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Thursday, July 6, 2017

Cosmic Convergence V3--Chapter 10

Got another chapter of Phenomenon Serendipity 3, take a look at what happens next. Please enjoy, thank you very much! BTW; Not everything has to do with money, I don't get paid to do so don't get your hopes up. Besides, I am very great and so are you but don't think you're greater cuz I'm the best sucka! LOL! --KatDon 

Chapter 10: Psycho 

“How is being an agent help you with this world you’re in?” asked Kynan. Bonnie shrugged, “I just want to help these people.” She said.  In the present on a mission; Bonnie is told by Mariella to find someone that the Hellions refer to him as ‘Psycho Hottie’. With a dimly light and a weapon, Bonnie entered the cavern as it has lights but then she saw the lights were out except a single lantern lit the room, dangling from the ceiling by a string. It cast moving shadows and Bonnie blinked in the darkness. She could hear sound echoing off the hallway walls outside the door. Screaming, clanging, howling, all very distant but that did nothing to help calm her nerves. “Hello?! Is anyone there? Hello!?” Bonnie called out. Nobody answered, Bonnie cursed to herself: “Shit, I’m freaking myself out!” She whispered. The dark cavern remained silent except for the constant echoes. There were hands around her neck. Many hands grabbed her, Bonnie moaned. There was another hand holding her legs. Laughter. Bonnie realized it was Hellions, she kicked and thrashed while screaming: “Help me!” Bonnie kicked them and tried to get up, she felt them leering at her and said, “SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!” She turned away. The hand that had attacked her disappeared into the darkness and there were groans. Then, there was a Hellion screaming about how they couldn't kill the guy because he 'won't die already'. Bonnie was confused, she had no idea what's going on. It was so dark, she was shivering. Suddenly, a shadow flies past her, moving at an un-human speed. Bonnie pauses and was un-nerved; she was looking around suddenly something leaps over her, knocking her backward to the ground! It moves as fast as she saw only a brief shadow, Bonnie panics now. “Who's there?” She called out. Bonnie bolts in a different direction. “Who's there? What do you want?” She asked. The shadow darts pas her; Bonnie yanks her hand back. “OH GOD, WHO IS THERE?!” She cried. Just then, Bonnie felt someone strong grab her from behind. She wrestled with him for a moment, but he quickly overpowered her and pulled into the darkness. Bonnie screams and thrashes when a voice said, “Will you cool it? I’m not gonna hurt you!” Bonnie couldn’t see the guy, it was so dark in there, “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!” She demanded. “Kendan Ramos.” The guy said. “Kendan? That’s your name.” Bonnie noted. “Yes! Kendan Ramos, heard of me?” Kendan queried. “Uh…yes.”  Bonnie lied. Ban snickered, “Ha, don’t believe you.” He retorted. Bonnie rolled her eyes, “Well, I can’t see you in here. Wanna tell me why?” She said sarcastically. “’Cause I shut the lights off in this damn place.” Ban remarked. Bonnie was surprised, “You did that?” She squeaked. “Mmm hmm, sure did.” Kendan said. He sounded so smug. Bonnie grinned, “Damn boy.” She said. Hellions were attacking again however outside the cavern, Bonnie managed to turn the lights on and then Bonnie felt the lights were bright that were flickered on! “Of all the insane…” Bonnie muttered, she looked up and her eyes widened. Kynan and Ipsita both shouted: “WHO THE HELL IS THAT GUY?!” Bonnie saw this as she could see the guy as he is a hottie but has a psychotic aura around him. The Hellions stared in amazement until they all grinned in unison and laughed. Bonnie turned to see them advancing, “Your ass is ours, you son of a bitch!” One of them demanded. Kendan smirked at them, “Bring it on, freaks!” He dared. But then, the Hellion was kicked and it was Bonnie who glared at the creature. “Sorry, but man….that was annoying!” Bonnie exclaimed. “Ohhh, you ingrate human!!!” screamed another Hellion and the brethren started pounced. Bonnie didn’t hesitate to fight back against the monsters and took them out! Ban stepped in, “You think you can face them alone? Tch, come on!” He said. “Well, I can fight too can I?” Bonnie said. “Yeah but watch this…” Kendan said, he was swift around the Abominations and then he got one of the Hellions’ organs. Bonnie let out a sharp gasp, “OH MY GOD!!!” She exclaimed. “WHAT THE HELL?!” Kynan cried. “HE JUST GOUGE OUT OF THOSE FREAKS’ HEARTS!!!!” Hindel smiled in amusement, “How impressive.” She said. “Son of a bitch!” Bonnie gasped, “You’re a psycho!” Kendan laughed, “Don’t get scared, I’m a force of nature now.” He said. “OK then, I got a plan.” Bonnie said with a smirk. “Really? What is it?” Kendan asked. Bonnie takes Kendan by the waist and grins, “We’re gonna fly boy!” She said. And she flew out of the cavern by using her dark powers. They managed to land somewhere safe. It was then Bonnie was left alone as she lost sight of the guy, and was confronted by guards: “You have interfered with our battle against the enemies. You saved them, why? Why let them get away?” said the guy. Bonnie’s face became hard, “They’re not the enemies.” She declared. The sword is poised at her neck, “Oh really?” He said with a sneer. Just then; someone stopped them and the knights fell down with grunts and complaints. Then, a voice said: “Leave her alone!” Bonnie peered over and looked surprised, the guards couldn’t see at first as one called out, “Who’s that?!” There was a blonde haired kid, blue eyes; cherub looking face but had black purple markings on his face-it was the guy from before. The guards were shocked, “It’s Kendan Ramos.” Bonnie gasped, “It’s him, the guy!” She thought. “Hold it, there’s someone you have to meet.” Said the little boy. Bonnie looks at him, “I’m in a rush, sorry!” She said. Just then; Kendan pulls on Bonnie’s arm, “Who are you?” He asked. Bonnie stared at him, “Who are you?” She asked. “What’s with those powers?” Kendan asked. “How did you get those powers?” Bonnie gasped. “Let’s just I’m someone you shouldn’t reckoned with.” Kendan said. Bonnie tilts her head sideways, confused. “What?!” She gasped. “You’re both on the same side!” The boy exclaimed. Just then; Kendan looked and saw a girl: She wore an over-sized baggy dark red sweater, tall combat boots and multi-layered pink skirt. He smiled darkly, he thought that she could be part of the Holy Knights. In the meantime; Lily looks around for Clover when she felt someone behind her. Lily was confused, she turned and gasps while she ran. “Hey Kendan, wait!” Bonnie called. Just then in the chase; Lily felt Kendan grab her from behind. Lily grunts and then gasps at how tall he was! “Hello sweet thing!” Kendan said with a leer. “Oh crap!” Lily gasped. Clover arrived to confront Bonnie, trying to get Bonnie to stop as she wants to deal with the Hellions however she ends up fighting her. But Clover was hit cold by Bonnie, Lily cried out: “JUNO!!!!!” Bonnie was stunned, she looked surprised. “Whoa, didn’t know my own strength.” Bonnie said with a winced but she smiled nervously. Lily let her head drop in defeat, knowing that she had failed. Kendan runs his hand on her chin. “Don't worry, little girl, She'll be OK. You're lucky that ain't you. The look on your face, you look helpless. It's kinda cute.” He taunted her, he laughed a little. Panicked; Lily jams her elbow into Kendan’s chest, breaking free. She grabbed her relic and held it, “Back off! I got this and I ain’t afraid to use it!” Lily threatened. Kendan pretends to be in pain, “Augh! You hurt me…That really hurt….” He said in mock whimpering but a smirk appeared on his face. The bruise on his chest vanished, Lily gasps. She lunged at him as she pulled out a knife and impaled him but he healed fast. The only thing she heard that the healing process was stomach churning. Lily made a face, “Oh god, that’s gross…” She moaned but she grinned, “…That’s hot.” Her relic is activated, pink colored mist surrounding her. Her pink hair glowing, her complexion resembled a deathly pallor, dark circles under her pretty eyes, pale red lips, and she wore a flowing; loose sundress, has draped open pockets, a wrap belt and tough combat boots. Behind her were monsters of Corruption: There were a giant bloody skull head, a screaming oily corpse, a dead bride in the skeletal state and a woman beady eyes, a jaw like an orangutan, and an alien-esque slit-like mouth curved into a vague smile. There were incoherent, muffled and demonic looking creatures. They held blood stained weapons as one of the dismembered limbs was what the enemy legion was holding in their hands. Everyone she knew and cared about was whimpering as they were bleeding profusely. And there was the headless children picked up their bloodied heads and carried them. A family has eyes begin to glow! “Whoa…” Kendan said. “Oooh honey, do you want me now?” Lily purred. “Lily!” A voice called from the relic. “One second, I gotta do this.” Lily said. But the voice exclaimed from the relic, “LILY KAPRAV!!!” The shouting made Lily jumped. “Awww, I’m just getting to the good part!” Lily whined. “You made your point!” Her Nightmarcher assured her, “This guy is someone who’s one of the good legion.” Lily looked at Kendan and bowed, “Sorry ‘bout that!” She turned and ran off! Bonnie came up beside him, “She’s a force you don’t want to reckon with.” She said. “Like those savages?” Kendan asked. Lily didn’t run so far as she heard him and stopped. “…Savages?” Lily asked in nervous. “OK, so can someone explain to me what’s going on?” inquired Kendan. Lily seized Bonnie and splayed onto the tavern floor while exclaiming, “Gang-ho!  This is the work of the Hellions! They have sucked the surface world of its people! And now will hunt us down for Sunday supper!” Lily yammered. “Of its people? Sunday supper?” Kendan asked, cracking a nervous smile. Lily’s maniacal state worsens as she glared at him. “Again? Why do you answer me with questions? This is an outrage! You must leave at once! Out-out-out-out-OUT!” Lily shouted as she tries to push Kendan out until he ran into Bonnie. Bonnie looked surprised, “Uh-oh. Sat in the insanity, didn't you? Lily, now what have I told ya about playing nice with the other kids?!” She said as she holds up a black folder. “Get back! I got the secret weapon, and I'm not afraid to use it!” Bonnie said. Lily hisses at the black folder and runs out of the room. Bonnie whips at her as she cried out, “Back off, manic pixie! Back into the wonderland from whence you came!” Kendan watched Lily run off, giggling. He shakes his head while snickering. 

