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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Uranometria--Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Of Mortals and Creatures

Manaha Inc., 7:35, Bedroom of Arjuna Gilgamesh....

Nice legs, a small black short-sleeved dress with a white apron. Knee-high white socks, black high heeled Mary Jane shoes, and a maid bonnet. She was sauntering down the hall as the calves of her legs are slender. She opened the door after knocking the door. "Good morning Mr. Gilgamesh. You have lessons today. Oh, and you have an appointment in the afternoon today." said the maid. The young man Mr. Gilgamesh woke up, stretching, as he looked at the maid. The maid carried a folded pair of clothes and placed them on the foot of the bed. "I have your clothes here, breakfast is being prepared downstairs." said the maid. Mr. Gilgamesh looked at her and threw a vase but the vase stops in midair. "Nice, Mr. Gilgamesh." complimented the maid. She turns around, revealing to be Cassandra. "But..let's save the mind games for later, all right?" Mr. Gilgamesh looked at her and then nodded, saying: "Fine by me." Then, Cassandra sauntered away. Out in the dark, Cassandra was horrified to see what she thought she was seeing. Something so inhuman and also human. She didn't know what she was getting herself into but it wasn't a good thing. Cass didn't care, she really didn't. Because this has to be truth, no sense of denial. No more shutting her eyes, she is wide awake and can see clearly. 

Earlier before.....

"This is a job you're offering me? A maid?!" Cassandra couldn't believe what she was hearing, she was assigned to be a maid. A sexy kind of maid, this has to be a joke right? No way in hell was she going to be one. Mimir assured her calmly, "Don't worry, this will only last....Probably a week?" He said. "A week!?" Cassandra shrieked. "Are you kidding me? With all do respect sir, this is so stupid. I am not doing this, I can't do this!" "Yes, you can." encouraged Mimir. "No, I can't!" argued Cassandra. "Yes. You. Can." Mimir said. Cassandra looked at Mimir, who waited patiently. Cassandra will not admit it, she won't. She cannot, she doesn't want to. But alas, she has no choice. Taking a deep breath; Cassandra finally said it: "I'll do it!" Mimir smiled, "That's the spirit!" He said with enthusiasm. Later, Proteus knocked before opening: "Almost done--Whoa!" He could not believe what he was seeing. Cassandra in a a small black short-sleeved dress with a white apron. Knee-high white socks, black high heeled Mary Jane shoes, and a maid bonnet! "Ugh, dammit." said Cassandra to the mirror, "It looks a little small." She bent down to look in the mirror, but Proteus flushed as he gazed at her still. He hadn't noticed but Cass had some nice legs, the calves of her legs are slender. "Hubba hubba." He said. Cassandra looked behind and she glared at him, "PROTEUS!" She used her telekinesis to get him out. "Pervert." She shouted. "Cass, wait. I wasn't--" He started to protest but the door slammed. Proteus sighed, rolling his eyes. "Idiot." 

In a forest; Cassandra was sitting alone. She feels she is not living her life or love. She doesn't live & so she feels she can never change and she is just plain. Everything that happens bad when she is hurting. Cassandra is feeling there is a void that makes her sad. Cassandra is alive physically, but not living life. That she is herself when she pretends she has died. She hasn't experienced anything with life or love. She hasn't lived it. Cassandra has watched other people experience it, but never could herself. Because she feels that this is what she truly is. Cassandra is waiting for her life to start. for her to start living emotionally. But, she never begins living. She never moves up a step in her life. So she stays at the start. Cassandra had thought about it last night about her life more and she doesn't like it one bit. Cassandra hasn't lived her life right or experienced love. She is saying that she has just watched others experience it. It turns out that post-traumatic stress disorder numbing reduce the positive feelings of joy and love, however not the anxious feelings of fear and dread. So it's common to have high anxiety but low mood. She may seem remote and less responsive. But her family and friends are still important to her. At the backwoods, Cassandra could hear a music box playing a song, Over the Rainbow. She remembered this song, Reuben liked this song! 

