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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Patchy Frost 2: Misery Loves Company

One girl who hates monsters for killing the most precious person to her. Her heart is a weapon of war, her voice is her weapon of choice....Misery Love Company by Emilie Autumn inspired this story. Patchy Frost is teaming up with two unlikely people that stepped into her life and changed things. Meanwhile; a new girl comes into the picture. Hope you guys enjoy it! --KatDon 

Tired of the same thing over and over again; Misera Blackchurch tells her black cat name Dinah how she would create a world of her own. Her free minded fantasy consisted of a world filled with contradictions and no reason. Everyday animals dressed up like humans living in small houses, a lonely girl like Misera would love to hold conversation with something as beautiful as flowers. Just like in wonderland! Misera believes this fantasy world to be peaceful and magical. However little does she know that in actuality the demented wonderland that she visits is just a subconscious location that teaches her that logic and reason in the real world is a good thing. In the meantime at a hotel; Misera looked over at the skyline and saw a beautiful sunrise. "Wow. It looks like it's going to be a great day." murmured Misera. She saw people walking by the beach but she saw something strange along the shore. She saw something shimmering and goes to investigate. However, she was talking nonsensical things when she came across a world of her own! In the meantime; Misa Amabe found a boy lying on the beach. The boy woke up with a start and he escapes. The second scene shows of Misa giving Haru Gakuru an envelope, which he rips it up into pieces. Misa is saddened however Haru wipes her tears away but he leans beside her, vowing to kill her. Misa wonders why but one day, she confronts Haru however she is held at gunpoint. Haru cannot bring himself to pull the trigger. The next scene shows Haru fighting in war in his giant robot but he falls defeated as he thought of Misa before passing out. Haru wakes up to see Misa sitting beside him, she smiles at him before she gets up and walks away. Haru watches her go, wondering why can't he kill her. Just then, a mysterious figure was watching Misera, who noticed that she is being stalked and attacked by thugs. Misera escapes and runs but the thugs came up to her. "Release her!" A voice commanded. One of the thugs laughs at the figure, "Like we would!" He said.  The figure reveals himself, "I said, release her! In the presence of Haru Gakuru, I command you to let the lady go. Now!" commanded the boy. The thugs show some respect for him. "Haru Gakuru!" Misera looked up, "He's coming to save me?" She gasped softly. The guy looks at the thugs, "Causing trouble aren't we boys?" He said. The thugs beg for mercy however Haru takes them out! And he wasn’t alone for soon he had friends to help him out--Chirag Nelson, Takashi Okita, Shinichi Futaba and Asaph Makuru. From that day; Misera followed these mysterious boys! Haru, Chirag, Takashi, Shino, and Asaph take down the zombies with Misera alongside them. Once the gang took care of the zombies; they went inside but when they got in, they were surprised to find that it looked like a normal room, than a dark and damp cave. “This is the chamber? Is the treasure inside?” asked Misera. Shino nodded, “Yes, we’re getting closer. I can feel it.” He was right, they were getting closer. Takashi looked around to see flowers, there was archer of flowers. “Look at these flowers, they represent something of a funeral.” He remarked. “It almost looks like a memorial site.” noted Misera. The others walked through the archer; they were surprised to find that the so-called treasure was a white coffin. Gold on the side, painted flowers on the front. “This is the strangest treasure chest I have ever seen.” noted Shino. “Do you think a dead body is in there?” asked Chirag. Misera grimaced, “Oh gross…” She said. Shino looks around, “Where’s the key?” She asked. Asaph looked around as well, he saw something shimmer in the flowers, and she reaches in and pulls out the silver object. “Got it, it’s here.” He took the key, she place it in the lock of the casket and turns it before the lid snaps open. Something glowed inside. When they look inside; they gasped in amazement, in this casket was a young girl. Black haired, fair skin, petite hands, small feet, and she wore a lavender dress with whitish purple shoes. But she had an amazing beauty to her. “She’s beautiful.” breathed Shino. “I never seen anyone as young as her.” said Takashi. “She looks like an angel.” said Misera. Haru grazed her cheek, his hand went behind her head and he felt something in her head. “What is this? A hairpin?” He leaned over to the girl but heard her breathing. Haru pulled away, he put two fingers on the unconscious girl’s throat. He gasped with fear. “Guys…She’s alive!” He said. The others are in dazed. “What?” asked Misera, her eyes widened. "How long she’s been in here?” inquired Shino. “I’m not sure but I’m going to try and pull it out.” said Raphael, he carefully pulled the pin from her head. Suddenly, to both of their surprise, the girl’s head wound closed up--making a squishy sound. The girl woke up. She sat up, clutching her head.  “Are you OK?” asked Takashi. The girl jumped. She backs away fearfully. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to scare you.” Shino assured her. “Who are you people?”  The girl asked. “We’re good people.” Misera replied. “What’s your name, sweetheart?” asked Chirag. The girl replied shyly, “Maria Downing.” She rubbed her arms nervously. “Do you know how you got here?” Asaph asked. “I don’t remember.” said Maria said, sadly. “What about your parents? How old are you?” asked Misera. “I don’t know! I don’t remember anything!” cried Maria. She looks away from the surprised faces, “I’m sorry.” She whispered. Haru gingerly carried her, “C’mon. Let’s get you out of here.” He said. At that moment; Misera saw zombies were attacking a young boy with black hair so she goes and rescues him, the boy is thankful and introduces himself as Lenard, who turns out to be Dritan Irving's nice younger brother. Misera got Lenard to safety with her magic powers as they encountered the enemies as Lenard went back to Irving Corporation as he told his older brother Dritan what happened. Dritan shows an interest in Misera for some reason. Just then, Misera felt something dark controlling her as she went to torment these people mentally! Finally; Misera snaps out of it and feels guilty however she apologizes as the trio forgive her until they ran into Him! The most evil entity who wanted to twist Misera into a sick, twisted character so she took her magic powers upon Him and wrecked him in the most brutal ways with her mind and Him was screaming out of defeat before fading away. Suspicious of the criminals being defeated for their wicked deeds, Misera was getting dubious by the minute; she believes that the snide, bravado, and elusive rich boy Dritan Irving is behind all this. She wasn't sure what was going on but she was going to find out. However, she encountered Dritan's younger brother name Lenard. "I'm sorry, my brother is unavailable. If you want, I can set up an appointment for another time..." Lenard explained. However, Misera wouldn’t have it: "Lenard, I am not leaving, I like to make one measly complaint with the burnt up criminals and how they are burnt alive that way. There is something going on and I like to know what it is." demanded Misera. Lenard sighed, he ran his fingers through his hair. "Look, this isn't a good time. My brother had suffered a mental breakdown and needs his rest. I apologize." He explained. Misera has no choice but to accept defeat; she let out a sigh. "Phew." She thought. Misera exhaled, "Fine then." She said, "But when he wakes up and all better, tell him this--I am on his tail and we are observing him very closely. If he is responsible for all this, there won't be any mercy from me."  Lenard nodded, "Sure thing. I'll tell him that when he wakes up." He said. Misera looked like she was leaving but she sneaked to the staircase. "Sorry, Dritan. But I'm not leaving until I get some answers." She thought. Rose went up the stairs, that went to the rooftop. She couldn't help but feel paranoid, "Do I ever get the feeling I'm being followed?" She thought. Realizing what she was thinking; Misera brushed this off by laughing it off. "Ha, stupid." She mumbled. Misera reached the rooftop and looked over at the skyline. "There's nobody here. Weird!" She thought. Then, she heard a scritch-scratch sound behind her. Slowly; she turned around. "H--Hello?" She called. Nobody answered, but there was that sound again. And it was getting closer. Misera pulled out her weapon, ready to use it. "Come on out, I don't know who you are but I know you're out there." She warned. Suddenly, there it was--It was a monster, which resembled something inhuman. It had horned wings on its back, and bared its fangs. It snarled at the horrified Misera. "Goodness Gracious! What is that abomination? I never saw anything like it." She breathed. The creature pounced upon Misera, it growled and snarled more. Drool dripped from its mouth. Its eyes glowed of red. But the rabbit creature cried out in pain and fell to the floor dead. Trembling yet relieved; Misera examined the dead monster bunny. Just then, she felt a shadow upon her. She looked up to see that it was the same boy she saw at the shore. "It's you." Misera gasped. She gets up and faced him. "What are you doing here? Are you involved with Dritan? Just tell me, who are you? Really?" Misera asked. The boy looked at her apathetically before pulling out a gun. "Sorry." He said, "Time to say goodbye." Misera looked at him, terrified. The boy looked at her face, "Who are you? You remind me of someone...." Misera looked shy and flustered. The boy comforts her trouble. 

