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Friday, March 11, 2016

We Don't Deserve This, We Didn't Do Anything Wrong (Dark Anime Crossover)

Another fanfiction but much more darker...Did they do anything wrong? Was it really worth it? What really happened? How did Eren, Ken, Ganta, and Shinichi all meet? And top of all that, there are more out there and there is a threat out there waiting to happen....Will they survive? Find out! --KatDon

There seem to be a disturbance coming from outside the walls so the Survey Corps decide to find out as they used their Maneuver Gear to investigate. It was then Eren Jaeger discovered an outsider that wasn't from this world. He had white hair like ivory, he wore black, and a mask. Surely, this was something that Eren had never seen before! "Who the hell is this guy?" Eren wondered. He went down there to confront the guy, ignoring the squad calling out to him. He had to know who this person was and where did he come! Eren had his blades ready as he faced the person. "HEY!!!! HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, ARE YOU A TITAN OR SOMETHING?!" cried Eren. The white haired guy didn't answer, he looked like he was in his late teens, maybe older than Eren but he looked younger. Although by his serious looks, he seemed to be mature. "Who are you?" Eren asked. Still no answer. The young man with the white hair stopped and looked around, "I don't think this is my world, isn't it?" He asked. "No, it isn't. Where did you come from?" Eren said. "I'm Kaneki. Ken Kaneki. I don't know who you are but you're in my way." Ken said, he unleashed his kagune. Eren was horrified by this sight as he defended himself against Kaneki and his kagune! As it seemed, Eren knew that this Kaneki guy was pretty strong! But he wasn't going to give up without a fight! He clashed with Kaneki as everyone of the Survey Corps cried out for Eren's name. However Kaneki managed to strike a hit on Eren, giving him a bleeding cut and Eren felt some sort of flash as he screamed. Ken watched as he backed away to see this soldier of a boy has turned into a giant. A raging, malicious and psychotically vengeful Titan. Kaneki tried to fight back against Titan Eren but yet, it was hopeless! He used his kagune with all his might however the roaring Eren did not cease and defeated Kaneki. Kaneki was alive but he was injured. The only way he could heal is that he must eat....He then grabbed onto the skin of the Titan and chomped at it. Titan Eren cried out in pain as he smashed Kaneki all around and finally managed to get him off his leg. Kaneki licked his lips, "You know....For a monster, you taste pretty good...A bit strong but really good." He noted. He managed to escape into some iridescent light as Titan Eren followed! Everyone was blinded by the light, they were shocked to see that they were both gone and wondered where they had gone. Mikasa and Armin were concern for wherever Eren might be!

