This is the seventh chapter of Misfit Boys, the boys are still going on missions when it comes to the terrorists and the five girls aren't sure to trust these boys. Meanwhile, Edith teams up with the mysterious boys and Vanya while a demonic force is among them! Please enjoy, thank you very much. --KatDon
Chapter 7: The Lonely, the Broken Hearted, and the Battle Scarred
The enemy battleships out at sea, it was too quiet but no sign of anything! “Anything to report?” The commander asked. “No sir, nothing suspicious among the waters.” Said a lieutenant. “Excellent, keep watch my good man. Enemies will be the sacrificial slaughters for we will be greatly rewarded by the Heavenly King.” The commander said. Just then, an unidentified ship was out and attacked the battleships where it destroyed the other ships while Parthalan, Jethro, and Funske kidnapped the commander’s ship. The one piloting that unidentified ship was Kobus and Sherrod appeared on the battleship with the others. The lieutenants try to fight back but they were all taken out. This battleship was loaded with radical terrorists. Afterwards; the five of the Misfit Boys interrogate the commander—well Sherrod did. “OK, we know you are those radical terrorists. We want to know the source of all this, tell us.” He said firmly. “You are monsters.” The commander accused, “God my savior will punish you greatly. Your eternal damnation lies ahead as well as apocalypse is coming. All evil will be wiped out and forever will be bliss.” Kobus glared at him, “Monsters? You brought this on yourselves you savages! And these talks of an apocalypse are a mere lie!” He clarified. “Thee has carried the mark of the beast, I see three six’s among you sinners! Die and burn in…” The commander ranted. However, he got punched in the face. “Shut the hell up, sinners? The evil six? You think ethical people like us are evil and you say the same shit all the time! You brainwash your people with this kind of crap? But you forget we’re humans, we bleed the same like you. We’re not sinners, we represent justice! Now we’re gonna ask you again, who is the source of all this madness?” Funske said, it was clear he punched him. But the commander wasn’t cooperative: “My Lord, My Lord, why have you forsaken me? Hear my cry, forgive them Lord!” He ranted. Funske scoffs, “Do you know how ridiculously hypocritical you sound?” He remarked. The commander ignored this and proceeds to rant like a lunatic: “The world is corrupted, ethics are evil with skulls and hellfire amongst the earth. It must be wiped out for good! Demonic pigs that roam the world and we only want to purify them with blood on the battlefield. Let thy souls of these monsters be perished into fire and brimstone.” However, he didn’t rant for long for Parthalan put a bullet between the eyes and that was that. “We’ve heard enough from you, psycho.” Parthalan said. Although they never got information from the overzealous commander so Sherrod managed to find out the truth about the source which is Martyrs Of Holy Ground or M.O.H.G. for short. M.O.H.G. is a group of radical terrorists that are murdering those in the name of their Holy Savior. The meaning of what they stand for is striving in the way of God, to refer to the act of striving to serve the purposes of God on this earth. Jethro shook his head while hearing this, “What a bunch of savages we have. Doing this, lives are at stake here.” He said. Funske smiled at Sherrod, “Nice job chief. Now we can take down these sons of bitches for this entire massacre they caused! They brought this upon themselves.” He said. But Sherrod wasn’t happy with Funske and confronted him: “Where the hell were you? With some girl?!” He exclaimed. Funske was surprised by Sherrod’s sudden anger. “Sorry ‘Dad’, did I miss curfew?” He asked. Jethro sighed, “Oh boy…” He muttered. Sherrod looked solemnly,
“You know we can’t have people in our lives. No relationships, they will only jeopardize the mission! Did you say anything to her?” He demanded. “No way! I said nothing to her.” Funske insisted. Sherrod gave him a suspicious look, “You sure?” He asked. Funske nodded, “Yes sir.” He replied. Sherrod sighed, “OK. If I find out, we’re in trouble.” He warned. When he got back home, Sherrod came across a maid by the name of Zula and is amazed on how beautiful she is. But she was a focused on her work. Sherrod praises her for her good work but Zula is withdrawn from speaking to him and accepting his sweet words. Sherrod becomes curious about Zula however he couldn’t put at risk the missions he and his team always did, he had to be very careful! What happened with him, Funske was on his mission but somebody took down the enemies with killer yet nice looking legs choking them! But the person that did this was a hot girl name Candy--She wore a long sleeved shirt, leggings, and shorts. She wore slip on flats on her tiny feet. Funske looks over at her. "My pretty, I have one thing to say to you....You have nice legs!" He exclaimed. Candy looked flabbergasted. "What you call me?" She asked. "So, you are the little pixie that's been causing a lot of trouble. Well then, hello nurse!" Funske remarked. "Me? Trouble?" said Candy, "I'm just an angel from heaven to be sent here on earth." Funske smiles at her, "You're cute." He remarked. "Seriously, what do you want with me?" said Candy. Funske looked at her and said, "Mind tell me who you working for?" However, everything went black for both of them. Candy woke up as she saw it wasn't too dark as light poured through a boarded up window, it was morning. Candy scans her surroundings as only to snap her attention turned to a corner with a shuffling sound. "So, you're finally awake beautiful." A voice murmured. She looked and she saw Funske in a straitjacket, "You OK?" asked Candy. "Oh, yeah. All tied up so this isn't anything new." Funske remarked sarcastically. Candy can't remember what happened as she looked around at the windows and the door, checking to see that they were locked however Funske is watching her every move while in the room. "Whatcha looking at?" Candy grumbled, prying a plank from the floor. It wasn't like him looking at her bothered Candy one bit but somehow, a faint blush creeping on her face as she could feel Funske's eyes raking her while he chuckled. Candy sighed, sitting back in her corner. A lot of time has passed and Funske stretched his himself out, he looked at Candy and grinned wickedly: "So, what do you think about killing people?" He asked. Terrified; her