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Monday, November 21, 2016

Ms. Fury: Imagine All the People

I have a new story of Ms. Fury but it doesn't involved around her and there are some things that are based on. Also, there is some competition coming up soon that you don't want to miss! Viewer discretion is advised. Thank you, enjoy! --KatDon 

The man of hatred: He is not your ordinary politician and is different. His ideas of a sound immigration policy, returning manufacturing jobs to America, negotiating better trade deals – are not at all radical, but do go against the status-quo. People are supposed to select another perfectly malleable politician – a Republican not unlike a Democrat – who won’t shake things up too much while in office. That’s just electing the problem to fix the problem. Many Latinos love him. The media keeps insisting Latinos despise the man of hated. Except, they don’t. In fact, many of them love him. According to the media, however, Latinos’ main issue is not just immigration but illegal immigration, because, this argument goes, Latinos all came to this country by breaking the law and unlike every other American concerned about the economy or education, of course immigration is their number-one concern! In truth, it was all a lie! Leaders tend to lie and go back on promises, so it’s important to know who the enemy really is. So Jesse encourages violent resistance against any establishment they find oppressive. Using violence is a way you can fight the enemy, they need to get violent and fight back. Obeying the law is seen as honorable, but the people are sick of being oppressed by the conservative laws of the new laws of the city. An effigy is a representation of a specific person in the form of sculpture or some other three-dimensional medium. The leader isn’t acting like a president should and more like a hollow shell of a president. The vast majority of the people are suffering and they need to stop it. Keeping quiet about injustices is no help in fighting those injustices! They want to assemble the mean and violent streaks within them. People will protest against how the government manipulates us the way it is more convenient for them. Lalena and her sisters are revolting against leadership that regards you as inferior and doesn’t see the need to be honest towards everyone. Leaders and influential people try to swindle others into siding with them so everyone think that are working toward what people want but actually they are working towards what they want while they get screwed over in the process. In the meantime; Lalena is hurt, depressed, upset and sad. She is considered small; she’s sick of bad love, cutting and she wants to stop. Her blood is surging because she’s angry and upset. And if she does that she will find herself in the madness because she turned away from her beliefs. She is probably not welcome at home anymore because of her lifestyle and the changes to insanity. How Lalena’s inner self wants her to return from the drugs they are suppressed in. She was abandoned by both the lying politicians and the divine powers that supposedly should save her. She just found out about this life style. The thing is, people have known about this and lived like this for a very long time. There are a lot of tragedies in the world and some people claim to be helpful but they’re deceptive and misleading. Life-coaches are full of crap. There are no reason for some of the things these deceptive people do. Lalena isn’t an all good person. She has a junkie, treasonous side to her but also a side that wants to help and make the world a better place. Cutting is her getaway and it makes her cry mascara tears. She keeps walking even though she’s in pain and she keeps doing things that can be dangerous and things she isn’t allowed to do. She has quit everything associated with belief of a high powered savior. She isn't so special like any other girl, there are good girls and there are bad girls. They’re opposites. Lalena misses her home and it was her choice to leave, so social services could take care of her.

An idiot can also be defined as a member of the public who buys into the lies the corrupt media establishment feeds them, effectively drinking in the dangerous idea but going along with that keeps them dumb and unaware of the world around them. The all night news cycle is often criticized for various reasons. The news networks blew the threat of terrorism far out of proportion: very few people die at the hands of terrorists compared to road accidents, obesity, and cigarettes, but that didn’t stop news networks from getting hysterical about it. It's strange and makes no sense and it screws with other people's mind. This world is a nation of immigrants. The media aren’t happy unless they’re waving their arms in the air and predicting something terrible. They often scare monger over issues such as terrorism, ignoring deeper social problems. Also politicians seems uninterested in fixing the problems everyone has to face, it seems as if they don't want everything to be okay. Mass media tells us what is okay and what we should be like. Lalena is against that mold that people are expected to fit into. It should be enough for his point to be understood. But for the government, it isn’t? People who oppose wars are perceived as soft and get called spies. Being the libertarian punk liberal Lalena identifies as, this is an agenda she would push back against. People were basically the administration’s propaganda division, repeating claims it made unquestionably. It also points out how the government became suspicious of its own people, and started to spy on them. People are currently in the information age, due to our access to the Internet and other informative technologies. Lalena is a product of her father’s rage and her mother’s love. He could see himself as a self centered and disenchanted nature; it is likely she would not identify with any system. Rather, she would follow her own belief system.  Young children are simply being normally active individuals, who do not pay attention to that which does not stimulate their senses. Lalena has frequently sins but shows signs of guilt or remorse because she has long ago regained her faith. She has consented Christian morals and takes responsibility for her actions and blames herself for her own problems. Lalena lives in a constant state of denial, which is reoccurring motif in the story. But Lalena criticized how society always labels different attitudes – especially teenagers’ attitudes as psychological problems, and she’s not acting like everyone else but there’s nothing wrong with him. Living in this small suburban town, Lalena feels alienated. She has a false sense of reality, almost like a place based on media representation. Lalena feels as if this small town is just make-believe because it is not how the real world is, no one cares or even knows about its existence. Lalena is personally feels that the society does not have any high hopes from her because they see him as just an apathetic, good-for-nothing loser. It is a city of the dead because there is no life in the town. There is nothing to do and nowhere to go. No matter what road Lalena follows, no matter what path he undertakes, it seems to bring her nothing. Everywhere leads to nowhere – it’s building on the theme of nihilism, living without any sense of purpose. The young people of suburbia trapped in a cycle of boredom and restlessness which leads to trouble! Apathy runs rampant amongst the young people in Suburbia, no one seems to care about anything, especially not Lalena or her feelings. Her once beloved home is now a broken, beat down, suburban city. Lalena is lost and sick of how nobody cares about her and everyone takes her for granted. She’s trying to convince herself she doesn’t care about how she feels because everyone else is telling her that they don’t care about her. Lalena sees through people and their so-called happy, normal lives. She is sick of how everyone else in the town acts towards her! Nobody cares about her so why should she care about them? Has the world gone crazy, or is it just a delusion? There’s a thin line between feeling paranoid and that everyone’s against anyone or not feeling confident and everyone’s just ignoring or looking through others. Lalena understands they don’t want her to be perfect, but they do expect a lot of her, and she does not have a word for how much that is so she uses perfect. