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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Cosmic Convergence V3--Chapter 5

My heart is a weapon of war, my voice is my weapon of choice....Fight Like a Girl by Emilie Autumn inspired this chapter. Please enjoy! --KatDon 

Chapter 5: Fight like a Girl 

The Mutants have since undergone a strange mutation by a specialized strain of mutatio vocem leas. Over time, growths protrude out of the orifices of the human hosts and it changes their physical appearance. Their teeth are horribly rotten and jagged. The fungus on the back of their head is bio-luminescent. At later stages, the back of their heads begin to bulge, and more fungi growths can be seen on their heads. When the host is killed or dies from advanced fungal growth the fungus continues to grow throughout the head; emitting spores. Mutatio vocem leas is a specialized fungal parasite that infects, manipulates and kills formicine ants, predominantly in tropical forest ecosystems. It specifically infects worker ants. Worker ants are infected during foraging when the fungal spores attach to their cuticles. Once infected the ants will climb down from their natural habitats on rainforest tree and relocate to 25 cm off the ground under leaves where the temperature is low and humidity is high. Fungal reproduction is only possible after a stalk is grown out of the host’s head by propulsion of spores out from its fruiting bodies. Spores of the fungus are actively discharged. Fungal manipulation of an ant host’s mouthparts was found on a 48 million year old single leaf of the dicotyledonous plant host. The close modern parallel for this distinctive type of leaf damage is the death grip of some fungus-infected carpenter ants such as the fungus which adaptively manipulates worker ants of them to bite along major veins of leaves in tropical forests. This is the oldest evidence of parasites manipulating the behavior of their hosts and suggests that the specialized interaction is relatively ancient rather than newly acquired. Due to the increased amount of research on the fungus in recent years. The new, unidentified species of mutatio vocem leas turns humans first into violent infected and then into humans, complete with fruiting bodies sprouting from their heads. The inhalation of mutatio vocem leas spores is the un-death sentence. Once a victim completes its cycle, the fungus forces the human into a dark and secluded corner. It is where the human finally dies. Bleeding back into the environment, spores effuse from the corpse to infect again. Like the ant-infector, the fungus that brings down humanity turns a host into a drone to eventually do its bidding. And like the species of mutatio vocem leas that turns tarantulas into art, the fictional fungus creates elaborate sprouting bodies off the host. The mix of art design and plausibility gives the choice to model on mutatio vocem leas both scientific rigor and beauty. One day; 31-year-old Babur Yagil drove for a week but then his car became disabled along the way. After spending 30–40 minutes at the site, as filmed on security video in and around the car, he abandoned it about noon and began to cross the 3-mile-long span of the causeway, stripping himself of his clothing and disposing of his driver’s license as he advanced westward, according to eyewitnesses. His vehicle was eventually discovered and towed by the police. Inside the car, police discovered a Bible and five empty water bottles, which they believe were recently consumed. Around this time; Babur encountered 65-year-old Timir at approximately 1:55 pm. Timir had been lying underneath the elevated people-mover viaduct when Babur began to pummel him, strip him of his flesh, and bite his face. A passing cyclist came upon the scene and alerted authorities. A few minutes later, an officer arrive and warned Babur to desist from attacking Timir. Babur ignored the officer's warnings and, instead, reportedly growled at him, then resumed biting his victim. The attack ended with the officer shooting Babur once at first and then another four times when that proved ineffective. Timir was admitted to the hospital in critical condition, with 75–80% of his face above the beard missing and his left eye gouged out. He underwent facial reconstruction surgeries that took months to complete, but he remained permanently disfigured and blind. Timir lost his eyebrows, his nose, parts of his forehead and cheek, and his left eye, and was left totally blind due to the damage to his remaining right eye. He underwent numerous surgeries to repair the damage to his face. After rehabilitation, he put on 50 pounds, and learned to dress and feed himself, shower and shave. He is being allowed to stay at the medical facility indefinitely. Although the autopsy revealed no human flesh in Babur's stomach, a number of undigested pills were discovered that have not been identified. Although police sources had speculated that the street drug "bath salts" might have been involved, preliminary toxicology reports were positive only for the presence of reefers. But the Mutants were the only ones, there are the Hellions: Hellions originated from a drug called Helvete. Dr. Grevan Griswald had been testing behavioral modification on this planet through Helvete, administered through the air condition systems. The chemical was designed to weed out aggression and anger. The ultimate result was of the population stopped going to work, talking to each other, and eventually stopped being human. However, the remaining of the population had the opposite reaction, with their aggression and primal instincts boosted beyond simple madness into murderous rage, sadism and savagery. Being transformed into a Hellion does not seem to be exclusively chemical in origin. Some victims of Hellion attacks are left alive and forced by Hellions to view the tortures they inflict on others. When this happens, the person's mind can be so damaged by what they were shown that the only way to cope with it is to begin to act as a Hellion does, eventually becoming one themselves. Hellions may themselves be able to detect those humans that are susceptible to become like themselves and these are the men and women they convert. Hellion are, at least genetically, human in more or less every way. They have utter and complete madness. Showing no care for life, they are driven by an insane, homicidal and savage aggression that manifests in the cannibalism, acts of violating plunder, and torture that they visit upon any unfortunate enough to come across them. Hellions are impossible to mistake for anything else. As a symptom of their insanity, they deliberately gash and cut their other people's flesh, and a Hellion is often covered in open or partially healed wounds. They seem no physically stronger or tougher than normal humans, merely inured to pain to the point where they care nothing for their injuries or indeed their own lives, and more willing to push their bodies to the extreme because of their madness. Although they clearly must have some retention of any original knowledge prior to their madness and Hellions are as without fear as they are without mercy, and they have been seen to speak and indeed communicate. The sole sound they make is an insane, wordless scream. Hellions seem to favor close combat, although they are fully capable of using firearms. It is likely that their reduced mental abilities makes firearms a poor choice. Instead, they rush forward, occasionally firing at victims if stymied, and overwhelm their enemies in a deadly charge with crude blades and melee weapons.  If nothing else is available, they may be found clawing and biting their prey with bare hands and teeth. Although they occasionally carry conventional firearms, Hellions also seem to use poisoned needles, and very frequently a form of large spear. The aim of both weapons is probably to ensure that the victim is alive when taken. Utterly fearless, they will charge until they are wiped out - casualties don't seem to matter much to a Hellion group. Hellions seem to prefer to subdue their victims. Those unfortunates who are rendered helpless or fall are either raped to death, eaten alive, flayed, or commonly all three, as well as other horrific depravities. After they finally escape into death, the Hellions will sew their skins into their clothing, and may very well either hang up the corpses as a gruesome trophy. Hellions target settlements without strong defenses. After plundering, murdering and eating the inhabitants, Hellions will burn the settlement to the ground. Most of the time Hellions stick to their hunting territories; however, the Hellions had begun to expand from their territories. This was likely caused by the depletion of food sources as settlers learned to steer clear.

One Hellion rips the heart out of a victim's chest, then hoists the still beating organ in the air in triumph. Another Hellion rips the opponent's head and spinal cord from the shoulders. A female Hellion inhales her victim and regurgitates a torrent of bloody chunks and bones onto the ground. A third Hellion rips the opponent's leg out and beats the opponent to death with it and continues doing so even after the opponent is dead and makes it look like their head explodes. A fourth Hellion bites their victim's jugular and rip it head off with their teeth. The Hellion then throws it with its mouth like a dog and then laughs afterward. Other Hellions did horrendous things more: The fifth Hellion rips the ribs out of the opponent and impale the eyes with them. The sixth Hellion rips an entire skeleton from the opponent. The seventh Hellion drop-kicking the victim's head, crushing it into pieces, where some other parts of the dismembered body looked like it was convulsing and the Hellion then vomit their stomach contents over the lining and blood. The seventh Hellion repeatedly punches the victim each with a splash of blood and guts before punching the opponent's legs and torso off. The eighth Hellion use a chest-mounted metal claw to grab the victim and slam him to the floor repeatedly before eating the opponent through its chest compartment and the victim was now vomiting out chunks of blood and viscera. More Hellions had wires cutting deeply into their victims, that traces of stomach acid were leaked out. There was blood splattered everywhere, one of the victim's head has a massive chunk blown out of it. The Hellions sawing off their victim's foot off. There was bones being sawed through and a piece of brain on the side of his head falls off. They placed their victims on a crucifix which will slowly break their arms, legs, and neck by slowly twisting them and they have a shotgun to shoot them in the face while others lost their limbs. More victims more torture where chains pierced in their bodies, cut through someone's skull with a circular saw and didn't even have any anesthetic while they drill on them, mutilating them in the process. The Hellions sadistically push the victim's face into the knives while making them fall into razor wire. The Hellions also had a guy is chained to a bed and torn limb from limb. They had a woman's hair has been threaded into gears and when the device starts, it begins to pull her hair to the point her scalp is peeled back. The Hellions had two men with chains around their necks, fighting each other. The first guy has his eyes stitched shut and the other has his lips sewn together while the Hellions laughed and cheered. The Hellion grabbed a woman begging but she gets stabbed in the throat by shards of a broken Vodka bottle, stabbed in the chest by a large kitchen knife when she was trying to grab the Hellions and make her escape but they already hammered the knife deeper in her chest to kill her. The Hellion took another screaming girl's braid as they hooked it on a device as her head trapped in between the device which her head is torn off her shoulders. The Hellions pushed a third girl who falls against a nail gun, which proceeds to fire nails directly into the back of her head. Her body jerks as each nail penetrates her skull and bursts out her face. After the nail gun stops firing, she whimpers, then her body slowly goes limp as she dies. The Hellions all laughed hysterically at this sight while smiles are plastered on their faces. The Hellion used a nail which they slice the girl's foot tendon, torturing her in a gory way as her corpse twitches several times as a wet stain spread across the crotch, along with her femur sticking out of her leg. Another victim of the Hellions gets impaled on acupuncture needles, almost burning to death and having his head crushed by a statue. The Hellions have six people are chained to a children's carousel redecorated with gory body parts and blood, and every time it stops, one of the Hellions have a spring-loaded shotgun fires a bullet, killing the person in front of it. They torture a child with a screw that comes straight down through his hand. The Hellions trigger a rack of needles to pump the body full of acid, dissolving his body from the inside out. The Hellions took off some of the little girl's skin, and infected her. The Hellions put a nail in a guy's stomach which slices his abdominal wall. They used wet tarp and disembowels the second on a nail sticking up from the ground. Both his intestines and a trail of blood on the tarp itself. An obese man has his viscera consumed out as the Hellions had blood and guts spewing from their mouths a little. The blood attracts the Hellions that eat him alive. They also did a bowel obstruction and caused internal bleeding. An old woman was injected with corn oil her face with corn oil which got in her bloodstream, and then it started leaking out of her face and destroying her from the inside. A Hellion has an ice pick impaled in another victim's eye, which resulted in a huge blood red welt on his eye covered in blood. The Hellions caused a father to fall face first into the blades and another guy was thrown into a frying machine, which he suffered fatal burns to his face as he was thrown in multiple times. The Hellion shredded a guy to pieces, starting with his leg. The Hellions tortured their victims who had maggot-infested bedsores squirming all over their open wounds, their skin red from the red dye soaking into their skin, then vomiting green slime and dying shortly thereafter. The Hellions pushed back a girl who falls back on her champagne glass pyramid and dies from excessive blood loss from all the broken pieces of glass getting embedded in her body. The Hellion puts the breathing tube in the esophagus and stomach inflating and exploding, they cut the poor guy open as blood and organs splatters everywhere while smiles are still plastered on the Hellions' faces. The Hellions grabbed an old man as they puncture his abdomen and spills his intestines. They took a girl and straps her to a wheelchair, teases her and brings her into a disgusting lab. The Hellions proceed to cut off a finger on each of the girl's hands, even punching the girl to keep her from passing out. They were also going to go for the groin and tongue next. The Hellions grabbed the boy who then is thrown around like a rag doll but then he's pulled into the air vent and diced up by the fan. The Hellions' torture chambers are covered in blood, there are remains of one of the two guys' corpses which consisted of a pair of feet and shins, and an arm. One of the guys' bodies twitch spasmodically as if it were still alive and in pain. One of the Hellions performed surgery torture on a girl who has implant incision open with what looks like a shoehorn, but the Hellion's so reckless and incompetent at putting the implant in that he splatters her blood everywhere in a way that realistically would permanently deform her torso and most likely kill her from blood-loss. Then, the Hellion grabbed a guy's head at one point ripping open his eyelids and exposing his brain inside his head. Another gets his arms ripped off while blood squirts from the stumps and there are bones and muscle on the ground next to the severed arms--thanks to what that Hellion did. In their torture rooms, there are humans with their skin peeling apart and hanging from its body in bloody strips, a woman's mouth splitting at the corners and stretching her face into a toothy rictus. And some guy who is horribly mutilated, flopping around with no arms and legs and trying to talk while choking on blood. The Hellions had a teenage boy getting wax stuck in his bladder as well as another boy accidentally having most of his large intestine sucked out of his stomach while being dangerously close to drowning. In order to save his own life, he winds up having to chew through his own intestines in order to get free from the torture but he and the other boy died as he was trying climb out, but ended up pulling off half his flesh and lower body in the process while the Hellions cannibalize their corpses. There were pictures of sexy and scantily clad women soaked in blood in the midst of a disgusting, gory act or being brutally attacked and plundered. And then, there were those who cut off their victims faces and wear them on various parts of their body, and others who soak in their victims’ bloods until they absorb enough of it to give their skin a red tint.

