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Friday, March 11, 2016

The Murderous Family--A CreepyPasta Story

OK...I know some of you guys out there are fans of Creepypasta so I had created this story on my Quotev account. Please read this story and enjoy! On my story, I'm getting a lot of views and comments on it. Good comments, rest assure. But everyone has a different opinion so what do you guys think? Thoughts? Thanks. --KatDon 

They say that kids are cruel but sometimes bullying can be taken too far. But it's not the kids, some parents can be so abusive it is revolting how much pain that they can make a child suffer and don't give a damn about how they feel! But there is a curse amongst the people in South Florida. Florida is a hot, hot, hot place because of the unbeatable heat! But it's also full of the most superficial bastards who pretend to be your friend and stab you in the back. There was one girl who suffered so much and nobody helped her so now there is a curse place upon the people in Florida! How did all begin? Where did it all started? There once was a bullied girl by the name of Gloria Tomkins. It all started with her mother Ursula began taking her anger out on Gloria, beating them with paddles. Ursula soon focused her abuse exclusively on Gloria, accusing her of stealing candy that she had bought from a grocery store, and humiliating her when she admitted that she once had a boyfriend. Ursula encouraged a girl name Miranda and other neighborhood children to torment Gloria, including, among other things, extinguishing cigarettes on her skin, beating her, tying her up, burning her with scalding water, rubbing salt in her wounds, and leave her.  She was locked in the cellar and forbidden leave the house. Gloria attempted to escape the night after overhearing Ursula's plan to blindfold and dump her in a wooded area nearby, but as she reached the front door, Ursula caught her and punished her by tying her up in the basement and giving her only crackers to eat. There was so many multiple beatings, burning marks on her, and scalding baths. For years, Ursula abused and tortured Gloria in various ways including burning them with cigarettes, throwing knives at her, forced feedings and beatings. She made her daughter hold her down while she beat and tortured her. In one instance, she held a pistol to Gloria's head and threatened to kill her. Ursula primarily focused her anger and abuse on Gloria. Her mother resented Gloria, which she was maturing and blossoming into an attractive young woman while she faced the prospect of growing old and losing her looks. Ursula also believed that her husband--who had abandoned her--had turned Gloria into a witch. Because of this belief, Gloria received the worst of Ursula's abuse. One night when Gloria came home; Ursula blamed Gloria for everything and she sold her to an experimental lab who were cruel and merciless bastards. All of a sudden; Gloria was fertilized as she gave birth to five daughters. But her daughters were taken from her and she was devastated. But then, she was given terrifying powers that left her thin as she begins to feel much more dark. After she got out; Gloria was a suicidal, depressed, misunderstood, tragic, abused and tortured girl who only wanted empathy and love. She use to feel lost, and does not know which path to go, there’s nothing that anyone could do for her. It seems that every day there’s a new reason to cry about, and eventually the problems stack so high that Gloria can’t take it anymore. Gloria had befriends Miranda and her friends however they betray her. One day during a drill; her so-called friends moved over to where Gloria was standing, near a drain, and begin to crowd the poor girl, getting in her face and nudging her towards the open manhole. They pushed her and she tripped over and fell head-first down the manhole. When they saw her falling, the girls started giggling and when Gloria's name was called out, they shouted "She’s down in the sewer!" All of the other students began laughing. But when the teachers looked down the manhole and saw Gloria's body lying at the bottom in the muck, the laughter abruptly stopped. Her head was twisted around at an odd angle and her face was covered in blood. Worse still, she wasn’t moving. There was nothing any of the teachers could do for her. Gloria was dead. When the police arrived and went down into the sewer, they determined that she had broken her neck. Her face had been torn off when she hit the ladder on the way down and her neck snapped when she landed on her head on the concrete at the bottom. Then, a few minutes, her head turned back into place. As she lied in her own blood, She turned to the horrified crowd and smiled: "Don't cry, I'm okay." Gloria then got up and walked off, not bothered by her blood-stained clothes. One day, she came across a party where her attackers were and then she shouted at them: "I WILL NOT REST UNTIL ALL OF YOU ARE DEAD!!! MY CHILDREN WILL MURDER YOU!!" Her powers scared everyone and she vanished but she was never seen again! In modern day, there were four little girls on a murder spree against other people. The four girls are Catherine, Stephanie, Loretta, and Molly as they wandered the streets, the meadows, and the shadows in South Florida. 

Catherine wears a purple dress, Stephanie wore a blue dress with long hair, Loretta wears a red gown with two ponytails, and Molly wears a white dress with spots of red on them. Catherine strangled a 4-year-old boy to death on the day before her birthday. She was believed to have killed the boy all on her own, but she and a friend would later vandalize a local nursery and make claims to the murder. She and her sisters would strangle another boy to death — this time a 3-year-old. After killing the boy and stashing his body in the woods, Catherine returned and carved an A into his stomach. She then cut off bits of his hair as though he were some sort of doll, and mutilated him. Later, Stephanie took another boy on a mile walk to a semi-secluded area, along some railroad tracks by an old cemetery. That’s where she killed the boy. Stephanie threw paint into his left eye, hit him with bricks, beat him with an iron bar, and beat him so severely that he was no longer breathing, she laid the boy out across the train tracks and weighed him down so that he couldn’t move, hoping that a train would come and cut him in half. A minute later; Catherine had toyed with the notion of killing two brothers, and had even posted images with captions extolling the pleasures in watching them suffer as she played dangerous pranks on them. Finally, the four sisters then knocked on a door and were greeted by an elderly woman, who seeing two young teen girls let them in without hesitation in the hopes that she’d have a nice conversation over tea. They did sat chatting with her but then they turned violent and dropped all pretenses. Catherine grabbed the old woman by the neck and held her, while Stephanie found a butcher’s knife in the kitchen and tossed it to her which Catherine used telekinetically to stab the woman, and continued stabbing her while the old lady pleaded for her life as Loretta and Molly held each other while laughing. The sisters ran away like lunatics that they want to do it again because the feeling of killing gave them a good vibration of arousal to violence. On Sunday; Catherine and her sisters then appears among the younger girls and wearing her veil, awaiting Holy Communion. One of the girls is outraged and urges her teacher to put a stop to it immediately. Shortly after, a teacher notices the smoke and discovers a body, her screams summoning the rest of the congregation. At that moment, Catherine slips the veil into her pocket. Catherine is resentful of her classmate's presence, and wants to stay home with her sisters instead of going back to school. The classmate's obvious dislike for the girl gives way to accusations about the murders; She points out the fact that Catherine and her sisters' whereabouts during the murder are unaccounted for. The teacher seems to be unwilling to admit that Catherine acts strangely, insisting that nobody understands Catherine like she does. She has to smooth over a confrontation between Catherine and her classmate, sending Catherine on an errand to defuse the argument. Catherine startles the rectory's housekeeper by wearing a bizarre translucent mask and she terrorizes one of her classmates by stealing her doll and luring her to an abandoned building. While inside the building, Catherine frightens her classmate with the mask and briefly locks her in a room alone, threatening to never return her doll if she tells their teacher about the incident. In the apartment, Catherine takes the girl's communion veil and models it herself in a mirror. That evening at a house, a mother investigates a noise in the kitchen. Food, juice, glasses and dishes are thrown all over the floor. She is bludgeoned by what appears to be a small child wearing a red hooded raincoat with fur trim. As the mother's daughter watches from behind a door, small hands leaves bloodstains on the banisters. Loretta and Molly are in pastel coats with hoods pick up wooden hammers and beat the daughter mercilessly to a gory death. These sisters were murderous monsters, but the four of them resembled the likes of a familiar woman by the name of Gloria. Could these four girls be the daughters of Gloria? Has Gloria placed a curse upon the city of South Florida? And if so, could Gloria still be alive?

