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Friday, July 31, 2015

Brave New Girl's World--Chapter 3

Here is the third chapter of Brave New Girl's World. A water nymph wants to take down Roland and the gang. All the while, things are about to get....Gory. Thank you, hope you guys like it! --KatDon 

Chapter 3: Daughter of Ultraviolence

Once it was all settled; The mysterious girl is none other than a girl name Greiselda but friends called her "Zelda". But while the group, she ditched Roland and the others as she  turns out that all she wanted was to take the gang down. Permanently! "Terrific. It’s not enough that he is cute; but he is the leader. How am I supposed to compete with that? Oh, just when you think things are looking up, everything comes crashing down." As she said that; the floor beneath her crumbles, and she falls down through a couple of layers of the old city until she hits a stone floor. But the stone floor crumbles as well, and she falls through and lands in sand. She coughs and digs herself out of the sand. She looks around; she appears to be in an ancient ruin. Against one wall is a bookcase with scrolls on it. "Wow, where am I?" She wondered. She looked through the scrolls which had something to do with water magic, "Spells? I could do magic?" She thought. "With water?" She picks up a magic pendant from the bookcase; it starts to glow, and she puts it on. "I wouldn’t be just a water nymph anymore."  She said. With a smile; Zelda opens a scroll on a table and said, "From this moment on, things are gonna go my way, starting with Roland and his friends." After studying for awhile with the scrolls; she learned hypnotizing songs for mind control, create any shape or form with water, freeze water, boil water, and become anything of mermaid or any other creature. Then, she learns of manipulation and overhears Briar has a crush on Elphin and Roland. So she decides to manipulate her. Meanwhile; Briar has wandered into a grotto until the wave slams her into the water, and then she resurfaces however she is pulled under the water and is next seen in a swirling vortex being pulled far below. When she arrives at the bottom, in an overhang, the vortex disappears, and she grabs her throat, unable to breath. Just then, a girl who look like a mermaid swims up. The water woman looks delighted. "Hello girl!" She greeted her. "Who are you?" asked Briar. "My name is Zelda and I'm a water nymph." said the water girl. "I'm Briar. Nice to meet you." replied Briar. "So, Briar, I'm here if you need me. If you want to be pretty, if you want to look amazing, anything--I can give it to you." assured Zelda.  Briar blushed, "Actually, I had something else in mind. You see, there’s this really cute boy....No, I met him somehow....He is really someone I really started to like but I can't like him too much or too soon. His name is Elphin. What a perfect name! He and I, we’re two of a kind! We belong together, and we’re going to be together, one way or another." She explained. But she begins to look sad, "This guy’s has a girl on his team. I mean, she's so pretty and so sure, I can’t compete with that! So I figure...Maybe I'm more clever than a girl like her." That's when, Zelda came up with an idea. In the meantime; Hervey was all frantic when strange things start to happen, fire and ice were coming at him! Even the earth was coming to life as well as thunder and lightning while water splashed over him. When it was all over; Hervey, Ostadar, and Demetri looked around however they overheard Roland and the others talking. That's when, the gang laughed at pranking a house--not realizing it was Hervey's house. Hearing this; Hervey steamed up a bit by that awful mishap and he was about to get really mad but stops himself and smiles calmly. "No, we're not going to get mad." Hervey said calmly. Ostadar looked at his leader with confusion, "We're not?" He asked. "No....We are GONNA TEACH THOSE TEENAGERS A LESSON!!!!" exclaimed Hervey. Demetri sighed, "Oh dear!" He said. They found a lagoon as they lured Isabella there while she fell into it. She got out and fell asleep fast at night. The next morning, she could see it was light out. "Oh, crap! I've overslept!" She throws back the blankets but look down and screams. Roland heard her scream, "Isabella?" He called, he rushes over and enters her room and opened the door "Isabella, are you all right?" But what he saw made him gasp. From the waist down, where her legs used to be, was a mermaid tail. "Help me, what's going on?" Isabella said. Roland came by her and the others followed behind. They tried to help her and all it did was cause her trouble. They try to cut her legs apart but the knife went flying. "What happened?" Elphin's voice said. "Where did it go?" Owen's voice asked. "I don't know, somewhere I guess...." remarked Roland. Hervey and the other two over. The mermaid tail managed to be cure but there was another problem--Thomas and Owen were thrown around and landed on Isabella but couldn't get off her! "You guys, get off." Isabella said. "I don't think we can. We're attached." explained Thomas. Isabella gave them an evil eye, "What are you doing back there?" She asked. "We're stuck." Owen said with a sheepish look. Isabella groaned, "I can't believe you. I'm supposed to meet my date in an hour." She whined. On the night of the date; Isabella disguised them as backpacks. On cue, her date arrives. "You look fantastic." said Ross. Isabella blushed while saying, "Oh, thanks." She said. Ross came by her with one arm around her, "And you smell nice. Come, let us begin our stroll. I know a most romantic spot near here." He said. They were walking for awhile. Isabella smiled as she looked around, "Wow, it's such a lovely night. So quiet." She said however Owen let out a hiccup sound. Isabella shot a death glare at Owen and turned to Ross, "Sorry, hiccups." She explained. Ross smiled, "Why don't you try holding your breath?" He said. "Oh, good idea." Isabella said, nodding. She inhale and exhale. "Better, Isabella?" asked Ross. Isabella smiled, "Much. Thanks." She said. Thomas let out a belch, Isabella looked at him all sheepish, "Um....pardon my annoying little slip." She said. Ross patted her arm, saying: "Happens to the rest of us." Isabella smiled, "You're sweet." She said. "You too." replied Ross. "Oh really, Mr. Macho?" Thomas muttered. "Good heavens!" exclaimed Ross. Isabella glared at the boys, "I am so sorry." She said tearfully. "Please, don't be embarrassed. I have something for that. Wait right here." said Ross. When he was  away; Isabella muttered to her friends: "You big, stupid, selfish idiots! You're ruining everything!" But then, Thomas and Owen broke apart from her back unharm--The same thing with Isabella! Isabella can enjoy her date in peace. 

Meanwhile; Demetri is inside, checking things off on his list but notices something was wrong, "Ohhhhh, curses, I've missed a spot." He sighed, "I don’t know why I bother, in half and hour, I’ll just have to do it all over again! Heavens, the things I go through to maintain a a clean house." He reaches for a large stack of towels, and beings to polish the floor, which already has a mirror shine to it. He looks pleased and stands up. "Ahhh, perfect!" He said. Then, Demetri could hear commotion going on from above: "Elphin!" Roland shouted, "Stop playing that device! Shut it off..now." Elphin rolled his eyes, "Ok, fine." He shut it off, "There, happy?" Elphin said. Roland was relieved and was about to fall asleep when he heard the device making noises. "You're playing it again." He said. Elphin instantly stopped it, "Am not." He said. He turned it on and Roland found him red handed, "Busted." He said. Then, the device made a low sound and turned off. "Great." groaned Elphin. "What?" Roland asked. Elphin showed him, "Look." Ostadar barged in exclaiming: "AHH! The batteries died!" He takes it and shouts it, "I CAN FIX IT!!!!" And runs away. Elphin looked at Roland, who shrugs. "Who says miracles don't happen?" He remarked. Ostadar pulled out a set of batteries from the device and use an electric wire, getting electrocuted but survives but heard the device heard it turned on: "This oughta do the trick. Music to my ears." He said. "One more time." When he did it again; he said while electrifying like a madman, "Oh, yeah, that's the stu-u-u-ff!" He said. In the meantime, the strange things happened so Ostadar decides to save Roland and the others from great disasters but Hervey stops him, "Oh, come on, Ostadar! What about all the things I've done for you?" He said pleadingly, "Ostadar, remember how you said you felt responsible for us being here and you'd do anything to help me out? Remember that, buddy? Please! Just push the red button! Don't you want to see your best friend in get what he wants?" He said. Ostadar didn't know what to do, "What should I do? Do I put my own dreams above those of my only friends? Or should I be nice and let Hervey get what he wants?" But then, he decides to save Roland and uses the cure to stop all the disasters going on. That's when, Briar came and told Roland & the others about how the water nymph name Zelda is the cause of the havoc! So, Roland and the others came up with a plan. A few minutes later; Owen, Roland, Thomas, and Isabella were waiting for Elphin. "Tell me again, what are we doing at a beach?" asked Owen. "Oh, Elphin's on his way here with Zelda ." said Isabella with a sly look. Zelda arrived with Elphin and she was on a pretend date however when faced with choices on gems. She didn't know what to decide, "Hmmm, I don’t know." With a shrug, she said: "Surprise me, darlings." Suddenly the floor drops out beneath her. Her chair was on a trap door, and she falls to the water below while she screamed. Above; Roland, Elphin, Isabella, Iago, and Carpet peer at her from the trap door. Then, they all said: "Surprise!!!!" Learned that she was trick; Zelda angrily slams the water with her fist, "Why, that little savage bastard--!!" She looks amazed for a second, and then disappears below the surface as she is pulled below. Briar surfaces. She gasped for breath as she jumps and punches her fist into the air, "Yes!" "It worked! Hang on!" Elphin said, he went down as the others called out: "Go for it, Elphin!" Transforming into the light warrior; Elphin swoops by and grabs Briar’s hands, lifting her up in his arms. He looked at her apologetic, "Brie? I just want...uh...I...uh....." He said. Briar smiled, "It's OK, I forgive." Elphin smiled, "Thanks." Hurt by the betrayal of Elphin; Zelda uses her water powers to create a gigantic wave is now following them. Elphin hugs Briar close. "Hang on!" Once it passed; Elphin and Briar surface. Briar points out, "Look out!" Zelda is balanced on top of a huge water spout. "Oh Elphin! Take this!" said Zelda. She blows a kiss, and Elphin tries to swim away, but the magic encircles Elphin, and begins to drag him down in a whirlpool. Resulting him to transform back to normal! Briar surfaces, and sees just his hand reaching out of the whirlpool. She begins to swim toward him. Then, she had an idea and called out, "Isabella! I need your help!" Down below, Elphin has been dragged down by the vortex. "Welcome to my world, Elphin darling!" Zelda's voice purred as he goes farther down. She swims up to Elphin, who is struggling to free himself from the whirlpool. "And your sweet Briar is next!" She said. Swimming up however Briar has a net that she throws into the water. "No Zelda! It’s your turn!" She cried. Zelda begins to struggle and thrash around in the net, but Briar has a firm grip on it, and begins to try to haul it to shore over her shoulder. Selene has lost her grip on the whirlpool though, which disappears, and Elphin, freed, swims to the surface. He is gasping for air begins to swim towards Briar. Zelda is trashing more wildly than before. "Let me go!" She cried in a pleading voice. "I don’t think so!" growled Briar, pulling her in and using her water powers as she then uses her weaponry and killed the woman! Just then, a girl in red seized the corpse of Zelda and drank her blood. Briar and the others looked on with shock. The girl in red felt bad for scaring the others and introduce herself as Karina Rouge but likes to be known as Karen. And explains she is a half vampire hybrid and a slayer of the manananggals. She explains her story: Staring with her mother name Scatha Rouge! Scatha is trying to figure out why the world is so cold. She is only younger, she’s trying to understand why life isn’t fair and why everyone is so unhappy. She is lacking confidence and she feels like she can’t fit in with everyone else. Watching her messed up family as her mother is getting drunk of her ass and lacking better judgement, her mother name Noelle is constantly angry at her and yells at her for things that are likely not her fault and even ends up resorting to physical violence. When the teachers notice her injuries, she lies about them because she’s afraid of revealing her mother’s abuse. The physical abuse has gotten so bad that it has damaged or ruptured a blood vessel or perhaps, an organ in this case. She cries from the pain and because she is scared of her mother. Scatha always had trouble finding friends that could understand her. Noelle is popping ecstasy pills in order to feel happier. While going through puberty emotions become heightened due to hormones and cause many teenagers to act very impulsively. In Scatha’s case this is demonstrated by her claiming her love for someone she barely knows. The fact that she is neglected at home most likely contributes to the desperate desire she has to be loved by someone. Scatha is only thinking about what her situation is now instead of what tomorrow holds and besides, she’s wouldn’t be for another emotional letdown because she’s emotionally vulnerable. Scatha is pregnant and her belly grows. Their father does not have the resources to care for a child, so instead of staying and trying to raise the child, he bails out to leave Scatha on her own. Her mom would make it seem like a bigger deal than it is! She can’t afford to have an abortion. She’s alone in this world, and home seems like a living hell. There’s no point in staying where she is now, so she wants to pack her things and leave. Weeks later; Then it came down to it when Scatha is upset of herself ruining her own innocence but she put on a brave face and couldn't wait to be a mother while the father, her lover Conomor, was neglecting and abusing her before he finally leave her. But before that, her grandfather name Nainn Scarlet is bored of the sentimental normality of his old life. He hasn’t gotten it up in a while, and this is why he’s concupiscent than a rhino. He isn’t exactly craving love; this is more of a desire for him! Finally, becomes aroused by how his granddaughter, Scatha, is growing up. He’s hooked on it. The tingle he gets in his body and how he feels alive! He’s feeling awfully amorous. When someone in love, people are willing do anything for that person. To get that excitement when a person first get those butterflies and when they hold hands that they love the feeling. But that can leave you helpless because they are willing do anything to save a lover. It's a feeling he had when he first saw the beautiful, stunning Scatha all grown up and he would write her things like: "Your lips taste like fruit punch — likely due to the lip balm you put on them. I love how you try to seduce me by trying to sell my benefits to me." 