Meanwhile....Yuu & Mika were facing off against the monsters known as Four Horsemen of John, they were clashing with it as the monster was attacking but Yuu and Mika dodged it. Yu had his weapon, which was a Cursed Sword, as he used it to take on the beast! The beast managed to get the upper hand as he took down Yuu, who went down tumbling. In retaliation; Mika try to assault the monster! But he was knocked backwards right next to Yuu, they both looked like they were about to be beaten until someone step in and punched the monster back! But this someone was a human. This incredulous Yu and Mika as they watched in disbelief at the sight of a human but he wasn't an ordinary person at all! "Who was that, Yuu?" Mika asked. "I don't know!" replied Yuu. They watched as a boy who looked to be 16 to 17 was fast as he used his skills and his hand became a weapon out of a muscular-like transformation. There was an eye on it, Yuu and Mika were taken aback by it! "Shinichi! I believe we have witnesses in the battlefield!" A voice said, coming from the hand on the right. Yuu freaked out: "The hand! His hand talked!" He cried. The hand came to life but the boy scolds at it, "Migi! Not now! We don't have time!" Yu called out, "Hey! Did your hand just talk?" The boy looked back with a calm, blank expression. "Yes. You never seen a Parasyte before?" He said. Yu looked perplexed, "What's a Parasyte?" He asked. "I don't think you would understand what it is." Shinichi said. The right hand showed two eyes and a mouth, "It appears that you two are different species...One is human and another has some sort of supernatural tendency over them." It said. Yuu trembled, "Is that what you call a Parasyte?" He asked. "Uh, yeah....I call him Migi. I'm Shinichi Izumi." Shinichi said. "Uh, I'm Yuuchiro Hyakuya and this is my friend, Mikaela."  Yuu replied. Mika then spoke out: "Behind you!!!!" He cried out. However Shinchi already knew because he took on the Four Horsemen of John with his power and his Parasyte sidekick! Yuu and Mika helped out the strange guy by working together with him. It wasn't going to be easy dealing with this guy and the fact that his arm was alive! However, all three--with the inclusion of Migi involved! Once the battle was over; Shinichi seemed calm and not so exhausted. Yuu was amazed as he try to catch his breath. "How....can you...be so...calm....?" He gasped. Shinichi looked at him, "I'm not human as I used to be." He said. Mika glared at him, "Are you a bloodsucker like me?" He demanded. Migi appeared, "A bloodsucker?" He asked. Yuu looked at the thing with disbelief, "You're little friend doesn't know what a vampire is?" He asked. "Apparently not, but he is by far a fast learner. Maybe you can explain it to him but for now, let's find some place out of here." Shinichi explained. Just then, there was a bright iridescent light that blinded almost Shinichi, Yuu, and Mika. What happened next is something they will never forget! Eren and Kaneki woke up in a desolation place of building and monsters all around when they came across a boy with spikey hair who looked normal however he had a calm persona and a hand that comes to life. There was a boy one year old than Eren, he had dark hair with a black and green uniform with gloves and white gloves! There was also a blond haired guy about the same age as the boy. The blond haired guy wore white as he has eyes that turned red and he looked rather ruthless. Eren was shocked as well as Kaneki, they couldn't believe it. Shinichi glanced down at the two,  "Who are you?" He asked. Eren sprung to his feet, "Wha--Wha--What is this?" He stammered. Kaneki also stand a little cautiously as he was injured by the fact on the battlefield! Yuu was surprised, "Who are these guys? How did they get here?" He asked. However, there was trouble as giants, humans who turned out to be body snatching enemies, abominations, and human eating monsters. The others had no choice but to team up with one another in this fight. Eren, Ken, Shinichi, Yuu, and Mika were fighting against Titans, the Four Horsemen of John, ghouls, and other Parasytes. But things were going downhill for them. Eren try to fight but he was weak from his battle against Kaneki as his nose was bleeding. Yuu and Mika were injured slightly but it left them shaken. Only Ken and Shinichi is fending against the enemies in front of them! It was then someone came into the picture, He shot the monsters down with his blood like a gun weapon, he stood there as the others is stunned by this guy, they had no idea where the heck he came from! Blood swarmed in his hand as he was ready for another blow to the opponents. "How did you do that?" Eren said. The boy turned around, he looked to be about 14 years old and he was a bit pale around the edges but he wasn't going to back down now! He had a fight to win. "I'll explain later...Right now, I like to say that I'm Ganta Igarashi....And I...I am a Deadman!" And so; Eren, Ken, Shinichi, Ganta, Yuu, and Mika fought together with one thing in common: All of them are faced with monsters, all of them didn't do anything wrong to deserve such something horrible, and also they have a purpose to live in life. But by their new freakish powers that are a curse of amazing gift that can be sometimes be a terror no one would ever forget! Eren--Titan. Kaneki--Ghoul. Shinichi--Parasyte. Ganta--Deadman. Yuu--Human or better yet, Seraph. And last but not least is Mika--Vampire. 

Eren, Ken, Shinichi, Ganta, Yuu, and Mika were sitting around as Migi was there. "I see..." He said, he looked at Eren. "Your hometown was attacked by a giant called a Titan. You lost your mother who was eaten by one of them. And now you are a Titan yourself since your father gave you the serum." Migi glanced over at Kaneki and said, "And you were once human while on a date with a girl who turned out to be a creature known as a Ghoul. But you didn't want to be one. However, despite that, you were kidnapped and tortured so much that it left you with different proportions and made you into what you currently are." Migi then let his eyes looked at Ganta, "You apparently were framed for murder on your classmates and became someone known as a 'Dead Man'." He then glance over at Yuu, "As well as yourself...Your mother had committed suicide, your father wanted to kill you because he thought you were a demon. You ended up in an orphanage, and there was an outbreak that killed humanity...Almost. As a result, you watched your family of other children were killed by a family." Last but not least, Migi glances over at Mika as he then says, "And you, you became a vampire but you have a hatred equally to humans and vampires alike. I see, I believe it is something each and every one of you have in common. You should know..." He gestured to Shinichi, "...he himself went through a tragedy. His mother was killed, one of my kind took over her body and killed him. But luckily, I saved Shinichi and that is why he is somehow different after I merged with him." explained Migi. Shinichi glanced over at his partner, "Migi, you know I'm here. I could've told them that." He said. "I'm aware of that but if you told them, I was concern you would break down and clutched at your chest." Migi pointed out. Shinichi sighed, "So you see. I guess we can find a middle ground." He said. "I don't know." Ganta said, "I mean....It's not like I want a pity party." Kaneki looked down, "Neither of us. But it could work." He replied. "But what makes you think we'll work with you?" Eren said. "Because all of you know is that we're here and we don't know why so we need to find out why," Shinichi pointed out. It seemed that they had no choice but to do so however he would like to know that had to find people just like them.

