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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Patchy Frost 8: Let the Record Show

This is the next part of Patchy Frost as she and these boys venture out into the world where Humanitarians are still out here! This is gonna be intense and I hope you guys like it! --KatDon 

Emmett learns the history of what’s going on: 31-year-old Milo Savage drove for a week but then his car became disabled along the way. After spending 30–40 minutes at the site, as filmed on security video in and around the car, he abandoned it about noon and began to cross the 3-mile-long span of the causeway, stripping himself of his clothing and disposing of his driver’s license as he advanced westward, according to eyewitnesses. His vehicle was eventually discovered and towed by the police. Inside the car, police discovered a Bible and five empty water bottles, which they believe were recently consumed. Around this time; Milo encountered 65-year-old Skipper at approximately 1:55 pm. Skipper had been lying underneath the elevated people-mover viaduct when Milo began to pummel him, strip him of his flesh, and bite his face. A passing cyclist came upon the scene and alerted authorities. A few minutes later, an officer arrive and warned Milo to desist from attacking Skipper. Milo ignored the officer's warnings and, instead, reportedly growled at him, then resumed biting his victim. The attack ended with the officer shooting Milo once at first and then another four times when that proved ineffective. Skipper was admitted to the hospital in critical condition, with 75–80% of his face above the beard missing and his left eye gouged out. He underwent facial reconstruction surgeries that took months to complete, but he remained permanently disfigured and blind. Skipper lost his eyebrows, his nose, parts of his forehead and cheek, and his left eye, and was left totally blind due to the damage to his remaining right eye. He underwent numerous surgeries to repair the damage to his face. After rehabilitation, he put on 50 pounds, and learned to dress and feed himself, shower and shave. He is being allowed to stay at the medical facility indefinitely. Although the autopsy revealed no human flesh in Milo's stomach. And that’s when Humanitarians came to the interest! Humanitarians originated from a drug called Humanite. Dr. Savage had been testing behavioral modification on this planet through Humanite, administered through the air condition systems. The chemical was designed to weed out aggression and anger. The ultimate result was of the population stopped going to work, talking to each other, and eventually stopped being human. However, the remaining of the population had the opposite reaction, with their aggression and primal instincts boosted beyond simple madness into murderous rage, sadism and savagery. Being transformed into a Humanitarian does not seem to be exclusively chemical in origin. Some victims of Humanitarian attacks are left alive and forced by Humanitarians to view the tortures they inflict on others. When this happens, the person's mind can be so damaged by what they were shown that the only way to cope with it is to begin to act as a Humanitarian does, eventually becoming one themselves. Humanitarians may themselves be able to detect those humans that are susceptible to become like themselves and these are the men and women they convert. Humanitarian are, at least genetically, human in more or less every way. They have utter and complete madness. Showing no care for life, they are driven by an insane, homicidal and savage aggression that manifests in the cannibalism, acts of violating plunder, and torture that they visit upon any unfortunate enough to come across them. Humanitarians are impossible to mistake for anything else. As a symptom of their insanity, they deliberately gash and cut their other people's flesh, and a Humanitarian is often covered in open or partially healed wounds. They seem no physically stronger or tougher than normal humans, merely inured to pain to the point where they care nothing for their injuries or indeed their own lives, and more willing to push their bodies to the extreme because of their madness. Although they clearly must have some retention of any original knowledge prior to their madness and Humanitarians are as without fear as they are without mercy, and they have been seen to speak and indeed communicate. The sole sound they make is an insane, wordless scream. Humanitarians seem to favor close combat, although they are fully capable of using firearms. It is likely that their reduced mental abilities makes firearms a poor choice. Instead, they rush forward, occasionally firing at victims if stymied, and overwhelm their enemies in a deadly charge with crude blades and melee weapons.  If nothing else is available, they may be found clawing and biting their prey with bare hands and teeth. Although they occasionally carry conventional firearms, Humanitarians also seem to use poisoned needles, and very frequently a form of large spear. The aim of both weapons is probably to ensure that the victim is alive when taken. Utterly fearless, they will charge until they are wiped out - casualties don't seem to matter much to a Humanitarian group. Humanitarians seem to prefer to subdue their victims. Those unfortunates who are rendered helpless or fall are either raped to death, eaten alive, flayed, or commonly all three, as well as other horrific depravities. After they finally escape into death, the Hellions will sew their skins into their clothing, and may very well either hang up the corpses as a gruesome trophy. Humanitarians target settlements without strong defenses. After plundering, murdering and eating the inhabitants, Humanitarians will burn the settlement to the ground. Most of the time Humanitarians stick to their hunting territories; however, the Humanitarians had begun to expand from their territories. This was likely caused by the depletion of food sources as settlers learned to steer clear. One Humanitarian rips the heart out of a victim's chest, then hoists the still beating organ in the air in triumph. Another Humanitarian rips the opponent's head and spinal cord from the shoulders. A female Humanitarian inhales her victim and regurgitates a torrent of bloody chunks and bones onto the ground. A