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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Cosmic Convergence: Carroll Family--Chapter 6

The thing I adore about the Carroll Family is the growing of their family and how they spend family together but they are not their usual family. But also, could they be hiding their soft sides to them? Find out in this chapter. Thank you! --KatDon 

Chapter 6: One and Only

At night; a call girl roamed the streets, wearing fishnet tights, shorts and bustier top. She has a garter around her right thigh. The streetwalker wore eye shadow, lipstick and looking pretty as she wandered around, then it happened: The call girl came by a van with tinted windows, she tapped at the window. It was then the windows rolled down as the call girl leaned over with a sultry glance on her face, “Hey sugar…Looking for a good time?” She asked. The voice from the vehicle sounds like he was smiling, “Oh yes. Would you mind of another being here?” The call girl smirked, “Oh, a friend? OK, I’ll take the three way.” She purred. Just then; there was a firm hand gripping her wrist, it felt like iron and the voice said: “You want to play with us?” Immediately; the girl knew something was wrong, she try to pull away however it was too late! She screamed as she is dragged in the van as it peels away! Later; the poor streetwalker was left in an alley, bleeding to death and crying. It wasn’t until some shadow loomed down on her, but this time a girl’s voice spoke up softly: “I can help you sweetie.” Later; Michael and Hayato returned from a night out from going after that prostitute. Just then, Hayato noticed something that surprised him. “Oooh! We got company.” Hayato sneered with delight. Michael looked and his eyes widened in amazement, “Just the girl we’ve been looking for.” He purred. Andrea smirks at them, “Hmm….Kinda cold in here boys.” She said. Michael was behind her chair, “That can be arranged.” He said as he tries to touch her shoulders however Andrea swiftly steps away. “You gonna do the same thing to me like what you did to that streetwalker?” She snapped. Michael sighed, “Oh come now, she was asking for it.” He said. Andrea slowly turned to him intensely, “Never. Say. That.” She said angrily. Michael sighed, “You’re right…It wasn’t our intention but we were starving.” He claimed. “Yeah? So am I! I haven’t been fed all day!” Andrea screamed. Hayato was annoyed so he sarcastically asked, “What can we do to make a girl like you happy?” He said with a fake smile. “I want you to bring me my angel…My ‘lily pad’…Our ‘Lily White’, bring her by midnight.” Lily commanded. “Hmm, kidnap Lily White by midnight? Sounds like Cinderella.” Hayato said. “And keep her for awhile.” Andrea finished. Michael laughed, “Now it’s more like Rapunzel.” He remarked. “Bring me my long haired girl with the glass slippers at once! I do not want her to lose her shoes!” demanded Andrea. “Affirmitive, darling.” Michael said with a grin on his face. Meanwhile; Lily wore a pastel blue dress with a silk yet loose petticoat and embroidered floral lace cover. It has a silver scalloped ribbon hemming as well as a silver silk floral ribbon around the waist that also match her gloves. She was attending the party alongside Cherie, “Thanks for inviting me here.” Said Lily. “Oh, it’s no trouble.” Cherie replied. They attended the party while Lily and Cherie had a good time when a woman approached Lily. “Excuse me miss? But a gentleman has asked for you upstairs with something important.” She said. Curious; Lily went upstairs to the balcony as she shivered but found a note there that said something that made her eyes widened in horror: “HELLO MY LILY WHITE, DID YOU MISS ME? –GUESS WHO?” Dropping the note; Lily tries to move backwards when a hand clasps over her mouth, “Hold still my sweet lily white.” And Lily felt sharp fangs as well as incisor-like fangs into her skin of her neck. Then, Lily was passed out and the next thing that occurred, Lily was awakening in a dark, dimly lit room as well as a soft cushion of a bed. As she sat up to view her surrounds; Lily was met with Hikaru, Kanchan, Stephanie and Prisca who leered at her from the shadows. Lily panicked as she moved away quickly, she try to flee but was pinned to the wall as they  advanced towards her. Her wrists at her sides on the wall, “GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!!” yelled Lily. Just then, Hikaru was moving his filthy hands up her dress, “No, get your paws from there….No, no, NOT THERE!!!” She protested. Then, Hikaru as well as the others are thrown backwards. “WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!” Andrea screamed, “DO NOT TOUCH HER!!!” She then turns to them with an intense stare expression. “Ah, Andie…” Hikaru greeted however he and the others cringed when Andrea exclaimed: “ANDREA!!!” Hikaru replied back, “Andrea…uh we—we apologize for bringing you trouble to Lily. She was just beautiful.” Andrea snapped back, “Don’t make excuses, I’m watching all of you! I’ll go bat-shit crazy all of you!” All of them left while Andrea turned to Lily and helped her up, “You OK sweetie?” Lily nodded, “Yes, thank you.” She replied. Andrea patted her shoulder, “You should go and freshen up, I promise those bastards won’t ever hurt you again.” She said. Lily smiled, “Thanks…again. I really do appreciate it.” She admitted. Andrea provide her with clean clothes, a towel, a louffa and shampoo as well as shower body wash. After freshening up; Lily just come out of the shower, she wrapped herself in the towel as she walks back to her room. She shivered as she finally got to her room without incident. Lily closed the door, let her towel dropped to the ground and got dressed. She brushed her hair, put her blue necklace along with her cross, places her socks on her delicate feet. Finally; Lily turned on a dim light from a lamp and begins to write in her new notebook, it was a gift from the Carroll Family. As she was engrossed in the story she was continuing, Lily felt hands on her own petite hands! “My, you have pretty hands you have writing there.” Hayato said while he crept behind Lily. She freezed as she turned to him and asked: “What do you want?” Hayato was trying to go even deeper, “Now, now sweetie. Don’t be so hard on me, I was here to keep you company.” Hayato replied. “Business before pleasure, I’m writing here.” Retorted Lily. Hayato clicked the pen off, Lily looks at him with a disdained expression. “You fingers look bruised from pressing too hard on the paper. So that’s your secret to hand writing perfection. Sounds difficult with great concentration, but no pain, no gain right?” Hayato said. Lily snorted, “Hmm….The form of seduction. Goodness gracious! Are you trying to seduce me? If you are, it’s working…NOT!” She remarked and went to return to her writing. However, she was thrown on her bed as Hayato had his hands on her, “Oh my Gawd!!!” She moaned. “Yes, you like that..” Hayato said. But he froze when a voice in his ear said, “I’ll like it better if I put my hands through you.” Mora was standing right behind a stunned yet disappointed Hayato, who reluctantly gets off her. Lily was quivering as she hugged her knees to her chest. Mora sighed, “Somebody better get enhanced security.” She retorted. Later at night; Andrea sat at the table waiting in such impatience by Lily’s tardiness. She leaned back in her chair while muttering: “Gawd, how do you people live like this? Day after day, keep a girl like me waiting for almost an hour…” Then, there was soft footsteps as Andrea sighed: “Finally!” She gets up as she straightened herself before returning to her seat. Then; Lily emerged in a purple, off the shoulder neckline gown with jeweled diamonds of a flower on the front on the bodice. Andrea smiled at the sight of her however Michael Tanaka looked disappointed. “Not the one I gave you?” He inquired. “Skimpy dresses aren’t my thing. Sorry.” Lily remarked. Andrea’s fake smile faded, “You gave her that dress?” She said with gritted teeth. “What’s wrong with that? Is that a problem?” asked Michael. “Yes, why the hell would you give her a dress with shreds? That is not appropriate. You