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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Phenomenon Serendipity 2--Chapter 4

Things are about to get intense so please enjoy on what's to come in Phenomenon Serendipity 2, I wrote this because this is my biggest dream anime crossover. Thank you for liking this crossover--I hope! --KatDon 

Chapter 4 

At night; a call girl roamed the streets, wearing fishnet tights, shorts and bustier top. She has a garter around her right thigh. The streetwalker wore eye shadow, lipstick and looking pretty as she wandered around, then it happened: The call girl came by a van with tinted windows, she tapped at the window. It was then the windows rolled down as the call girl leaned over with a sultry glance on her face, “Hey sugar…Looking for a good time?” She asked. The voice from the vehicle sounds like he was smiling, “Oh yes. Would you mind of another being here?” The call girl smirked, “Oh, a friend? OK, I’ll take the three way.” She purred. Just then; there was a firm hand gripping her wrist, it felt like iron and the voice said: “You want to play with us?” Immediately; the girl knew something was wrong, she try to pull away however it was too late! She screamed as she is dragged in the van as it peels away! Later; the poor streetwalker was left in an alley, bleeding to death and crying. It wasn’t until some shadow loomed down on her, but this time a girl’s voice spoke up softly: “I can help you sweetie.” Later; Crowley returned from a night out from going after that prostitute. Just then, Crowley noticed something that surprised him. “Oooh! We got company.” He said, he looked and his eyes widened in amazement, “Just the girl we’ve been looking for.” He purred. Rosemary smirks at him, “Hmm….Kinda cold in here boys.” She said. Crowley was behind her chair, “That can be arranged.” He said as he tries to touch her shoulders however Rosemary swiftly steps away. “You gonna do the same thing to me like what you did to that streetwalker?” She snapped. Crowley sighed, “Oh come now, she was asking for it.” He said. Andrea slowly turned to him intensely, “Never. Say. That.” She said angrily. Crowley sighed, “You’re right…It wasn’t our intention but we were starving.” He claimed. “Yeah? So am I! I haven’t been fed all day!” Rosemary screamed. Crowley was annoyed so he sarcastically asked, “What can I do to make a girl like you happy?” He said with a fake smile. “I want you to bring me my angel…Sylver Eden, bring her by midnight.” Rosemary commanded. “Hmm, kidnap Sylver Eden by midnight? Sounds like Cinderella.” Lacus said. “And keep her for awhile.” Andrea finished. Crowley laughed, “Now it’s more like Rapunzel.” He remarked. “Bring me my long haired girl with the glass slippers at once! I do not want her to lose her shoes!” demanded Rosemary. “Affirmative, darling.” Crowley said with a grin on his face. Meanwhile; Sylver wore a pastel blue dress with a silk yet loose petticoat and embroidered floral lace cover. It has a silver scalloped ribbon hemming as well as a silver silk floral ribbon around the waist that also match her gloves. She was attending the party alongside Ravenna, “Thanks for inviting me here.” Said Sylver. “Oh, it’s no trouble.” Ravenna replied. They attended the party while Sylver and Ravenna had a good time when a woman approached Sylver. “Excuse me miss? But a gentleman has asked for you upstairs with something important.” She said. Curious; Sylver went upstairs to the balcony as she shivered but found a note there that said something that made her eyes widened in horror: “HELLO SYLVIE, DID YOU MISS ME? –GUESS WHO?” Dropping the note; Sylver tries to move backwards when a hand clasps over her mouth, “Hold still my sweet.” And Sylver felt sharp fangs as well as incisor-like fangs into her skin of her neck. Then, Sylver was passed out and the next thing that occurred, Sylver was awakening in a dark, dimly lit room as well as a soft cushion of a bed. As she sat up to view her surrounds; Sylver was met with the vampires who leered at her from the shadows. Sylver panicked as she moved away quickly, she try to flee but was pinned to the wall as they advanced towards her. Her wrists at her sides on the wall, “GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!!” yelled Sylver. Just then, Lacus was moving his fangs into her, “No, get your paws from there….No, no, NOT THERE!!!” She protested. Then, Lacus as well as the others are thrown backwards. “WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!” Rosemary screamed, “DO NOT TOUCH HER!!!” She then turns to them with an intense stare expression. “Ah, Rosie…” Lacus greeted however he and the others cringed when Rosemary exclaimed: “ROSEMARY!!!” Lacus replied back, “Rosemary…uh we—we apologize for bringing you trouble to Sylver. She was just beautiful.” Rosemary snapped back, “Don’t make excuses, I’m watching all of you! I’ll go bat-shit crazy all of you!” All of them left while Rosemary turned to Sylver and helped her up, “You OK sweetie?” Sylver nodded, “Yes, thank you.” She replied. Rosemary patted her shoulder, “You should go and freshen up, I promise those bastards won’t ever hurt you again.” She said. Rosemary smiled, “Thanks…again. I really do appreciate it.” She admitted. Rosemary provide her with clean clothes, a towel, a louffa and shampoo as well as shower body wash. After freshening up; Sylver just come out of the shower, she wrapped herself in the towel as she walks back to her room. She shivered as she finally got to her room without incident. Sylver closed the door, let her towel dropped to the ground and got dressed. She brushed her hair, put her blue necklace along with her cross, places her socks on her delicate feet. Finally; Sylver turned on a dim light from a lamp and begins to write in her new notebook, it was a gift from the Fury Family. As she was engrossed in the story she was continuing, Sylver felt hands on her own petite hands! “My, you have pretty hands you have writing there.” Crowley said while he crept behind Sylver. She freezed as she turned to him and asked: “What do you want?” Crowley was trying to go even deeper, “Now, now sweetie. Don’t be so hard on me, I was here to keep you company.” Crowley replied. “Business before pleasure, I’m writing here.” Retorted Sylver. Crowley clicked the pen off, Sylver looks at him with a disdained expression. “You fingers look bruised from pressing too hard on the paper. So that’s your secret to hand writing perfection. Sounds difficult with great concentration, but no pain, no gain right?” Hayato said. Sylver snorted, “Hmm….The form of seduction. Goodness gracious! Are you trying to seduce me? If you are, it’s working…NOT!” She remarked and went to return to her writing. However, she was thrown on her bed as Crowley had his hands on her, “Oh my Gawd!!!” She moaned. “Yes, you like that...” Crowley said. But he froze when a voice in his ear said, “I’ll like it better if I put my hands through you.” Pansy was standing right behind a stunned yet disappointed Crowley, who reluctantly gets off her. Sylver was quivering as she hugged her knees to her chest. Pansy sighed, “Somebody better get enhanced security.” She retorted. Later at night; Rosemary sat at the table waiting in such impatience by Sylver’s tardiness. She leaned back in her chair while muttering: “Gawd, how do you people live like this? Day after day, keeps a girl like me waiting for almost an hour…” Then, there was soft footsteps as Rosemary sighed: “Finally!” She gets up as she straightened herself before returning to her seat. Then; Sylver emerged in a purple, off the shoulder neckline gown with jeweled diamonds of a flower on the front on the bodice. Rosemary smiled at the sight of her however Crowley looked disappointed. “Not the