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Sunday, January 18, 2015

E'Calypso Wanderlust--Part 5

Here is Part 5 of E'Calypso Wanderlust, I hope you guys like it! This is the new project for E'Calypso Wanderlust as there is new characters and featured some previous events so hope you don't mind it and I seem to run out of ideas. I don't think I'm through with yet and I'm still trying to make more of these but I need to find the right stuff and words to say. Anyway, enjoy! --KatDon 

Part 5: Girl in the Water/A Pact of Heroes Reunion

Earlier before; Arwen is being kidnapped by Cain Melqart and Hagen while Calypso and the others came to the rescue as they thwarted with their plans. Cain and Hagen were stopped as Arwen was free. But she didn't have to be burden to everybody else. There are so much that things Calypso and the others went through and it's hard to find out what's going on. Head back, back to the beginning....The early bell rang, 15 year old Susanoo Mikoto begin running down the empty halls, he was wearing a schoolboy uniform of long pants and a buttoned shirt. “C’mon, c’mon. I can’t be late. I know I can’t be late but what else can I do?” He thought. But when he got inside, he found himself lost and not knowing where else to go. “Ohhhhkaayy, where do I go?” thought Susanoo. He felt agitated, “Where am I supposed to find Class 1A?” He cried. “What, you weren’t given a tour? A schedule?” A voice asked in a snarky tone. Susanoo turns around to see Mikado with a schoolboy uniform.  “Yeah, been there—done that pal. I’m Mikado Kunshu.” He remarked. “I’m Susanoo Mikoto.” said Susanoo. Mikado looked at him with narrowed eyes, “Susanoo, huh. Looks like someone’s on a bad start on their first day.” He turned around and walked away with a half-hearted wave. “Later.” He confessed. Susanoo watches him go, “What’s with him?” thought Susanoo and then he walked to find his first class. In the meantime, later, the last class bell rings as students exited out of the classroom. 

Tomoe, Kintoki, and Momotaro are walking and talking but saw Susanoo unchaining his bike. Tomoe smiled, “He looks unfamiliar.” She thought. She walked over to him. Kintaro looks up in surprise to see this pretty girl approaching him. “You’re new in town, right?” Kaguya asked. “Yeah, I am.” Kintaro replied. Tomoe lent out her hand, “My name’s Tomoe Gozen, this is Kintaro Sakata and his little brother Momotaro.”  She said. Susanoo shook her hands, “Hi, I’m Susanoo Mikoto.” He said. TakemKintoki noticed Mikado, who was getting his bike. “Hey man, what’s up?” He called out. Mikado gives him a look, “What’s it to you?” He said harshly and rode away on his bike. Susanoo, Tomoe, Kintoki, and Momotaro watched him go with offended expressions. “What’s with him?” asked Kintoki. “Hmph, what a jerk!” Tomoe scoffed. She turns back to Susanoo smiling but then she remembered something, “Say, are you coming to the prom?”  asked Tomoe. Susanoo’s eyebrows raised up, “Oh, the homecoming prom? When is it?” He inquired.  “Tonight.” Tomoe replied. “You’ll be there, right? Maybe we could meet as a group.” “Yeah, it’ll be a good time man!” Kintoki agreed. “It’ll be fun.” Momotaro put in timidly. Susanoo nodded, thinking about the tuxedo he wore last year at his school prom. Maybe he could use that. “Yeah, I think I got a good tux that still fits.” said Susanoo. Tomoe giggles, “Sweet! See you then." She waves Susanoo goodbye as Susanoo does too. In the meantime, Mikado was riding his bike, he was thinking about going to the dance but he was unsure. 

Just then, there was loud thunder above the school that clapped so loud that the students jumped. Then a horrible wind has broke into the gym as the students and teachers were in terror as they ran. "C'mon! We gotta get out of here." called Susanoo. "Right!" agreed Kintoki. Suddenly, by surprise, he gets caught in the storm. "HELP, SOMEBODY!!!!" He cried. "SUSANOO!" screamed Tomoe, but she too got caught in the storm. One by one Mikado, Kintoki, and Momotaro got caught in the storm. Just then, each of them were glowing different colors: Susanoo glowed red, Mikado glowed whitish blue, Tomoe glowed teal (green and blue), Kintoki glowed green, and Momotaro glowed silver. Once then, they were given each powers: Fire, water, ice, earth, and air. They wake up in a world that wasn't their own. A woman was making some tea, her back towards them. She was wearing a kimono, her hair in a bun of a geisha. "Hello?" Susanoo called. The woman in the kimono turned around, her face was a kind woman.  She smiled at them as a sign of greeting. "Welcome. I thought maybe I gather you all together with me. My name is Himiko, and I am the Wise Woman. I have brought all five of you to tell you that you are the New Tarocchi Arcanum. You see, a girl name Kaguya Okina--She is a priestess who is destined to bring peace however she cannot do it without your help. She is being held by Ravana as his slave. She is forced to be a toy to her so called master. I have chosen all five and Calypso to go and save her."

