Once upon a time in modern day; there is a girl who had been through hell before and has lost everything. She will come into your life however not very long. Who is she? She's a 15 year old out for revenge and is one mysterious girl in a cruel yet beautiful world. Her name is Devnet Sinclair. Here's her story so please read and enjoy! --KatDon
Chapter 6: Most Wanted
There once was a teenage girl name Devnet Sinclair and she is 15 year old who takes her revenge on a man by discreetly poisoning his drink with white powder concealed in her ring. As he falls dead, Devnet calls for help however she is arrested for poisoning the man. Devnet is taken to a women's prison, where she is led to her cell by two prison guards, who strip her of shoulder-padded dress and left lying nude, while she is mocked by the other women prison inmates. Eventually; Devnet is bailed out and exits to find her best friend, Patricia 'Patsy' Garth was waiting for her. Later; Devnet and Patsy fighting off a group of men wearing suits in an office. When all of the men are defeated, Patsy betrays Devnet by kicking her out of a window. Devnet lying on a broken car, while a man smokes a cigar. The guy then takes Devnet and then, she was being nursed back to health by the man. After some time, she is ready to start training for her revenge. When her training is complete, Devnet decides to exact her revenge on Patsy and her men. All her life while training; Devnet was a lonely girl. She sat up in her tower and talked to the little voices that niggled in the back of her mind. She lived a lonely life. And to think that all she did was sit by that window, gazing out at the yonder blue and the world below. She had to live with the unconceivable boredom. There was only so much she could do and slowly, driving her insane. So Devnet made her decision. She stood on the window pane. She had taken time to think it over. If she made the jump without dying, she could live for once. Devnet was no ordinary girl living in a cruel world, she is qualified to fight against the things she is up against, and she's a young teen girl who needs to make sure her body is in tip top shape to do battle with invaders that are destructive. Devnet knows her chances of survival are slim and she may be losing hope. She could hear her teacher was then tries giving her some more hope, and reassuring her she can make it through. In one world those evil men may defeat her, they may finally kill her. This squad are destructive and malicious bastards. They are to kill and destroy. No positive things can be done by it. The people don’t believe Devnet will defeat and survive in the outcome, they don’t believe Devnet will make it, but her master still has faith in her and is telling her that she will remain strong. She remembered a terrible memory of her past: The flames were everywhere of their once beloved home, a little girl had tears in her eyes, “Mommy! Where are you, Mommy? I want to see Mommy!” The girl said.
She was attempting to go in the inferno home until there was a huge eruption and the house exploded. There was a red, orange, and black big cloud. Tears streaming down the little girl’s face: “Mommmyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!” She screamed. The little girl sank to the ground and cried. Nobody knew that Devnet has hidden strengths that nobody is aware of. She can be herself when no one is around to judge her. She is taking things farther in this mission alone. She can clearly tell that this mission will want her to take things to the next level. In the past, she has something to lose. But now she feels like a super badass, like a female 007 that kicks ass way harder than all the guys out there. Because she is dangerous! Devnet might look like an innocent young girl, but she’s tough. Whether to stick to her old ways, playing with peoples emotions, killing people, and moving on; she feels like she's changed for some reason. Devnet causes trouble, she’s abrasive. She doesn’t care who gets in her way. Since Devnet doesn’t care who or what is in her way anymore, people fall for her constantly, but she kill people like it’s nothing to her. Something happened to Devnet....After she does what she has planned to do with it, will never be the same girl as she was before getting the gun, and doing any criminal actions with it. She shoves him off of her. However, he then physically assaults Devnet, first punching her in the back of her head before pushing her through the glass top of a coffee table. The man attempts to strangle Devnet, but she is able to break free, and gain enough time to locate bullets and a gun in a case. When he turns around to attack her again, Devnet shoots him in the head, causing his brains to be splattered on the wall. She then climbs out a window and down the fire escape. In a bit of bait-and-switch, it’s not Devnet who was found in the apartment, but the man that attacked her, whom she killed and ditched the body without any trace of fingerprints. That man is now reaping what he sowed. This man's name is Shane Turk. When she was little of her dark past; people inform her that her entire family was killed by outlaws, Devnet begins to feel sadness that is overriding all other emotions and possibly actions. The deaths of his family members is motivation to keep pursuing the ones that killed them. Praying just isn’t doing it for her, she feels that she needs revenge and she can’t look past her family being murdered. Then, as Devnet is skipping down the street; A child predator who her. As she descends into an underground area, he pulls out a cloth with chloroform. Just as he is about to attack, she screams and begins utilizing her militant-like martial arts and enhanced powers to beat the man. She raises him into the air with one hand and defeats him by slamming him against walls and shooting bullets into and through his body. Using a pen to add a pitch black mark to a tally on the pad of paer, adding another victim of her justice to the count. That man is Jedrick Fuller. Devnet has a boyfriend name Tyler Damhan, and they both were both in love. When their relationship began, everything seemed so wonderful and it seemed like nothing could go wrong. The relationship that began so well turned to crap, she should have seen it coming yet still can’t believe it happened. Devnet’s significant other has his own evils but these evils push the limits of those seen previously, she insinuates that this may be on par with or even worse than the devil himself. Someone such as Tyler who had physically abused Devnet seemingly loose his minds as he swings in rage. He is just going to stand there and watch her while she breaks down. Devnet has been a victim of domestic violence, possibly at the hands of her lover. Devnet has hidden her eye bruise well, presumably with makeup and she’s wearing a cheesy fake grin while joking around, pretending she’s okay. Her lover is a drinker, which is probably the reason he presumably hits her! Her lover apologizes to her by buying her jewelry.
When she learns that Tyler was involved in the death of her parents; she was heartbroken! Now, she’s standing on a gravel country road by herself just waiting for her abusive lover to come home. He’s been caught for doing something wrong in the past, proving he isn’t a good person, possibly some kind of abuse. Devnet's boyfriend headed straight for hell is simple. Her boyfriend is a terrible person; when she kills him, he’ll obviously go to hell. It’s 10:30 and she’s drinking to get ready to kill her abusive partner, she can feel him pull in the driveway. This time she’s waiting for him with a shotgun. In the past he was able to get home and abuse her. He may think he’s big and bad cause he can punch hard but what’s a fist to bullet? Devnet's boyfriend beat her up with the pure power of his fists. “Don’t that sound like a real man?” she asks mockingly, as obviously, it doesn’t. She’s sick of his craziness, and is going to fight back. Even if he thinks she’s crazy, she isn’t. Yet. Even though she didn’t want to kill him, she was pushed so far by the horrible thing he did to her. She — in the heat of passion, anger, rage, sadness — couldn’t stop the emotions she was feeling to the point where she went out and she shot him. Devnet knows what she had done was wrong, and now she is constantly thinking about it. She has a guilty conscience. She needs to move on before someone finds out about this! At first it was first it was just what seemed like a small altercation nothing really to worry about. however because she failed to see how severe the situation was it evolved into a real problem that she could have avoided. "What has gotten into me? I killed this man. I wasn’t thinking the moment I shot.. Now the police are looking for me and I have to flee!" thought Devnet. She didn’t mean to hurt him and take him away from his loved ones. When she took her firearm out, she took his heartbeat away! She feels really bad for shooting someone down, and she looks back at her actions and regrets them so bad… What has she become? Obviously she killed a man. She probably did this by accident or on purpose. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do or where she is going to go after she shoots him. Tugging, crying at herself at thinking back at what she has done and now realizing she could face actions for her criminal actions namely killing a man. She out of town to where no one can find or recognize her. But she remembered to stay strong as she knew that he wasn't good enough for her anyway. Devnet thought about Patsy and her betrayal; she trusted her and thought something like this would never happen, their once valuable friendship has gone to ruins. Her so-called friend decided to weaken their bond between each other by attacking Devnat physically, mentally and emotionally where she is weak, unable to defend for herself. They were in a happy relationship before the problems between them started. Her friend’s unfruitful relationship left so many scars that they aren’t able to be cured by just moving on. Devnet wants revenge for the turmoil. Even though her ex-friend can forget about her cruel actions, almost as if it’s all forgive and forget; Devnet reminds her that she doesn’t seem to agree with that sentiment. Eventually, karma will take a nasty turn towards her friend. The way she treats people she claims to love is sickening. She doesn’t allow herself to be victimized, but getting straight to the point — she is mad and Devnet is really used to care about this person. They used to be good friends before their young, chill, real friendship of what Devnet and Patsy had together. Maybe it was naive of Devnet to assume they were friends. She should’ve clearly seen the warning signs. Devnet is clearly upset and thinks the betrayal was very childish. After mean actions by Devnet’s ex-friend, their friendship is irreparable. To her, the deed was too harsh and vindictive to be easily forgiven. Deep cuts leave scars and bring long lasting pain. Patsy’s actions will leave a permanent mark on her and will not be quickly forgotten! She killed her men because she had to get vengeance. Now that she has won and is looking back on what she has done she realizes she will be happy again but will never have her family back.
After the day she had; Devnet sat there, working on her laptop, while she sat there and thought about her past that involved with horrific experiments: It begins with the soldiers tore the young women away from their loved ones and their families, gave them some surrogate mothers and kept other traumatized women in isolation rooms, sometimes for up to a year. A doctor name Jankin Rohan began expanding his project. He and his assistant created a dark metal box designed to isolate the women from everything in the outside world. Within days, the women kept inside the pit were driven insane, incessantly rocking and clutching at themselves, tearing and biting their own skin and ripping out their hair. When finally removed from isolation, they were too traumatized to interact with others, and some were so shocked and depressed that they starved themselves. Then, the women restrain and inseminate by crazed and perverted men, then they would later watch and photograph the mentally ill mothers physically abusing and killing their own babies or causing miscarriages as well as kamikazes. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed Dr. Rohan to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, Rohan's assistant name Keoni Verrier gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. Due to unsanitary conditions in the next week, it was virtually inevitable that these children would contract disease. One doctor sent to investigate the outbreak, proposed an experiment that would assist in developing a vaccine. However, the experiment required deliberately infecting children with the disease. Though the doctor’s study was controversial from the start, critics were eventually silenced by the permission letters obtained from each child’s parents. In reality, offering one’s child to the experiment was oftentimes the only way to guarantee admittance into the overcrowded institution. These unconsenting subjects were lured to safe-houses by prostitutes on the payroll, unknowingly given hallucination drugs and other mind-altering substances, and monitored from behind one-way glass. With an experiment involved with blood pressure and blood flow; the researchers used 113 children ranging in age from one hour to three days old as test subjects. In one experiment, a catheter was inserted through the umbilical arteries and into the aorta. The child's feet were then immersed in ice water for the purpose of testing aortic pressure. In another experiment, up to 50 children were individually strapped onto a circumcision board, then tilted so that their blood rushed to their head and their blood pressure could be monitored. Individual children did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis; instead they were told they had 'bad blood' and could receive free medical treatment, rides to the clinic, meals and burial insurance in case of death in return for participating. Standard treatments for syphilis were toxic, dangerous, and of questionable effectiveness. Part of the original goal of the study was to determine if patients were better off not being treated with these toxic remedies. For many participants, treatment was intentionally denied. Many patients were lied to and given placebo treatments—in order to observe the fatal progression of the disease. Devnet and her sisters, even her mother, had survived from all the pain through all that however she knew the pain wasn't completely gone from all what she'd been through!