one I gave you?” He inquired. “Skimpy dresses aren’t my thing. Sorry.” Sylver remarked. Rosemary’s fake smile faded, “You gave her that dress?” She said with gritted teeth. “What’s wrong with that? Is that a problem?” asked Crowley. “Yes, why the hell would you give her a dress with shreds? That is not appropriate. You really are a predator.” Accused Rosemary. Crowley scoffed at this, “A predator? Sounds harsh, isn’t it?” Rosemary crossed her arms, “You know, that’s what you are. You bastard.” She said. “Hmph!” Crowley said, making a face. Sylver was enjoying the food, “The food is excellent.” She said after she swallowed. “Thank you, dearie. I knew you’d love it. Baked ziti, and you’re eating properly.” Rosemary said, beaming with pride. “Of course, I have manners don’t I?” Sylver said incredulously. Crowley watched her with a leer on his face, “You sure are hungry, you seem so modest.” He remarked. Sylver gave him a glare while delicately wiping her face with the napkin. She chewed slowly while eating and swallowed without going too fast. Once she managed to talk without eating, Sylver said to Crowley: “Stop flirting me, you’re staring at me. Are you hungry or something?” She was trying to sound sarcastic. “Maybe you are, you looked delicious…Luscious.” Crowley purred, his voice dripping with sickly sweetness. Sylver chuckled, “Careful, you sound seductive.” She retorted. Horn said with a smirk, “Oh no, my Lord is serious. He wants to eat you.” Sylver’s head darted up in horror, “What?” She said weakly. “They haven’t eaten much and are starving, would you like to be the main meal?” Chess said with a giggle. Sylver glanced at Crowley who had ravenous looks in their eyes. “Oh shit!” She blurted out. Sylver bolted from the table, backing away from Michael and Hayato advancing towards her however Rosemary’s Corruptions protect Sylver from those tow. Crowley glared over at Rosemary, who was leaned comfortably in her seat, her head cocked to the side as her facial expression was full of skepticalism. “I knew you would do something like this.” Remarked Crowley. “Ah, you see what I did there? No one defiles or brings hard to my Lily White and gets away with it.” Rosemary said with a sneer. 

 The next day; an agent burst in, startling Briar and the others, with some terrible news: “QUICK! Turn on the TV, it’s Kureto Hiragi--! He….Seishiro….their father…their on the screen, broadcasting about dominating the city!” As soon as she heard that, Briar turned on the huge TV screen and then there he was—the Devil himself! Kureto, his father and Kureto’s mouthy brother Seishiro were there. “Oh my god!” Chloe gasped. “Greetings world, I am your nemesis. I am your champion, I am your savior. I believe you should fear me as well as the great Hiragi clan. You see, I’m dominating this city. I will have no other choice but to divide and conquer this city once and for all. You see…I, Kureto Hiragi, am going to change the world and will destroy anyone who dares to intervene. I will remove obstacles in my path. If you are weak, you will die. But if you are strong, you will survive. It is the way of the Hiragi clan. If you cannot accept that, then we will have no choice but to bring to your knees and make you an example. Your foolish attempts cannot outwit any of us. If you are wise, I suggest you stand down and surrender. For we will annihilate all of the monsters and all of those involved with one corporation: The Evermore Agency.” Kureto announced. Shocked was all around, Briar gritted her teeth. “Oooh! That bastard!” She muttered. Kureto continued, “Now, you will tell me where Briar Devlin is as well as her allied forces or they will be consequences. Speak up, where is the agency? Anyone? If you do, bring me to their location.” He waited but no one dared speak a word. “Come now or die, speak up now.” All of a sudden, one of the soldiers of Kureto Hiragi’s men begins to convulsed and eviscerated amongst the people, which they reacted in shock. And then, there was a psychotic giggle that stunned the Hiragi clan and their soldier, a silvery voice with hints of brittle madness in her tone of voice spoke, “Did you hear what they just said?...They said the Hiragi family will be on top of the food chain once again…I heard that they’re ruthless…I heard that they hate weaklings and they believe only the ‘strong’ will survive….I heard that they lack kindness that Guren and the others have…I heard that the Hiragi family are vile monsters than the vampires….I heard….” Kureto, Seishiro and their father turned to look downward as they could see Andrea in a faux fur coat that reached to her knees. And she wore brown shoes. She finished her sentence concluding with, “…That they have prideful egos.” Tenri was surprised by the sight of her. Seishiro stood up, exclaiming: “She’s here! The Witch has finally arrived!” Rosemary snickers, “You remember me! I’m so touched! Hee-hee! You think you’ll be the ones to wipe out every single person with imperfections and dominant this world? I have to disagree on that notion. The only one who will divide and conqueror—is me.” She said. And then, she giggles in a deranged manner. “I don’t know what you want out of this but this could be easier without a fuss.” Kureto said. Rosemary sneered at him, “We want your blood, Hiroki!” She declared. Kureto looked at her, “My blood?” He asked. Rosemary grinned excitedly, “That’s right, yours! Your father’s and brother’s red plasma! A half pint, I’m talking gallons, baby!” She said happily. “Our blood? Ha! You would get our blood on you? You think you can destroy us, you’ll get dirty things on your clothes. Won’t you get yourself unclean? What’s underneath that coat of yours?” Tenri said. “Oh, how rude of me! I forgot to remove my coat.” Rosemary said mockingly. She seductively took off her coat as Kureto, his brother and father were very shocked to see Rosemary resembled Mahiru in her clothing. She wore a sailor schoolgirl outfit. Rosemary begins to prance around with a sneer on her face, “The magnificent…marvelous…Mad, mad, mad—Mad Rosemary has arrived!” She affirmed and laughed dramatically. “How dare you resemble Mahiru! She was the successor to our family name and yet you mock her!” Tenri said. “Mocking her? I’m honoring her, she’s so beautiful! Just like her sweet little sister, Shinoa.” Rosemary said. “It’s a lie, there is nothing wrong with you.” Seishiro claimed. “That’s so sweet of you to say, but you of all people should know by now…There’s plenty wrong with me. Take you bastards for example…Mmmm, I would say Mr. Kureto there. I wish somebody would be aware of him…This guy’s a real hoot isn’t he?”  