Underwater was so beautiful for Tomoe, the blue was so wonderful and clear. But she had to focus, she had to remember what she came here for. She looked in the sand, she looked among the fishes, she looked in the coral, she looked in the seaweed but she found nothing! With a sigh, which her sigh formed a single bubble from her breath mask and she swam up to the surface. Gasping for breath; Tomoe took off her mask and snorkel gear. She takes off her fins as she reveals wearing her bikini. Tomoe went back to her friends with a disappointed look on her face.  “Did you find anything?” Susanoo asked. Tomoe shook her head sadly, “No, not really.” She said. “What do you mean ‘not really’?” demanded Mikado. Tomoe shot a glare in his direction with her eyes, “Hey, give me a break. I looked everywhere. Nothing, nada, zip!” She snapped. Susanoo shook his head, “This can’t be right, there should be something. Someone….” He said as he looked at the map. “Maybe it’s the wrong area.” Kintaro suggested. “No, these are the right coordinates.” insisted Susanoo. Mikado let out a sigh, he dropped on his knees as he buried his head for one second, and looked up with irritation. “We’re wasting our time looking for a mythological person that doesn’t exist.” He complained. “I know she exists, I know she does!” Susanoo declared as he folded up the map. Tomoe sat in a mermaid position on a rock and looked among the blue sea. “Got any better ideas?” She asked. Nobody didn’t realized that a figure was swimming up to the surface. There was bubbles that the gang can see from shore.

Tomoe was the first one to notice, “What is that?” She asked. The others gathered to see what she was pointing at. “Is it…Ohhhh…” Susanoo asked. “No, could it be?” Mikado muttered. They watched in mixed feelings of amazement and fear as a figure emerged from the deed, a young lady it looks like. She had a curvaceous figure, ivory white skin, straight black hair that covered her face. She wore a black bandeau top that revealed her midriff and matching pants that reached down towards her knees. When the girl removed the hair from her face; she revealed her face. Beautiful, dark brown eyes, small nose, and glossy black luscious lips. Mikado approached the girl as he said to her softly, “Hey, you OK?” The girl replied back in a creepy monotone,  “Fire. Who started the fire?” Mikado looked at the others with a perplexed look. “What fire? What are you talking about?” He asked. “Fire, I see fire.” said the girl. “What?” Mikado asked as he leaned closer. The girl seized Mikado by the neck and they fell into the water. “Oh man, Miko!” Tomoe shouted. The girl tries to drown Mikado but he breaks free and swims, he gasped for breath. He dragged the girl away, the girl released her grip from him and ran away. “She’s getting away!” Kintoki cried. “After her!” Mikado called. They chased after the girl however they paused for a breath and they lost sight of her. “What happened?” Momotaro asked. “We lost sight of her.” Susanoo replied. “What?” Momotaro asked in disbelief. “She was too fast!” Kintoki called. In anger, Mikado kicked a tree as she was distressed over their failure. “Dammit! She got away!” Mikado cursed. That night, Calypso  managed to get back to the land, to look for the people she encountered earlier. But when she got through the forest towards the beach, it was already vacant and getting dark. She was wondering when she was hand gagged from behind. “Gotcha! Can’t get away this time.” Susanoo said with a leer on her face. Calypso struggled, muffling but she thought she heard snickering from behind. Cold anger kicked in as she somehow she was glowing and she broke free from Susanoo’s grip and let out a screeched. Susanoo and Mikado fell to the ground as they look up in horror to see Calypso's eyes glowing blue. 

