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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Cosmic Convergence: Carroll Family--Chapter 5

The thing I adore about the Carroll Family is the growing of their family, how they spend family together but they are not their usual family. They could be more like the Addams Family, *Snap Snap* so anyway enjoy! Merci! --KatDon 

Chapter 5: Play Hard, Play Nice

Andrea was giggling to herself, “Yes…Yes, there’s another one just like them…I feel so alive~~!!!!” She muttered and bursted out laughing. She stopped and heard Abigail’s banshee cry as she smiled while saying: “It’s time to play…” Hearing the cry of Abigail Carroll from beyond; Emily Grynte set off after her as well as the others! Bonnie and other agents tagged along. They found the scream was coming from a generating power station, Emily and the gang climbed up the pipe-railing staircase. “Everyone spread out! Search for the Carroll Family, they must be out here somewhere!” Emily instructed. And so, everyone did what she said and they looked around! Ryker heard a frenzied shriek and someone pounced him to the ground, Ryker looked up and gasped in fear. It was Andrea, grinning from ear to ear! “YEEEESSSSSS! I got you right where I want you…You’re all mine!” She cried happily. Ryker panics as he tries to get away but he takes his dagger and pierced into Andrea’s shoulder blade. Andrea moaned and then she did the same thing. Ryker groaned in agony, he loosened his panic state as Andrea planted her lips against his mouth. Andrea grinded her body against Ryker’s body as she gyrated and blood spurts from Ryker’s shoulder and Andrea’s pleasurable moaning was muffled. Ryker pushed Andrea away who smiled with wild victory in her eyes! “Now I kissed you, my angry beast. I am entitled to HAVE YOU!!!” declared Andrea and laughing. In the meantime, Minato and Mora face off against each other when Minato hits Mora in the face where she begins to cry in agony. “Ow! How could you?” whined Mora with tears streaming down her face, “Didn’t anyone taught you better to treat the girl!” Minato felt bad as he reached out to help her while saying, “I’m sorry…” But it turned out to be an act Mora pulled! Mora slammed him into a wall as he groaned in pain, “You silly…sensitive…shithead. You got a good heart and a sweet but salty mixture…I love it.” Mora said in a sultry tone. She leaned in as she pressed her lips to Minato’s mouth and let out a ‘Mmmph!’ while passionately kissing him! Minato felt frozen and felt he couldn’t breathe, she somehow giggled during the lip-lock. Minato somehow broke free after hitting Minaot with a hard rock! Heartbroken as Minato runs away from the insane girl; Mora let out a shriek, “Why?!” She slashed at Minato violently but realizes what she done. She ran, tears streaming down her face and out of sight. Luckily, Minato was all right for the wound wasn’t so bad beside the blood as he healed himself. In the meantime; Mirani Himadri swung her ax in the direction of where Kamoku was, she chased him while laughing diabolically. “Kam Boy, come on out and give me some sugar, cutie!” Mirani called. She was crazy enough to swing her ax. “Stay away from me!” Kamoku cried. He kept running as Mirani laughed behind him! But Kamoku soon lost his balance and he was on the ground, Mirani’s knees buckled with his and Mirani’s lips were licking as she said, “Look at you…What’s a pretty boy such as yourself doing here all by yourself.” Mirani said with a sick grin on her face. Kamoku grunted as he begins to thrash around but Mirani pressed her body on top of his. “Babycakes, you better be a good boy and hold still.” She reprimanded him. Kamoku reluctantly obeyed, not wanting to provoke her, he thought to himself: “Kohaku…Hear me…” At that moment, Mirani leaned over and kissed his bloodied lips, Kamoku let out a muffled gasp. He was too shocked to react, Kamoku felt this girl gyrating herself on him and moaned pleasurably during the kiss. Mirani’s hand rubbed on the ax as she writhed. “Kohaku…Please, help me…” Kam thought desperately, “Lend me your power….!” There was a flash of light and then Kamoku emerged into his Nightmarcher form! Mirani screamed in horror, she was clutching her ax as his Nightmarcher form advances to her. “What’s the matter? Not so scary huh? Now it’s my turn!” Kamoku said. Nevertheless, Mirani runs away and screaming in fear! Meanwhile; Hitomi wields a wooden paddle laced with sharp needles as she swung her weapon while going after Onorato! She giggled as the sounds of nails against the bark of trees! Hitomi finally caught up with Onorato and slams him against the pipe railing, Hitomi giggled maniacally! “Oh yes, yes! It’s about time!” She yelped and pinned Onorato, who try and struggled to get away but Hitomi was already enclosing her lips on his, kissing him and rubbed herself on the shocked Onorato. Hitomi entwined her body with his, her violent lust scared Onorato badly as his eyes were sad while his whimpers were muffled by those soft, smooth lips! Onorato turns into a Wendigo form and kicks her back before escaping while Hitomi smacks the needled paddle against the building while screaming, “ONORATO!!!! WHY??!!” Hitomi begins to cry as she said softly, “I wanted…you…” For the time being; Ebony strolled calmly with a tranquilizer needle ticked in a garter around her left thigh and dressed in a flowing dress and ballet slippers. She then bumped into a figure but once she saw who it was, it was Peyton! Smiling slowly, Ebony squealed as she struck Peyton with the needle, Peyton felt the effects as he collapsed. A few moments later after staring at his unconscious body; Ebony caressed his gentle, baby-soft face as well as his body of his shoulders and chest—even the area of his hips. Peyton’s eyes fluttered open and gasped to see Ebony over him. Peyton utters shaky breaths as he tried to move but Ebony stops him. “You can’t. The effects of the tranquilizer won’t your limbs move for another few hours but you’ll get to move again soon.” She explained with a dark look in her eyes. Peyton snivels softly while Ebony strokes his hair as she whispered to him: “So sweet…You are so cute and sweet…So good and nothing like those troublemakers you’re always lingering yourself with. Why can’t anyone be like…you?” Ebony inclined her head and lip-locks with Peyton’s wobbling mouth. She felt dominating but Peyton felt so tortured yet small while Ebony tug his lip with her teeth and mouth gently. Peyton then gnaw into Ebony’s tongue which sent the girl backwards, Ebony spat out blood from her mouth and her mouth has red plasma down her mouth. Peyton’s front teeth were bloodied. He gulped, panting in shock! Ebony smiled in a depraved manner, “Oh my god! Babycakes, you bit me!” She exclaimed, laughing maniacally. Peyton was so scared that he rushed away. In the intervening time; Kanara carried the baseball bat, she runs around while humming to