third Humanitarian rips the opponent's leg out and beats the opponent to death with it and continues doing so even after the opponent is dead and makes it look like their head explodes. A fourth Humanitarian bites their victim's jugular and rip it head off with their teeth. The Humanitarian then throws it with its mouth like a dog and then laughs afterward. Other Humanitarians did horrendous things more: The fifth Humanitarian rips the ribs out of the opponent and impale the eyes with them. The sixth Humanitarian rips an entire skeleton from the opponent. The seventh Humanitarian drop-kicking the victim's head, crushing it into pieces, where some other parts of the dismembered body looked like it was convulsing and the Humanitarian then vomit their stomach contents over the lining and blood. The seventh Humanitarian repeatedly punches the victim each with a splash of blood and guts before punching the opponent's legs and torso off. The eighth Humanitarian use a chest-mounted metal claw to grab the victim and slam him to the floor repeatedly before eating the opponent through its chest compartment and the victim was now vomiting out chunks of blood and viscera. More Humanitarians had wires cutting deeply into their victims, which traces of stomach acid were leaked out. There was blood splattered everywhere, one of the victim's head has a massive chunk blown out of it. The Humanitarians sawing off their victim's foot off. There was bones being sawed through and a piece of brain on the side of his head falls off. They placed their victims on a crucifix which will slowly break their arms, legs, and neck by slowly twisting them and they have a shotgun to shoot them in the face while others lost their limbs. More victims more torture where chains pierced in their bodies, cut through someone's skull with a circular saw and didn't even have any anesthetic while they drill on them, mutilating them in the process. The Humanitarians sadistically push the victim's face into the knives while making them fall into razor wire. The Humanitarians also had a guy is chained to a bed and torn limb from limb. They had a woman's hair has been threaded into gears and when the device starts, it begins to pull her hair to the point her scalp is peeled back. The Humanitarians had two men with chains around their necks, fighting each other. The first guy has his eyes stitched shut and the other has his lips sewn together while the Humanitarians laughed and cheered. The Humanitarian grabbed a woman begging but she gets stabbed in the throat by shards of a broken Vodka bottle, stabbed in the chest by a large kitchen knife when she was trying to grab the Humanitarians and make her escape but they already hammered the knife deeper in her chest to kill her. The Humanitarian took another screaming girl's braid as they hooked it on a device as her head trapped in between the device which her head is torn off her shoulders. The Humanitarians pushed a third girl who falls against a nail gun, which proceeds to fire nails directly into the back of her head. Her body jerks as each nail penetrates her skull and bursts out her face. After the nail gun stops firing, she whimpers, then her body slowly goes limp as she dies. The Humanitarians all laughed hysterically at this sight while smiles are plastered on their faces. The Humanitarian used a nail which they slice the girl's foot tendon, torturing her in a gory way as her corpse twitches several times as a wet stain spread across the crotch, along with her femur sticking out of her leg. Another victim of the Humanitarians gets impaled on acupuncture needles, almost burning to death and having his head crushed by a statue. The Humanitarians have six people are chained to a children's carousel redecorated with gory body parts and blood, and every time it stops, one of the Humanitarians have a spring-loaded shotgun fires a bullet, killing the person in front of it. They torture a child with a screw that comes straight down through his hand. The Humanitarians trigger a rack of needles to pump the body full of acid, dissolving his body from the inside out. The Humanitarians took off some of the little girl's skin, and infected her. The Humanitarians put a nail in a guy's stomach which slices his abdominal wall. They used wet tarp and disembowels the second on a nail sticking up from the ground. Both his intestines and a trail of blood on the tarp itself. An obese man has his viscera consumed out as the Humanitarians had blood and guts spewing from their mouths a little. The blood attracts the Humanitarians that eat him alive. They also did a bowel obstruction and caused internal bleeding. An old woman was injected with corn oil her face with corn oil which got in her bloodstream, and then it started leaking out of her face and destroying her from the inside. A Humanitarian has an ice pick impaled in another victim's eye, which resulted in a huge blood red welt on his eye covered in blood. The Humanitarians caused a father to fall face first into the blades and another guy was thrown into a frying machine, which he suffered fatal burns to his face as he was thrown in multiple times. The Humanitarian shredded a guy to pieces, starting with his leg. The Humanitarians tortured their victims who had maggot-infested bedsores squirming all over their open wounds, their skin red from the red dye soaking into their skin, then vomiting green slime and dying shortly thereafter. The Humanitarians pushed back a girl who falls back on her champagne glass pyramid and dies from excessive blood loss from all the broken pieces of glass getting embedded in her body. The Humanitarian puts the breathing tube in the esophagus and stomach inflating and exploding, they cut the poor guy open as blood and organs splatters everywhere while smiles are still plastered on the Humanitarians' faces. The Humanitarians grabbed an old man as they puncture his abdomen and spills his intestines. They took a girl and straps her to a wheelchair, teases her and brings her into a disgusting lab. The Humanitarians proceed to cut off a finger on each of the girl's hands, even punching the girl to keep her from passing out. They were also going to go for the groin and tongue next. The Hellions grabbed the boy who then is thrown around like a rag doll but then he's pulled into the air vent and diced up