Scatha is shocked by the until she is disturbed to find another note that said something graphically: "I am so infatuated so all I want is just to finally have a romantic night with you— I don't care if people judge them because I want to do it my way. I finally found you who fulfils me and who has made me stop roaming the streets for work." Scatha believes her grandfather is a child offender and fears him at what he'll do. But this she didn't see coming! One night at a bar; Old Nainn leaves with the then unconscious Scatha, takes her back to his house to takes pictures of her and later cuts off some of her hair for his shrine. Nainn then duct-tapes Scatha and locks her in his closet; which she later escapes from. Then, Nainn attacks Scatha after seeing her with another man. Scatha unsuccessfully tries to bring him back after he attempts to pushes her onto the wall and aims his fist at her, puncturing the wall instead. Nainn then apologizes to Scatha and everything was fine. The next day, Nainn attacks someone who was with Scatha. In the bathroom; Scatha locks herself in the bathroom to stop Nainn from entering. Then, her stepfather jumps out, slamming her sister to the ground, causing shrieks of pain as she hit the pavement. Nainn turns to her, face full of malice. Scatha tells him to leave and get off her, he pulls out a revolver, she lunges at him, managing to wrestle the gun away on the ground.  Scatha point it at him, hands shaking as she lets out a sob, promising she will let him go, if he just walks away. "No deal" he says, making a move to slit her throat. Something happened to Scatha. She now has a gun and after she does what she has planned to do with it, will never be the same girl as she was before getting the gun, and doing any criminal actions with it. Nainn yells at her until Scatha broke down. Rage filled her, and she dragged herself from the floor. Just then while walking home, Scatha thought she heard something and turned around. "Who's there?" She called out. No one answered so Scatha kept walking however she felt like someone is following her so she begins to run but that was a big mistake. Her heel broke and slid down a steep street but the figures approached, evil chuckles and then she saw her grandfather among the perverted other men. "Stay away from me!" cried Asena, but they didn't listen. Asena was attacked and tortured by five men. Just then, there were police sirens in the air and the men heard them as they escaped. Scatha developed a hatred towards men since that day, the worst part is Noellle didn't do anything and blamed her daughter fo it all! It hurted so much that Scatha and her mother didn't get along so good anymore. In modern day; A hot day, in a new house with new beds and new furniture in. The walls were painted of red in one bedroom, white in another, pink in a third chamber, and a rather nice color of peach in the fourth room. Single mother Scatha was finished unpacking boxes, she heaved a heavy sigh of exhaustion for her to do this with the help from friends as her son was at school and her daughters were still toddler babies. Her son is William 'Will' as her daughters' names are Rosalie and Maisie. And of course, Scatha's oldest daughter Karen. Scatha's parents are divorced, Rupert Rouge is doing well but Noelle expects Scatha to pay everything! Karen hated how her not yet aged grandmother could be so selfish! Noelle is nothing more than an unholy matchmade in a living hell. She has now taken to breaking into her daughter's computer and changing passwords! She hammers on shared wall in the middle of the night. She slams her door over and over and is disturbing the people above and below her! Noelle was utterly self-oriented, self absorbed woman. She projects herself an unrealistic image of herself. She lacks empathy for others. And she will never compromise. She hates Scatha and Karen but favorites the youngsters ever since she met her, Noelle wasn't afriad to tell her. She'll try to turn Karen against her own family, making sure they don't visit her for long periods of time. Noelle is verbally abusive, critical, she will verbally pounce on Scatha for any mistake and milk it for all its worth. Noelle enjoys making other people feel uncomfortable, she will ensure that Scatha or her family will not feel welcomed. Noelle is also disappoving, mean-spirited, fault finding, finger pointing, and malicious gossiper! She cannot accept that her son is an adult now, refuses to be second place in her son's life, and regards Karen as an intruder, thinking she'll end up like Scatha. She continuously tells Scatha that she would be better off without her. It's all about Noelle, she is totally obsessed with herself! She will attempt to consumed everyone into her world, draining Karen or her mother of self-esteem and confidence until no one can do anything without her approval. For example, Noelle criticized on Scatha's weight and think she's a 'fat cow' when . She bullies her into plus-size clothes. Then, on weekends when Karen and her family are looking forward to spending a relaxing day at home with when the phone rings. When Karen answers it, it's Noelle who says: “Is Scatha there?” and does not greeting her 'older granddaughter'. Karen replied, "She's busy. Sorry Grandma." Noelle sounded annoyed, "I might have known you’d be inside sitting next to the phone. Put Scatha on. She probably needs some from whatever break she's on." "Look, she's busy getting ready because we're going out. Why don't you leave a message and we'll get back to you?" said Karen, rolling her eyes. Then Noelle says, "Why don't you drop dead and leave my life forever while they still has life left in me." She hung up. And then, another time was when Noelle pops around’ to see Scatha, spots the brochure and picks up the brochure, rips it up into pieces, throws them at Karen and says menacingly, “Do you really think you can get rid of me that easily?” And left! Over the times about this; Noelle continuously insulted Karen and Scatha, taunted them, and purposely talked about things that would upset her. Noelle purposely made her reservations for six weeks, unbeknownst to them.  Of course, they were nonrefundable tickets.  Her behavior was absolutely obnoxious, including walking around half naked in front of them. Obviously, Noelle has a very poor impulse control.  She also loves to move things around in Thalia's mother's house so that her mother can think that she's going crazy. Noelle also has been pulling beads off of lamps, scratching doors and wood from furniture. She also put a tear in Scatha's brand new cat quilt. She took a white lace pillow and used it to blot her red lipstick in over 5 different places. Thalia was lucky, it was white and she was able to get it out with bleach. The list of her vandalism is simply endless.  

After she searching for a job and was hired eventually, Karen was happier when she arrived home and her mother was happy to see her but what happens next is going to be unbelievable for poor Karen. Because things with the madame are going to be stressful! Ms. Norna Spinner is being too nice! Her co-workers start rolling in late and blowing through deadlines, and Karen doesn’t get the feedback she needs. It could cost her a raise if she spends all year being praised only to find out at her performance review that she’s not all that impressed with Karen's work. She’s just nice. Then; her boss has no idea what her job is, or how to be a manager. So when she jumps in and tells you you’re doing everything wrong. Well, she wasn’t. The madame was alienating staff and customers. She can’t use Blind Carbon Copy. She can’t lead a meeting. She says things like “Let’s email it on the social media network.” She’s embarrassing. In awhile, things change in the madame: Ms. Spinner was hurting Karen's career  by failing to provide feedback and direction and giving her negative performance reviews. Ms. Spinner can be managed, manipulated, and massaged to her advantage. Ms. Spinner wants to read every email she send. Ms. Spinner doesn’t want her to carbon copy her—she wants to stand over her shoulder and dictate. She typed a schedule for washing coffee cups. She has strong ideas about the how toner should be replaced. She is driving Karen insane. Ms. Spinner has no idea what any of her direct reports do for a living. Karen couldn't help but ask her a specific question about what she should be working on, and the madame replies with vague platitudes and off-the-wall suggestions. Stupid Ms. Spinner, she has no idea what this job does. One of the staff members has a brilliant new idea, and Ms. Spinner told her that the others can implement it by next week. Karen will do all the other projects as well, of course. She was just fit it in, maybe take lunch at her desk, and it’ll be fine. That's how the madame sees it. And when Karen makes a mistake at work; Ms. Spinner takes the pleasure as she had told the whole office about it, loudly. Karen feels as if she is getting ulcers and losing her grip from the stress. And she is certainly not getting a raise. Then, it got even worse week by week later, Ms. Spinner files a freedom of information request seeking the balance in the district's account. Because her family spends away money in such an account, she assumes that the school district does the same thing. She wants to approve every news release issued by the school district, and wants final editing rights on the school district newsletter. She votes to assign members of the board to district classrooms for the purpose of evaluating other workers. Ms. Spinner begins her tenure by telling cooks what to serve in the work lunch program. She spills all the details of an executive session on negotiations to the union. She also requests a master key so that she can randomly visit rooms and offices at night and weekends. Even helping those special needs kids is where she doesn't show her kindness for them--As she claims she has a 'soft spot' for them: She shows little concern for the children, denies the existence of the child, blames the child for thei problems in school and the parents for raising them. She asks staff and caregivers to use harsh physical discipline if the child misbehaves. Ms. Danya sees the child as entirely bad, worthless, or burdensome. She demands a level of physical or academic performance the child cannot achieve. And looks primarily to the child for care, attention, and satisfaction of emotional needs. Even Karen notices the children are changing by the abuse and oppression that Ms. Spinner has done them: They show sudden changes in behavior or school performance, they not received help for physical or medical problems brought to the parents’ attention, they begin to have problems of difficulty concentrating that cannot be attributed to specific physical or psychological causes. They are always watchful, as though preparing for something bad to happen and lacks adult supervision. They are  overly compliant, passive, or withdrawn, they refuse to come back to that place. Ms. Spinner rarely touches the children or looks at them, the relationship entirely negative and states they don't like her. Ms. Spinner was a cranky woman who had aging lines, plump, and pretended to be a kind person when she wasn't for real. She also had an attitude, very rude to Karen and to everyone else, including her children who are no longer living with her...At least, two aren't. Then, Karen got to meet Ms. Spinner's sister and her husband were a nice couple. Eccentric, odd with a dry sense of humor but nice. However, she was always moody, it was hard to tell if she was in a good mood or not. One day she would be nice, then the next minute she would be annoyed with Karen for no reason. Despite this, Karen had trusted them and hang out with them. One day, Karen was then shocked when she learns Ms. Spinner's sister name Mrs. Cooke spread horrible lies about her. And worse, Karen did not call back  Mrs. Cooke because of the fact that she was tired after a long day. The next morning, Karen realized he was supposed to go out with the siste to see a movie so she text her. Karen was shocked to find out in her message that broke her heart: "You didn't respond to me last night after we promised to catch up with some friends on a movie night. When you text me, I laughed at you and shared it with my husband. He laughed with me. You are a disgusting, selfish person and I never want to see you again." Karen couldn't believe it and it was horrible, Karen had never been so upset in all of her life. Never felt so betrayed. In the meantime; Ms. Spinner and the staff were mistreating these kids and want them to deal with it. Karen had voiced out her disagreement but Ms. Spinner did not listen to her so Karen quits. Unknown to her, she forgot that her birthday was tomorrow because she had been working so hard. After a hard day, Karen went to bed and cried her stresses out before drifting off to sleep. 