Andrea claimed. “Why should we care?” Tenri snapped. “Because…Your sonny boy is guilty of crimes against humanity….He had been verbally oppressing. He believes only the strongest will survive and the weak will die, killing sacrificial humans in the process. But wait, there’s the accusations against Yuu…Then, the brutal interrogations and the torture against my dear boys…Yoichi and Kimizuki! I swear, I’m obsessed with those two, after what Kureto did! UGH!!!! IF I SEE THAT SCENE ONE MORE TIME, I’LL STRING HIM UP AND DROP HIM IN THE DRAIN!!!!” Rosemary hollered. She let out a laugh. Rosemary sneered at him, “I’m a pretty messed up girl and can’t be taken for granted. Life’s a bitch, now so am I!” She snarled. “You must really hate us so much.” Sakiware remarked, smirking at her. Andrea pretends to be shocked, “You mean you figured it out? Why else would I do this? I’m obsessed with the mess that’s the Hiragi family…The Moon Demon Company’s kiddos! But mostly my adversary against the Hiroki family!” She said. She then exclaimed: “I HATE THE HIRAGI CLAN!!! I HATE! THE HORRIBLE! WHOLESOME! HIRAGI FAMILY!!!! I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM! HATE, HATE, HATE!!!!!” She stopped and looked up before smiling slowly. “Ah, she’s here--! I’ll leave you alone with her…Exit stage right.” Rosemary announced. She swiftly steps away to the side and there she was: Ophelia Fury standing there. She looked up to have orange-yellow eyes glowing which horrified everyone, even the Hiragi family! A slow smile appeared on Ophelia’s face. She wore a lilac-colored strapless gown which was a floor length puffy skirt. The material of the dress was lustrous smooth silk that was very tender to touch and her hair is straightened with no strands sticking up. “No…It can’t be!” Tenri muttered. Ophelia slowly wiggled her fingers while also curtsying before them and walks to them. As she made her way up to the stairs where the Hiragi clan is; visions of Abigail is seen before them: First, there was an innocent child of Abigail. The second was of Abby as an awkward teen. The third was another one of her in a beautiful gown for prom. The fourth showed of Ophelia as a teen in her prom dress, but covered in disgusting liquids as well as blood. And she had an insane look in her eyes. And finally, it showed her present self. Just then; Edom, his father and his brother are thrown into their chairs! The three of them were bound to their seats; they struggle in their seats but they couldn’t! Just then, they heard giggles as click clack sounds of heels. Carna and the other girls appeared as they were looking crazy yet beautiful to not glance away! Blossom wore a hot pink skirt, matching short sleeved vest, a fully lined dark purple  bodice, and light pink ruffled bloomers underneath. Nyx wore a black halter dress fitted with a satin finish, skirt pantels, cropped white faux fur jacket that had black spots on it, red opera gloves and she carried a golden cane with a diamond on top. Roz wore a black dress with red glitter hearts embrodied on it, black and red tulle detailed skirt. On her head was a hear shaped headpiece. And Pansy was in a purple sheer ombre sleeves and around the neckline, a black high low dress, purple satin tendrils, and a black sweetheart bodice wrapped around the dress. But there were new girls as it seems: One girl in a maroon and black corset style top laced in the front with decorative straps, glovets, a choker and a belt. Her mascara was running down, her lipstick was smeared all over her mouth, and a crazed look on her face. This girl is Rosemary! Hands were placed on Kureto’s throne, Kureto turned around to see the frenetic glance on her lovely face sneering at him. “Well, well, well! What have we here? Kureto Hiragi, huh? Ooooh--! I’m really scared!” She said mockingly. “So you’re the one everybody’s talking about huh!” Rosemary laughed like a lunatic. Roz skips around Tenri as she chants, “You’re joking, you’re joking! I can’t believe my eyes, you gotta be—this can’t be the right guy! He’s ancient, he’s ugly!” The other girls giggled and squealed in delight! “Release us or else you’ll face dire consequences!” Seishiro demanded. Pansy sauntered towards Seishiro, “God! Would someone shut this bastard up?! I’m drowning in my tears! You really are too much!” She saddled upon his lap and undid her top a little to show her cleavage and bare skinned breasts a little. “And now with your permission, I’m going to do my stuff.” Pansy purred, she pulled out a switchblade. Seishiro stares at her with terror in his eyes. “What the hell are you going to do?” He managed to say. “I’m going to do the best I can!” Pansy replied in a passionate, sultry tone of sensuality in it. “I’ll cut your clothes off, I’ll tear them up and you like a BRAZEN BULL!!!” She said while using the switchblade at him furiously, she made tears and rips at him however she stops as she sneered while saying, “Better keep your clothes on toots.” And gets off his lap while walking away. “Release us now or you will deal with my army!” Kureto threatened. “Oh geez, you are something! You put me in a spin, Hiragi! You my friend aren’t comprehending the position that you’re in. It’s hopeless, Kureto. You and everyone else here are finished, you people haven’t got a prayer! I’m Rosemary Fury and you ain’t going nowhere!” She confirmed, and laughed. “That’s why everything…” Pansy started to say. Roz also chimes in, “…Every last little thing…” Rosemary pipes up, “…Every. Single. Tiny. Microscopic. Little thing. Must go….” And all of them concluded with, “According. To Plan!” They beamed with pride. “Die…die…we all pass away…Don’t wear a frown, it’s really OK….really. You might try to hide, and you might try and pray. But we all end up the remains of the day.” Pansy said. 

Carna then said, “Got a question for you….Would you die for your family? Would you live for them? Hmm? See two questions…left unanswered….” Briar and the others realize Carna and the other girls look familiar! But they realize those girls are from that one previous mission. However, the two girls looked different. Pansy was in a spandex dress of a blue and white plaid top, with buttons down the entire front. The top is also short-sleeved. The bottom was a brown skirt. She wore two white ribbons to tie around the neck, under the collar. And Rosemary wore a white shirt with printed button details, attached plaid skirt and a bow tie. How they had something that resembled a gun to their heads and pulled the trigger, where they seemed to have died but yet here they were, still alive! Briar and the gang were shocked to realize this. In his horrified state; Yoichi remembered his encounter with Blossom before she was what she became: Blossom purred at Yoichi who watched her while trembling in fear, “So Yoichi…You gonna follow what you’re being told….Or you gonna follow your instincts…Take down Lacus, listen to the monster inside you. You know you can handle it, my darling.” She said seductively. “I have about two questions…Would you die for your friends?” Yoichi thought for a moment before saying, “I would.” Blossom realized her mistake, “That sounds suicidal…Maybe this will be better…Would you live for them?” She inquired. Yoichi nodded with a smile, “Sure.” He said. Meanwhile, Kimizuki remembered his encounter with Nyx: Kimizuki felt Nyx behind him, “Come on, Kimizuki. You want to do it. You know you do….You’re going to let that Lacus bastard go and do what he wants…Think about your sister, he might do the same to others…Even to you…” Currently with Rosemary and the girls’ catastrophe; Rosemary appeared in a purple jacket with coat tails, a yellow shirtfront corset, black vest and a bowtie with pinstripe purple pants. And Pansy appeared in a red and black top, white skirt, a red and white ruffled choker, a nurse headpiece, a black eye mask, red and black glovelets with a belt. “So, here are your choices….” Rosemary said in a seductive voice while behind Kureto, struggling in his bounds. Rosemary poised the scalpel at his eyes while she said, “….We can gouge your cruel eyes out….” She brought the scalpel away as she said, “…Or do we cut out your heart...?” as she finished while purring and pointed the scalpel to his chest, “…That is, assuming you have one.” Grinning from ear to ear; Pansy came behind Seishiro, who glared at her with his eyes as she looked down at his jeans, “Let's get rid of Mr. Happy, so he can't hurt Ms. Sweetie anymore. And, by the way, Mr. Happy is looking very teeny right now.” She said and then giggles. Seishiro looked at Pansy in disbelief, he then got angry. “Boy, this reminds me the thrilling spasm over Jude the Bastard’s murder. How humiliated I was, how all the scum called my classmates laughed at me…As I watched the monster’s head torn off with my powers, I knew I'd done the right thing….I knew it was a new beginning….There was actually moisture trickling down