In a flashback; Reuben was listening to a music box of it. Then, something cold hit her chest. "R--Reu--Reuben?" whispered Cassandra. "Could that be his ghost?" She walked further in the forest as the music box tingling sound was getting closer. Cassandra tripped, she fell--feet first--and landed on the grass. She felt pain however it faded when her acceleration healing kicked in. "Hey, are you all right?"  Cassandra stood up, she staggered however managed to stand tall. She looked around and looked up. This guy, he looked like Reuben but she could see that he had dark brown hair, Reuben's hair was light brown. "Um, yeah. I am. Sorry." said Cassandra. "Why the hell am I saying sorry to him? I don't know him and never met him at all." She thought. But then, she could hear the song again. Playing from that music box. The music box was maroon but Cass could see on the cover was a meadowy looking picture that was upside down. Cassandra listened to the tingling music playing...Then, the young man that had the music box closed it. "You like it?" He asked. Cassandra snapped out of her trance, she saw that the young man was near her. She looked away as she blushed and stammered: "I--I thought it was a pretty song." The young man glanced at her. "Really? I was playing this in honor of my mother. She died when I was 2, I kind of not remember her too much but I keep this with me." explained the guy. "I'm sorry to hear that..." said Cassandra. 

"Yeah, death...It's really depressing, don't you think? You don't know where to go from there..." said the guy. "Yeah, I think." replied Cassandra, she felt her heart beating. She bit her bottom lip, however her telekinesis caused her to break a tree branch from the other side and fall down. The young man jumped, "Whoa! What just--Hello, someone there!" He called and went to check it out. "Wait, did you do that?" asked the guy in concern. Cassandra winced, "You think I'm a freak, don't ya?" She said. The guy looked at her with surprise, "What? No, I--" He started to say but Cassandra turned as she was about to leave but the young man called out, "Hold up, my name is Arjuna Gilgamesh. Want to meet back here tomorrow?" Cassandra turned to him and said, "How about now? I heard you guys were looking for a maid so I decided to work for you." Arjuna looked at her with surprise, "Really? OK then. You coming?" He said, beckoning to follow. Cassandra came up to him, brushing up against his arm and said, "Don't tell anyone about my powers!" Arjuna looked at her with shock. "Promise you won't?"  asked Cassandra. Arjuna was confused, "OK, I won't." He said. "No! You gotta promise me!" Cassandra almost shouted. Arjuna was startled, but he replied. "I promise! I won't!" Cassandra exhaled, "Thanks." She smiled and followed Arjuna. Cassandra introduced herself as 'Alexandra' who 'cannot remember her real name or past'. In the meantime, Eulalie met a silver haired young man name Csaba Enkidu, but for some reason he reminded her of someone she once knew from her past. Eulalie used the name 'Meda' to avoid suspicion. And last but not least is Deirdre who meets a bubbly, chatty red head name Pyrrha Aphrus. Pyrrha reminds her of someone she once knew. She used her maid name, Bronach, to avoid suspicion. 

All three are working as maids for them. In this organization called Manaha Inc. While cleaning and doing the chores; The three girls learn of some other members in this place. All the while Turan, Norna, Ariadne, and Juana are working there as maids too as they begin to learn also that Manaha Falconer Inc. was no ordinary corporation; it was an academy school too! The top students are Eachtach Kwan, she is part American and part Japanese with a hint of Vietnamese. Her close friend, of their platonic life partnership, is Tarchon Hippolyte. Tarchon is partnered with her, where Eachtach is ashamed of her father--A reporter name Tinia--and how she dreams of being an S class Wendigo Hunter. Along the lines, there is a loudmouth boy with a big heart and dreams is Rostam Amos, who is partnered with the all loving 'sweetie', Afek Maldus. Rostam plans to be the top of the class and 'talk of the town'. And there is a prodigy in this place--Conall Turnus, son of Josva, as he is sensitivity to loud noises and likes everything to be 'quiet'. He is partnered with Finola Zethos and her sister, Berta. Their mentors are Hermia Efnysien, her friend and rival Davina Nysien, a scary but nice guy name Nero Teufel. And also, Midgard Neuhaus, who is Hermia's informant. Zelinda Whittington, she is a doctor with special equipment to help patients, they were like the ones medical crew used in hospitals. However; Manaha Falconer Inc. has a purpose here: Their main purpose is to take down as many Wendigos as they can. Every 'scar' has a story to tell about how each of these students were how they came here. During their time as maids; Arjuna begins to feel suspicious of his maids as he is about to sense these are no ordinary maids. Or for that matter, they are not maids at all. 