“Hey Bon, are you seeing somebody that’s not Declan?” Emily remarked. Bonnie looked at her in shock, “What?” She gasped. “Who is it? Is it someone I know? Tell me, you little saint!” Emily teased. “Nobody, for God’s sake! C’mon Em, cut me some slack!” Bonnie replied. “Nobody?! Woman, this is a dangerous environment! There’s Kynan and Ipsita over there, and you don’t mind?” Emily joked. “Shut up, Em! The window is open.” Protested Bonnie comically. “Nobody’s peeking in.” assured Emily. “Yeah, but I see THOSE TWO looking this way so I’m going to close the window!” Bonnie protested. She marched over to the window and saw Kynan & Ipsita were looking at her from different directions. They looked at her funny like she was deranged. Embarrassed; Bonnie close the window and shut the curtains swiftly. She puts her back to the window and slides down while sighing. “So much tension huh?” Emily ragged. Bonnie covered her ears, “La-la-la-la-la! I can’t hear you! La-la-la-la-la!” She sang out. “Tension, tension! You’re obsessed!” Emily exclaimed. Bonnie took a pillow and hits Emily with it. “Shut up!” She exclaimed. “A sucker, aren’t ya?” Emily tantalized. “That’s it!” Bonnie said, she went and chases her. There was a buzz and someone calling Bonnie’s name. It was Kynan’s voice! Yelping; Bonnie scrambled to the door and presses the button. “Y—yes?” She stammered. “You OK in there?” Kynan asked. “P—per—perfectly fi—fi—fi—fine. Why do you ask?” Bonnie inquired. “Uh, I don’t know, you sound like you’re yelling! What’s going on?” Kynan asked. “N—nothing, nothing at all! We’re fine, really!” Bonnie claimed. “Whatever, keep it down OK?” Kynan snapped. Sighing; Bonnie gives a comical glare at Emily, who was trying not to smile while trying to seem innocent. “I hate you.” Bonnie said. “Love you too.” Emily ribbed. “Uggghhhh!” groaned Bonnie. Bored subsequently; Lily pulled something from between her breasts and looked at the over-sized perfume bottle style pendant features a quilted design with sparkly crystal detailing and is engraved around her neck. She felt someone behind her and jumped a little but glared at who it was. It was Stucco! Stucco has four long fingers on each hand with pointed fingernails. His eyes appear to be entirely white with no pupils. He has a large nose and crooked teeth. His body is dark blue. Like most depictions of ghosts, he has no legs or feet, and his body ends in a wisp. Stucco also appears to always be grinning. Even when expressing disappointment of sarcasm or legitimate, his lips maintain a smile. “You've gone quite mangy, Stucco... but your grin's a comfort.” Lily remarked. Stucco spoke in a snarky, smooth and grim tone of voice: “And you've picked up a bit of an attitude, still curious and willing to learn, I hope.” Lily shrugged, “I never thought I’d see you, you look like a character from a creepy children’s game that should be banished from their memories forever.” She taunted a little. Stucco laughed, “I am the keeper of the nightmare side of your mind, and a loyal servant. You must solve my riddle, or risk your health.” He said, “Are you ready for one of my riddles? I love a good challenge.” Lily crossed her arms, “Bring it on!” She declared. Stucco snickered and recited: “It's been around for millions of years, but is never more than a month old. What is it?” Lily smiled, “The moon!” She said with sarcastic-enthusiasm. “Rats, you're right. You may have won this time, but I'll get you--No, I'll stump you...next time. Hmm, it's too bad if you lost, that would've have cost you your health.” Stucco remarked. But Lily asked Stucco about the monsters, Hellions, and wants toknow about it. That’s when Stucco told the story to Lily: There was a little girl, who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good--very, very good. But when she was bad, she was homicidal! One day that little girl may find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Hellions' foreheads for she and her friends--this is very good and the game is over – this was their revolution! They’ve got the tools, they’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity. Somewhere it’s always time for tea, they’ve been trained by the very best. The sisterhood must eradicate the Hellions as revenge is a dish that is best served now! Clover believes she's friggin' gorgeous as she and her sisterhood are equipped with weapons: hatchet, scalpel, rusty steel syringe, amputation saw and electroshock machine. Her infamous battle words are unforgettable, “It’s time for war! It’s time for blood! It’s time for TEA! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate!” Intrigued; Lily asked about if anyone responsible for the madness: There was a man name Dr. Grevan Griswald, who was the sole person that created the Hellions and his reason for causing this? He was nothing more than a bully, a person who hated the world for religion, race, disability and he just wanted the world to be perfect so he ‘punished’ the world for being ‘imperfect’. This angered Lily, “It’s not our fault for this! That non-believing, racist, discriminating and sexist bastard….I’ll bet somebody would teach him a lesson. Fortunately; Stucco told Lily the story of the ‘girl who hated Hellions’, Clover and Amelia as well as three other people were hurdled into the shipping container by the Hellions and Dr. Griswald. It is believed that just one of the Hellions wielded the chainsaw, as they are often seen likely standing there to prevent anyone from escaping. The three unnamed victims were all slain by the chainsaw, leaving Amelia for last begging them not to do this in front of her cousin. She screamed and cried as they revved the chainsaw, turning then to give a final smile to Clover. She said to close her eyes, not to look and that she loved her before the Hellion finally cut into her, killing Clover in front of Clover with no remorse. Dr. Griswald and the Hellions fled the area while Clover sat there, for two entire days sitting in blood that would forever change her. When he finished; Stucco left and Lily went back to Dream State. Curious; Lily looked up the memories on the Moneta: “Close your eyes, Clover.” Amelia’s voice whimpered. “I want my cousin.” Young Clover cried. Amelia was screaming and crying echoing, “No! Not in front of my cousin!....Oh, god. Please don't cry. It's gonna be okay….Don't you dare! Not in front of my cousin, please!....No!....Close your eyes, Clover. Don't look. Clover. Close your eyes.” There was so much blood and revving chainsaws. “I want my cousin! I want my cousin!” Young Clover wept. “I love you, Clover.” Amelia’s last words replied. After watching this; she is shocked. Just then, she is startled to hear a knock on the door and switched off the Moneta and could see Emily, who smiled. “Hey. You wanna go on an adventure?” Soon; Emily, Bonnie and Lily arrived at the Dollhouse Sisterhood Headquarters and got to see the girls there. 

There were other girls there: Donata, Svana, Chica, Esther, Honora, Timberly ‘Timber’, Spencer, Tedra, Bilhan, Jolene ‘Jolie’, Suniva and Tigris. These girls were either dark haired, had green or brown eyes, an olive complexion and angelic physical appearance. They would have golden hair, blue eyes and fair skin. Donata has a very pale complexion with long, straight, dark brown hair, unique chocolate brown eyes and a heart-shaped face with a wide forehead. Her eyes are large and widely spaced. Her nose is thin and her cheekbones are prominent. Her lips are a bit too full for her slim jaw-line. But Chica is a petite who has large eyes and long, delicate eyebrows. Her hair is cropped short, spiky, and inky black. But then, the room got silent as a beautiful and seductive young woman entered the room: It was Clover--she had an oval face with fine bone structure, a wealth of brown curly hair, and almond-shaped, deep brown eyes with thick dark lashes. Her irises seemed to be a shade darker and Clover seemed to squint slightly. Clover was also incredibly theatrical in her movement, exaggerating almost everything as though she had rehearsed any given situation over and over again. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair and are straighter than they are arched. She seemed like she inherited god-like beauty. Clover paced and looked at the girls: “You, right on time…Not bad, but do better--I look forward to your next effort….Hey! Heads up. Shoulders back. Stomachs in. Stand up straight…OK, just making sure.” Clover said. Emily, Bonnie and Lily begin to hide in the broom closet that was huge and waited but they weren’t alone in the closet as they felt somebody in there. “Hey!” The girl protested. Emily was surprised, “Sorry.” She said. But luckily, the girl didn’t seem too upset. “That's okay. It's much better than being out there.” She said. “Is that the guard of the sisterhood or something?” Bonnie asked. “Uh-uh. That's the headmistress of the sisterhood, Clover.” The girl replied. Lily gasped in amazement, “You've got to be kidding!” She managed to say. Just then, another girl peeked in and startled the girls. “You ladies better skedaddle. I'm not kidding, Clover doesn’t allow girls to hide in her or she’ll break it apart.” She said. So, Emily and her friends—along with the girl—exited from the closet. “I'm Emily.” Emily introduced herself. “Bonnie.” Said Bonnie. Lily smiled nervously, “My name is Lily.” She piped up. “I'm Jinx.” The girl said, she pointed to the girl and continued, “And this is Ivana.” Ivana waved. “Is she always like this?” Lily asked. “No. It's mostly for scare of the good kind. What she does is worse. Like yesterday, Clover makes a weekly visit to every room, to make sure the sisters was everything, when all of a sudden there was an intruder who tried to attack.” Jinx said. “And she caught him?” Emily asked. “Of course!” Ivana said in a matter of fact voice. “Was the guy okay?” Lily asked. “After being thrown out the window? Of course he wasn't okay. He lived, if that's what you mean. He just never showed his face again.” Jinx remarked. “Clover’s weapons are scalpel, razor blades and leeches…Leeches are her specialty.” Ivana chatted. Emily shuddered as well as Lily. “So she does this all the time?” Bonnie queried. “Better than her Fury self.” Jinx retorted. “She's a Fury?” Emily asked in shocked. “Yeah, her Fury form. It's the most scariest, they say she tore her vein out and that’s how she becomes a Fury on the spot.” Jinx gossiped. “Seriously?” Emily said, trying to take it all in that she heard. “I've seen it twice.” Jinx said. Ivana waved a hand, shushing the girls, “Here she comes.” Clover noticed Emily and the others, looking them over and smiled. “I see we have fresh faces, visitors of Dream States.” Clover remarked. Emily waved, “Hi.” She said with a smile. “’Sup.” Bonnie greeted. Clover exclaimed, “SILENCE!!!!” This scared Emily and her friends as Clover looked at Emily dead in the face, “Did I permit you to speak? No, no one’s allowed to speak when I’m talking.” She retorted. “Sorry.” Emily and Bonnie said in unison. “Thank you.” Clover said, patting Emily’s shoulder. She turned to her girls lined up like soldiers and hollered in a loud voice, “Listen up! Welcome to the Dollhouse Sisterhood. My name is Clover, the founder and leader of the sisterhood. I am not your mother, not your caretaker but I am your teacher, your friend, your sister. You will formally address me as ‘Mistress’, clear on that?” The girls answered in unison like soldiers, “Yes Mistress!” This shocked Emily and the gang. Clover nodded, “Good, OK, we need to take of something…” She looked at her clipboard and continues: “We need to be reminded on what we do here in the sisterhood! We go after the corrupted people that had wronged many innocent lives; Abusive parents, neglectful parents, dysfunctional families that mistreat their loved ones. Those who abused authority to get what they want, predator teachers that paws children and teenagers, even those that are not teachers that are dangerous with lustful eyes while taking advantage of them too! Domestic violence—husbands abusing their wives and wives abusing their husbands. Let’s be clear, domestic violence does not discriminate gender—at all! Understood?” The sisterhood replies, “Yes Mistress!” Clover paced around while talking loudly, “We punished criminal children, sociopaths that don’t show any remorse, people who abuse the elderly, racists, sexists, bullies and people that discriminate. They need to be punished, but if they do show remorse—spare them mercy, got it?” The sisterhood girls cried out in response: “Yes Mistress!” Clover sustained to speak, “To those nurses and doctors that did wrong to patients, even in mental asylums that done this many times, to those that didn’t care in the world and are greedy. Those wealthy bastards who put down on other people as commoners and those so called commoners, the rich referred them as, needed to be more respected. Got that? All those corrupted like this, must be punished! WE ARE FURIES, HAPRIES AND BANSHEES!!!” The girls of the sisterhood, Emily was fairly impressed with the presentation Clover display. It was then Clover turned to Emily and the girls while reciting, “Step right up, we bring to you the finest entertainment. And I am pleased to be your humble servant. Accept our hospitality, indulge in abnormality--I do this as a gift, not for employment. Come see our girls, crazy girls! If you're willing to be thrilled, this is a hell of a ride! Those girls, crazy girls. They're hot, they're nuts, they're determined! To see these lovely freaks of nature for a limited time! Come see the girls of the Dollhouse Sisterhood! Some are born mad, some achieve madness. Some have madness thrust upon them. This is the real thing my friends, guaranteed 100 percent, authentic, mentally-ill! Accept no imitations! Why? We’re homicidal! One day we’ll find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Hellions' foreheads for she and her friends--this is very good and the game is over – this was their revolution! We’ve got the tools, we’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity, we’ve been trained by the very best. We must eradicate the Hellions as revenge is a dish that is best served now! And I believe I’m friggin' gorgeous!” She screeched and the girls cheered. Clover took a breath and looked while ranting, “The Dollhouse Sisterhood are criticize and judged for who we are…mentally over-stimulating, too much serious conversating, organized religion-hating, sinful un-wed copulating, marriage without pro-creating, male-mind manipulating, chronically hallucinating, certainly there's no debating, some we just find fascinating, women's rights facilitating, independent thought creating! But it’s not like that as we are something more…Our hearts is a weapon of war, our voices is a weapon of choice. An eye for an eye, a heart for a heart--A soul for a soul. When we fight--we fight for our dream, we fight to the death. We fight for control! Those poor people are under attack and victims to the Hellions, what is the body count? I've lost track. If nobody's mentioned how this will end against the Hellions, then I will be the first. There are more of us than there are of you, so show me your worst!” The girls cried out in agreement like men do in the war. Clover held up a finger and said, “Let me say something, there is no such thing as justice, all the best that we can hope for is revenge. A hostile takeover, an absolute rebellion to the end, this is our battle cry. I'm giving you a head start, you're going to need it. Even if you're only a boy, you can fight like a girl! It's so easy to kill, this I learned by watching the Hellions. If I have to I will, it's not pretty but it's true, I am through lying still, to be beaten, screwed--And if I'm lucky, left for dead, so who's scary now? The Hellions will be shown no mercy, it's a bit too late--The game is on, don't run, don't hide, don't wait. If we've got no honor, then we've got no shame. If it's in self defense, then we will take no blame.” She then stood there and then she stamped her foot as voices were raised, surprising Dream State. “What is it time for?” hollered Clover. “It’s time for war!” The sisterhood replied loudly. “What is it time for?” Clover exclaimed. “It’s time for blood!” The girls bellowed vocally. “What is it time for?” Clover shrieked. “It’s time for TEA!” The sisterhood shouted. “Why is that?” Clover demanded. “Somewhere it’s always time for tea!” The sisterhood shouted. “What else?” cried Clover. “The Mad Tea Party Massacre will end the Hellions!” The sisterhood shouted. “What are we?” Clover asked loudly. “We’re homicidal!” The sisterhood replied in unison of shouts. “What are we gonna do?” Clover screamed. “Find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Hellions' foreheads!  The sisterhood screeched “How come?” demanded Clover. “This is our revolution!” protested the sisterhood with pride in their yells. “How?!” yelled Clover. “We’ve got the tools, we’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity, we’ve been trained by the very best. We must eradicate the Hellions as revenge is a dish that is best served now!” The sisterhood cried. “What are we?” Clover demanded. “Girls!” The sisterhood hollered. “Why?” Clover cried. “’Cause we fight like girls!” The sisterhood replied loudly. Clover nodded, “Yes, we fight like girls. I fight like a girl! I'll get my revenge on the world--Or at least 49% of the Hellions in it. And if I end up with blood on my hands, well, I know…” She said. Clover stops for a moment and turns to Emily and the others as she said, “….That you'll understand.” Emily was unnerved, but nodded and Clover grinned at her. Clover then stood there with a solemn expression and it was quiet for a moment. “One time--What is it time for?” hollered Clover. “It’s time for war!” The sisterhood replied loudly. “What is it time for?” Clover exclaimed. “It’s time for blood!” The girls bellowed vocally. “What is it time for?” Clover shrieked. “It’s time for TEA!” The sisterhood shouted. “Why is that?” Clover demanded. “Somewhere it’s always time for tea!” The sisterhood shouted. “What else?” cried Clover. “The Mad Tea Party Massacre will end the Hellions!” The sisterhood shouted. “What are we?” Clover asked loudly. “We’re homicidal!” The sisterhood replied in unison of shouts. “What are we gonna do?” Clover screamed. “Find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Hellions' foreheads!  The sisterhood screeched “How come?” demanded Clover. “This is our revolution!” protested the sisterhood with pride in their yells. “How?!” yelled Clover. “We’ve got the tools, we’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity, we’ve been trained by the very best. We must eradicate the Hellions as revenge is a dish that is best served now!” The sisterhood cried. “What are we?” Clover demanded. “Girls!” The sisterhood hollered. “Why?” Clover cried. “’Cause we fight like girls!” The sisterhood replied loudly. “What do we have to do?” Clover queried. “Eradicate the enemy!” The sisterhood replied in loud voices. “Who’s the enemy?!” Clover asked at the top of her voice. “The Hellions!” The sisterhood replied loudly. Clover and the sisterhood intoned the mantra: “Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate!”

