This is a sequel to the Murderous Family CreepyPasta. But it focuses on more about the sisters and their true intentions. There's also some people from Domino, Catherine and the other sisters' pasts, and a girl who has a dark history with someone. Please enjoy and thank you! --KatDon
It was long ago, he can remember what the world was like when he was a child. It was peaceful and different in his perspective. A young man name Armand Calgori lived in a country of Wales. His heritage is a variety of Swiss, British, and Czech. He lived with his family of two brothers--Michael and Jonathan, a sister name Brenda and an adoptive sister name Grace. Armand's parents were Sindre and Veronica--Veronica was a sweetheart, Armand adored his mother so much as he and his siblings loved her. Then, it all came crashing down when Armand learns Veronica had given birth to a dying still born baby as she was dying herself! Veronica told her children to care of each other however it didn't last long for misfortunes to Armand: First his little brother Michael was murdered on accident, the second is Jonathan was found dead with his neck snapped while blood oozed around his corpse. Then, Grace is accused of the murder and is sentenced to death. The ordeal had devastated Armand but he found great happiness when Brenda gets married to the love of her life! It got bad when Brenda was killed on her own wedding night by her new husband who got off Scot-free but it wasn't him. Armand was angry by this, he becomes a crying fit and in a depression where he was having trouble dealing with the fact that humanity doesn't live forever and they die in the end. Armand had panic attacks and sobbing frenzies as he wants to be remembered as a being who was powerful and untouchable being ruled over the havens of Earth. It was human nature to leave a mark in history and in the hearts of other people! Armand is desired to have unlimited time but death that will prevent him from doing that no matter how hard he tries. It wasn't until Armand learns his father Sindre is mutilating bodies to show his artwork and he wants to show the world his great masterpieces and has pushed people when he could see their flaws and believe he could fix them. He kills them by wither having their mouths taped shut, stabbed repeatedly, or shoot them. Armand was forced to watch, if he try to intervene then he would deal with his father of his physical abuse or emotional torture. Sindre did horrendous experiments to people, making them his lab rats and causing them to have their bodies change in somewhat disturbing imagery. And made children into superhuman weapons, putting people through difficult tasks as Sindre would cry out: "YES! YES! WRITHE AND BE REBORN INTO BEAUTY!!!!" Armand became nauseating and vomited somewhere, away from the show of horrors that was his father's so called magnum opus. Armand could see stitches on the victims, rashes and bloodied while also pus inducing scars and other things that were gross. In result, the victims succumb and die. he soldiers tore the young women away from their loved ones and their families, gave them some surrogate mothers and kept other traumatized women in isolation rooms, sometimes for up to a year. A doctor began expanding his project. He and his assistant created a dark metal box designed to isolate the women from everything in the outside world. Within days, the women kept inside the pit were driven insane, incessantly rocking and clutching at themselves, tearing and biting their own skin and ripping out their hair. When finally removed from isolation, they were too traumatized to interact with others, and some were so shocked and depressed that they starved themselves. Then, the women restrain and inseminate by crazed and perverted men, then they would later watch and photograph the mentally ill mothers physically abusing and killing their own babies or causing miscarriages as well as kamikazes. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed the cruel doctors to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, the assistants gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed the cruel doctors to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, the assistants gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. Due to unsanitary conditions in the next week, it was virtually inevitable that these children would contract disease. One doctor sent to investigate the outbreak, proposed an experiment that would assist in developing a vaccine. However, the experiment required deliberately infecting children with the disease. Though the doctor’s study was controversial from the start, critics were eventually silenced by the permission letters obtained from each child’s parents. In reality, offering one’s child to the experiment was oftentimes the only way to guarantee admittance into the overcrowded institution. These un-consenting subjects were lured to safe-houses by prostitutes on the payroll, unknowingly given hallucination drugs and other mind-altering substances, and monitored from behind one-way glass. With an experiment involved with blood pressure and blood flow; the researchers used 113 children ranging in age from one hour to three days old as test subjects. In one experiment, a catheter was inserted through the umbilical arteries and into the aorta. The child's feet were then immersed in ice water for the purpose of testing aortic pressure. In another experiment, up to 50 children were individually strapped onto a circumcision board, then tilted so that their blood rushed to their head and their blood pressure could be monitored. Individual children did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis; instead they were told they had 'bad blood' and could receive free medical treatment, rides to the clinic, meals and burial insurance in case of death in return for participating. Standard treatments for syphilis were toxic, dangerous, and of questionable effectiveness. Part of the original goal of the study was to determine if patients were better off not being treated with these toxic remedies. For many participants, treatment was intentionally denied. Many patients were lied to and given placebo treatments—in order to observe the fatal progression of the disease.
It wasn't until Armand found out about Dominique being raped, he could see her crying and her messy hair as she never spoke again! He cradles her while also consumed by her beauty. He holds her tightly, comforting her of her nightmares. But his despair made him deluded into believing all of this madness was upon himself, he caused it nevertheless it was his father that actually did this. Armand adored Dominique so much that he could control his love for her at first glance. That's when he could see the sadistic look in his father's eyes from the reflection in the mirror and his remorseless glance that he now knows what Sindre did to her. Armand helped Dominique and her sisters, even the tortured survivors escaped. Armand begin to have nightmares that involved his fears of death: He would wake up in a coffin as he heard a preacher reciting a prayer while mourners weeping over his casket. Armand begin to bang on the lid of the coffin as he called, "Hey! Can anybody hear me?" Nobody could, the funeral continued from outside. "Somebody, help me! I'm alive, help!" He cried out louder. He banged it as loud as he could and screamed until his lungs were about to burst: "PLEASE! I'M NOT DEAD!!!" Another nightmare was of his sister Brenda that looked zombified as she was crying, "Goodbye dear brother, rest well." She whispered, tossing a red rose down. The rose feel down into the grave pit as Armand calls out, "Brenda! Please, I'm not dead!" But heard his name being called. It was his mother, who had her hand out as she said: "Come to me, my son. Come over to your mother." Armand felt tears in his eyes as he walked over but stopped and gasped when he saw his mother's face was decaying, his lips were gone and there was gunk around her teeth. A few parts of her skin was decomposed and only some bones were exposed. Armand ran for his life but he tripped as he found himself in a pile of dismembered body parts. Armand looks up as he cried out, "What's going on? Let me out!" Just then, the body parts come to life and seized Armand, pulling him under. Armand struggled, he tried to break free but those arms pulled harder. He glanced up as the silhouettes of his mother, Michael, Brenda, Jonathan, and Grace. "Bye Armand." They hollered. "Nooo, don't! Don't leave me here! Mike! Brenda! Johnny! Grace! MOTHER!!!!" The pit hole closed up and Armand woke up screaming however he decided to study about resurrection the dead. He writes notes on what his taught and found serums. He needed someone he could trust, someone who knows what to do in the works of science! Someone to be a friend and partner. It was then there was a traveling circus in town and a man calling out, "See the wonder! Come, come, come inside and see the one and only Freak Boy!" The crowd could see a young man all chained up in a caged arena while his master beats him! The crowd laughs except for a girl and Armand, who glared at the cruel master. The master collects money from the laughing crowd that left, however the boy was shocked to see the girl was injured as he treats her but the master hurts the boy. However, Armand chokes the master to death and frees the boy but the girl didn't see this as she was unconscious of her injury. "You look quite different from early, my good man." remarked Armand. The young man glared at him, "Spare me the platitude, what do you want?" snapped the young man. "Is this how you than me? Well I'm insulted!" said Armand who pretended to be insulted however he grew serious. "Show some respect, I saved your life, the least you could is be grateful, what is your name?" He demanded. The young man sighed, "Roscoe Xavier, but you can call me Ross." He said. "Filthy sot made a lot of hell for you and he collects money as a result in the process. "You wouldn't understand how much pain I was in." Ross replied. Armand nodded, thinking about his father. He kind of does understand! " you know about raising the dead?" Armand asked. "Yes, a lot in fact I know a lot more." Ross said. A smile crept upon Armand's face, "Excellent." He answered softly. All of his life, Poor Roscoe never had friends in his life but once he's bathed and dressed much better in clothes, Ross becomes Armand's assistant. Armand is a man of unbridled passion while Igor is a man of moderation and reason, but there's some undertones as Igor is bare-boned when Armand attempts to straighten the abnormal curvature in his back. Most of why Ross is so willing to follow Armand around and do as he's told even when he's unhappy about it stems from the fact that Armand essentially gave Ross an entirely new and non-miserable existence by hauling him out of the circus. Ross & Armand are close, but their friendship is an unhealthy one, and it's especially harmful for Ross. These two guys have such a good time together, and as an audience, I think you want them to be together. It's exciting, they have all these adventures that's half the time. The other half the time, Ross utterly abused, and beaten up, and hurt, and embarrassed, and just manipulated by him, so half the time is where these guys are great together and the other half the time is begging Ross to run away now! Ross becomes this to Armand, whose erratic demeanor and contentious opinions irritates and offends everyone else.