That night; Bonnie was trying to sleep but feels annoyed by Kendan’s snoring. However, she finds it calming. Just then, Bonnie heard Kendan mumbling as she perked her ears in interest. She heard the name ‘Kokona’ many times. “Who the hell is Elaine?” thought Bonnie. The next day; Bonnie woke up and saw that it was Kendan awake and yawning so she greets him but couldn’t contain something.  “I had a pleasant night.” Bonnie said with a smirk. Kendan turned to her, “Why’s that?” He asked. Bonnie shrugged while trying to keep a straight face, “Oh, I didn’t sleep well but hey I had something entertaining.” She replied. “What?” Kendan asked. Bonnie glanced at him, “Uh…You talk in your sleep?” She said. Kendan looked shocked, “WHAT?!” He looked away embarrassed, Bonnie grinned while saying: “Kept hearing you saying ‘Kokona’, ‘Kokona’, who the hell is Kokona?” Kendan gave her a look, “No one.” He answered. “Didn’t sound like no one.” Bonnie teased. “Boy, do you have a girlfriend?” Kendan gave a smirk, “Sort of. Just wanna make her mine. That’s all. I….liked her….She feels the same way about me.” He admitted shyly a little. “Ohhhh!” Bonnie breathed. “That is so romantic!” She clapped her hands in delight. “Kendan here just wishes he could buck in between Kokona's legs.” Aricia remarked. Aricia laughs. But she is shoved by Bonnie who glares at her, “Aricia, keep a civil tongue in that mouth, or I will sew it shut. Understood?” She said. “Ha! You don't pay me to talk pretty. Just because Kendan gets lubed up over some babe in the woods...” Aricia said. “Walk away from this table. Right now.” Bonnie interrupted. Aricia stared at her and then she got up & left. “Well, I don’t know ‘bout you but I’m gonna get some sleep.” Kendan said, he left the tavern. “Someone needs to talk to that guy.” Emily said. Lily waves, “I will go!” She piped up. The others ignored her. “Someone with good people skills.” Remarked Zizi. “I will do it!” Lily jumped while cheering. “Someone who won't scare him away.” Isabel said. “I volunteer!” Lily chirruped. “Someone who can speak the 'language'.” Aricia said with quotation marks. “For the good of the mission, I will go!” Lily tweeted. Emily smiles at Bonnie, “Good thinking, Lady Mason. Thanks for volunteering.” She said. Bonnie looked surprised, Lily groaned. Later on; Bonnie paces around, wondering what to say. She then said to herself, thinking she’s alone: “You don’t know me, I don’t know you. I’m not leaving until you help me out with finding those freaks!” Just then, she felt someone seized her. “You don’t know me, I don’t know you. I’m not leaving until you help me out with finding those freaks!” A voice said. Bonnie gasped and jumped back, “You son of a bitch! You scared me!” She gasped, shoving Kendan away. Ban laughs, “Feisty huh?” He joked. “Ha ha.” Bonnie said bitterly. “Oh come on, you have to admit I got you there. But you got something that you know and I need a little more explanation.” Kendan rejoined. “Well big boy…I’m giving you a head start, you’re gonna need it.” Bonnie purred. But then, she realized something and gritted her teeth: “The Dollhouse Sisterhood’s words are coming out of my mouth, dammit! And I used to be such a nice girl….UGH!!!” Bonnie cursed to herself, she started running. Bonnie were looking out for any Hellions when Bonnie saw Mora in disguise as she begged a Hellion to help her. The Hellion was suspicious and helps her, Mora then fell on her knees. The Holy Knight reaches for her, Mora looked up at the Hellion, and a sly smile appeared on her face before she kicked him hard. “What’s going on?” Kendan asked. “Oh shit! Stay on alert, dude!” Bonnie instructed. Mora placed the chain around his neck while laughing maniacally, “HURRY, WE’RE LOSING HIM HERE!!!” Mora cried; she continued to laugh while spinning the Knight around and letting him die. Mora leaned over to the Hellion while giggling, “The choke’s. On. You.” She remarked. She waltzed around in a twirl before tossing her hat up and tilts it while looking up and exclaimed, “TA DA!!!!!!!!!! Honey, I’m hommmmeeee!” There was a clang followed by a voice, “Come on in Sister!” Mora slides down the ground and get into the entrance. “See you later!” She called out. All of a sudden; Bonnie and Kendan were taking on the Hellions however the Moneta played one of Bonnie’s memories: Bonnie and her family were cut outside from the world as she and her family had no TV, no electronics or no newspapers--They were kept in the darkness from the light! Bonnie love to play her guitar however her guitar and her lira were taking from her too. She was always in trouble with the cult's associates as they tormented her mentally! Bonnie had 'imperfections' such as the scars and the cult would torment her even more. She was sick of the cult as she took candlelight and lit her fundamentalist grandmother's prized collection of the cult on the wall! Young Bonnie saw her stone faced grandmother, the leader of the cult, and Chloe was shocked to see her mother and father on their knees with pained expressions on their faces. “What’s going on?” Bonnie asked. Her father’s face had a sad grin on his face. “Don't worry honey, everything's gonna be okay.” He said but his voice sounded panicking. Bonnie’s mother raised her head, “Baby don't look.” She pleaded. “Mommy...” Young Bonnie said. “Sweetheart...remember that door I told you about? Turn left, and then open the door!” Bonnie’s mother yelled. “Baby, listen to your mother!” Bonnie’s dad begged, he had tears running down his face. “Daddy, I’m scared.” Young Bonnie whimpered, crying. Bonnie’s mother screamed, “Just run, Bonnie! Ruuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnn!” The ax was raised and Bonnie’s parents were decapitated in front of her! This caused Bonnie to break down, she begins to cry. She let out a guttural sob. Just then, there was giggling coming from the Hellions. They were all laughing and that pissed her off she yelled at them to shut up. “SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP OR I’LL MAKE YOU ALL SORRY!!!” Her wound on her chest begins to bleed, she screamed and then she felt engulfed in the darkness. Her hair is violet as she has very pale gray skin. Bonnie wore a black dress with a slit down the chest as her wound was still bleeding. There was a black sash wrapped around her waist, black fingerless gloves, black tights, and black boots. Bonnie murdered all Hellions, Kendan was stunned by this. He had never seen Bonnie act like this—Hell, he didn’t know this girl too well! Ipsita was shocked, “Bonnie?” He said. Bonnie felt the darkness of her rage as she took on the Hellions and then she turned back to normal. Bonnie fell down on the ground, Kendan stared at her for a moment and carried her. “You’re a crazy girl.” He said. Bonnie begins to cry, she was shaken with fear. “I can’t believe you had to see that.” Kendan said, sounding sympathetic. “I know, I didn’t do anything wrong…The cult thinks I should’ve been born….” Bonnie said. “Geez, you really are a wreck.” Kendan said, he looked dark. Bonnie shrugged, “Whatever. I’m not asking for sympathy.” She said, wiping her tears away. Kendan looked at her, “If it makes you feel better, my childhood wasn't all that great, and my life was so bad that I wanted to become immortal to see if anything good would happen in my life.” He said. “Are you trying to tell me that I’m not alone?” Bonnie asked. “Heh, yeah I am.” Kendan said with a smirk, “Is it working?” Bonnie smiled a little, “It’s corny as hell but yeah it’s working. However; Bonnie and Kendan see a girl in white beckoning as she is familiar to Kendan who steps forward. “Kokona, is that you?” Kendan gasped. The girl smiled, Kendan got closer as Bonnie got a strange vibe. All of a sudden; it was a delusion and a girl in fire themed clothes as she escapes. Ban was shocked, “The hell is going on?!” He stipulated. Just then, they heard a voice calling out: “Paging Doctor Kendan, paging Doctor Kendan! Is there a Doctor Kendan in the room?” Mora cried out. “Hey, guys, he's just one man. One man dressed like a lunatic, is hot as hell and armed to the teeth. GO GET HIM!” Her Nightmarcher legion tries to take on Ban but he overpowered them. “Damn, you’re a psycho.” Kendan remarked. “Oh please, there is nothing wrong with her.” Bonnie uttered. Mora peers over at Kendan, “Nice of you to say, but you of all people should know, there's plenty wrong with me. Is someone feeling a little down? Well, cheer up, Kendan; it won't kill ya.... Oops! It can’t.” Kendan looked at Mora, “Who are you?” He asked. “Why, I’m Thoughts. I mean, that’s what my name means. I know who you are, you’re the Greedy Fox. Let me remind all you noobs that they are expected to follow one simple rule towards those savages. Punishment for not following this rule is death. No ifs, ands or buts. You know what the best thing is about the rule? It's a secret!” She pulls out a Hellion and checks him but found grisly things. “What the hell is this?” Kendan demanded. The Hellion laughed, “I've never seen those before in my life.” He said. “Bazooka?” Bonnie asked. “Why, I have a permit for that.” The Hellion taunted. Bonnie gasped in shock and said, “Picture of Kokona kidnapped...?” Kendan looked shocked, “What?!” He said. The Hellion giggled while saying, “Uh oh...” Kendan was alarmed by the photo of a terrified Kokona, Bonnie thought Kokona was beautiful but her face was stricken with fear. “KOKONA! YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Kendan shouted angrily. The Hellion laughed harder, “Jeez, I figured you had a sense of humor. After all...YOU SCREWED HER!!!” Kendan was enraged and pinned the Hellion to the ground with a knife to his hand. The Hellion groans in pain, “Where is Kokona?!” Kendan demanded in a biting tone. The Hellion was jiggling around, one hand was in front and joggling over the image of Kokona. “Please. Don't tell me you're getting all bent out of a shape over a woman? I can tell you're ready to climax at any second with your body twitching like this~! I have to admit, Kendan Boy, baby’s got sexy back!” Bonnie took the image when she snapped, “You're about 2 seconds from wearing that smile around your ass!” She said. “Yeah, yeah, kiss me first sweetie.” The Hellion taunted, he continues to mentally torture Kendan about Kokona. The Hellion taunted Ban a little more, “She might be being tortured, plundered or worse….As we speak, you’ll never see your precious vestal ass again! This is really embarrassing to this….‘Kokona Fetish’ ya have!” And laughs. Kendan took his fist and punched him so hard that the Abomination spit out blood. “I don’t want to hear you talk about her like that!” Kendan growled. “Oooh, I feel like I’m falling in love with you, Kendan Boy. God, you make me wanna climax…Awww yeah, screw me sideways!....Uh huh, oh yeah!” Bonnie gave the Hellion a kick however Mora curtsy as she said, “Allow me, this is gonna get gruesome my pets.” She said. She then turned to the Hellion, “OK, you don’t watch a lot of gory shit…The question is who is.....About to take your head off?!” Mora growled. Once she killed the Hellion; she revealed the truth, it turns out Abigail had rescued Kokona and has her being held in a castle. So, Bonnie and Kendan headed over however they couldn’t find her. Kendan felt like he couldn’t see her when a Nightmarcher woman came forth and leads them to a chamber. There was Kokona sleeping, Kendan was relieved and reunited with her, however Abigail appeared—startling Bonnie, Kendan and Kokona. “Hello Bonnie.” Abigail greeted. Kokona gasped, Kendan looked surprised. “Who’s this?!” Kendan commanded. Abigail encircled him, placing her hands on Kendan’s shoulders and grinned: “Your savior.” That’s when; Kokona stared at her for a moment before speaking. "You’re an agent, aren’t you?" asked Kokona. Bonnie looked flabbergasted, "How did she know that?" She thought. "What are you talking about? It was all a big confusion." Bonnie lied with a smile. "No, I'm telling the truth! It was you, I know--Your thoughts, I know about those monsters and that girl!" claimed Kokona. Bonnie stood there, she and her allies were shocked as Bonnie fled from the room. She ran to the nearest room, opened it and slammed it shut. She even locked it, Bonnie panted, and she leaned on the closed door. She couldn't believe what she just discovered. Then she felt the door knocking and managed to stay quiet. But heard Kokona's voice, "Bonnie...I know that you're still there. People have probably wondered why you didn’t even come out. I'm often told to be brave, even when it feels hopeless. I’ll always been there for you." Bonnie is stunt, she unlocking the door and peeks out. That’s when she opened the floodgates but then, Kokona revealed that she knew through Bonnie’s thoughts and explains that Dream State had a rule that they couldn’t reveal it yet and Bonnie knew she could trust her. And so, Kokona and Kendan were part of the team. Later; Bonnie has a meeting and explains the plan to save Nariko however Satoshi, Rishon and Juushi were stupid enough to question when Kynan, Ipsita and Kendan while reproaching at them that they are going to do this mission whether they get paid or not. Bonnie was shocked but impressed, she went up to them and put her arms around the three while saying: “Boys! You rock!” Kynan and Kendan smirked, Ipsita was lovestruck. 