herself but stops when she heard Tsubaki approaching. She hides behind a tree and waited. It wasn’t until the Wendigos encircled him, Kanara smiled as she thought: “Perfect camouflage.” She watched the battle before Kanara swung the bat hard into Tsubaki who tumbled down a hill and slammed into a tree. Thankfully, Tsubaki survived as he was breathing heavily, he heard footsteps approached and Kanara’s maniacal laughter was coming further in Tsubaki’s direction. Tsubaki was horrified to see Kanara close by as she was three inches closer to him. Laughing ever so crazily while saying, “You should’ve seen yourself, hahahaha! You—you—you looked like out of a cartoon where they go flying! God, it was so hil—heeheehee—hilarious!” Tsubaki smirked at Kanara, “Yeah but unlike cartoons, there’s a lot of serious pain and blood. It’s not so funny no more isn’t it?” He remarked. As he said that, he cough and spat out a mouthful of blood. Kanara knelt beside him and licked the blood dripping from his chin, before pressing her mouth against his. Those pouty lips were sucking the blood during her kiss! Tsubaki then used his Nightmarcher form and pushed her off by striking her! Shocked by that surprise attack; Kanara glared down at Tsubaki, clutching her wound. “I was just tasting away your pain. You have to understand you and I are the same. We both have losses, why can’t you see that Tsubaki? It’s because of Edom Hiroki, right? I know you feel, ugh! Sometimes I just want to tie a cord on his sweaty ass of his and rip it off so hard that HIS ARTERIES AND VEINS WOULD POP ALONG WITH HIS ENTRAILS!!!” She ranted angrily. Tsubaki was shocked by the violent things from Kanara’s pouty palette pink lips she spat out! “You’re insane! What do you mean we’re the same?” He demanded. Kanara rubbed her thighs slowly as her hand slipped in between her legs. Tsubaki felt like a deer in headlights while the deranged girl tilt her face away, closed her eyes and moaned in a carnal manner. Her other hand was picking at her scab on the side of her legs as it was peeling off, Tsubaki was too terrified and swallowed back the nausea. He scrambled to his feet, and ran for his life! Kanara stopped what she was doing and thrashed in anger, “I WILL FIND YOU!!! I WILL!!!” She yelled. Tsubaki just kept on running and he didn’t look back! Everyone gathered together when all of a sudden mist appears and then a figure of a woman appeared. That’s when, there was a shriek appeared and then Abigail appeared before Emily. “Ab…i…gail…” Emily rasped. Abigail grinned from ear to ear, she showed her white teeth and greeted Emily: “Hello Emily, good to see you darling.” She let out a maniacal laugh. Just then; Abigail gouged her heart out and her appearance changed into a scary form of the Fury. Her sclera was black, her irises turned a shade of red, she had decaying yet rotted sharp teeth and sallow complexion was bloodied with veinous marks as her voice was shrill and vile: “Children, children…I like children…I love children!” Everyone was scared at the sight of Abigail’s Fury transformation was rather frightening! “I’M TAKING HUMAN LIVES, I’M SENDING YOU ALL TO THE GRAVEYARD!!! MY REIGN OF TERROR WILL NEVER END, I WILL FINISHED WHAT I STARTED MANY YEARS AGO! MY DAUGHTERS AND I ARE GOING TO CEASE THIS MADNESS TO PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR I WELCOME YOU TO YOUR DEATHS!!! YOU WILL ALL DIE AT THE HANDS OF ABIGAIL CARROLL!!!” Abigail exclaimed in a tone that would scare the Devil silly. Emily didn’t flinch at the nightmare of that witch! She did trembled though however she closed her eyes however they opened as Emily revealed that she transformed into a banshee! “Oh really? I’ll try to accommodate you!” She declared. Abigail was angry when all of a sudden, a figure and many others appeared to assist Emily and the others. Emily was shocked to see a girl with slick back dark hair, a tube top and jeans with boots. She looked rather mysterious yet stunning and her gang seemed interesting! “Who are you people?” asked Emily suspiciously. Isabel steps forward, she smiled back at Emily as she said: “My name is Isabel, good to meet you.” She introduced her gang of friends before Isabel gestured towards a rather shy Lily, “Found your girl Lily, she had her head in the clouds out there in oblivion and claimed to see angels but I believe it was that scary bitch.” She said. Emily managed to smile in return, “I’d figured.” She stated. Isabel gave Emily a surprised look, “You mean this scary bitch has done this before?” She asked. Emily nodded, “Oh yes she has.” She claimed as she looked over at Abigail who glared back at Isabel. “STOP CALLING ME BITCH!!!! I GOT A NAME—IT’S ABIGAIL!!!” Abigail screamed. Her powers were out of control, Isabel was terrified as Abigail leered over at her: “You stupid bitch…You remind me of someone I once knew, how much she despise me…Humiliated me…Well, you won’t do such a thing to me. I will end you! I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I SEE THE END OF EVIL’S REIGN FALL INTO OBLIVION!!!” There was a powder of smoke, when it cleared out Abigail saw that everyone was gone, they had escaped. “They…they’d escaped?! NO!!!! CURSE YOU AGENTS OF DREAM STATE!!!!” Later on; there seems to be a gathering going on as Emily was making Isabel and her friends new members of Dream State. It was a happy time of everyone’s life for this amazing membership as well as tribute that Emily was doing in the forms of raising glasses. “A toast to our newcomers…Isabel and her squad had saved us all.” Emily said with praise. Everyone cheered as Isabel and her friends felt a sense of welcome to their new ‘home’ and ‘family’. During the gathering; there were a lot of groups chattering in their conversations. Lily was talking with Ryker, Kamoku and their friends, they were chattering and laughing when Lily beamed with pride, “You guys are so grand! Betcha someone will do a book on you.” She gushed. Ryker, Kamoku and the others glanced at her funny. Then, Kamoku and Evan burst out laughing. Lily was rather shocked by this reaction but looked straight face at the two guffawing. “Can you imagine someone dong that ridiculous idea?” Kamoku asked, still chuckling. Lily also giggled back, “Yeah, cockamamie.” She agreed. Evan snickered, “Pretty hilarious just thinking about it.” He remarked. Lily laughed as she walked away shaking her head but once she was out of sight, she managed no one was around and pulled the journal from her coat pocket. It turns out she actually did write about them, she felt her eyes prickling with tears, “Ho ho and ha ha…To laugh it is.” Lily whispered. At that moment; she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see Emily gives her a sympathetic look and patted her head as she strolled away. Lily sauntered in the opposite direction slowly while sniffling and wiping her eyes. What she didn’t notice was Andrea’s sorrowful expression which turned to anger. 