After the day she had; 15 year old Dominique 'Domino' sat there, working on her laptop, while she sat there and thought about her past that involved with horrific experiments: It begins with the soldiers tore the young women away from their loved ones and their families, gave them some surrogate mothers and kept other traumatized women in isolation rooms, sometimes for up to a year. A doctor began expanding his project. He and his assistant created a dark metal box designed to isolate the women from everything in the outside world. Within days, the women kept inside the pit were driven insane, incessantly rocking and clutching at themselves, tearing and biting their own skin and ripping out their hair. When finally removed from isolation, they were too traumatized to interact with others, and some were so shocked and depressed that they starved themselves. Then, the women restrain and inseminate by crazed and perverted men, then they would later watch and photograph the mentally ill mothers physically abusing and killing their own babies or causing miscarriages as well as kamikazes. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed the cruel doctors to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, the assistants gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. Due to unsanitary conditions in the next week, it was virtually inevitable that these children would contract disease. One doctor sent to investigate the outbreak, proposed an experiment that would assist in developing a vaccine. However, the experiment required deliberately infecting children with the disease. Though the doctor’s study was controversial from the start, critics were eventually silenced by the permission letters obtained from each child’s parents. In reality, offering one’s child to the experiment was oftentimes the only way to guarantee admittance into the overcrowded institution. These un-consenting subjects were lured to safe-houses by prostitutes on the payroll, unknowingly given hallucination drugs and other mind-altering substances, and monitored from behind one-way glass. With an experiment involved with blood pressure and blood flow; the researchers used 113 children ranging in age from one hour to three days old as test subjects. In one experiment, a catheter was inserted through the umbilical arteries and into the aorta. The child's feet were then immersed in ice water for the purpose of testing aortic pressure. In another experiment, up to 50 children were individually strapped onto a circumcision board, then tilted so that their blood rushed to their head and their blood pressure could be monitored. Individual children did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis; instead they were told they had 'bad blood' and could receive free medical treatment, rides to the clinic, meals and burial insurance in case of death in return for participating. Standard treatments for syphilis were toxic, dangerous, and of questionable effectiveness. Part of the original goal of the study was to determine if patients were better off not being treated with these toxic remedies. For many participants, treatment was intentionally denied. Many patients were lied to and given placebo treatments—in order to observe the fatal progression of the disease. Domino and her sisters, even her mother, had survived from all the pain through all that however she knew the pain wasn't completely gone from all what she'd been through! Nobody knew that Domino has hidden strengths that nobody is aware of. She can be herself when no one is around to judge her. She is taking things farther in this mission alone. She can clearly tell that this mission will want her to take things to the next level. In the past, she has something to lose. But now she feels like a super badass, like a female 007 that kicks ass way harder than all the guys out there. Because she is dangerous! Domino might look like an innocent young girl, but she’s tough. Whether to stick to her old ways, playing with other people with emotions, killing people, and moving on; she feels like she's changed for some reason. Domino causes trouble, she’s abrasive. She doesn’t care who gets in her way. Since Domino doesn’t care who or what is in her way anymore, people fall for her constantly, but she kill people like it’s nothing to her. Something happened to Domino....After she does what she has planned to do with it, will never be the same girl as she was before getting the gun, and doing any criminal actions with it. She shoves him off of her. However, he then physically assaults Domino, first punching her in the back of her head before pushing her through the glass top of a coffee table. The man attempts to strangle Domino, but she is able to break free, and gain enough time to locate bullets and a gun in a case. When he turns around to attack her again, Domino shoots him in the head, causing his brains to be splattered on the wall. She then climbs out a window and down the fire escape. Domino knew she was different, but she was also very special and she wasn't like most girls. They say she was so fast that she was like a  motherf**king adrenaline cat. Some compared her to characters from video games like silent protagonists and badass fast people but that was just for show. Underneath the surface; Domino was just a broken girl with a quest to get her revenge. It was then she had a vision of Catherine peering at her as she said: “Our world is fallen, many tragedies have happened and all everyone cares about is the election of a king. A king who brought back the anti orientation, anti Semetic and other things. For this soon to be king is nothing more than a bully. But people love him for his ideals and that is what sickens me the most. People in America fought hard in these states but if this king is voted; chaos would ensued. My mother fears this and she said that if this bullying, monstrous king is voted; she wants to move out. The king I mention has a lot of money and could be getting his people to get others to vote for him the highest bid. It could be a conspiracy theory as we know but people don't care--And they don't care what people have to say because this man is nothing more than a narcissist who eats away at his own kind for seeing their flaws. And people think it's OK. Somebody needs to take a stand against this man however people cannot for this guy seems to be untouchable. They think it is acceptable, someone must take a stand and I hope this so called king will not be voted, he will cause chaos and it ensues with things that are now free to please are now becoming like the past: Segregation, the queer with sexual orientation, and all else. He is trying to resurface all this and people think it's OK? I do not agree for people need to take a stand, they need to bring this bully down but nobody is doing a damn think about it. That braggart aborigine, he's ruining everything for our future and nobody cares. Where is the Justice?  People don't care, do they? But I ask you, where is the justice? I lost all faith in humanity. Because our world has fallen...Our way of life is dying....Nobody cares, it's this bully, this one who thinks he'll be king and if he does, he will cause chaos. An anti Semetic, segregation of colors, and the bashing to the sexual orientation. He is the plague to our society among the politics. Now I will look at the politics as nothing more than a joke. A merely and ridiculous joke." She smiled and continue to rant on like a madwoman despite being a teenager. "Sister, it was Mother who came to all of us.....She showed us what must be done. This is our moment sister, this is where the corruption of the cruelty must be punished. They deserve to die, they all deserve to die!” The vision ended as the last thing Domino heard was, "The circle will be unbroken, there is a better home awaiting in this cruel, misery of a hell on Earth...Brightly beams will scour over the lands for Mother's plan is coming very soon." Domino knew who Mother was...Gloria, Gloria Tomkins. Gloria had cursed the citizens of Florida with her wrath, but most folks forgot about it. And Domino wasn't her real name. It was Dominique but she had been hidden for so long from her four sisters. She knew that it was bad and she had to stop her family before all hell breaks loose!  

Poor Domino, where to begin with this one? She became a target of her abuser’s inappropriate advances, she can’t help but to feel depressed in her situation. This is made worse by the fact that nobody believes her, therefore she can’t do anything to stop her abuser. This mound of disease would always sneak in her room to touch her at night in the most unsuitable ways possible. He made sure to keep Domino in check so that every time she tried to let out these details of what went on between them in their private life, he would beat her as punishment. Now in modern day; Domino has a boyfriend who treats her like shit. And to add insult to injury, Domino has a not so loyal friend to her. This hurt her even more, knowing there wasn't much kindness from anyone she could trust. Things were pretty crappy for Domino. Once again, she had a vision of her sisters. Domino could hear them singing to musical songs but these weren't cheerful ones. These were from musicals such as Phantom of the Opera and Sweeney Todd: The Demon of Fleet Street. The sounds of her sisters' singing, it sounded haunted while also like an angelic choir. Catherine and Stephanie were the ones singing while Loretta and Molly were spinning around dreamily and lost in their own world. The way they sing "Epiphany" from Sweeney Todd is quite pretty but also creepy, "They all deserve to die. Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why. Because in all of the whole human race, Mrs Lovett, there are two kinds of men and only two....There's the one staying put in his proper place, And the one with his foot in the other one's face--Look at me, Mrs Lovett, look at you. Now we all deserve to die. Even you, Mrs. Lovett. Even I. Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief, For the rest of us death will be a relief--We all deserve to die.....And I'll never see Joanna, No I'll never hug my girl to me - finished!" Then, it became violent and bittersweet, "You sir, how about a shave? Come and visit your good friend Cathy. You sir, too sir? Welcome to the grave. I will have vengeance. I will have salvation.....Gentlemen don't be shy! Not one man, no, nor ten men. Nor a hundred can assuage me - I will have you!....And my Lucy lies in ashes, And I'll never see my girl again. But the work waits! I'm alive at last! And I'm full of joy!" It was quite unsettling to see a vision of her sisters singing to these dark songs. The way she sang these songs, Catherine sing parts that were enticing yet so passionate: "Insolent boy, this slave of fashion. Basking in your glory. Ignorant fool, this brave young suitor. Sharing in my triumph!" Stephanie played the part of the innocent type so well, "Angel, I hear you. Speak, I listen. Stay by my side. Guide me. Angel, my soul was weak; forgive me. Enter at last, Master." And Catherine played out the song again with much kindness, "Flattering child, you shall know me. See why in shadow I hide. Look at your face in the mirror. I am there inside." Domino knew for a fact that Stephanie had a lovely soprano voice as she had been practicing this part for a long time, "Angel of music, guide and guardian, grant to me your glory. Angel of music, hide no longer. Come to me, strange Angel." Catherine liked this part, this was the beckoning section, "I am your Angel of Music. Come to the angel of music...I am your Angel of Music. Come to the Angel of Music..." The way those two sang Music of the Night sounded nightmarish but also innocent sounding that made Domino unsettled. Stephanie sang one part: "Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation. Darkness stirs and wakes imagination, Silently the senses abandon their defenses. Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor. Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender. Turn your face away from the garish light of day, Turn your face away from cold, unfeeling light, And listen to the music of the night." And Catherine sang, "Let your mind start a journey through a strange, new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before, Let your soul take you where you long to be!....Only then can you belong to me....Floating, falling, sweet intoxication. Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation. Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in, To the harmony which dreams alone can write....The power of the music of the night." Then there was a sound of eerie beauty to it: "Ahh, ah. Ah, ah. Ahhhhh!" And then, Catherine sings the last part: "You alone can make my song take flight. Help me make the music of the night." The vision ends, as Domino goes about her business. At night as she lied on her side of the bed, she could feel the comforting touch of her mother; she could hear the singing of the tune from Sweeney Todd's musical song titled "Not While I'm Around" to Domino to help her sleep. "Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around, Nothing's gonna harm you, no sir, not while I'm around. Demons are prowling everywhere nowadays--I'll send them howling, I don't care, I got ways. No one's gonna hurt you, No one's gonna dare. Others can desert you, Not to worry, whistle, I'll be there! Demons'll charm you with a smile, for a while, But in time...Nothing can harm you...Not while I'm around..."

