This is the last part of Patchy Frost but this isn't the last time you hear of Patchy Frost! Please enjoy, thanks! --KatDon
Humanitarians originated from a drug called Humanite. Dr. Savage had been testing behavioral modification on this planet through Humanite, administered through the air condition systems. The chemical was designed to weed out aggression and anger. The ultimate result was of the population stopped going to work, talking to each other, and eventually stopped being human. However, the remaining of the population had the opposite reaction, with their aggression and primal instincts boosted beyond simple madness into murderous rage, sadism and savagery. Being transformed into a Humanitarian does not seem to be exclusively chemical in origin. Some victims of Humanitarian attacks are left alive and forced by Humanitarians to view the tortures they inflict on others. When this happens, the person's mind can be so damaged by what they were shown that the only way to cope with it is to begin to act as a Humanitarian does, eventually becoming one themselves. Humanitarians may themselves be able to detect those humans that are susceptible to become like themselves and these are the men and women they convert. Humanitarian are, at least genetically, human in more or less every way. They have utter and complete madness. Showing no care for life, they are driven by an insane, homicidal and savage aggression that manifests in the cannibalism, acts of violating plunder, and torture that they visit upon any unfortunate enough to come across them. Humanitarians are impossible to mistake for anything else. As a symptom of their insanity, they deliberately gash and cut their other people's flesh, and a Humanitarian is often covered in open or partially healed wounds. They seem no physically stronger or tougher than normal humans, merely inured to pain to the point where they care nothing for their injuries or indeed their own lives, and more willing to push their bodies to the extreme because of their madness. Although they clearly must have some retention of any original knowledge prior to their madness and Humanitarians are as without fear as they are without mercy, and they have been seen to speak and indeed communicate. The sole sound they make is an insane, wordless scream. Humanitarians seem to favor close combat, although they are fully capable of using firearms. It is likely that their reduced mental abilities makes firearms a poor choice. Instead, they rush forward, occasionally firing at victims if stymied, and overwhelm their enemies in a deadly charge with crude blades and melee weapons. If nothing else is available, they may be found clawing and biting their prey with bare hands and teeth. Although they occasionally carry conventional firearms, Humanitarians also seem to use poisoned needles, and very frequently a form of large spear. The aim of both weapons is probably to ensure that the victim is alive when taken. Utterly fearless, they will charge until they are wiped out - casualties don't seem to matter much to a Humanitarian group. Humanitarians seem to prefer to subdue their victims. Those unfortunates who are rendered helpless or fall are either raped to death, eaten alive, flayed, or commonly all three, as well as other horrific depravities. After they finally escape into death, the Humanitarians will sew their skins into their clothing, and may very well either hang up the corpses as a gruesome trophy. Humanitarians target settlements without strong defenses. After plundering, murdering and eating the inhabitants, Humanitarians will burn the settlement to the ground. Most of the time Humanitarians stick to their hunting territories; however, the Humanitarians had begun to expand from their territories. This was likely caused by the depletion of food sources as settlers learned to steer clear. One Humanitarian rips the heart out of a victim's chest, then hoists the still beating organ in the air in triumph. Another Humanitarian rips the opponent's head and spinal cord from the shoulders. A female Humanitarian inhales her victim and regurgitates a torrent of bloody chunks and bones onto the ground. A third Humanitarian rips the opponent's leg out and beats the opponent to death with it and continues doing so even after the opponent is dead and makes it look like their head explodes. A fourth Humanitarian bites their victim's jugular and rip it head off with their teeth. The Humanitarian then throws it with its mouth like a dog and then laughs afterward. Other Humanitarians did horrendous things more: The fifth Humanitarian rips the ribs out of the opponent and impale the eyes with them. The sixth Humanitarian rips an entire skeleton from the opponent. The seventh Humanitarian drop-kicking the victim's head, crushing it into pieces, where some other parts of the dismembered body looked like it was convulsing and the Humanitarian then vomit their stomach contents over the lining and blood. The seventh Humanitarian repeatedly punches the victim each with a splash of blood and guts before punching the opponent's legs and torso off. The eighth Humanitarian use a chest-mounted metal claw to grab the victim and slam him to the floor repeatedly before eating the opponent through its chest compartment and the victim was now vomiting out chunks of blood and viscera. More Humanitarians had wires cutting deeply into their victims, which traces of stomach acid were leaked out. There was blood splattered everywhere, one of the victim's head has a massive chunk blown out of it. The Humanitarians sawing off their victim's foot off. There was bones being sawed through and a piece of brain on the side of his head falls off. They placed their victims on a crucifix which will slowly break their arms, legs, and neck by slowly twisting them and they have a shotgun to shoot them in the face while others lost their limbs. More victims more torture where chains pierced in their bodies, cut through someone's skull with a circular saw and didn't even have any anesthetic while they drill on them, mutilating them in the process. The Humanitarians sadistically push the victim's face into the knives while making them fall into razor wire. The Humanitarians also had a guy is chained to a bed and torn limb from limb. They had a woman's hair has been threaded into gears and when the device starts, it begins to pull her hair to the point her scalp is peeled back. The Humanitarians had two men with chains around their necks, fighting each other. The first guy has his eyes stitched shut and the other has his lips sewn together while the Humanitarians laughed and cheered. The Humanitarian grabbed a woman begging but she gets stabbed in the throat by shards of a broken Vodka bottle, stabbed in the chest by a large kitchen knife when she was trying to grab the Humanitarians and make her escape but they already hammered the knife deeper in her chest to kill her. The Humanitarian took another screaming girl's braid as they hooked it on a device as her head trapped in between the device which her head is torn off her shoulders. The Humanitarians pushed a third girl who falls against a nail gun, which proceeds to fire nails directly into the back of her head. Her body jerks as each nail penetrates her skull and bursts out her face. After the nail gun stops firing, she whimpers, then her body slowly goes limp as she dies. The Humanitarians all laughed hysterically at this sight while smiles are plastered on their faces. The Humanitarian used a nail which they slice the girl's foot tendon, torturing her in a gory way as her corpse twitches several times as a wet stain spread across the crotch, along