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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Misfit Boys--Chapter 4

Another chapter of Misfit Boys, the guys got an assignment on their hands but soon Parthalan encounters Katrina, who has become an agent and it looks like Parthalan will find out more on her and took her down. But Katrina will be the one to take him down, will she? Find out! --KatDon 

Chapter 4: Starting to Chip Away, Losing My Grip

In a fake town, this looked like suburb used to demonstrate the effects of a nuclear weapon on a residential area; mannequins as well as accessible buildings and vehicles. There are two houses with two floors and a garage, a back yard to both and a middle section with a few vehicles. In both ends, the team spawns in a garden area in the backyard. The upper floor is a popular place for there are two stairs, in the backyard and inside the house on the room closest to center, and there is a gardening balcony outside the house on the main window, which can be climbed. However, the ladder is a very risky way, as the player is open to enemy fire. Suddenly, Parthalan typed in something on the computer and there was blinking as he said: “Virtual systems ready…Lock on the target….Mission—accepted.” Suddenly, there was an explosion of fire. A large cloud of smoke shaped like a mushroom and all in chaos is swept away from the explosion! There were guards that saw this and decide to find out what’s going on. “What in the world is that?” One of the guards asked. As they got closer, they saw figures in the dust attack them with their guns. Then, the other guard freaks out: “Holy—it’s them! Those Misfit Boys!” And the guards are taken down by Parthalan and the others. One of them is trying to escape as Parthalan went after him. “C’mon pussycat! Faster, go faster than that! Kill them all! Kill them all!” exclaimed Funske excitedly. The guards turn out to be the radical terrorists as they are taken to justice. Afterwards; Sherrod tells the boys of their next assignment: “Our target is Homeslice and he’s not alone. He’s got some friends too—they are pretty dangerous. Destructor X and Cut Throat.” Explained Sherrod. “Their boss is Mother Chucker, she’s tough but don’t underestimate her.” Parthalan looked at their targets with great focus. “Man, they’re on the Most Wanted list.” Funske said. “Mother Chucker has ‘friends’ of her own too. These wild cats are Sugar, Juhi, Vecona ‘Vex’, Lulu, Maggie, Aprella, Tess, Veronica, and Amalthea. Their leader is a woman by the name of Headmistress.” Continued Sherrod. “They’re after a girl by the name of Lucy Fiorello.” So, they head over but they came across Welvin Grande, who is a good friend of Sherrod’s as he has a girlfriend by the sweet blonde name Lucy Fiorello. Just then, there was a gun showdown as Homeslice and the other two killers managed to get pass them however Parthalan caught up with Mother Chucker, who try to exit from the massacre. “Hold it, it’s game over for you—Mother Chucker!” claimed Parthalan. Homeslice, Destructor X and Cut Throat freak out as they respond in unison: “YIKES! IT’S CATASTROPHE!!!” Parthalan replied, “Don’t move, you don’t want to see her blood all over here do you?” He cocked the gun at Mother Chucker’s head. “You better not!” Homeslice cried out. Parthalan turned to Funske, “How’s Welvin Grande holding up?” He asked. Funske shook his head as he said: “Dead as a doornail.” Parthalan wasn’t surprised by this. “Hmph, guess we should show gratitude that we lost the reward.” Parthalan replied, sneering at Mother Chucker who had her hands up in defense. “But you are different, a thousand dollars from you will make a wholesome meal tonight.” The other three killers reacted angrily, “Why you…Hurt her and you die!” But Mother Chucker intervene, “Wait a moment, boys! These guys are professionals, there’s nothing we can do!” Cut Throat protested, “But Mother…” Mother Chucker replied, “Take care of things, they can’t take me. Don’t worry, I’ll return in an hour.” For the moment; Funske, Jethro, and Kobus went after Headmistress and her girls who had kidnapped Lucy however the Headmistress threatens to kill Miss Fiorello however there was a sound of dominoes falling and Jethro uses his red right hand to take down the crazy females and rescue Lucy. The dominoes stop falling and Funske grinned while he said, “And your dilemma just dropped like dominoes.” All the bad guys were apprehended and were left in their prison but Parthalan went in and killed them with his bugs. Subsequently; Parthalan was haunted by the memory of his sister gazing at the obscurity and her words echoes in his head: “Parthalan, I am memorizing the younger days. We were young and free – it was a free sibling love. No obligations. Now we are connected to each other. I know you need me more than those days. Now you can experience the best of love can give – true feelings, and happiness because of that. You are lost in your feelings. You think that I am the only one that you want here with you not, but you presume that we can separate…Don’t worry, we won’t.” Meanwhile; Edith and her assistant were working with others for talented routines as they were finishing up with a client. 

