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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Stitch Heart: Volume 2--Chapter 2

This is the second chapter of the second volume of Stitch Heart. Mia learns that there is a ghoul eater and has a horrible thought about it. She is also wanting to get the truth out from the memories she discovers. Meanwhile, Scatha comes across Mia and her gang while Karen confronts Olwen! Exciting things are happening, my friends. Find out what happens next, OK? Thanks you guys! --KatDon 

Chapter 2: Dark Beauty Is Fragile 

On any other day, Mia opened her journal and read inside of what she had written and read them over carefully. Diary Entry 1: All these victims begged for mercy, but to no avail as they were slowly and painfully becoming these corporal undead monsters that crave human flesh and other human remains! A man was in pain as metal bars against his chest yelled out and grimaced. A woman was screaming and blabbering something incoherently as needles were being injected into her. A room was filled with large portions of skin and muscle. Lungs, hearts, and other organs scattered the floor. Rib cages ripped open and seen with maggots feasting on the meaty matter of the body. In another window of a room; A female scientist bent over and picked up a hand saw from the left side of where she was sitting. She held it in front of her, showing it to the observers. Then, she placed the jagged blade on the side of the patient's cheek. Slowly, she began slicing into the patient's right cheek. Blood drizzled down the patient's neck as the scientist did it. The side of her teeth began to show after about ten seconds. As the saw went lower on the patient's face, more of her teeth began to show on the side. Blood covered almost the entire right side of her face. She eventually got to the bottom of her jaw bone, and sawed a tiny piece off of it too. Her cheek fell to the ground with a small thud, and the scientist put the saw in her lap and looked emotionless. Then, the poor patient screamed in extreme pain. She screamed, and put her hands over her now absent cheek. She continued to scream in agony for about ten seconds. She pushed the patient back on the autopsy table as the scientist then raised the saw up to her right shoulder, and began cutting just as slowly as last time. Diary Entry 2: A man was holding a pair of scissors while another, smaller hand was jerking violently in the background, as if it were being forcefully held in the air. The main character then proceeded to repeatedly stab the smaller hand with the scissors while a muffled child’s scream could be heard. The scissors eventually got to the bone and made a horrific crunching sound. That was the last time the blogger ever watched an episode of the creepy hand character. Next up on was The Cellar, which featured the mentally unstable man dressed up as a bear. The second memory showed an alleged video that was first mentioned somewhere on an image-board site. Watching it is said to be a soul-rending experience, far more horrible than anything one could imagine. The image on the right is said to contain screenshots of some of the scenes in the video.he few that have watched it are said to have been killed in their own homes, with only one thing in common, a strange doll, hidden somewhere in their homes...There is a message by the end of the video in the constructed international auxiliary language and says: "This child is still alive and lives in a local shelter whose name was not given. He never spoke, and still is catatonic." As a child; A boy lived in a rented two-floor house. Both his parents worked so he was often alone when he came home from school. One early evening when the boy came home the house was still dark. He called out, “Mom?” and heard a voice say “Yeeeeees?” from upstairs. He called his mom again, and again got the same “Yeeeeees?” reply. He felt she was calling back at him and climbed up the stairs. When he reached the first floor he called her once more and the voice “Yeeeeees?” came from the furthest room. The boy felt both uneasy, but also felt a strong urge to see his mother, and started to walk towards the room. But just as he was about to open the door into the room he heard the front door downstairs open and his mother come in, carrying a lot of shopping bags. “Sweetie, are you home?” The mother called in a cheery voice. Hearing her voice made the boy feel instantly better and he turned back to go downstairs at once… but not before he had a quick glance towards the room. While he watched from the top of the stairs, the door to the room slowly opened a crack. For a brief moment, he saw something strange in there. A pale face, staring at him. And attacked him and then his mother! Then, they become ghouls too! 

