This is the end of my story of Brave New Girl's World, where love turns into heartache and boy is it bad or what? But it'll be all right, it will but I feel so uninspired right now. Please forgive me for this. I'm just stress with not staying with one story and I need some time to think some other things. But I'm not gonna go insane haha! Really, I'm not. I just need to breathe a little and come up with new ideas. Hope you guys like this last chapter! Thank you. --KatDon
Chapter 8: Brave New Girl
"So, tell us about you and Elphin. You guys are a couple now?" asked Isabella. Briar couldn't help but blushed a little, "Well, yeah. So?" She said. Isabella and the other girls squealed, "Tell us about it!" Isabella begged. "He and I are dating. We're a couple, having a good time. We're pretty cute, what more do you want?" Briar replied. She managed to get ready to go to meet Elphin and they managed to eat at a diner. "Elphin, did you tell your parents about me?" asked Briar. Elphin didn't immediately answer, he seemed to nervous as he admits, "...No, I didn't." Briar is surprised, "Why not?" She asked. Elphin took a deep breath and sighed, "My dad and my stepmother....It's complicated." He said. Briar smiled, "I'm sure that they don't mind me...R--r--right?" She asked while stammering a little. Elphin was able to reply, "Mmm...." He stuttered. "Elphin?" inquired Briar. "I--I don't know." Elphin answered. So, Briar never knew until Elphin decided to invite her to meet his parents one day. But while at Elphin's place; his parents didn't take a welcoming gesture towards Briar! They didn't approve of her because of her appearance and how she was not like other girls. Briar was offended as she and Elphin left while they decided to spend some time with one another. That's when, Briar learns that Elphin is not supposed to see her anymore as his parents don't like her so much. But of course, Elphin rebelled against his father and stepmother's intentions because they cannot split two people who love each other to break apart from one another. Briar and Elphin were still dating as this made things tough with Elphin's family. Briar was emotionally upset by what was going on, she didn't understand why Elphin's family hates her so much. Then, a pained Elphin told her that they cannot be together anymore and that hurt Briar. The two were no longer a couple as Elphin had to leave his friends as well as the love of his life but gave her a letter: "Briar, I am so sorry for what has happened and you and I were going to create a love to last forever but it wasn't meant to be. I will always treasure of the love we had, remembering these special times. I will never forget my first love. Sincerely yours, Elphin." Although it was heartbreaking; Briar will never forget the love of her life. Later; Briar, Ferrand and the gang were at a dojo where they were watching martial art students sparring. One of the fighters, a woman, greets them as she points over: "Feast your eyes on the greatest fighter in the room." said the woman. Briar squints at the first fighter of a man, "That guy there?" asked Briar. The woman shakes her head, "His macushla, Katherine Donovan." She said. The girl with the strange hair color knocked out the man as the sensei called out, "Point one!" Applause were in the air, Katherine and her opponent bowed in respect for one another. She then notices Briar and the others, she bowed to them and then smiles as the woman continued, "Meet the master's protege. Gorgeous, isn`t she? She is known as the fastest weapon in the world. She deserved better. Now she`s teaching other students." However, one of the arrogant fighters challenged Ferrand to a fight and it got pretty badly until Katherine managed to stop the two of them! "That is enough, both of you!" Katherine scolded. The arrogant opponent laughed nervously as he pointed over at Ferrand, "Heh, Kathy dear. He started I swear." He said. But Katherine told them that she wants them both to take responsibility and then, things were fine. Later, Katherine was at a meeting with a few unknown people about a report she wrote: "Something wrong with the report?" asked Katherine. "No, not at all. I'm more interested in what's not in it." said the first man. "There's nothing not in it?" inquired Katherine. The second was also a man who remarked, "Your opinion of them isn't." Katherine explained more: "He's clean and has a long standing relationship with his friends, one in particular that he cares about is of feminine beauty and quality. Well, they are not a couple. Not yet, in my opinion." She paused then she continued, "I mean, he's a very strong person with no major secrets. Everyone has secrets." Afterwards; Katherine obviously has a difficult disability where she is displayed with a high functioned mind. And it’s only in the last few years that she actually been able to diagnose these disabilities that were looked at as misbehavior, as just outright rebelliousness. But no one knew what it was. She knew that these kids, like her, seemed unable or reluctant to learn, they’d end up getting the beatened, abused for that matter. What hurts about things like that is that it ends up defining peoples' lives. They have to live with that abuse for the rest of their lives. Good, creative people are just destroyed in some way.