my leg.....Jude made me splurge after all.” From the rooftop; Crowley and the vampires watched the chaos unfold but the one who was engrossed in the scene, she felt her heart pulsating in her chest. Goosebumps ran up and down her body, her fingers near her small yet soft lips that trembled by the anxiousness and the thrilling sensation of Andrea and her girls causing havoc. Crowley noticed Sylver shaking like a lifea, “Aww, you poor princess. Trembling so much like a dog. Here, let me warm you up.” He said in a sickly sweet voice while putting his arms around her however Sylver shifted away, “I’m fine.” She said. “I’m not cold.” She got a little closer to the edge of the roof, her right foot taps constantly. It wasn’t until Crowley and the others noticed there was something wrong with her: Sylver’s hair was slightly pink, she looked more thinner and buxom as her feet was curvy and sculpted. Sylver looked down as Crowley placed his hands on her slender shoulders as he said to her, “You see, it’s crazy what humans do…You cannot. Escape. The madness.” Sylver turned to him with a smirk, “Actually…I can!” She declared. Sylver climbed to the edge and jumped from the roof before anyone can stop her! At this moment, Sylver pulled out a box cutter and sliced her hand, she whisper: “Get me out of this avalanche…” The wise man used his powers from behind the puzzle door as Sylver was glided to the streets safely without being seen! It was at this point, her MPD she had with her was acting up and saw something that she recorded on accident which was Kureto whispering to Rosemary, saying: “Oh don’t worry, I’ll take care of the weakest fool of DWC—My good man, Dirge. I must say, I’d played that idiot’s games so much because he asked me too! He’s nothing more than a wealthy slacker.” Sylver was stunned and smiled to herself: “Gotcha, you bastard!” She murmured. At that moment of that scene; Sylver felt that loud, noisy sound she so despised that became easily disoriented but begins to feel a meltdown rising from inside. However, something happened to Sylver: The pink tint replaced her original hair color, her face has veiny splinters around her eyes, and her nose and ears begins to bleed. However she felt someone behind him and looked to see who it was. “Gentlemen, do not worry. We’ll have you fixed in no time.” Dirge said, brandishing a needle and came closer to her when there was a loud pop sound that made Sylver cringed as well as cause Dirge to curse. Then; Lily looked up to see a girl with long, stringy black hair that was unwashed and wet. Her complexion was ghastly pale that made her undeathly gorgeous, frail and petite young lady as she wore a black shroud with her hood down. Her lips were thin and pale pink but her eyes were sad-looking and focused. The girl seized Sylver as they escaped together! “STOP HER!!!” Dirge exclaimed. The girl leads Sylver away as she helps her escape. “This way, hurry!” The girl said to Sylver. And off they went! Ravenna was in town when she discovered an abandoned MPD and took a look to see it was in perfect condition. That’s when Ravenna saw the memory on the MPD and she was shocked to discover what she saw of her attackers, and the person responsible. She found Sylver and confronts her until Sylver became irrational and admits the truth. Ravenna demands to know, “I DID IT ALL FOR YOU, RAVENNA!!!” She stopped and begins to cry, “…Those people….they said awful things after they attacked you!” Ravenna stares at her with sympathy before giving her a hug. And then, it was silent but not for long. “Promise me you won’t do that again.” Ravenna said to her. Sylver nodded, “I promise.” She declared. Just then, Ravenna whirled her head around as she called out: “Who’s there? I saw you! Where did you come from?” Later; Briar and the gang managed to stop Rosemary and her girls from doing anymore damaged to Kureto Hiragi, his brother and father—unexpectedly rescuing them while also letting them get away. Rosemary is shocked by the sight of Briar’s boys. “Rosemary…” Yuu said solemnly. Rosemary and the girls are agape at the guys as they all cried out joyfully in synced: “PUDDIN’!!!” Rosemary and the others were confused, stunned by what she just said. “’Puddin’? What the hell?” Narumi said. 

Just then at an instant; Rosemary has her claws on Eren and Yuu, Pansy kidnapped Armin, Blossom has Jean and Kimizuki as her captive, Carna took Mika, Narumi and Yoichi as her hostages. “Gotta go—Pillow talk with Ol’ Glory!” snarled Rosemary. She and the girls dragged their captured prisoners! Briar was horrified as she follows them but soon lost sight of them so she decides to call for back up—her friends! It was at this point that these girls had absorbed powers of the Infestations and were becoming insatiable to their cravings but they were careful not to kill their captives: Rosemary goes down and eats the torn, bleeding flesh just by the nibble, Eren moans while his head inclined up. Her lips were making soft smack sounds as she intakes air while her tongue took action at the blood. Eren was just bending backwards as Andrea’s tongue goes to work, while watching his body twisting and shivering. Rosemary will eat it from the skin and she's gonna eat it anyway. Rosemary spreads her legs, while she is sucking his blood. Eren thought he would go crazy because she eats it like a wild animal. He leans back while she eats blood from there, spread apart the fleshy parts and suck on the blood. The juiciness of it was like a smoothie! Rosemary was causing him to sweat with her sucking skills and Eren will be dripping wet of red when she’s done. Struggling to fight it; Eren is gripping the bed sheets and having muscle contractions in pain. Meanwhile; Blossom moans in pleasure, "I'll be gentle but boy if you don't!" She begin to gyrate upon Yoichi while causing his body and mind to twist and turn by the nightmare going on inside his head while she moaned: "OH MY GOD!!! I'M COMING!!!" Yoichi saw the monsters in his head as he screamed, "AAAAAH!!!!!!" Blossom liked to him scream: "YES! YES! YES! Oh my God, oh my God! Oh, Oh, Oh, OH OH! OOOOKKKOOOOOH! ALRIGHT! ALIRHFT.....!!!!!" Yoichi was struggling to get away from the nightmare in his head while Blossom moaned as she said, "HOLY SHIT, I'M SO HIGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! BREATHE ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....." Yoichi whimpered softly while Blossom smirked down at him as she said, "Hnnnnghhh...You like it like this baby boy~? God, I feel so alive! OOOOOOHHHHH, I FEEL ALIVE!!!! DON'T STOP, DON'T STOP!!! I'M COMING.....I'M COMING!!!! AUHAHA! OH LORD, I THINK I'M....I'M FEELING IT!!!! I DON'T WANT TO FEEL IT, BUT I AM.....MAKE IT STOP!!!! NO, DON'T!