Diary Entry 3: A beautiful young girl is left home alone with only her dog to protect her. On the news that night, they announced there is a serial killer on the loose in the area. Before she goes to bed, she locks all the doors and tries to lock all the windows, but the one in the basement won’t lock. She decides to leave it unlocked, but locks the basement door and goes to bed. Her dog takes its customary place under her bed. In the deep of night she awakens to a dripping sound coming from her bathroom. Half-awake, the girl feels the comforting lick from her dog and falls back to sleep. She reawakens to the dripping sound, reaches her hand down to the dog where she feels the reassuring lick and falls back to sleep. Once more, she awakens to the dripping sound. She reaches her hand down and feels the lick of her dog. Now curious about the dripping sound, she gets up and slowly walks towards the bathroom, the dripping sound getting louder as she approaches. She reaches the bathroom and turns on the light. She is greeted by a horrific sight; hanging from the shower nozzle is her dog with its throat slit open and its blood dripping into the bathtub. Something on the bathroom mirror catches her eye; she turns around. Written on the wall in her dog’s blood are the words “Humans can lick too.” And the killer appeared and kidnapped her, causing her to become a ghoul. Diary Entry 4: The three subjects were males, 22, 23, and 29. The subjects also swore to secrecy. The chemical was successfully administered to all three subjects. Within the first hour, all three of them started screaming in agony. After sedation, each subject had his left arm cut open with a scalpel and his right arm shot by a weapon. When the scalpel penetrated one of the subjects’s skin, it reacted with a dark amorphous solid substance filling the cut almost as fast as the skin was opened up. It sealed so fast that the scalpel was stuck in his arm. The injury caused by the blade was sealed by the dark amorphous blood within three seconds. After 84 hours, all three of the subjects started to act unusual. Instead of using the entertainment around them, they sat in their beds and groaned, as if they were sad or ashamed. After 110 hours, One of the subjects passed out. Blood tests could not be run because the blood was solid and amorphous. The only thing that was determined was the poison in their blood, which was at 5, was far more acidic than usual. The subjects were escorted to the test room. The three subjects looked far different from the beginning. The skin had turned to a shade of grey, and their skin looked noticeably thicker. Their eye colors have changed to pure black, and they were bloodshot. The experiment will continue as planned, but the chemical must be remodeled before repeating the experiment. Before opening fire on the subjects; the subjects showed inhuman strength. They immediately pounced on their attackers and used their teeth as a most effective weapon. Six armed men lost consciousness as their attackers touched their teeth to their skin. One arm was devoured by the subjects.

Diary Entry 5: Emerging from the doorway. It was a girl...Or what's left of her. Her eyes were hollow, her face looked like a flayed mask, and her ruined, finger-less hands, reaching forward. Then it said, "Help me! Help meeee!" She was coming, The last thing they saw before the doors shut on her were her bloodshot, lidless eyes staring straight at them and there was a tear shed. In the news reports say that the girl's name was Alesia and it said that she had crawled on her stumps, bleeding gallons, dying only inches away from the elevator door. Nobody knew what happened to her! The next day was chaos. Nearby, a cluster of ghoul children were tearing into a struggling mailman. With screams exploding all around like mortar fire, sprinklers washing blood down a neighbor’s driveway as a ghoul woman digging through an old man’s stomach. However those screams would last when Mia took on the children and ate their bodies, even eating the ghoul woman as well as the old man, who was going to be turned into a ghoul soon. Hans Ernan confesses that Madame Hulda had caused the people at the beach to have melted flesh, bleeding stumps, and exposed skulls and bones. The reason was Madame Hulda was trying to fulfill her mother's prophecy of End Times, her mother was the elderly dame name Madame Trudy Hildebrand, a force feeding fundamentalist pious lady who wants to bring the world into chaos before 'eternal peace' comes all over the world. The ghouls roaming twere not just mindless animals intent tearing into skin and muscles. The ghouls had a mind though. One single mind. It was the mind of the virus, and it's far more intelligent than anyone could have ever anticipated. Then, Hans told them about how his wife was sick so much that she almost died as she became better as a ghoul. He loved his wife did and that's when, Madame Hulda had caused the beach to be polluted with acid that caused everyone who swam in it to have these problems. When the ghouls came along, they came like wild fire. One bite, one scratch, one simple transfer of bodily fluids would be enough to turn us into them. He turned and called for his wife, "Lalage, where are you? Come here." No reponse, Hans sighed and walked to the next room with Mia and the others following. The woman stood by the piano, her sundress radiant in the late afternoon light. Her face hidden from the others. Hans smiled while he took the woman in his arms and said to her, "Lalage, my sweet. You look so ever lovely to me as the day we met. Let the world go to hell, I have you." He held her close, brushed back her hair, and as she sank her teeth deep into his throat, he kissed her cheek. He didn’t mind as long as it was her. Only her. Only Lalage, his lovely wife. Then, Hans lie there dying with a smile on his face. Then, Mia closed the journal, not wanting to recall those gruesome events in her mind! One time seeing it was enough but to repeat it all over again--It would be too much for her! 