However, Katherine was not just abused but she caused hurt for others too: She is guilty of many things: Stabbing a teacher with a pencil, kicking a poor kindergatener, throwing chairs and other things around, she had caused horrible things. She used to blame others however she herself is to blame for what she did! Katherine fights to distance herself from her family, and while she doesn’t want to forget where she came from, one picture of her family is enough for her to remember. Katherine remembers her childhood: She’s laying on the cold concrete, but hoping her luck’ll change soon. Even though she sees a lot of people on her travels, she never gets to settle down and become acquainted with others. Considering the fact with having to deal with the underlying sense of being ‘different’ from the cultural acceptance bubble, though she doesn’t have much going for her, Katherine is still determined to get her life back on track! She’s kneeling on the ground reading something she already read many times. In the hands of her parents who don’t understand her disability, despite this family she pulls away from she will one day be successful and be able to follow her dreams. Her troubled life that she went through that no one will ever know about. She takes comfort in venting her thoughts and emotions to the imaginary people she create, because they are the only ones willing to listen. She had a dream which she can’t shake off. Katherine has a dream about ten thousand people bowing to a being they made of neon light. The being represents the fake and shallow culture they are building on pop stars and the dollar bill. She feels as if she is the only one who is not content with living in the fake, trivial culture that was stated. Katherine seeks to convey a message of how ignorance taints the minds of so many people. She knows how people so foolishly follow rulers without actually knowing a ruler’s true intentions and background. People hearing without listening reveals a people’s willingness to take heed to the commands spoken by a leader without fully realizing the consequences of this obedience. Katherine tries to warn these conformists in the lines that read. But her warning is swallowed in the abyss of submission. She is moving towards the worlds of dreaming, She departs to a better place, its beauty as a great destination for leisure. She suffered from her condition with noises. She felt like couldn’t speak or communicate any of her ideas because people always put her down for who she is and trying to make things difficult for her but she wants to show people they need to know her ideas and how she can communicate with others. People are mesmerized by the actions of her and make her feel like she is the center of the universe, and there is only light in this world because of their existence. Through all her insecurities and low self esteem, people--that loved and cared for Katherine very much--wants to let her know about the effects she and how even the smallest of her actions mean so much. However, things get out of hand when Katherine is arrested for poisoning the man. Katherine is taken to a women's prison, where she is led to her cell by two prison guards, who strip her of shoulder-padded dress and left lying nude, while she is mocked by the other women prison inmates. Eventually; Katherine is bailed out and exits to find her best friend, Tracey was waiting for her. Later; Katherine and Tracey fighting off a group of men wearing suits in an office. When all of the men are defeated, Tracey betrays Katherine by kicking her out of a window. Katherine lying on a broken car, while a man smokes a cigar. The guy then takes Katherine and then, she was being nursed back to health by the man. After some time, she is ready to start training for her revenge. When her training is complete, Katherine decides to exact their revenge on Tracey and her boys. All her life while training; Katherine was a lonely girl. She sat up in her tower and talked to the little voices that niggled in the back of her mind. She lived a lonely life. And to think that all she did was sit by that window, gazing out at the yonder blue and the world below. She had to live with the unconceivable boredom. There was only so much she could do and slowly, driving her insane. So Katherine made her decision. She stood on the window pane. She had taken time to think it over. If she made the jump without dying, she could live for once. Katherine was no ordinary girl living in a cruel world, she is qualified to fight against the things she is up against, and she's a young teen girl who needs to make sure her body is in tip top shape to do battle with invaders that are destructive. Katherine knows her chances of survival are slim and she may be losing hope. She could hear her teacher was then tries giving her some more hope, and reassuring her she can make it through. In one world those evil men may defeat her, they may finally kill her. This squad are destructive and malicious bastards. They are to kill and destroy. No positive things can be done by it. The people don’t believe Katherine will defeat and survive in the outcome, they don’t believe Katherine will make it, but her master still has faith in her and is telling her that she will remain strong. In the past, she has something to lose. But now she feels like a super badass, like a female 007 that kicks ass way harder than all the guys out there. Because she is dangerous! Katherine might look like an innocent young girl, but she’s tough. Whether to stick to her old ways, playing with peoples emotions, killing people, and moving on; she feels like she's changed for some reason. Katherine causes trouble, she’s abrasive. She doesn’t care who gets in her way. Since Katherine doesn’t care who or what is in her way anymore, people fall for her constantly, but she kill people like it’s nothing to her. Something happened to Katherine. After she does what she has planned to do with it, will never be the same girl as she was before getting the gun, and doing any criminal actions with it. She shoves him off of her. However, he then physically assaults Katherine, first punching her in the back of her head before pushing her through the glass top of a coffee table. The man attempts to strangle Katherine, but she is able to break free, and gain enough time to locate bullets and a gun in a case. When he turns around to attack her again, Katherine shoots him in the head, causing his brains to be splattered on the wall. She then climbs out a window and down the fire escape. In a bit of bait-and-switch, it’s not Katherine who was found in the apartment, but the man that attacked her, whom she killed and ditched the body without any trace of fingerprints. That man is now reaping what he sowed. This man's name is Victor. When she was little of her dark past; people inform her that her entire family was killed by outlaws, Katherine begins to feel sadness that is overriding all other emotions and possibly actions. The deaths of his family members is motivation to keep pursuing the ones that killed them. Praying just isn’t doing it for her, she feels that she needs revenge and she can’t look past her family being murdered. Then, as Katherine is skipping down the street; A child predator who her. As she descends into an underground area, he pulls out a cloth with chloroform. Just as he is about to attack, she screams and begins utilizing her militant-like martial arts and enhanced powers to beat the man. She raises him into the air with one hand and defeats him by slamming him against walls and shooting bullets into and through his body.