with her femur sticking out of her leg. Another victim of the Humanitarians gets impaled on acupuncture needles, almost burning to death and having his head crushed by a statue. The Humanitarians have six people are chained to a children's carousel redecorated with gory body parts and blood, and every time it stops, one of the Humanitarians have a spring-loaded shotgun fires a bullet, killing the person in front of it. They torture a child with a screw that comes straight down through his hand. The Humanitarians trigger a rack of needles to pump the body full of acid, dissolving his body from the inside out. The Humanitarians took off some of the little girl's skin, and infected her. The Humanitarians put a nail in a guy's stomach which slices his abdominal wall. They used wet tarp and disembowels the second on a nail sticking up from the ground. Both his intestines and a trail of blood on the tarp itself. An obese man has his viscera consumed out as the Humanitarians had blood and guts spewing from their mouths a little. The blood attracts the Humanitarians that eat him alive. They also did a bowel obstruction and caused internal bleeding. An old woman was injected with corn oil her face with corn oil which got in her bloodstream, and then it started leaking out of her face and destroying her from the inside. A Humanitarian has an ice pick impaled in another victim's eye, which resulted in a huge blood red welt on his eye covered in blood. The Humanitarians caused a father to fall face first into the blades and another guy was thrown into a frying machine, which he suffered fatal burns to his face as he was thrown in multiple times. The Humanitarian shredded a guy to pieces, starting with his leg. The Humanitarians tortured their victims who had maggot-infested bedsores squirming all over their open wounds, their skin red from the red dye soaking into their skin, then vomiting green slime and dying shortly thereafter. The Humanitarians pushed back a girl who falls back on her champagne glass pyramid and dies from excessive blood loss from all the broken pieces of glass getting embedded in her body. The Humanitarian puts the breathing tube in the esophagus and stomach inflating and exploding, they cut the poor guy open as blood and organs splatters everywhere while smiles are still plastered on the Humanitarians' faces. The Humanitarians grabbed an old man as they puncture his abdomen and spills his intestines. They took a girl and straps her to a wheelchair, teases her and brings her into a disgusting lab. The Humanitarians proceed to cut off a finger on each of the girl's hands, even punching the girl to keep her from passing out. They were also going to go for the groin and tongue next. The Humanitarians grabbed the boy who then is thrown around like a rag doll but then he's pulled into the air vent and diced up by the fan. The Humanitarians' torture chambers are covered in blood, there are remains of one of the two guys' corpses which consisted of a pair of feet and shins, and an arm. One of the guys' bodies twitch spasmodically as if it were still alive and in pain. One of the Humanitarians performed surgery torture on a girl who has implant incision open with what looks like a shoehorn, but the Humanitarian's so reckless and incompetent at putting the implant in that he splatters her blood everywhere in a way that realistically would permanently deform her torso and most likely kill her from blood-loss. Then, the Humanitarian grabbed a guy's head at one point ripping open his eyelids and exposing his brain inside his head. Another gets his arms ripped off while blood squirts from the stumps and there are bones and muscle on the ground next to the severed arms--thanks to what that Humanitarian did. In their torture rooms, there are humans with their skin peeling apart and hanging from its body in bloody strips, a woman's mouth splitting at the corners and stretching her face into a toothy rictus. And some guy who is horribly mutilated, flopping around with no arms and legs and trying to talk while they were choking on blood. The Humanitarians had a teenage boy getting wax stuck in his bladder as well as another boy accidentally having most of his large intestine sucked out of his stomach while being dangerously close to drowning. In order to save his own life, he winds up having to chew through his own intestines in order to get free from the torture but he and the other boy died as he was trying climb out, but ended up pulling off half his flesh and lower body in the process while the Humanitarians cannibalize their corpses. There were pictures of sexy and scantily clad women soaked in blood in the midst of a disgusting, gory act or being brutally attacked and sexual assaulted. There were those who cut off their victims faces and wear them on various parts of their body, and others who soak in their victims’ bloods until they absorb enough of it to give their skin a red tint. The girl hung but still alive in the toilets. Her friend try to free her however the Humanitarians surround the girls and force her to stick a pair of sewing scissors in her mouth, far enough that the blades tap against her molars. Then they cut out her tongue. There was one Humanitarian seems to idolize the body, going so far as to dig through it and apparently pleasure oneself over it while taking pictures. Later, he laughs about how shameful the body looks in death. There was a five year-old boy with trickles of blood oozing from his mouth. He was repeated stabbed to the abdomen, followed by forced tongue amputation by the Humanitarians. And buried alive. The girl had her eyes stabbed with a pair of scissors by a Humanitarian. Four people have been kidnapped by the Humanitarians. They blindfold them and lines them up on the floor. One of the victims can't see the two before she is being killed of disembowelment and the top half of her head being cut off, respectively. A Humanitarian child has another innocent child by the hair, a pair of scissors in her hand, covered in blood with an insane expression on her face. The Humanitarian children are stabbing their teacher to death while he's on his knees and screaming in agony. One victim suffocated by a malicious Humanitarian boy, another victim is forced to cut out his own tongue by a Humanitarian teenager, buried alive, cut in half, have her ribs broken and her lungs pierced with them, a boy had his eyes torn out, let his best friend drown, accidentally smash her to pieces with the pool drain, get stabbed with scissors, mauled to death, and best of all trapped in a time warp that forces them to relive the nightmare! The Humanitarian stabs a boy and kicks him into a pit just for fun. The Humanitarian teen boy catches a female teenage, ties her hands to a table, and begins to cut at her throat. He does this as he starts to climb on top of her and he unbuttons his shirt. When the girl is forced into a skit by the Humanitarians, she is then stabbed in her hands by one of the Humanitarians that had a pair of scissors and suddenly lifted off the air and her whole body is bent at an impossible angle, and her spine letting out a very audible crack. The blades of scissors are now stabbing her friend, while she is losing her head in a brutal fashion. The boy's face is actually a gaping bloody hole as if his face was cleanly cut off, his flesh is entirely decomposed. And there's still blood in his hair from the blow that killed him. His girlfriend was fatally struck in the head by a hulking creature of a Humanitarian; she bleeds so profusely from between her legs that her organs fall out after. The father is found crucified and impaled through the mouth in a large altar-like room, his left eye bloodshot and with a white carving on his iris. His daughter rushes out of the room and eventually the daughter sneaks in the kitchen only to see a Humanitarian sharpening a knife frantically without saying a word. All the daughter can do is run out of the house in fear. But sadly as the daughter closed the door, the Humanitarian breaks through the door and pierces the poor girl in the stomach, her mouth and her head gets deformed while the other Humanitarian gleefully kills her by stabbing her in the neck. There was a boy who blocked a scissor attack from the female Humanitarian, which pierces his hand. He attempts to fight off the Humanitarian, but she slowly overpowers him and slowly stabs him with the scissor. Then, the boy was beheaded by a random board that fell by the Humanitarians who laughed at his death.