Sitting there bored; Devnet turned on the Moneta and spoke to it like the Queen from Snow White would say to the magic mirror: "Great contraction thing right here, tell me about Ophelia the Queer." Immediately, the device screen flashed and glowed until the memories appeared: A figure was busy writing in a book, she loved books as she tensed her hands a bit as she has perfect handwriting. But then she heard her mother calling her name, "Ophelia!" The figure took the headphones off her ears. She went to the edge of her balcony from her room to look down to see her mother on the couch, watching TV. "Ophelia, are you going to the gathering?" asked her mother. The girl seemed uncertain, her plum red lips begin to twist around, thinking. She then replies, "It could be loud." "Mimir was concern about that but it's not, don't worry. So...Do you want to go?" replied her mother. The girl smiled a little, "Are they going to be there? The ones that Mimir told me about before?" "Of course they will." answered her mother. The girl felt thrilled, "Then yes I'm going." she replied with a calm face. But when she went back to her room, she went into her a closet and squealed happily, "Yes!" Later, she had showered and brush her teeth. She freshens up and wears nice clothes. At the gathering, it wasn't so loud as she feared. But she seemed shy, looking around for Mimir. She found him talking and laughing with some young people. Ophelia is fascinated in the young woman who looked happy. Ophelia felt ease, curious how to approach this but she fears of disapproval, to be judged for her flaws. "No, never again. Don't let them in, don't let them see...You gotta be good like you have to be. Obscure, swim with the tide....Don't let them in." She told herself. One of them look back to see Ophelia, who turned away quickly. Mimir noticed her and grinned happily, "Ophelia! Come and say hello to our newest batch of operatives in the agency." Mimir said. Ophelia shyly approaches them, she makes her head look up and gave them good eye contact. "Hi there, my name is Ophelia Tagtrum. It's nice to meet you all." She said in a polite manner. Cassandra looks at her up and down, this was Ophelia? This little angel? Ophelia was a petite young lady with fair olive skin that was striking. Eyes dark brown and perfectly white pearly teeth. She had a curvaceous figure, she even had a large bust. Ophelia looked shyly at Cassandra and said, "You remind me of someone I used to know." Cassandra looked at her perplexed, "I do? Like who?" She asked. Ophelia felt like an idiot. She looked away, "I...Sorry, not important." said Ophelia quickly. "Great, just great! My first impression is that she reminds me of stupid Abigail! Ugh, why the hell I have to go and say that!" "No, no. You can tell me." assured Cassandra. Ophelia looked up at her hopeful, Was she trying to be nice? Or was it just an act for her to look annoyed and then be rude to her later? She didn't know. Cassandra smiled, "If you don't want to, it's OK." She assured her. Just then, Cassandra and the other girls are called for a mission. Cassandra turned to Ophelia and said, "I'll see you later then?" Ophelia brightens up, "Um, OK." She said. As Cassandra left, Ophelia feels like maybe...Just maybe, Cassandra can be her friend. In this assignment, which takes place on Caer Sidr, Cassandra and the others learned that there are fraternal twin brothers that are half breed, possibly the sons of a legendary creature, a yuki onna, so off they went.
Once more while watching the Moneta, Ophelia was observing all this as she becomes even more obsessive. She turns away and goes to her room where she close the door and lied on her bed for a moment; the faces from Mictlan are haunting her. But the most ones are Jack, Minerva, Bellerphon, Siegfried, Tristan however mostly Jack. And then her hands fumbled under the covers and she begins to...Jerk. She looked like she was crying, thinking about Bellerophon's tearful face when he saw Eulalie, who is still alive but she is covered in blood, gunk, and slobber. Thinking and in tears while thinking about George and Margaret in a horror experience with Turan, even the healing surgery she did on the bruise George had on him. But then, Ophelia begins to moan softly and gasps while remembering when she saw Jack's suffering memories, his determination, his emotions, and his transformation into a Revenant. However she stops and she goes to the bathroom to wash her hands five times. "Ugh, what is the matter with me?" She said to herself. the culprit looked familiar--She had brown eyes, brunette hair with blonde highlights. Olive pale skin complexion. She wore a long sleeved shirt, leggings, and shorts. She wore slip on flats on her tiny feet. The strange girl slowly walked over to Ace. "My friend, you are....A good looking devil!" She exclaimed. Roland and Ace looked flabbergasted. "What you call me?" Ace asked. That's when Ophelia is knocked out by a scent in the air. The next thing they knew they woke up in a tower, surprisingly they learned to know that it belong to Ace! "So, you are the little pixie that's been causing a lot of trouble." Ace remarked. "Me? Trouble?" said Ophelia, "I'm just an angel from heaven to be sent here on earth. Anything you want me to do, is in the Lord's hands." Roland looks at her funny, "You're so fricking weird." He remarked. "Thanks, I know I am but who are you? A punk? A kid?" said Ophelia. Ace looked at her and said, "Mind tell us who you working for?" Roland look back at him with a hard glare, "'Us'? Since when do you and I work together? You got me imprisoned here, asshole!" "Shut up." snapped Ace. He turned back to Ophelia, "Would you mind telling me who you working for?" He asked. Ophelia twists her lips thoughtfully yet in a cute manner, she considers this for a moment as Roland and Ace wait for her to reply. "I could! But that would just give myself away." She said finally. "Here, let's hold a challenge!" "Challenge?" Roland and Ace chorused. "Yup, whoever defeats the Wendigos will win this competition. Starting...now!" Ophelia pressed a button on a pen-like device and a puff of smoke out comes! She escapes. Roland and Ace went after her separately as they try to track down the place she is at. But they ran into Wendigos and try to fight them. Until strange forces of levitation, darkness, and other matters that defeated them.
Finally; Roland and Ace found Ophelia's location but when they got in; they found something gold and silver. They've seen this before and even heard of this before. "Is this--?"Roland started to say but a voice from above startles them. "Hi boys, welcome to the grand palace, cool ain't it?" It was Ophelia, coiled around a pillar. "How the hell you got in here?!" Roland demanded. Ophelia shrugged casually. "What can I say, I'm that good. I am the trickster." She bragged. "You are one hell of a woman, I guess Orlando and I underestimated you." Ace commented. "You guys sure can unimpressive, you guys are one gold hearted boys." Ophelia said. "Frick, we're not just any gold hearted guys right? We're 'good looking devils', as you said." Ace said, blood and water-ice went off quickly! Ophelia ran, dodging and hiding. "Game's over, Ophelia! We win!" Ace replied. "We won this stupid game!" More blood and frost aqua but Ophelia dodged them still! "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Roland hollered. "Boy oh boy, I knew there was something interesting about them since we met. They're more impressive than I thought." Ophelia muttered to herself, pleased by all this. "You can run, but you can't hide!" Ace called out. They thought they got her but it was only her jacket. "What the hell--?" Roland demanded in shock. Ace turned and his eyes widened, pointing to what's coming. "Look out!" "Surprise!" cried Ophelia, lunging at Roland. She was in a long sleeved shirt, smiling down at Roland, who blushed at her ingenue beauty and her large breasts but realized what he was suppose to do. "Hey, get off me, will ya?" Roland said. "Oopsie, sorry bout that!" Ophelia replied, giggling. The Wendigos were in that explosion and Ophelia cheered, "Yay! I won!" She said. Then, Ophelia turned to Roland and Ace, "Congrats you guys, you did your best!" The three of them managed to escape. In a hotel room; Ophelia laughed happily as she bounced on the bed. "OMG, that was super intense! Too cool!" She squealed. Roland narrowed his eyes, "You almost died back there, you loon." He remarked. "I made it out all right, didn't I?"Ophelia said, she then had her legs in the air and kicked happily like she won a billion dollars. "How did you do that?" asked Roland, referring to her abilities. Ophelia stopped bouncing and sat up. "Uh, I'm Spider Girl? Catwoman?" She lied. Roland glared at her, but he looked blushing in the face as he looks at her breasts shyly. "That's one way to convince me..." He muttered. Ophelia glared back at him suspiciously and looked down at her boobs, she covered herself. "Hey, don't look at my chest!" She exclaimed. "Will you guys be quiet?" Ace said, he was dressed up again and rubbing his messy, wet hair with a towel. "Geez! How did we get stuck with her?" He moaned. Roland glared at him, "We? I was brought into this mess with you, we are not a team and no longer friends." "Yeah, until she came in and messed you up!" Ace argued back. "Why the hell do you care, you--" Roland started to ask but Ophelia interrupted them. "Ahhh, Power and control....One person always want to have the upper hand in this cock fight, it's somewhat similar to who would wear the pants in this part. It's always a competitive sport, to see who can get the upper hand and control. Me? I shouldn't be labeled as part of the problem." She turns away on the bed, "Now, I'm going to get some shut eye for a little. The same goes for you guys. Nighty night." said Ophelia. When she awoke from her nap; Ophelia went for a walk. Then she saw a park and a playground so she heads right over there for a reason.
