Girls wanna have fun? How about boys too? Everyone just wanna have fun in the sun! --KatDon
The next morning, Lacey was walking down the street when she trips and falls but she woke up and found a clutch bag. Lacey looked inside to see a million dollars in there! She was so shocked, "Who would give her this much money?" Lacey thought. There was a note in there, Lacey opens it and reads it. The note says: "Keep this money, it'll help you a little and let you start the life you always wanted." Lacey was counting the other remains of money when a male's voice called out, "I'll take it all, bitch." There was raucous laughter, Lacey looked up in shock. Three gangsters cornered her, "What do you want?" Lacey asked, she was so frightened that she backed away to the dead end of the alley. "The dough you have, how much is it?" The first one demanded. "Not much." lied Lacey, not wanting to say how much she really has! "Listen, bitch, cough up the cash and no one gets hurt." said the leader. "Leave her alone." A voice said. The three of them turned around to see a young man approaching them, "Turn away, and get out of here." He commanded. "Aww, who's the tough guy?" said the second thug. "The lady here won't give up the dough she has in the bag." said the leader smugly. "That's her money and none of your concern." replied the young man. Lacey is about to take out the leader, but she was punched in the face and fell down. The three thugs laugh, they were about to take it until a young man kicks the leader's hand. "That's for laying a hand on a girl." He said. The second was about to attack, but the guy tackled him. "That's for calling her a bitch." He continued, still gesturing towards Lacey. The third is about to run, however the fellow blocked him and knocked him out. "And that's, for anyone, that tries to escape." finished the guy. The other three ran off in terror from the mysterious young man. Later, Lacey regains consciousness, when she heard the boy's voice: "Hey, are you OK?" Lacey opened her eyes, her blurry vision cleared to see this young man standing before her. "Don't worry that guy and his buddies won't come around to hurt you anymore." The guy reassured her. Once Lacey’s vision is cleared; she could see who it was. "It's you..." Lacey replied. Just then, there was a tarot card necklace around his neck glowing as a young man turned back to normal. The boy’s name is Andrew Steele as he wasn’t aware of what happened and he thought he saved Lacey’s life. However, Lacey notices something was different between Andrew and that other him. His voice is high pitched and sometimes strained in more emotional moments, and generally has a friendly tone towards everyone. Though, he seems slightly timid sounding voice to him. His friends are Webster Calvex, Terrence Brook, and Grace Girvin. But he’s got other friends: Emilio Garrett, Arkin Jarlsen, and Webster’s sister name Mae Ladd. But Andrew’s acquaintances that show respect to him: Jerry Ladd and Sylvester Spark—those hooligans are mischievous but they fear Kellan for his persona. But there are those who don’t fear Andrew or Kellan. Carl Krummet, Ophir Hunter, and Paul Chapman as well as Joe Jaden, Elvin Bleu, Orin Firma, Von Schultz, and Lindsey Conners. Andrew’s alter ego by the name: Kellan Dellinger. His hair color is extremely extravagant hair features multiple layers including long blond crooked, pointy locks for his fringe; the rest features a set of five large spikes and two smaller spikes colored black with a red sheen along the edges. But some blond locks jut upwards. The rest of his hair features five large spikes colored black. The spikes were loose and free flowing. His voice is fierce and commanding. Kellan Dellinger is an unforgiving vigilante. He emerges to deal justice to people who trespass him or his friends. Although his acts are righteous, he lives up to his namesake of being the most strongest man. However, he seems to become more of a caring, nice, and friendly disposition, even though he always had that in him. Kellan is a strong, powerful and skilled entity alter ego of Andrew. He attempts to balance of his darkness. He never uses it for personal gain, only to help others in need, and to inflict punishment only on people who have severely wronged innocents. He is slightly reserved, as he doesn't reveal his existence to Andrew or his friends. At first Andrew feared Kellan, but after Andrew admits to thinking "another one" exists inside him, his friends become aware of his existence and accepted him as a friend. Even before, Kellan is extremely protective of Andrew. Kellan's pride is his greatest strength and weakness. Initially he refuses to lose games, without considering the consequences. Kellan expressed great grief and guilt following the suffering of people, which were because of his actions. However, he was able to conquer and purge the darkness within himself; which also eradicating the malignant influence of the darkness. Kellan is also wise and intelligent. Through Andrew and his friends, Kellan learns the values and powers of friendship and unity. Kellan thinks to himself, he learned something from Andrew; that in kindness lays the greatest strength of all; one day Andrew will surpass him in every way. These two end up sharing the same body though various magical or phlebotinum-driven methods. How? It’s by that pendant that resembled a card and it glows when Kellan is in trouble or his friends are in danger.
Later on while walking back to her apartment; Lacey turned around to see who it was, but she saw that no one was there. Lacey kept walking, a little faster however the person who was stalking her was closing in on her. Lacey quickly turned around to face her stalker. She was surprised to see that it was--Mordecai. "Oh, it's only you." Lacey said coldly. "What do you want?" "I just want to talk to you." replied Mordecai. "I would like to apologize that I couldn’t be available." This made Lacey suspicious. "I know but I guess it doesn’t matter no." She snapped. Mordecai shook his head, "No, no. I feel terrible." He answered. "And I insist, I want to make it up to you." Mordecai then reached into the back and said, "I got something that will make your eyes sparkle." He pulled out a slim box and hands it to her. Lacey took it curiously; she opened the box to see a necklace of white pearls with a sea blue charm to the necklace. "Oh, it's so pretty. You got this for me?" Lacey asked, touched by his kindness. "Yes. For your heroic efforts that is." replied Mordecai but a smirk appeared on his face. "I feel you need to be more honored in a special way, like...Maybe joining me in a more--burning sensation." He said. Lacey's face fell, she closed the box and glared at him. "I can't believe this. You’re just giving me this gift as a way to join you? Oh no, I don't think so. I'll take your gift but I'll have to refuse your offer." She said. Mordecai was disappointed by this news. "Hmph. That's a shame, really." He said. "I am not fighting crime by burning criminals to a crisp. I won't. Never!" Lacey declared. Then, she storms away. Mordecai watches her go before a smirk appeared on his face. "Oh, I'll make you change your mind. You'll be writhing in pain until I hear you sing your acceptance to my offer." He said to himself, he chuckled in a sinister matter. That night after everyone went to bed; Lacey begins to have a strange dream where an angler fish, a white kind, chased after tiny fish and bite into some sort of coral that looked like a brain. And then, Lacey wakes up with a start, "What? Why am I awake?" She wondered. Then, her eyes glowed a whitish blue colored pupil as her activated as it destroyed the place. "What is going on?" She thought. Watching her movements are being controlled; Mordecai snickers quietly of this. She was going out of line. Lacey tried to restrain herself of her movement to her arms and legs but she couldn't. It was hopeless! Lacey didn't understand what was going on and it was scaring her. Mordecai sneered, "Got you now." He thought. Tadeo glanced at his older brother, he didn't like this one bit. Meanwhile, Lacey's neighbor woke up to hear bumps in the night and hurried over to see what was going on, he was shocked to see Lacey 's limbs moving on their own and she's not doing this. "What the hell?" He exclaimed. "It--It's not me, I feel like I'm being mind controlled." Lacey protested. Then, she could hear a voice in her mind sniggering. "Guess you know what I can maneuver." said the voice in her mind. Lacey was shocked, anger fired up in her chest. "Mordecai, what the hell are you doing in my head, you bastard?" demanded Lacey. Mordecai leered at her, "You refused my offer. Nobody refuses me and gets away with it! So now you have to pay. You see, that lovely necklace I gave you had a virus which the virus injected into your neck and traveled up to you brain. Making more of a movement in your limbs, by my control. It's both painful in both body and mind." He explained. Lacey gritted her teeth, "Son of a--" She remarked but her arms twisted around and she grimaces in great anguish. "Uh-uh! Watch your tongue. Say one more bad word or disrespect me and YOU will die." threatened Mordecai. Fear flooded her face, "You wouldn't." growled Lacey. "I would. Talk rude towards me and you won't get to breathe ever again!" warned Mordecai viciously. "Get out of my head, Mordecai! Leave. Me. ALONE!!!!" begged