Later on while walking alone; Misera turned around to see who it was, but she saw that no one was there. Misera kept walking, a little faster however the person who was stalking her was closing in on her. Misera quickly turned around to face her stalker. She was surprised to see that it was—Dritan Irving. "Oh, it's only you." Misera said coldly. "What do you want?" "I just want to talk to you." replied Dritan. "I would like to thank you for saving my brother Lenard." This made Misera suspicious. "I wasn't doing it for you; I was saving innocent lives that were at stake." She snapped. Dritan Irving nodded, "That's what I like about you." He answered. "Selfless. Caring. And your powers continued to amazed me." Dritan then reached into the back and said, "I got something that will make your eyes sparkle." He pulled out a slim box and hands it to her. Misera took it curiously, she opened the box to see a necklace of white pearls with a sea blue charm to the necklace. "Oh, it's so pretty. You got this for me?" Misera asked, touched by his kindness. "Yes. For your heroic efforts that is." replied Dritan but a smirk appeared on his face. "I feel you need to be more honored in a special way, like...Maybe joining me in a more--dueling sensation." He said. Misera's face fell, she closed the box and glared at him. "I can't believe this! First, you give me this gift. And now you tell me this about joining you of taking care of business in your way? Oh no, I don't think so. I'll take your gift but I'll have to refuse your offer." She said. Dritan was disappointed by this news. "Hmph. That's a shame, really." He said. "I am not fighting crime by burning criminals to a crisp. I won't. Never!" Misera declared. Then, she storms away. Dritan watches her go before a smirk appeared on his face. "Oh, I'll make you change your mind. You'll be writhing in pain until I hear you sing your acceptance to my offer." He said to himself, he chuckled in a sinister matter. That night after everyone went to bed; Misera begins to have a strange dream where an angler fish, a white kind, chased after tiny fish and bite into some sort of coral that looked like a brain. And then, Misera wakes up with a start, "What? Why am I awake?" She wondered. Then, her eyes glowed a whitish blue colored pupil as her activated as it destroyed the place. "What is going on?" She thought. Watching her movements are being controlled; Lenard snickers quietly of this. Her powers were losing control and was going out of line. Perfect! Misera tried to restrained herself of her movement to her arms and legs but she couldn't. It was hopeless! Misera didn't understand what was going on and it was scaring her. Dritan sneered, "Got you now." He thought. Lenard glanced at his older brother, he didn't like this one bit. Not at all. It wasn't good to him. Misera was shocked to see her limbs moving on their own and she's not doing this. "What the heck?" He exclaimed. "It--It's not me, I feel like I'm being mind controlled." Misera protested. Then, she could hear a voice in her mind sniggering. "Guess you know what I can maneuver." said the voice in her mind. Misera was shocked, anger fired up in her chest. "Dritan Irving, what the heck are you doing in my head, you jerk?" demanded Misera. Dritan leered at her, "You refused my offer. Nobody refuses Dritan Irving and gets away with it! So now you have to pay. You see, that necklace I gave you had a virus which the virus injected into your neck and traveled up to you brain. Making more of a movement in your limbs, by my control. It's both painful in both body and mind." He explained. Misera gritted her teeth, "Son of a gun…” She remarked but her arms twisted around and she grimaces in great anguish. "Uh-uh! Watch your tongue. Say one more bad word or disrespect me, and you. will. die." threatened Dritan. Fear flooded her face, "You wouldn't." growled Misera. "I would. Back talk towards me and you won't get to breathe ever again!" warned Seth viciously. "Get out of my head, Dritan! Leave. Me. ALONE!!!!" begged Misera. "You can't stop me, Misera. I can control every muscle, every nerve, every vessel in your body." Dritan declared, laughing insanely. He then made Misera run away with her looking back as she was lured over to Irving Corporation, she tried to fight back from entering in there but she knew it was no use and fell to the ground as Dritan laughed with insanity. Then, Misera writhed on the floor. Her body parts--Hands, fingers, toes, feet, and legs--were twisted around on their own. "Stop....Please, stop! I can't take much more of this...." She begged. "Accept my offer and I'll let you breathe!" Seth replied. "NEVER!" screeched Misera. "Fine. I'll make you suffer more and more...AND MORE!" cried Rose. Lenard gasped, "No! Why we are punishing her? She saved my life! Brother, don't do this!" He thought. Misera begins to cry, it was too much for her to bare all this pain. "Help....Me....Please!" She thought through her tears. As she wept of her tears; a shimmering light appears before her. Misera looked up, she saw that it was an angel, she wore white. "Who are you?" Misera asked. "Hush, do not cry my daughter. I have come to save you from your pain." replied the angel. All of a sudden; Dritan couldn't believe what he was seeing, "What--?" He said. Just then he was seized by hands and looked up to see who it was. "What the heck is going on? What did you two do to her?" demanded Misa. "It was big brother's idea really!" protested Lenard truthfully. "You've gone too far! You shouldn’t do this at all!" protested Shino. Misera rested in the arms of Maria as Misera admires Maria for her beauty and goodness. Realizing trouble was ahead; Misera ran out and found a building as The Valley Children confronts her: “Misera, so you somehow become stronger. Not surprising....But you're path of peace will be demolished.” They said, talking as one--like they were a person. They fought against Misera, but they laid down, defeated by her hands. They glared up at Misera. The Valley Children were shocked, they looked away before chuckling insanely. They looked up; sneering at Misera, "Y'know, we would've gone away with it too...If it weren't for you meddling little girl." They said. Misera smirks back at them, "Hmph, like I never heard that before." She scoffed. She leaned over and said, "Now tell me...Your eyes, they look familiar. Are you the one responsible for all the madness?" Footsteps were behind her. "No, I did." A voice said. Misera looked up to see a dark silhouetted man. "Father." Misera said, giving him a glare. "Father." said the Valley Children, as if it was one person saying it. "So, you're Father." Misera said. "Yes, I am. Why that's the first time I address myself in front of my enemies." Father remarked. "You really are a selfish jerk-off aren't you?!" Misera demanded. "Oh, am I? I think you should....LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!!!" Father cried, throwing Misera to the ground. She gets up but saw Father and his fire as well as The Valley Children. "I'm going to finish you just like I did with your friends." Father exclaimed, raising his weapon as if he was ready to stab her. Misera cringed away, but she noticed she was dying and looked to see Dritan and Lenard were defending her. Misera was touched by this, she gets up, "You think you're zombies can go and defeat us? I will rise and I won't fall again. You may have scared me but you will not make me a coward!" She exclaims. All together; Misera and her friends defeated Father, who was injured very badly. "Father!" cried the Children, rushing over to aid him. "Well done, Misera. But don't think this is over, I will be back to destroy you." Father said, there was a smoke that covered him and his children. By the time the fog cleared; Father and the Valley Children were already gone. "And I'll be ready." Misera claimed. 