Previously, Maria turned to glare at Catherine and her sisters as she firmly states, "I do not want to be part of your family. I'm sorry, I am nothing like you." Catherine is devastated by this but Gloria comes in to seize Maria as she claims, "You belong to us dear Maria." Maria jerked away however Gloria claims, "You can never be happy with people around you to deceive you, darling. They want to hurt you, destroy you, think about it...You will be betrayed over and over again." Maria looked at her with surprise, "You really think I would be part of your screwed up family? Murdering people? I will not accept this." She rebuked. Stephanie said with a smile, "Maybe you won't stop the curse...Maybe you will join us. After all, how many times do you think you can stop us?" She pointed out. "Think about it..." Catherine said, "As mother said, You can never be happy with people around you to deceive you. They want to hurt you, destroy you, think about it...You will be betrayed over and over again." Maria looked at her, "Pitiful, murderous family....How can there be so much that you don't know about the world?" Maria asked, she took a step forward and said, "God in Heaven gave me courage...No, bravery to show you that you are not alone. I feel that way but I see the world through different eyes than you." She then embraced Gloria and said, "If you want, I can be your friend. I would never hurt you, your daughters or betray you. You are just a lonely, misunderstood person and I appreciate you." Gloria was taken aback as she could feel tears in her eyes. She hugged her back and then she was wondering to herself, "What am I doing? What is the matter with me?" She broke down crying as Catherine, Stephanie, Loretta, and Molly begin shrieking. Maria broke from the embrace as she took a step back and asked Domino, "Wha--What's happening?" But Domino pulled her away as the two girls escaped. Later; Maria was sad, she couldn't save Gloria or the other daughters but Domino wrote down something in reassurance. so the girls decide to do whatever it takes to stop Gloria and the other girls no matter what it takes. Maria and Domino move out of Florida and into an apartment as roommates in Indiana, they are living in good lives in each other's company as two good friends. Meanwhile, Gloria and her four daughters were wandering down dark roads, they too are leaving Florida and to Indiana but they were holding onto a piece of paper that said: "OBJECTION--FIND HIM, FIND CALGORI." Nowadays, Domino and Maria are roommates in Michigan City as they found jobs in life. Domino works in the receiving room of a mall while Maria works as an auditory but Domino's family is still out there! Four sisters walking alongside each other, hand in hand with one another. The sisters was none other than Catherine, Stephanie, Loretta, and Molly--they seemed content as they skip together in Michigan City, Indiana. Some folks that passed by thought it was adorable but they weren't aware of how sinister and vengeful these sisters really are! It was their mother Gloria who gave them purpose, how she reached out to the four sisters and showed them what must be done. It was then that this moment for chaos was at hand, corruption with all this cruel pollution. It must be cleaned of at once with blood, death, and revenge! There once was a woman name Alyssa who was timid as she was married to a man name Caleb Meyer. Alyssa was the target to her husband's abuse every single day. Every time Caleb comes home, Alyssa is startled as she was cooking dinner. "Hi honey." She greeted. Instead of greeting her; Caleb demanded: "Where's dinner?" Alyssa was nervous as she managed to stutter out, "I--I--I'm sorry, it's al--all--almost done!" But Caleb was angry, "YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING WH**RE!!!! WHEN I COME HOME, MY DINNER SHOULD BE ON THE TABLE!!!" He screamed as he rushed over and slapped Alyssa in the face. Moments later while they were eating; Caleb then said, "Turkey and tuna salad again?! The hell is wrong with you Lyss?" Alyssa winced, "I'm sorry, hon--hon--honey!" She try to say however she got slapped by him again as Caleb cussed at her: "LAZY ASS SL**, YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT!!!" Alyssa was screaming and crying, she was begging him to stop but Caleb never ceased. "STOP CRYING OR I'LL GIVE YOU A F**KING REASON TO CRY!!" He try to swung his fist but then someone or something that stopped him. Alyssa looked up, she turned and she gasped. Caleb was too scared as he saw Catherine, Stephanie, Loretta, and Molly standing there. "Stop it. Your wife is not a punching bag." Catherine said in an aloof tone of voice. "Who are you?" Caleb demanded. "Who are we you asked? Why, we are your sugar and your cream....We are dream queens....We are your worst nightmare, enough to make you scream!" Caleb was scared when he tried to run away. But Catherine used her telekinesis to stop him as Catherine and Stephanie tortured him with their powers and laugh at his misery while he slowly dies. Alyssa watches in horror! Once it was over, Catherine smiled pleasantly at Alyssa and assured her, "Do not fret...You won't have to suffer anymore." Alyssa begins to cry, "I...I...I don't know what to say or what I'm feeling now. Should I be relieved?" She asked between sobs. Stephanie managed to clean up the mess and got rid of the evidence. Catherine told Alyssa, "That man...What he did to was wrong and not right. You deserve justice. You will not say anything and tell them that he left you. He was a good for nothing person. We'll handle the rest, darling." Alyssa nodded, she managed to let out a word of thanks and the four sisters were on their way.
"You f--ing b**ch, you can't do this to me!" A voice shouted. CRASH went the window of the office door, that office door belonged to the private investigator name Jennifer Tomkins; the dark haired young woman with the black attire of a jacket, jeans, scarf, and combat boots. No smile on her face. At all. “Talk to me that way again and I’ll make you regret. Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s impolite to talk to a young lady like me like that and gets away with it? You really are f**ked!” She said. The thug who was thrown out was scared out of his wits as he ran off. This was a day in a life for Jennifer: she works as a private investigator and always got douche bags yelling at her and treats her like shit. Bar fights from guys who want to take a swing at her. Drinking shots of whiskey and booze. However, Jennifer wasn’t an ordinary 22 year old young woman! In ninth grade, she was just a shy individual student and felt invisible to other students. As a young girl; she uses to own a dollhouse, as she is using the toy as a way to escape from her home life. The family’s household is falsely perfect. They pretend to be perfect in front of other people and the act has everyone fooled. The real nature of the family comes into play when no one else around and the problems will begin. No one is around to see the family in its true form, nobody don’t know what really goes on in their house. The wife is passed out on the couch due to drinking alcohol, while her husband is out being unfaithful with another woman. Her brother smokes marijuana behind their parents' backs. When Jennifer tries to make a change by attempting to make her reality become visible to everyone, nobody pays attention to her. She doesn’t realize what their life is actually like. The wallpaper glistens, making it seem like everything in their family is polished and perfect but it isn’t. Since each other family member has a vice, it would make sense for Jennifer to have one or two of her own. The life comes to play with them; they have to get into their designated places in order to maintain the facade. To other families, especially less fortunate and relationship-troubled families, their family seems to be the perfect from what they see in public. If these people were able to see through the veil the family’s put up, and see what this family is really like in their own home, everyone would know that they are far from flawless with many problems occurring. She knows things about her family no one else does! Her mom appears to be the perfect, beautiful housewife and mother. People aren’t able to see what’s really going on because the mother’s jewelry and that’s people are fooled into thinking they’re a perfect family. The mother constantly drinks alcohol to numb her feelings and forget that her husband is cheating on her, they can’t let any outsiders see beyond their perfect family exterior. She has a desire to keep the facade, the veneer of perfection; to overlook the issues that have been! Blood spots or stains are the hardest to wash out of any fabric and if there’s too much, it’s better to just throw them away. Dressing children who are depressed in nicer clothes won’t make them any less sad, but it will put on a show in front of outside people. Although the mother in the story tries to drink her remorse away, her husband is still dead and there’s nothing she can do about it. Jennifer places her admirer on a pedestal, her admiration is so strong that it’s as if she is worshiping her lover. Once she gets starts getting emotionally close, her lover seems cold and unfeeling. The uncaring attitude of her lover is just as bad as the faceless nameless evils of modern warfare; her admirer is emotionally cold and aloof, sharing nothing of his true self. She wonders if her lover can truly feel any emotions at all. In a palpable description, her admirer has enticing lips with blood flowing through them but as she gets closer to her lover, she realizes that it’s all an act. Inside her lover is cold and uncaring. There is an innate power struggle that arises between the two. Jennifer has a controlling partner and she is left caged and without freedom. But she is now becoming too tired to keep playing this tug-of-war. She is giving up all her possibilities and all her freedom for no reason. Her lover stole her heart and didn’t give her anything back, except a glimpse of a cold, uncaring nature! Jennifer is making one last desperate plea to her lover to open up to her, to shares intimately. She has put all of his hope this; the lack of response is emotionally killing her. Now that her heart has been deprived she is concerned for her state of mind. She is in danger of being fully broken, losing all hope. She’s given all her hope and trust, and the protagonist felt that she could find hope. Jennifer loses her empathy and becomes susceptible to the influence and brainwashing, the first step to turn her into a human drone: punishing her when she doesn’t listen to her. This will lead to the point that she won’t resist anymore and just accepts it to not suffer anymore and so does what she’s told to do, when she’s told to do it. He owns her now and if she does anything without the go ahead he will destroy her. This guy is attempting to take control of another bleeding heart and using them to their advantage. The hunter at his work as he tells Marion he’s preying on that their search for love, having broken them, probably because of either rejection or a heavy breakup with someone, has to stop. It has taken a toll on her, and he proposes that emotional safety under his wing is the only solution, luring her into a false sense of security. The first and most important rule of taking care of Jennifer who is the pawn is to make sure she is chain up is someone who is willing to submit and not challenge authority. From what he’s taking control of thus far, Jennifer is the perfect catch: someone who’s both broken beforehand and needing somebody else to take care of her. He will break Jennifer emotionally so she will listen to the manipulator any time and do anything the guy asks from her. This way, the guy turns her into a psycho and makes a human drone of her! He displays a strong lack of empathy towards Jennifer by refusing to acknowledge her as a human being, but instead as an object and turned into the possession of the guy. Since she’ll do anything the drill sergeant asks from him, she’s the ultimate killing machine. Marion