“Thanks, we'll keep in touch alright?” Edith said. The woman nodded, “Ok, thank you.” She replied and left. Edith looked at her assistant, “Who's next?” She asked. The assistant looks at the clipboard for the list: “Uh, Lysanne, and her sister Chelsea.” He said. Two girls came in dressing the same: Long white ones, furry gilets, embroidered tunics, cropped jackets, large faux-coin belts, cowboy boots, and baggy cardigans. They both were pretty energetic and too peppy, while also displaying an attitude of ostentatious melodrama. Like pretentious schmaltzy that was pedantic! The first girl came up to Edith and furiously shaking Edith's hand: “OMG, Hi, Hi, how are you? OMG Hi, hi, nice to meet you!” The other who was Chelsea came beside her all excitedly, “Let me shake her hand. OMG, my heart's going crazy!!!!” She squealed. The assistant spoke out, “Ok girls, calm down. Calm down.” Edith smiled and managed to explain to the sisters her predicament, “All right, look you two, I'm going on tour very soon and I'm looking for dancers with a lot of energy.” She said. “Right so, uh, let's see what you guys got.” Added the assistant. “Ok...” Lysanne said as she was pointing to her shirt, “Give it up...” Chelsea finished, “For Edith...You know it...!” Lysanne echoes after her sister, “TOTALLY!” and laughs that girlish laugh. Edith managed to smile, “Those are nice.” She said. “We stayed up all night making them!” explained Lysanne but they became serious and shouted: “Freedom! Trust! Wings Up! Yeah!” They stop their chant and turned to each other. “OMG, OMG, you were so good!” Lysanne complimented her sister. “No you were so good!” insisted Chelsea. “I know totally I was, I was totally good!” Lysanne bragged. Edith managed to smile and say sweetly, “That was really interesting ladies; you wanna show me something else?” Lysanne answered, “Yeah, if you just give us a second here we will.” She turned to Chelsea, who noticed her worried expression. “You ok?” Chelsea asked. “Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine...how are my bangs?” Lysanne asked. “They could be longer, how are pores?” Chelsea inquired. “They’re not too big, they’re improving.” Realizing how frustrating the situation was; Edith breathed out a sigh, “Ladies, we really have a lot of other people to see…” She started to say but Lysanne cut her off: “Yeah, I know, ok, I know this, what is this?...Ok...Let's do this!!!” Chelsea joins in, “For Edith!” Lysanne points to her shirt, “Totally!” She said. The girls did some routine however Edith stops as she called out, “Lysanne! Chelsea! Stop!” The sisters stopped and they realize their mistake, “You two were just quivering while doing that.” Lysanne placed her hands on her hips, “You just interrupted us. Thank you very much!” She snapped. “Sorry, we're really running out of time.” Edith replied. Chelsea glared at her, “We know little miss prissy, how about you watch your lip?!” She exclaimed. “Hey sis!” Lysanne asked. Chelsea turned her back on Edith and threw her hands up, “I just don't get it you know?!” She hissed. “Chelsea!” Lysanne murmured loudly. Chelsea turned to her, “What?” She answered. “Look at me, girl! You take that fire that's going on inside of you right now, and you put it into your talent! All right? Remember what Mom said, ‘If you dream, dream out loud!” Lysanne reminds her. “Ok.” Chelsea said. “That's really great you guys but, we gotta keep this thing moving.” The assistant reminded. Lysanne begin to cry in hysterics. Chelsea was now pissed, “What do you want from us? Do you want us to BLEED?!” She snapped. “This business is so hard, it is so hard!” Lysanne blubbered. “I know, right? Come on let's just go buy some headbands or something.” Chelsea said. “YEAH!!!!” exclaimed Lysanne. She turned to Edith and her assistant, glaring at them with a fierce look. “YOU PEOPLE SUCK!!!” Lysanne shouted. And the sisters left in a huff. The assistant turned to Edith and said, “Man, those girls were terrible.” Edith nodded, “Very.” She said. “Well, the next appointment isn't for another hour, you wanna take a lunch break and we’ll regroup?” The assistant inquired. “Yeah, sure.” Said Edith. The assistant nodded, “Alright.” He said. At night while she was lead away; everyone cheering for Edith for her heroism for Lacey but there was someone who wanted to meet her. He was pushing through people to get to Edith and calling out: “Over here Edith! It's me Rudy!” Edith’s bodyguard step in and said: “Ok, listen. Stand back. Stand back, everyone. Lady Edith is very tired everyone. So I'm sorry there will be no autographs tonight.” But the people begin calling again, however that person by the name of Rudy calling out again, “Look over here everyone, it's me Rudy! Rudy!” However, everyone groan at the sight of Rudy. “Aww, not him!” said a guy. “He thinks he's gonna talk to the heroine, huh. Well screw him!” said a second. Everyone laughs as one points at Rudy and shouting, “Look everyone he's craaaazy!” A fourth remarked, “Hey! He doesn't even have any money to see the show! Please do not come any closer to Lady Edith, she doesn’t need your slime on her anyway!” They all continue to laugh but not poor Rudy as he said in a choking voice, “HEY! That's not funny! WHY? WHY? Stop laughing at me! I have feelings too! Stop laughing at me. I didn't hurt no one!” and he begin to cry. Instantly, Edith felt bad seeing this but the bodyguard broke up the crowd: “All right, listen everyone! Listen! The show’s over, let’s break this up.” To Edith, he said, “We gotta go Eda.” But Edith steps in, “Wait a minute. They hurt his feelings.” She walked over to Rudy and said, “I'm so sorry, would you like me to sign your book for you?” Rudy turned around in surprise, “Who me?” Edith smiled as she said, “ Yes you, silly.”Rudy looked embarrassed, “I guess I kinda overreacted.” He admitted. “Here use this.” Edith said. She hands Rudy some tissues. “Thanks.” Rudy said as he wipes his eyes, “It's just that I'm…I'm such a big fan, and when they started laughing at me, I just wanted to run home.” Edith looked at him, “Where's home?” She asked kindly. Rudy nervously points behind him with his thumb, “About 10 feet from here.” He answered. Edith looked at him, “You live in the alley?” She inquired. Rudy shook his head, “No, down in the manhole. I live in the sewer.” Edith’s smile turn into a grin. “I tell you what, since these people are kind of stuffy anyway, how about I walk you home?” She suggested. Rudy looked at her with amazement, “You mean it? You would do that?” He said. “For you, sure. Come on Rudy.” Answered Edith. Everyone begins to get restless at this sight. The bodyguard was shocked, “Edith! Where are you going? We've gotta…We've gotta go!” He stammered. “I'll be back, I'm just gonna go down in the sewer.” Edith assured him. “The sewer?! Edith no! What are you doing?” The bodyguard cried out but it was too late, Edith and Rudy climb down the manhole. “You guys! Edith is heading down into the sewer with a crazy homeless man!” One of the folks shouted. “Damn, that’s big news!” said another. The others were shouting out her name. A woman shouted, “Somebody stop her! Someone call the police!” But one suggested: “Let's all go down in the sewer!” Everyone cheered however the bodyguard stopped them, “No, no, it's too dangerous.” He said. In the sewer, Edith looked around as Rudy was anxious, “Well, this is it. This is where I live.” He said. Edith shrugged, “It's not so bad.” She said. Rudy was content and talking with Edith for a bit until someone was calling after her from above, “Edith! Edith. Are you down there in the sewer? We're coming to get you.” Edith was disappointed: “Damn, my bodyguard.” She said. “You better go.” Rudy tells her. “I can't! I wanna stay with you down here in the sewer.” Protested Edith. Rudy shook his head, “No, the world above needs you. You go.” He said. Edith climbs up the ladder but not before saying, “I’ll see you Rudy...” Rudy waved at her, “So long Edith!” He called. 