People might be wondering about the condition of Domino, Catherine, and Stephanie's condition which they are highly functioned autism: Autism is a brain disorder in which communication and interaction with others are difficult. The symptoms of autism may range from total lack of communication with others to difficulty in understanding others' feelings. Because of the range of symptoms, this condition is now called autism spectrum disorder. High-functioning autism is at one end of the ASD spectrum. Signs and symptoms are less severe than with other forms of autism. In fact, a person with high-functioning autism usually has average or above-average intelligence. The differences from other forms of autism have led many psychiatrists to consider high-functioning autism as similar to or the same as Asperger's syndrome. However, usually children with HFA have language delays early on like other children with autism. Children with Asperger’s, though, don’t show classic language delays until they have enough spoken language to assess language difficulties. Whether it's labeled high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome, coping with this condition presents daily challenges for those who have it and for their family and friends. But for Loretta and Molly, they are different. They have what is called non verbal autism: About 25% of people diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder could be considered to have nonverbal autism -- yet the term "nonverbal autism" is not a part of the diagnostic criteria. In part, that's because there is no clear line between verbal and non-verbal individuals with autism. Some people have the ability to speak, but lack the ability to use language in a meaningful way. Others can't use spoken language, but are able to communicate with written or typed language, American sign language, picture cards, or digital communication devices. One of the strangest aspects of nonverbal autism is the fact that no one really knows why some people with autism can't - or don't - use spoken language. True, some people with autism also have childhood apraxia of speech, a neurological disorder that makes spoken language extremely difficult. But many nonverbal individuals on the autism spectrum don't have apraxia -- they just don't speak. People were often confused with this to mental retardation, which upsets Catherine very much. "Mental retardation is different from this, my little sisters are not stupid, you good for nothing experts!" She would say in a malice tone. Basically, she hated being labeled by people as 'dependent yet stupid' or 'not having too many brain cells'. Catherine hated that as well as Stephanie. It felt like they were being treated like animals, like dogs, and like crap. It was the most upsetting thing, Domino hate that too. However, there were people who had sympathy and kindness for folks like that. However, Catherine couldn't see past life of optimism. She was full of bitter and rage that part of it pissed her off. "You see, sister. Some people out there are idiots and cannot tell the difference between autistic person and a retard!...Not to insult them, they don't call the word mental retardation anymore, they call it 'Intellectual disability'. Because mentally retarded sounds simply insulting, doesn't it sister? That's why I want them all to perish!" Catherine said viciously.  

Domino woke up with a start and looked at the clock as she hurried out after refreshing herself and went on her destination. Long black hair as charcoal, skin white as lilies, and a rosebud mouth red like cherries. This girl is none other than Maria. Her mother died when she was six and was raised by her father, they constantly traveled to fairs where he played the violin and she sang. They were discovered at one of these fairs by a man who took them to a school, providing for Maria's education. Maria was extremely close to her father, who told her fairy-tales. Maria trained for four years to become a singer to please her father, her teacher and his bedridden wife. However, by the end of the four years, she had lost her passion for singing after the death of her father. Maria missed him and worked at theater while she dealt with the overly dramatic diva name Bianca as she was obnoxious with that horrible singing voice. She always bullies Maria who worked hard enough until Maria witnessed Bianca suffered from accidents trying to aim only at the snobby chick. Maria secretly felt happy as she couldn't stand Bianca but also felt sorry for her. After she got home; Maria begin to hear singing from the attic: "Mother once spoke of an Angel, I used to dream she'd appear. Now as I sing I can sense her, And I know she's here.  Here in this room, she calls me softly, Somewhere inside, hiding. Somehow I know she's always with me, She, the unseen vengeance....Angel of music, guide and guardian, Grant to me your glory. Angel of music, hide no longer, Secret and strange Angel." Maria was curious as she went upstairs but she found no one and went away. Again, she heard the singing again but it was a different tune: "Green finch, and linnet bird, Nightingale, blackbird, How is it you sing? How can you jubilate sitting in cages never taking wing? Outside the sky waits, beckoning! Beckoning! Just beyond the bars...How can you remain staring at the rain maddened by the stars? How is it you sing anything? How is it you sing?" Maria got annoyed as she hurried up the stairs and found again no one there. Maria was irritated, she went back downstairs and laid in bed but she heard the singing and heard a familiar musical tune, "One short day, In the Emerald City. One short day, To have a lifetime. Of fun Sagely, What a way, To be seeing the city: Where so many roam to, We'll call it home, too. And then, just like now, We can say: We're just two friends. Two good friends. Two best friends...Sharing one wonderful....One short...Day." Maria wanted to go up there but decided whoever it was singing, she thought she decided to leave him or her alone. Maria seems content as she begins to sing again in her pretty soprano voice that sounded like a hummingbird with angels on high, "Brightly beams our Father’s mercy, From His lighthouse evermore. But to us He gives the keeping, Of the lights along the shore. Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave! Some poor fainting, struggling seaman. You may rescue, you may save." And she went to sleep. Maria didn't know that four girls and a woman watched her sleep; the four girls were wearing different outfits: Catherine wore a black dress, Stephanie was dressed in a red gown, Loretta clothed in a green frock, and Molly adorned in a blue dress. The woman had messy long hair, flowers were decorated in her locks. She wore a white gown that looked torn and she smiled at the sleeping Maria. On the next morning at school; Maria was working in the props where once again, Bianca was dealing with horrendous incidents that humiliated Bianca. It was like a punishment towards Bianca when she bullied Maria and other students who the popular people considered as losers. Maria did not laugh at the emotionally, overwrought Bianca while she wondered what was going on. After that long day; Maria came home and relaxed on her bed. She then heard a voice from the attic and there was a beautiful tune she knew from the musical, "Think of me...think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. Remember me, once in a while please promise me you'll try. We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea. But if you can still remember, stop and think of me ...Think of all the things we've shared and seen -- don't think about the things which might have been ...Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned. Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind. Recall those days, look back on all those times, think of the things we'll never do. There will never be a day, when I won't think of you ..." Maria lied in her bed, too exhausted to move and was content to hear the singing voice. She didn't make a move as she was calmed from the voices. It was then Maria fell asleep and then woke up to hear the singing in the attic. "One question haunts and hurts. Too much, too much to mention: Was I really seeking good? Or just seeking attention? Is that all good deeds are, When looked at with an ice-cold eye? If that's all good deeds are, Maybe that's the reason why...No good deed goes unpunished, All helpful urges should be circumvented. No good deed goes unpunished....Sure, I meant well -Well, look at what well-meant did: All right, enough - so be it...So be it, then: Let all Florida be agreed, I'm wicked through and through. Since I can not succeed. Darling, saving you, I promise no good deed...Will I attempt to do again Ever again. No good deed...Will I do again!" Maria wondered why the heck these voices were singing in harmonious yet ghostly monotones to songs from musicals. These amazing songs sounded creepy but pretty at the same time. Maria gets up and gets a snack but then she heard voices of a woman and a girl. "Wandering child, So lost, so helpless, Yearning for my guidance." sang a woman's voice. Then, a young girl's voice sang back, "Angel or mother, Friend or phantom, Who is it there, staring?" The woman croons, "Have you forgotten your Angel?" At the same time, the girl's voice intoned, "Angel, oh, speak. What endless longings, Echo in this whisper!" The woman trilled, "Too long you've wandered in winter, Far from my mothering gaze..." The girl crooned also, Wildly my mind beats against you...Yet the soul obeys...Angel of Music,You denied me! Turning from true beauty! Angel of Music! Do not shun me! Come to me strange Angel..." And the woman hypnotized Maria with the words, I am your Angel of Music...Come to me; Angel of Music...." Maria dropped everything as she fell into a trance as she headed to the attic as she came across a woman and four girls in the room. As she came closer, she felt an embrace around her....Maria woke up with a gasp as she found she still in the kitchen while sleeping in a chair on the counter. Maria sighed, she realized it was a dream. The next day while working alone in the props while everyone else had errands to run; Maria was singing softly to herself when she thought she heard someone was there and turned to see who it was. She saw four figures in the shadows of the auditorium! Maria gasped and try to inch closer but the voices of the girls said: "No, stay there. Don't be afraid, darling. We didn't mean to frighten you, we love to hear you sing and we could help you improve if you wish." One said. Maria inched closer, "Really? Are you a musician?" She asked. "In a way, we be happy to be your guide. And we wish to remain anonymous." The voice of the girls said. Maria smiled, "OK, I like that. I really do." She replied.