mind was shrieking, "What kind of question is that?" as she flattened herself on the wall while Funske chuckled again. He shifted around and he seemed uncomfortable. "Ugh! These stupid restraints." He muttered with a look of disgust. Candy walked over and removed the restraints, "What the hell?" Funske started to say but then he felt loose from the straitjacket and grinned, throwing the jacket off him. Funske stretched while Candy watched him for awhile. It was now dark out and Candy yawned but she didn't sleep. She begin to hum to herself, while trying to stay awake. Funske watched her, mesmerizing by her. It was quiet for a moment until Candy looked at him, "Funske?" She asked. "Hmm?" Funske responded. "What do.....What do you think about me?" inquired Candy. Funske looked at her with shock, "Did she ask me that?" She seem want to know this, "Why would he not be scared of me after all we've been through? OK, I don't know him that much!" In the meantime; Funske could feel his heart racing, he didn't want to admit that he was falling for her. He anxiously didn't know what to say, but there was a mushy part of him that wants to melt in her arms as wants to nuzzle her neck. That thought that she was thinking of the same thing made Candy blush but also disgusted. "You know something? I've always thought you are the most interesting woman I've ever seen." said Funske. Candy blushes fifty shades red, "Really?" She asked. "Since the first time I met you." Funske said. "That's nice, that really makes me feel good. Someone like you could really make it alright for me." Candy replied. "You think?" inquired Funske. "Yeah." replied Candy. The two managed to escape from the room and got away as Candy couldn't stop holding Funske's arm. But Candy disappeared however Funske was concern for her and for who she is. Jethro continues to watch over Jolie and discovers that she had a father who was the one that gave her the inherited red right had because he was a demon and Jolie must use it to eliminate evil while correcting the mistakes that his infernal father had caused. Jethro became more curious by Jolie and what she’s all about.
Later; Edith and the others: Vanya Hargrove, Zevon Espas, Diego Krakr, Lothario Rumoree, Shovon Ponco, and Klaus Seneca came by to see Lacey, who was surprised for these newcomers and they embark on a quest where they meet strangers in this journey: Mack is a boy-genius who possesses a secret laboratory hidden behind a bookcase in his bedroom. The laboratory is filled with Mack's inventions and access is achieved by speaking various passwords or by activating hidden switches on Mack's bookshelf by pulling out a specific book. Though highly intelligent, Mack often fails at what he has set out to do when he becomes overexcited and makes careless choices. Although he comes from a typical family, Mack speaks with a thick accent of indeterminate origin similar to French. He's a scientist; he knows he needs some kind of accent. He considers himself a very serious scientist, and all well-known scientists have accents. Mack manages to keep the lab a secret from his clueless, cheerful Mom and Dad, who never take notice of it. However, he is frequently in conflict with his hyperactive older sister, Brandy. In spite of Mack's advanced technology, Brandy eludes all manner of security, and once inside her brother's laboratory, she delights in playing haphazardly, often wreaking havoc with his inventions. Though seemingly dim-witted, Brandy often outsmarts her brother and even gives him helpful advice. For his part, Mack, though annoyed by his intrusive sibling feels a reluctant affection for her and will come to her defense if she is imperiled. Mack's nemesis is a rival boy-genius from his school named Ruben Tyrus. Ruben also has his own laboratory, but his schemes are generally evil and designed to gain power while downplaying or destroying Mack's accomplishments. Ruben's weakness is his love for Brandy, though she ignores him and never returns his affections. They also meet Puff, Puff is a black-spotted yellow monkey-like creature and has an incredibly long, strong, flexible, prehensile tail, used for almost any task. He is able to use his tail as a weapon, by tightening the end into a fist and the remainder of the tail into a spring-like spiral for maximal force. Edith and the others came across a place called Strange Division and meets Ebenezer Goode! Ebenezer Goode is an overly energetic and hyperactive anthropomorphic entity where he was once a big name star for Memory Lane Studios, he was fired due to his show being bumped out of first place in the ratings. He was introduced to law enforcement when he unknowingly saved celebrity from a park mugger and was given full credit for the mugger's capture. For his actions, he received a citizen valor award by the Chief of Police. The chief thought that Bonkers would be a benefit to the police force, asked if the former star would like a job working for the police department, which Bonkers accepted because of his recent unemployment from his former job. Ebenezer then requested Detective Jack Mooch as his partner and the two established the beginning of the Strange Division. When Ebenezer first came home to Jack's house, he was treated as a sort of adopted son to Detective Jack Mooch. Though Ebenezer means well, he usually messes up cases for his fellow officers due to his lack of experience in law enforcement and his wild, exaggerated, cartoony nature. He even tells Lucky at one point that he is not good at logical police thinking because he is not like the others. Detective Jack Mooch is a slovenly, morbidly obese, street-wise mustachioed man. He is balding, but wears a toupée. Detective Jack Mooch is a serious, hard-boiled detective whose by-the-book nature is at odds with Ebenezer's decidedly more maniacal approach to crime solving. Though he often was able to get to the core of the happy go lucky, fantasy universe by finally embracing it, with Ebenezer's help. Jack will prove increasingly good and less comfortable against an annoying pest. He is the father of Minnie and husband to Diane who he normally calls "Di". He has a 53 inch waistline. He drives a rather torn-down patrol car. Minnie Mooch is Jack's child genius daughter with big round glasses and freckles on her face. She is an aspiring artist as well as a story writer and has deep connection to entities such as Ebenezer. She is more than capable of taking care of herself and aids her father in a number of his