Moments after, Bonnie and the others prepared themselves. “Ok, let’s do this!” Bonnie announced. Kynan smirked, “Screw you dimwits!” He said as he ran. Bonnie was shocked, “Wait! Kynan, where you going?” She asked panicked. Bonnie and the others ran after Kynan, who nearly tripped and stubbed his foot. “Yowch!” He cried. “You screwed up!” Bonnie teased. “You done goof!” Ipsita laughed. “There’s a Hellion, there’s a Hellion!” Kynan exclaimed. Bonnie panted, “Shit, shit!” She fired her gun at the Hellion and reached for the bullets but dropped them however she got them in time before they got lost. “I got it, run! Run! Run!” Bonnie exclaimed. They ran off however one of the weapons Ipsita was using wasn’t useful and he was upset about this. Bonnie smiled nervously, “Sorry man.” She said. “I’ll give a refund tomorrow!” Ipsita grumbled. “Oh quit complaining…” Veruca snapped. “Hellion, that’s a Hellion! I’m not gonna look at it, please don’t touch me!” Bonnie whimpered. “Maybe it likes you!” Kynan called. “I don’t know where I’m going.” Bonnie cried. She found supplies in two different colors as Bonnie and Ipsita looked at them. Trying to decide which one to take. “You know what? I’ll take the red—You take the blue ‘cause screw you!” Bonnie said. Ipsita sighed, “Fine.” He said. “Now we can survive!” cheered Bonnie. Kynan chuckled, Ipsita give him a look. Then, Bonnie and the gang try to hide from the Hellions, Bonnie tries to find a place to hide when Ipsita beckons her to the bedroom. “Come to bed, Bon Bon.” Ipsita teased. “If you insisted.” Purred Bonnie. Ipsita laughs, “Close the door why don’t ya?” He teased. “Noooo!” Bonnie taunted. “Don’t want people watching, geez!” Ipsita panted. “I love it when they watch!” Bonnie said in a mockery of a sultry voice. “You know what will happen?” Ipsita teased. “No I don’t want this to happen!” Bonnie laughed. Just then; a young fellow is caught by a Hellion. The man screamed as the Hellion rammed his fingers into the poor pedestrian’s eyes and bite into his head, spat out a huge chunk of hair and skin before chowing down his brains. Bonnie and his squad are grossed out. “Aw gnarly!” Bonnie groaned. More Hellions were attacking but Satoshi slashed a Hellion’s head cleaned off, “Talk about an adrenaline rush to the head!” He remarked. Bonnie and the others move ahead as they looked around. While this happened; Declan looked in the car, he saw a decapitated Hellion hand on the car key in the ignition. “Well at least the keys are in the ignition!” He said. Bonnie looked down, “Your shoe’s untied!” Bonnie pointed out. Ipsita looks down to see a Hellion is just about to bite into his ankle but he took down the Hellion. “Whew, that was close. Thanks!” Ipsita panted. “No prob, dude.” Bonnie said. They walked ahead when a Hellion is feasting on the body parts as it grinned sadistically at Bonnie and the others. “This would be a good time to turn back now!” Rishon whimpered. “Like hell we’re turning back, do you know who you’re talking to?” Bonnie said with a smirk. Bonnie took down the Hellion and turned but flinched. A Hellion woman jumps out with her hands out. “Scared yet?” Bonnie asked. “Not likely.” Kynan replied. “I didn’t think so.” Bonnie said smugly. Bonnie, Kynan, Ipsita and Kendan took down the Hellion woman. While continuing on ahead, they caught wind of something---A young woman crouching at the wall, looking all traumatized. “Help…Me….” She managed to squeak out. Kendan looked at Bonnie incredulously. But Bonnie reached over quickly and seized her as she jumped out the window. She got the woman to escape however the Hellion had green substance around its mouth while the man had some on him but is shell shock. Then, the guy was mauled alive and Kendan took down the green covered Hellion in soaking blood! Hellions charged at Bonnie and the rest but Bonnie gunned them all down! One of the Hellion’s body exploded and toppled over Zakkar, who stepped back just in time. They made their way to the dungeon of where Nariko Sein was and the gang looked around in empty rooms. While looking in a book, Declan is horrified to see a decapitated hand attached to the book and drops it on the ground. Meanwhile, Veruca stabs a Hellion in the abdomen while it was cannibalizing a dying man’s guts. “Go team go huh.” Veruca retorted. Just then, there was a sound that resembled: “Pop! Goes the Weasel” and clowns stepped out with demonic looks on their faces. “Oh look, they’re sending in the clowns! How lovely!” Bonnie said with sarcastic cheeriness. “Hellion Clowns?!” Kynan and Ipsita exclaimed. “Oh boy!” Veruca grunted. “Things just got exciting.” Kendan remarked. “Well that guy has some important clown business to attend to!” Kynan claimed about a Hellion clown juggling decapitated head and other parts. Kynan took down the Hellion when a little boy running away from the other Hellion clowns, “Clowns are gonna eat me!” He cried. Ipsita pulled the boy close and got him to safety, “Go! Get going and don’t stop, kid.” He instructed so the boy did! Bonnie and the gang were shocked when a Hellion clown ran over a teenage boy, it was a bloody road kill. “Dammit to hell!” groaned Bonnie. Bonnie lugged around the huge hammer nearby while glaring at the grinning Hellion clowns coming at her. “I hate clowns.” She grumbled.  And eradicates them out! As they were walking along; a Hellion woman, motionless and topless, sat at the bar with many shots in front of her. This made Ipsita all googily eyed and pervy when the bartender is found dead in a grisly fashion. The woman got on top of Ipsita and kill him however Kynan stops her but the Hellion woman took it as a ‘three way’ but Onorato slays the woman half of her head off, shocking the others. “Whoa…Nice one…” Kendan remarked. “I don’t like to waste time, let’s keep moving!” Onorato said with no emotion in his voice. Moving alongside, Veruca bashed a Hellion in the shower. “Careful, don’t drop the soap! Been there, done that y’know.” She remarked grimly. Bonnie and the gang made their way down when they saw: A guard was having lunch as Hellions were about to attack but Bonnie and gang took them out one by one. Bonnie looked at him, “If we hadn’t come here in time, you’d be dead and that would’ve been your last meal. Now listen, we’re not here to kill you, we’re here to know a certain prisoner…Where is Nariko Sein?” Bonnie said. Moments after; the guard lead them to Nariko’s prison and Bonnie slowly crept up to the girl whose back was to the bars of her prison. “Leave me be, I won’t be the subject of your venereal acts anymore!” Nariko whimpered. Bonnie knelt down, “Calm down, Nariko. We mean no harm.” She said. Nariko turned around and she looked curious. “Who are you? Wait, don’t tell me! You’re Bonnie Jo Masion aren’t you?” Nariko asked. “Yup.” Bonnie replied. Nariko smiled widely, “Oh my god! Dream State does exist! Hell yes, I knew it!” She exclaimed. Nariko explains that Honalee City used to believe in supernatural but somebody else proved there was no such thing and that’s how the townspeople stopped believing in supernatural because of this however Nariko wanted people to believe again and heard about Evermore as she wanted to go to Dream State soon.“I just want to belong that’s all.” Nariko finally said. “I could belong too, if you don’t mind the company.” Bonnie replied. Nariko smiled widely. Bonnie gestured Kendan to break apart the cage bars so he does and Nariko was free! As they were leaving; Bonnie and the others found the guard dead with a head wound bleeding open. “Narrrrikkkkkooooo, where are you friggin hussy? I want to roast your ass teats and serve ‘em in oyster sauce and blood! I’ll slice them so clean, you’ll like a battered porcelain doll!” A female voice ringed out with a giggle. Nariko felt her blood run cold, “Oh god, it’s the nurse!” She gasped. The nurse approached as she too is a Hellion: Her clothes are torn, her hair is wild and her breasts are exposed. She held a syringe with orange liquid, a vicious smile on her face. “Oh Nariko, it’s time for your daily doses. And I’ll give you the rubber glove treatment!” She said with a crazy laugh. Nariko was shocked, she backs away however she found a rifle and picked it up before aiming at her. In a choked up voice; Nariko said, “Thank you for being a friend before you became this way. Goodbye…” And pulled the trigger, killing her. Nariko followed the others to the exit but found one of the girls dead and another one alive. However, Bonnie and the gang were shocked to find one of the girls who is pregnant but she is a Hellion: “You dogs are screwing? No?! You know what he did? That effing prick?! I’m GREAT with CHILD!!! I GOT A LARVAE WORM PUMPED IN MY GUT; I WANNA EAT THE DAMN PISS ANNT, WHIMPERING LI’L BASTARD!!” She exclaimed. “Oh god!” Nariko gasped. Veruca shot the girl to death, horrifying Bonnie and the gang. Next, Veruca performs C section on the girl but the baby turns out to be a Hellion and tries to kill her however Nariko mercy kills the infant and her friend, then Nariko burst into tears over what she done.  “I can’t save everyone!” She wailed. Bonnie put her arm around her, “It’s not your fault.” She assured her. “Why does this always happen to me?! Everything I touches dies!!! WHY GO ON, I’LL HURT OTHERS!!!” sobbed Nariko. She continued to cry while the others watch her with pity in their eyes. Just then, Minoto came beside her and Nariko turns to him. Minoto then spoke, “It is painful, but you have to keep moving forward. You can’t change what you did, you can see this as a learning experience and maybe your friend and the child could rest in peace, they’re free.” Nariko brushed the tears away. “You’re right, thank you.” She said. Nariko composed herself and got up while propping a sniper around her. Bonnie contacted Nariko and tell her the news. “We got the girl, we’re heading back soon. We’re gonna deal with Barracuda.” Bonnie reported. Lily smiled, “Excellent! I knew you could it.” She said. “Heh, Carla Dangeri—eat your heart out.” Bonnie said. “Just get back soon as possible, Kuburia grows worried.” Lily warned. “First Barracuda, then Nariko gets to reunite with her mother. Did you get that?” Bonnie said excitedly. Lily muttered to herself, “Soon enough Abigail.” Kynan, Ipsita and Kendan were surprised: “What?” They asked. Lily shook her head, “Nothing, Lily Out.” She said as she ended the transmission. Bonnie and the gang were standing out in front of the abandoned hotel of Sunrise Island Inn. “You sure he’s in there?” Kendan asked. “Big Fish like Barracuda? He’s lurking in there.” Confirmed Bonnie. She turned to her friends, “You guys ready?” She inquired. The others nodded with determination. “Too late to turn back now.” Kynan said. “We got a sharp toothed guppy in there waiting. Let’s go!” Ipsita verified. They entered inside. While in the lobby; Bonnie and the others didn’t think Barracuda was coming at all and thought he must’ve melted like a snowman. When a voice exclaimed: “Raaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!!!! WHO DARES DISTURBED THE GREAT BARRACUDA? You’ll be bloody hummus when I’m done with you!” The footsteps were heavy and felt like an earthquake thundering coming closer! Chloe gasped. “Ah, the Barracuda doth approach!” Veruca replied. No words could describe how monstrous he was: Barracuda is brawn and talks like a caveman. He isn’t smart enough but makes it up for with his strength. They say Barracuda has three percent body fat however he has thirty percent of muscle, he is brawny but not overweight. He wears a denim vest, denim jeans, no shirt, blood and white stuff on his clothes, bald hair, missing teeth and his teeth are rotten. He held a staff made out of human organs and skin. “I’m Barracuda, bitches!” He exclaimed. Bonnie glide kicks Barracuda in the head, he grunts against the impact from the kick and he seized Bonnie’s ankle as he threw her in the opposite direction. He then stalked over to her and grabbed her neck in an attempt to choke her to death while screaming: “GIRL DIE! GIRL DIE!!!! DIE HUSSY!!!!” Ipsita kicked Barracuda off his feet, Bonnie spring up as Barracuda struggles up to his feet. “You OK?” Ipsita asked. “Yeah, thanks.” Bonnie panted. Veruca was slammed into the wall, the force knocks her out cold. Kendan picked her up gently, “I got her, don’t worry. Just take of Barracuda.” He said. Barracuda laughed, “Girl like you are gonna taste good like women will large bellied bitches with fetuses.” He mocked. Nariko stared at him in horror, “One of the girls…You ate her….BASTARD!!!” She screamed and charged at him but was knocked over however Kynan caught her. Bonnie felt her knees buckled, she saw Barracuda coming at her. Her wound in her chest caused her to crumpled in a ball and spoke out, “Don’t come any closely…” Barracuda laughed, “Wass the matter?” He said. Just then, Bonnie turned into a harpy as she scared him! But she nearly out of control however Declan stopped her and calm her down. Bonnie does so as she embraces Declan “Welcome back, babe.” Declan greeted. However Barracuda was towering over them. “It’s not over…Not yet….” He said but he stutters when his face explodes into bloody pieces. Nariko screams in terror and Barracuda’s body collapses. Bonnie and the others escaped when Nariko got stuck in a bear trap as Hellions were coming to a head, everyone was shocked when Veruca cries out to Minoto: “YOU BETTER SAVE HER LI’L ASS, WENDIGO!!!” Minoto stares at her in shock. Veruca smirks at her, “THAT’S RIGHT ARLERT, I KNOW WHO YOU ARE—NOW GET UP ON YOUR FEET AND SAVE HER NOW!!!! DO IT!!!!” She shouted. Minoto ran as he turned into a Wendigo and saved Nariko. Bonnie and the others were in shocked as Minoto’s Wendigo form mauled all the Hellions before he turned back to normal. Bonnie and Kendan got him out of there just in time. However; Kynan and Ipsita want to throttle Minoto however Kendan held them back from getting violent as Minoto explains his side of things. When Kynan and Ipsita heard this, they were understanding about it but felt left out by how Bonnie’s team was filled with ‘monsters’. 

