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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Spittoon--Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Radioactive

Commander Longstride is seen look over something, a book from the looks of it, when a voice distracts him. "Commander?" That voice belonged to his lieutenant, Endymion Weaver. "Yes Lieutenant Weaver?" Giovanni asked. "Do you have any idea where Miss Tanner might be?" Endymion asked. Giovanni was silent for a moment before answering, "My brother and his crew took her. And I suspect Idina is after her." "So, what do we do?" Endymion inquired. Then, Longstride begin to smile: "We'll sent out our Dark Side of the Moon to the Blue." He announced. Endymion looked at The Commander with a stunt expression, "Dark side? You don't mean...!?" He gasped. "Yes. Her." Giovanni replied. Elsewhere; The Blue Moon Crew's Caleuche was heading off into the other worlds when all of a sudden, Tamsin noticed a bright light. "What is that?" asked Tamsin. Mateo looks out to see, "I don't know." He mutters. Leander, Heroica, and the others noticed. "What is that?" asked Dietrich. "I have no idea." replied Leander. "An UFO?" Orlando asked. "Sure doesn't look like one." said Ginny. Tamsin watch the bright light as it grows bigger. All of a sudden, a vortex caused the Caleuche to go into a spiral! They were losing altitude. Tamsin felt the fear shot through her body like an adrenaline. "W-What's happening?" "An earthquake?" Tamsin asked. Mateo shook his head, "Not here!" He said. It seems the aircraft was about to crash. "Everyone hang on!" cried Leander. There was a lot yelling by the pressure, it was crazy. Tamsin said a prayer to the heavens to keep her safe. There was a large rumble and a bright light appeared. 

Young Tamsin was seen in the Happy Room, created by Sean Griffin in secret, as she is seen shyly next to Sean. "Do you like the music box, Tammy?" Sean asked nicely. "Um...Yeah. I do." Tamsin replied apprehensively. "You're not afraid of me? Don't worry, I won't hurt you Tam. I swear to you that I won't." Sean said. "Really? Thanks." Young Tamsin beamed. When Tamsin woke up, it was a dream she experienced--A simple memory. She felt dizzy in the head as she tried to compose herself and stands up, brushing the dust away. Tamsin decides to explore but she didn't see the shadowy figure until she bump straight into it. "Hey, what the--" Tamsin started to say but she was stunt to see that it was a tall, teenage boy with light complexion, brown hair, and he had suck dark eyes. "Where did you come from, big guy?" Tamsin asked in amazement. The tall boy turned and looked down to see the petite strange girl, "Who are you?" asked the boy. "My name is Tamsin Tanner, I'm from a different world. And you are?" introduced Tamsin. "I'm Jackson O'Hearts, I'm from Meliae State." said the tall teenager. "Well, Tamsin. It's nice to meet you. said Jackson, "Do you know where we are?" "Uh, no. I'm not sure where we are...." Tamsin said, trailing off. "Let's look around and see what we can find." replied Jackson. "'Us'? Together? Sure! That'll be fun." beamed Tamsin, "I like to get to know you, Jackson O'Hearts." Jackson stared down at her, "Uh...Sure." He said. "You don't trust me yet? I understand, but I'm searching for my crew." said Tamsin. Jackson looked at her again, "How did you know I can't trust you?" Jackson asked. Tamsin shrugged, "Lucky guess--Or, I just see that skeptical look on your face...." She paused. She sounded like a know-it-all! What the hell was wrong with her?