Afterwards when the ceremony was over and the girls were dismissed; Emily, Bonnie and Lily learnt from Jinx and Ivana that Clover wasn’t always obsessed with revenge and used to be a sweet girl. Long ago: There were times when Clover felt good to be by herself, she enjoys her own company. Clover can think up her own ideas and play exactly when she wants. With no around; Clover can have all the fun to herself but one day, it all changed! “Hey Clover, why don’t you ask that girl over there to play with us?” suggested her cousin Amelia. Clover was apprehensive, “I don’t know, I’m scared to ask…What if she says no?” She said. Her mother shrugged, “At least try. All you have to ask, who knows, maybe he’ll say yes.” She replied gently and encouragement. Clover took a deep breath and walked over to the girl. The girl looked up as Clover felt her heart leap out of her chest. “Um, do you—want to play—with me?” She asked. “OK.” The girl said. The next day, the same girl ran into Clover on the school bus. Donata sat next to Clover, “Hi my name is Donata. What’s yours?” Clover smiled back, “Clover.” She replied. Clover and Donata played with each other in games like tag. Soon; Clover has an odd friendship with Svana, despite them getting on each other’s nerves and there’s some friendly competition. It was a little strange! However; Clover got along with other girls: Chica, Esther, Honora, Timberly ‘Timber’, Spencer, Tedra, Bilhan, Jolene ‘Jolie’, Suniva and Tigris. But Clover and Donata were much closer--These girls are best friends, they are in the same classes, they wear the same colored shoes, they have a favorite food together, they play soccer together but what’s so special about the girls’ friendships is how much they care about each other. In the next day; Chica approached Clover, who wore a crown and holding a princess dress. “Wanna play dress up?” Clover asked. “Sure.” Chica said with a smile. When Clover is bullied by other kids; Honora shields the sobbing Clover from the bully and firmly said, “Stop it! Leave her alone!” Another time, Timber and Clover make a decision on who goes first by flipping a coin. One incident, Spencer shared an even half with Clover, “Half for you, half for me.” She said. “Thanks.” Answered Clover. Then, there are secrets kept: “Don’t say anything, this is our secret.” Tedra warned. “I promise.” Clover said. And the girls are loyal to Clover no matter what. “Clover is a crybaby.” Bilhan whispered. Jolie shrugged, “It’s not her fault, she’s sensitive. You don’t have to be mean about it.” She retorted. There are some bad days for her, Clover was sad when Esther came up to her holding a bag of candy, “Do want some of my candy?” She offered. And there are solutions for hard things for Clover that her friends help out with. “This math is hard, I don’t get it.” Clover complained. “Try it this way.” Suniva suggested. Clover offered to play a new game and goes to Tigris, who agrees. “OK, what do you want to play?” asked Tigris, glancing at Clover. When the kid games are played; Donata applauded, “Good job, Patchy. You win!” She praised. Clover grinned, “Good game.” She replied. As a hint of sympathy; Clover makes a special present for Chica. However, Clover had a difficulty with Svana of getting her approval. Like one time, Clover wanted to help Svana, who rejects her. “I don’t need your ideas!” Svana said harshly. Clover was offended, feeling left out. She shouted angrily, “You better let me help you or else!” Knowing that wouldn’t do any good; Clover sat alone, she feels like she’s not good enough and feels useless. But she decides to play with others Clover approached Bilhan and Jolie as well as her friends, “Want to play?” She asked. They would nod in approval. Sometimes, Clover would be by herself on the jump-rope. It wasn’t until she decides to give Svana’s ideas and approached her. “Want to try a more different approach?” suggested Clover. She explains the idea and then, Svana smiled as she finally said, “Sounds awesome, Clover!” Clover felt her spirits were raised in high hopes. It wasn’t until one day that Clover wasn’t too thrilled with the idea of getting involved with other new people she doesn’t know. “Come now, Clover. You’re just shy sweetie.” Her mother said brightly. But Clover stubbornly refused, “Don’t ask me to go in there, you can’t make me!” She replied. However, Clover was persuaded to go in as a voice calls out in a jolly voice, “Hello!” Clover looked in as one part wants to enter into the room and the other part didn’t want her to. Clover was a bad behaved girl and has a lot of incidents with the other girls: Patchy was playing a board game with Chica as she cheated in the game. “Hey, no fair! You’re cheating!” Chica called out to her. But Patchy couldn’t care less about the rules of the game. On the next day; Clover shoves Jolie away, “Stupid head!” Bilhan came to her friend’s defense, “Don’t call me or my friend that.” She protested. Clover just laughed at her. Then, the third day had Clover glared at the boys and remarked, “You can’t play, it’s only for girls!” Honora were very surprised as well as the other boys that Clover was acting like a Queen Bee! The fourth day, Clover taunted Esther, “Nya, nya, nya!” Esther was hurt by her teasing. The fifth day; Clover shows her fists towards Tedra who was scared by her aggressive behavior. The sixth day, Clover seized the toy from Bilhan, who struggles to get it back. “Give it to me!” Clover screamed. “No, you already have one!” Bilhan protested. The eighth day, Clover glared at Tigris, she pointed at her and exclaims, “It’s your fault, you made me trip!” Tigris was taken aback, “No I didn’t!” She said. The ninth day; Clover seized Donata’s arm, Donata and Svana turned to her in shock. Donata tugged at Clover, “Let go of me!” She objected. However, Clover pulled on her arm, “You can’t play with her, you’re my best friend—MY BEST FRIEND!!!” She claimed wildly. The tenth day; Clover scowled at Timber and said, “This game is so dumb, I quit.” She got up and stomped away. The eleventh Clover growled at Jolie, who got annoyed with her and turned to her saying, “Quit it!” Nevertheless; Clover ignored her protests and irritating her soon. On the twelfth day: Clover pointed to Donata, “You be the sister.” She points to Chica, “You be the baby.” And then points to herself, “And I’ll be the mom.” Donata was irked, “Oh c’mon Clover! You always get to be the Mom, I want to decide this time!” complained Donata. “Yeah Cloves, don’t be so boss.” Chica echoed. On the thirteenth day: Clover got into Bilhan’s face, “Get out of the way or else!” She threatened. Bilhan gulped in fear. Tedra was annoyed, “What a pest.” She muttered. “She’s only going to make enemies that way.” Timber commented quietly. The fourteenth day: Clover arrived at school in a cranky mood where she caused damage to property and violently lashes at her classmates with verbal insults as well as physical tantrums. But Clover is sent to the nurse’s office to calm down and is visited by her favorite teacher, Clover’s mother, Clover’s cousin and her friends who all help her feel better. In the present day; Clover stopped by to see her aunt and uncle. When she went up to the door; she is hugged by her uncle, who answered the door and let her in. Clover walked up the stairs and stopped where she heard a crying sound. Clover closed her eyes and looked to see her aunt in Amelia’s room and crying. Her aunt’s face crumpled, her eyes looked red and puffy while she still wept. Clover walked over and stood in the doorway as her aunt managed to ease on the crying and calm down while being brave in front of her niece. That’s when Clover watched her aunt dumped something out of a bag and pulled out a necklace of a black cord layered pendant with a light blue crystal. “She would have wanted you to have this, honey. Amelia would have wanted you to have this.” Her aunt said, putting the necklace around Clover’s neck. Clover felt a lump in her throat, tears rolling down and eyes were red. “I shouldn't have suggested we'd go with her friends to that place.” Clover choked out. “Oh, honey, it's not your fault, it's not your fault.” Her aunt reassured her. But Clover broke down crying, “I feel so bad all the time.”

For the moment; Dream State was given a presentation video of the Hellions: The Hellions themselves show considerable variation, as they are still self-aware individuals, albeit turned into homicidal maniacs. The actual level of insanity different Hellions demonstrate ranges across a wide spectrum as well. Many are practically feral savages with absolutely no regard for their own self-preservation, to the point that they will gleefully mutilate themselves for the sheer thrill of it, including amputating their own limbs as these Hellions don't tend to survive very long. Most are capable of basic albeit deranged speech, and wield whatever clubs, knives, or sharp objects are at hand to attack anything around them. The more insane Hellions will even attack each other, though they apparently prefer the other Hellions. Some characters speculate that this preference is due to their need for sadistic gratification: given that the Hellions are so insane that they will mutilate themselves voluntarily, it isn't as fun to torture fellow Hellions as it is to torture uninfected, frightened victims. The Hellions enjoy artfully mutilating the bodies of their victims, amputating limbs or worse. The Hellions can survive on any food but frequently rely on basic cannibalism – not because they have a zombie-like need for human flesh, they're just so brutal and cruel that they get warped enjoyment out of it. Other Hellions increasingly cannibalize the non-infected or each other to survive. The Hellions are consumed by a pervasive blood lust and constantly try to plunder anyone or anything they can chase down, the Hellion would plunder and sodomize entire families and neighborhoods, rapidly expanding the growing hordes of Crossed. Many of these plundering crimes aren't consciously intended to infect other people, it simply occurs as a byproduct of their insatiable need for violence. Female crossed will also try to violently plunder and sodomize people with whatever tools or weapons are at hand. On rare occasion, pregnant women who have been infected and turned survive long enough to give birth, but their babies are born infected as well - apparently the placental barrier provides no protection against the infection. Hellion women who have given birth are, however, gleefully willing to needlessly murder their own newborn babies. The mental effects of the Hellion are apparently not just a zombie-like drive for basic desires like violence and venereal gratification. It seems to give the Hellions a driving need to perform actions which they perceive as morally bad, somehow triggering the parts of their brains which control their darkest, subconsciously pent-up inhibitions. The Hellions do not simply plunder and kill their victims, they torture and mutilate them to cause the maximum amount of pain and suffering. Another symptom of this is that they tend to attack and deface things and places which are considered particularly sacrosanct, defacing government buildings with corpses, or desecrating religious buildings. The Hellions manage to capture a non-infected human on a scouting expedition from a survivor enclave will frequently proceed to torture and mutilate their captive within sight of the survivors' fortress, to inflict psychological torment on the unreachable people inside. At the other extreme, however, some Hellions have been shown to be quite capable of complex pre-meditated actions. Not consumed by unthinking blood lust to the extent that many of the other infected are, they have enough mental where-withal to plan ambushes and traps, and organize gangs of Hellions to assault survivor enclaves. The more mindless rage-consumed Hellions will still know how to use firearms if they find them but usually won't think rationally enough to plan out where to acquire more firearms. The more rational and calculating Hellions, in contrast, will actively seek out armories to acquire new firearms. Some of these more rational Hellions will self-consciously coat their weapons in their own bodily fluids, actively trying to turn non-infected survivors into more Hellions. In the disturbing footages found, it was a real nightmare for Emily, her friends and allies: The girl hung but still alive in the toilets. Her friend try to free her however the Hellions surround the girls and force her to stick a pair of sewing scissors in her mouth, far enough that the blades tap against her molars. Then they cut out her tongue. There was one Hellion seems to idolize the body, going so far as to dig through it and apparently pleasure oneself over it while taking pictures. Later, he laughs about how shameful the body looks in death. There was a five year-old boy with trickles of blood oozing from his mouth. He was repeated stabbed to the abdomen, followed by forced tongue amputation by the Hellions. And buried alive. The girl had her eyes stabbed with a pair of scissors by a Hellion. Four people have been kidnapped by the Hellions. They blindfold them and lines them up on the floor. One of the victims can't see the two before she is being killed of disembowelment and the top half of her head being cut off, respectively. A Hellion child has another innocent child by the hair, a pair of scissors in her hand, covered in blood with an insane expression on her face. The Hellion children are stabbing their teacher to death while he's on his knees and screaming in agony. One victim suffocated by a malicious Hellion boy, another victim is forced to cut out his own tongue by a Hellion teenage, buried alive, cut in half, have her ribs broken and her lungs pierced with them, a boy had his eyes torn out, let his best friend drown, accidentally smash her to pieces with the pool drain, get stabbed with scissors, mauled to death, and best of all trapped in a time warp that forces them to relive the nightmare! The Hellion stabs a boy and kicks him into a pit just for fun. The Hellion teen boy catches a female teenage, ties her hands to a table, and begins to cut at her throat. He does this as he starts to climb on top of her and he unbuttons his shirt. When the girl is forced into a skit by the Hellions, she is then stabbed in her hands by one of the Hellions that had a pair of scissors and suddenly lifted off the air and her whole body is bent at an impossible angle, and her spine letting out a very audible crack. The blades of scissors are now stabbing her friend, while she is losing her head in a brutal fashion. The boy's face is actually a gaping bloody hole as if his face was cleanly cut off, his flesh is entirely decomposed. And there's still blood in his hair from the blow that killed him. His girlfriend was fatally struck in the head by a hulking creature of a Hellion, she bleeds so profusely from between her legs that her organs fall out after. The father is found crucified and impaled through the mouth in a large altar-like room, his left eye bloodshot and with a white carving on his iris. His daughter rushes out of the room and eventually the daughter sneaks in the kitchen only to see a Hellion sharpening a knife frantically without saying a word. All the daughter can do is run out of the house in fear. But sadly as the daughter closed the door, the Hellion breaks through the door and pierces the poor girl in the stomach, her mouth and her head gets deformed while the other Hellion gleefully kills her by stabbing her in the neck. 

Meanwhile; Bonnie, Kynan and Ipsita were investigating the area when they heard something shift around. “Who’s there? Is somebody there?” Bonnie called. Nobody answered, Bonnie turned to her friends, “Split up.” And they did. Ipsita was in a dark corner and thought he saw something but then felt a knife poised at his throat, he froze in place. “One sound, and I kill you where you stand.” A girl’s voice whispered. From the corner of his eye, Ipsita could see the girl was wearing black lipstick, smoky eye-shadow and her black hair was straight. “You know, you’re interesting since I’ve been spying on you sweet thing. Don’t be scared of me.” She purred. Ipsita was shaken and try to shuffle from her but the girl pulled him closer to her body. “C'mon....do not hide from my eyes. Such an interested man should not be kept to yourself alone.” The girl purred. Ipsita was feeling more vulnerable than he had ever felt before in her entire life. The girl enjoyed how it he breathed out. As the girl lustful gaze trailed over him, she began to fantasize about how this would be fun. “I think maybe you like it if this is good enough for you. Because I've been thinking that the problem is that you think a girl like me is not adventurous enough for you.” She leaned in and whispered, “Baby, I'm going to make all your fantasies come true. What do you say?” Just then; the girl's tongue emerged from her mouth and slathered from his shoulder and up his neck. One hand was wrapped around Ipsita's leg stroked up and down, squeezing his thigh as Ipsita found herself shoved up higher against the girl. The girl loved his moans of protest, wrapping herself around him tighter. “Ooooo,” The girl moaned with intense pleasure. The girl stroke Ipsita's hair and shoulders, enjoying the fear in his eyes. Ipsita reluctantly allowed himself to resist as he felt the girl's hand rub up and down his back and then return to stroking his hair. Ipsita was leaned back against the girl! “Did you know that sexual things make me violent? I don’t find copulatory impulse to be appealing nor the least bit arousing….It makes me think of something violent, if you did anything to me—I’ll kill you!” Just then, Bonnie called out Ipsita’s name—Followed by a “Where are you, man?” Veruca whispered to Ipsita, “I’d better go. See you soon.” She slithered away and was gone. Ipsita was found by Bonnie and the others, who noticed him scared and shaken. Later; Bonnie and the others went to the Dollhouse Sisterhood where a new arrival is there. There was a pale faced girl, black hair and she looked tired. Ipsita looked at the tired girl in the wheelchair, the girl looks up and smiles at him. Ipsita looked at the girl, then he remembered why she looks familiar: It was the same girl from before that held him hostage. The girl looks up and smiles, “Hi, we haven’t met before…I’m Veruca.” She rose up and gave Ipsita a hug but said in his ear, “You say anything and I’ll kill you. I’ll tell you everything from the ears of the others.” Ipsita tensed but put on a brave face as Veruca sat in the wheelchair and Ipsita wheeled her to her quarters. They were silent for a moment, but really Ipsita was nervous of her. “You're quite a pill.” Veruca remarked. “Uh-huh.” Ipsita said, looking around. Veruca was so leaned back that she looked around her whereabouts. “Where are you taking me?” She asked. “To your room.” Said Ipsita. “You think I'm crazy don't you? I want you to stay. Don't hate me.” Veruca begged, looking up at him. “I sure don't hate you. “ Ipsita assured her calmly. “Good, because I know the difference between right and wrong.” Veruca bragged. Ipsita nodded, “That's good.” He said. Veruca glanced up and licked her lips while saying, “I still have you inside of me...It helps me. I need you.” Normally, Ipsita would get all googly eyed but this girl, something was wrong with her mentally and he was not sure if she was to be trusted. “I won't waste your time: you don't know me.” Ipsita said coolly. “I know everyone, and I have all the time in the world.” Veruca purred. Ipsita smirked, “Folly of youth.” He said. They reached her room where Veruca slowly gets up, Ipsita held her for support. “You doing OK?” He asked with concern. “Do you trust me?” Veruca said, stumbling to her bed. “Well, you said you’d tell me everything.” Ipsita said. Veruca smirked and lounged on the bed, “Anything you want to know about these effing Hellions, baby.” She said. And she said that they only bit at her wrists but not deep enough and did other awful things that were unspeakable however Veruca was not to shy away from that and spoke the unspeakable, which freaked Ipsita out. “I didn’t know you’ve been through that…I’m sorry.” Ipsita managed to say. “Silly rabbit. It amused me to make you’re ashamed of it. I bet you gave up on the so many women you loved because of your family's reputation. Don't you get it? You're just a toy, Ipsita. A little toy I like to play with. I assume you've come here to make arrangements. But unfortunately, I don't screw with a boy toy.” Veruca said. She smiled widely and said, “And how about that girl? What’s her name? Bonnie? She's quite cute, you know? Young, supple breasts, a tight, firm ass...uncharted... Be her Captain. Boldly go where no man has gone before.” But she moved her legs around. “Maybe I can be your captain, sweetie.” Ipsita retorted craftily. “It's not the time nor its place, I'm just another pretty face so don't come any closer. You're not the first nor the last person I told.” Veruca said. “How many more?” Ipsita asked. “Don't even ask!” Veruca purred again. “Did you plan this all along? Did you care?” Ipsita inquired. “It was wrong.” Veruca said dramatically, “I'm not for you and you're not for me. I'll kill you first, you wait and see because you're not a prince, you're not a fiend--You're just a child! And in the end, you're one devil undercover.” Her cleavage was noticeable for Ipsita to see, despite trying to be calm. “Let me guess, you hate Hellions too….You want to burn them all. Let them crawl to you and beg to be graced by your presence?” Ipsita said. Veruca smiled, “You're getting warm.” She said seductively. “Let them tremble before your striking figure? Cast them all down? Let them feel the pain they caused you?” Ipsita said. Veruca twitches a bit, squealing. “You're getting warmer.” She said in a singsong voice. “Rule the world, be the envy of all the nations?” Ipsita guessed. Veruca bit her lip, “Who's getting warmer now that I'm gone?” She remarked. “Do I need you?” Ipsita asked. Veruca tapped a finger on her bed in thought while thinking the question over, “Yes….and no.” She said playfully. “Do I want you?” Ipsita said. Veruca smirked, “Maybe so.” She said. Veruca smiled, “Did you enjoy your ‘little time’ with Kynan, babe? I will always know, Ipsita. I will always be one step ahead of you. When are you gonna figure that out? Do you know how easy it was to get inside of you?” She said. Ipsita smiled a little, “You’re up to something, were you hurt by them?” He queried. Veruca sighed, “Trust me, Ipsita. When I’m up to something, you’ll know it. Come on. We both know that you’re only capable of only one to a girl. Are we really going to do this again? We both know I could rip you to shreds. What do you think I want? My freedom? That’s where you’re wrong, I don’t want my freedom because when the Hellions shows up to kill us all and he will, I’ll be in the safest place, where no bastard will enter because they can’t get out. I’ll be the safest psychotic bitch in town.” She said. Ipsita sighed, he gets up and tries to leave when Veruca got up and unbuttons her blouse and shows Ipsita her boobs has scars on them. “The Hellions did this to me, nasty ain’t it?” She remarked. Ipsita looked shocked as he said, “That seems….painful…” Veruca sighed, “My pop doesn't give a shit about my scars.” She said in a tedious tone. “Well, darn him. But Veruca, this is pretty sudden...” Ipsita said nervously. “Ha….Oh, you been playing ‘Cat and Mouse’ with me ever since you came into my life.” Veruca teased with a wink.  “I don't...” Ipsita protested, “This feels ‘borderline’ inappropriate.” Veruca walks closer to Ipsita, “Feel them.” She said casually. Ipsita looked flustered, “What?” He stammered, his perverted instincts kicked in but contained himself. “I said feel them!” Veruca said with irritation. “I’m sorry, Veruca, but are you out of your mind?!” Ipsita asked. “I'm not letting you out of my sight until you feel them.” Veruca demanded. Completely hesitant and nervous, Ipsita feels the scars; Veruca moans softly while panting at the pain. “Wow, they feel really real. It must be hard. It's amazing what a bastard father did to you...” retorted Ipsita, blushing. Veruca shudders and puts her blouse back on. “Never again.” She said. And she turned away. In the meantime; Lily searches for Clover but she is knocked out cold! In her dream; Lily following a white rabbit into a forest. As the piano in the soundtrack begins playing, the video briefly cuts to her hands playing the notes on a piano. Then, Lily trips and falls into a hole near a large tree. When Lily opens her eyes, she is lying at the bottom of a deep hole, dressed in a black gothic corset dress and stockings imprinted with playing card suits. Lily climbs out of the hole, she finds herself in Wonderland. Lily is running through the forest and she arrives at a tea party, and the Mad Hatter stands, welcoming her with open arms. As Lily sinks into a chair, but soon stands and runs away from the scene. Lily is running through a misty copse of bamboo trees. And then, Lily running toward an opening in the forest. As she exits the forest, she is dressed in her normal clothing. Lily is observed swinging on silk ropes hung from the ceiling of a large drawing room. She is seated on a nearby fireplace mantle, watches as a blue butterfly flies into a mirror over the fireplace. Lily follows, stepping into the mirror. Shortly after, Lily swings on the ropes and leaps onto the mantle, stepping into the mirror as well. She arrives on a giant chessboard outside a castle. On the chessboard are doubles of Lily dressed as various chess pieces. The doubles circle Lily and the white queen shoves her over. She lands in a chair at a table set up for a tea party suspended in the air. Also seated around the table is the Mad Hatter and Lily. The butterfly flies around the table as she suddenly, she falls out of her chair and is shown falling through the sky, stopping inches off the ground in a rose garden. Lily is given a watch and begins hallucinating as herself in a straightjacket, being carted away into a sanitarium while Emily signs the release papers with a female doctor.

