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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Macushla Volume 3--Chapter 5

Continuing from the cliffhanger of the chapter, we find out a little more of what happens after; and also Roxanne meets a teen boy as she helps him out. Read this chapter and I hope you guys like it! Thank you! Have a nice day (night/afternoon/evening)! --KatDon

Chapter 5: Anything but Ordinary, Not Anymore!


There was a poetry class where the five girls are reading their poems. The first was Monica, "I salute to you Commander and I laugh because I have now an aversion to your policies it seems. Where have we gone wrong dear world? Sir we can't seem to find you anywhere out of the millions....From the deserts....To the mountains....Over prairies....To the shores.....Is this just the madness of a king? Well, you have the whole nation on all fours." recited Roxanne, "He's a bad man, Mr. Bad Man. And she had enough of him so the wolves try to dry her eyes for the bad man made her cry. But everyday I know that I may just be closer to the sea of frozen words. Words that even soldiers would lay down their swords for and they come in every color. There's a gold star on an officer. She asked him, 'Hey can you hold my song? It's the one piece that I got left so hide it well. she said." She paused and continued with reciting, "Devils and Gods now that's an idea but if we believe that it's They who decide that's the ultimate detractor of crimes because Devils and Gods, they are you and I. Devils and Gods, they are you and I. Devils and Gods, safe and inside." And she finished by saying, "Just a minute of your time....Yes I've been known to delude myself so let me put those rose colored glasses to the test. Come board this lunatic express. Is there a way out of this? If there is I don't see it. Can Heaven and Hell coexist? Not when both battle for dominance. Brush back my tears and he said 'girl, we have to soldier on. Yes girl even when we don't feel strong.' So how many young men have to lay down, their life and their love of their woman for some sick promise of a heaven." The second was Charlotte and she reads her poem. "Bouncing off of clouds we were, is there a love lost and found? Make it easy, make this easy. It's not as heavy as it seems, wrapped in metal and ivy. Paint it in mint ice cream. A girl disappearing to some secret prison. Behind her eyes she whispers, 'Big surprise there was no protection by this urban light. So I'm running to a constellation where they can still see you.'" enumerated Charlotte, "Somewhere down past the bridge, perhaps just a trick of the light, I thought I heard the sweetest guitar was it a rock and roll savior. I'm comin' back for more out of a black and white world. Past a shooting star. The beauty of speed. See the colors changing." Afterwards; Maggie Mae is the next to go and she decides to read it. "You think you can come around here all up in his face, all up in my world? You better know I'm at your door. 'Fat Bimbo' you said. What luck I said to be stuck in your happy family. Don't you dare I said, judge me you go and stick it in somewhere because I'm sick of hearin' it! Come and kneel with me body and soul, sweet communion. Feeling radical in cotton, purified in my satin But the bomb of the season is a velvety revolution." declaimed Maggie Mae, "Smokey Joe you're calling at the station, 'if I kill him there are complications.' I did not ask for this, 'Oh, but Love yes you did.' He said." Lalena then read a short haiku-like poem. "You can bring your dog, I got three. He can play the wolf for the evening if you were to get lost behind these locks. You still got your secret spell? Think of me as programmable soda, too much cherry? Baby then you can just add cola. Your dragon needs slaying....And I will bring kisses for the beast." specified Lalena shortly. Lastly, Delilah is reading her poem: "Big Wheel turn my fantasy, don't you throw that shade on me because I've been drinkin' down your pain. I have to trust you'll know this digital ghost. But I fear there's only so much time for I knew is fading away. So it ends so it begins, I'm my father's son. Planting another seed of hate in a trusting maiden gun. Code Red you're staring at me." soliloquized Delilah. The poem lessons are over as the teacher noticed the girls was still there so she decides to find out what is going on. "Is there something you want to share with me, ladies? Class is over." said the teacher. Roxanne nodded, "Um, yeah...I have a problem with a boy." She said. Charlotte smiled nervously, "We do." She added. The teacher smiled, "I see." She replied. "But these guys care about me too much. We don't love them but we don't know why the hell they care about us? I mean, what are we? Are we tools to them? What? I don't get it." Roxanne said. Delilah let out a sigh, "We all don't." She admitted. The teacher stared at them, "I do." She said finally. Roxanne and the girls looked up, "What?" They all said in unison. The teacher folded her arms and thought for a moment, "I would say romance but that sounds cliche. However, I think these guys