams and she’s terrified. They’ve all got her. She can’t sleep, because then she’ll experience these nightmares. They think she belongs to them. They’ve got her cornered, so just come out and get it over. She paid the price for choosing a sensational life of phenomenal and vigor. No one wants to be stalked or harassed! The people watching her might want to intrude but can people really see her? She fears anyone calling her at all. Everyone could be watching! Everyone is a suspect! She fears of being watched by authorities. The feeling persists, she has too much time on her hands and she spends it alone. Perhaps it’s a bad dream or she’s tired and is experiencing sleep hallucination. And yet whatever she does can be seen by everyone. And the people she loves are those that she fears and her life no longer belongs to her! Annora wished she was a blonde in her teen years, she thinks that she was robbed of the ideal teenage girl’s dream; popular, surrounded by boys, always going to parties or hanging out with her friends. She wants to go back in time to waste her life as a teenager. She wants to make mistakes, and worry about petty things, and rebel just because she can. She is depressed, she doesn't want to go out or deal with the world. She wants the drama and carnage that come with being a stereotypical teenager, and naturally, she also wants to eat rich, fattening desserts all day. She knows that the happy and carefree teen doesn’t exist, but that’s exactly what she wanted to be. She faked it all throughout her teen years, yet she wishes she hadn’t been so innocent and transparent. Annora wants to be nice and virginal because, to everyone else, that seems more desirable than being an easy harlot with promiscious behavior. She wants back her chastity, and the empowerment it gives because she feels so empty. She wants to get hammered, she wishes she wasn’t so careful and that she did those immature things. She wants passion and violence, but she also enjoys the simple things. Annora feels like she’s destroyed her chance to have her simple moments and she'll hate herself for it. She has that high school loser feeling bad about herself, but also feels like she’s a narcissist! She was incredibly disoriented, having found that being a teen was actually a really confusing ordeal. She was supposed to be testing her limits, she was supposed to be happy, going out there and making a fool of herself while she was still an adolescent. But instead, she stayed sensible and has made a fool of herself in the future. Now, she regrets wasting so many years of her life not doing fun things. Youth, in general is supposed to be a carefree time. Full of friends, happiness. But since Annora never really had any of this, and spent all of her time worrying and hating herself she never experienced much joy in her short adolescence. Annora wishes people looked up to her when she was a teenager. She wished everyone liked her and gave her respect. She wanted to be invited to all the coolest parties. She wishes she was actually interested in trying to be Prom Queen in highschool. When she was 16, Annora didn’t do what anyone else did. She was so outcasted, instead of doing things like running for prom queen, she was out looking for answers to religion, instead of enjoying the life of a teen. She feels like taking her own life. All her youth years was wasted because she didn’t make anything out of it. She wished that she had a teenage lifestyle where she’d be a happy, rebellious teenager. Annora wished she had been in her teen years, which gives her a sense of how it feels to be alive. After Annora had complete adolescence, she realizes that all along instead of wanting change, she wanted death all along. And so after her period of youth, she comes to realize that she is alive. She doesn’t care about her youth anymore, and she’s looking to the future now. And she lost herself inside her mind. She feels like a doll with no mind of their own and a forced smile. She has a hole inside of her, which means something is missing. From the day of her birth, she has had this void. This space of emptiness, that cannot be filled or destroyed. Annora was a caring and happy child as a start, but as she grew older, she became aware of the world’s dangers at an earlier age than most. Everybody is missing a piece of themselves, changed to suit the fakeness of that world. There’s no friendship or happiness, just emptiness and void. She wants to start all over again from the beginning, Annora is used to this sort of thing, having to cling to her drugs or dolls or such to make it through life. This isn’t anything new to her, she goes down into oblivion and is done with everything. There is something missing in her life, she feels the void while hanging with all her fake friends. She’s being friends with identities that she doesn’t relate to at all. Even she puts on a mask that conceals her true self, adding to the sense of mystery. This could be the low point in her life. Her depression, her hopelessness. She takes green tablets for the morning, blue capsules in the afternoon, and yellow