Lacey. "You can't stop me, Lacey. I can control every muscle, every nerve, and every vessel in your body." Mordecai declared, laughing insanely. He then made Lacey run away with her looking back at her neighbor. The neighbor was shocked of what was happening so he rushed over to get help. Lacey was lured over to the corporation of Aerenghast, she tried to fight back from entering in there but she knew it was no use and fell to the ground as Mordecai laughed with insanity. Then, Lacey writhed on the floor. Her body parts--Hands, fingers, toes, feet, and legs--were twisted around on their own. "Stop....Please, stop! I can't take much more of this...." She begged. "Accept my offer and I'll let you breathe!" Mordecai replied. "NEVER!" screeched Lacey. "Fine. I'll make you suffer more and more...AND MORE!" cried Mordecai. Tadeo gasped, "No! What about the reason why we are punishing the remorseless and apathetic kinds? Brother, don't do this!" He thought. Lacey begins to cry, it was too much for her to bare all this pain. "Mom....Dad....Elspeth…Elsie!" She thought through her tears. As she wept of her tears; a shimmering light appears before her. Lacey looked up, she saw that it was an angel, she wore white. "Edith? Is that you?" Lacey asked. "Don’t you worry, Lacey. I’m here for you." replied Edith. All of a sudden; Mordecai couldn't believe what he was seeing, "What--?" He said. Just then he was seized by his brother. "What the hell is going on? You've gone too far! What happened to what we stand for? Why we do this?" Tadeo reminded. Mordecai was shocked and trembled what he did. Lacey was amazed by Edith’s heroic efforts: She’s afraid of being hunted down by monsters so she runs. Everyone wants to be warrior but they forget that it takes away everything we always get. Instead warriors are always working and it’s not fair to them. However one support can turn a bad day on its head, and make everything better! She can see Edith being so dedicated to her by saving her and Lacey wish there was more than one way to thank her. Meanwhile; Parthalan, Funske, Jethro, Sherrod, and Kobus were on the rooftop as they were following Katrina, Candy, Suki, Zula, and Trixie—the girls are having a girl’s night out. The guys were trying not to be seen but it wasn’t so easy with all that fumbling and weapons hitting them in the face! “Ow. Careful with that.” Muttered Kobus crossly. “Quiet, they're looking.” Shushed Sherrod, he pulled out the binoculars.
“Hey, it's the girl.” Kobus said softly. “Where?” asked Jethro. “Oooh, now what?” Funske inquired. Lacey stopped and turned around as she looked startled to see them! “Guys!” rasped Sherrod. “What?” mumbled Jethro. “She's looking again.” Reminded Sherrod. “Hide, hide!” uttered Funske. They ducked down, there was a whack and a curse. “Aah. What did I just say? Careful with that!” Kobus snapped gently but rough. “They’re going to have fun.” Funske said in an excited tone, he took the binoculars from Sherrod to take a look. “No. Seriously?” Kobus answered with sarcasm. As he looks through them; Funske could see Lacey in the scopes. “Wow, what a babe.” Funske complimented. Parthalan held out his hand, “Let me see.” He said. Funske hand him the binoculars and Parthalan looked through them. “There. That's her, the babe.” Funske pointed at where Katrina is. He looked over and said, “She's cute.” Jethro smiled darkly, “She's good.” He eulogized. Parthalan looked up from the binoculars with a smirk on his face, “She's mine.” He declared. Funske grins at her, “Okay, go get her.” He exclaims. So Parthalan goes after her!
In the transmitting hours of extremist misinformation into homes deep in one of the biggest cities for the first time, according to officials and local residents. The voice among the radical terrorists has been carrying a lot of revolutionary propaganda and calling for followers to kill anyone who stands in the way of the radical terrorists since earlier this week, they said: "If something is not done, it will have very serious consequences." Most radical terrorists do not have televisions and radio is the country's most powerful form of mass media and has its own communications unit and often makes important announcement or threatens its rivals over the airwaves, has not yet managed to penetrate the country's urban centers. One night, a group of militants attacked the all girls school. They broke into the school, pretending to be guards, telling the girls to get out and come with them. A large number of students were taken away in trucks, possibly into the area of the forest where these people were known to have fortified camps. Houses were also burned down in the incident. The school had been closed for four weeks prior to the attack due to the deteriorating security situation, but students from multiple schools had been called in to take final exams in physics. There were 530 students from multiple villages registered for the certificate examination, although it is unclear how many were in attendance at the time of the attack. The children were aged 16 to 18 and were in their final year of school. Initial reports said 85 students had been kidnapped in the attack. Over the weekend, the military released a statement that said more than 100 of 129 kidnapped girls had been freed. However, the statement was retracted, and parents said 234 girls were missing. A number of the students escaped the kidnappers in two groups. According to the police, approximately 276 children were taken in the attack, of which 53 had escaped as to this day. Other reports said that 329 girls were kidnapped, 53 had escaped and 276 were still missing. At night; Sherrod was just talking amongst wealthy men who smoke but Sherrod didn’t. "So are you busy, Sherrod?" One of his friends asked. Sherrod nodded, "Yeah, I am." He said. "Nice, what kind of crew do you have?" His friend asked. "They are Parthalan, Funske, Jethro, and Kobus." answered Sherrod. The other two nodded, "Be careful with those guys." One of them said. "Why?" Sherrod asked. "Because those guys are scary, especially Parthalan and Jethro." The other warned. Sherrod was misunderstood by that warning: "Why do you all say that?" He asked. "Those bastards give me the freakin' goosebumps." remarked the other guy. His friend agreed, "They're like demons from Hell, I heard they have horns and fangs. Like vampires." He said. Sherrod laughs off this, "Aww come on, and they’re not that bad. They're good people." He said. "Well, OK. Good luck down there with those crazed-up assholes bro." The friends said. "We'll be praying good luck buddy, don't lose your head with those guys. Got it?" The other friend added. The next morning; Sherrod was asleep as his bedroom door opened and about footsteps that belong to six feet. Those six feet belong to three figures looking down at the sleeping Sherrod. "Good morning, Sherrod." Parthalan muttered. Kobus said: "Wakey, wakey." And a third male voice replied, "Rise and shine, Sherrod boy." Sherrod woke up all groggy, "What do y'all want?" He asked. "Come on, Sherrod, wake up." said Jethro. "Wake up." Funske replied, nudging Sherrod. Sherrod rose from the bed sheets as he rubbed his eyes, "I'm up. What time is it?" He inquired. "Doesn't matter. You said there was a job for us." Funske said, "What is it?" Parthalan smirked, "For what?" He pretended to ask but looked sly while doing it. "You know what, man." Parthalan said, excitedly. A while later; Kobus was looking at the job: "What the hell...?" He said. Sherrod glanced at the disappointed looks on his allies with a nervous expression. "What, are you serious? That's it?" snapped Funske. "That’s it? That’s what they were doing." Kobus remarked. "Don't blame me, I just found out." Sherrod claimed. The other boys sighed, "Damn. That won't even get us a night to get there." Jethro snapped. "I have another stragedy we could do around this." Sherrod offered. Kobus shot a glance at him, "Sherrod, do you know how dangerous that place is?" He said. They wanted to save the girls but they didn't know how they were going to. That was when Parthalan, Funske, Jethro and Kobus decided--without Sherrod knowing--they would take on the job and would save the girls. They sneak off as they opened the door with a rough slam; startling the others there! "Hold it right there, bastards! Back off!" shouted Funske. "Get your knees on the ground! You wanna die tonight? I don't think so!" This was too much for the other people in the room. "Don't kill me!" The kidnappers shouted, cowering in fear. They handed them the girls who are held hostage as they don't want to die. "Let's just get this money and go." Parthalan said to the other two. Funske laughed hysterically, "Hell yeah!" He said. "Move! Go! Go!" Kobus ushered. And they got away. Once they got back, they showed their friend the news as Sherrod looked at it in amazement, “Whoa.” Was all he could say! "Aww man." Funske laughed. Sherrod was surprised by how much money they got: "How did you do that?" He asked. "We took them all down." Funske said. "No flippin' way!" Sherrod gasped. "Yes flippin' way!" Funske said, "We did it. We pulled it off; we really friggin' pulled it off. It was awesome." Sherrod shook his head, "You guys are so crazy." He remarked. Parthalan sat back and thought about one of the girls, clinging to him: “I don’t know who you are, but thank you. You are a good man.” She said tearfully.