But Jackson started to smile, "Heh. For a girl, you sure are smart." He said. And so, Tamsin and Jackson started to explore around. In the meantime; Another teenage boy and his talking Shih tzu inugami were wandering around the strange world that wasn't there home. "Lysander?" The inugami asked. "Yes, Puck?" The boy asked. "I don't think we're in Aether Guld anymore." answered Puck. "Nope, we're not." agreed Lysander. Just then, something pop out and jump scared them! It was a third teenage boy. "AH-HA! GOT YA!" exclaimed the boy. Lysander and Puck jump back in fear however they were astonished by the boy's apparel. "What are you man?" Lysander asked. The boy look nervous, "I'm Dante Hale, I'm a--" He started to say. "Oh! I know! I know! You're a superhero!" exclaimed Puck. "Uh...Yes." said Dante. Lysander and Puck glomped him happily, "Oh my! That is so cool, Finally! We get to meet a real life superhero, Puck!" exclaimed Lysander. "Yay!" Puck answered. "Get off! Get off!" gasped Dante, he managed to get Lysander and Puck off of him. He then panted and tried to catch his breath. "Geez! Tryin' to kill me or something?" snapped Dante. "But we never met a superhero in all of our miserable lives!" complained Lysander, dramatically. Dante stared at Lysander, when all of a sudden, there was a telekinetic force that caused Dante, Lysander, and Puck to levitate in the air. "Ahhhh! What the heck is going on here?" cried Lysander. "I don't know!" shouted Dante. "Get us down from here!" yelled Puck. 

There was laughter, it comes from a young man who appeared out of the shadows. He was the one responsible for all this! "I'm Arthur Robin, leader of The Merry Knights." "Hey, can you get us down from here?" Dante said, impatiently. "Sure bro." Arhtur said. As Arthur let the three go, they fell but were caught in the clutches of a stranger. Lysander, Puck, and Dante were stunt to see a muscular guy there. "Hey thanks." said Arthur. "No problem." The muscular guy said. "My name is Gawain Camelot, who are you my strange fellow?" "I'm Arthur Robin, the leader of the Merry Knights." Lysander and Puck stared at the others, "How in the world did we get stuck with these weirdos?" Dante, Arthur, and Gawain turned on him: "WHAT?!" And they attack him until..."Hold it!" A voice cry out to break up the fight. Dante, Arthur, Lysander, and Gawain stopped to see Tamsin, Jackson, and an unfamiliar young man with them. They were standing there; looking out of place at the scenario. "What are you idiots doing?" asked Jackson. "Who are you guys?" asked Lysander. "Jackson O'Hearts." answered Jackson. "Tamsin Tanner." replied Tamsin. "And I'm Michael Lawrence." said said the other young man. There was silence in the air when Lysander blurts out, "How did I get stuck with a bunch of freaks?!" Jackson, Dante, Arthur, Gawain, and Michael turned on him, crying out: "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A FREAK?!" Then, Round 2 of the battle starts. Puck and Tamsin stared at them before Tamsin puts Puck down for a second from her arms.

Then she dashed so fast at the battle, that she knocked them from the battle. Jackson, Dante, Arthur, Lysander, Gawain,  and Michael stared at the strange girl. Tamsin planted her hands on her hips, "So, do you wish to continue or would you want to talk this out?" she asked. The other boys stared at her in awe, "Whoa..." they chorused. Tamsin is not noticing that her sister, Idina, observing her. "Well, well, sister, you found your voice but you'll never use these people." Idina remarked, "Mother is getting more stronger than you and me." Then, she disappeared from sight. In the meantime; Another victim of the IEPS, Augusta Ronan, is an 18 year old girl who also escaped from the IEPS just like Tamsin and all of the others. She found herself in a strange world. Earlier before, Augusta was living in Lousiana in a different part of town. She was feeling dizzy when something caught her before she fell. She turned around to see a Cat Sith (or fairy cat as some people referred to it as). "Oh my! Where did you come from?" asked Augusta, cooingly. She started to pet it, the cat didn't look mean--it looked friendly. It was a black colored Cat Sith, it had yellow eyes, and not a single color was in sight of its coat. "You're a strange cutie, but I like you." Augusta said however she is surprised to see Cat Sith is leading the strange girl to somewhere beyond this strange world. 