Moments later; She was on the swings, but then heard someone behind: "So, care to tell me what happened back there?" Ophelia turned around to see Roland's annoyed face. "Fine, I was subjected as an experiment to become an invincible hunter." admitted Ophelia. "Liar." Roland snapped. "What? It's true. But...." Ophelia started to say but Roland seem irritated, "You're hiding something all right, and I really am annoyed at how much of a damn priss you are and being all mysterious." Roland said. Ophelia begin to look huffy, "Well, it shouldn't be my problem that other people cannot seem to agree with me. Hell! It's my life if I should be allow to live as I see fit. More than the usual need to succeed. It is not nobody else's business to tell me what I want to do. As I stated before, it's my life! No one can stop me from doing what I want to do. People have been judging me, discussing about my problems in an irrelevant manner. I warn them to not be concerning around me of what I do. Leave me be! I can handle this on my own, without criticism." She ranted. "Argghh, do you ever shut up? I mean, what do you want out of life? You might as well as been unnoticed and just pretend you're all that when you're not!" Roland demanded. Ophelia was quiet before turning to him with sad, doe-like eyes. "Is having an unnoticed life okay with you?" asked Ophelia. "Wha--What?" Roland questioned, his face softened at her ingenue self. Ophelia got off the swings and looked at him, "Do I need to pretend I am something that I'm not? Do I need to pose to all the people who have ever doubted me? Once all your dreams come true and you get the fame you desired, you’re left alone with your riches, totally unfulfilled." She said. Ophelia looked down and said, "I feel so empty; no matter how far I'll go, I'm not satisfied. I'm always searching for more and wondering why I can't be happy with what I have. I feel that I've been given a fair trade." She looks up smiling a little, "A girl's life is not as wonderful as she imagines, I believe it's stereotypical. It's exaggerating with romance and passion so fame is blamed. Let's be real, This is a place that everyone wants to be in right? I am so obsessed with it. How could I? It's so glamorous here!" Ophelia squealed, "How amazing! How many wonderful creatures there are here! Mankind is so beautiful! Oh, what a wonderful new world, that has such people in it!" Roland glanced at her, "It’s new to you." He remarked. "Oh yeah!" agreed Ophelia, she then begin to giggle insanely. Later, Ophelia in a T shirt with shorts and she looked cute so much that Roland was feeling 'funny' around her as he can feel himself amorous. Ace glares at Ophelia, who had nice legs and a beautiful body which made him think that she was trying to seduce Roland but that wasn't it at all. "I don't believe this! You mean you boys used to be best friends? Wow, that's....that's why you guys hate each other's guts because of the fact was someone did something to the other." She was lying on the bed of her room at a hotel as she was talking to Roland and Ace. Roland looked over at the smug Ace and said, "Yeah, that bastard..." "You sure know how to put the hurt in someone else don't you Orlando?" taunted Ace. "I can never forgive you for calling me by that name, Jack of all stats." barked Roland. Ophelia sat up as she looked at them with surprise, "Whoa, that's harsh. Forgiveness is divine." She said. "Ugh, shut up!" Roland snapped but then he realized what he said and turned to Ophelia, "Sorry." "It's OK. Let's not fight, shall we?" Ophelia said. Roland nodded bu Ace blurted out: "Fighting is more his style." "How would you know, you freak?" Roland snapped. "Boys, boys. You're both pretty." remarked Ophelia, she laughed. And then she said, "Kiss and make up." "I ain't kissing him!" Roland protested. "Forget that. In my dreams, I already did." said Ace. Roland looked at him with surprise. "Wait a second! Did you had a steamy, homo dream about me? About us?" He asked. Ace glares at him, "Can it!" He snapped. Roland glared at him. "You bastard. It's a dirty secret that you would stargaze about me. You knew it was wrong but you didn't mind, you were going to start sh.." He ranted. "Shut your mouth!" exclaimed Ace. Ophelia let out a gaspy sounding spasm, "This is so engaging, boys. I feel so...mmmph!" Then she noticed their weird faces and giggled, "Whoops!" "What kind of girl are you?" Roland demanded. Ophelia beamed at him, "One of a kind!" Things get worse when Ophelia, Roland, and Ace learned that Weiss Castillo and Rote Zentrum are about to declare war against monsters but neither one is strong enough--And this is coming from the news.
Here she was, lying in her bed and listening to music again. Thinking for her new inspiration, her next project. She needs something fresh. Something different.....Ophelia is hark-backing of the so called friends she once had: She remembered her freshman year of high school as one of them complimented her on her T shirt. Touched by the compliment; Ophelia thanked her and was about to talk to her when a snobby girl interrupted rudely as the girl forgets about Ophelia, who is now hurt by the mannerism of the snobby girl. All Ophelia wanted was someone kind, someone to talk to but alas, there was none. She begins to recall more memories from her past; One time she was sick of a bad cough and a high fever. Instead of sympathy, all of her 'friends' had jeered things at her mercilessly, "Get away from me!", "Ewww, don't cough on me!" and "Why don't you stay home if your sick?" Even a nice girl she met and felt pity for was also mean to her as well. Ophelia was trying not to get anyone else sick but she hated it. A teacher noticed her not feeling well and called Ophelia's mother, where she picked her up and Ophelia rested in order to recover, which took about a week. Although the violent tantrums she had, all the pain and the skepticism she went through; Ophelia longed for a friend and for acceptance but her behavior had always shunned others from her as she felt alone. Someone to love, a friend. But alas, there was none. In the present era; Ophelia has always have a habit of eavesdropping but to her, it was a way to keep secrets of others and to sympathize them in case somebody needs someone to talk to, Ophelia would be that person. Today, she heard Cassandra's angry complaints to her mother about her father with his lies, wallowing, and how he 'wants to die'. She thought her father was pathetic in so many ways. Ophelia was upset by hearing this, she feels sympathy for Cassandra however she is angry at how much of a jerk Boreas is to his own daughter. It was making Cassandra's mood resentful and irritating. Later, Ophelia enters in her shrine-shed where she begins writing about the people at Silver Branch. The only reason why she's obsessed is because their faces are etched in her head as their facial expressions seem to haunt her. Some of her entries are creepy: "My experience has no place for rehab, I can't stop thinking about you 24-7. I look to see if you're always there. I call you and stay up all night to see if you call back. There's no one who gets me like you, I think about the way I feel about what you feel. I'm emotionally weak, I feel so high up. I can't understand why aren't you interested, I am obsessed! I feel like a loser, here I am staying home all night. Waiting for you to call, you might have noticed my obsession for you. I'm a mental stalker. You won't call me for I'm infatuated. Is it my appearance? I won't let anyone get you or let you get away."
She then decides to take her obsessively crazy ideas and turned them into a light novel book called Sanity & Sanctuary. It was about a boy, who had been rejected before, as he longed to be accepted by 'cool yet kind' young men. But these young men are really from 'the world above' for their beloved queen is being imprisoned by an evil queen and now the boy must help his 'heroes' that he looks up to. Ophelia based the boy's feelings off her own. She wrote the boy's past, similar to her own. Ophelia eventually typed her story onto her blog: "Phantasi Grrl Online Journal" under her alter ego name Larunda 'Lara' Seltsam. She hopes to find an artist for her light novel and to get it published soon. In her emotional state; Ophelia begin to cry as she fears of acceptance and the loud noises she dislikes so much. But she managed to pull herself together and for a moment, she felt a glimmer of hope. It was shining through her for one moment, and then the next; it faded as Ophelia begin to feel depress once again. Quickly, Ophelia prayed above to Shiloh that she'll be accepted by others and loved. One day, she will be loved. Never again will she be rejected. She wrote bible verses such as these kinds: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. At times, you will feel lonely, but you’re not. He will guide your path, enlighten your days. Prayers seem to help her however it won't be just the Lord's work to help her but she has the perseverance to survive. In her writing; she had wrote on the boy's point of view: "...He is close to losing hope, it could happen at any coming moment. Losing my mind. he is just a person like anybody else and can’t take the hate and everything on his own. Therefore he asks for help. Everyday is a struggle to live, not gonna be silent for any longer. He’s gonna speak up even if he is by himself. Today he is going to speak up and people will hear him! Who’s gonna be brave enough to say what everyone thinks or wants to say but can’t because they’re afraid? They have to solve the hardest problem, they’ll ever have to solve and they aren’t ready yet. In this line there’s a little note of uncertainty. He’s searching for a hero for so long to come and save the day. He later realizes he has to be his own hero. Calling to a force or being of some kind to rescue him before it is too late...." She eventually wrote on the acceptance part: "Often someone would hide their flaws in order to look good to others. I just want you to open up about your inner feelings. And I have to admit, just like you; I'm flawed and I'm scared too. I will love you without limits. Nobody comes stuff-free. Everybody has their issues and you’re never going to be perfect. Even when you are upset, angry, drunk, or otherwise being hard to be around, I will be there for you. You have my full permission to be yourself." And ends it with, "Everyone will be able to see how fantastic their partnership is, like how wondrous a pair of shooting stars are."
Sniff. Sniff. Poor Ophelia was crying after hearing Cassandra and the other girls want to retire from the team of being an agent. It was the saddest thing she heard and wished that no one could leave her. She decided to look back on her own memories: Ophelia found a cute guy. He looked like a matured young teen at around 14-15. He seemed cute, good looking. Ophelia felt weak in the knees, she forced to straighten them and went over to give him a smile. When the guy saw Ophelia standing there smiling awkwardly, he glared at her dubiously. “What?” The guy asked. Ophelia felt really stupid, “Uh, what?” She said nicely. “You’re just standing there, what do you want?” The boy asked. Ophelia completely forgot what she came for but she remembered. “Oh! I want to know your name.” She replied. The guy smirked at her, “Pfft, like I’d tell you loon.” He said, as he strolled away. Ophelia is stunned but she runs over to him and stops him. “Loon? Now wait just a minute! I wasn’t ready, I was fashioning on being funny and cute but I totally blew it. Can I have a second chance? Please?” She asked with pleading eyes. The boy looked at her but he seemed interested, “You wanna know my name? It’s Ace Schelm.” Ophelia smiled, “I’m Ophelia Tagtraum.” She said. Ace was awestruck by this, “Ophelia, huh. I’ll remember that.” He said and turned to walk away. Ophelia felt her heart beating, “Score one, for the girl!” She thought happily. She skipped away gleefully but she stopped when she saw something there. "A skateboard!" Ophelia cried. She said. She starts to do cool tricks on it. "All right, let's do this!" She belted as she did the skateboard tricks. "A couple more!" She stopped again and said to herself, “One more!" "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FRICKING MIND?!" A voice cried. Ophelia yelped, "Aaah!" She fell on her face. The boy looked guilty and came over to the girl, concern that she fell on her face as it could be bruised. "Are you OK?" He asked nervously, red in the face. Ophelia is stunt by this boy. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't know this was your board." She explained. The boy looked shy, "Yeah, m-my bad! I-I-I'm sorry! But, don't touch it--I mean! I mean, be careful!" He stuttered. Ophelia looked at the boy. "Are you OK?" She asked. The boy laughs nervously. "Nah. Nothin' wrong with me." He claims. Ophelia looked at him with a suspicious look, this girl was making him uncomfortable so he decides to approach this more gently. "I--Um, I just thought those moves were pr--pretty cool." He said. Ophelia beamed. "Thanks. I've been skateboarding for a while." She explains briefly. This surprise the boy, "Really? W--Wow!" He stuttered. "Yeah." Ophelia nodded. She grew more suspicious of the boy's behavior. "What's wrong?" Ophelia asked. "Just--s--sh--shy!" The boy stammered. Smiling coyly; Ophelia placed an arm around his neck and pulled him towards her. The boy blushed, nervous as he was when he stared at the leering girl. “Come Kitty, You're so pretty. Don't go Kitty! Stay with me! Play with me!” She said in a sing-song voice. Just then, Roland's cellphone rang and he answers, Ophelia loosens her grip from him to answer it. Roland nodded a thank you and answers it.
