Based on the comic book by Garth Ennis; The Crossed are turned into homicidal violent psychopaths, they still retain a basic human-level of intelligence: thus, they are still capable of using firearms and tools, driving motor vehicles, setting complex traps, and other actions. It is occasionally noted in the series that a Crossed retains any skills they had prior to their infection; most simply lack the patience or sanity to do anything not immediately related to their vicious impulses. One girl who hates monsters for killing the most precious person to her. Her heart is a weapon of war, her voice is her weapon of choice. She'll get her revenge against the Crossed, perhaps about 49 % of it and if she gets blood on her hands--SO BE IT! But she will stop at nothing to halt the Crossed and bring peace to the world once again!
Long ago; Juno and her cousin name Faith as well as three other people were hurdled into the shipping container by the Crossed. It is believed that just one of the Crossed wielded the chainsaw, as they are often seen likely standing there to prevent anyone from escaping. The three unnamed victims were all slain by the chainsaw, leaving Faith for last begging them not to do this in front of her cousin. She screamed and cried as they revved the chainsaw, “Close your eyes, Juno.” Faith’s voice whimpered. “I want my cousin.” Young Juno cried. Faith was screaming and crying echoing, “No! Not in front of my cousin!....Oh, god. Please don't cry. It's gonna be okay….Don't you dare! Not in front of my cousin, please!....No!....Close your eyes, Juno. Don't look. Clover. Close your eyes.” Faith turns to then give a final smile to Juno. She said to close her eyes, not to look and that she loved her before the Crossed finally cut into her, killing Faith in front of Juno with no remorse. There was so much blood and revving chainsaws. “I want my cousin! I want my cousin!” Young Juno wept. “I love you, Juno.” Faith’s last words replied. The Crossed never had a chance to deal with Juno because they fled the area while Juno sat there, for two entire days sitting in blood that would forever change her. The Crossed has a funnel full of eels as a middle finger, and sticks it in the mistreated girl's bleeding wound, then the Crossed girl shakes the funnel till all the eels are inside and her partner precedes to quiff the eels out and the victimized girl then catches the eels and eats them. Depravity abounds throughout the Crossed who commit crimes that are like a breathtaking marathon of horrific sadism. The unbelievably abhorrent behavior from the Crossed, but less predictable is the unpalatable conduct from the human population. Is the arrival of the Crossed endemic of humanity facing against inhumanity as a result of our world’s transgressions against one another. It’s not just Crossed who rape, kill and torture. As a matter of fact, more casualties result from human on human violence in other group of survivors.
The remaining of the population had the opposite reaction, with their aggression and primal instincts boosted beyond simple madness into murderous rage, sadism and savagery. Being transformed into the Crossed does not seem to be exclusively chemical in origin. Some victims of the Crossed attacks are left alive and forced by the Crossed to view the tortures they inflict on others. When this happens, the person's mind can be so damaged by what they were shown that the only way to cope with it is to begin to act as the Crossed does, eventually becoming one themselves. The Crossed may themselves be able to detect those humans that are susceptible to become like themselves and these are the men and women they convert. The Crossed are, at least genetically, human in more or less every way. They have utter and complete madness. Showing no care for life, they are driven by an insane, homicidal and savage aggression that manifests in the cannibalism, acts of violating plunder, and torture that they visit upon any unfortunate enough to come across them. The Crossed are impossible to mistake for anything else. As a symptom of their insanity, they deliberately gash and cut their other people's flesh. They seem no physically stronger or tougher than normal humans, merely inured to pain to the point where they care nothing for their injuries or indeed their own lives, and more willing to push their bodies to the extreme because of their madness. Although they clearly must have some retention of any original knowledge prior to their madness and The Crossed are as without fear as they are without mercy, and they have been seen to speak and indeed communicate. The sole sound they make is an insane, wordless scream. The Crossed seem to favor close combat, although they are fully capable of using firearms. It is likely that their reduced mental abilities makes firearms a poor choice. Instead, they rush forward, occasionally firing at victims if stymied, and overwhelm their enemies in a deadly charge with crude blades and melee weapons. If nothing else is available, they may be found clawing and biting their prey with bare hands and teeth. Although they occasionally carry conventional firearms, The Crossed also seem to use poisoned needles, and very frequently a form of large spear. The aim of both weapons is probably to ensure that the victim is alive when taken. Utterly fearless, they will charge until they are wiped out - casualties don't seem to matter much to The