18 year old Karen Rouge wakes up confused, hazed, and feeling like a tycoon instead of feeling like her true self. She puts on her sunglasses to get ready to party around the city. However, she's never again coming back to her previous self. Karen is preparing to club and get drunk but she's drunk yet late for the party. She doesn’t care about anything as long as she has plenty of alcohol all around,  she will still turn up because she won’t turn back. The guys are lining up to get with her when all Karen cares about is getting all crazy, hyped up! Boys trying to fondle her but she'll smack the heck out of those boys who were trying to touch her or if they get too wild and drunk. Karen  and her friends are gonna go on and on and party hard till someone kicks them outta the club, or the police comes and shut them. They ain’t gonna stop their partying with their on will. It is important music is in her life, where it can build Karen but it can break her, and it also makes her heart pound. music gets Karen with her hands up and she really loves music and dancing. She is basically the life of the party and that nothing is complete without her. She can push a signal too hard through a PA, it makes a popping noise called clipping that also distorts the music. And helps situate Karen’s relationship with the music she’s putting out. She will be partying with her people until early the following morning! It may be late, but a party with Karen never ends. She also goes to places where they're a grungy part of the city where nobody will judge. Night time is when everyone starts thinking dirty. She can also be screwed up  as she wants because she’s not the one who has to drive home,  she’s sexy and she knows it. Along with her and her gang--They can make anyone fall in love with them because they’re so hot. People should know not to mess with Karen and her crew because they are reckless and will take you down. She’s wearing glitter eyeshadow, stockings that have rips all up the sides to show how punk she is. Turn up the volume of the music! She wants to party. She’s telling everyone about all their crazy mistakes. She wants the disc jockey to turn up the volume of the music because they’re going to party hard. They can do whatever they want and get away with it. They’re messing up the whole place, they are awesome and you have to accept it, you have no choice! No one can deny that Karen and her crew are superstars in their own way. The tautology reiterates the sentiment that they can’t, and shouldn’t, be changed. They can order whatever the hell they want to eat: Either it's sushi, a ten pound burger, pepper steak, mapo, and twice cooked pork. Or a feast of sausages and mashed potatoes, chicken pies, lasagne or casseroles. With apples and cream, wild rice, black and green olives. People think Karen is just like any other girl. but she knows she’s something special. She’s tired of being dismissed as something not unique or special. Karen is a girl, but she often doesn’t act the way girls are expected to act. In fact, she can even seem a little violent at times. She’s more than capable of being raunchy and blood thirsty. Karen can be sexy and gritty, a personality which are especially frowned upon when exhibited by a girl. Being unladylike comes naturally to Karen, because her thoughts aren’t ladylike. Karen doesn’t think this is a particularly bad thing; she says “bloody” and “guts” so casually, one would think she was being somewhat sarcastic. Most girls are so concerned about their weight and how they look, They can have their fake food, but Asena’s going to enjoy the real thing. Girls are never encouraged to fight for things they want, or “let themselves go”.  However, Karen isn’t going to be a perfect girl. Karen doesn’t care about her weight or anything like that, and it bores her when girls obsess over their appearances because Karen doesn’t even bother thinking about it. The things they say don’t interest Asena and so she tends to tune them out or she responds back with sarcasm and rudeness, “So, you eat a lot of calories. Who cares? I’m falling asleep here from how boring you are, can’t you talk about something more interesting?” Of course, the other girls are likely unappreciative of this attitude, and don’t try to talk to Karen again. Mean girls are constantly get picked at by others, because of their appearance and actions. Making fun of “superior and rich" women makes self-conscious girls feel better about themselves. Society tells girls that they should be soft and polite, and not be capable of breaking the rules. Karen doesn’t want to go along with what society is telling her to be. Because she doesn’t make an effort to fit in with the other girls, Karen is mocked and ridiculed. She believes the reason these girls gossip about her is to hide their own insecurities. The things they’re saying aren’t true anyways. Society wants Karen to be a typical girl and conform to its ideas of what a girl should be like, and for a while she even went along with it. But now, Karen’s going to laugh and do what she wants. She wants drama and carnage. But mostly carange. She wears everything red! She has burgundy hair, light skin complexion, and she looks so hot in red that she wants everything to be red. She wanted to color the whole world red--Hell, she'll paint the entire rose garden red if she had to! 

The person she’s interested in came to the party with somebody else. Oh, how pitiful! Nevertheless, as the rest of the song confirms, she’s determined to make the most out of this night. She encourages everyone to seize the night without worrying about the consequences that may or may not happen in the future. Karen really doesn’t care who’s watching or what they’re thinking when she’s out having fun. It should be obvious by now that she has no shame if she claims she brushes her teeth with alcohol on her toothbrush and toothpaste. Not surprising at all, seeing as Karen is a very wild and troubling girl! She recognizes that her best friend, Masha, enjoys old music. This is when Karen suggest that they should go hard tonight, and it’s permissible because it’s a full moon. That’s when all the crazies come out to play. These two girls are feeling young and crazy, mulled alcohol is served warm, and they want to get some tasty action going on because she knows that’s how she will free people free! They are writing their names in the back of the bar, they’re being silly, laughing and causing mischief. She feels alive and full of adrenaline, sipping on beer, and when Masha taps her playfully; she gets a rush of adrenaline. They’re going to stay out all night, they've have been playing it safe with the boys but they want to go a little further with them. They just want to have fun or have anything to do with them as they found boys are nothing but perverted, jerkass and self-absorbent. As a best friend; Masha is annoyed with her fake-smiling, sugary-sweetly family that are full of pride so much. At the barbecue; Karen and Masha became fast friends while bad talking on how irritated life was and jerk off men types. They seem to have angst of not finding interest in life! While inside Masha's household; Masha showed Karen of her collections in her room--She collected bubblegum packets in the past as well as the modern day era, music boxes of favorite artists and bands as well as soundtracks, video cassettes of old movies, CD records, posters, sugar packets, comic books, candy bar wrappers, and other stuff. Karen was intrigued as she and Masha became great friends. How did they meet anyway? She was at a party once as some peppy, nosy people try to pry personal information of Karen's life and she wasn't too comfortable with talking about it. Her only answer was, "A lot of questions." Masha could sense the uncomfortable feeling in Karen's voice so she comes and puts an arm around her with a smile on her face. "Now, now, people; you can't just ask her things like that! It's simply not polite, you know. I mean, we hardly know her so let's not pester her with such questions, all right? Give our shy, fresh faced new neighbor a warm welcome at least." She said brightly. Everyone toasted their new neighbor as Karen mouthed a thank you, Masha nodded and whispered: "If you need anything, you know where to find me." Now; Karen created a cocktail containing vodka, tomato juice, and combinations of other spices and flavorings including cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and celery salt. But she added something to it: Cherry soda! All mixed together. She pour the mixture into two different glasses and gave one to Masha before downing her drink at the concotion! Masha was surprised by the taste and asked, "What is this?" Karen grinned, "It ain't tropical Jungle Juice or fruit punch, that's for sure. I call it Bloody Cherry. A little bit of everything Blood Mary liquor and cherry soda. Just a little, so nobody can't tell I'm dipping into the stash when we leave." The two toasted each other and it was all a blur but it was so dark that a voice called out: "Hey, girl!  WAKE UP!" Karen woke up with a start, she was surrounded by doctors and scientists who then begin to experiment her body. She try to get away but they pinned her to the table as she screamed, she cried, and thrashed for a bit. Just then, Karen discovers that she has some sort of parasite inside her--A leech! The scientists assured her that the leech wasn't harmful but yet, it was changing her. Karen begged them to take it out of her. They refused, telling her that it was 'safe to wait awhile'. Karen did wait, wait in that dark room as she couldn't sleep and she could not even close her eyes. Karen must have fallen asleep because she woke up to hear the door creaked open and saw the doctors in the doorway, "Are you ready?" Moments later, Karen was lying on the autopsy table of the surgery, the surgeons told her that they were going to keep her awake. They were cutting into her and then, they pulled out the leech in front of her! But this leech looks different from a regular one. a head with sharp teeth and a forked tail. Ignoring all the beeping and flashes from the machines, Karen became dizzy and she fainted. She woke up to find her best friend who was surprised to find her in the alley and helped her get home. But noticed cuts on her and got her to a medical center since Karen didn't want her mother to see the bruises and cuts on her. Realizing what happened to her wasn't a dream; Karen almost vomited. Thinking about that parasitic leech! How gross it looked. She felt sickened but was comforted by Masha. 