cases often being the words of wisdom or a source of knowledge to Lucky. Although looking like her mom Diane, she also shares her father's hair color. Diane is Jack's understanding wife who supports her husband and at times encourages their daughter Minnie. David Watts is Ebenezer’s clumsy best friend and stunt-double back during Ebenezer’s famous days. He literally falls apart at the drop of a hat and must wear bandages over various body parts to keep him from dismantling. He is often remarkably stupid and goofy! A small, nervous entity name Bobby McGee who was Ebenezer's sidekick. He is the straight man, constantly having serious bodily harm done to him through Ebenezer's recklessness. After dealing with that crazy world; Edith and the gang came across Ace Miller and the Flash Jets. Saved by Richard Cory back on his hometown, Ace is the leader of the gang. At first reluctant to take charge after Richard fell, he eventually comes to accept the role of leadership. Ace is also intelligent and just usually plays the straight man to the others and protector to his younger brother, Terry. Ace uses body armor and a gauntlet. Terry is Ace's younger brother, who initially was not intended to be part of Richard's resistance. Once they reach Earth, Terry becomes an official member of the team, on this crime fighting team. He is by far the team's most impulsive and immature member. Terry is more childish and easy-going than the other members of the gang, and often looks toward his older brother for support and protection. Terry can be very likable, making friends. He wears body armor, but not as much as Ace. Eddie is a former notorious jewel thief, he has changed his ways to battle the evil lord. Eddie has a golden sword of saber. He also carries lock picks and a grappling hook attached to his wrist. Eddie has a Brooklyn accent and is pretty level-headed, albeit egotistical at times. He also has an eye patch and a chipped beak, possibly as a result of his past as a thief. He remains the most experienced of all the members and possesses a good balance of skill and confidence. Unfortunately, there are some minor trust issues with Julie due to Eddie being an ex-thief, though this fact doesn't seem to faze their leader Ace. Julie is a fiery redhead who is well-learned in martial arts, although most of the time she is content with. She has a sharp tongue and usually directs it towards Terry's immature acts, or anything that she feels is out of line. Her trust is easily broken, particularly in Eddie's case, and as she sees it, for some very good reasons. With her strong military background, Julie often thinks in black and white. She's a strict disciplinarian, and has a high regard for the chain of command. She's also stubborn, which can be a fault as much as strength. Brenda is a resident genius who is often the one turned to for advice, even by Ace. She is good with mechanics and has many projects. Despite her intellect, she has bad allergies, lacks confidence, has a gentler personality, and is not as a good fighter as the others. She makes up for this with her good common sense and wry humor. And then, there is Quinn who is a super strong man with a Zen-like philosophy. Quinn is wise and doesn't let his anger cloud his judgment. He rarely uses weapons in battle, relying on his wisdom and strength instead. He has a strong sense of honor and can always be counted on for support. He is a good friend of Terry. During Quinn's younger years, he had a horrible temper. He found enlightenment with the training from a grand master. While hanging out with the leader alone; Edith asked Ace about his best friend, Richard, so Ace reluctantly tells her about him: Richard Cory was Ace's best friend, and the only remaining survivor of a war he was in. He was the original leader and team captain of the Flash Jets before being pulled into a different dimension. While following Flash Jets through a dimensional gateway, Richard sacrificed himself when the enemy ship released an electromagnetic worm on the hover craft. Before he did, he gave his mask to Ace and told him to be the team captain. As far as Ace and the others know, Richard is still trapped in dimensional limbo. He was a great leader and a great friend. Ace believes Richard is still alive and swears he will find him, poor Ace was feeling guilty for not being able to save his friend. Edith befriend a girl name Maxine 'Max'—who is applied as a foreign exchange student, and on a lark asked to be sent to a tropical island. She found herself dumped on a forgotten, scantily mapped island populated by descendants of a shipwreck. The castaways have gone native and are trying to behave like people who share common traits in language, customs and society with varying degrees of success. The only sane person around here is Maxine ‘Max’. Maxine is an 11-year-old city-born girl who enjoys the features of the tropical island, but misses the life she had in the city and her school. Fortunately, Derek is able to recreate many of the things that Maxine misses most about her homeland. Lucille is a 10-year-old self-proclaimed princess of the island, Derek's cousin and Albert's niece is characterized by her loud and arrogant nature. She continually exploits Maxine, Derek, and her pet name Lancelot. Derek, being sagacious to a fault, frequently obliges to her will, even at the cost of her own well-being. Though she has a habit of tormenting everyone, she usually learns a lesson in humility by the end of each episode. Lucille's unruly behavior is most likely a result of poor parenting on the part of her father, Wendell. And Derek is a 5-year-old native of the island, Lucille's cousin and Wendell's nephew, has a surprising predisposition to scientific theory and discovery. His inventions gone awry help develop the plots of many insane scams. He is close friends with three beings; Hatsy, Hagen, and Hevel who are capable of speech and well learned in philosophy. Together, they form a philosophical group where they are discussing such great thinkers, matters of existentialism, and the relevance of time. Derek enjoys experiencing new things! It’s not just the kids in the island but they have adults here too: George is Lucille's father and the Governor of the Island. He is wiry, weak-willed and is seemingly unable to control his daughter or of delivering any sort of punishment to her. He has been the island's Governor for many years. This was misinterpreted by Max, who thought he was a governor, which lead to an election" on