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, she doesn’t exist and because she has become emotionally unattached to her hometown, it no longer exists to her either. It feels as if this world has been involved in some kind of war—a violent conflict! People are living in an era where humans rely on technology heavily. They are also living in an era with contraband, which is the buying and selling of illegal goods. All the citizen casualties caused by these attacks that were just considered another statistic. Also to the soldiers who died for the cause, they don’t get honored individually; they just get grouped in together with all the other soldiers that died. The howling dogs are just symbols for the chaos ensuing around this war. The fact that they’re singing is out of key implies that this isn’t organized killing; it’s just a hell hole. Despite all the killing going on in the war, the country is much more concerned about losing money and corporate sponsors than losing soldiers. By saying it is the company that lost the war, and not the country, it puts more emphasis on the financial side of the war than the soldiers fighting to defend their country. People are trying to convince anyone that going into the city was the right move, so everyone can get away from the lies that went on in her old town. This move is going to set up the rest of her life, hopefully for the better. Everyone is just sitting back and watching all this happen in front of them like they’re on vacation while they should be protesting. There was a rumor that this song was written as the country was going through a tough time! Someone finally did have the guts to speak out against what the country was doing, and look into what was doing wrong. What they did find was that the war is being fueled by money, and the other side is the side that has all of it. As long as they have the money they call the shots. There are silencers, while the monument represents what is supposed to be good about the city. By acting as if nothing is going on with the country and acting like they’re on vacation, those put the entire country’s livelihood at risk. They need to hold the cult accountable or nothing will change. Lalena is struggling emotionally while glancing out the window of the sunset. The beauty of the sunset on the horizon is often used to inspire hope in a discouraged individual. However; Lalena is affected by the fact at how cold-hearted people can be! Even though she is now a realist, she should still have faith in her ideals. Those who have made mistakes in the past are asking Lalena for forgiveness and help! Her passion is like fires. Lalena is needed to lead. Lalena has been rejected from the society of her own broken down town and she was rejected from society as a whole. She actually ripped it apart in frustration. Lalena is letting all her anger out like fire from her veins, her anger is pouring out and shown to the world. With the outcasts withdrawn into herself and down for the count; Lalena decides it’s time for action. She steps up to take the outcasts’ burden, assuring them to not worry. She decides to start a revolution, the chemical reaction, but she would be her device that finished the job. All the outcasts are thinking she’s the best in the world and the most beautiful girl. Lalena come from a different world, each of which is trying to escape. This girl is rebellious, someone who doesn’t conform, but she can’t seem to leave everything she’s ever known. She feels like she’s just as a child on her own or an abandoned pet would be lonely and scared. She is stuck in her own special ways. This girl obviously has some serious issues, which may be part of the reason boys are so attracted to her! She is unhappy with herself and her looks so she is willing to go out with anyone who asks. But also be about her trying to find herself and be accepted by society in general. She wants to find a way to calm her destructive heart. She bears the weight of depression for herself because she loves this world so much. 

There was a post that was up that said things are going on in the world today: “Our world is fallen, many tragedies have happened and all everyone cares about is the election of a king. A king who brought back the anti orientation, anti Semetic and other things. For this soon to be king is nothing more than a bully. But people love him for his ideals and that is what sickens me the most. People fought hard in these states but if this king is voted; chaos would ensued. My mother fears this and she said that if this bullying, monstrous king is voted; she wants to move out. The king I mention has a lot of money and could be getting his people to get others to vote for him the highest bid. It could be a conspiracy theory as we know but people don't care--And they don't care what people have to say because this man is nothing more than a narcissist who eats away at his own kind for seeing their flaws. And people think it's OK. Somebody needs to take a stand against this man however people cannot for this guy seems to be untouchable. They think it is acceptable, someone must take a stand and I hope this so called king will not be voted, he will cause chaos and it ensues with things that are now free to please are now becoming like the past: Segregation, the queer with sexual orientation, and all else. He is trying to resurface all this and people think it's OK? I do not agree for people need to take a stand, they need to bring this bully down but nobody is doing a damn think about it. That braggart aborigine, he's ruining everything for our future and nobody cares. Where is the Justice? People don't care, do they? But I ask you, where is the justice? I lost all faith in humanity. Because our world has fallen...Our way of life is dying....Nobody cares, it's this bully, this one who thinks he'll be king and if he does, he will cause chaos. An anti Semetic, segregation of colors, and the bashing to the sexual orientation. He is the plague to our society among the politics. Now I will look at the politics as nothing more than a joke. A merely and ridiculous joke. Are people born insane? Or do they have madness thrust upon them? After all, the insane ones had a father. A mother, as so many do...And the one to speak her name is a mystery. We need people like you to help stop racism. I wish that more people could see things like you do because then we would have a world where everyone realized that we look different on the outside, that's what makes us all special, but on the inside we are all the same. we all have a heart and each time a racist comment is made towards someone that heart of theirs breaks a little. We started racism, we have to end it.” How did Carmen and her friends came together is unsure but it begin with them having trouble with others: A bunch of kids on a street laughing at Jamie Ennis who had different skin color than them. A man calling Megumi Hiro a terrorist. Tate O’Malley was feeling left out and getting bullied. Carmen Raymondo was walking to the store and on her way you see two girls, both of them have different sexuality to each other and they are both fighting. The first girl name Serena Katz says, “People like you are a waste of space and do nothing for our country.” The other girl name Ashley McGuire replies with, “Well you dykes came in and like you owned the place when you weren't the ones to find it!” Carmen managed to stop them while also trying to make peace, in which she succeeds. However, Carmen and the others found a way to put their differences aside for the man of hatred’s influences of racism and other great disasters are becoming a plague and could get worse if arguments continue. Today; someone let out a very loud scream of terror, there was a body in a pool of blood. The man of hatred was found murdered one Sunday morning. His wife quickly called police. "What happened that night?" The detective asked. "I already told you, I don't know!" The man of hatred’s wife exclaimed. "Where were you when he died?" He asked as he sat down. "I don't know, sleep, having fun. A lot of people were there, anyone could've done it." The man of hatred’s wife said. "Well, tell me everything you do know starting from the beginning." said the detective, "Just tell me what happened starting from the day before." He huffed annoyed.  