Later on; Karen was getting her wounds stitched up when Masha noticed something on her back. "What is that?" asked Masha, her fingers brushed against her back. Karen jerked away, "What? What is what?" She said with confusion. "Those!" Masha said, she plucked out a hair-like strand from her back. Karen winced when she did that and glares at her, however Masha is shocked by what she was seeing. "This doesn't feel like hair, feels slimey and soft--even squishy..." muttered Masha. "Hair squishy? Very funny, hair is so not squishy. I mean, who has squishy hair." Karen said. Masha analyzed them as she was shocked to find out that the red plume was not human at all. Things got weirder when Karen was scratching a rash-looking wound, it looked like a red painted ink design on her back. "What the hell is that?" She muttered. Karen ran her hand down there, the blood red plumes are stuck to her back, "What. the. hell." muttered Karen. She suddenly felt cramps in the lower part of her stomach. Then, she felt the pain in the sides of her ribs. Karen was hurting so much that she cried out, "HELP! MASHA, GUYS, ANYBODY!!!" And she passed out. Karen woke up as she was topless but covered while the doctor examines her. Masha was the only one with her, she talked to her when the doctor left the room for a moment. "I never been through pain like that." Karen remarked. "Um, I have. With a corset, it hurts so bad." Masha said. "Ha. Very funny." Karen replied. Norna gave her a sideways look, "Try wearing one and it won't be so funny." She said. But then saw something on Karen's back, "WHAT IS THAT?" She shouted in hysterics. "Huh?" Karen said, she jumped at the sound of Masha's voice. "It looks like a Venus flytrap." Masha said. Karen was terrified when she heard that, "Oh my back?" She asked. "On your back!" Masha confirmed. Karen let out a groan, "OH GREAT! JUST GREAT, THAT'S WHAT I'M EXPECTING ON A WEDNESDAY!!!" She hollered. Masha thought of something for a moment, "Hold on!" She said. Karen looked at her, "What?" She asked. "Slashed at the back, it sounds like...Like you're bitten on a full moon by a werewolf!" Norna said. Karen looked at her friend for a moment, she then laughed anxiously. "I know, crazy huh?" Masha remarked. "Well thank you for taking my nightmare so fricking seriously!" Karen cried, almost shouting. Norna leaned over and told her that the red plumes she plucked at and told her that it wasn't human: "Something went wrong, Karen. When you were missing, something went wrong." Masha whispered. Karen is terrified, she thought about the surgery and couldn't stop shaking. Masha continued to talk to her: "You're changing, Karen. Everything about you is changing, what's happening to you?" She asked. "I don't know, am I dying?" Karen said back with a panic in her voice. "I don't know." said Norna. After the doctor's visit; Karen and Masha are confronted by vampiric monsters as Karen decides to face them. She had a weird blood-thirsty look in her eyes as she said to them, "Be afraid, be very afraid." She butchered them all as Masha looked at her, then the blood was on Karen. But the most eccentric trick, the blood was absorbed into her skin and Karen let out a spasm of pleasure escape her lips. She immediately covered her mouth as Masha glanced at her in disbelief, "You attack those bastards, their blood splattered all of you, the blood gets absorbed into you, and you let out this spasm like you're--" She started to say but she was cut off. "Uh-uh! Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Karen scolded at her. Masha held up her hands, "Just saying." She said. Karen shrugged, "I guess. I feel rather satisfied with the thirst, I'm no longer dehydrated." She said. Masha gave her a weird look, "Dehydrated?" She inquired. "Yeah, strange isn't it?" Karen asked. "Very." agreed Masha. When they got back, it all seems well but then it got worse than before. She learns that if she doesn't drink blood then the blood from the backside will bleed profusely and she will feel weak from the cramps that involved in that order. With her moods out of whack; she became hot tempered, cranky, bitter, and loses her temper easily. She would be pouncing one guy, grabbing his neck and try to strangle him. It would take a lot to restrain her however Karen would kick the guys' keisters for touching her. Karen was the most violent and cold hearted young lady with a vulnerable side to her. Karen looked at her new powers, "What is this?" She wondered. Then, Karen let out a chuckle with excitement, "I don't know what's going on but I'm starting to like it." She said. Karen declares revenge against her great-grandfather for his abuse and his infidelity for what he has done to the family so much! At a strange, a colored hotel looking boarding house. There was a model of peach fruit twirling on top like the shing-ding was a casino or something. That is where Dorian Silver and his little girl companion name Anna Hope. Karen along with Masha went in there. It was so dark in that house, there was no sign for this Dorian Silver  anywhere. There wasn't any security around, "Geez, what is he? Cocky? Or is he springing a trap?" thought Karen. While looking around, there was a sun ray shining down on someone. There was a girl. She was slender, has ivory skin with pink blush on her cheeks. Her hair was shoulder length wavy dark brown hair. She wore a short sleeved pink sweater with a white outline around the vest. She has a black leggings and shoes. Karen and Masha watch her, she was looking around however she saw them in the darkness. "Dorian! Dorian, intruders!" cried the girl. She ran away quickly. "Wait!" called Karen. Too late! The alarm went off, the two girls didn't like this. "That can't be good." Masha remarked. Suddenly, They were confronted by a tall teenage boys. He has a dark brown hair. He has a muscular fit body and a stubble beard. His attire was a maroon jacket, maroon boots, maroon pants, and a matching colored wide brimmed hat. Karen couldn't believe it, this couldn't be him--Could it? "Gotcha right where we want you--" Karen said with a smug look. "--Dorian Silver!"  said Masha. The two of them charged at him, Anna gasped with fright as she watched helplessly but Dorian smirked. He blocks their attacks with his vampiric like powers. Dorian looked at them, who are shocked. A few minutes later; Karen, Masha, Dorian, Anna and the two female allies--Petrova Morme and Molissa Preston--were sitting around having a meeting. "All right then. I'll help and come with you." replied Dorian. Karen looked at him, "You will?" She inquired "Sure but you don't mind if I bring my team along?" Dorian said, gesturing towards the others. Anna looked up in horror, Karen nodded. "I don't mind, not at all." She said with no hesitation. Anna wasn't comfortable with a bunch of strange people but she cannot disobey her father-like figure, Dorian. During the journey; they faced vampiric monsters and Karen was lost by the scent of blood from these creature and how full they were of it. However, Karen snapped out of it where she begins to summon a carnivore vascular plant with a carnage biomass tendencies called Aphros Muscipula as it had its maw trapped them while the sharp teeth pierces the beast before chowing down in the most violent way. Karen's clothes dissolved but the whirlpool concealed her nakedness, she remarked during it: "I don't like to be touched but this makes me all fifty shades of bloody messes. I want you sore, every time you move; I want you bastards to be reminded of who can splay more the to the second power." She smiled, "You're the serpent, I'm Eve in the garden and I can't resist seeing you squirm..." The monsters cried out in pain. Once the monster was now away after the summoning was over; Karen's clothes came back and she realized what she did. She had no idea that she could do that! It was incredible. "THAT WAS WICKED!!!" A kid's voice cried out. Karen and her group jumped, "What the--?" yelped Karen. She turned to see a bunch of kids with ecstatic looks on their faces. "Who the hell are you?" demanded Karen. The first one, the lead kid, announced, "We got blood powers like you...See?" They cut their palms as they draw blood out in various different ways. "You tykes have what?" demanded Karen. Her mind is racing, "These kids have the same ability of blood as me? Impossible!" She thought. "Yup!" said an Asian looking kid. "Cool, huh?" said a tall black kid. The lead kid introduces himself and his friends, "I am David and these are my friends--Gavin, Seth, Carmine and his brothers, Alezan and Rusty. Ruben & Auburn, and their little brother Veres." He turns back to Karen, "That is why we want to ask you something...." All the other kids as well as David got on their knees, "PLEASE MAKE US YOUR STUDENTS!!!" They chorused. It was an awkward silence. "What now?" Karen asked, breaking the silence. "You are--Oooh, nice pecs!" David said, looking at her breasts as his eyes widened. Asena is shocked and offended by that, "AAAAHH!" She screamed as she smack the boy. His friends  exclaim, "Ouchhh." "Dirty little boy." Karen muttered. "Hey, it was a mere compliment. Can you train me--Us! Can you train us?" said Sharik. "Ha, In your dreams." remarked Karen, "Now run along and to whatever it is, I'm not interested." She was about to walk off but the children called after her. "Wait, you can't leave us! If we go back to the dojo, our parents will kill us. Sahbum Nim will use the Conditioning Stick, we'll be grounded. Kicked out." said Carmine. "Yeah, that'll be fun." remarked Seth. Anna looked at the children with sympathy, "Why?" She asked. "We didin't go to practice but we couldn't live this life anymore. I mean, our moms never told us that we were half human-half vampire and I don't think we need them to know." explained Auburn. "Hey guys, come on! We got to move." Karen called. Petrova stops her, "Wait, Karen. Can't we take them with us? Please?" She whispered. Karen looked at her and looked at the kids who were giving her pathetic excuse puppy eyes, "All right, all right! But no more of your antics or any other perverted comments!" Karen said to the kids. She turned but one of the kids, Alezan, pipes up. He had a cute face and a bowel shaped haircut. "How about a musical number?" His voice sounded squeaky and high, almost cute. Karen moaned, annoyed. They've been hiking a lot so they decided to stop and create a bivouac. Karen saw that Petrova have a whole supply of rare red meat! So she found red meat tasty, it was delicious. She never knew it tasted so good with the juices of the meat. "Red meat is strongly linked to higher mortality, mainly due to cardiovascular conditions and other diseases." Petrova remarked, "But due to the case--I think it's fine for you guys anyway." Karen smiled while the children gave her weird looks. Molissa rolled her eyes with a lazy smile, "Way to rub it in, Miss Analyzer." She teased. The next day, they all woke up to the sound of a howl! The kids jumped and shivered while they panicked as it closed in. "Raising the ordinary to extraordinary." Masha remarked. The other children were behind her, they couldn't believe they were seeing the monsters of vampires with large, horned bat wings. Karen smirked at them all, "You look tired. Let me tuck you in." She said. She then used her vampire abilities against them as they howled and growled. "You are not only a vampire, you're half human too! With a mortal present!" They were about to charge after Masha but Karen stopped them before they could reach her: "Do you naughty blood-suckers deserve a good spanking?" She said. She took out a stake and stabbed them in the heart, the creatures cried out in anger. Karen grinned with triumph, "Laters, baby." She purred. And it exploded into dust. "Insolent dhapmir!" The creature cried, lunging at her. Without turning around; Karen took out a bottle of water and splashed it against the winged creature, "Sacred aqua!" They cried. Melting them until there was nothing but mushy substances. "You're probably wondering why I don't like to be touched, I'll tell you specifically.....I'm fifty shades of blood and violence, nobody brought me into the world of violence but I am here to take down a creepy, child obsessed old freak who is my great-grandpa." She explained. The monsters growled at her, "Infidel! You are an infidel to the race of vampires. But we are not just vampires--We are cadaverous bat-like winged bloodsuckers called manananggals. We cannot be beaten, you cannot defeat us!" It tried to attack however Karen disappeared and appeared behind one of them as she used her heel to crush their head as she said, "I want you sore, my dear friend. Every time you move, I want you to be reminded that I’ve been here. Only me. You are mine." Then she killed it and turned to the others, preparing for the next battle. She said, "Let's rock, baby!" And the fight begins. Swift and furious with a vengeance; Karen managed to slay them all with Masha and the others watching. "She's really powerful." Dorian said. "She is." Petrova nodded. "Wow, she looks kind of hot." Molissa remarked with a laugh. "You've played enough hide and seek, my scurrying friend!" Karen said, she catched up to the beast and it said, "Daughter of a harlot? The harlot who was abused so scandalously by her old man. And I'm not just saying her daddy." But was shot and killed on the spot. Karen said to the corpse, "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to mention one of the reasons I hunt your kind. You're much too ugly not to put out of your misery. Another is that your scent is like a drug to me, my very own personal brand of heroin. Although, heroin is a squirming way to inject blood into to make you feel good but it sickens me." Karen looked at the creature. "You know, you're not nearly so ugly when you're screaming." She remarked. "Yours is a face only a mother could love, and one I could never forget. If only I could remember where from."

Continuing on, Karen and the gang are faced with more monsters in buildings. One in particular was a museum where more awaited her. Karen smiled, loving all the attention she was getting kicks out of this: "I feel like a friggin' celebrity in this town." Karen said. As she said this, she twirled around and jumps high as she reclines on the hanging statue while she continues, "Everyone rushes at me like crazed fans. They still haven't figured out that I don't give autographs! You're one challenging vampire, aren't you? It's taking all my self-control not to scre you on top of the roof of this building, just to show you that you're mine, and if I want to suck your blood out so much, it'll satisfy my thirst." She crossed her legs while looking all smug. "You know, I like to see you squirm in the pain." The vampire monster. Karen liked the challenge, she turned back to the creature. "I've got a great idea, how about we have a little fun, instead? You did plan on having fun with me, right? There'll be plenty of time for pillow talk afterwards." She said with a seductive purr. She fights the monsters as she begins to climax with a smile on her face as she saw so much blood everywhere! "Oh my! I am swaying and writhing to some primal carnal rhythm, jumping up and down, clapping my hands like a child. I think I'm doing the dance of the seven veils, but the physical pain from the bite of the belt is nothing, nothing compared to this devastation." She moaned with pleasure. She was grabbed by the ankles and try to lift her up to drop her but Karen got the upper hand with her stake and said, "You left me hanging. Enjoy your dinner....while it lasts." She plunged it deeper and deeper as blood spluttered out! It looked like it really hurts and so much squirted out like maniacally! "NO! NO! NO!!!!!" It growled. "No one's ever said no to me before. And it's so--hot." Karen said. And with one last thrust, she sends it into oblivion! She feels so dizzy and almost fainted when Dorian catches her, "You OK?" He asked. "Yeah, just so tired." Karen murmured. Afterwards; Karen learns the truth about Dorian's life of being an orphan. In his past, on how he was passive and violent. But he met Anna Hope during a time of chaotic events in his life and how he came across Petrova & Molissa. "It must be very hard to grow up in a perfectly happy family when you're not perfect." replied Dorian. "Well, in this case, a 'perfectly happy family' who are not perfectly happy when you're not-so-wrinkly grandmother who smokes and blames my mother her." Karen said sadly. She begins to cry a bit, "Guess you never had a father you never met, a stupid woman who blames her daughter for the abuse of a grandfather and the fact that it's all screwed up." She sobbed. Dorian calmly looks at her and embraced her while a confused Karen couldn't believe this. "Why are you hugging me?" She asked. Dorian pulled away, "You need one. After all the shit you've been through." He said. He looked annoyed, "How did I get so mushy?" He muttered. Karen laughed a little but the wind blew and Karen sniffed the air. "Oh my...What is that stench? It's so vile but it's so good to me." She said. Then, she realized that innocent blood won't do good but this 'bad' blood seemed promising. In the meantime; Karen knocked on the door of an apartment building. "Come on in." A man's voice said. She opened it and saw a tanned skin man. She forced a smile. "Thanks." said Karen. She sat on the couch and have a drink with the guy. "What's your name?" The tanned man said, a smirk lingered on his face. "Karen. Karen Rouge."  Karen said. The tan man threw his head back and said, "Well, what do you know? Miss Rouge, sounds like Miss Scarlett." He looked at her with a perverted glance. "I'm Colonel Bruin." He said, "Miss Rouge. Welcome." Then, he looked at her chest and his eyebrows raised up, "Beautiful view." He murmured. Karen covered her chest and got up from the couch, "You know what I like about you, chicks?" Colonel Bruin said, he rubbed her shoulders from behind as Karen squirmed. "You babes give good head from below. Come here. Mmm. Better save some of that energy." She was disgusted at his words. However she unzipped her top to reveal she was wearing a bikini top that made the pervert grinned, Karen smirked and said: "I know it's pretty, baby.....but I didn't take it out for air." Her eyes flashed, Colonel Bruin's smile faded and he was horrified. "Oh my..." He gasped. Karen lunged at him, "DIE!!!" She cried. She headed over to the harlot's trade, she had something in her bag and saw the debauchery of men cheering and women being held at their will. She approached them and managed to let the girls go, provoking outrage from the men. But she pulled out the head of 'Colonel Bruin', "Fellas, meet your Colonel." And butchers the others and there was such a massacre of red plasma as well as bodily fluids. She grimaced at the grossness. 