Susanoo is frightful, "I'm--I'm sorry!" He stammered. Calypso clenched her fist tightly. "All I want is to be alone." She said with despair in her voice. Susanoo scrambled to his knees, "I know, but we just want to know who you are. Are you Calypso?" He asked. Calypso eyed him carefully, "Why do want to know about that?" She inquired. "People have been talking about you. They brush you off like your a myth but I know you're real." Susanoo explained. Calypso looked at him coldly, "People--filth! Lies!! You're all alike." She shouted. "I'm not like that! Yeah, there are people who are vile but I--I mean, my friends and I are not like that. And I'm sorry, my excitement got the best of me, forgive me. But what is your name?" Susanoo said. Calypso looks at him, she was quiet for a moment before answering. "Calypso. Calypso Atlas." She replied. "I'm Susanoo and this is my...friend, Mikado." Susanoo said, gesturing to Mikado. He didn't necessary think of Mikado as a 'friend' but he rather cut to the chase rather than talk all night. "Listen, we need your help on rescuing a priestess. You think you can help us?" Susanoo asked. Calypso listen to the situation, she thought about doing good deeds but she also wants to find the people who killed her father and burned down her village called Ogygia. Mikado looked over at Kaguya in her skimpy, provocative outfit.  "This is the priestess I have rescue?" Mikado said, harshly. "Tch, how pathetic!" Kaguya looked up at Mikado with sad eyes, "Please, help me." She begged. Mikado looks away, "Sorry, I don't save impuissant priestesses." He remarked. Kaguya begin to cry, "Help me. I beg of you!" She sobbed. Mikado looked at her, he looked around and saw the dead people. "Did you...do all this?" Mikado asked. Kaguya trembled with fear, she looked around and cowers of anguish. "I--I don't know..." She answered timidly. Mikado glanced at her and then he said as he outstretched his hand, "Come on, let's get out of here. I know a place where I can keep you safe." Kaguya gazed up at him, she was amazed that he was coming to free her from the cage she was living in all her life. She took it and smiled at him with gratitude as her journey of peace shall continue.

During the night; Mikado begins to sit there alone, away from the celebration. Susanoo saw he looks trouble and walks over to talk to him. "Hey man, this is a celebration. Why are you sad?" asked Susanoo. "I don't know, I guess I'm troubled somehow. I'm happy for Kaguya but somehow I cannot find the words to talk to her." admitted Mikado. Susanoo is surprised, he smiled at him: "You like her, don't ya?" He asked. Mikado blushed, "Yeah. I mean, I want to tell her but I can't. What if she rejects me? I mean, she's a priestess right? What should I do?" He asked. Susanoo shrugged his shoulders, "Wait until the time is right and the moment is perfect I guess." He suggested. "I'm serious, Susanoo!" Mikado snapped. "I know you are, that's the plan. You just gotta wait until you and her are alone. I think she likes you, I mean look at the way she cares about you but she's a priestess and she can't abandoned her duties or she will be expelled from the temple." explained Susanoo. Mikado sighed, "You may have a point, when do you think the time will be right?" He asked. "Whenever, I suppose." replied Susanoo. Then the two boys went back to the party. Just then, a storm came in and ruined the party. The others tried to evacuate however Mikado accidentally dropped the necklace he was supposed to give Kaguya so he dived into the water to search for it, his friends called him to come back. But Mikado had already dived in and swam into the water, looking for the necklace and found it eventually but the tide was drowning him under as Mikado tried to reach the surface but the currents were too strong! He couldn't swim back up, he tried and pushed further, thinking of Kaguya's face. Her smile, how beautiful she looked. But it was no use, he was going to be in a watery grave. He didn't get the chance to tell the girl he'd love how he felt about her. 

He fell unconscious, but he felt himself being pulled to shore. His head was up from the water he was underneath before. The next sound he heard was the birds chirping and the ocean was calm. He heard voices but he didn't see them for his eyes were closed: "Is he dead?" A girl's voice asked. "I don't know." said a dumb sounding voice. "Maybe we shall chant an incantation to rise him from the dead." "I think you've been reading too much of Is This a Zombie? Columbo." said another voice. "Hmm, I hear his heart beating." said a voice that sound high pitched. Mikado heard the girl's voice sighing, "He is?" "Wait, it sounds faint...No, his heart is pulsing. Yes, he is living after all." said the high pitched, nasal voice. "Yes, I knew it." said the girl happily. Mikado felt a hand running through his hair. That hand felt nice in his hair. "Who's there?" He wondered. "He is so beautiful..." mused the girl's voice. Then, she begins to sing a song: "The waves are breaking, against the shores of Waiapu, My heart is aching, for your return my love. Oh my beloved boy, come back to me, I could die of love for you. I have written you a letter, and enclosed with it my ring, So your people could see it how much I'm troubled for you...Oh boy, Come back to me, I could die of love for you." Mikado was astounded, confused by this pretty song of a siren voice. "Wha--?" He thought. The girl begin to sing again, "Oh boy, Come back to me, I could die of love for you." Mikado found his words, "Wow...That was beautiful." He said softly.