Waking up in her bed the next day; Edith begins to sing that song, “♫You’re wondering who will be the substitute for you to accompany me and share my burdens when you were gone. There is nothing to replace you. ♫If something should happen to me on this mission, it’ll affect all of us. In this dangerous situation, do you think I can make it without you? If you could follow me, would you go wherever I go despite all the hardships? But for some reason, it wasn’t meant to be. You can’t follow me now down this path. ♫ If we’d stay together, you would follow me wherever I will go?♫” The next day; Edith is having a bad day. Nothing is going according to plan, so it seems like everyone who interacts with her is just making her day worse. She has noticed that her face is breaking out and she’s getting acne all over her face. She wishes she could grow facial hair to cover the blemishes. Alternatively, the stress of her daily life makes her wish she was anywhere else. It seems that the man she’s interested in is reluctant to open up to a new relationship and is somewhat tired of love. Maybe he is still hurting from last time and can’t get over the disappointment. Edith ain’t no quitter, though, and she is absolutely certain that he will be hers anyway. Better not let him disappear from the radar. Some relationships end on good terms where the couple talk through their issues and think it is best to go their separate way. Here however, after the way he’s been treated by his girl, this one is ending with a simple wave of the hand. There’s a nice distinction between emotional and temporal ends here. Though the depth of his love was endless, she wasn’t able to match that support and connection, and so now their relationship will have an end in time. She’s been toying with his emotions, similar to how a puppet master would pull the strings of a puppet. Needless to say, he wants out of the relationship. Break ups are hard and often result in very hurt feelings. Edith don’t care though; they know that sometimes the painful decision is the right one. She is apparently begging him to stay, but he is absolutely at his wit’s end. She’s done manipulating him, and she can’t even give a single reason for him to stay in the relationship. The world is a bad place, filled with bad people. Bad things will happen to you, he’s been told he’s so dumb that people will take advantage of him. People always getting older, time never stops. Left for the rules to eat alive, as in subject to follow the rules and lose out on life as a result. There’s no time to stop and adjust to whatever life throws at you. Life is a challenge from the get-go. Live life to the fullest and not to everyone's standards, educated but still dumb or unintelligent. There’s so much in the world beyond material goods and money, go the road less traveled and do what makes anyone happy. Nobody will never know if anyone would like something if anybody don’t try it first! Nobody will never be able to see the truth and realize there is more to life until someone would take that first step. The world is a cruel, cold place that only gets crueler and colder as the years pass by, there are more and more heartbreaks waiting to happen. The government and society are falling apart and now that more and more people are joining the anti-government movements. Even though life is chaotic, it would be worse if it was boring. At least life is interesting when it’s chaotic. Just a little bit of money to get him away from this crazy town everyone lives in; a change for the better, something to make everyone stronger. Despite what people that tries to bring the others down when the losers are all star and this is the time get the game on and have fun. Get out, have some fun, and maybe get paid while doing it. Everything that looks precious or true turns out to be so while doing something differently from others. Even though she never love someone, whether she is with them or aren’t, she feel pain – whether it be a pain for the struggle to love when she is with them, or a pain from wanting to return to that person when she no longer with them. Katrina isn’t into a man for his stereotypical masculine trait. She’s not attracted to his arrogance. He’s extremely intelligent and understands things that are complicated. On the flip side, it’s hard for him to comprehend the simple things in life like knowing how to please a woman. The guy is probably smart enough not to get her wrong and to figure out that in this case makes Katrina not interested. Katrina isn’t looking for a superficial connection; she wants real, true love from a genuinely good and well rounded man. Being really smart is great and all, but that alone won’t get you very far with her. The second guy she’s met obviously cares way too much about his looks. He never leaves home without a mirror, a comb, and some extra hold gel in his hair for fear that it might get a little bit messy. Maybe she finds him reasonably attractive, but its things like these that drive her away. At any rate, she won’t be terribly impressed by good looks alone. Even if the guy who’s trying to impress her is gorgeous, that’s not going to be enough to satisfy her high standards if he’s not great in other ways too. Katrina is not taken with looks or talk – she wants a man that can make her feel good, both inside and out. The take-home is not good enough for a woman who knows what she wants and gets what she deserves. He enjoys cleaning his car often.

