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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Jawbreaker Banshee V3--Chapter 1

This is the third volume of Jawbreaker Banshee and here we have the first chapter. And this one is a crossover where my other story of Über*Fremden is going to meet the cast of Jawbreaker Banshee. And Aynia gets a look at the memories of Tony and his friends. Well, I'm back in the game guys! Gonna get me a lot of view soon but not sure since I don't have a lot however it's fine. I'm not too concerned. I hope you guys enjoy and yes, I am repeating the stuff that I wrote from Über*Fremden. Sorry, but hope you guys like this crossover chapter! Thanks a lot! --KatDon 

Chapter 1: Not Above Foreigners

It looked like Aynia was on a roll because Clidna told her she got her some new opponents and prepared her for the greatest battle ever! And Aynia would be champion in no time for sure. As Aynia faced her opponents of a boy name Tony Beverly and his friends! She faced them and got to fight them all but with her new fond powers, she could use her mind to absorb their memories without touching them and could see the past lives of others: The time of blissful happiness has gone away, the end of summer comes closer. Autumn enters, and now you have to deal with the harsh realities of life and death. Summer begins in and ends, Tony Beverly’s father died as the summer ended. At his father’s funeral; Young Tony cried, ran home and locked himself in his room. When his mother got home and knocked on the door to his room, Tony simply said, “Wake me up when September ends.” Here comes those times again, written in the stars called destiny. People only become what they really are when they feel pain, so that they can’t hide their real personality anymore. Spring was a time when Tony's father was still alive and can also represent the innocent, youthful period of someone’s life. In about the present time; Tony is a teenage boy who is entering his new school. His overprotective mother annoys him and his annoying siblings are driving him crazy. Tony struggles with the fact that he is a high school graduate who is not going to college. He has no other plans, which this very much stresses him out. Tony's family is in poverty and they have no choice but to move to Japan and to live with his mother's relatives for awhile. However Tony doesn't want to go. His mother try to convince him to come, "It's so beautiful there, Tony. You'll miss out on the four seasons, don't you want to see your best friends?" She would say but Tony's response was always, "I hate the dead of winter, I hate how cold it is. I really don't want to go." 

His mother kept urging, "You'll never know how wonderful it is." "I told you, I hate the cold." snapped Tony. Although he was stubborn; his mother gave up and lets him decide what he wants.  Tony felt bad as he decided to please his mother by going to Japan but he needs to prepare himself for the cold. He knows that Japan has the dead winter and at night, it drops below minus 20 to 30. Two weeks later; Tony and his family move to Japan as Johnny says farewell to the life he lived in. He vows to return to his hometown one day. While hours on the plan ride to Japan; Tony is bored of the long journey and he soon falls asleep. He wakes up to be greeted by other people in Japan. And he finds out of where he was staying--In a  house with an old-style thatched roof. He managed to get Internet and TV but found that the house he was staying with his family each of them had different rooms. It was strange than the house that he lived in. Tony is faced to face with the different life here in Japan. It was all too hard to believe! One day, Tony received a message from his best friend, Casey Jones, who asked him to meet him in Shinjuku as he wants him to see the sights of Japan. Tony is unsure however Casey insisted that it'll be fun. So, Tony goes to Shinjuku and waited for his friend. Tony is a shy fellow who has trouble making friends for he was stuck with some poisonous friends. He remembered how he once trusted this people. They were Alfred Stormalong and Febold Feboldson, Tony had trusted them and hang out with them. One day, Tony hang out with Febold as they went to places until the next day where he spread horrible lies about Tony. And worse, Alfred refuse to believe Tony that Febold did something. Another time, Tony did not call back Alfred because of the fact that he was tired after a long day. 

The next morning, Tony realized he was supposed to go out with Alfred to see a movie with some other friends however while texting his friend; Tony was shocked to find out in his message that broke his heart: "You didn't respond to me last night after we promised to catch up with some friends on a movie night. When you text me, I laughed at you. You are a disgusting, selfish person and I never want to see you again." Tony couldn't believe it and text back, "OK, if that's how you feel then I guess we can't be friends anymore." But then he got another one that shocked him harder: "Fine! I don't need you and neither does Febold. Goodbye, you piece of crap! LMAO!" It was horrible, Tony had never been so upset in all of his life. Never felt so betrayed. He had knew Alfred, Febold, and Casey since they were kids. Why was this happening? Tony was worried, he told Casey online about it and Casey was shocked. His response was, "I don't know what to say, man. I can't believe Febold and Alfred did that." Suddenly, Tony was startled when someone shouted in his ear, interrupting his reverie: "HEL-LO TONY BEAVER!!!!!!" Tony jumped and looked to see a boy his age with dark blonde hair. "Casey? Casey, is that you?" Tony asked, squinting at his friend. Casey Jones used to have dark hair, black but it wasn't black anymore--It was a dark blone. The boy threw his hands in the air, "Introducing the man of action! The star in the sky! The one and only! Casey Jones!" He exclaimed. Tony was excited to see his friend, "Casey! It is you, I can't believe it!" He said. Casey laughed and playfully punched his friend, "How you been Tony?" "Oh, you know. The usual." said Tony. Tony and Casey haven't seen each other since 5th grade, where it was the last day Casey was going to move to Japan. Tony gave him a jade charm as a farewell present. It was Casey's favorite gem and he wore it as a pendant. The two friends were now walking in Shinjuku; Tony could not believe how he was walking in the land of  lights, people with almond eyes and nice skin as well as dark hair, and also a whole light of strange. 

Tony was walking to the entrance of his new school, telling himself to get a grip and try not to make a bad impression himself. He had so many thoughts surrounding him and he doesn't know what to say. However people gawked at him. He looked unease, "Why are they all staring at me?" thought Tony. He looked and saw Alfred there, "Alfred? What are you--" However before he continued; Tony saw him looking at him menacingly and attacked him. Enrique woke up as he saw it was all a dream. Later in the morning of his new school; Tony pushed the doors of the school open as he walked in wearing a uniform. Being the new kid wasn't easy as it looked. He could see girls giggling and waving at him. Tony smiled but he didn't see where he was going. He soon bump into someone else. He heard someone chuckling. "Great!" thought Tony, "Way to make a first impression." He came to the person he bumped into. "Are you OK?" asked Tony. There was a girl with glasses and hair in pigtails, she was wearing a uniform. She laughed nervously, "Yeah. Sorry about that." The girl looked at him, "The newbie I presumed?" She said. "Um, yeah...H--hi, I'm Tony Beverly." said Tony. "It's a pleasure to make your aquantince, I'm Molly Tōshu." said the girl with glasses. "Nice to meet you." said Tony. He helped Molly collect her things but Molly picked them up herself quickly. She thanked him as she went away, Tony wondered about this girl, "What could she be hiding?" He wondered. One dark and stormy night; panic arose in people with oval-shaped heads, abnormally large eyes, stubby arms and legs, and lack noses, ears, fingers, necks, and flat feet without toes. And there he goes! He ran as fast as his legs could take. Feet splashed in the puddles but he didn't stop. He hid in the most cloest place that caught his eye--A warehouse! He ducked in and shut the door. 
He prayed no one would find him however as he backed up; he ran into a figure so he looked up to see that there was a brainless thug prowling over him. The thug grabbed the boy, but the boy was faster and punched him. The boy got away, escaping however all of the others weren't so lucky. But this boy vowed he will save his people and he will do it with help from his friends! During lunch, Tony is sitting with Casey when they are approached by other people: Furancis Marion, Mose Hanfurī, Jō Magarac, and John Henri. Furancis is an energetic, hyperactive, and eccentric young man who gets to flirt with girls. Mose is a laid back guy that likes to tease Furancis about his behavior while Jō is a level headed fellow and John is a nice guy. They got to know Tony better, but Tony just simply states his reason of coming to Japan: "I just came here because my family and I went through poverty." He simply said. "That's cool, I mean, coming down here to do better is cool." said John. "Nice save." Mose said, and the boys laugh. Then, Casey mentions to Tony about Evangeline. Tony was terrified to hear that name--Evangeline Bellefontaine, she was a girl he knew back during the time they were kids. The girl who always had nosebleeds, it was pretty disgusting. "Is she gross as ever?" Tony asked. "No way man, she looks better than she originally did." Casey said. "Did you see her boobs? Man, what a bunch of jiggles there!" Furancis said. "Oh don't get yourself started with boobs, you perv!" Mose scolded, Furancis freaked out. Tony was shocked, Evangeline was here? In Japan? Boy, this should be interesting. 