Just then, she felt a shadow upon her. She looked up to see that it was the same boy she saw at the shore. "It's you." Calypso gasped. She gets up and faced him. "What are you doing here? Are you involved with Metatron Hector? Just tell me, who are you? Really?" Calypso asked. The boy looked at her apathetically before puling out a gun. "Sorry." He said, "Time to say goodbye." Calypso looked at him, terrified. The boy looked at her face, somehow she reminds me of someone he once knew. He then saw a vision of a girl with blonde hair. Pretty baby blue eyes. And she wore white and blue clothes with a hint of transparent clothing of sash and sleeves of the outfit. "Samael, I beg of you. Please, save--" She said with plea. The boy, Samael, trembled as be begin to clutch his head. "No, sis I--Ariel." He muttered as he lowered his gun. "Ariel, I'll never let you die. Don't die..." Calypso looked at him with concern, "Hey, are you OK? You look unwell. Can I get you a drink of water or something to eat?" She asked. Samael took a step back, "Please. Stay away, stay back. I--" He muttered. Flashback etched in his mind of him as a young boy and the beautiful Ariel smiling at him. Samael, in reality, was so in devastation. "Ariel..." He whispered. Then, Samael nearly fell on his face but Calypso caught him in his arms. "Who in the world is Ariel?" She thought. Later, Sandaphon had saw Calypso sneaking around and helped her out. Now Calypso is with the mysterious yet pretty young fellow. Sandaphon turned to her and asked, "Miss? You seem to know him." Calypso nodded, "I found him on the shore of the beach. Tell me, who is the beautiful boy?" She asked. Sandaphon turned back to the unconscious Samael, "Samael, his name is Samael Diarmuid. He is part of this group called Esquire Squad." He explained. But someone--no more than one person--was watching them. "Who is she?" asked the first voice. The second voice wasn't sure, "I don't know." He said. "Wait, I think I do. That's Calypso." said the third. "The singer?" asked the fourth. "Yeah, it's her all right." confirmed the third. 

Samael, Gabriel, Raphael, Michael, and Jophiel take down the zombies with Calypso alongside them. In the meantime, Once the gang took care of the zombies; they went inside but when they got in, they were surprised to find that it looked like a normal room, than a dark and damp cave. “This is the Sleeping King’s chamber? Is the treasure inside?” asked Calypso. Michael nodded, “Yes, we’re getting closer. I can feel it.” He was right, they were getting closer. Raphael looked around to see flowers, there was archer of flowers. “Look at these flowers, they represent something of a funeral.” He remarked. “It almost looks like a memorial site.” noted Calypso. The others walked through the archer; they were surprised to find that the so-called treasure was a white coffin. Gold on the side, painted flowers on the front. “This is the strangest treasure chest I have ever seen.” noted Michael. “Do you think a dead body is in there?” asked Gabriel. Calypso grimaced, “Oh gross…” She said. Michael looks around, “Where’s the key?” She asked. Jophiel looked around as well, he saw something shimmer in the flowers, and she reaches in and pulls out the silver object. “Got it, it’s here.” He took the key, she place it in the lock of the casket and turns it before the lid snaps open. Something glowed inside. When they look inside; they gasped in amazement, in this casket was a young girl. Blonde haired, fair skin, petite hands, small feet, and she wore a lavender dress with whitish purple shoes. But she had an amazing beauty to her. “She’s beautiful.” breathed Gabriel. “I never seen anyone as young as her.” said Raphael. “She looks like an angel.” said Calypso. Samael grazed her cheek, his hand went behind her head and he felt something in her head. “What is this? A hairpin?” He leaned over to the girl but heard her breathing. Samael pulled away, he put two fingers on the unconscious girl’s throat. He gasped with fear. “Guys…She’s alive!” He said.