So the man of hatred gave out the details of her plans such as reading, cooking, collecting mail, out buying seeds and polishing cutting knives. But she looked like she was flirting with the detective, who is aware of this scheme. The wife then blames it on Carmen Raymondo and her group, calling them the most vile and racist names ever! The detective remained a straight face but he was angry by how disgusting she was. The wife made up Clue-like scenarios with racism involved such as each of them: Carmen killed her husband with a knife, Megumi must’ve killed him with a revolver, Jamie must’ve killed him with a lead pipe by poisoning him and other things that weren’t related to the crime. The detective couldn’t believe what happened next as the wife got close to him and posed herself seductively. “Oh baby~! I don't know why, but I feel like I want to be against the wall and moved up & down.” The wife said with a moan. The detective looked at her, he said: “I’m sorry ma’m but I’m married. I can’t do that.” The wife laughed, “Fuck her! She’s not as pretty as me. I can give you a good rim job, I’ll blow you if you want.” She said. The detective remained calm, inside he was shaken so badly. The wife made a move and said to him, “You just gotta take me by my pussy, just as my husband would say.” The detective was thankfully a good man and a respectful husband & father. “Ma’m, I am not your husband. I know how to treat women. Look, call me when you can with other details all right? Thank you, have a good day.” He said. He gets up and leaves but that doesn’t stop the wife following him. “Why don’t you think I’m attractive? Why don’t you want to fuck me? I saw your wife and she’s fat. Why don’t you want to fuck me? I swear I won’t tell anybody. But you have to divorce her. It won’t work. She doesn’t love you like I do.” She claimed. The detective kept walking, he couldn’t believe the things she was saying to him, it was rather shocking on what she also said just so the detective could bust a nerve! She offers to 'share' him with his wife, offers to go down on her, then eventually tries to get the detective's wife to leave him and move in with her and that they’ll be like a lesbian couple. The wife followed him to the exit of the front door as she now wants to apologize. She says she’s sorry for the things she said. As calm as he can be; the detective tell her he's married as he is faithful to his wife as well as his family, and that he needs to leave. He apologized to her for the loss of her husband and is about to leave. Just as he is about to open the door to exit the house; he watched something that he would never forget—there were live animatronics advancing at her, killed her on the spot and she laid there dying. The animatronics’ sole leader approached as it was a young, disturbed teenage girl smiling over her corpse. “What a vile woman, she doesn’t deserve to live as a human being. Racism, it happens every day.” She said. The detective realized in his terror that the animatronics had killed the man of hatred by the power of this girl, he couldn’t believe it. No one would ever know as the detective watched the girl and her animatronics leave. Later; they carried the wife’s body away as they ruled out her death as a suicide. But no one will ever know the truth of what really happened. The detective couldn’t help wondering who that girl was. She wasn’t normal, she had some sort of supernatural tendencies over these animatronics, that girl has complete control over them! 

They say that kids are cruel but sometimes bullying can be taken too far. But it's not the kids, some parents can be so abusive it is revolting how much pain that they can make a child suffer and don't give a damn about how they feel! But there is a curse amongst the people in the world like this. It was full of the most superficial bastards who pretend to be your friend and stab you in the back. There was one girl who suffered so much and nobody helped her so now there is a curse place upon the people in a world like this! How did all begin? Where did it all started? There once was a bullied girl by the name of Jane. It all started with her mother Miriam began taking her anger out on Jane, beating them with paddles. Miriam soon focused her abuse exclusively on Jane, accusing her of stealing candy that she had bought from a grocery store, and humiliating her when she admitted that she once had a boyfriend. Miriam encouraged a girl name Carrie and other neighborhood children to torment Jane, including, among other things, extinguishing cigarettes on her skin, beating her, tying her up, burning her with scalding water, rubbing salt in her wounds, and leave her.  She was locked in the cellar and forbidden leave the house. Jane attempted to escape the night after overhearing Miriam's plan to blindfold and dump her in a wooded area nearby, but as she reached the front door, Miriam caught her and punished her by tying her up in the basement and giving her only crackers to eat. There was so many multiple beatings, burning marks on her, and scalding baths. For years, Miriam abused and tortured Jane in various ways including burning them with cigarettes, throwing knives at her, forced feedings and beatings. She made her daughter hold her down while she beat and tortured her. In one instance, she held a pistol to Jane's head and threatened to kill her. Miriam primarily focused her anger and abuse on Jane. Her mother resented Jane, which she was maturing and blossoming into an attractive young woman while she faced the prospect of growing old and losing her looks. Miriam also believed that her husband--who had abandoned her--had turned Jane into a witch. Because of this belief, Jane received the worst of Miriam's abuse. One night when Jane came home; Miriam blamed Jane for everything and she sold her to an experimental lab who were cruel and merciless bastards. All of a sudden; Jane was fertilized as she gave birth to five daughters. But her daughters were taken from her and she was devastated. But then, she was given terrifying powers that left her thin as she begins to feel much more dark. After she got out; Jane was a suicidal, depressed, misunderstood, tragic, abused and tortured girl who only wanted empathy and love. She use to feel lost, and does not know which path to go, there’s nothing that anyone could do for her. It seems that every day there’s a new reason to cry about, and eventually the problems stack so high that Jane can’t take it anymore. Jane had befriends Carrie and her friends however they betray her. One day during a drill; her so-called friends moved over to where Jane was standing, near a drain, and begin to crowd the poor girl, getting in her face and nudging her towards the open manhole. They pushed her and she tripped over and fell head-first down the manhole. When they saw her falling, the girls started giggling and when Jane's name was called out, they shouted "She’s down in the sewer!" All of the other students began laughing. But when the teachers looked down the manhole and saw Jane's body lying at the bottom in the muck, the laughter abruptly stopped. Her head was twisted around at an odd angle and her face was covered in blood. Worse still, she wasn’t moving. There was nothing any of the teachers could do for her. Jane was dead. When the police arrived and went down into the sewer, they determined that she had broken her neck. Her face had been torn off when she hit the ladder on the way down and her neck snapped when she landed on her head on the concrete at the bottom. Then, a few minutes, her head turned back into place. As she lied in her own blood, she turned to the horrified crowd and smiled: "Don't cry, I'm okay." Jane then got up and walked off, not bothered by her blood-stained clothes. One day, she came across a party where her attackers were and then she shouted at them: "I WILL NOT REST UNTIL ALL OF YOU ARE DEAD!!! MY CHILDREN WILL MURDER YOU!!" Her powers scared everyone and she vanished but she was never seen again! In modern day, there were four little girls on a murder spree against other people. The four girls are Lalena, Juliet, Connie, and Susie as they wandered the streets, the meadows, and the shadows in a city. Lalena wears a purple dress, Juliet wore a blue dress with long hair, Connie wears a red gown with two