Crossed. The Crossed seem to prefer to subdue their victims. Those unfortunates who are rendered helpless or fall are either raped to death, eaten alive, flayed, or commonly all three, as well as other horrific depravities. After they finally escape into death, the Crossed will sew their skins into their clothing, and may very well either hang up the corpses as a gruesome trophy. The Crossed target settlements without strong defenses. After raping, murdering and eating the inhabitants, The Crossed will burn the settlement to the ground. Most of the time The Crossed stick to their hunting territories; however, the Crossed had begun to expand from their territories. This was likely caused by the depletion of food sources as settlers learned to steer clear. One Crossed rips the heart out of a victim's chest, then hoists the still beating organ in the air in triumph. Another Crossed rips the opponent's head and spinal cord from the shoulders. A female Crossed inhales her victim and regurgitates a torrent of bloody chunks and bones onto the ground. A third Crossed rips the opponent's leg out and beats the opponent to death with it and continues doing so even after the opponent is dead and makes it look like their head explodes. A fourth Crossed bites their victim's jugular and rip it head off with their teeth. The Crossed then throws it with its mouth like a dog and then laughs afterward. Others of Crossed did horrendous things more: The fifth Crossed rips the ribs out of the opponent and impale the eyes with them. The sixth Crossed rips an entire skeleton from the opponent. The seventh Crossed drop-kicking the victim's head, crushing it into pieces, where some other parts of the dismembered body looked like it was convulsing and the Humanitarian then vomit their stomach contents over the lining and blood. The seventh Humanitarian repeatedly punches the victim each with a splash of blood and guts before punching the opponent's legs and torso off. The eighth Humanitarian use a chest-mounted metal claw to grab the victim and slam him to the floor repeatedly before eating the opponent through its chest compartment and the victim was now vomiting out chunks of blood and viscera. More of the Crossed had wires cutting deeply into their victims, which traces of stomach acid were leaked out. There was blood splattered everywhere, one of the victim's head has a massive chunk blown out of it. The The Crossed sawing off their victim's foot off. There was bones being sawed through and a piece of brain on the side of his head falls off. They placed their victims on a crucifix which will slowly break their arms, legs, and neck by slowly twisting them and they have a shotgun to shoot them in the face while others lost their limbs. More victims more torture where chains pierced in their bodies, cut through someone's skull with a circular saw and didn't even have any anesthetic while they drill on them, mutilating them in the process. The Crossed sadistically push the victim's face into the knives while making them fall into razor wire. The Crossed also had a guy is chained to a bed and torn limb from limb. They had a woman's hair has been threaded into gears and when the device starts, it begins to pull her hair to the point her scalp is peeled back. The Crossed had two men with chains around their necks, fighting each other. The first guy has his eyes stitched shut and the other has his lips sewn together while the Crossed laughed and cheered. The Crossed grabbed a woman begging but she gets stabbed in the throat by shards of a broken Vodka bottle, stabbed in the chest by a large kitchen knife when she was trying to grab the Crossed and make her escape but they already hammered the knife deeper in her chest to kill her. The Crossed took another screaming girl's braid as they hooked it on a device as her head trapped in between the device which her head is torn off her shoulders. The Crossed pushed a third girl who falls against a nail gun, which proceeds to fire nails directly into the back of her head. Her body jerks as each nail penetrates her skull and bursts out her face. After the nail gun stops firing, she whimpers, then her body slowly goes limp as she dies. The Crossed all laughed hysterically at this sight while smiles are plastered on their faces. The Crossed used a nail which they slice the girl's foot tendon, torturing her in a gory way as her corpse twitches several times as a wet stain spread across the crotch, along with her femur sticking out of her leg. Another victim of the Crossed gets impaled on acupuncture needles, almost burning to death and having his head crushed by a statue. The Crossed have six people are chained to a children's carousel redecorated with gory body parts and blood, and every time it stops, one of the Crossed have a spring-loaded shotgun fires a bullet, killing the person in front of it. They torture a child with a screw that comes straight down through his hand. The Crossed trigger a rack of needles to pump the body full of acid, dissolving his body from the inside out. The Crossed took off some of the little girl's skin, and infected her. The Crossed put a nail in a guy's stomach which slices his abdominal wall. They used wet tarp and disembowels the second on a nail sticking up from the ground. Both his intestines and a trail of blood on the tarp itself. An obese man has his viscera consumed out as the Crossed had blood and guts spewing from