by the fan. The Humanitarians' torture chambers are covered in blood, there are remains of one of the two guys' corpses which consisted of a pair of feet and shins, and an arm. One of the guys' bodies twitch spasmodically as if it were still alive and in pain. One of the Humanitarians performed surgery torture on a girl who has implant incision open with what looks like a shoehorn, but the Humanitarian's so reckless and incompetent at putting the implant in that he splatters her blood everywhere in a way that realistically would permanently deform her torso and most likely kill her from blood-loss. Then, the Humanitarian grabbed a guy's head at one point ripping open his eyelids and exposing his brain inside his head. Another gets his arms ripped off while blood squirts from the stumps and there are bones and muscle on the ground next to the severed arms--thanks to what that Humanitarian did. In their torture rooms, there are humans with their skin peeling apart and hanging from its body in bloody strips, a woman's mouth splitting at the corners and stretching her face into a toothy rictus. And some guy who is horribly mutilated, flopping around with no arms and legs and trying to talk while they were choking on blood. The Humanitarians had a teenage boy getting wax stuck in his bladder as well as another boy accidentally having most of his large intestine sucked out of his stomach while being dangerously close to drowning. In order to save his own life, he winds up having to chew through his own intestines in order to get free from the torture but he and the other boy died as he was trying climb out, but ended up pulling off half his flesh and lower body in the process while the Humanitarians cannibalize their corpses. There were pictures of sexy and scantily clad women soaked in blood in the midst of a disgusting, gory act or being brutally attacked and sexual assaulted. There were those who cut off their victims faces and wear them on various parts of their body, and others who soak in their victims’ bloods until they absorb enough of it to give their skin a red tint. The girl hung but still alive in the toilets. Her friend try to free her however the Humanitarians surround the girls and force her to stick a pair of sewing scissors in her mouth, far enough that the blades tap against her molars. Then they cut out her tongue. There was one Humanitarian seems to idolize the body, going so far as to dig through it and apparently pleasure oneself over it while taking pictures. Later, he laughs about how shameful the body looks in death. There was a five year-old boy with trickles of blood oozing from his mouth. He was repeated stabbed to the abdomen, followed by forced tongue amputation by the Humanitarians. And buried alive. The girl had her eyes stabbed with a pair of scissors by a Humanitarian. Four people have been kidnapped by the Humanitarians. They blindfold them and lines them up on the floor. One of the victims can't see the two before she is being killed of disembowelment and the top half of her head being cut off, respectively. A Humanitarian child has another innocent child by the hair, a pair of scissors in her hand, covered in blood with an insane expression on her face. The Humanitarian children are stabbing their teacher to death while he's on his knees and screaming in agony. One victim suffocated by a malicious Humanitarian boy, another victim is forced to cut out his own tongue by a Humanitarian teenager, buried alive, cut in half, have her ribs broken and her lungs pierced with them, a boy had his eyes torn out, let his best friend drown, accidentally smash her to pieces with the pool drain, get stabbed with scissors, mauled to death, and best of all trapped in a time warp that forces them to relive the nightmare! The Humanitarian stabs a boy and kicks him into a pit just for fun. The Humanitarian teen boy catches a female teenage, ties her hands to a table, and begins to cut at her throat. He does this as he starts to climb on top of her and he unbuttons his shirt. When the girl is forced into a skit by the Humanitarians, she is then stabbed in her hands by one of the Humanitarians that had a pair of scissors and suddenly lifted off the air and her whole body is bent at an impossible angle, and her spine letting out a very audible crack. The blades of scissors are now stabbing her friend, while she is losing her head in a brutal fashion. The boy's face is actually a gaping bloody hole as if his face was cleanly cut off, his flesh is entirely decomposed. And there's still blood in his hair from the blow that killed him. His girlfriend was fatally struck in the head by a hulking creature of a Humanitarian; she bleeds so profusely from between her legs that her organs fall out after. The father is found crucified and impaled through the mouth in a large altar-like room, his left eye bloodshot and with a white carving on his iris. His daughter rushes out of the room and eventually the daughter sneaks in the kitchen only to see a Humanitarian sharpening a knife frantically without saying a word. All the daughter can do is run out of the house in fear. But sadly as the daughter closed the door, the Humanitarian breaks through the door and pierces the poor girl in the stomach, her mouth and her head gets deformed while the other Humanitarian gleefully kills her by stabbing her in the neck. But then, there was a legend that talked about The Girl Who Hated Humanitarians: There was a little girl, who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good--very, very good. But when she was bad, she was homicidal! One day that little girl may find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Hellions' foreheads for she and her friends--this is very good and the game is over – this was their revolution! They’ve got the tools, they’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity. Somewhere it’s always time for tea, they’ve been trained by the very best. The sisterhood must eradicate the Hellions as revenge is a dish that is best served now! Patchy believes she's friggin' gorgeous as she and her sisterhood are equipped with weapons: hatchet, scalpel, rusty steel syringe, amputation saw and electroshock machine. Her battle words are, “It’s time for war! It’s time for blood! It’s time for TEA! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate!”