Not wanting to keep to herself anymore; Mia wanted to reveal this truth to the world and wants to know how she was going to do it. Just then, Ma felt lightweighted and she was then falling somewhere safe on the ground. "Ooof!" Mia moaned, "I am not doing that again!" She blinked her eyes and looked around of the city: "Whoa, how did I get here?" From behind, a voice startles her: "HEL-LO!!!!!" Mia jumped and spun around to see it was Saruta. "You scared me, whew! Almost wet myself." She said while laughing. "What'cha doing, looking for ghouls?" Saruta asked. "Yes?" Mia replied. "Cool, can I come? To help on the ride?" He asked. Mia nodded, "Mmm Hmm." She said. Saruta cracked a smile, "Sweet." He said. They were busy hunting ghouls as Saruta had to have a straight face without grimacing at the sight of Mia feasting on the bodies of the ghouls! He did his best not to vomit, and he did a good job as Mia was pouncing, growling and chewing with the nauseating sounds of ghouls being ripped apart, it was disgusting and if a normal person saw this, they would vomit projectile vomiting by the sight of a ghoul girl nibbling and biting the flesh off drink its blood and its other organs. After it was over, Saruta glance back at her and asked: "Better?" He asked. Mia licked the blood of her lips and moaned a bit, "Much." She said. Then, as they were walking, a girl approache them. "Are you Saruta, right?" inquired a girl. She just had to say that, because Saruta let out a whole lot of boasting: "Yes!!!! I am Saruta: for I am the Monkey Prince soon to be the Monkey King! I am the way, the truth and the life of good! I am above good and evil, from right and wrong. I may have my moments but I will fight for truth, justice, and find the pursuit of happiness!" Mia was amused as a smile came upon her lips. Just then, she had a saw a ghoul that is about to attack Saruta, who was still ranting. Mia grabs him and shouted, "Look out!" They managed to dodge the ghoul, which it came upon the girl but Mia saves the girl just in time! The girl ran off and she didn't look back. Mia looked and saw on the news that there was another 'ghoul eater' out there and Mia was dazed as she wondered about it until she came to a horrifying thought, Mia thought about the fight she had with Karen, she wondered if she caused that. In the present, Dorian waved in her face: "Hey, are you OK?" She asked. Mia broke out of her reverie, "Huh?--Oh, yes! I'm fine. Sorry, I was spacing out." She claimed. She was surprised to see that Dorian and Jamie came by so Mia told the trio her situation until more ghouls attack! 

Meanwhile, Karen attended to a musical festival and it was fun to see all the greatest band hits but there were other activities going on too! She came to the roof to look up at the stars of the planetarium. "So you came to escape too." A voice speaks from behind her. Katrina quickly look, and out of the shadowy other side of the roof emerges its owner. There was a boy with side-swept brown hair and piercing aqua-green eyes, the colour of a stormy sea. "Did you just read my mind or something?" She said with a laugh awkwardly as he walks up to her, then sits on the edge of the roof. "Something like that," He smiles slightly, but it is a wistful smile. after a moment shedecide to sit beside him. He didn't seem like bad company. "I didn't really want to come here. But now I'm kinda glad I did." He looks at her. Was he talking about her? That was a weird thing to say... Karen blush slightly. No one actually says stuff like that, she thought."I thought these bands were going to suck," He continues, looking at her straight in the eyes. "And they do. But the food here is great, so I'm glad I came." Oh. Of course, the food. Why would he have been talking about her? They just met. Duh. Humiliation; Karen excused herself and went to the dance hall. At the dance hall; She feel a tap on her shoulder and ignore it at first. But she could feel the tapping again, more precise this time, and she whirl around to see a guy. He's quite a bit taller than her, with a shock of purple in his hair and mischievous eyes. His attire is dark and posture slightly slouched. He takes Karen's hand, then tilts his head slightly. "Wanna dance?" He asks. His grin widens and he immediately pulls her close, starting to dance with her. Surprisingly, he can actually move to the beat pretty well. Later; Karen begins to walk the dark, lonely streets home. A chill runs up her spine, and quickly flash her eyes around. Nothing though. Not a living soul. She kept walking along the sidewalk, until she is closing in on a blinking street light. Every few seconds the light would go out. Few seconds later, it would flash back on again. Nothing ominous about that right? It creeps her out though, and her pace her steps to where she'll only be near the street light when its on. Karen walk quickly start to pass it, but then she could hear a slight sound coming from the nearby alley way. A moment's hesitation makes her stop, and the light goes out. Everything is dark save for the far off streetlights on either side. Blackness of night. And suddenly, from out of the dark, a strong arm wraps around her waist, and she felt a dampened bandanna covering your nose and mouth. Panic swells in her gut. She had to fight! She try to  screamed but it's muffled, and she try to wriggle away from the person but his grip is like steel. She already getting drowsy. The last thing she heard is his soft humming and the beating of his heart as he carries her bridal style towards the van where the others await. But Karen became a ghoul and attacked them all! She escapes as she found out that Madame Hulda had sent those boys after and Karen was really pissed about that! 