Like Jackson; Brady Sinpeter and Jim Grande are from Meliae State. They were separated from their friends as they try to figure out where in the world they are. And it's not just them: Virgil Lansing, Lancelot Caster, Mark Tucker, Tristan William, Constantine Gilbert, Uther Bishop, Gorloris Alan, Demetrius Roque, Percival Cornwall, Bors Caerleron, Lamorak Broceliande, Bedivere Avalon, and Ector Sarras. Virgil Lansing is from Vulcan Town. Lancelot Caster, Mark Tucker, Tristan William, Constantine Gilbert,Uther Bishop, and Gorloris Alan are from Pygmy Boondocks. Demetrius Roque came from Aether Guld. Percival Cornwall, Bors Caerleron, Lamorak Broceliande, Bedivere Avalon, and Ector Sarras from the world of Olympus Forest. They all wonder how did that all got here! Meanwhile, The Cat Sith leads Augusta to Gabriel Morris. Gabriel noticed the Cat Sith and seemed relieved to see it, "Yahoel! You're all right!" Gabriel said, "Where's Michael and Ariel?" The Cat Sith didn't seem sure however Gabriel noticed Augusta. "Where did you come from?" He asked. "From...I don't know." Augusta admitted, "But I know you're not from my world. My name is Augusta Ronan." "Nice meeting you, I'm Gabriel Morris." "Heh, charmed. Need some help with something?" Augusta asked.

Just before Gabriel answered, A loud yell startled them so they went to check it out with Yahoel following. That yell was coming for Mark and Constntine as they are under attack by spider-crawlers with blood teeth and fast beings. Augusta ran faster than the monsters, killing them. She broke the beasts' necks while the others are amazed by her. When Augusta was done, she turned to the others who were shake with fear. "How did you do that?" Virgil asked, trembling. Augusta turned to the others, who jumped at the sight of her eyes flashing. "I'm one of the best weapons, or I used to be but I want to be a heroine." She said. The others foreigners are amazed by the mysterious and her elusive powers. A third former victim of the IEPS, and escapee, finds herself in a different world. She is also Augusta's 'best bosom buddy'. Her name is Milena Drury, she's about one year older than Augusta however Augusta is more braver yet stronger than her. When she woke up in a strange world, she wonders where she is. She gets up from her feet and starts to walk around. Like the other guys, The girls got separated from their male friends: Rosemary McQueen & Lily Diamond are from Meliae State. Beatrice 'Bice' Chick is from Vulcan Town. Genevive Marian and Leona Vilhelm are from Pygmy Boondocks. Helena Francis, Hermia Tomas, Aubrey Flute, and Tanya Hippolyte are from Aether Guild. Kay Avalon & Elaine Tintagel are from Olympus Forest. Lastly, Ariel Jeremy is from Khione City. 

Since that strange vortex, everything has gone crazy and it's been a mix up! In the meantime, There's another former victim of IEPS. Her name is Lavinia. She has no memory of her past or her surname, no idea why she was dreaming. But when Lavinia woke up; She finds herself upside down and tied up. She knew she had to get out of here! Lavinia used her enhanced strength to break herself free but she ends up impaled by something. She gasps and moans when Lavinia found a dagger at her thigh so she try to pry out of her. She looked around to see that it looks like a chamber of torture. "What is this place?" She gasped. Lavinia started to explore around as she found blood, carnage of slaughtered people, and victories for the battles they've won. Lavinia is terrified as visions of blood, torture, and horror comes into her mind. Aesir Brutus, Penelope Gore, Ares Gunn, Narcissus Dawson, Rollo Estrany, Krishna Balder, Mary Desiderio, Odin Mercer, and Ara Benedict are wondering where they are until they come across De Novo Tenderfoot. Titus Andronicus Christopher, who is a kind man and doesn't enjoy torturing innocent people. Saturnius Sebastian is both torturous but he hates it too, Lucius Efnysien is a total sadist in sadist and brutal person at times, and Marcus Jobe is not so much of that kind of person. 