Nevertheless; Sylvia received word that someone by the name of Paige was in danger as Sylvia and the gang hurried away to where the girl was. Once they were gone; Sparrow sat on the debris as she sneered at the lifeless corpses of the Wendigos who were in a heap. “Looks like Sylvia Nyles and her gang are victorious.” She muttered. Sparrow looked up at the sky, she smiled as a cobra cuddled next to her. Sparrow pets the Cobra, “We got much to learn from them, my sweet vipers.” She said. Meanwhile; a young lady name Paige Yashiro was walking down the streets where she thought she heard someone call her name. Paige turn around, she saw one in particular so she kept walking forward  but kept her guard up. “Paige! Paige…” The voice called. Just then, Paige felt fingers ensnarled on her shoulders and palms on top of her expose skin of her off the shoulder top Paige was wearing but she felt chills run up her spine and looked up  slowly to see a woman with untidy hair and piercing eyes looking into her soul. Scared out of her wits; Paige ran into a dark room of unknown place and hide, she felt around for a light switch but instead she felt a hand on her arm and the other on Paige’s mouth. Paige tries to struggle but a voice spoke calmly in her ear, “Calm down. Whatever you do, don’t make a sound or she’ll find you.” The hand dropped from Paige’s mouth. Paige whispered, “Who are you?” She turned around and saw a figure. It was Risko McVurich. His face was stoic as he said, “Just a guardian angel.” Moments later; Risko leads Paige to safety, “Come on, don’t stop now. Just keep running!” Risko said urgently. “Why--?” Paige stammered in confusion. They stopped at a dead end, Risko and Paige turned around to see Abigail Carroll hovering towards them. All of a sudden, Mora appeared alongside her mother! She had escaped from her prison, “Hi Paige! I see you’re doing well since your brother Mimis’s death.” Mora said in an overly sweet voice. Paige froze with terror, her twin brother was Mimis and was killed after the twins were kidnapped and tortured. “How did you know that?” Paige asked. “I know things, my sisters know as well as my mother.” Mora replied with a grin. Paige became scared, Risko clutched her closer and protected the girl from Mora. “Did those cops ever catched the guy? They must be ‘working’ so hard huh. THEY CAN’T HELP ANYONE BECAUSE THOSE STUPID COPS ARE LAZY!!! THEY THINK PEOPLE LIKE US AREN’T WORTH OUR TIME!!!” Mora taunted. Paige slowly slipped behind Risko and she is terrified that this girl is talking about her past! “Hello Mora.” A voice blurted out. Mora gasped as she whirled around to see Sylvia and her squad before her, staring down at the horrified Mora. “You’ve been out of your cell huh.” Sylvia remarked with a slight smile to her face. Mora grinned nervously, “Uh…No.” She lied weakly. “Mora…We came to check on your skinny ass and your cell bars were bent out of shape. You just left and here you are.” Sylvia noted. Abigail glares over at Sylvia with menace, it chilled Sylvia and the others to the bone. Paige called out: “Don’t scare them, they had nothing to do towards them…” But then, Paige felt pressure around her throat, she was nearly pulled towards Mora however Sylvia exclaimed: “Release the girl; she has nothing to do with it!” Paige cried out, “Help me!” Sylvia outstretches her palm and Paige felt her body glided over to Sylvia who carried her. “GIVE ME THE GIRL YOU BITCH!!!” Mora shouted. “You kidnap one girl before, I’m not letting you do it again Mora!” Sylvia screamed, holding Paige close. Paige shields her eyes as she turns away. “GIVE ME THE GIRL!!!” yelled Mora. “YOU CAN’T HAVE HER!!!” Sylvia hollered. “Help me get away from her! Please, don’t let me go!” Paige whimpered. Sylvia held her close, “I’ll never let go.” She said. Just then; Abigail said in a scary tone that echoes in the darkest room, “O children, Children….Children…I like children…I’ll send the ones who hurt them to their graves, sending them to hell!!! They cause children to suffer and they are the reason for these younglings’ depression! How they forgot about the abuse and hatred, the innocence is gone, and there’s only just cruelty! Nobody understood how it is to be lonely, to be like everyone else and in the crowd but how I as well as my daughters were teased, they pushed and pushed until we lost our sanity! They hated me! Laughed at us and becoming the butt of every joke! And now here I am, with my four daughters as we are about to tear the whole world down!” She lets out another shriek before disappearing. And once again, Risko makes another disappearing act while Paige becomes recruited into Sylvia’s group. 

Later; Sylvia was reading something and was smiling but she took glances at Tsubaki, who seems to be confused by her behavior. “Why are you so happy?” Tsubaki asked, looking rather suspicious. Sylvia hands him the letter, “You just got yourself a fan, Sajuro.” She remarked with a grin. Tsubaki took the letter from her and read it: “Dear Tsubasa Sanjuro, I’ve sent you this note to let you know how much I admired you. I like the way you moved my world with you presence. I assure you I send you this letter in a respectful matter as you are an amazing person and a source of inspiration for myself. Keep up the good work, my dear boy. Signed, your darling admirer. P.S. I’ll be watching you.” After reading that letter; Tsubaki was feeling a little unsettled but wrote it off as a joke, “Heh! And here I thought she would be stalking me but this is too weird. Maybe my darling admirer will bring me a pig’s head.” Sylvia giggled, “Yeah and maybe some sweet poems.” She said. In the meantime; Kanara Yuzef was dressed in a green corset bustier with deep green flicked ivy print attached to the bodice and adjustable halter straps. The bust has cinched tulle cups, deep green trim as it has golden clasps down the front as well as an modifiable ribbon in the back of the corset. She has on a green tutu skirt with a matching satin hem trim as the skirt has an elastic waistband and a green overlay. Kanara had on sheer tights with a green wrapping vine on each leg from the ankle to above the knee. On her head was a green ivy crown as well as a die cut green vine mask with a ribbon tied in the back. In her hand was a hard of glass and a crazed look on her face. Her pouty red lips were lined to make her mouth filled up. Her teeth gleamed with pride; she plucked flowers as she danced against the cool grass under feet. “Soon, Tsubasa. Soon…” She muttered. WHACK! “Ow!” Kira exclaimed. She and Sylvia were training in the ring when Sylvia had lifted her leg and hit Kira. Sylvia cringed, “Whoops, my bad!” She said. “The hell was that?” Kira demanded. Sylvia replied back, “Just a random drop kick, sorry.” She smiled a little. “You can’t do that, Sylvia! That breaks all the rules, you’re