the island, not realizing that the Islanders came to the island from the city. He has a large collection of tea bags, and speaks in a squeaky falsetto although whether this was intentional or not remains uncertain. Henry is Derek's father, and Jenny's husband. He is eccentric and charismatic, and also has a noticeable speech impediment preventing him from pronouncing his Rs. He fancies himself to be the island's hunter, using suction-cup arrows to persistently hunt a single wombat. It appears that the island's inhabitants are vegetarian, so one may wonder what happens if Alfred ever catches the wombat and himself. And Jenny is Derek's mother and Henry's wife, who fancies herself to be an artist and writer. Her arts including painting, sculpting, and cooking. The majority of Jenny's artwork has to do with the island's ancestors. For this, she often seen working on a sculpture of several ancestors on the side of a mountain. Every once in a while she will also be found painting food, and often found cooking it. Jenny is the island's chef, preparing meals and tea for everyone on her side of the island, as well as preparing buffets and elaborate meals for special occasions. Mr. Bojangles is the Island Elder and Medicine-Man whom the Islanders seek advice from. He is also seen to be able to perform a kind of magic, summoning dead spirits. Mr. Bojangles claims to be psychic and he claims to know all and see all. The islander held onto their beliefs that he was psychic and communicated with a higher power. In some respects, this is truth enough. He can see all with a telescope, and he did bring ghosts to the island and he lives alone on the top of a mountain in a cave. Then there is a young prince from a feudal a country whose father acquired a magical katana that he used to defeat and seals a shape-shifting demon. Having foreseen that the demon would eventually break free, the Emperor sent his son to travel the world and train his mind and his body before returning years later to Japan as an adult. After taking his father's katana, the prince challenges the demon to a duel and defeats him. But the demon creates a time portal before the prince can deal the final blow, sending his opponent into the distant future with anticipation that he would be able to amass sufficient power to deal with the samurai by that time. The prince arrives in a Dystopian, retro-futuristic Earth ruled by the demon and filled with his robot minions and a large number of alien immigrant races of various appearances..he has search for a way to travel back to his own time, where he hopes to stop the demon before these events come to pass. The prince believes he has reached the end of his quest; something causes him to miss his chance. Just then, the residents are attacked by a huge, green slime monster! The Monster was created when a scientist who made the robots and also wanted revenge on Edith for sabotaging the machines and made a big mess out of things, then, lightning struck on it and it turned into a monster who rampaged the city. Edith nearly vomited, she hates the sight of the color slime-green and she felt nauseous. So, Lacey and her allies decide to take them out! Edith watched them and she went to the wet-ware system and managed to use it to make the slime monster evaporate into oblivion and it worked. But then, Zevon and the others meet Master Dion who offers membership to them and they accept.
He was at it again; he was imagining Katrina again of all the segments of her: Parthalan looked up from the binoculars with a smirk on his face, “She's mine.” He declared and he goes after her! Parthalan isn’t just acting on primal instinct; he has been watching Katrina for a while and he decides that she is the perfect girl. Parthalan has had his eye on Katrina for a while now. No other girl has caught his eye for as long as she as. She is supremely beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Parthalan approaches next to Katrina as he likes to ask her something however Katrina doesn’t want his help. He runs after her as in he’s trying to kidnap her. He continues to pursue her and has finally caught up to her, pushing her down so she cannot run anymore and covering her mouth so she cannot scream. Katrina has been screaming for help but her situation is starting to seem hopeless. After kidnapping her, he’s still taunting her and making her relive the assault. Katrina attempts to fight back her assaulter by biting him, but to no avail. Despite being bitten by Katrina in her attempts to get away, he loves just to hear her breathe. Parthalan is fascinated by the proof of her presence through something as simple as her breathing, even though her breathing is most likely as result of struggling to escape. In his case, it’s perfection for the right girl that drives him to break social mores for this unachievable. After that pain; she’s given up her hope of being rescued. There’s no telling how long Katrina has been with Parthalan, but now she’s playing along in order to expose his defenses and make him vulnerable. It looks like Parthalan made a bad decision since she’ll be the reason for his destruction. Katrina refuses to be held captive any longer. Now that Parthalan is drugged, she’s looking forward to his approaching fate, which will be a deadly one. But Katrina is sick of playing along with Parthalan as she chooses to go for the kill. But Katrina cannot bring herself to hurt him. She thought of her sister and Parthalan knows that she has been hurt in the past. She has been through many different horrible things done to her! As a result of being in so many unsuccessful relationships, it caused to her to start to think that by not being in a relationship, she could avoid being hurt. Parthalan has figured out why she is so cautious about other people. Parthalan tells Katrina that she needs to get over her issues and stop wasting time. She’s to blind by her hurt that she can’t see that. She’s still hurting, but she also knows that she does love again. She’s still in recoil, so she’s a little hesitant, but Parthalan persists. He does everything for her but she thinks that it’s not enough! No matter what Parthalan do, it just isn’t enough for Katrina. Parthalan realize that she doesn’t want to get heartbroken again but he isn’t like the other guys she’s been with. Parthalan lets her know that when she’s finally ready to let herself be loved that she won’t have to look far, because it’s going to be him to save her. Katrina is trembling, tears