In the intervening time; a woman name Maud Russell was a kind woman from the city. She has a daughter named Mayrene. Mayrene was so beautiful that people compared her to a beautiful angel. So it is no surprise that as she grew older, many young men fell in love with her. And then one of the wealthy men saw her, and her life changed forever. The moment he saw Mayrene, Lippo knew he must win her love. To do this, Lippo offered Mayrene an extraordinary gift, that of prophecy, the ability to know the future, if in return she would love him. Hearing Lippo's offer, Mayrene imagined the glory of such a power, and so she agreed to his bargain. Alas, once Lippo had given her the power to see the future, she broke her word to him. She did not stop to think that people who defied others were punished. She ignored the truth she ought to have known -- that breaking a promise to a man like him would bring only heartache. And that is what happened. Though Lippo did not take away Mayrene's ability to see the future, once she turned her back on him and refused to love him, he added to her prophetic powers a terrible curse. "Mayrene, you will always know the future," he said, "but you shall be doomed to despair. No one will ever believe your powers are true." After that, Mayrene always saw clearly what would happen in the future; she knew the city would be destroyed and that she would be separate from her mother. For years she tried to warn her people, but no one ever believed her predictions. Hearing her prophecies, people laughed and called the poor girl mad. Even her mother did not listen to their daughter; believing her words to be ravings, they tried to keep her in her room where she would not disturb others. Mayrene spends most of her time trying to explore the forest that surrounds her home, but is unable to due to the wall of thorns. The Humanitarians almost mistaken her for one of their own, but Patchy saves her by placing her into a sleeping trance and Patchy leaves Mayrene in the middle of the forest where they have their first real encounter and Mayrene has come to believe that the Sisterhood is are 'Guardians' as she recalls being watch over by the woman all her life. Over the next several months, Patchy and the sisterhood allows Mayrene to spend more time in the forest and introduces her to the other nymphs and creatures. They all grow an immediate liking for Mayrene and enjoy her presence in the forest. While Patchy and Mayrene begin to develop a sister-like relationship. Patchy and her sisters also begin to lose their malevolence and become benevolent once again after enjoying herself when Mayrene plays with the girls from the sisterhood. Realizing that she has grown to love Mayrene, Patchy and the girls attempt to remove the curse, but fails, because there is no power on Earth that can lift it. Later, Mayrene questions why Patchy is kind to them and asked if someone hurt them. Reluctantly, Patchy explains how they had ‘someone dear’ they once cared for and seeing that the women are distraught, Mayrene attempts to comfort them, but the girls are inconsolable and walks away. Mayrene continued to warn her people that their land was doomed, that trouble was coming. Mayrene predicted all that followed, but the city was flourishing, so no one worried about the future, and no one believed Mayrene. The battles were endless, and as the war dragged on against the Humanitarians, Mayrene tried to warn her people but the people were not convinced. At the taking of the city, Mayrene fled to the church to escape and embraced the statue of Santa Maria as a suppliant. One of the Humanitarians found her there and dragged her from the church. The Humanitarian man violated her in the sanctuary. When it was over, Mayrene was given to another Humanitarian. Mayrene was scarcely in his hands before he forced her into venereal relations and the Humanitarian was murdered by a female Humanitarian shortly after his arrival. Mayrene was tortured and imprisoned by the female Humanitarian. Mayrene's face was smashed, punched her in the face with the Humanitarian guy's fist, he was trying to beat me everywhere, Mayrene was covering myself with her hands and was huddled in the corner, curled up in a ball with her hands around her knees. The Humanitarian guy was angry that she was trying to protect herself. He went out and came back with a knife. Mayrene has scars on her neck, arms and legs where the Humanitarian guy sliced her with a knife. She saw something disturbing before: The Humanitarian has a funnel full of eels as a middle finger, and sticks it in the mistreated girl's bleeding wound, then the Humanitarian girl shakes the funnel till all the eels are inside and her partner precedes to quiff the eels out and the victimized girl then catches the eels and eats them. The Humanitarians suddenly arrive on the scene, carving large swaths of obscene violence across the landscape of humanity. Any living creature that comes in contact with fluids produced by the Humanitarians is almost instantly transformed into a twisted reflection of their former selves. Humanity will be ejected and primal evil is unleashed, manifesting itself in a scarification across the face of the infected. Mayrene is one of the remaining survivors of the Humanitarians' prisoners, taking it upon herself to protect those in her charge from the personification of Evil. Depravity abounds throughout the Humanitarians who commit crimes that are like a breathtaking marathon of horrific sadism. The unbelievably abhorrent behavior from the Humanitarians, but less predictable is the unpalatable conduct from the human population. Is the arrival of the Humanitarians endemic of humanity facing against inhumanity as a result of our world’s transgressions against one another. It’s not just Humanitarians who plunder, kill and torture. As a matter of fact, more casualties result from human on human violence in Mayrene's life. The family’s patriarch is a Humanitarian man who is not only an anchor of his community, but he also finds time to invoke God’s will as justification for repeatedly plundering his girls. His blushing but kind nurse takes care of the household and spends a good amount of time imitating an ostrich; burying her head in the sand rather than confronting the insurmountable evidence that these girls are the victims of abuse. The nurse finally steps up to the plate and locks herself into a makeshift jail cell with the Humanitarian. She intentionally infects herself with tainted blood of the Humanitarians while telling the badly beaten and plundered Mayrene that she must survive. Seconds later the nurse has fashioned a very large knife into an artificial phallus, professing her lustful feelings for her ex love whilst driving his open mouth over the length of blade, killing him