fighting dirty!” Kira scolded. Sylvia rolled her eyes, “Shut up Morgan! I said I was sorry!” She said. The two girls lightly banter with each other. At that time, a man with a sturdy built and seemed to be inexplicable. Lisha hands him a clipboard, “Here sir, sign here on the dotted line. Thank you.” She said sweetly. Back on the ring; Sylvia was sighing as she said, “OK, I’m taking a break. I’ll be back.” Once Sylvia was out of earshot; Kira noticed the man Lisha was next to and called out: “You sir! What’s your name?” The man replied back in an Australian accent, “Kurran Dainard.” Kira nodded, “Mr. Kurran, front and center please! CT? Get your ass over here, pronto!” She called. Kira left the ring and sat down with the others. “Got any reason for getting a complete stranger to fight CT?” asked Tsubaki. “I’m just trying to find a trainer.” Kira replied. “You’re an excellent fighter, why do you need a trainer?” inquired Kirsten. “I just want to prevent myself from kidnap or get in trouble all the time.” Kira replied. Everyone looked at her in shocked, Gladys looked at her: “Kira…” She whispered. “I feel like I’m a burden to you guys, and I want to get stronger.” Kira explained. “Oh Kira.” Kirsten replied. Kira then turned to Kurran in the ring and smiled over at him. “How do I spell your surname Kurran?” Kira asked, pulling out the Moneta. Kurran replied back, “D—A—I—N—A—R—D.” Evan glanced at Kira, “What? You’re gonna research him?” He asked. “Just looking into his background…” Kira said and was surprised after she typed in the results. “Oh ho-ho-ho! Wow, veteran as well as a boxer. Self defense, worked with his meat butcher father. Wow, awesome. I like.” Kira said. Then, there was a grunting sound that made Kira and the others look up. But boy, they were in for a big surprise! Kurran twisted CT’s knuckles and took him down, slamming him into wall. Everyone was shocked, “Holy cow!” Kirsten shouted. Dorothy and Lisha came to help CT, Kira smirked with amazement. “CT!” Lisha said sadly. “Not bad, Brass Knuckles Dainard.” Sylvia said. CT tries to look arrogant, “No, I slipped…” He claimed. “Aw yeah? Kurran Dainard just went whoop-ass on you my good friend.” Kira retorted. Later when Kurran left; Sylvia returned back, “What did I miss?” She asked. “Mr. Brass Knuckles whooped CT’s ass.” Jakov said dully. “Seriously? How did I miss that?” Sylvia asked. Later; Kira and the others were strolling in the city when Kira was pushed over her footing and fell on her stomach where she heard a tsk sound. Kira looked up to see a figure and spoke in a menacing tone with an Australian accent to boot, “Where is Sylvia Nyles?” He demanded. Sylvia heard the commotion and ran over but she froze in place when she heard that accent of the man demanding to know while saying the words, “I have a score to settle with that bitch!” Sylvia trembled in fear, “Th—th—that voice—No, it can’t be!” She whispered. She then ran over to step in between, “Stop this pandemonium, RIGHT NOW!!!” She screamed, “…Oscard Dainard…Ozzy.” Everyone is shocked by this but the young man—Ozzy—smirked back. “Hello Sylvia…Sylvie.” He replied. Then, Sylvia was levitated from the ground as her arms were above her head as she choked for breath, “I have the same powers as you, little lassie! I’ve waited a long time for this, to make you suffer like I had all my life!” shouted Ozzy. “Ozzy, please! We were both suffering; I have guilt upon me for not saving your mother…” Sylvia begged but then she was interrupted by a telekinetic jab at her sides as she gaped loudly and painfully. “Feel that, love? It’s your scar!  You remember how much he hurt you? Yeah, you pussy cat, squeal and gasp all you want but your apologies are meaningless.” Ozzy replied coldly. Sylvia was already starting to lose hope until a sense of an ‘angel’ swooped in and managed to save Sylvia from the madman Ozzy who was shocked by the sudden speed. Sylvia saw a glimpse of Risko, who looked at her with kindness in his eyes and land to the ground where he faces the shocked, scornful look on Ozzy’s face which he growled, “YOU BLOODY INGRATE!!!” He exclaimed. Risko glared back, “Enough Ozzy.” He said firmly. Sylvia looked up, “Risko…” She whispered. Risko nodded, “Easy, I got you.” He reassured her, setting her down gently. There was a loud cry of a banshee that scared everyone out of their wits but they knew who it was! “She’s here!” Kurran gasped. “Surprise mother-chuckers! I’M HERE, BTCHES!!!” Mora cried. “Mora!?” Ozzy cried. “Careful Oz, you too Kurt!” Mora scolded. Sylvia and the gang stared at Mora in disbelief. “Crap! She’s gone crazy!” Tsubaki claimed. “You’re telling me.” Remarked Evan. “But…” Ozzy protested. “BUT NOTHING!!! You, me and your daddy-kins had a deal! You catch the bird, I deal with her! NOT TRY AND KILLER YOU HOTHEADED DADDY’S BOY!!!! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A MISERABLE, WANNABE TOUGH GUY WHO HAS DADDY ISSUES! YOUR STUPID FATHER SHOULD’VE DIED INSTEAD OF YOUR MOMMY, YOU THINK YOU’RE A HOT SHOT? TRYING TO WIN THE APPORVAL OF YOUR POP? IT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH, FACE THE FACTS!!!” Ozzy looked like he was going to cry, he didn’t want to hear this. Kurran looked pained as if the reason why his wife is dead and why her son is always like this. Just then, Mora felt someone gave her a slap across the face and fell to the ground. All fell silent while Mora clutched her cheek as she stared up at Kira, who looked pissed. “You are getting on my last nerve, Mora! I can’t stand you using people! Manipulate them and torture them while lacking remorse!” She screamed. Mora looked up with fear, she backs away while on the ground: “No, please! I give up! I—I—I surrender!” Mora pleaded. But it was all in act as she had something up her sleeve! “NOBODY MAKES A MOVE OR FIDO’S NECK BREAKS IN TWO!!” Mora said holding a dog helpless. Ozzy and Kurran were horrified, “THUMPER!!!” They cried. Kira was perplexed. “Thumper?” She muttered. “Those two…have a dog?” Sylvia thought. A revelation begins to overcome Sylvia and she used her powers to save Thumper the Dog before Mora could do anything to him! Once receiving his dog; Ozzy stared up at Sylvia with amazement, “You saved Thumper, thank you!” Oscard said tearfully. Sylvia sighed while looking away, “Drop it.” She said. “No, I mean it! I’d never hollered for help.” Ozzy insisted. “Come on, weren’t you gonna get payback? I deserve it.” Sylvia said. “No, I’ve changed my mind! After what you did, I…I…I…” Ozzy said stammering. But Kurran finished for him while petting Thumper who happily panted in his arms, “He forgives you.” Kurran looked rather apologetic as he claimed, “I’m sorry for all the trouble we caused you.” Kurran then nudged his son who realized what he must say, “I am…also sorry…” He whispered. Sylvia nodded, “You are forgiven.” She said. 