are the only ones who care. I bet you have a mentor in your life but there is someone special....A macushla." She answered. Roxanne, Charlotte, Delilah, Lalena, and Maggie Mae glanced at her funny. "Macushla?" Lalena asked, "What the hell is a macushla?" The teacher just smiled, "Let me explain.....The word 'macushla' is an Irish inscription of mo chuisle which means, 'my pulse' as it is used in the phrase 'a chuisle mo chroí' as that is translated as 'pulse of my heart'. It can also mean 'darling' or 'sweetheart'." She said. "Really?" Roxanne asked. Maggie Mae was surprised by this, "I never knew that." She said. The teacher smiled, "Now you do, but let me ask you....Are they your macushla? Don't you think that all they want to do is help you? They don't mean harm, maybe they want to take your cold heart and defrost it into a golden piece of your life." She explained. So the girls decide to follow the teacher's advice because perhaps she might have a point! After some spectacular sight seeing, Roxanne and the girls saw someone coming and attacked them as a voice from a loudspeaker was grand standing and saying, "I believe in the book, and what it was saying, what was saying to a lost generation of phony people.....I could feel it in my bones, that I'd never see you again!" It was a grotesque with some stitches around his limbs. His face jigsaw puzzle-like mess of scars and his face was a glance that only a mother would love. His arms sport a dark armband, around his neck he wears a silver Anarchy necklace and spiked collar, and around his waist a studded belt with blue suspenders. However, only one of these suspenders is actually worn correctly, while the other dangles near his hip. He additionally wears a long, open leather jacket and black pants that are dirty with red splats of blood. It was Nelson Raymond! "Welcome to my world you're in and you are an intruder!" He exclaimed. Roxanne, Charlotte, Maggie Mae, Lalena, and Delilah were scared out of their wits but they try to stand their ground. That's when, Nelson explains that he was completely out of it: "I knew I was gonna do something big, I just didn't know if it was good or bad. Just like those phony friends who are fakers." He said. Nelson was going to kill Roxanne and the girls, but Genjo, the boys, and their allies intervene as they apprehended him. That's when Roxanne was in deep thought: She remembered how she felt someone placed his hands on her delicate shoulders and shook her gently. "Hey, miss? Are you OK? Please, wake up?" chided Genjo, softly. The girl stirred in her sleep and moaned, then she opened her eyes. She saw Genjo, startled she sat up. "You--you saw me here?" She asked, stammering. "Oh, of course." Genjo replied. "I saw you lying there, I thought for a second you were dead." The girl panicked, she pulled out a knife, she aimed at her heart and prepared to kill herself. But Genjo seized her wrist as he struggled the knife away from her. The girl didn't have the energy to fight back, she looked weary and exhausted. Well, for someone who washed up on shore; she didn't look so good. Genjo seemed upset, "What are you doing here? Are you involved with the murder in these killings? Just tell me, who are you? Really?" Genjo asked. The girl looked at him apathetically before puling out a gun. "Sorry." She said, "Time to say goodbye." Genjo looked at her, terrified. However, the girl couldn't bring herself to do it. She ran off in a panic, despite Genjo calling out: "Wait!" Too late she was already gone and Genjo couldn't help to wonder who was that girl. It was when she remembered as she tried to kill Genjo, but Roxanne looked at his face, somehow he reminds her of someone she once knew. Just then, Genjo tackles her to the ground and he seized her shoulders. He couldn't take it anymore, this was getting even more frustrating. "Kill me or not, are you going to do it? Yes or no?" He demanded. Roxanne looked at him, "I don't know....I don't know what to do, I don't want to but....You saw me...." She stammered. Genjo looked at her, "Are you scared I'll tell someone about you? Look, I won't tell anyone. Never. I'll help you out." He said. Roxanne pushed him away and got up from under him and his grasp. The memory of the party as Genjo was walking to a tipsy Seiten who was talking and laughing with people. when he heard him called out to him. "Genji, dude. Meet Roxanne." said Seiten. There was a young lady with pale skin and light hair, she looked like a normal person. "Hi Genjo." said the mysterious girl. Genjo looked at her, then he said, "Your look familiar to me." Roxanne laughed in surprise, "Really? How nice." She said with innocence in her voice. "Yeah. Sounds weird, doesn't it?" said Genjo. Roxanne shrugs, "I guess. I'm surprised." She said. Genjo knew it was her, he just knew it! Without a doubt. He went away from the party, not too far because he wanted to make a phone call to his parents about the good time he's having: "Hi mom, hi dad. I'm having so much fun here. This place... is special. I think we found ourselves here. We finally got to see some other parts of the world. We saw some