gelcaps in the evening. Just to give herself some peace but with all these pills; they cannot make her happy and she gets rid of them. Everything from her is not fine, she hallucinates as she could hear those hurtful words again: "Annora Peters is a selfish bitch who is going to get what she deserves, she is a pathetic little good girl who should die friendless and alone!" She looked around her apartment where she can see there is nothing but saw herself as somebody different, someone more beautiful and perfect but it was nothing like her. More like Kayla, who was laughing and talking with Sergei. Annora shouted: "What the hell are you doing with him?!" But she turned to her and said, "What does it look like you pathetic, good girl? I'm here with your boyfriend. You think anybody's gonna love you, you're disgusting. Nobody wants to be around a selfish, friendless bitch." Sergei and Kayla laughed at her, then Annora could hear more laughter as she couldn't see where it was coming from. "What's going on?" She thought with a panic. The laughter died down where her mother is hugging her as she whispers to her daughter, "I won't let them hurt you sweetheart. You are my good girl. You don't need friends, you don't have to put on an act to please others." Annora tried to pull away however Nancy won't let go and Annora pushed her away as she shouted, "I AM NOT YOUR SWEETHEART!!!!!" Just then, she is arrested and is brought before Bree, who is a judge, as she condemns Annora for selfishness and hurting people who loved her, and then sentences her to be exposed by stripping her clothes off. Annora covered herself but gasped at how her body is branded with words on her skin: "LIAR", "TRAITOR", "THIEF", "SELFLESS BITCH", "PATHETIC", "FRIENDLESS", and "ALONE". People chanting: "ANNORA IS A LIAR!!!! ANNORA IS A TRAITOR!!! ANNORA IS A THIEF!!!! ANNORA IS A SELFLESS BITCH!!!!!" ANNORA IS PATHETIC!!!!! ANNORA IS A FRIENDLESS LONER!!!!"" She saw Kayla, Sergei, Nancy, and Bree also chanting as she covered her ears. And she screamed, "I JUST WANT TO BE FAMOUS, LEAVE ME BE---I DON'T DESERVE THIS!!!" And she runs out screaming. She runs while she tries to escape her personal demons: Being replaced, being dumped, being smothered too much, and being betrayed. Nobody else could see the branded words on her skin. She felt paranoid, delusional and then she was later discovered by authorities where she slept near an alley way as she being guided away. She lied there motionless in that room of the facility. And she died on the inside.

In the meantime; Erica woke up and decided to take a walk to a hill. While on her walk; she comes across a lean muscular young man, Seimi, and his friend Tengil where they were lying on the grass and looking up at the blue sky. Seimi was wearing white riding breeches, a buttoned collared shirt under a beautiful crimson vest while Tengil wore a blue suit and pants, longsleeve white pinstriped shirt, and a blue pinstriped vest with a tie. But Seimi said, "There's a storm coming, it's going to sweep things in its path." Erica looked up and saw that the beautiful sky's yonder blue was now a dark purple. When she turned back to the boy, she saw that he was already gone! So she decides to head back. As she walked back; Erica looked up and saw that the hurricane while she was determined to get home soon. She regrets on going on this walk, it was a bad idea and she wish she stayed home. She wished that it passed or wash away like rain. But it was getting closer and nothing could stop it. She hopes she won't blow away as she saw in horror of every debris, every part crumbling and it was blowing harder and harder. Erica managed to dodge every flying object and nearly went flying, it was so strong but she made it back home safe. However, she was horrified to discover that her house has been capsized and she managed to get in the house where she found that her big sister were nowhere in sight. Erica begin to panic a little bit, she cried; fearing that her parents could be dead. The next minute afterwards, Poor Erica was sitting near the mailbox, thinking about if her parents possibly got caught in the storm and possibly died but she didn't want to jump to conclusions. Then, she felt a shadow upon her and saw Seimi and Tengil. "What are you doing here?" Una asked. "I came to help you, I also want to tell you that your sister is safe." replied Seimi. Erica's gasp got caught in her throat, "You do? Where?" She asked. Here this was to be another day, an ordinary day until this boy came along as he will inspire her to look for majestic beauty that others wouldn't see and find them mundane. Seimi stretch his hand out, "Come with me." He said. "Where are we going?" asked Erica. Tengil smiled, "You'll see." Erica was hesitant at first but she knew that this boy would help her. Maybe help her to be in control of her own destiny and they were off. Erica got to meet Seimi's other companions, Geneva and Kent. Kent was a nice guy, pretty much average looking person...Nothing magical about him. He wears a silver uniform of a high-waisted and a striped suit, and