Later in the studio; Calypso sat at the piano, looking up. Waiting for a moment. Then, she begin to play. She was playing a piece and working on lyrics of songs she's been working on. She struggles to get the notes right for the music. Every time she gets a note wrong; she cursed of anger. She is being guided through the pieces of songs, she arranged her songs,  and sometimes asked on how should they go. Calypso realizes some of her songs. Calypso has been through so much in life, there comes some personal experiences in struggle and grace for an artist. She is told to be patient and when the notes sounded right; she would be told, "That's it, good." When Calypso plays the piano; her fingers are like liquid as adrenaline coursed through her. As she finishes; she is exhausted. As a human being; Calypso may be a singer-songwriter but she's not higher than anyone. She jokes with friends, she eats food, she's an average girl, and she has a desire of revenge towards the evil Grimm Family however only some know, not everyone knows. While out in the spot light; Calypso has to be ready for interviews however she gets her hair styled and all made up. She chooses what to where, nobody tells what to wear or not to wear. Calypso makes her own choices, she stresses over her identity and her style. She also stresses over her release as she goes through the process of publicity. Everytime she is in photo-shoots; Calypso is told 'Calypso look here!" and 'Calypso look over here!'. If Calypso gets a day off; she gets a break to relax and feel like a normal person. But whenever she does have a day off, she can't wait to get back on the road because she loves performing and she had always wanted to be famous. However she doesn't want to be boxed in, be told what to wear or what to say but to be her own person. 

"Who would give me this much money?" Calypso thought. Calypso was counting the other remains of money when a male's voice called out, "I'll take it all, bitch." There was raucous laughter, Calyso looked up in shock. Three thugs cornered her, "What do you want?" Calypso asked, she was so frightened that she backed away to the dead end of the alley. "The dough you have, how much is it?" The first one demanded. "Not much." lied Calypso, not wanting to say how much she really has! "Listen, bitch, cough up the cash and no one gets hurt." said the leader. "Leave her alone." A voice said. The three of them turned around to see Lyncis approaching them, "Turn away, and get out of here." He commanded. "Aww, who's the tough guy?" said the second thug. "The lady here won't give up the dough she has in the bag." said the leader smugly. "That's her money and none of your concern." replied Lyncis. Calypso is about to take out the leader, but she was punched in the face and fell down. The three thugs laugh, they were about to take it until Lyncis kicks the leader's hand. "That's for laying a hand on a girl." Lyncis said. The second was about to attack, but Griffin grabbed him from behind and tackled him. "That's for calling her a bitch." Lyncis continued, still gesturing towards Calypso. The third is about to run, however Seraphim blocked him and knocked him out. "And that's, for anyone, that tries to escape." finished Lyncis. The other three ran off in terror from Seraphim and the others. Later, Calypso regains consciousness, when she heard Seraphim's voice: "Hey, are you OK?" Calypso opened her eyes, her blurry vision cleared to see Seraphim and his friends standing before her. "Don't worry, he won't come around to hurt you anymore." Seraphim said to her.

There was a car starting and rearing from one direction to the other. And then it crashed, police sirens were on the way. And they arrested the guy. This young teenager was John Ignatius; he was a rebellious guy who like doing these reckless stunts. While he was at the police jail cell; one of the cops came to John's cell and unlocked it. John looked up as the guard said, "Hey buddy, you're free to go." John gave him a suspicious look, "Oh yeah, says who?" He asked. The guard gestured to someone standing there, "He says he knows you." said the guard. There was a guy standing there with an angry face. John looked relieved, "Richard, hey bro!" He started to say but Richard cut him off, "Don't give me that crappy greeting, let's go John." He said harshly. Now John knew he was in big trouble but he's always been in trouble. It was quiet down the road as John looked at his brother's face, "Richie, don't tell me you're still mad about that extreme measure of driving." John said. Richard was pissed of hearing this, "Extreme measure? That's more than 'extreme measure'! Johnny, you and your antics of idiotic daredevil stunts! Are you out of your mind?" He demanded. John rolled his eyes, "Great, here we go again." He remarked. "Well, I've had about had it with you! And not just me, Mom is sick of it too!" Richard said. "I know, I feel bad--I don't need another lecture!" John protested. 