For the moment; Donata researches on Bonnie: Bonnie and her family were cut outside from the world: she and her family had no TV, no electronics or no newspapers--They were kept in the darkness from the light! Bonnie love to play her guitar however her guitar and her lira were taking from her too. She was always in trouble with the cult's associates as they tormented her mentally! Bonnie had 'imperfections' such as the scars and the cult would torment her even more. She was sick of the cult as she took candlelight and lit her fundamentalist grandmother's prized collection of the cult on the wall! Nobody knew she did it and went on with their lives of crime. Other female members would do some kind of lustful crime known as 'Flirty Fishing', where they seduce men but they would also have intercourse and other practices! Finally; Bonnie escape from the cult and into some stone house however the cult didn't stop so she departed. She was pretty shocked at the sights and sounds of how bright & loud they were to her. She took a job with being an assistant for the children. She worked with the children, who love her very much. The kids, teachers and teaching assistants adore Bonnie--even the principal likes her too! The elementary mornings go like this: There is prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, sing along, they have to do work, and one of the students have learning therapy. Then they go out for P.E., the children finally come back to go to the bathroom, a little break of snack before going back to class, and have lunch. In the afternoons; the children music, and they go outside to play. The kids in the middle school have a different lesson in class: then they go back to do their work, and finally they have lunch. They have music or some of them are having physical or learning therapy. And lastly they go home. Things got more frightened when a young, eccentric man name Paisley, who is bored of the sentimental normality of his life. When he first met Bonnie; Paisley hasn’t fallen for a girl in a while, and he hooked on her. The tingle he gets in his makes him feels alive! He’s feeling awfully amorous. He writes letters to claim his love for her. But Bonnie was flattered until she is disturbed to find Paisley has an insatiable interest in Bonnie and try to advance her while declaring his love for her. Bonnie laughed, however Paisley could not stop flirting and trying to make more intimate moves. Bonnie refused him and Paisley became violent, until the teachers and assistants told him to stop pestering her. Paisley was screaming: "WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME?!" As the teachers calmed him down, the principal apologized for this and promises to make it up to her. Bonnie thanked her. Then, something changed her life forever as she got a text on her phone that said, "IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU, NOBODY CAN!!! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A TEACHER'S PET AND A PRINCIPAL'S LAP DOG!!!! JUST WAIT, I HAVE A SPECIAL SURPRISE FOR YOU!!!!" Entering inside the school; Bonnie looked in one of the classrooms to see the children having dinner but it ends up badly as she watched in horror as one of them choked to death as the other kids watch in horror. The nine kids couldn't sleep of what they saw but they finally went to sleep and one of them was found with their throat torn open. The eight couldn't stay in each of the rooms however one of them didn't believe there was something wrong here and decided to sleep but he never came out of his room. Seven waited, while they wait; they cut up some fruits and vegetables. One of them cut his hands by accident and bled to death. Now there were six of them as they were trying to probe a beehive. But one of them got stung by a lot of bees and he drowned into the river for he couldn't swim. Five left as they got lost in the woods but one of them caught by a hermit as he was never seen again. Now, four went by the sea as a whale came and swallowed one of them. Three went to another forest which was forbidden and was mauled by a bear. Two were lost and no place to go, they were dehydrated and try to find water. One of them died from lack of thirst and one was left. But in his devastation; the last threw himself off a cliff, and then there were none. Bonnie was so scared, she couldn't believe this was happening. She heard something was coming and she hid in the closet. She had to stay quiet, Bonnie didn't want to be found out. That's when the person enters and Bonnie couldn't believe who it was: Paisley! He looked around as he saw the massacre. Bonnie covered her mouth to keep her from breathing, "He killed them?! Those deadly traps, it was all him!" She thought. Then, she heard a gun go off and something fell. Bonnie was too scared but she peeked out from the door and gasped. Paisley laid on the floor, a gun was beside him as he laid there motionless. "He...shot himself?!" thought Bonnie. She rushed out, eyes blurred with tears as she couldn't believe this was happening. And she feared guns because of what happened to Paisley. However she stopped by the exit to see someone was sitting at the table motionless and Bonnie let out a scream, it was Paisley's mother’s body. She had been killed by her own son! Turning the knob of the door, Bonnie rushed out in a variety of emotions: Fear and sadness.

Donata looked up on the MPD where Bonnie goes on a mission with the others but got separated. While alone; Bonnie cried out in pain from the sharp teeth in her chest, she grunts over the wound and puts her hands over it. “Auuggghhhh, it hurts! Hurts like hell…” She groaned. Bonnie heard Emily’s voice calling her name and talking to somebody. The next thing she knew she was picked up off the ground. “Mmmmm….” She moaned. When Bonnie looked up, she saw some sort of stoic but tough looking guy and was flustered. “Oh, an angel? Thank you heavens for bringing your league of angels to guide us even this one is promising! I swear, she’s an angel!” One guy came beside the guy to see Bonnie, who just wriggled and try to kick the guy, “Back off Casanova, I’m in pain!” Bonnie shouted. “Aww, c’mon sweetheart!” The guy pleaded. “No, don’t call me sweetheart!” Bonnie warned. “But we have to savor this moment!” The guy begged. Bonnie glared at the womanizer, “I don't think so.” She rejoined. “Can I at least know the name of this lost soul?” The guy said. Bonnie struggled against the pain, “Uh, Bonnie Jo Mason.” She answered. “Bonnie huh.” The guy said, he gives her a rose and said: “I give you this as a get well soon gift. Here.” Said the guy. Bonnie pushed the rose away, “Please!” She moaned and finally got to see the doctor but sends everyone away except the doctor, who examines her. The doctor was in shocked by the creature’s bite mark above her bosom; he couldn’t believe what he was seeing of how deep the wound was. “Is it that bad?” Bonnie inquired anxiously. “No, I just need my tools.” The doctor assured. He pulled out his bag with a needle and thread but as he was creating the stitch, he didn’t do the anesthesia. Once poking the needle into her skin; Bonnie let out a moan, the doctor cringed. “Sorry, my bad!” He said. “Some doctor you are, I—urgh! Of all the stupid…” grumbled Bonnie. Once she got her wound fixed up, Bonnie sighed while she composed herself. She learns that the guys she encountered with is Kynan Panteno and Ipsita Ojore. Bonnie then learns she and her friends are going to be staying with these people so Bonnie begs and demands for room in the instant. Mayuko seemed to found a room but people convinced her that this isn’t a good room because it’s a wreck. However; Bonnie held her hands up, “No, no—it’s fine. I just need something to block the other broken windows from view.” She said. “Like what?” Mayuko asked incredulously. There was a rip and Bonnie held out a purple fabric. “Um, a curtain?” She said like a ‘duh’. Bonnie marched away and set up the curtain as she replied, “Well ladies and gents, I’m going to sleep so good night!” Kynan Panteno, Ipsita Ojore and Mayuko Kuriyama watched her retreat to the room. “Um, would you like some company? I’ll send one of the boys in there if you want. You know, for company?” teased Mayuko. “I said, GOOD NIGHT!” exclaimed Bonnie, startling the others. That night, Bonnie couldn’t sleep at night and struggled to but then she grunted and sat up. Bonnie ambled out where she saw Mayuko there. Mayuko saw her and smiled, “Hey girl, can’t sleep?” She asked. “No, I couldn’t.” Bonnie sighed. Moments later; Bonnie showed Mayuko a book, as she spoke: “….And um, that’s New Americana, the place of where I live.” Mayuko nodded, “Right.” Bonnie smiled, “Uh huh.” She said. Mayuko looked at the book and turned to Bonnie, “Can this book show where you came from your hometown?” Mayuko inquired. “Well, no. Besides it’s not much fascinated.” Bonnie clarified. “Please! Please!” Mayuko begged. “No, it’s a place I don’t want to go back to.” Bonnie said. Mayuko frowned, “You cut me deep Bonnie.” She perked up and remarked, “You know what I think? You had a rough past.” Bonnie looked at her and said with sarcasm, “Nooo, you think?” She then pouted and her legs crossed. Mayuko still pestered her, “You hidin’ something?” Bonnie rolled her eyes, “Never mind Mayuko.” She replied. Mayuko wasn’t buying it, “Ahhh, this is some sort of complications.” She guessed. “No, this is one of those ‘I don’t want to talk about it’ things.” Bonnie said aggregately. “Why not?” Mayuko asked. “Why do you care?” Bonnie demanded, turning away. “Is it hard to explain?” Mayuko pressed. “N—no.” Bonnie stammered nervously. “Liar!” Mayuko teased. “Mayuko, I’m warning  you!” warned Bonnie. “Who do you have against? Huh, who?” Mayuko argued. Bonnie exhaled while exclaiming, “PEOPLE! OK?!” Mayuko looked surprised, “Oh now we’re getting somewhere.” She suddenly grinned. “Ohhhh, of all the things good and….” Bonnie huffed. She turned away. “What do you have against us people anyway?”  