15 years later…Before her; Misera was shocked by her imaginary land had changed: She saw a giant bloody skull for a head, a screaming oily corpse, a dead bride in the skeletal state and a woman beady eyes, a jaw like an orangutan, and an alien-esque slit-like mouth curved into a vague smile. Misera managed to hurry away however she saw birds turned their heads towards her. She felt unnerved by this, she saw her worst fears as enemies wielding sharp objects; they have faces as intimidating as they were very nightmarish! Their voices are incoherent, muffled and demonic that frightened her! All people she knew were now resentful, their eyes were bloodshot, and depressed because of the blood trails they left behind. She begins to hear dreadful voices, she knew the faces were not what she remembered: Angry, upset glances and enemies shouting while waving their blood stained weapons as one of the dismembered limbs were what the enemy legion were holding in their hands. Everyone she knew and cared about was whimpering as they were bleeding profusely. Some were begging to be let go but they were already decapitated. Misera was helpless as she felt the carnage sprayed everyone, some blood got in her mouth and she begins to gag by the metallic-like scent. And then, a funeral where she saw everybody dressed in black. A dirge was playing that sounded dawdling yet melancholia. There were gravestones with names of each marked with ‘Rest in Peace’, however the music halted as Misera felt all eyes on her as they glared at her and smiles at her. Misera was so scared that she ran away in fear. There were more terrors: A bus stuck on the tracks, the driver couldn’t get out and the kids screamed and cried hysterically but the conductor of the train only laughed horribly! The train crashed into the bus, the existing children picked up bloodied heads and carried them, smiling. The driver was alive nevertheless the surviving children and the conductor were pulling his limbs off in a grisly manner of blood and gore while laughing and chanting words: “KILL! OBEY! MULTIPLY! DIE!” The conductor was still laughing at the bus driver’s miserable death while covered in blood and holding a knife; they turned and saw Misera who ran off. Two children were playing in the front yard when the father sighs as he says, “It’s such a shame.” There was the word murder written all over the house, the father pulled out a knife from his neck and hacks away at the mother, who laughs and screams: “BURN IN HELL!!!” And the father died from his stab wounds. The children were changed when the brother has a noose around his neck and standing on a chair, the sister knocked the chair over and the brother is choking to death. The sister screams with delight, her eyes begin to glow as she said, “You never see us every day, Misera, so one of these days, you will regret this!” Misera was terrified as she woke up and saw it was just a nightmare. Later; she encounters some strangers: Seneca Whytlock, Charlie Ouji, Zakhr Inuko and Hiro Aitor as well as a girl name Isana Shiro. While taking a look; Misera took a look at Seneca, “Haru…? Is that you?” She whispered. Seconds later; Misera touched Hiro’s face, “Chirag…Shino, are you in there?” She asked. Moments after; Misera smiled at Charlie, “Takashi, you’re there are you?” In a while; Misera saw Zakhr and smiled, “Asaph! It’s you!” She cried with delight. Misera seemed crazy and delusional but she is a sad young lady  with much of her sanity anymore and was desperate to see her friends’ faces again if she could. But then, she heard of Patchy Frost and goes on a journey to find her. 

While alone; Patchy cried out in pain from the sharp teeth in her chest, she grunts over the wound and puts her hands over it. “Auuggghhhh, it hurts! Hurts like hell…” She groaned. Patchy heard voices calling her out and talking to somebody. The next thing she knew she was picked up off the ground. “Mmmmm….” She moaned. When Patchy looked up, she saw some sort of stoic but tough looking guy and was flustered. “Oh, an angel? Thank you heavens for bringing your league of angels to guide us even this one is promising! I swear, she’s an angel!” One guy came beside the guy to see Patchy, who just wriggled and try to kick the guy, “Back off Don Juan, I’m in pain!” Patchy shouted. “Aww, c’mon sweetheart!” The guy pleaded. “No, don’t call me sweetheart!” Patchy warned. “But we have to savor this moment!” The guy begged. Patchy glared at the womanizer, “I don't think so.” She rejoined. “Can I at least know the name of this lost soul?” The guy said. Patchy struggled against the pain, “Uh, Patchy Frost.” She answered. “Patchy huh.” The guy said, he gives her a rose and said: “I give you this as a get well soon gift. Here.” Said the guy. Patchy pushed the rose away, “Please!” She moaned and finally got to see the doctor but sends everyone away except the doctor, who examines her. The doctor was in shocked by the creature’s bite mark above her bosom; he couldn’t believe what he was seeing of how deep the wound was. “Is it that bad?” Patchy inquired anxiously. “No, I just need my tools.” The doctor assured. He pulled out his bag with a needle and thread but as he was creating the stitch, he didn’t do the anesthesia. Once poking the needle into her skin; Patchy let out a moan, “Fuck!” She managed to say and glared at the doctor, who just cringed. “Sorry, my bad!” He said. “Some doctor you are, I—urgh! For God’s sake…” grumbled Patchy. Once she got her wound fixed up, Patchy sighed while she composed herself. She learns that the guys she encountered with is Admiel and Vernon. Patchy then learns she is going to be staying with these people so Patchy begs and demands for room in the instant. A ditzy girl name Endora seemed to found a room but people convinced her that this isn’t a good room because it’s a wreck. However; Patchy held her hands up, “No, no—it’s fine. I just need something to block the other broken windows from view.” She said. “Like what?” Endora asked incredulously. There was a rip and Bonnie held out a purple fabric. “Um, a curtain?” She said like a ‘duh’. Patchy marched away and set up the curtain as she replied, “Well ladies and gents, I’m going to sleep