Just then, the doors flung opened. Heads turned. Mouths drop open, especially Tony's. There was a red haired beauty with ivory white complexion, she wore a Japanese school girl uniform--A sailor top with long sleeves and skirt. She wore knee high socks and shoes. Casey called out first, "What's up, Evangeline?" Tony couldn't believe it, this red head hottie is Evangeline Bellefontaine as everyone then started approach and surround her but not crowd her too much. "Hey Evangeline-Chan!" said one of the students. "What's up, Eva-San?" said a second student. "Looking good." remarked a third student. So much went on until Evangeline saw Tony and said, "Tony!" "Evangeline?" Tony asked. Evangeline rushed over, she hugged him and she looked as if she was going to cry. "Oh, I haven't seen you since fifth grade." She pulled away and Tony looked up to see her big breasts, they looked orb like and jiggly. "Wait!" He thought, looking away. "What am I doing?" Evangeline looked at him, "So, you look the same as I remember. A wallflower but still so cute." She said. Tony laughed along with her, Wallflower. Yes, he had always been a wallflower. Un-noticed. Unidentified. Always picked last, hardly at all. "Yeah, guess I'm a nobody huh." said Tony. "No, don't say that! It's not your fault, it's just people are so absorbed with life that they need to turn around see the last man standing and offer him to come play." Evangeline said. Tony blushed, that was the nicest thing that anybody ever said about him. Casey patted a hand on Evangeline's back, "Hey Eva! Good to see you again." He greeted. "Casey, hey!" Evangeline said, hugging her friend. Casey noticed Tony and called out, "Hey buddy, come in and join the group-hug." Tony gladfully did, he embraced Evangeline and Casey. For the first time, he had people that actually do care about him. While walking home, Tony saw the beach and went to see how beautiful the sea was but saw something strange along the shore. It looked like a body however from the distance he was at; it was hard to tell. Tony went down to the beach. He went over to the body, which was a young man. The young man woke up shock wheh he saw Tony, startled he sat up. "You--you saw me here?" He asked, stammering. "Oh, um, yeah." Calypso replied. "I saw you lying there, I thought you were hurt." The boy panicked, he started to say to himself: "The mission, the mission." "What?" Tony asked. But the boy ran away from sight and Tony wondered what happened but he realized how late he is as he needed to get home fast! At home, while lying in bed; Tony wondered all of the craziness that happened to him today: First his best friend was in the city of Tokyo Japan. Second, the most grossiest girl with nosebleed is hot as she has no more nose bleeds. And lastly, the mysterious boy he found on the beach was acting weird. He soon fell asleep, however he had a strange dream: He dreamt that he was standing on the ledge, the ledge crumbles under from him and he falls into this supermassive black hole. The hole has a light brightens up and he saw demonic monsters. But then the boy had fire coming from his hands and he burnt the monsters! Someone calls out his name, “Antonio? Antonio, Antonio. Tony!” “’Ay-yah!” Tony exclaimed. The person calling him was his mother. She was standing over him in his bedroom. “Wake up, Tony. You were talking in your sleep again.” His mother scolded. Tony clutched his head, “Sorry, I just had a horrible nightmare.” He said. "Well, nightmares are making you late. Come on, get up! It's almost 7 honey." said his mother. Tony stretched and got out of bed, he looked out as it was raining outside. He sighed, it was going to be one of those days. But he couldn't help wondering what was that dream all about. Him fighting monsters, fire coming out of his hands. This is too crazy to believe. 

Later during lunch while talking to his friends Casey and Evangeline; Tony opened his fortune cookie and read his fortune: "If you find your world is caving in on you; Bet your gonna need a friend who will take those fears away." This made Tony curious as he looked over at the busy student working girl Molly who got orders ready but when she catched his eye, she briefly waved as she got back to work. While walking home, Tony had to drop off some books at the librairy. He called his mother and told her that she was walking home. Once that was taking care of, Tony was walking home at night. He suddenly heard a strange sound and he turned around. "H--Hello?" Tony called. Nobody answered, but there was that sound again. And it was getting closer. "Come on out, I don't know who you are but I know you're out there." He warned. Suddenly, there it was, it was a child who turned into a monster. It had horns on its head, wings on its back, and bared his fangs. It snarled at the horrified Tony. But something crashed in as the creature cried out in pain and fell to the floor dead. Trembling yet relieved; Calypso examined the dead monster. Just then, he felt a shadow upon him. Tony looked up to see that it was the same boy she saw at the shore. "It's you." Tony said. He tried to flee however he fell down into the city, this was it. He thought it was over when the young man reached over and saved him. Tony couldn't believe that this guy saved him and they were on the roof again. "Thanks man." said Tony. "What the hell are you doing up here?" The young man asked. "Who are you? How--?" Tony started to say, but the young man stopped him. "It's a long story." the young man replied. And so it was, the young man is Johnny Reb and he is part of an organization called League of Liberty Justice Revenge, or LJR for short. He says that he and many others are out to help those to set free, find help for the helpless and avenge those that need to see that there is hope out there. 

Johnny then took Tony to meet his master, Joshua Karebu! While there, Tony comes across this strange middle aged man. "Can I help you?" asked the man. Tony remembers what he was going to ask, "Um, yes. I--" He started. However, the man said: "Let me ask you a different way--What do you seek?" Tony was surprised as he said, "Just--To know where I am, I guess." The man smiled, "You are in a world known as Schilda." He explained, "This is Shangri-La. The valley and here we are to protect. But our mission starts tonight after you finish with school." "What's the first mission?" asked Tony. Master Karebu showed him, "The Wee Folks--There had been some people, who don't seem to be human but yet they are kidnapped and now there's only one that we'd taken in after he searched for help." explained Master Karebu. Tony is surprised, he vows to come back tomorrow and he kept to his word. And so, every day after school and at night when his homework & dinner was finished; Tony goes out as his night agent. Lucky for him he told his mother about a new job he has a night and he promise not to be late. While in his days training at night; Tony makes friends with the reckless yet daredevil-ish broken person name Billy Yank. Pretty boy is Leo Belgicus, the lone wolf gladiator Sam Michel, a brilliant and beautiful girl name Kathleen and her heart of gold friend Marianne. An intelligent yet lazy young man Olav Nordmann as well as the only female with a determined spirit is Marie Clara, a girl who is multiracial of Spanish cultures is Columbia dela Cruz with her brother Juan dela Cruz. Billy Yank showed Tony the administration and all around the entire area of LJR. Leo Belgicus shows Tony the technology and security cameras. Kathleen and Marianne tell them about the different places in Schilda: There was Kvenland, where a strange land of other people are. There is Xibalba, the place where the most fearful are. And then there is Nysa, a beautiful valley with people who are drop dead gorgeous and are the kindest people anyone will ever meet but they have a dark side to them. There's a place in Nysa which is known as Einsam Kokoro. 

Tony noticed a shadowy area, "What's this one?" He asked. Kathleen looked unease, but Marianne responded: "Oh don't mind that one, this one is Svartalfheim. That's where the monsters come from." Tony looked curious, "And what are the monsters called?" He asked. Kathleen looked up and then she glance at him for a moment before saying, "They are Hudruns." Tony looked at her in shock as Kathleen continued, "They are chaotic off springs of the tragic maiden harpy--Ophelia." Tony was stunt by that name, "Ophelia?" He asked. "Yes, legend has it that she was violated and betrayed by her beloved. She went into a lucid state and nearly drowned in the lake, people say she die through submersion of water but most people don't believe that." explained Kathleen. Tony was trying to process as much information as he could, those monsters are the children of some woman name Ophelia? Who the heck is Ophelia? He wondered about all this, until he heard familiar voices. Tony turned around and was shocked to see who it was--"What's up, Tony Beaver?" Casey asked. Casey and Evangeline stood there smiling at their friend. Tony couldn't believe it, "You guys...you're night agents?" He asked in disbelief. Casey and Evangeline laughed; "We've been night agents long before you." said Casey. "Of course, we're known as night ninjas." Evangeline added. Tony smiled, "That's awesome!" He exclaimed. "So, we'll be working for you." said Casey. "Well, that's great!" Tony said. "Oh, and let's not forget someone important that will make an addition to our crew." Casey said. "Make that two." Evangeline replied brightly. As if on cue, this mysterious girl entered the room. She has chocolate brown hair and dark eyes like pools, she wore a jumpsuit with a bandana around her head. The rest of her long hair was pinned up and braided. Her name is Rosie Foster, but her full name Veronica Rosalie Foster. Everyone called her Rosie, however she doesn't like to be called Veronica. 