The girls are kicked out of a window. They are lying on a broken car; however they are taken away and wake up as they are being nursed back to health by a wise man name Dion, who wants to take girls in as agents. The five girls are given their own alter egos: Katrina’s alter ego is Diana Highkick. Katrina wore a navy blue midriff-bearing top with nautical collar and flap, and a miniskirt with a large slit. Candy’s alias is Kung Fu Koralie. Her outfit is a grey dress, tan cutoff sweater and fishnet stockings. She is often seen wearing an apron, since she works in the kitchen. Her battle togs include a tight leather corset with fishnet stockings and garters, plenty of straps and mesh sleeves, along with a choker and a nurse's hat. Suki was Midnight Miss Minerva. She wore a garb of an army green jacket with matching chaps, cutouts, and zipper detail. Zula is known as Blazin’ Blue Venus. She is dressed in a clothing of a a black bodysuit with plunging neckline and zip front closure, faux leather brown glovelettes with long fringe detail and faux leather belt with matching fringe. She keeps her long hair piled high on her head, adorned with a set of goggles she never wears over her eyes. And Trixie is Ceres Firecracker. She wore a one-sleeve, faux-leather hooded jacket with long tails and a lace-up front. Her left shoulder is protected by a piece of armor, and she wears black fingerless gloves. Sweet Pea's also features skimpy back shorts and black thigh-highs. These girls took down the rest of the men one by one. One delivered a neck snap or slow strangulation, another shot them with a gun, one used a knife to stab, and the other one used a flamethrower. The girls there were tough as nails and pretty things that should not be messed with: The first one is Katrina is the leader and is just trying to get her and her friends' freedom. She is left alone in the world when her mother dies and she accidentally kills her sister while trying to kill her step-father, he tries to kill her first. When she is sent to an 'insane asylum'. Which is really a cover for a escort service, she does all that is in her power to help her and her friends escape this hell. She is strong-willed and awesome, yet she has her sensitive moments. She faced many challenges while trapped in the asylum. The second is Candy despite her situation she always manages a smile. Her older sister Delilah does everything to keep Candy safe and she loves her to death for it. Candy was the first to make friends with Katrina when she arrives and is instrumental in getting everyone else on board with the plan. She was the first one to take Katrina under her wing.  She shows empathy and pity for Katrina and tries to comfort her, which shows her sympathetic caring side. But on the battlefield, she is probably the most eager to fight. The silent helper is Suki, though she doesn’t say much as she always wants to help. Regardless of if she just met someone you see the good in them so when Katrina arrives, she instantly wants to be friends, but she holds back for fear of the unknown. In most of the adventures she is the silent helper the one that gets everyone out of the trouble they're in. Suki is the most empathetic of the girls. She is their fiery pilot and lollipop lover! She is easily intimidated, but can cause bad damage to an enemy when needed as she utilizes a fighting machine with a bunny symbol. And lastly, Zula is a really sassy girl who isn't afraid to help her friends, but sometimes she can't help the way she wants. She is all for Katrina's plan of escape and agrees almost instantly to help with the plan. When she confides what her and her friends are up to. What she sadly gets her and her friends caught but until the end she tries her best to do whatever she thinks is best for her friends. Zula is the confident, tough girl of the group.  She does not warm up to Katrina at first, but soon all the girls become close. She proves to be a tremendous fighter, but Zula is not as tough as she seems. 

Lacey research on mysterious deaths that involve with murders and they’re all coming from the source: Aerenghast! She wasn't sure what was going on but she was going to find out. However, she encountered Mordecai's younger brother name Thaddeus ‘Tadeo’ who approach her. "I'm sorry, my brother is unavailable. If you want, I can set up an appointment for another time..." Allen explained. Allen was Seth's little brother and assistant to Aerenghast, they have been close ever since childhood. But the difference between them is Allen was much nicer than his jerk off big brother. "Tadeo, I’m sorry but I am not leaving, I like to make one measly complaint with the burnt up criminals and how they are burnt alive that way. There is something going on and I like to know what it is." demanded Lacey. Tadeo sighed, he ran his fingers through his hair. "Look, this isn't a good time. My brother needs his rest, it’s been a long day. I apologize." He explained. Lacey has no choice but to accept defeat; she let out a sigh. "Damn." She thought. Lacey exhaled, "Fine then." She said, "But when he wakes up and all better, tell him this--My team and I are on his tail and we are observing him very closely. If he is responsible for burning those criminals alive, there won't be any mercy from anyone of us."  Tadeo nodded, "Sure thing. I'll tell him that when he wakes up." He said. Lacey looked like she was leaving but she sneaked to the staircase. "Sorry, Mordecai. But I'm not leaving until I get some answers." She thought. Lacey went up the stairs, which went to the rooftop. She couldn't help but feel paranoid, "Do I ever get the feeling I'm being followed?" She thought. Realizing what she was thinking; Lacey brushed this off by laughing it off. "Ha, stupid." She mumbled. Lacey reached the rooftop and looked over at the skyline. "There's nobody here. Weird!" She thought. Then, she heard a scritch-scratch sound behind her. Slowly; she turned around. "H--Hello?" She called. Nobody answered, but there was that sound again. And it was getting closer. Lacey pulled out her gun, ready to use it. "Come on out, I don't know who you are but I know you're out there." She warned. Suddenly, there it was--It was a monster, which resembled something inhuman. It had horned wings on its back, and bared its fangs. It snarled at the horrified Lacey. "Good Lord! Is that a zombie?” She breathed. The creature pounced Lacey, it growled and snarled more. Blood dripped from its mouth. Its eyes glowed of red. But the undead cried out in pain and fell to the floor dead. Trembling yet relieved; Lacey examined the dead monster bunny. Just then, she felt a shadow upon her. She looked up to see that it was Parthalan. "It's you." Lacey gasped. She gets up and faced him. "What are you doing here? Are you involved with Seth? Just tell me, who are you really?" Lacey asked. Parthalan looked at her apathetically before pulling out a gun. "Sorry." He said, "Time to say goodbye." Lacey looked at him, terrified. Just then, someone intervene—it was Katrina who had kicked Parthalan as he misses the target. He looked over to see Katrina; Lacey was shocked as well as Parthalan as Katrina spoke up: “You OK miss?” Lacey nodded feebly, shocked. Parthalan looked at her, “Who is this girl?” He thought with shock. Katrina points the gun at him, “Don’t you do it again all right?” She snapped and then she went away! Lacey looked at Parthalan, but he was shocked and a smirk faintly appeared on his