"Well, that's part of life John, you need one! You've been doing this adrenaline stuff since you were 13. What was it? Revenge against those bastards for beating the crap out of you? Has anyone ever stopped you? Told you this was a bad idea? But more importantly, ask you why you do this?" Richard said. John knew where he was going with this, but he turned away to look at the window. Richard's face softened a bit as he said, "Well, I'm not going to ask because I know why." John then said, "I don't want you mentioning that, all right?" Richard was annoyed, "Fine, I'm done talking." He said. At night; John was in his bed as he thought about what his brother said: "You've been doing this adrenaline stuff since you were 13. What was it? Revenge against those bastards for beating the crap out of you? Has anyone ever stopped you? Told you this was a bad idea? But more importantly, ask you why you do this?" This pained John, he knew what Richard was getting at with this, he pulled the covers over his head. He felt pain in his heart, "Dammit! Why does he have to go and say that?" He thought with anger. He thought about the arguement with his mother when he and Richard got home: "How could you be so reckless?" demanded His mother. She had her hands balled into fists at her hips and looked angry while wearing an apron. "Mom, I wasn't doing this to get attention!" protested John. "Oh no? Then what do you call going at about faster then above the normal speed while driving? You could've hurt someone!" His mother protested. "Mom, nobody was nearby! It wasn't like I was about to hurt somebody!" John claimed. "I don't what you're doing, you got to be more careful while driving mister! You got two chances out of these, don't do anything crazy! Seriously, you gotta be more responsible as Richard!" said his mother. But then she looked regretful and said, "What I mean is...You have to be more considerate. Think about others." "Oh, be considerate like that goody goody brother of mine? The one that can do no wrong? Please Mom, being goody goody won't get me anywhere!" John said. "Yes it can, people noticed you for your good deeds. Not doing reckless things, like driving so fast or getting in trouble! Tell me who were you with!" His mother said. "NO ONE, I WAS ON MY OWN!!!" John cried out. They continued to argue until John could not stand it and went into his room. John had to think about his deceased father. 

On that fateful morning; John was sleeping in when he heard someone honking outside his door, he looked out and he could see his friend Patroklos waiting for him. "What are you doing down there?" asked John. Patroklos grinned at him mischievously, "Aren't you coming? Come on, I wanna take you out for a drive!" He said. "I can't!" John replied. "Come on, it'll be fun! I mean, I'm not going to let you drive and get arrested." Patroklos clarified. John smiled, "Fine, hang on a sec!" He said. A minute later; they were driving on the highway as they were crying out things like: "WOOOOOO!" and "Yeah, all right!!!!". There was also "Wooo, wah, wooo!", "All right, wooooo!", "Hell yes!" and "YEAHHHHH!". But this fun turn a deep turn when another car was driving along however the car Ettore was driving in was faster. John then noticed, he looked horrified. "PATROKLOS, WATCH OUT!!!!" He cried out. Patroklos noticed and looked scared, "OH CRAP!!!" Too late, the car collided with one another and a bright light took over. John woke up in the hospital with bruises and cuts on him, he was greeted by his happily crying mother. John asked, "Where's Patroklos?" His mother looked at him regretfully, "I'm  sorry." She said. John was shocked, he couldn't believe it. Patroklos was dead! John was so ashamed of himself for not stopping Patroklos, or saving the parents and the baby which caused that poor girl's family to die in the accident as well as John's best friend. His mother and older brother enter the room, "John?" His mother asked in a soft voice. "Please leave me alone." John said weakly. "Honey, it's OK." His mother assured him but John sat up almost immediately, "DON'T TELL ME IT'S OK, ALL RIGHT?! I KNOW IT WAS MY FAULT!!!" John shouted, but he hid his face. "I should've saved Patroklos, I should--UGH, DAMMIT! DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT!!!!!" He sounded so upset, his mother and Richard came to embrace him.

Later, Richard was sitting in his room as he thought about his brother's grief. He thought about something that wrecked him: He was sitting with a golden blonde haired girl, she was beautiful. Richard smiled at her and the two of them shared a kiss. But the girl was convulsing in a paroxysm. Richard parted his lips away as he stared at her in shock. "Luna! Luna!" He cried. Richard blamed himself for what happened to Luna and he had to think he and John weren't so different after all. They may have temperamental personalities and different point of views however they have the same grief of loved ones. Although he was John's friend, still Patroklos was like a second brother and almost part of the family. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood of Shinsi; The sun is shining, the sky is clear and blue, even the wind breeze nicely. There was an average, Spanish-English family: The father was a man that went through hardships and poverty. His wife was a loving yet protective lady, and their kids were good-natured, healthy children. Then, there was a young teen boy. He was quiet, insecure, skeptical, polite, kind hearted, and a mystery.  His name is Kian; he had pale skin, black hair like a curtain for her pretty face. His eyes were brown, a dark brown but they were so pretty. He wore a dark blue sweater, matching pants, and matching shoes. He starts a new life with the this family and begin to learn about their cultures. The family discover Kian when he was walking in the rain by himself, the father didn't like to see Kian by himself in the rain and takes him under his wing. The family were shocked to find out that Kian was no ordinary boy; he had enhanced abilities of speed, agility, regenerate healing, and other special powers. His past is a shocker: Kian's damaged, hell-bent father Kian was abused, tortured, and treated badly. The place that caused this is called KHCI, which stands for King Horse Crupper Institute; Children with special needs are treated like they are not human and mistreated badly. Kian wasn's a 'special needs guy', just some sort of mysterious clone or superhuman. Just then, A soldier snaps out of his reverie and is prepare to capture her to. Kian tries to fight back but is surprised that the soldier is stronger, faster, and more powerful than him. 