While fighting against ghouls, Jamie got hurt and he thought he was going to die. Jamie could've sworn he was dreaming, he thought he would bleed to death until he woke up in a daze to see a dark haired girl dragging him. "Who are you?" He asked. The girl turned to him and said, "Just....Here to help...." Then, she reached over and picked him up. Jamie couldn't help noticing how pretty she was. Her hair was black and long, her eyes were vivid blue and her skin so pale. "Who are you?" inquired Jamie. The pretty girl glanced at him, "Isis." She said. Then, Jamie had a dream: He dreamt that he saw a girl half naked and wearing light puple underwear with lilac flowers printed on them and her hands on her head as her hair was piled on top. She turned her head sideways as she whispered, "Tell me I'm pretty." He woke up from the dream, blushing like crazy. Then, he was summoned into the study and waited for Isis to come. While reading, he heard the door opened and looked up from the book he was reading. "My dear boy...Jamie?" A deep seductive voice left goosebumps down his arm. Jamie turned his head to the door, lifting his eyes from the book in his lap. He always tried to look calm, but it was far from what he felt inside. The cozy fire next to him burned with the same passion he saw in the girl's eyes. She was deliciously beautiful. An angel in disguise. Her deep black hair whipped up at the one end and his cat-like eyes searched his for something he hadn't felt in a long time. "Yes..." He said in a voice was soft. The strange girl smirked gently and let go of the doorknob. She stepped inside and closed the door. Her black attire blended well with the mahogany wood of the study and Jamie felt  blush creep onto his cheeks. He walked towards her, holding his gaze like a snake would it's prey. Looking away; Jamie tensed up and mentally thought of all the weapons he had hidden in the room. Then, Isis walked around her. Suddenly her hands were on his shoulders. Jamie jumped slightly. "Be still, my Jamie...You are so very tense." She began to massage his shoulders, "Here, let me help...It is after all my duty to protect the boy I've been assigned to..." Suddenly her mouth was right next to his ear, and her voice was so full of unbridled passion that he found it hard to sit still, "In any way he desires..." Isis is very secretive and cold one minute, then the next she is sneaky and flirtatious towards Jamie, who is confused by her intentions and annoyed at her. Not knowing what she really is! One day, it all changed when Jamie had enough of this stupid girl's tricks! It ends here. "I want you to leave. NOW." He demanded. Isis picked up her towel and glared at him evily. Jamie picked up her things laying on the floor and threw it at her with disgust. "Did you really think I was going to let a girl get to me?" He scoffed and folded his arms, "You don't know me very well then, do you?" Isis was upset and answered in a nasty tone, "I knew you weren't a ray of sunshine, but damn... You really are a complete, heartless ingrante..." She opened the door and Jamie waited for her to leave. He gave her one last glare. "You don't fool me Isis. And you better keep your distance or I'll shorten you by a head." He warned. Isis turned her eyes away and slammed the door as she left. He didn't play games, and no girl like her was going to get the better of him. Then, he could feel his childhood fears suppressed and they were coming back to haunt him until a ghoul came in and was stronger than Jamie. Before he almost died, he was suddenly saved when the ghoul was taken down--It was none other than Isis! She came back! "Sorry, I couldn't stay away for good." She replied, she made her away towards him and was close to him as she whispered: "Forgive me, I'm a Ghoul Hunter." Shocked; Jamie felt the heat travel to all the parts in his body as she got closer and closer. He haven't been like this with anyone for along time.After a few minutes of an embrace and an apology, Isis pulls away. Jamie felt uneasy again. "Isis, I want you to know..." She lifted her head to gaze into his eyes, "I don't want any complications between us..." He said. Isis lifted her eyebrow and he could see the confusion on her face. "What do you mean, James?" Jamie sighed, "You're a ghoul hunter, I'm a homosapian, also a Seventh Son Survivor...That would never work. But some company wouldn't hurt anyone..." He replied. Isis's frown deepened. "Well wasn't that what you had in mind as well?" Jamie asked, confused by her reaction. "Not at all." Isis said squeezing his hand tightly, "I wanted you. I always wanted to protected you. I heard about the famous Seventh Son Survivor and I wanted to meet him. So badly, and when I did, I think I might have lost my sanity to lose him..." Jamie stared at her, shocked at her confession. "I want you to be something special, but nothing like me." said Isis.  Jamie smiled softly and touched her cheek gently, "I'm not sure I can give you that..." He said. Isis smiled with determination, "Well, then I'll just have to show you how amazing your life would be with me by your side...." She said. He knew the attraction was there and he knew he wanted it, wanted her. 