instantly in the process. The nurse has since assembled a group of like-minded deviants to track down her remaining family members. It seems that she’s intent on recapturing the glorious days of yore. The nurse has many similar character flaws that her ex lover had been manifesting for years. Babies are born, parents die, and some are resurrected as Humanitarians. While it seems impossible to imagine. It must be clarified that the book is not just hyper-sexualized violence. The world is slowly losing one’s humanity as your moral compass is forced to adjust to environment. The hunters and the hunted employ thoughtful tactics and maneuvering techniques. While the Humanitarians' violence, gore and sadism is completely over the top and amplified to levels of absurdity, the quiet strength of others. A fast-food restaurant which features blood, beatings, and a man forcing another man’s head towards the deep-fat fryer. The Humanitarians are made more realistic by acting more like savages throughout. There are a little bit more room to breathe among the dismemberments and violations, but everybody has evil thoughts, terrible impulses, little fantasies that they know that they’ll never act on. Human nature being what it is, most of us have probably had a moment where some lizard-brain part of us considers whether or not some specimens of our fellow humans deserve to continue breathing. This is what happened one horrible morning where people stop holding back, where something affects a portion of the populace, removing that little voice that refuses. The Humanitarians have swept through the cities like a plague, and the few remaining unaffected humans have been forced into a nomadic existence, a world where no help will ever come, where no place is safe, where no one is sure that they’ll actually survive. One day; a horse, starved and tortured, running at full tilt away from an unseen horror, dragging behind it a severed leg, the strong implication being that someone has been drawn and quartered in the medieval fashion. The gang hides in the bushes as it passes, and not long after are greeted with the unwelcome sight of a dozen Humanitarians intent on mayhem. One of their own starts to make a noise, and the band turns with gleeful, horrible smiles and attacks him. The creature is quickly attacked with a machete and left to bleed, inches from the hidden band of normal survivors. The Humanitarians places an upside down cross mark on the boy’s forehead while turning his tears is turned into blood. The Humanitarians uses them to prop open his eyes by sticking them under his eyelids and causes his tears to become bloody. An aggressive parasite gives a girl a split shot effect by burrowing deep into the back of her skull. It also dyes her tears a sickly orangish brown. The Humanitarians grabbed a giant pair of scissors and slices off innocent people's heads and has nails in their eyes.
Patchy has been through hell herself and promises to get Mayrene back for Maud. She remember this memory so well: While on vacation of a tropical get away; Patchy and Reina as well as three other people were hurdled into the shipping container by the Hellions. It is believed that just one of the Hellions wielded the chainsaw, as they are often seen likely standing there to prevent anyone from escaping. The three unnamed victims were all slain by the chainsaw, leaving Reina for last begging them not to do this in front of her sister! “Close your eyes, Patchy.” Reina sobbed. “I want my sister.” Patchy cried. She screamed and cried as they revved the chainsaw, “No! Not in front of my little sister!....Oh, god. Please don't cry. It's gonna be okay…Don't you dare! Not in front of my sister, please!....No!.....Close your eyes, Patchy. Don't look. Patchy. Close your eyes.” This caused Reina turning then to give a final smile to Patchy. She said to close her eyes, not to look and that she loved her before the Hellion finally cut into her, “I want my sister! I want my big sister!” cried Patchy. “I love you, Patchy.” Whispered Reina. The Hellions were killing Reina in front of Patchy with no remorse. Then, the Humanitarians fled the area while Patchy sat there, for two entire days sitting in blood that would forever change her. But she wasn’t the only one: Clover is one of the most well known who possesses abilities. Clover was born in a family of six daughters and seven sons born to an abusive father and a kind mother. She was fearsome towards her father because of her temper. Clover’s oldest brother gave her a great canoe, upon which she and her brothers traveled far from home, over the wide expanse of the seas while sailing on this great canoe eventually to find the city to take her away from the Humanitarians. All the while, Clover battles alongside her sister. During this perilous journey she carried her favorite little sister. When Clover got to the city, she first used her powers striking deep into the earth but she was attacked by her older sister, who became a Humanitarian, and left for dead. Clover recovered and fled, where she was nearly torn apart by her Humanitarian sister, where Clover killed her sister. Clover attempted suicide. Her death is prevented by her roommate, who forced her to vomit the sleeping pills she had been attempting to overdose with by pouring hydrogen peroxide down her throat. She is not immediately sent to seek psychiatric help. Instead, she shares with her therapist the events that transpired; legally obligated to lead her to check herself in for a 72-hour suicide watch and psychiatric evaluation, her therapist refuses to refill her prescription for her medication and warns her he will call an ambulance to take her to the hospital if she reports to his office for her appointment. Clover finds herself with no choice but to report for the 72-hour hold. Due to an overcrowded psychiatric ward, Clover is detained for a number of days in the waiting room, during which she is left only with her hospital gown and striped stockings. She is allowed little more than sleeping, eating poor hospital food, and going to the bathroom with an attendant. She talks a nurse into allowing her one of her books and a crayon, in which she dictates her life in the margins of the pages. She is eventually transferred to a hospital ward reserved for the long-time patients as there is no room for her in the short-term wards. There she is allowed a spiral bound notebook and a pen she must check in and out of the nurse's station every morning and night. The doctors suspect she has an eating disorder and detain her for much longer than her expected 3 days. Donna was the daughter of a village landlady on the riverbank. The family was wealthy enough to entertain and provide lodging for traveling visitors, who often passed by on their way to a shrine famous for practices. One day, a handsome visitor fell in love with the beautiful Donna, but after a time he overcame his passions and refrained from further meetings. Donna became furious at the sudden change of heart and pursued him in rage. Donna met at the edge of the river, where the man asked a boatman to help him to cross the river, but told him not to let her cross with his boat. When Donna saw that her lover was escaping her, she jumped into the river and started to swim after him. While swimming in the torrent of the river, she used a large serpent because of her rage. When the man saw her coming after him in her monstrous new form, he ran into the temple. He asked the priests of the temple for help but they are affected of being Humanitarians as they killed him under the bell of temple. However, the Humanitarian peeked from inside the bell and started to coil