their mouths a little. The blood attracts the Crossed that eat him alive. They also did a bowel obstruction and caused internal bleeding. An old woman was injected with corn oil her face with corn oil which got in her bloodstream, and then it started leaking out of her face and destroying her from the inside. A Crossed has an ice pick impaled in another victim's eye, which resulted in a huge blood red welt on his eye covered in blood. The Crossed caused a father to fall face first into the blades and another guy was thrown into a frying machine, which he suffered fatal burns to his face as he was thrown in multiple times. The Crossed shredded a guy to pieces, starting with his leg. The Crossed tortured their victims who had maggot-infested bedsores squirming all over their open wounds, their skin red from the red dye soaking into their skin, then vomiting green slime and dying shortly thereafter. The Crossed pushed back a girl who falls back on her champagne glass pyramid and dies from excessive blood loss from all the broken pieces of glass getting embedded in her body. The Crossed puts the breathing tube in the esophagus and stomach inflating and exploding, they cut the poor guy open as blood and organs splatters everywhere while smiles are still plastered on the Crossed's faces. The Crossed grabbed an old man as they puncture his abdomen and spills his intestines. They took a girl and straps her to a wheelchair, teases her and brings her into a disgusting lab. The Crossed proceed to cut off a finger on each of the girl's hands, even punching the girl to keep her from passing out. They were also going to go for the groin and tongue next. The Crossed grabbed the boy who then is thrown around like a rag doll but then he's pulled into the air vent and diced up by the fan. The Crossed's torture chambers are covered in blood, there are remains of one of the two guys' corpses which consisted of a pair of feet and shins, and an arm. One of the guys' bodies twitch spasmodically as if it were still alive and in pain. One of the Crossed performed surgery torture on a girl who has implant incision open with what looks like a shoehorn, but the Crossed were so reckless and incompetent at putting the implant in that he splatters her blood everywhere in a way that realistically would permanently deform her torso and most likely kill her from blood-loss. Then, the Crossed grabbed a guy's head at one point ripping open his eyelids and exposing his brain inside his head. Another gets his arms ripped off while blood squirts from the stumps and there are bones and muscle on the ground next to the severed arms--thanks to what that Crossed did. In their torture rooms, there are humans with their skin peeling apart and hanging from its body in bloody strips, a woman's mouth splitting at the corners and stretching her face into a toothy rictus. And some guy who is horribly mutilated, flopping around with no arms and legs and trying to talk while they were choking on blood. The Humanitarians had a teenage boy getting wax stuck in his bladder as well as another boy accidentally having most of his large intestine sucked out of his stomach while being dangerously close to drowning. In order to save his own life, he winds up having to chew through his own intestines in order to get free from the torture but he and the other boy died as he was trying climb out, but ended up pulling off half his flesh and lower body in the process while the Crossed cannibalize their corpses. There were pictures of sexy and scantily clad women soaked in blood in the midst of a disgusting, gory act or being brutally attacked and sexual assaulted. There were those who cut off their victims faces and wear them on various parts of their body, and others who soak in their victims’ bloods until they absorb enough of it to give their skin a red tint. The girl hung but still alive in the toilets. Her friend try to free her however the Crossed surround the girls and force her to stick a pair of sewing scissors in her mouth, far enough that the blades tap against her molars. Then they cut out her tongue. There was one Crossed seems to idolize the body, going so far as to dig through it and apparently pleasure oneself over it while taking pictures. Later, he laughs about how shameful the body looks in death. There was a five year-old boy with trickles of blood oozing from his mouth. He was repeated stabbed to the abdomen, followed by forced tongue amputation by the Crossed. And buried alive. The girl had her eyes stabbed with a pair of scissors by a Crossed. Four people have been kidnapped by the Crossed. They blindfold them and lines them up on the floor. One of the victims can't see the two before she is being killed of disembowelment and the top half of her head being cut off, respectively. A Crossed child has another innocent child by the hair, a pair of scissors in her hand, covered in blood with an insane expression on her face. The Crossed children are stabbing their teacher to death while he's on his knees and screaming in agony. One victim suffocated by a malicious Crossed boy, another victim is forced to cut out his own tongue by a Crossed teenager, buried alive, cut in half, have her ribs broken and her lungs pierced with them, a boy had his eyes torn out, let his best friend drown, accidentally smash her to pieces with the pool drain, get stabbed with scissors, mauled to death, and best of all trapped in a