has a mandarin collar. And Geneva was just an eccentric person but yet she was kind. She wore an ice blue gown, sleeves are puffy and off the shoulder. Bodice is corseted and large, sequined petals cascading from the waist. Erica was shy at first however she bonded fast with these guys as they stayed up late because of no power, they played spin the bottle and laugh and joking around while drinking root beer and Erica found a place of belonging with friends that care about her. And don't judge of what she is not. The next day, when the storm was over; Erica and her new friends stumble upon a village as then other monsters appeared as they terrify the residents into hiding as Erica, Seimi, Tengil, Kent, and Geneva were horrified to see them, which they look hideous with their horned wings, claws, and fangs so sharp. They snarled and Erica shivered a little. The monsters cursed Una by the fact that many enemies will come for her. Some would kidnap her and held her in prison while others would try to kill her, or use her for lustful desires so she must keep her head down, watch her back and stand her ground: "We''ll get you, sweet blood--AND YOUR MEDDLING FRIENDS TOO!" They growled, they laughed and disappeared into smoke. Erica and her friends were sent on her way until the manananggals came as they kidnapped Seimi, Tengil, and Kent as they flew off while Erica and Geneva followed them as they try to sneak in. But they are also kidnapped while brought before the evil queen. The queen demands her heart but Erica begs her to release her friends but the queen tortures her mentally that her friends are in the dungeon where they are in deadly fights against brain craving zombies, heart eating beasts, and fear mongeling monsters! Erica fell to her knees, horrified by the thought as the witch laughs at her despair. "Sis, please help me..." Erica whispered, "I'm frightened sis." Her hand reached to her shorts where she felt the vial and remembered the holy water. Geneva attacked the witch distracting her as Erica sprayed the witch with the holy water! The witch screeched in pain, "You cursed wretch, look what you done!" She shouted. She looked disoriented as she cried out and yelled in agony. Erica was horrified however she and Geneva went to free Seimi, Tengil, and Kent two from their prison. The three of them were unharmed, perhaps scratches here and there but they were OK! They escaped as they made their way through the forest. However they have no idea which way they should go. "OK, now which way do we go?" wondered Erica. A voice spoke up, "Pardon me. That was the way." Erica looked behind her, and around as she said: "Who said that?" When she saw no one, she laughed to herself: "I must be hearing things." Kent smirked, "You could be." He said. "It's pleasant down that way, too." The voice said. "Of course, people do go both ways!" Then, someone was swinging in a tree--It was a Vanara, a half human and half humanoid. "Oh, so it was you?" Erica asked. She anf her friends could see a young Vanara man who looked like a monkey slightly. But he wore a green jacket and pants with gold trim on the front. "We haven't really met properly, have we?" Geneva asked. The Vanara man thought for a moment before replying, "Why no." He said. "My name is Alphege." Erica and the others also introduced themselves too. Alphege jumps from tree top to tree trop as he ask where they heading to. Erica shrugs, "To look for my sister but it's a crazy realm around her." She said. Alphege smiled, "The trouble with life is, they always try to teach the wrong lesson. Believe me, I've been kicked out of enough of them to know. But I say why invite stress in? Stop strifing, and learn to live." He said. Erica and the others exchanged glances at one another: "What do you mean?" Erica asked. Alphege bounces off a branch and starts to dance forward down the road, "Well, I see that the danger is coming to corrupt my fellow travelers. Fortunately, I'm up for the task. Follow me." He said. But then they were attack by the woods as they try to seize Erica and the gang but Alphege saves them as he was so fast that the wood that came to life could not keep up with his speed as he saved Erica and the others. Later, he told the story about his lover was named Lorelai and he explains how Lorelai bumped into Asmund which she wish she didn't because she must look like a crying mess. But she managed to tell Asmund what had happened and they talked for awhile in a garden where they confess their love for one another. But then, they were discovered by the guards as Lorelai escaped while Asmund was being lead away to be beatened to death. Asmund was placed high on a stick as if he was a scarecrow as his bones crunched and whips with sharp ends made his flesh ripped apart and before he passed out from blood loss, he heard a voice screamed, "ASMUND!!!!!" Then, he woke up to hear something incoherent as he woke up and realized what he become. Erica shivered but smiled, "Sounds like a familiar story but...COME ON, LET'S MOVE!!!" She said with a cheer. Just as she spun around to continue the journey