Got a new chapter and if you have free time; please read it. Thank you and enjoy my wonderful masterpiece! This is about the strange girl and her mysterious life. Find out more in this story. Hope you like it! --KatDon
Chapter 3: Help, I'm Alive
Monica, Una and the gang were at a dojo where they were watching martial art students sparring. One of the fighters, a woman, greets them as she points over: "Feast your eyes on the greatest fighter in the room." said the woman. Monica squints at the first fighter of a man, "That guy there?" asked Monica. The woman shakes her head, "His macushla, Nana Beroe." She said. The girl with the strange hair color knocked out the man as the sensei called out, "Point one!" Applause were in the air, Nana and her opponent bowed in respect for one another. She then notices Monica and the others, she bowed to them and then smiles as the woman continued, "Meet the master's protege. Gorgeous, isn`t she? She is known as the fastest weapon in the world. She deserved better. Now she`s teaching other students." However, one of the arrogant fighters challenged Conner to a fight and it got pretty badly until Nana managed to stop the two of them! "That is enough, both of you!" Nana scolded. The arrogant opponent laughed nervously as he pointed over at Conner, "Heh, Nana dear. He started I swear." He said. But Nana told them that she wants them both to take responsibility and then, things were fine. Later, Nana was at a meeting with a few unknown people about a report she wrote: "Something wrong with the report?" asked Nana. "No, not at all. I'm more interested in what's not in it." said the first man. "There's nothing not in it?" inquired Nana. The second was also a man who remarked, "Your opinion of them isn't." Nana explained more: "She's clean and has a long standing relationship with her friends." She paused then she continued, "I mean, she's a very strong person with no major secrets. Everyone has secrets." Afterwards; Nana obviously has a difficult disability where she is displayed with a high functioned mind. And it’s only in the last few years that she actually been able to diagnose these disabilities that were looked at as misbehavior, as just outright rebelliousness. But no one knew what it was. She knew that these kids, like her, seemed unable or reluctant to learn, they’d end up getting the beatened, abused for that matter. What hurts about things like that is that it ends up defining peoples' lives. They have to live with that abuse for the rest of their lives. Good, creative people are just destroyed in some way. However, Nana was not just abused but she caused hurt for others too: She is guilty of many things: Stabbing a teacher with a pencil, kicking a poor kindergatener, throwing chairs and other things around, she had caused horrible things. She used to blame others however she herself is to blame for what she did! Nana fights to distance herself from her family, and while she doesn’t want to forget where she came from, one picture of her family is enough for her to remember. Nana remembers her childhood: She’s laying on the cold concrete, but hoping her luck’ll change soon. Even though she sees a lot of people on her travels, she never gets to settle down and become acquainted with others. Considering the fact with having to deal with the underlying sense of being ‘different’ from the cultural acceptance bubble, though she doesn’t have much going for her, Nana is still determined to get her life back on track! She’s kneeling on the ground reading something she already read many times. In the hands of her parents who don’t understand her disability, despite this family she pulls away from she will one day be successful and be able to follow her dreams. Her troubled life that she went through that no one will ever know about. She takes comfort in venting her thoughts and emotions to the imaginary people she create, because they are the only ones willing to listen. She had a dream which she can’t shake off. Nana has a dream about ten thousand people bowing to a being they made of neon light. The being represents the fake and shallow culture they are building on pop stars and the dollar bill. She feels as if she is the only one who is not content with living in the fake, trivial culture that was stated. Nana seeks to convey a message of how ignorance taints the minds of so many people. She knows how people so foolishly follow rulers without actually knowing a ruler’s true intentions and background. People hearing without listening reveals a people’s willingness to take heed to the commands spoken by a leader without fully realizing the consequences of this obedience. Nana tries to warn these conformists in the lines that read. But her warning is swallowed in the abyss of submission. She is moving towards the worlds of dreaming, She departs to a better place, its beauty as a great destination for leisure. She suffered from her condition with noises. She felt like couldn’t speak or communicate any of her ideas because people always put her down for who she is and trying to make things difficult for her but she wants to show people they need to know her ideas and how she can communicate with others. People are mesmerized by the actions of her and make her feel like she is the center of the universe, and there is only light in this world because of their existence. Through all her insecurities and low self esteem, people--that loved and cared for Nana very much--wants to let her know about the effects she and how even the