around Donna. The Humanitarians banged the bell loudly several times with and tries to burn her alive with fire that melted the bell. The fire was so great and large that she not only melted the bell and Donna is believed to have killed her lover. Chica was of divine descent and had the gift of prophecy. She met her boyfriend and used her powers and advice to help him. But her boyfriend betrays her as he becomes a Humanitarian and cut Chica's brother to pieces and threw him into the sea to delay the pursuit. The Humanitarian boyfriend deserted Chica as he cheated on her and gaslights her while driving her to the point of suicide. In revenge, Chica murdered her boyfriend’s brothers and sister who became Humanitarians while attempting to poison the other brother, as an attempt to save him from being a Humanitarian. Swan and her sister lived with her mother. After her twin sister was murdered by the Humanitarians, she attacked her mother and attempted to gouged out her eye but failed. Swan's mother survived the encounter. Timber is from the Oriental area of the city, but due to her young age when arriving at the city has no memory of where exactly from. She is often a target for ridicule by most of the student body, the exception being her friend who cared for her, who loves her for the exact reasons the other girls shun her. They become best friends. One cold night, while playing in the attic, Timber finds a miniature portrait of herself and surmises that she is about to leave but she promises that will write her friend upon first opportunity, she leaves with the coachman to face her glorious future. Months after a letter from her friend makes it to Timber, urging her friend to run away from the school immediately because of an outbreak of the Hellions. A few years later, Timber is arrested for vagrancy and dumped on the doorsteps the prison. Upon being reunited with her friend, Timber’s best friend helps her escape. Jolie was eighteen years old at the beginning of her career. She is a bright but troubled girl with a surprising breadth of life experience. At this age, Jolie has already abandoned school, had an affair with her high school boyfriend that had broke up with her and was seeing someone else. Then, Jolie attempted suicide by swallowing fifty aspirin with alcohol when she learned that her ex boyfriend had killed his current girlfriend and learns he became a Humanitarian. Sparrow is the most powerful girl. Her utter disregard for authority makes her a frustrating and entertaining figure in the eyes of the others. Whether engaging in complicated pranks or escaping from the hospital, Sparrow ensures that the routine of the school never goes uninterrupted for long. Sparrow is proud of herself as 'crazy' and revels in the attention her antics earn her. Sparrow is a dangerously attractive figure for the other girls, and the dark side of her personality can appear without warning. Sparrow veers from extravagantly kind to perversely cruel. But things changed when she saw her sister dressed as a suburban mother, child in tow who is now Humanitarians. Having no other choice; she killed them both. Emotionally scarred; Sparrow vowed vengeance against the Humanitarians! And Trea was a fragile depressive who serves as a constant companion to her lover. Trea aspires to an almost domestic kind of normality at the hospital. She develops a serious relationship with her lover. Her lover became a Humanitarian and poured gasoline over her face and upper body and set her aflame. Once rescued; Trea is dazed as she appears to be at peace, even cheerful. One day, Trea suddenly becomes aware of the awful extent of her injuries and is inconsolable while having a break down about her lover. The depth of her unhappiness is revealed, however, when her mother pours scalding hot caramel on Trea’s hand to test if she could still feel pain; Trea has no reaction at all. In a previous filmed footage; Patchy lies on her bed while singing sadly to herself, “Dreams to dream, In the dark of the night....When the world goes wrong, I can still make it right...I can see so far in my dreams...I'll follow my dreams, Until they come true....Come with me, You will see what I mean....There's a world inside, No one else ever sees....You will go so far in my dreams...Somewhere in my dreams....Your dreams will come true...” She turns on her side and cries. “I thought maybe I should have done it...I could have gone anywhere...I could step sideways right now...Shall I do that right now? What do you think? God will show me a sign, I'll wait 'til I see a sign…It doesn't matter what I do or what I choose I'm what's wrong. There's nothing I can do about it. If I'm not hurting myself, I'm hurting everyone around me. There's nothing I can do about it. I'm...I'm broken.” She managed to say. Currently; there was a filmed footage of her singing two different songs combined: “Take the pill that makes you weaker. Take the pill that makes you sick. Take the pill or you'll be sorry. Take this bloody pill and make it quick. Just be careful what you say...Today could be your day...One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small, and the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all....Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall....You no longer rule your body. You no longer own those rights. You will wake up when we say so. You will sleep when we shut out the lights. Enjoy your stay...'Cause you can't run away...Get back in line, get back in line, get back in line...Get back in line, get back in line, get back in line...You'll be just fine...Go ask Alice, I think she'll know....And the white knight is talking backwards, and the red queen's off with her head...Remember what the dormouse said: Feed your head, feed your head.”
Presently; there is a club called The Emporium where an announcer gets up on the stage and speaks into the microphone, "Welcome to the Emporium, we got a great night in store for you. I can see we have some freshly new faces...As well as some new ones." He said with a wink but then he got right to it, "Well, I'm not going to yammer all night so please enjoy the service, the scenery, and of course the show. And now, kneel and admire at the feet of this lovely dancer--Admira!" The announcer steps away as a young woman in a reddish black bikini appeared before the crowd! She was a slender, buxom young woman with long black hair, her lips were deep red and soft complexion. It was Patchy Frost but under the name of Admira and she was a pole dancer. She took hold of the pole where her left leg straightened as the right bend slightly as she pivoted the pole gracefully, Admira hook the pole with a grip, arching her body backwards! Then, she seized the pole with both hands as she swing around it, she spring up the pole and spun downwards. Admira stand up straight and her hands were behind her head. The next thing she was gyrating her hips side to side but she crouched down as her hands ran down in front of her body all the way to her knees. This goddess is beautiful, but not the beauty. She was beauty of the siren that lures men to their doom. She dances to the raunchy music, not like she owned the stage, but like she owned the world. And if the patrons are her world, the world is proud to be her possession. Admira's knees were pushed apart as her legs momentarily spread and she pops back to the standing position. She did the same dance but this time, she faced the pole with her feet at a comfortable distance. Admira gyrated her hips sideways again, she crouch down once more and pushed her hips back and raised her body until she uncurls into the standing position. Admira shimmied her