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!" Yoichi was horrified as his mind was violated and scarred from the monsters torturing him as Blossom shouted in between pleasurable moans, "I'M FEELING IT!!!! I'M FEELING IT!!!! I'M FEELING IT!!!!" Finally, she stopped and sighed, it was over as Blossom managed to say: "....I just came....I have arrived at my desired location." And let out a scary laugh! In the meantime; Pansy is grinding against Kimizuki, as her hands were roaming his bloodied and bruised body. She soon moaned his name. Pansy slowly moved down the bed, pulling Kimizuki's restraints apart gently and leaning in, starting to lick at his bloodied wound. "Don't worry, I'll be very gentle, just endured this longer, please..." She spoke quietly, biting her lip as she looked down at Kimizuki, before he let out a quiet gasp of horror. Pansy was slowly licking up and down along his wound, and gently pushing a finger into it, while her other hand was by it, slowly rubbing it. Kimizuki let out quiet moans of pain, as Pansy's tongue was pushed inside of him, making him squirms from the pleasure of it. "You taste good, love..." Came Pansy's slightly muffled voice, as she slowly moved her tongue around inside of Kimizuki, a second finger following the first into his wound, both of them pushing in deep. Pansy was loving the taste of him, never wanting this to end. She smirked softly, and reached into the drawer beside her, slowly pulling out an item as she continued. "Pansy, what are you doing...?" Kimizuki demanded. Pansy had pulled away slightly to speak, panting as he did so, before he heard a faint buzzing sound, and felt something long and thick slowly, teasing slide into his dripping wound. Kimizuki let out a gasp, and squirmed where he lay, biting his tongue, as the large cattle prod was pushed inside of him, and his wound was attacked by Pansy's mouth, it being kissed, sucked on, and bit lightly, over and over again. "PANSY~!" Kimizuki half screamed out her name, his quivering body squeezing around the weapon, feeling her actions take affect fast. Pansy decided that Kimizuki needed more, and buried her face in his scar, and moaned softly, her tongue being pushed deep inside, three fingers following suit, and getting slammed into the scar; making Kimizuki squirm and moan, as he was squirming from her small fingers, his wound being stretched and thrust into deeply with each movement, as Pansy turned the prod up to max, slamming it in deep, once, twice, and then one final time, before Pansy gave a shudder and came, letting out a scream of pleasure. "Kimizuki~!" Was the only word that left her mouth, as she bit down lightly on Kimizuki’s skin, tugging on it. For the time being; it got even more scarier: "Are you ready?" asked Blossom with a smile. "For what?"  Jean inquired nervously. “A good time.” She said as she licks lips. Jean is scared, but Blossom grins even wider. "All riggggghhhht. Let the sucking begin! So feel the kiss..." She wraps her mouth around his wound on his and begins to moan, while sucking as she closed her eyes as she said in between breaths: "I see someone is a little thirsty today. Hehe, don't worry, you'll be wet once I’m done with you~~!"  She loudly moans, placing a hand on his head. She continued to suck, moan and breathes while Jean was panicking. "Hehehe, I see someone is anxious~alrighty, you'll get your share~" She pushes him down, lifting leg up, slowly bringing face to wound however Jean hits her with all of his might. But she didn't feel pain, instead Blossom takes her hand off leg, smirking while grasping his hand. "Ooooh, I see how it is, I like this side of you. Shows dominance in you~!" She said. And then bites his skin, fondling with the side of his flesh. Jean gasps out of horror, "Ohhhh....!" Blossom starts to suck, then licks seductively. "Would you like it to hurt, or make it pleasurable? After all, I don't want to hurt you." She licks the flesh and playing with it. "Oh, I see~! You want me to do something eh? Alright, how about this~?" She proceeds to pinch both joints and kisses his neck, grinding against Jean, "I see you've been wet for a while, but I think we can do one more thing with this body of yours." She said while sucks on the blood. Blossom moans, fondling his skin, but she stops the grinding, proceeds to caress his clothed body, slowly moving to the sprained yet slightly bleeding wound, and runs fingers up and around his legs, then she kissed him, slowly moving the fingers downwards. Blossom licks lips, going deeper, feeling the tight walls from the inside. "I can tell you've been wet for a while. Oh geez Louise, it’s like a cave in here mmm, but shit, that makes it even better." She adds another finger, grasping his skin hard in the process, "I figured you get a trick and a treat today~!" She moaned out.  Blossom stops licking, "Mmm, hell yeah I am. And just remember, you are MINE. and I'm going to take you, and there's nothing you can do about it!" She leans in again, but not before grabbing his legs and raising them in the air, then sticks tongue into abdominal area on Jean’s backside. Blossom was twirling her tongue inside, staring at his pained face, moans, then slowly sets his legs down. She moans and gasps while takes tongue out of his wound while sneering, "Oh I'll make you come to me alright. It'll be a raging river down there~! Just you wait...." Blossom quipped softly. Blossom takes three fingers and shoves them inside then bites his lip as the fingers slowly increase their speed. She starts to pant as she grinds her against his body, then starts to quicken the pace, feeling his insides twitching in pain, "I am going to make you fall, I will, hell yeah...." She moaned, "You little bastard~! Your lovely lesions will be wet of blood. I'm going to mess you up…..You! It’s you! Hell yeah I know who you are!” Blossom whispered while she salivates his wound up and down in masterful strokes, tasting the wet and sweet scar he had there. Blossom is sipping and feeling the softness and frailness of his bruised neck. She runs soft hands up and down his arms, trying to warm him after the terrors he saw before she kisses his wound once more, admiring the wetness and frailness of it. Blossom licks the wound again, this time adding saliva, the substance dripping onto the floor. “No stops, ass-hat, shithead….Hm, maybe calling you ‘shithead’ is a little too much~ how about... wet little baby? Mmm, shit you taste so good. That shower of light was nice to you…And what I noticed beforehand is that you didn't wait for me in that shower, you helped yourself you little shit, that must show you're really horny.” She sucks the wound, allowing saliva to drip down once again, “Yeah, take my saliva you little son of a bitch~ shit this is so good you got me even hornier with your dirty talk. Tell me what you want me to say, beg for me….Ooooh yeah, this tastes so good. Hmm, I wonder...” She said. Then; Blossom gives playful smirk, sucking on her index finger and making it drip with saliva, before forcing finger into wound: “Oooh, shit you're so tight.” She fondles his skin in the meantime, occasionally making the finger slither" around inside. Blossom bites the wound, now drawing blood, then sticks tongue inside wound and releases saliva inside and all over, then licks it up, “Mmm, tasty~!” She runs hands up and down body, licking his cheek in the process. Blossom grinds against him, gently however, then licks his to neck, “Now listen here you little bitch, you're going to splurge this blood for me and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. You're gonna be puddy in my hands understand? Now, let's get started~!” She grasps both his shoulders, fondling and tightly squeezing them, then kisses you, grinding against him faster and harder. I want you to squirt a little bit of blood, you hear me? You're a dirty little bastard, and no matter how clean you get, you'll always be dirty~! I can tell with how much you squirm and moan and beg!”  She ignores his pleas, only quickening the grinds, then kisses him just as she splurges as well, “You got it bad boy….” Blossom licks the wetted and bleeding wound, tasting the dripping liquid and licking it dry and clean, “Dirty little son of a bitch, look at the mess you made!” Jean tries to escape however Blossom pins him down, biting his ear, and started to gyrate upon him with as much force as she could muster, “I'm pretty pumped myself. What do you say we get wet like the ocean~?” Blossom said with a smirk. Jean groans out of breath, but Blossom moans loudly, grinding even faster and rocking harder, moaning and whispering cuss words: “Aww hell, it’s so good…I practice just for that my little babycakes…” Rue and Collie watched nearby, absent-minded by the entire scene as they giggled aimlessly into madness. 