overflowing her eyes, she try to point it at Parthalan: “Why--?! Why did you do this? Have I been through enough?!” She called out. “Wait, what do you mean?” Parthalan asked. “As if you don’t know me so well but I know you—you’re the guy who witnessed the death of that girl. She was your sister, wasn’t she?” Katrina asked. Parthalan was shocked, “How did you know?” He gasped. Katrina staggered away and ran to the roof as she was standing on the roof. She turned to see Parthalan and faints; she looked like she was going to fall from the building. He was carrying her; he had one arm under her legs and the other supporting her back like a groom carrying his bride. He looked over at her and brought her down where he propped her on a bench and left. And on that day, Katrina came across a lab but she found Parthalan clutching his arm, blood poured from it. Katrina approached towards him, she couldn't believe it was him. And saw he was bleeding pretty badly from his arm. "What's wrong? Are you OK?" Katrina asked. Parthalan grimaced, "I'm fine. This is nothing." He said. Katrina felt bad, "Here, let me help." She said. She managed to find iodine, white bandages to wrap around it and managed to cover the wound. While she did this, Parthalan stared at her in amazement. Monica noticed as she smiles. Just then, Monica was attacked by a monster that pounced and laughed at her horrified expression. "Oh...Monica, dear and sweet Katrina...I've...always......admired your beauty, my dear. l've always loved you. You will love me. You will." The monster growled, pinning her to the wall. Monica struggled in his grasp as she chokes out, "Please! Please stop! Let me go!" The monster laughs at her suffering, "That's it, my dearest Katrina......more passion!" It said. "Oh my god!" Katrina cried. "Yes, my love!" The monster laughed. Katrina didn't know how this creature knows him as she struggles away but Parthalan shot the monster from behind. Katrina was shocked, she slid down against the wall and saw him. "You saved me after I cleansed and bandaged your wound?" Katrina gasped. Parthalan's stoic face softens, "Nobody else has done that for me. Just wanted to give you my gratitude." He admitted softly. Monica smiles, "...Thank you." She said. Parthalan nods, he then whispers: "Beware of Valentine Korvin. Don't be afraid, Katrina." Parthalan remembered the memories of his dear, sweet, big sister: "I love you, Parthalan. You make me feel like a person. Like I'm me... and I'm beautiful." His sister said with a smile. Young Parthalan looked at her and replied with a hand on her shoulder, "You are beautiful, sis. You're the most beautiful girl in the world." Nina looked at him with a heartwarming glance, "That's nice, Parthalan. Other people have told me that before, and it was meaningless. When you say it, I hear it." She replied. Those two were inseparable, they were brother and sister but they were best friends. They also wondered what it was like outside. "Parthalan, what do you think it's like out in the world from this mansion?" Nina asked. "I don't know, why ask me? I'm not sure myself." Parthalan said with a shrug. Nina ruffled his hair, "Well you know other things besides me." She teased. Parthalan pouted, but then he said: "Sis, if we ever leave this place, I'll give you the best view of the world. I want to see such great things." Nina hugged him, "Thanks Little Brother." She said. In the present; Katrina and Parthalan face the man with the blade but Parthalan knew who it was. "Cobalt...Is that you?" Parthalan asked calmly. The figure had a mask on, he cried a little bit. "Parthalan, it's you. I missed you so much, we never played anymore like we used to." He said between sobs. "I know, Cobalt. I'm sorry. I just--My sister...I...." Parthalan started to say, but Sisera cried a bit. "I know...Mommy did it, didn't she?" He asked. Parthalan was hesitant, however he managed to reply with, "Yes. I'm sorry Cobalt....I know she did terrible things but it's all over." Cobalt nodded, "Yeah. She did. She never told me how much she loved me, you and your sister were the only friends I'd ever had." He said. He looked at Katrina, who was trembling but she could feel Parthalan's hand on her shoulder. "Relax, Katrina... I said before that I'd protect us." He reminded. Katrina nodded, her fragile face was masking her fear. Cobalt pointed to her, "Will she like me?" He asked. Parthalan looked reluctant as he expressed his answer, "I don't know....I can't promise that she will but listen.....You don't have to hide from the truth anymore. All the pain will be over, OK Cobalt? Why don't you take off your mask?" Cobalt was shaken but he did what Parthalan told him and what Katrina saw terrified her, Cobalt's true face was inhuman. He looked like he suffered from facial clefting. Parthalan grimaced, Cobalt looked at Katrina's face before he screamed: "WHY WON'T YOU LIKE ME FOR JUST THE OUTSIDE!!!!" And attacked Cobalt was killed by the cicada bugs and by the bullet of Parthalan. Cobalt let out an inhuman cry as the bugs went away. He fell to the ground, dead as Katrina looked at Parthalan, who held out his hand out. Katrina took it as they embraced one another however Katrina was struck in the shoulder and ducked down in pain. Parthalan looked up with a tranquil anger expression, he saw Mrs. Korvin who has messy hair and blood all over her as she couldn't stop panting. "You...You killed my son! How could you? He loved you, trusted you as a friend and this is what you repay him with?!" Mrs. Korvin shouted. Parthalan looked at her square in the eye, "He killed many people, innocent people." He said. Mrs. Korvin shed a few tears, "They didn't understand...He was diseased but he was my baby!!!" She shouted. Parthalan glared at her intensely, "What about my sister? Did you understand about the pain you cause to her or the other three boys? All the pain and murders to innocent? How about that?" He said. Mrs. Korvin gritted her teeth in her grief, "They hurt my sons, disgusted by the sight of them." She claimed. "You brought this on yourself, Valentine." said Parthalan. "Oh, I brought this on? Why don't you kill me? Go on! Call on your insects! Call them!" However, Parthalan never called them out verbally but somehow he caused his insects to telepathically tear her flesh apart. Katrina was shocked by seeing this that Parthalan took her in his arms and cover her eyes to not see the gruesome sight before her. Finally, she peeked and glance at Parthalan’s stoic expression!