Then; Karen stood over at the two remaining survivors, bound and gagged. She smiled while saying, "So, you're probably wondering, 'what are we gonna do now? are we gonna do rear to rear?' You know, your mind is full of thoughts like that it sickens me. More like blood to blood." She replied. Then, she tightened her boots, raised one up and smashed their faces in as blood was drenched on their faces and her boots, "Come! Come! Come! Come! Come! Come! Come! Come!" She chanted in a vicious tone of voice. Masha came and found her as she was shocked by what she saw, Petrova and Molissa made sure the kids don't see what was in there. Dorian and Anna were horrifed yet amazed at the sight of the bloodshed. "I can't believe you did all of this." Masha said. Karen sighed, "I can't believe it either." She said. She smiled and said, "Got me all hot and bothered....Feeling things I've never felt. Feels like I'm ready to lose myself. Isn't it's a common misconception that having carnality during phlebotomize unhealthy? When I lose a part of me, I want to be on in my own blood or a massacre with mutilated bodies of excessive amounts of blood." Masha stared at her friend with a weird expression. "Oh--kay?" Just then, Karen's hands were tied behind her back in a quick motion, she was a hostage and she had her head bowed. "Nobody moves or the woman goes down!" said the businessman. "You wouldn't!" Masha called out. The businessman laughed, "Oh trust me, nothing says more than seeing you all burn like anyone else would!" said the leader. The others snickered. This was it, this was the end of the line.....Or was it? Karen snapped! She lunged at her captors and fought the gang, blood sprayed out but they weren't dead. Asena cried out, "ANIMALS!!!! YOU'RE AN ANIMAL, CURSED, DISEASED WITH FILTH AND GRIM!!!!!  Once completing the story; Briar and the others understand her situation but were disturbed by her violent yet voluptuous persona! Karen apologized however she had to go and bid them all goodbye. Afterwards from that awkwardness; Roland and the others thanked Briar for her help. And invited her to come along so Briar does. With a smile; Briar walked with them as she glanced at Elphin, "From this moment on, things are gonna go my way, starting with Elphin, then Roland." 

Brave New Girl's World--Chapter 2

This is the second chapter of Brave New Girl's World, where Briar decides to challenge herself by becoming a businesswoman in monster slaying and get money for it while also appreciation from others. Will she succeed? And who is this damsel in distress that always needs saving? Find out in this new chapter! Thank you! --KatDon 

Chapter 2: West Journey Squall 

The pool was vast and a clear blue, the sun shines down with light making it all sparkling like magic. Standing before it was a young woman with light brown hair long enough to reach her shoulders. Her bangs were parted away, letting a little bit of her forehead exposed, making them look like a curtain. Her eyes were light blue, her skin was so fair in the sunlight. She wore a one-piece bathing suit, it was blue mixed with orange, yellow, and green like a sunset on an island. This girl was Miranda Tempest, she's around the ages of 16 to 17 years old and was innocent, naive, beautiful, and a sweet young lady. Her bosom size could be either a B or a C however she is unaware about that, she's oblivious to her beauty and how virtuous she looks. With goggles on her head, Miranda dipped her foot in the pool's staircase and put the other in. She shivered a bit but she cautiously took another step of the stairs in the pool and gulped; holding back a scream. Another step as she could see her knees are under the water and finally, she did a midjump into the water. She let out a gasping yelp while she couldn't believe how undeniably cold it was! "How's the water, sweetheart?" Her mother, Aimee, called out. "It's freezing!" Miranda answered. She placed on the goggles and begin to swim underwater, looking up as the sunrays was shining down on her like she was a mermaid under the ocean floor. She swam a little bit more, before coming up to the surface for air. There was a portable music player, on a device of portable speakers boom box that played music of a playlist for the swimming pool. Miranda listened to a song that talks about a rarest relationship where both individuals have same interests and how they are genuinely intrigued by what each has to say. Anytime she listens to this song, Miranda has this image in her head of her locking eyes with an unknown boy and slowly leaned over and kissed him but soon she snapped out of her reverie when the song ended. She did not understand why was she having that illusion and swam more as other songs played. That's when a song plays, which was about coming of age and loss of innocence while having regrets. For Miranda, she came from a good family. Her mother Aimee and her father Hal always loved her very much. However, Miranda was an only child but she was a good girl and comes off as perfect; even though she isn't. She was a chastizing young lady who never interacted with boys but she hasn't found anyone interested to her. Though Miranda is happy to be herself but people always persuaded her to go to house parties and get wasted. But Miranda was not like most people, which makes her different from the rest and likes herself the way she is. She also loves to go swimming but her mother was concerned about the stormy weather around where they lived. She also heard that a hurricane is coming here possibly. After swimming for hours; it was time to get out and Miranda looked at the pool with a faint smile, strangely bidding it a farewell. While changing in the bathroom; Miranda couldn't help but noticed in the mirror on how much of a woman she's growing up to be but fails to see the beauty but only sees a girl with a thin body and proper amples that weren't too big or two small. She then changed into cozy clothes of pants and a T-shirt. She doesn't dress in tank tops, shorts, or skirts....Unless she's out somewhere. When it all comes down to it, she struggles of being different and wanting people to love her just as she is. It was her first day of summer and she was happy to get away from those people at school--Miranda deals with pressure from peers and she couldn't understand why life was so confusing. There's many stories about the unknown, questions of why are people and what comes next in their chapter of their lives. What is their connections and purposes. But Miranda likes how she can see rainbows after a storm, rainbows are so beautiful though they don't endure struggles and conflict people go through. Some folks might look at a rainbow as a vision of color--How it represents a symbol of faith or hope. Over in their place, there's one thing for sure: In this world they all lived in; everybody was a child once. Sometimes people don't think like a grown up nor they don't act like a child but are in that spot of fine, yet clean and unspoiled in the world that makes them all forget! However, it's faith and superstition that is man-made but it is being an illusion nevertheless it can affect people in a magical way almost. The same way that hope is something that can only exist if believed and it can elevate people to do great things as it's true magic! Everyone wants to believe in things greater than itself, others ponders over implications as the sky above has been the center of myths and beliefs that involved in star-wishing, horoscopes, and stories about constellations. There's a connection Miranda has between reality and dreams, she wished that the two to match up even if it seems unlikely that they can. And she hasn't found that connection of actuality in her situation and the hope behind her aspirations, even remaining optimistic as one day that dreams and reality will become the same in one world. Miranda is a dreamer, not a lover and she's something else! She wants adventure while escaping from those that brought pressure upon her for not being like the other girls. Where she's not judged and one day, she'll find people who will be kind to her. She will be loved for who she is just as she loves herself for being her. Miranda's parents knew their daughter wasn't happy with school in the last two years and the previous two was OK--It changed when she move to higher grades. She heard about a land called Murias, which was in the west and longs to go there one day if she can. In the meantime; loud noises of a storm with thunder and lightning. The captain showed up and called out, "FERRAND!!!" On cue, a young teen boy and his dog--a wolf looking puppy--approached. The boy was Ferdinand Alphone but his friends called him 'Ferrand'. Ferrand has silver-blue eyes and spiky, medium purple hair with lightness to it, he wore a short sleeved buttoned black shirt as a white tank was seen underneath and his pants were light grey with shoes that matched the color of his shirt. He had some sort of weapon tucked from behind. Ferrand saluted his captain, "Yes sir!" He said over the stormy weather of the sea. "What do you need, Captain?" The captain nodded with a smile, "Good, you're here my boy." He said. Then, he gestured over to the crew, "Give them a pep talk and make it fast or we'll crashed. Go! Now!" He instructed. Then, the captain hurried away. Ferrand went over and gave the instructions to the other sailors. Moments later; Ferrand and the sailors were hard at work. "That's it, guys! Come on, take in the upper sail! Take the storm by the reins!" Ferrand called out to them, they were getting wet and drenched with water spraying everywhere from the storm. Other mates came out, "Ferrand! Where in the hell is the captain? Why is he making these men work?" One of them called out. "You there, stay below deck! Get away from here!" Ferrand commanded. The mates didn't pay no heed, "WHERE. IS. THE CAPTAIN?" The mate shouted. "He's busy right now! You guys need to listen when he gives out orders, get back to the cabins! You're not helping us, right now." Ferrand shouted. The other mates heed the words and left but things went downhill from here, no matter how hard they try--They were gonna crash! "IT'S NO USE MEN!" One of the sailors screamed, "WE'RE DONE FOR, PRAY FOR YOUR LIVES--WE'RE GOING DOWN!" Everything was a blur, the ship crashed and the next thing happened was Ferrand woke up with incisions. 