While there, Cassandra ran into someone familiar, Elisha Starkad. "Cass, what are you doing--" Elisha started to ask but Cassandra silenced him by shushing at him. "Shhhh, I'm going undercover so I don't want anyone to know." whispered Cassandra. Then she looked at him and inquired him, "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I work for these people." replied Elisha. "What? By who?" inquired Cassandra. "Who? This smoking hot woman did, her name is Lynette Myrmidon. She gives up on the updates on which Wendigo I should kill." replied Elisah. "Wow, what? You got all hot and heavy with her." said Cassandra with sarcasm. "No, but she did tell me that if I win, she..." Elisha explained however Cassandra stopped him, "Uah! I don't want to know. Please, I don't want to know." "What?" asked Elisha. "Just--You don't need to, um--I have to get back to work." said Cassandra but before she could leave, she warned him: "Don't tell anyone of this, OK?" Elisha nodded, "Gotcha." He replied. Cassandra nodded and walked away. Unknown to them that a camera had filmed it all, it was a security camera! Meanwhile; Melisande was working harder than ever and denies to get any rest. However, she is approached by Tristan once again. "Melisande." He said. Melisande cursed softly to herself, "What do you want? I told you, I do not want any intentions with anyone!" She said. Tristan looked at her and said, "You're a broken person aren't you?" Melisande looked up, "What? W--Where did you hear that?!" She demanded. "Are you trying to hit on me? Flirt with me?" Tristan looks at her, "I know what it's like. And back there, I really wasn't trying to lead you on. I know what it's like...to lose someone. I lost someone who was a friend and I was a coward. Selfish, but I had a change of heart, learning to be better y'know." He explained. 

Melisande was shocked by this, she never knew that! "I--" She was speechless. No words need to be said, He knew what it was like with her? "So, I want to ask again...Would you like to come with me and see the sights at night?" asked Tristan. But then added, "You can if you want." Melisande was quiet however a faint smile appears, "OK. I like that." She admitted. Tristan smiled, "I knew it. I'll pick you up at...eight?" He asked. "Yes, eight. That's perfect!" said Melisande with sudden enthusiasm. "Good. See you then." said Tristan, and he went off. Melisande was excited, maybe some people here weren't so bad. In the meantime; the agents of Silver Branch had been keeping their identities a secret. But they are magnetic by some weird creatures: Eulalie was walking down a dim lighted hallway, where she carried her body wash and shampoo to take a shower. She found the room where the stalls of showers were, she went inside, shut the door; locking it. Then, she stripped off her robe and turned on the shower. The warm water spraying, relaxing her tense muscles and Eulalie begin to wash herself. She was humming as she scrubbed the dirt and dust from her body when all of a sudden; the lights went out. Eulalie jumped, she called out: "Hello?" No one answered, Eulalie covered her body, turned off the shower, and reached for her towel. She opened the door and looked out from her stall. That's when Eulalie is pinned down from her back by a figure. She saw the eyes of the figure, "Yoouuuuuu..." said the inhuman female voice. Eulalie screamed in terror. She used her gravity powers to push the creature off, fixed her towel, and ran away from who knows what it is. She ran and ran, Eulalie thought her lungs would crawl out and beg for air. She was confronted by this figure, it was about to attack when a young man rescued her in time. 