ponytails, and Susie wears a white dress with spots of red on them. Lalena strangled a 4-year-old boy to death on the day before her birthday. She was believed to have killed the boy all on her own, but she and a friend would later vandalize a local nursery and make claims to the murder. She and her sisters would strangle another boy to death — this time a 3-year-old. After killing the boy and stashing his body in the woods, Lalena returned and carved an A into his stomach. She then cut off bits of his hair as though he were some sort of doll, and mutilated him. Later, Juliet took another boy on a mile walk to a semi-secluded area, along some railroad tracks by an old cemetery. That’s where she killed the boy. Juliet threw paint into his left eye, hit him with bricks, beat him with an iron bar, and beat him so severely that he was no longer breathing, she laid the boy out across the train tracks and weighed him down so that he couldn’t move, hoping that a train would come and cut him in half. A minute later; Lalena had toyed with the notion of killing two brothers, and had even posted images with captions extolling the pleasures in watching them suffer as she played dangerous pranks on them. Finally, the four sisters then knocked on a door and were greeted by an elderly woman, who seeing two young teen girls let them in without hesitation in the hopes that she’d have a nice conversation over tea. They did sit chatting with her but then they turned violent and dropped all pretenses. Lalena grabbed the old woman by the neck and held her, while Juliet found a butcher’s knife in the kitchen and tossed it to her which Lalena used telekinetically to stab the woman, and continued stabbing her while the old lady pleaded for her life as Connie and Susie held each other while laughing. The sisters ran away like lunatics that they want to do it again because the feeling of killing gave them a good vibration of arousal to violence. On Sunday; Lalena and her sisters then appears among the younger girls and wearing her veil, awaiting Divine Unity. One of the girls is outraged and urges her teacher to put a stop to it immediately. Shortly after, a teacher notices the smoke and discovers a body, her screams summoning the rest of the congregation. At that moment, Lalena slips the veil into her pocket. Lalena is resentful of her classmate's presence, and wants to stay home with her sisters instead of going back to school. The classmate's obvious dislike for the girl gives way to accusations about the murders; she points out the fact that Lalena and her sisters' whereabouts during the murder are unaccounted for. The teacher seems to be unwilling to admit that Lalena acts strangely, insisting that nobody understands Lalena like she does. She has to smooth over a confrontation between Lalena and her classmate, sending her on an errand to defuse the argument. Lalena startles the rectory's housekeeper by wearing a bizarre translucent mask and she terrorizes one of her classmates by stealing her doll and luring her to an abandoned building. While inside the building, Lalena frightens her classmate with the mask and briefly locks her in a room alone, threatening to never return her doll if she tells their teacher about the incident. In the apartment, Lalena takes the girl's communion veil and models it herself in a mirror. That evening at a house, a mother investigates a noise in the kitchen. Food, juice, glasses and dishes are thrown all over the floor. She is bludgeoned by what appears to be a small child wearing a red hooded raincoat with fur trim. As the mother's daughter watches from behind a door, small hands leaves bloodstains on the banisters. Connie and Susie are in pastel coats with hoods pick up wooden hammers and beat the daughter mercilessly to a gory death. These sisters were murderous monsters, but the four of them resembled the likes of a familiar woman by the name of Jane. Could these four girls be the daughters of Jane? Has Jane placed a curse upon the city? And if so, could Jane still be alive? Meanwhile; Lalena and her sisters like to listen to tracks from their favorite musicals: These were from musicals such as Phantom of the Opera and Sweeney Todd: The Demon of Fleet Street. The sounds of her sisters' singing, it sounded haunted while also like an angelic choir. Lalena and Juliet were the ones singing while Loretta and Molly were spinning around dreamily and lost in their own world. The way they sing "Epiphany" from Sweeney Todd is quite pretty but also creepy, "They all deserve to die. Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why. Because in all of the whole human race, Mrs Lovett, there are two kinds of men and only two....There's the one staying put in his proper place, And the one with his foot in the other one's face--Look at me, Mrs Lovett, look at you. Now we all deserve to die. Even you, Mrs. Lovett. Even I. Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief, For the rest of us death will be a relief--We all deserve to die.....And I'll never see Joanna, No I'll never hug my girl to me - finished!" Then, it became violent and bittersweet, "You sir, how about a shave? Come and visit your good friend Lala. You sir, too sir? Welcome to the grave. I will have vengeance. I will have salvation.....Gentlemen don't be shy! Not one man, no, nor ten men. Nor a hundred can assuage me - I will have you!....And my Lucy lies in ashes, And I'll never see my girl again. But the work waits! I'm alive at last! And I'm full of joy!" It was quite unsettling to see a vision of her sisters singing to these dark songs. The way she sang these songs, Lalena sing parts that were enticing yet so passionate: "Insolent boy, this slave of fashion. Basking in your glory. Ignorant fool, this brave young suitor. Sharing in my triumph!" Juliet played the part of the innocent type so well, "Angel, I hear you. Speak, I listen. Stay by my side. Guide me. Angel, my soul was weak; forgive me. Enter at last, Master." And Lalena played out the song again with much kindness, "Flattering child, you shall know me. See why in shadow I hide. Look at your face in the mirror. I am there inside." The girls knew for a fact that Juliet had a lovely soprano voice as she had been practicing this part for a long time, "Angel of music, guide and guardian, grant to me your glory. Angel of music, hide no longer. Come to me, strange Angel." Lalena liked this part, this was the beckoning section, "I am your Angel of Music. Come to the angel of music...I am your Angel of Music. Come to the Angel of Music..." The way those two sang Music of the Night sounded nightmarish but also innocent sounding that made the girls disconcerted. Juliet sang one part: "Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation. Darkness stirs and wakes imagination, Silently the senses abandon their defenses. Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor. Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender. Turn your face away from the garish light of day, Turn your face away from cold, unfeeling light, And listen to the music of the night." And Lalena sang, "Let your mind start a journey through a strange, new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before, Let your soul take you where you long to be!....Only then can you belong to me....Floating, falling, sweet intoxication. Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation. Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in, To the harmony which dreams alone can write....The power of the music of the night." Then there was a sound of eerie beauty to it: "Ahh, ah. Ah, ah. Ahhhhh!" And then, Lalena sings the last part: "You alone can make my song take flight. Help me make the music of the night." At night as she lied on her side of the bed, Lalena could feel the comforting touch of her mother; she could hear the singing of the tune from Sweeney Todd's musical song titled "Not While I'm Around" to Lalena to help her sleep. "Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around, Nothing's gonna harm you, no sir, not while I'm around. Demons are prowling everywhere nowadays--I'll send them howling, I don't care, I got ways. No one's gonna hurt you, No one's gonna dare. Others can desert you, Not to worry, whistle, I'll be there! Demons'll charm you with a smile, for a while, But in time...Nothing can harm you...Not while I'm around..."