Just then, there was a scream and everyone turned. They ran over to a forest line where they saw soldiers being scorched alive! However, it got even more shocking when they saw Regina Halsing was the one responsible, she looked angry and rather vengeful. She looked angry like someone had made her angry of an insult or hurt her. Sylvia was surprised, she never seen her like this! Regina used her fire powers against the soldiers who were scared of her. “BURN INTO NOTHING!!!” shouted Regina. She looked like the Phoenix—if the Phoenix was human—with flames that resembled dark hellfire! Sylvia and the others were horrified at this sight. At that moment; Regina felt someone wrapped their arms around her; she turned around and saw Renee with tears in her eyes. “Please…stop…” Renee choked out between sobs. Regina realized what she was going and calmed the flames which they turned nothing but ashes as it all simmers down until it there weren’t any more. Sylvia turned to her friends who were shocked by this but not harmed as the flames did not reach them. Relieved; Sylvia turned and saw a young teen boy with dark hair, fair skin and looked pragmatic. He wore a striped buttoned up shirt with long sleeves, a vest with pockets, pinstriped black pants, matching ankle boots and a claw-like glove. The boy’s façade was blank, “Where did you come from?” Sylvia asked in surprise. The boy became tedious while he replied in a deadpanned tone: “From the graveyard, where else? Now piss off, butterface!” Sylvia and the others were shocked and rather taken aback by his attitude. Regina smiled apologetically, “Don’t mind him, this is Milenko Steele. You may call him Milan if you like; he doesn’t like his real name.” She explained. Then, Mora appeared as she beckoned Ozzy, “Step out of the shadows, I won’t bite.” She purred. Oscard was reluctant to approach but he does so. “What the hell? Stop him, grab him—hurry!” Emmett and Jakov seized Ozzy as Mora spoke, “Why are you here? It is because Sylvia led you all here to me? All who have faced me, you’ve earn my grace. Abigail’s revenge is complete as her retribuition will spread across the world and many other dimensions. It is all hers to divide and conquer.” She declared. “Love, I lost my mother but you can get her back, right?” Ozzy asked. His roughly like tough features softens, Mora grins at him with sympathy but her eyes did not meet her grin. “I can Ozzy, anything you want.” She cooed. Oscard looked at her, “Can you?” He asked. “Of course, always.” Mora confirmed. “No Ozzy, don’t do it boy!” Kurran said in a choked up voice. Ozzy let out a shaky breath while sniffling as they were watering and red. “I’d like that lass, but…there’s just one problem.” He remarked. “What’s that?” Mora asked with a confused expression. Then; Mora felt something as her face became sallow and pained. Ozzy had stabbed her in the hip and his eyes had tears streaming down his face. “YOU MESSED WITH MY MATES, BITCH!” He exclaimed. Ozzy drew the blade back as a stream of blood flew onto the pavement. Ozzy backed away to Sylvia and the others. Angry by the betrayal; Mora stamped her foot and her eyes were seeing red! “No one accommodates me and gets away with it, like some!” Mora claimed. She snapped her fingers and then a girl appeared in an off the shoulder top, a ruffled skirt and heels. Her hands were behind her back as she skipped forward. Tsubaki recognized the girl, “Kanara!” He gasped. “Hi Tsubaki, you remember me? I guess you do.” Kanara noted gleefully. Sylvia glanced at Tsubaki, “Do you know her?” She asked. “I’m so sorry I didn’t write back sooner, I thought those gifts would accountable for my sins. I mean, it’s the least I can do. I hope you did like the sweet little poems, the dead pig’s head, the monkey’s paw that I cut off…oh yeah and that friggin’ letter written in my own blood after picking at my chapped lips that one day.” Kanara ranted, looking rather unbalanced in the head. “What are you talking about…Wait, Kanara…You’re my secret admirer?!” Tsubaki asked, looking relatively petrified. “That’s right, babycakes. I’ve been at wit’s end and watching you and I know you and I are the same because of our losses…You see, before I was adopted by Stella, I lost my parents as well as my brother and sister.” Kanara explained. Her clothes turned into a purple and black tube top, matching pants with a waistband, and pointe shoes on her feet with heels. She also has a silver chained pendant with a violet ruby charm attached to it. Her mascara ran down her face and stained her cheeks which begin to resemble tattoos! Kanara had turn into a banshee as she exclaimed, “THOSE BASTARDS THAT RUINED MY LIFE AND DESTROYED MY CHILDHOOD WILL PAY!!! I WILL AVENGE MY FAMILY AND YOUR BELOVED SQUAD TOO, TSUBAKI!!!” Kanara begin to mutter, “Tsu…ba…sa…” Sylvia instructed everyone, “Crap! Scattered, she’s gone out of whack!” They ran for the hills and managed to get away however Regina was with them but that boy Milan was nowhere to be seen when suddenly he appeared and he wasn’t alone. There were dolls of inhuman kinds that were creepy and were alive as they scared Kanara away! Kanara had a fear of dolls, she hated them as she ran off. Renee was surprised by the reanimated dolls while Milan grinned in disdained and sadism. Sylvia sighed, she looked over at Regina who simply shrugged nervously. Later, Paige became a member of Sylvia’s group as well as Sparrow and Risko. Even Kurran and Ozzy did too. Paige stared at Evan for a moment before approaching him. “You’re Graham, right?” Paige asked in surprise. Evan glanced at her in confusion, “Uh yeah.” He replied. “I heard of another person with that name, she was in a subterranean area of a warehouse above. Her name was…Moya, yes that’s it! You know this girl name Moya?” Paige inquired. Evan felt his heart was about to burst from his chest, he had this excited look in his eyes. “That’s my sister!” He claimed. “Your sister? Oh my!” Paige gasped. “Which warehouse?” Where is it?” Tsubaki asked. “Warehouse 713.” Paige replied. In the meantime; Constable Lazarro and his partner Mistral Blake came across Warehouse 713. They enter inside and saw Artem as well as Jerome was waiting. “Payne…Sinclair.” The constable greeted stiffly. “Sir.” Jerome addressed timidly. “Gentlemen, welcome! So glad to see you all here, come in—come in!” Artem said in an overly cheery voice. The constable and his partner glanced at other as they entered inside the warehouse and shut the door behind them. The constable glanced around before looking over at Artem. “Where is she?” The constable demanded softly. “Right here.” Andrea’s voice ring out as she appeared from the stairs and curtsies. Jacindo snarls at her, “The witch arrives before us, the Daughter of Madame Anarchy.” He retorted. “And here I thought you were going to refer to my sisters and I as the daughters of the She Devil you prick.” Andrea rejoined darkly. “Save the insults, I must inform you that we’ve been searching for you and your ‘boy’ Mr. Payne here. And we have succeeded.” The constable notified. Andrea scoffs at him, “My boy?? He’s not a pet, Jacindo. He’s part of our family!” She said firmly. Jerome couldn’t but smile at Artem, but he saw that his dear friend looked rather troubled and concerned. “Family? This ‘family member’ of yours is nothing more than a devil worshipper! He has caused crimes against God and must be punished greatly.” The constable pointed out. “A devil worshipper? Have you ever heard of science? Surely, Artem never believed in God but in angels. We were the ‘angels’ in his life that inspired him to create life out of death. And also his family is in shambles. He went through trials, tribulations and tragic events in his life.” Andrea explained. Jerome was touched by Andrea’s perspective of Payne while Artem looked shameful. “Cease this torment, Daughter of Anarchy, you cannot protect Artem forever. He is still being hunted, as are you.” The constable reminded. “I am aware of it, I love a good chase Constable. How are you holding up? Have you…lost your head?” Andrea asked with a grin on her face, the constable looked increasingly uncomfortable but then it was cease when some sort of innocence emerged. “Andrea?” A timid voice called out. Andrea whirled around to see Moya standing before her. “Moya, what are you doing here sweetie? Go back down where the other children are.” Andrea said in a gently scolding tone in her voice. Moya walked over to her, “Andrea, when can I see my big brother?” She asked. “Soon baby, I told you that you would see Evan soon.” Andrea reminded. Moya felt tears spring in her eyes and she exclaimed: “You always say that!!!...Please, I miss him so much…I appreciate all you and your family did but I’m bored and I can’t do this anymore.” Mistral stepped forward with a smile, “Don’t worry love, we’ll find your brother and bring you back to him. Constable Lazarro and I will make sure of that.” He assured her. Moya looked at the glaring face of the constable, she looked at Jacindo Lazarro more closely as her eyes widened in horror, “You…You’re the constable…” She clutched her temples of her head, “No…No….No…No…No, NO I WON’T LET YOU!!!” Moya exclaimed as she turned into her Nightmarcher form. Her appearance shocked the four men in the room! Andrea tensed, “Shit!” She muttered. Just then, a voice exclaimed from above: “DON’T DO IT!!!” It was Renee who swung in with a rope and grabbed Moya; rescuing her. The constable screams, “THAT WITCH MUST BE BURN!!! SHE MUST SUFFER AND THE DEMON WITHIN HER MUST VANQUISH WHILE HER SOUL WILL BE DEPARTED TO HEAVEN!!!” He chased after Renee who galloped from trees to trees.