Using a pen to add a pitch black mark to a tally on the pad of paer, adding another victim of her justice to the count. That man is Walter. Katherine has a boyfriend and they both were both in love. When their relationship began, everything seemed so wonderful and it seemed like nothing could go wrong. The relationship that began so well turned to crap, she should have seen it coming yet still can’t believe it happened. Katherine’s significant other has his own evils but these evils push the limits of those seen previously, she insinuates that this may be on par with or even worse than the devil himself. Someone such as this abusive jerk who had physically abused Katherine seemingly loose his minds as he swings in rage. He is just going to stand there and watch her while she breaks down. Katherine has been a victim of domestic violence, possibly at the hands of her lover. Katherine has hidden her eye bruise well, presumably with makeup and she’s wearing a cheesy fake grin while joking around, pretending she’s okay. Her lover is a drinker, which is probably the reason he presumably hits her! Her lover apologizes to her by buying her jewelry. Now, she’s standing on a gravel country road by herself just waiting for her abusive lover to come home. He’s been caught for doing something wrong in the past, proving he isn’t a good person, possibly some kind of abuse. Katherine's boyfriend headed straight for hell is simple. Her boyfriend is a terrible person; when she kills him, he’ll obviously go to hell. It’s 10:30 and she’s drinking to get ready to kill her abusive partner, she can feel him pull in the driveway. This time she’s waiting for him with a shotgun. In the past he was able to get home and abuse her. He may think he’s big and bad cause he can punch hard but what’s a fist to bullet? Katherine's boyfriend beat her up with the pure power of his fists. “Don’t that sound like a real man?” she asks mockingly, as obviously, it doesn’t. She’s sick of his craziness, and is going to fight back. Even if he thinks she’s crazy, she isn’t. Yet. Even though she didn’t want to kill him, she was pushed so far by the horrible thing he did to her. She — in the heat of passion, anger, rage, sadness — couldn’t stop the emotions she was feeling to the point where she went out and she shot him. Katherine knows what she had done was wrong, and now she is constantly thinking about it. She has a guilty conscience. She needs to move on before someone finds out about this! At first it was first it was just what seemed like a small altercation nothing really to worry about. however because she failed to see how severe the situation was it evolved into a real problem that she could have avoided. "What has gotten into me? I killed this man. I wasn’t thinking the moment I shot.. Now the police are looking for me and I have to flee!" thought Katherine. She didn’t mean to hurt him and take him away from his loved ones. When she took her firearm out, she took his heartbeat away! She feels really bad for shooting someone down, and she looks back at her actions and regrets them so bad… What has she become? Obviously she killed a man. She probably did this by accident or on purpose. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do or where she is going to go after she shoots him. Tugging, crying at herself at thinking back at what she has done and now realizing she could face actions for her criminal actions namely killing a man. She out of town to where no one can find or recognize her. But she remembered to stay strong as she knew that he wasn't good enough for her anyway. Katherine thought about Tracey and her betrayal; she trusted her and thought something like this would never happen, their once valuable friendship has gone to ruins. Her so-called friend decided to weaken their bond between each other by attacking Katherine physically, mentally and emotionally where she is weak, unable to defend for herself. They were in a happy relationship before the problems between them started. Her friend’s unfruitful relationship left so many scars that they aren’t able to be cured by just moving on. Katherine wants revenge for the turmoil. Even though her ex-friend can forget about her cruel actions, almost as if it’s all forgive and forget; Katherine reminds her that she doesn’t seem to agree with that sentiment. Eventually, karma will take a nasty turn towards her friend. The way she treats people she claims to love is sickening. She doesn’t allow herself to be victimized, but getting straight to the point — she is mad and Katherine is really used to care about this person. They used to be good friends before their young, chill, real friendship of what Katherine and Tracey had together. Maybe it was naive of Katherine to assume they were friends. She should’ve clearly seen the warning signs. Katherine is clearly upset and thinks the betrayal was very childish. After mean actions by Katherine’s ex-friend, their friendship is irreparable. To her, the deed was too harsh and vindictive to be easily forgiven. Deep cuts leave scars and bring long lasting pain. Tracey’s actions will leave a permanent mark on her and will not be quickly forgotten! She killed her men because she had to get vengeance. Now that she has won and is looking back on what she has done she realizes she will be happy again but will never have her family back. After the day she had; Katherine sat there, working on her