Sadly for Rosie is that she doesn't have any friends. "Hey Rosie, how ya doing?" Marianne greeted her. Rosie didn't respond, she only nodded. She looked over at Casey and Evangeline, "Hey you guys." Rosie greeted softly. "Hey Rose, you're back! Where you've been?" asked Casey. Rosie shrugged, "Just had some things to do." She said and didn't explained anything else however she was curious when she saw Tony. "Case, who's this?" Rosie asked. "Who is she, Casey?" Tony asked. "Tony my boy, meet the Red Bloom of the Hour--Rosie Foster!" Casey said to his best friend. To Rosie he said, "Rose baby, this is my best friend Tony Beverly." Tony smiled and lent out his hand, "Nice to meet you." He said. Rosie did not take it as she could only stare down at him, "Pleasure." She replied. Tony put his hand down in disappointment, but he shrugged it off. Just then, the gang's other member enters the room. A boy with an oval-shaped head, abnormally large eyes, stubby arms and legs, and lack noses, ears, fingers, necks, and flat feet without toes. His hair was distinctively kept shaved and he wore a blue and black cloak that has a white bow. In the middle of the bow was a diamond jewel on the bow. "Hello, my name is Barnabas and I am one of the Wee Folks." said the little guy. Tony and the others adored it! "Oh, how cute." Evangeline said. "It's like a little chibi." Casey pointed out. "It is!" agreed Tony. Even Rosie smiled at the little guy, just smiling a little, but she noticed Tony can see her smile and she fixed her composure. Tony stared at her as he was wondering about her smile: "Did she smile? Right there? That was pretty weird." He thought. Just then, there was loud thunder above the corporation building that clapped so loud that everyone jumped. Then a horrible wind has broke into the gym as the students and teachers were in terror as they ran. 
Suddenly, by surprise, Tony gets caught in the storm. "HELP, SOMEBODY!!!!" He cried. "TONY!" screamed Casey, but he too got caught in the storm. One by one Evangeline, Rosie and Pygmalion got caught in the storm. Just then, each of them were glowing different colors: Tony glowed red and orange, Casey glowed whitish blue and dark blue, Evangeline glowed silvery white, Rosie glowed purple, and Barnabas glowed yellow. Once then, they were given each powers: Fire, water & ice, earth, and air. Fire was given Tony, water and ice was given to Casey, Evangeline got the power over light, Rosie got the power over darkness, and Barnabas got the power over flying with his own signature color spectrum coming from him. The middle aged master grinned as he said, "A storm has come, and it begins." For the time being; the gang woke up in a meadowy field and come across a house where nobody was home. It wasn't right, "Hey guys. I don't think this is a good idea to come in here." Tony said. "Hey, we're not going to touch anything--We just want to look around." Casey replied. "But Case--" Tony started to say, but Casey cut him off, "For crying out loud; relax OK? Geez Antonio, you're scaring me." He remarked. So the five friends went into the house. While inside the house, Tony was tensed that something wasn't right but he felt calm here. It was so peaceful, being in someplace that wasn't his own. He stopped wandering enough to see a piano. A piano that he once had as a child, he remembered that sounds of Beethoven's "Fur Elise" that he used to play with his father. That was so long ago, Tony was seven years old at the time of that happy memory. Tony walked over to the piano and begin to play this classical piece. His fingers were adequate on the keys, he let the music guide him. Tony didn't realize he was attracting someone else's attention. 

Tony felt like he was living in his happy moments of his past all over again! By the time Tony finished, he felt cool over him. "Ahem!" Tony snaps out of her turns around to see a young man applauding. He has near blonde haired, he looked like a nice guy with a rebel going on. "Oh! I'm sorry!" Tony said. "That was good." said the young man. "Th-Th-Thank you." stammered Tony. But the young man seemed to pity him, "Do you know Beethoven? I mean, I know his pieces but I never met anyone who can play one of them. You're talented." He said. Tony looked over at him with suspiciousness, "And you are?" Tony asked. "I am Alan Nero, welcome to my lovely home." said the young man. Tony looked around, "Yeah, it's nice." He replied. Later; Tony, Casey, Evangeline, and Rosie heard of a swimming hole in this place so they decides to go swimming. Tony and Casey wore swim suits while Evangeline and Roseie were in a short-looking bottoms and bikini strapless top. Tony and Casey were staring in awe at how hot the girls looked in those bikinis. "Whoa, I think I'm feeling horny!" Casey whispered. Tony elbowed him, "Stop that!" He muttered, "You sound like Furancis." Casey chuckled, "Come on, you know you want to smack that." He teased. "What?!" rasped Tony, almost loudly. Casey cracked up, slapping his knee. There was no one around, so they slip in and enjoying the cool water. It wasn’t too hot, not too cold. However someone was watching Evangeline splashing about and Rosie lounging about. Someone took a good look at the girls' bodies, smiling in delight and saying: "They're perfect for my latest project." 

Once swimming is over; the gang decide to explore some more. Evangeline looked at it as she watched the ballerina twirl, however in the reflection; she thought she saw someone there and turned but found no one was there. Evangeline shake her head and rubbed her eyes, "I must be seeing things." She muttered. Evangeline watched the mechanic ballerina dance until its tired, machine heart beats slowly until the song disappears. Then it stops. There was an eerie silence until Evangeline heard singing, sad but soft crooning: "There was an old woman all skin and bone Who lived near the graveyard all alone. She thought she'd go to church one day To hear the parson preach and pray." And another voice went, "O-o-o-o-o-o! O-o-o-o-o-o!" The singing went again, but the words were different than the first: "And when she came to the church-house stile She thought she stop and rest awhile. She came up to the door, She thought she'd stop and rest some more." Then, the same voice after went, "O-o-o-o-o-o!  O-o-o-o-o-o!" Evangeline was a little freaked out when she heard the singing again with different words, somehow this song sounded familiar, "But when she turned and looked around She saw a corpse upon the ground. From its nose down to its chin The worms crawled out, and the worms crawled in." There it was again! "O-o-o-o-o-o!  O-o-o-o-o-o!" The singing came there again, "The woman to the preacher said, 'Shall I look like that when I am dead?'" Then, it was there the last time: "O-o-o-o-o-o!" and the singing said in a creepy, low tone, "The preacher to the woman said, 'You shall look like that when you are dead!" 

There was something that made Evangeline shrieked when she heard a shock, panicky scream, "AAAAAAAAAAA!" Evangeline ran as she went to the bathroom, which was the safest place she could think of. There was a voice on the opposite side of the door. It was just a quiet, whisper voice.Leaving the bathroom; Evangeline started to run. Then, Evangeline was scared to see small animals lying dead on the ground bleeding. Evangeline had a shocked and saddened look on her face however she kept moving as she begins to walk a little more with that worried look. As Evangeline kept moving, there were more dead animals as Evangeline moved past them looking more and more worried She was shocked to see how they all died in rather gruesome ways. Evangeline was running up a hill and then she stopped, there was a man in black with his back against Evangeline. Evangeline looked happy to see the man in black but when Evangeline walked closely toward the man. In a split second, the girl saw the man facing towards her with his eyes open and they were black with those red glowing dots. He laughed as he said, "Hello. Do you want to play with me?" Just in a split second the man lunged at Evangeline who let out a loud screeching. For Casey; he was walking in a hallway. The floor was shiny and checkered, the walls were a dark greyish purple with animated candlelight’s and a few dark bloodstains here and there. Down the steps, Casey noticed that the walls have gotten darker and more reddish; the walls turned more dark red and the torches were a black flame now. Suddenly, he could hear someone whisper, "Try to keep this interesting for me." Casey turned around to see where the voice came from, and what he saw made him scream. Sitting in a chair, staring right at him was the man in black smiling with bloodstains under his eyes.

