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Monday, January 4, 2016

Macushla Volume 4--Chapter 6

This is the sixth chapter of the fourth volume; Genjo's new self has become different and things are going to change. Please enjoy! Thank you. --KatDon 

Chapter 6: Song In the Distance 

“Hel-lo Nurse!” Seiten bellowed. Startled and whirled around; Charlotte was shocked to see Seiten there, “What the hell are you doing here?” She demanded. “Now, now, is that a way to speak to your prince charming?” teased Seiten. “You are not my prince! You may be charming but you are not a prince! You think you can save me, this dirty but distressed damsel? I don’t think so!” clarified Charlotte. She fires bullets at him but Seiten dodges them all as he calls out, “Hup two three four No one's getting in this door Five six seven eight gonna ask Charlotte Angel for a date!” Charlotte growled, “Like hell!” She replied loudly. “Come on, Charlotte! Dust for prints, oh no! Just my fingerprints.” Seiten said and smiled this flirtatious grin. “Oh sure, I'm painting with the colors of the passing wind.” Remarked Charlotte with sarcasm in her voice as she rolled her eyes. Seiten almost cracked up, “Did you say 'passing wind'?!” He managed to say. Realized what she just said, Charlotte exclaims: “OH FOR THE LOVE OF HUMANITY, DO NOT GO THERE!” “Mmm-wah! Goodnight, everybody!” responded Seiten. “Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Subject has broken into the base and is moving to the top secret area of Section 21. Do not him get in there, keep him at bay.” Said the drone from the speakers overhead. POW, POW went the guns as whoever it was took down the security and made his way through the security. He was unstoppable for a young man, but this wasn’t an ordinary man. This was Seiten! He woke a short sleeved, dark blue jumpsuit and his long, dark brown hair was in a braid. And matching shoes. Seiten laughs quietly, “Ha-ha, too damn easy!” He said. “Now let’s see what the military has inside this baby!” Once he took down the guards and the rest of security, he walked towards Section 21’s base in the heart of it all. “Ooh, top secret. It’s so secrecy! Not anymore, ha!” remarked Seiten with sarcasm. He looked over at the sign and reads out loud: “‘Warning, doors cannot open unless password is used.’ Lucky me, I know it!” He goes to the keyboard that had letters all over it. “OK, password is ‘Miss-sy’. Missy.” Mumbled Seiten. The doors immediately clicked open as Seiten peered in as he wondered: “What could they kept in here that was top secret?” Just then, a figure emerged from the darkness to reveal a young man his age. He wore jeans, a dark green tank shirt, and his bangs were along his forehead. “Genjo? What are you doing here?” asked Seiten, “You are the top secret weapon of Section 21? That can’t be!” Genjo took down the guards swiftly without breaking a sweat, Seiten watched with amazement as he couldn’t believe it. Once the battle was over, Funske called out: “That was amazing, Genjo! But what exactly did you mean that you will grant me whatever my heart’s desire?” Genjo smirked as he said, “You’ll see soon enough.” Seiten didn’t want him to leave but Genjo reassured him: “Do not fret; we’ll cross paths once more. Meet me at the vacant, ancient building known as Gunner Dame Wing.” With that, he turned and walked away. Seiten looked after him in shock! In the meantime; Tenpo and Kenren are in the conflict in the desert’s battlefield until they are rescued by Sambo, who learnt about Genjo and Seiten’s escape as their whereabouts. They decide to pursue the two, and went on their next mission! In the operation; Genjo and the other guys are given different assignments. Genjo will plant the bomb, Tenpo and Kenren will break through the security system while Seiten and Sambo are to find the enemy’s weaponry and take them out. However, not everything went exactly as plan. Seiten and Sambo took down the weaponry but they are locked inside with the remains. They managed to contact for help: “This is Seiten and Sambo, we have a conundrum…..We are locked inside for taking down the weaponry of the radical terrorists and now we are stuck. Can anyone respond back? We need help. Please.” Kenren heard and contacted Genjo, asking for him to go and rescue them. However; Genjo didn’t want to go but then, a memory of Missy peering at him with a scolding like expression haunted Genjo. He stopped in his tracks as Missy’s innocent face was staring at him. Finally, Genjo gives in and responds back: “This is Catastrophe, hang tight in there you guys. I’m on the way.” And rushed over to break down the doors as he managed to get Tenpo as well as Kenren out of there. However while escaping from the island on a boat, Seiten pulled out a pen-like object that was the detonator as he exclaims with glee: “Play that ambiance music of death, MISFIT BOYS!!!” He pressed the button and the island explodes! Genjo smirked with pride, Seiten laughs in amazement, Tenpo is dazed as well as Kenren while Sambo looked impressed. These guys are the only hope for humanity against the radical terrorists in their world that has gone crazy, these boys may be bold and brave yet beautiful, they are broken on the inside: As part of this squad; Genjo is a calm fellow but on these missions, he’s trying to make a scene out of himself as he is masking himself before firing away at this enemies with guns.  If he could be more natural, then maybe he wouldn’t come off as mysterious. And maybe people would get to know him even more. He has changed a lot since he was a kid, he’s always cold and stoic demeanor to him. Though, there are rumors where Genjo is said to be a kind hearted fellow but he is one complicated fellow. He doesn’t show much of emotions as he keeps them reined while fighting in these missions. But nobody knows why he’s so mysterious; his squad notices the ruthlessness he has as he is different from human. People are supposing to expression emotions but Genjo is a different kind of guy, he’s just an honest person too and is being who he truly is. He is making a promise of vengeance for his sister. In more of these missions; he comes over to his enemies stealthily and nobody notices. He’s dark and cool minded while his motives are shocking where he knocks out someone and then kills them. Even if people like the rest of these guys could see what a powerful, abnormal guy he is, he’s just different. 