"Yeah?....What?.....Oh man, yeah....Where is it?....Shit, that's gonna be tough but what the hell?....Well I--" He turned around to see Ophelia was gone. Then he turned back to the phone, astounded by what happened. "Yeah, I'm good to go." And he hung up. He was stunt to see Ophelia gone that fast however no time to waste, he had to go now. Earlier before her mission; Ophelia was subjected to Silver Branch's Project Agent. She had asked Mimir about this and told her reasons why. So she gained enhanced abilities of speed, strength, agility, and danger intuition--The ability to detect impending threats. She did not want to be a damsel in distress, she wanted to be the 'damsel out of distress', the action girl that any girl want to be. Their inspiration, just as Cassandra and the others. But the culprit looked familiar--She had brown eyes, brunette hair with blonde highlights. Olive pale skin complexion. She wore a long sleeved shirt, leggings, and shorts. She wore slip on flats on her tiny feet. The strange girl slowly walked over to Ace. "My friend, you are....A good looking devil!" She exclaimed. Roland and Ace looked flabbergasted. "What you call me?" Ace asked. That's when Ophelia is knocked out by a scent in the air. The next thing they knew they woke up in a tower, surprisingly they learned to know that it belong to Ace! "So, you are the little pixie that's been causing a lot of trouble." Ace remarked. "Me? Trouble?" said Ophelia, "I'm just an angel from heaven to be sent here on earth. Anything you want me to do, is in the Lord's hands." Roland looks at her funny, "You're so fricking weird." He remarked. "Thanks, I know I am but who are you? A punk? A kid?" said Ophelia. Ace looked at her and said, "Mind tell us who you working for?" Roland look back at him with a hard glare, "'Us'? Since when do you and I work together? You got me imprisoned here, asshole!" "Shut up." snapped Ace. He turned back to Ophelia, "Would you mind telling me who you working for?" He asked. Ophelia twists her lips thoughtfully yet in a cute manner, she considers this for a moment as Roland and Ace wait for her to reply. "I could! But that would just give myself away." She said finally. "Here, let's hold a challenge!" "Challenge?" Roland and Ace chorused. "Yup, whoever defeats the Wendigos will win this competition. Starting...now!" Ophelia pressed a button on a pen-like device and a puff of smoke out comes! She escapes. Roland and Ace went after her separately as they try to track down the place she is at. But they ran into Wendigos and try to fight them. Until strange forces of levitation, darkness, and other matters that defeated them.
Finally; Roland and Ace found Ophelia's location but when they got in; they found something gold and silver. They've seen this before and even heard of this before. "Is this--?"Roland started to say but a voice from above startles them. "Hi boys, welcome to the grand palace, cool ain't it?" It was Ophelia, coiled around a pillar. "How the hell you got in here?!" Roland demanded. Ophelia shrugged casually. "What can I say, I'm that good. I am the trickster." She bragged. "You are one hell of a woman, I guess Orlando and I underestimated you." Ace commented. "You guys sure can unimpressive, you guys are one gold hearted boys." Ophelia said. "Frick, we're not just any gold hearted guys right? We're 'good looking devils', as you said." Ace said, blood and water-ice went off quickly! Ophelia ran, dodging and hiding. "Game's over, Ophelia! We win!" Ace replied. "We won this stupid game!" More blood and frost aqua but Ophelia dodged them still! "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Roland hollered. "Boy oh boy, I knew there was something interesting about them since we met. They're more impressive than I thought." Ophelia muttered to herself, pleased by all this. "You can run, but you can't hide!" Ace called out. They thought they got her but it was only her jacket. "What the hell--?" Roland demanded in shock. Ace turned and his eyes widened, pointing to what's coming. "Look out!" "Surprise!" cried Ophelia, lunging at Roland. She was in a long sleeved shirt, smiling down at Roland, who blushed at her ingenue beauty and her large breasts but realized what he was suppose to do. "Hey, get off me, will ya?" Roland said. "Oopsie, sorry bout that!" Ophelia replied, giggling. The Wendigos were in that explosion and Ophelia cheered, "Yay! I won!" She said. Then, Ophelia turned to Roland and Ace, "Congrats you guys, you did your best!" The three of them managed to escape. In a hotel room; Ophelia laughed happily as she bounced on the bed. "OMG, that was super intense! Too cool!" She squealed. Roland narrowed his eyes, "You almost died back there, you loon." He remarked. "I made it out all right, didn't I?"Ophelia said, she then had her legs in the air and kicked happily like she won a billion dollars. "How did you do that?" asked Roland, referring to her abilities. Ophelia stopped bouncing and sat up. "Uh, I'm Spider Girl? Catwoman?" She lied. Roland glared at her, but he looked blushing in the face as he looks at her breasts shyly. "That's one way to convince me..." He muttered. Ophelia glared back at him suspiciously and looked down at her boobs, she covered herself. "Hey, don't look at my chest!" She exclaimed. "Will you guys be quiet?" Ace said, he was dressed up again and rubbing his messy, wet hair with a towel. "Geez! How did we get stuck with her?" He moaned. Roland glared at him, "We? I was brought into this mess with you, we are not a team and no longer friends." "Yeah, until she came in and messed you up!" Ace argued back. "Why the hell do you care, you--" Roland started to ask but Ophelia interrupted them. "Ahhh, Power and control....One person always want to have the upper hand in this cock fight, it's somewhat similar to who would wear the pants in this part. It's always a competitive sport, to see who can get the upper hand and control. Me? I shouldn't be labeled as part of the problem." She turns away on the bed, "Now, I'm going to get some shut eye for a little. The same goes for you guys. Nighty night." said Ophelia. When she awoke from her nap; Ophelia went for a walk. Then she saw a park and a playground so she heads right over there for a reason. Moments later; She was on the swings, but then heard someone behind: "So, care to tell me what happened back there?" Ophelia turned around to see Roland's annoyed face. "Fine, I was subjected as an experiment to become an invincible hunter." admitted Ophelia. "Liar." Roland snapped. "What? It's true. But...." Ophelia started to say but Roland seem irritated, "You're hiding something all right, and I really am annoyed at how much of a damn priss you are and being all mysterious." Roland said. Ophelia begin to look huffy, "Well, it shouldn't be my problem that other people cannot seem to agree with me. Hell! It's my life if I should be allow to live as I see fit. More than the usual need to succeed. It is not nobody else's business to tell me what I want to do. As I stated before, it's my life! No one can stop me from doing what I want to do. People have been judging me, discussing about my problems in an irrelevant manner. I warn them to not be concerning around me of what I do. Leave me be! I can handle this on my own, without criticism." She ranted. "Argghh, do you ever shut up? I mean, what do you want out of life? You might as well as been unnoticed and just pretend you're all that when you're not!" Roland demanded. Ophelia was quiet before turning to him with sad, doe-like eyes. "Is having an unnoticed life okay with you?" asked Ophelia. "Wha--What?" Roland questioned, his face softened at her ingenue self. Ophelia got off the swings and looked at him, "Do I need to pretend I am something that I'm not? Do I need to pose to all the people who have ever doubted me? Once all your dreams come true and you get the fame you desired, you’re left alone with your riches, totally unfulfilled." She said. Ophelia looked down and said, "I feel so empty; no matter how far I'll go, I'm not satisfied. I'm always searching for more and wondering why I can't be happy with what I have. I feel that I've been given a fair trade." She looks up smiling a little, "A girl's life is not as wonderful as she imagines, I believe it's stereotypical. It's exaggerating with romance and passion so fame is blamed. Let's be real, This is a place that everyone wants to be in right? I am so obsessed with it. How could I? It's so glamorous here!" Ophelia squealed, "How amazing! How many wonderful creatures there are here! Mankind is so beautiful! Oh, what a wonderful new world, that has such people in it!" Roland glanced at her, "It’s new to you." He remarked. "Oh yeah!" agreed Ophelia, she then begin to giggle insanely.