ahead; Erica sees a pig's face, she reacts by a yelp before she examines it. Her friends were startled, but Kent got another look as he grimaced: "Why, it's a man! With a pig face." He noted. The pig face man groaned, clutching his chest. "Where is it?" He moaned in pain. Erica approached him with a concern, "What? What are you looking for?" She asked. "Oil can....My oil can." The pig face man answered. Erica nervously looked around as she is unable to answer, "Um...." But luckily, Alphege appeared with a serious expression. "Hang on, Troynt." He said, handing him an oil can. The pig man, name Troynt, grabbed the oil can and tore his shirt open to reveal his beating heart. Erica gasped! The heart has many metal parts mixed with the circulation system. Troynt uses oil and felt bad as he got better. Then, Alphege told about Troynt's past: He had a lover name Emina and a boy by the name of Jimmy Talon, son of Marshall Talon! He and Emina were inseperable, Jimmy hands Emina a cup of punch and Emina took a sip. She was surprised how good it tastes, "What's in the punch Jimmy?" She asked. "Oh! It's my mother's speciality. Lemons, pears, and melons." said Jimmy. "Mmm, it's good." Emina said. She grinned at him and Jimmy smiled back. He then said, "Um, Emina?" Emina glanced at him, "Yes Jimmy?" Jimmy looked a bit nervous, "Listen, there's something I think you need to know...Why I brought you here." He said. "Oh Jimmy, I already know why you brought me here." said Emina. "You...You do?" Jimmy asked. Emina begin to have tears in her eyes as she said: "It's because I'm in this chair, right? You feel sorry for me so you ask a silly girl like me, isn't it?" Jimmy felt bad, "No, not at all...It's not that at all, it's because you are so beautiful. You're so beautiful and I think you are so fair and intelligent. You know, it's not about being not able to do anything, you can make the most out of it." So Jimmy decided to give Emina the best time of her life! The day Lorelai gave Emina the shoes known as Talaria, which caused Emina to walk. Tears of joy, Emina confessed to the surprised Jimmy of her feelings however Jimmy admits that he was in love with Sianna! Heartbroken by the rejection; Emina attempted to use a love spell but it backfired as it almost made Jimmy's heart explode. Lorelai saves him by using metal parts however Jimmy came back all wrong as Emina screamed in horror at the sight of Jimmy, who has a grotesque pig face! Jimmy was terrified at what happened and fleed in shame. After hearing this, Erica was in shock and stares at Troynt before she blurted out in a quiet voice: "Jimmy Talon....Is that you?" Geneva and the boys are shocked, they looked at Erica before glancing at Troynt, who nodded. "It is...Or what's left of me." He said. Erica looked over at Alphege, "And you--Prince Asmund...Is it really you?" She inquired. Alphege nodded, "Yes." He said. More gasps are heard, Erica looked at the two as she said: "I heard what happened to you." Troynt nodded, "It's because of Lorelai, she did this to me. It's because of her that I've become piggish and heartless." He said. Alphege glanced at his new allied friend, "No, Jim. She was trying to save you, you know that." He said. Troynt squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head rapidly, "No.....No....." He whispered. Alphege placed a hand on his shoulder while saying, "She saved me, I mean....Look at me." Tears brimmed in the pig man's eyes as he shouted, "She killed my Emina! She's dead!" Alphege shook his head as he shook some sense into him: "No, Madame Evelyn did that! Not Lorelai, she would never do that!" He claimed. Alphege turned as he looked and the others as he said: "Excuse us for a moment." He took Troynt aside as they talked in hushed tones, "Why are you standing up for the woman you love when she did nothing but wicked things? I can't just stand here grinning pretending to go along with all of this!" demanded Troynt silently. "Do you think I like to be this way? You expect me to talk bad about her? She would hate me because of it? I miss her! And I have nothing against her!" whispered Alphege. "Well, what are we doing here? Let's go, Asmund." rapsed Troynt. Alphege said in a soft voice, "I can't--We can't---This girl and her friends need help!" Troynt bluntly replied loudly, "That annoying girl and her meddling friends is more like it!" Erica was offended as she called out: "I HEARD THAT!!!!" Troynt shouted, "YOU'RE AN ANNOYANCE IS WHAT YOU ARE!!!! YOU THINK YOU KNOW ANY OF US, WE DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE OR WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE BUT YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A WITCH!!!!" Erica was hurt, she backed away and ran off with tears in her eyes. The others went to find her, even Alphege but not Troynt. His heart was so cold that he didn't seem like James Talon anymore. While traveling amongst the town; Erica was wearing a cloak and ride in a wagon as it carried supplies into the village and got off with her friends She went off the path and she took a pair of scissors and