Humanitarians originated from a drug called Humanite. Dr. Savage had been testing behavioral modification on this planet through Humanite, administered through the air condition systems. The chemical was designed to weed out aggression and anger. The ultimate result was of the population stopped going to work, talking to each other, and eventually stopped being human. However, the remaining of the population had the opposite reaction, with their aggression and primal instincts boosted beyond simple madness into murderous rage, sadism and savagery. Being transformed into a Humanitarian does not seem to be exclusively chemical in origin. Some victims of Humanitarian attacks are left alive and forced by Humanitarians to view the tortures they inflict on others. When this happens, the person's mind can be so damaged by what they were shown that the only way to cope with it is to begin to act as a Humanitarian does, eventually becoming one themselves. Humanitarians may themselves be able to detect those humans that are susceptible to become like themselves and these are the men and women they convert. Humanitarian are, at least genetically, human in more or less every way. They have utter and complete madness. Showing no care for life, they are driven by an insane, homicidal and savage aggression that manifests in the cannibalism, acts of violating plunder, and torture that they visit upon any unfortunate enough to come across them. Humanitarians are impossible to mistake for anything else. As a symptom of their insanity, they deliberately gash and cut their other people's flesh, and a Humanitarian is often covered in open or partially healed wounds. They seem no physically stronger or tougher than normal humans, merely inured to pain to the point where they care nothing for their injuries or indeed their own lives, and more willing to push their bodies to the extreme because of their madness. Although they clearly must have some retention of any original knowledge prior to their madness and Humanitarians are as without fear as they are without mercy, and they have been seen to speak and indeed communicate. The sole sound they make is an insane, wordless scream. Humanitarians seem to favor close combat, although they are fully capable of using firearms. It is likely that their reduced mental abilities makes firearms a poor choice. Instead, they rush forward, occasionally firing at victims if stymied, and overwhelm their enemies in a deadly charge with crude blades and melee weapons.  If nothing else is available, they may be found clawing and biting their prey with bare hands and teeth. Although they occasionally carry conventional firearms, Humanitarians also seem to use poisoned needles, and very frequently a form of large spear. The aim of both weapons is probably to ensure that the victim is alive when taken. Utterly fearless, they will charge until they are wiped out - casualties don't seem to matter much to a Humanitarian group. Humanitarians seem to prefer to subdue their victims. Those unfortunates who are rendered helpless or fall are either raped to death, eaten alive, flayed, or commonly all three, as well as other horrific depravities. After they finally escape into death, the Humanitarians will sew their skins into their clothing, and may very well either hang up the corpses as a gruesome trophy. Humanitarians target settlements without strong defenses. After plundering, murdering and eating the inhabitants, Humanitarians will burn the settlement to the ground. Most of the time Humanitarians stick to their hunting territories; however, the Humanitarians had begun to expand from their territories. This was likely caused by the depletion of food sources as settlers learned to steer clear. One Humanitarian rips the heart out of a victim's chest, then hoists the still beating organ in the air in triumph. Another Humanitarian rips the opponent's head and spinal cord from the shoulders. A female Humanitarian inhales her victim and regurgitates a torrent of bloody chunks and bones onto the ground. A third Humanitarian rips the opponent's leg out and beats the opponent to death with it and continues doing so even after the opponent is dead and makes it look like their head explodes. A fourth Humanitarian bites their victim's jugular and rip it head off with their teeth. The Humanitarian then throws it with its mouth like a dog and then laughs afterward. Other Humanitarians did horrendous things more: The fifth Humanitarian rips the ribs out of the opponent and impale the eyes with them. The sixth Humanitarian rips an entire skeleton from the opponent. The seventh Humanitarian drop-kicking the victim's head, crushing it into pieces, where some other parts of the dismembered body looked like it was convulsing and the Humanitarian then vomit their stomach contents over the lining and blood. The seventh Humanitarian repeatedly punches the victim each with a splash of blood and guts before punching the opponent's legs and torso off. The eighth Humanitarian use a chest-mounted metal claw to grab the victim and slam him to the floor repeatedly before eating the opponent through its chest compartment and the victim was now vomiting out chunks of blood and viscera. More Humanitarians had wires cutting deeply into their victims, which traces of stomach acid were leaked out. There was blood splattered everywhere, one of the victim's head has a massive chunk blown out of it. The Humanitarians sawing off their victim's foot off. There was bones being sawed through and a piece of brain on the side of his head falls off. They placed their victims on a crucifix which will slowly break their arms, legs, and neck by slowly twisting them and they have a shotgun to shoot them in the face while others lost their limbs. More victims more torture where chains pierced in their bodies, cut through someone's skull with a circular saw and didn't even have any anesthetic while they drill on them, mutilating them in the process. The Humanitarians sadistically push the victim's face into the knives while making them fall into razor wire. The Humanitarians also had a guy is chained to a bed and torn limb from limb. They had a woman's hair has been threaded into gears and when the device starts, it begins to pull her hair to the point her scalp is peeled back. The Humanitarians had two men with chains around their necks, fighting each other. The first guy has his eyes stitched shut and the other has his lips sewn together while the Humanitarians laughed and cheered. The Humanitarian grabbed a woman begging but she gets stabbed in the throat by shards of a broken Vodka bottle, stabbed in the chest by a large kitchen knife when she was trying to grab the Humanitarians and make her escape but they already hammered the knife deeper in her chest to kill her. The Humanitarian took another screaming girl's braid as they hooked it on a device as her head trapped in between the device which her head is torn off her shoulders. The Humanitarians pushed a third girl who falls against a nail gun, which proceeds to fire nails directly into the back of her head. Her body jerks as each nail penetrates her skull and bursts out her face. After the nail gun stops firing, she whimpers, then her body slowly goes limp as she dies. The Humanitarians all laughed hysterically at this sight while smiles are plastered on their faces. The Humanitarian used a nail which they slice the girl's foot tendon, torturing her in a gory way as her corpse twitches several times as a wet stain spread across the crotch, along with her femur sticking out of her leg. Another victim of the Humanitarians gets impaled on acupuncture needles, almost burning to death and having his head crushed by a statue. The Humanitarians have six people are chained to a children's carousel redecorated with gory body parts and blood, and every time it stops, one of the Humanitarians have a spring-loaded shotgun fires a bullet, killing the person in front of it. They torture a child with a screw that comes straight down through