has become a human drone of the manipulative guy, he is in control of the subject and is able to let him do anything he wants to her. The controller states that a girl like Jennifer can be controlled and instructed like a computer program. He objectifies her by refusing to acknowledge them as human beings with feelings. He is able to control and manipulate her as easily as changing stations with a remote controller. Jennifer could have an improved pain threshold meaning she can take much more of a beating before having to receive medical attention. His wish to turn Jennifer into a drone, which is a killing machine that will ask no questions. As soon as she becomes the drone the controller is longing for, she will do anything for her master, including killing, when he is asked to do it. Since Jennifer is the one who’ll kill, and not the controller himself, he won’t be responsible for the deaths. He has succeeded in making the man a killer, she characterizes this dark-infected society as a game due to its rigid rules and intensity. Instead of changing it, she became another player, another submissive minion. The economics of the entertainment industry are rather shady and exploitation of artists is quite common. Jennifer has been turned into a human drone, a killing machine without thought or remorse, controlled by others. However she is now lamenting the fact that she has lost control of her life. She is now begging for mercy and rescue. The futility of praying to an absent god but continuing regardless of what happens! Jennifer knew that nobody was never safe anymore, not even at home. If someone wants to, he can kill anybody with a drone anywhere and anytime he wants to. The battle field is moved to everywhere. She is constantly targeted and there’s nothing she can do about it. Since it’s a drone that is targeting her, there’s no one directly behind the wheel, like in an airplane. She can’t do anything about it! Like soldiers could be caught in crossfire on the battle field, everyone is now walking in the crossfire, since the battle field is ubiquitously. This person has the world’s support, because the people among them are a global superpower, but is corrupt and unjust in their ruling methods. There’s no point in trying to escape when a drone’s after a person or more. No matter how fast anybody can run, or where they try to hide, it will find them and it will kill them. The ways wars are fought are getting much different. It is still political but it is getting more vicious. Jennifer can’t handle the truth that death is everywhere and is hurting her down. She knows that she and others around her are mere weapons, and if they should be killed, they can easily be replaced. The people being ruled by the government will rise and hence rebel against the unjust government, taking in so much information can be overwhelming. One must know they are ready to process stuff that is sinister, and being ready comes through mindfulness. Live in the now, and survive for tomorrow. The oppressor doesn’t need to do anything other than control the drone, which has the capabilities needed to kill the oppressor’s enemies. Once she realizes who the oppressor is, the oppressor looses power. Jennifer has been programmed to obey the commands of her handler, who controls her every act and feeling. Jennifer fights against the forces that seek to keep her in her current state as a subservient servant. She has a feeling of weakness from being under mind control. Standing one’s ground against an oppressor is liberating. When she is survival mode, she creates mental walls in her mind. This gives an oppressor the ability to control their victim’s thoughts and emotions. Jennifer had lost empathy due to mind control and, most likely, torturous training. She now embarks on a new path; face fears and become anew. Jennifer is breaking the handler’s hold over her as she has finally decided to rise against and to be free. Once the shackles of mind control are shed, fear is eventually lost. Then confidence returns and Jennifer feels as though she can go it alone. She is beginning to realize her own power and that the oppression is coming to an end. Though it is not yet fully realized, Jennifer will to never be owned again is further solidified with a self confidence on her shoulders.
She recalled those times with that bastard: Jennifer and this boy have all the chemistry it takes to be in a relationship but he just wants to fool around with her. Jennifer is not an easy girl that will just allow him to use her for herself and then forget about. She isn’t going to let him take her heart when he leaves, so she’s leaving first and taking her slice of heaven with her. He’s sweet, but he isn’t good for Jennifer’s self-esteem. Again, she feels empty and misses him when he leaves. But he doesn’t need Jennifer the way she needs him. He can be replaced easily, whereas a piece of cake is uniquely made and harder to throw away without regretting. Jennifer is desirable. She thought nothing of her bear saying crazy things about how he felt about her in his sleep. She’s finding things that can hurt her in her bed, and her pictures torn up, giving us the imagery of a horror movie. Jennifer finds this very alarming because she thought her guy was her love. She’s losing hope in her guy, and she’s unsure if she should trust him anymore. Jennifer loved her guy because he was nice, he listened, and trusted. She doesn’t understand where everything went wrong and why her bear suddenly wants to kill her. She claims to not have gotten too old for the bear and moved on, but to have lost her connection with him and that’s why she let him go. She might want to kill him before he kills her. This seems to be stalking her, showing up to her house unexpectedly, calling her and breathing heavily into the phone. She never thought he was gonna try to kill her. She wasn’t prepared, and now she’s scared that he’s going to attack her. She’s scared because he tried to kill her. One day, it happened! He isn’t just acting on primal instinct; he has been watching Jennifer for a while and he decides that she is the perfect girl for his twisted game. He has had his eye on Jennifer for a while now. No other girl has caught his eye for as long as she as. He pulls up on Jennifer in his car and offers her candy. The tinted windows will conceal her once she’s inside. He runs after her as in he’s trying to kidnap her. The parking lot’s the place where the wolf set his trap, as to blend in his car among many others. Despite the fact that she says no, he continues to pursue her. He is assaulting her, she’s been screaming for help but her situation is starting to seem hopeless. After kidnapping her, he’s still taunting her and making her relive the assault. She attempts to fight back her assaulter by biting him, but to no avail. Despite being bitten by Jennifer in her attempts to get away, he loves just to hear her breathe. The creep is fascinated by the proof of her presence through something as simple as her breathing, even though her breathing is most likely as result of struggling to escape. He seems to have taken his mother’s words too seriously and picked a girl like her! Jennifer then took down He once and for all. Jennifer refuses to be held captive any longer. There’s no telling how long Jennifer has been with the wolf, but now she’s playing along in order to expose his defenses and make him vulnerable. This moment is officially when Jennifer mentally snaps and is forced to do some crazy things to get out of a crazy situation. She does things to hurt him. However, she broke free from him! She had to stop him once and for all, make him pay for what he did to her and to all those people as part of his experiment. Walking alone on these streets made Jennifer paranoid a little as she felt like she could still hear that bastard calling her name, screaming her name. This made Jennifer punch a window of an abandoned building as she managed to get away. “He has no power over me, he has no power over me, he has no power over me….” Every time her distressing state causes her to snap, Jennifer always repeats this mantra many times until she calms down as she tries to remind herself that he has nothing on her now. Never again will he hurt her or anyone else. The person that hurt her was none other than Armand Calgori, he was intelligent and crazy with science of creating a monster. Alongside him was Armand's assistant was Roscoe 'Ross' Xavier, a kind hearted young man who was a trained physician as Ross has an infatuation with the trapeze artist name Betty Lyndon. Now, Armand and Ross were being targeted by Inspector Martin Eldred and a rival to the point of manipulation, Jimmy Marlow! It seems that in the past, Armand had issues with his father name Sindre Calgori, a lunatic surgeon and artist as he is one heck of a crazy man as he was abusive to children and Armand, as he was forced to help his dad 'correct' the flaws of children. Armand remembered Gloria Tomkins' children: Dominique, Catherine, Stephanie, Loretta, and Molly! Armand had an infatuation to Dominique as he kissed the young girl but he could not bring himself to touch her in the most inappropriate way. Once he knew something was wrong with Dominique; he finds out that she was groped and sexually assaulted by Armand's cruel father! Armand was shocked and appalled by how his father went too far. It was then Armand and Roscoe were heading towards the graveyard when they were stopped to hear a voice from behind them: "Hello, hello, hello. Did you miss me? Do you think I'm the monster? You're the monster, sadly, you son of a bitch. I try to warn her but she listened, did you?" Armand slowly let a grin appeared on his face, “Jennifer!” He exclaimed. “Jennifer.” Roscoe whispered softly. “Good to see you, Calgori.” Jennifer greeted, facing him. “You look possibly radiant my dear debutant.” praised Armand. “Don’t you dare call me that. I am not your f**king debutant.” Snapped Jennifer darkly, “Why are you here, Armand?” Armand just smiled as he said, “Just repairing life. Life is so ruined that needs mending.” He smiled darkly. "You've ruined my life." Jennifer pointed out. "You didn't have a life." Scoffed Armand. Jennifer smirked in a sardonic manner, "Sure I did until you came alone and I became a tool. As a an object of your sick, twisted abuse you call love?" She stated. Armand stopped smiling as he nearly shouted, "No! Obviously, I was sort out my feelings. That I'm the only one who'll do anything for you." Jennifer glared at him, "That is gross. You have raised dead people and got them to innocent people, killing them." She said. "Come on! You can't deny my purpose. I know. I realize this will take time. But I'm going to prove it to you." Armand claimed. However; Armand thought about something before saying, “Given the opportunity, you would rebuff me of my life, wouldn't you?” Jennifer responded, “Not your life.” Armand laughs, “Yes, well. Just my independence. You'd take that from me, my dear Jennifer.” He said. Then, Jennifer retorted back, “You don’t tell me what to do, you have no power over me! Remember that!” She was furious. “I would kill you, make your suffer with every inch of your miserable…misbegotten life….If you dare pick on that girl, I will kill you!” Jennifer said, angrily. “Just try it, Jennifer!” provoked Armand. “I’ll try to accommodate you!” challenged Jennifer. However, Armand stopped and he gasps. "Dominique?" He whispered. Jennifer turned around and saw a fragile but stoic girl hidden in a corner but when she was spotted, she ran off! "WAIT!!!" Armand cried. Jennifer saw this as she looks at him, "You know her?" She asked. "It's none of your business!" Armand replied sharply. Jennifer glared down at him, "You have no idea what I'm capable of." She point out. "You don't have any idea what I want or what you want when this is all over so don't try and play the hero with me." Armand said, he smiled and said: "Just think what fun I'll have to cause this town to corrupt into madness...See you around." He and Ross turned as they went away. Jennifer tries to catch up to them but she was too late.