asked Mayuko. “I don’t have anything against no one, it’s people that think I’m a curse. They judge me and think I’m unworthy, why do you think I’m pathetic?” Bonnie said sadly. Mayuko looked at her with sympathy clouded her eyes and came beside her. “You know, when we met…I always thought you were cool. I never thought you were weak.” She said. Bonnie looked at Mayuko, “You mean it?” She inquired. “Mmm-hmm.” Confirmed Mayuko with a nod. This made Bonnie smiled, “Thanks.” She answered. And they stared at the stars and moon. The next day, Emily and the others were at breakfast but Emily didn’t see Bonnie so Mayuko decides to go get her and found her still sleeping in her bed. “Wakey-wakey! Look alive, sunny side breakfast awaits for you!” Mayuko said in a sing song tone. Bonnie ducked into the covers, moaning. “Wakey-wakey up! Up and at ‘em!” Mayuko said firmly. Bonnie groaned, “All right, all right! I’m up, I’m up, geez! Give me a minute.” She said in a groggy tone. Bonnie staggered out and rubbed her eyes. She sat at the table and dazedly looked at her plate in front. “What’s the Hancock building doing here?” She asked. “Bonnie? That’s your breakfast.” Emily clarified. Bonnie was then wide awake, “Say what?” She inquired. “Morning, um…You hungry?” Ipsita asked nicely. “What’s this about?” Bonnie asked curiously. “Well, we got off to a bad start and I want to make it up to you. After all; you did had a horrible time yesterday.” Ipsita explained. “Um, thanks.” Bonnie said. “Eat up, we got a big day ahead of us.” Ipsita said. Bonnie smiled, despite herself and dug into her breakfast. Once everyone was done; Bonnie excused herself to get changed and left. It was then Kynan pulled Ipsita aside and hissed: “What the hell are you doing?” Ipsita looked at him, “What am I doing? I’m just being nice to her! What’s it to ya?” He demanded. Those two started arguing while Emily watched them and was thinking of busting her psychokinesis against with them when she turned to the others and said calmly, “Ducked….” They’re confused and thought there was a duck but she said a little loudly, “No! I mean, DUCK!!!” They all ducked when a clean plate swing in and bam into something. Heads are raised from where they hid, Kynan held the back of his head and Ipsita clutched his shoulder. “Ow…” They moaned. They turned angrily and tried to find out who did it but they were shocked to see the doorway. Emily and the others followed their gazes and looked there with shocked. Bonnie panted, she was the one that threw that clean plate at Kynan and Ipsita. She gritted her teeth as she growled: “Are you kidding me?! It’s early in the morning and you two are fighting? Ugh! No way, no how, not today!” Then she exclaimed in a scary tone, “CAN’T YOU TWO GET ALONG FOR LIKE FIVE MINUTES?!” Emily stared at her friend, “Holy…” She muttered. Bonnie was about to advanced when Emily held Bonnie back and coaxed her to go get ready. When Bonnie came back from changing, her outfit was different—much to everyone’s surprise: Bonnie’s outfit was of Gothic and pastel. A black and baby pink top, purple jeans and black combat boots with pale blue laces. It was then Kynan and Ipsita learnt that they were gonna be working together with Bonnie, which Kynan and Ipsita despise each other but Bonnie outright refused! “Oh no, I’m not going with these two idiots who can’t stand one another!” Bonnie proclaimed. “I’m afraid you don’t have much of a choice, Bon. Gotta make do what you have.” Emily said. “Then, why did you set me up with them?” Bonnie demanded. “Good question, you should find out when you’re with them.” Emily remarked. “I rather team up with better people, not Tweedledee and Tweedledum!” Bonnie replied. “Look you pristine brat, you’re not making my job easier and you’re coming whether you like it or not.” Kynan snapped. “Ha, you wouldn’t dare!” Bonnie scoffed. Kynan seized Bonnie and put her over his shoulder while Bonnie squirmed and thrashed. “Hey, put me down!” She protested while she is being taken away and still ranting. “Put me down or you will suffer the consequences, this is not dignify, put me down….” Bonnie exclaimed. Emily waved brightly, “Have fun you three, try not to kill each other!” She hollered cheerfully. And so Emily and the gang head out! Moments later; Bonnie had stopped yelling and calmed down. She just hangs there limply while Kynan carries her. Ipsita was talking, “OK, let me ask you, do you remember what the face or anything distinguishing? Do you?” He asked. “Like I said, I don’t remember.” Bonnie remarked. “Hmm, weird. Are you hiding something?” Ipsita asked. “No, I seriously don’t remember.” Bonnie insisted. “Don’t sweat it, she probably doesn’t remember much when she got a piercing.” Kynan joked lamely. Bonnie scoffs, “That was such a lame joke. That’s not funny.” She remarked with a smirk. “Want to know something funny?” Ipstia said with a sneer, “Kynan here doesn’t have enough brains big enough for his muscles; they could likely drain his strength so much.” Kynan scoffs, “Ha, I guess you have the most issues with you being a lost cause to so many women.” He said. “C’mon Bonnie ain’t a hard catch.” Ipsita said. “No, she’s just bitten! Get it? Just bitten?” Kynan laughed. Bonnie laughs along with him but then she kicks Kynan in the shin, he lets out a yelp of pain. Ipsita sneered in surprise. Bonnie lands on her feet easily; she flipped her hair with a “Hmph!” and then muttered, “Jerks!” Bonnie stalked off, muttering to herself incoherently. She was walking off when she heard them debating again: “I think we’re supposed to turn.” Kynan said. “I thought you know exactly where we were going!” Ipsita asserted. “Do we go left or right?” inquired Kynan in an irritated voice. Bonnie groaned, “What is it now?” She marched over to them, “What are you arguing about now, idiots?” Kynan showed her the map, “Where's north? Tell me which way north is on this map?” He demanded. Bonnie looked at the map, “North is always up, and, by the way, you've got it reversed.” She explained. “What? It's up? Reversed? Where the hell?” Kynan said. Bonnie looked in disbelief, “He doesn’t know?” She asked Ipsita. “Got poor direction.” Ipsita exclaimed. “Oh, brother. He's seriously nuts.” Sighed Bonnie. Later, they were still getting at each other: “I keep telling you, we gotta go north!” Bonnie exclaimed. “Sorry, but tell me again, is north the direction of the hand you hold your fork with?” Kynan asked. “This guy is really nuts.” Bonnie grunted. Kynan and Ipsita were still bickering when Bonnie heard a growl sound, she shushed the boys: “Shh, the hell was that?” That’s when they heard a roar! Just then, the creature exposed himself and jumped out; scaring Bonnie, Kynan and Ipsita! The creature completely skewed and scarred by fungus developed from their infected brains. The fungal plates have apparently adapted to keep the pathogen alive and able to spread, as a direct shot to the head with a powerful weapon such as a revolver will more often than not just break off a chunk of the mold, leaving the brain harmed but exposing the victim's head. The creature was dangerous and much more aggressive as it had bioluminescent vein in its head. They have fungal growths on the head and back with glowing white eyes, the development of pseudo-echolocation, and their discretion upon spotting a victim at distance. They strafe and take cover, eventually closing in on the victim, they charge directly at the victim. Bonnie stepped away but fell into a hole and realized Kynan and Ipsita are in trouble so she decides to save them but disguises herself. In an instant; Bonnie became a Goth girl with a red and black checkered skirt, a black smock with long sleeves, a pair of fishnet tights, fishnet gloves and knee high boots. And wore a black wig to boot! She then slipped out and found Kynan & Ipsita while sneaking behind them. “Hey!” Bonnie exclaimed. Kynan and Ipsita turned around startled as they saw her. “What?” They asked. “Are you Kynan Panteno and Ipsita Ojore?” Bonnie asked. Luckily, those two don’t recognize it’s Bonnie. “Yes.” Kynan replied. Ipsita became instantly smitten, “Well, you sure are a sight worth seeing!” He complimented. “Aww, how sweet! C’mon let’s blow this pop stand!” Bonnie replied sarcastically. “Hold it, where did you come from? Are you gonna kill us?” Kynan asked. “No, now get moving! We gotta bust a move!” Bonnie said. “Man, what’s with the makeup?” Kynan demanded. “It’s a guise, ‘kay?” Bonnie snapped. “Well, this is a first.” Kynan retorted. Bonnie turned to them in surprise, “First time being saved from a strange girl huh?” She asked. “Yup.” Ipsita said. Bonnie let out a yelp, she kicked down the door and hurried out. Just then, there was a blood curdling roar. “You didn’t slay that monster?” Kynan demanded. “It’s on my to-do list, now let’s Vamos!” Bonnie demanded. “What kind of girl are you?” Kynan exclaimed. Bonnie turned and sneered, “One hell of a kind!” Bonnie exclaimed. She used her powers to take down the monsters and managed to get the guys to safety. Once they were safe, Bonnie gasped for breaths. “That was wonderful! But unorthodox I’ll admit.” Ipsita said. “C’mon, that was lousy and you know it!” Kynan complained. “It wasn’t that bad, idiot! Besides, what do you think would’ve happened if this black haired angel didn’t come and save us!” Ipsita said. Bonnie cocked her hips and smirked, “OK, I hope you heard that right—He called me an angel.” She said. Then squealed: “He thinks I’m an angel!” Ipsita chuckled but Kynan rolled his eyes. “Mind taking off the guise?” Ipsita asked. Bonnie looked nervous, “Um…Nein!” She proclaimed. “Why not?” inquired Kynan. “I—I’m a froggy, frumpy chick!” Bonnie lied. “Oh don’t give us that crap, I’m sure you’re different from the other bounty hunters.” Kynan said convincingly. Bonnie was stunned to hear this: “Wait, wait a sec—you think I’m a bounty hunter?” Bonnie asked. “Um, yes.” Kynan said. Bonnie stared at them before bursting out laughing, “You guys think I’m a bounty hunter!” She said while still giggling. “What’s so funny?” Ipsita inquired annoyed. “Let’s just say I’m not what you think I am.” Bonnie claimed. “Of course you are, come on take-off the guise.” Ipsita said. “Um, no thank you! I’m not comfortable with this.” Bonnie said. “Remove the disguise.” Kynan said in a biting tone. “I’m not going to.” Bonnie said firmly. “Don’t make me pissed off, remove the disguise right now!” Kynan demanded. “No!” Bonnie exclaimed. “NOW!” hollered Kynan. “All right, all right, take it easy! As you wish, my liege…Dammit, cannot believe I’m doing this.” Bonnie said with a moan. Bonnie took out a handkerchief and wiped the makeup off while removing her wig. She noticed the two guys looked stunned. “Ta-da.” Bonnie said with a dramatic motion with arms in sarcasm. “I—it’s you.” Ipsita said stunned. Bonnie gave them a weird look, then she said with rolling eyes. “Ohh, were you expecting someone else?” She retorted. “I didn’t know that was…You….” Kynan said, truthfully, “That was all you?” Bonnie stood there confidently, “Aye sir!” She proclaimed. “You’re not exactly what I’d expected.” Kynan admitted. “Maybe you shouldn’t judge people before you get to know them.” Bonnie rejoined. She laughs while walking away when all of a sudden, she got pounced and rolled down! Bonnie struggled with the Wendigo, who let out a raspy laugh and taunted her: “I’ll cut you in half! I’ll tear your heart out and when I’m finished, your body will be in---” But then, the Wendigo was kicked and Bonnie gasped as she saw it was Ipsita who glared at the creature. “Damn, that was annoying!” Ipsita exclaimed. “Holy crow!” gasped Bonnie. Kynan looked annoyed, “Tch.” He tsked. “Ohhh, you ingrate human!!!” screamed another Wendigo and the brethren started pounced. Weapons were triggered; Kynan seized Bonnie to protect her. But Ipsita didn’t hesitate to fight back against the monsters and took them out! Once he was done; he sighed and walked over to Bonnie with a sheepish smile. “Shall we?” Ipsita asked. He walked off as Bonnie stared with wide eyes. “Wait a minute!” She said, pushing Kynan back. She rushed after Ipsita as she was excited. “Hold the phone, where the hell did that come from dude?” Bonnie asked with excitement. “What?” Ipsita said. “Back there, that was the best damn thing I’ve seen! Where did you learn that?” Bonnie claimed. Ipsita looked modest, “Well, I trained a long time and