Long black hair as charcoal, skin white as lilies, and a rosebud mouth red like cherries. This girl is none other than Krystal. Her mother died when she was six and was raised by her father, they constantly traveled to fairs where he played the violin and she sang. They were discovered at one of these fairs by a man who took them to a school, providing for Krystal's education. Krystal was extremely close to her father, who told her fairy-tales. Krystal trained for four years to become a singer to please her father, her teacher and his bedridden wife. However, by the end of the four years, she had lost her passion for singing after the death of her father. Krystal missed him and worked at theater while she dealt with the overly dramatic diva name Callista as she was obnoxious with that horrible singing voice. She always bullies Krystal who worked hard enough until Krystal witnessed Callista suffered from accidents trying to aim only at the snobby chick. Krystal secretly felt happy as she couldn't stand Bianca but also felt sorry for her. After she got home; Krystal begin to hear singing from the attic: "Mother once spoke of an Angel, I used to dream she'd appear. Now as I sing I can sense her, And I know she's here.  Here in this room, she calls me softly, Somewhere inside, hiding. Somehow I know she's always with me, she, the unseen vengeance....Angel of music, guide and guardian, Grant to me your glory. Angel of music, hide no longer, Secret and strange Angel." Krystal was curious as she went upstairs but she found no one and went away. Again, she heard the singing again but it was a different tune: "Green finch, and linnet bird, Nightingale, blackbird, How is it you sing? How can you jubilate sitting in cages never taking wing? Outside the sky waits, beckoning! Beckoning! Just beyond the bars...How can you remain staring at the rain maddened by the stars? How is it you sing anything? How is it you sing?" Krystal got annoyed as she hurried up the stairs and found again no one there. Krystal was irritated, she went back downstairs and laid in bed but she heard the singing and heard a familiar musical tune, "One short day, In the Emerald City. One short day, To have a lifetime. Of fun Sagely, What a way, To be seeing the city: Where so many roam to, We'll call it home, too. And then, just like now, We can say: We're just two friends. Two good friends. Two best friends...Sharing one wonderful....One short...Day." Krystal wanted to go up there but decided whoever it was singing, she thought she decided to leave him or her alone. Krystal seems content as she begins to sing again in her pretty soprano voice that sounded like a hummingbird with angels on high, "Brightly beams our Father’s mercy, From His lighthouse evermore. But to us He gives the keeping, Of the lights along the shore. Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave! Some poor fainting, struggling seaman. You may rescue, you may save." And she went to sleep. Krystal didn't know that four girls and a woman watched her sleep; the four girls were wearing different outfits: Lalena wore a black dress, Juliet was dressed in a red gown, Connie clothed in a green frock, and Susie adorned in a blue dress. The woman had messy long hair, flowers were decorated in her locks. She wore a white gown that looked torn and she smiled at the sleeping Krystal. On the next morning at school; Krystal was working in the props where once again, Callista was dealing with horrendous incidents that humiliated her. It was like a punishment towards Callista when she bullied Krystal and other students who the popular people considered as losers. Krystal did not laugh at the emotionally, overwrought Bianca while she wondered what was going on. After that long day; Krystal came home and relaxed on her bed. She then heard a voice from the attic and there was a beautiful tune she knew from the musical, "Think of me...think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. Remember me, once in a while please promise me you'll try. We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea. But if you can still remember, stop and think of me ...Think of all the things we've shared and seen -- don't think about the things which might have been ...Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned. Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind. Recall those days, look back on all those times, think of the things we'll never do. There will never be a day, when I won't think of you ..." Krystal lied in her bed, too exhausted to move and was content to hear the singing voice. She didn't make a move as she was calmed from the voices. It was then Krystal fell asleep and then woke up to hear the singing in the attic. "One question haunts and hurts. Too much, too much to mention: Was I really seeking good? Or just seeking attention? Is that all good deeds are, When looked at with an ice-cold eye? If that's all good deeds are, Maybe that's the reason why...No good deed goes unpunished, All helpful urges should be circumvented. No good deed goes unpunished....Sure, I meant well -Well, look at what well-meant did: All right, enough - so be it...So be it, then: Let all society be agreed, I'm wicked through and through. Since I can not succeed. Darling, saving you, I promise no good deed...Will I attempt to do again Ever again. No good deed...Will I do again!" Krystal wondered why the heck these voices were singing in harmonious yet ghostly monotones to songs from musicals. These amazing songs sounded creepy but pretty at the same time. Krystal gets up and gets a snack but then she heard voices of a woman and a girl. "Wandering child, So lost, so helpless, Yearning for my guidance." sang a woman's voice. Then, a young girl's voice sang back, "Angel or mother, Friend or phantom, Who is it there, staring?" The woman croons, "Have you forgotten your Angel?" At the same time, the girl's voice intoned, "Angel, oh, speak. What endless longings, Echo in this whisper!" The woman trilled, "Too long you've wandered in winter, Far from my mothering gaze..." The girl crooned also, Wildly my mind beats against you...Yet the soul obeys...Angel of Music,You denied me! Turning from true beauty! Angel of Music! Do not shun me! Come to me strange Angel..." And the woman hypnotized Maria with the words, I am your Angel of Music...Come to me; Angel of Music...." Krystal dropped everything as she fell into a trance as she headed to the attic as she came across a woman and four girls in the room. As she came closer, she felt an embrace around her....Krystal woke up with a gasp as she found she still in the kitchen while sleeping in a chair on the counter. Krystal sighed, she realized it was a dream. The next day while working alone in the props while everyone else had errands to run; Maria was singing softly to herself when she thought she heard someone was there and turned to see who it was. She saw four figures in the shadows of the auditorium! Krystal gasped and try to inch closer but the voices of the girls said: "No, stay there. Don't be afraid, darling. We didn't mean to frighten you, we love to hear you sing and we could help you improve if you wish." One said. Krystal inched closer, "Really? Are you a musician?" She asked. "In a way, we be happy to be your guide. And we wish to remain anonymous." The voice of the girls said. Krystal smiled, "OK, I like that. I really do." She replied.