Together, they team up together in order to search for answers. Lavinia was looking around when she is faced with a group of the blood thirsty people: Aesir Brutus, Penelope Gore, Ares Gunn, Narcissus Dawson, Rollo Estrany, Krishna Balder, Mary Desiderio, Odin Mercer, and Ara Benedict. She gets herself captured, but she looked up to see a few faces staring down at her, "Who are people?" She said in a frazzle tone. But the girl, Mary Desiderio, punched her in the face as Lavinia coughed up blood but she did something crazy. She fought back with her enhanced abilities and took out the others before she escaped. However, there some more people that are searching for her. Morgan used her stealth and hide from the others as far as possible. She finds this to be crazy with all those people! How is she going to get out of here? As she was hiding from the others, Lucius found Morgan and drags her out. He started to caress her cheek, "You pretty thing...I wonder what you'll look like being chopped up." He said. Lavinia fights back, Lucius became violent and tried to kill her but Morgan hurt him. When she realized what she done, Lavinia started crying however she realized she must survive in order to find her past.  She fights the others by her incredible strength, speed, and other abilities. Aesir Brutus, Penelope Gore, Ares Gunn, Narcissus Dawson, Rollo Estrany, Krishna Balder, Mary Desiderio, Odin Mercer, Ara Benedict, Titus Andronicus Christopher, Saturnius Sebastian, Lucius Efnysien, and Marcus Jobe are amazed by this mysterious girl as Morgan became frightened. She attempts to self inflicted herself.

A change of heart Mary stops her on the spot and comforts her. But Lavinia is still scared, "No! Get away from me!" She tried to leave but she is hand gagged and knocked out however her unconscious body is caught by Lucius. "Who is this girl?" He thought. Tamsin stands around her new crew and instructs them that they all must work together as a team and not fight all the time. This new crew obeys to her and so they put their differences aside to find their way back home and to their friends. When Morgan woke up, she found herself in a medical cot. She is scared of these people that took her in & feels she can't trust anybody but herself. Giovanni is seen preparing himself for a occasion until he saw someone familiar in the mirror. Nikita and Idina glaring at him, angrily, as Giovanni turns around but sees no one there. He forgets about it & leaves the room. "One day, Giovanni, one day." Idina whispered. Blue Moon is seen in a different world and try to find the others. It seems that vortex did some damage to their aircraft. They need to find Tamsin and find a good mechanic. But the important question is, about these worlds colliding, Who's responsible for all this? Just like what happened to Tamsin and the others; A teenage girl, around 14-15, name Freya Cosgrove is a witch with her wolf hybrid, Loki Beowolf, are traveling the whole new world. They search for their friends so honey can get back to their world! They're not the only ones, The headstrong and conceited loudmouth Reyard Todd is a changeling and his partner, Giselle Magdalene, is a succubus with a heart of gold. They're trying to find a way through these parts....In the meantime; Tamsin and the others are seen being attacked by a monster, clawing and biting at them. This beast was a heck lot powerful than anything they'd ever imagined. Just then, something from behind struck the monster and a voice made Tamsin gasped: "Hello monster, my name is Freya Cosgrove. You're all mine to take!" Freya said smugly. Loki grinned at this, "Oh yeah, I can't wait to feel your power now." He replied. 

With a flick of her wrist; The spell binding charm caused her enemy to be eliminated. "Nice job." Loki said, giving Freya a high-five. "Thanks! Your scent help me catch this creep." commented Freya. "Hey, that's what a wolf does, right?" "Who are you two?" Tamsin asked. Freya smiled with courtesy, "As I have introduced, I'm Freya Cosgrove." She said with a bow. Loki came with hands in his pockets. "And I'm Loki Beowolf, her partner." He replied back. Tamsin gives back the courtesy gracefully, "I'm Tamsin Tanner and these are my friends--Jackson O'Hearts, Dante Hale, Arthur Hale, Lysander Nicholas, Gawain Cameot, and Michael Lawrence." She introduced. "Hey!" Jackson said. "Hello." Dante answered. "'Sup!" exclaimed Arthur. "Nice to meet you." Lysander said. "Pleasure." Gawain said. "Hi." Michael answered. Freya beamed, "It's good to meet you are." She answered. And so, A newly strange friendship begins! Back with Commander Longstride's hideout, Endymion enters a room with a young lady. Her back turned from Endymion, "What do you want, Endymion?" She demanded.  "Commander Longstride is here, Selena. He wants to talk about Tamsin Tanner." Endymion informed. This brightened Selena ass he turned around, she looked stunning as the luminescence of the celestial moon. "Daddy's here?" Selena asked. Endymion smiled in return, "Yes, he says it is really important." He said. "Oh great! I can't wait!" Selena exclaimed, clapping her hands excitedly. She hurried away as she cannot wait for what's in store for her! Endymion seems concerned about Selena & her emotional problems. 