Later; Lily woke up to see she’s naked but covered with a sheer cloth and could see a Mutant approached her. Lily was strapped to a table and tries to hide her body. “My dear....do not hide such beauty from my eyes. Such a lovely body should not be kept to yourself alone.” The Mutant purred. Lily is now completely naked and feeling more vulnerable than she had ever felt before in her entire life. The Mutant enjoyed how it went concave when she breathed out. As his lustful gaze trailed over her hips, he began to fantasize about how these areas would taste. The Mutant's disgusting tongue emerged from his mouth and slathered from her shoulder, up her neck and across her face. One hand was wrapped around Lily's smooth leg--stroked up and down, squeezing her smooth thigh as Lily found herself shoved up higher against the smelly monster. She closed her eyes in anticipation of the unwelcome touching. The Mutant then focused his tongue on tasting her beautiful neck and ear, loving her moans of protest, wrapping himself around her tighter. "Ooooo," The Mutant moaned with intense pleasure. "Please me, Lily." Cold anger kicked in as Lily's restrains faded and suddenly she said, "You want me to please you?" She then broke free and kicked him while holding the necklace of hers in hand and shouting: “Take this for pleasure!” Just then; The Mutant lost his controlling grip on her. The Mutant himself attempted to grab his rebellious slave girl while cursing at her. However, Lily scampered away, eluding his grasp and leaping over him. Then, Lily threw the chain over his bulbous head and around his neck. As soon as the Mutant saw the chain fly before his eyes he raised his hands to his throat. Lily was too quick for the massive monster, immediately pulled back on the chain violently as she planted her foot in his fleshy backside for leverage. The Mutant tries to call for help as Lily pulls the chain taut. Beginning to choke and sputter, the Mutant called out for help to no avail. His left hand still barely keeping the chain away from that side of his neck, he rocked forward while reaching back with his right hand, trying to grab onto Lily. As he continued to struggle; the Mutant's eyes begin to bulge as Lily drives the chain deeper into his gullet while she closed out the pain she felt and focused all her life-force in to paying back the Mutant for the degradation he had subjected her to. Lily unleashed all the loathing she felt for the Mutant, who released a tortured scream as Lily denied him the life-giving air he sought, dominated by the Fury girl whose strength and fierceness he had severely underestimated. Lily hauls mercilessly on the chain but decides to stop as her hands bleed with cuts. Panted hard; Lily sighed and put down the weapon. “That’s what you get for screwing with me!” She said. Out of the corner of her eye, Lily saw there was a lavender dress has a fitted bodice with a gathered V-neck, topped with a contrasting white pointed collar that continues around to the back, where a "We're All Mad Here" lavender embroidered text design sits on the back wrap V-neck. Puffy cap sleeves with contrasting white fold-over cuffs and cloth buttons complete the bodice. A white panel fitted waistband leads to a gathered full circle skirt with pockets and an allover white card suit print. Lily walked over and put it on while she found her underwear and bra as she put that one first before the dress. Lily turned and headed out the door while she turned to the Mutant as she said, “You better still be alive by the time I’m gone….Otherwise, the Hellions will catch up to you my ugly fiend.” And off she went, into the trees that have faces with anguished expressions on them and cobwebs. Meanwhile; Clover and the girls got a call to about the Hellions are attacking the mall so the girls headed over there! Clover pushed shells into the shotgun's chamber and worked the pump. Crouching there behind the counter, she raised the gun and aimed at a Hellion glaring, and fired. His lower jaw disappeared in a flash and he hit the floor. She took two steps in that direction when a female Hellion pushing a mercifully empty baby carriage rushed clumsily at her. Clover worked the pump and fired again. Her aim was uncanny and its head exploded in a gray haze spraying her with flesh confetti. She kicked at the still rolling baby carriage and pumped the gun. The Hellions were closing on her with alarming speed. Her chances of reaching the hall were now very slim. Desperately she looked around trying to find the most likely spot to break through. Just a few feet to her right a group of teenage Hellions. They were in low-slung sweatpants and basketball jerseys began to chuckle in breathless voices. Suddenly her desperation turned to fury. She fired wildly into the teenagers, killing them all. One more Hellion appeared behind her but Clover held the empty shotgun like a bludgeon awaiting his inevitable attack. Proud of herself; she swung the gun. But went further into the room and found something disturbing: There was a Hellion guy pulled a pistol out from behind his back and put it to his temple. The frown on his face curled up into a smile and suddenly he winked at me as his head explode outward and splatter against the wall. He raised his head up to look at me with blood filled eyes. The flesh was starting to peel away off of his face and he opened his mouth to expose a mass of maggots that had begun feeding on his tongue. The Hellion man says in a gurgling failing voice. “You’re just like me and you’ll end up just like me.” But he is kicked as his body fell apart as it was devoured by the maggots it seemed to be hosting. “Nothing but food for the flies! Hahahahahahah!” When Clover turned away, she saw something more sickening: The Hellion girl began peeling off her clothes frantically. She stripped down to her underwear in silence. The girl begun to claw at her skin leaving long bleeding scratch marks over her chest and stomach. The girl was tearing chunks of her own flesh off now and discarding them on the ground with her clothes. And finally peeled away the skin from her torso exposing the bleeding muscle beneath. Fat and sinew fell off of her shredded body as she removed more and more of her skin. Her slimy blood drenched hand reach out and grab on while her shredded flesh pressed to my body. The skin began to slough off her face leaving bulging eyeballs in an exposed bloodstained skull. Her lip-less mouth opened and she leaned into with a protruding tongue. “Food for the flies…You’re going to rot with the maggots, sweetie.” She taunted but Clover used a machete and killed the Hellion in pieces with Clover panting, then she exclaimed at the top of her lungs: “You can take everything dear to me. Hell, you can have the entire human race, ya freaks! But this world is Mine! Ya hear me? MINE!!! IT'S THE MOST PRECIOUS PLACE IS THE WORLD, YOU GONNA BE SHITTIN' BRICKS WHEN I'M THROUGH WITH YOU FRIGGIN’ BASTARDS!!!!!” Meanwhile; Veruca shoves Ipsita against wall, smirking at him. “Veruca?!” Ipsita begged. Veruca licks lips, “Hell yeah.” She said. “Oh no!” Ipsita groaned. “Hell yeah baby!” Veruca remarked, she kicks his leg, feeling it twitch slightly. “Mhm, you've been waiting for this. I can see it~!” Ipsita looked at her, “Don’t do this Veruca.” He said, trying not to beg. Veruca leans over and bites his shoulder, “I'm going to screw you so hard you won’t stand for a week!” She managed to say. “You've been bad~! Now you need to be punished, do you want it?” Ipsita was grimacing in pain while Veruca said, “I hope you have a tight little wound out.” She licks wound, shoves her weapon she had inside, then moans at the wetness of blood. “Damn, ah hell it's so tight….ah, ooh, yeah baby…Hmm~? What should I say? That you're a little frigid? Maybe...that your wound is wet and that's the sexiest thing I've ever seen~? AH! Hell yeah!” Veruca purred, she goes to lick blood off and continues, “It's so red, hell yeah! It keeps twitching~! Do you want more you little boy toy? I'm starving and you're the only thing that can make me full!” Veruca runs hand over wound and licks blood, “And I want you to squirt!” She licks up excess, “You want you to beg~!” Veruca slightly blows on it and licks finger and rubs it against wound. Just then; Veruca felt a weapon at her head, “Get off him—Now!” Bonnie’s voice said chilling. Veruca stepped off him, she turned and smiled: “We were just having fun!” She claimed. “You know this girl?” Bonnie asked Ipsita. “Well…Kinda….” Ipsita admitted. Bonnie, Kynan and the others glared at Veruca. Veruca smiled, “Let me go and I’ll follow you, tell you everything about Hellions.” Later; they managed to meet up with Lily, who greets them and said: “Boy, I’m glad to see you’re OK.”  Just then, there was a sound of canned laughter of speakers. In fear; Lily cowers and the canned laugh track was playing over and over. Bonnie looked up, she saw the Hellions enjoying Lily’s misery! 

In a panic; Lily covered her ears to drown out the canned laugh track from the speakers, her hands ached. But then she could hear Clover’s words in her mind echoed: “We go after the corrupted people that had wronged many innocent lives; Abusive parents, neglectful parents, dysfunctional families that mistreat their loved ones. Those who abused authority to get what they want, predator teachers that paws children and teenagers, even those that are not teachers that are dangerous with lustful eyes while taking advantage of them too! Domestic violence—husbands abusing their wives and wives abusing their husbands. Let’s be clear, domestic violence does not discriminate gender—at all!” The laugh track was louder and sounded like demons from hell, Bonnie gritted teeth. “Annoying shit!” She muttered. Lily felt the words repeated in her head, “We punished criminal children, sociopaths that don’t show any remorse, people who abuse the elderly, racists, sexists, bullies and people that discriminate. They need to be punished, but if they do show remorse—spare them mercy!....To those nurses and doctors that did wrong to patients, even in mental asylums that done this many times, to those that didn’t care in the world and are greedy. Those wealthy bastards who put down on other people as commoners and those so called commoners, the rich referred them as, needed to be more respected. Got that? All those corrupted like this, must be punished! WE ARE FURIES, HAPRIES AND BANSHEES!!!....Step right up, we bring to you the finest entertainment. And I am pleased to be your humble servant. Accept our hospitality, indulge in abnormality--I do this as a gift, not for employment. Come see our girls, crazy girls! If you're willing to be thrilled, this is a hell of a ride! Those girls, crazy girls. They're hot, they're nuts, they're determined! To see these lovely freaks of nature for a limited time! Come see the girls of the Dollhouse Sisterhood! Some are born mad, some achieve madness. Some have madness thrust upon them. This is the real thing my friends, guaranteed 100 percent, authentic, mentally-ill! Accept no imitations! Why? We’re homicidal! One day we’ll find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Hellions' foreheads for she and her friends--this is very good and the game is over – this was their revolution! We’ve got the tools, we’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity, we’ve been trained by the very best. We must eradicate the Hellions as revenge is a dish that is best served now! And I believe I’m friggin' gorgeous! The Dollhouse Sisterhood are criticize and judged for who we are…mentally over-stimulating, too much serious conversating, organized religion-hating, sinful un-wed copulating, marriage without pro-creating, male-mind manipulating, chronically hallucinating, certainly there's no debating, some we just find fascinating, women's rights facilitating, independent thought creating! But it’s not like that as we are something more…Our hearts is a weapon of war, our voices is a weapon of choice. An eye for an eye, a heart for a heart--A soul for a soul. When we fight--we fight for our dream, we fight to the death. We fight for control! Those poor people are under attack and victims to the Hellions, what is the body count? I've lost track. If nobody's mentioned how this will end against the Hellions, then I will be the first. There are more of us than there are of you, so show me your worst! Let me say something, there is no such thing as justice, all the best that we can hope for is revenge. A hostile takeover, an absolute rebellion to the end, this is our battle cry. I'm giving you a head start, you're going to need it. Even if you're only a boy, you can fight like a girl! It's so easy to kill, this I learned by watching the Hellions. If I have to I will, it's not pretty but it's true, I am through lying still, to be beaten, screwed--And if I'm lucky, left for dead, so who's scary now? The Hellions will be shown no mercy, it's a bit too late--The game is on, don't run, don't hide, don't wait. If we've got no honor, then we've got no shame. If it's in self defense, then we will take no blame.” In the present; Lily broke down, grabbed her gun from her bag and shoot the laugh tracks with nothing to stop her as she felt herself of this adrenaline flowing through her body! Bonnie, Kynan and Ipsita stared in shock at Lily’s rage. When all of the laugh tracks were shot down and stopped. Lily panted and panted while she wept. Then, she heard the chanting in her head: “What is it time for?” hollered Clover. “It’s time for war!” The sisterhood replied loudly. “What is it time for?” Clover exclaimed. “It’s time for blood!” The girls bellowed vocally. “What is it time for?” Clover shrieked. “It’s time for TEA!” The sisterhood shouted. “Why is that?” Clover demanded. “Somewhere it’s always time for tea!” The sisterhood shouted. “What else?” cried Clover. “The Mad Tea Party Massacre will end the Hellions!” The sisterhood shouted. “What are we?” Clover asked loudly. “We’re homicidal!” The sisterhood replied in unison of shouts. “What are we gonna do?” Clover screamed. “Find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Hellions' foreheads!  The sisterhood screeched “How come?” demanded Clover. “This is our revolution!” protested the sisterhood with pride in their yells. “How?!” yelled Clover. “We’ve got the tools, we’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity, we’ve been trained by the very best. We must eradicate the Hellions as revenge is a dish that is best served now!” The sisterhood cried. “What are we?” Clover demanded. “Girls!” The sisterhood hollered. “Why?” Clover cried. “’Cause we fight like girls!” The sisterhood replied loudly. Clover nods, “Yes, we fight like girls. I fight like a girl! I'll get my revenge on the world--Or at least 49% of the Hellions in it. And if I end up with blood on my hands, well, I know….That you'll understand.” And then, the girls of the sisterhood were chanting: “Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate!” Suddenly, Lily was chanting: “Eradicate the enemy….Eradicate the enemy…Eradicate the enemy…Eradicate the enemy…Eradicate….Eradicate….Eradicate…ERADICATE THE FRIGGIN’ ENEMY!” Lily screamed as she begins to change into her Fury form! Her pink hair glowing, her complexion resembled a deathly pallor, dark circles under her pretty eyes, purple lips, and she wore a flowing, loose sundresses with a gauzy fabric, has draped open pockets, a wrap belt and tough combat boots. Bonnie, Kynan and Ipsita were shocked by the sight of her in those clothes. “Go, I’ll handle them!” Lily commanded. “Lily, you can’t!” protested Kynan. “I have to!” Lily said. “Please, you…” Ipsita begged. Lily turned to him to look at him in the eyes and hugged him while she pulled away while she lean over and kissed his cheek. Then, pulled away and smiled, “I’m giving you a head start—You’re going to need it….You all have been so concern about me.” She said. Then, turned to the Hellions and said in a chilling tone: “My turn!” And ran at them while slicing them with an axe sword. She thought to herself, “I fight like a girl, I'll get my revenge on the world--Or at least 490% of the people in it. And if I end up with blood on my hands, well, I know that you'll understand….Lady Clover, you too Emily…And Bonnie.” Meanwhile; Clover was alone and looking about when she pulled out a knife and cut deep into her arm, pulling out her vein as she grunted while transforming into her Fury form. In her Fury form; Clover has brow ridges, golden-yellow eyes, her eyebrows disappeared, elongated upper canine teeth, and pointed upper incisor and her hair was apparently still able to grow. Her hair changes to bright red which is combed, has dreadlocks and curled like an industrial porcelain doll. Her eyes are painted like a doll. Clover seemed to be able to walk or run without making noises, as a feline, allowing them to attack her enemies by surprise. Her vocalizations of hissing and roaring reminiscent of a wild feline whenever they were angered or trying to intimidate or frighten their opponents. Her outfit was several layers of garments that look like rags, and span from white lace to striped fabrics, fishnet and striped stockings, boots and burlesque heels. She has enormous strength, beastly screams, and rage that haunts any who bother her or come into her vicinity.