“Missy, you are wondering who will be the substitute for you to accompany me and share my burdens when you were gone. There is nothing to replace you, Nina. If something should happen to me on this mission, it’ll affect all of us. In this dangerous situation, do you think I can make it without you? If you could follow me, would you go wherever I go despite all the hardships? But for some reason, it wasn’t meant to be. You can’t follow me now down this path.” He thought. In a fake town, this looked like suburb used to demonstrate the effects of a nuclear weapon on a residential area; mannequins as well as accessible buildings and vehicles. There are two houses with two floors and a garage, a back yard to both and a middle section with a few vehicles. In both ends, the team spawns in a garden area in the backyard. The upper floor is a popular place for there are two stairs, in the backyard and inside the house on the room closest to center, and there is a gardening balcony outside the house on the main window, which can be climbed. However, the ladder is a very risky way, as the player is open to enemy fire. Suddenly, Genjo typed in something on the computer and there was blinking as he said: “Virtual systems ready…Lock on the target.” Suddenly, there was an explosion of fire. A large cloud of smoke shaped like a mushroom and all in chaos is swept away from the explosion! There were guards that saw this and decide to find out what’s going on. “What in the world is that?” One of the guards asked. As they got closer, they saw figures in the dust attack them with their guns. Then, the other guard freaks out: “Holy—it’s them! Those Misfit Boys!” And the guards are taken down by Genjo and the others. One of them is trying to escape as Genjo went after him. “C’mon pussycat! Faster, go faster than that! Kill them all! Kill them all!” exclaimed Seiten excitedly. Genjo caught up with Mother Chucker, who try to exit from the massacre. “Hold it, it’s game over for you—Mother Chucker!” claimed Genjo. Homeslice, Destructor X and Cut Throat freak out as they respond in unison: I mean your boss is different; a thousand dollars from the big man will make a wholesome meal tonight.” The other three killers reacted angrily, “Why you…Hurt her and you die!” But Mother Chucker intervene, “Wait a moment, boys! These guys are professionals, there’s nothing we can do!” Cut Throat protested, “But boss…” Mother Chucker replied, “Take care of things, they can’t take me. Don’t worry, I’ll return in an hour.” For the moment; Seiten, Tenpo, and Kenren went after the thugs who had kidnapped the girl however the lead thugs threatens to kill the girl however there was a sound of dominoes falling and Kenren took them down the crazy females and rescue the girl. The dominoes stop falling and Seiten grinned while he said, “See ya later.” All the bad guys were apprehended and were left in their prison but Genjo went in and killed them. Meanwhile; a young lady name Ethenia and her assistant were working with others for talented routines as they were finishing up with a client. “Thanks, we'll keep in touch alright?” Ethenia said. The woman nodded, “Ok, thank you.” She replied and left. Ethenia looked at her assistant, “Who's next?” She asked. The assistant looks at the clipboard for the list: “Uh, Irisa, and her sister Rosabel.” He said. Two girls came in dressing the same: Long white ones, furry gilets, embroidered tunics, cropped jackets, large faux-coin belts, cowboy boots, and baggy cardigans. They both were pretty energetic and too peppy, while also displaying an attitude of ostentatious melodrama. Like pretentious schmaltzy that was pedantic! The first girl came up to Edith and furiously shaking Ethenia's hand was Irisa: “OMG, Hi, Hi, how are you? OMG Hi, hi, nice to meet you!” The other who was Rosabel came beside her all excitedly, “Let me shake her hand. OMG, my heart's going crazy!!!!” She squealed. The assistant spoke out, “Ok girls, calm down. Calm down.” Ethenia smiled and managed to explain to the sisters her predicament, “All right, look you two, I'm going on tour very soon and I'm looking for dancers with a lot of energy.” She said. “Right so, uh, let's see what you guys got.” Added the assistant. “Ok...” Irisa said as she was pointing to her shirt, “Give it up...” Rosabel finished, “For Ethenia...You know it...!” Irisa echoes after her sister, “TOTALLY!” and laughs that girlish laugh. Ethenia managed to smile, “Those are nice.” She said. “We stayed up all night making them!” explained Irisa but they became serious and shouted: “Freedom! Trust! Wings Up! Yeah!” They stop their chant and turned to each other. “OMG, OMG, you were so good!” Irisa complimented her sister. “No you were so good!” insisted Rosabel. “I know totally I was, I was totally good!” Irisa bragged. Ethenia managed to smile and say sweetly, “That was really interesting ladies; you wanna show me something else?” Irisa answered, “Yeah, if you just give us a second here we will.” She turned to Rosabel, who noticed her worried expression. “You ok?” Rosabel asked. “Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine...how are my bangs?” Irisa asked. “They could be longer, how are pores?” Rosabel inquired. “They’re not too big, they’re improving.” Realizing how frustrating the situation was; Ethenia breathed out a sigh, “Ladies, we really have a lot of other people to see…” She started to say but Irisa cut her off: “Yeah, I know, ok, I know this, what is this?...Ok...Let's do this!!!” Rosabel joins in, “For Ethenia!” Irisa points to her shirt, “Totally!” She said. The girls did some routine however Ethenia stops as she called out, “Irisa! Rosabel! Stop!” The sisters stopped and they realize their mistake, “You two were just quivering while doing that.” Irisa placed her hands on her hips, “You just interrupted us. Thank you very much!” She snapped. “Sorry, we're really running out of time.” Ethenia replied. Rosabel glared at her, “We know little miss prissy, how about you watch your lip?!” She exclaimed. “Hey sis!” Irisa asked. Rosabel turned her back on Ethenia and threw her hands up, “I just don't get it you know?!” She hissed. “Rosabel!” Irisa murmured loudly. Rosabel turned to her, “What?” She answered. “Look at me, girl! You take that fire that's going on inside of you right now, and you put it into your talent! All right? Remember what Mom said, ‘If you dream, dream out loud!” Irisa reminds her. “Ok.” Rosabel said. “That's really great you guys but, we gotta keep this thing moving.” The assistant reminded. Irisa begin to cry in hysterics. Rosabel was now pissed, “What do you want from us? Do you want us to BLEED?!” She snapped. “This business is so hard, it is so hard!” Irisa blubbered. “I know, right? Come on let's just go buy some headbands or something.” Rosabel said. “YEAH!!!!” exclaimed Irisa. She turned to Ethenia and her assistant, glaring at them with a fierce look. “YOU PEOPLE SUCK!!!” Irisa shouted. And the sisters left in a huff. The assistant turned to Ethenia and said, “Man, those girls were terrible.” Ethenia nodded, “Very.” She said. “Well, the next appointment isn't for another hour, you wanna take a lunch break and we’ll regroup?” The assistant inquired. “Yeah, sure.” Said Ethenia. The assistant nodded, “Alright.” He said. 