“Vengeance is all mine; Korvin. Your reign of terror ends now.” He said and let out a maniacal laugh that shocked Katrina. But Parthalan’s maniacal mood changes to a somber expression and he says: “Nina, my revenge has been completed. You are avenged at long last, the nightmare is over.” And he fell to his knees. Katrina escorted Parthalan back as she is perplexed by the mysterious boy’s nature. She stayed with him and fell asleep but when she woke up, Parthalan was gone. Later, Parthalan was alone and playing in his headphones was the song, Anyplace Yearn to a Voyage: “♫You’re wondering who will be the substitute for you to accompany me and share my burdens when you were gone. There is nothing to replace you. ♫If something should happen to me on this mission, it’ll affect all of us. In this dangerous situation, do you think I can make it without you? If you could follow me, would you go wherever I go despite all the hardships? But for some reason, it wasn’t meant to be. You can’t follow me now down this path. ♫Will you be my guardian angel? ♫To protect me if you are no longer with me physically, possibly for your murder? I know you can’t be with me because you and I are apart from one another. I wish for your guidance and your sweet words, so we can get through this together. If you were brave or strong like me, if you had the opportunity to, you would still be with me. If you could follow me around wherever I may go, then you would wouldn’t you? You can’t because you don’t have the opportunity to do so. ♫Yes, I am running for the sake of you with my heart, my hope, and I know you might never come back to me! Even so, I love you sister. I love you so much that you’ve become part of my life. ♫With you gone, I learnt that I need to learn to move on but you will stay with me forever won’t you? ♫Would you rewrite what would happen so you could follow me no matter where I go and protect me from harm? If we’d stay together, you would follow me wherever I will go?♫” Parthalan close his eyes and thought back of the memories from his past: There were boys about Parthalan’s age. Their names are Lysander, Nico, and Eric. While he was exploring, Parthalan meets a red haired boy. “I’m Lysander, what’s your name?” asked the boy with the red hair. “Parthalan.” Replied Young Parthalan. “Cool name. Boy, am I glad you’re here with us. It gets really creepy around here alone at night.” Said Lysander. “What do you mean by that?” asked Parthalan. “Well, I don’t know if this is true or not but there are rumors that say there’s some murders going around here.” Whispered Lysander. “At night, just like this one orphan boy that went missing. He left for one minute and never came back, the police found the boy’s body and said his body was cut apart by a ‘monster’, scary isn’t it?” Indeed that scared Parthalan but for a different reason: He didn’t want his sister Nina to be involved in this madness. He may have been the younger brother but he was very protective of his sister. In the morning, the orphans went to see an exhibit of bugs at a museum where they met a kindhearted professor where he demonstrates on these kinds of insects called cicada. Immediately, Parthalan took noticed of this critter and was amazed by the sight as well as the facts where the cicada show no interest on pestering humans and only eat wood from the ground. “Would anyone like to hold it?” asked the professor. The three boys shrank back in fear but Parthalan didn’t. “I will.” He said. He held the insect cicada in his hand and smiled. “My Jove! I never seen a cicada act this way. I see you show no fear towards it.” Remarked the professor. “Insects don’t bother me, I love them.” Replied Parthalan, he let the insect crawl his arm. He saw the cicada flew a little and went up Parthalan’s wrist down to his hand. Nina smiled, “My brother has a soft spot for bugs.” She explained briefly. “I can see that, they are part of life my dear.” Said the professor. Parthalan seem to have a connection with this cicada and for some reason, he knew what it was feeling. Once that was over, the orphans went home and went through the daily routine of eat and sleep when it was time for bed. However, things would change on this particular night. Parthalan woke up in the middle of the night and went to get a drink of water. As he was doing so, he heard a bang and a body fell to the ground—all bloodied and not moving. Parthalan jumped and approached it with caution. He turned the body around and was shocked to see it was that nice professor from before! He rushed back to his room where he shook Nina and whispered, “Nina! Nina, wake up!” Nina roused from her slumber and saw her brother was scared. “Parthalan, what’s the matter?” She asked softly. “Sis, I saw him! The professor! He was dead!” claimed Parthalan quietly. “Oh Brother, you must have been dreaming.” Nina replied gently. “No, I wasn’t!” Parthalan muttered to her, “I just woke up from a bad dream and wanted to get some water. I heard a noise and—Bloody, the body, oh sis!” Parthalan whispered. He begins to wept as Nina hugged him, soothing his fears. In the morning, the police was at the Korvin Manor as the policemen talk to Parthalan, much dismay and anger by Mrs. Korvin. “How could you disobey my orders of going downstairs and wandering about?” scolded Mrs. Korvin. “Do I have to repeat myself? I wasn’t wandering; I woke up from a bad dream and wanted to get some water. I heard a noise and there was a body that plopped to the ground. I approached it