smallest of her actions mean so much. Nana takes her revenge on a man by discreetly poisoning his drink with white powder concealed in her ring. As he falls dead, Nana calls for help however she is arrested for poisoning the man. Nana is taken to a women's prison, where she is led to her cell by two prison guards, who strip her and left lying nude, while she is mocked by the other women prison inmates. Eventually; Nana is bailed out and exits to find her mentor. The guy then takes Nana and then, she was being nursed back to health by the man. After some time, she is ready to start training for her revenge. When her training is complete, Nana decides to exact her revenge. All her life while training; Nana was a lonely girl. She sat up in her tower and talked to the little voices that niggled in the back of her mind. She lived a lonely life. And to think that all she did was sit by that window, gazing out at the yonder blue and the world below. She had to live with the unconceivable boredom. There was only so much she could do and slowly, driving her insane. So Nana made her decision. She stood on the window pane. She had taken time to think it over. If she made the jump without dying, she could live for once. Nana was no ordinary girl living in a cruel world, she is qualified to fight against the things she is up against, and she's a young teen girl who needs to make sure her body is in tip top shape to do battle with invaders that are destructive. Nana knows her chances of survival are slim and she may be losing hope. She could hear her teacher was then tries giving her some more hope, and reassuring her she can make it through. In one world those evil men may defeat her, they may finally kill her. This squad are destructive and malicious bastards. They are to kill and destroy. No positive things can be done by it. The people don’t believe Nana will defeat and survive in the outcome, they don’t believe Nana will make it, but her master still has faith in her and is telling her that she will remain strong. Nobody knew that Nana has hidden strengths that nobody is aware of. She can be herself when no one is around to judge her. She is taking things farther in this mission alone. She can clearly tell that this mission will want her to take things to the next level. In the past, she has something to lose. But now she feels like a super badass, like a female spy that kicks ass way harder than all the guys out there. Because she is dangerous! Nana might look like an innocent young girl, but she’s tough. Whether to stick to her old ways, playing with peoples emotions, killing people, and moving on; she feels like she's changed for some reason. Nana causes trouble, she’s abrasive. She doesn’t care who gets in her way. Since Nana doesn’t care who or what is in her way anymore, people fall for her constantly, but she kill people like it’s nothing to her. Something happened to Nana....After she does what she has planned to do with it, will never be the same girl as she was before getting the gun, and doing any criminal actions with it. She shoves him off of her. However, he then physically assaults Nana, first punching her in the back of her head before pushing her through the glass top of a coffee table. The man attempts to strangle Devnet, but she is able to break free, and gain enough time to locate bullets and a gun in a case. When he turns around to attack her again, Nana shoots him in the head, causing his brains to be splattered on the wall. She then climbs out a window and down the fire escape. In a bit of bait-and-switch, it’s not Nana who was found in the apartment, but the man that attacked her, whom she killed and ditched the body without any trace of fingerprints. That man is now reaping what he sowed. This man's name is Jake Curtis. When she was little of her dark past; people inform her that her entire family was killed by outlaws, Nana begins to feel sadness that is overriding all other emotions and possibly actions. Nana is skipping down the street; A child predator who her. As she descends into an underground area, he pulls out a cloth with chloroform. Just as he is about to attack, she screams and begins utilizing her militant-like martial arts and enhanced powers to beat the man. She raises him into the air with one hand and defeats him by slamming him against walls and shooting bullets into and through his body. Using a pen to add a pitch black mark to a tally on the pad of paer, adding another victim of her justice to the count. That man is Anthony Christensen. Nana has a boyfriend name Addison Sophos, and they both were both in love. When their relationship began, everything seemed so wonderful and it seemed like nothing could go wrong. The relationship that began so well turned to crap, she should have seen it coming yet still can’t believe it happened. Nana’s significant other has his own evils but these evils push the limits of those seen previously, she insinuates that this may be on par with or even worse than the devil himself. Someone such as Addison who had physically abused Nana seemingly loose his minds as he swings in rage. He is just going to stand there and watch her while she breaks down. Nana has been a victim of domestic violence, possibly at the hands of her lover. Nana has hidden her eye bruise well, presumably with makeup and she’s wearing a cheesy fake grin while joking around, pretending she’s okay. Her lover is a drinker, which is probably the reason he presumably hits her! Her lover apologizes to her by buying her jewelry.