beautiful things here. Friends from all over the place. I mean everyone was so sweet here. So warm and friendly. Well, it's way more than just having a good time. Something so amazing, magical. Something so beautiful. Feels as if the world is perfect. Like it's never gonna end. I hope I come back here with you guys." After he left that message, he was confronted by a creature that try to attack him and Genjo was horrified. But before the creature could do anything, it got shot from behind and fell over dead. Genjo was scared when he felt a shadow upon him. He looked up to see that it was the same Roxanne standing over him with a stoic look. "Who are you?" demanded Genjo. Roxanne smiled at him, "I think you know, don't you?" She said. Genjo was so shocked, he knew her name was familiar and it was right there on his lips: "Roxanne..." He was staring off into space then he cried out, "You can't be real!" Roxanne looked calm and casual, "But I am." She said with a shrug. Genjo pointed at her, "Your the girl that try to kill me." He claimed. "I am." Roxanne replied with serenity. Genjo looked at her with confusion which then turned to shocked, "What? You mean you're admitting it? What are you?" She stopped, then gasped as Roxanne chuckles sinisterly, "That's right." She said. "And I brought you something." She said, she reached into her pockets. "What is it?" asked Genjo with curiosity. Roxanne looked at him apathetically before puling out a gun. "Sorry." She said, "Time to say goodbye." Genjo looked at her, terrified. Roxanne looked at his face, somehow he reminds her of someone she once knew. Just then, Genjo tackles her to the ground and he seized her shoulders. He couldn't take it anymore, this was getting even more frustrating. "Kill me or not, are you going to do it? Yes or no?" He demanded. Roxanne looked at him, "I don't know....I don't know what to do, I don't want to but....You saw me...." She stammered. Genjo looked at her, "Are you scared I'll tell someone about you? Look, I won't tell anyone. Never. I'll help you out." He said. Roxanne pushed him away and got up from under him and his grasp. While getting all rowdy, a fast arm wraps around his waist, and he could feel a dampened bandanna covering his nose and mouth. Panic swells in his gut. Seiten tried to screamed but it's muffled, and he try to wriggle away from the person but her grip is like steel. "Well aren't you a hottie?" A seductive chuckle in his ear and feel a slight wrench of his hair as she pulls his head back. His body is slowly slumping compliantly into her arms from the drug. "It's always nice to have a little fun with the hot guys like you..." She said and escort him away. Meanwhile, Tenpo look up again and she's staring at him intently. "What are you looking at, you little--?" Tenpo begin, but then he leans in almost too fast to catch, and before he knew it she had him trapped in an embrace. Too dumbstruck to react, Tenpo just sit there and let the attractive girl hug him for a second before he suddenly feel a prick in her shoulder. "Ow!" Tenpo yell and throw her off of him, jumping up to see some sort of tranquilizer stuck in his arm. Tenpo quickly rip it out and throw it. "WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT THE HELL?!" Unfortunately, Tenpo stumble over the side, weak in the knees, falling but then he could feel a pair of arms encircle him. She pulls him back in. "Lemme go--you witch.." He said, slowly getting blurrier as the drowsiness begins to take over. His body feels heavy, as does his eyes. Inside he was enraged, but so, so sleepy. The last thing he heard before he fade into rest is the sound of a mysterious girl's soft whisper, "I'm so sorry..." In the meantime, Kenren suddenly feel a little pinprick in his arm. The dancers around him become dark figures and the lights blaze as his vision becomes bleary. His knees give out and he slump forward into her chest, but she catches him easily. "Gotcha!" She giggles, stroking his hair. "What the hell did you do to me?!!" Kenren screamed but came out as a slur. The world spins, and all that's left is the sound of her laughter and that cute grin. For the time being, Sambo sees a girl in a blond wig walking around in the crowd, and he follows her and brings her back to the couch where he was sitting. But the girl looked too drunk and Sambo carried her to a bed before he walked out to sleep in another bedroom. In the morning, Maggie Mae was waking up from a long night of partying. She was lost but looked around her to find things to try and remember last night. While cleaning she begins to have flashbacks of the party to show the house got trashed and sit outside. She groggily bumps into someone and that's when she turns to look and saw that boy who came across her. Sambo Kojin, who looked hungover, noticed Maggie Mae and seemed to remember her. Maggie Mae was shocked as she begins to remember where he saw him: It was late at night when Maggie Mae was walking when she could hear someone calling out to her: "Hop into the backseat babydoll, I'll show you some fun." But the girl wasn't interested. She kept walking as Sambo