it’s no big so…” He stopped and saw Bonnie’s bosom but his eyes widened. “You perv! Don’t looked at my chest!” Bonnie protested. “There’s an arrow in your chest.” Ipsita said calmly. Bonnie looked at him confused, “Huh?” She asked. “There’s a friggin’ arrow in your chest!” Kynan exclaimed. Bonnie looked down, “Oh hello there!” She said. Mayuko came and asked what was going on but soon saw the arrow in Bonnie’s chest: “OH CRAP!!! Is it in your lungs? Are you still OK?” Mayuko yelled. “Hey, hey, I’m OK.” Bonnie said calmly. “Keep breathing! Don’t move your chest so much~!” Mayuko exclaimed, waving her hands. Isabel comes to her rescue and convinced her to find plants as Kynan agreed so. Mayuko is convinced and goes with Isabel. As they were gone; Bonnie cocked her head confused, “What’s the plants for?” She asked. Kynan glanced at her smugly, “To get rid of Mayuko.” He remarked. “Ah, I see!” Bonnie said with a simple nod. “Now stay still so I can gouge this out.” Kynan said, pulling on the arrow which made Bonnie jump back. “Ow, easy man!” She squalled. “Sorry, but it needs to be dislodged.” Kynan protested. Bonnie backed away, “No, no don’t!” She said while Kynan chased her, “Hey, don’t move!” He hollered. Bonnie claimed, “I’m fine really.” Kynan grunted, “Stop it!” He growled. “Hapaya!” Bonnie laughed a little. “Bonnie!” Kynan said with annoyance. Bonnie stopped and held a hand up quickly, “HALT!” Kynan froze, he made a face and put her hand down, grabbing her wrist in the process. Bonnie squeaked. “Fine, got any better ideas?” Kynan snapped. Bonnie turned to Ipsita and grinned, “How did you guess?” She asked. Mayuko was looking for plants and yammering: “Let’s see, where—where--where? Ha, ha, ha, can’t find it!” Then, Bonnie’s yells caused Mayuko to hurt but Isabel is disturbed to think Bonnie’s gasping yelps sounded like she was having copulatory congress. “Ahhh! Seriously?” Bonnie groaned. Kynan had the arrow halfway out, “OK, calm down. I can see the head of it, it’s coming out a little…” He said. Bonnie grunted, she threw her hands up while saying, “ENOUGH YOU---!” But she accidentally fell onto Kynan and tripped Ipsita on accident. The three of them are embarrassed and discomfited. “Well, this is awkward.” Bonnie admitted. “A--hem!” A voice said. Bonnie, Kynan and Ipsita look up to see Mayuko smirking. “It’s not what you think…” Bonnie claimed, pushing the two away while composing herself. “We were um…” Bonnie started to explain but Mayuko was shaking her head, trying not to laugh. “Look, if you wanted a ménage a trios, you could’ve said something OK?” Mayuko joked. Bonnie shuddered, “No! I’m not that girl! Are you trying to assume I want something like that? It’s just simply—Ah!” She said but then she yelped when the arrow gouged out instantly. Bonnie turned around stunned to see Ipsita holding the arrow sheepishly. She turned to him, looking stunned. “….Ow.” Bonnie rasped. “Hey, what’s that?” Mayuko asked. “It’s blood.” Isabel remarked. “Yay!” Mayuko cheered and fainted. Bonnie was surprised, Kynan sighed and picked up Mayuko’s body while carrying her. The group reunited with Emily and the gang while they arrived at a tall building. “There it is, ladies. HQ before you.” Kynan said to Emily, Bonnie and the other girls. “That's your hideout?” Bonnie asked. “Yeah, I know. It's pretty shady and crappy looking...” Ipsita retorted but Kynan steps on his foot. “Ow!” Ipsita cried.  “Um, I, uh- - I guess we better move on.” Kynan replied in an awkward tone. Bonnie nodded, “Sure. But, boys? I'm - - I'm worried about Mayuko.” She said. Kynan was confusing, “What?” He asked. “I mean, look at her. She doesn't look so good.” Bonnie claimed. Kynan realized this and played along, Ipsita was surprised by what Bonnie was up to and smirked a bit. “What are you talking about? I'm fine.” Mayuko assured cluelessly. Bonnie forced her to look at her in the eyes, “That's what they always say, and then next thing you know, you're on your back.” She paused and said, “…Dead from the neck up.” Mayuko looked shocked, while Kynan commented: “You know, she's right. You look awful.” Ipsita looked concerned, “Do you want to sit down?” He asked. “You know, I'll make you some tea.” Offered Bonnie. 

It was at this point, Mayuko went into a comical freak out, which Isabel was left to comfort her as the others decided to rest for now. Later; Ipsita has built a fire and is cooking the rest of dinner while Bonnie eats. “Mmm. This is good. This is really good. What is this?” said Bonnie with a mouthful food while trying not to open her mouth too wide. “Uh, coq au vin.” Ipsita said. “No kidding. Well, this is delicious.” Bonnie remarked, smiling. Ipsita smiled, “Well, they're also great in stews. Now, I don't mean to brag, but I make a mean coq au vin stew.” He said. Bonnie and Ipsita chuckles until Bonnie sigh. “I never knew someone was so nice to me, I never had food this good before.” She remarked. “I'll cook all kind of stuff for you. Beef soup, fish tartare- - you name it.” Ipsita said with a grin. Bonnie smiles shyly, “I'd like that.” They smiles at each other. “Um, Bonnie?” Ipsita asked. “Yes, Ipsita?” Bonnie solicited timidly. “I, um, I was wondering...are you...” Ipsita started to say. Just then; Kynan appeared, “Hey, what are you two doing?” He snarled. Bonnie and Ipsita jumped back from each other in surprise, Kynan noticed. “What? Am I interrupting something?” He asked with a smirk. “Yes.” Ipsita scowled. “No—what is it?” Bonnie asked. “There’s trouble, you gotta come see this.” Kynan remarked. Moments after; Bonnie, Kynan and Ipsita saw a mass of destruction of some sort of building. “Oi vey, what happened here?!” exclaimed Bonnie. Kynan shook his head in disbelief, “Nothing... nothing at all.” He said. “What do you mean nothing at all?” demanded Ipsita. “Hey, how can I explain it? There’s no tracks, no footprints, it’s like nobody was here!” protested Kynan. “Now that is weird.” Bonnie remarked. “Tell me about it.” Kynan retorted. “Hello, looking for somebody?” A voice said. Bonnie, Kynan and Ipsita turned to see Lady Lavender standing there. “Lady Lavender! How the hell did you find us?” demanded Bonnie. Lavender was about to speak, but stopped and looked at her sisters, “How did we found them again?” She asked. “Um, the Moneta? Remember?” Peche asked. Lavender nodded, “Ah yes, back to business.” She recalled. And smirked devilishly. Bonnie laughed nervously, “I don’t get it, why me? What did I ever do to you?” She asked. “Just think of yourself as a rash that won’t stop scratching. Like a stain won’t go away, a zombie that won’t stay dead.” Lavender said. “In other words in English--That’s how annoying you are.” Yvette clarified. “Of course, that’s what she meant.” Peche said. Bonnie knew her dreaded fate, “We’re so screwed.” She said. “Heyyyy, what’s all the habaloo?” A fake accented. Bonnie, Kynan and Ipsita were surprised to see a young lady in a red cashmere sweater and black poodle skirt. “Who the hell are you?” Lavender demanded. The girl with the fake accent spoke up, “Oh? You trespassing in greater territory. You see, look at this place--It's garish, ugly and smells like piss. Can't quite make out whether it's bums or rats, but it's piss. I'm a connoisseur when it comes to eau de toilette. As for the other parts, any innocent little child getting on one could be maimed or worse.” Lavender looked annoyed, Bonnie cocked her head. “You don’t like it.” She stated the obvious. The girl was shocked, “Don't like it? I'm crazy for it!” She gushed. Bonnie saw that it was Mora and smiled. Kynan and Ipsita noticed, Kynan leaned over and whispered: “I have a feeling you know this girl.” Bonnie shrugged, “I guess.” She said. “You sure know how to ruin us!” Lavender growled. So the girl appeared with an enticing offer of playing a game of calamity poker and Lavender agreed. However, Bonnie and the guys were watching the calamity from above as they noticed the girl was strategic and somehow won the game finally by checking and had right cards. Lavender is shocked, “What?” She gasped. Kynan and Ipsita were shocked while Bonnie smiles at this. “Ha ha! I win!” The girl cheered in her fake accent. “No way, you cheated.” Lavender accused. “Now, now, don’t be a sore loser. We had a good game.” The girl said. “You really are something.” Lavender remarked. “I hope you're wrong about that.” The girl said. “Come on, a little spit and polish, you'll have yourself one hell of a game to play.” Lavender replied. “Oh, you are so right, and thanks to your smooth salesmanship and your silver tongue, I'm completely sold. Let's shake on it.” The girl said. Lavender nodded, taking her hand. “Sure, sure, it's my privilege.” She said. “Yes, yes, it is.” The girl said. Lavender sighed and leaves but she turns and attacks the girl, unveiling her! Bonnie gasped, Lavender gritted her teeth: “Morena Carroll.” She said in between teeth. “MORA, GET OUT OF THERE!!!” Bonnie cried, shocking Kynan and Ipsita. “I’m on it!” Mora called. There were dark shapes that swiftly went by. “Who are they?” Kynan asked. “Spit and Polish, my friends. They persuaded your girls to sign over the deed about an hour ago. The property's already mine. I can see that you're happy about that. Now, I must dash. There's equipment to rent, plus workers to hire, and of course, I need to secure my main attraction. Uh, do feel free to stick around.” Mora said. There was chaos as Bonnie, Kynan and Ipsita escaped! Once they were away; Bonnie and the guys were catching their breaths. “So you do know her, her name is Mora.” Kynan said. “Yeah, I do…In a way, it’s a long story. She used to be a troubled girl but she’s changed. You have to admit, she saved out asses!” Bonnie pointed out. “OK, fine. We’ll leave it at that.” Kynan admitted. Later; Bonnie takes a self blood test as she tries to find out what’s wrong with her and was shocked to figure it out: “I’m a harpy?!” Bonnie gasped by the results. Afterwards; Emily was in the shower when she heard something or someone calling out. So Emily came out of the shower, looking around: “Hey, who said they needed me?” She called. No one answered; she tried again but nothing when a shadow figure appeared behind her. Then, a hand went through Emily’s chest. Emily gasped and drops her arms and head, her towel fell off and dropped to the ground. She was naked and covered in blood, but her heart was out of her chest yet it was still beating! Emily raised her head up as her appearance changed, scaring everybody but her heart was sink back in and she returned to normal. It was at this point that Bonnie managed to tell Kynan and Ipsita the truth of what’s really going on: “I’m an agent of Dream State and so are the rest of my friends.” Bonnie stated. There was a moment of silence before anyone spoke. “You guys are agents?” Ipsita asked. “Yes.” Bonnie said. “Where’s the punch line?” Ipsita inquired. “This isn’t a joke.” Bonnie said, “I’m dead serious!” Kynan sighed, “That’s funny because you were injured because a harpy creature attacked you. You threw a plate at us after breakfast, kick me in the shin, disguised yourself and saved our asses, and now you’re saying you and your friends are FRIGGIN’ AGENTS OF A PLACE CALLED