Phenomenon Serendipity 3--Chapter 1

This is the third installment of Phenomenon Serendipity, the first chapter. Three months later; it seemed peace has been restored since the Fury Family had been destructive and things were going along smoothly.....OR are they? Find out what happens next! I'm so excited. --KatDon 

Chapter 1

Three months later; it seemed peace has been restored since the Fury Family had been destructive and things were going along smoothly. There was even a promotional video to show how other people can be a part of Evermore Agency and Sylver has been practicing: “Attention all proud agents, have you ever considered joining the Evermore Agency? As an agent, you'll be recruiting people from other worlds. Our duty is to get to know people and finally revealed ourselves as agents that are here to help them.” Sylver explained in the video she was working on. In the intervening time; Justine sat in the pews of the courthouse as she watched four guys name Evan, Matteo ‘Matt’, Josh and Chad were charged on aggression. The bail is set at two times of a thousand! Justine thought for a minute, she reached a hand into her jacket pocket and pulled enough money for bail. Justine had a knowing smirk on her face. After being released on bail and into the freedom; Evan and his friends glared against the bright sunlight, Justine stood there coolly. “Hiya boys.” She greeted. “Who are you?” Josh asked. “Name’s Justine Magnus.” Justine said. “Why did you help us?” Chad asked. “Saw y’all in there, you guys seem pretty interesting. C’mon, why so suspicious? Get yo’r asses in the car.” Justine retorted. Evan and his friends stepped in without question. In the car, the four of them stare at her for awhile. “So, what’s your story?” Josh asked. “I’m an impatient private investigator who has a job to do but can’t do this on my own. I’d figured, why not connect with people and you boys catch my interest.” Justine replied. Evan just let out a “Tch!” sound like he didn’t believe her. Justine knew she was going to do a lot more convincing to get them started. “I’ll pay you bad boys one trillion bucks to screw ‘round with the Evermore Sprouts.” Justine said. “You’re joking right?” Evan asked in disbelief. “No, don’t believe me? I got a safe but I ain’t showin’ you shit.” Justine replied. “Sorry Justine, but we already have someone else and we cannot possibly do this.” Matt assured her. Justine stops the car and pulls a leather bag full of one trillion bucks, shocking the guys. “I got the dough, you game? So you pretty boys are getting the worm, baby. Gonna test you guys if you’re worth an opponent to DS. You in or what?” She said. There was silence until Evan spoke up, “This is a lot of money, hope we don’t kill anybody.” Justine raise an eyebrow, “Did I say that? I want to test you; I didn’t say murder or death.” She said. “You know ‘em that much, they ‘kill’ you if they find out you sent us to them.” Chad said. “I’m aware of that, they don’t scare me anymore.” Justine said. The four boys were silent for a moment, unsure what to think but Evan had something else in mind. “We’re in.” Evan answered, surprising his comrades. “Good.” Justine said. Later; Guren is speaking a speech and things were doing all right. “It's a pleasure to see you all again. In the future, I hope to spend time getting to know each member of our company learning about you individually.” Guren started to say but he felt the microphone fuzzed and then there was loud booming sounds! People were screaming! At that moment; Guren knew trouble was coming, he glared at Briar who knew something was on his mind. “What’s wrong?” Briar asked. “Get the brats, I want their asses here now!” Guren demanded in a soft tone. “Yes sir.” Briar said. And off she went! Tate, in the meantime, got to deal with the three guys that approached him. “Lieutenant Colonel, such a troublesome man.” Matt remarked. “So sardonic.” Josh mocked. “So pathetic.” Chad laughed. “So, what you want?” Guren asked. “Just to have fun.” Evan said. It was then a yell and an explosive blast. There was a swift motion that knocked Evan off his feet, he looked up to see Shinoa standing over him. “It’s not nice to mess with the leader of our family. Shame on you, boys!” She mocked. But they were defeated by Evan and his friends. “Sorry girls, you need to catch up to speed to us.” Chad flirted. “So do you.” Yuu said, behind him. Evan and his friends as they saw Yuu, Mika, Yoichi, Kimizuki and Narumi glaring at their opponents. “Crap, they got friends!” Chad exclaimed. “Knew it.” Evan cursed. “Hold it, surrender yourself to the agency! Do it now!” Briar commanded. That night, Sylver was walking and found someone on the ground. Lily was shocked by the girl injured, it was Amy Flowers! She just couldn’t believe it so she picked her up gingerly and carried her slightly clumsily. “Shit…” Sylver cursed at her weight. She looked around while exclaiming: “Somebody, help us somebody! I got a bleeding girl, she needs help!” Alas, there was no one. Sylver looked even further, she didn’t stop running with Amy slung onto her. That’s when she saw a car approaching and stepped in front of it. “STOPPPPPPPP!!!!!!” She shouted. The car screech, Sylver fell to her knees. She couldn’t see in the darkness but she pleaded, “Please help me!” Later, she was in the medical room, sleeping next to Amy. Evan, Matt, Josh and Chad watched her through the window when they heard footsteps and were shocked to see Briar with a bouquet of flowers. Briar dropped the flowers and glared at them. “Briar Devlin, we meet again! Are you coming along quietly?” Evan asked. “I will, if you can beat me.” Briar said. “Like hell!” Evan growled as he pounced to attack but Briar used her abilities to her advantage. She held him as she grinned at him, “So you know Sylver do you not?” She asked. “How did you know?” Evan demanded. “I decode minds.” Briar said. Evan’s retinue sprinted to attack however Briar had other plans. “Uh-uh, don’t even! Unless you want this pretty boy’s brains as the new wallpaper, I suggest you put the weapon down now.” Briar said, pointing her gun at Evan. Matt, Josh and Chad did so as Briar gestured them to follow while Evan has a gun pointed to him. “You really have a way of taking matters upon yourself.” Evan remarked. “C’mon, I’m not evil or bad.” Briar said. “Says the girl holding the gun to my head.” Evan commented. “Ah, I’m going through extreme measures.” Briar assured him. Her face tense and drops the weapon. She turns her head with a suspicious glare to the silhouette figure approaching. “Justine, you’re responsible for this?” Briar asked. “I told you we shouldn’t trust her!” Josh exclaimed. Justine sighed, she ran her fingers through her hair. “Apologies for this, I didn’t have time to explain—not when I’m surrounded by SO many attractive young men.” She said sarcastically. Evan and the guys are speechless, Briar is trying not to laugh but it all works out in the end with Evan and the boys becoming recruits of course. Just then; Chester burst through the doors along with Maddox and the rest of Sylver Eden’s Corruption. He looked pretty ticked, “WHERE ARE THOSE BOYS?!” Chester demanded. Briar and the others were flabbergasted, “Who?” Briar asked. Chester looked embarrassed and composed himself, “I mean, we’re looking for our boys. I know you have them here.” He explained. Evan, Matt, Josh and Chad peeked out in fear. “Dad?” Evan asked. “Father?” Matt inquired. “Pa?” Josh queried. “Pop?” Chad solicited. Briar and the others are shocked. The four of them looked nervous as Maddox stepped forward, “You boys got us worried about you four.” He explained. “We know.” Evan sighed. “I don’t think you do, you were causing trouble out in DWC? C’mon, we taught you better! You know that! Not to mention, Guren Ichinose! How could you do that to him and Shinoa Hiragi like that?” Maddox scolded. “Sorry.” Evan and his friends chorused, looking shameful. “Don’t say ‘sorry’ to me, I believe the Lieutenant Colonel and Sergent Hiragi deserved an apology!” Dormon pointed out. In the end; it all worked out. During a gathering of a celebration for Evermore, the Harpy Queen Mongfind stepped into the room, all become quiet. Mongfind was terrifying with blue hair aflow, her almond shaped eyes were icy blue eyes boring into one’s soul, her skin was waxen and her mouth was green-blue. Her powder-blue gown had feathers with piercing eyeballs glued there. Maddox marched up to Mongfind, “How dare you come here! We told you not to come!” He thundered. “What? I’m here to honor my Lily of the Valley.” Mongfind protested. “Go away Peacocke—she doesn’t want to see you!” Maddox said. “Oh come now, ‘course she does!” Mongfind cooed in a semi-sweet tone, “I heard Sylver has grown up so much!” Sylver broke away and quietly went into Evan’s embrace as he told her in a whisper, “I’m not letting go, baby girl.” It was then Mongfind found Sylver, “Ah, there’s Sylver! I’ve missed you.”  She squealed. Sylver shielded herself while exclaiming, “Stay away from me!” Mongfind was angry, her eyes were dilated and blood shot. “You dare reject moi? The Great Mongfind?! Selfish girl, I’ll curse you and your friends with word to the Queens, the Furies—Alecto, Megaera, Tisiphone and the Banshee Queen Cleena! I will not rest until revenge is soughed!” With one beastly screech; Mongfind disappeared! Everyone was left in horror and soon enough, the madness has begun! The Furies and the Banshee Queen have arrived as shocking secrets are revealed: Alecto is Evan’s mother, Megaera is Matt’s mother, Tisiphone is Josh’s mother and Banshee Queen Cleena is Chad’s mother. These four women try to coax their sons about how they were all doing for them but Evan and his friends claim that they were scared of their mothers’ behavior as well as their vengeance against the cruel world. Alecto wore an indigo bodysuit with no sleeves, and Capri-style pants. Accessories include light purple gloves, ankle boots that are the same color as her witch outfit, and a choker at her belt. Megaera wore a navy blue one-piece suit and a royal blue cape, with boots a darker shade of blue. Down the front of the suit is a white stripe that forms a thin belt with the letter "I" over the stomach. With this, she wears finger-less gloves and dark blue eye shadow. Tisiphone wore a maroon dress, she has matching maroon finger-less gloves that go to her elbows. She also has matching tights, which disappear in several scenes. Her high-heeled boots and she wears eye makeup of the color of her witch outfit and a choker around her neck. Her hair is the same. Her skirt is the same color as her normal form and she still has on lavender panties. And Cleena has ashen-black hair and bright amber eyes, while her fingernails are painted dark red, she wears lipstick and violet eye-shadow. She wears a dark-red, off-the-shoulders, v-neck minidress with yellow designs. There is a blue feather-like accessory on her right hip, at the top of an open portion of her dress. These women try to bring their sons back to them as well as their sons. But Evan, Maddox and the other men were scared to because of their crimes and their madness they caused. 