came up to her and put his hands on the side of her face, "You're my soul mate. I swear I just fell in love with you. You're different from the rest. I knew you were special from the moment I saw you. It's in your eyes. It's written on your face. I wanna make you happy." He said. Laughter wasn't behind him. Maggie Mae pushed him away, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested." She said, she pushed him gently however Sambo was persistant and Maggie Mae got upset as she shouted, "Can you all just PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE?!" Then, Sambo violently assaulted her and he leaned in close as he got her trapped and the girl looked scared. "Let me tell you something, sweetheart...There ain't no man in his right mind that leaves a pretty little thing like you out here all alone." He then begin to beat her up as Genjo and his friends stopped Sambo before he could go any further. "Whoa, whoa!" Tenpo was saying, holding Sambo back from the girl who was crying. "Stop, are you crazy?" Genjo exclaimed. "Why did you do that? What the hell is wrong with you?!" Seiten demanded. Kenren came to the girl's aid, "Are you OK?" He asked. "I thought he was going to...Oh....!" Maggie Mae said, crying. She then ran off in fright. In the present, Sambo froze with fear as he and Maggie Mae locked eyes with one another before he slowly smiled slyly, "Well, hello there---" he greeted but Maggie Mae lunged at him, "AAAAHHHH!" She screamed. Maggie Mae begin to claw at him like a wild man. Trying to stop her; Sambo restrained her. "Hey! Hey!" He protested, Maggie Mae did not yield. "Calm down! Easy! Will you stop?! Take it easy!" Sambo held her fists away from him. "Who are you?!" Maggie Mae demanded. "My name is Sambo Kojin. I swear, I am not going to hurt--" He reaches over to touch her face but Maggie Mae recoiled away. "Get away, no! Don't you dare--Don't--" But she was helpless, Sambo was calm as he stroke her face. "Your skin is so soft and smooth...." He mumbled. Maggie Mae broke from her daze, she slapped his hand away. She ran off in fear! Meanwhile in a random room; Seiten woke up in a panic and looked for his stuff. To his relief, it was all there. He sighed and saw the back of a girl in the bathroom. She was wearing a tight leather nurse corset dress with fishnet stockings and garters, plenty of straps and mesh sleeves, along with a choker and a nurse's hat. It was none other than Delilah who is dancing and looked a little hungover. "You OK?" asked Seiten. Delilah turned around and glared, "What are you doing here?" She demanded. Then, she remembered. "Oh, yeah. I remember...." replied Delilah. "Well, aren't you a pretty thing?" Seiten purred. "AAAAHHHH!!!! PERVERT!!!!!" Delilah shouted, kicking him out of the bathroom and slammed the door shut! Seiten was stunned, "Damn, what a hottie but also a bitch." He remarked and stumbled away. In a different room, Kenren woke up with a splitting headache, he looked around and found his stuff was there. "I am never getting drunk again...." Kenren thought. He turned and saw a girl in an army green jacket with matching chaps, cutouts, and zipper details. She was sleeping on the sofa and Kenren looked over at the girl. He was about to reach over and undo the zipper when the girl growled, "Touch me and die." Kenren jumped back, startled. The girl got up from the sofa as she was sweating all over. "My god, is it me or is it hot in here? This stupid outfit...." She grunted. The girl was actually Lalena as she begins to strip it off but noticed Kenren staring. "Do you mind?!" She snapped. Kenren looked away, flushing. "I didn't see anything!" He said. While in a random chamber of the house, Tenpo grunted when he woke up and saw his stuff was stil there but saw a girl sleeping on the couch. She wore a black bodysuit with plunging neckline and zip front closure, faux leather brown gloves with long fringe detail and faux leather belt with matching fringe. He long hair piled high on her head. "Can you help me remember what happened the previous night, since I was most likely drunk?" He asked. "Well, I can tell you I got some juicy stuff on you buddy." The girl remarked, who turned out to be Charlotte. She smiled at him and got up to go use the bathroom to change. "Who are you and why did you drug me?" demanded Tenpo. "You won't remember my name but you will remember this pretty face. And secondly, I just want to get to know you better after seeing your address and number here in my book.." Charlotte commented. Tenpo looked back at her in horror, Charlotte let out a giggle and wiggled her fingers in a wave while saying, "Buh-bye." And blew him a kiss before walking out. Tenpo groaned, "Shit...Never trust a girl with sneaky tactics." He muttered. And now another memory: "Genjo? What are you doing here?" asked Roxanne. Genjo smiled nervously, "Came here to see you." He said. Roxanne couldn't believe it, "What happened to that letter I sent you? You cannot follow me!" She protested in a lowly voice. Genjo looked at her, "I know, but now....I don't care Roxanne." He replied. "What? What about the university?" inquired