laptop, while she sat there and thought about her past that involved with horrific experiments: It begins with the soldiers tore the young women away from their loved ones and their families, gave them some surrogate mothers and kept other traumatized women in isolation rooms, sometimes for up to a year. A doctor name Mallory Frank began expanding his project. He and his assistant created a dark metal box designed to isolate the women from everything in the outside world. Within days, the women kept inside the pit were driven insane, incessantly rocking and clutching at themselves, tearing and biting their own skin and ripping out their hair. When finally removed from isolation, they were too traumatized to interact with others, and some were so shocked and depressed that they starved themselves. Then, the women restrain and inseminate by crazed and perverted men, then they would later watch and photograph the mentally ill mothers physically abusing and killing their own babies or causing miscarriages as well as kamikazes. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed Dr. Frank to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, Frank's assistant name Dave Wendall gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. Due to unsanitary conditions in the next week, it was virtually inevitable that these children would contract disease. One doctor sent to investigate the outbreak, proposed an experiment that would assist in developing a vaccine. However, the experiment required deliberately infecting children with the disease. Though the doctor’s study was controversial from the start, critics were eventually silenced by the permission letters obtained from each child’s parents. In reality, offering one’s child to the experiment was oftentimes the only way to guarantee admittance into the overcrowded institution. These unconsenting subjects were lured to safe-houses by prostitutes on the payroll, unknowingly given hallucination drugs and other mind-altering substances, and monitored from behind one-way glass. With an experiment involved with blood pressure and blood flow; the researchers used 113 children ranging in age from one hour to three days old as test subjects. In one experiment, a catheter was inserted through the umbilical arteries and into the aorta. The child's feet were then immersed in ice water for the purpose of testing aortic pressure. In another experiment, up to 50 children were individually strapped onto a circumcision board, then tilted so that their blood rushed to their head and their blood pressure could be monitored. Individual children did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis; instead they were told they had 'bad blood' and could receive free medical treatment, rides to the clinic, meals and burial insurance in case of death in return for participating. Standard treatments for syphilis were toxic, dangerous, and of questionable effectiveness. Part of the original goal of the study was to determine if patients were better off not being treated with these toxic remedies. For many participants, treatment was intentionally denied. Many patients were lied to and given placebo treatments—in order to observe the fatal progression of the disease. Katherine had survived from all the pain through all that however she knew the pain wasn't completely gone from all what she'd been through! Things can be a drag, and mixing them with sleep deprivation can cause bad cognitive function and mood altering effects. This kind of disrespect feels childlike. Almost like the antiquated days of highschool drama, where peer pressure is rampant and disrespect is a means of status for the disrespecter in the eyes and ears of fellow peers. So mix a long day, and cramming with no sleep prior the night before, along with people insulting or dominating your way of life, then sparks may fly. Hearts are typically hardened during this period and selfishness leads to a sense of entitlement. She feels like a crab...When a bunch of crabs are put in a bucket for slaughter, the one on top almost escaping is brought down by the others still in the bucket. Some people just don’t want to see you succeed. So many groups used to dealing with the majority keeping them down. Whatever the circumstance, Kathetine will crush them who have been keeping her down. The emotion of anger and contempt feels overwhelming and she wishes that she wishes she could stay calm but she wants to fix herself. When she gets angry, Katherine begins to lash out at anyone who is trying to help her or scold at her which makes her more angry in even the slightest way. She doesn't listen, she feels like she wants to become physical and then, she'll start to hate after even the slightest infraction. She didn’t know where else to turn to so eventually she just dropped down to her knees and started praying for God to take her anger away and to love her. However, she is reminded of something: Jesus paid all of our debts by dying on the cross to forgive us of our sins but sometimes people reject the love He gave them. Jesus was beaten and whipped repeatedly and suffered a death that nobody can’t even imagine and He did it for all His people, for Katherine too. And that made her feel very guilty. How could she understand other people when she couldn't understand herself that well? This made her very upset. She used to think she had the answers to everything but now, she doesn't anymore.