As she was on her journey to find wet-ware navigating system; Edith was listening to the all girls band, Limited 2, of different songs: “Go Against”, “Fairytale”, “Dreadfully Obsession”, “Together With”, “Should I?”, and “Always a Girl”. The members of Limited 2 are pretty girls—Zara Jabez, Fronia Edwards, Sweta Royce, and Momoka Dace! Edith also listens to Sharon, DJ Vaughn Parker featuring Ripley, and the Great Journey. To make the journey even more fun as her mind is full of sunny beaches, warm weather, blue skies, and hotels by the sea. In the town of Amerik; there is a girl who has a noblewoman exterior to her, her name is Vanya Hargrove. People treat her like a princess—even though she’s not but her father is known for being a blue blood. Her best friend is Allison Locomen: Allison has a very outgoing personality, and loyal to her friends. After visiting the grave of Vanya's father; there was a party as she was walking to her mother who was talking and laughing with people. Vanya wasn't sure if talking to her was a good idea as she was about to walk when she heard her mother called out to her. "Vanya, honey. Come say hello to Mr. Zevon Espas." said her mother. There was a young man with pale skin and dark hair, he looked about 16 years old as well as polite and kind with a hint of eyes looking wide awake like a normal person, it was the young man from the beach. "Hello Vanya." said the mysterious young man. Vanya looked at him, then she said, "Your name sounds familiar to me." Zevon laughed in surprise, "Really? I didn't know that." He said with innocence in his voice. "Yeah. Sounds weird, doesn't it?" said Vanya. Zevon shrugs, "I guess. I'm surprised by that name myself, funny how I'm named by the guy from my novel." He said. Vanya nodded, her mother seemed eager. "He and his adoptive mother have come from a place in an island, isn't it exciting?" She said. Vanya nodded but there was something about this boy she didn't trust. She continued to observe him, the way he was talking and laughing with others. This really was getting under her skin a little, she know she shouldn't however Vanya couldn't help it. He was definitely hiding something from her. From everyone that's around him. Surely, it was a mask he was hiding behind and didn't want anyone to know his true face exactly. One way or another, Vanya will uncover the truth. One night, Vanya was doing errands until she was attack by the undead zombies until she was saved by someone. She saw Zevon was standing over her with a stoic look. "Who are you?" demanded Vanya. Zevon smiled at her, "I think you know, don't you? You summoned me, didn't you?" He said. Vanya was so shocked, she knew his name was familiar and it was right there on her lips: "Zevon Espas..." She was staring off into space then she cried out, "You can't be real!" Zevon looked calm and casual, "But I am." He said with a shrug. Vanya pulled out the book and held it up for him to see, "Your character from the book." She claimed. "I already exist before the book was written." Zevon replied with serenity. Vanya looked at him with confusion which then turned to shocked, "What? You mean all this is based off--?" She stopped, then gasped in fright as Zevon chuckles sinisterly, "That's right." He said. "Oh...." was all that Vanya could say."Tch, I didn't know a foolish girl like you would be slow enough to figure it out." tsked Zevon. He circles around her slowly as he looks over at her. "You are so desperate, aren't you?" He said. Vanya responds back, "I just want to know." She sounded much calmer. Zevon stared at her, Vanya blushed. This boy, he was so handsome that it irritated her. Then, Zevon responds back. "OK, here. I brought you something." He said, he reached into his pockets. "What is it?" asked Vanya with curiosity. “It is a charm with a compass, keep it with you. Go, hurry! My allies will come and help you.” Zevon said, he showed her directions and Vanya obeyed. She was running away when she saw a building being destroyed and a big piece of debris was about to fall on her. Vanya was frightened to see the debris about to fall on her and she could not make her legs move until someone saved her. The debris fell to the ground, missing Vanya. She opened her eyes and looked up to see the champion, she couldn't believe it. It was a young man with wore his golden-blond hair short and neat with a parting on the left side. His eyes are and set in a broader face. Vanya felt shy, she couldn't believe this cutie came to save her. "Um...Thanks." She said. The young man smiled, "No problem, I was right to find you." He said. Vanya looked at him with surprise, "How--?" She asked. "Zevon sent me. I'm Diego Krakr, you're Ligeia right?" said the young man. Vanya was horrified, "Diego? You--you--Your Diego Krakr?" She stuttered. Diego nodded, "Yes." He said. Her safe rescue is short lived when a bunch of thugs confronted her, "Sorry sweetheart. You ain't safe any place." Just then, a young man with long, jagged, dark brown hair in a ponytail appeared and beat up the three thugs and the others. One of them was horrified as he turned to his leader, "Boss, I know that guy. It's him, it's Lothario Rumoree!" Vanya was amazed by this, "Lothario?!" She gasped. Lothario smirked at Vanya, he then turned to the men and fought them. Vanya watched him; she was amazed by this sight. And she was about to get away when she is in danger. One of the zombies was about to pounce her as Vanya prepared to fight back but the zombie was knocked to the ground. Vanya was shocked to see who it was: It was a young man with short black hair that covers his left eye and he wore a loose tank shirt and has pants that cut off just below the knee. He wears black boots and his hands are covered by fingerless gloves. "I got this." said the young man. Vanya looked at him with no surprise, "I believe you are from Zevon’s allies." She said. The young man looked at her, "That's right, I'm Shovon Ponco." He said, holding a hand to her. Vanya looked at him and took his hand, it felt warm. "Vanya Hargrove." She said. She was about to get away when she saw more monsters coming after her until a young boy with having short brown hair parted in the middle which flips outwards. His eyes are amber gold and his creamy white. "You OK?" asked the boy. "Yeah, thank you." admitted Vanya. "Good." said the young man. They were smiling at one another. "Oh, Vanya Hargrove." introduced Vanya. "Ah, Klaus Seneca." said the boy. Vanya looked at him, "Klaus.....Seneca....?" She asked with a double glance. "Yeah." replied Klaus. Vanya is shocked with surprise, she couldn't believe it. Has she lost her mind? She must be dreaming! "This isn't happening! This is all a dream, a dream!” She thought. While running up from rooftop to rooftop; Edith found an interfacing control system in the form of a water tank and went inside of it. The doors shut but then a few seconds later; Edith emerged in a mid-thigh, white, lace dress and was barefooted as well as placing her hands on the glass she was in. Then, Edith realized she was inside the wet-works navigate system! "So, this is the navigating system...." She thought. She managed to help Vanya and the mysterious boys where she rescues them and saves them while luring to her.