his hand. The Humanitarians trigger a rack of needles to pump the body full of acid, dissolving his body from the inside out. The Humanitarians took off some of the little girl's skin, and infected her. The Humanitarians put a nail in a guy's stomach which slices his abdominal wall. They used wet tarp and disembowels the second on a nail sticking up from the ground. Both his intestines and a trail of blood on the tarp itself. An obese man has his viscera consumed out as the Humanitarians had blood and guts spewing from their mouths a little. The blood attracts the Humanitarians that eat him alive. They also did a bowel obstruction and caused internal bleeding. An old woman was injected with corn oil her face with corn oil which got in her bloodstream, and then it started leaking out of her face and destroying her from the inside. A Humanitarian has an ice pick impaled in another victim's eye, which resulted in a huge blood red welt on his eye covered in blood. The Humanitarians caused a father to fall face first into the blades and another guy was thrown into a frying machine, which he suffered fatal burns to his face as he was thrown in multiple times. The Humanitarian shredded a guy to pieces, starting with his leg. The Humanitarians tortured their victims who had maggot-infested bedsores squirming all over their open wounds, their skin red from the red dye soaking into their skin, then vomiting green slime and dying shortly thereafter. The Humanitarians pushed back a girl who falls back on her champagne glass pyramid and dies from excessive blood loss from all the broken pieces of glass getting embedded in her body. The Humanitarian puts the breathing tube in the esophagus and stomach inflating and exploding, they cut the poor guy open as blood and organs splatters everywhere while smiles are still plastered on the Humanitarians' faces. The Humanitarians grabbed an old man as they puncture his abdomen and spills his intestines. They took a girl and straps her to a wheelchair, teases her and brings her into a disgusting lab. The Humanitarians proceed to cut off a finger on each of the girl's hands, even punching the girl to keep her from passing out. They were also going to go for the groin and tongue next. The Humanitarians grabbed the boy who then is thrown around like a rag doll but then he's pulled into the air vent and diced up by the fan. The Humanitarians' torture chambers are covered in blood, there are remains of one of the two guys' corpses which consisted of a pair of feet and shins, and an arm. One of the guys' bodies twitch spasmodically as if it were still alive and in pain. One of the Humanitarians performed surgery torture on a girl who has implant incision open with what looks like a shoehorn, but the Humanitarian's so reckless and incompetent at putting the implant in that he splatters her blood everywhere in a way that realistically would permanently deform her torso and most likely kill her from blood-loss. Then, the Humanitarian grabbed a guy's head at one point ripping open his eyelids and exposing his brain inside his head. Another gets his arms ripped off while blood squirts from the stumps and there are bones and muscle on the ground next to the severed arms--thanks to what that Humanitarian did. In their torture rooms, there are humans with their skin peeling apart and hanging from its body in bloody strips, a woman's mouth splitting at the corners and stretching her face into a toothy rictus. And some guy who is horribly mutilated, flopping around with no arms and legs and trying to talk while they were choking on blood. The Humanitarians had a teenage boy getting wax stuck in his bladder as well as another boy accidentally having most of his large intestine sucked out of his stomach while being dangerously close to drowning. In order to save his own life, he winds up having to chew through his own intestines in order to get free from the torture but he and the other boy died as he was trying climb out, but ended up pulling off half his flesh and lower body in the process while the Humanitarians cannibalize their corpses. There were pictures of sexy and scantily clad women soaked in blood in the midst of a disgusting, gory act or being brutally attacked and sexual assaulted. There were those who cut off their victims faces and wear them on various parts of their body, and others who soak in their victims’ bloods until they absorb enough of it to give their skin a red tint. The girl hung but still alive in the toilets. Her friend try to free her however the Humanitarians surround the girls and force her to stick a pair of sewing scissors in her mouth, far enough that the blades tap against her molars. Then they cut out her tongue. There was one Humanitarian seems to idolize the body, going so far as to dig through it and apparently pleasure oneself over it while taking pictures. Later, he laughs about how shameful the body looks in death. There was a five year-old boy with trickles of blood oozing from his mouth. He was repeated stabbed to the abdomen, followed by forced tongue amputation by the Humanitarians. And buried alive. The girl had her eyes stabbed with a pair of scissors by a Humanitarian. Four people have been kidnapped by the Humanitarians. They blindfold them and lines them up on the floor. One of the victims can't see the two before she is being killed of disembowelment and the top half of her head being cut off, respectively. A Humanitarian child has another innocent child by the hair, a pair of scissors in her hand, covered in blood with an insane expression on her face. The Humanitarian children are stabbing their teacher to death while he's on his knees and screaming in agony. One victim suffocated by a malicious Humanitarian boy, another victim is forced to cut out his own tongue by a Humanitarian teenager, buried alive, cut in half, have her ribs broken and her lungs pierced with them, a boy had his eyes torn out, let his best friend drown, accidentally smash her to pieces with the pool drain, get stabbed with scissors, mauled to death, and best of all trapped in a time warp that forces them to relive the nightmare! The Humanitarian stabs a boy and kicks him into a pit just for fun. The Humanitarian teen boy catches a female teenage, ties her hands to a table, and begins to cut at her throat. He does this as he starts to climb on top of her and he unbuttons his shirt. When the girl is forced into a skit by the Humanitarians, she is then stabbed in her hands by one of the Humanitarians that had a pair of scissors and suddenly lifted off the air and her whole body is bent at an impossible angle, and her spine letting out a very audible crack. The blades of scissors are now stabbing her friend, while she is losing her head in a brutal fashion. The boy's face is actually a gaping bloody hole as if his face was cleanly cut off, his flesh is entirely decomposed. And there's still blood in his hair from the blow that killed him. His girlfriend was fatally struck in the head by a hulking creature of a Humanitarian; she bleeds so profusely from between her legs that her organs fall out after. The father is found crucified and impaled through the mouth in a large altar-like room, his left eye bloodshot and with a white carving on his iris. His daughter rushes out of the room and eventually the daughter sneaks in the kitchen only to see a Humanitarian sharpening a knife frantically without saying a word. All the daughter can do is run out of the house in fear. But sadly as the daughter closed the door, the Humanitarian breaks through the door and pierces the poor girl in the stomach, her mouth and her head gets deformed while the other Humanitarian gleefully kills her by stabbing her in the neck. There was a boy who blocked a scissor attack from the female Humanitarian, which pierces his hand. He attempts to fight off the Humanitarian, but she slowly overpowers him and slowly stabs him with the scissor. Then, the boy was beheaded by a random board that fell by the Humanitarians who laughed at his death.