so good night!” Admiel, Vernon and Endora watched her retreat to the room. “Um, would you like some company? I’ll send one of the boys in there if you want. You know, for company?” teased Endora. “I said, GOOD NIGHT!” exclaimed Patchy, startling the others. That night, Patchy couldn’t sleep at night and struggled to but then she grunted and sat up. Patchy ambled out where she saw Endora there. Endora saw her and smiled, “Hey girl, can’t sleep?” She asked. “No, I couldn’t.” Patchy sighed. Moments later; Patchy showed Endora a book, as she spoke: “….And um, that’s where I live.” Endora nodded, “Right.” Patchy smiled, “Uh huh.” She said. Endora looked at the book and turned to Patchy, “Can this book show where you came from your hometown?” Endora inquired. “Well, no. Besides it’s not much fascinated.” Patchy clarified. “Please! Please!” Endora begged. “No, it’s a place I don’t want to go back to.” Patchy said. Endora frowned, “You cut me deep Patchy.” She perked up and remarked, “You know what I think? You had a rough past.” Patchy looked at her and said with sarcasm, “Nooo, you think?” She then pouted and her legs crossed. Endora still pestered her, “You hidin’ something?” Patchy rolled her eyes, “Never mind Endora.” She replied. Endora wasn’t buying it, “Ahhh, this is some sort of complications.” She guessed. “No, this is one of those ‘I don’t want to talk about it’ things.” Patchy said aggregately. “Why not?” Endora asked. “Why do you care?” Patchy demanded, turning away. “Is it hard to explain?” Endora pressed. “N—no.” Patchy stammered nervously. “Liar!” Endora teased. “Endora, I’m warning  you!” warned Patchy. “Who do you have against? Huh, who?” Endora argued. Patchy exhaled while exclaiming, “PEOPLE! OK?!” Mayuko looked surprised, “Oh now we’re getting somewhere.” She suddenly grinned. “Ohhhh, of all the things good and….” Bonnie huffed. She turned away. “What do you have against us people anyway?”  asked Endora. “I don’t have anything against no one, it’s people that think I’m a curse. They judge me and think I’m unworthy, why do you think I’m pathetic?” Patchy said sadly. Endora looked at her with sympathy clouded her eyes and came beside her. “You know, when we met…I always thought you were cool. I never thought you were weak.” She said. Patchy looked Endora, “You mean it?” She inquired. “Mmm-hmm.” Confirmed Endora with a nod. This made Patchy smiled, “Thanks.” She answered. And they stared at the stars and moon. The next day, Endora and the others were at breakfast but Endora didn’t see Patchy so Endora decides to go get her and found her still sleeping in her bed. “Wakey-wakey! Look alive, sunny side breakfast awaits for you!” Endora said in a sing song tone. Patchy ducked into the covers, moaning. “Wakey-wakey up! Up and at ‘em!” Endora said firmly. Patchy groaned, “All right, all right! I’m up, I’m up, geez! Give me a minute.” She said in a groggy tone. Bonnie staggered out and rubbed her eyes. She sat at the table and dazedly looked at her plate in front. “What’s the Hancock building doing here?” She asked. “Patchy? That’s your breakfast.” Endora clarified. Patchy was then wide awake, “Say what?” She inquired. “Morning, um…You hungry?” Vernon asked nicely. “What’s this about?” Patchy asked curiously. “Well, we got off to a bad start and I want to make it up to you. After all; you did had a horrible time yesterday.” Vernon explained. “Um, thanks.” Patchy said. “Eat up, we got a big day ahead of us.” Vernon said. Patchy smiled, despite herself and dug into her breakfast. Once everyone was done; Patchy excused herself to get changed and left. It was then Admiel pulled Vernon aside and hissed: “What the hell are you doing?” Vernon looked at him, “What am I doing? I’m just being nice to her! What’s it to ya?” He demanded. Those two started arguing while Endora turned to the others and said calmly, “Ducked….” They’re confused and thought there was a duck but she said a little loudly, “No! I mean, DUCK!!!” They all ducked when a clean plate swing in and bam into something. Heads are raised from where they hid, Admiel held the back of his head and Vernon clutched his shoulder. “Ow…” They moaned. They turned angrily and tried to find out who did it but they were shocked to see the doorway. Endora and the others followed their gazes and looked there with shocked. Patchy panted, she was the one that threw that clean plate at Admiel and Vernon. She gritted her teeth as she growled: “Are you kidding me?! It’s early in the morning and you two are fighting? Ugh! No way, no how, not today!” Then she exclaimed in a scary tone, “CAN’T YOU TWO GET ALONG FOR LIKE FIVE FUCKING MINUTES?!” Endora stared at her friend, “Holy…” She muttered. Patchy was about to advanced when Endora held Patchy back and coaxed her to go get ready. When Patchy came back from changing, her outfit was different—much to everyone’s surprise: Patchy’s outfit was of Gothic and pastel. A black and baby pink top, purple jeans and black combat boots with pale blue laces. It was then Admiel and Vernon learnt that they were gonna be working together with Patchy, which Admiel and Vernon despise each other but Patchy outright refused! “Oh no, I’m not going with these two idiots who can’t stand one another!” Patchy proclaimed. “I’m afraid you don’t have much of a choice, Patches. Gotta make do what you have.” Endora said. “Then, why did you set me up with them?” Patchy demanded. “Good question, you should find out when you’re with them.” Endora remarked. “I rather team up with better people, not the son of a bitch and the f**ker!” Patchy replied. “Look you pristine brat, you’re not making my job easier and you’re coming whether you like it or not.” Admiel snapped. “Ha, you wouldn’t dare!” Patchy scoffed. Admiel seized Patchy and put her over his shoulder while Bonnie squirmed and thrashed. “Hey, put me down!” She protested while she is being taken away and still ranting. “Put me down or you will suffer the consequences, this is not dignify, put me down….” Patchy exclaimed. Endora waved brightly, “Have fun you three, try not to kill each other!” She hollered cheerfully. And so Endora and the gang head out! Moments later; Patchy had stopped yelling and calmed down. She just hangs there limply while Admiel carries her. Vernon was talking, “OK, let me ask you, do you remember what the face or anything distinguishing? Do you?” He asked. “Like I said, I don’t remember.” Patchy remarked. “Hmm, weird. Are you hiding something?” Vernon asked. “No, I seriously don’t remember.” Patchy insisted. “Don’t sweat it, she probably doesn’t remember much when she got a piercing.” Admiel joked lamely. Patchy scoffs, “That was such a lame joke. That’s not funny.” She remarked with a smirk. “Want to know something funny?” Vernon said with a sneer, “Admiel here has low few brain cells and not enough to know which direction we have to go.” He look proud for saying it. “Shut up, you don’t know shit!” Admiel. “Patchy agrees.” Vernon said. “Patchy thinks this whole thing bites.” Admiel said, smirking. “Get it?” He laughed. 