really are a predator.” Accused Andrea. Michael scoffed at this, “A predator? Sounds harsh, isn’t it?” Andrea crossed her arms, “You know, that’s what you are. You bastard.” She said. “Hmph!” Michael said, making a face. Lily was enjoying the food, “The food is excellent.” She said after she swallowed. “Thank you, dearie. I knew you’d love it. Baked ziti, and you’re eating properly.” Andrea said, beaming with pride. “Of course, I have manners don’t I?” Lily said incredulously. Michael watched her with a leer on his face, “You sure are hungry, you seem so modest.” He remarked. Lily gave him a glare while delicately wiping her face with the napkin. She chew slowly while eating and swallowed without going too fast. Once she managed to talk without eating, Lily said to Tanaka: “Stop flirting me, you’re staring at me. Are you hungry or something?” She was trying to sound sarcastic. “Maybe you are, you looked delicious…Luscious.” Michael purred, his voice dripping with sickly sweetness. Lily chuckled, “Careful, you sound seductive.” She retorted. Stephanie said with a smirk, “Oh no, my Lord is serious. They both want to eat you.” Lily’s head darted up in horror, “What?” She said weakly. “They haven’t eaten much and are starving, would you like to be the main meal?” Prisca said with a giggle. Lily glanced at Michael and Hayato who had ravenous looks in their eyes. “Oh shit!” She blurted out. Lily bolted from the table, backing away from Michael and Hayato advancing towards her however Andrea’s Nightmarchers protect Lily from those tow. Michael and Hayatao glared over at Andrea, who was leand comfortably in her seat, her head cocked to the side as her facial expression was full of skepticalism. “I knew you would do something like this.” Remarked Hayato. “Ah, you see what I did there? No one defiles or brings hard to my Lily White and gets away with it.” Andrea said with a sneer. 

In the meantime of the present; Satoshi received an email, through Bonnie’s email address, that was addressed to her and clicked on the link, Bonnie excused herself as Satoshi watched the image. Soon; Tate and the others came in and were shocked to see a court trial run by Mora and her Nightmarchers. The one as the criminal on the stand all strapped, bloodied and angry was Sakiware Hiroki: Mora nodded as she turned to Sakiware, “Now, Ha ha… are you ready for your sentence?” Sakiware looked at her in disbelief, “Sentence? Idiots, there must be a verdict first!” He exclaimed. Mora pointed a finger, “Sentence first! Verdict afterwards.” She confirmed. “You morons, that just isn’t the way!” Sakiware declared. Mora glared back at him as she is about to exclaim, “All ways are…” But a Nightmarcher from the crowd in the courtroom finished for her, “…Your ways, m'lady.” Mora beamed, “Yes…His sentence will be known as a form of punishment.” That’s when the opening statement came about. This is when the attorney can tell the jury what evidence they will present during the trial. The district attorney goes as he stated, “Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: the defendant has been charged with the crime of being a Hiroki such as subjecting others of bullying, abuse, verbal mistreatment and other things necessary that he must be punished of. The evidence will show that the footage we have that the perpetrator used against others. The evidence I present will prove to you that the defendant is guilty as charged.” The Moneta was brought in and then, a projection of a memory was played out that shocked the people in the courtroom! Aricia, Sylvia, Peyton, and Evan were shocked: The memory that was shown is of Satoshi Quennel being bullied and humiliated by Sakiware himself. The Nightmarchers protested loudly than ever. “Photographic proof! Sakiware's a goner.” Said one. The second commented, “I would be ashamed as well if I had done that!” The third begins to weep, “I'll never look at the insidious bastard again, he’s an offense to women alike!” She said through her tears. A fourth also said, “He is despicable!” A fifth also cried out, “How could he do such a thing?!” Sakiware was in disbelief, “HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIND THAT?!” He demanded. Mora laughed evilly, “I’ll never let you know on that.” She stated. The court room erupted in anger and yelling about different ways to punish Sakiware such as decapitation, hang him on the gallows, electric chair and other deadly punishments. That’s when Sakiware managed to cut himself loose and try to wreck havoc. By the end, Andrea’s face appeared while screaming as she startled Satoshi: “THE FAIRY TALE THAT HAUNTS ME HAS COME TRUE!” Satoshi is shaken as her friends and comrades comforted her. In the meantime; Andrea and her sisters had kidnapped a family of cannibals, they tied up the family and begin their torture by the father waking up to see his family in bloodied bandages, his wife came in to be brainwashed as she became the maid. The wife serves the family their own torned off faces and Andrea held up a flamed match with a small fire on it. “Dear family, this is your last meal together, welcome to your own hell after your kidnapping and torture towards innocent lives.” She said. And thus; fire was starting to spread as Andrea and her sisters watch the flames engulfed the house with the residents inside however the Carroll family was outside the house as they watched the embers covering the manor. Kitty and Polly were babbling incoherently and great amount of noises. The next day; an agent burst in, startling Emily and the others, with some terrible news: “QUICK! Turn on the TV, it’s Edom Hiroki--! He….Sakiware….their father Kotamei…their on the screen, broadcasting about dominating the city!” As soon as she heard that, Emily turned on the huge TV screen and then there he was—the Devil himself! Edom Hiroki, his father Kotamei and Edom’s mouthy brother Sakiware were there. “Oh my god!” Bonnie gasped. “Greetings world, I am your nemesis. I am your champion, I am your savior. Hell, I am the Head of the Hiroki Clan. I believe you should fear me as well as the great Hiroki clan. You see, I’m dominating this city. I will have no other choice but to divide and conquer this city once and for all. You see…I, Edom Hiroki, am going to change the world and will destroy anyone who dares to intervene. I will remove obstacles in my path. If you are weak, you will die. But if you are strong, you will survive. It is the way of the Hiroki clan. If you cannot accept that, then we will have no choice but to bring to your knees and make you an example. Your foolish attempts cannot outwit any of us. If you are wise, I suggest you stand down and surrender. For we will annihilate all of the monsters and all of those involved with one corporation: The Dream State Agency.” Edom announced. Shocked was all around, Emily gritted her teeth. “Oooh! That bastard!” She muttered. Edom continued, “Now, you will tell me where Emily Grynte is as well as her allied forces or they will be consequences. Speak up, where is the agency? Anyone? If you do, bring me to their location.” He waited but no one dared speak a word. “Come now or die, speak up now.” All of a sudden, one of the soldiers of Edom Hiroki’s men begin to convulsed and eviscerated amongst the people, which they reacted in shock. And then, there was a psychotic giggle that stunned the Hiroki clan and their soldier, a silvery voice with hints of brittle madness in her tone of voice spoke, “Did you hear what they just said?...They said the Hiroki family will be on top of the food chain once again…I heard that they’re ruthless…I heard that they hate weaklings and they believe only the ‘strong’ will survive….I heard that they lack kindness that Tate Kyan and the others have…I heard that the Hiroki family are vile monsters than the Wendigos….I heard….” Edom, Sakiware, and Kotamei  turned to look downward as they could see Andrea in a faux fur coat that reached to her knees. And she wore brown shoes. She finished her sentence concluding with, “…That they have prideful egos.” Kotamei was surprised by the sight of her. Sakiware stood up, exclaiming: “She’s here! The Witch has finally