Catherine walked down the sidewalk as she skipped along the way. She was walking up and down the path when she spots a boy sleeping but it wasn't just a boy. It was a boy who looked cute, he was so perfect in anyway. Although sleeping; Catherine could make out different details about him: How he has tousled hair, black hair. His eyes were closed as his skin complexion was tanned and he wore an attire that was all black with red and black shoes. Catherine blushed, he looked cute. He looked pretty. She grazed his cheek lightly with her hand however the boy stirred as he woke up. Catherine was so startled that she backed away but tripped and fell! The boy saw her and asked, "Are you OK?" He got up to help her, Catherine starred at him as she looked a bit embarrassed. The boy smiled, "You seem OK." He said. Catherine shrugged, "I guess I just fell..." She said. However; she looked up and he was gone. Catherine ran away as she hurried back to the dark apartment where she reunited with her sisters. Loretta and Molly were playing as they were yammering incoherently while Stephanie was cleaning and cooking but she saw Catherine panting as she was smiling. "You look happy, Sister." She said. "Sister, I saw someone today." Catherine said with excitement. "You did? What was it?" Stephanie asked. "A boy." Catherine claimed. Stephanie looked at her, "A boy?" She asked. "This boy is different. I like every part of him. Especially his eyes, they're beautiful." Catherine said dreamily. She managed to tell the sisters. Loretta and Molly did not care, they were wound up in their own little world! It was one day; Catherine, Stephanie, Loretta, and Molly looked to see the boy; Catherine let out a soft moan to see him. Stephanie moan to, "Ohhh sister. He's beautiful." She looked at Catherine then heard a girl calling the boy's name: "Hey Ryder." Catherine felt her heart beat, "His name is Ryder? I like that name." She thought. Catherine begins to have a burning desire to be with someone who you find very attractive and extremely special. At the same time, a crush is not a deep enough feeling to be regarded as love. She’s attempting to convince him that she’s not someone to be afraid of, as her behavior may seem a bit unnerving. Her obsession goes so deep that she’s willing to completely surrender herself to him! Everything she sees and every voice she hears reminds her of him. She can’t stop thinking about him. Catherine predicts in the future he will fall in love with her and then on she will never be ignored by him. She convince herself that she’ll get what she wants. Catherine will continue to do these things until they are together. She may also be deluding herself into thinking that he loves her as well! Catherine is always abusive towards the things she loves and she doesn’t know when to stop. This relationship is destroying both of them, but she just can’t pull out of it. She has this crush for Ryder! Catherine managed to have a good crush on him as she has a feeling of arousal. It was then Catherine had a feeling of wanting to save him, take him in her arms and carry her one and only. Protecting him at all cost, no matter what consequences were ahead! Then, Catherine interacts with him again where he recognize her, "Hey you're the girl from before." He said. Catherine blushed, she never felt this way but she try to look unimpressed, "Oh really? The girl who fell on her silly little ass? I must've looked like a clumsy girl didn't I?" She said in a snooty voice. Ryder shook his head, "Nah. You're not too bad. It happens to the best of us." He assured her. It was then Catherine managed to warm up to him and she blushed like crazy! She seemed a bit scared of creeping him out, however Ryder didn't mind her company and he liked Catherine. Catherine didn't understand why Ryder was being so nice to her but Ryder didn't mind her company at all and finds her cute.
One day, Catherine and Ryder went to a haunted house. Catherine is surprised and confused but she finds out that Ryder likes haunted houses! The two of them entered as they were greeted by fingers on tombstones with blood on it, a Jack in the Box where a scary looking figure with a mask appeared and scared the two. Catherine acted like she was scared and held herself closer which Ryder huddles with her close, much to her delight. They continued on to see creepy goblins peering at them with eyes that peered over at them, hologram illusions that looked real as well as some horrifying, realistic animatronics that looked realistic. So Catherine came up with an idea, she made herself disappear so Ryder went to find her however he thought it was all part of the fun to see Catherine binding him however he soon finds out that it wasn't. Then, Catherine raised her hand to Ryder and there was a flash of light! Ryder could see inside of Catherine's mind of what happened as he screamed in agony by all the visions in his head: Gloria's mother Ursula began taking her anger out on Gloria, beating them with paddles. Ursula soon focused her abuse exclusively on Gloria, accusing her of stealing candy that she had bought from a grocery store, and humiliating her when she admitted that she once had a boyfriend. Ursula encouraged a girl name Miranda and other neighborhood children to torment Gloria, including, among other things, extinguishing cigarettes on her skin, beating her, tying her up, burning her with scalding water, rubbing salt in her wounds, and leave her. She was locked in the cellar and forbidden leave the house. Gloria attempted to escape the night after overhearing Ursula's plan to blindfold and dump her in a wooded area nearby, but as she reached the front door, Ursula caught her and punished her by tying her up in the basement and giving her only crackers to eat. There was so many multiple beatings, burning marks on her, and scalding baths. For years, Ursula abused and tortured Gloria in various ways including burning them with cigarettes, throwing knives at her, forced feedings and beatings. She made her daughter hold her down while she beat and tortured her. In one instance, she held a pistol to Gloria's head and threatened to kill her. Ursula primarily focused her anger and abuse on Gloria. Her mother resented Gloria, which she was maturing and blossoming into an attractive young woman while she faced the prospect of growing old and losing her looks. Ursula also believed that her husband--who had abandoned her--had turned Gloria into a witch. Because of this belief, Gloria received the worst of Ursula's abuse. One night when Gloria came home; Ursula blamed Gloria for everything and she sold her to an experimental lab who were cruel and merciless bastards. All of a sudden; Gloria was fertilized as she gave birth to five daughters. But her daughters were taken from her and she was devastated. But then, she was given terrifying powers that left her thin as she begins to feel much more dark. After she got out; Gloria was a suicidal, depressed, misunderstood, tragic, abused and tortured girl who only wanted empathy and love. She use to feel lost, and does not know which path to go, there’s nothing that anyone could do for her. It seems that every day there’s a new reason to cry about, and eventually the problems stack so high that Gloria can’t take it anymore. Gloria had befriends Miranda and her friends however they betray her. One day during a drill; her so-called friends moved over to where Gloria was standing, near a drain, and begin to crowd the poor girl, getting in her face and nudging her towards the open manhole. They pushed her and she tripped over and fell head-first down the manhole. When they saw her falling, the girls started giggling and when Gloria's name was called out, they shouted "She’s down in the sewer!" All of the other students began laughing. But when the teachers looked down the manhole and saw Gloria's body lying at the bottom in the muck, the laughter abruptly stopped. Her head was twisted around at an odd angle and her face was covered in blood. Worse still, she wasn’t moving. There was nothing any of the teachers could do for her. Gloria was dead. When the police arrived and went down into the sewer, they determined that she had broken her neck. Her face had been torn off when she hit the ladder on the way down and her neck snapped when she landed on her head on the concrete at the bottom. Then, a few minutes, her head turned back into place. As she lied in her own blood, She turned to the horrified crowd and smiled: "Don't cry, I'm okay." Gloria then got up and walked off, not bothered by her blood-stained clothes. One day, she came across a party where her attackers were and then she shouted at them: "I WILL NOT REST UNTIL ALL OF YOU ARE DEAD!!! MY CHILDREN WILL MURDER YOU!!" Her powers scared everyone and she vanished but she was never seen again! In modern day, there were four little girls on a murder spree against other people. The four girls are Catherine, Stephanie, Loretta, and Molly as they wandered the streets, the meadows, and the shadows in South Florida.