Patchy laughs but then she kicks Admiel in the shin, he lets out a yelp of pain. Ipsita sneered in surprise. Patchy lands on her feet easily; she flipped her hair with a “Hmph!” and then muttered, “Jerks!” Patchy stalked off, muttering to herself incoherently. She was walking off when she heard them debating again: “I think we’re supposed to turn.” Admiel said. “I thought you know exactly where we were going!” Ipsita asserted. “Do we go left or right?” inquired Admiel in an irritated voice. Patchy groaned, “What is it now?” She marched over to them, “What are you arguing about now, idiots?” Admiel showed her the map, “Where's north? Tell me which way north is on this map?” He demanded. Patchy looked at the map, “North is always up, and, by the way, you've got it reversed.” She explained. “What? It's up? Reversed? Where the hell?” Admiel said. Patchy looked in disbelief, “He doesn’t know?” She asked Vernon. “Got poor direction.” Vernon exclaimed. “Oh, brother. He's seriously nuts.” Sighed Patchy. Later, they were still getting at each other: “I keep telling you, we gotta go north!” Bonnie exclaimed. “Sorry, but tell me again, is north the direction of the hand you hold your fork with?” Admiel asked. “This guy is really nuts.” Patchy grunted. Admiel and Vernon were still bickering when Patchy heard a growl sound, she shushed the boys: “Shh, the hell was that?” That’s when they heard a roar! Just then, the creature exposed himself and jumped out; scarring Patchy, Admiel and Vernon! The creature completely skewed and scarred by fungus developed from their infected brains. The fungal plates have apparently adapted to keep the pathogen alive and able to spread, as a direct shot to the head with a powerful weapon such as a revolver will more often than not just break off a chunk of the mold, leaving the brain harmed but exposing the victim's head. The creature was dangerous and much more aggressive as it had bioluminescent vein in its head. They have fungal growths on the head and back with glowing white eyes, the development of pseudo-echolocation, and their discretion upon spotting a victim at distance. They strafe and take cover, eventually closing in on the victim, they charge directly at the victim. Bonnie stepped away but fell into an hole and realized Admiel and Vernon are in trouble so she decides to save them but disguises herself. In an instant; Patchy became a Goth girl with a red and black checkered skirt, a black smock with long sleeves, a pair of fishnet tights, fishnet gloves and knee high boots. And wore a black wig to boot! She then slipped out and found Admiel & Vernon while sneaking behind them. “Hey!” Patchy exclaimed. Admiel and Vernon turned around startled as they saw her. “What?” They asked. “Are you Admiel and Vernon?” Patchy asked. Luckily, those two don’t recognize it’s Patchy. “Yes.” Admiel replied. Vernon became instantly smitten, “Well, you sure are a sight worth seeing!” He complimented. “Aww, how sweet! C’mon let’s blow this pop stand!” Patchy replied sarcastically. “Hold it, where did you come from? Are you gonna kill us?” Admiel asked. “No, now get moving! We gotta bust a move!” Patchy said. “Man, what’s with the makeup?” Admiel demanded. “It’s a guise, ‘kay?” Patchy snapped. “Well, this is a first.” Admiel retorted. Patchy turned to them in surprise, “First time being saved from a strange girl huh?” She asked. “Yup.” Vernon said. Patchy let out a yelp, she kicked down the door and hurried out. Just then, there was a blood curdling roar. “You didn’t slay that monster?” Admiel demanded. “It’s on my to-do list, now let’s Vamos!” Patchy demanded. “What kind of girl are you?” Admiel exclaimed. Patchy turned and sneered, “One hell of a kind!” Patchy exclaimed. She used her powers to take down the monsters and managed to get the guys to safety. Once they were safe, Bonnie gasped for breaths. “That was wonderful! But unorthodox I’ll admit.” Vernon said. “C’mon, that was lousy and you know it!” Admiel complained. “It wasn’t that bad, idiot! Besides, what do you think would’ve happened if this black haired angel didn’t come and save us!” Vernon said. Patchy cocked her hips and smirked, “OK, I hope you heard that right—He called me an angel.” She said. Then squealed: “He thinks I’m an angel!” Vernon chuckled but Admiel rolled his eyes. “Mind taking off the guise?” Vernon asked. Patchy looked nervous, “Um…Nein!” She proclaimed. “Why not?” inquired Admiel. “I—I’m a froggy, frumpy chick!” Patchy lied. “Oh don’t give us that crap, I’m sure you’re different from the other bounty hunters.” Admiel said convincingly. Patchy was stunned to hear this: “Wait, wait a sec—you think I’m a bounty hunter?” Patchy asked. “Um, yes.” Admiel said. Patchy stared at them before bursting out laughing, “You guys think I’m a bounty hunter!” She said while still giggling. “What’s so funny?” Vernon inquired annoyed. “Let’s just say I’m not what you think I am.” Patchy claimed. “Of course you are, come on take-off the guise.” Vernon said. “Um, no thank you! I’m not comfortable with this.” Patchy said. “Remove the disguise.” Admiel said in a biting tone. “I’m not going to.” Patchy said firmly. “Didn’t make me pissed off, remove the disguise right now!” Admiel demanded. “No!” Patchy exclaimed. “NOW!” hollered Admiel. “All right, all right, take it easy! As you wish, my liege…Dammit, cannot believe I’m doing this.” Patchy said with a moan. Patchy took out a handkerchief and wiped the makeup off while removing her wig. She noticed the two guys looked stunned. “Ta-da.” Patchy said with a dramatic motion with arms in sarcasm. “I—it’s you.” Vernon said stunned. Bonnie gave them a weird look, then she said with rolling eyes. “Ohh, were you expecting someone else?” She retorted. “I didn’t know that was…You….” Admiel said, truthfully, “That was all you?” Patchy stood there confidently, “Aye sir!” She proclaimed. “You’re not exactly what I’d expected.” Admiel admitted. “Maybe you shouldn’t judge people before you get to know them.” Patchy rejoined. She laughs while walking away when all of a sudden, she got pounced and rolled down! Patchy struggled with the Humanitarian, who let out a raspy laugh and taunted her: “I’ll cut you in half! I’ll tear your heart out and when I’m finished, your body will be in---” But then, the Humanitarian was kicked and Patchy gasped as she saw it was Vernon who glared at the creature. “Damn, that was annoying!” Vernon exclaimed. “Holy crow!” gasped Patchy. Admiel looked annoyed, “Tch.” He tsked. “Ohhh, you ingrante human!!!” screamed another Humanitarian and the brethren started pounced. Weapons were triggered, Admiel seized Patchy to protect her. But Vernon didn’t hesitate to fight back against the monsters and took them out! Once he was done; he sighed and walked over to Patchy with a sheepish smile. “Shall we?” Vernon asked. He walked off as Patchy stared with wide eyes. “Wait a minute!” She said, pushing Admiel back. She rushed after Vernon as she was excited. “Hold the phone, where the hell did that come from dude?” Patchy asked with excitement. “What?” Vernon said. “Back there, that was the best damn thing I’ve seen! Where did you learn that?” Patchy claimed. Vernon looked modest, “Well, I trained a long time and it’s no big so…” He stopped and saw Patchy’s bosom but his eyes widened. “You perv! Don’t looked at my chest!” Patchy protested. “There’s an arrow in your chest.” Vernon said. Patchy looked at him confused, “Huh?” She asked. “There’s a friggin’ arrow in your chest!” Admiel exclaimed. Patchy looked down, “Oh hello there!” She said. Endora came and asked what was going on but soon saw the arrow in Patchy’s chest: “OH CRAP!!! Is it in your lungs? Are