When she learns that Addison was involved in beating another girl he had been dating behind Nana's back; she was heartbroken! Now, she’s standing on a gravel country road by herself just waiting for her abusive lover to come home. He’s been caught for doing something wrong in the past, proving he isn’t a good person, possibly some kind of abuse. Addison is headed straight for hell is simple. Her boyfriend is a terrible person; when she kills him, he’ll obviously go to hell. It’s 10:30 and she’s drinking to get ready to kill her abusive partner, she can feel him pull in the driveway. This time she’s waiting for him with a shotgun. In the past he was able to get home and abuse her. He may think he’s big and bad cause he can punch hard but what’s a fist to bullet? Addison beat her up with the pure power of his fists. “Don’t that sound like a real man?” She asks mockingly, as obviously, it doesn’t. She’s sick of his craziness, and is going to fight back. Even if he thinks she’s crazy, she isn’t. Yet. Even though she didn’t want to kill him, she was pushed so far by the horrible thing he did to her. She — in the heat of passion, anger, rage, sadness — couldn’t stop the emotions she was feeling to the point where she went out and she shot him. Nana knows what she had done was wrong, and now she is constantly thinking about it. She has a guilty conscience. She needs to move on before someone finds out about this! At first it was first it was just what seemed like a small altercation nothing really to worry about. however because she failed to see how severe the situation was it evolved into a real problem that she could have avoided. "What has gotten into me? I killed this man. I wasn’t thinking the moment I shot.. Now the police are looking for me and I have to flee!" thought Nana. She didn’t mean to hurt him and take him away from his loved ones. When she took her firearm out, she took his heartbeat away! She feels really bad for shooting someone down, and she looks back at her actions and regrets them so bad… What has she become? Obviously she killed a man. She probably did this by accident or on purpose. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do or where she is going to go after she shoots him. Tugging, crying at herself at thinking back at what she has done and now realizing she could face actions for her criminal actions namely killing a man. She out of town to where no one can find or recognize her. But she remembered to stay strong as she knew that he wasn't good enough for her anyway. After the day she had; Nana sat there, working on her laptop, while she sat there and thought about her past that involved with horrific experiments: It begins with the soldiers tore the young women away from their loved ones and their families, gave them some surrogate mothers and kept other traumatized women in isolation rooms, sometimes for up to a year. A doctor name Jackie Garcia began expanding his project. He and his assistant created a dark metal box designed to isolate the women from everything in the outside world. Within days, the women kept inside the pit were driven insane, incessantly rocking and clutching at themselves, tearing and biting their own skin and ripping out their hair. When finally removed from isolation, they were too traumatized to interact with others, and some were so shocked and depressed that they starved themselves. Then, the women restrain and inseminate by crazed and perverted men, then they would later watch and photograph the mentally ill mothers physically abusing and killing their own babies or causing miscarriages as well as kamikazes. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed Dr. Garcia to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, Garcia's assistant name Ryan Alfonso gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. Due to unsanitary conditions in the next week, it was virtually inevitable that these children would contract disease. One doctor sent to investigate the outbreak, proposed an experiment that would assist in developing a vaccine. However, the experiment required deliberately infecting children with the disease. Though the doctor’s study was controversial from the start, critics were eventually silenced by the permission letters obtained from each child’s parents. In reality, offering one’s child to the experiment was oftentimes the only way to guarantee admittance into the overcrowded institution. These un-consenting subjects were lured to safe-houses by prostitutes on the payroll, unknowingly given hallucination drugs and other mind-altering substances, and monitored from behind one-way glass. With an experiment involved with blood pressure and blood flow; the researchers used 113 children ranging in age from one hour to three days old as test subjects. In one experiment, a catheter was inserted through the umbilical arteries and into the aorta. The child's feet were then immersed in ice water for the purpose of testing aortic pressure. In another experiment, up to 50 children were individually strapped onto a circumcision board, then tilted so that their blood rushed to their head and their blood pressure could be monitored. Individual children did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis; instead they were told they had 'bad blood' and could receive free medical treatment, rides to the clinic, meals and burial insurance in case of death in return for participating. Standard treatments for syphilis were toxic, dangerous, and of questionable effectiveness. Part of the original goal of the study was to determine if patients were better off not being treated with these toxic remedies. For many participants, treatment was intentionally denied. Many patients were lied to and given placebo treatments—in order to observe the fatal progression of the disease. Nana had survived from all the pain through all that.