At the same time; Sylver was busy writing as usual when she heard some sort of commotion so she decides to stop for a moment and leave her room quietly. She snuck out of her room and went closer, careful not to make a sound as she tiptoed and got near a pillar as she moves behind it. Chess and Horn conversing with Beauty, this struck as odd to Sylver—What was she doing there? That’s when Beauty shakes her had and looked horrified as those two bastards were trying to advance on her while she resisted vigorously. But it’s just no use! At this point; Horn starts to get into the moment by biting Beauty’s neck in his mouth. Beauty screams in terror, but Michael put his hand around her and squeezed her waist. “God! You make me want to eat you!!!!” He moaned, he continued to bite as Beauty breathed almost lightly. She tries to squirm away but Chess was on her other side, “Leave this side to me.” He said. Chess uses her both hands pulling the straps of her dress off, and gets his tongue into her shoulder. Beauty leans her head back, moaning and screaming, she panted. Horn takes her hand and put it over her neck to give it some attention, while eating her out from the wound she was creating. Beauty moaned and screamed, however Chess pull her right shoulder and sucks on it in her mouth. Beauty closed her eyes and rock further and further. "Shit.....Shit...." She cussed. Horn then pushed her fingers into the wound she was creating while opening it up other hand, she was sucking and leaving her panting. Blood was oozing out. Horn keeps her lustfully slobbering her wounds, she was very gently as she massaged the flesh and Chess brushes her hair and caress her back. Petrified; Sylver watched the scene unfold right before her eyes, she then felt a psychic link and could see what Rosemary & the other girls were doing to poor Eren and the other guys. It was like it switched to Horn and Chess’s lustful bite torment over Beauty, this is where Sylver couldn’t take it anymore and let out a howl that felt like shook the whole room! And that’s when she dropped to her knees; she let out a whimper as she nearly fainted. Beauty put her arms around the catatonic Sylver, “Sylver? Sylver, oh my god! I’m so sorry…I didn’t know you were there.” She said while consoling her. While snapping out of it; Sylver pulled out an over-sized perfume bottle style pendant features a quilted design with sparkly crystal detailing and is engraved around her neck. She unscrewed the top and pour the substance from the bottle onto her hand, she pulls out a knife and cuts her hand open. She said these exact words, “I call upon my friends from behind the puzzle door….FIGHT WITH ME NOW!!!” She nearly passed out. However, Sylver managed to get up when Horn and Chess tries to do the same to Beauty. Just then; a raspy yet deep throated voice interrupted, “Well, well! If it isn’t Horn Skuld just tormented Lady Sylver, our dear friend.” Horn and Chess turned to see who it was: “Who are you?” Horn asked. The voice laughed, “Really? You never heard of the marvelous Chester Kato, have you?” He asked. The vampires were in shock as Sylver smiled gleefully. In the meantime; Eren and the other guys were still alive but covered in bite marks, bruises and bleeding wounds. Rosemary and the girls were laughing at their suffering, but they were interrupted by a startling pop sound that made everyone’s heads turned. “WHO’S THERE AND HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!” demanded Rosemary. A deep yet commanding voice then said with lightness in his tone, “Don’t tell me you never heard of me.” Rosemary and the girls squinted their eyes as they were then terrified at what they saw. “OH NO!!!!!” Pansy screamed, backing away. “NO, IT CAN’T BE!!!” Rosemary screamed. The voice then said as he approached, “That’s right! It’s me, Jubil Banders.” Screaming, the girls try to leave however they bumped into someone! Shocked with fear; Rosemary and the other girls turned around slowly as they recognized the man. “You’re…you’re…Mad--Maddox—Maddox Hatcher!” Rosemary said weakly. A voice that sounded so charming and virile boomed throughout the room: “So, you heard of me. Do me a favor….GET YOUR FILTHY CLAWS AND BLOOD STAINED LIPS OFF THESE BOYS, NOW!!!” The girls backed away until they saw someone in the light while his silhouetted shadow fell upon the girls. “OH GOD!!!” Carna exclaimed. “M—M—M—MR. DORMON W—W—WEI---WEISS!?” stammered Roz. It was then a voice of light and nostalgic called out happily: “SURPRISE!!!! Happy to see me?” Rosemary realized a revelation come upon her, “It was you…you were involved in killing Brianca’s boys! Didn’t go after Brianca huh. She died of a slow and painful death.” She recounted. “Yes, they did not so nice things. And I’ll do the same to you so GET OUT!!!” exclaimed Dormon. The crazy females were freaked out as they were running away and shouting: “Make them go away! Make them go away! MAKE THEM GO AWAY!” Once the girls were gone; Jubil turned to Rosemary and the others, “Are you OK?” He asked. Briar nodded with a smile in his direction. “Yes, thank you.” She said. “You saved us, we owe you a lot.” Jean replied. Jubil smiled, “It’s no trouble.” He replied. Chester’s deep throated voice called out, “Sorry. I’m terribly late aren’t I? I was taken care of business.” He appeared as the light shone down on the figures in the shadows. Briar and the gang got a better look at who they were: Chester Kato wore high waisted black pants, long sleeved lilac shirt, a dark purple blazer jacket and black slick shoes. Jubil Banders wore a green jacket with a gold trim, brown pants, black shoes and a lime green long sleeve shirt underneath tucked in his trousers. Maddox Hatcher wore a long sleeved cashmere jacket all ribbed at the hem and wrist cuffs. He has on slim fitted black wool trousers and shoes with round toe area, lace up front on the top of his shoes. Dormon Weiss wore a stylish white blazer with buttons at the front and pockets on the front. He also had on a matching button down shirt, grey trousers and brown shoes. And there was only one woman there: She wore a full-length one-shoulder red dress, a matching strip-belt and an elastic waistband. Yuu recognized the woman, “You’re that woman from Lily’s fantasy world…Lady—Lady Snowdrop Flowers?” He guessed. The woman smiled, “Yes, hello Yuu. Glad you remember me.” She said. That’s when Briar gasped as she pointed over the gang’s shoulders while saying, “There he is, the wise man!” Heads turned to see a figure approaching and a voice said while stepping into the light, “I forgot to introduce myself…I’m Neil Bleu.” He is wearing a high-waisted navy gray and white striped suit. Underneath it he wears a white button up shirt and a tie with wide horizontal stripes in white. Once then; Rosemary and the girls returned in the forms of banshees, harpies and Furies as they were about to attack when they scream in pain by slash wounds on them. They turned angrily to see who it was: Rory Leigh appeared in an overall dress with a chest pocket in the front, red buttons, striped crop top with short sleeves, and thigh high stockings with high heels. The dress was smeared in blood while holding a rifle. Rosemary growled in anger, “Shit! STEPHANIE!!!” She exclaimed. Pansy sighed, “Damn…” She muttered. Silence was moving swift as she rescued Eren, Yuu and the other guys. Briar and the girls came in to assist, they were shocked to see Rory Leigh. “Good to see you, girl.” Briar greeted. “What’s up?” Yuu shouted, he was about to hug Rory but she dodged out of the way. Yuu nearly fell as he slipped a bit, “What? You don’t like hugs?” He asked. “She doesn’t like to be touched, Yuu.” Briar stated. Silence looked at Yuu, mutely giving him an apologetic look. Narumi put a hand on her shoulder, “Thanks for saving us back there.” He said. Silenced nodded and she looked at his hand. Then; Rory twists Narumi’s wrist for awhile, she saw the pained look on his face and lets go. “Ouch.” Narumi muttered. “Whoa!” Yuu remarked. “Told ya, she doesn’t like to be touched.” Said Briar. “Not very smart huh guys.” Eren stated. “Shut up, Eren!” Jean rebuked. Briar gave Eren and Jean a glare, “C’mon guys—I don’t have time for this shit!” She said. Everyone managed to quiet down, not wanting to provoke her wrath any further and hell; it’s been a long night. Rory watched Briar in amazement but turned her attention to the monsters of Infestations doth approached! As if she was ready for this; Silence loaded her sniper rifle with bullets and aimed high at the Infestations before shooting down the crawling monsters. Boy, this girl was quick for be on her toes but they don’t call her the Perfect Sniper Assassin for nothing! “Damn, she’s good! Faster than a cat…a cheetah…or any other wild feline. Who the hell is this girl? Where did these people found her?” thought Justine. Rory continues to help Briar and the others fight the monsters!