Roxanne. Genjo shrugged, "I left it." He answered. Roxanne almost screamed, "What?" She questioned. "That's what I did? So what?" Genjo said, he sounded firm and sassy. "Why did you do that? Are you crazy?" Roxanne demanded. Genjo laughed, "Crazy for you." He replied. Roxanne didn't know what was going on and it somehow made her have butterflies in her stomach once again. Charlotte recalled that she ran into Tenpo and couldn't believe he was here! "Tenpo, why are you here?" inquired Charlotte. Tenpo looked at her, "Just wanted to see if you need help." He said. Alone in her bed; Maggie Mae remembered she was in this chaos when she was hand gagged and pulled into a shadowed area, she pushed the figure who dragged her in and it was Seiten! "Crap, Seiten! The hell are you doing here? You need to leave, now!" Maggie Mae answered. But what he said next surprised her, "Not until you come and see me." Seiten remarked. Maggie Mae couldn't believe it, did he say that? "What?" She rasped. Lalena could see the memory of the midst of all this chaos and ran into Kenren and was surprised to see him, "Kenren, why in the heck are you here?" She enjoined. Kenren folded his arms together, "You needed me or what?" He asked. Lalena looked at him with skepticalism, "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. "Because you look like you need some help and I'm here if you need me." Kenren said, offering. Lalena didn't know what to say at that, "What the.....I don't know why you're here but whatever!" She claimed. Delilah remembered her encounter with Sambo as she was shocked to see him. "Dammit, Sambo? What the heck man?" Delilah gasped. Sambo grinned like he just won a sweepstake contest, "Aren't you happy to see me?" He asked. Delilah didn't know what to say, she seemed lost for words but she managed to respond back to him, "Um....I don't know, why would you come here?" She inquired. Sambo smirked at her with a smug look on his face, "What if I tell you I wanted to see you?" He replied. Back in the present, it seems the girls need to confront reason and understanding with these boys. "Genjo?" Roxanne asked. Genjo looked at her, "Yeah?" He inquired. Roxanne blushed, "Am I your macushla?" She questioned. At the same time, Tenpo demanded from a startled Charlotte, "What the hell is a macushla?" Even Seiten was confused, "What is that?" He said. Maggie Mae had it hard to explain, "Um, well...." Kenren shrugged, "Never heard of it." He said. Lalena looked at him with disbelief, "Never? Hmm...Well...." She said. Sambo almost laughed, "Is it gibberish?" He asked. Delilah rolled her eyes, "No." She said. After a moment of silence; Roxanne found the words to speak, "The word 'macushla' is an Irish inscription of....." She started to say. Charlotte explained, ".....Mo chuisle which means, 'my pulse'....." Maggie May replied back, "....As it is used in the phrase 'a chuisle mo chroí' as that is translated as 'pulse of my heart'....." She said. Lalena was flushing, "...It can also mean 'darling'...." She replied. "....Or 'sweetheart'." finished Delilah. Roxanne turned back to Genjo, "So, is that why you care about me?" She asked. Genjo was surprised to hear this as each of his friends were too! In the meantime, a radio announcer screamed as the alarm went off: "Listen up! Get off your asses, tune in, and fight evil. It's 109 temperature is what it feels like down here! And don't worry, I’ll be everything you need. I'll make you better and pick you up again, I'll be there to watch over them and provide escape and protection. My main ambition is to supply the public minority, doesn’t care about what happens in the aftermath of the events soon to take place. The outcome is inevitable an cannot be changed unless you fight harder. Make a difference, fight for what you want, and get noticed!" However, he proclaims that he doesn’t need it, and instead want to sell it, perhaps to fund his dreamed lifestyle. fighting against the various minions known as Wendigos. The corporate power of this force puts everyone in a position where they must crawl through life, to be the one to activates him. He wants love. Because he doesn’t need it right now, he’ll keep it safe until he does, by putting it in a bag and burying it! It feels like people are living a life entirely programmed and prescribed, nobody cares about what it’s like to be the downer. All the heroes want to do is bring the party. He missed his younger years when himself and people could just go and do stupid and crazy stuff without a care. There is a sense of urgency, though the fact that the immediate dangers are set in a far-off city could allude tendency to distance others from those in need. The outcast rebels in the lands outside of the city and real-life outcasts looking for an answer for their problems and pain. They are like little children as harmless, as their prayers are now like daggers. The suffering of these children is like a knife to heaven because it can’t do anything about it. Juvenile detention facilities, and those who take medication who are dealing with every day. Neon and garbage evoke urban decay, providing a