cut the remains of her dress and changed. Timias, who was walking among the path, noticed the wagon and came across the girl who was half naked. When the girl saw, she gasped and backs away: "Stay away!" Timias was trying not to look at her body but he was concern to ask, "Are you all right?" However, the girl try to run however Erica saw her scars and was shock that he attempt to hug her. The girl was shocked as she screamed, "GET AWAY!!!!" She tried to tackle him however Timias lost balance and they both went down. The girl looked up at Timias, who is flustered a little. The girl's lips curled in a smile: "Hi." She said softly. Timias saw her lips are bright red and wedge himself away, "S--sorry." He said. "Wait, are you a boy?" Erica asked. "Yes, you didn't know?" asked Timias. "Not by your delicate face, no." said the girl. "I didn't know you were changing, I apologize." said Timias. "It's OK, I'm sorry for my behavior. I guess I don't like to be touched." Erica replied. They both seemed shy as Erica was sitting next to him. But Erica noticed something that made her concern: "What happened to your shoulder?" Erica asked, pointing to the scars she can see on Timias's shoulder. Timias shied it away with his jacket. "It's nothing." He said. Erica looked at him, "Someone hurt you?" She finally asked. Timias was silent for a moment before he spoke, "...Yes." Erica nods, "If it makes you better; I don't want to talk about mine either. It's too painful." She said. Timias looked up at her, "You were hurt?" He asked. Erica looked away, "You could say that." She said. Just then, she and Timias is attacked by monsters as Erica got pushed too far as she took down the monsters in a fit of rage. Erica's face was almost sallow, her eyes glowed of a reddish yellow, and her hands were like razor-like talon hands. Lips twisted and stained with blood. Bellerophon was too frightened to move, "Erica?" He gasped. Erica looked ashamed, "Go." She hissed in an ethereal and harsh tone. Timias was too scared, Erica then shouted: "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" Her voice was diabolistic, more harsher. Then, she ran. Erica felt hot tears flowing from her eyes. She was so ashamed of herself. She was running so much where she is discovered by Timias but he wasn't alone: He has people with him. There was Geneva, Seimi, Tengil, Kent, Alphege, and Troynt. For the time being; A young man name Victor Casimir has a feeling of pleading for salvation in the tide of doubt. Victor is reminiscing about what was left unsaid in this relationship. It evokes the image of a meeting where no one spoke. An unknown enemy, fighting against a concept, rather than an identifiable person. Time is passing, and he doesn’t know what’s going on. He’s stuck feeling the enigma of time, moving forward, yet remaining stationary. Victor is regretting missing opportunities either out of laziness, procrastination, or simply having explored different opportunities. His father name Nuada was a cunning man who was rich and manipulative however he and Victor got into an arguement with one another. After the arguement; Nuada approached Victor and asked what was wrong so Victor spilled his guts out and Nuada pretended to understand how he felt. But then Victor realized what Nuada was planning to do as he tried to kill poor Victor, pulling his own son in as he try to stab him but Victor was pushed off the ship as he was left to die from drowning and bleeding to death. However, Victor woke up as he has survived where a young teen boy by the name of Conrad 'Connie' Lech saved his life and helps him up to his feet. Meanwhile; Gwen occasionally gets lonely and nobody never comes to see her, she’s tired of spending her time crying over the loneliness. She is afraid possibly because her glory years with her childhood are gone. Every once in a while she gets a little terrified and it goes away when she sees the look in his eyes! She’s more emotional now than usual and needs love especially badly this night and holding on forever. One ordinary day; Gwen and her best friend, Sarah were laughing together when her cell phone rings. She picks it up and answers it. Gwen looked at the posters but then, she heard commotion as she saw Sarah walking into the street, still talking on her phone as a car is coming at her. "Oh shit!" Gwen thought. She rushed over as she then thought to herself: "No, get away!" Gwen called out her name, "SARAH!" She pushed her friend out of the way as the car was edging close to Gwen but stopped abruptly. People surround her as Gwen had blood matted her face and hair. Everything went black but before she passes out, Gwen could see a boy and another one watching her. Their faces look gloomy and sad. The girl has tears streaming down her face. "What...why are they looking at me that way?" She thought and then, the darkness enveloped her. She woke up, alive, was there when she heard voices in clouded area! "Oooh, she smells nice!" One of them said. "Come to us..." The second beckoned. The third laughed a little, "Poor girl, she's all alone. All alone.....Alone...." It