knees bend slightly but straightened one leg as she lift one side of her hip and returns her leg while making the other straightened. Her feet were flat on the stage floor. Her arms were kept up in a parallel to the stage. Her elevated arms stretched the muscles of her stomach tightly to give her belly a taut appearance. Admira elevated her arms into motions like waves, she shakes them to the beat and makes flirty gestures. During the dances; she made herself look sexy yet mysterious with her back to the crowd. But glanced back at them slyly and has a mischievous grin on her face. Admira winked at the audience, she danced her way to someone at the table and she rolled her hips, withdraw her chest to circle it and her hips and chest pop! Boy, did this guy's friends went crazy while the females looked at Admira with jealous glances. Smiling; Admira danced back to the stage and did more dance moves: Gyrating her hips, she waltz with a passion as she puts her soul to the technique and lifted her arms as she flex her stomach slaightly. She drop her left hip and raised her right one. Hips circling, her toned stomach ripples back and forth as she isolated yet clenched her belly muscles individually. Once she finished dancing; the crowd went wild--Cheered loudly and clapped so much that made her smiled. She tossed her hair, wave to the audience after taking a bow and sauntered away. Just then; on top of the stage, a girl begins to beat the drums. The other removes her gloves and mask. From within her costume, steps a vision. The girl wore garments that look like rags, and span from white lace to striped fabrics, fishnet and striped stockings, boots and burlesque heels. Her trademark is a red heart she always draws on her cheek as a ritual for protection, and her bright red hair. She always styles her hair in eccentric ways, she back combs her hair a lot and wears dreadlocks and she curls them. Also she paints her eyes like a doll. Admira lifts her green gloved hands, both filled with piles of sparkling dust, blows the powder over the startled patrons. The dust as it spins out in fairy-like spirals, curling through the crowd. Folks blink their eyes, suddenly bewitched, as the girl tilts backwards, falling into the arms of several young women on the ballroom floor. The girl saunters over a bridge made of the backs of kneeling women, through the parting crowd. The girl is Admira and she looks different. When the music builds to its explosive section; she leaps from the stage, landing in the middle of the room. Like a snake, Admira comes up from the ground, on top of the table. Other people are enraptured. Admira scans the table, and stands over him. She grabs the back of his hair, yanks his head back. She leans her face over his like she's going to kiss him. But she says, “Even if you’re only a boy…You can fight like a girl!” And then, Admira tore off the guy’s neck and threw it down. Admira reveals to be Patchy Frost! The crowd turns out to be Humanitarians and the girls were taking out the monsters! The stage reveals to be a gigantic clock and had a ladder around it as Patchy climb to the top of it. They used teacups, a giant red flag, swords, and muffins which were thrown into the audience, murdering all the Humanitarians! While up on the railing after climbing up; Patchy laughs, “Burn them all. Let them crawl to you and beg to be graced by your presence. Let them tremble before your striking figure. You will cast them all down. Let them feel the pain the caused you. You shall rule the world! You will be the envy of all the nations! The weather is terrible. The sky is pouring. The wind is blowing strong. The sea is crashing. The compass needle is all over the place. The sea looks red. A surging sea of flames. It looks like the entrance to hell. PERFECT!!!!” She is seen wearing either leggings and a purple tank top. She would almost always wear a black leather jacket over her clothes, either cropped, full length, buttoned or with a zipper. Patchy was always seen in black high heeled booties, open-toed pumps, or tall, black boots. Patchy was also seen to wear a lot more jewelry such as chain bracelets in either silver or gold. She had a wardrobe of streamlined pants and leather vests. She wore a silky olive blouse with a trendy two-tone leather jacket. Dark brown jeans and knee-high boots add to the earthy color palette. Patchy thought about Dr. Savage and fumed to herself, “Dear God, I would do anything to see the look on his face when he realizes he's helpless. I'd make him want me. Then reject him. Devastate him over and over and over until he wants to die... No, I won't give him that, either. He'd wither away like someone dying of thirst or starvation. Be a certain ring of hell, designed especially for him...Or maybe I'll just kill him.” She was quiet until she giggles to herself. While giggling to herself; Patchy begins to sing to herself again: “My heart is a weapon of war....My voice is my weapon of choice. An eye for an eye, a heart for a heart--A soul for a soul…We fight for our dream, we fight to the death. We fight for control! There is no such thing as justice, all the best that we can hope for is revenge. A hostile takeover, an absolute rebellion to the end, this is our battle cry. I'm giving you a head start, you're going to need it….‘Cause I fight like a girl, I'll get my revenge on the world--Or at least 49% of the people in it. And if I end up with blood on my hands, well, I know that you'll understand. ‘Cause I fight like a girl, I'll get my revenge on the world--Or at least 49% of the people in it. And if I end up with blood on my hands, well, I know that you'll understand. ‘Cause I fight like a girl, I'll get my revenge on the world--Or at least 49% of the people in it. And if I end up with blood on my hands, well, I know that you'll understand. ‘Cause I fight like a girl, I'll get my revenge on the world--Or at least 49% of the people in it. And if I end up with blood on my hands, well, I know that you'll understand. ‘Cause I fight like a girl, I'll get my revenge on the world--Or at least 49% of the people in it. And if I end up with blood on my hands, well, I know that you'll understand….” Patchy wears several layers of garments that look like rags, and span from white lace to striped fabrics, fishnet and striped stockings, boots and burlesque heels. Her bright red hair which she always styles her hair in eccentric ways, she back combs her hair a lot, she wears dreadlocks and she curls them to look like an industrial porcelain doll. She does the same thing for her makeup: she often paints her eyes like a doll, and she uses black, red and white when it comes to makeup, clothing and hair. She has a very strong brand and image, besides having a beautiful voice and unique style. Patchy's attire resembled to a Victorian-inspired ragged doll, and perfectly matches her persona. She described her favorite music style of “fantasy rock” and “cabaret”---She refers to it as “Psychotic Vaudeville Burlesque” which perfectly fits her fashion sense as well. It was perfect for her role to addressed the Humanitarians and remind them of who they are dealing with. Meanwhile; the Humanitarian stood before Mayrene, who struggled in her bounds, however she looks up and awaited as the Humanitarian was about to strike! However, there was a loud crash from above. Then, the Mayrene opened her eyes and was stunned to see Patchy Frost and the Sisterhood. They saved her and it was chaotic as Mayrene came across one that towered over her; the Humanitarian stood there motionless until it let out a roar! Mayrene jumped; she took a step back while pointing her weapon however the monster