"Roderigo?" said the female. A young man was standing there, "Easy, Mish. She's not the target." He said. Eulalie looked at the girl, "Mish?" The girl said, "I'm Michelle Dorotheus." Eulalie pointed to the guy, "And who's he?" She asked. "My caretaker, Roderigo Starkad. Temporarily." said Michelle. "You mean, ours, right Mish?" said another female's voice. A young lady with hair parted away from her face, showing only her forehead. She was wearing a pale blue kimono and sandals. When she noticed Eulalie, she bowed and said, "Ah. Sorry, you must be a friend of hers." "'Hers'? Who are you talking about?" asked Eulalie. "Sorry." A familiar voice said, out of the shadows Deirdre appeared with a little girl. "Who's the kid? And who are you?" asked Eulalie. The kimono woman bowed again and said, "I am Rafah Carnus. And this is Ariella Nicholas." Eulalie is amazed by this, she didn't know what to think of this. Meanwhile alone in the study room; Turan noticed how quiet it was when she could hear one person chanting, "Hello...Hello." and an echo saying, "Goodbye...Goodbye." It repeated over and over, until Turan thought she would go mad. Suddenly, three blobs fell to the floor, only they were not blobs at all...Thy were figure that looked human and creature. Turan was horrified, "W--Wha--What great eyes you have...Such teeth, wha--what are you?" She stammered. Then, one of the figures said back to her: "What are we? We are...Your worst nightmare!" Turan moved away as she was cowered in a wall. "Get away from me, please!" She begged. Turan begin to have flashbacks, her screaming and hearing the ones that tortured her laughing at her misery. "No...Never again! No, please! Not again, I beg of you!" She thought in her anguish. In her mind, she thought of Norna and the others. "I gotta stand tall...That's right, come to me....Let me kill you....." She said softly, getting her manifesting symbiotic powers prepared. 

Just before the three could get closer when a young lady with brown skin and red hair. "Hold on, boys!" She ordered, "She's not an enemy." This young lady seemed to know them. "Well, well...Penta. You've come." said the figure. "Stand down, I said. She is no threat to us." said the red haired woman. Turan was amazed, this woman saved her life! Who was she anyway? And how does she know this....things?! "Who are you?" asked Turan. The woman revealed her badge, "Penta Gaynor." said the red head. "Silver Branch? No way." gasped Turan. Penta gestured over the shadowed figures, "I like you to meet my....'pets'." One of the figures was in disbelief, "Pets? Really?" He said. Penta chuckled, "This is Brialdur Tiresias, Uriah Orestes, and Julius Belial." She said. Turan was shaken with fear, "Are they even human?" She asked. Penta shook her head, "No. They are Wendigo." She replied simply. Turan swayed and swooned. Penta looked stunt, she turned to them and asked, "Too much?" "A little." admitted one of them. At night, Ariadne had woken up in the middle of the night as she couldn't get back to sleep because the room was so warm so she sat by the window to watch on how beautiful the moon was. Her eye caught on an apparition of a figure coming close to her. Ariadne saw it coming closer, seeing it was no phantasm. Hell, she didn't know if it was human or not. As it got closer, Ariadne wanted to run however she remembers what she had to do. Ariadne turned away and turned back, but she jumped at the sight to see a creature of a young man with shoulder length, almost short hair that was dark blue-indigo and dark purple eyes. Ariadne locked eyes with it, the creature man was staring into her soul. The young man smirked, reaching for Ariadne as her powers shattered the window and she chased down the man. The young man chuckled in a sinister matter, this made Ariadne's blood boiled. 

"Come back here!" She called out. "Try harder than that, babe!" said the young man. Ariadne followed him into a room where she was horrified to see: Broken caskets, bones, and rotted flesh. "Like it? A work of art, eh?" said a voice. Ariadne turned around, there he was again. "You...Who are you, just--Who do you think you are?" demanded Ariadne. "My name is Ezra Xingtian, I don't know who you are or what you are but I'll be taking your life now." said the young man. "Like hell you would." said Ariande. The two of them fought, Wendigo versus Human but Ariadne is no ordinary human. She used her powers, Ezra is shocked by this of her abilities. "Necromancy." He said. "I am no necromancer, nor a she devil either...." replied Ariadne. Ezra attacked, but Ariadne dodged his movement. "Not bad...for a human....Or a witch." He said. "Shut up!" snapped Ariadne, using her powers. "Wait, Ezra!" said a girl's voice, she appeared in a bubblegum pink dress and black hoodie jacket. She was protecting Ariadne, this stunt her completely! "What the friggin' hell?" thought Ariadne in disbelief. "What are you doing, Alcestis? She's a witch!" Ezra protested. "No, she's from Silver Branch." said Alcestis. Ariadne was shocked, "No..I'm just a maid. Surely, not from...." She explained. "It's OK." said Alcestis, pulling out her badge of Silver Branch, much to Ariadne's shock. "Silver Branch?" asked Ariadne. "Agent Alcestis Petrus." introduced Alcestis. From that moment, Ariadne knew things would changed around here. Meanwhile, Cassandra was on the balcony as she looked up at the moon and stars. She remembered when she was a child, she believed that wishing on stars was magical but realized some things were not meant to come true. She wondered, pondered if this was possible. Sighing; Cassandra whispered to herself, "I can't believe, I'm doing this..." She closed her eyes and whispered, "I wish, I wish, upon a star, that I'd be free from the pain and the past afar. Please rid me of my fears, help me..." 