Crossing the tracks refers to crossing to the bad side of town; Jethro could see the infrastructure of this part of town is crumbling. Then, she saw someone—a girl with shoulder length red hair. She wore a skintight black suit. Her name is Maria McQueen but among the gathering storm of people walking when Maria wore a long, dusty black coat and she has a red, right hand! Jethro gasped, that girl has a red right hand like he has. He then spied on Maria, her mother, and a bunch of girls that they know: Esther has a sisterhood-like family that are beloved to her: Smilla, Slagvia and Romana. Esther and the girls were victims who had suffered from abuse, witnesses of seeing their loved ones murdered, and other great horrors they’ve encountered. Jethro only shared this information to Sherrod and he was pained by it all since he was shocked by the night that his aunt’s second boyfriend beat her up and how he intervene. Sherrod realize how serious this is for Jethro, he decides to help him in this operation by getting close to Maria! Crimson Blade Dojo is where the martial arts class are taught self defense where Maria, Esther and the sisterhood was observing this with interest however they were interrupted by a man who was showing two men around, much to the chagrin of the sensei however this man introduces these two as the new owners while he is retiring. The men are Quincy Thomason and Liam Keyes. Everyone applauded to this while the man also introduces a young gentleman by the name of Sherrod Collins. Sherrod explained that he and his family own the dojo as well while Quincy and Liam are simply the co-founders but he expresses great gratitude in them. He apologizes for interrupting as he has an important business to conduct to. After he was gone, a rather pompous show off woman name Lady Thalia would like to demonstrate her techniques but she is turned down by the sensei however she looks over at Maria as she smirked: “Trying to impress her? She’s more like a wannabe; she wouldn’t even try to show interest even if something fell onto her!” Thalia remarked, she and her gang laughed but a silhouetted figure glared at her from above. Thalia wouldn’t be laughing for long for a backdrop was about to crash onto her! Everyone screams, Thalia dodged it as she was freaking out by having a primadonna-like fit! “It’s him, The Crimson Curse!” One of the students whispered. Maria looked at her in confusion. Just then, Thalia is angry that nobody is doing anything to prevent them from happening and leaves in a huff! Just then, the female assistant sensei approached with a message from the mysterious Crimson Curse. “Oh for god’s sake! You and the students are fixated!” complained the main sensei. “He says, ‘I welcome you to my dojo that solely belonged to me and Mr. Collins. I would also like to point out two things—one is that you would keep Esther and her family safe from harm.” Said the female sensei. Esther was startled to hear this, “Me? You mean this is his dojo?!” She gasped. The female teacher continues, “And second, his salary is due.” Maria glances at her, “He has a salary?” She asked. “Why yes, the Grand Master pays him about one thousand, seven hundred and ninety nine trillions of dollars.” Replied the female sensei. Maria seized the letter as she exclaimed: “One thousand, seven hundred and ninety nine trillions of cash?!” Since Thalia had left, nobody could replace her however the female sensei offers Maria a chance to do so, she was uncertain however the female sensei has faith in her and insists to the sensei, who agrees half heartedly. However, the female sensei has faith in Helena as well as the others. Weeks later; Maria, Quincy and Liam as well as Thalia got notes from ‘Crimson Curse’. Maria is perplexed by Crimson Curse’s reference of being a ‘relative’ as Quincy, Liam, and Thalia were snubbed for being pretentious, conceited, and bombastic while slighting others like them. Thalia was weeping like a little girl and shouting for she had been offended so much. However, Thalia plans a hostage and violent betting against Maria, Esther, and the others as she was held in bounds by men who looked bulky and wore masks. Nobody was pleased to see however Thalia loved to see Maria, Esther and the girls suffer in great pain of all this. From above where nobody suspects, Sherrod was watching this with fear and displeased, a dark silhouette in the shadows expressed his anger: “You’re kidding me right?” He asked. “Nope, they definitely have Maria McQueen and Esther down there.” Confirmed Sherrod. “Put me on the microphone, NOW!” demanded the figure. Sherrod hurriedly gave the figure the microphone headset as the figure turned it on and spoke into it as the audience, Maria, Esther and the girls were shock to hear a male’s voice booming through the speakers: “DID I NOT INSTRUCT THAT ESTHER AND HER SISTERHOOD WERE TO BE KEPT SAFE FROM HARM?!” Everyone gasped! “It’s him, Crimson Curse!” whispered Slagvia. “It’s him, I know that’s him!” claimed Jolie. Thalia slaps Jolie, much to the anger of Esther and the girls. “You are suppose to keep your mouth shut, you little tramp!” scolded Thalia. “You are the hostage of this betting scheme.” She laughed as she thought this was all amusing in this cruel game she was playing. “A hostage, you tramp? Perhaps it is you who should become my hostage.” Crimson Curse said, scaring her again but she wasn’t afraid anymore. Thalia went on like nothing happened however her joints begin to ache and begin to crack as she reacts with pain and her skin becomes red like a rash! There was a creepy laughter coming from the speakers that petrified everyone in the audience. Thalia was trying to continue however she was in a lot of pain. Then, that creepy laugh was louder and more maniacally as Thalia cries out for help! From the speakers, it was Crimson Curse again as he managed to cry out: “BEHOLD! SHE FEELS THE WRATH OF CRIMSON CURSE!!!” He laughs at the terror he caused as the tearful Thalia was carried away by the men as the people fled in a panic while Maria escaped the horror she saw! While running away, she came across a dressing room inside as she could hear a voice behind the walls, which has a secret door and Maria descends down a winding staircase into the lower depths and finds her way back to the surface. On the surface, Maria saw a gondola over a subterranean lake where she takes voyage down the lake in the gondola where she looks over. Little did she notice that a figure in a clad of a red cloak and wore a tank shirt and a collar band around his neck.