taunted. Gwen covered her ears and ran off. "Get away from me, you monsters!" She shouted. Gwen was on the ground as she had to watch out what was happening. She cannot make a sound or any movement yet. She watched people from her corner from where she was! Waiting, waiting, and waiting. That's when she saw something that made her gasp in awe: It was that boy from the accident she suffered in! He ran over to the ghouls as he slayed them with his thin sword called a katana, cut them in half and then he was approached by a familiar boy besides the dark haired guy. That night; Gwen was asleep when someone crept into the room. Only she heard the intruder coming in and she meets is a young man in green clothing as he looked to be beautiful. "Who are you?" Wanda asked. "Just a mysterious boy, creeping in." The boy said. However, she remembered the boy from before and looked at the dark haired boy and then said, "I know who you are" The boy said to her, "Pleasure is mine, my name is Saruta. I have come to help the people in this town deal with the ghouls around here." He then offered his jacket as he said, "You don't have to be scared, we'll protect you." Gwen looked at the jacket as she said, "Oh, thanks?" The other boy, Connie, rolled his eyes and looked at Victor with a glare: "You're offering that stinky, sweaty thing again?" He snapped. Victor looked exasperated as put his jacket back on, and Connie was about to take off his jacket as he said: "Here, take this." Gwen accepts it gratefully where she bonds well the two boys but Victor wanted to take them both somewhere. "Tell me again, why are we here?" Gwen asked. She and her friends--Victor and Connie--had arrived at some sort of shop. "She should be right here." Victor said. Just then, someone came and hugged Victor: "VICK!!!!!" A girl squealed, hugging Victor. Victor smiled, "Hey there, cutie pie!" He said. "I missed you so much, I--Who is that?" The girl asked. Victor looke over at Gwen, "Ah, Moira. This is Gwen. Gwen? This is Moira." He said. Gwen waved, "Hi." She said shyly. Moira smiled, "Hello!" She said brightly. "Hansel! We got a newbie here!" There was this grouch like man who was pretty scary to look at! But overall, he was nice. Moira kept saying how Victor is teaching her but Hansel scoffs at this, "Oh please, Moira, she's much stronger than Victor." He remarked. Victor was shocked and his face turned white. "By the way, nice to meet you Gwen." Hansel added while he extended his hand. Gwen shook his hand, "Likewise, Hansel." She said.
Love is not the hardest thing in the world really, the problem is in his low self esteem. Self esteem is a part of everyday life. He is not the ideal male for girls, as he shows us. They search the night for someone to hold onto but he is not the one, he passes through, he is almost invisible, that’s why he is looking for a shot, a perfect situation that he might not get. Victor wants Connie to get his hands off his girl, for she should be his, but he lacks the confidence to maintain the would-be relationship, he cannot make it work, he cannot satisfy her needs and as she wanders off, he is left thinking whether he is the right one at all, whether he is only obsessed with her with no actual backup to it. The worst part is that he thinks that he cannot blame her for that, that he is a loser who does not deserve to have a girl like that. He is desperate, searching for a greater meaning that will ever lead to a happy ending, the special thing he deserves. While fighting against the monsters in the evening, Connie got hurt and he thought he was going to die. Connie could've sworn he was dreaming, he thought he would bleed to death until he woke up in a daze to see a dark haired girl dragging him. "Who are you?" He asked. The girl turned to him and said, "Just....Here to help...." Then, she reached over and picked him up. Connie couldn't help noticing how pretty she was. Her hair was black and long, her eyes were vivid blue and her skin so pale. "Who are you?" inquired Connie. The pretty girl glanced at him, "Klervia." She said. Then, Connie had a dream: He dreamt that he saw a girl half naked and wearing light puple underwear with lilac flowers printed on them and her hands on her head as her hair was piled on top. She turned her head sideways as she whispered, "Tell me I'm pretty." He woke up from the dream, blushing like crazy. Then, he was summoned into the study and waited for Klervia to come. While reading, he heard the door opened and looked up from the book he was reading. "My dear boy...Connie, was it?" A deep seductive voice left goosebumps down his arm. Connie turned his head to the door, lifting his eyes from the book in his lap. He always tried to look calm, but it was far from what he felt inside. The cozy fire next to him burned with the same passion he saw in the girl's eyes. She was deliciously beautiful. An angel in disguise. Her deep black hair whipped up at the one end and his cat-like eyes searched his for something he hadn't felt in a long time. "Yes..." He said in a voice was soft. The strange girl smirked gently and let go of the