His puppy, Gonzolo, survived too but the rest of the crew are dead. Ferrand was emotionally distraught, so he gave them a proper funeral for the mates and the captain. With Gonzolo in his arms; he said: "Well....Looks like it's just you and me, boy." Gonzolo wagged his tail, he barked and whimpered a little and Ferrand grimaced of the pain while he walked away. In the meantime, Miranda woke up and decided to take a walk to a hill. While on her walk; she comes across a boy, Ferrand, and his dog Gonzalo where they were lying on the grass and looking up at the blue sky. But Ferrand said, "There's a storm coming, it's going to sweep things in its path." Miranda looked up and saw that the beautfiul sky's yonder blue was now a dark purple. When Miranda turned back to the boy, she saw that he was already gone! So she decides to head back. As she walked back; Miranda looked up and saw that the hurricane while she was determined to get home soon. She regrets on going on this walk, it was a bad idea and she wish she stayed home. She wished that it passed or wash away like rain. But it was getting closer and nothing could stop it. She hopes she won't blow away as she saw in horror of every debris, every part crumbling and it was blowing harder and harder. Miranda managed to dodge every flying object and nearly went flying, it was so strong but she made it back home safe. However, she was horrified to discover that her house has been capsized and she managed to get in the house where she found that her parents were nowhere in sight. Miranda begin to panic a little bit, she cried; fearing that her parents could be dead. The next minute afterwards, Poor Miranda was sitting near the mailbox, thinking about if her parents possibly got caught in the storm and possibly died but she didn't want to jump to conclusions. Then, she felt a shadow upon her and saw Ferrand with his dog, Gonzolo. "What are you doing here?" Miranda asked. "I came to help you, I also want to tell you that your family is safe." replied Ferrand. Miranda's gasp got caught in her throat, "You do? Where are they?" She asked. "The Good Sorceress Melisande knows and she might be able to help us." explained Ferrand. Here this was to be another day, an ordinary day until this boy came along as he will inspire her to look for majestic beauty that others wouldn't see and find them mundane. Ferrand stretch his hand out, "Come with me." He said. "Where are we going?" asked Miranda. Ferrand smiled, "To the West...Murias." Miranda was hesitant at first but she knew that this boy would help her. Maybe help her to be in control of her own destiny. She took Ferrand's hand, and they were off. But first before they had to go West, they stopped by Ferrand's apartment where they meet two of his roommates, Caliban Raven and Ariel 'Arye' Shay. Caliban was a nice guy, pretty much average looking person...Nothing magical about him. And Arye hated his name because it sounded too girly to him. Miranda was shy at first however she bonded fast with these guys as they stayed up late because of no power, they played spin the bottle and laugh and joking around while drinking root beer. Miranda hardly spoke for she felt excited and glanced at Ferrand, admiring how beautiful and confidence he was but he probably wasn't so down-to-earth. Summer was all in full bloom, where Miranda found a place of belonging with friends that care about her. And don't judge of what she is not. The next day, when the storm was over; Miranda and her new friends stumble upon a village called Alfheimer where the friendliest creatures of dwarves, fairies, elves, gnomes, pixies, leprechauns, and mermaids. Then, the Good Sorceress name Melisande appeared! Melisande has blonde hair so wavy with curls, she wore a tiara on her head, but her dress was something else. Her dress was pink, pearlized with petals covering the skirt as the bodice and skirt are decorated with sequins, it was off the shoulder with a heart shaped outline to the top. The gown looked like it was made of bubbles, like somebody took them out of bathwater and sewn them together so they won't pop. Melisande gives Miranda a pair of magic shoes called Talaria to give her guidance. That's when Miranda remembered what Ferrand said as she asked Melisande about the whereabouts of her parents. Melisande assured her that they were safe however they are hidden in a shelter because of all the monsters, the ones called manananggals. As if on cue, they appeared as they terrify the residents into hiding as Miranda, Ferrand, Caliban, and Arye were horrified to see them. Gonzolo barked at the creatures, which they look hideous with their horned wings, claws, and fangs so sharp. They snarled and Miranda shivered a little. The beasts demanded the magic shoes Talaria, however Melisande spoke out: "It's too late, they are here and they will stay." She gestured that the shoes were now on Miranda's feet. Miranda was shocked, Ferrand put an arm around her and pulled her close in a protective way while glaring at the monsters, who demanded for the Talaria shoes. But Melisande laughs, "You have no power over here you beasts, now be gone or I'll plunged a wooden stake in your hearts." She sneered at them. The manananggals winced so they decide to accept defeat for now but cursed Miranda by the fact that many enemies will come for her. Some would kidnap her and held her in prison while others would try to kill her, or use her for lustful desires so she must keep her head down, watch her back and stand her ground: "We''ll get you, sweet blood--AND YOUR MEDDLING FRIENDS TOO!" They growled, they laughed and disappeared into smoke. Once they were gone; Miranda and her friends were told to go to Murias where the wizard Prospero resides! So; Miranda, Ferrand, Caliban, Arye, and Gonzolo headed to the west--Murias! 

For the time being; there was a lot of madness going on with the manananggals, when all of a sudden there was a mix up and Roland now has a device that's not his. Later, he and Elphin were walking back as they were trying to work the device. "Damn, why isn't this working? I just know the others are going to get suspicious." Roland complained. Elphin looked him, "At least, they won't notice. 'That's yours? Yup, sure is.' NOT MY DEVICE!" He said. Roland groaned, "Please, don't say! We're going to be in big trouble if they do find out." They managed to sneak from their friends as the two boys look at it. However some strange recordings were discovered of singing, Elphin realized something and said to Roland: "You know what this is, don't you?" Roland looked at him funny, "This is the mysterious girl's device." Startled; Roland shriek as he throws the phone on his bed! Elphin looked at him, Roland was red faced. "Um...I don't know why I just did that." He said. They managed to hide it away but Elphin likes to listen to the recordings and finds them amusing however some of the songs sound so beautiful. In the meantime; Briar realized that her device is gone and realized she accidentally took Roland's by mistake. She blushed, then she freaked out. But cannot let him nor Elphin know about her singing talent! But kept his device with Demetri as she trusts him more than she trusts Ostadar and Hervey. Meanwhile; Ostadar might be strong, but clearly needs to do more cardio. Evidently Hervey doesn’t hold his prospects for surviving very highly, Demetri is commenting on Roland’s leadership — all of his friends are brave while they are scared to go to fighting becase of his vigorous training. Briar is worried that Roland or Elphin, or both of them, will discover she is the singing girl. The curse came true as an evil witch of the manananggals name Alcina was jealous by the beautfiul and virtuous Miranda Tempest so she decides to take it upon herself for some catastrophe towards her. First, Alcina got a werewolf to lure her and eat her. Once that will happen, Alcina will have Miranda destroy! Nobody will stop her now...Or will they? Ferrand, Caliban, and Arye learn of her plans so the trio went to stop werewolf's plans to swallow Miranda. The two of them hurry to the location as they can see Miranda went into the forest. Poor Miranda never even thought of such a thing, that it was not her mother at all, but a wicked werewolf, to pretend that he was the werewolf as the lady herself. "Come and sit down beside my bed, dearie," wheezed the werewolf, "and let us have a little chat." Then the disguised werewolf stretched out his large hairy paws and began to unfasten the basket. "Oh!" said Miranda, "What eyes you have, Mother!" "All the better to see you with, my pet," grinned the werewolf. "What great arms you have, Mother!" Miranda said. "All the better to hug you with," said the Wolf. "And Mother," gasped Miranda, "what great sharp teeth you have !" "All the better to eat you with!' growled the werewolf, springing up suddenly at Miranda. But just at that very moment the door flew open, and Ferrand and the others rushed in with their weapons, and killed the werewolf. Since that failed; Calliope got an evil woman and her daughters to kidnap Miranda and make her a working maid. Miranda worked and worked for them, even worked when there was a ball in town. "Don't you wish you were going to the ball?" said the mother. "Yes I do," sighed Miranda. The sisters burst out laughing. Then, stepping carefully into the limo so that they might not crush their fine clothes, they drove away to the ball. Miranda went back to her chimney-corner, and tried not to feel envious, but the tears would gather in the pretty eyes, and trickle down the sorrowful little face. "What are you crying for, child?" cried a silvery voice. Miranda started, and raised her eyes. Who could it be ? Then in a moment she knew--it was a fairy! "All I ever wanted--" began Miranda; then her sobs stopped her. "To go to the ball," finished the fairy. Miranda nodded. The fairy told her to go into the garden and bring the largest pumpkin. Second is to trap mice from the pantry. Third task was to ger a large rat in the rat catcher, fourth was to get six lizards. Soon the pumpkin, the mice, the rat, and the lizards each turned into a fancy vehicle, coachmen, a limo driver, and other great things. Miranda was so excited that she couldn't speak. However she forgot she wore her maid clothing and tries to ask but before Miranda could realize what was happening, the fairy's wand tapped her lightly on the shoulder, and in place of the shabby frock, there was a gleam of satin, silver, and pearls. The gown was white as snow, and as dazzling; round the hem hung a fringe of diamonds, sparkling like dew-drops in the sunshine. The lace about the throat and arms could only have been spun by fairy spiders. Surely it was a dream! Miranda put her daintily-gloved hand to her throat, and softly touched the pearls that encircled her neck. "Come, little lady," said the fairy, "don't be late." The fairy gave her diamond-like shoes to wear. Once then, Miranda arrived at the ball as she reunites with her friends and left the prince. Alcina was upset at this sight and decides to send the most dangerous squad of dark fairy tale people. As the others ran, someone tugs on her arm: "Um, excuse me?" A voice said. Miranda and the boys turned and saw there was a girl wearing a red jacket with a hood and hands them something. Mia looked at it, "Oh! Thanks." She said. As she put her item away, The gang looked at the girl and was surprised to see she wore a short white dress with the red jacket. It looked ripped and stained, "What happened to you?" asked Miranda. "Oh, nothing. I always dress like this." The girl said shyly. Then noticed the bag and asked: "What do you have in the bag?" The girl, who try to peek in the bag, "Just some stuff, nothing really important." explained Miranda. The girl looked back at her, her stomach rumbled. "Do you have something to eat? I'm hungry." She asked. Miranda shook her head, "I'm sorry however, why don't you come with us and maybe we'll find some food." She said. The girl wouldn't budge so Ferrand shrugged, "All right, why don't you stay here? I'll be back with food." He promised. The gang were about to turn and walk away but the girl cried out, "PLEASE!!!! I'M STARVING!!!!" Ferrand looked back, "Do you want to come with us or not? I won't let you go hungry but if you come with me, I promise I'll get you food." He called out. The girl trembled and looked up with vulnerable eyes, "I--Um---Are you lost? I'm lost." She said. Mirand and the others were confused by the girl's moods. "What is wrong with her?" thought Ferrand. The girl sniffed the air and said, "I can smell it, a wolf is here....Isn't it?" She purred. They were puzzled, again, she had no idea what she was talking about until she heard a growling sound--It was a wolf! The girl pulled out an ax and attacked it violently. Cutting up the monster into pieces over and over again without stopping. Miranda witnessed this in great terror and the girl glared back at her. "You sent the wolf after me, didn't you?" She snarled. Miranda took a step back, the girl kept swinging the ax and tries to kill her, but Mia dodged her and Ferrand managed to fight her. Just then, the girl was so crazy that she accidentally fell on her own ax and died of blood loss.  This was her story: Petra had got lost in the forest again. Darkness was quickly setting in and she was becoming more and more nervous by the second. She didn't want it to end up like last time. She heard a rustling sound from behind her and turned round to see what it was. Nothing was there so she carried on wondering further into the unknown. Again the rustling sound came from behind her, louder this time. She turned round again to see what was there but all there was were the tall, grey trees looming over her in the darkness. Petrified, she ran. Soon she was more lost than ever and just wanted to be at home with her family. "Why had I decided to visit my grandma?" Petra asked herself "Why do I have to get lost so often?" Soon after her fright, Petra came across a little tree stump, she sat down on it and tried to think of a way out of the forest. Suddenly she heard that rustling sound behind her again, closer than last time. She turned round to see a huge pair of yellow eyes glaring at her, a low growl rumbled through the forest and that was when she realized it was a wolf. The shadowed figure walked out from the gloom and circled her twice before smiling at her, an evil, hungry smile. Terrified, she looked around to find a suitable weapon. A large ax lay on the ground a few meters away from where she sat. If she could just reach it then she could finish the wolf off. She sprinted for the ax, grabbed it and spun round just in time to make the blade collide with the wolf's side. The crack of bone could be heard from a mile away and the wolf gave out an outrageous scream before it lay limp on the ground at Petra's feet. And that was when her obsession started. Miranda and the gang walked down the path while looking around, Miranda could've sworn that she heard moaning and incoherent shouting the dark mists of the forest. Her heart was racing and her palms were sweaty. She had less than five minutes to destroy the creature in the woods. She looked and saw a knife. Without thinking what he was about to do, Ferrand threw the heavy blade straight into the creature's shoulder. There was a scream coming from the creature that made her ears vibrate. The creature turned out to be a zombie girl that try to attacked Miranda fell to the floor instantly, but now the deranged woman was dead. But there was a chilling story of Bella Venezia: The apple was so red, so delicious looking, and the woman seemed so harmless, so she ate it. As soon as her lips touched the crimson apple, Bella Venezia fell to the floor. She was instantly dead. Sadly for her, no prince charming came to save her. However, Bella Venezia weren't really gone. Her soul came back to look over her dwarfs. People would see her in the woods near the old cottage that once belonged to some poor girl who died a sad death. She was known as "The Maiden of the Cottage".  Bella Venezia would stand outside, luring people into the cottage, so the hungry little friends could eat. Now; Bella Venezia sat at her dressing table in the dwarfs cottage, staring at herself in her magic mirror. She had already asked it many times that week who was the fairest of them all but she just couldn't help asked once again. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" Bella Venezia asked in her gentle voice. To her horror the mirror said "Your mother is the fairest of them all." To head such words made Snow White so angry she set out on a little mission. She walked into her bathroom and took out the little tube of poison from the cabinet. She got an apple from the fruit bowl and put a couple of drops of poison on it. That is all it took. She hid it in a basket surrounded with other apples then dressed up in an old cloak with a hood and set off on her way to visit her mother. When she got to her mother's house she knocked on the door. Bella Venezia bites into the apple. The apple was not poisoned so she would die, it poisoned her sanity, she lay into a coma and would not waken until her prince charming came. She woke up saw her prince charming, screamed and started to eat him until he was dead, the apple had made her into a manananggal, killing whoever she liked, she clawed 3 dwarves to death and changed the other 4 dwarves into hungry manananggals, they stayed hiding in the forest for animals and people to eat. 