Catherine wears a purple dress, Stephanie wore a blue dress with long hair, Loretta wears a red gown with two ponytails, and Molly wears a white dress with spots of red on them. Catherine strangled a 4-year-old boy to death on the day before her birthday. She was believed to have killed the boy all on her own, but she and a friend would later vandalize a local nursery and make claims to the murder. She and her sisters would strangle another boy to death — this time a 3-year-old. After killing the boy and stashing his body in the woods, Catherine returned and carved an A into his stomach. She then cut off bits of his hair as though he were some sort of doll, and mutilated him. Later, Stephanie took another boy on a mile walk to a semi-secluded area, along some railroad tracks by an old cemetery. That’s where she killed the boy. Stephanie threw paint into his left eye, hit him with bricks, beat him with an iron bar, and beat him so severely that he was no longer breathing, she laid the boy out across the train tracks and weighed him down so that he couldn’t move, hoping that a train would come and cut him in half. A minute later; Catherine had toyed with the notion of killing two brothers, and had even posted images with captions extolling the pleasures in watching them suffer as she played dangerous pranks on them. Finally, the four sisters then knocked on a door and were greeted by an elderly woman, who seeing two young teen girls let them in without hesitation in the hopes that she’d have a nice conversation over tea. They did sat chatting with her but then they turned violent and dropped all pretenses. Catherine grabbed the old woman by the neck and held her, while Stephanie found a butcher’s knife in the kitchen and tossed it to her which Catherine used telekinetically to stab the woman, and continued stabbing her while the old lady pleaded for her life as Loretta and Molly held each other while laughing. The sisters ran away like lunatics that they want to do it again because the feeling of killing gave them a good vibration of arousal to violence. On Sunday; Catherine and her sisters then appears among the younger girls and wearing her veil, awaiting Holy Communion. One of the girls is outraged and urges her teacher to put a stop to it immediately. Shortly after, a teacher notices the smoke and discovers a body, her screams summoning the rest of the congregation. At that moment, Catherine slips the veil into her pocket. Catherine is resentful of her classmate's presence, and wants to stay home with her sisters instead of going back to school. The classmate's obvious dislike for the girl gives way to accusations about the murders; She points out the fact that Catherine and her sisters' whereabouts during the murder are unaccounted for. The teacher seems to be unwilling to admit that Catherine acts strangely, insisting that nobody understands Catherine like she does. She has to smooth over a confrontation between Catherine and her classmate, sending Catherine on an errand to defuse the argument. Catherine startles the rectory's housekeeper by wearing a bizarre translucent mask and she terrorizes one of her classmates by stealing her doll and luring her to an abandoned building. While inside the building, Catherine frightens her classmate with the mask and briefly locks her in a room alone, threatening to never return her doll if she tells their teacher about the incident. In the apartment, Catherine takes the girl's communion veil and models it herself in a mirror. That evening at a house, a mother investigates a noise in the kitchen. Food, juice, glasses and dishes are thrown all over the floor. She is bludgeoned by what appears to be a small child wearing a red hooded raincoat with fur trim. As the mother's daughter watches from behind a door, small hands leaves bloodstains on the banisters. Loretta and Molly are in pastel coats with hoods pick up wooden hammers and beat the daughter mercilessly to a gory death. These sisters were murderous monsters! Mikael didn't come home and he was found next week in a creek. His head bashed in and his pockets full of stones. His best friend was found nailed to his door! The head of his other best friend name Joey was found in the fountain of the neighborhood residence as well as Bianca was stabbed! Maria couldn't believe what was happening, she ran off and went home but she saw Catherine and her sisters were smirking down at her. "You---you--you did that?!" Maria gasped. Catherine smiled, "Yes." She said. "But why? Why?" Maria said while she crying. "Because we have to. Mikael was a bad man....His friends were evil.....He deserve to die....THEY ALL DESERVE TO DIE!!!!" Catherine shrieked. Maria sobbed horribly, "You didn't have to do that." She said. "Revenge is sweet, my dear." Catherine said in a matter of fact, "And you are our own sweet and only dear. We've been watching you the whole time, my darling." "Why? Why me?" Maria blubbered. It was then Catherine put her hands on Maria's head and said, "Listen...See for yourself on what it means to be the messenger." And Maria could see memories inside her head. It begins with the soldiers tore the young women away from their loved ones and their families, gave them some surrogate mothers and kept other traumatized women in isolation rooms, sometimes for up to a year. A doctor began expanding his project. He and his assistant created a dark metal box designed to isolate the women from everything in the outside world. Within days, the women kept inside the pit were driven insane, incessantly rocking and clutching at themselves, tearing and biting their own skin and ripping out their hair. When finally removed from isolation, they were too traumatized to interact with others, and some were so shocked and depressed that they starved themselves. Then, the women restrain and inseminate by crazed and perverted men, then they would later watch and photograph the mentally ill mothers physically abusing and killing their own babies or causing miscarriages as well as kamikazes. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed the cruel doctors to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, the assistants gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed the cruel doctors to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, the assistants gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. Due to unsanitary conditions in the next week, it was virtually inevitable that these children would contract disease. One doctor sent to investigate the outbreak, proposed an experiment that would assist in developing a vaccine. However, the experiment required deliberately infecting children with the disease. Though the doctor’s study was controversial from the start, critics were eventually silenced by the permission letters obtained from each child’s parents. In reality, offering one’s child to the experiment was oftentimes the only way to guarantee admittance into the overcrowded institution. These un-consenting subjects were lured to safe-houses by prostitutes on the payroll, unknowingly given hallucination drugs and other mind-altering substances, and monitored from behind one-way glass. With an experiment involved with blood pressure and blood flow; the researchers used 113 children ranging in age from one hour to three days old as test subjects. In one experiment, a catheter was inserted through the umbilical arteries and into the aorta. The child's feet were then immersed in ice water for the purpose of testing aortic pressure. In another experiment, up to 50 children were individually strapped onto a circumcision board, then tilted so that their blood rushed to their head and their blood pressure could be monitored. Individual children did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis; instead they were told they had 'bad blood' and could receive free medical treatment, rides to the clinic, meals and burial insurance in case of death in return for participating. Standard treatments for syphilis were toxic, dangerous, and of questionable effectiveness. Part of the original goal of the study was to determine if patients were better off not being treated with these toxic remedies. For many participants, treatment was intentionally denied. Many patients were lied to and given placebo treatments—in order to observe the fatal progression of the disease. Domino and her sisters, even her mother, had survived from all the pain through all that however she knew the pain wasn't completely gone from all what she'd been through! Ryder screamed but woke up to see Catherine beside him and ask if he was OK but he soon forgot about what he saw and embraced Catherine, who smiles in delight. He would not knew her true intentions. "Mother, I'm happier....I found someone to hold...." Catherine thought.
In the meantime; there was a mentally-illed girl name Sylvia. Sylvia wanted to be fix her deep-seeded emotional problems! She’s been ill for so long that she has started believing that this mask is the real her. It shows how well she has come to believe that she is the cure but the pain that she feels, as she tries to convince herself, as well as her realization that what has been done cannot be undone. Her condition has shattered to such point that these pieces are literally too small to put back together whereas if she tries to touch them, in the sense she tries to meddle with her persona, she feels the bitter pain of it being so badly broken now. Once understood completely, this was such a brutal and heartbreaking imagery, it’s hard to explain in words. Sylvia's suffering caused by her persona being broken so badly. Her persona wants to make her believe that what she is going through is fake, and when she has gone through it all she will then understand that it wasn’t real. She’s wondering if someone would love her looks or her actual personality. She thought she heard a voice crooning to her through the halls: "Come Little Children, I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land Of Enchantment. Come Little Children, The Time's Come To Play. Here In My Garden, Of Shadows. Follow Sweet Children, I'll Show Thee The Way. Through All The Pain And The Sorrows. Weep Not Poor Children, For Life Is This Way. Murdering Beauty And Passions. Hush Now Dear Children, It Must Be This Way. To Weary Of Life And Deceptions. Rest Now My Children, For Soon We'll Away into The Calm And The Quiet. Come Little Children, I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land Of Enchantment. Come Little Children, The Time's Come To Play. Here In My Garden, Of Shadows...." Sylvia begins to have trouble falling asleep however she heard a voice that sing her to a deep sleep which were hymns: "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see. T'was Grace that heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear...the hour I first believed......Come let us sing to the Lord; let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and raise a loud shout to him with pslams. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.....In Christ alone my hope is found....He is my light, my strength, my song. This Cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, When fears are stilled, when strivings cease. My Comforter, my All in All, Here in the love of Christ I stand." Then, the lullabies got interesting as Sylvia begins to have dreams about being comforted and cradled by someone and heard a voice sing, "Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around, Nothing's gonna harm you, no sir, not while I'm around. Demons are prowling everywhere nowadays--I'll send them howling, I don't care, I got ways. No one's gonna hurt you, No one's gonna dare. Others can desert you, Not to worry, whistle, I'll be there! Demons'll charm you with a smile, for a while, But in time...Nothing can harm you...Not while I'm around..." Another dream showed of children walking about in a happy land with a lot of dark things: "Careful the things you say, Children will listen. Careful the things you do, Children will see and learn. Children may not obey but, children will listen. Children will look to you for which way to turn, To learn what to be. Careful before you say, 'Listen to me'. Children will listen. Careful the wish you make, Wishes are children. Careful the path they take, Wishes come true, not free. Careful the spell you cast, Not just on children. Sometimes the spell may last, Past what you can see, And turn against you. Careful the tale you tell, That is the spell. Children will listen..." But the singing as well as the dreams got darker, "Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation. Darkness stirs and wakes imagination, Silently the senses abandon their defenses. Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor. Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender. Turn your face away from the garish light of day, Turn your face away from cold, unfeeling light, And listen to the music of the night." And Catherine sang, "Let your mind start a journey through a strange, new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before, Let your soul take you where you long to be!....Only then can you belong to me....Floating, falling, sweet intoxication. Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation. Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in, To the harmony which dreams alone can write....The power of the music of the night." Then there was a sound of eerie beauty to it: "Ahh, ah. Ah, ah. Ahhhhh!" and it lasts in, "You alone can make my song take flight. Help me make the music of the night." The dreams shows of shadows and porcelain dolls. Then, the dreams become nightmares of blood, darkness and other things. "....I have sailed the world, beheld its wonders. From the Dardanelles, to the mountains of Peru, But there's no place like London! No, there's no place like London...You are young...Life has been kind to you...You will learn. There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, and the vermin of the world inhabit it, and its morals aren't worth what a pig can spit, and it goes by the name of London. At the top of the hole sit a privileged few, Making mock of the vermin in the lower zoo, turning beauty to filth and greed...I too have sailed the world and seen its wonders, for the cruelty of men is as wondrous as Peru but there's no place like London! There was a barber and his wife and she was beautiful...a foolish barber and his wife. She was his reason and his life...and she was beautiful, and she was virtuous. And he was naive. There was another man who saw that she was beautiful...A pious vulture of the law who, with a gesture of his claw, removed the barber from his plate! Then there was nothing but to wait! And she would fall! So soft! So young! So lost and oh, so beautiful!" More singing appeared as it got more eerie but still sounded prettier: "Sweet dreams are made of this, Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas, Everybody's looking for something. Some of them want to use you, Some of them want to get used by you, Some of them want to abuse you, Some of them want to be abused.....I wanna be a bottle blonde, I don't know why but I feel conned. I wanna be an idle teen, I wish I hadn't been so clean. I wanna stay inside all day, I want the world to go away. I want blood, guts, and chocolate cake, I wanna be a real fake. Yeah, I wish I'd been, I wish I'd been, a teen, teen idle. Wish I'd been a prom queen, fighting for the title. Instead of being sixteen and burning up a bible, Feeling super, super, super! Suicidal. The wasted years, The wasted youth. The pretty lies, The ugly truth, And the day has come where I have died...Only to find, I've come alive.....Only to find, I've come alive. Only to find, I've come alive...Oh, alive!" And an echo that went like this, "Feeling super, super, super! Feeling super, super, super! Feeling super, super, super!" But then things went downhill from there: "No more talk of darkness, forget these wide-eyed fears; I'm here, nothing can harm you, my words will warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears; I'm here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you. Say you'll love me every waking moment; turn my head with talk of summertime. Say you need me with you now and always; promise me that all you say is true, that's all I ask of you. Let me be your shelter, let me be your light; you're safe, no one will find you, your fears are far behind you. All I want is freedom, a world with no more night; and you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me. Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime; let me lead you from your solitude. Say you need me with you, here beside you, anywhere you go, let me go too, that's all I ask of you. Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Say the word and I will follow you. Share each day with me, each night, each morning. Say you love me...You know I do. Love me, that's all I ask of you ...I gave you my music . . .made your song take wing . . .and now, how you've repaid me: denied me and betrayed me . . .She was bound to love you when she heard you sing . . .Maria...Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Lead me, save me from my solitude. Say you want me with you here beside you. Anywhere you go let me go too. Maria, that's all I ask of you....And I'll never see Maria, No I'll never hug my girl to me - finished!" Then, it became violent and bittersweet, "You sir, how about a shave? Come and visit your good friend Cathy. You sir, too sir? Welcome to the grave. I will have vengeance. I will have salvation.....Gentlemen don't be shy! Not one man, no, nor ten men. Nor a hundred can assuage me - I will have you!....And my sister lies in ashes, And I'll never see her again. But the work waits! I'm alive at last! And I'm full of joy! Who'll ride this dying carousel? Four rusted horses strangled by their own rope. What children love is singing "we'll know that their tied hearts sit broke," That their tied hearts sit broke. Everyone will come, everyone will come. To my funeral to make sure that I stay dead. Everyone will come, everyone will come, to my funeral to make sure that I stay dead. I can see the coffin shining through my tinted window, Must've missed the sign that said it was a fire sale. I can see the coffin shining through my tinted window, Must've missed the sign that said it was a fire sale. Everyone will come, everyone will come, To my funeral to make sure that I stay dead. Everyone will come, everyone will come, To my funeral to make sure that I stay dead. You can't take this from me, forbidden in Heaven and useless in Hell. You can't take this from me, forbidden in Heaven and useless in Hell...Useless in Hell."
Sylvia wakes up and gasps as she thought it was all a dream but fell into a trance when she heard a rough singing that was sweet like honey but like dark screeches almost: "Insolent boy, this slave of fashion. Basking in your glory. Ignorant fool, this brave young suitor. Sharing in my triumph!" and the voice became a more innocent type, "Angel, I hear you. Speak, I listen. Stay by my side. Guide me. Angel, my soul was weak; forgive me. Enter at last, Master." And the song was with kindness, "Flattering child, you shall know me. See why in shadow I hide. Look at your face in the mirror. I am there inside." There was a lovely soprano voice, "Angel of music, guide and guardian, grant to me your glory. Angel of music, hide no longer. Come to me, strange Angel." There was a beckoning section, "I am your Angel of Music. Come to the angel of music...I am your Angel of Music. Come to the Angel of Music..." Sylvia is enticed with the voice as she got out of her bed as she left her room as Catherine, Stephanie, Loretta, and Molly lead her away. It turns out Sylvia is being experimented upon and abused badly so now Catherine and her sisters has her kidnapped. Sylvia's brother name Miles has found out as he is not happy while he has concerns for his sister! Sylvia looked around in a clock tower: She saw snow begins to fall into the clock tower and Sylvia smiles faintly while dully putting her hands out as she waltz around the room. As she dances in the snow as she becomes the ultimate representation of the artist communicating feelings through the work. Sylvia looks in a room filled with clocks. The clocks surrounding the octagonal area also have this symbolism with a point in the center of a circle. Something that looks like gold dust is spread across the room causing Sylvia to rub her eyes. The mannequins begin to sing in robotic but melodic harmony as their human-like hands caress her head and face as she changes into an altered state. The song was very familiar: "In the valley of the dolls we sleep, we sleep, Got a hole inside of me, of me.....Born with a void, Hard to destroy with love or hope. Built with a heart, broken from the start, And now I die slow. In the valley of the dolls, we sleep. Got a hole inside of me, Living with identities, That do not belong to me. In my life, I got this far. Now I’m ready for the last hoorah, Dying like a shooting star....In the valley, In the valley, In the valley....Back to zero, here we go again, again. Racing down into oblivion, Back to zero, here we go. I can feel it coming to the end, The end....In the valley of the dolls we sleep, we sleep, Got a hole inside of me, of me.....Born with a void, Hard to destroy with love or hope. Built with a heart, broken from the start, And now I die slow. In the valley of the dolls, we sleep. Got a hole inside of me, Living with identities, That do not belong to me. In my life, I got this far. Now I’m ready for the last hoorah, Dying like a shooting star....In the valley, In the valley, In the valley, In the valley, In the valley..." Sylvia looked around the clock tower more, eventually pulling back a curtain to reveal a mannequin dressed in a white gown resembling a goddess. When she approaches it, it suddenly moves, causing her to faint. She woke up to a ghostly, angelic song in the air: "One track mind, like a goldfish. Stuck inside my petri dish, I can't breathe, and I can't smile. This better be worth my while. I feel numb most of the time, Lower I get the higher. I'll climb, and I will wonder why, I got dark only to.....Shine!!!!! Looking for the golden light, ohhhh, it's a reasonable sacrifice! Sacrifice! I feel numb most of the time, Lower I get the higher. I'll climb, and I will wonder why, I got dark only to shine, And I'll light up the sky. Stars that burn the brightest, Fall so fast and pass you by. Puff like empty lighters, I feel numb most of the time. Lower I get the higher, I'll climb, and I will wonder why. I got dark only to shine, And I'll light up the sky. Stars that burn the brightest, Fall so fast and pass you by. Spark like empty lighters...!!! Hmm, hmm, hmm.....Hmm, hmm, hmm....Hmm, hmm, hmm....!" It was then Sylvia was frozen in fear to hear a familiar voice: "Come Little Children, I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land Of Enchantment. Come Little Children, The Time's Come To Play. Here In My Garden, Of Shadows. Follow Sweet Children, I'll Show Thee The Way. Through All The Pain And The Sorrows. Weep Not Poor Children, For Life Is This Way. Murdering Beauty And Passions. Hush Now Dear Children, It Must Be This Way. To Weary Of Life And Deceptions. Rest Now My Children, For Soon We'll Away into The Calm And The Quiet. Come Little Children, I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land Of Enchantment. Come Little Children, The Time's Come To Play. Here In My Garden, Of Shadows...." Sylvia woke up in her room and thought it was all a dream but she found a necklace that looked like the Anarchy Pendant. Outside of her room; Catherine smiled darkly and dreamily.
How did Catherine and Stephanie came across these musicals? It was Armand that took the girls there but he picked out somewhere because of their hypersensitivity condition. The two girls were amazed by these musicals and became enamored! What made Wicked so special? It could be the abundantly talented performers, the heartfelt pop-theater tunes, cool scenic effects, the fantastical costumes and other elaborate trimming. But there were a few parts that stood out such as Glinda assuring Elphaba, "Don't be afraid." But Elphaba replied in a breathless voice, "I'm not, it's the Wizard who should be afraid. Of me!" And then there was something that made both girls cry tears of joy which was Elphaba's bravery: "It's not her! She has nothing to do with it! I'm the one you want! It's me!" Glinda crying out, "Elphie!" And Elphaba nearly screaming, "IT'S ME!!!!!!" as she sang out her part where she would be found flying in the sky and how she defies gravity as she will not anyone nor the Wizard of Oz bring her down. What about Sweeney Todd? He’s a man full of rage and only vengeance beats in his heart. He should be a man who the audience hates, however there is a strange likability and you can’t help but feel sorry for the man who has had his wife and child cruelly snatched away from him. Mrs. Lovett is electrifying and also very darkly funny. She’s hopeless at hiding her love for Sweeney as she’s pretty much all over him as soon as he walks through her pie shop door. The entire thing is strong with the villainous Judge Turpin alongside a slimy Beadle. The incredible dark and brooding cinematography, and the costumes are also top notch. Sweeney’s jacket is perfect and the white hankie hanging from his trouser pocket is just the cherry on top. Mrs Lovett’s dress is also a feast for the eyes, almost as much as the gothic background. A lot of things are spectacular that provides such a scrumptious back-drop. The songs are even amazing, especially Sweeney Todd's path of revenge toward the judge but also Johanna's soft yet beautiful singing. And what about the Phantom of the Opera? What was so great about it? A sweeping musical score. Powerful, operatic voices. Sharp direction. A sprinkling of ballet choreography. Elaborate costumes and dozens of quick changes. And when all else fails to entertain: Throw in a falling chandelier. However, Catherine and Stephanie were intrigued by how the Phantom lures Christine into the mirror. And the two girls thought it was amazing during the song "Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh" when the Phantom bellows down, "DID I NOT INSTRUCT THAT BOX FIVE WAS TO BE KEPT EMPTY?!" And after Carlotta insults Christine, the Phantom remarks: "A toad, madame? Perhaps it is you who are the toad." And the Phantom's scary laugh at Carlotta's croaking was terrified while the Phantom shouts, "BEHOLD! SHE IS SINGING TO BRING DOWN THE CHANDELIER!!!!" That was the chilling part as well as the hanging of the Persian man that was strangled by the Phantom himself. All too grim for them. But Catherine and her sisters were not normal girls, not like other ones.