That's when Nana was walking one day when she came across Monica and they talked for a bit. Out of curiosity, Monica asked her about herself so Nana told her of her life story: The first thing she remembered when she came into the world was a bright light like the sun, the ceiling was a gray blue. The rest was a blur but when she was 3; she somehow changed. Became different was when the sounds of laughter and other unexpected noises. Some things from her childhood were a blur. Rosario, Tiger, Lark, Dean, and Margon take down the zombies with Marian alongside them. In the meantime, Once the gang took care of the zombies; they went inside but when they got in, they were surprised to find that it looked like a normal room, than a dark and damp cave. and the so-called treasure was a white coffin. Gold on the side, painted flowers on the front. Something glowed inside. When they look inside; they gasped in amazement, in this casket was a young girl. Blonde haired, fair skin, petite hands, small feet, and she wore a lavender dress with whitish purple shoes. But she had an amazing beauty to her. The girl woke up. She sat up, clutching her head. The boys and the mysterious girl walked out of the cave. But the zombies appeared to ambush them, Nana gasped, clutching onto Alec tightly and hid her face. They managed to get her back safe and sound so she can rest. And she did in a different building. In the meantime at a hotel; Nana looked over at the skyline and saw a beautiful sunrise. "Wow. It looks like it's going to be a great day." murmured Nana. She saw people walking by the beach but she saw something strange along the shore. It looked like a body however from the distance she was at; it was hard to tell. Nana left the balcony and went down to the beach. She went over to the body, which was a young man: He looked like 15 to 17 years of age, dark brown hair, and he was a good looking boy there. "A boy? How--" Nana wondered. She puts her ear to his chest, Nana listened for a moment, and then she gasped. This boy was alive, much to her amazement, this lovely creature was still breathing! "Impossible, no boy such as he would ever survive by himself." Nana thought. Gingerly; She placed her hands on his shoulders and shook him gently. "Hey, boy? Are you OK? Please, wake up?" chided Nana, softly. The boy stirred in his sleep and moaned, then he opened his eyes. He saw Nana, startled he sat up. "You--you saw me here?" He asked, stammering. "Oh, of course." Nana replied. "I saw you lying there, I thought for a second you were dead." The boy panicked, he pulled out a knife, he aimed at his heart and prepared to kill himself. "NO!!!!" Nana cried, she seized his wrist as she struggled the knife away from him. The boy didn't have the energy to fight back, he looked weary and exhausted. Well, for someone who washed up on shore; he didn't look so good. Nana seemed upset, "What in the hell would you try to kill yourself like that? Don't you know what life has in store for you? Don't do this to yourself, please!" She ranted but stopped as she had no point in talking to the boy. The boy stare at her with a stoic look, then he stood up and ran off. Nana watched him go, she wondered of his erratic behavior. "Who was that boy?" Nana thought. Suspicious of the criminals being burnt alive and unsolved mysteries to how criminals are punished for their remorseless and wicked deeds. Nana was getting dubious by the minute; she believes that the snide, bravado, and elusive rich boy 18 year old Seth Jace is behind all this. She wasn't sure what was going on but she was going to find out. However, she encountered Seth's younger brother name Isadore. "I'm sorry, my brother is unavailable. If you want, I can set up an appointment for another time..." Isadore explained. Isadore was Seth's little brother and assistant to a group called Tsunami, they have been close ever since childhood. But the difference between them is Isadore was much nicer than his jerk off big brother. "Isadore, I am not leaving, I like to make one measly complaint with the burnt up criminals and how they are burnt alive that way. There is something going on and I like to know what it is." demanded Nana. Isadore sighed, he ran his fingers through his hair. "Look, this isn't a good time. My brother had suffered a mental breakdown and needs his rest. I apologize." He explained. Nana has no choice but to accept defeat; she let out a sigh. "Great." She thought. Nana exhaled, "Fine then." She said, "But when he wakes up and all better, tell him this--My team and I are on his tail and we are observing him very closely. If he is