That's when the soldier is shot and killed from behind as he sank to the ground. The shooter is Arwen as she tried to stand brave, Kian is bewitched by this girl. He walked over to Arwen, who looked startled to see him there, and he peered at her before grazing her cheeks. "Sooo, soft." he said. Arwen stared at him, but another soldier came and tried to shoot them however Kian was faster and managed to fight back while protecting the girl. Arwen stared at Kian in amazement, Kian stares back at her and said: "Come with me..." Later, Kian got some blankets, a music player, and sunglasses. "I'm so nervous about this, I need to do something." thought Kian, he took a deep breath before grabbing her stuff and heads downstairs. "OK, Here we go. Whatever you do, do not be creepy, Act normal!" muttered Kian. Heading down to the basement; Arwen was trembling, looking confused, huddled by the wall and saw Kian. She wasn't chained up, gagged, nothing like that. "What are you doing with that stuff?" asked Arwen, curiously. Kian didn't respond, he hands Arwen a blanket and she takes it. Wrapped around herself but she eyed Kian suspiciously. "Why me? Why did you save me?" Arwen asked. Kian looked at her and finally said, "Don't be scared of me....." She walks over, pressed play on his music player before switching it to a track called  and responds softly for Arwen to hear, "I want to keep you safe, I don't want to hurt you." Then he laid back to listen and closed his eyes. Arwen gawked at her for a moment, "What are you?" She wonders out loud. Today, Tomoe looked irritated. She was walking around the base, she came across a closed door room and starts knocking on it really hard. "Arwen! Come on, it's 10'clock! You can't be still sleeping!" she yelled. There was no response and opens the door to find the chamber empty. She looked around however she found a folded letter, opened it and begin to read it: To whom it may concerned, I have your girl, don't worry she's alive but not for long. I will return your girl unharmed. Signed John Doe. 

After reading the letter; Tomoe left the room, looking for the leader. "Susanoo! Where the hell are you?" called Tomoe. "I'm in here!" A voice called out in the next room, Tomoe followed that voice and leaded halfway in the doorway. "Why are you shouting?" asked Susanoo. "Does it concern you that Arwen has been kidnapped?" Tomoe said, ignoring his previous question. Susanoo looked at her, blankly. "You lost me." He replied. Tomoe holds out the letter, "Come over here and read this." she said with impatience. In the meantime; Arwen started to warm up to Kian. She is surprised to meet his allies: Fritz, Mark, Colleen, Eldred, and Dana. Other allies include Guthrum, Ogier, Harold, and Elfina however this was the team Kian had. Arwen is quite scared of Dana's dark powers and how creepy she is. Fritz has grown considerably taller and is well-muscled. His hair has grown considerably longer past his ears. Fritz has scruffy-looking dark brown hair and dark eyes while his attire is dark green shirt, army jacket and blue jeans. In his casual attire is  a vest with a shirt over the top and cargo pants, all in shades of dark blue, with trainers. Mark is a handsome Caucasian boy with a tall and lean frame. He is very masculinely shaped with a v-shaped torso, broad shoulders, square jaw and clearly defined muscles. Eldred is tanner and somewhat lankier. He has spiky caramel brown hair, along with blue eyes. Eldred wears a black jumpsuit that has a long zipper running through the middle. The hoodie is colored black, with silver pauldron-like additions to his sleeves and white lining. His undershirt is a navy blue with a red patch in the center. His pants, similar to chaps, are colored black on the outside, and a navy blue on the inside, lined with silver-white edging. 