face. He swiftly went away while Lacey went away. The next morning, Lacey was walking down the street when she trips and falls but she woke up and found a clutch bag. Lacey looked inside to see a million dollars in there! She was so shocked, "Who would give her this much money?" Lacey thought. There was a note in there, Lacey opens it and reads it. The note says: "Keep this money, it'll help you a little and let you start the life you always wanted." Lacey was counting the other remains of money when a male's voice called out, "I'll take it all, bitch." There was raucous laughter, Lacey looked up in shock. Three gangsters cornered her, "What do you want?" Lacey asked, she was so frightened that she backed away to the dead end of the alley. "The dough you have, how much is it?" The first one demanded. "Not much." lied Lacey, not wanting to say how much she really has! "Listen, bitch, cough up the cash and no one gets hurt." said the leader. "Leave her alone." A voice said. The three of them turned around to see a young man approaching them, "Turn away, and get out of here." He commanded. "Aww, who's the tough guy?" said the second thug. "The lady here won't give up the dough she has in the bag." said the leader smugly. "That's her money and none of your concern." replied the young man. Lacey is about to take out the leader, but she was punched in the face and fell down. The three thugs laugh, they were about to take it until a young man kicks the leader's hand. "That's for laying a hand on a girl." He said. The second was about to attack, but the guy tackled him. "That's for calling her a bitch." He continued, still gesturing towards Lacey. The third is about to run, however the fellow blocked him and knocked him out. "And that's, for anyone, that tries to escape." finished the guy. The other three ran off in terror from the mysterious young man. Later, Lacey regains consciousness, when she heard the boy's voice: "Hey, are you OK?" Lacey opened her eyes, her blurry vision cleared to see this young man standing before her. "Don't worry that guy and his buddies won't come around to hurt you anymore." The guy reassured her. Once Lacey’s vision is cleared; she could see who it was. "It's you..." Lacey replied. Just then, there was a tarot card necklace around his neck glowing as a young man turned back to normal. The boy’s name is Andrew Steele as he wasn’t aware of what happened and he thought he saved Lacey’s life. However, Lacey notices something was different between Andrew and that other him. His voice is high pitched and sometimes strained in more emotional moments, and generally has a friendly tone towards everyone. Though, he seems slightly timid sounding voice to him. His friends are Webster Calvex, Terrence Brook, and Grace Girvin. But he’s got other friends: Emilio Garrett, Arkin Jarlsen, and Webster’s sister name Mae Ladd. But Andrew’s acquaintances that show respect to him: Jerry Ladd and Sylvester Spark—those hooligans are mischievous but they fear Kellan for his persona. But there are those who don’t fear Andrew or Kellan. Carl Krummet, Ophir Hunter, and Paul Chapman as well as Joe Jaden, Elvin Bleu, Orin Firma, Von Schultz, and Lindsey Conners. Andrew’s alter ego by the name: Kellan Dellinger. His hair color is extremely extravagant hair features multiple layers including long blond crooked, pointy locks for his fringe; the rest features a set of five large spikes and two smaller spikes colored black with a red sheen along the edges. But some blond locks jut upwards. The rest of his hair features five large spikes colored black. The spikes were loose and free flowing. His voice is fierce and commanding. Kellan Dellinger is an unforgiving vigilante. He emerges to deal justice to people who trespass him or his friends. Although his acts are righteous, he lives up to his namesake of being the most strongest man. However, he seems to become more of a caring, nice, and friendly disposition, even though he always had that in him. Kellan is a strong, powerful and skilled entity alter ego of Andrew. He attempts to balance of his darkness. He never uses it for personal gain, only to help others in need, and to inflict punishment only on people who have severely wronged innocents. He is slightly reserved, as he doesn't reveal his existence to Andrew or his friends. At first Andrew feared Kellan, but after Andrew admits to thinking "another one" exists inside him, his friends become aware of his existence and accepted him as a friend. Even before, Kellan is extremely protective of Andrew. Kellan's pride is his greatest strength and weakness. Initially he refuses to lose games, without considering the consequences. Kellan expressed great grief and guilt following the suffering of people, which were because of his actions. However, he was able to conquer and purge the darkness within himself; which also eradicating the malignant influence of the darkness. Kellan is also wise and intelligent. Through Andrew and his friends, Kellan learns the values and powers of friendship and unity. Kellan thinks to himself, he learned something from Andrew; that in kindness lays the greatest strength of all; one day Andrew will surpass him in every way. These two end up sharing the same body though various magical or phlebotinum-driven methods. How? It’s by that pendant that resembled a card and it glows when Kellan is in trouble or his friends are in danger. 

Later on while walking back to her apartment; Lacey turned around to see who it was, but she saw that no one was there. Lacey kept walking, a little faster however the person who was stalking her was closing in on her. Lacey quickly turned around to face her stalker. She was surprised to see that it was--Mordecai. "Oh, it's only you." Lacey said coldly. "What do you want?" "I just want to talk to you." replied Mordecai. "I would like to apologize that I couldn’t be available." This made Lacey suspicious. "I know but I guess it doesn’t matter no." She snapped. Mordecai shook his head, "No, no. I feel terrible." He answered. "And I insist, I want to make it up to you." Mordecai then reached into the back and said, "I got something that will make your eyes sparkle." He pulled out a slim box and hands it to her. Lacey took it curiously; she opened the box to see a necklace of white pearls with a sea blue charm to the necklace. "Oh, it's so pretty. You got this for me?" Lacey asked, touched by his kindness. "Yes. For your heroic efforts that is." replied Mordecai but a smirk appeared on his face. "I feel you need to be more honored in a special way, like...Maybe joining me in a more--burning sensation." He said. Lacey's face fell, she closed the box and glared at him. "I can't believe this. You’re just giving me this gift as a way to join you? Oh no, I don't think so. I'll take your gift but I'll have to refuse your offer." She said. Mordecai was disappointed by this news. "Hmph. That's a shame, really." He said. "I am not fighting crime by burning criminals to a crisp. I won't. Never!" Lacey declared. Then, she storms away. Mordecai watches her go before a smirk appeared on his face. "Oh, I'll make you change your mind. You'll be writhing in pain until I hear you sing your acceptance to my offer." He said to himself, he chuckled in a sinister matter. That night after everyone went to bed; Lacey begins to have a strange dream where an angler fish, a white kind, chased after tiny fish and bite into some sort of coral that looked like