you still OK?” Endora yelled. “Hey, hey, I’m OK.” Patchy said calmly. “Keep breathing! Don’t move your chest so much~!” Endora exclaimed, waving her hands. Vernon comes to her rescue and convinced her to find plants as Admiel agreed so. Endora is convinced and hurries away. As they were gone; Patchy cocked her head confused, “What’s the plants for?” She asked. Admiel glanced at her smugly, “To get rid of Endora.” He remarked. “Ah, I see!” Patchy said with a simple nod. “Now stay still so I can gouge this out.” Admiel said, pulling on the arrow which made Patchy jump back. “Ow, easy man!” She squalled. “Sorry, but it needs to be dislodged.” Admiel protested. Patchy backed away, “No, no don’t!” She said while Admiel chased her, “Hey, don’t move!” He hollered. Patchy claimed, “I’m fine really.” Admiel grunted, “Stop it!” He growled. “F**k!” Patchy laughed a little. “Patchy!” Admiel said with annoyance. Patchy stopped and held a hand up quickly, “HALT!” Admiel froze, he made a face and put her hand down, grabbing her wrist in the process. Patchy squeaked. “Fine, got any better ideas?” Admiel snapped. Patchy turned to Vernon and grinned, “How did you guess?” She asked. Endora was looking for plants and yammering: “Let’s see, where—where--where? Ha, ha, ha, can’t find it!” Then, Patchy’s yells caused Endora to hurt but she is disturbed to think Patchy’s gasping yelps sounded like she was having copulatory congress. “Ahhh! Shit! Seriously?” Patchy groaned. Admiel had the arrow halfway out, “OK, calm down. I can see the head of it, it’s coming out a little…” He said. Patchy grunted, she threw her hands up while saying, “ENOUGH YOU---!” But she accidentally fell onto Admiel and tripped Vernon on accident. The three of them are embarrassed and discomfited. “Well, this is awkward.” Patchy admitted. “A--hem!” A voice said. Patchy, Admiel and Vernon look up to see Endora smirking. “It’s not what you think…” Patchy claimed, pushing the two away while composing herself. “We were um…” Patchy started to explain but Endora was shaking her head, trying not to laugh. “Look, if you wanted a ménage a trios, you could’ve said something OK?” Endora joked. Patchy shuddered, “No! I’m not that girl! Are you trying to assume I want something like that? It’s just simply—Ah!” She said but then she yelped when the arrow gouged out instantly. Bonnie turned around stunned to see Vernon holding the arrow sheepishly. She turned to him, looking stunned. “….Ow.” Patchy rasped. “Hey, what’s that?” Endora asked. “It’s blood.” Patchy remarked. “Yay!” Endora cheered and fainted. Patchy was surprised, Admiel sighed and picked up Endora’s body while carrying her. But everyone got separated however, Vernon was in a dark corner and thought he saw something but then felt a knife poised at his throat, he froze in place. “One sound, and I kill you where you stand.” Patchy’s voice whispered. From the corner of his eye, Vernon could see Patchy was wearing black lipstick, smoky eye-shadow and her black hair was straight. “You know, you’re interesting since I’ve been spying on you sweet thing. Don’t be scared of me.” She purred. Vernon was shaken and try to shuffle from her but the girl pulled him closer to her body. “C'mon....do not hide from my eyes. Such an interested man should not be kept to yourself alone.” The girl purred. Vernon was feeling more vulnerable than he had ever felt before in her entire life. The girl enjoyed how it he breathed out. As the girl lustful gaze trailed over him, she began to fantasize about how this would be fun. “I think maybe you like it if this is good enough for you. Because I've been thinking that the problem is that you think a girl like me is not adventurous enough for you.” She leaned in and whispered, “Baby, I'm going to make all your fantasies come true. What do you say?” Just then; Patchy's tongue emerged from her mouth and slathered from his shoulder and up his neck. One hand was wrapped around Vernon's leg stroked up and down, squeezing his thigh as Vernon found herself shoved up higher against the girl. The girl was loving his moans of protest, wrapping herself around him tighter. “Ooooo,” The girl moaned with intense pleasure. The girl stroke Vernon's hair and shoulders, enjoying the fear in his eyes. Vernon reluctantly allowed himself to resist as he felt the girl's hand rub up and down his back and then return to stroking his hair. Vernon was leaned back against the girl! “Did you know that sexual things make me violent? I don’t find copulatory impulse to be appealing nor the least bit arousing….It makes me think of something violent, if you did anything to me—I’ll kill you!” Patchy left Vernon trembling in fear! 

Vernon looked at the poor, tired Patchy. She rose up and gave Vernon a hug but said in his ear, “You say anything and I’ll kill you. I’ll tell you everything from the ears of the others.” Vernon tensed but put on a brave face as Patchy sat in the wheelchair and Vernon wheeled her to her quarters. They were silent for a moment, but really Vernon was nervous of her. “You're quite a pill.” Patchy remarked. “Uh-huh.” Vernon said, looking around. Patchy was so leaned back that she looked around her whereabouts. “Where are you taking me?” She asked. “To your room.” Said Vernon. “You think I'm crazy don't you? I want you to stay. Don't hate me.” Patchy begged, looking up at him. “I sure don't hate you. “ Vernon assured her calmly. “Good, because I know the difference between right and wrong.” Patchy bragged. Vernon nodded, “That's good.” He said. Patchy glanced up and licked her lips while saying, “I still have you inside of me...It helps me. I need you.” Normally, Vernon would get all googly eyed but this girl, something was wrong with her mentally and he was not sure if she was to be trusted. “I won't waste your time: you don't know me.” Vernon said coolly. “I know everyone, and I have all the time in the world.” Patchy purred. Vernon smirked, “Folly of youth.” He said. They reached her room where Patchy slowly gets up, Vernon held her for support. “You doing OK?” He asked with concern. “Do you trust me?” Patchy said, stumbling to her bed. “Well, you said you’d tell me everything.” Vernon said. Patchy smirked and lounged on the bed, “Anything you want to know about these fucking Humanitarians, baby.” She said. And she said that they only bit at her wrists but not deep enough and did other awful things that were unspeakable however Patchy was not to shy away from that and spoke the unspeakable, which freaked Ipsita out. “I didn’t know you’ve been through that…I’m sorry.” Vernon managed to say. “Silly rabbit. It amused me to make you’re ashamed of it. I bet you gave up on the so many women you loved because of your family's reputation. Don't you get it? You're just a toy, Vernon. A little toy I like to play with. I assume you've come here to make arrangements. But unfortunately, I don't fuck with a boy toy.” Patchy said. “It's not the time nor its place, I'm just another pretty face so don't come any closer. You're not the first nor the last person I told.” Patchy smiled at him. “How many more?” Vernon asked. “Don't even ask!” Patchy purred again. “Did you plan this all along? Did you care?” Vernon inquired. “It was wrong.” Patchy said dramatically, “I'm not for you and you're not for me. I'll kill you first, you wait and see because you're not a prince, you're not a fiend--You're just a child! And in the end, you're one devil undercover.” Her cleavage was noticeable for Vernon to see, despite trying to be calm. “Let me guess, you got enemies….You want to burn them all. Let them crawl to you and beg to be graced by your presence?” Vernon said. Patchy smiled, “You're