For the time being; Sherrod learns about Maria’s past as well as her mother from Esther and the sisterhood: Single mother Helen McQueen raised her only daughter Maria McQueen. Helen is trying to understand why life isn’t fair and why everyone is so unhappy, she is lacking confidence and she feels like she can’t fit in with everyone else. Getting drunk and lacking better judgment, her grandfather is constantly harassing her in a very depraved yet sick things and even ends up resorting to desirable events and violence towards Helen! When the teachers notice her injuries, she lies about them because she’s afraid of revealing her grandfather’s abuse. Her mother never around most likely smoking and getting divorced to Helen’s alcoholic father, she feels like she doesn’t have anyone to talk to. The only person she has now is her mother, who is too occupied with even take her emotions into consideration. Her mother is unstable and thinks the relationship is nothing but the relationship between granddaughter and grandfather is almost always ending up abusive towards Helen. Her grandfather constantly subjects Helen to unwanted abuse, easily overpowering her with his strength and size as it leaves Helen completely defenseless. Helen tries to tell her mom about what her grandfather has done to her, but her mom doesn’t think that she’s telling the truth. Since her mother wouldn’t listen to her, Helen realizes that she’s on her own. Helen’s life is a living hell at home because of her mother ignoring her about the horrible abuse from her grandfather. Because of this, she thinks hell is her own home! By the time she was old enough, Helen is running away because of her life at home is nothing more than a living hell and learned to survive alone. One night; Helen got a disturbing phone call from her sick grandfather, who said some lewd things to her: "Ah, Helen....You are the light of my life. The fire in my loins--My sin and soul. Love at first sight, last sight, ever sight." He said in a creepy monotone. "I don't want you to call me." Helen said. Helen hung up the phone while Maria looked over at her mother who was quiet for a moment. "Are you OK?" She asked. Helen nodded, "I will be." She admitted. In all her time of growing up; Maria looks up to her mother very much, and thinks she's gorgeous. She thinks her mother looks even more beautiful tonight, with her hair done up all nicely but Helen begins to date a man name Red Stevens. When their relationship began, everything seemed so wonderful and it seemed like nothing could go wrong. The relationship that began so well turned to crap, she should have seen it coming yet still can’t believe it happened. Red has his own evils but these evils push the limits of those seen previously, she insinuates that this may be on par with or even worse than the devil himself. He is just going to stand there and watch her while she breaks down. She was one of those abused women become psychologically dependent on the abuse and the abuser gives them a sense of control. She has been a victim of domestic violence, possibly at the hands of Red. However, Helen has hidden her eye bruise well, presumably with makeup and she’s wearing a cheesy fake grin while joking around, pretending she’s okay. But Maria sees through those lies, knowing her aunt really isn’t okay even though she pretends to be in order to maintain the calm in the household. Red is a drinker, which is probably the reason he presumably hits Helen. Helen acts like everything is fine and kisses him after he has been drinking. Her lover apologizes to her mother by buying her jewelry! Red was able to manipulate her affection and love with his words, to her love is her love while his words are his teeth, her love is her blood. His careless whisper wasn't enough, she felt like he could make her feel overcome with love with even a word – leaving her heart feeling empty, and her chest hollow. It is hard for her to forget her love because she has already been absorbed what he tells her, he says he will make it better. Just telling her that he cares is useless because after what they have been through, it is just not enough. When he says the words to her, it’s basically saying nothing because he doesn’t care and she doesn’t feel as if it’s good enough. These words can be used carelessly without any thought, meaning or truth behind them! Helen is getting nothing out of the abusive relationship, only attraction which is not enough to maintain a strong and healthy relationship. She is trusting without knowing exactly what is going to happen. An abusive love; she has no reason to believe his promises, but she continues to do so regardless. She still tries to have faith in the person even though they give her nothing. It’s hard to learn as it’s hard to move on from this guy who hurt her over and over. At the same time, it’s hard for her to keep love in her heart, because it’s so painful. When he talks sweet to her it’s really empty words that had no feelings; the words are endearing or flirting words spoken to a loved one to express affection. The emptiness and the hollowness that the other person has given her in their relationship. Abusive relationships will leave women with some pretty serious bruises. Crying is the only response to releasing one’s self from the pain and suffering. She’s not just going to stay around and get her ass beat for no reason anymore and kicks him out. Helen’s thinking that just cutting him off might be the only way for him to learn. Obviously with all this pain, she thinks that they’ll only be hurting each other, and so she’s sick of him lying and her lying to herself. Obviously the guy is coming back to her all upset, telling her he can’t live without her. He can’t seem to understand how much grief he’s been causing her. Now that he’s regretting his decision, it seems that he believes he is the one hurting; he’s playing the victim, when his pain was inflicted. He claims been so conflicted with himself that there’s no way he can really want her — just the relationship. He only wants it because he sees it’s finally ending — not for the right reasons. But he continues to abuse Helen as Maria was not suppose to intervene or Red would get her too. Red never cared for his daughter and wasn't home a lot. She never did anything that caused him pain and that all his pain has been inflicted to her. He’s trying to get sympathy from her, as if she were the one causing his pain. She reminds him that he doesn’t really love her and that he was never hers, which is also probably something she’s just come to realize in the process. In her submissive, scared state; Maria could see that Helen has been dealing with a lover who has been wishy-washy with their relationship, and she’s finally sick and tired of all the trouble he’s been putting her through. He probably has broken up a few times, or has taken some sort of action that basically says he doesn’t really love her. If he really did love her, he wouldn’t be putting her through all this pain. He can’t seem to make up his mind on if he really wants her or not, and she’s sick of dealing with his conflicts and an inability to make a good decision that he doesn’t regret. She’s finally trying to be the mature one and finally find some peace for herself. She sees that he’s too conflicted to just leave her or take her, and to save them both from further pain, she’s decided that she just doesn’t want to be a part of it anymore. She is firm in her decision by making the decision for him. Getting him out of her life so she can move on, and so that hopefully he will learn.
Maria was an exotic dancer who is making money to go and live a new life from the life she live of sin and troubles. One night it was dark and there was no sound except the chirpy ringtone came from Maria's cellphone that was in her bag. She answered it, "Hello?" She said. Maria listened before she responds back, "Hey, it's me. Just got back from 'struttin' my stuff' if you know what I mean." Another pause and then she said, "I know, I know. Look, once I get that hundred grand; then I'm done. OK? It's my last tomorrow." A short pause, "OK, cool. Thanks." And she hung up after saying goodbye to that person. she’s determined to make the most out of this night. She encourages everyone to seize the night without worrying about the consequences that may or may not happen in the future. Maria really doesn’t care who’s watching or what they’re thinking when she’s out having fun. It should be obvious by now that she has no shame if she claims she brushes her teeth with alcohol on her toothbrush and toothpaste. Not surprising at all, seeing as Maria is a very wild and troubling girl! She wants to feel young and crazy, mulled alcohol is served warm, and they want to get some tasty action going on because she knows that’s how she will free people free! They are writing their names in the back of the bar, they’re being silly, laughing and causing mischief. She feels alive and full of adrenaline, sipping on beer, and she just want to have fun or have anything to do with them as they found boys are nothing but perverted, jerkass and self-absorbent. While partying, Maria recalled a troubled memory in the back of her mind: She thought she heard something and turned around. "Who's there?" She called out. No one answered so Maria kept walking however she felt like someone is following her so she begins to run but that was a big mistake. Her heel broke and slid down a steep street but the figures approached, evil chuckles. "Stay away from me!" cried Maria, but they didn't listen. Maria was attacked and tortured by five men. Just then, there were police sirens in the air and the men heard them as they escaped. Maria developed hatred towards men as she gets her revenge. It stripped her of her being a ecdysiast. Maria wakes up confused, hazed, and feeling like a tycoon instead of feeling like