doorknob. She stepped inside and closed the door. Her black attire blended well with the mahogany wood of the study and Connie felt blush creep onto his cheeks. He walked towards her, holding his gaze like a snake would it's prey. Looking away; Connie tensed up and mentally thought of all the weapons he had hidden in the room. Then, Klervia walked around him. Suddenly her hands were on his shoulders. Connie jumped slightly. "Be still, my Connie...You are so very tense." She began to massage his shoulders, "Here, let me help...It is after all my duty to protect the boy I've been assigned to..." Suddenly her mouth was right next to his ear, and her voice was so full of unbridled passion that he found it hard to sit still, "In any way he desires..." Klervia is very secretive and cold one minute, then the next she is sneaky and flirtatious towards Connie, who is confused by her intentions and annoyed at her. Not knowing what she really is! One day, it all changed when Connie had enough of this stupid girl's tricks! It ends here. "I want you to leave. NOW." He demanded. Klervia picked up her towel and glared at him evily. Connie picked up her things laying on the floor and threw it at her with disgust. "Did you really think I was going to let a girl get to me?" He scoffed and folded his arms, "You don't know me very well then, do you?" Klervia was upset and answered in a nasty tone, "I knew you weren't a ray of sunshine, but damn... You really are a complete, heartless ingrante..." She opened the door and Connie waited for her to leave. He gave her one last glare. "You don't fool me Klervia. And you better keep your distance or I'll shorten you by a head." He warned. Klervia turned her eyes away and slammed the door as she left. He didn't play games, and no girl like her was going to get the better of him. Then, he could feel his childhood fears suppressed and they were coming back to haunt him until a ghoul came in and was stronger than Connie. Before he almost died, he was suddenly saved when the ghoul was taken down--It was none other than Klervia! She came back! "Sorry, I couldn't stay away for good." She replied, she made her away towards him and was close to him. Shocked; Connie felt the heat travel to all the parts in his body as she got closer and closer. He haven't been like this with anyone for along time.After a few minutes of an embrace and an apology, Klervia pulls away. Connie felt uneasy again. "Klervia, I want you to know..." She lifted her head to gaze into his eyes, "I don't want any complications between us..." He said. Klervia lifted her eyebrow and he could see the confusion on her face. "What do you mean, Connie?" Klervia's frown deepened. "Well wasn't that what you had in mind as well?" Connie asked, confused by her reaction. "Not at all." Klervia said squeezing his hand tightly, "I wanted you. I always wanted to protected you. I heard about the famous boy and I wanted to meet him. So badly, and when I did, I think I might have lost my sanity to lose him..." Connie stared at her, shocked at her confession. "I want you to be something special, but nothing like me." said Klervia. Connie smiled softly and touched her cheek gently, "I'm not sure I can give you that..." He said. Klervia smiled with determination, "Well, then I'll just have to show you how amazing your life would be with me by your side...." She said. He knew the attraction was there and he knew he wanted it, wanted her. Then, things went black as he woke up and heard voices. That's when someone came into the room, Connie felt a gasp escape his lips. Klervia was gorgeous, but looked lethal and serious as she held a gun at him reluctantly. "Are you going to try and kill me?" He asked, his voice like a melody. Klervia shook her head, so Connie relaxed, but not completely. "What are you doing here?" Klervia asked fiercely. "Um...Well, I...." Connie stuttered. Klervia was annoyed and snapped at him, "Ugh, Nevermind..." Connie felt insulted, "Excuse me?" He spoke, he sounds snippy. His smile turned to a frown and he stepped right into your face. "Who the hell do you think you are? I deserve some respect." Klervia glared at him in front of you and pushed him aside. "Show me some respect before I cut your tongue out!" She remarked. Connie only stared and frowned. She thought of just leaving him here and pretend like you never found him. But that meant he might die and she don't know why that frightened her so Connie smiled then, cockily. "Oh, I see...These tricks. Your here to make my surrender easier, am I right?" He said winking. Klervia scoffed at his ridiculousness attempt at swooning. Although she couldn't help but notice how skinny and fragile he was under that crisp white shirt. "I am no such thing...Frankly, I'm here to kill you..." She said. Connie smiled again, this time intrigued. "What on earth is such a beautiful woman such as yourself doing on a mangy building? I could help you know?" He said. Klervia scoffed again. "No really..." He said. Connie dropped the act. His face clear of any lies, he was genuinely concerned and interested. Klervia's heart swell