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Sunday, April 13, 2014

KATDON Poems--Melancholia, Tension, and Being Someone Else (...Just a Little)

DO NOT CALL ME AN EMO! I was feeling fatigue one day once. So, I decide to write an article of my poems. I also wrote one when I was angry on another day. It's personal and based off my life. Enjoy!

Melancholy of Noises
This poem is about my 
depression with my hypersensitivities. 

Angry. Sad. 
Low self-esteem, longing for perfection. 
Hatred towards self for as I am. 
Wondering 'why'. 
Numb, misunderstood. 
Hatred to the loudest speakers. 
Searching for a remedy of quiet and peace. 
Need acceptance, need more understanding. 
Wonder why, I can't shut up my ears. 
I really can't, I've tried so hard though my mind's in a jumble.
 Life is hard, half of everyone doesn't comprehend. 
Noises so loud, no matter how I tried I can't lower it. 

Tension of the Merc with a Mouth
This poem is personal. It's about someone 
I used to know for 5-6 years, who was talking loudly and
got on people's nerves. Not gonna say his name, as I said 
before--NOT. Gonna say his name, he remains anonymous. 

Your voice is so loud, can't you shut up? 
You like to annoy me, you like to get my 
attention. Here's a hint--I'm not into you. 
I don't go for the immature! The repeater!
The irksome kinds. Police reinforcements, 
Juan Ciervo, who the hell cares? You think everything's 
a criminal offense. You're so annoying. So nosy. 
Childish. I'm not into you. Leave me alone, I'm tired
of you talkin' about my old shoes. I want you to quit it, 
I don't give a damn because your voice is sonorous. I can't 
concentrate, you merc of a mouth! Because you can't shut up! 
You want attention, manchild. Grow up and get real. 

I Just Wanna Be
This poem is mixed feelings about me
being someone different and not be me
for once in my life. 

I just wanna be normal, it's better than being different. 
I just wanna be beautiful, it's better than being plan ugly. 
I just wanna have friends, it's better than being a loner. 
I just wanna be special, it's better than being common. 
I just wanna be loved, it's better than being abhorred. 
I just wanna be badass, it;s better than being weak. 
I just wanna be--Whatever I want, instead of being weird. 

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