Then, things went black as he woke up and heard voices. That's when someone came into the room, Jamie felt a gasp escape his lips. Isis was gorgeous, but looked lethal and serious as she held a gun at him reluctantly. "Are you going to try and kill me?" He asked, his voice like a melody. Isis shook her head, so Jamie relaxed, but not completely. "What are you doing here?" Isis asked fiercely. "Um...Well, I...." Jamie stuttered. Isis was annoyed and snapped at him, "Ugh, Nevermind..." Jamie felt insulted, "Excuse me?" He spoke, he sounds snippy. His smile turned to a frown and he stepped right into your face. "Who the hell do you think you are? I deserve some respect."  Isis glared at him in front of you and pushed him aside. "Show me some respect before I cut your tongue out!" She remarked. Jamie only stared and frowned. She thought of just leaving him here and pretend like you never found him. But that meant he might die and she don't know why that frightened her so Jamie smiled then, cockily. "Oh, I see...These tricks. Your here to make my surrender easier, am I right?" He said winking. Isis scoffed at his ridiculousness attempt at swooning. Although she couldn't help but notice how skinny and fragile he was under that crisp white shirt. "I am no such thing...Frankly, I'm here to kill you..." She said. Jamie smiled again, this time intrigued. "What on earth is such a beautiful woman such as yourself doing on a mangy building? I could help you know?" He said. Isis scoffed again. "No really..." He said. Jamie dropped the act. His face clear of any lies, he was genuinely concerned and interested. Isis's heart swell from joy. "I don't think you can..." She slowly swept her legs and it was passed right through. Jamie's eyes grew wider by the second. His mouth agape and his expression horrified. It took him some time to come to his senses. She knew it wouldn't last. She felt tears in her eyes and looked away, she couldn't do it as she explains about her tragedy: She was the daughter of Madame Hulda but was repulsed by what her mother has done to so many people in her life. Isis wants to stop her mother for causing victimization and pain into people. She then took the gun and pointe to herself as she was about to pull the trigger but Jamie was quicker and pulled the gun away from her with a slap that was so hard that it knocked it out of her hands and shoot the ceiling! He then comforted her and says he doesn't care what she is and claims that she is his friend. "I won't let that happen. I promise. " Jamie said, his voice full of reassurance. Isis embraced him and couldn't stop saying, "Sorry!" over and over. Suddenly, the dark room was surrounded in a bright light and as Jamie opened his eyes once again, he came face to face with a breath-takingly beautiful and completely naked young woman...Well, she was wrapped in a towel but still. "Hello Jamie, are you feeling any better?" asked Isis. "Um, yeah." replied Jamie, blushing. He begin to sniff the air, "What's that aroma?" He asked. "Do you like it? It's tea tree oil. Nice smell isn't it?" Isis said with a smile. "Yeah, it smells good." Jamie said, trying not to let her see him blush but it was dark except for that light tinted in the background. Isis went to get dress in her own room and came back to tell him of a mission. They both were hunting ghouls until Isis grabbed Jamie, he leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Can you do me a favor?" Jamie nodded, "Yeah, what is it?" He replied. "Put your arms around me and hold on." Isis commanded softly. Hearing this, He wrapped his arms around her waist, then whispered to Jamie as she embraced him tightly while resting her chin on his neck: "Whatever happens, don't open your eyes." Pulling out a gun, she said: "On three....One.........Two.....Two in a half.....Two and three quarters...." It was an eerie silence until she screamed, "THREE!!!!!" BOOM! They were thrown forwards while they crash safely to the ground. Once he opened his eyes; Jamie was horrified to see what was there. There was fire combustion and smoke everywhere! "Damn, you're good." Jamie whispered. Isis smile, "Thank you." She replied. 