DREAM STATE?!” He exclaimed. Bonnie is offended, “…You don’t believe me.” She stated in a choked up voice. “’Course we do, but you’re up to something are you?” Ipsita asked. “I don’t need this shit, screw this!” Bonnie spat, she turned to walk away but felt her arm being pulled. “Bonnie--!” Kynan protested. “No, no, I don’t need this!” Bonnie said while choking up. “OK, I’m OK.” Kynan said. “Tch!” Bonnie said. Kynan and Ipsita glanced at one another in disbelief before looking back at Bonnie, sighing. “We’re sorry…Guess we are a bunch of idiots.” Kynan said. “…Can you ever forgive us?” finished Ipsita. Bonnie’s lips curved into a smile, she turned to them: “Hey, that’s what friends do!” She said. “Friends?” Kynan and Ipsita asked, despite hating each other for this. “Friends.” Confirmed Bonnie. “So, how do we get to New Americana?” Kynan asked. “Ohh, I got friends to help us out.” Bonnie assured them. “Our friends! What about them? They can’t be left behind!” Ipsita protested. “Ha-ha, we would never leave ‘em behind—they’ll be coming with us. No one’s getting left behind, at all! That’s a promise.” Bonnie verified with a smile. Long story short; Kynan and Ipsita as well as their friends joined Emily, Bonnie and the others. Bonnie and DS agents were working on something with scenarios as well as worked hard. And when it was finished—Bonnie surprised her friends with it as a new ride! “Welcome to the ride, Cosmic Convergence! You are the first riders to this lovely attraction!” announced Bonnie. Bonnie smiled proudly, while her gang stared in awe as they got on the ride. “Please keep your hands and feet in the ride at all times. Thank you and enjoy!” A woman on the speaker said. “This sounds exciting. Babe, I’m really proud of you! I can’t wait to see what you did.” Declan said. “I got a bad feeling about this…” Kynan moaned. “Aww thanks Kynan, always nice to have that friendly support. So warm, so cozy, so—ack! Crushed.” Bonnie groaned. The door repeatedly closed on the ride multiple times. “Why make a ride like this anyway?” demanded Kynan. “You know your problem, Kynan? You got no vision!” Ipsita claimed. “I would’ve if I wasn’t crushed into a friggin’ auto-pilot, painted door!” Kynan complained. “Bonnie, you’re sitting on the button.” Juushi pointed out. Bonnie blushed, “Whoops! Sorry ‘bout that!” She said. Bonnie scooted from the button and the doors open with ease. “And away we go!” exclaimed Bonnie. They enter the ride of colorful scenarios! “Aww! Very vibrant!” Satoshi complimented. “Pretty colors.” Noted Hindel. “Not bad, actually.” Admitted Kynan. “See? I told you so.” Bonnie said. There were prettier scenarios that were ooed and ahhhed to look at. “Whoaaa, nice.” Ipsita said. “Cool.” Declan remarked. The ride made a big turn and went down deep, causing Bonnie and the others to shriek and found themselves in another section that looked interesting while foreign. “Interesting setting.” Nachton mentioned. “Don’t remember any of this here.” Yuunagi retorted. “Picky, picky, picky.” Scolded Bonnie. Then, there was something that looked inappropriate that shocked them. “What was that?” Declan asked. Bonnie blushed, “Don’t ask!” She said. Just then, there was an unfamiliar scenario. Zakkar made a face, “Uh, Bon? I don’t remember it like this.” He said. Bonnie rolled her eyes, “Zakkar, it’s an artful re-creation! A piece de résistance!” She pointed out. “The art is a lie.” Kynan groaned. “Hey, there’s a fine line between divide and conquer.” Bonnie replied defensively. There was static and a loud thump that made everyone jumped. “Oh yeah, ‘divide and conquer’ all right.” Kynan asides in a sarcastic tone. “Is it supposed to do that?” Ipsita inquired. “Um, no?” Bonnie squeaked. “Let’s exit stage left.” Hindel said. More scenarios with lights and other scenarios of the story that amazed others. “All right, enough is enough. This is not part of it and don’t say ‘piece de résistance’.” Kynan said. “Um, poetic justice?” Bonnie replied. And then they came across a section unfinished and not done. “Oops! I totally forgot about this part. Dammit!” grunted Bonnie. “Oh you did?” Minato asked. “So Miss Entrepreneur, what  do you call this?” Kynan snapped. “Uh…uh…Travels of Art!” Bonnie quipped. “Maybe we should ‘travel away’.” Suggested Ipsita. “….Good idea!” Bonnie divulged. Then, came to a creepy part that was amazing. “Sweet!” Satoshi exclaimed. “What now? House of the Dead?” Ipsita jibed. “Why not? It’s kewl!” Bonnie alleged. Below them begin to jutted from the ride and then they went down as they all screamed! Everyone groaned. “I have to admit, that was awesome.” Grunted Kynan. “And unexpected.” Bonnie replied. “I think I’m gonna be sick!” Rishon groaned. “Oh no!” Everyone cried. “Let’s get out of ‘ere!” Yuunagi said in a panicked voice. Afterwards, the ride turned to an illusion looked beautiful. “Ah!” gasped Nachton. “OK, Bonnie. I gotta say this is really, really--!” Kynan declared but was interrupted when the illusion broke and reality sunk in to the secret revealed of the magic being broken. “…Shitty.” Kynan retorted. “Ohh, I never seen it like that before.” Satoshi teased. “Hmm, what’s the word I’m looking for? Phony? Fake? False? No, I got it—Disastrous!” Kynan browbeaten. Bonnie kept her cool, she turned on the walkie talkie. “Ahem, we’re upstate in Section F6. What’s the hold up here?” She snarled. “Babe? Did you do those translations yourself?” Declan asked. Moments later; there was a section of the ride with singing critters and rocking back and forth. “Oh no, No! Please get that rhythm out of my head!” Kynan exclaimed and covered his ears. “I think it’s catchy, I could hum to it all day.” Hindel said with a smile. “Cool.” Yuunagi replied. But then the ride was jutting continuously into the section and not moving. “Oh no!” Satoshi groaned. “Ugh Bonnie, do something!” Declan begged. “I’m doing it, I’m doing it! Juushi, press the emergency button!” Bonnie commanded. “Which one?” Juushi asked. “Aggghhhhh, that E button!” exclaimed Bonnie. “The B button?” hollered Juushi. “No ‘E’ no not ‘B’.” Bonnie shouted. “Uh oh!” Hindel grunted. “How do you stop this thing?” Yuunagi exclaimed. Everyone crashed out of the ride, screaming as they flew and glided into the city. “Crap, crap, crap!” Juushi exclaimed. “We’re dead! So dead!” cried Satoshi. “Dammit!” shouted Rishon. “Shit!” Nachton yelped. Wendigos are on the ride, Bonnie and the gang freak out. But the Wendigos were gone! And they rushed into different places while screaming and yelping. “Help, we’re lost!” Bonnie cried. “Mommyyyyyy!” Juushi exclaimed. The ride climbed up a building slowly and stopped on the top. “Oh man!” moaned Kynan. Bonnie peered over, “Hey!” She said cheerfully. “You can see the agency up here!” Then something appeared on the ride of signs. “Uh oh, what’s that?” Declan asked weakly. “I don’t know, I didn’t put them there!” Bonnie said nervously. “I think we have to choose.” Hindel suggested. “Um…Ipsita, you pick!” Kynan exclaimed. “No, you!” Ipsita argued. “I said you first!” debated Kynan. “Will someone please pick already?!” Bonnie cried in an annoyed voice. Juushi picked one and the ride turned down slowly. “Oh crap!” Satoshi yelled. “Aaaaaaahhhhhh!” Everyone cried out. “Mommy!” Yuunagi yelped. “Egad!” Minato gasped. Then there was Mayuko and Isabel. “What are they doing here?” Kynan asked. “Won’t they drown?” Ipsita asked. “Swimming?” Bonnie mocked, “It’s a heat wave.” There was a few screaming and finally the ride got back to the beginning. “So glad you guys enjoyed it, come back soon!” cheered Bonnie. “What do you mean ‘come back soon’?! That was the worst ride I’ve been on!” Kynan claimed. “So it’s got a lot of flaws, it’s just need some spit and polish—that’s all!” Bonnie asserted. “Woo! Let’s do that again!” Satoshi cheered, “Oh but wait, what’s that?” Juushi took a look at what he was looking at. “Pictures, there’s pictures.” Juushi said. “All right, take a look!” Bonnie said. When it ends, Donata leaned back and looked impressed. “Interesting, you have made yourself useful.” She remarked. In the meantime at some sort of alcohol free party; Bonnie was sitting alone when Kira and Carla approach her. “Well, well, the dangerous lady and the designated Lois Lane.” Bonnie said with a smile. “Em said you’d be here. And there’s a lot of rumors involving someone new to your quarters.” Kira said. “Really? The so called hot psycho that’s getting girls talking, making their girlhood tremble?” Bonnie joked. “Ha, like hell.” Carla barked. Kira sits besides Bonnie with an excited smile. “I need the scoop on this ‘hot psycho’ I’ve been hearing about, so sit and spill.” Kira said with a grin. So Bonnie opened up the floodgates. As she heard what Bonnie has been up to; Kira reacts with gasps, breathed out: “Oh my god!” and dramatic slaps of her hand over her heart. Meanwhile; the woman was talking to the crowd that there was no more room and the crowd was outrage so the woman turned back to her papers when she felt someone over her though she didn’t look up. “Is there room for more?” A voice asked. “Sorry, there isn’t…” The lady said turning but when she saw Kendan, her mouth was slacked open before she composed herself and said, “Yes. There’s always room for one more.” She smiled nervously. “Gee thanks lady. You’re a doll.” Kendan said. He entered inside as girls swooned over him but guys just stared in jealous annoyance. “Hey, what does HE have that we haven’t got?!” One of the guys asked. “Everything, baby.” One of the girls replied dreamily. There was a commotion that got Bonnie, Carla and Kira’s attention. Kira stared in amazement with eyes big as saucers when she saw Kendan! “That’s him?” Kira asked. Bonnie smiled, “Yup.” She said with a nod. “Cute. No, more than that….Hottie.” Kira said, she looked at him like he was something good to eat. Bonnie smiled wider, “Kendan Ramos.” She said. “He looks harmless.” Carla said. Bonnie laughs a little, “Not exactly.” She assured her. Kendan approached Bonnie. “Sup Kendan?” Chloe greeted, “How you holding up?” Kendan looked deadpanned, “Peachy. Whew, talk about a party! But no booze…NOTHING!!” He exclaimed. “Oooh, that sucks.” Bonnie said with a wince. Kendan was irked, “Tell me about it.” He noticed Justine and Rayna. “Who are these ladies?” Kendan asked. “Ban, this is Justine Magnus and Rayna Hurst.” Chloe said. “Hiiii…” Kira said weakly. “Pleasure to meet you. Stud.” Justine remarked dully. “Stud?” Chloe asked. “What are you so ticked about?” Kendan retorted. “They don’t have any friggin’ booze, what do you think?” Carla snapped. “Really? I thought I was the only one.” Kendan said. Bonnie sighed, “Sorry, she’s always like this. Guess she’s a bit spineless.” She remarked. Kira looked at her, Carla gritted her teeth in anger but Bonnie didn’t even noticed. “Well, I’m gonna try enjoy this celebration. See ya.” Kendan said and walked away.  Kira breathed, “Wow, serious hotness factor. He looks like he can swing a hammer to me. He’s melted man candy!” She said with a slight squeal in her voice. Carla whirled around, glaring at her. “’Ey!” She remarked. Kira held her hands up, “Don’t blame me, blame the hormones.” She retorted. “Holy Mary!” exclaimed Carla. 