In the meantime; Rosie walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. She bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling her eye. What she saw was a bedroom and in the corner was a woman whose skin was incredibly pale. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. She stared in confusion for a while. Rosie almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity but decided not to. As Rosie was still looking, the woman turned sharply and she jumped back from the door, hoping she would not suspect he had been spying on her. The scenery changed before her eyes, all she saw was redness. She couldn't make anything out besides a distinct red color, un-moving. Perhaps these inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red. Rosie backs away but then she found a record about that room: A long time ago, a man was killed after he murdered his wife in there, and what people find that even now, whoever stays there gets very uncomfortable. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red. But Rosie looked afraid just like Evangeline did, though not as much, more rather she looked a little unnerved. Then there was that maddening laugh came again. Rosie saw several bloodstains on the ground as she looked nauseated walking down this blood-stained road, still he kept going. Then the man appeared right in front of her with those black and red eyes, "Found you!" He said. The man lunged at Rosie who let out a distorted screech. Tony looked around as he has not seen his friends nor Barnabas! And he was getting very worried. 

He found unsuspected people but all of them had abnormal body shapes, claw hands, and looked like naked humans but looked more violent. "What?" whispered Tony, he couldn't believe it."Magnificent isn't it?" A voice said. Tony turned around and saw Alan standing there with a sadistic smile on his face, red pupils, and black sclera. He stepped out of the shadows to admire his work, "These scoundrels are part of my newest creation." He said. "Sir Alan?" asked Tony. "What did you do to them?" "Isn't this wonderful? You see, my pet, I had always wanted to know what happens if I did something like this, or this....Or maybe something....." He ranted, a psychotic look in his eyes. Not a good sign! Tony is terrified as Alan looked over at him and took a step towards him. Tony stepped away from him, "But you...I have much bigger plans for you, my pet. And your dear friends too." Tony rushes out but heard the sound of Alan calling out to him, "Toooooonnnnnnnnnnyyyyyy." Tony shivered, he tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. "No, come on! Come on, come on!" Tony muttered. Just then, The deranged Alan had a sickle in his hand and was laughing like mad. With all his strength; Tony breaks down the door and runs. He managed to escape as he found his friends tied to autopsy tables and he freed them with his flames, carefully not to burn them. Learning that they were free; Alan tried to kill them out of rage. He managed to kill one of the Wee Folks, who was once a tool used by Alan, as Tony was so angry that he burnt his house however he sparred Alan out of mercy. However, while walking away; Tony felt a gun in his head as he turned to see Alan with his clothes burnt and looked insane. It was a scary sight. "I WILL BLOW YOUR FRICKING BRAINS OUT, YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD!!!!" He screamed. Then, something crashed in! There he was--Johnny Reb! Johnny kicks  him to the ground and stands over him, "Like their ever yours!" He remarked. 

During that time; Tony, Casey, Evangeline, Rosie, and Barnabas are looking for the Wee Folks and found them in the basement. They got them out of there alive however the Wee Folks were trembling in fear over the Hundruns. But using their powers of fire, water and ice, light, dark, and the ability to fly; Tony and his friends put their powers to the test as they defeated these monsters and the Wee Folks cheered! Once the four of them were rescued; Master Joshua explained to Tony and his friends that Alan was creating Hundrun Dolls out of humans and he had done it to the guests that let them stay with. Tony couldn't believe his eyes and he was scared to know what might happened to him. He even looked at the house he burnt down, "Did I do that?" He wondered. "Yeah man, you did that." Casey said. Barnabas was so grateful for Tony and the others' help: "Thank you for saving my people." He said, "Without you, I would have never see them again." "That's what friends are for." replied Tony. Barnabas looked at him, "Friends?" He asked. "Yeah, friends. Want to join us?" Tony said. Barnabas was teary eyes when he heard that. "Yeah!" He cried. And so, Barnbas became a member of Liberty Justice Revenge! Meanwhile, someone was reading about LJR: "What are the Liberty Justice Revenge Night Agents? They are bastard, that's what they are!" barked a young lady, "We have to find out about them and being a threat to us all!" This was Joan Kaye; she is eccentric, power-hungry, sarcastic, paranoid, unstably insane. Her servant is Michael Gerth; a mature, level headed, and naivete young man that is concern about who's father is always busy.

One day while walking home from school; Tony was sure he heard someone's car starting and rearing from one direction to the other. And then it crashed, police sirens were on the way. And they arrested the guy. This young man was Damon Leto; he was a rebellious young man who like doing these reckless stunts. While he was at the police jail cell; one of the cops came to Damon's cell and unlocked it. Damon looked up as the guard said, "Hey buddy, you're free to go." Damon gave him a suspicious look, "Oh yeah, says who?" He asked. The guard gestured to someone standing there, "He says he knows you." said the guard. There was a guy standing there with an angry face. Damon looked relieved, "Gunther, hey bro!" He started to say but Gunther cut him off, "Don't give me that crappy greeting, let's go Damon." He said harshly. Now Damon knew he was in big trouble but he's always been in trouble. It was quiet down the road as Damon looked at his brother's face, "Gunther, don't tell me you're still mad about that extreme measure of driving." Damon said. Gunther was pissed of hearing this, "Extreme measure? That's more than 'extreme measure', Damon, you and your antics of idiotic daredevil stunts! Are you out of your mind?" He demanded. Damon rolled his eyes, "Great, here we go again." He remarked. "Well, I've had about had it with you! And not just me, Mom is sick of it too!" Gunther said. "I know, I feel bad--I don't need another lecture!" Damon protested. 

"Well, that's part of life Damon, you need one! You've been doing this adrenaline stuff since you were 13. What was it? Revenge against those bastards for beating the crap out of you? Has anyone ever stopped you? Told you this was a bad idea? But more importantly, ask you why you do this?" Gunther said. Damon knew where he was going with this, but he turned away to look at the window. Gunther's face softened a bit as he said, "Well, I'm not going to ask because I know why." Damon then said, "I don't want you mentioning that, all right?" Gunther was annoyed, "Fine, I'm done talking." He said. In the meantime; A prince name Casimir was sitting there looking bored. "Will you be much longer or what? I mean, it's like I got nothing better to do." He remarked. The painter noticed him putting his chin in his hand, "Prince Casimir, please try to remain still. I just need to color in and I'll be done in fifteen minutes." said the painter. But Prince Casimir is annoyed, "Ugh, damn outfit. This looks ridiculous, I feel like a...a...swan!" He remarked. His father, Ouranos, smiled as he said: "You look handsome, my liege." "Huh, it's all I do. I pose for pictures and portraits. Attends at parades, do nothing but smile and wave. Nothing more exciting or challenging." Casimir said, he was getting up from the chair to walk around. "Casimir?" Ouranos called out. The painter was annoyed, "I knew I should've come here." He muttered. He took his painting and try to follow the prince pacing about as he continued to rant, "I'm not just a swan for people to look like. I can speak several languages--Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Gaelic, and Russian. I can even count by 6's, 7's, and by 9 too!" The painter was frustrated at the fact the prince moving around, "Your Highness!" He called out. 

But Casimir didn't heed as he continued to talk, "I don't care much of being a prince, I just want to be different. And do something for a change." The painter was exhausted and in exasperation. "How about you make a change of staying still, Prince Casimir! Everyone needs a copy of you of those portaits." He begged. "Everyone always has portraits of me in different clothes, I feel like 'what's the point'!" Casimir said, he removed the clothes and changed into his comfortable clothes. Ouranos turned to the frustrated painter and said to him, "Why don't you come back later? Casimir might be in a better mood if you return." The painter nodded, "Good. I think my coffee break is calling me." He remarked. Once the painter left; King Ouranos went to see him, who was lying on his bed. "Casimir?" He asked. "I know what your going to say, I wasn't on my best behavior." said Casimir. "No, that's not. I've noticed that you've been this way since you were 15 years of age, what has gotten you to feel this way?" said Ouranos. "Father, have you ever feel like you're lucky to have servants and a palace to live in? But then you look out and see that not everyone is so fortunate as we are?" Casimir asked. Ouranos's face soften, "I guess. Now that you mention it, I have." He admitted. "I just feel like I'm not living up to my potential, Father. I would like to be a real service to the community, to my home here in England. Maybe help out at schools or hospitals." Casimir said. Ouranos knew where he was getting at, his son was 15 and was taking a ride in the country side. When he looked out there, he saw homeless people, people with sickly complexions, orphans, people dying, and other great terrors. Casimir couldn't believe what he was seeing here, he felt bad and thought about the life he was living in. 