responsible for burning those criminals alive, there won't be any mercy from anyone of us." Isadore nodded, "Sure thing. I'll tell him that when he wakes up." He said. Nana looked like she was leaving but she sneaked to the staircase. "Sorry, Seth. But I'm not leaving until I get some answers." She thought. Nana went up the stairs, that went to the rooftop. She couldn't help but feel paranoid, "Do I ever get the feeling I'm being followed?" She thought. Realizing what she was thinking; Nana brushed this off by laughing it off. "Ha, stupid." She mumbled. Nana reached the rooftop and looked over at the skyline. "There's nobody here. Weird!" She thought. Then, she heard a scritch-scratch sound behind her. Slowly; she turned around. "H--Hello?" She called. Nobody answered, but there was that sound again. And it was getting closer. Nana pulled out her gun, ready to use it. "Come on out, I don't know who you are but I know you're out there." She warned. Suddenly, there it was--It was a monster, which resembled something inhuman. It had horned wings on its back, and bared its fangs. It snarled at the horrified Briar. "Good Lord! What is that abomination? I never seen anything like it." She breathed. The creature pounced Nana, it growled and snarled more. Drool dripped from its mouth. Its eyes glowed of red. But the rabbit creature cried out in pain and fell to the floor dead. Trembling yet relieved; Nana examined the dead monster bunny. Just then, she felt a shadow upon her. She looked up to see that it was the same boy she saw at the shore. "It's you." Nana gasped. She gets up and faced him. "What are you doing here? Are you involved with Seth? Just tell me, who are you? Really?" Nana asked. The boy looked at her apathetically before pulling out a gun. "Sorry." He said, "Time to say goodbye." Nana looked at him, terrified. The boy looked at her face, somehow she reminds him of someone he once knew. He then saw a vision of a girl with blonde hair. Pretty baby blue eyes. And she wore white and blue clothes with a hint of transparent clothing of sash and sleeves of the outfit. "Alec, I beg of you. Please, save me!" She said with plea. The boy, Alec, trembled as be begin to clutch his head. "No, sis I--Nessa." He muttered as he lowered his gun. "Clara, I'll never let you die. Don't die..." Nana looked at him with concern, "Hey, are you OK? You look unwell. Can I get you a drink of water or something to eat?" She asked. Alec took a step back, "Please. Stay away, stay back. I--" He muttered. She could see him trying to make up for awkwardness and a skewed outlook on life by being annoying and overly flashy. Here, he takes on the thuggish, street-aware image, masking himself in fake threats and invisible enemies to seem cool. If he could only act naturally she would like him even more; Because her friends judged him for being different, she rejected him. The girl thought that she was better than the skater boy and decided he wasn’t good enough for her. The girl was big headed and thought she was better than others and needs to stop being so full of herself and become more grounded and sensible. The stuck up girl’s life hasn’t turned out how she presumably thought it would. She’s now a single mother, left without her baby’s father. She turns on the TV to find that the skater boy she rejected 5 years before has been much more successful than her! Her friends are onto the now-famous skater boy who they’d all dissed 5 years ago, showing that he is now suddenly more socially desirable. At the show she sees the skater, admiringly, as a man now, who stands above her! The skater boy that the girl rejected is now a superstar. She missed her chance, her opportunity, to be with him! He’s taken now--Nana and the skater boy are dating now. The girl missed her chance, she turned down the skater because she thought he wasn’t worth it but now she’s the loser and he’s in the higher position and can look down on her. She shouldn’t have judged a book by it’s cover. Rather than judging people by their looks, Nana see’s the person for what is inside. And after all of this; Nana ends up with the skater boy and their life is what the girl from the beginning could of had. Nana is now with the skater boy, and she’s sticking it to the girl. But it ended pretty badly, Nana was now going through dark and tough times as she wants to find love which will save her. She is so desperate that she doesn’t care who will it be, or if he’s the right person for her. She just wants someone. But there is no sight of any person coming. She’s all alone! She’s searching for anyone who’s going through the same as her.