In the meantime; Lola and the others were called in to the building and went there to investigate but heard someone was in. When they turned, they were shocked—mostly Lola and Kimizuki: Deema! Deema slowly moved down the stairs, Lola was overcome with terror. “Oh God, it’s her!” She whimpered. Deema gradually descends and toddles over to Lola, who took a step back in fear. Just then, Justine blocked Deema and Dumpsey from Lola. “Get your ass out of here now!” She said. She begins to fight them but then, Justine felt Dumpsey’s sharp fingers piercing her left hip, Evan’s gasped in horror. Justine let out a painful wail while Dumpsey laughed: “Dumpsey struck Justy good, Justy is poisoned and die by nightfall.” He gushed. Evan angrily kicked him back, grabbed Carla and hurried with his friends. At the medics, Justine was struggling in pain and Rayna worries about her friend as she begs the boys to them. There was no antidote for Corruption poison and it looks like it’ll end for Justine but Evan refused to let Justine die. He turned to his retinue, “Get me the serum!” He commanded. Rishio reluctantly gives it to him and Evan injects it into her! An hour later; Justine was in horror at what happened to herself, she glared at Evan and his three man retinue. “Bastards! What have you done to me?! You made me into a freak, a Fury!!!” She screamed. But sadly, Justine was in a depression and begins drinking as she begins to bully Chloe for being weak. “Please, you have no spine!” Justine said to Chloe drunkingly, “Like you would have a chance!” Briar was shocked, “Justine!” She protested. “It’s true and you know it!” Justine said intoxicated. “No, it’s not!” Briar argued. Sad and angry; Chloe was fuming what Justine said about her and was planning to prove Justine wrong! Then, there were reports of a young pope in New Americana by the name of Faust where rumor has it that he has done many miracles. He is accompanied by a young yet mysterious nun name Gretel. Faust begins his sermon preparation with prayer. The sermon is an act of faith in and obedience to the Living God who continues to reveal Himself through the written Word proclaimed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Based upon his exegetical analysis, specify the content, intent, and argument of a passage. Further, his goal is to discern clearly what the passage is saying. This is necessary if you are to preach from the passage. It was important to identify and understand those who will hear the sermon. Anytime he will seek to communicate effectively, it is necessary to identify the group to which he will speak and tailor your sermon accordingly. The sermon seeks to illuminate how the revelation of the Heavenly King in a particular historical context applies to the church's life in the Lord today. Having endeavored to understand what the text is saying and why, now try to see how this meaning bears upon his life and those who will hear his sermon. From Faust's understanding of how a passage applies to his life and those who will hear the sermon, he tries to state his purpose in the sermon. Sermons come in differing forms: applying a principle, explaining a key idea, narrative, etc. Try to let the passage itself help set the form that you will employ. Once the form is selected, create an outline that incorporates the message of the passage in the selected form. Try to communicate the message of the passage, not just outline it. Add the supporting material to the sermon. This includes illustrations, quotations, factual data, etc. that support, illuminate, or apply the sermon's points, as well as motivate the listener to action. Good illustrations are a craft that clearly elucidate a text's meaning rather than simply entertain the audience. A well-planned introduction and conclusion are essential to a well-crafted sermon, and they possess a significance that outweighs their relative length. The introduction should introduce the purpose and help to capture the hearer's attention. Some may choose to construct the conclusion first, as it is the place toward which the sermon has been moving. The conclusion should bring home the sermon's message: “If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, then wouldn't you agree that any existing god would be the most corrupt being imaginable? You are applying a human flaw to the Lord, corruption is a trait of mankind, not of god. Yet aren't we made in his image? Yes but we we’re also given free will. Yes, we do have free will. Free to act as saint and sinner alike, though I’d be reluctant to say there are more of the latter than the former. That's what we do with free will and our meager power! God's infallible and omnipotent. Praise the Lord for he is just and fair! Take a breath my lovely little sheep, a new shepherd has arrived. The name is Jesus! Humanity is corrupt, wouldn't you agree? Lying, cheating, stealing, and murdering. People call the human race a bunch of apes and postulate that if man is made in the image of the King of Kings, and man is a corrupt entity? Never! Your argument places the sins of man in the hands of the King of Kings, but I say again we have free will. We choose to love, we choose to hate, and we choose to accept the Lord. Even if you could apply the faults of man to god, I’d argue that more men are just than not! Look at my flock, the members of this community! All righteous folks, all good folks, kind folks. Be gone fiends, be gone foul corruptions from the pits of Hell! Be gone spawns of the Devil, serpent tongued creatures most cruel! That's just one small example of the sin that rests among you. The sickness in mankind is not your fault though! It's passed down, inherited from a vain, obsessive, disgusting sin that seeks your admiration but gives so little in return. Beware of the Morning Star...that poncy little diablo. A whiny monster who couldn't handle that our Heavenly Father loved a bunch of people more than him as he assumed. Never throughout the whole time of Father and man has there been a creature more worthless and petty than angels, and never has there been an angel more valuable and important than the Morning Star. Lucifer is the ultimate expression is just another failure of a corrupt devil that cares only about taking from those who worship him. A disgusting fallacy of a creator who sits back and watches his people damned to hell for their mistakes, for the sin he heaps upon them at birth but it can be remove if you ask the Heavenly Father for forgiveness and he will grant it to you!” Everyone nodded but no one noticed that Gretel had whispered and shaken with happy tears. “Hosanna in the highest.” Whispered Gretel. Afterwards; Briar did some research on some strange cases that’s been recent: Humanite erienne is a specialized fungal parasite that infects, manipulates and kills formicine ants, predominantly in tropical forest ecosystems. It specifically infects worker ants. Worker ants are infected during foraging when the fungal spores attach to their cuticles. Once infected the ants will climb down from their natural habitats on rainforest tree and relocate to 25 cm off the ground under leaves where the temperature is low and humidity is high. Fungal reproduction is only possible after a stalk is grown out of the host’s head by propulsion of spores out from its fruiting bodies. Spores of the fungus are actively discharged. Fungal manipulation of an ant host’s mouthparts was found on a 48 million year old single leaf of the dicotyledonous plant host. The close modern parallel for this distinctive type of leaf damage is the death grip of some fungus-infected carpenter ants such as the fungus which adaptively manipulates worker ants of them to bite along major veins of leaves in tropical forests. This is the oldest evidence of parasites manipulating the behavior of their hosts and suggests that the specialized interaction is relatively ancient rather than newly acquired. Due to the increased amount of research on the fungus in recent years. The new, unidentified species of Humanite erienne turns humans first into violent infected and then into humans, complete with fruiting bodies sprouting from their heads. The inhalation of Humanite erienne spores is the un-death sentence. Once a victim completes its cycle, the fungus forces the human into a dark and secluded corner. It is where the human finally dies. Bleeding back into the environment, spores effuse from the corpse to infect again. Like the ant-infector, the fungus that brings down humanity turns a host into a drone to eventually do its bidding. And like the species of Humanite erienne that turns tarantulas into art, the fictional fungus creates elaborate sprouting bodies off the host. The mix of art design and plausibility gives the choice to model on Humanite erienne both scientific rigor and beauty. In one report; 31-year-old Patrick Frost drove for a week but then his car became disabled along the way. After spending 30–40 minutes at the site, as filmed on security video in and around the car, he abandoned it about noon and began to cross the 3-mile-long span of the causeway, stripping himself of his clothing and disposing of his driver’s license as he advanced westward, according to eyewitnesses. His vehicle was eventually discovered and towed by the police. Inside the car, police discovered a Bible and five empty water bottles, which they believe were recently consumed. Around this time; Patrick encountered a 65-year-old man at approximately 1:55 pm. The old man had been lying underneath the elevated people-mover viaduct when Patrick began to pummel him, strip him of his flesh, and bite his face. A passing cyclist came upon the scene and alerted authorities. A few minutes later, an officer arrive and warned Patrick to desist from attacking the poor old man. Patrick ignored the officer's warnings and, instead, reportedly growled at him, then resumed biting his victim. The attack ended with the officer shooting Patrick once at first and then another four times when that proved ineffective. The old man was admitted to the hospital in critical condition, with 75–80% of his face above the beard missing and his left eye gouged out. He underwent facial reconstruction surgeries that took months to complete, but he remained permanently disfigured and blind. The old man lost his eyebrows, his nose, parts of his forehead and cheek, and his left eye, and was left totally blind due to the damage to his remaining right eye. He underwent numerous surgeries to repair the damage to his face. After rehabilitation, he put on 50 pounds, and learned to dress and feed himself, shower and shave. He is being allowed to stay at the medical facility indefinitely. Although the autopsy revealed no human flesh in Patrick's stomach, a number of undigested pills were discovered that have not been identified. Although police sources had speculated that the street drug "bath salts" might have been involved, preliminary toxicology reports were positive only for the presence of loco weeds.

In the meantime; Sylver was playing a scene on the MPD: Sylver walked to the back of the circus tent and gasped at the sight of the same acrobat girl staggering to her feet. She was cover in cuts and bleeding, Sylver helped the girl up while she was shouting: “Someone, help! Medic!” This got the attention of everyone. The trapeze girl, Ravenna Maccabee, was being treated for her injuries. As it turns out, Miss Maccabee was beaten and robbed. Luckily, the thieves didn’t take anything important. The ring master’s gold was stolen as well as other performer’s jewels and money was gone. Ravenna couldn’t stop thanking the beautiful, mysterious Sylver for saving her life. All Sylver could say was, “Anything to help someone in need.” At some point; Sylver noticed a superficial, spoiled young lady name Brianca who’s loaded for some suspicious reason. Sylver wondered how a mean and selfish girl like Brianca could have a lot of more money than she already did! Sylver decides to spy on Brianca, she quietly followed her to a shed in a backyard and saw her smoking some sort of drug. And Sylver listens in on the conversation. “Oh boys, I never felt richer. That was grand on your part for that freak show!” gushed Brianca. “Hey, don’t sweat it babe. Anything to help our girl.” A boy said who was a sleazy slacker who kept his eyes around Brianca’s chest. Disgusting pervert. The other who looked like a high school dropout as he said, “The circus was full of those riches, guess the freaks do get paid a lot.” Then, a third guy with a tough exterior chimed in, “Yeah but couldn’t get off nothin’ from the trapeze bitch. Shit, she’s putting up a better fight.” Brianca then said in a snobby yet dismissal tone, “Who cares! At least that flying mouse won’t be performing tonight will she?” Sylver’s jaw dropped at those words and the next words Brianca said next, “You have to admit—Trapeze Girl had it comin’ to her.” And she let out a laugh. Sylver was so appalled by how remorseless the four of them were. They were victim blaming and calling her rude things. They didn’t care how nice the Trapeze Girl Ravenna was so Sylver decides to teach them a lesson! One day in the meantime while Brianca was going shopping at the mall; Sylver approached to a surprised Brianca and she introduced herself, “Pardon me. I’m Sylver Eden.” Brianca brightened up. “I’m Brianca; it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She replied in an overly sweet voice. Sylver smiled, happy to know her charms are luring the spoiled princess. It seemed that Brianca never thought of herself would be discovered for what she did. Sylver and Brianca came across a creek, Brianca thought it was strange but went along with it. What Brianca didn’t know what Sylver was up to, Sylver was actually preparing for Brianca. To make it easier, Sylver gave her a makeover with melting acid disguised as liquid foundation that slow begin to burn Brianca’s skin. Later on, Yuu and his friends were walking out on a path when they stopped as they turned to see Yoichi stopped. “Hey Yoichi, what’s wrong?” Yuu asked. Yoichi glanced at his friends with a spooked expression, “Do you guys hear that?” He asked. “Hear what?” Kimizuki inquired. “It sounds like someone’s calling for help.” Yoichi insisted. The five listened and they heard a wail, there was a figure that approached the five teenagers. Hair was then shaved, eyes blood shot, there was cracked epidermis upon the flesh, skinless limbs with exposed bones and muscles. Rancid pus oozed out of it, it was disgusting! “Help me! Please, someone! Help me!” screamed the thing. Yuu and his friends could stare in horror. For the time being; Sylver stopped by to see three guys who insult her and try to show aggression. In response, Sylver splashed melting acid all over them! After awhile; the trio escaped after waking up. They ran in different directions but Sylver calmly followed without running. She saw Yuu and his friends, she waves at them. Yuu smiled upon seeing her and greets her: “Hey, where were you?” Sylver just shrug, “Oh, I’ve been busy. I love to stay and chat but I gotta go.” She answered. And Sylver strolled away. Shinoa watched Sylver walked, she feels something was wrong. “C’mon you guys—let’s follow her.” She said. During that time; The first guy was shocked by his new appearance of a cracked torso, nearly melted limbs that exposed his skeletal parts of bones, and he bled a gallon of blood. He tries to clean up the red plasma and stop the bleeding, “Shit! The bitch cut me up so bad, why? What did I do to deserve this shit?!” demanded the guy. “Oh, I’m a bitch? Ooh, sounds harsh Earl. You should how much pain you put people through.” Sylver said. Earl whirled around, “You can’t prove anything to me you little puck bunny!” He claimed. “Maybe not but I saw you….you poisoned the food of an old woman name Marianne and you collected her fortune by pretending to be a relative. You didn’t give two shits about her. Or what about your sister Wanda? She mysteriously drowned; you beat your brother in law to death and collect their money. You didn’t care about anyone dear to you, right? They weren’t worth anything, you didn’t care for the consequences of your actions.” Sylver reminded. Earl could hear a growling sound, “What the hell is that?” he demanded. There was a monster with claws as it has sharp fangs and it was the most horrible thing. “Meet the Grim Reaper, and he’s here to give you the time of your life.” Sylver stated. Earl was terrified, “Please no.” He begged. Sylver replied in a chilling tone, “You can’t fly so high now can’t ya?” The creature chased a running Shamus and killed him, while Sylver walked away however that smirk never left her face. What she didn’t notice was the shocked glances from Yuu, Mika and his friends’ expressions. Moments later; the second boy paced around as he was in the same state as Earl was. “How could that hussy do this to me? Why would she do this to me?” He was saying to himself like a crazy person. “Don’t sweat it Larry, anything to help my boy out.” Sylver remarked. Larry turned around with a fierce look on his face, “Fix me you little bitch!” He stipulated angrily. “You too? Wow, how charming. Was Molly a little bitch that you pulverized? Did you feel bad for hurting her? No, you thought she’d deserved it!” Sylver clarified. “She’s nothing, she’s my little gutter hook. She doesn’t mind the pain.” Claimed Larry. “Your gutter hook? You never felt richer in what you did to her. You have to admit, it was grand on my part to give you and your friends a little makeover. Guess freaks like you get paid from theft and fighting for your greedy needs.” Sylver answered, “It doesn’t matter now does it? You don’t care about Molly? Her loving sister? No, women are your tools and your punching bags when you get mad.” Just then, there was a guttural cry that scared Larry; Sylver sneered at Larry while the monster growled at the guy’s terrified glance, “Oh, look! My friend is here. He wants to rob that poor unfortunate soul of yours, I’ll leave you too alone. Toodles!” Sylver said. Larry tries to fight back against the thing but he wasn’t strong enough. Sylver’s face was plastered with a demented leer. Larry met his end, he didn’t stand a chance. She was strolling away as the smile looked wide and her face was edgy. “Whoa, did you see that?” Yoichi asked in a low voice to his friends. “I never seen her act like this.” Protested Yuu. “She’s not doing this out of pleasure; she must’ve done this out of some sort of reason by proxy.” Shinoa notified. Like his friends, the third one didn’t look as hot as he gazed at his own reflection. “Shit! I look like crap.” He commented. “You should, Jimmy. You’re repulsive inside and out.” Sylver replied. Jimmy saw her in the looking glass and turned to face her, “You did this to me! You ruined my image! How will chicks like me now when I’m like this?!” demanded Jimmy. Sylver took a camera out swiftly and snapped a picture, she put the camera down and leered at him, “Oh, I don’t know. I think all the females wanna a piece of your new look. Though I think the Trapeze Girl needs a little more convincing since what you and your friends did to her. You guys did really good huh, made Brianca even richer, didn’t ya?” Sylver said. Jimmy looked at her in shock, “What did you—how did you know that?” stammered Jimmy. “By the way, the Trapeze Girl’s name is Ravenna Maccabee.” Sylver added, “It really doesn’t matter to you but the ‘flying mouse’ has a name and all the other girls you hurt have names. No, wait! Why should you care if they have names? Why should you care if they are smart? Or have morals? Or where they came from? Is the best thing for a sleazebag like you to bed ‘em? Have you ever thought about what’s in a woman than her sex appeal? Her education? Nah, you want her mouth sewn shut while your little happy sack does all the work? Some man you are.” This made Jimmy grunted, “You speak of shit! Who are you to tell me about women? Women shouldn’t be promoted at businesses in life because they are you and attractive! They are a failure and should be in the kitchen, on their knees cleaning up for guys like us! Wear sexy clothes, wear makeup or a skirt. They deserve what’s coming to guys like us!” He declared. Sylver sighed, “Fine. I can’t changed your mind, I can’t even change your fate.” She stated. No soon than she spoken, the beast swooped in at Jimmy who was filled with panic. “Whoa, wait a second!” He protested. “Sorry Jimmy.” Sylver replied with a cold tone, “I wish I could save you but you deserve what’s coming to you. Just like Brianca, Earl and Larry.” She turned on her heel and walked off. Jimmy’s howl echoed throughout the forest. The money and other possessions stolen from others have been rightfully returned to the citizens. 