Next on the list was Rhodopis, she wasn't going to be easy like these other two girls. While on her destination; Miranda was reading a book when she dozed off. By the time she woke up, Miranda saw a garden full of weeds and pumpkins. Just then, Miranda could see a girl covered in stitches as she smiled as she said, "Welcome to my ball, a dream isn't it?" Miranda looked around her, "What?" She said. The girl then was in blue rags and she looked quite strange but then she found Miranda was an intruder as she attacks her with help from her demonic friends. Miranda couldn't break free however Ferrand came and managed to fight them all and defeated them but no the girl. Miranda came over and saw the girl crying, "The ball....my prince....they took them away from....me...." Then, she put her face down and she died with tears streaming her face. Miranda watched her sadly and then, she buried the girl. Just then, Miranda and the gang were told the tale of Rhodopis, the girl she just buried: Ashley was a servant girl for her evil stepmother and ugly step sisters, invite to the ball, her friends help make the dress and everything she go down stairs showing off her new dress ready to go, the stepsisters tear it off and ruin it, so she doesn't go. Rhodopis, runs to the garden and fairy godmother comes, she was fascinated by her magic when she gave her a dress a carriage horses and foot men. At the ball when she was looking for the grande hall she could see a soothsayer  and ask him about fairies and about their magic. "If you kill a fairy their power will go into the nearest living thing and you own their powers to do with it what you will. However fairies are just a myth," The soothsayer said, but Rhodopis knew they did exist, so as she found the hall, the prince saw her and started to dance with her, Rhodopis enjoyed herself but at the same time thinking about having the power to make her stepsisters and stepmother suffer for everything they done. After she rushed home with her clothes turning into rags Ashely thought long and hard if this was the path she wanted to go down. When she got home from the ball, she was happy as could be. But someone wasn't. Her stepsister had discovered who she was, and she was very jealous. She viciously killed her, ripping her apart. Later, Rhodopis's friends and 'godmother' found her body and they sewed her back together. Rhodopis came back to life. The next day the royal carriage stopped outside bringing out a glass slipper for all the ladies to try on, this made Rhodopis furious, later on that night she called her fairy godmother and she felt sorry for poor Rhodopis, but moments after she comforted her, Rhodopis stabbed her through the heart. The power from the fairy flooded into her. Her appearance changed as she had straw like hair and greenish skin. She had sharp fingers and razor teeth and pushed out skeletal wings but she loved it. At the dead of night she took over took the kingdom and killed many people and she made her stepmother and stepsisters into your personal slaves which also loved to tease, torment and torture. She lived happy causing madness across the land. Today she patrol the pumpkin garden, and if anyone comes near, she ripped them apart. They call her "The Maiden of the Pumpkins". Now that was over, Miranda and the gang headed off into their next journey! 

Later, Miranda and the gang was exhausted from the day she had and it was almost getting dark soon so she decided to spend the night at a strange castle so she went there and found that the door was ajar. She was so curious that she decided to go in and found it empty. She closed the door behind her, calling out: "HELLO!!!!! ANYONE HOME!!!!" Nobody answered and the gang moved around with caution. She found a room with the door halfway opened. As Ferrand opened the door, he saw that there was a plain white dress. Miranda turned around and she saw a bunch of wolves before her. She fought them off and ran for her life from any more danger. She managed to calm down while she found another room from the wolves. Then found a weapon and a message: "YOU WILL NEED IT!!!" in red letters. Miranda was confused by this, "What does this mean exactly?" She thought. The weapon inside says an inscription that says: "THEE WHO HAS FOUND IT MUST USE IT AGAINST THE DARKEST OF EVIL!" The others were puzzled and Ferrand tucked it in his front pocket. "Lovely, isn't it?" A sultry voice of a young woman asked. Startled, Miranda and the others turned around to see a dark haired woman, fair skin and a rose pinned to the blouse of her dress. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just....We were just...." Miranda started to say, but the woman laughed. "Now, now, don't be frightened. It's all right, you can stay here. Please, wait here while I got and fetch you some food and water." She said with kindness in her voice. The others coulnd't help but feel grateful and sat there, waiting but they were curious to know that there was another door. She could've sworn that she could smell a particular stench that didn't seem right. Opening the door, Miranda made a gruesome discovery: Bodies, corpses of people were there....Their bodies torn apart and blood oozed on the floor. Miranda was terrified as the hairs on the back of her neck stood up when she sensed someone behind her. The woman grinned darkly back at Mia, her eyes were glowing white and no pupils were in them. "Awww, it's not nice to sneak around in people's houses...I believe, it's time I teach you....A LESSON!" Then, the woman transforms into a female werewolf and fought Ferrand, who dodged her with all his might until he remembered the weapon in his pocket as he used it against the woman. The weapon was a silver knife that smelled of mistletoe and wolfs-bane. The werewolf try to get away, try to bite Miranda but Ferrand was stronger and stabbed the werewolf, killing her. Then, the wolf turned back into a woman, who then quickly aged before turning into a pile of dust and went away! Then, Miranda and the others got out of the castle and went away but listen to the story of the she-wolf, Galatea: Galatea's dad gets lost finds castle and ends up imprisoned in there. She went to look for him and traded herself for him and she got her wish, the Beast scared her one night when she was snooping around so she ran off and got surrounded by wolves as one of them bit her. Seconds later; the Beast came and fought them away and instead of him being on the horse and is guiding it back to the castle he carried Galatea back there due to the fact she was unconscious. Galatea woke up in a bed feeling weak but different, she wasn't her normal nice, kind, generous self and so she pretended to be what she usually is until she found out what happened to her. A few days later she became angry and greedy a dark side occurred inside of herself where she wanted so much, she lost control of herself. Galatea burst in drooling when she saw the Beast, he was about to cry when she jumped over the table and pinned him down to the ground and roared in his face. "Galatea, I love you, I know you love me to, please don't do this," He whispered, she didn't care and she ripped off his head and howled and she heard other wolves howling back in the distance. Anyone who dared to come to the castle would have to answer to her. From this day on, Galateabecame known as "The Maiden of the Castle", Many people see her dancing out at the castle gate, luring them into her castle for her next meal. The next morning, Miranda and the others could see it was light out. So she got her things and left the motel she stayed at. It begin to feel as if someone was following her so Mia picked up her pace and begin to walk quicker with each step she made. But then, she stumbled and fell down, then everything went black. The next thing happen was when Mia sat straight up, her eyes fluttered opened and looked up. There she was in her room as she wondered what was going on now. She realized someone was coming in to check up on her, so she relaxed her face and closed her eyes. Then, someone sighed: "You think I'm going to fall for that trick? C'mon, I know you're awake darling." The voice said in a Romanian or Russian accent, it was hard to tell. Mia looked up and saw a woman so fair and beautiful with blonde hair. "I don't think you asked but it's OK, you looked like you hit something hard and fell in." said the woman. "Oh, I didn't mean to--" Mia said, "I was just lost and confused. I thought maybe I would find someone here." The woman looked at her, she looked over and sniffed her. She grinned and Mia was startled to see her incisors, no her fangs! "You smell so juicy, darling. I'm very parched so if you don't mind...." The woman said, leaning over to her next but Mia fought back and used a cross against her. The woman slapped it away, "You think that's going to work on me? You got to be joking me, darling!" She laughed. Miranda was running out of ideas, she had used the garlic and the holy water but nothing worked. She couldn't believe it, "What kind of vampire is she?" She thought. The woman attacked but Ferrand fought back and then, he took a wooden stake and stabbed the woman in the heart, murdering her as she turned to dust. Miranda and the others were exhausted that she almost passed out again. Then she heard the origins of Bastiana: In her dream as she slept, Bastiana was waiting for her prince to come. He never did. She was assumed to have died and rotted in the tower. One thing happened during the time when she was sleeping. During her sleep a bat ended up in her room, not just any bat a vampiric bat, which bit her and she was going through the transformation whilst she was sleeping. After her prince charming came to your tower he saw her lying there looking fair, beautiful and had to kiss her, so he did as he was fore told to do, he kissed her cherry lips. Bastiana woke up happy to see her hero, but really she didn't care. Bastiana hugged him, flipped him over pinned him down on the bed and started to suck his blood from his neck leaving him drained and very dead. However, she was not finished on this earth. She would always go back to the forest she had come to know and love. People see her gracefully dancing through the woods, singing her mournful song. She felt so free and wild she loved it and she flew about the kingdom choosing victims and drinking them dry, she hid in the forest so no one knew exactly where she was, it added to her fun when hunters tried to find her but none were successful. She lived forever as a vampire looking for victims and never for love. She has come to be known as "The Maiden of the Forest". If anyone ever tries to come near her, she set her protector, the Dead Owl on them, and they are never seen again. 

The mermaid girl came swimming down towards you, an alarmed expression across her face, with a hint of excitement and dreaminess. “You wouldn’t believe what just happened. I think I found my true love!” She squealed at Miranda. “What?” Miranda asked confusedly. “Human girl, you have to promise not to tell anyone what I’m about to tell you,” Melusine said suddenly with wide eyes. “I promise.” said Miranda. The girl then said, “I just saved a man from a shipwreck. And I think I’m… in love!”  Mia was surprised. This mermaid girl was in love? Though part of you could believe it. She had always loved the land more than the sea. “Melusine… but you’re a mermaid! He’s a human! I’m not sure you guys could actually be together.” Miranda said. Now it was the girl’s turn to be confused. “But… I thought you would support me.” Her voice was beginning to sound angry. “Why can’t you just consider that humans are like us?” She demanded. Then, she got so mad that she try to get she to jump off a cliff and into the ocean. Miranda ran over to the sea to escape while Ferrand and the others fought the mermaid as she then was swimming but then, a powerful wave took her and she drowned but not before Miranda slayed her. The mermaid was dead, sinking to the bottom. Miranda manged to catch her breath after all that swimming and she was told her the story of the mermaid, Atara: The mermaid Atara fell in love for Prince Tireas but of course there is a problem which is he is a human and she is a mermaid and her father as the king of the underwater world is not approving of her feelings for a human. She wonder how can she could possibly be with Tireas because he can't breathe in water and she can't stay out of it for too long, so how could this ever be? She heard rumours that Beira the sea witch could help and so she reluctantly went there, her nerves filled her body, Annis's lair was not attractive at all and neither was the sea witch who was sitting on a stool made of shells and seaweed playing with her white blonde hair. "Hello Atara, I believe you wished to see me about an unfortunate circumstance," Beira purred as she faced her, her face was ancient and looked like it was cracking like a vase, her eyes were a milky white, her skin was close to blue as if she was suffering from the cold, she was a voluptuous woman and her tentacles were long, scaly and slimy and they worked their way up her body forming what looks like a black tight strapless dress. She swam out of her seat and approached her, her tentacles grabbing parts of her as she studied them. "What is it that you want with me little mermaid?" Beira said as she released Atara from her slimy tentacles. "Well I have meet this man and he is perfect but that's the problem, he is a man," Atara told the sea witch. Beira pursed her lips and narrowed her eyelids so you could only see a tiny gleam of something in her eyes, she turned and looked at her with a smile of helpfulness like a mothers gentle smile. "Well I can help you, I can give you legs so you can meet your man." Beira informed her. The news was great you had three days with Tireas and maybe you two could talk things over and you could make things work with him. She browsed through her ingredients taking some and ignoring others, she placed the selected ingredients on an old table that must have sunk to the depths a long time ago. She threw in a bit of this and a bit of that and something else while saying an enchantment. Within minutes a purple potion was created, Beira poured the liquid into a flask and blew it gently. "This potion will give you legs, I will give it to you after I have your voice," She whispered as she approached Atara. Her heart sank, how could she get a true love kiss from him without her voice? She couldn't condemn to this, her whole life was ahead of her. But her heart ruled her head and so she agreed. Beira cast a spell, stealing her voice, it was agony like she was ripping out her throat, Atara couldn't breathe and was gagging and after what seemed like a lifetime it stopped. No sound came from her when she sighed and inhaled loudly. Then, Atara got her legs too and got to meet her true love but it ended badly when Annis disguised herself, seduced Tireas and then had Atara's father killed. Atara was now angry with the sea witch turned Tireas against her and killed her father, anger eating her up inside her. She killed her former true love and so to avenge her father she stabbed Beira through her heart as well. As she died; Atara murderer her magic lift her body and went into her, for this was dark magic that latches itself on the strongest creature for darknes. She placed her fathers crown on her head and took the golden trident and disappeared from all she knew. Years went by and she never spoke to anyone, mermen and mermaid women came across her dozens of times but they never returned home for she killed anyone who has seen her. Now however they talk about the cursed mermaid Atara the curse of the sea who takes pleasure in bringing down ships and ruthlessly killing people for she was immortal and will never change her wicked ways. Now people know her as "The Maiden of the Ocean". Then, Miranda managed to get a grip as she has to get to the west. They headed off on their way!