Another memory played was while he was asleep; Ace had a dream: It was a raining day, where people are holding umbrellas. Both Roland and Ace sitting behind the fence. While everyone on the other side of the fence look at both boys with having a lack of emotion, it then cuts to both of them banging and hitting the fence to be let out. Both of the boys coming closer together, and eventually near the finishing of the second chorus, they kiss each other passionately, with the public looking at this with a poker face expression. The boys sitting with seemingly snow falling down, with the boys gently touching it. They both walk around corner and shows a place where the sun is breaking out of the clouds; they clasp hands and walk off together into it. Ace woke up, stunt at this. Later, Ophelia in a T shirt with shorts and she looked cute so much that Roland was feeling 'funny' around her as he can feel himself amorous. Ace glares at Ophelia, who had nice legs and a beautiful body which made him think that she was trying to seduce Roland but that wasn't it at all. "I don't believe this! You mean you boys used to be best friends? Wow, that's....that's why you guys hate each other's guts because of the fact was someone did something to the other." She was lying on the bed of her room at a hotel as she was talking to Roland and Ace. Roland looked over at the smug Ace and said, "Yeah, that bastard..." "You sure know how to put the hurt in someone else don't you Orlando?" taunted Ace. "I can never forgive you for calling me by that name, Jack of all stats." barked Roland. Ophelia sat up as she looked at them with surprise, "Whoa, that's harsh. Forgiveness is divine." She said. "Ugh, shut up!" Roland snapped but then he realized what he said and turned to Ophelia, "Sorry." "It's OK. Let's not fight, shall we?" Ophelia said. Roland nodded bu Ace blurted out: "Fighting is more his style." "How would you know, you freak?" Roland snapped. "Boys, boys. You're both pretty." remarked Ophelia, she laughed. And then she said, "Kiss and make up." "I ain't kissing him!" Roland protested. "Forget that. In my dreams, I already did." said Ace. Roland looked at him with surprise. "Wait a second! Did you had a steamy, homo dream about me? About us?" He asked. Ace glares at him, "Can it!" He snapped. Roland glared at him. "You bastard. It's a dirty secret that you would stargaze about me. You knew it was wrong but you didn't mind, you were going to start sh.." He ranted. "Shut your mouth!" exclaimed Ace. Ophelia let out a gaspy sounding spasm, "This is so engaging, boys. I feel so...mmmph!" Then she noticed their weird faces and giggled, "Whoops!" "What kind of girl are you?" Roland demanded. Ophelia beamed at him, "One of a kind!" In another memory, Ophelia and Astrild managed to escape from the prison however they were confronted by the Wendigos. But Roland came to aid, Ophelia was thrilled to see him. "Roland!" She cried, she threw her arms around her. Roland blushed as he felt the warmth embraced of this girl. "H--hey Ophelia." He greeted shyly. "What's a pretty thing like you doing here?" Ophelia said teasingly. "Um...The jerk off Ace got me here, what'd you think?" snapped Roland, "And I wanted to save you." Ophelia smiled, touched, and embraced him further, "My pretty kitty." She whispered.
"Hey, when you're done making out; get your asses over here!" Astrild called. Immediately, Ophelia lets Roland go and they fight together. Later, Ophelia talks to Ace alone on the roof, "How did you know where I was?" asked Ophelia. "Your boss, Mimir Sofus, sent me. He gave me the coordinates so I decided to bring Roland with me. And along the way, we meet that imp Astrild. And he helped us with his sensory detecting abilities." Ace explained. "So, why'd you do it?" asked Ophelia. Ace flashed a glare at her, "You have no idea do you?" He snapped as he went over to her. He grasped her chin and pulled her close in a kiss. Ophelia's body pulsate, "Mmm..." She said muffled but she felt something lingering in her mouth that caressed the roof of it inside. "Oh..." She thought. Now, she felt a different sensation....Arousal. "Oh my God! I--I--" thought Ophelia, she pushed Ace away as blood spurt from her nose. Ophelia panted, and panted, she clutched at her throat as she tried to catch her breath. "Oh...Wow...That was..." stammered Ophelia. "Did you like that? Hm?" said Ace smugly. "Um...I need to clean myself up, OK? I feel...oooh." said Ophelia. She left in a hurry as she closed the door and ran to the bathroom where she saw how much blood was running down her face. "Good God, have mercy." She muttered as she used a paper towel and soaked it with water while cleaning. Ophelia remembered that kiss from Ace. The way he pulled her in, mouth to mouth....It was his tongue in his mouth that caressed the roof of her mouth. But that wasn't why she was getting a nose bleed. It was his unbuttoned, hairless, bare skin against her own that turned her blood up in her nasal passages. "Good God, bless him for that smooth, silky skin...." thought Ophelia, feeling turned on a little. That night; Ophelia somehow sleeping out in the open, without a blanket, She's shivering in her sleep, turning over in a really vulnerable way and clutching herself. Ace comes along, see her distress, and react to it by tenderly draping a blanket over her shoulders, petting her on the head, and saying, "Sleep tight, Ophelia." Freed from the discomfort, Ophelia faintly smiled in her sleep, she is grateful for the warmth. But Ophelia could hear an argument outside her room as she went to check it out. She saw Roland standing over Ace, who was bloodied and bruised. "You son of a bitch, how dare you--!!! Are you trying to manipulate her?" Roland shouted. "No...I...." Ace started to say but Ophelia stopped them. "What the hell?" She demanded. "Did this bastard kiss you?" Roland enjoined. Ophelia looked down shamefully. "Y--yes..." She admitted. Roland was about to hit Ace again. But Ophelia seized him from doing this. "Why do you care if I kiss who?" She asked. "Because, this jerk off did it before and left someone to die!" claimed Roland. Ace sat up, "I'm not trying to do anything to do that to her. You don't understand--" He said. "Oh I understand completely. You try to use her because you want something from her. And then, she gets confused by your manipulation!" Roland cried. "How about we settle this somewhere secluded?" Ace suggested, "Just to get things off your chest." Roland looked at him for a moment and then nodded, "It's on!" He declared. "No!" gasped Ophelia. But it was too late, she felt helpless. In an empty alley, all silent and nobody was around; Roland and Ace were standing in front and apart from one another in preparation of their battle. Ophelia was there too, she didn't like this. This was all too much for her to bare. "I’m grateful for your 'love'. Come on and we'll play this friendly match enthusiastically." said Ace. "Yeah, let's rev it up." Roland accepted. "I’m going to make you look sharp, Orlando. I’m so bad at the game that your skill will shine like the sun in the sky." Ace said.
Roland rolled his eyes, "You’re making fun of me." He said. "No, I swear I’m not." replied Ace. They fought each other, Ace strike Roland but he didn't seemed to be unfazed. "That was one hit." claimed Ace. Roland shook his head, "No, it wasn’t." He said. Ace looked at Ophelia for help, but Ophelia nodded as she gestured him that it was. "Well, let’s go on." Ace said to Roland, motioning him. Their battle continued, none of the two can't seem to take a breath for one second. Heart pumping, nerves wrecking. Blood and wounds from each of their strikes. "Another hit. What do you say?" Ace said smugly. "You got me, I admit it." Roland said. "Get ready for the third hit, Orlando. You’re just playing around. Come on, give me your best shot. I sense you’re treating me like a child." replied Ace. "Really? OK then, Jack of all trades....Bring it." Roland called. Ace charges at him and strike Roland in his shoulder. He is shocked of himself as he backs away. Roland smirks at him. "What's the matter, Fresh meat? Not so tough isn't it?" He taunted. Ace felt anger and he stabbed him in the side of his abdomen. Roland grimaced in pain and he was about to attack however Ophelia just had enough about this. She ran over but then, she sensed someone was here! And knocked out Roland and Ace. They looked up at Ophelia. "Hey, Ophelia!" Roland protested. "That wasn't me." claimed Ophelia. "Then who--?" Roland started to ask when the three of them heard a voice from above, "Honestly, you guys are acting like children. Can't you get along for once in your life?" Ophelia flushed and smiled happily. "Oh my God, you too?" She squealed. It was Janus Sayer. "What are you doing here?" Ophelia asked. Janus landed to her and said, "Mimir sent me to help you." He pulled out a piece of paper and hands it to her, "He's got an assignment, he said you could finally debt you talked about." replied Janus. Ophelia is curious to know as she opens and looks at the piece of paper. What she saw amazed her, she just couldn't believe it. A few minutes later, Ophelia begin to do acrobatic moves and laughing maniacally. "This is great, now I won't have to say 'I promise' and not do anything. Now I can repay my debt to everyone." She said, and she laughed like crazy as she went away like Spider Man would. Roland looks at Janus and said, "You really are a manipulative bastard." Janus shrugged, "Yeah, well. It's the truth." He said. Ophelia is hanging out with her friends Tamara Feivel and Camilla Hillar. Tamara is the seemingly laid back, easy going, mellow, kind, and humorous 17 year old anime otaku. Camilla Hillar is a peppy, optimistic, energetic, creative, and compassionate 19 year old anime otaku/weeboo. Everything she is thinking about; Ophelia’s clawing and gripping for everything that she remembers about Roland because she doesn’t want to forget. Roland is always running through her mind and is all over the place, but in that moment Ophelia wishes that he was there even though she might have no idea what to say or what to do, she just wishes that he/she was there. She did some crazy shit with him and they, including Ace, didn’t think about the consequences or regrets, they just did it for no damn reason. "Damn, I’d do anything to have him here." She thought. "I miss him so much, I’d do anything just to smile at him again." Then she went to sleep and a fantasy dream: Ophelia moaned out loud, "I'm bored." "Why so bored? Wanna do house work?" asked her mother. "That's not fun! Why can't we go to the mall? Find a manga? Find an anime?" ranted Ophelia. "Maybe." Her mother said. "When?" asked Ophelia with excitement. "Um...How about tomorrow? Or the weekend?" Her mother suggested. "Awww, come on! Tomorrow is fine." moaned Ophelia. Her mother sighs, "Oh, all right." She said. "YAY! I haven't been outside in a long time." Ophelia replied. "You went for a walk today." reminded her mother. "That's the closest I'll ever get!" whined Ophelia. "Baby steps, we'll improve." said her mother in a comforting tone. Sadly, it was a fantasy. Ophelia learns that Jurek Fitzwarin has been trying to get her heart racing but she saw Astrild there and then she has a panic of realization.