Meanwhile; the dull throb in her head was what woke Artha up. She looked up at the dark gray sky, and sighed. She stood up from sitting down on the hard ground, and stretched her stiff muscles. Her head throbbed with a dull thump of pain, and when she tried to think about where she was, she couldn’t help but give a low moan. Sitting back down, she lifted her hand up to her face, and what she saw made her gape. Her hand was so pale that it was almost white, and her hand was so... skinny. It was bony and thin, making it look like a skeleton hand, and she could see her blood veins clearly. After staring at her hand for a while, she sat back down on the hard cement floor of the city, and looked around her surroundings. Cars drove by quickly, their wheels seeming to make a huge noise in the fundamental stillness of the city. She could just see the tall city buildings behind the trees that loomed over her. She tried to stand up again, but this time, her legs gave away. They didn’t seem to have the strength to hold her up, which frightened her. She summoned all her strength, and finally managed to stand up wavering. She decided that she would go to the city, and find something to eat as she heard a loud rumble in her stomach. Limping towards the city, she saw a woman walking along the streets. Artha realized that she was staring at the woman without really meaning to. The woman was beautiful; she had shoulder-length golden hair and light blue-gray eyes, and she had a small purse slung over her shoulder. Thunder rumbled in the distance, catching Artha’s attention. She turned around, and ran towards the city, without realizing that the woman had been regarding her the whole time. The grass rustled as Artha ran, not knowing where all the energy was coming from; she knew that she was in the verge of dying. Running quickly, she stopped as the sight before her stunned her. She had never seen anything like it. Or at least, she couldn’t remember. Her mind became fuzzy as she tried to remember what had happened; tt was like trying to pull out a small needle from thick mud. Buildings towered over her, their windows bright from the light; and she could see small figures inside of them. She walked along a little farther, and soon she realized that her curiosity had taken over her too much, but she kept on walking. The buildings fascinated her, but the building in front of her amazed her more. It looked like a palace with its wall glimmering when there was no sunlight. A fancy black gate surrounded it, and the roof of it was round and simple, yet catchy and dazzling. Artha stared at the palace-like building for a long time with her dark eyes. “Seems like you are fascinated by our corporation.” Artha whipped around, ready to attack if the opponent made any move, but the man didn’t. An amused smile played on his lips, and his dark royal blue hair blew lightly in the wind. He had dark rimmed glasses that caught light and his royal blue suit made him look even more sharper. “Who may you be?” The man asked, his words sharp as his appearance. Artha hesitated to answer, and she searched his face, trying to find a hint of danger in him, but couldn’t. His eyes were calm and relaxed, when he turned around, it was then Artha saw the long sword fastened to the uniform’s hip. He made a noise that sounded like half sighing, half snorting, and looked at Artha directly. "I’m Caius Dorin, leader of Venetian Ceruse." Artha didn’t know how to react. She stood still, and tried to make her look calm, but it wasn’t easy. She had heard about Caius Dorin and Venetian Ceruse that had recently appeared. She gazed into the man’s eyes quietly, and didn’t reply. The man gave another half-annoyed sigh. “Apologizes for disturbing you. Now... I’m quite busy, so I’ll get going.” With that, the man turned around, causing his uniform to flap rapidly in the cold wind. “Artha.” The man turned back around, facing Artha. “Pardon?” He asked. “Artha Crockett,” Artha repeated in a quiet voice. “My name.” The corners of the man’s lips rose slightly. “Really now? It’s a good name... care to come in for a while? You look awfully thin.” He said. Artha hesitated, but nodded her head wearily. “Thank you...For your consideration.” She answered. She turned around to walk out of the room. “Ah, Artha?” Caius called. “Yes, sir?” Artha asked, pausing in front of the door to listen. The reply didn’t come quickly, making Artha turn around. “Thank you...for your cooperation.” Caius finally said, seeming to be a bit flustered by something. “You’re welcome, sir. If you need anything else please don’t hesitate to call me in.” She replied. With that, Artha closed the door quietly behind her, and walked down the long dark corridor. Watching her go, a member of Venetian Ceruse by the name of Colt Kendall looked at her as he begins to recall his lover name Trisha of a memory he had once: Trisha was by the creek and heard the music box of a familiar tune as she glanced over to see Colt holding it. "You like it?" asked Colt, he then closed the music box. Trisha looked away, "Um, just thought the song was beautiful. That's all." She claimed. "Me too, I think the song is wonderful." agreed Colt. "Yeah, sure." Trisha replied, looking annoyed. Colt noticed her attitude, "What's wrong? Did I do something to upset you?" He asked. Trisha glanced at him, "Why were you filming me?" She demanded. Colt realized what he did yesterday, "Uh...