While lying in her bed; Domino begins to remember the past: Dominique and her sisters were not just prisoners, however Domino could be in love with Armand. One day, Domino came in back to the room where her sisters were there. Domino looked flushing and panting like crazy. "Sister, what’s the matter?" Catherine asked, surprised to see this. "Oh, Sister, sister, I’ve just had such a jump scare!"gasped Domino. "From what?" asked Catherine. Domino managed to explain what happened: "Catherine, I was up in my room sewing when Armand came in with no hat on his head, his shirt unbuttoned, and his stockings dirty, undone, and down around his ankles. He was pale as his undershirt, and his knees were knocking together. He looked so out of sorts, as if he’d just come back from hell. He came up to me." Stephanie seemed concern, "Is he crazy?" She asked. "I’m not sure, but I’m afraid he might be." replied Domino. "What did he do?" inquired Stephanie. Domino was flushing as she continued, "He grabbed me by the wrist and held me hard, then backed away an arm’s length and just looked at me, staring at me like an artist about to paint my picture. He stayed like that a long time.....Finally, after shaking my arm a little, and jerking his head up and down three times, he sighed like it was his last breath. After that he let me go. He left the room with his head turned back on me, finding his way out without looking, since his eyes were on me the whole time." However, the sisters could see how good and kind that Armand display. Armand that took the girls there but he picked out somewhere because of their hypersensitivity condition. The two girls were amazed by these musicals and became enamored! What made Wicked so special? It could be the abundantly talented performers, the heartfelt pop-theater tunes, cool scenic effects, the fantastical costumes and other elaborate trimming. But there were a few parts that stood out such as Glinda assuring Elphaba, "Don't be afraid." But Elphaba replied in a breathless voice, "I'm not, it's the Wizard who should be afraid. Of me!" And then there was something that made both girls cry tears of joy which was Elphaba's bravery: "It's not her! She has nothing to do with it! I'm the one you want! It's me!" Glinda crying out, "Elphie!" And Elphaba nearly screaming, "IT'S ME!!!!!!" as she sang out her part where she would be found flying in the sky and how she defies gravity as she will not anyone nor the Wizard of Oz bring her down. What about Sweeney Todd? He’s a man full of rage and only vengeance beats in his heart. He should be a man who the audience hates, however there is a strange likability and you can’t help but feel sorry for the man who has had his wife and child cruelly snatched away from him. Mrs. Lovett is electrifying and also very darkly funny. She’s hopeless at hiding her love for Sweeney as she’s pretty much all over him as soon as he walks through her pie shop door. The entire thing is strong with the villainous Judge Turpin alongside a slimy Beadle. The incredible dark and brooding cinematography, and the costumes are also top notch. Sweeney’s jacket is perfect and the white hankie hanging from his trouser pocket is just the cherry on top. Mrs Lovett’s dress is also a feast for the eyes, almost as much as the gothic background. A lot of things are spectacular that provides such a scrumptious back-drop. The songs are even amazing, especially Sweeney Todd's path of revenge toward the judge but also Johanna's soft yet beautiful singing. And what about the Phantom of the Opera? What was so great about it? A sweeping musical score. Powerful, operatic voices. Sharp direction. A sprinkling of ballet choreography. Elaborate costumes and dozens of quick changes. And when all else fails to entertain: Throw in a falling chandelier. However, Catherine and Stephanie were intrigued by how the Phantom lures Christine into the mirror. And the two girls thought it was amazing during the song "Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh" when the Phantom bellows down, "DID I NOT INSTRUCT THAT BOX FIVE WAS TO BE KEPT EMPTY?!" And after Carlotta insults Christine, the Phantom remarks: "A toad, madame? Perhaps it is you who are the toad." And the Phantom's scary laugh at Carlotta's croaking was terrified while the Phantom shouts, "BEHOLD! SHE IS SINGING TO BRING DOWN THE CHANDELIER!!!!" That was the chilling part as well as the hanging of the Persian man that was strangled by the Phantom himself. All too grim for them. But Catherine and her sisters were not normal girls, not like other ones.
"Hello, Armand, how have you been doing lately?" asked Domino. "Very well, thank you." said Armand, smiling. He couldn't help it: "So, are you good?" He teased. Domino looked confused at Armand, "Excuse me?" She asked. "Are you beautiful?" derided Armand lightly. "Um, what are you talking about?" Domino inquired nervously. "I’m just saying that if you’re good and beautiful, your goodness should have nothing to do with your beauty." explained Armand. Domino glared at him, "But could beauty be related to anything better than goodness?"She asked. Armand caressed her lips with his hand as he said, "Surely since beauty’s power can more easily change a good girl into a bad girl than the power of goodness can change a beautiful girl into a virgin. This used to be a great puzzle, but now I’ve solved it." He said and let go of her but he looked away sadly, "I did love you."He admitted. "Then I guess I was misled for a moment, I thought you were insulting me." Dominique said. Armand laughs a bit, "Get yourself to a convent at once. I’m fairly good myself, but even so I could accuse myself of such horrible crimes that it would’ve been better if my mother had never given birth to me. and I am arrogant, vengeful, ambitious, with more ill will in me than I can fit into my thoughts, and more than I have time to carry it out in. Why should people like me be crawling around between earth and heaven? Every one of us is a criminal." He flirted. It was then, Armand and Domino lip-lock as they kissed passionately. Realizing what he was doing; Armand was afraid of being seen as a pedophile because of being older than Domino. When the day of Domino's assault was presented, she was crying as Armand saw how emotional and in pain that she was in. Poor Domino was upset and has gone manic. She’s insistent. In fact, she’s crazed. She talks about her father a lot, and says she hears there are conspiracies around the world, and coughs, and beats herself, and gets angry over tiny matters, and talks nonsense. Her words don’t mean anything, but her babbling causes her listeners to draw conclusions. They hear what they want to hear. Her gestures do suggest that she means to convey a message, and not a happy one. Domino was checked on by Armand, who saw her emotional behavior. "How can you tell the difference between your true lover and some other? Your true one wears a pilgrim’s hat, And a pilgrim’s sandals and staff." ranted Domino in a sing song tone. Armand made her look at him, "For god's sake, what does that song mean, Dominique?" He demanded. Dominique was distracted, "I’m sorry, did you say something? Please just listen." She asked. And sang, "He is dead and gone, lady, He is dead and gone. At his head is a patch of green grass, And at his feet there is a tomb stone. Oh, ho!" She was both crying and laughing sadly. Armand gripped Domino's arms and shook her a little, "No, Dominique—" But Domino was saying, "Just listen, please." so she recited, "His death shroud was as white as snow—Covered with sweet flowers, Which did not fall to the ground, In true-love showers." Domino was released from Armand's grip and fell backwards on the bed as she said, "I hope everything will turn out fine. We must be patient, but I can’t help crying when I think of him being laid in the cold ground. My brother will hear about this. And so I thank you for your good advice. Good night, good night, good night, good night." She then cried herself to sleep. Armand checked on her the next morning and saw she was a mess!