Just then, Sylver appeared with pink hair glowing, her complexion resembled a deathly pallor, dark circles under her pretty eyes, purple lips, and her clothes looked different. She wore a pastel pink afternoon dress with embroidered floral detail, pink silk ribbon and a sheer lace beaded cover. Briar was shocked, “Sylver? Is that you?” She asked. Sylver took a step back, “Don’t come any closer, I don’t want you to get involved! I’m a freak of nature, aren’t I?” She warned. “What is this matter with you, sweetie?” Briar asked. “DON’T INTERVENE!!!!” Sylver shrieked. With that, she and her allied forces turned as they disappeared into the mist. Briar was speechless at what she saw. She never knew her once sweet friend would turn into an insane being. But how did she become this way? That’s something she was going to find out for sure! Later on; Briar stormed into the building and entered the room where Solo Falcone awaited for her arrival. Behind Briar was her gang of allies who watch her in concern at the rage she had on her face. “SOLO!!!!” Briar exclaimed, “What the hell is going on here?” Solo turned to her nervously, “You really do not want to know about that, now do you?” He asked. “What's going on with Sylver? She's acting strange!” commented Briar. Solo turned to her and her friends, “I'll explain everything, but please sit.” He said politely. Briar and her friends glance at each other so they sit down as obeyed. “OK, why is Sylver being this way?” Briar asked. Solo looked at her, “I believe you know.” He said. Emily stared at him, “No, I don't.” She said blankly. “Yes, you do. Why would Sylver be this way to begin with?” questioned Solo. Briar was dazed by this, “Uh... I... I don't know.” She thought for a moment, thinking back on the strange things until it dawned on her and looked up at Solo in horror. Solo smiled at her, showing his teeth. “You got it.” He confirmed. Briar shakes her head, “No.” She gasped. But the images of Sylver’s vendetta against Brianca and her boys…It all makes sense. The memories flooding back that she wants to forget! “Say it.” Solo said. Briar swallowed as she said, “Lily...” However, she had a hard time saying it as she remembered Sylver’s pink hair glowing and her eyes. Her entire appearance. She just couldn’t believe it! “Say it out loud.” Solo commanded lightly, not wanting to pressure her. Briar sighed and looked up at him as she said these words that shocked everyone: “Sylver is a Fury.” Solo grinned, nodding as he replied back, “That's right.” Briar clutched her head, “Awww hell!” She groaned. “You mean, that’s why…?” Shinoa started to ask with a nervous look on her face, remembering what Sylver did to Brianca and her boys. Solo nodded, “Yes.” He said. “I don’t understand this…” Yuu admitted. “None of us do.” Eren corrected. “Do you know why I asked Rory to bring you here? There’s more to Sylver than you know. You see, she doesn’t remember much from her past because all that trauma shocked her so much that she suffered from it.” Solo explained. “No…She can’t be a Fury, she cannot gouge her heart out or do anything like that!” protested Briar. Solo shook his head and admitted: “She’s a different kind of Fury.” Briar was confused, “What do you mean by that?” She asked. It was then Solo told the story about Sylver: “Long ago; Sylver was when she was a child and she witness death everywhere. The results caused her to go insane as she became obsessed with living longer, perhaps saving those she loved. Little did she know that she was a supernatural force ever since birth….She was born a Fury to a mother who used to be one but redeemed herself however her mother was betrayed and killed by the people she once trusted. Sylver’s Fury was out of control, even as a child she had no control over it. Her Fury powers combined with temper tantrums that became violent, she never stayed in school because of her behavior. However, she finally did schooling when she enter junior high however she was a teenager by the time she entered and her Fury powers were triggered by someone who enjoyed pushing her buttons. She wanted to have friends, however constant betrayals and also the school staff as well as the principal failed to help her…There was no justice for Sylver, she was broken and alone. But Alem Favian saved her, helped her and she now learns the meaning of controlling herself better. But the Fury within that she thought was long gone keeps coming back…How? Not just by anger, oh no. Something more….Excitement, thrills from things that would make her happy with excitement….Nervousness…Things she memorized from the MPD of anyone, anyone she finds interesting, would get her heart racing…Sounds strange I know but…Try not to piss her off with unexpected noises, or hurt anyone precious to her.”