In the interval; there was a young lady in a butterfly themed skirt that reached down to her legs and a plain white shirt with it. She also wore a hooded jacket and shoes, this girl was Kasumi Seong  and with her with a young man who has a rough but rebel look to him of a black leather hoodied jacket, dark hair that sweeped across his eyes as well as jeans and knee high boots. This guy was Yuusuke Takuda; he and Kasumi were being let out as they asked their mysterious rescuer who he or she was. The rescuer turned her head, revealing to be none other than Isabel: “I’m Isabel, and I’ll be your rescuer.” While Isabel, Yuusuke, and Kasumi were escaping; a voice beckoned to Kasumi. “Ka—su—mi…” Kasumi turned and she gasped as she saw an image of her mother. “Mom? No, it can’t be. You’re dead. I saw you.” Kasumi whispered. Isabel glared over, “So…Trying to play your tricks against her huh you crazy bitch.” She said. The image of Kasumi’s mother faded and Abigail approached, she went crazy while exclaiming: “IT’S ABIGAIL!!! GET IT RIGHT, YOU STUPID BITCH!!!” Isabel and her friends protected Kasumi and Yuusuke while escaping from the facility. For the time being; Peyton thought he heard someone call out his name, he decided to go see for himself but then Aricia grabbed him and pulls him close to her while saying, “Don’t go there…I heard it too.” Just then, a voice shrieked out in a bone chilling tone: “PEY—TON!!” It was Ebony Clarkson, she wore a purple sheer gown and a black robe while holding a mallet. “PEY—TON!!!” She bellowed in that chilling ton of voice of hers. Aricia pulls a horrified Peyton back as everyone ran away from the deranged girl who was still screaming her head off! In the meantime, Sylvia and her gang heard the noise as they saw Aricia and the others running towards them. Ebony followed behind while carrying the mallet with a crazed look in her eyes. While this was happening; Aricia, Sylvia, Peyton and Evan were caught in a storm and all of a sudden, they were blown away as they discovered they were inside a dark building on the top floor of a tower they didn’t see before. They try to open the door that closed behind them when all of a sudden they are confronted by soldiers. “There they are, take them down!” The soldier commanded. Just as the soldiers advanced towards the four of them when all of a sudden, the lights flickered back and forth as there was a commotion of shouting coming from the soldiers: “What the hell?!” One said. “Man down, man down!” Another cried. The colors in the lights of red were sprayed across the hall. Later, the lights stopped flickering and came on. There was a figure stood amongst the dead bodies of soldiers. The four were surprised as they were relieved to see this person was the one that rescued them. “You saved us, thank you!” Aricia said with delight. “Yeah, thanks.” Agreed Peyton. The figure slowly turned around, she smiled darkly. “You’re welcome…” It was Mora as she stared at them with an eerie grin. Aricia, Sylvia, Peyton and Evan stared in horror. “OH MY GOD!!!” exclaimed Aricia. The four of them prepared to fight but were surprised to see that Mora held her hands up and being reassuring. “I come in peace and want to take you to a world of my own.” Mora assured them. Aricia wasn’t sure about trusting someone like Mora, she looked over at Sylvia who already spoke up: “We want to get out of here, not go to your world Mora!” Mora’s smile widened, “Wanna hear something cool? Ever heard of ‘daydream believer’? ‘Pie in the sky’? ‘Castle in the sky’? Well, the realistic people once say you shouldn’t have your head in the clouds, you must keep your feet more grounded than have them in flights of fantasy. The only way out of this tower is going from up to down.” She explained. The four of them stared at Mora’s expression. “You’re kidding.” Aricia finally said. Mora shook her head, “Nope. I wish I were.” She replied. “Shit.” Evan said under his breath. Mora then beckoned them to a wallpaper and peeled it off as it is revealed to have a hole in the wall and down there was an abyss to wherever it leads. “All right Alice, down the rabbit hole you go!” Mora said in a faux British accent. But the gang weren’t too sure so Mora leaped in first as a demonstration. Aricia was keen on it and decides to go in, Sylvia and the boys were worried but Aricia grinned at her friends. “All you need to know is that everything will be OK.” Aricia reassured, and then she fell in. Sylvia, Peyton and Evan were horrified. “OH GOD!!! ARICIA!!! ARE YOU OK, ARICIA?!” Sylvia cried. There was silence until Aricia’s ringed out: “COME ON, YOU GOTTA COME DOWN HERE AND SEE THIS!!!” Sylvia and the other two guys were relieved. Sylvia took a deep breath and looked over her shoulder, “Nice knowing ya boys.” She said with a wink before taking a leap of faith. It wasn’t long until Peyton and Evan followed in suite. They were falling for some time but there was colors and images they could see but then, all four landed as Mora leads them to a room where there was a small table. Two bottles were on there as well as two pills. And also, a note that reads: “Here are some good advice…One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small. Best taken now than later.” So; Aricia and Sylvia consumed each a bottle that caused them cramps and how they lack energy but they took a pill and swallowed that. However, that pill caused the two girls bloating and their emotions to be overwhelming them such as sadness and anger. But their emotions combined with their powers were a really bad thing but they took the bottles they consumed earlier again and nearly passed out. After a while, Aricia and Sylvia were feeling better. Peyton couldn’t help but ask, “So where are we going?” Mora said, “We’re going to find the Munchkins in the Emerald City.” Just then, Evan replied back sarcastically, “Oh! So we’re following the yellow brick road huh.” Peyton beamed while chuckling quietly. Mora giggled, “No, silly. We’re flying to Neverland.” She said teasingly. “Flying? That’s nice.” Sylvia said. Later on; they came across children working with one another. The children saw Mora and the others approaching “How are my brethren doing?” Mora asked, directly to the Nightmarchers. “Quite fine, love. Thanks.” Said one of the Nightmarcher children. “Yes, we are doing sw…” The second chimed in. But Mora interrupted with a stern, “SILENCE!!!” The Nightmarcher kids gasped. “You will speak when spoken to!” Mora scolded. Peyton spoke up, “Uh…He was spoken.” He said. “NONSENSE!!! One voice at a time, no interruptions! At all!” Just then, there were mewing sounds and the gang looked to see Nightmarchers had also have animals. Cats and dogs as well as rabbits as well with other cute animals. There were many sights to see as well as great things. After all the excitement of giving the gang the tour of a lifetime; Mora was getting under the covers to take a nap when Peyton appeared: “Mora? Sorry to bother you, but I have a question…” There was no answer from