Domino looked to see a beauty pageant as she is in disbelief by how stupid these girls are with their answers and would face palm. It was then she had a vision of her sisters as Catherine peered at her with a grin on her face.  She crossed her legs. "Sister, can you believe these stupid beauty pageants? It's teaching girls the wrong thing! Beauty pageants have allowed young girl to think that they have to be beautiful. They teach kids that beauty is on the outside and not the inside. When you teach kids that beauty is only on the outside it can cause major problems, not only health problems but social and physical and mental problems also. If a beautiful girl enters a pageant and doesn't win she will start to consider herself ugly or fat or too skinny. Beauty pageants create a lot of problems that affect not only the girl but the people she surrounds herself with." Catherine continued to blabbered on, "Of course beauty contests are harmful. It teaches children the worth of a person is almost solely based on appearance. They increase dieting, eating disorders, and lowers their self esteem causing them to feel simply inaccurate and ugly. These contests objectify women. They have so much pressure put on them and they will either grow up feeling that they are ugly and will never be good enough or believing that they are some sort of royalty and acting like snobs. Just watch "Toddlers and Tiaras" on TLC when the girls are getting ready and you'll see that it hurts to put on fake lashes and fake hair etc. Plus they could end up anorexic and getting plastic surgery and going on unnecessary diets, which by the way is unhealthy. They either break you down or make you into a mean, snobby, horrible person." Catherine giggled for a bit, before she proceed: "Beauty pageants are degrading and harmful to women and children. They turn women into objects to be used and played with. They make the women that don't make it through feel bad about their looks and make even those the do get through feel like they still have to do something to look prettier. Beauty pageants also set false standards about how beautiful women are supposed to look. So just because a woman is thin and health? With certain looks makes them beautiful? Women that are thick or big can't be pretty or beautiful? Some say that beauty is only skin deep, well it isn't, a person can have a beautiful soul. A beautiful man or woman can be either kind or horrible. Someone who isn't attractive can have a beautiful soul or an ugly one. In beauty pageants beauty is only skin deep, and it puts others down. Beauty pageants themselves show how women are continually being objectified through the media. Their overall attractiveness is surveyed before a panel of judges, and the women conduct themselves in a way to please the audience...While it is natural to enjoy looking at beautiful things, the overall message that beauty pageants gives to people is a negative one. But it is a part of our culture where women's sexual attractiveness is gauged by other people, and I don't see it changing anytime soon.. Most people seem to enjoy these contests today; I once did too, as a little girl.. But now that I see the underlying issues, it upsets me that such a sexist, degrading thing still exists on a national scale. Take this poll for example.. I'm sure a lot of the people who came upon it were looking for the harmful effects of beauty contests as I was because people who simply enjoy them wouldn't think twice about looking it up, yet still almost half of the people think that beauty contests aren't harmful to women. I hope that someday more people will understand the negative implications of beauty contests, and the over importance placed on a woman's beauty. Incredibly degrading to me! Women demand respect from men. Not only do they demand it, but they deserve it. If this is true, why do they prance around in a string bikini showing off their bodies? Of course men are going to go horny over these women. It’s very disrespectful, but hey, men are men. We can’t change men’s nature, but you know what we can change? We can change the fact that women are competing to be “the most beautiful in the world”. We don’t cut off beauty contests because it brings NBC money. I guarantee more women than not believe that beauty contests are disgusting and give men the wrong idea of what the 'trophy wife' looks like." Then, Stephanie peered over as she had a turn to sing: "Sister...Are beauty contests harmful to female's self esteem? Yes it is harmful because they focus on winning and it can lead to serious brain trauma. Some start at a very young age a one little rumor can ruin their whole life. I mean, have you seen honey boo boo? There was a lot going on. That is why Beauty Contests are harmful to female's self esteem. It makes girls think of unrealistic body ideas. They think they have to be super skinny, and some what too skinny. You can't look like a barbie.. Its unrealistic. Studies have shown that. An unrealistic barbie and the second is one with proper human proportions. So that's why its a harmful thing to all woman/ children involved Many women start beauty pageants at a young age. There parents become very competitive and force the children to take drastic adjustments to their bodies to make their image better. This can lead to 5 year olds and younger having fake tans, hair extensions, permanent mascara, waxed eyebrows and legs and whitened teeth. Do these young children really need to be in beauty pageants to know that they are pretty? Do we need our children to think that their looks are judged and if they don't win they are not pretty? No we don't! Cementing a biased definition of 'beautiful'. Beauty contests seem pointless to me. They essentially tell women to submit to someone else's definition of beautiful, rather than to prove themselves through merit. And when the contest concludes and someone wins, does that immediately make them more beautiful than the rest? More beautiful according to a panel of judges? It's just pointless. Money for beauty contests could be more useful for causes. Destroying ourselves with beauty Sure you could say that beauty pageants are good by boosting self esteem but think of all the thing that the women do to get their bodies to look like that. Its revolting to see anorexic people who force themselves not to eat when they weigh less than 90 pounds saying "i'm so fat". It's sad to see people forcing eating disorders on themselves to look better. It's just not healthy. Unnatural obsession with physical appearances How can a child ever hope of having a healthy appreciation of her body when the only time she is ever praised for her looks is after hours of preparation and dozens of beauty products. Beauty pageants judge only on what a person can see at first glance, and people are so much more than that. Sure there are talent portions, but they are often times filled with oversexualized dance routines that no young child should participate in. As a society we need to protect our children from the harsh realities of the adult world, that includes things such as blowing kisses and wiggling your hips for the judges only to earn a few extra points. Beauty pageants also ingrain into children that in order to be beautiful you need to be skinny, which for some body types is incredibly unhealthy. Even if you say that none of these things matter, think about this. How does knowledge in Beauty Pageants transfer outside of that world? With sports comes mental disciple and advance body control, with after school clubs comes the ability to work in groups and gain leadership experience. For all the money that beauty pageants cost, is it really worth it? And no, the scholarships do not come anywhere near the amount invested in pageants. The child would be much better off if the parents had just saved half of the money they spent on pageant coaches and cupcake dresses. Of all the things a parent could expose their children too, are pageants really the best thing out there?"