She opened her eyes but gasped at the sight of a figure. Cassandra is in disbelief, "Wow." She muttered. "Just--wow." Then, she glanced over at the figure and said in a seductive tone: "So, stranger, what's a guy like you doing out at night?" The man turned as he revealed to have tendencies of a Wendigo and smiled with sharp teeth in that grin, "What's a girl like you doing here?" He asked. Cassandra screamed as she backed away but she hit the wall hard and fell. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--" said the strange creature man. Cassandra was horrified to see what she thought she was seeing. Something so inhuman and also human. She didn't know what she was getting herself into but it wasn't a good thing. Cass didn't care, she really didn't. Because this has to be truth, no sense of denial. No more shutting her eyes, she is wide awake and can see clearly. The inhuman young man ducked when Cassandra used her telekinesis to throw objects at him. "Whoa, hang on! Ah!" said the man, he came out and complimented Cassandra on her skills, "Very nice powers, pretty thing." But dodged again when more objects are thrown at him again and again. "All right, easy! Put down the book!" He said. But he is almost hit and dodged it again. "Get away from me or....or...or else!" stammered Cassandra. "Easy, easy!" said the young man. "I mean no harm, I come to help you." "W--wha--Who are you?" asked Cassandra. "My name is Trygve Fragarach." said the young man. "I believe I work as an agent here but I am no ordinary agent, I'm half human...Half Wendigo. I know you, Cassandra Endymion of Silver Branch." 

Cassandra gasped, horrified of this. Trygve explained to her that Arjuna was aware that she and the agents are here for a reason because of some strange things that go on in Manaha Inc. And the rumors are true, they are monsters there. Trygve explains that his mentor, Simoom Nestor, had suspected because the scent of a Wendigo was upon Cassandra and the others. Cass was shocked, her bite mark was leaving a trail for other Wendigo hybrids? Arjuna had been watching Cassandra's movements all this time. "He's been watching me?" gasped Cassandra. Trygve explains that Arjuna believes Cassandra is the only person, a savior rather, a hero to everyone if she could take down the person responsible for all this tragedy. The tragedy of his family and believes that maybe she can help her out. Cassandra was shocked by this, and touched by this. She could not believe as she begins to have new respect for Arjuna. And she develops a bond with Trygve. The next day, Cassandra was in her maid outfit. She was sauntering down the hall as she opened the door after knocking the door. "Good morning Mr. Gilgamesh. You have lessons today. Oh, and you have an appointment in the afternoon today." said the maid. Arjuna woke up, stretching, as he looked at her. Cassandra carried a folded pair of clothes and placed them on the foot of the bed. "I have your clothes here, breakfast is being prepared downstairs." said the main. Arjuna looked at her and threw a vase but the vase stops in midair. "Nice, Mr. Gilgamesh." complimented the maid. She turns around, revealing to be Cassandra. "But..let's save the mind games for later, all right?" Arjuna looked at her and then nodded, saying: "Fine by me." Then, Cassandra sauntered away. 