Callista didn't come home and she was found next week in a creek. Her head bashed in and her pockets full of stones. Her best friend was found nailed to his door! The head of his other best friend name Sierra was found in the fountain of the neighborhood residence as well as her other friend Betty was stabbed! Krystal couldn't believe what was happening, she ran off and went home but she saw Lalena and her sisters were smirking down at her. "You---you--you did that?!" Krystal gasped. Lalena smiled, "Yes." She said. "But why? Why?" Krystal said while she crying. "Because we have to. Callista was a bad girl....Her friends were evil.....She deserve to die....THEY ALL DESERVE TO DIE!!!!" Lalena shrieked. Krystal sobbed horribly, "You didn't have to do that." She said. "Revenge is sweet, my dear." Lalena said in a matter of fact, "And you are our own sweet and only dear. We've been watching you the whole time, my darling." Krystal couldn't believe this, she didn't want to think this was all true. Krystal was shocked and realize they were singing to her! Only her! "Why? Why me?" Krystal blubbered. It was then Lalena put her hands on Krystal's head and said, "Listen...See for yourself on what it means to be the messenger." And Krystal could see memories inside her head. After that; Krystal broke away and screamed as the memories were haunted inside her mind! "Remember Krystal, the message must be clear to you. They deserve to die, they ALL do." Lalena said in Krystal's ear. Krystal gasped and looked up but only found Lalena and her sisters were gone! Around that night; Lalena's skin was white and beautiful, her dark hair was like the midnight sky, and she wore a black dress. She looked stunning but she killed a lot of people. She wandered the streets as she carried the knife in her hands as she searched for him...The man of hatred. They weren't related of course, but she became this as an adversary to his creepy, twisted smile of his. She will never forgive him for the pain he caused her, the death of her family. It hurt her for so long that it made every inch of her skin crawl. It was then Lalena heard a little girl crying and looked around. She crept in as she saw a little girl with her hands over her face. Lalena hid the knife in her dress and approached the little girl. "What's wrong, little girl? What are you doing out here all by yourself?" asked Lalena in a gentle voice. The little girl responded, "I...I have nobody to play with, I'm all alone...." Lalena looked confused, her black eyes that made her pools of sclera even blacker were confused. "What do you mean sweetheart?" Lalena asked. The little girl uncovered her face and Lalena gasped. The little girl then said, "What I'm saying is....Will you play with me?" Lalena jumped back, she drew the knife out and demanded answers from the little girl. "Who are you?" She asked. "I'm Brenda....Brenda Young....I was killed and raped by my uncle Ernie." The little girl answered. Lalena lowered her guard down, "You're uncle....He...he...raped and killed you?" She inquired. "Yes, he came over to visit and came into my room where he made me touch him...I didn't want to but he said it was all part of the game." Lalena looked over at her, "So....You were molested? God, fuck! That's awful!" She said. Brenda glared at her, "Watch your tongue, Missy!" She scolded firmly. "I am not Missy, I got a name. I'm Lalena." Lalena said. Then, a voice spoke up: "There is no TIME to sleep or awake, it doesn't matter anyway." Lalena and Brenda turned to see a young woman with brown messy hair and a clock in her eye. "Fuck! What happened to your eye?" Lalena gasped. "Oh, it's a makeover I gave to myself. Do you like it?" The girl replied. "You did that?" Sally said, "Did it hurt?" The girl shook her head, "Not much. Pain doesn't matter to me. There is no time for pain, I know that time is not fast or slow. Nobody can control time, and yours is up." She said. She took her two knives and lunged at Brenda. Lalena clashes with the girl with clock in her eye as she said, "Listen here you bitch! I won't let you kill the little girl. I don't want you to go to sleep, you need to be awake so I can find out your name." The girl said, "I'm Amy. Your time is up, little girl!" Lalena gritted her teeth, "I think it's time you know my name, Amy! I'm Lalena, SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BACK OFF!!!!" Amy did so and looked at Lalena for a moment. "Hmm, perhaps your time isn't up Lalena and neither is the girl. I feel we need to converse some more, shall we?" She suggested. And so, these three begin a conversation and talked about their lives: Lalena told Amy and Brenda about her past, how a bastard murdered her family and how she became on who she is today. Brenda told the horrible abuse of her uncle, his murder, and how she was revived because of her revenge against her Uncle Ernie. And finally, Amy told of her abusive father. Her teachers, her boyfriend, her drawings, and her insanity that caused her to kill her family. She even mentions the killings at the mental hospital. Lalena fumbled with her drink, "So you were in a mental hospital, you killed the doctors and your family...Sounds like this bastard is bad news but then again, the abusive father and the oppressive teachers is enough to push you....And you were molested by your uncle once. He knew you told your mommy and he raped and killed you....And here you are back from the dead.....Then, I believe we can come to an understanding, can we?" She said. "I believe there is still TIME to do so. I mean, I heard the asshole might as well as team up with people like all the others out there." Lalena made her teeth clenched, "I think we need more suffering girls like us. I heard he's back and he's not dead. It's funny, I thought he'd be dead by now since I killed him but he can't die and neither can us girls." She said. "We need more girls to PLAY with us. It can't be us three, right?" Brenda said. "I think I know other girls in the area." Amy remarked. "What kind of alliance is this guy conspiring with?" Brenda questioned. "As I stated; so many racists and sexists as well as people who are phobias against others." explained Amy. "He sure is making himself big, well screw him! We have to find him." Lalena said, crushing the cup in her bare hands. Brenda was nervous but she said, "Let's just find our lovely ladies of darkness. Then we can have our little fun, right?" Lalena and Amy looked at her, then at each other before smiling. And so, the three dark hearted women set out on a quest to find more girls out there!

Sidney felt as if she had been violated: She had never been betrayed or so violated in all her life. The guy who considered her a friend and all but all he did was 'fix' her but now she has nothing left to give. She lost her foster family, her biological parents....she couldn't know if they abandoned her. Was he was lying or telling the truth? Poor Sidney, why did this guy leave her in the dust of all she wandered? She had no place to go, she can only roam down these halls with toy like appendages to her but she took some destructive toys from that madman before he left her. That bastard was gone, last she heard that he was being recruited by the man of hatred. This made her sad and broken. It was then Sidney came across an alley as two thugs confronted her. "Hey there Raggedy Ann, where you going?" One of them called out. Sidney froze, she turned to see them. There was one guy who wore a beanie hat and the other wore a backwards cap. Sidney felt fear in her eyes but try to be brave as she spoke, "Please...Leave me be." The two thugs laughed, "Get over here you little bitch! Don't you dare try to fuck with us!" The second guy said. Sidney was terrified, she had her weapons with her and decide it would be a good time to use it on them but she didn't need to as the two thugs were apprehended. They had knives stabbing them in the back. They turned around where they saw a girl in black, another one, and a giggling little girl. "Don't go to sleep, you won't wake up...Oh wait, too bad. You are." said the girl in black. The giggly little girl responds, "Guess you're not playing the game right, boys." And the next girl agreed: "You're time is up." And with one slashed, the thugs were dead as the girls were covered in blood. Sidney was relieved that she was safe but the other part of her was scared as she backed away. The girl in black outstretch her hand, "Don't be scared. My name is Lalena. I won't hurt you; I think you don't have a place to go, right?" She asked. Sidney nodded, the giggly