While getting to her next destination; Miranda ran over and noticed that she wasn’t just outside her window. She was hovering outside the window. When she made a motion to open it, Miaranda slid it open, letting in the cold night air. The woman offered her hand and she took her hand, and before she knew it, Mia was flying. The woman, still holding her hand, began flying away from the window, and so did Mia did. It was then that she finally spoke. “Where are we going?” The woman smiled, “You'll see.” She said. Then, the woman revealed to be a siren and tries to get Miranda to become one but she refused and Ferrand came to the rescue as he fought the siren until there was nothing left of her. Miranda went away and was once again who was told about the siren, Selena: A month or so before the wedding; Selena realised if the prince were to be her husband he would rule the kingdom and not her even though she should, so Selena thought to herself, after the wedding a couple of days she should kill the prince and be the natural ruler of the land. The wedding was beautiful and amazing, a few nights after while the prince was sleeping she pulled out a dagger from under her bed and killed him, she took a few minutes to grieve but the feeling died as soon as she realized she was now queen and that filled Selena with such joy. Selena then screamed and acted like she just witnessed a murder just to make up a story. A couple weeks later she was crowned queen, the stress of it angered her and she took drastic measures and made the citizens suffer so much, she was hated by all even her father. So she caused havoc in the village before she left home, leaving it in flames, Selena jumped on a camel and left for anywhere, she traveled for over 2 days and found a watering hole where she drunk so much just to hydrate herself to be strong enough to carry on. Before she could get back on the camel she heard a singing she turned and saw a siren, because she was female this had no effect to her. "You are a strong woman your highness, I am impressed, would you take an offer in becoming one of us?" The siren asked, she thought about it and realized she needed to start again and this offer would give her the opportunity and the adventure she'd been dying for, so she accepted and after a few minutes of going through agony changing from human to siren she was now a siren with fearsome silver eyes and a hypnotic voice. She killed a few men but she was hooked doing this, so she found a way to escape the watering hole to the open ocean, where she brought down many men from dozens of ships, she loved this life and never looked back. One day she was out, looking through the desert, when you saw some figures in the distance. As they came closer, she saw they were bandits. They surrounded her and pulled out their swords, demanding she give them all her money and jewels. When she told them she had none, they didn't believe her, so they killed her. However, she wasn't done. A few months later, the same bandits came by, so she set her tiger on them, and they were all killed. Now, whenever she could see someone walking through the desert alone, her pet tiger kills them. she became known as "The Maiden of the Desert". It was over. 

However, love was in the air. Roland and his friends arrived however more love was going around; Roland meets Iris and becomes enamored to her, Isabella meets & develops a crush on Ross but gets a love rival--Diana. Thomas defrosts the ice heart of the snobby, queenly Minerva and Owen finds young love in Iris's younger sister name Arcelia. That's when, they heard about the Girl of the Water who has been haunting places under the ocean. In the past of the girl: The flames were everywhere of their once beloved village. The people watched with fear, a little girl had tears in her eyes, “Daddy! Where’s Daddy? I want to see Daddy!” The girl said. She was attempting to go in the inferno village but the others restrained her. “I’m sorry sweetie, but you can’t.” said a woman. “Daddy--!” The little girl protested. A man put a hand on her shoulder and smiled with reassuring. “Don’t worry, my dear. I’m sure he’s all right.” He said. “Everyone!” A voice called out. “The boats are here, let’s go!” Immediately, the people ran to the docks and onto the boats. “But what about Daddy?” The little girl begged. “Honey, the fire is getting closer. We have to go right now!” commanded another woman. She got the little girl on the boat. The men got the flag up and the engine starting, the boat start sailing away from the village but the little girl would not give up. She was about to get out of the boat and in the flaming village however other people held her back. The girl kicked and cried out, “You’re leaving Daddy behind! Why are you leaving him behind?” All of a sudden, there was a huge eruption and the village exploded. There was a red, orange, and black big cloud. Tears streaming down the little girl’s face: “FATHER!!!!!!!!” She screamed. The little girl sank to the floor and cried. The people looked at her, feeling guilty. Anguish filled them. The poor girl, they should’ve listened, they should’ve waited! They should’ve gone back to rescue those who could have been still alive. But they didn’t, their fear made them panicky, and they ran from the fire. Underwater was so beautiful for Isabella, the blue was so wonderful and clear. But she had to focus, she had to remember what she came here for. She looked in the sand, she looked among the fishes, she looked in the coral, she looked in the seaweed but she found nothing! With a sigh, which her sigh formed a single bubble from her breath mask and she swam up to the surface. Gasping for breath; Isabella took off her mask and snorkel gear. She takes off her fins as she reveals wearing her bikini. Isabella went back to her friends with a disappointed look on her face.  “Did you find anything?” Roland asked. Isabella shook her head sadly, “No, not really.” She said. “What do you mean ‘not really’?” demanded Elphin. Elphin shot a glare in his direction with her eyes, “Hey, give me a break. I looked everywhere. Nothing, nada, zip!” She snapped. Roland shook his head, “This can’t be right, there should be something. Someone….” He said as he looked at the map. “Maybe it’s the wrong area.” Thomas suggested. “No, these are the right coordinates.” insisted Roland. Elphin let out a sigh, he dropped on his knees as he buried his head for one second, and looked up with irritation. “We’re wasting our time looking for a mythological person that doesn’t exist.” He complained. “I know she exists, I know she does!” Roland declared as he folded up the map. Isabella sat in a mermaid position on a rock and looked among the blue sea. “Got any better ideas?” She asked. Nobody didn’t realized that a figure was swimming up to the surface. There was bubbles that the gang can see from shore. Isabella was the first one to notice, “What is that?” She asked. The others gathered to see what she was pointing at. “Is it…Ohhhh…” Roland asked. “No, could it be?” Elphin muttered. They watched in mixed feelings of amazement and fear as a figure emerged from the deed, a young lady it looks like. She had a curvaceous figure, ivory white skin, straight black hair that covered her face. She wore a black bandeau top that revealed her midriff and matching pants that reached down towards her knees. When the girl removed the hair from her face; she revealed her face. Beautiful, dark brown eyes, small nose, and glossy black luscious lips. Elphin approached the girl as he said to her softly, “Hey, you OK?” The girl replied back in a creepy monotone,  “Fire. Who started the fire?” Mikado looked at the others with a perplexed look. “What fire? What are you talking about?” He asked. “Fire, I see fire.” said the girl. “What?” Elphin asked as he leaned closer. The girl pushed him away and seized Roland by the neck and they fell into the water. “Oh man, Roland!” Isabella shouted. The girl tries to drown Roland but he breaks free and swims, he gasped for breath. He dragged the girl away, the girl released her grip from him and ran away. “She’s getting away!” Thomas cried. “After her!” Roland called. They chased after the girl however they paused for a breath and they lost sight of her. “What happened?” Owen asked. “We lost sight of her.” Elphin replied. “What?” Owen asked in disbelief. “She was too fast!” Thomas called. In anger, Roland kicked a tree as she was distressed over their failure. “Dammit! She got away!” He cursed. In the meantime; The girl ran from the beach of her pursuers, she looked back to see nobody was following her. The girl begin to relax, as she walk ahead. She found herself in a city and looked around to see the sights. That night, The girl managed to get back to the land, to look for the people she encountered earlier. But when she got through the forest towards the beach, it was already vacant and getting dark. She was wondering when she was hand gagged from behind. “Gotcha! Can’t get away this time.” Roland said with a leer on her face. The girl struggled, muffling but she thought she heard snickering of Elphin and Roland from behind. Cold anger kicked in as she somehow she was glowing and she broke free from Roland’s grip and let out a screeched. Susanoo and Mikado fell to the ground as they look up in horror to see The girl's eyes glowing blue. Susanoo is frightful, "I'm--I'm sorry!" He stammered. Back with Miranda and the others; someone came from behind and bound her wrists, "Get off me!" She exclaimed. Then, a tissue covered her mouth and she passed out. As she woke up; She and her friends were tied up and couldn't escape at all. No escape. While kidnapped; Miranda, Ferrand, Caliban, and Arye were trying to think of plan but Miranda begin to think rationally and her adrenaline will be pumping, her heart will be pounding, and she will be terrified. She had to calm down. The sooner she can regain your composure the better off you will be immediately and in the long run. Right from the start, she should try to observe and remember as much as possible in order to help her plan an escape, predict abductor's next moves, or give information to the police to aid in a rescue or to help apprehend and convict the kidnapper. 

At the same time, she had to be positive. Most kidnapping victims survive--the odds are with her. That said, she should prepare herself for a long captivity. Some hostages have been held for years, but they kept a positive attitude, played their cards right, and were eventually freed. Take it one day at a time. One of the captors looked over her, Miranda looked back with no glare at her. It is generally psychologically harder for a person to kill or otherwise harm a captive if the captive remains 'human' in the captor's eyes. She did not grovel, beg, or become hysterical. She tried even not to cry. She will not challenge her abductor, but show him that him are worthy of respect. The guy untied her, then he asked her: "So, who are you little missy?" She swallowed and said, "I am here to bring the world peace. I do not wish for violence, please let me in..." But she stops when one of the captors jump at her, "I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet." He recited, a verse from the Scriptures. Then;  could feel his hands on her bare skin, she felt cold anger and kicked him in between his legs. The guy groans in pain, loosen his grip, and Miranda tried to run however the guy wraps himself around her and bangs her hard against a wall as he forcefully kissed her. In the kiss; Miranda bite his lip hard. The man yelled, he was furious and grabbed Miranda's neck, choking her. She was about to die without air in her throat, when Ferrand down on the captor cry out in pain. He fell backwards, he was critically injured as he fell unconscious. Miranda was shocked, she begin to weep sorrowfully. "Ferrand...." She gasped. "Oh...." She wept and wept until there was nothing left. Ferrand wrapped his arms around her in an embrace, he must protect her and maybe help her fend off for herself too. Back with Briar, she's panicking over the situation but what's even more worse, there's monsters roaming around in an area like this. That's when; she came up with the idea to work as a freelancing monster slayer.