Selena went into the main office, she skipped like a happy child while Endymion followed behind her, concern filled hie eyes. He wonders silently why would the commander would want to use his own daughter. Selena passed the front desk, Endymion keeps following while he tells the secretary that the commander wants to see Selena. Selena knocks on the door, she opens it, and saw the commander at his desk. Just like a little girl; she ran over and hugged him while screaming, "Daddy!!!!!" Commander Longstride embraced her warmly, "Hello, my Clair de Lune. I have a special job for you." He tells her. Selena pulls away in amazement. "Ooooooh, what is it?" Selena asked. She started bouncing up and down. "Listen and see." Commander Longstride said. Selena stopped bouncing to listen to what her father has to say. "You must go after Tamsin Tanner and use your Inferno Nightmare to kill her in the dream realm. Butcher Nikita's 'good spawn', you think you can do that?" He said. Endymion looked at the commander stunt, Inferno Nightmare.....He could not be serious of telling her to use that ability. "Yes! Of course, I will daddy!" Selena exclaimed. The commander smirked darkly, "Very good." He replied. Meanwhile; Tamsin and her gang were searching for Blue Moon, but have no luck finding them. They have been searching them all day! 

"Leander?" Tamsin called out. "Tamsin? Tamsin Tanner, is this you?" A voice hollered. It wasn't Leander. "That voice...Augusta Ronan?" Tamsin asked. "Tam?" A second voice hailed. "Milena Drury? What the--I--"Augusta had long blonde hair that reached to her waist. Milena had long straight hair with gorgeous eyes and looks more prettier. Tamsin was crying tears of joy! She ran over and embraced them. "Oh My God! I can't believe it's really you two!" Tamsin sobbed. "We thought you were dead!" Augusta replied. "I'm still kicking." Tamsin replied, wiping her tears.  "Look at you, you look more pale as a ghost than I remember." Milena complimented. Tamsin laughed, "Ha! Yeah." She said shyly. There was a 'ahem!' sound and Tamsin looked behind her to see Jackson, Dante, Arthur, Lysander, Puck, Gawain,  and Michael standing there. That's embarrassing! "Oh my gosh. Sorry, I want you to meet my friends that I made!" replied Tamsin, she was practically bouncing up and down. The others were staring after them! Augusta and Milene were doing the same thing. "We do too! Hey guys, come on over here! I think we found your friends!" Augusta squealed.  "Ladies! Come over here, girls!" Milena called out from behind her. There was reunions all around as joy and celebration filled the air for Jackson O'Hearts, Dante Hale, Arthur Robin, Lysander Nicholas, Puck, Freya Cosgrove, Loki Beowolf, Gawain Camelot and Michael Lawrence.Brady Sinpeter, Jim Grande, Virgil Lansing, Lancelot Caster, Mark Tucker, Tristan William, Constantine Gilbert, Uther Bishop, Gorloris Alan, Demetrius Roque, Reyard Todd, Percival Cornwall, Bors Caerleron, Lamorak Broceliande, Bedivere Avalon, Ector Sarras, and Gabriel Morris. Rosemary McQueen, Lily Diamond, Beatrice 'Bice' Chick, Genevive Marian, Leona Vilhelm, Helena Francis, Hermia Tomas, Aubrey Flute, Tanya Hippolyte, Kay Avalon, Giselle Magdalene, Elaine Tintagel and Ariel Jeremy. They were all together now! 