The vision ended and Domino turned off the TV before going to bed. "Once more, from the top Maria dear." Catherine commanded gently. Maria sighed and she sang the hymn, "Come let us sing to the Lord; let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and raise a loud shout to him with pslams. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods." She sighed and looked at Catherine, "How was that?" asked Maria. Catherine applauded and smiled, "Wonderful. You did good!" She replied. Maria beamed, "Thanks to you. I give my great support." She said. Catherine and Stephanie laughed, they were touched by this and Maria laughed with them too. That's when she took a break and talked to the girls. "Do you know someone by the name of Mikael?" Maria asked while she was blushing. Catherine looked troubled as her smile faded, "I do....He is not worthy of you. He doesn't support of your dedication to music." She answered. Maria looked nervous, "He's not that bad." She said. "Does he notice you? No. He might as well as play a trick on you." Stephanie said. Maria was upset, "Please...Give me a chance. I'm just a girl." She persisted. "Proceed with caution, darling Maria. You don't know what boys are. Some of them can be deceiving." Catherine warned. It was on that school day, Maria was walking down the halls and was getting to her locker when she heard a voice that startled her, "You're Maria aren't you?" Maria saw it was him--Mikael! She fumbled with her words, "Um, yeah...Hi....You're Mikael, right?" She said. "Yeah, listen, I was wondering....You want to go out sometime? Maybe tomorrow?" inquired Mikael. Maria felt her heart would leap out of her chest. "Tomorrow night? Sure, that'll be fun!" She said. "Great, I'll pick you up at eight. See ya!" said Mikael. The next day; Maria took a deep breath and let out her cantata of another oratario, "In Christ alone my hope is found....He is my light, my strength, my song. This Cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, When fears are stilled, when strivings cease. My Comforter, my All in All, Here in the love of Christ I stand." And let out a gasp, she was surprised and soon two hands were applauding. Maria glanced over and smiled. The girls were discussing amongst themselves as Maria point something out, "Guess what?" She said. Catherine smiled, but Stephanie pipes up: "What?" Maria was wiggling in her seat so much that she couldn't contain herself. "Remember that boy I have a crush on? He asked me out." Maria said with an exciting giggle. Catherine and Stephanie weren't exactly thrilled with this. "I don't think that's a good idea." Catherine said, voicing her opinion. Maria was upset, "Why are you so doubtful? Even at your own age, why are you disagreeing with this?" She demanded. "As I said, this boy is not worthy to you." Catherine said firmly. Maria sat up and she said with confirmation: "Well, I'm going! I don't care! I know he didn't sound so deceptive. He sounded so nice, I can't believe a boy like him would notice me!" She turned on her heel and stormed out! Stephanie try to stop her as she cried out, "Maria--" however Catherine stopped her with a sad expression, "No, sister. Just let her be." She replied. That night; Maria and Mikael were having a good time seeing the sights of the city. Maria felt content with him while enjoying the night. The two of them tuned to each other and laugh as they continued out together. After the romantic date with Mikael, Maria is upset to learn that he has spread a false rumor that they had intimacy. When Maria confronts him, he treats her disrespectfully in front of his friends. Maria learns that he never liked her and it was all planned out by Bianca! The popular people gave Maria hell and she was devastated. She was angry, she was heartbroken and she was a laughingstock. On the weekend; Maria sang a evensong paean: "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see. T'was Grace that taught...my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear...the hour I first believed." That's when she begins to weep and couldn't stop crying. Catherine looked at Maria with concern, "My sweet, lovely doll, why are you weeping?" She asked. "Oh you were right, Catherine! I--I was a fool!" sobbed Maria, she told her about Mikael and his deception. Catherine and Stephanie was shocked by this. They were angry beyond disbelief and decide to teach this boy a lesson. He clearly did not have any remorse. Nothing to a girl like Maria! It was just like Mother! Just like mother! This incident will not go forgiven or gently, it will be brutal with such vengeance. Mikael didn't come home and he was found next week in a creek. His head bashed in and his pockets full of stones. His best friend was found nailed to his door! The head of his other best friend name Joey was found in the fountain of the neighborhood residence as well as Bianca was stabbed! 

Maria couldn't believe what was happening, she ran off and went home but she saw Catherine and her sisters were smirking down at her. "You---you--you did that?!" Maria gasped. Catherine smiled, "Yes." She said. "But why? Why?" Maria said while she crying. "Because we have to. Mikael was a bad man....His friends were evil.....He deserve to die....THEY ALL DESERVE TO DIE!!!!" Catherine shrieked. Maria sobbed horribly, "You didn't have to do that." She said. "Revenge is sweet, my dear." Catherine said in a matter of fact, "And you are our own sweet and only dear. We've been watching you the whole time, my darling." Maria couldn't believe this, she didn't want to think this was all true! However, she recalled what happened next! "Mother once spoke of an Angel, I used to dream she'd appear. Now as I sing I can sense her, And I know she's here.  Here in this room, she calls me softly, Somewhere inside, hiding. Somehow I know she's always with me, She, the unseen vengeance....Angel of music, guide and guardian, Grant to me your glory. Angel of music, hide no longer, Secret and strange Angel." Maria was curious as she went upstairs but she found no one and went away. Again, she heard the singing again but it was a different tune: "Green finch, and linnet bird, Nightingale, blackbird, How is it you sing? How can you jubilate sitting in cages never taking wing? Outside the sky waits, beckoning! Beckoning! Just beyond the bars...How can you remain staring at the rain maddened by the stars? How is it you sing anything? How is it you sing?" Maria got annoyed as she hurried up the stairs and found again no one there. Maria was irritated, she went back downstairs and laid in bed but she heard the singing and heard a familiar musical tune, "One short day, In the Emerald City. One short day, To have a lifetime. Of fun Sagely, What a way, To be seeing the city: Where so many roam to, We'll call it home, too. And then, just like now, We can say: We're just two friends. Two good friends. Two best friends...Sharing one wonderful....One short...Day." Maria wanted to go up there but decided whoever it was singing, she thought she decided to leave him or her alone. Maria seems content as she begins to sing again in her pretty soprano voice that sounded like a hummingbird with angels on high, "Brightly beams our Father’s mercy, From His lighthouse evermore. But to us He gives the keeping, Of the lights along the shore. Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave! Some poor fainting, struggling seaman. You may rescue, you may save." After that long day; Maria came home and relaxed on her bed. She then heard a voice from the attic and there was a beautiful tune she knew from the musical, "Think of me...think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. Remember me, once in a while please promise me you'll try. We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea. But if you can still remember, stop and think of me ...Think of all the things we've shared and seen -- don't think about the things which might have been ...Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned. Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind. Recall those days, look back on all those times, think of the things we'll never do. There will never be a day, when I won't think of you ..." Maria lied in her bed, too exhausted to move and was content to hear the singing voice. She didn't make a move as she was calmed from the voices. It was then Maria fell asleep and then woke up to hear the singing in the attic. "One question haunts and hurts. Too much, too much to mention: Was I really seeking good? Or just seeking attention? Is that all good deeds are, When looked at with an ice-cold eye? If that's all good deeds are, Maybe that's the reason why...No good deed goes unpunished, All helpful urges should be circumvented. No good deed goes unpunished....Sure, I meant well -Well, look at what well-meant did: All right, enough - so be it...So be it, then: Let all Florida be agreed, I'm wicked through and through. Since I can not succeed. Darling, saving you, I promise no good deed...Will I attempt to do again Ever again. No good deed...Will I do again!" Maria wondered why the heck these voices were singing in harmonious yet ghostly monotones to songs from musicals. These amazing songs sounded creepy but pretty at the same time. Maria gets up and gets a snack but then she heard voices of a woman and a girl. "Wandering child, So lost, so helpless, Yearning for my guidance." sang a woman's voice. Then, a young girl's voice sang back, "Angel or mother, Friend or phantom, Who is it there, staring?" The woman croons, "Have you forgotten your Angel?" At the same time, the girl's voice intoned, "Angel, oh, speak. What endless longings, Echo in this whisper!" The woman trilled, "Too long you've wandered in winter, Far from my mothering gaze..." The girl crooned also, "Wildly my mind beats against you...Yet the soul obeys...Angel of Music,You denied me! Turning from true beauty! Angel of Music! Do not shun me! Come to me strange Angel..." And the woman hypnotized Maria with the words, I am your Angel of Music...Come to me; Angel of Music...." Maria was shocked and realize they were singing to her! Only her! 