a brain. And then, Lacey wakes up with a start, "What? Why am I awake?" She wondered. Then, her eyes glowed a whitish blue colored pupil as her activated as it destroyed the place. "What is going on?" She thought. Watching her movements are being controlled; Mordecai snickers quietly of this. She was going out of line. Lacey tried to restrain herself of her movement to her arms and legs but she couldn't. It was hopeless! Lacey didn't understand what was going on and it was scaring her. Mordecai sneered, "Got you now." He thought. Tadeo glanced at his older brother, he didn't like this one bit. Meanwhile, Lacey's neighbor woke up to hear bumps in the night and hurried over to see what was going on, he was shocked to see Lacey 's limbs moving on their own and she's not doing this. "What the hell?" He exclaimed. "It--It's not me, I feel like I'm being mind controlled." Lacey protested. Then, she could hear a voice in her mind sniggering. "Guess you know what I can maneuver." said the voice in her mind. Lacey was shocked, anger fired up in her chest. "Mordecai, what the hell are you doing in my head, you bastard?" demanded Lacey. Mordecai leered at her, "You refused my offer. Nobody refuses me and gets away with it! So now you have to pay. You see, that lovely necklace I gave you had a virus which the virus injected into your neck and traveled up to you brain. Making more of a movement in your limbs, by my control. It's both painful in both body and mind." He explained. Lacey gritted her teeth, "Son of a--" She remarked but her arms twisted around and she grimaces in great anguish. "Uh-uh! Watch your tongue. Say one more bad word or disrespect me and YOU will die." threatened Mordecai. Fear flooded her face, "You wouldn't." growled Lacey. "I would. Talk rude towards me and you won't get to breathe ever again!" warned Mordecai viciously. "Get out of my head, Mordecai! Leave. Me. ALONE!!!!" begged Lacey. "You can't stop me, Lacey. I can control every muscle, every nerve, and every vessel in your body." Mordecai declared, laughing insanely. He then made Lacey run away with her looking back at her neighbor. The neighbor was shocked of what was happening so he rushed over to get help. Lacey was lured over to the corporation of Aerenghast, she tried to fight back from entering in there but she knew it was no use and fell to the ground as Mordecai laughed with insanity. Then, Lacey writhed on the floor. Her body parts--Hands, fingers, toes, feet, and legs--were twisted around on their own. "Stop....Please, stop! I can't take much more of this...." She begged. "Accept my offer and I'll let you breathe!" Mordecai replied. "NEVER!" screeched Lacey. "Fine. I'll make you suffer more and more...AND MORE!" cried Mordecai. Tadeo gasped, "No! What about the reason why we are punishing the remorseless and apathetic kinds? Brother, don't do this!" He thought. Lacey begins to cry, it was too much for her to bare all this pain. "Mom....Dad....Elspeth…Elsie!" She thought through her tears. As she wept of her tears; a shimmering light appears before her. Lacey looked up, she saw that it was an angel, she wore white. "Edith? Is that you?" Lacey asked. "Don’t you worry, Lacey. I’m here for you." replied Edith. All of a sudden; Mordecai couldn't believe what he was seeing, "What--?" He said. Just then he was seized by his brother. "What the hell is going on? You've gone too far! What happened to what we stand for? Why we do this?" Tadeo reminded. Mordecai was shocked and trembled what he did. Lacey was amazed by Edith’s heroic efforts: She’s afraid of being hunted down by monsters so she runs. Everyone wants to be warrior but they forget that it takes away everything we always get. Instead warriors are always working and it’s not fair to them. However one support can turn a bad day on its head, and make everything better! She can see Edith being so dedicated to her by saving her and Lacey wish there was more than one way to thank her. Meanwhile; Parthalan, Funske, Jethro, Sherrod, and Kobus were on the rooftop as they were following Katrina, Candy, Suki, Zula, and Trixie—the girls are having a girl’s night out. The guys were trying not to be seen but it wasn’t so easy with all that fumbling and weapons hitting them in the face! “Ow. Careful with that.” Muttered Kobus crossly. “Quiet, they're looking.” Shushed Sherrod, he pulled out the binoculars. “Hey, it's the girls.” Kobus said softly. “Where?” asked Jethro. “Oooh, now what?” Funske inquired. Candy stopped and turned around as she looked startled to see them! “Guys!” rasped Sherrod. “What?” mumbled Jethro. “She's looking again.” Reminded Sherrod. “Hide, hide!” uttered Funske. They ducked down, there was a whack and a curse. “Aah. What did I just say? Careful with that!” Kobus snapped gently but rough. Turning away; Candy seemed nervous and turned to her sister, “Sis?” She said. Trixie rolled her eyes, “What?” She snapped. “I thought we'd be better off safe.” Carped Candy. “I didn’t promise it would be safe, I said it was going to be fun.” Said Trixie. “There’s a guy up there who’s watching me.” Candy protested in a panic. Trixie grabbed her arm and took her along. “Candy, will you just come on? Let’s go and have fun.” She said. “They’re going to have fun.” Funske said in an excited tone, he took the binoculars from Sherrod to take a look. “No. Seriously?” Kobus answered with sarcasm. As he looks through them; Funske could see Katrina in the scopes. “Wow, what a babe.” Funske complimented. Parthalan held out his hand, “Let me see.” He said. Funske hand him the binoculars and Parthalan looked through them. “There. That's her, the babe.” Funske pointed at where Katrina is. He looked over and said, “She's cute.” Jethro smiled darkly, “She's good.” He eulogized. Parthalan looked up from the binoculars with a smirk on his face, “She's mine.” He declared. Funske grins at her, “Okay, go get her.” He exclaims. So Parthalan goes after her! Parthalan isn’t just acting on primal instinct; he has been watching Katrina for a while and he decides that she is the perfect girl. Parthalan has had his eye on Katrina for a while now. No other girl has caught his eye for as long as she as. She is supremely beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Parthalan approaches next to Katrina as he likes to ask her something however Katrina doesn’t want his help. He runs after her as in he’s trying to kidnap her. He continues to pursue her and has finally caught up to her, pushing her down so she cannot run anymore and covering her mouth so she cannot scream. Katrina has been screaming for help but her situation is starting to seem hopeless. After kidnapping her, he’s still taunting her and making her relive the assault. Katrina attempts to fight back her assaulter by biting him, but to no avail. Despite being bitten by Katrina in her attempts to get away, he loves just to hear her breathe. Parthalan is fascinated by the proof of her presence through something as simple as her breathing, even though her breathing is most likely as result of struggling to escape. In his case, it’s perfection for the right girl that drives him to break social mores for this unachievable. After that pain; she’s given up her hope of being rescued. There’s no telling how long Katrina has been with Parthalan, but now she’s playing along in order to expose his defenses and make him vulnerable. It looks like Parthalan made a bad decision since she’ll be the reason for his destruction.

