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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Zero Faith in Humanity

I know I’m being overly dramatic and if you’re a Trump supporter fine but let  me vent because all I’ve been doing is crying, and I want to because I’m only human. I am so sick of humanity now because of the fact that after all the bullshit coming out of the mouth from Trump and they all voted for HIM! It’s like voting for the Devil, I am so disgusted that after everything; you made him the new president?! A guy who mocks people with disabilities, others out there who are Mexican and also the women who sacrificed a lot. Even the working class who struggled to help with their families. How could someone such as him get that? Oh I know, it’s because he supports abortion. People are looking pass the racist, sexist and evil bastard that he is!!!! I cannot believe how much I hate America now, my faith in humanity with them has gone down to zero. I feel like there’s no hope anymore, there’s no hope anymore. I feel crushed, shattered, broken and I know it’s going to be a bad year. And dealing with him, I feel so appalled. I just want to stay inside all day and never mention about politics. I am so ashamed of how our world is turning out to be. Really? It’s enough to make one person go crazy and I’m so upset that this is too much to bare. I feel like I should close myself away. It’s enough to just simply say: “I’m done.” Like you don’t want to live anymore…..I feel like…I don’t know what to say anymore….This whole world has crushed me. Society has broke me down to the core. 

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