cautiously and saw it was the professor who was in charge of the cicada bugs.” Said Parthalan. “Did you see anyone else?” asked the policeman. “No Officer, I was so scared that I went back to my sister and woke her up to tell her what I saw.” Explained Parthalan. Later, he was about to go to bed and saw the others weren’t in their beds as he went around to find them, exclaiming for their names but no luck. “Lysander? Nico? Eric?” called Parthalan. Nobody answered. “C’mon you guys, this isn’t funny! Come on out!” Parthalan said. Just then, he heard a boy’s scream! He knew who it was! “Lysander!” exclaimed Parthalan. He ran to the direction of where the scream was coming from! It came from the bathroom. By the time he got there, the screaming had stopped. Parthalan walked to the bathroom to wash his hands but recoiled in fear when he saw blood and maggots coming out of there. He turned it off and approaches the shower, pulling back the curtains. There he found a horrifying discovery—a dead boy! It looked like he was tied up and hung by his wrist, stabbed multiple times. “Lysander?” stammered Parthalan. Then, a knife cut the dead boy’s body apart and a masked figure try to attack Parthalan! Parthalan dodged it and escaped with ease however he was scared and would not stop running until that masked murdering figure would not find him or chase him. He ran, and ran until he felt like his lungs would burst. He stopped finally to catch his breath and walked a little but Parthalan looked out the window and saw a figure falling out the window, he could not believe it. “Nico!” He bellowed as he rushed down and got outside to see Nico frantically waving in the water. “Glub—Glub—Parthalan! Help—glub glub—me!!!” sputtered Nico. He stopped waving and drowned in front of a shell shock Parthalan however something else had emerged from the pool, it was that masked figure again! He begins to chase Parthalan, who was already running away. However, he managed to find Nina who was exploring around and shows him what she discovered. “Nina, what did you find?” asked Parthalan. Nina pointed down, “Dad.” She simply said. There was a skeleton on the floor and had a name on him that said ‘Parthalan Venen Sr.’ on its tag. The siblings read his journal and found out that he went missing for he was a prisoner in the manor by the cruel mistress Valentine Korvin and her two deformed children! His death was caused by beaten to death and starved for days. Nina took the skeletal corpse in her arms and cradle it, “Oh Papa.” She sobbed. Parthalan patted the bleach white skull of the man once known as his father. “Dad, what happened here? What’s going on here?” He thought. Further into the house, the siblings discovered the mutilated bodies of animals such as crows, dogs, and cats—even deer and rabbits too! There was one body that looked human, Parthalan was horrified to discover that this was none other than Eric! “Oh no, Eric.” He gasped. During this time, he was looking around and turned to find his sister was nowhere in sight. He found a secret passage way that lead to the cave and he went in where Parthalan found his sister tied to the ground and released her from her bounds. The two managed to get out of the cave until the masked figure appeared, chasing them! He pulled out a gun and shot Nina in the back. “NOO, NINAAAAAA!!!!” shouted Parthalan. Poor Nina was dying as she managed to speak her last words to her little brother: “Parthalan, I—please, stop her! Stop Mrs. Korvin and her children! They are the ones responsible for the murders. Save yourself, goodbye Parthalan…” And died. Parthalan try to scream out her name but it was hopeless, she was dead. Parthalan managed to get to the lab and hide from the murderer. Hiding in the lab alone; Parthalan was crying like a baby over the death of his sister until he heard a buzzing sound beckoning to him—the insects cicada were trying to communicate with him telepathically! Parthalan then freed the bugs as he learns that he can control them! He faced the masked killer—whose name is Ross—and he uses the cicada to take Ross down while killing him too. However, this was short lived when an enraged Mrs. Korvin nearly killed Parthalan with an ax however he dodged her as Korvin panted and her hair was a mess as well as her eyes were red. “You stupid boy!!! That masked murderer was just deformed, imperfect but still he….he…He was my son and you killed him! You are nothing more than a disease in this manor! A catastrophe to us all! To me, you Parthalan are just as your father!” screamed Mrs. Korvin. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. However, the silence broke when Young Parthalan begin to chuckle, and then he laughed a maniacal laugh. “Catastrophe huh. Fine, from this point on, I will use that codename. I will train myself to get stronger and I’ll return to come and find you Valentine Korvin! Just you wait!” vowed Parthalan, he then disappeared. Mrs. Korvin watched him go and muttered, “I’ll be waiting for you—Parthalan! I’ll have my revenge too!” Looking over the city from high above, Parthalan thought about how he will use the cicada to avenge for Lysander, Nico, and Eric. Even for you, sister. I will eliminate all monsters in my path.” Claimed Parthalan, “I promise you Nina….REVENGE!” Parthalan smiled, the nightmare ended and the family of Korvin was no more. His revenge has been completed, however never again will anyone suffer like he did and he will help people that been in his situation like he did.