attempt to attack her while Mayrene dodged them and almost stumble. Just then, she stepped backwards a bit too far because she lost her footing and fell off the room—screaming for dear life! She attempted to use her powers to not fall down hard and die. However, the monster grabbed Mariah and was about to hurt her when Mayrene shut her eyes in fear. Just then, Mayrene heard the creature let out a cry of pain and arms of comfort surround her. Mayrene opened her eyes and saw it was just Patchy! “It’s you…” Mayrene gasped. “Easy, I got you.” Patchy said in a hushed voice. She gently glided back to the ground where everyone was relieved to see she was OK. Maud Russell rushed over and reunited with her daughter. Later; Patchy thought about her sister: Reina. Blue eyes. Quiet, perfect, good grades. She studies, well rounded. Preppy. Has to do everything right. High expectations. Honorable. Has tons of friends. Polite. Enthusiastic. Generous. Kind. Intelligent. Conservative. Popular. Natural hair, she listens. Honest. Respectful. Organized. Skinny. Speaks well. Follows the rules. Doesn’t get mad. Confident. Perfect attendance. Façade never cracks. A people pleasing girl! Reina was socially and academically successful, smart and driven, pretty and kind. But she was also an individual who aimed to please, toed the line and didn’t take risks. She repressed what she really thought and did not handle her mistakes with humor. Reina walked a treacherous line, balancing mixed messages about how far she should go and how strong she should be: she was to be enthusiastic while being quiet; smart with no opinions on things; intelligent but a follower; popular but quiet. She would be something, but not too much. In the taped footage; Patchy wearing a beige leotard under a burgundy ruffled fabric that covers her chest and backside, leaving her midriff exposed with several strings hanging from it and a burgundy feathered headpiece. The next song she sings is creepier, “Looking at me through your window. Boy, you had your eye out for a little. ‘I'll cut you up and make you dinner--You've reached the end, you are the winner’. Rolling down your tinted window. Driving next to me real slow, he said, ‘Let me take you for a joyride, I've got some candy for you inside.’ Running through the parking lot, He chased me and he wouldn't stop. Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it. Grabbed my hand, pushed me down. Took the words right out my mouth. Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it. Can anybody hear me? I'm hidden under ground. Can anybody hear me? Am I talking to myself? Saying, ‘Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it.’ He's saying, ‘Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it.’ Little bit of poison in me, I can taste your skin in my teeth. ‘I love it when I hear you breathing, I hope to God you're never leaving’. Running through the parking lot, He chased me and he wouldn't stop. Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it. Grabbed my hand, pushed me down. Took the words right out my mouth. Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it. Can anybody hear me? I'm hidden under ground. Can anybody hear me? Am I talking to myself? Saying, ‘Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it.’ He's saying, ‘Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it.’ Eenie meenie miny mo, Catch a lady by her toes. If she screams, don't let her go. Eenie meenie miny mo, your mother said to pick the very best girl and I am. Running through the parking lot, He chased me and he wouldn't stop. Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it. Grabbed my hand, pushed me down. Took the words right out my mouth. Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it. Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it. Running through the parking lot, He chased me and he wouldn't stop. Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it. Grabbed my hand, pushed me down. Took the words right out my mouth. Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it. Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it…” In the next shot; Patchy now has long, wavy, side-swept brown hair and wore a beautiful corset was taken from an original 19th century design. It is made from a heavy ivory satin. All the seams are boned with steel rods. The front fastens with a steel busk fastener and the back laces up with strong corset tape through metal eyelets. The top edge of the corset is trimmed with a very pretty deep lace. This is an extremely rigid corset, the satin is backed with a heavy cotton canvas and the waist reinforced with strong tapes. There is a wide modesty panel underneath the back eyelets, so the corset can be laced open. She wore shorts that were striped woven jacquard fabric and contrast matt black fabric waistband. The waistband has an elegantly curved U shape at the front and the skirt is ruched with black ribbons and finished with a pleat and braided tape at the hem while wearing a silver plated chain and hardware, glitter standard role playing dice. She sings different song, “One, two, Melatonin is coming for you. Three, four, baby, won't you lock the door? Five, six, I'm done with it. Seven, eight, it's getting late, so close your eyes, sleep the days. Hush, little baby, drink your spoiled milk. I'm fucking crazy, need my prescription filled. Do you like my cookies? They're made just for you. A little bit of sugar, but lots of poison, too. Ashes, ashes, time to go down. Ooh, honey do you want me now? Can't take it anymore, need to put you to bed. Sing you a lullaby where you die at the end. Nine, ten, never want to see you again. Eleven, twelve, I pull off black so well. Shit behind the curtain that I'm sick of sugar-coatin'. Next time you're alone, think fast when you grab the phone. Ashes, ashes, time to go down. Ooh, honey do you want me now? Can't take it anymore, need to put you to bed. Sing you a lullaby where you die at the end. Ashes, ashes, time to go down. Ooh, honey do you want me now? Can't take it anymore, need to put you to bed. Sing you a lullaby where you die at the end…..Lalalalala….Are you insane like me? Been in pain like me? Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me? Just to pour that motherfucker down the drain like me? Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me? Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me? Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me? Do the people whisper 'bout you on the train like me? Saying that you shouldn't waste your pretty face like me? And all the people say: You can't wake up, this is not a dream. You're part of a machine, you are not a human being. With your face all made up, living on a screen. Low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline....I think there's a flaw in my code. These voices won't leave me alone. Well my heart is gold and my hands are cold….Life will come our way, it has only just begun. The world will die alone, the frail will fall below. Time will take our place, we return it back to one. The calm before the cold, the long and lonely road....Look for the light that leads me home. Tired of feeling lost, tired of letting go. Tear the whole world down, tear the whole world down...Failure.” Patchy turns to the camera and smiles eerily while seductively. She recites, “I lost my mind but found my body. The fate of us both is in this bottle, such a little thing, but will I swallow? You know I will, but someday I just might ‘forget’. My fist, your face. My knife, your back. We kill with grace. My girls, ATTACK! And I'll never ask you to be waiting at midnight, beneath the shivering sky, so kiss