from joy. "I don't think you can..." She slowly swept her legs and it was passed right through. Connie's eyes grew wider by the second. His mouth agape and his expression horrified. It took him some time to come to his senses. She knew it wouldn't last. She felt tears in her eyes and looked away, she couldn't do it! He then comforted her and says he doesn't care what she is and claims that she is his friend. "I won't let that happen. I promise. " Connie said, his voice full of reassurance. Klervia embraced him and couldn't stop saying, "Sorry!" over and over. Suddenly, the dark room was surrounded in a bright light and as Connie opened his eyes once again, he came face to face with a breath-takingly beautiful and completely naked young woman...Well, she was wrapped in a towel but still. "Hello Connie, are you feeling any better?" asked Klervia. "Um, yeah." replied Connie, blushing. He begin to sniff the air, "What's that aroma?" He asked. "Do you like it? It's tea tree oil. Nice smell isn't it?" Klervia said with a smile. "Yeah, it smells good." Connie said, trying not to let her see him blush but it was dark except for that light tinted in the background. Klervia went to get dress in her own room and came back to tell him of a mission. They both were hunting ghouls until Klervia grabbed Connie, he leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Can you do me a favor?" Connie nodded, "Yeah, what is it?" He replied. "Put your arms around me and hold on." Klervia commanded softly. Hearing this, He wrapped his arms around her waist, then whispered to Connie as she embraced him tightly while resting her chin on his neck: "Whatever happens, don't open your eyes." Pulling out a gun, she said: "On three....One.........Two.....Two in a half.....Two and three quarters...." It was an eerie silence until she screamed, "THREE!!!!!" BOOM! They were thrown forwards while they crash safely to the ground. Once he opened his eyes; Connie was horrified to see what was there. There was fire combustion and smoke everywhere! "Damn, you're good." Connie whispered. Klervia smile, "Thank you." She replied. Connie managed to return to Victor and Gwen but doesn't know about the girl he has a crush on as he fanatize about her: Connie is a young teen boy is inexperienced and naive. Klervia doesn’t want to know his age because if he is under 18 then she could get in trouble for loving him. Connie interested in Klervia and wants to get closer to her. He wants to know if she’s back from work, because her mom is the only reason he wants to go round. He wants to know if Klervia is trying to push him away. He is so in love with her he thinks everything she does and says is towards him or trying to seduce him. Klervia is the only thing he’s interested in. Because a relationship between them is probably unlikely to develop, that would be why he’s waited for so long. Connie understates his love for Klervia, he doesn’t reveal his true love for her, which is shown by his desire to get her into bed. Klervia is so infatuated so all she wants is just to finally have a romantic night with Connie she doesn’t care if people judge them because she wants to do it her way. She loves him and offers to take him to figurative heaven in a hotel room forty stories high. Klervia sees herself as being normal, yet she cannot believe that she managed to get such an amazing person to be with her. Connie’s persona wants to carry on having relations with his new special someone yet doing the two together are impossible. He wants to have the fun of playing around and he wants to be in an exclusive relationship. He knows that having the two is impossible so he must choose what he really wants. His persona knows that he perhaps that he does not look the best at times. This life has led to her looks being drained prematurely due to its stresses. He doesn’t care about all the abuse he gets for the things he does. He is a young teen having an affair with Klervia which is probably grounds for some people to judge him. Yet since he’s coming up against such a problem, he can’t show any weakness otherwise people will take advantage of him. People are skeptical of Connie’s love because he is so young they think that surely he cannot experience love. He is convinced with his feelings. Despite the fact that their ages are so different. In life, he seeks only happiness, and he does not see the problem of his being happy even if it is with a pretty young lady. For Klervia, she gets what men want in their women, and she’s going to take advantage of this. Klervia has grown out of playing and doing things such as playing jump rope. Klervia flaunts her beauty. She makes all men lust after her wherever she goes. Klervia has finally found that special someone who fulfils her and who has made her stop roaming the streets for work. She came across Connie as she smiled while whispering in his ear, "Hey there, handsome. How soon are you gonna grow up, so I can ravage you?" Connie woke up, sweating as he managed to calm his nerves as well as raging hormones.

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