She walks over to Astrild, "Astrild, are you....Jurek Fitzwarin?" asked Ophelia slowly. Astrild looked at her funny, "Yeah." He said. Ophelia stared at him before she turned away. "Oh snap." She said. "Didn't see that coming. Sheeeet." Awkward by this, She walked away but she is contacted as more trouble occurs with the monsters closing in and Ophelia took down the Wendigos. But she was so exhausted that she fainted. When she woke up; Tamara and Camilla were with her but Roland and Ace there. "Roland? Ace?" Ophelia asked. She thought, "Venus Flytrap feeling.....crazy!" "Wow, what a couple of misfits." Camilla remarked. "They look different." Tamara said. "Ophelia, are you OK?" asked Roland. "Who are they?" inquired Ace, looking suspicious. "My friends, Tamara Feivel and Camilla Hillar." Ophelia said. Roland smiled nodded while Ace looks annoyed and walks away. "Hard to believe you used to date them." Tamara noted. Ophelia gave her a friend a look, "Date them? Are you trying to female victim blaming me?" She asked. Tamara looked at her shocked, "No, no, no!" She exclaimed. Camilla looked at them as she whispered, "Why did you dump Ace? He's hot." "Not as hot as Roland." Tamara rasped back. But a familiar voice bellowed out, "OPHELIA!!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Ophelia jumps, she turns around to see the humorous glare from his little brother Axel and an amused Janus comforting him. "Axel? Janus? What's up y'all?" greeted Ophelia. "Axel's gonna kill you for saying that." Camilla whispered. "DON'T START THAT WITH ME MISSY!!!!" said Axel. "Listen up, we are on a mission to find Nuada Chronos but first we must find Laran." "Laran?" asked Ophelia. "Isn't he that 'hunk' Eulalie told me about?" Axel gave his sister a look, Ophelia noticed and explained: "What? Ask Eulalie, she told me." "Then look him up--like you ALWAYS DO!!!!!!" exclaimed Axel. And she did. She was amazed with the results: "I found him....." said Ophelia in a sing song tone. Camilla looks at him with squinty eyes before saying, "That's Laran? Oh geez....He's a--" Tamara stops her, shaking her head. "Oh this is perfect....Ha." Ophelia said, giggling like a lunatic. She giggled and giggled as Camilla and Tamara looked at her. Axel's eyes bulged in horror before he remarked, "Stop giggling that way, you sound creepy." Axel commented. Ophelia beamed happily, "Just look at him, he's awesome...." He said. Tamara looks at him, "'Awesome' is not the correct word for him." She said. Janus thought for a moment, then a grin appeared on his face. "Oh, I have an idea." He said, "What if you 'charm' Laran? And see if you can talk into helping you?" Ophelia's face lightened up, "Ooooh, awesome." She said in a dreamy tone. "Oh no, Janus!" Axel groaned, "Do not give my sister ANY ideas!" "It'll be fun." reassured Janus. "I mean it's one way to find Nuada Chronos." Axel pouted humorously. "Oh fine." He said. Looks like Laran was in trouble with the Wendigos but it isn't long until Ophelia came in like the speed of light and took them out lickity split. "YIPE!!!!" Ophelia jumped and did a handstand to steady herself. "Oooh, mama! Talk about being hunted down by Wendigos up the yin-yang!" She said to herself out loud.
She look up to see Laran and his lackeys staring at her, Ophelia looked around and then says holding up one finger, "Give me one second...." She stretched herself and stood up normally as she says, "Hallejuah! Does that feel good or what?!" Ophelia leans over as she said, "So nice to be back into action, hi there--Who are you? Where you from?" Laran is slightly weirded out, "Um...Laran?" He said. Ophelia stood up like a grand-stander, "La-ran! Good to meet you man, ah. I like what I see, absolutely." She said looking at him. "Are you a goddess?" asked Laran. Ophelia gives him a look and looked sensual, "What? Wanna sleep with me?" She commented. Laran blushed, his lackeys were flushing too but also were suffering from a sudden, violent case of epistaxis. Ophelia laughed out loud, "I'm joking, I'm kidding. Sorry. That was out of context, my friend." She explained. Then Ophelia looked at him and recognized him, "Wait, you're that hottie hunk that Eulalie was getting heavy with. Mmmph, she never gave me the justice on you being a looker, a tough looker." Laran is embarrassed by that, "She and I never...Wait, are you from Silver Branch?" He asked. "Ding Ding! We have a winner!" exclaimed Ophelia, her bellowing was loud enough to make Laran and his lackeys winced and glared at her. "I am an agent." ranted Ophelia, "I wear a disguise. I'm just your average Jane, plain Sarah. But I'm not plain, I'm the Super Chick and I got the gun here so I'm gonna be myself." She then made her pose daring as she says, "Ophelia is the name, don't mess with me!" One of the lackeys let a wolf whistle rip. "Ophelia, damn that's a pretty name." He said. Ophelia gave the guy a look, "Hey, calm your jets. Don't get too...jizzed." She replied. The lackeys looked shocked, "What now?" They cried. Ophelia cracked a smile, "Gotcha." She said. She fell back as she laughed, "You should've seen your faces. Oh man, so funny." Ophelia replied in between the laughter. She looks to see Laran's glare, she stop smiling. "Don't say that again." said Laran. Ophelia gets up, calm as she replied: "'Kay, Sorry." But she became serious, "So yeah. I know almost everybody in Silver Branch. I don't know everything but I know some things, 'kay?" explained Ophelia. Then Laran thought for a moment however he was doubtful about her being a fighter. "This kid? Please. She doesn't seem like one...Or is she?" He thought. "You know some things? You know almost all the agents? Smart girl but I don't think you got brawn don't ya?" chaffed Laran, "You're just a prissy girl who just doesn't like getting her nails broken. I know if you are able to fight--Let a real man show you how." He left with a small snickered with his boys laughing along with him. And they were gone. But Ophelia was furious, she clenched her teeth so hard that it gritted. "Prissy? Just a girl?" She thought. Then she exclaimed, "That's it!!!! NOW I'M PISSED!!!!!" She marched away to strip off her long sleeved top to reveal a sleeveless tank. She put on an arm wrap around both of her upper arms and loaded her gun to kill some beasts. Laran was fighting while his lackeys cheered for him but now Laran was surrounded by so many that it was too overwhelming. He didn't know he was going to get out of this mess. One Wendigo crashed down. It was swaying back and forth like crazy before it passed out.
The Wendigo looked up as it saw Ophelia, who looked down at him, saying: "Now you know how I feel, bub." She put a gun to his head and then shoves his corpse so hard to the others who fell sideways--Much to Laran's surprise. He was shocked to see an enraged Ophelia exclaiming like a banshee: "That was for calling me 'prissy'!" Then she took her gun and shot at the Wendigos that were coming from above and falling like flies. "And that's for saying I was a girl to fight!" Ophelia bellowed. A Wendigo tried to sneak attack her, but Ophelia knocked him with her fist without turning around. She took the lifeless body and threw at Laran's lackeys, who fell down in a heap. Ophelia twirled her gun and tucked it back in its case. "And THAT'S FOR YOUR PERVERY LACKEYS!!!!!" She cried out. "Did you have to go and yell like that?" One of the lackeys asked. "I can make you deaf if you prefer, want that?!" proclaim Ophelia, her eye was twitching but she looked like she calmed down. However; Ophelia laughs cynically and weakly, "So let me see if I got this right....." She said. Then she looks at Laran with a glare, "I'm a prissy, girlie girl who is afraid I'll break a nail? Hello, did you see me whoop those guys asses? What? Is that not good enough for ya, brotha? Are you satisfied? are you blind as a bat? Or are you just a sexist?" She ranted. Laran smirks, amused at her anger. "Oh no, I see how it is and I am NOT going to accept that." Ophelia storms over to him as she continued to fulminate, "I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU SO SHUT UP!!!!!!!!" The lackeys screamed like girls and hid, Laran was amazed by this. He turns to Ophelia, "You just scared my boys with your....guts...." said Laran. "My brother doesn't call me Miss Sass-a-Phrass for nothing, PAL!!!!" said Ophelia with a sassy tone. Laran looked surprised, not scared at all, then he smirks. "Funny." was his response and walks away. Ophelia looked at him in disbelief, "What? You should be scared!" She cried, following him. He let out a low chuckle, "I don't do fear." said Laran. Ophelia gave him a weird look, "Oh come on!!!! The scary ones are afraid too!" She protested. Laran turned to her, "Well that doesn't scare me at all." He stopped smiling, "I do have one fear...." He said. Ophelia looks at him with disbelief, "Like what?" She asked. "Rejection." replied Laran. "Really? From what? Your family? Friends?" inquired Ophelia. "I don't want to talk about family." replied Laran. He walked away but turns back and says to her, "There is one thing though. There's this bastard name Sapredon and he is being overthrown by me. But there's something you need to know...." Ophelia looks at him, "What?" Laran turn werewolf and growled, "Leave the son of the bitch to me!" "Gotcha." replied Ophelia. Once Laran pounced away from her in his werewolf form; Ophelia smiled and squeal, "WOW. He sounded so intense. That was awesome!" But she had to wonder about Sarpedon so she used the Moneta, as she learned how much of a jerk he is to his son in the past; leaving him alone for so long. Ophelia was upset to see this as she thought of her own past. She learned that he is offered in the Wendigo project. She couldn't believe, she had to stop this and she does. But the problem was she didn't tell Laran. But one person knew she was going and that was Roland. When Roland learned where she was going, he rushed to Laran for help.
Ophelia head over to Sarpedon and took down the Wendigos but saw someone that looked like an older version of Laran! The only difference is he had a more monstrosity look in his eyes. This was Sarpedon, he became a werewolf and dodged inside a dark cavern looking lair. Ophelia tailed behind him, while fighting the other Wendigos. Finally defeating them, Ophelia got the rifle ready and calls out, "I took down your creeps, Sarpedon. Now it's just you and me. So why not come out and fight girl to dog?" She waited until she heard a low chuckle, it sounded like Laran's laugh sort of. But deeper, demonic sounding to it. "'Dog'? Like I never heard that before." said a deep voice. Ophelia was shaken by this voice but managed to stand tall. "Is that how you do? Scare your son? You abandoned him, you made him feel like he was worthless?" She called out to him. "He was not in full bloom of his power. He couldn't control it, who wants to train him? A stubborn, mild piece of crappy work?" said Sarpedon. "You're a jerk, a fricking jerk. What kind of father are you that does that to his own son?!" shouted Ophelia. This was a familiar rage, it reminded her of herself with her own father. She remembered how her father called and left a message, "You can all go to hell..." She laughed along with her family but deep down she too was hurt like them. Sarpedon thought she was getting closer and closer to her. Ophelia is aware as she moves away swiftly. Sarpedon wasn't aware of that and he was still looking. Ophelia used the rifle and tried to shoot him but Sarpedon learned what was going on. He then cornered Ophelia, it look like this was it for her! Sarpedon was about to attack, Ophelia was so scared. Just then, a flash of light appeared. Laran pounced his father to the ground, it was like two dogs were raging at one another. Ophelia didn't want to watch but she didn't want to look away. Eventually, Laran pulled away, glaring at his father who looked at him in amazement. "You've gotten stronger, Laran." said Sarpedon. "Next time you hurt a girl, you'll be dealing with me." threatened Laran, he kicked his dad and walked out. Ophelia followed him, Laran didn't say anything to her. But he said one thing: "I need you to wait for me at the inn. Don't do anything until I get back, got it?" Ophelia nodded, "OK." and she obeyed to this, she knew she was in big trouble. Later on; Laran walks over to the guilty Ophelia, who didn't look up at him. Laran sat next to her but not too close. Ophelia didn't want to look at him. It was quiet for a moment. But silence wasn't too long. "Do you know why I'm here?" Laran asked. Ophelia still didn't look up, "Yes." She said. "What am I here for?" questioned Laran in a strained voice. Ophelia was silent for a moment before she answered, "Because I went on a rampage against your father. And I didn't tell you." "Why didn't you tell me?" demanded Laran. Ophelia shrugged, "I don't know, I was pissed." She said. Ophelia looked up but not at him. "Are you mad?" asked Ophelia. Laran nodded, "I'm pissed." He replied. Ophelia squeezed her eyes shut. "Knew it." She muttered. "I am. Were you trying to kill the son of a bitch? I told you to leave him to me!" said Laran. "I know. But I was filled with anger." Ophelia protested. "At what?" Laran asked. "The way he abandoned you. How hurt you were but you know what pissed me off? He made fun of you, calling you a disgraceful outcast that I'm ashamed to call him my son. He said you were a brat that was spoiled. And how he was betrayed by how much of a brat." ranted Ophelia.