deliberate contrast with the image of angels as pure, wearing white robes and lacking technology and urbanization. Neon angels go against every component of this. The apparent salvation of those cast aside in the corporate urbanization of the city. The sky appearing, of all of the pollution and smog often associated with industrial excess. Everyone wants to make a difference and leave a legacy, but ironically no one actually wants to die in order to leave one behind. That voice in his head ask: "Do you want to try to improve the world? And, more importantly, what will you do to make it better? No matter what kind of security you have, you are not safe from them and they will find a way into your home or your property. Making a difference is like eating junk food leading to heart attacks that would burst. we ruin our bodies by eating and living unhealthy lives, and then correct it with plastic surgery. People want to hear dramatic stories about the stars and they want gossip, tragedy and drama. Tantrums thrown by the stars, tragedy, war, massacres and all the things people want to read about. You can have power and give yourself the things most often associated with power. But then again, they don’t care about those trivial things people talk about." The voice continued to talk, "Their fight against evil is one of life and death they cannot afford to pay attention to the conventions of society, like apologizing for their actions. Their authority, the thing that allows them to do whatever they feel is necessary without apology, is derived from the support of other people. We’re teenagers. So basically, we’re idiots and we make some pretty stupid mistakes. At times we’re going to fail and we’re crash and burn. But we are young and we are powerful and we will get back up and fight. We get back up and try again and again until we get it right because we are loaded with so much energy, curiosity, stubbornness, and determination that we cannot fail and we will not be broken. People are prepared and ready for action, waiting to be given orders. People supposed to act like they are normal and complacent within society, but instead to hold on to their true beliefs and spirit! It seems you would rather do something violent in the cause of doing something good, rather than sit by and allow events to unfold, instead of being subject to constant senseless and emotionless state of nothing. Abnormal styles are one of the stereotypical aspects of the rebellious youth--they are both a sign of individuality, and a constant annoyance to the older generation. These are the ways in which society can take away someone’s individuality, but they are still caught in the explosion. Basically, do what you want to hold you back--it won’t work. Be ready and willing to do something drastic to change things for the greater good." That girl has already ran and he wants to save her by running with her. The standard universal laws don’t apply to him. This could be a declaration of how he is an individual, and can’t be controlled. However, gravity also refers to graveness or seriousness, so he could be saying that he doesn’t see the things other people find serious as important to him. He has to escape from the societal suffocation. "It's hard to get past the walls around my heart but you have a powerful, explosive, piercing smile. We’ve been through a lot and it shows but we have a picture perfect dream on how we get out of this runaway life. He wants to introduce chaos and anarchy. Calling it a town, he wants to threaten those who disobey, take risks and leave in the mists of danger. Sometimes, the people we have around us, aren’t the best for us, and can be very annoying....You want to get away from them? Even when you loose the battle, you can just leave those problems behind, and start again." That girl has already ran and he wants to save her by running with her. The standard universal laws don’t apply to him. This could be a declaration of how he is an individual, and can’t be controlled. However, gravity also refers to graveness or seriousness, so he could be saying that he doesn’t see the things other people find serious as important to him. He has to escape from the societal suffocation. And this girl could be only person to help him escape from this living hell! The girl said to him, "It's hard to get past the walls around my heart but you have a powerful, explosive, piercing smile. We’ve been through a lot and it shows but we have a picture perfect dream on how we get out of this runaway life. He wants to introduce chaos and anarchy. Calling it a town, he wants to threaten those who disobey, take risks and leave in the mists of danger. Sometimes, the people we have around us, aren’t the best for us, and can be very annoying....You want to get away from them? Even when you loose the battle, you can just leave those problems behind, and start again." Mogue looks at her with a spellbound look. "Let me introduce myself, my name is Roxanne.....Agent of Silver Branch!"

How did this happen? Want to find out? Then turn back the pendulum and start from the beginning, shall we?

Earlier before.....