Dark hair long and flowing. Her eyes were dark as she wore a white attire with black accenting the outfit and had a black ribbon on her shirt. She had a dark expression on her face, she covered her emotions but she replays the story of her life about a thousand times more. But she will stop at nothing until she protect the person she swore to protect! Her name is Homura Akemi, there she was facing the monsters in her path and she was looking around as she turned around. Meanwhile; he searched for her in the dreams he has, she was gone but he didn't want to be accuse of what happened to her. He walked around as he shivered in the cold, while wearing his coat. He knew that he had to know the truth. She wasn't dead, she could be still out there. It's this gift of 'Revival' that made him to return to the past and it drives his crazy. He was losing his memories since he was in this coma, this gift had done this to him and is unaware of the identity of the murderer to her. He was Satoru Fujinuma, he was a manga artist with a complex of memories flowing in his mind. In the meantime; he knew he was different, he had been through the horrible torture of his past. How he saw a monster and what he is now. He wasn't the same again, his best friend Kaito was the only friend but he turned out to be a traitor to him. It was painful for what he's been through. His name is Kei and he is a demi human. There she was, Saya is constantly attacked by the Furukimono and she fights them with the understanding that she is doing what her mother had done before she died. However, as time passes Saya is no longer sure of her duties and even her identity. At one point she realizes that she cannot remember her mother's face, appearance, or even her name. She was captured some time prior to the start of the series and kept in an experiment conducted by Fumito. The purpose was to see if she would revert to her old self or remained in the false persona she was living in after her memories was erased. After this revelation and failing to stop the Furukimono from killing everyone, Saya pursued Fumito after killing the last Furukimono. She was shot in the head by Fumito and remained in a river bank, recovering from her injuries while accepting everything that happened. That's what she's been through while she focused on what happens next. It was then, their paths crossed where Homura was confronted by Saya, whom the latter was faced to face with Kei. And Satoru was in the middle of all this. "Who the hell is this guy?" Homura wondered. She went down there to confront the guy, she looked at him dead in the eye and demanded. "I'm Kei."  Kei replied, glaring back at her. His demi-human activates as the monsters, destroying them. "How did you do that?" Satoru said in surprise. "I'll explain later...Right now, let's take on this monsters!" Homura declared. 

It was at that moment, a bright iridescent light that blinded almost the others. Eren, Kaneki, Shinichi, Yuu, and Mika & Ganta came onto the battlefield to assist Homura, Satoru, Kei, and Saya in the battlefield of curiosity from Migi. It was finally then after the battle when Homura, Saya, Satoru, and Kei were sitting around as Migi was there. "Now that we're all gather, I believe I have new information..." He said, he looked around as he started: "Back in the original timeline, it was Madoka who saved her from being killed by a witch. When Walpurgisnacht came you saw Madoka die, and this was what pushed you to make a contract with Kyubey. You returned in time, but no matter how many times you tried, the events conspired against you to make you see Madoka die again and again and again. The trauma you carried on your back is beyond what a normal human could endure. That is all I know from yours, Lady Homura." Migi said to her. He turned to Satoru and mentions his past life: "You were a boy when you knew about the murdered or perhaps missing girl, you possessed an ability that you call "Revival", which would bring you back to a time before a life-threatening incident would occur and allow you to prevent it. But this coma you were in was resulted in the loss of your memories of the ordeal, especially the real kidnapper and murderer's identity." Migi then turned to Kei and said, "You who were experimented on, you actually saved one of the doctors who experimented on you, your own sister doesn't think good of you as she thinks you are more to do with his self-value. And betrayed by a friend you once held dear." He then turned to Saya, while he noted: "And you yourself miss was tortured and your deceased mother...You forgot her, resulting in amnesia. But it wasn't just that.... you do not hunt her own kind for any honorable, heroic or moral reasons.The only reason that you hunt them at all is only due to an unknown pact made long ago that forbids you from killing or devouring humans. If you could, you would have no quarrel with your kind." He then gestured towards everyone as he comes to a conclusion: "Perhaps all of you people have one thing is common. What could it be?" Migi asked. It was all silent until Ganta spoke up, "We....we don't deserve this bullshit, we didn't do anything wrong and this is the THANKS WE GET?! SOME PEOPLE LOVE PUNISHING US, DON'T THEY?!" It was something painful that stung them all emotionally: The Titans destroying everything, taking human lives, and Eren witnessing death, destruction, pain and betrayal. Kaneki was just a cruel play thing as he became something more different. The same goes for Shinichi but both of them had went through losses themselves. The result of their families in great death had pained both boys, Yu and Mika, as they felt it was their fault. Ganta being accused of murdered. All of them do have something in common: They were just normal people at the beginning that suffered tragedy brought upon them and changes made them into who they were today. 