Katrina refuses to be held captive any longer. Now that Parthalan is drugged, she’s looking forward to his approaching fate, which will be a deadly one. But Katrina is sick of playing along with Parthalan as she chooses to go for the kill. But Katrina cannot bring herself to hurt him. She thought of her sister and Parthalan knows that she has been hurt in the past. She has been through many different horrible things done to her! As a result of being in so many unsuccessful relationships, it caused to her to start to think that by not being in a relationship, she could avoid being hurt. Parthalan has figured out why she is so cautious about other people. Parthalan tells Katrina that she needs to get over her issues and stop wasting time. She’s to blind by her hurt that she can’t see that. She’s still hurting, but she also knows that she does love again. She’s still in recoil, so she’s a little hesitant, but Parthalan persists. He does everything for her but she thinks that it’s not enough! No matter what Parthalan do, it just isn’t enough for Katrina. Parthalan realize that she doesn’t want to get heartbroken again but he isn’t like the other guys she’s been with. Parthalan lets her know that when she’s finally ready to let herself be loved that she won’t have to look far, because it’s going to be him to save her. Katrina is trembling, tears overflowing her eyes, she try to point it at Parthalan: “Why--?! Why did you do this? Have I been through enough?!” She called out. “Wait, what do you mean?” Parthalan asked. “As if you don’t know me so well but I know you—you’re the guy who witnessed the death of that girl. She was your sister, wasn’t she?” Katrina asked. Parthalan was shocked, “How did you know?” He gasped. Katrina staggered away and ran to the roof as she was standing on the roof. She turned to see Parthalan and faints; she looked like she was going to fall from the building. He was carrying her; he had one arm under her legs and the other supporting her back like a groom carrying his bride. He looked over at her and brought her down where he propped her on a bench and left. Katrina’s friends manage to find her but Parthalan is in disbelief for what he has done. While in her creative zone; Edith wrote a poem that sounded like a song: “I want to finish this but you don’t. Go slow and don’t force. You have to understand how important this is for me. If you don’t get it, then you shouldn’t be with me. If you wanna be with me, you gotta get with my friends. Let’s skip the obvious; I know you wanna be with me! You can bet that I will give you the best of them, as long as you do it too. Relationships are reciprocal. If you wanna be with me, you have got to give, taking is too easy, but that’s the way it is. Oh--My heart won't skip a beat! I never look before I leap but it doesn’t matter, let’s just enjoy the ride. There'll be no reason why because everything’s alright so take your time. The world is yours and mine as well. Look and you will find that the world goes round and round but some things never change. I know you can feel it, this joy! Feel the joy in the air. Look around and you will find. Life is like taste, it’s is on my mind and I won’t be denied. Go and turn me up. Come feel the joy all around, each generation has found they've got their own kind of sound. You just got to let it out. You've got your own kind of groove, you can't see, it's your move. Gotta take that leap you can't lose so shout it out! It’s for those who think young.” She went through an entrance as she heard a voice overhead: “You are passing through the Red Rose Entrance.” In Spanish, it echoed: “Ahora está de paso en la entrada Red Rose.” After walking a long time; Edith reached Jogo Werg Arcata which is a chain of location-based entertainment venues featuring a wide array of arcade and video games, in addition to full-service bars and restaurants with neon lighting all around. Edith made her way to Dead House, a zombie shooter first person video game which scared her and touched her heart as a child. This was the fourth one which was her favorite! Little did she know, someone was watching her play that zombie shooter arcade game with a great interest on his face. 

Edith searches and longs for the legendary navigator system, which is a cylindrical chamber on the bridge that rises from the floor and fills with a clear, liquid-like substance, supposedly to help her link with the machine. Then, Edith begins to have a vision: The girl has had quarrels with the boy but at the same time her affection stays. There is a huge conflict between her instincts. Her instinct is right, but the rationalization takes the upper hand. She sees the problem with him, but she does not want it to be true. That's why she won't say sorry, because if there's no problem, there's no need to fix it. Not only does she want to keep the boy, but there is also too much pride at stake. Her selfishness, losing her pride, admitting to her mistake, she flees for what is about to be revealed. She could see a performance was happening at a club! The lights got dimmed as the singer appeared in a black lightning with glow in the dark. The singer had glow in the dark blue lipstick on as she was singing a song that sounds so alluring. She sang that bewitching song that people wanted to hear it over and over again. Meanwhile; Lacey dig up dirt on the zombie experiments: It is not quite clear how the undead are created, although rows of vats appearing in both the buildings containing the zombies that are transformed from regular humans into the undead. However, it is likely that these vats are merely for display or testing purposes, or for the fabrication of specialized zombies. Some of the zombies are kept in a higher state of mind, but not high enough that they can overcome their maddened blood-lust. There are numerous undead specimens have been created with the purpose of wreaking havoc throughout the stages. Though most of these monstrosities have mostly been created by science and the mystery compound used by a mad scientist and many others like this guy, a handful of them were once living beings. Though the bestiary changes for the most part as the games go on, a select few managed to make it through most of the cast of monsters in each game; like the skeletal undead the sludge-covered zombie, the worm-like parasites, bats, and the flannel-shirted axe-wielding zombies. Otherwise, basic appearance and weaponry templates have been used throughout the series to make new creations, like the plain common zombies that like to bite, the crawling and jumping zombies that throw knives, and the infamous chainsaw and buzz-saw zombies. The mutagen causes necrosis, bleeding and aggression. Although it is unknown whether the creatures are the dead reanimate and feed on human flesh they certainly display several common characteristics of the traditional zombie. They have varying skin colors in each game, the standard ones walk with a lumbering slowness although other breeds are fast. Unlike zombies, these zombies have shown minor intelligence, such as being able to utilize terrain and weapons. Another departure from traditional zombies is that these zombies actively pursue their targets with the intent of killing them, as many of them utilize weapons and other blunt objects to attack. These particular zombies are shown to be different from traditional undead in other ways - while zombies are usually stopped dead with a shot to the head most if not all of the zombies can survive, and actively pursue their targets, after having gaping holes blasted through their heads, or in fact the entire head being blown off, although this only usually occurs in the tougher ghouls. They are also surprisingly more intelligent for the most part, having the ability to use tools and weapons, as well as being able to negotiate obstacles and cover with ease. 