While on vacation of a tropical get away; Patchy and Reina as well as three other people were hurdled into the shipping container by the Hellions. It is believed that just one of the Hellions wielded the chainsaw, as they are often seen likely standing there to prevent anyone from escaping. The three unnamed victims were all slain by the chainsaw, leaving Reina for last begging them not to do this in front of her sister! “Close your eyes, Patchy.” Reina sobbed. “I want my sister.” Patchy cried. She screamed and cried as they revved the chainsaw, “No! Not in front of my little sister!....Oh, god. Please don't cry. It's gonna be okay…Don't you dare! Not in front of my sister, please!....No!.....Close your eyes, Patchy. Don't look. Patchy. Close your eyes.” This caused Reina turning then to give a final smile to Patchy. She said to close her eyes, not to look and that she loved her before the Hellion finally cut into her, “I want my sister! I want my big sister!” cried Patchy. “I love you, Patchy.” Whispered Reina. The Hellions were killing Reina in front of Patchy with no remorse. Then, the Humanitarians fled the area while Patchy sat there, for two entire days sitting in blood that would forever change her. But she wasn’t the only one: Clover is one of the most well known who possesses abilities. Clover was born in a family of six daughters and seven sons born to an abusive father and a kind mother. She was fearsome towards her father because of her temper. Clover’s oldest brother gave her a great canoe, upon which she and her brothers traveled far from home, over the wide expanse of the seas while sailing on this great canoe eventually to find the city to take her away from the Humanitarians. All the while, Clover battles alongside her sister. During this perilous journey she carried her favorite little sister. When Clover got to the city, she first used her powers striking deep into the earth but she was attacked by her older sister, who became a Humanitarian, and left for dead. Clover recovered and fled, where she was nearly torn apart by her Humanitarian sister, where Clover killed her sister. Clover attempted suicide. Her death is prevented by her roommate, who forced her to vomit the sleeping pills she had been attempting to overdose with by pouring hydrogen peroxide down her throat. She is not immediately sent to seek psychiatric help. Instead, she shares with her therapist the events that transpired; legally obligated to lead her to check herself in for a 72-hour suicide watch and psychiatric evaluation, her therapist refuses to refill her prescription for her medication and warns her he will call an ambulance to take her to the hospital if she reports to his office for her appointment. Clover finds herself with no choice but to report for the 72-hour hold. Due to an overcrowded psychiatric ward, Clover is detained for a number of days in the waiting room, during which she is left only with her hospital gown and striped stockings. She is allowed little more than sleeping, eating poor hospital food, and going to the bathroom with an attendant. She talks a nurse into allowing her one of her books and a crayon, in which she dictates her life in the margins of the pages. She is eventually transferred to a hospital ward reserved for the long-time patients as there is no room for her in the short-term wards. There she is allowed a spiral bound notebook and a pen she must check in and out of the nurse's station every morning and night. The doctors suspect she has an eating disorder and detain her for much longer than her expected 3 days. Donna was the daughter of a village landlady on the riverbank. The family was wealthy enough to entertain and provide lodging for traveling visitors, who often passed by on their way to a shrine famous for practices. One day, a handsome visitor fell in love with the beautiful Donna, but after a time he overcame his passions and refrained from further meetings. Donna became furious at the sudden change of heart and pursued him in rage. Donna met at the edge of the river, where the man asked a boatman to help him to cross the river, but told him not to let her cross with his boat. When Donna saw that her lover was escaping her, she jumped into the river and started to swim after him. While swimming in the torrent of the river, she used a large serpent because of her rage. When the man saw her coming after him in her monstrous new form, he ran into the temple. He asked the priests of the temple for help but they are affected of being Humanitarians as they killed him under the bell of temple. However, the Humanitarian peeked from inside the bell and started to coil around Donna. The Humanitarians banged the bell loudly several times with and tries to burn her alive with fire that melted the bell. The fire was so great and large that she not only melted the bell and Donna is believed to have killed her lover. Chica was of divine descent and had the gift of prophecy. She met her boyfriend and used her powers and advice to help him. But her boyfriend betrays her as he becomes a Humanitarian and cut Chica's brother to pieces and threw him into the sea to delay the pursuit. The Humanitarian boyfriend deserted Chica as he cheated on her and gaslights her while driving her to the point of suicide. In revenge, Chica murdered her boyfriend’s brothers and sister who became Humanitarians while attempting to poison the other brother, as an attempt to save him from being a Humanitarian. Swan and her sister lived with her mother. After her twin sister was murdered by the Humanitarians, she attacked her mother and attempted to gouged out her eye but failed. Swan's mother survived the encounter. Timber is from the Oriental area of the city, but due to her young age when arriving at the city has no memory of where exactly from. She is often a target for ridicule by most of the student body, the exception being her friend who cared for her, who loves her for the exact reasons the other girls shun her. They become best friends. One cold night, while playing in the attic, Timber finds a miniature portrait of herself and surmises that she is about to leave but she promises that will write her friend upon first opportunity, she leaves with the coachman to face her glorious future. Months after a letter from her friend makes it to Timber, urging her friend to run away from the school immediately because of an outbreak of the Hellions. A few years later, Timber is arrested for vagrancy and dumped on the doorsteps the prison. Upon being reunited with her friend, Timber’s best friend helps her escape. Jolie was eighteen years old