At night; Damon was in his bed as he thought about what his brother said: "You've been doing this adrenaline stuff since you were 13. What was it? Revenge against those bastards for beating the crap out of you? Has anyone ever stopped you? Told you this was a bad idea? But more importantly, ask you why you do this?" This pained Damon, he knew what Gunther was getting at with this, he pulled the covers over his head. He felt pain in his heart, "Dammit! Why does he have to go and say that?" He thought with anger. He thought about the arguement with his mother when he and Gunther got home: "How could you be so reckless?" demanded Ms. Leto. She had her hands balled into fists at her hips and looked angry while wearing an apron. "Mom, I wasn't doing this to get attention!" protested Damon. "Oh no? Then what do you call going at about faster then above the normal speed while driving? You could've hurt someone!" His mother protested. "Mom, nobody was nearby! It wasn't like I was about to hurt somebody!" Damon claimed. "I don't what you're doing, you got to be more careful while driving mister! You got two chances out of these, don't do anything crazy! Seriously, you gotta be more responsible as Gunther!" Ms. Leto. But then she looked regretful and said, "What I mean is...You have to be more considerate. Think about others." "Oh, be considerate like that goody goody brother of mine? The one that can do no wrong? Please Mom, being goody goody won't get me anywhere!" Damon said. "Yes it can, people noticed you for your good deeds. Not doing reckless things, like driving so fast or getting in trouble! Tell me who were you with!" His mother said. "NO ONE, I WAS ON MY OWN!!!" Damon cried out. They continued to argue until Damon could not stand it and went into his room. Damon had to think about his father, Moshe. 
Early in the morning, Casimir was sleeping when he has a vision of someone drowning and he woke up. He hurried outside to the fountain where he could a small figure drowning and pulled him out of there. Once Casimir pulled him out, it was a Wee Folk who was coughing. "Hey, I've heard you of your kind." Casimir said. The little Wee Folk looked him, "Yes. I am a Wee Folk." He said. "Oh, that's nice. My name is Prince Casimir, who are you?" asked Prince Casimir. The Wee Folk smiled at him, "Hello, I'm Daphnis." He said and he begin to fly with wings coming from his back. Casimir couldn't believe his eyes of what he was seeing, "Where did you come from?" He asked. "Your grandfather has sent me to help you on what you need." said Daphnis. Casimir was shocked, he hasn't seen his grandfather in awhile, "How did you know my grandfather?" He asked. "'How' you say? Well, your father told him that and then he came to help you." said Daphnis in a matter of fact tone to him. Casimir knew that perhaps this little fellow could help him make a difference in life. On that fateful morning; Damon was sleeping in when he heard someone honking outside his door, he looked out and he could see his friend Ettore waiting for him. "What are you doing down there?" asked Damon. Ettore grinned at him mischievously, "Aren't you coming? Come on, I wanna take you out for a drive!" He said. "I can't!" Damon replied. "Come on, it'll be fun! I mean, I'm not going to let you drive and get arrested." Ettore clarified. Damon smiled, "Fine, hang on a sec!" He said. A minute later; they were driving on the highway as they were crying out things like: "WOOOOOO!" and "Yeah, all right!!!!". There was also "Wooo, wah, wooo!", "All right, wooooo!", "Hell yes!" and "YEAHHHHH!". But this fun turn a deep turn when another car was driving along however the car Ettore was driving in was faster. Damon then noticed, he looked horrified. "ETTORE, WATCH OUT!!!!" He cried out. Ettore noticed and looked scared, "OH CRAP!!!" Too late, the car collided with one another and a bright light took over. Damon woke up in the hospital with bruises and cuts on him, he was greeted by his happily crying mother. Damon asked, "Where's Ettore?" His mother looked at him regretfully, "I'm  sorry." She said. Damon was shocked, he couldn't believe it. Ettore was dead! 

It was late at night, with a figure walking away from a black van parked in a forest clearing. It is Nana Wendell, who is starting a bonfire by pouring gasoline over a wood pile and lighting it up with a match. Her crew then exit the van, carrying various stuff which they then toss into the fire. Nana and the gang return to the van and open its rear doors, revealing four hooded, bound people. Nana holds up a match and stares at them menacingly. Nana woke up as it was all a dream as she wasn't sure if it was real or not. Nana is weighed down by a great burden, the knowledge of her sin. This burden, which would cause her to believe that she will sink into Hell. It is so unbearable that Nana must seek deliverance. There, she meets some people name Cain Xerxes, Will Ahasuerus, Peter Rugg and Blly Blynde, Judith Ewige, Dionysus Theophilus, Prester John Magus, Jackie Smith, and Germaine Goff who have seek out redemption as they try to convince Nana of some memories she had forgotten.  Nana has no idea what they mean and she has no idea who they are. But befriends them anyway and calling her crew, Santa Compana. There, Nana is guided by a group of people known as The Atonement Council. The members are Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Paul, Chris, Fides, and Elpis. In another dream; Nana walks in. She pushes the school cheerleaders aside as she walks into the hallway and cuts off another girl's braid with scissors, showing it to her. Later, as Nana is walking down the hall, a boy comes out of the nurse's office, his arm in a sling. Nana proceeds to push him into the wall, further injuring him. Later; Nana walks up on a girl and a boy together who are obviously in love. She pushes the girl's face out of the way and passionately kisses the boy. She then leaves, grinning smugly. Nana woke up wearing a dark violet dress, a black cloak and violet hair as she sings. She proceeds to explore a crepuscular labyrinth with a lantern. She walks in closer as she finds an apple and she eats it. Then, the walls close in on her. Nana pushes the labyrinth, the walls open up to reveal a troubled young man in black attire. As they walk into a hall of mirrors to a colossal mirror in the end. When Nana reaches the giant mirror, she sees herself as a torturous and evil person which terrifies her. She attempts to break the mirror while the troubled man sees the crumbling of the floor and tries to warn her, but to no avail. Nana finally shatters the mirror, shards went everywhere. The dark attire man is later seen pushing a wheelchair which Nana, trembling. In the hallway, they meet two guards who block their way. The troubled man furiously goes up to them and stomps her foot. Magical waves exude from him which send the guards flying and cures Nana. Nana gets up from the wheelchair and grabs the boy's hand, as they run down the hallway to the exit. 
The doors open to reveal a beautiful labyrinth full of colorful flora where Nana is wearing cream Greek dress covered with strings of pink and yellow flowers and green leaves and has a pink, blue, and orange butterfly in her hair. Nana and the boy eventually find the exit. Both of them exchange high-fives on the way out, they embrace each other before the boy places something in Nana's closed fist. She opens her fist, revealing a raven that flies away. In the meantime; Reynard Faust was now in the morgue. He was found dead at the age of 19 years old. Just then, someone came in but it wasn't a funeral attendant or an undertaker. It was a young lady with long white blonde hair and white skin. She wore vintage style dress with chiffon overlay, polka dot print, sheer puff sleeves, sheer lace detailed peter pan collar, ribbon tie & peep hole neckline, gathered bust detail, fitted bodice and inverted pleated skirt. She wore high heels as she walked towards Reynard's corpse, looking over at him. She removed the sheet from him and kissed his cold lips. Reynard's body shook and he woke up with a gasp. He looked around to see he was alive. "I'm alive...I'm alive." Reynard whispered softly. Then, Reynard was gone from the morgue. In the past; Reynard Faust and his sweetheart, Hermeline Elisha were young and in love. So deep was their love that they were practically inseparable. These young lovers were very happy and spent their time frolicking through the meadows. 

One day Hermeline was running through a meadow with Reynard when she was seized and killed by someone name Johnstone McGuffin. The bullet killed her. Then, Johnstone turned the gun on the distressed Reynard, who was sobbing over the corpse of his beloved, and killed him. Before he died; Reynard gasped out his dying, last words: "The queenliest dead that ever died so young..." However while he was in heaven; Reynard was forbidden to enter Heaven and the Devil wasn't allow to take him to hell. Then; Reynard calls on the shadows for where he should go. In response a silhouetted figure called Orev appears. He makes a bargain with Reynard: He was allow to live and to never die or go to the afterlife. If Reynard did die again and again, he would be revived by accelerate healing. He accepted that deal and someone kissed him, reviving him. Now; Reynard Faust and he was free from sin and from the past that he was troubled by. "It's true. I'll finally get my revenge." Reynard thought. He became known as Raven to eliminated those who remain untouchable. He resurfaced to find a place with stained glass windows and enter the building where he found a girl sleeping in a motionlessly matter and hugged her after seeing how beautiful she was. That pretty girl was Nana! Reynard found Nana attractive and got so close that he could smell the fragrance coming off of her skin. Nana jumped when she felt someone against her, "Hello...." She said. Reynard blushed at the sight of her. Nana looked at him closely as she pointed at the scar on the side of his head. "Where did you get that scar?" Nana asked. "It's nothing." claimed Reynard. Reynard shield it, the scar was a gash with slashes like stitches on them. He remembered that scar which was from the bottle bashed against the side of his head. Bloodied shards in his skin, he wanted to forget about it.