Some appear to have the drive to defend themselves and protecting their faces with their axes. They are also only partially shambolic - most run or pace towards their targets, while others shamble for a while until shot, after which they will hastily pursue the attacker. These zombies are almost-bald undead with intestines hanging out and like to take a bite out of anyone have been made in large numbers. Other zombies can karate chop people, a brown-shirted zombie armed with two axes, that can be used at close range or thrown. A muscular zombie that throws barrels and people. A plain fat zombie that charges and throws barrels. A large bearded Zombie in overalls with a rusty chainsaw who is breaking out of doors. He is strong, but slow. A pale sludge-covered zombies which come in different forms: a plain whole-bodied version that either jumps out of murky water or charges, another plain whole-bodied variant that is the same as the first except covered in blood, and a half-bodied with two yellow jagged swords that pop up and falls from the ceiling or openings almost everywhere. The skeletal zombie that prefers to wander mostly in the more "humid" areas to keep from drying out. An undead being with green colored skin, short pants and a tendency to pop up at unexpected times. A light blue being that usually travels in pairs and likes to crawl and climb around while throwing blue energy knives. Some have a habit of climbing on walls or railings and leap down from ceilings. They have armored bodies and a scissor claw that can be shot at you repeatedly for a long range attack. Brawny zombies with a black mustache and beard who usually stands still while swinging a wrecking ball on a chain towards your direction. Some are skinless muscle-bound zombie with the strength of a rhino. They are taller than most of their brethren and carries a huge two-handed hammer. A zombie with a bloody and skinless neck and right arm.A fat Zombie with a torch, which he wields like a chainsaw. Other zombies are ready to bite or strike. These include: Some zombies are in a black t-shirt and pants. Their special attack is sharp teeth. Tough zombies to deal with, as he loves to rush at his prey hiding his vulnerable face behind two axes. When he's not descending on terrifying speed, he will throw his axes with lethal accuracy from a safe distance. These zombies are crazily swinging two chainsaws about. He is a maniac zombie and biggest of all zombies. He moves quite fast at times and may swing his chainsaws in front of his head, making a headshot more difficult. Despite being big and fat, this hippo-sized Zombie can move fast. Others got mummified zombies that prowls in the darkest, most dreadful areas. He may look weak, but watch out for his fierce punch. He has one eyeball. One of them wears an iron mask and is armed with vicious clawed gloves. His face is his most vulnerable part, but as it is covered, it makes it an extremely troublesome zombie to stop because of his lethal claws. There are more zombies who are small, mask-wearing undead that are vicious little monsters who can run along walls and ceilings as easily as on floors, while his mask makes getting headshots nearly impossible. Their leaping death scratch is enough to leave you injured! Bandaged zombies and those infested with giant parasitic worms and is relatively weak. He puts his worms to horrifyingly effective use though, for when his chest is wounded, the parasites will leave Peter's ribcage and leap at his attacker. Peter can also pack a mean punch. Small, agile zombie has a metallic skin with a mask like a skull and wields a pair of clawed gauntlets. He often hides in crawlspaces and underground storage rooms and waits for the right moment to attack. Most zombies crawl on walls and ceilings, throwing crescent energy blades at you. They have the ability to appear out of nowhere as well and teleport, making them difficult to hit. And they are armed with dual pulse sabers for hands to attack with. Though he doesn't share any ghosting abilities like his robotic brethren, he can take a considerable amount of hits before going down. Snake-like zombies, who often infests areas in hoards. There are creatures that attack by flying at its victims and gouging at their faces with its myriad teeth. Some have glowing red eyes and blue pants who will give a big chomp. This creature has mostly gone to bone but will still fight to the death. Zombies covered in blood, but is dressed in a tie-dyed jacket and tan cargo pants. This one will come running quickly towards the player with unfathomable hunger. A creature with dark circles around his eyes and dark speckles on his body who chooses to gnash at his victims. Large, bloated zombie with deep gray mottled skin. A small agile Zombie with a maniacal hyena laugh, this zombie enjoys jumping around the area with his electric blades before lunging at his opponents for an electrified attack. Leech-like creatures that will try and bite you. Zombies have some intelligence compared to other zombies as they can be seen driving cars to a poor extent, as they always end up crashing, occasionally pulling back to lure the agents in or simply retreating from the area and crawling through tight spaces. They are found in most environments and like to attack in groups. One zombie has a skinless right arm and exposed stomach and facial muscles. Another in red pants with stripe-shaped scars all over its body. Another with tattoos on its body and has a mohawk and no tattoos on its body, cracked torso. There are more who are brawn and burly, Trask will always try and bash against his opponents. Zombies who wears bandages on his head and forearms and sports climbing claws on his feet and hands. Other zombies are in a lab coat that clutches his head. When he gets close, he'll try and rip anyone’s head off! Overly large and with a big, stitched up belly, Walt will advance wobbly but speedily on anybody. A rotting Zombie covered in green sludge as a result of being in immersed in the sewers for so long. They are either brown, dark green, or pale green. 

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