at the beginning of her career. She is a bright but troubled girl with a surprising breadth of life experience. At this age, Jolie has already abandoned school, had an affair with her high school boyfriend that had broke up with her and was seeing someone else. Then, Jolie attempted suicide by swallowing fifty aspirin with alcohol when she learned that her ex boyfriend had killed his current girlfriend and learns he became a Humanitarian. Sparrow is the most powerful girl. Her utter disregard for authority makes her a frustrating and entertaining figure in the eyes of the others. Whether engaging in complicated pranks or escaping from the hospital, Sparrow ensures that the routine of the school never goes uninterrupted for long. Sparrow is proud of herself as 'crazy' and revels in the attention her antics earn her. Sparrow is a dangerously attractive figure for the other girls, and the dark side of her personality can appear without warning. Sparrow veers from extravagantly kind to perversely cruel. But things changed when she saw her sister dressed as a suburban mother, child in tow who is now Humanitarians. Having no other choice; she killed them both. Emotionally scarred; Sparrow vowed vengeance against the Humanitarians! And Trea was a fragile depressive who serves as a constant companion to her lover. Trea aspires to an almost domestic kind of normality at the hospital. She develops a serious relationship with her lover. Her lover became a Humanitarian and poured gasoline over her face and upper body and set her aflame. Once rescued; Trea is dazed as she appears to be at peace, even cheerful. One day, Trea suddenly becomes aware of the awful extent of her injuries and is inconsolable while having a break down about her lover. The depth of her unhappiness is revealed, however, when her mother pours scalding hot caramel on Trea’s hand to test if she could still feel pain; Trea has no reaction at all. In a previous filmed footage; Patchy lies on her bed while singing sadly to herself, “Dreams to dream, In the dark of the night....When the world goes wrong, I can still make it right...I can see so far in my dreams...I'll follow my dreams, Until they come true....Come with me, You will see what I mean....There's a world inside, No one else ever sees....You will go so far in my dreams...Somewhere in my dreams....Your dreams will come true...” She turns on her side and cries. “I thought maybe I should have done it...I could have gone anywhere...I could step sideways right now...Shall I do that right now? What do you think? God will show me a sign, I'll wait 'til I see a sign…It doesn't matter what I do or what I choose I'm what's wrong. There's nothing I can do about it. If I'm not hurting myself, I'm hurting everyone around me. There's nothing I can do about it. I'm...I'm broken.” She managed to say.

In the present; Scout and the other guys were wandering about but Scout is protective of Suffer and wouldn’t put him down as Suffer is snuggled against Scout’s chest, he has becomes fond of Scout. But the Humanitarians came and try to kill Suffer but Scout protects him and is beaten so much. The Humanitarians laugh at Scout’s suffering, this made Patchy angry as she attacks them but one of them trip her and kicked her while taunting her: “You stupid bitch, you don’t have the guts to take us on! You got nothing!” He then pulled out a chainsaw. He revved it up and leers at her. Patchy felt terror come across her, however she saw Reina’s face in her head. Just then, her fear turned into anger and she managed to kick him back. Patchy struggles to her feet, “My heart is a weapon of war…my voice is my weapon of choice.” She has tears on her face while she choked out: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth….A heart for a heart, a soul for a soul…” Patchy sobbed while she said, “When we fight, we fight for the dream…We fight to the death…We FIGHT…..!!!!” As she screamed, she felt herself getting up to her feet: “…For control!!!” She bowed her head while saying, “Some call this justice, some call it karma…I call it REVENGE!!! This is our hostile takeover, our absolute rebellion to the end…OUR BATTLE CRY!!” Patchy raised her head, revealing she smiled darkly. “Better make your move, I’m giving you a head start—you’re going to need it!” She declared. The Humanitarians roared and ran at her, but Juno did acrobatics and took them out. In the meantime; the Humanitarians each encountered Emmett, Anselm, Scout, Jolen, Vivek and Sachiho as the Humanitarians mocked them. They were taunting them about their pasts, betrayals and how it could be a lie. This caught them by surprised as they gave a ponder into their memories however they recalled their reasons for what they do! “You think we got no honor? No shame?” Emmett questioned. “You don’t think we have anything else to live for? You lost your humanity and pass the point of no return.” Anselm pointed out. “Did you think I would give up so easily? Like hell!” Scout said. “I wouldn’t give up, if it was a lie—I would go on until the end!” Jolen remarked. “Regardless, it’s all a game to you. It’s an entertainment of seeing people suffer. You don’t see how others suffer any longer.” Vivek replied. “There’s too much blood being shed, suffering happens to the best of us sometimes. Despite what you said, I show no fear in the face of death. You don’t know what we achieve, what I achieve, what my friends achieve….A world like this needs hope. Hell, hope makes fear crumble. If I’m lucky, maybe left for dead, I would have my spirit that lives on. You show no mercy? Well, nobody will against you. Nobody will miss you and we’ll take no blame. Call it our battle cry, you bastard.” Uttered Sachiho. They were ready to fight. “I’m giving you a head start—you’re going to need it.” Emmett provoked. “Go ahead and make my day! I’m giving you a head start—you’re going to need it.” Goaded Anselm. “Bring it on! I’m giving you a head start—you’re going to need it.” Defied Scout.  “I’m giving you a head start—you’re going to need it.” Jolen incited. “Good luck getting through to me. I’m giving you a head start—you’re going to need it.” Prompted Vivek. “I won’t back out. I’m giving you a head start—you’re going to need it.” Persuaded Sachiho. Later on; Emmett and his boys enter inside: the white walls of the Georgian house that was very reminiscent of a gallery, making the people in the setting seem like pieces of art to be examined. But what Emmett and the others saw was pure terror: there were bloody splatters on the circular shaped chair, crimson handprints and smears on the porcelain coffee set, bloody handprints on the curtains and table cloths. The chairs are decorated with blood spatters. There are also bloody dinner plates and disfigured flatware. Mutilated corpses of Humanitarians scattered all around, “It’s like hell here.” Emmett remarked. “Indeed.” Anselm said. “Man, who did this mess?” Sachiho complained. Then, they managed to reach the parlor and found something shocking: Patchy is all naked on a couch aside from some stockings, holding a fan in her hand and covering her breasts. Patchy smiled coquettishly, “Oops! Sorry, you weren’t the one I was waiting but won’t you keep me hot to trot until my client arrives.” She said. Emmett was thunderstruck. “Patchy Frost, what’s this?” She demanded. Patchy gestured to the other room, “Hide in the other room, I’ll let you know when they’re gone. OK?” She instructed. Emmett and the other guys heard footsteps as they hurried in the room. They heard voices from the parlor: “Hey there, it’s my little honey pot! Wanna have some fun?” The voice of the Humanitarian leered. “Sure, why don’t you come closer and see the goodies?” Patchy replied in a sexy tone. “Surrrreeee.” The Humanitarian said. It was quiet when there was a sound of a knife cutting flesh, Emmett shivered. “Oh God.” Scout groaned. “Crap!” muttered Vivek. The Humanitarian man screamed until there was more cutting fleshy sounds that made everyone uneasy until it stopped. “OK, you can come out now.” Patchy called. Emmett fumbles the door and opens it. Emmett, Anselm, Scout, Sachiho, Vivek and Jolen peeked out to see Patchy with her back to them, her robe covering below the waist as she slipped her robe on. She tied her robe on and turned around. Patchy smiles, “See something you like?” She asked flirtatiously. Emmett and the boys saw the bloodshed while also a trace of blood alongside Patchy’s forehead. She went behind a sliding door that showed her silhouette as she slipped her robe off her shoulders and it tumble to the floor around her legs. Then, Patchy places on a flowing bias cut green silk gown and appeared as she smiled at Emmett and the boys before walking away.

Meanwhile at a conference; Dr. Ravenwood talked about how men and women should not be separated: Women and men are intrinsically equal when in a relationship, and are more than capable of creating equality. But unfortunately, that’s not how it plays out in real life. Someone always has to assert dominance, and whoever loses will only want to get back at them next time. It’s as if it’s a crime to be a little submissive to each other! Both women and men can both easily play and control love. Whether it would be in same-sex or opposite-sex relationships, friends with benefits, long-distance relationships etc any relationship could be destroyed by one partner trying to abuse their power and treat the other partner as if their heart was a toy. It was then Dr. Stockard told the other girls about Dr. Viator Suffield and her past with him including with Dr. Suffield designing toxic concoctions for the inmates and personally doing away with them in the most brutal manner out of nothing but his hatred of all women, his mother excluded. To secure the hospital's finances, he supplies hospitals and off-site laboratories with cadavers, body parts, organs and even aborted fetuses harvested from inmates dead and alive. Dr. Stockard claimed that she believes she will rise up and men will be done for but then Eavan played all the video footages of the boys: Emmett was raped repeatedly by Dr. Stockard. She would beat him, bite him, knock him out while she was doing it as she was an alcoholic. One phrase that still haunts him is the phrase, "I'm only doing this because you’re beautiful." Dr. Stockard said. When Emmett told someone; Dr. Stockard gathered all of the patients and tried to make him admit that he was lying. Dr. Stockard was in the same room calling him a liar as well as he was gang raped by other mean girls. They burned him with cigarettes, pissed on him, beat him and called him every name in the book. The second video showed of Anselm felt sick from the nausea. Dr. Stockard gave him a tablet that he thought would help. Anselm takes it and passed out. He woke up in a room bound at his ankles and hand cuffed to the headboard and a ball gag in his mouth. Then she proceeded to whip him, beat him, and strangle him. And threaten to cut the foreskin to his penis. The third video showed of Dr. Stockard sat down and started talking to Jolen right away, mostly polite conversation, but seemed very sexual in the way she spoke. She was quiet for a bit, but then it happened she put her hand on my leg. Her hand inched closer and closer to his penis, so Jolen turned to her and just noise came out of his mouth. he tells her to stop, but didn't as she is stroking his junk under the wide open bench, and he grab her hand, finally getting the courage to stop her nonsense, and push it away. Dr. Stockard just giggled and Jolen had to awkwardly hide his hard penis. But one of the girls noticed and told her friends as they started laughing. The fourth video showed of Scout was tired, so he decided to sleep on the couch and woken up a sharp pain in his groin area. Scout opened his eyes to see Dr. Stockard on top of him. His cock was inside of her and she was riding him. Scout screamed for help, but she beat him and told him that yelling wouldn't help. Scout struggled for a bit, but I'm not what you call strong. The next thing Scout remember, a guard opened the door and he pulled her off of him. Scout was hoping he would understand what was going on, but Dr. Stockard said that he threatened her to have sex with her, and Scout told the truth. The guard believed her for some reason. The fifth video showed of Dr. Stockard and her friends tied Vivek to a fence, pulled his pants down and fondled him, said they would make him into their pet, and that they would break him. The sixth and final video showed of Dr. Stockard took him down to the basement, she took down Sachiho's pants, pushed his against the wall, took his penis and then she started. She was on her period, Sachiho told her to stop and tried to push her away. But Sachiho didn't had the strength to make her stop because he felt tired and drained. After failing his attempt to stop her, Sachiho just stood there without saying anything. It was a blur but Sachiho just appeared near his room with his clothes dirty in blood. After the videos stopped playing; the women are shocked and realize what Stockard is doing and they kicked her out. Dr. Stockard is shocked and swears revenge against Ravenwood! 

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