In the meantime, someone was causing trouble with bombs. "The hell is that?" A guard said. Another burst in, "Trouble!" He said, "An intruder is in here!" The guard got up and followed him, "What kind of maniac would come in and mess things up in here?" He demanded, "Any idea who it is?" The other guard shook his head, "Nobody we know but if this person thinks their getting out alive, they'll be begging for mercy!" He said. Other guards were being thrown around by a red symbiotic of blood, then the person responsible emerged, long hair and full lips. "Hello boys!" She greeted them. The guards couldn't believe it, "Belle!" They exclaimed. Then, Belle fell on her knees. "I surrender, take me!" She begged. The two other guards they came in looked surprised, "You serious?" One of them asked. Belle nodded, looking defeated. "Yup." She said weakly. The guards wouldn't be told twice, "Arrest her men!" And they did. As they were leading her away; Belle looked around with her eyes before she dropped to the ground. "Get up, now!" The guard instructed however Belle looked up as a sly smile appeared on her face and tackled the guy to the ground. The others are shocked to discover this: "Belle's loose!" One of them said, he turned his men and instructed, "Alert the commander!" Meanwhile; Belle was still fighting the guard, "Come on, come on! Give it to me baby!" She took him down swiftly. Other guards try to help but were oerpowered by Belle's friends who took them down too! Once it was all over, Belle chuckled to herself darkly, "Date night frightens you huh?" She said. Dancing around and humming to herself before pointing at the camera, the doors opened and Belle cartwheeled in as the guards and its commander were about to corner her. The doors shut and locked as Aslaug appeared on the big screen, "Welcome to my world, gentlemen! I set a trap and you sprang it beautifully!" She exclaimed. "How did you--?" The guard started to say but Belle held up a card key--Three of them. "I had some help! And let me tell you, this party is about to throw down, and this place is about to explode into action and life. Let's be real, I'm in charge, because I'm willing to take extreme measures to make sure my demands are met." She explained to the baffled guards, "I'm going to create a hole in the wall where nobody will judge. Besides, you men are glad to die for love but don't try anything with me. I got these guys at my enriched beck and call as they will let me know what the hell you guys are doing or up to for that matter." Belle smiled as she explains all this. "You can't do this to us!" One of the guards said. "Oh yes, I can!" Belle redistributed back. And they took down the guards, destruction and revenge filled their blood! In the meantime; Mia attacked more ghouls until she is hit from behind and then, she woke up as she saw that she was hook up to a drip and she tried to escape. They managed to capture her again and spent many hours studying her, using very un-delicate methods. She watched them and made no attempt to hide her feelings, however her only goal appeared to be to try to figure out a way to tell Lord knows who about us. The building was not primarily built to keep anyone out. It was built to keep her in. And today she escaped. Mia then attacked more ghouls and got a chunch of memories: Then officer's vehicle had gotten a call to come check out a house a few blocks away.  A neighbor had reported hearing a little girl shouting and screaming from inside. When he arrived on the scene, the only thing out of place was an open front door. He called for backup and was waiting for them to arrive until the sounds of gunshots inside alerted him. He quickly escalated the call and moved inside the house, searching room to room. He found himself in what was clearly a little girl's room. Cute posters dotted the walls, a small playhouse and a plastic car with a small plastic woman sat on the floor, and on the bed was a litter of stuffed animals. He was going to move on to the next room until he heard a tapping coming from the closet. He cautiously opened the closet door and saw a girl crying inside. He told her not to worry, that he was a policeman, and showed her his badge. "The dark man isn't far," whispered the little girl, loudly. "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe. Let's get away from the dark man together, okay little girl? What's you're name?" asked the police man. "I'm not a little girl!" she shout-whispered again. "Oh, you are a big girl then?" he asked and smiled. The closet door slammed behind him, plunging the small room into pitch darkness. The officer heard a faint growl and felt warm breathing on the back of his neck. "No," he heard the girl's voice from somewhere, "I'm bait." A young girl is playing in her bedroom when she hears her mother call to her from the kitchen, so she runs downstairs to meet her mother. As she’s running through the hallway, the door to the cupboard under the stairs opens, and a hand reaches out and pulls her in. It’s Mia. She whispers to her child, “Don’t go into the kitchen. I heard it too and your mother is dead.” Mia got herself and the girl out of there. 