Anyone whom she can connect or confide with. Whether its a place or a face. She needs to talk. She’s looking for someone who’s familiar. She’s just had something really bad happen and she just feels so alone and unloved. The world is a confusing place; she thinks of herself as crazy. Nana thinks she’s alone and nobody wants her. It’s cold outside and she feels alone. She wants someone to come looking for her. To prove to her that she’s loved and someone does want her. Won’t somebody come and help her in these times? She wants to leave wherever she is, whoever is it that’s facing the same things as she is, she’s with them. So, Nana is moving to a new place and moving on. Saying goodbye to her friends and turning around as she journeys onto the next chapter of her life. In this new life; she is constantly on the move. Like how mobile homes move from trailer park to trailer park with no foundation, she is moving from place to place without really laying down her roots. No real place to belong and no real place to turn back to. She’s being real with herself and let go of trying to fit in with the others and pretend to be a part of the “TV Guide” life. Nana knows that she’s weird, she laughs herself to sleep which is the complete opposite of what most sad people do. The adrenaline rush she gets when doing dangerous things makes her feel alive. It’s boring to do what others expect her to do. She wants to do things to the extreme. She wants people to push her to edge just to feel alive! Whatever people would do, they don’t think. But couldn't help to wonder, "Is dying enough to be out of the ordinary?" She doesn’t want to be like everyone else. She’d rather be individual and have people call her 'weird' than be like everyone else. When meeting with someone she has a crush on; Nana knows he can tell she’s nervous and she’s blushing and she’s trying to hide it. She is nervous that he might pick up that she’s trying to be perfect but hell this guy is worth being perfect for her. She feels that if she tells him how she feels he’s just going to reject her and all her feelings were for nothing but if she doesn’t tell him his never going to figure it out so why doesn’t she just tell him that she cares about him! She keeps wanting to say something but she can’t get it out and it just spuds like she’s trying to come up with something to say. She feels like she’s dreaming of things and wishing the will happen but she thinks she has to tell him for him to figure it out but she’s never going to say it: Nana wants to tell him she wants to blow his mind, he wants him to purpose to her, she wishing things would happen and they will define the rest of her life but she’s never going to say what she wants. In the life of being a singer-songwriter; Nana wants people to be able to recognize that she’s genuine and real, not fake. If they don’t like her personality, then they should just straight up tell her instead of trying to manipulate her and turn her into who they want her to be.
Nana also told Monica about how she left her abusive father and how she lived with her mother but she managed to get help as she longs to see the outside world. Monica listened, very intrigued in this girl and her background story. She wasn't sure if any of them were true however she had to give her the benefit of doubt. Meanwhile, there was a creepy girls by the names of Rosemary, Pansy, Fenella, and Columba who were out on a spree: Rosemary strangled a 4-year-old boy to death on the day before her birthday. She was believed to have killed the boy all on her own, but she and a friend would later vandalize a local nursery and make claims to the murder. Pansy strangle another boy to death — this time a 3-year-old. After killing the boy and stashing his body in the woods, Rosemary returned and carved an H into his stomach. She then cut off bits of his hair as though he were some sort of doll, and mutilated him. Later, Fenella and Columba took another boy on a mile walk to a semi-secluded area, along some railroad tracks by an old cemetery. That’s where the two girls killed the boy. They threw paint into his left eye, hit him with bricks, beat him with an iron bar, and beat him so severely that he was no longer breathing, the sisters laid the boy out across the train tracks and weighed him down so that he couldn’t move, hoping that a train would come and cut him in half. A minute later; Fenella had toyed with the notion of killing two brothers, and had even posted images with captions extolling the pleasures in watching them suffer as she played dangerous pranks on them. Finally, the four sisters then knocked on a door and were greeted by an elderly woman, who seeing two young teen girls let them in without hesitation in the hopes that she’d have a nice conversation over tea. They did sat chatting with her but then they turned violent and dropped all pretenses. Columba grabbed the old woman by the neck and held her, while Pansy found a butcher’s knife in the kitchen and tossed it to her. Columba then began to stab the woman, and continued stabbing her while the old lady pleaded for her life as Rosemary, Pansy, and Fenella held each other while laughing. The sisters ran away like lunatics that they want to do it again because the feeling of killing gave them a good vibration of arousal to violence. Then, they came into a shed where they smiled with glee. Sitting in the shed was a woman with long black hair that reached to her thighs, almost to her ankles. She wore a long white dress, her eyes were orange-amber that glowed as if alive, and her skin was ivory. But there was one problem with her, she too thin--Almost skin and bones. She looked like emaciated patient who was malnourished and her face was gaunt. This woman was Carmen, the four girls' mother who smiled back with the same sinster expressions as the girls, who are her daughters. Her story was such a tragedy as her mother Trudy began taking her anger out on Carmen, beating them with