girl smiled: "Would you like to come with us? We could use you, what's your name?" She said. Sidney answers, "I'm Sidney. Just Sidney...." She said. The little girl introduced herself, "I'm Brenda and this girl next to me is Amy." Sidney smiled, "Will you keep me safe?" She asked. Lalena nodded, "Of course. I would never want anyone to tell you to go to sleep. You need to be awake to join our little army. It would be a shame to let you wonder here." She said. Sidney had the deadly toys in her bags slung over her shoulder and followed the three girls. Darla Wandal terrorize people but it's not her fault. The cruel people that took her life and her little brother once more. It hurt her so much that it left her to tears as she thought about her brother: "Oh my brother, I miss you so much..." She wept. It was then a smiling dog attacked Darla but she immediately dodged it until she was grabbed in as she was saved by Lalena, Brenda, Amy, and Sidney that took Darla with them. Darla was safe, for now, as she saw the smiling dog went away! In the meantime; there she was with her medical tools while the laced surgical mask over her nose and mouth while she wore a darker nurse outfit. This woman was nothing out of the ordinary, this was a nurse all right but no ordinary nurse...Nurse Rosetta. Nurse Rosetta looked mysterious, but her legs look nice, her nurse outfit was black with a red cross over her skirt of the dress she wore, white tights, and a matching part of the mask. The entire attire had the hem along around with a lace trim, Nurse Rosetta's wild eyes are focused as she did her work as promised. It wasn't until she turned her head and saw a beast. It was skinny-looking, it's claws resembled like rakes. Its feet had sharp toenails and this monster looked under nourished. Nurse Rosetta took her syringe, she calmly took her ax as the creature inch closer to her. Nurse Rosetta waited for the right moment to strike, she waited. And waited. The creature was getting close, raising its arms up to take her down, Nurse Rosetta hid the ax and she took her syringe. She turned to face the creature in front of her! Nurse Rosetta looked over at the creature and said, "My, my. You look like you haven't eaten in days....You're body looks like you've been hit by a car, are you perhaps lost poor thing?" She was trying to be casual with the creature. The creature looked at the nurse, it stared. Nurse Rosetta did not shuddered and did not show fear. She held the syringe, "Perhaps I can cure you." Her legs up close had stitches as she looked like she's been patched up together and she took out the ax, which was not an ax however it was a chainsaw! She turned it on and lunged at the creature, which dodged it with ease. Nurse Rosetta saw in the moonlight of what the creature was, she tilted her head as she asked: "Do tell. Are you what they fear the most?" The monster let out a growl-like roar and attacked again but Nurse Rosetta used her chainsaw to block the attack as she clashed with the monster and want to cut it up into itty-bitty little pieces. Nurse Rosetta tries to swing it at the monster again! She tries to but this monster was too strong. She moaned and groaned, she yelped and sighed. She did not hesitate to take another one at him and was angry at the fact that the monster was not giving up without a fight! This drove Nurse Rosetta insane, which was funny because of the fact that she is crazy but this was ridiculous! She couldn't take down the monster. The monster heard a noise and left the room but he had a few cuts upon his skin. Nurse Rosetta watched it go and turned as she prepared her weapon. "Who goes there?!" She called. Lalena appeared, "My goodness. What a powerful weapon you have in your hand there, Nurse." She said. Nurse Rosetta lowered her weapon, "I suppose you are Lalena correct?" asked the nurse. "Of course. I am Lalena." Lalena replied. "I see, and what bring you hear ‘La-La’? Come to chop me up into little bits like I haven't had enough!?" snapped the nurse. "No, you psycho bitch. I came to recruit you, the least you could do is just accept my proposal." Lalena snapped. "Do you have anyone to join your little shenanigans?" Nurse Rosetta asked. "She does." A voice said, in walk in Amy. Amy stood there, pointing to her eye where the tick tock was! "You see, Nurse, you don't have much time left. Our time is up, the war is about to begin." Amy said. "You shouldn't be here alone." Darla said, as she appeared before her. "We have a game to play...." Sidney said, ".....To have some creeps to TOY around with...." Brenda also approached, "And you should PLAY THE GAME." She added. "And you really don't want to go to sleep. You won't wake up, hatred of racists and others is coming and I'm here to recruit you, you are strong. Crazy with that chainsaw so be careful who you swing it at. But best not you forget who you're dealing with." Lalena finished. Nurse Rosetta looked at Lalena and the others, "Hmm....I feel you all will bring me joy from all of this." She said with a smile. Alas, she accepted. As all of the creepy girls walked out; Lalena looked at Amy: "Well Amy, where to next?" She asked. Amy looked at the list, "Hmm...Let's see, I heard there's a lot. Do we need all of them?" said Amy. Lalena's face looks determined, "We need all of them. We need to work together and take them all down." She confirmed.

Harvey and Bob were close as well as best friends. They played soccer together. They went to classes together. They partied together. They shared their lives with each other. But there is one thing Harvey held back from Bob and that was his personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Although Harvey had every opportunity to tell Bob about Jesus--he didn’t. Kelly brought it up and Harvey laughed it off. Coach Addison brought it up and Harvey changed the subject. However at a party one night, Bob was having a few too many beers that lead to a tragic drive home which resulted in a crash and Bob died. Krystal, Harvey and many others attended the funeral. Since Bob's death, Krystal didn't see much of Harvey and when she did, he looked tormented as he was in anguish and crying while praying. She catches him muttering the words: "I should've told you about Jesus, I'm so sorry." Krystal was confused, she never understood the religion. But it wasn't until one night; Krystal had a dream that changed everything: She saw in her dream that a mysterious woman name Angela came to her. She said, "Krystal, can I show you something?" Krystal was confused, "What is it?" She asked. Angela takes her arm and says, "Come, I want to show you what happened to Bob." She leads her to a wall and there were visions in some sort of watery substance of a portal. Krystal looked through it and was shocked to see: She saw Bob as he was dead but there he was just standing in line, getting registered into Heaven. They asked his for his name and began to look in the Book of Life. But they couldn’t find it and this huge angel standing next to him grabbed Josh by the arm and started dragging him away. Bob had no idea what was going on. He asked the angel where he was taking him, but he didn’t answer. So Bob asked him again. Finally, he told Bob that only those, whose names were written in the Book of Life, could enter into Heaven and the rest would be condemned to Hell forever. “No.” murmured Krystal, she was terrified. She continued to watch as the angel threw Bob into some kind of holding cell. He's been there for awhile about Harvey. Bob could feel his heart pounding in his chest, he learnt the angels are to cast him into hell. He could hear their footsteps coming down the hallway. The angels are at the door. They’re coming in and they’re pointing at Bob who begs and pleads for mercy. They’re grabbing him and carrying him out of the room. Bob felt his eyes bulging as he already can smell the burning sulfur and brimstone. He can see the edge of the cliff where Hell burns. The angels brought him closer as his heart is bursting with fear. They’re holding him over the flames, Bob is damned forever. They are throwing him in the fiery painful place called Hell. The Lake of Fire. "WHY HARVEY?