"Why? Why me?" Maria blubbered. It was then Catherine put her hands on Maria's head and said, "Listen...See for yourself on what it means to be the messenger." And Maria could see memories inside her head: There once was a bullied girl by the name of Gloria Tomkins. It all started with her mother Ursula began taking her anger out on Gloria, beating them with paddles. Ursula soon focused her abuse exclusively on Gloria, accusing her of stealing candy that she had bought from a grocery store, and humiliating her when she admitted that she once had a boyfriend. Ursula encouraged a girl name Miranda and other neighborhood children to torment Gloria, including, among other things, extinguishing cigarettes on her skin, beating her, tying her up, burning her with scalding water, rubbing salt in her wounds, and leave her.  She was locked in the cellar and forbidden leave the house. Gloria attempted to escape the night after overhearing Ursula's plan to blindfold and dump her in a wooded area nearby, but as she reached the front door, Ursula caught her and punished her by tying her up in the basement and giving her only crackers to eat. There was so many multiple beatings, burning marks on her, and scalding baths. For years, Ursula abused and tortured Gloria in various ways including burning them with cigarettes, throwing knives at her, forced feedings and beatings. She made her daughter hold her down while she beat and tortured her. In one instance, she held a pistol to Gloria's head and threatened to kill her. Ursula primarily focused her anger and abuse on Gloria. Her mother resented Gloria, which she was maturing and blossoming into an attractive young woman while she faced the prospect of growing old and losing her looks. Ursula also believed that her husband--who had abandoned her--had turned Gloria into a witch. Because of this belief, Gloria received the worst of Ursula's abuse. One night when Gloria came home; Ursula blamed Gloria for everything and she sold her to an experimental lab who were cruel and merciless bastards. All of a sudden; Gloria was fertilized as she gave birth to five daughters. But her daughters were taken from her and she was devastated. But then, she was given terrifying powers that left her thin as she begins to feel much more dark. After she got out; Gloria was a suicidal, depressed, misunderstood, tragic, abused and tortured girl who only wanted empathy and love. She use to feel lost, and does not know which path to go, there’s nothing that anyone could do for her. It seems that every day there’s a new reason to cry about, and eventually the problems stack so high that Gloria can’t take it anymore. Gloria had befriends Miranda and her friends however they betray her. One day during a drill; her so-called friends moved over to where Gloria was standing, near a drain, and begin to crowd the poor girl, getting in her face and nudging her towards the open manhole. They pushed her and she tripped over and fell head-first down the manhole. When they saw her falling, the girls started giggling and when Gloria's name was called out, they shouted "She’s down in the sewer!" All of the other students began laughing. But when the teachers looked down the manhole and saw Gloria's body lying at the bottom in the muck, the laughter abruptly stopped. Her head was twisted around at an odd angle and her face was covered in blood. Worse still, she wasn’t moving. There was nothing any of the teachers could do for her. Gloria was dead. When the police arrived and went down into the sewer, they determined that she had broken her neck. Her face had been torn off when she hit the ladder on the way down and her neck snapped when she landed on her head on the concrete at the bottom. Then, a few minutes, her head turned back into place. As she lied in her own blood, She turned to the horrified crowd and smiled: "Don't cry, I'm okay." Gloria then got up and walked off, not bothered by her blood-stained clothes. One day, she came across a party where her attackers were and then she shouted at them: "I WILL NOT REST UNTIL ALL OF YOU ARE DEAD!!! MY CHILDREN WILL MURDER YOU!!" Her powers scared everyone and she vanished but she was never seen again! Catherine strangled a 4-year-old boy to death on the day before her birthday. She was believed to have killed the boy all on her own, but she and a friend would later vandalize a local nursery and make claims to the murder. She and her sisters would strangle another boy to death — this time a 3-year-old. After killing the boy and stashing his body in the woods, Catherine returned and carved an A into his stomach. She then cut off bits of his hair as though he were some sort of doll, and mutilated him. Later, Stephanie took another boy on a mile walk to a semi-secluded area, along some railroad tracks by an old cemetery. That’s where she killed the boy. Stephanie threw paint into his left eye, hit him with bricks, beat him with an iron bar, and beat him so severely that he was no longer breathing, she laid the boy out across the train tracks and weighed him down so that he couldn’t move, hoping that a train would come and cut him in half. A minute later; Catherine had toyed with the notion of killing two brothers, and had even posted images with captions extolling the pleasures in watching them suffer as she played dangerous pranks on them. Finally, the four sisters then knocked on a door and were greeted by an elderly woman, who seeing two young teen girls let them in without hesitation in the hopes that she’d have a nice conversation over tea. They did sat chatting with her but then they turned violent and dropped all pretenses. Catherine grabbed the old woman by the neck and held her, while Stephanie found a butcher’s knife in the kitchen and tossed it to her which Catherine used telekinetically to stab the woman, and continued stabbing her while the old lady pleaded for her life as Loretta and Molly held each other while laughing. The sisters ran away like lunatics that they want to do it again because the feeling of killing gave them a good vibration of arousal to violence. On Sunday; Catherine and her sisters then appears among the younger girls and wearing her veil, awaiting Holy Communion. One of the girls is outraged and urges her teacher to put a stop to it immediately. Shortly after, a teacher notices the smoke and discovers a body, her screams summoning the rest of the congregation. At that moment, Catherine slips the veil into her pocket. Catherine is resentful of her classmate's presence, and wants to stay home with her sisters instead of going back to school. The classmate's obvious dislike for the girl gives way to accusations about the murders; She points out the fact that Catherine and her sisters' whereabouts during the murder are unaccounted for. The teacher seems to be unwilling to admit that Catherine acts strangely, insisting that nobody understands Catherine like she does. She has to smooth over a confrontation between Catherine and her classmate, sending Catherine on an errand to defuse the argument. Catherine startles the rectory's housekeeper by wearing a bizarre translucent mask and she terrorizes one of her classmates by stealing her doll and luring her to an abandoned building. While inside the building, Catherine frightens her classmate with the mask and briefly locks her in a room alone, threatening to never return her doll if she tells their teacher about the incident. In the apartment, Catherine takes the girl's communion veil and models it herself in a mirror. That evening at a house, a mother investigates a noise in the kitchen. Food, juice, glasses and dishes are thrown all over the floor. She is bludgeoned by what appears to be a small child wearing a red hooded raincoat with fur trim. As the mother's daughter watches from behind a door, small hands leaves bloodstains on the banisters. Loretta and Molly are in pastel coats with hoods pick up wooden hammers and beat the daughter mercilessly to a gory death. These sisters were murderous monsters. After that; Maria broke away and screamed as the memories were haunted inside her mind! "Remember Maria, the message must be clear to you. They deserve to die, they ALL do." Catherine said in Maria's ear. Maria gasped and looked up but only found Catherine and her sisters were gone! Domino was busy doing whatever and she begins to have visions in her mind again from her sisters:

​​​​"Once more, from the top Maria dear." Catherine commanded gently. Maria sighed and she sang the hymn, "Come let us sing to the Lord; let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and raise a loud shout to him with pslams. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods." She sighed and looked at Catherine, "How was that?" asked Maria. Catherine applauded and smiled, "Wonderful. You did good!" She replied. Maria beamed, "Thanks to you. I give my great support." She said. Catherine and Stephanie laughed, they were touched by this and Maria laughed with them too. That's when she took a break and talked to the girls. "Do you know someone by the name of Mikael?" Maria asked while she was blushing. Catherine looked troubled as her smile faded, "I do....He is not worthy of you. He doesn't support of your dedication to music." She answered. Maria looked nervous, "He's not that bad." She said. "Does he notice you? No. He might as well as play a trick on you." Stephanie said. Maria was upset, "Please...Give me a chance. I'm just a girl." She persisted. "Proceed with caution, darling Maria. You don't know what boys are. Some of them can be deceiving." Catherine warned. It was on that school day, Maria was walking down the halls and was getting to her locker when she heard a voice that startled her, "You're Maria aren't you?" Maria saw it was him--Mikael! She fumbled with her words, "Um, yeah...Hi....You're Mikael, right?" She said. "Yeah, listen, I was wondering....You want to go out sometime? Maybe tomorrow?" inquired Mikael. Maria felt her heart would leap out of her chest. "Tomorrow night? Sure, that'll be fun!" She said. "Great, I'll pick you up at eight. See ya!" said Mikael. The next day; Maria took a deep breath and let out her cantata of another oratario, "In Christ alone my hope is found....He is my light, my strength, my song. This Cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, When fears are stilled, when strivings cease. My Comforter, my All in All, Here in the love of Christ I stand." And let out a gasp, she was surprised and soon two hands were applauding. Maria glanced over and smiled. The girls were discussing amongst themselves as Maria point something out, "Guess what?" She said. Catherine smiled, but Stephanie pipes up: "What?" Maria was wiggling in her seat so much that she couldn't contain herself. "Remember that boy I have a crush on? He asked me out." Maria said with an exciting giggle. Catherine and Stephanie weren't exactly thrilled with this. "I don't think that's a good idea." Catherine said, voicing her opinion. Maria was upset, "Why are you so doubtful? Even at your own age, why are you disagreeing with this?" She demanded. "As I said, this boy is not worthy to you." Catherine said firmly. Maria sat up and she said with confirmation: "Well, I'm going! I don't care! I know he didn't sound so deceptive. He sounded so nice, I can't believe a boy like him would notice me!" She turned on her heel and stormed out! Stephanie try to stop her as she cried out, "Maria--" however Catherine stopped her with a sad expression, "No, sister. Just let her be." She replied. That night; Maria and Mikael were having a good time seeing the sights of the city. Maria felt content with him while enjoying the night. The two of them tuned to each other and laugh as they continued out together. After the romantic date with Mikael, Maria is upset to learn that he has spread a false rumor that they had intimacy. When Maria confronts him, he treats her disrespectfully in front of his friends. Maria learns that he never liked her and it was all planned out by Bianca! The popular people gave Maria hell and she was devastated. She was angry, she was heartbroken and she was a laughingstock. On the weekend; Maria sang a evensong paean: "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see. T'was Grace that taught...my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear...the hour I first believed." That's when she begins to weep and couldn't stop crying. Catherine looked at Maria with concern, "My sweet, lovely doll, why are you weeping?" She asked. "Oh you were right, Catherine! I--I was a fool!" sobbed Maria, she told her about Mikael and his deception. Catherine and Stephanie was shocked by this. They were angry beyond disbelief and decide to teach this boy a lesson. He clearly did not have any remorse. Nothing to a girl like Maria! It was just like Mother! Just like mother! This incident will not go forgiven or gently, it will be brutal with such vengeance. Mikael didn't come home and he was found next week in a creek. His head bashed in and his pockets full of stones. His best friend was found nailed to his door! The head of his other best friend name Joey was found in the fountain of the neighborhood residence as well as Bianca was stabbed! After that; Maria broke away and screamed as the memories were haunted inside her mind! "Remember Maria, the message must be clear to you. They deserve to die, they ALL do." Catherine said in Maria's ear. Maria gasped and looked up but only found Catherine and her sisters were gone! Domino could see Catherine who smirked at her as she said, "You see sister....We've been pretty busy. We needed someone to hold onto and besides...It's not everyday we get to recruit a new member of the family....!" And she begins to let out a laugh, thus ending the vision. Domino was startled by this, they were going to let this innocent girl Maria into this murderous family?! It wasn't possible, it just wasn't! She had to save her, she cannot be one of them. Domino would make sure of that. 