Colleen is an attractive teenage girl, she has medium length black hair and bright cyan colored eyes with a slender build. She wears a white single breasted shirt, a black jacket and a black pants with matching black shoes. She also wears white earrings. Dana has short black hair. She has grey eyes and a pale skin complexion, and she wears purplish-blackish makeup and lipstick. Dana's most frequently-seen outfit consists of a sheer long-sleeved green blouse over a black halter top, a short black leather skirt and black leggings. She wears thick combat boots, and dog collars around her neck and wrists. Black gloves cover her hands and easily come off when Dana wants them to. Arwen learns that Kian doesn't visibly age. He is a Caucasian male with short black hair and blue eyes. He is noticeably taller than most people of his physiological age and is quite muscular. Kian is considered very handsome by most girls in his physiological age group and is typically seen with a frown on his face, rarely with a smile.  His personality is brooding and somber, with bouts of uncontrollable anger and with a lack of understanding basic human interactions at times. However she learns about the enemies these guys had to face who known as Mórübel Lupus. The first member was Maron, as in Maron Nachtmahr. Maron Nachtmahr was a young man who was brilliant and excelled academically however he was bullied a lot by others. Maron became interested in nightmares after he had a terrifying lucid dreaming experiment and decided to use this experiment against his tormentors as retaliation. He got back at them but wanted to do more to find out more about their nightmares. He started to frightened people in their beds as a way to scare people, bringing their bad dreams to life. Their old fears back from the past. He was so infatuated that he became known as Morose, resembling of a the legendary creature, a mare with a dream catcher all ripped from its net. 

The second member is Grein Evian. Born with a special needs condition; Grein Evian was a timid, struggling kid who got picked on by the other kids. There was some mysterious murders going around, killing Grein's tormentors. That's when they discover Grein covered and blood while letting out a screech as he was the killer. He was put in a mental hospital while he resides. But he escaped, thanks to his mother who cared for him dearly. He became known as Nemesis, dressing up as a cross-dresser as he wore a judge's outfit and wig while also holding scales as he said, "This is the price of justice." in a voice very similar to his mother. The third member is Tommy Rawson, he was a born psychopath and has done brutal murders and torture many children mentally while also put in a mental hospital however Tommy escaped. But he was caught in an explosion during the escape and people thought he died. But Tommy survived as the accident left him relentless as he started again with killing people, thus adapting his title as The Implacable Man! The fourth member is Chris Claige was abandoned by his family because of his deformity while he was found by a family of cannibals and Chris was trained to find prey. Prey as in human flesh, Chris begin to train with this family and started so much murders that the walls are now made from human skin teared off and organs for furniture decorating, in the most disturbing way. Chris lured innocent people to kill them and eat them while keeping them as their faces became his masks to his ugly face to be 'handsome'. He even drinks blood from human, adapting the name Vampire! The fifth and last member is Hope Nataku is a Japanese girl who was abandoned by her mother, who believed she was a 'she wolf'. Hope was adopted by crazy, fundamentalist parents who believe she's a 'she wolf in sheep's clothing' and she was bullied. One day, Hope was pushed down the sewer hole however she faked her death and kills the bullies as well as her abusive, foster parents. Hope calls herself Little Dead Riding Hood as she wears a riding hood cloak and has an air of death among those that cross her path. 

The only way to stop these bad guys is Nephi, the legendary navigator system. Nephi has a cylindrical chamber on the bridge that rises from the floor and fills with a clear, liquid-like substance, supposedly to help her link with Nephi. While Arwen and Kian are looking for Nephi; they are confronted by Mórübel Lupus: Arwen found a interfacing control system in the form of a water tank and went inside of it. The doors shut but then a few seconds later; Arwen emerged in a mid-thigh, white, lace dress and was barefooted as well as placing her hands on the glass she was in. Then, Arwen realized she was inside the navigate system, Nephi! "So, this is Nephi...." She thought. As she uses the Nephi and take down these enemies! Once she defeated them; Arwen was overwhelmed by Nephi's power and fainted. When she woke up; Kian and the others surround her. They were amazed by her usefulness, "Maybe we could use you, help us out." said Fritz. "I don't think so!" said a voice, it was Calypso who arrived with just the gang. But Calypso's face fell, "Oh my God....You guys are....I don't believe it!" She whispered. Mikado looked at her, "You know these guys?"  He asked. Calypso nodded, "Yes..." She whispered. Happy tears in her eyes, she ran over and almost skidded but Fritz caught her and Calypso embraced him. "It's you, all of you...I missed you so much."  whispered Calypso. Fritz looked stunt, "Calypso." He said. Calypso pulled away to look at the leader to smile, "Hero Pact, we meet again." She replied. 

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