her true self. She puts on her sunglasses to get ready to party around the city. However, she's never again coming back to her previous self. Maria is preparing to club and get drunk but she's drunk yet late for the party. She doesn’t care about anything as long as she has plenty of alcohol all around, she will still turn up because she won’t turn back. The guys are lining up to get with her when all Maria cares about is getting all crazy, hyped up! Boys trying to fondle her but she'll smack the heck out of those boys who were trying to touch her or if they get too wild and drunk. Maria is gonna go on and on and party hard till someone kicks her out of the club, or the police comes and shut them. They ain’t gonna stop their partying with their on will. It is important music is in her life, where it can build Maria but it can break her, and it also makes her heart pound. Music gets Maria with her hands up and she really loves music and dancing. She is basically the life of the party and that nothing is complete without her. She can push a signal too hard through a PA, it makes a popping noise called clipping that also distorts the music. And helps situate Maria’s relationship with the music she’s putting out. She will be partying with her people until early the following morning! It may be late, but a party with Maria never ends. She also goes to places where they're a grungy part of the city where nobody will judge. Night time is when everyone starts thinking dirty. She can also be screwed up as she wants because she’s not the one who has to drive home, she’s sexy and she knows it. Along with her and her gang--They can make anyone fall in love with them because they’re so hot. People should know not to mess with Maria because she is reckless and will take you down. She’s wearing glitter eyeshadow, stockings that have rips all up the sides to show how punk she is. Turn up the volume of the music! She wants to party. She’s telling everyone about all their crazy mistakes. She wants the disc jockey to turn up the volume of the music because they’re going to party hard. They can do whatever they want and get away with it. They’re messing up the whole place, they are awesome and you have to accept it, you have no choice! No one can deny that Maria is badass in their own way. The tautology reiterates the sentiment that they can’t, and shouldn’t, be changed. People think Maria is just like any other girl. But she knows she’s something special. She’s tired of being dismissed as something not unique or special. Maria is a girl, but she often doesn’t act the way girls are expected to act. In fact, she can even seem a little violent at times. She’s more than capable of being raunchy and blood thirsty. Maria can be sexy and gritty, a personality which are especially frowned upon when exhibited by a girl. Being unladylike comes naturally to Maria, because her thoughts aren’t ladylike. Maria doesn’t think this is a particularly bad thing; she says "carnage" and "guts" so casually, one would think she was being somewhat sarcastic. Most girls are so concerned about their weight and how they look, they can have their fake food, but Maria’s going to enjoy the real thing. Girls are never encouraged to fight for things they want, or "let themselves go". However, Maria isn’t going to be a perfect girl. Maria doesn’t care about her weight or anything like that, and it bores her when girls obsess over their appearances because Maria doesn’t even bother thinking about it. The things they say don’t interest Maria and so she tends to tune them out or she responds back with sarcasm and rudeness, "So, you eat a lot of calories. Who cares? I’m falling asleep here from how boring you are, can’t you talk about something more interesting?" Of course, the other girls are likely unappreciative of this attitude, and don’t try to talk to Maria again. Mean girls are constantly get picked at by others, because of their appearance and actions. Making fun of "superior and rich" women makes self-conscious girls feel better about themselves. Society tells girls that they should be soft and polite, and not be capable of "fighting dirty" or breaking the rules. Maria doesn’t want to go along with what society is telling her to be. Because she doesn’t make an effort to fit in with the other girls, Maria is mocked and ridiculed. She believes the reason these girls gossip about her is to hide their own insecurities. The things they’re saying aren’t true anyways. Society wants Maria to be a typical girl and conform to its ideas of what a girl should be like, and for a while she even went along with it. But now, Maria’s going to laugh and do what she wants. She wants drama and carnage. But mostly carnage. She wears everything red! A mini skirt, a bandana bra, and high heels.
The metallic head above her sprayed sprouts of water on her bare skin, the blistering shock relax the tension in her muscles. Her wavy red tresses soaked in the rain of the shower. Maria closed her curtains as her fingers danced in those cherry locks of hers, unknotting the tangles as she yelped quietly. Hands dragged a soapy louffa against her body, washing the soap that scrubbed all over and erasing traces of bad odor and gunk. She let the steaming rain caress her body while the coating of bubbles dissolves and rinsed away. She thought about her day: How she walked but while trying to leave, there was a timid young man in a hoodie, jeans, and sneakers as he approached her. “Hey pretty birdy, you free tonight or what?” The man asked. “Ugh, are you kidding me?” Maria moaned. “C’mon, how ‘bout it?” The man persisted. “Look, Henry, it’s late and I’m ready to call it a night. How many times do I have to tell you? I told you, I’m not interested.” Maria said. “But…” Henry protested. “No, you just listen. Have a good night.” Maria scolded. “Come on, you’re just playing with me.” Henry begged. “Go home, Stan. Take a hint, I’m not into you.” Maria elucidated. Henry was enraged; he seized Maria and pulled her in. Maria was scared out of her wits however the bartender tries to intervene however Henry threatened him to back off. “I try to do well and this is the thanks I get?! NO WAY IN HELL ANYONE IS GOING TO TAKE HER FROM ME AGAIN!!!!” shouted Henry. That is until Henry is hit from behind, loosening his grip on her who looked up and saw who it was her. “I said stop so back off!” Maria demanded. Henry growled, “Why are you trippin’?! I know you want me oh so badly.” Maria laughed at him, “Oh please, don’t hold your breath.” She remarked. “If she did want you, then you wouldn’t be the first loser for trying.” She turned and left. Henry followed her and unleashed carnivorous monsters to chase after Maria, who sense that they are coming and lures them the shrine to take them out. However, Maria snapped out of it where she begins to summon a carnivore vascular plant with a carnage biomass tendencies called Venerum Regles as it had its maw trapped them while the sharp teeth pierces the beast before chowing down in the most violent way. Maria’s clothes dissolved but the whirlpool concealed her nakedness, she remarked during it: "I don't like to be touched but this makes me all fifty shades of bloody messes. I want you sore, every time you move; I want you bastards to be reminded of who can turn more the to the second power." She smiled, "You're the serpent, I'm Eve in the garden and I can't resist seeing you squirm..." The monsters cried out in pain. Once the monster was now away after the summoning was over; Maria's clothes came back and she realized what she did. She had no idea that she could do that! It was incredible. "Raising the ordinary to extraordinary." Maria remarked. The monsters of vampires with large, horned bat wings. She smirked at them all, "Aww look at you look tired. Let me tuck you in." She said. She then used her red right hand against them as they howled and growled. They were about to charge after Maria stopped them before they could reach her: "Do you naughty blood-suckers deserve a good spanking?" She said. She used a blood-like weapon and stabbed them in the heart, the creatures cried out in anger. Maria grinned with triumph, "Laters, baby." She purred. And it exploded into dust. "Insolent child!" The creature cried, lunging at her. Without turning around; Maria said: "You're probably wondering why I don't like to be touched, I'll tell you specifically.....I'm fifty shades of blood and violence, nobody brought me into the world of violence but I am here to take down a creepy freaks." She explained. The monsters growled at her, "Infidel! You cannot defeat us!" It tried to attack however Maria disappeared and appeared behind one of them as she used her heel to crush its head as she said, "I want you sore, my dear friend. Every time you move, I want you to be reminded that I’ve been here. Only me. You are mine." Then she killed it and turned to the others, preparing for the next battle. She said, "Let's rock, baby!" And the fight begins. Swift and furious with a vengeance; Maria managed to slay them all. "You've played enough hide and seek, my scurrying friend!" Maria said, she catches up to the beast and it said, "Daughter of a harlot? The harlot who was abused so scandalously by her old man. And I'm not just saying her daddy." But was killed on the spot. Maria said to the corpse, "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to mention one of the reasons I hunt your kind. You're much too ugly not to put out of your misery. Another is that your scent is like a drug to me, my very own personal brand of heroin. Although, heroin is a squirming way to inject blood into to make you feel good but it sickens me." Maria looked at the creature. "You know, you're not nearly so ugly when you're screaming." She remarked. "Yours is a face only a mother could love, and one I could never forget. If only I could remember where from."