That night while she slept; Maria could hear Catherine's singing voice once more from the attic, "Who'll ride this dying carousel? Four rusted horses strangled by their own rope. What children love is singing "we'll know that their tied hearts sit broke," That their tied hearts sit broke. Everyone will come, everyone will come. To my funeral to make sure that I stay dead. Everyone will come, everyone will come, to my funeral to make sure that I stay dead. I can see the coffin shining through my tinted window, Must've missed the sign that said it was a fire sale. I can see the coffin shining through my tinted window, Must've missed the sign that said it was a fire sale. Everyone will come, everyone will come, To my funeral to make sure that I stay dead. Everyone will come, everyone will come, To my funeral to make sure that I stay dead. You can't take this from me, forbidden in Heaven and useless in Hell. You can't take this from me, forbidden in Heaven and useless in Hell...Useless in Hell." And she heard Stephanie crooning: "Sweet dreams are made of this, Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas, Everybody's looking for something. Some of them want to use you, Some of them want to get used by you, Some of them want to abuse you, Some of them want to be abused." Even after school; Maria could hear Catherine and Stephanie's singing duets that were both haunted and beautiful: "Careful the things you say, Children will listen. Careful the things you do, Children will see and learn. Children may not obey but, children will listen. Children will look to you for which way to turn, To learn what to be. Careful before you say, "Listen to me". Children will listen. Careful the wish you make, Wishes are children. Careful the path they take, Wishes come true, not free. Careful the spell you cast, Not just on children. Sometimes the spell may last, Past what you can see, And turn against you. Careful the tale you tell, That is the spell. Children will listen....I have sailed the world, beheld its wonders. From the Dardanelles, to the mountains of Peru, But there's no place like London! No, there's no place like London...You are young...Life has been kind to you...You will learn. There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, and the vermin of the world inhabit it, and its morals aren't worth what a pig can spit, and it goes by the name of London. At the top of the hole sit a privileged few, Making mock of the vermin in the lower zoo, turning beauty to filth and greed...I too have sailed the world and seen its wonders, for the cruelty of men is as wondrous as Peru but there's no place like London!  There was a barber and his wife and she was beautiful...a foolish barber and his wife. She was his reason and his life...and she was beautiful, and she was virtuous. And he was naive. There was another man who saw that she was beautiful...A pious vulture of the law who, with a gesture of his claw, removed the barber from his plate! Then there was nothing but to wait! And she would fall! So soft! So young! So lost and oh, so beautiful!" The voices sound like a dream: "I wanna be a bottle blonde, I don't know why but I feel conned. I wanna be an idle teen, I wish I hadn't been so clean. I wanna stay inside all day, I want the world to go away. I want blood, guts, and chocolate cake, I wanna be a real fake. Yeah, I wish I'd been, I wish I'd been, a teen, teen idle. Wish I'd been a prom queen, fighting for the title. Instead of being sixteen and burning up a bible, Feeling super, super, super! Suicidal. The wasted years, The wasted youth. The pretty lies, The ugly truth, And the day has come where I have died...Only to find, I've come alive.....Only to find, I've come alive. Only to find, I've come alive...Oh, alive!" And an echo that went like this, "Feeling super, super, super! Feeling super, super, super! Feeling super, super, super!" But then things went downhill from there: "No more talk of darkness, forget these wide-eyed fears; I'm here, nothing can harm you, my words will warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears; I'm here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you. Say you'll love me every waking moment; turn my head with talk of summertime. Say you need me with you now and always; promise me that all you say is true, that's all I ask of you. Let me be your shelter, let me be your light; you're safe, no one will find you, your fears are far behind you. All I want is freedom, a world with no more night; and you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me. Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime; let me lead you from your solitude. Say you need me with you, here beside you, anywhere you go, let me go too, that's all I ask of you. Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Say the word and I will follow you. Share each day with me, each night, each morning. Say you love me...You know I do. Love me, that's all I ask of you ...I gave you my music . . .made your song take wing . . .and now, how you've repaid me: denied me and betrayed me . . .She was bound to love you when she heard you sing . . .Maria...Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Lead me, save me from my solitude. Say you want me with you here beside you. Anywhere you go let me go too. Maria, that's all I ask of you...!" Waking up with a gasp; Maria is shocked to see a young lady with a stoic innocent face and had to ask, "Who are you?" Domino revealed herself as she wrote down on a piece of paper from the drawing book: "My name is Domino....I am the sister of Catherine, Stephanie, and the other two. "Are you with them?" demanded Maria, "Whatever they tell me, I won't do it!" Domino wrote something else that read, "I am not with them. I'm on your side." Maria let out a sigh of relief, "OK. Good, then why are you here?" She asked. "I came to save you." Domino wrote down. Maria was irritated, "Why can't you speak a word?" She asked with annoyance. Domino was hesitant but she took a while to write down but she was a fast writer, and finally showed it to Maria. What said in there was disturbing: "It's because I was a human experiment and molested as a young girl from 12 and close to my teens almost. The man behind the experiments molested me. He raped me too, he hurt me and now I have lost the will to speak...I reside myself a mute." Maria was shocked reading this, "Oh my god!" She gasped, "I didn't know...I'm sorry."  Domino's stoic face softened and wrote something before showing it to her. "It's OK." Domino had written down, "I know how to talk, it's just I don't think I can...." Maria felt guilty about the entire ordeal! "No, I'm sorry. I'm just going through stress. I just, why are they singing like that? They're like sirens!" Maria commented. Domino wrote something fast and displayed it, "They're pretending they are. They've been enticed with sirens since childhood...Same with mermaids....And they became interested in the musicals since they were growing up. They had this fantasy of hypnotizing you while also trying to make you their object to care and love for....They're finding someone who is broken as you are." Maria shook her head, "My god! This is awful....Just awful." But she glance at the words that a smirking Domino: "F**ked up?" Maria let out a laugh, "Yes...Hey! You're 15, right? Don't curse." She scolded. Domino rolled her eyes, "When Cathy and Steffie get mad, they blurted out that word. I guess they get it from Mother. Mother sometimes says that when she was angry or gone crazy. And don't scold at me! You're just a goody goody." She wrote down for Maria. "I get that a lot, my darling." Maria said, pretending to be Catherine. Domino glared at her and she wrote down her words and showed it to her, "And don't pretend to be her. She's listening. And has been living in your basement." The words said on parchment. That made Maria scared, "For how long?" Domino grimaced and showed her written answer: "Quite a while." Maria gasped, "OH MY GOD!!!" She almost screamed. But covered her mouth and a moan came out. Domino then showed her mental encounter with her sister: Domino could see Catherine who smirked at her as she said, "You see sister....We've been pretty busy. We needed someone to hold onto and besides...It's not everyday we get to recruit a new member of the family....!" And she begins to let out a laugh, thus ending the vision. The vision was over as Maria's face looked like it was catatonic! Then, Maria let out scream: "NO! NO! NO! NO!" But Domino muffled her scream and calmed her down. Maria managed to calm down but she looked like a mess. Domino then wrote down, "I won't let them take you. Don't worry, I never want you to be like them." Maria wiped her tears as she pleads with her, "You can't let them take me...." Domino had already written down her answer, "I won't. Do you really think I want you to be part of them?" She looked at Maria, who shook her head. "Have mercy on me, I just...Please help me." Maria was saying before she past out and fell asleep. Domino managed to catch her and cradled her in her arms. Soon, Domino carried Maria out of her house quicker than any Road Runner however Catherine and her sisters were not to pleased to see this happened right before them. They did good things for Maria and this is her way to repay them? It wasn't fair! 