Mora. Peyton timidly continued, “I was wondering if you have any food. I don’t think we can find the cook or the kitchen. We got lost many times…We’re really hungry, Mora.” He looked over at Mora who didn’t reply back. “M..Mor…Mora?” Peyton asked gently. “Why do you keep talk? Talk? Talking? Don’t you ever stop for one friggin’ second?!” Mora said with irritation. Peyton was taken aback as he try to take back, “I…” He tried to say however Mora interrupts, “I need to sleep!” She said with emphasis. “I—sorry Mora. I was just hungry, I mean um…we’re all hungry.” Peyton said timidly. Mora gritted her teeth as she sat up while saying in a loud voice: “Oh, if you’re that hungry, why don’t you go AND EAT SHIT YOU ANNOYING BRAT!!!” She then collapses on the bed and heard feet leaving. Mora cursed herself and felt bad for what she said. After her nap; Mora noticed Peyton was having his back turn, “Peyton?” She asked timidly. Peyton turned around as his eyes were brined with tears. “Are you OK?” Mora inquired. Peyton nodded, “Uh yes…” He managed to say while crying, “I—I’m fine….” But covered his eyes with one arm but his sleeve was stained with tears. Mora realized what she done, “I’m so sorry.” She said as she was crying too. Mora reached over to touch Peyton but he reluctantly moved away. Mora continued to speak to him, “I didn’t mean to yell at you…I’ll make it up to you, OK?...What are you in the mood for? Tell me.” Her tearful voice was gentle and sweet. “I—I’m not hun—hun—hungry any—any—anymore…R…rea….really.” Peyton stammered. Mora felt bad so she found the Nightmarcher cook and requested a feast will be made. She was going to make them all happy one way or another! While they were eating; Mora was wearing a smile to her face as Aricia, Sylvia, Peyton and Evan were eating but they were glancing at Mora with concern. However, Mora excused herself for a moment and that’s when the gang thought they heard a loud sound. They checked to see but saw no one so they shrugged it off as just simply random noises. Arica and the gang returned to eating their food but soon they felt drowsy as they walked away while feeling drowsy, their stomachs were aching from the meal but they passed on the ground. Aricia, Sylvia, Peyton and Evan woke up to see their hands were tied behind them and looked up to see a hunchback figure. The Nightmarcher was Mastema Straker, who was a grotesque looking man who was mentally disabled and hulking. He wore a gray tunic, matching trousers, brown slippers and he has such round black eyes. “Huh hoo hoo!” Mastema said with that goofy, wild abundant laugh of his. “Mastema wants to play with guests.” Aricia got scared, “Stay away from us, please!” She begged. “No, no. Friends will obey to Mastema. Mastema will have fun with you.” Mastema said with his laugh. “Go away! Leave us alone!” Sylvia screamed. But Mastema did not heed to them as the four of them turned away in fear but somehow by a miracle, they were saved. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” A voice exclaimed. Mastema stopped in his tracks, he turned and saw Mora standing there, arms crossed as she looked mad. Mastema smiled sheepishly, “Huh—hoo—hoo!” He laughed then he added: “Mistress Mori, Mastema has friends to play with! Mastema wants to have fun with guests.” Mora gave a fake smile and approached the hulking Nightmarcher. “Oh, is that so? Well, my dear friend….I’m afraid you’re in trouble with me.” Mora said. “Mistress Mori, Mastema…” Mastema was trying to protest however Mora yelled at him, “YOU OAF!!! HOW DARE YOU PUT FEAR UPON THEM BY BINDING THEM THIS WAY!!! YOU BASTARD!!!” She beats up Mastema who was on the floor as he squealed and whimpered like a pig. In her anger; Mora repeatedly kicked at Mastema, who was bawling loudly, while she screeched: “THIS! IS! WHAT! YOU! GET! FOR MESSING! WITH MY! GUESTS!!!” She finally released him as she shrieked, “GO HOME TO YOUR MOTHER!!!” Mora released Sylvia and Aricia, she tells them to wait outside as she has to have a chat with Peyton and Evan. Once the two girls were freed and they left the room; Mora stared down at Peyton and Evan hard, she puffed out a breath before speaking. “I told you to be careful around these Nightmarchers and you disobeyed me. You trying to make me worried? Me, a mentally disturbed savant girl who is psychologically impaired, are you trying to make me sick to death?!” It was quiet for a moment until Mora turned her head to the Nightmarchers standing in the doorway and she exclaimed, “YOU TWO!!! GET THOSE BLOODY BOUNDS OFF THEM RIGHT NOW!!” The Nightmarchers obeyed and removed the bounds from Peyton and Evan’s wrists. Mora was pulling out at her hair, where she exclaimed with each emphasis felt like a verbal stab: “Is this…the only way…to KEEP YOU FROM SUCH TORTURE!!! AND NOT REPEAT THE WAY EDOM HIROKI DID TO YOU BOTH!!!” Peyton then spoke out, “Sorry, Mora…It’s just he seemed a nice guy and…I didn’t know he was going to do that.” Mora loomed over them with a tight smile across her face. “I’ll make sure no one hurts you boys again, all right you guys? No one’s gonna torture ever again…” She said in a sweet but unbalanced tone in her voice. Then, she exclaimed in a voice that startled both Peyton and Evan: “…NO ONE!!!” She turned and left the room. Once Mora calmed down, she and the others were proceeding down to the way out when they noticed someone was waiting for them. There stood a Nightmarcher woman who approached Mora, Aricia, Peyton, Sylvia and Evan. The woman has her hair in a vintage style of crown plaits, she has a death-like appearance of waxen skin, eyes so bright that they were piercing as they could stare into anyone’s soul. She resembled a maid with a navy blue dress that reached the floor almost, long sleeves; an attacked apron trimmed with lace, gray sheer tights and polished knee high boots. This woman was Mastema’s mother, Eglantine Straker. “Lady Mora, I would like to apologize for my son’s actions.” Said Eglantine. Mora managed to smile as she said, “You are always forgiven Eglantine. Keep your son away from our guests next time.” Eglantine feebly nodded, she then turned her attention to Evan and encircled around him while keeping her gaze upon him before leaving out of sight. Evan felt unsettled from her presence. “Be careful of Eglantine, she’s a hell lot worse than Mastema.” Mora whispered to the gang. Evan nodded, “Got it.” He said. Mora glared at him, “Don’t take this lightly Graham.” She said firmly. Now it was Evan’s turn to glare back at Mora, “I’m not. After the incident with Mastema? I don’t need to piss you off again.” He remarked. Mora stared at Evan in amazement before patting his shoulder, “Thank you.” She said. She turned to Sylvia and Peyton while whispering to them, “Good man.” And walked off with the others following. They were walking downward as they came across some strange Nightmarcher women who were having tea but when Mora and the others appeared they stopped as they were grateful to see her. “Lady Mora, hello there!” The