Somebody could see Ethenia in the scopes. “Wow, what a babe.” Seiten complimented. Genjo held out his hand to him; “Let me see.” He said. Seiten hand him the binoculars and Genjo looked through them. “There. That's her, the babe.” Funske pointed at where Ethenia is. He looked over and said, “She's interesting.” Kenren smiled darkly, “She's good.” He eulogized. Genjo looked up from the binoculars with a smirk on his face, “She's mine.” He declared. Seiten grins at her, “Okay, go get her.” He exclaims. So Genjo goes after her! Genjo isn’t just acting on primal instinct; he has been watching Ethenia for a while and he decides that she is the perfect girl. Genjo has had his eye on Ethenia for a while now. No other girl has caught his eye for as long as she as. She is supremely beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Genjo approaches next to Ethenia as he likes to ask her something however Ethenia doesn’t want his help. He runs after her as in he’s trying to kidnap her. He continues to pursue her and has finally caught up to her, pushing her down so she cannot run anymore and covering her mouth so she cannot scream. Ethenia has been screaming for help but her situation is starting to seem hopeless. After kidnapping her, he’s still taunting her and making her relive the assault. Ethenia attempts to fight back her assaulter by biting him, but to no avail. Despite being bitten by Ethenia in her attempts to get away, he loves just to hear her breathe. Genjo is fascinated by the proof of her presence through something as simple as her breathing, even though her breathing is most likely as result of struggling to escape. In his case, it’s perfection for the right girl that drives him to break social mores for this unachievable. After that pain; she’s given up her hope of being rescued. There’s no telling how long Ethenia has been with Genjo, but now she’s playing along in order to expose his defenses and make him vulnerable. It looks like Genjo made a bad decision since she’ll be the reason for his destruction. Ethenia refuses to be held captive any longer. Now that Genjo is drugged, she’s looking forward to his approaching fate, which will be a deadly one. But Ethenia is sick of playing along with Genjo as she chooses to go for the kill.