paddles. Anaisa soon focused her abuse exclusively on Carmen, accusing her of stealing candy that she had bought from a grocery store, and humiliating her when she admitted that she once had a boyfriend. Trudy encouraged a girl name Viola and other neighborhood children to torment Carmen, including, among other things, extinguishing cigarettes on her skin, beating her, tying her up, burning her with scalding water, rubbing salt in her wounds, and leave her. She was locked in the cellar and forbidden leave the house. Carmen attempted to escape the night after overhearing Trudy's plan to blindfold and dump her in a wooded area nearby, but as she reached the front door, Trudy caught her and punished her by tying her up in the basement and giving her only crackers to eat. There was so many multiple beatings, burnings, and scalding baths. For years, Trudy abused and tortured Carmen in various ways including burning her with cigarettes, throwing knives at her, forced feedings and beatings. She made her children hold each other down while she beat and tortured them. In one instance, she held a pistol to Carmen's head and threatened to kill her. Cecilia primarily focused her anger and abuse on Carmen. Her mother resented Carmen, which she was maturing and blossoming into an attractive young woman while she faced the prospect of growing old and losing her looks. Trudy also believed that her ex husband had turned Carmen into a witch since birth. Because of this belief, Carmen received the worst of Trudy's abuse. Trudy became convinced that Carmen was casting spells on her and shot Carmen in the chest with a pistol. The bullet became lodged in her back, but Trudy refused to allow Carmen to seek medical attention and left her to die in the family bathtub. Carmen survived so Trudy began to nurse her back to health. Carmen eventually recovered without receiving professional medical treatment. Trudy beat her, tied her and locked her in a hot closet with no ventilation. Trudy forbade her to have food or water or to open the door to the closet. But in her teens, it gets even worse: One night as she was trying to get home; Carmen decided to take a 10 minute shortcut to her when they encountered gang members drinking beer after holding a gang initiation. The gang members captured and beat her repeatedly. Then, the members attempt to strangled her to almost near-death and they left her to crawl back home. The leader of that gang was Viola and her friends--Daisy, Orquidea, Nettie, and Corbina. Since the last night beating; Trudy blamed Carmen for everything and she sold her to the soldiers. All of a sudden; Carmen was kidnapped and fertilized as she gave birth to four daughters. But her daughters were taken from her and she was devastated. But then, she was given terrifying powers that left her thin as she begins to feel much more dark. After she got out; Carmen was a suicidal, depressed, misunderstood, tragic, abused and tortured girl who only wanted empathy and love. She use to feel lost, and does not know which path to go, there’s nothing that anyone could do for her. It seems that every day there’s a new reason to cry about, and eventually the problems stack so high that Carmen can’t take it anymore. Carmen's been broken so bad that she is lost and trying to find herself again, she never shows her feelings she keeps them inside. Her life is a series of constant failures, she is spread out too thin, being all over the place. As she was broken by some sort of rejection, and now can’t return to the state of stability, or even sanity, she might just fade away. After dealing what happened; Carmen just went insane. She had befriend other girls however they betray her. One day during a drill; her so-called friends moved over to where Carmen was standing, near a drain, and begin to crowd the poor girl, getting in her face and nudging her towards the open manhole. hey pushed her and she tripped over and fell head-first down the manhole. When they saw her falling, the girls started giggling and when Carmen's name was called out, they shouted "She’s down in the sewer!" All of the other students began laughing. But when the teachers looked down the manhole and saw Carmen's body lying at the bottom in the muck, the laughter abruptly stopped. Her head was twisted around at an odd angle and her face was covered in blood. Worse still, she wasn’t moving. There was nothing any of the teachers could do for her. Carmen was dead. When the police arrived and went down into the sewer, they determined that she had broken her neck. Her face had been torn off when she hit the ladder on the way down and her neck snapped when she landed on her head on the concrete at the bottom. Then, a few minutes, her head turned back into place. As she lied in her own blood, She turned to the horrified crowd and smiled: "Don't cry, I'm okay." Carmen then got up and walked off, not bothered by her blood-stained clothes. She found her daughters and showed the four of her memories, this caused the sisters went crazy and became murderous, creepy little girls. Carmen came across a party where her attackers were and then she shouted at them: "I WILL NOT REST UNTIL ALL OF YOU ARE DEAD!!! MY CHILDREN WILL MURDER YOU!!" Her powers scared everyone as this is where she chants a curse upon the town: "You, who have wronged me in the deepest way, may this fate be put upon. May you suffer as I've suffered. I will have my vengeance. As I will, pain and suffering go to the until you are nice to me but for now you burn and toss and turn. if you are nice to me maybe I will set you free from this curse indeed, so mote it be. And that thou, with many curses for that he sinned when he harkens to. Your body will burn with the fire of his passion. Curse of will last for seven days and seven nights. He can scream in pain. I have learned the reading of these things on your face, you do not bother me." And then, she vanished.
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