arrived!” Andrea snickers, “You remember me! I’m so touched! Hee-hee! You think you’ll be the ones to wipe out every single person with imperfections and dominant this world? I have to disagree on that notion. The only one who will divide and conqueror—is me.” She said. And then, she giggles in a deranged manner. “I don’t know what you want out of this but this could be easier without a fuss.” Edom said. Andrea sneered at him, “We want your blood, Hiroki!” She declared. Edom looked at her, “My blood?” He asked. Andrea grinned excitedly, “That’s right, yours! Your father’s and brother’s red plasma! A half pint, I’m talking gallons, baby!” She said happily. “Our blood? Ha! You would get our blood on you? You think you can destroy us, you’ll get dirty things on your clothes. Won’t you get yourself unclean? What’s underneath that coat of yours?” Kotamei said. “Oh, how rude of me! I forgot to remove my coat.” Andrea said mockingly. She seductively took off her coat as Edom, his brother and father were very shocked to see Andrea resembled Masara in her clothing. She wore a dark red off-the-shoulder dress and high heeled black shoes. Her long hair in ringlets. Andrea begins to prance around with a sneer on her face, “The magnificent…marvelous…Mad, mad, mad—Mad Andrea has arrived!” She affirmd and laughed dramatically. “How dare you resemble Masara! She was the successor to our family name and yet you mock her!” Kotamei said. “Mocking her? I’m honoring her, she’s so beautiful! Just like her sweet little sister, Minako.” Andrea said. “It’s a lie, there is nothing wrong with you.” Sakiware claimed. “That’s so sweet of you to say, but you of all people should know by now…There’s plenty wrong with me. Take you bastards for example…Mmmm, I would say Mr. Edom there. I wish somebody would be aware of him…This guy’s a real hoot isn’t he?”  Andrea claimed. “Why should we care?” Kotamei snapped. “Because…Your sonny boy is guilty of crimes against humanity….He had been verbally oppressing. He believes only the strongest will survive and the weak will die, killing sacrificial humans in the process. But wait, there’s the accusations against Kamoku…Then, the brutal interrogations and the torture against my dear boys…Peyton and Evan! I swear, I’m obsess with those two, after what Edom did! UGH!!!! IF I SEE THAT SCENE ONE MORE TIME, I’LL STRING HIM UP AND DROP HIM IN THE DRAIN!!!!” Andrea hollered. She let out a laugh. Andrea sneered at him, “I’m a pretty messed up girl and can’t be taken for granted. Life’s a bitch, now so am I!” She snarled. “You must really hate us so much.” Sakiware remarked, smirking at her. Andrea pretends to be shocked, “You mean you figured it out? Why else would I do this? I’m obsessed with the mess that’s the Hiroki family…The 21 Guns Navy’s kiddos! But mostly my adversary against the Hiroki family!” She said. She then exclaimed: “I HATE THE HIROKI CLAN!!! I HATE! THE HORRIBLE! WHOLESOME! HIROKI FAMILY!!!! I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM! HATE, HATE, HATE!!!!!” She stopped and looked up before smiling slowly. “Ah, she’s here--! I’ll leave you alone with her…Exit stage right.” Andrea announced. She swiftly steps away to the side and there she was: Abigail Carroll standing there. She looked up to have orange-yellow eyes glowing which horrified everyone, even the Hiroki family! A slow smile appeared on Abigail’s face. She wore a lilac-colored strapless gown which was a floor length puffy skirt. The material of the dress was lustrous smooth silk that was very tender to the touch and her hair is straightened with no strands sticking up. “No…It can’t be!” Kotamei muttered. Abigail slowly wiggled her fingers while also curtsying before them and walks to them. As she made her way up to the stairs where the Hiroki clan is; visions of Abigail is seen before them: First, there was an innocent child of Abigail. The second was of Abby as an awkward teen. The third was another one of her in a beautiful gown for prom. The fourth showed of Abigail as a teen in her prom dress, but covered in disgusting liquids as well as blood. And she had an insane look in her eyes. And finally, it showed her present self. Just then; Edom, his father and his brother are thrown into their chairs! The three of them were bound to their seats; they struggle in their seats but they couldn’t! Just then, they heard giggles as click clack sounds of heels. Mirani and the other girls appeared as they were looking crazy yet beautiful to not glance away! Ebony wore a hot pink skirt, matching short sleeved vest, a fully lined dark purple  bodice, and light pink ruffled bloomers underneath. Kanara wore a black halter dress fitted with a satin finish, skirt pantels, cropped white faux fur jacket that had black spots on it, red opera gloves and she carried a golden cane with a diamond on top. Hitomi wore a black dress with red glitter hearts embrodied on it, black and red tulle detailed skirt. On her head was a hear shaped headpiece. And Mirani was in a purple sheer ombre sleeves and around the neckline, a black high low dress, purple satin tendrils, and a black sweetheart bodice wrapped around the dress. But there were new girls as it seems: One girl in a maroon and black corset style top laced in the front with decorative straps, glovets, a choker and a belt. Her mascara was running down, her lipstick was smeared all over her mouth, and a crazed look on her face. This girl is Ashira Chika! The other girl in a knee length blsvk high collar dress with a faux leather detail, tulle lined skirt, and a choker with a purple brooch. Her eyes are lined in thick makeup making her look like a raccoon, her dark purple nails and scarlet lips. Her name is Maria Akizuki. Both girls were wearing knee high boots—Ashira’s boots were maroon straps and Maria’s boots have purple straps. Hands were placed on Edom’s throne, Edom turned around to see the frenetic glance on her lovely face sneering at him. “Well, well, well! What have we here? Edom Hiroki, huh? Ooooh--! I’m really scared!” She said mockingly. “So you’re the one everybody’s talking about huh!” Mirani laughed like a lunatic. Hitomi skips around Kotamei as she chants, “You’re joking, you’re joking! I can’t believe my eyes, you gotta be—this can’t be the right guy! He’s ancient, he’s ugly!” The other girls giggled and squealed in delight! “Release us or else you’ll face dire consequences!” Sakiware demanded. Ashira sauntered towards Sakiware, “God! Would someone shut this bastard up?! I’m drowning in my tears! You really are too much!” She saddled upon his lap and undid her top a little to show her cleavage and bare skinned breasts a little. “And now with your permission, I’m going to do my stuff.” Ashira purred, she pulled out a switchblade. Sakiware stares at her with terror in his eyes. “What the hell are you going to do?” He managed to say. “I’m going to do the best I can!” Ashira replied in a passionate, sultry tone of sensuality in it. “I’ll cut your clothes off, I’ll tear them up and you like a BRAZEN BULL!!!” She said while using the switchblade at him furiously, she made tears and rips at him however she stops as she sneered while saying, “Better keep your clothes on toots.” And gets off his lap while walking away. “Release us now or you will deal with my army!” Edom threatened. “Oh geez, you are something! You put me in a spin, Hiroki! You my friend aren’t comprehending the position that you’re in. It’s hopeless, Edom. You and everyone else here are finished, you people haven’t got a prayer! I’m Andrea Carroll and you ain’t going nowhere!” She confirmed, and laughed. “That’s why everything…” Maria started to say. Hitomi also chimes in, “…Every last little thing…” Mirani pipes up, “…Every. Single. Tiny. Microscopic. Little thing. Must go….” And all of them concluded with, “According. To Plan!” They beamed with pride. “Die…die…we all pass away…Don’t wear a frown, it’s really OK….really. You might try to hide, and you might try and pray. But we all end up the remains of the day.” Mora said. Maria then said, “Got a question for you….Would you die for your family? Would you live for them? Hmm? See two questions…left unanswered….”