The next day in an elevator; Katrina has arrived at a tall building, but as if coincidence; she came across Parthalan. "Hi." Katrina greeted. Katrina gave her quick glance before looking away, "Hi." He said softly. "So, are you going somewhere?" Katrina asked casually. "You could say that." Parthalan said, not meeting her gaze. Katrina nodded, it was awkward and quietly between them. "Geez, this is taking too long." Katrina sighed; it was true because it was a pretty tall skyscaping building! "Yeah." Parthalan said. Parthalan and Katrina was standing in that elevator for some time when Katrina said, "So...Parthalan, how long were you a killer?" Parthalan said, "Me? You make it sound like I was one....True, I am one but you don’t know me so well." She explained a bit before shutting up. "I don't care what you were, I think people don't know the real you." Katrina said. "You don’t seem to know the real me." Parthalan said in a biting tone. "What are you saying?" She snapped. "You always hide your insecurities and how I think is what I feel." Parthalan replied. Katrina smirked, "What you feel? You can't blame yourself because you never had real love to understand, you have no understanding of something that was never there. I want to offer you something special from my heart to you until you learn how to truly love yourself. I will still be there for you if you are troubled or have imperfections. Let me help you, Parthalan." Parthalan looked back at her, "Katrina...?" He asked, confused. “Please, stop this! You're driving me crazy!" Parthalan pressed the button repeatedly. “I know; you didn’t want to hurt me. And I didn’t want to hurt you, maybe we can understand each other! I want to get to know you, to make sure you’re not a killer!” That's when, Parthalan became frustrated and he throws her against the wall of the elevator as he has her trapped in his arms that blocked her. "If you tell anyone about this, I’ll kill you!" They were so close to each other when they look like they were inch apart from their faces....BING! The two broke apart from one another and stood away from one another. The doors open and Katrina got out first. Parthalan woke up with a start! He was lost in his thoughts: “I'm in a place right now where nothing goes my way... everything in every aspect is wrong. I've been screwed over so many times I don't know who to trust. At the moment this isn't ideal for me at the time and just wants me to help you through this and as soon as things start going my way, I want for them to go their separate ways.” Parthalan thought, “I don’t rely on many people, but I will rely on you Nina. People think I’m risking everything for something I haven’t put much thought into. I can’t figure out how you’ve taken over my thoughts, to the point where I don’t notice much else. You once told me my past does not bother me because no matter what, I love to have you near. The things that you do resonate with me on a deep level, in spite of any craziness I still think we are a good match for one another. Even when I try to hide it, my feelings for you are obvious to everyone, even...maybe....especially you. You said that the past doesn’t discourage me from loving you. I only care that you care for me as much as I do for you. As long as I have your sibling love, everything else is acquisitive; you are almost invincible with my keen on.” He thought of the flawless, vulnerable Katrina and her features on her face. “She is my one true interest and passion that burns as hot as fire. I don't want to switch it up – I know this girl is my protection and I have no problems being protective. I feel one way, that she is my everything and I want it that way, but she on the other hand is another world apart emotionally and mentally from me, and that’s the way that I want it. Therefore, I feel like I can’t reach her. As much as this girl means to me, at the end of the day it’s nothing but a little heartache. What do I keep feeling pain for her? She means so much that I feel I have to tell her that she is making a mistake in not feeling the same way as I do. I want to know why she feels that way. I know it’s too late to try to convince her otherwise, but I still wish that I could reach out to her again. Since I now know the truth and has faced the reality that the feeling is not reciprocated, I still want to let her know that she is my interest and I'll be watching over her. There is no reason to even try to deny why I want to be with her, I can’t believe that I used to say that I’d never fall in love. Was she trying to show me that love and feelings are real? Time will show what the future holds for him, fate it's what it is. Do I have a step by step plan to keep this around for long? I will make the girl get to know me. By proving myself to her and showing her what she means to me, she will inevitably know me.” In her dream that night; Katrina is a victim to fame. Haters gossip about her personal and professional life, which simply comes out as noise to her due to its non-constructive nature. Meanwhile, she’s tired of everyone taking pictures of her: not only the paparazzi, but even fans. Being the center of constant attention requires poise, something Katrina dislikes out of her desire to be normal self at times, rather than appearing as a perfect being. She knows very well that complaining about her problems is futile – it won’t change anything, and it won’t make things much better. The patriarch warns Katrina that her attempts to change the established system will be in vain and will cause her great harm and complaining about her problems is futile – it won’t change anything, and it won’t make things much better! These people are overthrowing the demanding and impeding ideologies of domination. Later in the day, Katrina wishes that she could find the reason why she loves him & get rid of that reason. She kept herself oblivious to the truth of the matter! The music is making her feel so good that she wants to party again, she’s enjoying it so much she doesn’t want it to stop this celebration that is. Katrina surveys the neon landscape of the rave and gets caught up in it all, she is caught up in the moment. She doesn’t want to turn up too late and party with the lights on. She reached the ultimate form of bliss in the celebration so now she just can’t stop now. She is dancing in a club where she don’t care about how sweat covered or how tired she is getting, she's so caught up she just keep dancing and just want to keep dancing one more time. Katrina is better now that those savages from her past are gone. She actually doesn’t need a man to be the best – she’s a strong woman. They all thought that she would lose, but she’s actually better. It didn’t break her, she is now better than ever! Katrina doesn’t need anyone because she can do all these things on her own and she will continue to make it without him. For the time being, there was many silhouettes were by a pit of black water with purple tints. One of them outstretches his palms as the water bubbled and then it sprang up to the surface. This force of power shook the earth, causing Edith, Zevon and the others to feel it as well as everyone else! The crowd escaped, shrieking in fear. The only ones left were Vanya Hargrove, Zevon Espas, Diego Krakr, Lothario Rumoree, Shovon Ponco, and Klaus Seneca. "What's happening?" Vanya cried. "Everyone stay calm, nobody panic!" Zevon instructed. Just then, there was a voice that was epicene--it sounded resonant yet countertenor all speaking at the same time: "This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666." Everyone was terrified to hear this and looked around to find out where the sound is coming from but the vibration of the temblor from the earth was weary now. "Who said that?" Zevon called out. The foppish, deep voice responded back: "Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste. I've been around for a long, long year. I stole many a man's spirit and belief, I expect you guessed my name but what's puzzling you is the nature of my amusement.” "Who are you?" Roland asked. Then, the voice responded back in a foppish tone, "I am your worst nightmare." And then there was an echo that repeated the word 'nightmare' over and over again. Then, the gang felt dazed and passed out. They woke up as the earthquake stopped. "What the hell was that?" Roland wondered. He looked around and saw that his team was OK. Then they heard it laughed again and replied in an effeminate and growling demonic voice: "I am...Serpent, thee to be the king of all demons! What a complete fool you all are--You didn't know? This is me as a demon so allow me to demonstrate the power of MADNESS FOR I AM A LEGION, WE ARE ONE!!!!!" Edith stood back while she watches as the warriors fight back.
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