getting warm.” She said seductively. “Let them tremble before your striking figure? Cast them all down? Let them feel the pain they caused you?” Vernon said. Patchy twitches a bit, squealing. “You're getting warmer.” She said in a singsong voice. “Rule the world, be the envy of all the nations?” Vernon guessed. Patchy bit her lip, “Who's getting warmer now that I'm gone?” She remarked. “Do I need you?” Vernon asked. Patchy tapped a finger on her bed in thought while thinking the question over, “Yes….and no.” She said playfully. “Do I want you?” Vernon said. Veruca smirked, “Maybe so.” She said. Patchy smiled, “Did you enjoy your ‘little time’ with Admiel, babe? I will always know, Vernon. I will always be one step ahead of you. When are you gonna figure that out? Do you know how easy it was to get inside of you?” She said. Vernon smiled a little, “You’re up to something, were you hurt by them?” He queried. Patchy sighed, “Trust me, Vernon. When I’m up to something, you’ll know it. Come on. We both know that you’re only capable of only one to a girl. Are we really going to do this again? We both know I could rip you to shreds. What do you think I want? My freedom? That’s where you’re wrong, I don’t want my freedom because when the Humanitarians shows up to kill us all and he will, I’ll be in the safest place, where no bastard will enter because they can’t get out. I’ll be the safest psychotic bitch in town.” She said. Vernon sighed, he gets up and tries to leave when Patchy got up and unbuttons her blouse and shows Vernon her boobs has scars on them. “The Humanitarians did this to me, nasty ain’t it?” She remarked. Vernon looked shocked as he said, “That seems….painful…” Patchy sighed, “My pop doesn't give a shit about my scars.” She said in a tedious tone. “Well, darn him. But Patchy, this is pretty sudden...” Vernon said nervously. “Ha….Oh, you been playing ‘Cat and Mouse’ with me ever since you came into my life.” Patchy teased with a wink.  “I don't...” Vernon protested, “This feels ‘borderline’ inappropriate.” Patchy walks closer to Vernon, “Feel them.” She said casually. Vernon looked flustered, “What?” He stammered, his perverted instincts kicked in but contained himself. “I said feel them!” Patchy said with irritation. “I’m sorry, Patchy, but are you out of your mind?!” Vernon asked. “I'm not letting you out of my sight until you feel them.” Patchy demanded. Completely hesitant and nervous, Vernon feels the scars; Patchy moans softly while panting at the pain. “Wow, they feel really real. It must be hard. It's amazing what a bastard father did to you...” retorted Vernon, blushing. Patchy shudders and puts her blouse back on. Admiel came in and saw those two together. “Oi vey, what happened here?!” Admiel demanded. “Nothing... nothing at all.” Said Vernon. It was then Patchy revealed her secret about taking on the Humanitarians, which Admiel and Vernon are left speechless. “You want to take down the Humanitarians?” Vernon asked. “Yes.” Patchy said. “Where’s the punch line?” Vernon inquired. “This isn’t a joke.” Patchy said, “I’m dead serious!” Admiel sighed, “That’s funny because you were injured because a harpy creature attacked you. You threw a plate at us after breakfast, kick me in the shin, disguised yourself and saved our asses, and now you’re saying you and your friends are GONNA TAKE ON THE HUMANITARIANS?!” He exclaimed. Patchy is offended, “…You don’t believe me.” She stated in a choked up voice. “’Course we do, but you’re up to something are you?” Vernon asked. “I don’t need this shit, screw this!” Patchy spat, she turned to walk away but felt her arm being pulled. “Patchy--!” Admiel protested. “No, no, I don’t need this!” Patchy said while choking up. “I’m sorry….OK, I’m sorry.” Admiel said. “Tch!” Patchy said. Admiel and Vernon glanced at one another in disbelief before looking back at Patchy, sighing. “We’re sorry…Guess we are a bunch of idiots.” Admiel said. “…Can you ever forgive us?” finished Vernon. Patchy’s lips curved into a smile, she turned to them: “Hey, that’s what friends do!” She said. “Friends?” Admiel and Vernon asked, despite hating each other for this. “Friends.” Confirmed Patchy. In the meantime; Misera searches for Patchy Frost but she is knocked out cold! 

Later; Misera woke up to see she’s naked but covered with a sheer cloth and could see a Humanitarian approached her. Misera was strapped to a table and tries to hide her body. “My dear....do not hide such beauty from my eyes. Such a lovely body should not be kept to yourself alone.” The Humanitarian purred. Misera is now completely naked and feeling more vulnerable than she had ever felt before in her entire life. The Mutant enjoyed how it went concave when she breathed out. As his lustful gaze trailed over her hips, he began to fantasize about how these areas would taste. The Humanitarian's disgusting tongue emerged from his mouth and slathered from her shoulder, up her neck and across her face. One hand was wrapped around Misera's smooth leg--stroked up and down, squeezing her smooth thigh as Misera found herself shoved up higher against the smelly monster. She closed her eyes in anticipation of the unwelcome touching. The Humanitarian then focused his tongue on tasting her beautiful neck and ear, loving her moans of protest, wrapping himself around her tighter. "Ooooo," The Humanitarian moaned with intense pleasure. "Please me, Misera." Cold anger kicked in as Misera's restrains faded and suddenly she said, "You want me to please you?" She then broke free and kicked him while holding the necklace of hers in hand and shouting: “Take this for pleasure!” Just then; The Humanitarian lost his controlling grip on her. The Humanitarian himself attempted to grab his rebellious slave girl while cursing at her. However, Misera scampered away, eluding his grasp and leaping over him. Then, Misera threw the chain over his bulbous head and around his neck. As soon as the Humanitarian saw the chain fly before his eyes he raised his hands to his throat. Misera was too quick for the monster, immediately pulled back on the chain violently as she planted her foot in his fleshy backside for leverage. The Humanitarian tries to call for help as Misera pulls the chain taut. Beginning to choke and sputter, the Humanitarian called out for help to no avail. His left hand still barely keeping the chain away from that side of his neck, he rocked forward while reaching back with his right hand, trying to grab onto Misera. As he continued to struggle; the Humanitarian's eyes begin to bulge as Misera drives the chain deeper into his gullet while she closed out the pain she felt and focused all her life-force in to paying back the Humanitarian for the degradation he had subjected her to. Misera unleashed all the loathing she felt for the Mutant, who released a tortured scream as Misera denied him the life-giving air he sought, dominated by the maddening girl whose strength and fierceness he had severely underestimated. Misera hauls mercilessly on the chain but decides to stop as her hands bleed with cuts. Panted hard; Misera sighed and put down the weapon. “That’s what you get for screwing with me!” She said. Out of the corner of her eye, Misera saw there was a light blue dress has a fitted bodice with a gathered V-neck, topped with a contrasting white pointed collar that continues around to the back, where a "We're All Mad Here" lavender embroidered text design sits on the back wrap V-neck. Puffy cap sleeves with contrasting white fold-over cuffs and cloth buttons complete the bodice. A white panel fitted waistband leads to a gathered full circle skirt with pockets and an allover white card suit print. Misera