Later; Emily and the gang managed to stop Andrea and her girls from doing anymore damaged to Edom Hiroki, his brother and father—unexpectedly rescuing them while also letting them get away. Andrea is shocked by the sight of Emily’s boys. “Andrea…” Kamoku said solemnly. Andrea and the girls are agaped at the guys as they all cried out joyfully in synced: “PUDDIN’!!!” Emily and the others were confused, stunned by what she just said. “’Puddin’? What the hell?” Tsubaki said. Just then at an instant; Andrea has her claws on Ryker, Hitomi kidnapped Minato, Ashira has Arlow as her captive, Mirani took Kamoku as prisoner, Ebony has Peyton as her hostage, Mora captured Evan, Maria abducts Onorato and Kanara snatched Tsubaki. “Gotta go—Pillow talk with Ol’ Glory!” snarled Andrea. She and the girls dragged their captured prisoners! Emily was horrified as she follows them but soon lost sight of them  so she decides to call for back up—her friends! It was at this point that these girls had absorbed powers of the Wendigos and were becoming insatiable to their cravings but they were careful not to kill their captives: Andrea goes down and eats the torn, bleeding flesh just by the nibble, Ryker moans while his head inclined up. Her lips were making soft smack sounds as she intakes air while her tongue took action at the blood. Ryker was just bending backwards as Andrea’s tongue goes to work, while watching his body twisting and shivering. Andrea will eat it from the skin and she's gonna eat it anyway. Andrea spreads her legs, while she is sucking his blood. Ryker thought he would go crazy because she eats it like a wild animal. He leans back while she eats blood from there, spread apart the fleshy parts and suck on the blood. The juiciness of it was like a smoothie! Andrea was causing him to sweat with her sucking skills and Ryker will be dripping wet of red when she’s done. Struggling to fight it; Ryker is gripping the bed sheets and having muscle contractions in pain. Meanwhile; Ebony moans in pleasure, "I'll be gentle but boy if you don't!" She begin to gyrate upon Peyton while causing his body and mind to twist and turn by the nightmare going on inside his head while she moaned: "OH MY GOD!!! I'M COMING!!!" Peyton saw the monsters in his head as he screamed, "AAAAAH!!!!!!" Ebony liked to him scream: "YES! YES! YES! Oh my God, oh my God! Oh, Oh, Oh, OH OH! OOOOKKKOOOOOH! ALRIGHT! ALIRHFT.....!!!!!" Peyton was struggling to get away from the nightmare in his head while Ebony moaned as she said, "HOLY SHIT, I'M SO HIGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! BREATHE ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....." Peyton whimpered softly while Ebony smirked down at him as she said, "Hnnnnghhh...You like it like this baby boy~? God, I feel so alive! OOOOOOHHHHH, I FEEL ALIVE!!!! DON'T STOP, DON'T STOP!!! I'M COMING.....I'M COMING!!!! AUHAHA! OH LORD, I THINK I'M....I'M FEELING IT!!!! I DON'T WANT TO FEEL IT, BUT I AM.....MAKE IT STOP!!!! NO, DON'T!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!" Peyton was horrified as his mind was violated and scarred from the monsters torturing him as Ebony shouted in between pleasurable moans, "I'M FEELING IT!!!! I'M FEELING IT!!!! I'M FEELING IT!!!!" Finally, she stopped and sighed, it was over as Ebony managed to say: "....I just came....I have arrived at my desired location." And let out a scary laugh! In the meantime; Mora is grinding against Evan, as her hands were roaming his bloodied and bruised body. She soon moaned his name. Mora slowly moved down the bed, pulling Evan's restraints apart gently and leaning in, starting to lick at his bloodied wound. "Don't worry, I'll be very gentle, just endured this longer, please..." She spoke quietly, biting her lip as she looked down at Evan, before he let out a quiet gasp of horror. Mora was slowly licking up and down along his wound, and gently pushing a finger into it, while her other hand was by it, slowly rubbing it. Evan let out quiet moans of pain, as Mora's tongue was pushed inside of him, making him squirm from the pleasure of it. "You taste good, love..." Came Mora's slightly muffled voice, as she slowly moved her tongue around inside of Evan, a second finger following the first into his wound, both of them pushing in deep. Mora was loving the taste of him, never wanting this to end. She smirked softly, and reached into the drawer beside her, slowly pulling out an item as she continued. "Morena, what are you doing...?" Evan demanded. Mora had pulled away slightly to speak, panting as he did so, before he heard a faint buzzing sound, and felt something long and thick slowly, teasing slide into his dripping wound. Evan let out a gasp, and squirmed where he lay, biting his tongue, as the large cattle prod was pushed inside of him, and his wound was attacked by Mora's mouth, it being kissed, sucked on, and bit lightly, over and over again. "MORENA~!" Evan half screamed out her name, his quivering body squeezing around the weapon, feeling her actions take affect fast. Mora decided that Evan needed more, and buried her face in his scar, and moaned softly, her tongue being pushed deep inside, three fingers following suit, and getting slammed into the scar; making Evan squirm and moan, as he was squirming from her small fingers, his wound being stretched and thrust into deeply with each movement, as Mora turned the prod up to max, slamming it in deep, once, twice, and then one final time, before Mora gave a shudder and came, letting out a scream of pleasure. "Evan~!" Was the only word that left her mouth, as she bit down lightly on Evan’s skin, tugging on it. For the time being; it got even more scarier: "Are you ready?" asked Ashira with a smile. "For what?"  Arlow inquired nervously. “A good time.” She said as she licks lips. Arlow is scared, but Ashira grins even wider. "All riggggghhhht. Let the sucking begin! So feel the kiss..." She wraps her mouth around his wound on his and begins to moan, while sucking as she closed her eyes as she said in between breaths: "I see someone is a little thirsty today. hehe, don't worry, you'll be wet once I’m done with you~~!"  