Free but traumatized; Maria feels her life is like being trapped in a cage. Every time she tries to get better she keeps thinking about going insane over and over again! Maria knows she can’t escape what she is no matter how hard she tries and regrets every decision that she’s made that’s made her who she is. No matter what she does there is still this anger inside of her she can’t get rid of. No matter what she does her life is a living nightmare. She is afraid that she may do something dangerous and hurt herself or someone she cares for. Now that she has reached this point of a total loss of control, she’s begging for someone to help her escape the hell she has turned her life into. At first, she wonders what would happen if people were to see her dark side. Would they stay by her side, or leave in fear? Maria has become a monster and her personality changed for the worst. Maria is a bad girl in disguise, she is under the guise as a normal woman. She is going out to find a new man, so men should be forewarned that she is on the hunt. Some men are looking for a tame woman, but Maria’s got other ideas. There’s a full moon, so Maria is ready to transform into a she-wolf! She isn’t getting as much out of the relationship as she is putting into it. Apparently boys are neglecting her. She feels left out, so she’ll find a man who will cooperate with her and tell the other guys about her new love. Maria is like a hunter as hunters in the animal world like to look at their targets directly in the eye, she'll sniff them out. She feels like a werewolf where werewolves never die, so there’s no need to act cautiously! Maria will be calling up the department looking for some hotties, and also that this she-wolf is going to be wreaking havoc, so may need the fire department to put out any fires she starts. Maria is a warrior and compares herself to a wolf. She feels like they don’t let her enough freedom and she need air circulation! She keeps defused bombs that almost killed her emotionally, she essentially having much caution when she is around this boy, not knowing how he feels about her. Even though she’s on his side and wants the best for him, he still fights and argues with her. Now she’s sick of him playing around with her. She’s no longer trying to help him and is ready to leave if he isn’t in this for the long run. This boy won’t just let her in and allow himself to be with her, instead of constantly giving her mixed signals. In addition, she doesn’t understand why he’s fighting against her when she wants the same thing that he should want. Maria does not understand why this guy insists on making their love a competition; she just wants to love him freely but he isn’t willing to do that. Maria doesn’t want him to leave her waiting for an answer, she needs to know whether he is in this for the long run or not! She is fully aware of this guy’s faults and problems. Every time this guy changes his mind, Maria gets hurt. The games that he plays on her, by constantly changing his mind about whether or not he wants to be with her, hurt her. Now she's leaving it entirely up to him, as she realizes there’s nothing she can do if he wants to leave her and there’s no use wasting her energy by fighting with him. It’s an ultimatum. Leave, or stay. She has laid her guns down and she wants peace whatever the outcome may be. She once heard: "If you choose your battles then you will come out on top victorious!" This guy is just hurting himself and setting himself up for failure while Maria wants to show him what he could experience if he could just allow himself to be with her. She has had enough and decided not to fight with him any longer. If he keeps messing her around by not choosing whether he wants her or not, she is ready to abandon him. It doesn’t take a lot to cause a chain reaction. Despite her past, she’s ready to tell the world what she has to say – she wants to be heard, loud and clear. Maria spent most of her life holding back the things she wanted to say, thus causing her to have a destructive mindset – as destructive as a wrecking ball slamming into anything and everything in its way. Her current situation is causing everybody to worry about her, even causing her to lose friends. Although she is longing for something, she still believes that she can do whatever she originally set out to do. After all, she can trigger explosions with just a match, so her fiery passion will get her through. Now; she’s taking back her life, she’s doing okay, and that she doesn’t need people to believe in her because she’s determined to keep fighting. It’s not her problem if people don’t think she’s strong enough to fight back all the negativity. She knows she is. She is given herself confidence to do better, be better, and keep pushing forward regardless of the circumstances. A guy trying to give her some lame pick-up line like she hasn’t heard it before. For Maria, she has short relationships with men to fulfill her needs. They make the mistake of falling in love with her. Maria thinks the boys are hungry to have some fun with her and her friends! She knows the boys want her, but she treats them like a dog to get it. He’s just been another one of her conquests & that she’s a harlot like him. Some guys looks for foolish, dumb girls while Maria looks for dumb guys too, nobody will ever come across a young yet treacherous woman quite like Maria McQueen! Men could buy her the riches and be romantic and make her love them tenderly and know what a woman's worth is. Maria wants to get treated right and with respect that is given not just glory with riches, to show what she is worth. If any man fails to make her his priority she will leave the boy and find someone who can value her worth. If he treats Maria equally, she will give him her temple! Treat her how a real woman should be treated with respect and love. If he never cheats on her she will be real with this guy when the road gets tough! She is always there for her soon to be man and he really shouldn’t take her for granted because she can always find another who will treat her right. A real man knows a queen when he sees one and isn’t afraid to show her love and respect when it is due and won’t deny it. The conversation has reached its peak. Maria stopped talking because she didn’t want the conversation to go downhill. He made a great first impression which she’s interested with him and puzzled as to how he fell for her so fast. This girl is innocent, naïve! He doesn’t have anything to offer. Still, he wonders why lonely people don’t at least take him in for companionship. This guy makes her want to experience things she's never felt, she may not yet a woman, so she can’t be held accountable for her actions. Maria likens her transformation when the moon is full and cause mayhem and destruction. She was like a creature breaking out of its cage to feed. They could try to go for a drive, but her passions and lusts are mounting and it won’t be long before she wants to jump his bones. She only needs one day; she’ll get any guy to become a savage like him. With the full moon, she’ll become a rabidly tyrant and she is wickedly opinionated as she will blow him away. Maria knows she has that killer instinct inside of her and that she's an animal and is baiting her male victims by telling him how lucky he is. Maria has fully morphed into her werewolf-like state. While she’s now a different form, she likes it and finds pleasure in the new state of her mind and body. She wants to take this to the next level. She wants guys to turn into a beast with her and it's a new feeling, but she wants them to go with it now! The curse is the desire for blood and revenge. Her bite is what cements the curse to be something new; she made him into a different person and rode off into the moonlight with her! One of the employees left the back door open for easy, discreet access for Maria McQueen and her crew of bad girls like her. She is the ringleader of this band of miscreants, is encouraging the members of her boost crew to stick with her, without hesitation or question. She is going to take over the club by getting everyone to not letting them leave so she might get the information she wants. Maria is in charge, because she’s willing to take extreme measures to make sure her demands are met. She and her crew and pretty, sick, young and bored, they will more likely than not be getting into some mischief later in the night. Maria is making a list of the people in the club so they can sort through and separate out the most valuable hostages. Most likely they’re looking for folks carrying a lot of cash, and if they’re a really sophisticated crew, they’ll be running names through a wealth screening database to check for high value targets. Things are about to get nuts, so it’s time to break out the guns and grab some hostages. Maria and her crew rain bullets and despair on their unsuspecting prey! Humiliating them in this way helps to break their spirits, thereby making them easier to manage. The appearance of insanity by captors can be a powerful deterrent to prisoner revolts. Uncertainty about the captors’ reactions makes the prisoners think twice before stirring things up. Maria is already taken over the club and people better accept that, if Maria’s demands aren’t met, she and her gang plan to blow up the club. There were empty rooms in the motel, but her mother Helen didn’t approve of what her niece was up to. The house they were staying at was run down; anywhere with a bed is prime territory for Maria's work and it gets messy afterwards. That’s why Helen didn’t open for the neighbors to come all the time for visits! Not fully seen; hidden. It isn’t something that is open to everyone. The night they were going to spend together would be unforgettable, through the loss of all emotion at the point of pleasure while she seeks the death of her worries & fears. By indulging in too many sorts of affairs, emotions tend to fade away. However, Maria is hurrying back to a small town to talk to someone, but perhaps forgot in her hurry! A chiasmus of sorts. Though she was rushing, Maria gets quite low when she remembers she forgot to call her. Her feelings don’t change for this passion she has for blood, no matter what bad things she finds out about any guy she comes across with. They’re alone tonight, no one can distract either of them from their relationship and feelings. And since she’s losing interest in him, she wants her to read her feelings as she figure out she’s not into him anymore. This boy is always talking about himself and wants to be the center of attention. Maria wants him to talk about his heart, how he feels and what actually matters. The boy always looking for attention, they are constantly surrounded by people and the boy who she really likes and who obviously has a lot of confidence and ego, is not talking. It seems like he is avoiding talking about feelings. So she wants to know if there is anything more in the relationship, she wants him to talk about her feelings instead of keeping it in her head. Maria thinks back to when they met. They were both much younger back then – they have known each other for a long time. They’ve also aged a lot in the time they have known one another, through experiences and wear on their bodies. She’s so struck by the violent side that she doesn’t know how to react. Maria has got him completely turned upside down and inside out; he’s extremely infatuated with her. She feels like one of those innocent school girls just waiting to get taught a lesson! He feels like she’s so wonderful that he may foul up a chance to be with her. That it is only strike two would indicate that he has already failed twice, and he is going to keep trying regardless. Nevertheless; Maria doesn't care about relationships. She's going to make him realize that she has an advantage and in control, her acts are in an angry, threatening manner! However, she managed to seek out help from Esther and her sisterhood. And it worked, she recovered from the pain she suffered and the bitter personality was lifted off her shoulders.