In the meantime, Selena was getting prepared for her mission but she seemed stressed out. Endymion noticed her tenseness. "Hey Lena. You OK? What's wrong?" He asked gently. Selena was covering her ears, "I--Oh!!!!!! I'm soooooo nervous! T-T-The noises! Ugh, geez! Why did I agree to do this?" She complained. "It involves with Nikita Tanner's daughter Tamsin." replied Endymion comfortly, "Come on, Sel. You can do this. I know you can." Selena screeched in pain, "I CAN'T DO THIS! THE NOISES! THE FRICKING NOISES! I CAN'T DO THIS!" Endymion tried to coax her but she wouldn't complied. Endymion let out a deep sigh and went to his medical box. He pulls out something and brought it close to Selena, who is horrified and screams, "NO!!!! GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME, ENDYMION!" Endymion seized her firmly and place the object against her skin. It felt cold at first until Selena's anxious fear becomes a blood thirsty menace. "All right, let's do this!" She exclaimed. 

Endymion managed to put on a brave smile, "Good luck, Sela." He said. "Oh, Tamsin's not gonna be to hot for what I have in store for her! Buh-bye, Endymion! See ya!" Selena said, she was off; cackling like a witch. Watching her go; Endymion let out a sigh and thought: "I pray she doesn't kill that girl or anyone else.." In the meantime; Idina watches Tamsin talking and laughing among her new friends. She seemed content yet comfortable. Idina couldn't help but feel jealous. About a week ago, she had been trying to torment her sister about the trust she shouldn't have with the others to little success. Now, Idina was envious as she fumed over how cheerful her twin sister is! "Why is she happy while I am in misery? It's not fair!" Idina thought angrily. Just then, she senses someone about to pounce. Tamsin, Augusta, and Milena could sense them that they have a common enemy. Just then, Selena attack with quick speed and agility. She was too powerful for anyone else. Selena pounced upon Tamsin, who was horrified. "Hmm. Well, well, if it ain't the angry b**ch's spawn. Mommy's Good Girl, well! Wonder if she would mind that I killed you! Would she?" She crackled. She unleashes her attack as Tamsin and everyone look horrified while they're about to meet Death in the face. "Help me, someone help me!" Tamsin thought.

All of sudden; The attack was not launched as this left Tanner confused and peeked to see what's going on. There, she saw her twin sister there; struggling against the vixen's menace. "What the--You!? You are also the angry butch's spawn--?" spat Selena. "Don't you dare say that about my mother like that!" cried Idina. They continued to fight until a bright light appears, absorbing them. Tamsin, The others search for Tamsin, Augusta, anyone but they couldn't find them. "Tam? Tam!" cried Jackson. "Where are you?" Dante called. He cursed in frustration, "Damn, where did she go?" They all noticed that Augusta and Milena were gone, which upset everyone else even more! Until Virgil can hear something in the wind. "Hey." He said. "What?" Ariel asked. "I hear Tamsin." Virgil said. This shocks everyone, "You do?" Jackson asked. "Where?" asked Arthur. "Somewhere in the wind..." Virgil muttered. There's incoherent dialogue going on in the wind, no one could understand it. "What's going on?" Bice asked. "I don't know." Virgil replied. 

In Inferno Nightmare; The lucid dreaming starts off with a dark woods, Tamsin walks through it as the sun begin to shine on a mountain and the person climbs up. Further in the journey towards the top of the mountain but then there is a lion, leopard, and a she wolf. Tamsin is frightened and runs off back to the dark woods however she ends up entering the nightmare realm of Inferno. In the limbo vivid dream, Tamsin enters a part of the realm, where girls are seen in a chase of an pointless game to get a black banner while hornets bite them and parasitic worms are sucking their blood. Tamsin gets on the boat and rides it across but is horrified to see a leaden, smoky mist and the blazing backdrop against which the person endures a fearful crossing of the river. But she is steadied by a learned voice in her mind  while the boat plough though the water of tormenting girls. One of the girls try to get on the boat but they are pushed back in. 