Finished with what she reviewed; Sylver ended that scene and played the Rosemary and her posse one where they infiltrated Kureto Hiragi, his father and brother as that one gives her chills in a good way so she plays it on the MPD: “Greetings world, I am your nemesis. I am your champion, I am your savior. I believe you should fear me as well as the great Hiragi clan. You see, I’m dominating this city. I will have no other choice but to divide and conquer this city once and for all. You see…I, Kureto Hiragi, am going to change the world and will destroy anyone who dares to intervene. I will remove obstacles in my path. If you are weak, you will die. But if you are strong, you will survive. It is the way of the Hiragi clan. If you cannot accept that, then we will have no choice but to bring to your knees and make you an example. Your foolish attempts cannot outwit any of us. If you are wise, I suggest you stand down and surrender. For we will annihilate all of the monsters and all of those involved with one corporation: The Evermore Agency.” Kureto announced. He continued, “Now, you will tell me where Briar Devlin is as well as her allied forces or they will be consequences. Speak up, where is the agency? Anyone? If you do, bring me to their location.” He waited but no one dared speak a word. “Come now or die, speak up now.” All of a sudden, one of the soldiers of Kureto Hiragi’s men begins to convulsed and eviscerated amongst the people, which they reacted in shock. And then, there was a psychotic giggle that stunned the Hiragi clan and their soldier, a silvery voice with hints of brittle madness in her tone of voice spoke, “Did you hear what they just said?...They said the Hiragi family will be on top of the food chain once again…I heard that they’re ruthless…I heard that they hate weaklings and they believe only the ‘strong’ will survive….I heard that they lack kindness that Guren and the others have…I heard that the Hiragi family are vile monsters than the vampires….I heard….” Kureto, Seishiro and their father turned to look downward as they could see Andrea in a faux fur coat that reached to her knees. And she wore brown shoes. She finished her sentence concluding with, “…That they have prideful egos.” Tenri was surprised by the sight of her. Seishiro stood up, exclaiming: “She’s here! The Witch has finally arrived!” Rosemary snickers, “You remember me! I’m so touched! Hee-hee! You think you’ll be the ones to wipe out every single person with imperfections and dominant this world? I have to disagree on that notion. The only one who will divide and conqueror—is me.” She said. And then, she giggles in a deranged manner. “I don’t know what you want out of this but this could be easier without a fuss.” Kureto said. Rosemary sneered at him, “We want your blood, Hiroki!” She declared. Kureto looked at her, “My blood?” He asked. Rosemary grinned excitedly, “That’s right, yours! Your father’s and brother’s red plasma! A half pint, I’m talking gallons, baby!” She said happily. “Our blood? Ha! You would get our blood on you? You think you can destroy us, you’ll get dirty things on your clothes. Won’t you get yourself unclean? What’s underneath that coat of yours?” Tenri said. “Oh, how rude of me! I forgot to remove my coat.” Rosemary said mockingly. She seductively took off her coat as Kureto, his brother and father were very shocked to see Rosemary resembled Mahiru in her clothing. She wore a sailor schoolgirl outfit. Rosemary begins to prance around with a sneer on her face, “The magnificent…marvelous…Mad, mad, mad—Mad Rosemary has arrived!” She affirmed and laughed dramatically. “How dare you resemble Mahiru! She was the successor to our family name and yet you mock her!” Tenri said. “Mocking her? I’m honoring her, she’s so beautiful! Just like her sweet little sister, Shinoa.” Rosemary said. “It’s a lie, there is nothing wrong with you.” Seishiro claimed. “That’s so sweet of you to say, but you of all people should know by now…There’s plenty wrong with me. Take you bastards for example…Mmmm, I would say Mr. Kureto there. I wish somebody would be aware of him…This guy’s a real hoot isn’t he?”  Andrea claimed. “Why should we care?” Tenri snapped. “Because…Your sonny boy is guilty of crimes against humanity….He had been verbally oppressing. He believes only the strongest will survive and the weak will die, killing sacrificial humans in the process. But wait, there’s the accusations against Yuu…Then, the brutal interrogations and the torture against my dear boys…Yoichi and Kimizuki! I swear, I’m obsessed with those two, after what Kureto did! UGH!!!! IF I SEE THAT SCENE ONE MORE TIME, I’LL STRING HIM UP AND DROP HIM IN THE DRAIN!!!!” Rosemary hollered. She let out a laugh. Rosemary sneered at him, “I’m a pretty messed up girl and can’t be taken for granted. Life’s a bitch, now so am I!” She snarled. “You must really hate us so much.” Seishiro remarked, smirking at her. Andrea pretends to be shocked, “You mean you figured it out? Why else would I do this? I’m obsessed with the mess that’s the Hiragi family…The Moon Demon Company’s kiddos! But mostly my adversary against the Hiroki family!” She said. She then exclaimed: “I HATE THE HIRAGI CLAN!!! I HATE! THE HORRIBLE! WHOLESOME! HIRAGI FAMILY!!!! I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM! HATE, HATE, HATE!!!!!” She stopped and looked up before smiling slowly. “Ah, she’s here--! I’ll leave you alone with her…Exit stage right.” Rosemary announced. She swiftly steps away to the side and there she was: Ophelia Fury standing there. She looked up to have orange-yellow eyes glowing which horrified everyone, even the Hiragi family! A slow smile appeared on Ophelia’s face. She wore a lilac-colored strapless gown which was a floor length puffy skirt. The material of the dress was lustrous smooth silk that was very tender to touch and her hair is straightened with no strands sticking up. “No…It can’t be!” Tenri muttered. Abigail slowly wiggled her fingers while also curtsying before them and walks to them. As she made her way up to the stairs where the Hiragi clan is; visions of Abigail is seen before them: First, there was an innocent child of Abigail. The second was of Abby as an awkward teen. The third was another one of her in a beautiful gown for prom. The fourth showed of Ophelia as a teen in her prom dress, but covered in disgusting liquids as well as blood. And she had an insane look in her eyes. And finally, it showed her present self. Just then; Edom, his father and his brother are thrown into their chairs! The three of them were bound to their seats; they struggle in their seats but they couldn’t! Just then, they heard giggles as click clack sounds of heels. Carna and the other girls appeared as they were looking crazy yet beautiful to not glance away! Blossom wore a hot pink skirt, matching short sleeved vest, a fully lined dark purple  bodice, and light pink ruffled bloomers underneath. Nyx wore a black halter dress fitted with a satin finish, skirt pantels, cropped white faux fur jacket that had black spots on it, red opera gloves and she carried a golden cane with a diamond on top. Roz wore a black dress with red glitter hearts embrodied on it, black and red tulle detailed skirt. On her head was a hear shaped headpiece. And Pansy was in a purple sheer ombre sleeves and around the neckline, a black high low dress, purple satin tendrils, and a black sweetheart bodice wrapped around the dress. But there were new girls as it seems: One girl in a maroon and black corset style top laced in the front with decorative straps, glovets, a choker and a belt. Her mascara was running down, her lipstick was smeared all over her mouth, and a crazed look on her face. This girl is Rosemary! Hands were placed on Kureto’s throne, Kureto turned around to see the frenetic glance on her lovely face sneering at him. “Well, well, well! What have we here? Kureto Hiragi, huh? Ooooh--! I’m really scared!” She said mockingly. “So you’re the one everybody’s talking about huh!” Rosemary laughed like a lunatic. Roz skips around Tenri as she chants, “You’re joking, you’re joking! I can’t believe my eyes, you gotta be—this can’t be the right guy! He’s ancient, he’s ugly!” The other girls giggled and squealed in delight! “Release us or else you’ll face dire consequences!” Seishiro demanded. Pansy sauntered towards Seishiro, “God! Would someone shut this bastard up?! I’m drowning in my tears! You really are too much!” She saddled upon his lap and undid her top a little to show her cleavage and bare skinned breasts a little. “And now with your permission, I’m going to do my stuff.” Pansy purred, she pulled out a switchblade. Seishiro stares at her with terror in his eyes. “What the hell are you going to do?” He managed to say. “I’m going to do the best I can!” Pansy replied in a passionate, sultry tone of sensuality in it. “I’ll cut your clothes off, I’ll tear them up and you like a BRAZEN BULL!!!” She said while using the switchblade at him furiously, she made tears and rips at him however she stops as she sneered while saying, “Better keep your clothes on toots.” And gets off his lap while walking away. “Release us now or you will deal with my army!” Kureto threatened. “Oh geez, you are something! You put me in a spin, Hiragi! You my friend aren’t comprehending the position that you’re in. It’s hopeless, Kureto. You and everyone else here are finished, you people haven’t got a prayer! I’m Rosemary Fury and you ain’t going nowhere!” She confirmed, and laughed. “That’s why everything…” Pansy started to say. Roz also chimes in, “…Every last little thing…” Rosemary pipes up, “…Every. Single. Tiny. Microscopic. Little thing. Must go….” And all of them concluded with, “According. To Plan!” They beamed with pride. “Die…die…we all pass away…Don’t wear a frown, it’s really OK….really. You might try to hide, and you might try and pray. But we all end up the remains of the day.” Pansy said. Carna then said, “Got a question for you….Would you die for your family? Would you live for them? Hmm? See two questions…left unanswered….” Rosemary appeared in a purple jacket with coat tails, a yellow shirtfront corset, black vest and a bowtie with pinstripe purple pants. And Pansy appeared in a red and black top, white skirt, a red and white ruffled choker, a nurse headpiece, a black eye mask, red and black glovelets with a belt. “So, here are your choices….” Rosemary said in a seductive voice while behind Kureto, struggling in his bounds. Rosemary poised the scalpel at his eyes while she said, “….We can gouge your cruel eyes out….” She brought the scalpel away as she said, “…Or do we cut out your heart...?” as she finished while purring and pointed the scalpel to his chest, “…That is, assuming you have one.” Grinning from ear to ear; Pansy came behind Seishiro, who glared at her with his eyes as she looked down at his jeans, “Let's get rid of Mr. Happy, so he can't hurt Ms. Sweetie anymore. And, by the way, Mr. Happy is looking very teeny right now.” She said and then giggles. Seishiro looked at Pansy in disbelief, he then got angry. “Boy, this reminds me the thrilling spasm over Jude the Bastard’s murder. How humiliated I was, how all the scum called my classmates laughed at me…As I watched the monster’s head torn off with my powers, I knew I'd done the right thing….I knew it was a new beginning….There was actually moisture trickling down my leg.....Jude made me splurge after all.”

After reviewing what she saw and finally going to bed; Sylver has a dream where she is following a white rabbit into a forest. As the piano in the soundtrack begins playing, the video briefly cuts to her hands playing the notes on a piano. Then, Sylver trips and falls into a hole near a large tree. When Sylver opens her eyes, she is lying at the bottom of a deep hole, dressed in a black gothic corset dress and stockings imprinted with playing card suits. Sylver climbs out of the hole, she finds herself in Wonderland. Sylver is running through the forest and she arrives at a tea party, and the Mad Hatter stands, welcoming her with open arms. As Sylver sinks into a chair, but soon stands and runs away from the scene. Sylver is running through a misty copse of bamboo trees. And then, Sylver running toward an opening in the forest. As she exits the forest, she is dressed in her normal clothing. In the next dream; Sylver is observed swinging on silk ropes hung from the ceiling of a large drawing room. She is seated on a nearby fireplace mantle, watches as a blue butterfly flies into a mirror over the fireplace. Sylver follows, stepping into the mirror. Shortly after, Sylver swings on the ropes and leaps onto the mantle, stepping into the mirror as well. She arrives on a giant chessboard outside a castle. On the chessboard are doubles of Sylver dressed as various chess pieces. The doubles circle Sylver and the white queen shoves her over. She lands in a chair at a table set up for a tea party suspended in the air. Also seated around the table are the Mad Hatter and Sylver. The butterfly flies around the table as she suddenly, she falls out of her chair and is shown falling through the sky, stopping inches off the ground in a rose garden. Sylver is given a watch and begins hallucinating as herself in a straightjacket, being carted away into a sanitarium while Briar signs the release papers with a female doctor. After waking up in the morning; Sylver watched on the MPD and looked at one more cool part: Briar received a report on a wandering Corruption and looking afraid so she, Yuu, Kimizuki, Yato and Yukine. They hurried over to the area as they saw the girl who looked beautiful like a goddess but frail like a little girl. The girl is completely wearing in black and barefoot, showing all of the bloody cuts and slashes around her body. Her black hair is stained with blood and soaking wet hanging over her pale shoulders. “I'm sorry.” She whispered. Briar looked at the bruises on the girl’s arms, “What happened to you?” She asked. Before she could answer; the girl was seized by brutes that were Corruptions, they laughed at her in those deep voices. “GOT YOU NOW!!!” Briar got angry, “Let go of her now!” She demanded. “She doesn’t belong to her, she belongs to Ophelia—this girl is one of Ophelia’s Corruptions. Don’t you know? She may be our bitch but she’s our sweet thing we can beat over and over again!” exclaimed one of the Corruptions. The others laughed and jeered, the girl was thrown on the ground. She looked sad and crying from all the pain she’s been through. Briar stared at the girl before finally speaking, “Corruption Girl....” The girl looked up, “Yes?” She asked. “I am going to take down the son of bitches. You want to know how? You are going to be my servant, you will be my weapon and I will have you be treated better. You will be treated like family. You will have a choice: You can choose to come with me or I let you die.” Briar replied. “What?!” Yuu exclaimed in shocked. Briar ignored him, “So, make your decision....Would you like to come with me?” There was an eerie silence before the Corruption Girl finally admitted her answer: “...Yes....” She bowed her head, “Free me…” Briar smiled, “Good choice.” She replied. After Briar absorbed Yato’s powers; she uses two fingers, index and middle together, as there was a glowing aura around Briar and the Corruption Girl. “Corruption, you have no place to go. With that, I grant you a place of belonging. You will be my servant, my friend, and my support with these two names as you are my weapon, alibi and friend. Now, Keiba, come to me.” She replied. The Corruption Girl instantly became obedient and attacked her former allies that hurt her as Briar recites the benediction: “This is the land of DWC, your desegregation shall not be allowed! Hear me; I am agent Briar Devlin! I now lay thee waste with the Keiba, and expel thy mass defilement, I PLEDGE THEE---REPENT!!!” She takes them all down! Briar was surprised and happy for her new Corruption, she patted her shoulders. “Nice work, sweetie.” She said. Later, Briar waited for everyone to come and meet her. They were shocked to see Emily was alive as well as hearing about how she obtained the Corruption Girl. “I can’t believe you got your first Corruption.” Yuu said. “Sure did, her name’s Aslaug.” Emily said. The girl came out of hiding but now she wore a white dress that reached almost to her ankles. “IT’S A GIRL!!!” Yato exclaimed. “What do you think she named the thing ‘Aslaug’ for?” demanded Yukine. Briar rolled her eyes, “Guys, the girl’s not a thing.” She said. “Look, she’s so cute and shy.” Yuu remarked. “She’s beautiful.” Kimizuki remarked. Aslaug looked down at her hands, she was shell shock but that passed when she wrapped her arms around herself, she was shivering in the cold. “Aslaug…My name is Agent Briar Devlin, I’m your new master. I have your full permission for you to call me ‘Mistress’ or anything formal. However, you want to call me Briar; that’s fine. Here, put this on…you’re cold...You won’t be alone anymore.” As she said this; Briar handed her a coat. Aslaug stared at the jacket with wide eyes before she wryly takes it and puts it on. “Thank you.” She said. Later on; Aslaug is now donned in a pale purple dress with an embroidered, beaded floral pattern and a purple ribbon around the waist. She also wears a sheer lace shall with a beaded hem that matches the dress. After the MPD stopped playing; Sylver pulled something from between her breasts and looked at the over-sized perfume bottle style pendant features a quilted design with sparkly crystal detailing and is engraved around her neck. She felt someone behind her and jumped a little but glared at who it was. It was Gaspard! Gaspard has four long fingers on each hand with pointed fingernails. His eyes appear to be entirely white with no pupils. He has a large nose and crooked teeth. His body is dark blue. Like most depictions of ghosts, he has no legs or feet, and his body ends in a wisp. Gaspard also appears to always be grinning. Even when expressing disappointment of sarcasm or legitimate, his lips maintain a smile. “You've gone quite mangy, Gaspard... but your grin's a comfort.” Sylver remarked. Gaspard spoke in a snarky, smooth and grim tone of voice: “And you've picked up a bit of an attitude, still curious and willing to learn, I hope.” Sylver shrugged, “I never thought I’d see you, you look like a character from a creepy children’s game that should be banished from their memories forever.” She taunted a little. Gaspard laughed, “I am the keeper of the nightmare side of your mind, and a loyal servant. You must solve my riddle, or risk your health.” He said, “Are you ready for one of my riddles? I love a good challenge.” Sylver crossed her arms, “Bring it on!” She declared. Gaspard snickered and recited: “It's been around for millions of years, but is never more than a month old. What is it?” Sylver smiled, “The moon!” She said with sarcastic-enthusiasm. “Rats, you're right. You may have won this time, but I'll get you--No, I'll stump you...next time. Hmm, it's too bad if you lost, that would've have cost you your health.” Gaspard remarked, and he swiftly went away. 