She loudly moans, placing a hand on his head. She continued to suck, moan and breathes while Arlow was panicking. "Hehehe, I see someone is anxious~alrighty, you'll get your share~" She pushes him down, lifting leg up, slowly bringing face to wound however Arlow hits her with all of his might. But she didn't feel pain, instead Ashira takes her hand off leg, smirking while grasping his hand. "Ooooh, I see how it is, I like this side of you. Shows dominance in you~!" She said. And then bites his skin, fondling with the side of his flesh. Arlow gasps out of horror, "Ohhhh....!" Ashira starts to suck, then licks seductively. "Would you like it to hurt, or make it pleasurable? After all, I don't want to hurt you." She licks the flesh and playing with it. "Oh, I see~! You want me to do something eh? Alright, how about this~?" She proceeds to pinch both joints and kisses his neck, grinding against Arlow, "I see you've been wet for a while, but I think we can do one more thing with this body of yours." She said while sucks on the blood. Ashira moans, fondling his skin, but she stops the grinding, proceeds to caress his clothed body, slowly moving to the sprained yet slightly bleeding wound, and runs fingers up and around his legs, then she kissed him, slowly moving the fingers downwards. Ashira licks lips, going deeper, feeling the tight walls from the inside. "I can tell you've been wet for a while. Oh geez Louise, it’s like a cave in here mmm, but shit, that makes it even better." She adds another finger, grasping his skin hard in the process, "I figured you get a trick and a treat today~!" She moaned out.  Ashira stops licking, "Mmm, hell yeah I am. And just remember, you are MINE. and I'm going to take you, and there's nothing you can do about it!" She leans in again, but not before grabbing his legs and raising them in the air, then sticks tongue into abdominal area on Arlow’s backside. Ashira was twirling her tongue inside, staring at his pained face, moans, then slowly sets his legs down. She moans and gasps while takes tongue out of his wound while sneering, "Oh I'll make you come to me alright. It'll be a raging river down there~! Just you wait...." Ashira quipped softly. Ashira takes three fingers and shoves them inside then bites his lip as the fingers slowly increase their speed. She starts to pant as she grinds her against his body, then starts to quicken the pace, feeling his insides twitching in pain, "I am going to make you fall, I will, hell yeah...." She moaned, "You little bastard~! Your lovely lesions will be wet of blood. I'm going to mess you up…..You! It’s you! Hell yeah I know who you are!” Ashira whispered while she salivates his wound up and down in masterful strokes, tasting the wet and sweet scar he had there. Ashira is kissing and feeling the softness and frailness of his bruised neck. She runs soft hands up and down his arms, trying to warm him after the terrors he saw before she kisses his wound once more, admiring the wetness and frailness of it. Ashira licks the wound again, this time adding saliva, the substance dripping onto the floor. “No stops, ass-hat, shithead….Hm, maybe calling you ‘shithead’ is a little too much~ how about... wet little baby? Mmm, shit you taste so good. That shower of light was nice to you…And what I noticed beforehand is that you didn't wait for me in that shower, you helped yourself you little shit, that must show you're really horny.” She sucks the wound, allowing saliva to drip down once again, “Yeah, take my saliva you little son of a bitch~ shit this is so good you got me even hornier with your dirty talk. Tell me what you want me to say, beg for me….Ooooh yeah, this tastes so good. hmm, I wonder...” She said. Then; Ashira gives playful smirk, sucking on her index finger and making it drip with saliva, before forcing finger into wound: “Oooh, shit you're so tight.” She fondles his skin in the meantime, occasionally making the finger slither" around inside. Ashira bites the wound, now drawing blood, then sticks tongue inside wound and releases saliva inside and all over, then licks it up, “Mmm, tasty~!” She runs hands up and down body, licking his cheek in the process. Ashira grinds against him, gently however, then licks his to neck, “Now listen here you little bitch, you're going to splurge this blood for me and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. You're gonna be puddy in my hands understand? Now, let's get started~!” She grasps both his shoulders, fondling and tightly squeezing them, then kisses you, grinding against him faster and harder. I want you to squirt a little bit of blood, you hear me? You're a dirty little bastard, and no matter how clean you get, you'll always be dirty~! I can tell with how much you squirm and moan and beg!”  She ignores his pleas, only quickening the grinds, then kisses him just as she splurges as well, “You got it bad boy….” Ashira licks the wetted and bleeding wound, tasting the dripping liquid and licking it dry and clean, “Dirty little son of a bitch, look at the mess you made!” Arlow tries to escape however Ashira pins him down, biting his ear, and started to gyrate upon him with as much force as she could muster, “I'm pretty pumped myself. What do you say we get wet like the ocean~?” Ashira said with a smirk. Arlow groans out of breath, but Ashira moans loudly, grinding even faster and rocking harder, moaning and whispering cuss words: “Aww hell, it’s so good…I practice just for that my little babycakes…” Kitty and Polly watched nearby, absent-minded by the entire scene as they giggled aimlessly into madness. In the meantime; Ryker and the other guys were still alive but covered in bite marks, bruises and bleeding wounds. Andrea and the girls were laughing at their suffering, but they were interrupted by a startling pop sound that made everyone’s heads turned. “WHO’S THERE AND HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!” demanded Andrea. A deep yet commanding voice then said with lightness in his tone, “Don’t tell me you never heard of me.” Andrea and the girls squinted their eyes as they were then terrified at what they saw. “OH NO!!!!!” Mora screamed, backing away. “NO, IT CAN’T BE!!!” Andrea screamed. The voice then said as he approached, “That’s right! It’s me, Reverend Grene.” Screaming, the girls try to leave however they bumped into someone! Shocked with fear; Andrea and the other girls turned around slowly as they recognized the man. “You’re…you’re…C—col—colonel—Colonel Mustert!” Andrea said weakly. A voice that sounded so charming and virile boomed throughout the room: “So, you heard of me. Do me a favor….GET YOUR FILTHY CLAWS AND BLOOD STAINED LIPS OFF THESE BOYS, NOW!!!” The girls backed away until they saw someone in the light while his silhouetted shadow fell upon the girls. “OH GOD!!!” Mirani exclaimed. “M—M—M—MR. W—W—WEI---WEISS!?” stammered Hitomi. It was then a voice of light and nostalgic called out happily: “SURPRISE!!!! Happy to see me?” Andrea realized a revelation come upon her, “It was you…you were involved in killing Rhea’s boys! Didn’t go after Rhea huh. She died of a slow and painful death.” She recounted. “Yes, they did not so nice things. And I’ll do the same to you so GET OUT!!!” exclaimed Mr. Weiss. The crazy females were freaked out as they were running away and shouting: “Make them go away! Make them go away! MAKE THEM GO AWAY!”