The song was only heard by Genjo and the other four boys: “♫Oh, she is the most prettiest babe in the woods. There was an old man who wreck her, her mama don't believe her. Daddy was a drunk and life at home was hell. But she managed to pull through. In the handbasket hellfire. Her life is like a storm, she always is in the eye of the storm. She always wears a smile and keeps on the right track no matter what. Hey girl, how did you get yourself in the eye of the storm? How can you make the raging tempest stop in your path? Girl, you deserve better you know, better than these demons in your life. Girl, you're a good girl with a family who are monsters. First man was just a psycho, she had her baby with him and that guy was gone. Second one was worst, beat the heck out of her for being drunk on his own. Now she has two daughters and they are the cutest things. Poor kids' papas are the most worst fathers ever, give them an award shining with musky dirt. Kids saw a drunk negro man beating her up, they must have been scared out of their wits. The negro's sisters call her a hussy in the most explicit way but she keeps her head up. No matter what, her mama expects her to pay more money because it's on her and she doesn't give a damn because it's all on her. Girl, maybe I don't know what goes on but I know how you feel. See, I got a daddy who was mean to me and my family. He abused mama, he hurt me if I did something wrong. Hey girl, you wanna come over here and not hang out with these monsters you call your family? I know your brothers don't care about the kids, they ask you if they're all dead. How can you deal with a family like that? They couldn't care less, can't they shed a little sympathy? Don't they love you? If that's love, they got a funny way of showing it y'know!♫”

Earlier before…

While she was resting; Charlotte was looking around as she heard something and pulled out her gun while she glanced around. She sighed with relief as she relaxed for a bit. “Hel-lo Nurse!” Seiten bellowed. Startled and whirled around; Charlotte was shocked to see Seiten there, “What the hell are you doing here?” She demanded. “Now, now, is that a way to speak to your prince charming?” teased Seiten. “You are not my prince! You may be charming but you are not a prince! You think you can save me, this dirty but distressed damsel? I don’t think so!” clarified Charlotte. She fires bullets at him but Seiten dodges them all as he calls out, “Hup two three four No one's getting in this door Five six seven eight gonna ask Charlotte Angel for a date!” Charlotte growled, “Like hell!” She replied loudly. “Come on, Charlotte! Dust for prints, oh no! Just my fingerprints.” Seiten said and smiled this flirtatious grin. “Oh sure, I'm painting with the colors of the passing wind.” Remarked Charlotte with sarcasm in her voice as she rolled her eyes. Seiten almost cracked up, “Did you say 'passing wind'?!” He managed to say. Realized what she just said, Charlotte exclaims: “OH FOR THE LOVE OF HUMANITY, DO NOT GO THERE!” “Mmm-wah! Goodnight, everybody!” responded Seiten. He seems to have left however he annoys Charlotte once again. “This is Seiten with my dear sweet Charlotte, how you doing baby cakes?” Seiten cooed. Charlotte flushed in embarrassment, she turned to him in anger: “You did not just call me that!” She said. And then sighed as she continued, “You know I’m beginning to think you aren’t normal dude.” Seiten pretened to be shock, “What? I’m as normal as the next guy.” He said. Charlotte cracked a smile, “Right…” But she saw he was still here. “Hey you ain’t getting out, what are you doing?” Charlotte demanded. Seiten rolled his eyes, “Tourists…” He said. “Dude!” protested Charlotte. But Seiten continued to troll her, “Wait a sec, you mean to tell me you want me to go and kill a lot of bastards?” He said. “I’ll do it!” “And you get out of my sight!” commanded Charlotte. “Do you swear, m’lady?” Seiten asked sweetly. Charlotte nodded and replied sarcastically, “Si senior.” Seiten then said, “You shouldn’t! It’s not nice!” Charlotte swat him away, “Shut up!” Seiten looked at her in mocking displeasure. “Wow, snappier than turtles.” He said and seemed to have left but not exactly as he startles Charlotte once again. “HELLO CHARLIE ANGEL!!! You’re such a dream, a princess aren’t ya!” exclaimed Seiten. Charlotte gritted her teeth: “I’m a friggin’ girl who was forced into a world of kidnapped girls for a cathouse…Boys, go figure. No control.” She said. "You're my Sharona baby girl! Oh my little pretty when you gonna give me some time, Sharona. You make my motor run, gun it coming off the line, Sharona. My my my I yi woo. M-m-m-my Sharona." Seiten remarked. He was getting his stuff ready as Charlotte asked where he was 

“Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Subject has broken into the base and is moving to the top secret area of Section 21. Do not him get in there, keep him at bay.” Said the drone from the speakers overhead. POW, POW went the guns as whoever it was took down the security and made his way through the security. He was unstoppable for a young man, but this wasn’t an ordinary man. This was Seiten! He woke a short sleeved, dark blue jumpsuit and his long, dark brown hair was in a braid. And matching shoes. Seiten laughs quietly, “Ha-ha, too damn easy!” He said. “Now let’s see what the military has inside this baby!” Once he took down the guards and the rest of security, he walked towards Section 21’s base in the heart of it all. “Ooh, top secret. It’s so secrecy! Not anymore, ha!” remarked Seiten with sarcasm. He looked over at the sign and reads out loud: “‘Warning, doors cannot open unless password is used.’ Lucky me, I know it!” He goes to the keyboard that had letters all over it. “OK, password is ‘Miss-sy’. Missy.” Mumbled Seiten. The doors immediately clicked open as Seiten peered in as he wondered: “What could they kept in here that was top secret?” Just then, a figure emerged from the darkness to reveal a young man his age. He wore jeans, a dark green tank shirt, and his bangs were along his forehead. “Genjo? What are you doing here?” asked Seiten, “You are the top secret weapon of Section 21? That can’t be!” Genjo took down the guards swiftly without breaking a sweat, Seiten watched with amazement as he couldn’t believe it. Once the battle was over, Funske called out: “That was amazing, Genjo! But what exactly did you mean that you will grant me whatever my heart’s desire?” Genjo smirked as he said, “You’ll see soon enough.” Seiten didn’t want him to leave but Genjo reassured him: “Do not fret; we’ll cross paths once more. Meet me at the vacant, ancient building known as Gunner Dame Wing.” With that, he turned and walked away. Seiten looked after him in shock! In the meantime; Tenpo and Kenren are in the conflict in the desert’s battlefield until they are rescued by Sambo, who learnt about Genjo and Seiten’s escape as their whereabouts. They decide to pursue the two, and went on their next mission! In the operation; Genjo and the other guys are given different assignments. Genjo will plant the bomb, Tenpo and Kenren will break through the security system while Seiten and Sambo are to find the enemy’s weaponry and take them out. However, not everything went exactly as plan. Seiten and Sambo took down the weaponry but they are locked inside with the remains. They managed to contact for help: “This is Seiten and Sambo, we have a conundrum…..We are locked inside for taking down the weaponry of the radical terrorists and now we are stuck. Can anyone respond back? We need help. Please.” Kenren heard and contacted Genjo, asking for him to go and rescue them. However; Genjo didn’t want to go but then, a memory of Missy peering at him with a scolding like expression haunted Genjo. He stopped in his tracks as Missy’s innocent face was staring at him. Finally, Genjo gives in and responds back: “This is Catastrophe, hang tight in there you guys. I’m on the way.” And rushed over to break down the doors as he managed to get Tenpo as well as Kenren out of there. However while escaping from the island on a boat, Seiten pulled out a pen-like object that was the detonator as he exclaims with glee: “Play that ambiance music of death, MISFIT BOYS!!!” He pressed the button and the island explodes! Genjo smirked with pride, Seiten laughs in amazement, Tenpo is dazed as well as Kenren while Sambo looked impressed. These guys are the only hope for humanity against the radical terrorists in their world that has gone crazy, these boys may be bold and brave yet beautiful, they are broken on the inside: As part of this squad; Genjo is a calm fellow but on these missions, he’s trying to make a scene out of himself as he is masking himself before firing away at this enemies with guns.  If he could be more natural, then maybe he wouldn’t come off as mysterious. And maybe people would get to know him even more. He has changed a lot since he was a kid, he’s always cold and stoic demeanor to him. Though, there are rumors where Genjo is said to be a kind hearted fellow but he is one complicated fellow. He doesn’t show much of emotions as he keeps them reined while fighting in these missions. But nobody knows why he’s so mysterious; his squad notices the ruthlessness he has as he is different from human. People are supposing to expression emotions but Genjo is a different kind of guy, he’s just an honest person too and is being who he truly is. He is making a promise of vengeance for his sister. In more of these missions; he comes over to his enemies stealthily and nobody notices. He’s dark and cool minded while his motives are shocking where he knocks out someone and then kills them. Even if people like the rest of these guys could see what a powerful, abnormal guy he is, he’s just different. Genjo recalled the day that he met a nice girl by the name of Missy who is a hard working girl. And yet, she is subjected to horrendous abuse all her life: Her grandfather had inflicted unwanted abused her, her father was an alcoholic, and her mother didn't help Missy of that abuse as she blamed it on her daughter--claiming it was her fault. Missy managed to survive and escaped the abuse from her grandpa, she was abused by her second boyfriend. But the first guy she was with was a psychotic but the second one was worst. But one day, Missy was discovered dead in alley and it was found out that it was a biker gang. Genjo snaps after Missy’s family didn’t care about her death and butchered Missy’s cruel family! He also found that biker gang and the boyfriend as he slaughtered them. Finally; Genjo’s deeds were found out by Cassandra, Genjo confesses in an emotional state as he exclaimed: “I DISPOSE OF THEIR SHITTY REMAINS!!! THEY NEVER CARED FOR AN INNOCENT GIRL LIKE MISSY, SHE WAS A NICE PERSON….” He broke down crying as Genjo’s friends, Roxanne, her team and her friends are shocked to find out that Genjo has changed a lot. But Genjo vows to help someone in need if it happens again. He won’t let anyone innocent and sweet be confronted by relentless abuse—Family, friends, or other people. Never again.