"Genjo?" Roxanne asked. Genjo looked at her, "Yeah?" He inquired. Roxanne blushed, "Am I your macushla?" She questioned. At the same time, Tenpo demanded from a startled Charlotte, "What the hell is a macushla?" Even Seiten was confused, "What is that?" He said. Maggie Mae had it hard to explain, "Um, well...." Kenren shrugged, "Never heard of it." He said. Lalena looked at him with disbelief, "Never? Hmm...Well...." She said. Sambo almost laughed, "Is it gibberish?" He asked. Delilah rolled her eyes, "No." She said. After a moment of silence; Roxanne found the words to speak, "The word 'macushla' is an Irish inscription of....." She started to say. Charlotte explained, ".....Mo chuisle which means, 'my pulse'....." Maggie May replied back, "....As it is used in the phrase 'a chuisle mo chroí' as that is translated as 'pulse of my heart'....." She said. Lalena was flushing, "...It can also mean 'darling'...." She replied. "....Or 'sweetheart'." finished Delilah. Roxanne turned back to Genjo, "So, is that why you care about me?" She asked. Genjo was surprised to hear this as each of his friends were too! Genjo blushed, "Well, yeah." He said. "'Course." Tenpo said with a laugh of relief. Seiten shrugged, "Sure." He answered. "You could say that." Kenren replied with a smirk on his face but deep down he seemed fine with that. "Guess so." Sambo said. "In that case...." Roxanne said, she paused and then she gave him a demure smile, "...I like that." Charlotte replied with, "...I like that." Maggie Mae beamed, "...I like that." She said. Lalena nodded, "...I like that." And Delilah said, "...I like that." Well, that seemed to startled the boys by this: "Really?" Genjo asked. Tenpo glanced at her with shock, "You serious?" He said. Seiten almost laughed, "You're kidding!" He said. Kenren was feeling a bit startled, "You're mocking me, aren't you?" He inquired nervously. "Are you pulling my leg or something?" asked Sambo. Each of the girls responded back with the same answer: "No." Just before anyone could say anything or make a move; Ophelia's voice bellowed from above: "ATTENTION ALL AGENTS, A NEW ASSIGNMENT DOTH APPROACH! GET INTO POSITION!!!" But she noticed the glares directly at her, Ophelia smiled sheepishly. "Oops, sorry! Did I kill a moment here or what?" She asked. Roxanne smiled, Delilah rolled her eyes and snapped, "Geez! What was your first clue?" Ophelia made a face, she looked guilty. "Sorry, well....Bye!" And she went away! Roxanne glances at Genjo, "Um, Genjo....?" She was about to say however Genjo knew already, "I know. Be careful." He said. Roxanne nodded but Genjo stops her and embraces her. However; Genjo whispers in her ear, "Come back safe. I'll be waiting for you." Roxanne nods, "All right." She managed to say however she was shedding happy tears. He really did care! Nobody has ever said that before. She didn't want to let go so she slowly released him and gave him a smile as it seems like an eternity. Then, she turned and went off to the battlefield of other worlds. The radio alarm clock blared with a crazy man's voice: "Listen up! Get off your asses, tune in, and fight evil. It's 109 temperature is what it feels like down here! And don't worry, I’ll be everything you need. I'll make you better and pick you up again, I'll be there to watch over them and provide escape and protection. My main ambition is to supply the public minority, doesn’t care about what happens in the aftermath of the events soon to take place. The outcome is inevitable an cannot be changed unless you fight harder. Make a difference, fight for what you want, and get noticed!" Alarm clock is slammed, waking up is a 16 year old boy almost 17. His name is Mogue Vernon. Mogue is an average height guy with a small build, short black hair and black eyes. His hair and eyes are brown, and starts off wearing large square-rimmed glasses. His uniform is a white shirt and a blackish blue blazer! Mogue is a thoughtful and nice person who is considered a bit of a wimp. His mother was in the kitchen table, cup of coffee, the morning paper. His father pays the bills, watch TV, day in day out, mow the grass, there is a leak as he gets up to just to fix it again--It was the same routine. He is tired of being manipulated and refuses to listen to any more teachings. There are lots of thoughts that keep crowding him and annoying him. Something that may have been a part of the preachings mentioned earlier, he was possibly caught in a lie or a very bad situation, and telling the truth will save him from this bad situation or redeem him from this lie. He is not gonna be left alone with nothing to do! In his lifestyle; Mogue had a lot of people criticizing him, but was blown them off but deep within him it made him question things. He never really cared what other people said or thought of him, whether it was good or bad he was always going to do what he wanted, however he did alludes to him actually being insecure at times but then he realizes what others say really doesn’t matter and so goes back to not caring about it. He is different and a lot of people reject it because they don’t open their minds and ears and actually listen to his ideals. He’s been through so many tough situations and nobody can understand why he is the way he is. He resisted the ideal of carnal desires, narcotics, and materialism. Because those sorts of things don’t have a lot of depth to him. Mogue is a nice guy who treats women with respect, and dignity. If he was not like this towards women he could say that he wasn’t a good guy to begin with which is the opposite of who he really is. He isn’t like people on earth, he is different from others. He doesn’t belong here, because he is different. Though he is given money for anything he wants. However, he proclaims that he doesn’t need help, and instead want to fund his dreamed lifestyle. fighting against the various minions known as Wendigos. The corporate power of this force puts everyone in a position where they must crawl through life, to be the one to activates him. He wants love. Because he doesn’t need it right now, he’ll keep it