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm not an obsessing stalker." He explained. Trisha didn't believe him, "Uh huh." She said. "I'm just curious." Colt remarked. Trisha is amazed by this boy and becomes more curious. She somehow becomes smitten with this boy. The golden afternoon where the breeze felt nice as Trisha closed her eyes to feel it brushed against her. "Having fun?" Colt asked. Trisha turned around and glared at him who had a video camera in hand, "Stop video-taping me." She snapped. "Look, I want to make you my project." Colt said. Trisha looked at him, "Me? Colt, you're weird but you really don't have to do that." She said. Colt looked brooding, "Yeah, I know. But I find you interested. I told you, I'm curious." He reminded. Trisha smirked, "Let me borrow that for a second." She said, snatching the video camera from him and video tapes him, "Ah, now it's my turn to project you." She said. Colt smirked back, "Me?" He said. Then, he leaned over and tried to kiss her. Trisha couldn't believe this scandalous maneuver, "Oh--!" She gasped and dodged him. "Don't even!" Trisha prompted. Even if she finds him weird, she has a feeling that this boy is going to change her life for the better. However, Trisha was asleep one night until she felt someone beside her and saw Colt! There, Trisha became closer to this mysterious boy. But she was killed mysteriously and Colt rather not think about it. In the meantime of her own past, Artha remembered how life was so simple for her. And then it turned ugly. It started out where Artha was very close to her four siblings, during her time of her younger years as a teen, she was always bullied but her brothers and sister helped her out through these worst times. At a festival; Artha, who was having a blast with them. Just then, unexpected visitors crashed the party with loaded guns and started a massacre. They shot at other people who fell to the floor. Panic filled everyone else, they try to flee but some were shot in the process. "Connor! Fiachra! Aiden! Nola!" called Artha. "Artha!" Fiachra called. "Jane, where are you?!" hollered Connor. She went over but looked on in horror as her friends were wounded, almost dead. She noticed that Aiden was panting of the wound bleeding from there as he cries out, "Ohhh, the pain." He noticed Artha there and calls out, "Get away from here!" "Save yourself Artha!" Nola called out, "Get away from here!" However they were all shot at as Artha screamed with terror. She was shot too, in her thigh, and it took awhile for her to recover. While resting up for awhile, Artha's sanity begin to slip like crazy over the tragedy as she thought about the people that she lost. As she was recovering; Carole Ursus and Paul Merlin came by to check on Artha but instead they taunt her, explaining the awful truth: They admitted that they were the ones that killed her four best friends. Artha felt foolish, she was heaved with sadness and anger that she turned into something of her former self, screaming: "WHY?! WHY IS EVERYONE I LOVE IS KILLED?! WHY?!" Carole and Paul tried to flee from her but it was no use, they were already killed. Later, Artha sat as she looked at Carole and Paul's bodies. Artha confronted Alice and Bob as she pulled out a gun and begin to shoot at different objects in the room they were in. Artha begin to shriek with tears pooling out of her eyelids, Alice and Bob were scared, they never seen her this way and they were so frightened of not knowing what might happen. Artha pointed at the couple with her gun, "You--all of you! You killed them! My siblings! EVERYTHING WAS TAKEN FROM ME!!!!! Well, those bastards got what was coming for them!" claimed Artha. Alice stared at her with fear, "What did you do them, you freak?" She demanded. "I GOT RID OF THEM!!!!!!" Artha screamed, she slaughtered them both. Later; Artha was carrying flowers of lilies, carnations, and poppies to visit the memorial sites of siblings. She placed them there, then he brushed the leaves away and starts to speak: "Hi guys. I came to see you, I'm sorry I was busy for awhile. I know, it's crazy." She paused. She thought about the day where she failed to save them. Then, she felt like crying. "I...I should've listened, I just thought I was doing the right thing. I didn't.....I can't blame Alice or her friends, it's my fault too. I wish I could go back and change it, save all of you. But I know I can't." said Jane. She bowed her head as she wrapped her arms around herself, shivered in the cold wind. "I