In the city of the dark; Nana was in her  disguise as she was on rooftop to rooftop. "C'mon, c'mon. Where do I start?" She muttered to herself. Just then, she had a vision of someone in black with face marking makeup on his face. There was a sword with the justice scales symbol on its sheath. Nana gasped in horror, "Who is that?" She thought. Nana jumped when she heard a voice said, "Tell me, are you a criminal? An abuser? Or like me?" Nana turned around and saw a man in black attire with white face makeup and black markings that resembled scars. "Who are you?" Nana asked in a trembling voice. "I am Raven,I am to avenge the victims and take down the ones who are responsible." said the man in black. "Justice? I didn't know that!" Nana thought to herself. "And pray tell who you are?" asked Raven. "I'm Lethe. I am on a quest to find my past, you see." Nana claimed. Raven circled around her as he observes her, "How come I never heard of you?" He asked. Nana swallowed her panic, "I'm a rookie. Please, have mercy--I am no threat here." She said. Raven nodded, but he decides to chase her to see how fast she is. As she was running; Nana was stepping backwards until a fragile glass made her lose her footing. She fell into the pool as Raven came to her rescue! However while diving into rescuing the drowning girl; Raven is shocked to see who it was: "So, this is Lethe's secret identity." He said. A sinister smile appeared on his face, his makeup was washed off to reveal scars upon his pale face. "Well, what do you know." He said softly. Not knowing for she was unconscious; Nana's life was about to change....forever! 

Nana woke up in a sleeveless white night gown and sleeping in a canopy bed. She looked around to the sun was shining out--A new day, "What the--How did I get back here?" She wondered. Just then, the door burst open and Nana jumped but heard a husky-seemingly warm voice. "Nana Wendell, I presumed?" The voice asked. Nana turns to see some peculiar man. He was young but his eyes look like they were sleep depraved, his hair was long and seemingly unwashed dark to it. His skin was ivory-olive, but he look very authoritative in the tone he was speaking to. Nana gave her attention to him, "Yes sir." She replied. The man pulled out his police badge, "Allow me to introduce myself, Detective Reynard Faust." He said. Nana smiled at him however she looked around the room, "Um...Where is m--I mean, Lethe?" She asked. "Oh, she's in recovery. Her clothes are drying from the wash." explained Reynard. "Ah, that's very kind of you." said Nana, "May I have them please...So I can give them to her?" "Of course, you must be a friend of hers. They are in the dryer so feel free to retrieve them. I'll be in the basement working. If you need anything, just holler." explained Reynard. The detective left the room and Nana was left alone, she becomes suspicious about this man; so Nana decides to snoop around. She had to get her cloths from the driver, she expect them not be there but weird enough they were there! Nana was getting a funny feeling, "What's going on?" She wondered. 
While retrieving her clothes; Nana decides to find out more of who Detective Reynard Faust, he seemed unfamilar to her. With much exploring, Nana found Reynard's office and snooped around. Not that it didn't seem right but she had to find some answers. However she came across a picture frame of a waxen pale skin, dark hair, and timid looking boy with an auburn haired beautiful girl. There was cursive writing that reads, "To my darling who's heart and mind is big enough to love by a girl like me. Thank you, Rey! Love forever, Hermeline." This perplexed Nana, "Who on earth is Hermeline?" She thought. Furthermore; Nana found another picture frame of a young boy with his parents but there was only two problems--The father's head was ripped out and the mother's face was scribbled upon so much that you couldn't see her face. The only thing that remains is the young boy. "Now who would do this? Must be a troubling childhood." noted Nana. Just then, she heard an alarm and a blinding light distract her so she couldn't see. Then, she felt some cloth wrapped around her mouth and gagged, knocking her out. Everything was spinning before turning black. Later; Nana woke up with her wrists all shackled of chains, "Where am I now?" She wondered. "Well, well. This is where the sneaky raven has been, hasn't she?" A voice said. There was blinding lights and Nana could make out a silhouette of a familiar figure. She gasped, "So it's you!" called Nana. "I knew you were Lethe, Miss Wendell. The makeup washed off when you were in the water and I found out in your file." said Detective Reynard Faust. "Where is my stuff? What do you want?" Nana demanded. "Let's get two things straight...One, it's safe. And two, what I want is your help and maybe to help you." Reynard explained. 

Nana was glaring at his silhouette, "How can I trust you?" She asked. "Because we met before, but I was different. I think you know me as this man." Reynard replied. He appeared with scar-like markings, white face paint, black lipstick painted on, on eye was different from the violet one--that's something that Nana didn't noticed it! But there's a kitana with a symbol of scales engraved on the sheath of the sword. "Now I know who you are, you're Raven!" Nana claimed. Reynard smiled at her, "Yes I am." He said. It looked at the file Nana had: "So, you're name's 'Nana Wendell', is it?" He asked. "Yes, you must've know from the file and evidence I had." replied Nana. "No doubt about it. That's why I came to offer you a deal." Raven said. "A deal? What kind of deal?" Nana inquired. "I'll help you find your memories, if you work for me as a secretary." Raven explained. Nana thought about it, she nodded and replied: "Sure, I'll do it!" Raven smiled darkly, "Excellent." He said. Then, he freed her from the shackles and Nana is given back her costume as well as her file. With Raven as her ally; it was going to be easy for her as well as Reynard Faust for his detective skills. A crime investigator that cracks cases better than abybody else of the judicial system. Nana could go undercover as she would seek out to find out who she isis. To conceal her identity; Nana dresses in a white buttoned shirt, a black leather skirt that reached her knees, matching high heels, a chesnut red wig in a high bun hairstyle, silvery gray eye contacts, and dark brown/black cat eye glasses. "It suits you." Reynard complimented. Nana turned around after unbuttoning two buttons to show her cleavage slightly and smiled, "Thanks! I thought it looked sexy on me." She said. Then, she rolled her sleeves up and replied, "OK, Sexy Secretary and Detective Assistant is in business...What name should I use?" Reynard Faust look at her, "Hmm, there was a man who was a servant...Dick Whittington but that's a boy's name however there was the intelligent wisdom goddess.......Minerva....Minerva Dixon." He said. Nana nodded, "Minerva Dixon, I like it!" She said. And so, she was prepared to take on the works to find the fragments of her past. 

Raven appears lifeless, apathetic, or completely unresponsive to his surroundings. He thinks it’s better for him to act unattached, but for some reason that’s making Nana want him more. Does he only want her for her body? Does he want to be more? Nana’s in love with Raven and is willing to do anything with her and make her feel the rush, but then after he acts indifferent as if she doesn't matter. Nana knows because he’s always somehow searching and finding her everywhere she goes; chasing her. And Nana wants Raven to catch her, and bite her because she knows she’ll like his bite. She just wants to know why that he does all this searching for her, but when she walks past him he acts like she’s a ghost like he doesn't see her. Nana can have anyone else, but she wants Raven; while he’s acting as if she doesn't matter to him when she does. No one knows about this dark relationship. But even though Raven’s hiding her she’s still feeling good about him, Nana’s trying to seem like she’s indifferent too, but he heart always beats faster when he’s around. He might act cold, but she’ll always want him. Nana’s in love with a boy who doesn't show his emotions. He’s cold when it comes to matters of the heart. Even though he’s acting cold, it has her heart beating. She falls in love more. She’s attracted to him not making an effort. Nana was starting to remember more and more of her past:  Nana was about 7 years of age, naive yet wide eyed at all the world around her and loves to fantasize about being in a world of her own in order to escape the place where her parents fight and she is loved as well as appreciated. Nana liked to pretend to be a princess and rule her own castle. She dreamt of being a singer and be heard someday. She loved listening to genres of music like pop. She yearns to be part of her own world. Nana is happiest in her own dream world where she has the life she has always wanted and all her problems disappear. A fantasy built inside her head where all is good. In a boat, she buys an egg, and it turns into Humpty Dumpty. The woman serving in the shop turns into a sheep, and the next minute they are rowing in a rowing boat somewhere. They were traveling in a mystical, psychedelic countryside where tangerine trees are pleasant skies. The kaleidoscope was reflecting into colorful symmetrical shapes that looked like flowers. Nana gets off the boat and goes to a bridge near a fountain. Nearby there are rocking horse people eating marshmallow pies. She’s confused like Alice when she fell down the hole. She knew that place didn't exist for sure however she knew typical 'sweet dreams' won’t lead to happiness. 