She was out of breath and waited for Laran to say something. "You know that's not true." He finally said. "I know, I took out his lies on him. I kicked the crap out of him." Ophelia said. "You can't changed people, you solve other people's problems. And you can't make every thing all right." Laran said in a hard tone to his voice. Ophelia hugged her knees, "I know what it's like." She mumbled. "What?" asked Laran. "Nothing." said Ophelia, still not looking at him. "Look at me." Laran commanded. "I can't." said Ophelia, "I've already looked at you, I only got you in my head." Laran was annoyed, "Don't make excuses, I just don't get why you're so selfish and how you can go on and be like you are." He said. Ophelia turned to meet his gaze and she then said something, "Did you think I can't feel? Huh? You know why I did it? Your father was a jerk, he was a jerk just like my dad was!" Laran gaped at her in shock, Ophelia continued. "Where were you when he spanked me and yelled at me whenever I get trouble at school? Where were you when I was bullied and betrayed in middle school by horrible people you thought they were friends because they were nice and could see how much of a freak you were?! Where were you when my father called me a 'Fat Ass' when I was overweight and eating so fast because of a stupid meds made me that way? Where were you when I had to cover my ears during a movie in class? Where were you when my mother was depressed? You think you know me? YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!!!!" ranted Ophelia with such emotion. She took a breath before admitting, "I can't keep my mind on things for long, I can't feel anything or be myself. I really hope this is worth it. I don't feel like I can change, I'm starting to open up when I've been silent my whole life. I don't want to show any weaknesses I have, I'm so overwhelmed with sadness, I feel like I can't yell loud enough! I feel like I'm not worthy enough to have friends, or any lovers. Because I'll hurt them in the end, and I don't want them to think I'm so greedy. I feel so empty; no matter how far I'll go, I'm not satisfied. I'm always searching for more and wondering why I can't be happy with what I have." She stop for a moment and bowed her head as her hair dropped down and hid her face. "I'm a temperamental person with an inflated view of my own talent and importance. I want everything, I need everything." She continued. Ophelia sniffed, she sounded like she's crying just a little. Then she managed to gasp out, "I wish I was a blonde. I had a rough time and didn't do anything to deserve it. I wish I could go back to my teen years, where I can worry about pretty things and not be rebellious. I wish I wasn't such a bad girl, because I missed out out on a lot of fun. I don't want to be considered an angel because I never was like that all the time. I'm afraid...Afraid of dying alone. I was incredibly disoriented. I didn't know how to enjoy my teen years, I was supposed to test my limits but honestly, I didn't accomplish that. I regret on doing stupid things, youth is supposed to be a carefree time of happiness and full of friends right? I wish I was respected, invited to cool parties. I wish I was popular enough to be voted prom queen. All my years were wasted away, because I didn't make anything out of it. I lied saying that how my life was sweeter, nicer but it was all a big, dramatic fib." She weep a little but felt a comforting hand on her shoulder, she could hear Laran saying to her: "Well....Here you are, all of this gives you a good sense of how it feels to be alive. Even though you didn't change so much as the way you wanted, You wanted to died as a minor but afterwards you suddenly realize you're alive." Ophelia looked up and smiles at him, somehow maybe this guy wasn't so bad once she got to know him a lot better. She and Laran made up as Ophelia then remembered something: "Hey, can I ask you one thing?" She asked. "Anything." Laran. "Do you know anyone by the name Nuada Chronos?" inquired Ophelia. Laran looked at her, "I do know him." He said finally. He looked scared, Ophelia is told that Nuada Chronos was the most fearsome warrior of not only one of his eyes are a different color but how much of a blood thirsty sadist he was. Ophelia was surprised so she ask him, "Can you help me--I mean, us?" Laran looked at her and then he said with a nod, "I will."
After the Moneta stopped playing, Ophelia begin to cry and decided to not let Cassandra and everyone else to leave so they could stay with her forever! She didn't know if it will work but she had to try! Ophelia didn't know what to do and she fears that they will all leave her forever. She begins to cry again! "Poor dear girl." A voice said, Ophelia looked and saw a girl. "Who are you?" Ophelia asked. The girl smiled back mischievously, "I know how you feel about everyone leaving Silver Branch, my dear girl. And I can help you." She answered. Ophelia looked at her surprised, "Wait, you do?" She asked. "Yes, I can help you." The girl said. Ophelia looked at her but then she heard it: "Sweet smell....Are you a human?" One of the Wendigos said. Ophelia hissed, "I knew it, I knew it....They're coming!" The Wendigos were persistant, "Come to us....come to us....Come to us....." They chanted. Ophelia panicked, "No, get away from me!" She said loudly and went away, she looked around as she didn't know what to do! "Help me! Cassandra....!!!!" thought Ophelia, thinking of her friends. She saw that the girl was a Wendigo too as she was the 'heart' of all Wendigos! Meanwhile; Cassandra and the others have been an hour since they've start searching for Ophelia but there is no sign of her! They were really worried about her. They hoped nothing bad happens to her, they hoped she’s safe…maybe Cassandra should have payed more attention to what was going on with her, I don't think she really meant all Then he felt a sharp pain in her mind! Cassandra could see Ophelia was shocked, hurt and she wants to run away from all of that! They have to find her right now, but another sharp pain makes Cassandra stop in her tracks! She is scared, really scared. She whispered, "O--Ophelia.....We have to.....we have to find....her...." and she faints. Back with Ophelia, she was running from the Wendigos that try to beckon her but she won't do it. It was just like what happened before. She ran, and ran until she felt her lungs would burst. Ophelia struggles and squirmed but she felt a pain in her back as the ghouls were opening their mouths, she was terrified that she fainted. Everything in her vision went black. Again! Then, Ophelia woke up and saw the Wendigos were slaughtered, she was carried by Cassandra. Then in her blurred visions; she saw familiar figures and one of them was Cassandra. "Is she OK?" They were all trying to help her, however Ophelia pushed them all away and screams out that she doesn't want them all to leave her because she hates good things coming to an end. Ophelia was still screaming! She tried to stop this horrible pain but before she could go any farther she hear someone calling her name: "Ophelia! Stop!" Ophelia stopped as she felt arms wrapped around her! "CASSANDRA!!" "O--Ophelia. It's not like what you think! Ophelia, I will always be there for you, I always was!" She said, "You were never lonely! You are so much better than this! You shouldn't be like this!" Cassandra claimed. Ophelia was stunt to hear this, "Cassandra....!" She gasped. "It's not what you think Ophelia! You are my best friend and you always will be! So just let it go and come back! I'm sorry I didn't know how emotionally distraught you felt! You are my....best....friend....!" Ophelia was stunt, "My friends......" She said. Then she felt herself crying and hugged them, all of them! "My......best..........friends........!" Ophelia thought. Ophelia broke away from the embrace and said, "I can’t make a big impact because of my reputation but you are more popular and people will listen to you. I heard someone said this once.....Some people come into our lives to make an impact, whether it’s good or bad. I know that I caused pain but I learned something truly from you. How you have impacted my life. Because I knew you, I've been inspired and influenced in a good way." Cassandra is shocked by this. "Me? I taught you something?" She asked. Ophelia nodded, tears brimming in her eyes. "Yes." She replied, "I will still remember and always hold you dearly in special places of my heart." Finally; Devnet shut off the Moneta as she was sickened by the sight of the sickly sweetness, perhaps she never had a good life and it was saccharine to watch that. It felt like a stupid cartoon show for kids and babies!