Meanwhile; Turan and the others were searching for a kid with supernatural powers. They said that this kid has been causing disasters in the city. They noticed a lot of buildings exploding, cars getting crushed on their own, objects flying or moving on their own, demons that look like pigs, ghosts, snakes, blocks of ice, and magic. It was time to find out what’s going on. But during their investigation; they meet a young girl with long ebony haired girl who had a pale face and faded red lips. She had bags under eyes which looked red from crying. Her attire was a mahogany long sleeved shirt, matching pants, and pointed black flats. "Are you alone?" Turan asked. The girl look hesitant. "I--I--I'm lost..." She stuttered. Turan looked at her and inquired, "Are you hurt?" The girl shook her head, "N--n--No...." She stumbled again. "C'mon, we'll help you find your family." Turan said to her kindly. Turan and Norna lead the girl away, however the girl looked down to see her spear tucked in her sheath so she used her telekinesis and the spear floated towards her. But Norna looked, his expression was horrified. "Um, Turan---?" She said. Turan turned, but what she saw stunt her. The girl confront her with her weapon, "Who are you, and how did you learn to do that?” Turan asked. "You should know, you're the ones hunting me!" The girl exclaimed with such emotion. "Wait, you mean...You--" Othello started to ask, but the girl ran away and Turan instructed the men to not hurt her but captured her. The girl was faster than they were and she pointed a gun at them, "Wait! Don't shoot!" Norna cried. The girl jumped farther and aimed the gun at the cliff, "Stay away from me!" She called out, the girl pulled the trigger as an explosive bullet cause a smoke and Turan and the other guys suddenly lost sight of her. They were disappointed however they hope to find her again. However, Norna and the other guys were a bit trouble at the sight of Penta, Brialdur, Uriah, and Julius! 

In the interim; Ophelia was listening to a rock ballad as she sat on her bed but begins to pace around the room as visual images of everyone else she met begins to haunt her. Her hand is in the back of hair as she clutched a clump of strands. She then leans against the wall of her room. She remembers the looks of puzzling that haunts her, "Don't look at me that way...I know I am weird...but please! Don't turn away, don't laugh at me...." thought Ophelia. Just thinking about it, it's making her heart beat fast and she feels warm. "Maybe I'm a masochist. Maybe I like being a sadist towards myself...Maybe I want someone to dominant over me and I like the feeling of being in bondage...Maybe I like apologizing over and over just to be verbally told not to be sorry. Maybe I enjoy it but instead; I have this feeling inside of me that is screaming that I shouldn't be this way!" Ophelia begin to think of Cassandra, Eulalie, Deirdre, Turan, Norna, Ariadne, and Juana. Then of the people she had encountered with--Heyoka Leo. Hermes Antares. Joan Ladon. Isis Lynx. Minos Apis. Coyote Thoth. Lifa Heidrun. Aurora Jade. Themis Pegasus. Nestor Chapa. Marian Sagittarius. Judith Apollonius. Selene. Deborah Reginald. Athena. Susanna 'Sunna'. Nyx. Freya. Sif. Artemis Janus. Ares Cuchulain. Kai Medon. John Phemius. Perun Umi. Ajax Heracles. Sharik Jofur. Asura Susanoo. Tucker Achilles. Yazi Nezha. Gwedion Lancelot. Bricriu Alexander. Ceridwen Phoenix. Peredur Silas. Medea & Katie Vasily. Antigonus Klaus. Dorian Peetrus. Gavin Didymos. Diarmuid. Adonis. Hyacith and Ishtar. She remembered all of their faces. She will never forget them. They gave her a reason to live, a reason to stand on two feet and the reason to write. But fears of rejection, despite being her fault before, she wants friends like them. She has bad memories of her past: Her father's beatings, his yellings, his jeering. Ophelia was clutching at her hair, she remembers all the temper tantrums, the violent outbursts, the slaps and beatings to students and teachers, trying to stab someone with a pencil or throw things of chairs, her scratching and screaming, her exhaustion of the meltdowns. 