No one is aware of her fantasy place, but it is this wonderful place where everything is bright and joyful. Meaning there is no sad people, just happy things like butterflies. Then came the troubling year in middle school: Nana is now a teenager as she is still a daydreamer as she is still a wide eyed idealist that attends a dysfunctional school called Scholomance.  Nana hated her next class, which was gym. Today, Nana was klutzy than usual today. It was the exact same thing, she would drop it or hit someone by accident but it's not enough to be mocked at by the other girls. "Eat shit, disgusting little pig!" jeered the most popular girl. Alice tried to get help from her teachers, only one help but another ignored her as he had cotton balls in his bushy ears. But he  explained that the staff wasn't trained to do things like that. There's no love for her. Everybody had hurt her, hated her, resented her, destroyed her almost, and try to make her fade away in obscurity. Just then, she was heaved with sadness and anger that she activated her psychic powers, screaming: "WHY?! WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LOVE ME?! WHY?!" and went on a violent rage. Nana placed her hands in a prayer and begin to beseech, "Forgive me, Lord...If you would be so kindly to listen when I request you to bear no malice towards me for what I've committed. Help me see my faults and self regards." The girl turned around, "No...You!" She gasped. She was  about to attack however Tony held up his hands, motioning the others who had their powers and weapons ready to stand down, saying to the girl: "Easy, easy. We just want to talk to you....Can we take this more privately?" He asked. "NO!" cried Nana. Her powers forced everyone back and she took off running. Tony was not going to let this girl escape. Never again. "Please! I swear, we will never hurt you!" He begged, coaxing her. Then, Tony used his powers and knocks her out. "You got her!" John cried. "Nice one." Nezha remarked. Turan sighed deeply, she looked over and said to the girl, "Sorry. But I want to help you...I don't know where to take you back to anyway." Nana woke up and gasped. A zombie demon had a grin that showed his sharp teeth and chuckling at her. "What's the matter? It's just a nosebleed, just plug it up!" "Stay away from me, stay away from me!" Nana screamed but she is surrounded by other people who looked demonic and undead. 

Nana backs away in horror, she then stumbles as she heard a zombie taunting in a satanic voice, "Bleeding to death? Your time has come. You sweet, little, fidget girl!" Nana backs away on the floor as they were closing in on her. Then, the demonic zombies chanting: "Die, die, die!" Nana panted, gasping. This was too frightening for her. It was like hell, there was no escape from here. "Help me, help me! Help me! Help! Please! AUGH!!!!" She screeched. Clutching her head as she cowers away from the zombies, who continued to jeer and laugh. She saw The Devil himself as the engineer. "Ha! Ha!" croaked the Devil, "we're nearing hell." Then, Nana shrieked with agony, she begged of the Devil to stop the train! But he capered about and sang with glee, And laughed and joked at their anguish. In the dream reality; The others are concerned at the hysterical Nana "Is she all right?" One asked. "She looks scared." replied another. "Somebody--Get a doctor!" called a third. Nana woke up with panic attacks. Nana was overcome with worry, anxiety, and she wonders what's wrong with her. However things got darker when Nana begins to go on a lucid state. Lingering in the doorway; Tony, his friends, and allies could see a beautiful landscape. Harmonic alarm clocks, creatures calling out names, wind whispering softly, raindrops falling from the not so gray skies, fields of origami flowers, candy clouds puffing, vivid purple skies, silent until angels sing on high. "Nana?" Tony called. He could hear, "Oh! It's beautiful here....Don't leave me alone!" pleaded Nana from afar. Tony and the gang stopped when they saw a blood trail and followed it. It got further and further, they found Nana turning away from everyone who called her name, "Nana!" Nana turned and stare at him but she fainted on the ground. She blamed herself for being a jerk in the past but Tony and the others encouraged, "It's never too late." They comfort her and Nana found the strength to make herself better.  

Once she recovered;  Nana felt like her memories were coming back. It was crazy from something she had done.......One year ago; Nana looked out at the moon. Every month, Nana suffers from cramps and mood swings, while suffers from hemorrhages from her back. Nana has been acting strange lately, she's been verbally menacing and partially physical of ultraviolence. She has been saying she should slit throats and bleed to death to the heavens, however she realized what she said; Nana prayed for forgiveness and feels relief. Nana suffers from erotic dreams in her sleep and has been feeling lewd. She was sickened by this feeling, she loved that feeling but also hate it too. She has some masochism and its effects came from Hunter's blood moon! Nana just likes messing around with boys, not committing to a relationship. She uses boys and then disposes of them, because the only person that Nana really cares about is herself, and she likes to let the boys know her heart doesn’t belong to them. Girls are taught from a young age to be prim and proper. how girls are obsessed with losing weight and being stick thin in order to achieve the current beauty standards. Nana  is too scared to believe that a guy will someday come and love her forever. She thinks that she’s better off without a relationship, which comes to the conclusion that she’s only happy when she’s single. She’s trying to convince herself that she agrees with what she’s doing. The only important thing in society are appearances, and if you don’t keep up your image, you’re going to be judged and questioned. Society often sees things like they are black and white. Either someone is in a relationship or you are alone and miserable. Nana can’t let go of her past failed relationships. Nana still has emotional scars that haven’t healed yet and issues with herself that she has yet to deal with. These things will prevent her from having a healthy relationship and keep her from that pure love she so desperately desires, because humans can rarely just let all that go. Nana is too emotionally damaged to trust other people; that’s why she plays with them instead. People say she’s a homewrecker only because she doesn’t want to have a relationship. She doesn’t like to commit to a relationship. 

She’s proud of not having a relationship. She’s free and she does as she pleases. In the meantime, hearing about this girl; Cain Xerxes, Will Ahasuerus, Peter Rugg, and Blly Blynde sneaked into the house of Nana Wendell. "Hello? Nana? Anybody home?" Cain called out. As they walked around the house; the four of them saw potions, spell books, fairy dust packages, mermaid hex jars, and white witch healing kits. Just then, there was a rumble as Cain and Will could sense that someone was coming. They quickly hide as they could hear the squeaky door opened. The footsteps coming into the house, "Whoooo is in my house?" A voice called out. Cain and the others tensed but the footsteps wandered through the living room, the dining room, the kitchen, the hallway, left and right, by the fire place, in the attic, and all the other chairs. "Oh man, oh man, oh man! I think I'm gonna wet my pants." Peter muttered. "Calm down, as long as we're quiet that witch won't find us." instructed Will quietly. But then, the footsteps slowly walked into the room towards their hiding spot. "Spoke too soon, huh." Billy remarked. "Shh!" hushed Cain. The footsteps came closer and closer. Peter and Billy were so shaken with fear, their hearts pounding like metal hitting steel. "Whooo is in my house?" The voice called out, it made Peter and Billy shiver. The door opened and a face with gleaming white teeth peered out, "AH-HA!" She cried. Peter and Billy screamed but Cain and Will used their telekinetic powers to force the woman away as they tries to escape but the front door slammed on them. 