ladies said in unison. Mora waved back, “Hello ladies, I see you’re having a tea party and thought I stopped by.” She said. “M’lady, who are these newcomers?” said one of the Nightmarcher girls. “Why, these people are guests. Can’t you tell?” One of the girls stared back at Peyton and Evan, “Oh…!” She said softly. A smile appeared, she frantically made her way over to Evan as she pushed him towards the wall. She was smiling from ear to ear at Evan who looked rather scared, “It’s you!” She mumbled. Evan was awkward at this sight, but the other girls argued: “No, it’s not! That could be an imposter!” The others gasped, “An imposter?” But the other girl who pinned Evan to the wall said, “It’s absolutely them! You are Evan Graham, I know you anywhere!” She then turned to the other girls as she said, “I know ‘em anywhere!” The girls giggled while applauding with excitement. “Oh, that reminds me. We have someone hear to show you. One moment, please.” Said one of the women. It wasn’t long until the Nightmarcher ladies brought out someone of a figure being wheeled in. The person in the chair was strapped to the chair and wore a brown bag over his head. But when the bag was removed, it was none other than Sakiware Hiroki himself. He was battered, bruised, and bloodied. Boy, he was pissed! Aricia, Sylvia, Peyton and Evan are shocked by this as the girls giggled maniacally and clapped happily. “We want to show you our criminal to be set for a trial.” Said one of the girls. Mora grinned, “Excellent! Take him to court, we’ll be there.” She instructed. 

The ladies did what they were told; Sylvia had something on her mind that’s been bothering her. “I wonder…How come these Nightmarchers aren’t planning on hurting us or doing anything.” She stated to her friends. But she did not expect the Nightmarchers would be listening because they turned and smiled. “Fret not, my dear friends. Mistress Mora wants to keep you all safe and we have no intentions of harming you.” Said one of the Nightmarchers. “Why do I get the feeling that’s not reassuring?” Aricia remarked. They enter the courtroom where there was dozens of Nightmarchers but the chatter quieted down when a voice announced: "All rise." The guards wait for everyone-except the judge- to stand. They do as the voice announced again, "Court is now in session. Mistress Mora Carroll presiding. Please be seated."All were seated as Mora appeared. “Let the trial begin!” Mora exclaimed as she walked in. Aricia, Sylvia, Peyton and Evan could only watched from the back as the trial begins. “Mistress Mora… members of the jury… loyal subjects…The prisoner at the bar is charged with enticing his way into our home and thereby willfully and with malice aforethought, teasing, tormenting, and otherwise annoying our beloved darling...” The Nightmarcher said while ranting but Mora exclaimed, startling him. “Never mind all that! Get to the part where I lose my temper.” She said with excitement. The Nightmarcher nodded as he concluded, “Right, right, right! Thereby causing the mistress to lose her temper.” Mora nodded as she turned to Sakiware, “Now, Ha ha… are you ready for your sentence?” Sakiware looked at her in disbelief, “Sentence? Idiots, there must be a verdict first!” He exclaimed. Mora pointed a finger, “Sentence first! Verdict afterwards.” She confirmed. “You morons, that just isn’t the way!” Sakiware declared. Mora glared back at him as she is about to exclaim, “All ways are…” But a Nightmarcher from the crowd in the courtroom finished for her, “…Your ways, m'lady.” Mora beamed, “Yes…His sentence will be known as a form of punishment.” That’s when the opening statement came about. This is when the attorney can tell the jury what evidence they will present during the trial. The district attorney goes as he stated, “Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: the defendant has been charged with the crime of being a Hiroki such as subjecting others of bullying, abuse, verbal mistreatment and other things necessary that he must be punished of. The evidence will show that the footage we have that the perpetrator used against others. The evidence I present will prove to you that the defendant is guilty as charged.” The Moneta was brought in and then, a projection of a memory was played out that shocked the people in the courtroom! Aricia, Sylvia, Peyton, and Evan were shocked: The memory that was shown is of Satoshi Quennel being bullied and humiliated by Sakiware himself. The Nightmarchers protested loudly than ever. “Photographic proof! Sakiware's a goner.” Said one. The second commented, “I would be ashamed as well if I had done that!” The third begins to weep, “I'll never look at the insidious bastard again, he’s an offense to women alike!” She said through her tears. A fourth also said, “He is despicable!” A fifth also cried out, “How could he do such a thing?!” Sakiware was in disbelief, “HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIND THAT?!” He demanded. Mora laughed evilly, “I’ll never let you know on that.” She stated. The court room erupted in anger and yelling about different ways to punish Sakiware such as decapitation, hang him on the gallows, electric chair and other deadly punishments. That’s when Sakiware managed to cut himself loose and try to wreck havoc. Everyone screamed, Aricia and her friends made an escape with Mora awaiting from the doorway as she leads them away. After the chaotic trial and Sakiware escaped; Mora leads Aricia, Sylvia, Peyton and Evan to the exit after reaching the downstairs part. But then, they heard footsteps and Eglantine approached. They turned but soon they were horrified to see that Eglantine held a fire poker stick in her hand as well as herself laughing like a maniac. She stopped as she said in a creepy monotone, “Blood…Flesh…Human. You defiling creature, you allow that Nightmarcher…This alluring witch before you into you again and again but you are allowed to do that because you are a precious little human. Precious little human…precious little human…Precious little human….Pr—prec—precious—li—lit—lit—little—hu—hu—hu—hum—hum—hum—human…” She begins to laugh and tries to attack Mora and the others but they fought back and defeated Eglantine. Aricia, Peyton, Sylvia and Evan were making their way to the exit but Mora blocked them. “Why can’t you stay here? I won’t let you!” She said while begging. “Mora, you promised to help us!” Aricia pointed out. “NO, NO, YOU’RE THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS!!!” But Sylvia flexed her hand out while whispering, “Sorry…” She used her powers to move Mora away and they left her. But Mora let out a horrendous wail. “DON’T LEAVE ME!!! DON’T LEAVE ME!!! I’LL DIE WITHOUT YOU!!” Mora exclaimed while Aricia, Sylvia, Peyton and Evan ran off! Mora sobbed as she watched them go, “Not again…Why? Why can’t there be just one friend? I hate them all and yet…I love them.” She said to herself through her sobbing. And continued to cry. 

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