Once then; Andrea and the girls returned in the forms of banshees, harpies and Furies as they were about to attack when they scream in pain by slash wounds on them. They turned angrily to see who it was: Silence appeared in an overall dress with a chest pocket in the front, red buttons, striped crop top with short sleeves, and thigh high stockings with high heels. The dress was smeared in blood while holding a rifle. Andred growled in anger, “Shit! CYNTHIA!!!” She exclaimed. Mora sighed, “Damn…” She muttered. Silence was moving swift as she rescued Ryker, Kamoku and the other guys. Emily and the girls came in to assist, they were shocked to see Silence. “Good to see you, girl.” Emily greeted. “What’s up?” Kamoku shouted, he was about to hug Silence but she dodged out of the way. Kamoku nearly fell  as he slipped a bit, “What? You don’t like hugs?” He asked. “She doesn’t like to be touched, Kam.” Emily stated. Silence looked at Kamoku, mutely giving him an apologetic look. Tsuabaki put a hand on her shoulder, “Thanks for saving us back there.” He said. Silenced nodded and she looked at his hand. Then; Silence twists Tsubaki’s wrist for awhile, she saw the pained look on his face and lets go. “Ouch.” Tsubaki muttered. “Whoa!” Kamoku remarked. “Told ya, she doesn’t like to be touched.” Said Emily. “Not very smart huh guys.” Ryker stated. “Shut up, Smallberry!” Arlow rebuked. Emily gave Ryker and Arlow a glare, “C’mon guys—I don’t have time for this shit!” She said. Everyone managed to quiet down, not wanting to provoke her wrath any further and hell; it’s been a long night. Silence watched Emily in amazement but turned her attention to the monsters of Wendigos doth approached! As if she was ready for this; Silence loaded her sniper rifle with bullets and aimed high at the Wendigos before shooting down the crawling monsters. Boy, this girl was quick for be on her toes but they don’t call her the Perfect Sniper Assassin for nothing!

in an abandoned cottage; Andrea was looking around as she called out, “Kurrie…Brassss Knucklesss! Kato boy, Ozzy, where are youuuuu?” She paced around the house when she heard a crash and looked in to see Kurran, Katriel and Ozzy in a heap as they struggled to get to their feet from the crash. “Ooof, dat gummit! It’s only you boys—Katriel, Ozzy and Kurran.” Andrea said with a pout. “Who the hell is this?” Ozzy demanded. Andrea smiled psychotically, “Don’t tell me you don’t remember me? The magnificent, marvelous mad—mad—mad Andrea Carroll.” She said. “Andromeda?” Kurran said, horrified. “Sorry for doing this to you love but we had some help with Kamoku Makun and Evan Graham. Those boys really are a pain in the arse but hey, they ain’t so bad. Same goes for Ryker and Arlow.” Ozzy bragged. Kurran noticed Andrea’s face looked in shocked. Katriel was confused. Andrea was quiet for a moment before saying, “Do you know who that is?” Her voice was quiet. Katriel, Ozzy and Kurran stared at her with tension. Andrea raised her head slowly, “Kamoku Makun…Evan Graham…” She said. “What?” Katriel asked timidly. Andrea took a step forward, “Those boys….Nightmarcher hybrid types….Experiments….The ones that Edom Hiroki is after!” She said slowly as if she’s talking to a child. “Oh…” Katriel and Kurran both said softly. “The---the—the—the very reason why I’m hunting his sorry ass, for hurting Teddy Peyton and my darling yet interesting boy!!!” Andrea snapped with gritted teeth. Ozzy was not anxious, he was laughing a little bit: “That’s Evan Graham? Hahaha…” He said. But there was a sound of glass crashing as all three of them jumped. That’s when Andrea exclaimed: “I—DI--OTS!!!! I!!!! WANT!!!! THEIR!!!! HEAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDSSSSSSSS!” She calmed down and panted. Then, she raised her head slowly and grinned senselessly. “Sorry boys, I’m afraid I’m gonna kill you.” Andrea said. “Kill us?!” Katriel exclaimed. “That’s right, I ‘eat’ boys up so you…heh…you better run…” Andrea replied with a laugh. She seductively crawled over as Katriel, Ozzy and Kurran turned and ran however Andrea’s laugh was behind as she was scampering towards them giggling. Then, she fell onto Katriel and leered at him. “I got you right where I want you… I’ll disrobe you, I’ll probe you and I’ll tell you what to do.” Andrea said. Katriel stared up, frozen with fear. Just then, Andrea’s smile faded as she felt someone was here and whirled around. “Andrea, what the hell are you up to?” Emily demanded. Andrea exclaimed with joy in her voice, “EMMY! SYLVIE! GUYS! You’re just in time, we—we—we’re having a little f—fu—fun!” She lied. “Crazy bitch was gonna kill us!” Ozzy claimed. “I’m not surprised.” Arlow remarked. “What’cha gonna do about it? Want to fight me? Fight me dipshits!” exclaimed Andrea. “Fine by me.” Ryker said. “Well, c’mon! Step outside!” Andrea replied, gesturing them outside. “After you, Andromeda!” Emily said. Andrea clicks her heels together and skipped outside while Emily and the others followed. Curious; Katriel, Ozzy and Kurran followed behind. The three of them managed to see Emily, Sylvia, Ryker, Arlow, Kamoku and Evan to a forest. Andrea beamed happily while she said in a sickly sweet tone, “I don't know why, but I feel like I want to be against the wall and moved up & down.” Kurran grunted, “You’re such a pig, Andrea. Why are you talking like a perverted man? You should be taught better like a lady.” He scolded. “I’ll take care of you later, Brass Knuckles! Meh heh heh!” Andrea mocked. She leered over to Emily and the others while she attacked them but Emily, Sylvia, Ryker, Arlow, Kamoku and Evan scattered discretely from her as they begin to lose her just a moment. “Boys? Em? Sylvie? No disappearing!” called Andrea. She looked around for them as they hide themselves away, but Andrea sensed them and used her powers to get them out of hiding. Emily and the gang ran as Andrea laughed while chasing them, “SQUASH ME WILL YA?!” She exclaimed. She got near them however Ryker shoved her however Andrea seized him however Arlow gave her an uppercut strike! Andrea slammed into a tree hard, Kurran couldn’t help but whistle in amusement. “Nice one, mate! Giving that barmy lass what’s coming to her!” Ozzy exclaimed. “That was awesome!” Katriel said loudly. “Oh, just you wait! JUST YOU WAIT!!! YOU’RE GONNA PAY!!! You want to play rough huh? I’ll smash you good!” ranted Andrea, she was pissed as she transforms into a harpy form. She laughed maniacally. 