Her unhappy parents as they came to pick her up. Her pleas as her stuff was being taken, only until she behaved good. Her father lashed out at her, her mother and older brother Bragi for the smallest things like leaving the fridge door open or spilling juices. Ophelia being shunned by some of her classmates because of her behavior. How she lost her friends for over-excitement personality. More memories flooded back of her middle school, where she was bullied and mercilessly tortured. In the beginning, it became innocent however it turn into bittersweet. She try to find friends however they abandoned her, spread awful rumors about it and denied it when she confronted about them. She was teased for the things she enjoy, and how she was humiliated before she was teased. How no teacher, except one however it didn't last long, helped her. So, Ophelia went to a different school but while making friends with cooler kids, whom some were nice but Ophelia continued to struggled. She was still having meltdowns, causing more trouble however she had been offered grace from other students. Ophelia had been force-fed from someone who says the End Days 'draw near'. Ophelia was a nervous wreck over things like that and couldn't stay calm. Her hypersensitivities to loud noises made it traumatizing events. But the people she was surrounded with, they weren't to be trusted and she told her mother things that this person force fed in her brain. Soon, newcomers at Ophelia's new school noticed this person and eventually, they convinced her to go into retirement as way to prevent 'force feeding' and Ophelia felt free. She got help through her anxiety but her sensitivities to loud noises did not decreased and still struggled. But she managed to find sanctuary in the end and became a anew. 

Ophelia imagined all the violent things she could do because of all the torment; she could tear them apart, she could harassed them verbally, she could kick them, pelted them with objects, and all sorts of horrible things. But a vision, a very terrible one, of her being arrested. Her in court. Her being in jail, where she is being watched and is brutally beaten to death. Her future shattered. Gone! Ophelia woke up, it was all a dream! She had to remember the optimistic things: That's when she remembered where she had to speak out a short speech about helping children until the host made a cruel joke and taunts her when Tucker coughs out, "Bastard!" Everyone turned around, gasped, and the host demands to know what Tucker said and he replied with a Cheshire smirk, "The best. I thought what she said was the best, didn't you think so?" He said. Ophelia was instructed to get off from the podium, she did but as she was leaving; she turned to look at Tucker, who's back was turned, and smiled. Touched by this act of kindness, someday she will pay him back for this. She remembered Cassandra, she remembered when she waved to her; Cassandra was happy to see her. She waved back! Happily, ecstatic. Ophelia clapped her hands with delight, she remembered how she waved to people--They sometimes find her annoying. Even in the darkest hour, they teased her and asked her why is she weird. But someone like Cassandra, it was a touching thing! To have someone see past her flaws and see a person as just a person. Not someone with such issues. Ophelia remembered that she had let Roland and Ace go back to their respective clans. She was sad to see them go but Roland assured her that they might do this again, however he glares at Ace, whom the latter was glaring at him as well, replying reluctantly: "And with him too." 

Ophelia flushed pink, thinking about Roland. "I can't wait to see you again, Roland." She thought to herself. Drenched in the rainy weather; Turan and the others were searching for the girl that escaped earlier. During this time, A figure was walking past them but the person accidentally bumps into one of the guys, who recognized who this person is--It was the girl! Immediately, the girl hid under her hood even further. She hurried away, barefoot, and inside a cathedral. She shut the door as she makes her way inside to stay warm. While trying to stay warm, she looked around to see other people, who are praying. The girl looked down and pulled out a cross that is chained around her neck; she felt guilty for not praying in so long, forgot how great Yehweh was to her. But...She had to keep hidden. No matter what, she will never go back to that day...That place...Never again. The girl started to relax as she made her way through the cathedral, away from the people praying. She walked down a column where candlesticks were aligned as well as lit up as the girl kept walking further. She walked by as shadows of people walking in a different direction from her. Unknown to her, the girl was being followed quietly by someone. No, more than one. Reaching the reflection of the stained glass's godly rays; the girl becomes emotional as she bent her knees to the floor where she prayed silently. She looked up to see a statue of Nova Maria in front of her with the child, Yehshua, in her arms. 

She placed her hands in a prayer and begin to beseech, "Forgive me, Lord...If you would be so kindly to listen when I request you to bear no malice towards me for what I've committed. Help me see my faults and self regards. Show me when I ask you if I had remained innocent as the lamb....Maybe I wouldn't be forced to kill so many victims to whom their blood is on my hands." Just then, she saw multiple shadows. The girl turned around, "No...You!" She gasped. Her telekinetic powers activated and were about to attack however Turan held up her hands, motioning the others who had their powers and weapons ready to stand down, saying to the girl: "Easy, easy. We just want to talk to you....Can we take this more privately?" "NO!" cried the girl. Her powers forced everyone back and she took off running. Turan was not going to let this girl escape. Never again. 

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