me goodbye... kiss me goodbye...Revolution begins... begins with me and you.” Afterwards; Patchy looked at the girls and recited again, “Let’s go over this again…Our hearts is a weapon of war, our voices is a weapon of choice. An eye for an eye, a heart for a heart--A soul for a soul. When we fight--we fight for our dream, we fight to the death. We fight for control! Those poor people are under attack and victims to the Humanitarians, what is the body count? I've lost track. If nobody's mentioned how this will end against the Humanitarians, then I will be the first. There are more of us than there are of you, so show me your worst!” The girls cried out in agreement like men do in the war. Patchy held up a finger and said, “Let me say something, there is no such thing as justice, all the best that we can hope for is revenge. A hostile takeover, an absolute rebellion to the end, this is our battle cry. I'm giving you a head start, you're going to need it. Even if you're only a boy, you can fight like a girl! It's so easy to kill, this I learned by watching the Humanitarians. If I have to I will, it's not pretty but it's true, I am through lying still, to be beaten, fucked--And if I'm lucky, left for dead, so who's scary now? The Humanitarians will be shown no mercy, it's a bit too late--The game is on, don't run, don't hide, don't wait. If we've got no honor, then we've got no shame. If it's in self defense, then we will take no blame.” That’s when she faced her sisterhood and gave out a shout and speech. “What is it time for?” hollered Patchy. “It’s time for war!” The sisterhood replied loudly. “What is it time for?” Patchy exclaimed. “It’s time for blood!” The girls bellowed vocally. “What is it time for?” Patchy shrieked. “It’s time for TEA!” The sisterhood shouted. “Why is that?” Patchy demanded. “Somewhere it’s always time for tea!” The sisterhood shouted. “What else?” cried Patchy. “The Tea Party Massacre will end the Humanitarians!” The sisterhood shouted. “What are we?” Patchy asked loudly. “We’re homicidal!” The sisterhood replied in unison of shouts. “What are we gonna do?” Patchy screamed. “Find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Humanitarians' foreheads! The sisterhood screeched “How come?” demanded Patchy. “This is our revolution!” protested the sisterhood with pride in their yells. “How?!” yelled Patchy. “We’ve got the tools, we’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity, we’ve been trained by the very best. We must eradicate the Humanitarians as revenge is a dish that is best served now!” The sisterhood cried, “Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate!” And they head out! While eradicating Humanitarians, they were singing to a song that made them shivered: “Into the Motherland the German army march! Fields of Prokhorovka, the heat of battle burned, Suffered heavy losses, the tide of war has turned. Driving back the Germans, fighting on four fronts, Hunt them out of Russia, out of Soviet land. Reinforce the frontline, force the Axis to retreat, Send in all the reserves, securing their defeat. Soldiers of the Union broke the Citadel, "Ruins of an Army Axis rest in hell!" The end of the Third Reich draws near, It's time has come to an end! The end of an era is near, it’s time to attack! Into the Motherland the German Army march! Comrades, stand side by side, to stop the Nazi charge! Panzers on Russian soil! Thunder in the east! One million men at war, the Soviet wrath unleashed! Onward Comrades! Armies of the Soviet Union, Charge! Oh, Mother Russia, union of lands! Will of the people, strong in command! Oh, Mother Russia, union of lands! Once more victorious, the Red Army stands!” When they had defeated them all; Patchy Frost decides to exact revenge on Dr. Savage and was going to avenge on Reina!
Dr. Savage was a gifted scientist who suffered a schizophrenic break, which caused him to develop a deranged new person and left a string of mysterious missing persons cases in the wake. Such a perfectionist, Dr. Savage was in love with his work, so much so that he became obsessed with human anatomy and began to mutilate his unfortunate patients' bodies in horrific ways, usually resulting in death. Neville became so utterly obsessed with making his patients beautiful, that he actually began seeing hallucinations of perfect beautiful women. Dr. Savage looked to this imaginary figure to guide him in his quest to make his patients as beautiful as these women, but his constant failures only drove him further and further down the road of insanity. Later; Patchy, Clover and the rest stood there in front of a dingey looking building. “Are you sure about this?” Clover asked. “Yes, I started here and I’m ending it here.” Patchy answered. Patchy nodded, “OK. Let’s do this.” She said. Entering inside the building; it was dark and gloomy with a bunch of Humanitarian circling around a bright light with a scary man with two innocent people hugging each other. The scary man was Dr. Savage and he was screaming. “Ugh! DISGUSTING!!! You'll beg for death to save you! I'll have you locked back in your room for the rest of your days! I am Doctor Friggin' Savage--your savior! I will have order! I will have perfection!” Dr. Savage exclaimed. Clover felt rage inside her as she exclaimed, “I object!” Heads turned as Dr. Savage saw a crowd of women, “What does you want?!” He exclaimed. “I seek blood, gallons of course.” Patchy said. Dr. Savage is shocked, “Why’s that?” He asked with a small laugh. “The years of torture of my sister have changed me Dr. Savage but this is the first you heard from a young lady like me. Bloody splatters of a chainsaw; it’s not good for a child.” Patchy remarked. Dr. Savage looked at the young lady with pure horror. “Patricia Frost?” He gasped. “PATRICIA FROST!!!” Patchy screamed. Dr. Savage backed away as he looked up in horror. “I’m tearing the world down with my new powers, all you worked hard for—WATCH IT CRUMBLED BEFORE YOU!!!” Patchy exclaimed. The Hellions were being brutally murdered by the Sisterhood: Some were impaled; their heads cut off and sliced apart. They also were skewered through their mouths and also blended in a mixture that turned bloody! Dr. Savage is shocked, “You bitch, do you realize what you’ve done?!” He exclaimed. “Yes, I’m ending your nightmare! What’s the matter? Am I stronger than this? I’m breaking free from you! I’m avenging my sister Reina Frost!!!” Dr. Savage said to him. She slams her foot down on Dr. Savage and exclaims, “This is for me! My sister! I’m sending your ass to the graveyard, your vile soul will be burning in hell!” She used her might to cause a great massacre! Just then; something supernatural seized Dr. Savage and dragged him where he was hung upside down and cut him open as his bloody organs fell out! Patchy was shocked to say the lease as she couldn’t believe it. Dr. Savage died a brutal death! Once the gore was over, all were shocked as they burned down the building and Patchy watched the building engulfed in flames as she watched the place of torment was melting and being destroyed from existing. Patchy finally turned her back and look forward to a new future. Later; Patchy was walking to the place where Reina was killed like paying respect and then, she puts candy on there while crying a little: “It’s over Reina, rest in peace…” Patchy turns and leaves while she stops when she heard a singing voice. Patchy knows that voice, she felt herself crying harder. She wants to see her but turns and saw no one but smiles when she saw the candy she left was gone. “Thanks….Reina.” whispered Patchy. And she turned to leave.
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