“Missy, you are wondering who will be the substitute for you to accompany me and share my burdens when you were gone. There is nothing to replace you, Nina. If something should happen to me on this mission, it’ll affect all of us. In this dangerous situation, do you think I can make it without you? If you could follow me, would you go wherever I go despite all the hardships? But for some reason, it wasn’t meant to be. You can’t follow me now down this path.” He thought. In a fake town, this looked like suburb used to demonstrate the effects of a nuclear weapon on a residential area; mannequins as well as accessible buildings and vehicles. There are two houses with two floors and a garage, a back yard to both and a middle section with a few vehicles. In both ends, the team spawns in a garden area in the backyard. The upper floor is a popular place for there are two stairs, in the backyard and inside the house on the room closest to center, and there is a gardening balcony outside the house on the main window, which can be climbed. However, the ladder is a very risky way, as the player is open to enemy fire. Suddenly, Genjo typed in something on the computer and there was blinking as he said: “Virtual systems ready…Lock on the target.” Suddenly, there was an explosion of fire. A large cloud of smoke shaped like a mushroom and all in chaos is swept away from the explosion! There were guards that saw this and decide to find out what’s going on. “What in the world is that?” One of the guards asked. As they got closer, they saw figures in the dust attack them with their guns. Then, the other guard freaks out: “Holy—it’s them! Those Misfit Boys!” And the guards are taken down by Genjo and the others. One of them is trying to escape as Genjo went after him. “C’mon pussycat! Faster, go faster than that! Kill them all! Kill them all!” exclaimed Seiten excitedly. Genjo caught up with Mother Chucker, who try to exit from the massacre. “Hold it, it’s game over for you—Mother Chucker!” claimed Genjo. Homeslice, Destructor X and Cut Throat freak out as they respond in unison: I mean your boss is different; a thousand dollars from the big man will make a wholesome meal tonight.” The other three killers reacted angrily, “Why you…Hurt her and you die!” But Mother Chucker intervene, “Wait a moment, boys! These guys are professionals, there’s nothing we can do!” Cut Throat protested, “But boss…” Mother Chucker replied, “Take care of things, they can’t take me. Don’t worry, I’ll return in an hour.” For the moment; Seiten, Tenpo, and Kenren went after the thugs who had kidnapped the girl however the lead thugs threatens to kill the girl however there was a sound of dominoes falling and Kenren took them down the crazy females and rescue the girl. The dominoes stop falling and Seiten grinned while he said, “See ya later.” All the bad guys were apprehended and were left in their prison but Genjo went in and killed them. Meanwhile; a young lady name Ethenia and her assistant were working with others for talented routines as they were finishing up with a client. “Thanks, we'll keep in touch alright?” Ethenia said. The woman nodded, “Ok, thank you.” She replied and left. Ethenia looked at her assistant, “Who's next?” She asked. The assistant looks at the clipboard for the list: “Uh, Irisa, and her sister Rosabel.” He said. Two girls came in dressing the same: Long white ones, furry gilets, embroidered tunics, cropped jackets, large faux-coin belts, cowboy boots, and baggy cardigans. They both were pretty energetic and too peppy, while also displaying an attitude of ostentatious melodrama. Like pretentious schmaltzy that was pedantic! The first girl came up to Edith and furiously shaking Ethenia's hand was Irisa: “OMG, Hi, Hi, how are you? OMG Hi, hi, nice to meet you!” The other who was Rosabel came beside her all excitedly, “Let me shake her hand. OMG, my heart's going crazy!!!!” She squealed. The assistant spoke out, “Ok girls, calm down. Calm down.” Ethenia smiled and managed to explain to the sisters her predicament, “All right, look you two, I'm going on tour very soon and I'm looking for dancers with a lot of energy.” She said. “Right so, uh, let's see what you guys got.” Added the assistant. “Ok...” Irisa said as she was pointing to her shirt, “Give it up...” Rosabel finished, “For Ethenia...You know it...!” Irisa echoes after her sister, “TOTALLY!” and laughs that girlish laugh. Ethenia managed to smile, “Those are nice.” She said. “We stayed up all night making them!” explained Irisa but they became serious and shouted: “Freedom! Trust! Wings Up! Yeah!” They stop their chant and turned to each other. “OMG, OMG, you were so good!” Irisa complimented her sister. “No you were so good!” insisted Rosabel. “I know totally I was, I was totally good!” Irisa bragged. Ethenia managed to smile and say sweetly, “That was really interesting ladies; you wanna show me something else?” Irisa answered, “Yeah, if you just give us a second here we will.” She turned to Rosabel, who noticed her worried expression. “You ok?” Rosabel asked. “Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine...how are my bangs?” Irisa asked. “They could be longer, how are pores?” Rosabel inquired. “They’re not too big, they’re improving.” Realizing how frustrating the situation was; Ethenia breathed out a sigh, “Ladies, we really have a lot of other people to see…” She started to say but Irisa cut her off: “Yeah, I know, ok, I know this, what is this?...Ok...Let's do this!!!” Rosabel joins in, “For Ethenia!” Irisa points to her shirt, “Totally!” She said. The girls did some routine however Ethenia stops as she called out, “Irisa! Rosabel! Stop!” The sisters stopped and they realize their mistake, “You two were just quivering while doing that.” Irisa placed her hands on her hips, “You just interrupted us. Thank you very much!” She snapped. “Sorry, we're really running out of time.” Ethenia replied. Rosabel glared at her, “We know little miss prissy, how about you watch your lip?!” She exclaimed. “Hey sis!” Irisa asked. Rosabel turned her back on Ethenia and threw her hands up, “I just don't get it you know?!” She hissed. “Rosabel!” Irisa murmured loudly. Rosabel turned to her, “What?” She answered. “Look at me, girl! You take that fire that's going on inside of you right now, and you put it into your talent! All right? Remember what Mom said, ‘If you dream, dream out loud!” Irisa reminds her. “Ok.” Rosabel said. “That's really great you guys but, we gotta keep this thing moving.” The assistant reminded. Irisa begin to cry in hysterics. Rosabel was now pissed, “What do you want from us? Do you want us to BLEED?!” She snapped. “This business is so hard, it is so hard!” Irisa blubbered. “I know, right? Come on let's just go buy some headbands or something.” Rosabel said. “YEAH!!!!” exclaimed Irisa. She turned to Ethenia and her assistant, glaring at them with a fierce look. “YOU PEOPLE SUCK!!!” Irisa shouted. And the sisters left in a huff. The assistant turned to Ethenia and said, “Man, those girls were terrible.” Ethenia nodded, “Very.” She said. “Well, the next appointment isn't for another hour, you wanna take a lunch break and we’ll regroup?” The assistant inquired. “Yeah, sure.” Said Ethenia. The assistant nodded, “Alright.” He said. 