Kids and babies....She couldn't help but shed a tear a little, she was alive as well as her family until it all came crashing down. She had to stop thinking about it and continued back to work. In an elevator; Roxanne has arrived at a tall building, where she was supposed to attend a meeting but as if coincidence; she came across Genjo. "Hi." He greeted. Roxanne briefly smile and a quick glance before looking away from him, "Hi." She said softly. "So, you going on a meeting?" Genjo asked casually. "You could say that." Roxanne said, not meeting his gaze. Genjo nodded, it was awkward and quietly between them. "Man, this is taking too long." Genjo groaned, it was true because it was a pretty tall skyscaping building! "Yeah, what a drag." Roxanne said with a sigh. Genjo and Roxanne was standing in that elevator for some time when Genjo said, "So...Roxanne, how was life when you were a harlot?" Roxanne giggled darkly, "Me? You make it sound like I was one....True, I was one but I was forced. I was kidnapped and made into one." She explained a bit before shutting up. "I don't care what you were, I think people don't know the real you." Genjo said. "You seem to know the real me." Roxanne said in a biting tone. "All I'm saying is that those people are trying to use you as a tool. And there's going to be people that might do it again. But I won't let them get to you." Genjo replied. Roxanne was annoyed, "What are you saying?" She snapped. "Your eyes outshine stars and your other characteristics make her that much more desirable. You always hide your insecurities and how I think is what I feel." Genjo replied. Roxanne smirked, "What you feel? Please!" Genjo wasn't sure what he was saying and it sounded weird for him but he didn't stop talking, "You can't blame yourself because you never had real love to understand, you have no understanding of something that was never there. I want to offer you something special from my heart to you until you learn how to truly love yourself. I will still be there for you if you are troubled or have imperfections. Let me help you, Roxanne." Roxanne looked back at him, "Genjo...?" She asked, confused. "I will always be there if you need me, and help you learn to love yourself, even if you aren't perfect." Genjo said. Roxanne looked back at him with disbelief and disgust, "Ugh, stop this! You're driving me crazy!" She said. She pressed the button repeatedly. "Hurry up, stupid thing!" She demanded. Genjo tried to calm her down, "Roxanne!" He said. "I've heard enough!" Roxanne exclaimed, moving away from him. Genjo shouted her name: "ROXANNE!!!!" Roxanne was irritated and screamed, "SHUT UP!!!!" That's when, Genjo became frustrated and he throws her against the wall of the elevator as he has her trapped in his arms that blocked her. "Roxanne....You don't have to walk the streets as a prostitute anymore; it’s in the past. I loved you since I first bought your services, and I promise I won’t talk down to you or treat you like an object unlike those other men. I'm jealous that you used to play with other men, and I pledge to be faithful to you. You're the only girl I want to be with, so I feel there is no need for you to look pretty when I've already made my decision that I want to be with you. And that's all I have to say so you can put an end your harlot ways."They were so close to each other when they look like they were inch apart from their faces and they look like they were going to....BING! The two broke apart from one another. And stood away from one another. Blushing faces while the doors open and Roxanne got out first, then Genjo. It was awkward as Genjo couldn't help to notice her eyes look so beautiful and she has kissable lips. No; she has luscious lips, pliant bosom, seductive curves, mesmerizing eyes, and firm yet scrumptious legs. He shook his head, "What the hell am I thinking like a perv?! Dammit!" thought Genjo and hurried away stil flushing.
Meanwhile, Delilah finds out she's going to be elected as a model and that made her feel like she's not good enough or better yet, not thin enough and believes she's a mess. Nobody said anything but she feels so awful. She went to tell the girls where she's going to be part of the modeling but Amanda knew about it and Tanya & the girls were happy for Delilah. "Amanda told us. It's so exciting." said Tanya. "We're gonna make it darker." assured Delilah. "Why darker?" asked Tanya. "To go with my dress." answered Delilah. "Yeah but it's looking like a sexy symbol." Tanya said, swaying her hips playfully. Delilah rolled her eyes, "This is not the face of a sexy symbol, and neither is this. But soon - I'm going on a diet." She said. "What diet?" inquired Tanya. "The lean one." replied Delilah. "Oh, I was on that. Lots of days and months." said Tanya. "It's not so bad." answered Delilah. "How long you been on it?" Culleen questioned. "All day." Delilah blurted. Culleen laughed, "All day! It's one o'clock!" The other girls giggled but Delilah only made one excuse: "I'm going to be my slimmest." And Amanda explained about a friend of hers went on a diet before, "My girl friend lost 50 lbs just like that." She said. "Like that?" Tanya asked. "Yeah, like, poof!" Amanda answered while snapping her fingers. "What'd did you do? Put her in a sweatbox?" Culleen joked. The girls giggled again and this time, so did Delilah. Amanda explains, "She went to a doctor. He gave her pills. And never ate, while also almost dying." Delilah's smile faded as well as the other girls. "So? What's go good about that? I mean, I'm sitting here not thinking about food from a diner with all such other goodness and not putting a finger down my throat so other contents of mushy food coming out of my mouth and into the toilet." Tanya remarked. "Uh-uh! You really shouldn't talk like that when someone's on a diet." Amanda scolded. "Eh, it's fine. I wouldn't want to purge my body so much in the bathroom that way....I'm going to be my slimmest." After the day she had; Delilah had enough girl time with Amanda and her friends until she saw Sambo with Oisin, Valdron, and Nia. She was curious so she decides to follow him. While following him, Delilah noticed how happy Sambo looked and she couldn't help but smile at this however Sambo noticed Delilah at her corner. Delilah begins to run off but Sambo gives in chase to go after her! Delilah was running so much that she try her best to lose him however she could never lose him! Luckily; Oisin, Valdron, and Nia was nowhere in sight. Delilah went to an alley and believes she lost him however she felt hands around her that made her gasp, she was about to scream when a hand muffled her cries and Delilah pushed the person away but saw it was Sambo as she looked away. "So, you're following me, huh. Well babydoll, I can see you want to see why am I hanging out with them. Right? Did you think so?" teased Sambo. Delilah was red in the face, "I was just....I just....Why did you chase me? Tell me why!" She demanded. "You sure are acting weird, first you're being nice and then you have to go and run off while giving me this attitude." noted Sambo. Delilah rolled her eyes, "Shut up!" She snapped. Sambo pulled her close, "Come on, you love me or something?" He asked. Delilah shoves him away, "No! Gross!" She cried but Sambo place his hands on her shoulders and looked down at her with a lecherous look on his face as he said: "Well, well, you got some nice assets....Juicy lips, malleable bust, and firm yet delicious loins..." Delilah was not impressed, "What are you? Drunk? You perverted psycho!" She snapped. "You sweet thing, why are you being a jerk? You sure accept a compliment...." Sambo said slowly.
"Shit just got...." Delilah said dryly however stops. They both were so close and their lips almost touch theirs when voices so familiar begin to call out, "SAMBO!!!! DELILAH!!!!" Oisin, Valdan, and Nia found them but realized they were interrupting something however Delilah and Sambo denied it: "LIKE HELL!!!!" Delilah's cell phone rings and she answers it. She heard something from the other line and rushes away as she calls out, "CATCH YOU GUYS LATER!!!" And off she went! Sambo, Oisin, Valdan, and Nia watched her go while Sambo smirked, "What a babe." He muttered. In the meantime; the girls are informed that the map is in a trench guarded by undead steampunk soldiers. After some spectacular fighting and a timely rescue by Maggie Mae, the girls run for their lives as they are nearly ready to go. That's when their enemies came and attacked them as a voice from a loudspeaker was grand standing and saying, "HOT AND DEADLY!!!! MEET THE LADIES OF LETHAL, THE HOMEWRECKING HARLOTS....Rrrrrrox-anne! And her risque rubies!" The battle stops as the girls are face to face with their enemy. He was grotesque by looking at him. He has some stitches around his limbs. His face jigsaw puzzle-like mess of scars and his face was a glance that only a mother would love. His arms sport a dark armband, around his neck he wears a silver Anarchy necklace and spiked collar, and around his waist a studded belt with blue suspenders. However, only one of these suspenders is actually worn correctly, while the other dangles near his hip. He additionally wears a long, open leather jacket and black pants that are dirty with red splats of blood. "Welcome to the Most Pit, you crazy hussies, this is my world you're in and you girls should be my love-in wassail! I mean, you gals got some hot bods and maybe I can see your legs open or up in the air. I love looking at pretty dead for being undead right? Am I right?" He exclaimed. Roxanne and the other girls were not impressed, they wonder if this guy was for real. "Nice stitches!" remarked Lalena sarcastically. The creepy guy laughed, "Thanks, these three hussies gave me a grisly makeover!" He pointed over to Roxanne, Charlotte, and Delilah. Roxanne looked at him in horror, "Nelson? Nelson Raymond, is that you?" She gasped. "My name is not NELSON!!!! THAT MAN IS DEAD!!!! Literally, I've been dead and in pieces! How could you? HOW COULD YOU RRRRRROX-ANNE!!!!! I TRY TO MAKE YOU LOVE ME AND THIS IS THE THANKS I GET?!" Nelson shouted. Roxanne put her two cents of the truth, "You killed me, I'm not the one rotted looking and ugly." She recalled. "Those cathouse bastards running that hellhole were trying to change you!" Nelson insisted. "Well, I was dead....so was Charlotte and Delilah but we haven't got through what you have." said Roxanne. That's when, Nelson Raymond explains that he was completely out of it--deceased and unable to function. He is needed to be resurrected and the doctors are trying to get some sort of response out of his lifeless state. But he doesn’t respond to them trying to wake him because he's dead, one of Nelson's friends is trying to get more out of him even though that's stupidest thing ever done. So the doctor’s patter has a dual meeting — Nelson’s hurt goes a lot deeper, and is largely internal and emotional, not physical. The injection woke him up from the grave, but it won’t come without some side effects and the injection will remove the agonizing pain that his 'illness' causes him....How he became a zombie! Nelson is being administered meds in order to allow him to adjust properly and get him through the new life as an undead being. Then after his explanation was over and done, Nelson unleashed undead monsters while Roxanne and the other girls prepared for battle.
Once completing the typing on her laptop; Devnet took a break. She sighed, her brain felt fried and stood up from the chair she was sitting in. She went to the fridge while getting herself a drink and a snack. Being 15, she only drank juice! No soda, no nothing and she was pretty good about it. She didn't know why as it never occured to her. Well, some people just don't liquor or soda....Much! That's when Devnet's beeper went off and she realized that there was trouble going on out there! Looks like Roxanne and her friends are in trouble with the monsters but it isn't long until Devnet came in like the speed of light and took them out full tilt. Devnet jumped and did a handstand to steady herself. The monsters looked up as it saw Devnet, who looked down at him, saying: "Now you know how I feel, sucker." She put a gun to his head and then shoves his corpse so hard to the others who fell sideways--Much to Roxanne's surprise. Then she took her gun and shot at the Wendigos that were coming from above and falling like flies. Another tried to sneak attack her, but Devnet knocked him with her fist without turning around. She took the lifeless body and threw at the girls' feet, as the monster's body fell down in a heap. Devnet twirled her gun and tucked it back in its case. "Who the hell are you?" Lalena demanded. Devnet politely curtsy, "Devnet Sinclair, at your service." She said. Then, she turned and went away. Maggie Mae calls for her, "Hey! Wait!" But it was too late, Devnet was already gone! "What do we do now?" asked Maggie Mae. Roxanne knew what they have to do, "Follow her. She saved us, we have to give her our thanks." She answered.
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