miss you so much....Conner, I miss the way that you were neutral whenever we argued. Fiachra, your leadership really was the heart everything since they don't call you third in command for nothing. You were a true friend too.....Aiden, you and your big mouth--Heh.....But you had a big heart. You may not care but I do.....You were always aloof, talking like you knew everything." said Artha, chuckling a little but he softens up, ".....But you were like a guide, helping me. The same with Nola, thank you...To all of you, I--I really appreciate it, Nola." A tear rolled down her cheek, she wiped it away and covered her eyes with one hand but more tears were cascading down more and more. "I don't know, should I say I'm sorry? Should I?" She said sobbingly. Artha bent to the ground, sniffing and crying so nobody can hear it. Artha was haunted by memories of siblings as she wept bitterly until sh found a girl sketching and leaning her back on a tree. Artha spies on her behind a tree, but her breath was soft and heavy which startled the girl. She turned around but Artha already ran. She ran and hid behind a tall tree however someone sneaking and startled her, "Ah-Ha!" Artha gasped, tripped backwards and fell. There was a laugh, saying: "Works every time!" The young man looked down at her, "Well. You're the stalker, are you besotted with the fair lady?" He joked. Artha shook her head, she duck down so no one can't tell if she's crying. "I'm sorry, I was interested in her drawing...That's all!" sniffled Artha. "Down Shango, chill out!" The young lady scolded, she approached Artha with a smile. "Don't mind him, he's just being...." She stopped to notice Artha was crying as she looked concern, "Hey, are you OK?" The girl asked. Artha sniffed, wiping her tears and composing herself. "It's nothing--really!" She blubbered insistently. "Nice one, Eric!" A voice called out. Artha didn't hear the banter, she was focused on the four. They looked very familiar. Conner. Fiachra. Aiden. And Nola. "It can't be, can it? They look like them!" Artha thought, tears clouding her vision. The four of them she met were strangers to her but they look like her siblings. The one who looked alike of Conner is name Jason Rio, the one who looked like Fiachra is Cleanth Guildford, the third is Eric Crane who looked like Aiden, and the one who looked like Nola is Remina 'Remi' Averett.
Afterwards; Artha was walking down the street however while she was walking, two guys appeared. They looked thuggish as they blocked their path. "Hey sweetie, where do you think yo' going?" One of them said. "Um, I don't know. Here?" Artha replied. "Sorry, this is the boss's territory." said the lackey. "Who says it's his territory? Can anyone walk here?" asked Artha. One of the lackeys looked at her chest, Artha stamped her foot and said: "Hey! I'm talking to you, asshole! My eyes are up here!" "Hey, sweetheart. Only boss makes the call whenever anyone can enter or not." said the other lackey. Now Artha was furious, she can't believe someone would take over and claim no is to pass this area. "Who does this boss think he is?" She thought and then she glared at the two viciously. "Where is your boss then? I need to speak with him right this minute!" behest Artha. "Yeah...." said one of the guys, he looked at Artha's chest and remarked, "You're not so much of a blonde kitty yourself." Artha blushed, she crossed her arms. "Kitty? Blonde?" She said with fury. The other two regret that when they saw her face, "Oops." They said. Then, they ran away as Artha chased them fiercely. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU, AND SMOTHER YOU!!!!" She cried. "OH MAN!!!" One of them cried. "CEASE! DESIST!" said the other. "I'M GONNA PUT YOU BOTH SIX FEET UNDERNEATH, THEN DIG YOU OUT AND DUPLICATE YOU TWO AND KILL ALL OF YOUR CLONES!!!!" ranted Artha. "Get hold of yourself!" said one of the guys. "Retrain, I say!" cried the other. Someone grabbed her by her arms, holding her back while saying: "Hold it." "No, let go of me! I'll skin you alive, I bet this so called boss of yours is a Head Honcho! An obese, perverted loser of this cesspool!" She screamed. "What's so funny?!" demanded Artha. One of them managed to speak, "Uh, do you want to know where our boss is?" "Where?!" Artha cried. The other ducked his head and pointed, "He's right behind you." Arthas face fell. "Say wha--?" She started to say but she turned and saw some silver haired guy. "AAAHHH!" She freaked out and flopped to the ground, feigned a faint. The silver haired guy glared at one of the lackeys, he hits him over the head. "Now you've done it." said the silver guy. "Sorry boss." said the lackey. Artha was still as a doll, she felt like screaming again. "Wow-wee!" She thought, "He's hot!" But then she thought for a moment. "Wait, that's Kyle?!" wondered Artha. She denied it, "It can't be..." thought Artha. She decided to peek out and there he was staring down at her, "It is him." Her thoughts