Meanwhile; Benjamin was walking at night when all of a sudden as he was apprehended and knocked out. It was then Benjamin wakes up and saw that he was in a different room. “Justine, are you there? JUSTINE!!!” Benjamin cried. There was a click sound, “Welcome to my world, Benji.” Briar said from the speakers. The lights turned on, Benjamin turned and saw the terrifying images of his past. The lights from behind the window of Benjamin’s room were Briar, Lola, Eren, Jean, Yuu and Kimizuki. Benjamin was angry at this, “YOU LIED TO ME!!! You….You BUILT on my TRUST!!! PRETENDING WE WERE A TEAM, YOU MADE ME A HERO—BELIEVED IN ME!!!! And you were planning this, why?!” Benjamin demanded. “Because you’re not a hero Benji.” Emily said. “Shut up!” Benjamin growled. “Start at the beginning, Benji.” Emily demanded. Benjamin crossed his arms, “It’s started when my father started showing his true colors….” He started to say. Briar, Lola, Eren, Jean, Yuu and Kimizuki looked annoyed. Benjamin continued, “And he made me do these horrendous things to the children.” Briar pursed her lips in irritation, “Don’t make me hurt you!” She warned. “I am not your enemy; I am a scientist…to bring life out of death.” Benjamin claimed. Briar pressed a button which it shocked Benjamin as he fell to the ground and panted. “Whoops! Guess you were in the shock of her life. Clearly, this for every time you deny or any.” She taunted. Benjamin heaved, “I’m impressed…Never realized you were such a bitch…A BLOODY BITCH!!!” He screeched. “What the hell is going on?” demanded a voice. Shinoa and Mitsuba approached with the others as they saw what Briar was doing as this was Justine’s idea. “This is was your plan?” Shinoa inquired. “My plan was to beat the shit out of him! But I’m willing to hear him beg.” Briar said. Benjamin sat on the bench and looked stressed. Then, it happened. “Rosemary!” Yuu exclaimed. “What’s she doing in there? How did she get in?” Kimizuki demanded. Briar couldn’t speak, she was shocked at what was about to unfold. Into the room; Benjamin looked up annoyed, “What are you doing here?” He asked. Rosemary smiled, “I thought you might be missing me.” She said. She talked with him and put her hands on Benjamin’s face. “Say that you need me, Benjamin. Go on, say it.” Rosemary said in a sugary sweet voice. Benjamin was shaken with fear, “I need you, Andromeda.” He managed to say. Rosemary places her hands away and smiled, “Good boy, let’s blow this torture stand!” She said. She turned and used her powers to crack the windows down; Emily’s eyes widened and turned to everyone: “EVERYBODY OUT!!!” She screamed. Everyone scattered as Rosemary and Benjamin walking from them. Briar ran up to Rosemary and Benjamin as she tried to grab Benjamin however Rosemary got in Briar’s face. “HE IS NOT THE ONE YOU’RE AFTER!!!” Rosemary exclaimed. Then, Rosemary and Benjamin disappeared. Briar was stunned and saw the images of Dirge in her head and realized her mistake! She calmed down until out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lily next to her. Emily was happy to see her, Kamoku and Evan were surprised to see her and felt remorse upon them. Then, they looked on the ground and found a notebook. It turns out to be Lily’s note book however the boys are shocked by the stories and were touched by this when they went to Emily and Lily. Lily was still mad at Kamoku and Evan as she turned to them. “We read your story in the notebook.” Kamoku said. Lily rolled her eyes, “The stupid one about the idiots?” She snapped. Evan bowed his head, “Yeah, the two idiots…” He said quietly. Lily slowly turned around and looked at them. “We’re sorry we laughed at you, we really are.” Kamoku apologized. Lily glanced at Kamoku and Evan. “You like that story.” She said. Evan nodded, “Yeah we did.” He answered. Lily smiled, “I love that story.” She said. She hugged them and cried when she noticed her Nightmarchers standing there. “You go home; we’ll take care of the rest.” Professor Ploome said. “What about Madame Peacocke?” Lily asked. “We’ll take care of her too.” Colonel Mustert reassured her. Lily grinned, “Thanks you guys, see you later!” She said waving. Soon; Colonel Mustert, Professor Ploome, Reverend Grene, Miss Scarlock, Mr. Weiss and Boden Blackburne rushed off. Lily walked with Emily and the others to Dream State as Lily smiled, “Ah, Dream State. I am home at last.” She said softly. 

Later for the time being; Briar received a report on a wandering Corruption and looking afraid so she, Yuu, Kimizuki, Yato and Yukine. They hurried over to the area as they saw the girl who looked beautiful like a goddess but frail like a little girl. The girl is completely wearing in black and barefoot, showing all of the bloody cuts and slashes around her body. Her black hair is stained with blood and soaking wet hanging over her pale shoulders. “I'm sorry.” She whispered. Briar looked at the bruises on the girl’s arms, “What happened to you?” She asked. Before she could answer; the girl was seized by brutes that were Corruptions, they laughed at her in those deep voices. “GOT YOU NOW!!!” Briar got angry, “Let go of her now!” She demanded. “She doesn’t belong to her, she belongs to Ophelia—this girl is one of Ophelia’s Corruptions. Don’t you know? She may be our bitch but she’s our sweet thing we can beat over and over again!” exclaimed one of the Corruptions. The others laughed and jeered, the girl was thrown on the ground. She looked sad and crying from all the pain she’s been through. Briar stared at the girl before finally speaking, “Corruption Girl....” The girl looked up, “Yes?” She asked. “I am going to take down the son of bitches. You want to know how? You are going to be my servant, you will be my weapon and I will have you be treated better. You will be treated like family. You will have a choice: You can choose to come with me or I let you die.” Briar replied. “What?!” Yuu exclaimed in shocked. Briar ignored him, “So, make your decision....Would you like to come with me?” There was an eerie silence before the Corruption Girl finally admitted her answer: “...Yes....” She bowed her head, “Free me…” Briar smiled, “Good choice.” She replied. After Briar absorbed Yato’s powers; she uses two fingers, index and middle together, as there was a glowing aura around Briar and the Corruption Girl. “Corruption, you have no place to go. With that, I grant you a place of belonging. You will be my servant, my friend, and my support with these two names as you are my weapon, alibi and friend. Now, Keiba, come to me.” She replied. The Corruption Girl instantly became obedient and attacked her former allies that hurt her as Briar recites the benediction: “This is the land of DWC, your desegregation shall not be allowed! Hear me; I am agent Briar Devlin! I now lay thee waste with the Keiba, and expel thy mass defilement, I PLEDGE THEE---REPENT!!!” She takes them all down! Briar was surprised and happy for her new Corruption, she patted her shoulders. “Nice work, sweetie.” She said. Later, Briar waited for everyone to come and meet her. They were shocked to see Emily was alive as well as hearing about how she obtained the Corruption Girl. “I can’t believe you got your first Corruption.” Yuu said. “Sure did, her name’s Aslaug.” Emily said. The girl came out of hiding but now she wore a white dress that reached almost to her ankles. “IT’S A GIRL!!!” Yato exclaimed. “What do you think she named the thing ‘Aslaug’ for?” demanded Yukine. Briar rolled her eyes, “Guys, the girl’s not a thing.” She said. “Look, she’s so cute and shy.” Yuu remarked. “She’s beautiful.” Kimizuki remarked. Aslaug looked down at her hands, she was shell shock but that passed when she wrapped her arms around herself, she was shivering in the cold. “Aslaug…My name is Agent Briar Devlin, I’m your new master. I have your full permission for you to call me ‘Mistress’ or anything formal. However, you want to call me Briar; that’s fine. Here, put this on…you’re cold...You won’t be alone anymore.” As she said this; Briar handed her a coat. Aslaug stared at the jacket with wide eyes before she wryly takes it and puts it on. “Thank you.” She said. Later on; Aslaug is now donned in a pale purple dress with an embroidered, beaded floral pattern and a purple ribbon around the waist. She also wears a sheer lace shall with a beaded hem that matches the dress. Before becoming a Corruption; Aslaug was incredibly beautiful in life where she had the looks of a goddess, but was unable to recognize her beauty. Her self-loathing and low self-esteem from which doctors tried to save her from was only fueled by a series of abusive boyfriends, and led to her having implants and other unnecessary procedures. One night, while Aslaug was alone in a clinic where she worked, she tried to perform surgery on herself due to an imaginary imperfection on her face, but the unorthodox procedure went horribly awry, and left her blinded in one eye. She then gave up on beauty, and committed suicide in her bathtub by slashing herself with a butcher's knife until she bled to death. 

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