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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Very Chilling Short Horror Stories

You know those chilling, two-sentences horror stories? And people on YouTube narrated them? I decided to come up some on my own. I hope you guys got a good scare, Halloween may be over but that doesn't mean we can still celebrate just a little. Enjoy! --KatDon 

He puts the ring around her finger, "Do you like it?" He asked. "I'm glad, it suits you." He petted the petite hand of a disembodied arm of his beloved wife that he chopped off earlier. 

The boy walked down the empty halls of school as he was calm as he could be. Walking pass the bodies of the people he murdered, the ones that bullied him. 

She took his face in her hands and kissed his lips, caressing his chin while saying, "I love you so much." She whispered while holding his head in her hands while his ragged and mangled corpse of his body just laid there. On the floor, bleeding so much from the beheading. 

A girl was meeting her date downtown and was all pretty, she saw a young man standing there waiting for her. She approached the man and asked, "Are you Jeff?" She asked. A voice behind her said, "No I am." The girl turned around and saw it was her date. "If you're Jeff then..." She turned to other man and said, "...Who are you?" 

A guy calls his date and tells her that he has to cancel their plans together, the girl was disappointed but she understood. The next day, there was a crime scene in the city and the girl was curious to see what was going on. She saw a bloodied body of a man she recognized: It was her date who had been murdered last night--The night he called off. 

Two boys were drunk one night when they came across a graveyard and saw a couple getting down and dirty. To be funny, the boys decide to scare them as they crept closer. But when they got close enough, they sobered up quickly as they were terrified to see a man was viciously strangling a woman to death! 

After coming home, a woman was parched out of thirst. She saw that there was fruit punch and decided to have some. While consuming, she spat it out because it taste funny. But soon she saw that the liquid wasn't fruit punch. At all. 

A boy heard the door open and close. Out of excitement, he went downstairs and called out: "Daddy!" However, his mother pulls him back and says with her eyes bulging in terror, "Sweetie? That's not your father." 

A girl smiled after a night of passion, she turned to her lover who was covered in blood and naked. She had killed him because he was cheating on her. And she had been getting down and dirty with it last night during the raging murder.

A man woke up to see his roommate leering over him in his bed, his roommate said while sneering: "Don't worry, this won't hurt...Much...." The man's cries of terror can be heard throughout the jailhouse. 

A man was gyrating, grunting and saying: "This is how you like it?"He held up a knife he was holding from the killing of woman he stabbed multiple times with. 

A man met a girl name Sarah and picked her up. They went out for a date. The next morning, the man told his friends about the girl Sarah he went out with. Just then, his friends looked at him funny and said: "Sarah? You mean the girl from the pharmacy? Dude! She's been dead for three years. She was killed in a car accident. Don't you remember?"

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