In the meantime; there was a silhouette that resembled Stephanie Fury as she was watching the footage that showed of Rosemary playing the piano and singing in a creepy, beautiful voice: “I've heard there was a secret chord, that David played, and it pleased the Lord, but you don't really care for music, do you? It goes like this--The fourth, the fifth--The minor fall, the major lift--The baffled king composing Hallelujah! Hallelujah….Hallelujah… Hallelujah…Hallelujah…Baby I've been here before, I've seen this room and I've walked this floor, I used to live alone before I knew you. I've seen your flag on the marble arch but love is not a victory march--It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah…Hallelujah…. Hallelujah…Hallelujah…Hallelujah…Maybe there's a God above, all I've ever learned from love, was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you. And it's not a cry that you hear at night, it's not somebody who's seen the light--It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah… Hallelujah…. Hallelujah…Hallelujah…Hallelujah…” She turn to the camera and smiled eerily. The second shot showed Pansy dressing up as vintage dressed, wavy haired girls while smiling and doing this while in other shots show her singing in a creepy, pretty voice that haunts those who hear it: “Pretty women.....Fascinating...Sipping coffee....Dancing...Pretty women, are a wonder. Pretty women! Sitting in the window or standing on the stair. Something in them cheers the air, Pretty women. Silhouetted...Stay within you....Glancing...Stay forever...Breathing lightly...Pretty women...Pretty women! Blowing out their candles, Combing out their hair, Then they leave--Even when they leave you and vanish, they somehow can still can remain...Are there, they're there....” It ends with Pansy shedding a tear and stares at the caged birds as she sings again: “Green finch and linnet bird, Nightingale, blackbird...How is it you sing? How can you jubilate sitting in cages? Never taking wing? Outside the sky waits--Beckoning, beckoning just beyond the bars. How can you remain staring at the rain? Maddened by the stars? How is it you sing anything? How is it you sing?” The scene shifts and showed Rosemary dressed as Lelouch with his Zero costume that shocked everyone that saw it. Rosemary begin to do hand motions like Lelouch did while she sang, “There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, And the vermin of the world inhabit it, And its morals aren't worth what a pig would spit, And it goes by the name of Britannia. One place is the Chinese Federation, the other is known as Elevens called Japanese, who are treated like shit. I too have sailed the world and seen its wonders, for the cruelty of men is as wondrous as Japan, but there's no place like Britannia!” She stopped for a moment as a play that resembled a silent film that showed Lelouch’s dark past and Rosemary as Lelouch while Pansy was silently watching her as C2. “There was a prince and his mother, And she was beautiful. A foolish barber and his wife, She was his reason and his life, And she was beautiful, And she was virtuous.....And she was dead...He had this mother, y'see. Pretty little thing, Silly little nit...Had her chance for the moon on a string. Poor thing! Poor thing! Ah, but there was worse yet to come poor thing! Lelouch was there, poor thing poor thing, he bared witness to her death. Dear Nunnally was there and was shocked, her mother was the reason she was crippled pretty thing. Nunnally was shocked by the sight, that's why she became this way you see....Poor soul, poor thing....They all deserve to die....Tell you why, C2, tell you why. Because in all of the whole human race C2, there are two kinds of men and only two. There's the one staying put in his proper place, And the one with his foot in the other one's face. Look at me, C2, look at you. No, we all deserve to die. Even you, C2, even I. Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief, For the rest of us death will be relief--We all deserve to die! And he'll never see Nunnally, No he'll never hug his girl to him...Finished! Alright! You, sir, how about dying for me? Come and visit your good friend Zero. You, sir, too, sir? Welcome to the grave.....I will have vengeance, I will have salvation...Who, sir, you, sir? No one's in the chair, come on! Come on! Zero's waiting, I want you, bleeders! You sir! Anybody! Gentlemen, now don't be shy! Not one man, no, nor ten men...Nor a hundred can assuage me, I will have you!” The scene shows Ophelia with her face hiding in her long tresses and singing to sleeping Rue and Collie to sleep: “Careful the things you say, Children will listen. Careful the things you do, Children will see and learn. Children may not obey, but children will listen. Children will look to you, for which way to turn. To learn what to be, Careful before you say 'Listen to me', children will listen. Careful the wish you make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, Wishes come true, not free. Careful the spell you cast, not just on children. Sometimes a spell may last, past what you can see, And turn against you. Careful the tale you tell, that is the spell. Children will listen, Listen…..Nothing's gonna harm you, Not while I'm around. Nothing's gonna harm you, darling, not while I'm around. Demons are prowling everywhere....Nowadays. I'll send them howling, I don't care--I got ways. No one's gonna hurt you, No one's gonna dare. Others can desert you, not to worry, whistle, I'll be there. Demons'll charm you with a smile, for a while...But in time....Nothing can harm you, Not while I'm around.” There was a humming sound and Ophelia slowly turned to the screen with a soulless look in her eyes. And then, it changed where Rosemary begin to do ballet waltz while silent film plays of how she was bullied and tortured by those that wronged her before she killed them and finally, she smiled demonically with a goal set to revenge. While this was going on; her beautiful, haunted singing played in the background: “I started a joke which started the whole world crying, But I didn't see, that the joke was on me. I looked at the skies running my hands over my eyes, And I fell out of bed hurting my head from things that I said. I started to cry which started the whole world laughing, Oh If I'd only seen that the joke was on me. I looked at the skies running my hands over my eyes, And I fell out of bed hurting my head from things that I said. I finally died, which started the whole world living, Oh if I'd only seen that the joke was on me.” The scene changes where Rosemary and Pansy twirls as they sang: “I torture you, Take my hand through the flames. I torture you, I'm a slave to your games--I'm just a sucker for pain. I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down. I'm just a sucker for pain! Used to doing bad, now we feel like we just now getting it. Ain't got no other way so we started and finished it! No pain, no gain. Never stand down, made our own way. Never going slow, we pick up the pace. This is what we wanted from a young age--No emotion, that's what business is! Lord have mercy on the witnesses. I torture you, Take my hand through the flames. I torture you, I'm just a sucker for pain. More pain--Got me begging, begging, begging, begging, begging. For more pain; Got me begging, begging, begging, begging, begging. For more pain. Got me begging, begging, begging, begging, begging, For more pain...Got me begging!” They stopped and laughed while on the ground. The scene shifts and Pansy is on a stage singing: “Think of me, think of me fondly, When we've said goodbye. Remember me, once in a while--Please, promise me you'll try. When you find that once again you long, To take your heart back and be free. If you ever find a moment, Spare a thought for me. We never said 'our love was evergreen', Or 'as unchanging as the sea', But if you can still remember, Stop and think of me. Think of all the things, We've shared and seen. Don't think about the, Things which might have been. Think of me, think of me waking. Silent and resigned, Imagine me trying too hard. To put you from my mind, Recall those days, look back on all those times. Think of the things we'll never do, there will never be a day. When I won't think of you.” And lastly, the final footage shows of Rosemary and Pansy singing in tuneful and vaporous voices:“They say that this youth has set my Lady's heart aflame! His Lordship, sure, would die of shock! Her Lordship is a laughingstock! Should she suspect her, God protect her! Shame! Shame! Shame! This faithless lady's bound for Hades! Shame! Shame! Shame! Serafimo—your disguise is perfect. Why, who can this be? Gentle sister, admit your loving sister. My love—I am called to Chinese Federation on affairs of State, and must leave you with your new maid...Though I would happily take the maid with me...The old fool is leaving! Serafimo—away with this pretense! You cannot speak—but kiss me in my sister's absence! Poor fool, he makes me laugh! Hahahahahaha...Time I tried to get a better better half! Poor fool, he doesn't know! Hohohohohoho...If he knew the truth, he'd never, ever go! Serafimo, away with this pretense! You cannot speak, but kiss me in my—Poor fool, he makes me laugh! Hahahahahahaha—!” And it ended. Then, there was the sound of a metal guitar and organ piano being played. “In a trance he came and speaks my name. And I won't remember what he did to me, Lelouch vi Britannia is there...Inside my mind....” Pansy sang. Briar couldn’t look at Lelouch or Suzaku, which they looked surprised by the song. Then, Rosemary sneered in the screen and begins to sing: “Command me once again my dear, your great Geass. Your power over us grows stronger yet. And as you come back from the dead, what will you do now? Lelouch vi Britannia is there, Inside our minds….” And then, Rosemary and Pansy begins to sing together: “Those who have seen your face, Draw back in fear. You are the mask you wear; It's you they hear...Your spirit and your voice, In one combined. Lelouch vi Britannia is there, inside our--Beware, Lelouch vi Britannia....He's there, Lelouch vi Britannia.”

When she finished on the MPD; Stephanie saw something that interests and disturbs her: Abominations originated from a drug called Abomino. Dr. Kristoff Greifi had been testing behavioral modification in the city through Abomino, administered through the air condition systems. The chemical was designed to weed out aggression and anger. The ultimate result was of the population stopped going to work, talking to each other, and eventually stopped being human. However, the remaining of the population had the opposite reaction, with their aggression and primal instincts boosted beyond simple madness into murderous rage, sadism and savagery. Being transformed into a Abomination does not seem to be exclusively chemical in origin. Some victims of Abomination attacks are left alive and forced by Abominations to view the tortures they inflict on others. When this happens, the person's mind can be so damaged by what they were shown that the only way to cope with it is to begin to act as a Abomination does, eventually becoming one themselves. Abominations may themselves be able to detect those humans that are susceptible to become like themselves and these are the men and women they convert. Abominations are, at least genetically, human in more or less every way. They have utter and complete madness. Showing no care for life, they are driven by an insane, homicidal and savage aggression that manifests in the cannibalism, acts of violating plunder, and torture that they visit upon any unfortunate enough to come across them. Abominations are impossible to mistake for anything else. As a symptom of their insanity, they deliberately gash and cut their other people's flesh, and a Abomination is often covered in open or partially healed wounds. They seem no physically stronger or tougher than normal humans, merely inured to pain to the point where they care nothing for their injuries or indeed their own lives, and more willing to push their bodies to the extreme because of their madness. Although they clearly must have some retention of any original knowledge prior to their madness and Abominations are as without fear as they are without mercy, and they have been seen to speak and indeed communicate. The sole sound they make is an insane, wordless scream. Abominations seem to favor close combat, although they are fully capable of using firearms. It is likely that their reduced mental abilities makes firearms a poor choice. Instead, they rush forward, occasionally firing at victims if stymied, and overwhelm their enemies in a deadly charge with crude blades and melee weapons.  If nothing else is available, they may be found clawing and biting their prey with bare hands and teeth. Although they occasionally carry conventional firearms, Abominations also seem to use poisoned needles, and very frequently a form of large spear. The aim of both weapons is probably to ensure that the victim is alive when taken. Utterly fearless, they will charge until they are wiped out - casualties don't seem to matter much to an Abomination group. Abominations seem to prefer to subdue their victims. Those unfortunates who are rendered helpless or fall are either raped to death, eaten alive, flayed, or commonly all three, as well as other horrific depravities. After they finally escape into death, the Abominations will sew their skins into their clothing, and may very well either hang up the corpses as a gruesome trophy. Abominations target settlements without strong defenses. After plundering, murdering and eating the inhabitants, Abominations will burn the settlement to the ground. Most of the time Abominations stick to their hunting territories; however, the Abominations had begun to expand from their territories. This was likely caused by the depletion of food sources as settlers learned to steer clear. But there’s been disturbing reports recently in other cities: One Abomination rips the heart out of a victim's chest, then hoists the still beating organ in the air in triumph. Another Abomination rips the opponent's head and spinal cord from the shoulders. A female Abomination inhales her victim and regurgitates a torrent of bloody chunks and bones onto the ground. A third Abomination rips the opponent's leg out and beats the opponent to death with it and continues doing so even after the opponent is dead and makes it look like their head explodes. A fourth Abomination bites their victim's jugular and rip it head off with their teeth. The Abomination then throws it with its mouth like a dog and then laughs afterward. Other Abominations did horrendous things more: The fifth Abomination rips the ribs out of the opponent and impale the eyes with them. The sixth Abomination rips an entire skeleton from the opponent. The seventh Abomination drop-kicking the victim's head, crushing it into pieces, where some other parts of the dismembered body looked like it was convulsing and the Abomination then vomit their stomach contents over the lining and blood. The seventh Abomination repeatedly punches the victim each with a splash of blood and guts before punching the opponent's legs and torso off. The eighth Abomination use a chest-mounted metal claw to grab the victim and slam him to the floor repeatedly before eating the opponent through its chest compartment and the victim was now vomiting out chunks of blood and viscera. More Abominations had wires cutting deeply into their victims, that traces of stomach acid were leaked out. There was blood splattered everywhere, one of the victim's head has a massive chunk blown out of it. The Abominations sawing off their victim's foot off. There was bones being sawed through and a piece of brain on the side of his head falls off. They placed their victims on a crucifix which will slowly break their arms, legs, and neck by slowly twisting them and they have a shotgun to shoot them in the face while others lost their limbs. More victims more torture where chains pierced in their bodies, cut through someone's skull with a circular saw and didn't even have any anesthetic while they drill on them, mutilating them in the process. The Abominations sadistically push the victim's face into the knives while making them fall into razor wire. The Abominations also had a guy is chained to a bed and torn limb from limb. They had a woman's hair has been threaded into gears and when the device starts, it begins to pull her hair to the point her scalp is peeled back. The Abominations had two men with chains around their necks, fighting each other. The first guy has his eyes stitched shut and the other has his lips sewn together while the Abominations laughed and cheered. The Abomination grabbed a woman begging but she gets stabbed in the throat by shards of a broken Vodka bottle, stabbed in the chest by a large kitchen knife when she was trying to grab the Abominations and make her escape but they already hammered the knife deeper in her chest to kill her. The Abomination took another screaming girl's braid as they hooked it on a device as her head trapped in between the device which her head is torn off her shoulders. The Abominations pushed a third girl who falls against a nail gun, which proceeds to fire nails directly into the back of her head. Her body jerks as each nail penetrates her skull and bursts out her face. After the nail gun stops firing, she whimpers, then her body slowly goes limp as she dies. The Abominations all laughed hysterically at this sight while smiles are plastered on their faces. The Abomination used a nail which they slice the girl's foot tendon, torturing her in a gory way as her corpse twitches several times as a wet stain spread across the crotch, along with her femur sticking out of her leg. Another victim of the Abominations gets impaled on acupuncture needles, almost burning to death and having his head crushed by a statue. The Abominations have six people are chained to a children's carousel redecorated with gory body parts and blood, and every time it stops, one of the Abominations have a spring-loaded shotgun fires a bullet, killing the person in front of it. They torture a child with a screw that comes straight down through his hand. The Abominations trigger a rack of needles to pump the body full of acid, dissolving his body from the inside out. The Abominations took off some of the little girl's skin, and infected her. The Abominations put a nail in a guy's stomach which slices his abdominal wall. They used wet tarp and disembowels the second on a nail sticking up from the ground. Both his intestines and a trail of blood on the tarp itself. An obese man has his viscera consumed out as the Abominations had blood and guts spewing from their mouths a little. The blood attracts the Abominations that eat him alive. They also did a bowel obstruction and caused internal bleeding. An old woman was injected with corn oil her face with corn oil which got in her bloodstream, and then it started leaking out of her face and destroying her from the inside. An Abomination has an ice pick impaled in another victim's eye, which resulted in a huge blood red welt on his eye covered in blood. The Abominations caused a father to fall face first into the blades and another guy was thrown into a frying machine, which he suffered fatal burns to his face as he was thrown in multiple times. The Abomination shredded a guy to pieces, starting with his leg. The Abominations tortured their victims who had maggot-infested bedsores squirming all over their open wounds, their skin red from the red dye soaking into their skin, then vomiting green slime and dying shortly thereafter. The Abominations pushed back a girl who falls back on her champagne glass pyramid and dies from excessive blood loss from all the broken pieces of glass getting embedded in her body. The Abomination puts the breathing tube in the esophagus and stomach inflating and exploding, they cut the poor guy open as blood and organs splatters everywhere while smiles are still plastered on the Abominations' faces. The Abominations grabbed an old man as they puncture his abdomen and spills his intestines. They took a girl and straps her to a wheelchair, teases her and brings her into a disgusting lab. The Abomination proceed to cut off a finger on each of the girl's hands, even punching the victim to keep her from passing out. They were also going to go for the groin and tongue next. The Abominations grabbed the boy who then is thrown around like a rag doll but then he's pulled into the air vent and diced up by the fan. The Abominations' torture chambers are covered in blood, there are remains of one of the two guys' corpses which consisted of a pair of feet and shins, and an arm. One of the guys' bodies twitch spasmodically as if it were still alive and in pain. One of the Abominations performed surgery torture on a girl who has implant incision open with what looks like a shoehorn, but the Abomination's so reckless and incompetent at putting the implant in that he splatters her blood everywhere in a way that realistically would permanently deform her torso and most likely kill her from blood-loss. Then, the Abomination grabbed a guy's head at one point ripping open his eyelids and exposing his brain inside his head. Another gets his arms ripped off while blood squirts from the stumps and there are bones and muscle on the ground next to the severed arms--thanks to what that Abomination did. In their torture rooms, there are humans with their skin peeling apart and hanging from its body in bloody strips, a woman's mouth splitting at the corners and stretching her face into a toothy rictus. And some guy who is horribly mutilated, flopping around with no arms and legs and trying to talk while choking on blood. The Abominations had a teenage boy getting wax stuck in his bladder as well as another boy accidentally having most of his large intestine sucked out of his stomach while being dangerously close to drowning. In order to save his own life, he winds up having to chew through his own intestines in order to get free from the torture but he and the other boy died as he was trying climb out, but ended up pulling off half his flesh and lower body in the process while the Abominations cannibalize their corpses.