Back with Jethro; he watches over Maria who arrived at the other town after getting out of the gondola and walked around. While watching her movements; Jethro remember how he came home to find Earl beating Terri—in front of the kids! “You stupid witch! You are nothing! Nothing!” Earl screamed. The children were cowering in fear as they were scared to do anything. Angered by this sight; Jethro’s right arm became mangled flesh and Jethro charged in as he brought down Earl with one slam to the ground. Jethro was mad as he glared down at Earl with viciousness in his eyes. “You son of a bitch! Who do you think you are doing this to me?” demanded Earl. “I am your curse filled with crimson of your blood. The next time you do this to my aunt, I will take you down and break your skull open, do you understand?! Don’t you ever lay a hand on my aunt in front of her children!” growled Jethro. In the present, Jethro thought in his mind: "Aunt Terri you should remember the way Earl used you and abused you. How he told you you were stupid or he couldn't even look at you anymore. How he said that you were crazy, how you couldn't do anything right and blames you for making him so angry. He pushed you in the hallway so it's enough to hurt you a little bit. He has booze from his breath, he lies so much. Earl would tell you he would never do it again, but he can't take it back. The proof of his abuse is right there on your skin, in your memories and your heart. Earl would sure come back and beg for you to forgive you. He wants you back but he keeps doing it! How his sisters call you a harlot, a hussy. Remember what hell he did, I know I did!" He knows that Earl, the radical terrorists and the abusive people in Aunt Terri’s life that had hurt her so much but she always kept hold on the positive things in her life. He remembers the destruction of two skyscrapers crumble before you. That was the day that many people lost their lives both in plane and in the buildings. A cult known as ‘radical terrorists’ but that’s not the first time that it happens. They had caused other disasters so violently that many people either died or injured. It was so bad enough that it had to do with murdering folks and sometimes themselves for the sake of their ‘Heavenly Savior’. It wasn’t until they had kidnapped three hostages, no matter what their loved ones begged and cried; those hostages were dead! Then, a suicidal bombing while a concert was going on that injured people and killed a lot of folks. And now, a banquet party turned into a nightmare when two couples who were radicalize terrorists killed fourteen people, a policeman, and injured many. He remember the words of how people are savages and thought to himself, "I was told about the nature about how people can be such savages. Conflict will always exist as long as humans are on Earth. Things like murder and war; they have over time become a part of human culture as a whole. Just like animals, humans weed out the weak until only the strong survive. Under the economy, the people with the most power are the rich. These rich people will literally buy off politicians so their own goals will be heeded. In some cases, the rich have complete control over the news media, so even the information as people get are swayed purposefully. It’s truly ghastly. A clash between different types of people has always been a part of human nature and history, and the strongest always wins. The tragic things that happen every day in the world are a product of natural capability and choice. Our current approach in the media of condemning and punishing criminals is not adequate, and if we are to curb these behaviors, then we must uncover the underlying causes. This coincides with the goal of incarceration, which is to rehabilitate rather than solely punish those that break the law. It’s so hard to reconcile how one man can be running a charity race, while another man is building a bomb to blow this person up. Don't think you're alone in thinking other inexplicable acts raise concerns in people’s minds. We are left to question the atrocities that we face in this day and age, but those in the past as well: what can drive living, breathing humans to carry out one of the largest mass murders in history? Why do we want to hurt one another? Perhaps the human tendency to kill and ensue war is in our DNA, but now she contemplates her judgment, trying to figure out if the bad things that humans do are a part of our legacy, or inheritance. Humans are thinking creatures that can betray themselves. It’s not uncommon practice for people to lose themselves in a moment or to commit an act totally unlike yourself. It’s very easy to forget that your idealized self and ideal set of beliefs do not sync with yourself or your actions on a day to day basis. humans do everything with less grace than animals. We use animals as a term to define bad and selfish people and animals are the worst thing, in my opinion. I mean, we are wild. We maintain the traits of babies and wild animals. Humans have lost sensibility about matters, and they see their body as a material thing and a way to have fun. The world is always in a tragedy caused by bad men. Hatred is generated by this generation, especially by greed. The only things humans can do in this world is participate in war. Could this tendency towards brutality be a recent change in our culture? Some factor that was preventing destruction may have existed in our genes but has been unraveled recently. Are humans are born with their thoughts and behavioral traits or if they are learnt? Are you killing because your holy text has told you to? Or because of your instinct to kill? Underneath our image of social cohesion; we’re capable of horrific actions. People would subject another innocent human to a lethal punishment, if a credible authority ordered it. Our environment influences how we behave — many times in recent history, when an individual has stood at the ledge of buildings threatening to jump, crowds of hundreds of people shout encouragements to leap. Yet those same people would like probably to believe they are civilized, maybe we can’t understand our capacity for cruelty. Discrimination and other horrendous things in life are still alive and they’re running well through the blood of savage human-beings but not everyone. We’re just like a little child or an animal still learning how to even crawl on this earth."
He continues to follow Maria and keeps up with her. Maria could sense him and threw back her dusty coat to activate her red right hand as she clashes with Jethro! “Who are you?” She demanded. But she saw Jethro’s red hand: “You--! You’re the Crimson Curse! What do you want?” stipulated Maria. “I just want to keep you safe, to get to know you better…That’s all I want to do.” Said Jethro. Maria looked at him with confusion, she runs off, she couldn’t believe it! “Why did he say that to me?” She thought. From the rooftop; Jethro watch her go and soon he would keep watch over her.
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