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT GOD?! ABOUT JESUS?! I AM WITHOUT HOPE!!" Krystal screamed in terror by this, “NO, BOB!!!! BOB!!!!” The liquid of the portal faded as Krystal was a heaving mess and begin to cry, Angela watched her as she put a hand on her shoulder. “Why? Why did God make a place like this?” demanded Krystal. Angela looked remorseful, “It’s the way things are.” She said. “Why did you show me that place? What was the point? Are you tormenting me like you did to Harvey?” Krystal asked angrily. Angela shook her head, “I am no demon, nor an angel. You see, I am what you call a Grigori. Bob is in Hell because Harvey never told him about the King of Kings.” She replied. Krystal shook her head, “You’re saying it’s Bob’s fault because Bob is in Hell? That’s bull!” She snapped. Angela was gentle in her response. “Sweetie, I am not blaming him however this is the only one to know the consequences and you can save them both. I’ll help you out, my dear. I have given you a mission. Please, help people—there are monsters out there. Only you can stop them.” She explained. She explains about God’s love and mercy if only asked. When Krustal woke up; she begin praying out a prayer, “Dear Lord, I'm a sinner. I have been doing lots of evil things before you and I'm sorry for all the sins I have done. I repent sincerely with my heart, God. Please, forgive me and cleanse me from sinful ways and deed before you. I bow humbly at your feet and ask for you to save me from the depths of Hell. Clean me with your precious blood that you shared on the cross and wash it all way. Give me the Holy Spirit to guide me, lead me each day I live. You are my Savior, I worship you my King.” After she was done; Krystal found a letter on the ground and picked it up, it read: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. God will always be there for you to run to him and he loves you with a burning passion. At times, you will feel lonely, but you’re not. God will guide your path, enlighten your days and give you refuge. His word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. God will always be waiting for you to come back to him. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.” Krystal smiled at this as she knew about God’s love has helped her through these dark times. While lying in her bed; Krystal remembered that during her change phase into a Christian; she recalled a friend of hers, who was also a Christian, name Ligeia Rowen had did a report on Annie Bernard. Annie Bernard was one of the victims of a high school massacre, who was reportedly asked by one of the perpetrators of the tragedy if she believed in God, and after answering 'yes' was subsequently shot. By answering 'no' she would live and be safe. Answering ‘yes’ would mean she stood up for what she believe in, paying the ultimate price with her life. Annie was asked if she believed in god. By saying ‘yes’ she would be shot...Annie said yes. In the months following Annie’s death, her mother released the book “Angel: The Implausible Martyrdom of Annie Bernard.” In this book Annie’s mother describes her daughter’s tumultuous teenage life, spiritual conversion and martyrdom. After Annie’s story came out, many people were touched and gathered to remember her and other victims of the massacre in vigils. It leave everyone into question: How many people would say ‘yes’ for their religion? How many people will die? Given the same choice as Annie, Ligeia would stand up for her faith as she did. One day a witness spoke up, where she was hiding under the same table as Annie, the truth was one of the killers said “peek-a-boo” before shooting Annie, who continued to pray silently. Later on, it actually wasn’t Annie who was asked this question, but instead several others, including a survivor. Annie’s parents had put in her name to get money from media – which they did. Horrified; Ligeia realized her mistake and was afraid to see as a falsifier as guilty came over her. One day; she came to Krystal with scars on her wrists because she cuts herself. Ligeia is having suicidal thoughts and she feels that her only escape is death. She was thinking of suicide, and came to say goodbye to the one she loves. She tries to cover her feelings saying that she is okay. Her parents blame her all the time for everything that is wrong in her life. Krystal knows the real her, she knows her even more than her parents do. Ligeia is just tired of people saying that it is just a phase and that it won’t last long when she suffers so much that she wants to end her life in order to escape her feelings. Krystal will always be there for Ligeia, she loves her. Krystal wants her to understand that she will always be there for her, and will never leave her alone. Krystal loves her and will always be there for her. She’ll be her reason to stay alive. Krystal won’t let her kill herself – she won’t let her give up. She didn’t notice that a kind woman name Eartha D'Angelo watched her and smiled. Krystal is obviously are not an Atheist, and Eartha really hope that as her life goes on, she can open up her mind to more possibilities than those she chooses to unconditionally accept. Most importantly, she should try not to push her beliefs on other people and let them make decisions for themselves. Staring wistfully with a smile of hope on her face; Krystal was singing to herself: “Come let us sing to the Lord; let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and raise a loud shout to him with pslams. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.....Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind, but now, I see. T'was Grace that taught...my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear...the hour I first believed.” She danced around while singing another song but was different: “I, I'll get by. I, I'll survive. When the world's crashing down, when I fall and hit the ground; I will turn myself around, don't you try to stop me. I, I won't cry.” Gloria knew deep in her heart that things will get better soon. Meanwhile; there was a post that looked familiar and was written familiar, referencing the things that were written by Carmen Raymondo and her anti-racism group: “Our world is fallen, many tragedies have happened and all everyone cares about is the election of a king. A king who brought back the anti orientation, anti Semetic and other things. For this soon to be king is nothing more than a bully. But people love him for his ideals and that is what sickens me the most. People fought hard in these states but if this king is voted; chaos would ensued. My mother fears this and she said that if this bullying, monstrous king is voted; she wants to move out. The king I mention has a lot of money and could be getting his people to get others to vote for him the highest bid. It could be a conspiracy theory as we know but people don't care--And they don't care what people have to say because this man is nothing more than a narcissist who eats away at his own kind for seeing their flaws. And people think it's OK. Somebody needs to take a stand against this man however people cannot for this guy seems to be untouchable. They think it is acceptable, someone must take a stand and I hope this so called king will not be voted, he will cause chaos and it ensues with things that are now free to please are now becoming like the past: Segregation, the queer with sexual orientation, and all else. He is trying to resurface all this and people think it's OK? I do not agree for people need to take a stand, they need to bring this bully down but nobody is doing a damn think about it. That braggart aborigine, he's ruining everything for our future and nobody cares. Where is the Justice? People don't care, do they? But I ask you, where is the justice? I lost all faith in humanity. Because our world has fallen...Our way of life is dying....Nobody cares, it's this bully, this one who thinks he'll be king and if he does, he will cause chaos. An anti Semetic, segregation of colors, and the bashing to the sexual orientation. He is the plague to our society among the politics. Now I will look at the politics as nothing more than a joke. A merely and ridiculous joke. Are people born insane? Or do they have madness thrust upon them? After all, the insane ones had a father. A mother, as so many do...And the one to speak her name is a mystery. We have ended racism, discrimination and everything. But we have so much more work to do, don’t we?” Just then, a choir of girls were heard singing a familiar tune: “Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try. No hell below us, above us only sky. Imagine all the people living for today....Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people living life in peace....” It seems the influence Lalena and her sisters have on them had come from Mina Fury, Ms. Fury herself who is guaranteed to run this town! But not for long, as Lalena believed. 

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