Deep in the lust zone, The Minos lurk around and take the female victims into the chaotic storms, where they swirl into the madness. The person hears soft noises and looks to see what it is. It looks a man and woman kissing in the style of the statue but the woman pulls away to have blood dripping from the sides of her mouth. The man is shown to have two punctured marks on his neck. The vampiric woman turns back to the man and ripped his chest open as she devours his blood and heart. In the next part of Inferno; Girls are seen lying the mud while filth and 'droppings' rained down hard on them. Two girls are seen pushing boulders at one another in a raging matter. Into another terror, There is a swampy river, where a girl is seen being tortured by demons as a person watches her suffering in delight. Girls are seen trying to commit suicide to escape their living hell but they are in deep and despair, they blame God for putting them in a place like this because of giving up on him and on hope, they are seen taking their tearful rage on nature. 

In her horror; Tamsin then sees girls are lashed with whips, forced to lie in a river of 'droppings', are hung upside down while their feet are burning, forced to walk backwards blindfolded, monsters tear at their flesh and cause them to bleed, and walk in circles 1000 times. One of them is crucified to the ground, as the others are forced to walk on her. The girls are giving remedies after they were bitten by vipers in a room, the wounds of the females continue to open and close, & they are suffering of diseases and plagues. Tamsin discovers a well, and goes down to see the girls are in a frozen lake. Suddenly, someone brushed beside her and Tamsin turned to see Selena there. "Hello Tammy Tanner. Wanna play with me?" She said. Tamsin shook her head, "No thanks. I don't wish to play with your kind of games." said Tamsin. Selena looked annoyed, "Really? You're such a kill joy." she complained. "No I am not, I hate these kinds of games. They're not funny, they're awful." Tamsin protested, but stopped when she saw Selena's wicked look. "

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!!" Tamsin cried. She runs away but Selena chases after her. Selena laughs maniacally. But then, someone leads her into a pillar of light, two girls were waiting for her. Tamsin recognized those girls, "Augusta!? Milena!?" She asked happily. Augusta smiled and said. "C'mon Tamsin, Let's go back." She answered. Tamsin nodded, "OK...Let's go." She said as the three best friends held hands and they escaped from Inferno while climbing down a ragged fur, which was in the far corner of the exit. The three pass through the center of the earth with a consequent change in the direction of gravity, causing Tamsin to think it is returning to Inferno. Tamsin, Augusta and Milena emerge in the other hemisphere, just before dawn on beneath a sky studded with stars. Suddenly, they're back where their friends greet them, hugging them happily, and saying: "Tam! Milly! Gusta! You're all right!" 

Just then, a miracle happens, "Tamsin!" A voice called out. Then, familiar figures came to her. Tamsin shed tears of joy from her eyes. "Leander! Hero!" She cried happily as she embraced them as if they were her parents. "I'm so glad you're OK--Who are they?" Hero asked. Tamsin looks at the others and smile slyly. Tamsin pulled away, "My newest friends, they're good people." During the interval; Endymion is seen watching over Selena, who was unconscious after being sedated from a humongous meltdown! He is upset at the commander for letting his own highly functioned daughter go off something that stresses her over the noise. "Whatever he's hiding, I'm going to find out what it is...I don't care if I get killed, I will find the truth!" vowed Endymion silently. And he will. Back with Blue Moon, Dietrich has new information for Leander but wants to tell him in private. "Leander, I found the girl who sent out those portals." He said. Leander was amazed. "Who is it?" He asked. "She's highly functioned just like Tamsin and the other experimental female victims but she's not from the IEPS." Leander was surprised by this. "What's her name?" He asked. "Alice. Alice Wonderstone." Dietrich replied. 

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