In the midday; Mia, Elissa, and Helena were taking a group photo together. "Smile!" Mia shouted. The camera would've taken the picture but there was a high pitched squeal and died. "Not again!" Mia cursed. "It didn't work? Knew that crappy camera wasn't worth it." Elissa remarked. "So, what should we do now?" Helena asked. "Ehhh, I'm starving! How about lunch?" Elissa suggested. Mia felt something strange, "You guys feel that?" She asked. Elissa and Helena glanced at her, "Feel what?" Helena asked. Mia looked like she was in a trance as she said, "I don't know, I feel something's coming. Coming this way." There was some slashing sounds and a sound of fighting is going on: "I hate being right." She said. Indeed, there was a fight of ghouls as Scatha, Lleu and Donn had defeated to them. "WELL! That takes care of that!" Scatha answered. One of the remaining ghouls growled at them, "You insignificant she wolf harlot!" It shouted at them. Scatha glares at him, "'Ey! I'm a Big Bad She-Wolf and Lady Lumberjack That good enough for ya?" She said. "You'll pay for that!" The creature shouted. Lleu pulled out his weapon, "Leave it to me, I'll take care of this guy!" He said. During that time; they ran off and went away! Scatha ran past Mia before winking at her. Confused; Mia gape at him with wide eyes, Sarutobi went away swiftly however Lleu and Donn approached her and Lleu said: "Don't mind her, she's just blood thirsty." He smiled a little, then he went away with one quick motion. "Wow, that was really weird." remarked Helena. Elissa becomes interested in this, "C'mon! Let's followed them!" She confirmed. Mia was shocked by those two and followed behind and caught up with them but Mia came and confronted. "My name is Mia, Euphemia Irving. Sooo...Interesting to act friendly to me." She replied. Scatha looked nervous, "Look, about what my boys did to that girl..." He started to say but Mia stops her"Relax Miss Scarlet, I forgive you but you need to say that to Penelope Deimos." Scatha, Lleu, and Donn looked ashamed as they want to take responsibility but Mia wasn't sure to believe them whole-heartedly and she wants them to go to Penelope's room and Scatha did and she explains that Penelope was angry with them andshe didn't forgive them, Mia was shocked by this as Scatha expresses that since that visit; she wante to do better. Mia couldn't help but smile, "I see. You know, you guys aren't so bad" She said. Scatha and the other two were surprised by this, "Really?" She asked. "Yeah, you seem harmless and sweet." replied Mia. Just then, Mia and the others--including Scatha, Lleu, and Donn--were under attack by the vengeful Penny Dreaful as she went a bit crazy but in the process of her insanity, Penny accidentally sliced Mia's skin just slsightly and was ashamed as she ran off in tears. Later on; Mia was getting her wounds stitched up when Elissa noticed something on her back. "What is that?" asked Elissa, her fingers brushed against her back. Mia jerked away, "What? What is what?" She said with confusion. "Those!" Norna said, she plucked out a hair-like strand from her back. Mia winced when she did that, however Elissa is shocked by what she was seeing. "This doesn't feel like hair, feels slimey and soft--even squishy..." muttered Elissa. She analyzed them as she was shocked to find out that the red plume was not human at all. Things got weirder when Mia was scratching a rash-looking wound, it looked like a red painted ink design on her back. "What the hell is that?" She muttered. Mia ran her hand down there, the blood red plumes are stuck to her back, "What. the. hell." muttered Mia. She suddenly felt cramps in the lower part of her stomach. Then, she felt the pain in the sides of her ribs. Mia was hurting so much that she cried out, "HELP! ANYBODY!!!" And she passed out. Mia woke up as she was told what happened. Elissa thought of something for a moment, "Hold on!" She said. Turan looked at her, "What?" She asked. "You drank Scatha's blood bag? You absorbed her powers too, remember?" Elissa said. Mia looked at her friend for a moment, she then laughed anxiously. "I know, strange right?" Elissa remarked. "Well thank you for taking this so seriously!" Mia cried, almost shouting. Then, while alone, Elissa leaned over and told her that the red plumes she plucked at and told her that it wasn't human. Soon, they were gone and Mia didn't have those experiences anymore! Yet, it was very strange indeed. 