“Shit...” Emily said. She and the gang ran however Emily looked around as she notices some bushes. She smiled, “Guys.” She whispered loudly for them only to hear. “I have an idea…follow me…” Emily lead the way to the bushes, disappearing. “So, do you have a plan on taking them down?” inquired Evan. “Oh, yeah. Just follow my lead, ‘kay y’all?” said Emily. The others nodded, intrigued to all of them. During this time; Andrea looked around while giggling, “Come out; come out…wherever you are…” She called out. She heard rustling sounds while smiling her. “Ha, gotcha!” Andrea said. She sprung to the bushes and removed it but saw only footprints. “What the--?” Andrea muttered. That’s when she felt a force grabbed her and saw Ryker, Arlow, Kamoku, Evan and Sylvia standing with Emily. “Got you right where I want you!” Emily called out. Andrea was horrified, “WHAT?!” She yelped. “Yes…!” Katriel said softly. “Ha ha, yeah! Way to go, Emma!” Ozzy cried happily. Emily used her powers and defeated her, she takes down her! Andrea was throwing a tantrum, “Why can’t I beat you son of a bitch? Why? Why, why, WHY?!” She exclaimed. “Because, my deluded yet dark haired ‘friend’; your insanity gets the best out of you. And you use your powers to torture people. Andromeda, I want you to stop this tormenting. Let us help you.” Emily said. “You can’t save me, you know why? You can’t even save yourselves!!!! SO HOW CAN YOU HELP OTHER PEOPLE WHEN YOU CAN’T HELP YOURSELVES?!” There was silence all around, until a voice spoke up. “It’s hard, Andrea….Hard to do so.” Emily said. It got quiet again but Kamoku spoke up, “Andrea? Can I ask you something?” He asked. “What?!” snapped Andrea, irritated still for the defeat. Kamoku smirked, “I was wondering…Did you mean what you said? You…‘loved’ us?” He asked. Andrea was shy to respond back, “Well…um…uh, yes I kinda did.” She said. Kamoku begins to laugh as well as Evan and Sylvia. But not Emily nor Ryker, Arlow, Katriel, Ozzy and Kurran did not. “Sh—shut up! I’m dead serious, I—” Andrea tried to protested however she was giggling and laughed with the other three. “You really are something, Andrea.” Kamoku admitted. Andrea smiled sadly, “So are you. I confessed my feelings, open my heart out and this is how you repay me? Laugh at me, me and my crestfallen state. You were my one and only from the start of this madness. After everything I’ve done; I would be able to make one of you or everyone to fall in love with me. Alas it was never meant to be, for I am not the one.” She said sadly. Emily knew something was wrong as Andrea speaks up, “I can never have friends, a place where I belong and to be normal. But I’m a joke, just like her…She looked up to you guys however you thought her book idea about you people was just laughable and she’s upset…You couldn’t even apologize to her, you heartless bastards…” While she was saying this, she pulled out a lighter. “And it’s too late to do so…” Andrea said. “…To me…” Emily’s eyes bulged in horror, “Andrea, what are you doing?” She cried. Andrea held the flames to herself, Sylvia and the others are horrified. “DON’T!!!” Sylvia exclaimed. The flames engulfed her as she teetered at the edge with a sad smile on her face. “ANDREA!!!” Emily and the others cried out. And then, Andrea leaps from the rooftop backwards while still on fire. Emily tries to stop her but it’s too late! “Why would she do a thing?” Kamoku said. “I don’t know.” Ryker replied. “She’s a crazy bitch, that’s why.” Ozzy retorted. Emily sighed, frustrated as she was in disbelief by the boys’ lack of common sense to know why Andrea was upset. “You guys are idiots, real jerks you know that? Why would she do that? Yes, she’s still alive. But all she ever wanted was to be loved. All she ever got was rejection, humiliation and maltreatment.” Emily said. Meanwhile; Abigail held onto a prom corsage in her hands. “I have failed you…” She said softly, “…Oh my beloved, I wish there was one way to say this but I cannot…I can only beg for your forgiveness and pray you hear my voice…And someday, my tears can bring you back to life.” As she said this; Abigail begins to weep as well as her daughters. However; the Carroll family discovered that a particular group of girls received news of the worst day has happened to these girls as a man of hate had been voted as the new president. It was like a part of everyone died that day, where one girl got a chance to speak: “I know I’m being overly dramatic and if you’re a supporter fine but let me vent because all I’ve been doing is crying, and I want to because I’m only human. I am so sick of humanity now because of the fact that after all the bullshit coming out of the mouth from Trump and they all voted for HIM! It’s like voting for the Devil, I am so disgusted that after everything; you made him the new president?! A guy who mocks people with disabilities, others out there who are Mexican and also the women who sacrificed a lot. Even the working class who struggled to help with their families. How could someone such as him get that? Oh I know, it’s because he supports abortion. People are looking pass the racist, sexist and evil bastard that he is!!!! I cannot believe how much I hate America now; my faith in humanity with them has gone down to zero. I feel like there’s no hope anymore, there’s no hope anymore. I feel crushed, shattered, broken and I know it’s going to be a bad year. And dealing with him, I feel so appalled. I just want to stay inside all day and never mention about politics. I am so ashamed of how our world is turning out to be. Really? It’s enough to make one person go crazy and I’m so upset that this is too much to bear. I feel like I should close myself away. It’s enough to just simply say: “I’m done.” Like you don’t want to live anymore…..I feel like…I don’t know what to say anymore….This whole world has crushed me. Society has broke me down to the core.” As she said this, she begins to cry. That’s when another girl came over to the girl and comfort her, “Character limits suck, don't they? I've not heard good things about either of them, but I know very little about politics, so I can't say much. We'll just have to wait and see how his reign goes.” She said. The first nodded, “True, keep an open mind.” She agreed. A third girl pointed out an idea, “I've grown bored of this country, it’s time to move to the middle of the ocean and start to own colony.” He suggested and everyone agreed with him. But then, a fourth girl was panicking through her tears as she speaks out her fears: “I literally haven't been more scared in my life I've been crying ever since he got elected and the senate has a Republican majority THEY’RE GOING TO OVERTURN ABORTION AND GET RID OF PLAN PARENTHOOD!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW HORRIBLE THIS IS?! I'M LITERALLY SO SCARED FOR ALL THE ETHNIC MINORITIES AND WOMEN AND PEOPLE THAT ARE DIFFERENT FROM AN ORIENTATION!!! OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY THIS IS HAPPENING--!!!” She begins to cry while a fifth girl comforted her: “Don’t worry…He can't get rid of anything already in place without the issue going back through congress, none of that is going anywhere you don't have to worry about planned parenthood.” She replied. The fourth girl wiped her tears as she said while sobbing, “Yes!” A sixth girl lightened the mood by saying, “Okay but for real though how happy would you guys be if I won the election instead?” The others laughed while saying, “I would be glad he did win!” The first girl moves away as she was followed by another girl who asked her what was wrong. Struggling to control herself; the first girl’s voice broke down into tears, “I feel ashamed of calling myself a human being for all this...I'm crying....And I can't stop....” She said. Her friend put an arm around her, “I know. This country is ruined and in trouble. It would be dangerous and many shits will come. Stay safe.” She said. The first girl nodded, “I will, thanks! This has been a shitty day....” She replied.  “Good luck then! True it is.” Her friend commented. Hearing this, Abigail and her daughters will help these girls by tearing a man of hatred apart for all the spread to racism and discrimination is destroying humanity. For the moment; Emily’s cell-phone rings and she answers it: “Hello? Darko, hey. Good to hear from yo—What?! W—w—Wait! What did you say?! Where?!” She demanded. Later; Emily arrived as she saw Silence in bed of the medical room she’s placed in, bandages on her wrists. Darko told Emily what happened: Silence was in the hospital: She had been attacked and was attempting suicide but she failed when a Good Samaritan stopped her just in time. Emily stared at Silence lying there in the hospital bed, she turned to Darko and said: “Can I talk to her alone?” Darko nodded and leaves to the leaving room. Emily walked into the medical room and looked over at Silence. “Silence…Can you hear me?” Emily inquired softly. Silence didn’t stir so Emily pulled out her backpack and rummaged through it, she then withdraw a transfusion device. Emily made an incision in her arm, she put one side of the transfusion tube in her wound and the other into Silence’s wounds. Silence looked at her in surprise, Emily said something that Silence would never forget: “Silence Duguid…Cynthia Carroll…I know why you can’t speak, why you are so afraid and it’s not just your family…It’s the girl you loved…But she was killed by that monster…you resorted to a selective mute, changed your name and hide your indignity. What happened to Melinda was not your fault, you did all you could. She accepted you and loved you unconditionally. I’m not doing this to save you; I’m doing this as a way to make you stronger. Live to do the right thing…For yourself. For your family. For Melinda. For me, I’m your friend aren’t I?” Silence felt tears streaming down her face. Emily smiled, “I’m not going to force you to speak but you need to find your voice soon in time….One day at a time…For now, get stronger.” She said. Once the transfusion was over; Emily carefully removed the transfusion device and placed the bandages back onto Cynthia’s wounds. Emily’s incision on her arm has vanished; it has healed herself from the gash and left the hospital with confidence.

Meanwhile; Mirani was sitting amongst the pews when a voice announced: "All rise." The guards wait for everyone-except the judge- to stand. They do as the voice announced again, "Court is now in session. Please be seated." White wavy hair in a ponytail with a few strands loose. He wore a suit and he seems to have an eerie appearance. This was one of the best judges in the city. He addresses the court: "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case, are both sides ready?" The District Attorney confirms, "Ready for the People, your Honor." The Public Defender also confirms, "Ready for the defense, your Honor." The first thing that happens in a trial is called opening statements. This is when each attorney can tell the jury what evidence they will present during the trial. The deputy DA goes first and the Public Defender goes next, "Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: the defendant has been charged with the crime of abusing his family of a cause, as you know, domestic violence. The evidence will show that the pictures and weapons we have that the perpetrator used against the victims. The evidence I present will prove to you that the defendant is guilty as charged." But the other Public Defender stands up and talk to the jury, "Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: under the law my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty. During this trial, you will hear no real evidence against my client. You will come to know the truth: that my client is a well respected man of society, my client was just trying to teach his family a lesson--not abusing them. Therefore my client is not guilty." After the opening statements, witnesses are called to testify about what they know about the case. Sometimes the attorneys want to show physical things—like a weapon or a photograph—to the jury. These things are called exhibits. In her mind; Mirani thought to himself: "He is guilty; his crimes will be served....." The victims got a chance to testify but broke down many times as it was tough for them to talk about it. Watching this; Mirani had an aloof expression that has sympathy in her eyes. "You won't have to suffer, Justice will be served. That I promise." thought Mirani. And then, the defendant made himself look like the victim but Mirani knew he had no remorse in his eyes. Finally; the jury may only consider an exhibit if the judge admits the exhibit into evidence when they meet to decide if the defendant is guilty or not guilty. "Will the defendant please stand? Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?"Asked the Judge. Foreperson replies with, "We have. The jury finds the defendant guilty." Relief for the victimized family was around, the abusive man was shocked by this while the judge said, “The jury is thanked and excused. Court is adjourned.” The next day, the judge is sentenced to two months and with good behavior, he might get paroled. But the mother and children were in disbelief by this. Later; they approached the judge about this. "You mean to tell me he'll be serving two months?" The mother was complaining. The judge was remorseful, "I'm sorry, that's all we have for now." He admitted calmly. The mother didn't believe him, "No, no. He's going to come back! I know it!" She claimed. "Ma'm, please." begged the judge. But the doors opened, heads turned and the mother saw her husband smirking at her. He called out in an overly saccharine tone: "I'll be waiting for you, sweetheart! I love you!" He was being lead away by the guards. Laughing his head off like a maniac. Mirani watched him with hatred in her eyes and slowly a smile appeared on her face. Later; she goes to track down him down! She finds him at a cafe bar, he was drunk of 20 shots of alcohol. Mirani sneaks inside the bar and sedates him. Then, she killed him as the blood curdling scream in torment is heard from the haunted house! Mirani smirks at how helpless he looks and says: "Now this is funny." and tosses her head laughing while walking away. In the meantime; Hitomii hits the monsters of bigots, racists, sexists and haters of awful things: She strangles them with the rope, hits them with a candlestick or a wrench, stabbed with a knife, shot with a revolver, and using a lead pipe to poison them. “Loathsome human beings…They ruined themselves by hurting others…THEY SO DO NOT DESERVED TO BE CALLED HUMANS!!!” Hitomi exclaimed and let out a cry that echoed in the city. 

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