Domino still had Maria in her arms, she did not stop to take a breath which amazed Maria. However, they heard a voice from behind: "Maaarrrrr-iiiiiaaaaa....Don't you dare leave us, bebe linda." Maria gripped on for dear life, scared of what was happening. Domino's eyes grew hard and ran faster! However, Domino went over a line and tripped while falling down. When Maria woke up; she and Domino saw that they were confronted by a messy haired woman who wore a tattered gown and has flowers in her hair. This woman was pretending to be Ophelia as she begins to rant on something crazy from the play in Hamlet: "How should I your true-love know...Say you? Nay, pray You mark. He is dead and gone, lady,...Pray you mark. White his shroud as the mountain snow--Larded all with sweet flowers; Well, God dild you! They say the owl was a baker's daughter. Lord, we know what we are, but know not what we may be. God be at...Pray let's have no words of this; but when they ask, you what it means, say you this:...Indeed, la, without an oath, I'll make an end on't! y Gis and by Saint Charity,...I hope all will be well. We must be patient; but I cannot  choose but weep to think they would lay him i' th' cold ground...." She continues as Maria was confused but Domino knew this madwoman was none other than her mother, "They bore him barefac'd on the bier...You must sing 'A-down a-down, and you call him a-down-a.' O, how the wheel becomes it! It is the false steward, that stole his...There's rosemary, that's for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember. And there is pansies, that's for thoughts. There's fennel for you, and columbines. There's rue for you, and here's some for me. We may call it herb of grace o' Sundays....And will he not come again?" Maria had to ask her, "Who are you?" The woman smiled and said in a sing-song voice, "I believe you know who exactly who I am." Maria looked over at her and her eyes bulged wide in horror. "Are you Gloria Tomkins?" Maria asked. The messy haired, tattered clothes woman smiled at her: "You are correct." She said in that sing song voice. "You went through hell, but why me?" demanded Maria, "Because of the fact that you are alone. You do not have a family anymore." Catherine said. "I never felt alone, I know my family is watching over me." Maria clarified. "Well, we can give you something more than that." Catherine said. "What would that be?" Maria asked. "Your new life... We're all here for you, Maria. We've watched you grow. We've chosen you. You have always belonged to us... Welcome. We've been waiting." Stephanie said. Maria was scared, "I didn't choose this!" She said. "No, we chose you--mind you." Stephanie replied. "You have great power ahead of you." Catherine said. Maria glared at her, "I don't want it." She claimed. Catherine smiled darkly as she then answered, "But you will." 

Maria begins to see the memories of what it was like for Domino, Catherine, and the other sisters: It begins with the soldiers tore the young women away from their loved ones and their families, gave them some surrogate mothers and kept other traumatized women in isolation rooms, sometimes for up to a year. A doctor began expanding his project. He and his assistant created a dark metal box designed to isolate the women from everything in the outside world. Within days, the women kept inside the pit were driven insane, incessantly rocking and clutching at themselves, tearing and biting their own skin and ripping out their hair. When finally removed from isolation, they were too traumatized to interact with others, and some were so shocked and depressed that they starved themselves. Then, the women restrain and inseminate by crazed and perverted men, then they would later watch and photograph the mentally ill mothers physically abusing and killing their own babies or causing miscarriages as well as kamikazes. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed the cruel doctors to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, the assistants gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed the cruel doctors to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, the assistants gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. Due to unsanitary conditions in the next week, it was virtually inevitable that these children would contract disease. One doctor sent to investigate the outbreak, proposed an experiment that would assist in developing a vaccine. However, the experiment required deliberately infecting children with the disease. Though the doctor’s study was controversial from the start, critics were eventually silenced by the permission letters obtained from each child’s parents. In reality, offering one’s child to the experiment was oftentimes the only way to guarantee admittance into the overcrowded institution. These un-consenting subjects were lured to safe-houses by prostitutes on the payroll, unknowingly given hallucination drugs and other mind-altering substances, and monitored from behind one-way glass. With an experiment involved with blood pressure and blood flow; the researchers used 113 children ranging in age from one hour to three days old as test subjects. In one experiment, a catheter was inserted through the umbilical arteries and into the aorta. The child's feet were then immersed in ice water for the purpose of testing aortic pressure. In another experiment, up to 50 children were individually strapped onto a circumcision board, then tilted so that their blood rushed to their head and their blood pressure could be monitored. Individual children did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis; instead they were told they had 'bad blood' and could receive free medical treatment, rides to the clinic, meals and burial insurance in case of death in return for participating. Standard treatments for syphilis were toxic, dangerous, and of questionable effectiveness. Part of the original goal of the study was to determine if patients were better off not being treated with these toxic remedies. For many participants, treatment was intentionally denied. Many patients were lied to and given placebo treatments—in order to observe the fatal progression of the disease. Domino and her sisters, even her mother, had survived from all the pain through all that however she knew the pain wasn't completely gone from all what she'd been through! 

Maria gasped in horror. "This is what you suffered through?!" gasped Maria, pulling away. Gloria nods, "Please understand...My children didn't want this choice. But I'm willing to offer of what you cannot refuse." She said. She pulled out a pendant, "This is known as the Necklace of Anarchy....Here, you will be our own Lady Anarchy." Domino was startled to hear this, "What? You really are trying to make me part of your family, weren't you?" Maria said. "That's right. I mean, think about all those people that have hurt you. Think about what you could do and prevent from being hurt ever again, Sweet Maria." It was then Maria thought back of what she's been through: How Maria dealt with the overly dramatic diva name Bianca as she was obnoxious with that horrible singing voice. She always bullies Maria who worked hard enough until Maria witnessed Bianca suffered from accidents trying to aim only at the snobby chick. Maria secretly felt happy as she couldn't stand Bianca but also felt sorry for her. On the next morning at school; Maria was working in the props where once again, Bianca was dealing with horrendous incidents that humiliated Bianca. It was like a punishment towards Bianca when she bullied Maria and other students who the popular people considered as losers. Maria did not laugh at the emotionally, overwrought Bianca while she wondered what was going on. After the romantic date with Mikael, Maria is upset to learn that he has spread a false rumor that they had intimacy. When Maria confronts him, he treats her disrespectfully in front of his friends. Maria learns that he never liked her and it was all planned out by Bianca! The popular people gave Maria hell and she was devastated. She was angry, she was heartbroken and she was a laughingstock. On the weekend; Maria sang a evensong paean: "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see. T'was Grace that taught...my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear...the hour I first believed." That's when she begins to weep and couldn't stop crying. Catherine looked at Maria with concern, "My sweet, lovely doll, why are you weeping?" She asked. "Oh you were right, Catherine! I--I was a fool!" sobbed Maria, she told her about Mikael and his deception. Catherine and Stephanie was shocked by this. They were angry beyond disbelief and decide to teach this boy a lesson. He clearly did not have any remorse. Nothing to a girl like Maria! It was just like Mother! Just like mother! This incident will not go forgiven or gently, it will be brutal with such vengeance. Mikael didn't come home and he was found next week in a creek. His head bashed in and his pockets full of stones. His best friend was found nailed to his door! The head of his other best friend name Joey was found in the fountain of the neighborhood residence as well as Bianca was stabbed! 

Realizing what this family was trying to do; Maria was shocked as she glared at Catherine and her sisters, "You deceive me...I gave you my trust blindly and you went and did this?!" Catherine gritted her teeth as she managed to say, "You try our patience, Maria...Make your choice. Choose to be with the lone wolf Domino or come and be with us....It is after all your decision." Maria didn't know what to do, she didn't want to be killed nor did she ever want to be hurt...She didn't know what to do, what choice should she make? She had no clue. It was hard to do, they do have a point but being part of that family was not too convincing. What shall she do then? 


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