During that time, someone could see Ethenia in the scopes. “Wow, what a babe.” Seiten complimented. Genjo held out his hand to him; “Let me see.” He said. Seiten hand him the binoculars and Genjo looked through them. “There. That's her, the babe.” Funske pointed at where Ethenia is. He looked over and said, “She's interesting.” Kenren smiled darkly, “She's good.” He eulogized. Genjo looked up from the binoculars with a smirk on his face, “She's mine.” He declared. Seiten grins at her, “Okay, go get her.” He exclaims. So Genjo goes after her! Genjo isn’t just acting on primal instinct; he has been watching Ethenia for a while and he decides that she is the perfect girl. Genjo has had his eye on Ethenia for a while now. No other girl has caught his eye for as long as she as. She is supremely beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Genjo approaches next to Ethenia as he likes to ask her something however Ethenia doesn’t want his help. He runs after her as in he’s trying to kidnap her. He continues to pursue her and has finally caught up to her, pushing her down so she cannot run anymore and covering her mouth so she cannot scream. Ethenia has been screaming for help but her situation is starting to seem hopeless. After kidnapping her, he’s still taunting her and making her relive the assault. Ethenia attempts to fight back her assaulter by biting him, but to no avail. Despite being bitten by Ethenia in her attempts to get away, he loves just to hear her breathe. Genjo is fascinated by the proof of her presence through something as simple as her breathing, even though her breathing is most likely as result of struggling to escape. In his case, it’s perfection for the right girl that drives him to break social mores for this unachievable. After that pain; she’s given up her hope of being rescued. There’s no telling how long Ethenia has been with Genjo, but now she’s playing along in order to expose his defenses and make him vulnerable. It looks like Genjo made a bad decision since she’ll be the reason for his destruction. Ethenia refuses to be held captive any longer. Now that Genjo is drugged, she’s looking forward to his approaching fate, which will be a deadly one. But Ethenia is sick of playing along with Genjo as she chooses to go for the kill. She managed to get away as Ethenia then begin to record herself: “Our world is fallen, many tragedies have happened and all everyone cares about is the election of a king. A king who brought back the anti orientation, anti Semetic and other things. For this soon to be king is nothing more than a bully. But people love him for his ideals and that is what sickens me the most. People in the world fought hard in these states but if this king is voted; chaos would ensued. My mother fears this and she said that if this bullying, monstrous king is voted; she wants to move out. The king I mention has a lot of money and could be getting his people to get others to vote for him the highest bid. It could be a conspiracy theory as we know but people don't care--And they don't care what people have to say because this man is nothing more than a narcissist who eats away at his own kind for seeing their flaws. And people think it's OK. Somebody needs to take a stand against this man however people cannot for this guy seems to be untouchable. They think it is acceptable, someone must take a stand and I hope this so called king will not be voted, he will cause chaos and it ensues with things that are now free to please are now becoming like the past: Segregation, the queer with sexual orientation, and all else. He is trying to resurface all this and people think it's OK? I do not agree for people need to take a stand, they need to bring this bully down but nobody is doing a damn think about it. That braggart aborigine, he's ruining everything for our future and nobody cares. Where is the Justice? People don't care, do they? But I ask you, where is the justice? I lost all faith in humanity. Because our world has fallen...Our way of life is dying....Nobody cares, it's this bully, this one who thinks he'll be king and if he does, he will cause chaos. An anti Semetic, segregation of colors, and the bashing to the sexual orientation. He is the plague to our society among the politics. Now I will look at the politics as nothing more than a joke. A merely and ridiculous joke.”