There stood a young woman with wild, untidy hair and wore a unique style with her strange clothing. She wore no makeup along with the messy hair and weird clothes. "Oh! Uh, hi? Nice look for ya." Cain said with anxiousness. A knife slammed through the wall next to the four of them as Nana cried out, "QUIET!!!" "OK, my bad! Shutting up now." Cain said quickly. The four of them looked at the baby-face young lady who glared at the gang as she said, "You dare break into my house!?" "Sorry, we were given a key by your landlord, he was worried about you. He said you were gone for two whole weeks at least." Will explained.  Nana sighed, "What do you want?" She snipped. "Your help." explained Cain, "We came to work for you." Nana looked at him dully, "Sorry, can't help you with that." She said emotionlessly. She walked away as a disbelief Cain and his friends were shocked by this. Cain walked over to Nana and asked, "Why not?" "Two words, I'm. Retired. Besides, why would they send you four? You don't like a mage. Don't like a witcher or even anyone that knows my name..." She slammed her cooking pan hard, startling Cain and announced, "The Mad Hattress--NANA WENDELL!!!!" But she has tasks for the four of them, Cain and Will had to create a team. Cain is unsure but obeys to this as well as the other three and they go search for the fastest thief is there. His name is Dionysus Theophilus as well as his lovely partner, Jackie Smith.  The prison door creaked opened, footsteps echoed against the floor in the hallways. The guards appeared at the cell of Dionysus Theophilus. "Wake up you thief!" One of the guards announced, "Your trial and excuition awaits for you!" No response. "Hey, you thief! Didn't you hear me?" The guard said. 

Still no answer so they got the keys out and opened the door only to find the jail cell empty. They noticed that the bars of the cell were slightly bent and they were angry: "Why that lousy--DAMN YOU GENTLEMAN THIEF!!!!" One of the guards shouted, "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS YOU GALLANT, STICKY FINGERED BASTARD!!!!!" Dionysus was moving at such great speed swiftly and got on top of a building. He saw cars driving by, they were police and their lights were flashing. Dionysus smiled, "Speed is everything--Especially when you escape from trial and death." He said to himself and whisked away into the night. The next morning; Cain, Will, Peter,  and Blly walking in a land. While walking along the path; Cain and Will stop to sense something's coming closer and closer. Going left and right, so Will concentrated, he could have sworn someone fast at the speed of light was coming. Closer and closer. And when it did; the duo used their powers to stop them in their tracks. They could see a man in a dark blue mask and matching clothing. There he was, the Gentleman Thief himself! "So, you're Dionysus." Cain notified. Dionysus smiled, "In the flesh!" He said, "So what's a couple of newcomers doing in a place like this?" He asked. "Just--You have dead or alive posters with your face on them." remarked Cain. "Well, I'm not completely surprised. A thief gallantly  has great speed and smarts. I'm quite the unique guy, aren't I?" bragged Dionysus. "Yeah, you make a pretty good crew member." said Cain. 

"Like hell." said a woman's voice. All of the others turned to see a gorgeous young lady in a kelly green dress that glitters and her hair was in an elegant bun. This was Dionysus's sidekick name Jackie Smith, who helps him on his master thief missions as she is a sorceress with great powers, healing abilities, and invincibility spells. "Ah, Jacinda. You are interrupting a man's business." said Dionysus. Jackie backs down, as her lips pouted but her mouth looked like a rosebud. Puckered like cherry on top of a sundae. Dionysus turned back to Cain. "I would be delighted to join but only if you solve some riddles." He said, " Would you like to play?" Cain was irritated but he accepted, "Fine--if we win, only you would join us after this is over." He said. Dionysus smiled, "Deal."He said. The Gentleman Thief bowed gallantly, "I humbly accept." The gang solved the riddles in Dionysus's game. And so, Dionysus joined the crew. Nana welcomed the guy and gave her instructions: "Now then, go find Prester John Magus! The Brute Mage." She said. "Oooh, Prester John Magus The Prester John?" Hijiro said sarcastically. "Yes." said Nana, and ordered them to go. A big muscular man with a chonmage and he was in a vest & trousers. He had wooden geta on his feet and Tabi socks. And he also carried a kitana in hand. But with clothes that he wore weren't too good with the cold winter. This man doesn't get cold surprisingly, he is Prester John. In the meantime; Cain and the gang were walking along the path towards the mountain. Just then, they found themselves face to face with a kitana. "YOU!!!!" A big voice said, "Have you come to fight Prester John? You have to go through me." "Hold it!" Cain explained, "We don't want to fight you Prester John Magus. We only want to recruit you." "Not quite, I'll take you all on if I have to." Prester John said, snubbing them. Cain and the others have no other choice but to take down this guy. So they fought the samurai however Will went out of his mind by telekinetically shoving him into a tree! 

Shocked; he rushed over to see if he's OK. "Crap. Crap. Crap!" He panted as he looked over the unconscious Prester John. "Aww man, Will! Why did you have to go and do that?" demanded Cain panicky. "I didn't mean to do it that hard!" protested Will. "If he's dead, we're going to be in big trouble and it's all your fault!" Peter remarked. "Leave him alone, it was an accident!" Billy argued. While everyone squabbled amongst themselves; Prester John had a smile on his face and punched Will in the stomach, Will fell over as he was shocked over what just happened. Then, Prester John let out a deep laugh that startled everyone, he was laughing heartily. He rise up with a grin on his face, "Ah, great power. I am satisfy with the outcome of the battle. I give you my best wishes, good man." He said.  "Now I will join you, thank you!" In the meantime, A young beauty who has white blonde hair and a curvaceous, buxom figure. Her hair was short as it framed her face. Judith Ewige is wheeling her luggage, she has nowhere to go. She was reprudiated. Alone....Or was she? "Judy!" A voice called out from afar. Judith turned around in surprise to see a mousy boy with goggles on his helmet he wore. This was Germaine Goff, her friend who decided to follow her wherever she goes. A few hours later; Judith was sniffling as she tried to wipe her tears from her eyes. She had Germaine draped around her and Judith was escorting her unconscious friend. Judith was so upset by those jerks that hurt her and her friend. "Why?" thought Judith while crying, "Why do they hate us so much?"Just then, she is shocked when she found herself being rescued by Cain and the others. There she meets Nana and becomes a recruit. Together; Nana and the gang vowed to have some fun while spreading some ultraviolence all around!

Tony and his friends discover a mysterious briefcase that cuffs Tony's wrist. Prince Casimir gets shocked from behind and taken somewhere. Winona, Evangeline, Rosie, and the other girls get distracted by a van, which opens up and a figure behind throws them in there. Tony is seen being tortured on an operating table and figures are doing surgery on him. Damon, Gunther, and their friends are stabbed with a needle from a hooded figure. During his escape attempt, Tony is rescued by his best friend, Casey Jones. When they pass Casimir, they puts the hook on Casimir's arm. However Tony and Casey are captured shortly after. Winona is electrocuted, as well as the girls however they survived. Then, all of theheroes are then brought to the van. Nana Wendell starts a bonfire by pouring gasoline over a wood pile and lighting it up with a match. Her crew then exit the van, carrying various stuff which they then toss into the fire. Nana and the gang return to the van and open its rear doors, revealing four hooded, bound people. Nana holds up a match and stares at them menacingly.  Nana incinerates the inside of the van where the gang is being held captive. As the van is burning, Tony is freeing his friends and allies as Nana and her gang chased and beaten them. Casey helps them escape by fighting them. Asena and her gang is picked up by Jackie and driven around the town where she picks up the others of the band. Each has had their own struggles getting through the morning. By the end, it becomes manifest that Jackie is evil. She proceeds to drop them off while Nana seduces into Einsam Kokoro, where she tries to poisons them. Then, she goes after Garen and his lover by trying to slay them but that fails. Things got more crazier as Nana mercilessly tortured Rosie of her past and Rosie almost took her own life but Tony snapped her out of it. Nana got so mad as she was about to fight back with such a vengeance! Her gang had seen enough and tried to stop her however Nana did not want to give in. But then, she is knocked out in anger by Cain and she survived but she was asleep. However, a year later; Nana woke up with no memory of her past. Now  that she got her memories back; Nana will live the rest of her life in atonement for her sins. And is befriending Tony and the others while writing down their stories into a fairytale-like book.

Once Aynia lets go; she defeated them all. Afterwards, she has lunch with them before they depart from her in order to get back home. In the meantime, it looked like the Typhoid Busters have a visitor when there was a knock on the door of their hideout. Freyr went to the door. "Hello?" Freyr asked. A peppy voice said, "Typhoid Busters? Forgive me for the interruption but I was just dying to see you. I happen to be your biggest fan!" Freyr and the others were perplexed but they answered it as they saw a Rapunzel length hair blonde and has bangs. She wore a silver and bright pink dress, silver matching boots, and makeup. She smiled alluring and said, "My name is Sakuya. Sakuya Konohana." Typhoid Busters are stunt by this sight as they don't know that Sakuya Konohana is really Etain, Aynia's sister in disguise! 

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