The next day, an angry Karen was walking along the path however she managed to find Olwen. There she was--standing there, waiting for her. Karen has a lot to say to them, "Now I'm going to tell you all that I have done for Penelope.... I was crying immensely over her. I've been doing my best to try and help people. You torment me all you wants but I'm going to rise out of the sea of pain you have caused me." She said. Karen and Olwen fought more fiercely. Olwen fought pretty good, her defenses an her attacks were like a pro! Karen turned to her fiercely with her kick. Olwen flew back into a tree. "Do you really know me? Don’t you remember what I had to go through because of you? You can taunt me and hate me but I don’t care because of what I got and I achieved!" shouted Karen, she attacks her and oppresses her on being with boys in Anarchy Elite. Olwen explains she is not the only girl. Karen then shouted: "What are you? Like a vestal? A chaste of unspoiled lifestyle and looking to have fun?" Olwen looked uncomfortable and said, "None of your business!" She then turned away. "And the pristine has spoken!" Karen said with a sneer. "You crazy ghoul eater!" Olwen interjected. Karen laughed, "I'm kinda sick in the head, did you know that? Or are you too busy trying to look like a babydoll model while guys want to get in be with you." She said, "Help me out here, you are a tease right so how does it explain the fact that you're a pure maiden, a twenty century pure maiden that most people would look and believe she could be a harlot. How can you be a celibate beauty while trying to be act like a whistleblower. There's also a fine line between a holy maiden and a temptress. Tell me how you managed to fill in that slot, give it to me you hooker." Olwen looked at her with a glare, "I am not a hooker." She said. Karenn nodded, "I'll bet, guess that fits you in the paradigm of purity right? You're beautiful? You being pretty, sweet and innocent while cringing at the thought of being not so much as an untouched doll. And everyone knows, everyone knows you are a celibate...What they don't know is that you're craving for something to make you feel sexy. Am I right? You hate it an you don't want to be a 40 year old vestal, that's why you're strutting to be one of the boys." She droned on while sneering and chuckling. Olwen glared at her with disbelief, "SHUT UP, KAREN!!!" She screamed. Again, Karen did not listen: "Come on, admit it! What do you want to be? You a glamour pin up girl, a trampy bombsell. All this leaves you with the belief that you can do whatever you like without consequences. But in reality you're an ugly, boring, and totally ordinary vamp and you know it." She ranted. As she said that; Olwen was so shocked that she couldn't move nor speak. She glared at her, then Karen smirked: "You know, there is something I always wanted." She said. "Well, what is it?" Olwen asked. "Figure it out." said Karen with each emphasizing word and then she begins to laugh hysterically. "What's so funny? Stop laughing like a lunatic you stupid girl!" Olwen cried. In retaliation; she continued as Karen looked at hrt in shock, "You think I haven't be accused of that insult? You don't know me, you must come from a great family who loved you while I have nobody!" Karen felt bed and that's when she had her face in her hands. Surprised, Olwen looked at her with sympathy and squatted down. "Are you OK?" asked Olwen. Karen sniffled, "I'm an idiot, there must be something wrong with me. I didn't know and I didn't come from a good family, I mean my mom was good but not my dad." She said through her sobbing. Olwen felt bad so she sat with her and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I just....I didn't join them for being like them. I only id it because I just want to have friends, that's all I ever wanted. And I know, I want to help you....But what do you want from me?" "Your apology." Karen replied, "To Penelope Deimos." 

"She hates us!" Olwen said, begging to sob. "We try to apologize but she was mad at us! I don't blame her!" Karen listened to her and comforted her, thus a friendship was born between these young ladies. 

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