In the morning; Genjo and his friends were wandering in the city downtown just like they always do. Just then this was a song playing over an intercom downtown! The song was only heard by Genjo and the other four boys: “♫Oh, she is the most prettiest babe in the woods. There was an old man who wreck her, her mama don't believe her. Daddy was a drunk and life at home was hell. But she managed to pull through. In the handbasket hellfire. Her life is like a storm, she always is in the eye of the storm. She always wears a smile and keeps on the right track no matter what. Hey girl, how did you get yourself in the eye of the storm? How can you make the raging tempest stop in your path? Girl, you deserve better you know, better than these demons in your life. Girl, you're a good girl with a family who are monsters. First man was just a psycho, she had her baby with him and that guy was gone. Second one was worst, beat the heck out of her for being drunk on his own. Now she has two daughters and they are the cutest things. Poor kids' papas are the most worst fathers ever, give them an award shining with musky dirt. Kids saw a drunk negro man beating her up, they must have been scared out of their wits. The negro's sisters call her a hussy in the most explicit way but she keeps her head up. No matter what, her mama expects her to pay more money because it's on her and she doesn't give a damn because it's all on her. Girl, maybe I don't know what goes on but I know how you feel. See, I got a daddy who was mean to me and my family. He abused mama, he hurt me if I did something wrong. Hey girl, you wanna come over here and not hang out with these monsters you call your family? I know your brothers don't care about the kids, they ask you if they're all dead. How can you deal with a family like that? They couldn't care less, can't they shed a little sympathy? Don't they love you? If that's love, they got a funny way of showing it y'know!♫”

Genjo was wondering who was singing that song! "Who is that singing that song?" He thought. From afar is a pretty girl....

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