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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Il Muto/Poor Fool He Makes Me Laugh THEORY

Poor Fool He Makes Me Laugh is a metaphor song that is making fun of the Phantom, the Countess resembles the mocker and the other servants are her entourage. The Countess' husband is somewhat of the Phantom that try to get the audience to mock the idea of the existence of the Phantom of the Opera. They're trying to convince others that the Phantom is not real and he's just a fairytale. Serefimo is supposed to represent another mocker but this one is a mute so he cannot say much. When the Phantom realizes he's being made fun of, he interrupts the performance and 'casts a spell' on Carlotta to humiliate her as he causes the chandelier to frighten those that mock him. The Phantom is supposed to be the enchantress that casts a spell on Carlotta, who represents the selfish prince in a way.

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