Meanwhile; Lily watched Clover when other girls told her what Clover was like a teen girl: As a young teen girl; Clover is scandalous party girl and also an extrovert social butterfly, a mother and a queen of fashion who loved enjoying life to the fullest. She was known of her extravagant and very luxurious lifestyle, extrovert personality, she loved hanging out with her friends and having parties. Her love for fashion, enjoyments, indulgences, luxuries, parties and fun. She was the most scandalous party girl of her time no doubt about it – and also her extravagant taste in fashion created a style for whole new generations of young women to come.  But she was also just a bubbling personality who loved social life, enjoying life and also spending lovely time in her idyllic countryside cottage. The palace is a huge palace with equally huge gardens, parks and lakes – and even countryside meadows and farm cottages are included in the palace’s area. Clover learned to love and enjoy the extravagant, luxurious lifestyle of royals. She loved hanging out with her like-minded friends and indulging herself with priceless luxury gowns and fabrics, fashion designs made for her, delicacies, desserts and fine cuisine, amazing jewelry, gorgeous shoes and spa-type of treatments. She used to sleep long, sometimes till midday. Most of all Clover loved dressing her best and going out to social gatherings and parties of upper class, and, to depraved and wild masquerade parties. She went to those parties with her friends. Those masquerade parties of the upper class and royals that Clover participated in, became famous nationwide for their sinful events, extravagant luxury, tables bending of delicacies, gourmet foods and champagne, indulgences and depraved, wild atmosphere--everything was allowed in those parties, including sexual encounters. The masquerade parties were full of upper class dressed in most luxurious, gorgeous, imaginative and extravagant gowns and costumes, jewelry decorated masks and jewelry. They were thrown in Opera Hall – the gorgeous cream cake building in middle of the city. The Opera Hall was luxuriously decorated with gold and velvet, chandeliers, candles, champagne fountains, tons of delicious foods, desserts, candies and cakes, and, amazing-looking people who just wanted to let it loose and get a little crazy, have intimate encounters and drink, eat and party like crazy. There was music, fun, sinful secret encounters and people having the time of their lives. Clover was one of them. She thought she was in safe and unrecognizable with her mask, but she was too stunning not to be recognized. She was said to have intimate encounters in those parties, and for sure she had at least one lover, an aristocrat, that she met in those parties. Even the champagne glasses that they started using in these parties and built gorgeous champagne fountains from them – were created based on the looks of her breasts. She had very giving, sexy gowns. Clover would spend time partying and throwing lavish balls where only the rich and famous would attend. Clover distanced herself from her old life and began spending an increased amount of time at a private castle housed on the grounds of the Palace. Right about this time, there were rumors beginning to surface that claimed Clover was involved in an extra-marital affair with a diplomat. The rumors and disrespect for Clover continued on throughout her stay. In fact, pamphlets began in circulation that showed Clover and described her love of the extravagant life. There was dancing around: One person takes left hand and the other takes the right and walk around one another, pulling slightly on one another's arms to facilitate the turn. Then they walk completely around one another and back to where they started. Lily was intrigued, she went up to Juno and her girls who were ecstatic to see her as they let her joined along. Lily was a little klutzy but she managed to get it and soon she was getting the steps. Emily smiles, while watching Lily was having fun. Occasionally; Lily looks over at Emily and teasingly sticks her tongue out while laughing and waving. Briar waves back, laughing at how exuberant she was. Kendan looked over at Lily, “She seems to enjoy herself.” He said. Bonnie looked at him, “Is that a problem?” She asked. “No, it’s just…She seems to hang out with them a little too much.” Kendan said. “Why would you say that?” Bonnie asked. “Remember that encounter with Lily, and…it freaks me out a little.” Kendan explained. “Oh! I see. I remember that, but um…I didn’t much.” Bonnie said nervously. In the meantime; the harpsichord was playing as the girls were singing. One of the prissy girls tries to get Sturla’s attention with a seductive wink and a little wave but Sturla scoffs this off. Then, the prissy girl accuses Fleta for being a prude. But the chandelier that was hanging from above was about to crash onto the prissy girl but missed! Everyone screams, they saw a girl approaching “It’s her, Clover of the Dollhouse Sisterhood!” A girl whispered. Clover approached by saying, “I welcome you to my home that solely belonged to me and I wish you keep the Mufidy Family safe. And my salary is due.” One of the aristocrats glances at her in disbelief, “She has a salary?” He asked. “Why yes, the city pays her about one thousand, seven hundred and ninety nine trillions of dollars.” Replied a dark figure. The guy was outrage as he exclaimed: “One thousand, seven hundred and ninety nine trillions of cash?!” There was chaos coming from Hellions and Fleta as well as Sturla took cover. But then, the Hellions screamed: “THAT PSYCHO IS OUT OF CONTROL, WHY CAN’T HE STAY DEAD?!” Fleta stood there stunned, “Psycho?” She uttered. Her eyes widened with surprise, “They said ‘Psycho’, isn’t that--Is Kendan Ramos standing behind me?” Fleta asked. Fleta mused in her thoughts, “Kendan Ramos…They say he can’t die for some sort of healing factor. I can’t believe he’s behind me.” She gritted her teeth. Fleta felt her breath caught in her throat, she trembled. Fleta decides to see for herself of this ‘Psycho’. So she turns around. At the same time, the heel of her shoe broke and slowly, she raised her head as she saw Kendan she felt the lub dub music against the drum that was her heart ringing in her ears. “It’s him!” She thought. Fleta stared up in awestruck of the sight of Kendan Ramos! “This Psycho…Is a sight I’d never forget.” Thought Fleta, totally blushing. Just then; the Hellions attack and causing the villagers to flee. Some were slain, the others couldn’t believe it! “Somebody has to do something!” Fleta said. “Like what?” Kendan asked. “I don’t know, DO SOMETHING!!! HELP THEM!!” Fleta exclaimed in a frenzied. Just then, some sort of power emerged from Fleta that threw the monsters back and killed them. Kendan and Sturla was horrified. "What's happening?" Kendan said. Fleta realized what she caused as she tried to timidly explained, "I don't know I got angry and then, this happened...." She stopped as her cheeks turned red. Kendan looked around, "Alright just....don't get mad at me...Or anyone else for that matter. He then had slain the monsters before turning to the others, "Well are you coming?" He asked. Sturla and Fleta nods, "Let's go!" said Fleta. She and her brother run with Kendan while he was fighting the monsters. "Careful, we don't want to ruin the place." Fleta said. Kendan was annoyed to hear this, "Don't you think that I realize that? You must think we’re really stupid or something!" He said. Sturla added, "No, you're not really stupid." Fleta was concerned. She didn't know what was going on and it scared her. While battling the Hellions; Kendan couldn't help but asked, "Why is it that every time I see you you're causing some sort of commotion?" Fleta rolled her eyes, "Maybe because I am one." She shouts. "And I happen to be genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow." Sturla looked at her in surprise, "No you're not. Or you wouldn't be so unhappy." He said. "Hey, I could go all day and if you guys don't need my help...Or his for that matter." called Kendan but Fleta managed to say, "No, we do!" And they got out of there. Once afterwards, the three of them were catching their breaths. Fleta looked at Kendan and gasps softly, "Oh look, you're bleeding... those things...they must have scratched you." She said. But saw the wounds being healed, she looked at him. “What are you?” She whispered. While waiting, Sturla saw that Andrea makes her entrance as she places her arms around Sturla. Watching while hiding from afar; Fleta can do nothing but watch as her brother falls for Andrea. “Sturla…I deeply care about you, I want to protect you. I can ensure you that no harm will come to you. I will be your freedom. I would never wanted anything more, but to be free and loved. I will always be beside you. Protect you and guiding you through the ups and downs of the world. I never want you to be lonely anymore. Wherever you go, I will be there beside you.” Andrea whispered, echoing the words back at him. Just then, Hellions nearly injured Sturla but Andrea tends to him while Clover took down the Hellion that hurt him. Recognizing Clover; Sturla got to see her, who knelt down to check how he was doing and Sturla was crying, he apologized for what happened however Clover reassures him that all is well. “I’m just a boy.” Sturla said in a choked up voice. Clover put a hand on his forehead, “Even if you’re a boy, you can still fight like a girl.” She assured him. Clover looked determined, “I, Clover, being of sound, mind and body will eradicate the Hellions! I will have my revenge, if I get blood on my hands—SO BE IT!!” Sturla saw her determination and smiles at her. 

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