"They carried him uncovered in the coffin, Hey non nonny, nonny, hey nonny. And tears poured down into his grave. Good-bye, honey." crooned Domino. She pulled out flowers for Carlisle as she was saying things like, "Here are fennel and columbines—they symbolize adultery.And here’s rue —it symbolizes repentance. We can call it the merciful Sunday flower. You should wear it for a different reason. And here’s a daisy, for unhappy love. I’d give you some violets, flowers of faithfulness, but they all dried up when my father died. They say he looked good when he died. For good sweet Robin is all my joy....And won’t he come again? And won’t he come again? No, no, he’s dead. He’ll never come again. He’s gone, he’s gone, And we moan as we’re cast away. God have mercy on his soul....God be with you." She weeps as she begins to blame herself. Armand could see her crying and her messy hair as she never spoke again! He cradles her while also consumed by her beauty. He holds her tightly, comforting her of her nightmares. But his despair made him deluded into believing all of this madness was upon himself, he caused it nevertheless it was his father that actually did this. Armand adored Dominique so much that he could control his love for her at first glance. That's when he could see the sadistic look in his father's eyes from the reflection in the mirror and his remorseless glance that he now knows what Sindre did to her. Armand helped Dominique and her sisters, even the tortured survivors escaped. But Catherine and her sisters got separated from Dominique as Catherine was so consumed with hatred towards Sindre that she killed almost every single person of Sindre's club. It was terrifying and scary for poor Domino to see as well as Armand! However in the present, Domino cried as she missed him so much that it devastates her as well as Catherine and the other sisters. Jennifer walks out of the store and walks through the downtown. While she walks through the street, she had memories haunted back to her and try to tell herself she'll be fine but she managed to get to a coffee shop and ordered her cappuccino. However, she felt a tap on her shoulder and a sweet voice: "Jennifer?" Jennifer spun around and gasped, she saw a dark haired and pale faced beauty. "Maria...." Jennifer whispered. She hugged her, Maria managed to say: "I miss you so much, my cousin." Jennifer smiled, she pulled away. "So what brings you here?" She asked. "I just moved here with a roommate I had." Maria explained. The two cousins talked with one another and Jennifer promises to visited. However, Jennifer encountered a young man of a wealthy family by the name of Lucius Edison where Jennifer forgot to do what she needed to do something. “Augh, shit! F**k!” groaned Jennifer. Lucius looked confused, “You OK?” He asked. Jennifer nodded, “Yeah, just realized something.” She said, she didn’t look up. “What?” Lucius asked. “Not important, what do you want?” demanded Jennifer. Lucius couldn’t help but laugh, “Bloody hell, you silly little bitch.” He remarked. “I don’t appreciate being called a bitch, Louie.” Jennifer commented. Lucius glared at her, “And I don’t like to be called ‘Louie’.” He then grinned while he said, “I want to take you out to dinner, love.” Many felt her heart skip a bit; she loved how he said ‘love’. “Now you’re calling me love huh? You sure are charming, what kind of date you taking me on?” She teased. “A real luxurious one.” Rejoined Lucius. “Better be damn luxurious, ‘love’.” Jennifer flirted. So the two went on a date, there Lucius and Jennifer talk with one another. Lucius then put his hand on Jennifer’s thigh and he try to go higher but Jennifer push his hand away gently, however Jennifer was angry as she shoved him: “I said, STOP!!!” Lucius was startled, heads were turned and Jennifer felt bad. She felt tears pricking at her eyes. “…Sorry.” Jennifer muttered. Lucius was sobered as he asked, “What happened to you, love?” Jennifer looked at him: “You don’t know?” She inquired. Jennifer was drunk as she vented to Lucius what happened to her with Armand. Lucius is shocked as he had hated Armand! Lucius went to get a friend of his and told him what Jennifer told him so the two managed to find Armand and Ross as they were surprised to see Lucius with a detective. Detective John 'Johnny' Marcello confronted them at gunpoint! “Gentlemen, sorry about this but I believe I have heard of an assault.” He said. Armand and Ross looked at each other in confusion. “Not sure what you mean.” Ross said with confusion. Detective Marcello holds up a picture of Jennifer, “I believe you know who I mean.” Armand looked at the picture in shock, “Jennifer…” He rasped. Lucius snickered in delight, “You know her; she had been kidnap by you. She told me everything.” He said arrogantly, “Here is what I'm going to do here men...I pull the bayonet here. The magnum goes off. The part of your medulla oblongata spray all over the ground. Everything gets grisly and raw...Then, you die.” Lucius said, leering over a horrified Ross. He smirked as he continued, "As soon as I kill your arse, she’ll be so thrilled of all my hard work.” Armand used a crowbar nearby and hit Lucius. Detective Marcello tries to fire his gun but he is knocked to the wall by the lurching Lucius! “Come on, no time to lose.” Armand told Ross, Ross was about to follow but stopped and called out, “Wait!” Armand was annoyed for he asked, “What is it now?” Ross looked over as he said, “What is that sound?” Armand wondered what he was talking about but he saw so many men burnt alive and flailing their arms like crazy. The detective realized this was his squad because he could hear them crying out his name. Armand couldn’t believe it, “My god…!” He gasped. Then he heard a voice pretending to let out pleasuring griping as if carnal over the violence: “Look at me, I'm burning.” Moaned Catherine. the four gentlemen were horrified to see the detective’s squad member being burned alive.
Catherine emerged from the shadows as she said the constable and Lucius, “Hello Detective….Lucius, I want to play a game.” She then smiled and giggled maniacally. Armand looked in horror while Roscoe was confused by this sight. “What kind of game?” asked Detective Marcello. “Simple, I set out havoc towards you and you two run like hell.” She presses a button on a pen-like object and there was monsters coming in different directions. “It's time to start our game.” Catherine said. “What game are you speaking about, you wench?” demanded Lucius. “Death, my darling fiend.” Stephanie said with a matter of fact tone, “Death is a surprise party. Time is an illusion that cannot be given. You think it's the living who have ultimate judgment over you, because the dead will have no claim over your soul. But you may be mistaken.” She giggled. “What the hell do we do now?” asked Detective Marcello. Catherine glared at him as she said in an inhuman voice: “The games have just begun. Live or die, make your choice.” The constable and Loren turned as they saw monsters coming at them as they begin to chase them. Ross was shocked by this sight and looked at Armand. She was singing as she whirled around, “Here we go, the world is spinning. When it stops, it's just beginning. Sun comes up, we all laugh. Sun goes down, we all die...” She laughed at Detective Marcello and Lucius’s suffering. “’The hell are you?” Lucius screamed. “Keep yourself down, Lucius.” Marcello instructed. The hid behind something as they panted out of breath. Armand chuckled, “Cowards. They are so scared.” He remarked. Ross looked at Armand with confusion. “Do you know these girls?” He asked. Armand glanced at him and said, “In a way.” While they were hiding, the monsters were looking for the constable and Lucius. “The bitch, how dare she try to kill us with these monsters!” muttered Lucius in a raspy tone. Marcello snickered to himself a little, “Hmm, this is getting interesting…” He rejoined softly. “What are you muttering about Detective?” demanded Lucius, he was about to peek over but the detective put an arm on his shoulder, “Wait, they must be approaching, this is our chance.” He instructed. “What?” Lucius asked. There was a pause before there was a step, then another and then another until they were close where Johnny and Lucius were hiding. The constable leaped out from his hiding spot with a weapon. “FOUND YOU, WITCH!!!” The detective shouted but his heart dropped and Lucius was horrified. Ross trembled while Armand held his breath while staying calm. They saw that Catherine had a gun levitating beside her as she smirked while saying, “Game over.” Lucius let out a nervous laugh, “You have to be kidding me.” He said weakly. The gun went off and hit Lucius, causing him to fall. Detective Marcello hid but peeked out a little to watch this. Catherine smiled down at Lucius glared at her. Catherine had her hands into a shape of a V as she exclaimed, “Now is the End of Days, and I am the Reaper!” Lucius smirked darkly, “When you’re frustrated you burn people, but you really are a bit of a bastard, aren’t you?” He remarked. “Excuse me?” Catherine asked glaring at him. It was then Lucius laughs a little, “Ignorant selfish cruel bastard, yes, I rather think you don’t know what kind of lunatic you have on hand and though you’ve been content to abuse others freely for a good long time you’ll have to accept the fact that you are a monster!!!!” Lucius charges; Catherine stops him telekinetically just in time, and Lucius slips crashing into Loretta, who snarls and slashes him across the face, knocking him down. "AUGH! Bloody hell, stop--!!!!!" Loretta and Molly faintly laughs, Lucius cursed and screamed: "Wretched hussies, you dare attack me? Even this stupid....?!" He was about to say but Stephanie used her telekinetic abilities. Lucius screamed harder as he glared at the four girls, "I don't know how you know Armand but you are going to suffer. However, Catherine pressed her foot against his arm and said, “The reason I did this today was to make clear these reasons. I will show no mercy to anyone who is in our way. My sisters and I annihilate them. So my good man....Pray. That's all you can do while you're still alive.” Lucius gasped, he whimpered so Catherine placed her feet off him. She smirked at Detective Marcello, “I promise that my work will continue.” She said and laughed as well as her other three sisters. "YOU HARPIES, YOU WILL BURN FOR WHAT YOU DO HERE! YOU ARE THE WORK OF SATAN HIMSELF!!!" screamed Lucius.
However, Catherine spat out as she imitated Lucius while saying, "NOT BLOODY LIKELY!" and said in a normal voice loudly, "ONLY ME!" Later; Armand saw Catherine waiting for him so Armand excused himself from Ross. “You're here... They didn't hurt you, did they?” He asked gently. Catherine shakes her head. Armand asked with concern, “Were you scared? Thank you for not...” He was about to say but Andrea said, “You're welcome.” She smiled at him. “It must have been awful…What did you try and kill them with my monsters?” Armand asked. “I gave you life so you could live my dream. You're the part of me that could be free of this pain, could live and feel love.” Catherine said to Armand with her sad eyes. “Oh, Cathy…You don't want to hurt anyone.” Armand assured her. “But I do, and I'm sorry. It won't stop….Everyone will suffer.” Catherine said. “What didn’t you kill me?” Armand asked. Catherine smiled as her face looked like she was going to cry, “You don’t remember? You helped us; I never forgot what you did. I loved you once Armand but all this hatred for that bastard….I could never drag you down into this mess.” She begins to cry a little, “Hold me.” Armand reached over to Catherine but he pulls away as he rasped out, “I can't.” He turned his face away; Catherine leaned over and kisses Armand’s cheek, “I love you.” She whispered. Catherine turned around and strolled away with a slight skip in her walking. Armand watched her go as there is pain in his heart which thumped. and he let out a deep sigh that sounds heartbreaking. "Catherine Tomkins, I never knew you would reemerged from the darkness." thought Armand.
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