walked over and put it on while she found her underwear and bra as she put that one first before the dress. Misera turned and headed out the door while she turned to the Humanitarian as she said, “You better still be alive by the time I’m gone….Otherwise, the others will catch up to you my ugly fiend.” And off she went, into the trees that have faces with anguished expressions on them and cobwebs. Just then, there was the sound of canned laughter and Misera covered her ears to drown out the canned laugh track from the speakers, her hands ached. But then she could hear Patchy’s words in her mind echoed: “We go after the corrupted people that had wronged many innocent lives; Abusive parents, neglectful parents, dysfunctional families that mistreat their loved ones. Those who abused authority to get what they want, predator teachers that paws children and teenagers, even those that are not teachers that are dangerous with lustful eyes while taking advantage of them too! Domestic violence—husbands abusing their wives and wives abusing their husbands. Let’s be clear, domestic violence does not discriminate gender—at all!” The laugh track was louder and sounded like demons from hell, Admiel gritted teeth. “Annoying shit!” She muttered. Misera felt the words repeated in her head, “We punished criminal children, sociopaths that don’t show any remorse, people who abuse the elderly, racists, sexists, bullies and people that discriminate. They need to be punished, but if they do show remorse—spare them mercy!....To those nurses and doctors that did wrong to patients, even in mental asylums that done this many times, to those that didn’t care in the world and are greedy. Those wealthy bastards who put down on other people as commoners and those so called commoners, the rich referred them as, needed to be more respected. Got that? All those corrupted like this, must be punished!!!!....Step right up, we bring to you the finest entertainment. And I am pleased to be your humble servant. Accept our hospitality, indulge in abnormality--I do this as a gift, not for employment. Come see our girls, crazy girls! If you're willing to be thrilled, this is a hell of a ride! Those girls, crazy girls. They're hot, they're nuts, they're determined! To see these lovely freaks of nature for a limited time! Come see the girls of the Sisterhood! Some are born mad, some achieve madness. Some have madness thrust upon them. This is the real thing my friends, guaranteed 100 percent, authentic, mentally-ill! Accept no imitations! Why? We’re homicidal! One day we’ll find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Humanitarians' foreheads for she and her friends--this is very good and the game is over – this was their revolution! We’ve got the tools, we’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity, we’ve been trained by the very best. We must eradicate the Humanitarians as revenge is a dish that is best served now! And I believe I’m friggin' gorgeous! The Sisterhood are criticize and judged for who we are…mentally over-stimulating, too much serious conversating, organized religion-hating, sinful un-wed copulating, marriage without pro-creating, male-mind manipulating, chronically hallucinating, certainly there's no debating, some we just find fascinating, women's rights facilitating, independent thought creating! But it’s not like that as we are something more…Our hearts is a weapon of war, our voices is a weapon of choice. An eye for an eye, a heart for a heart--A soul for a soul. When we fight--we fight for our dream, we fight to the death. We fight for control! Those poor people are under attack and victims to the Humanitarians, what is the body count? I've lost track. If nobody's mentioned how this will end against the Humanitarians, then I will be the first. There are more of us than there are of you, so show me your worst! Let me say something, there is no such thing as justice, all the best that we can hope for is revenge. A hostile takeover, an absolute rebellion to the end, this is our battle cry. I'm giving you a head start, you're going to need it. Even if you're only a boy, you can fight like a girl! It's so easy to kill, this I learned by watching the Humanitarians. If I have to I will, it's not pretty but it's true, I am through lying still, to be beaten, screwed--And if I'm lucky, left for dead, so who's scary now? The Hellions will be shown no mercy, it's a bit too late--The game is on, don't run, don't hide, don't wait. If we've got no honor, then we've got no shame. If it's in self defense, then we will take no blame.” In the present; Misera broke down, grabbed her gun from her bag and shoot the laugh tracks with nothing to stop her as she felt herself of this adrenaline flowing through her body! Patchy, Admiel and Vernon stared in shock at Misera’s rage. When all of the laugh tracks were shot down and stopped. Misera panted and panted while she wept. Then, she heard the chanting in her head: “What is it time for?” hollered Patchy. “It’s time for war!” The sisterhood replied loudly. “What is it time for?” Patchy exclaimed. “It’s time for blood!” The girls bellowed vocally. “What is it time for?” Patchy shrieked. “It’s time for TEA!” The sisterhood shouted. “Why is that?” Patchy demanded. “Somewhere it’s always time for tea!” The sisterhood shouted. “What else?” cried Patchy. “The Tea Party Massacre will end the Humanitarians!” The sisterhood shouted. “What are we?” Patchy asked loudly. “We’re homicidal!” The sisterhood replied in unison of shouts. “What are we gonna do?” Patchy screamed. “Find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Humanitarians' foreheads!  The sisterhood screeched “How come?” demanded Patchy. “This is our revolution!” protested the sisterhood with pride in their yells. “How?!” yelled Patchy. “We’ve got the tools, we’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity, we’ve been trained by the very best. We must eradicate the Humanitarians as revenge is a dish that is best served now!” The sisterhood cried. “What are we?” Patchy demanded. “Girls!” The sisterhood hollered. “Why?” Patchy cried. “’Cause we fight like girls!” The sisterhood replied loudly. Patchy nods, “Yes, we fight like girls. I fight like a girl! I'll get my revenge on the world--Or at least 49% of the Humanitarians in it. And if I end up with blood on my hands, well, I know….That you'll understand.” And then, the girls of the sisterhood were chanting so loudly and yet like an angelic choir combined with banshees or harpies from Hell: “Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate!” Suddenly, Misera was chanting: “Eradicate the enemy….Eradicate the enemy…Eradicate the enemy…Eradicate the enemy…Eradicate….Eradicate….Eradicate…ERADICATE THE FRIGGIN’ ENEMY!” Misera screamed as Patchy, Admiel and Vernon were shocked by the sight of her in those clothes. “Go, I’ll handle them!” Misera commanded. “Misera, you can’t!” protested Admiel. “I have to!” Misera said. “Please, you…” Vernon begged. Misera turned to him to look at him in the eyes and hugged him while she pulled away while she lean over and kissed his cheek. Then, pulled away and smiled, “I’m giving you a head start—You’re going to need it….You all have been so concern about me.” She said. Then, turned to the Humanitarians and said in a chilling tone: “My turn!” And ran at them while slicing them with an axe sword. She thought to herself, “I fight like a girl, I'll get my revenge on the world--Or at least 490% of the people in it. And if I end up with blood on my hands, well, I know that you'll understand….Patchy Frost, you too Admiel…And Vernon.” 

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