safe until he does, by putting it in a bag and burying it! It feels like people are living a life entirely programmed and prescribed, nobody cares about what it’s like to be the downer. All the heroes want to do is bring the party. He missed his younger years when himself and people could just go and do stupid and crazy stuff without a care. There is a sense of urgency, though the fact that the immediate dangers are set in a far-off city could allude tendency to distance others from those in need. The outcast rebels in the lands outside of the city and real-life outcasts looking for an answer for their problems and pain. They are like little children as harmless, as their prayers are now like daggers. The suffering of these children is like a knife to heaven because it can’t do anything about it. Juvenile detention facilities, and those who take medication who are dealing with every day. Neon and garbage evoke urban decay, providing a deliberate contrast with the image of angels as pure, wearing white robes and lacking technology and urbanization. Neon angels go against every component of this. The apparent salvation of those cast aside in the corporate urbanization of the city. The sky appearing, of all of the pollution and smog often associated with industrial excess. Everyone wants to make a difference and leave a legacy, but ironically no one actually wants to die in order to leave one behind. That voice in his head ask: "Do you want to try to improve the world? And, more importantly, what will you do to make it better? No matter what kind of security you have, you are not safe from them and they will find a way into your home or your property. Making a difference is like eating junk food leading to heart attacks that would burst. we ruin our bodies by eating and living unhealthy lives, and then correct it with plastic surgery. People want to hear dramatic stories about the stars and they want gossip, tragedy and drama. Tantrums thrown by the stars, tragedy, war, massacres and all the things people want to read about. You can have power and give yourself the things most often associated with power. But then again, they don’t care about those trivial things people talk about." The voice continued to talk, "Their fight against evil is one of life and death they cannot afford to pay attention to the conventions of society, like apologizing for their actions. Their authority, the thing that allows them to do whatever they feel is necessary without apology, is derived from the support of other people. We’re teenagers. So basically, we’re idiots and we make some pretty stupid mistakes. At times we’re going to fail and we’re crash and burn. But we are young and we are powerful and we will get back up and fight. We get back up and try again and again until we get it right because we are loaded with so much energy, curiosity, stubbornness, and determination that we cannot fail and we will not be broken. People are prepared and ready for action, waiting to be given orders. People supposed to act like they are normal and complacent within society, but instead to hold on to their true beliefs and spirit! It seems you would rather do something violent in the cause of doing something good, rather than sit by and allow events to unfold, instead of being subject to constant senseless and emotionless state of nothing. Abnormal styles are one of the stereotypical aspects of the rebellious youth--they are both a sign of individuality, and a constant annoyance to the older generation. These are the ways in which society can take away someone’s individuality, but they are still caught in the explosion. Basically, let them do what they want to hold you back--it won’t work. Be ready and willing to do something drastic to change things for the greater good." But what can he did to change the world, what greater good could he do to help other people. Nothing so he went to work anyway. After work, he goes to this cafe and glances shyly at the girl behind the counter. Every morning this girl watches him walk in with his plain, ordinary clothes and matching shoes. His hair is combed neatly, he tug at his glasses and he sit down just three tables down, she watches him in the florescent glare. There's guys there, the girls always notice when they walk by but he's not the type they don't know what this mysterious girl knows, something that won't show through mundane tweads however that's fine with Mogue. When people are young they generally are more open to new friends, ideas and loves. Some argue whether it’s this or a redundant in which people live in. But things change when Mogue came across the girl in a strange circumstances when monsters with claws and the girl saved him. Mogue was shocked, looking at her. The girl locked eyes with him and ran off in fear! He didn't know what to say, however Mogue was amazed by this. That girl has already ran and he wants to save her by running with her. The standard universal laws don’t apply to him. This could be a declaration of how he is an individual, and can’t be controlled. However, gravity also refers to graveness or seriousness, so he could be saying that he doesn’t see the things other people find serious as important to him. He has to escape from the societal suffocation. And this girl could be only person to help him escape from this living hell! The girl said to him, "It's hard to get past the walls around my heart but you have a powerful, explosive, piercing smile. We’ve been through a lot and it shows but we have a picture perfect dream on how we get out of this runaway life. He wants to introduce chaos and anarchy. Calling it a town, he wants to threaten those who disobey, take risks and leave in the mists of danger. Sometimes, the people we have around us, aren’t the best for us, and can be very annoying....You want to get away from them? Even when you loose the battle, you can just leave those problems behind, and start again." Mogue looks at her with a spellbound look. "Let me introduce myself, my name is Roxanne.....Agent of Silver Branch!"

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