Thinking to himself in his own thoughts; Eren knew there were allies with him and he thought about his goals: "I'm sick of rotating around day after day, I want my soul to fly free–even if that involves becoming broken. It's like we live in a cage....we're like sheep or cattle behind these walls. But then, just like what happened, it all change. A Titan came and opened a hole in the Walls, all Titans came and destroyed everything! Mikasa and I ran, I told myself that my house was OK. Everything was in one piece, but as I turned, it was in pieces. Mom was being crushed, she told us to get out of here but she was my mom. I couldn't leave her to die at the hands of the Titans. But as we were lead away, I watched helplessly as my own mother was eaten by a Titan. I couldn't believe what I saw. How...? Why was this happening? I'll never go home again, it's all gone forever. Why did I have to disobey my mother? I never got to say 'I love you' to her....I remember her last words were, "I love you, do you hear me? Stay alive!" Mom....It's all my fault. Why do we have to be such a damn coward? Is it because we're humans? No, I won't let them get away with this! I'm going to stop them all! I'LL KILL EVER LAST ONE OF THEM!!!!! I may be broken from all this tragedy but I will join the Survey Corps Scouts! Armin and Mikasa are coming along, I never ask them to but they insist. Armin isn't joining because of me, he was always bullied when he when were kids but he's not afraid. He's brave just as I am. Even Mikasa, she's always looking out for me. When a battle looms, it makes victims of both humanity and those stupid Titans. No one is exempt. Diverse as we are, we are at war. Anything can happen in war, but no matter what, you have to always keep on fighting and persevere. Wars test people’s character. The stronger survives while the weaker falls, and usually the good guys always fall victim to the Titans. The winds of the strength of these monsters may sway him from side to side but I will stand my ground. I’ll never give up. We're all fighting back to reclaim a better society. In a dark world as this, I still believes in the existence of the light. A new hope. In a war manifested world, I still believe in reclaiming humanity from the Titans. If we fought hard and win, we have a whole new world right outside these walls. This world is cruel, isn't it? I knew I could hear myself thinking: Do you feel like you aren’t enough on your own to accomplish anything? Don't be afraid to take risks, sometimes in life you don’t feel great. You lack confidence and self esteem. Quit your hesitation and say what has to be said, and do what has to be done. You’re always more cruel than you think. With all these monsters roaming around. Stand up and make a difference, just be strong and live on. You learn an build upon failures to grow as a person. Yes, that's what I'm going to do! I want to see and understand the world outside. I don't want to die inside these Walls without knowing what's out there! I put down some dangerous animals. Animals that just happened to look like people. Humanity will feast on the Titans. I will do everything in my power... To make your deaths as excruciating as possible. Yeah, I will. I'll exterminate every last one of them. As if I'll give up! I'll exterminate you, every single one of you! Me! With these very hands!" 

Alone in his own thoughts; Kaneki recalled Yamori as he had a message for him if that bastard still haunts him: "Yamori....I want some things to say to you.....I don’t want to be rude and go against you, but at the same time, I don't want to rely on you or my mind might get violated like you did to me with your torture methods.  You are a selfish bastard who eats the flesh of your own kind of Ghouls. I'm not going to stop making passive acts and modify my life. There are  hopelessness of life. Sometimes it happens, nothing in life you do not go out, everything annoys you!  There are plenty of obstacles in my life, slowly appearing, making it more painful.  I don’t have the ability to think straight any longer, but I won’t stop living.  This could be how I feels about you, how I've been violated and how a part of me is being taken away and I don't know who or what it is.  I want to stop my suffering, whether it be physical or psychological or emotional.  I try to sleep on my problems of being a Ghoul and hope things get better the next day.  I suffer from this new life of being a Ghoul — I have people that cares about me, only thing I want is to be a normal person but it wasn't happening to me. Then, the wards that want to be normal just I am. You don't understand, you were a sadist however you inspired me. I won't be like you, you will never hurt me again or anyone else. I will never forget what you done but I will use this against enemies like you. What I'm trying to say is that it was you that made me into what I am today......Yes, it was you......"

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