cried, she laid down in another feign faint. Later; she just woke up as she saw the lackeys in the room, she glares at them. The lackeys grinned nervously, "Hi." They said. "Where's your boss?" asked Artha, "Not that I care but I want to know where he is." "What? So you can scream like a maniac?" remarked the other lackey. Artha glares at him, "No. I felt bad for insulting him. I mean, I feel idiot." She protested. She got to know these two lackeys by the names of Teague Graciano and Wilson 'Wiley' Easton, where they tell her about Kyle, who's birth name as Skyler Kinney. "It shouldn’t be our problem that your feelings for the boss is so strong." Wiley remarked. Artha scoffs at this and then she replied with sarcasm in her voice, "Oh, I got a 'thing' for him. Yeah, sure. Right. I'm one of those girls who love bad boys." The lackeys smiled with nervousness for a weird reason. Artha continued to rant with sarcasm, "Kyle's smoking, he's cool which is so weird to say." She sounded like a valley girl but remain her dryness in her voice, "Listen, like in hell I have some sort hots for him. He's not someone I'd go crazy for--" "Artha?" one of the lackeys said. Artha sighed and gave him a look, "What?" She snapped. "He's standing behind you again." said the lackey. Jane turned around and she saw Kyle looking at her funny, it looked sort of smug. He looked different than before. His hair color was different, it was more ash gray. It suits him, but when she realized she was thinking this; Artha growled in anger and her hands twitched like she's prepared to choke someone. She lets out an anger yell, "Yaaahhhh!" She flops back on the bed. Kyle looked at her confused, "Weird." He muttered. Artha's eyes bulged out, she tensed and point a finger at Kyle's men, rasping to them: "Not one word!" The lackeys nodded, "Gotcha." They said and left the room. After they were gone; Artha turned on the TV called Jack O'Hearts, a western soap opera: There were the characters--Big Jim is the King, Rosemary the Queen, there’s the Jack, and Lily is the princess. The Jack of Hearts is leading a heist on the bank next door. It’s a cabaret show — the girls, including Lily, are dancers. In this love story, in this was being soon afterwards killed or just that something is going to happen. Lily’s impending interaction with the “Jack of Hearts”, who like the card she drew, will appear to her unexpectedly. She lost her crown to Lily, who is Big Jim’s mistress. Maybe the Jack of Hearts is a notorious criminal, and Big Jim might have seen his face on a Wanted poster. Or Big Jim has seen him before with Lily, and is starting to feel uncomfortable. Lily is dancing on stage. She had been playing five-card stud backstage, and was hoping for a third Queen. Now we learn she drew the Jack of Hearts rather than a Queen. The tension is building in the room — so much that no one notices the gang breaking into the safe at the bank down the street. Rosemary is set up as another suspect in the murder — with both motive and a weapon. Since Big Jim had an affair with Lily, Rosemary merely ‘played the role’ of wife. Rosemary is contemplating to kill Big Jim, who cheated on her but is so powerful she can’t say much about it. Perhaps Rosemary too had an affair with the Jack of Hearts. Big Jim is standing outside, suspecting Lily might be cheating on him. Big Jim suspected that Lily was seeing the Jack of Hearts. It’s unclear who has the gun — perhaps Big Jim is pointing his gun at them, or perhaps Lily, Rosemary or the Jack of Hearts are aiming to gun down Jim. Rosemary joined Big Jim, to check what’s happening in the dressing room. But she has different plans than Jim. She wants Jim dead. She was married to Big Jim, but would prefer the Jack of Hearts. She may have just stabbed Big Jim, causing a bloody mess on her face and clothes. Lily is talking to Big Jim, who was the luckiest, richest guy in town, but he is now killed and robbed. Lily covered up some traces of the crime, and she doesn’t want the Jack of Heart to mess things up. The backstage manager has realized something is wrong. Jack of Hearts, dressed up as a monk, acting to be an actor! He is the best actor! Lily now arms were locked around Jack of Hearts as she forgot all about Big Jim. The other members of the gang of the Jack of Hearts finally manage to steal Big Jim’s money. Jim was pointing a gun Lily and the Jack of Hearts, and Rosemary, who was standing next to him, stabbed Jim in his back. Rosemary will hang for a crime that clearly involved Lily and the Jack of Hearts, Rosemary was sentenced to death for murder. Maybe Lily is regretting that she set Rosemary up. Maybe Lily should have hung in Rosemary’s stead. The Jack of Hearts is coming to get Lily, and lead her to his gang, who are waiting outside the town. They’ll run off with the money! Once it was over, Artha laid back and thought about the crazy things that have been happening to her.
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