time warp that forces them to relive the nightmare! The Crossed stabs a boy and kicks him into a pit just for fun. The Crossed teen boy catches a female teenage, ties her hands to a table, and begins to cut at her throat. He does this as he starts to climb on top of her and he unbuttons his shirt. When the girl is forced into a skit by the Crossed, she is then stabbed in her hands by one of the Crossed that had a pair of scissors and suddenly lifted off the air and her whole body is bent at an impossible angle, and her spine letting out a very audible crack. The blades of scissors are now stabbing her friend, while she is losing her head in a brutal fashion. The boy's face is actually a gaping bloody hole as if his face was cleanly cut off, his flesh is entirely decomposed. And there's still blood in his hair from the blow that killed him. His girlfriend was fatally struck in the head by a hulking creature of the Crossed; she bleeds so profusely from between her legs that her organs fall out after. The father is found crucified and impaled through the mouth in a large altar-like room, his left eye bloodshot and with a white carving on his iris. His daughter rushes out of the room and eventually the daughter sneaks in the kitchen only to see a Crossed sharpening a knife frantically without saying a word. All the daughter can do is run out of the house in fear. But sadly as the daughter closed the door, the Crossed breaks through the door and pierces the poor girl in the stomach, her mouth and her head gets deformed while the other Crossed gleefully kills her by stabbing her in the neck. But then, there was a legend that talked about The Girl Who Hated the Crossed:There was a little girl, who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good--very, very good. But when she was bad, she was homicidal! One day that little girl may find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Crossed's foreheads for she and her friends--this is very good and the game is over – this was their revolution! They’ve got the tools, they’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity. Somewhere it’s always time for tea, they’ve been trained by the very best. The sisterhood must eradicate the Crossed as revenge is a dish that is best served now! She believes she's fucking gorgeous as she and her sisterhood are equipped with weapons: hatchet, scalpel, rusty steel syringe, amputation saw and electroshock machine. Her battle words are, “It’s time for war! It’s time for blood! It’s time for TEA! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate!”
“Listen up! Welcome to the Sisterhood. My name is Admiral Juno Valentine, the founder and leader of the sisterhood. I am not your mother, not your caretaker but I am your teacher, your friend, your sister. You will formally address me as ‘Mistress’, clear on that?” The girls answered in unison like soldiers, “Yes Mistress!” Juno nodded, “Good, OK, Come see the girls of the Sisterhood! Some are born mad, some achieve madness. Some have madness thrust upon them. This is the real thing my friends, guaranteed 100 percent, authentic, mentally-ill! Accept no imitations! Why? We’re homicidal! One day we’ll find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Crossed's foreheads for she and her friends--this is very good and the game is over – this was their revolution! We’ve got the tools, we’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity, we’ve been trained by the very best. We must eradicate the Crossed as revenge is a dish that is best served now! And I believe I’m fucking gorgeous!” She screeched and the girls cheered. Juno took a breath and looked while ranting, “The Sisterhood are criticize and judged for who we are…mentally over-stimulating, too much serious conversating, organized religion-hating, sinful un-wed copulating, marriage without pro-creating, male-mind manipulating, chronically hallucinating, certainly there's no debating, some we just find fascinating, women's rights facilitating, independent thought creating! But it’s not like that as we are something more…Our hearts is a weapon of war, our voices is a weapon of choice. An eye for an eye, a heart for a heart--A soul for a soul. When we fight--we fight for our dream, we fight to the death. We fight for control! Those poor people are under attack and victims to the Crossed, what is the body count? I've lost track. If nobody's mentioned how this will end against the Crossed, then I will be the first. There are more of us than there are of you, so show me your worst!” The girls cried out in agreement like men do in the war. Juno held up a finger and said, “Let me say something, there is no such thing as justice, all the best that we can hope for is revenge. A hostile takeover, an absolute rebellion to the end, this is our battle cry. I'm giving you a head start, you're going to need it. Even if you're only a boy, you can fight like a girl! It's so easy to kill, this I learned by watching the Crossed. If I have to I will, it's not pretty but it's true, I am through lying still, to be beaten, screwed--And if I'm lucky, left for dead, so who's scary now? The Crossed will be shown no mercy, it's a bit too late--The game is on, don't run, don't hide, don't wait. If we've got no honor, then we've got no shame. If it's in self defense, then we will take no blame.” That’s when she faced her sisterhood and gave out a shout and speech. “What is it time for?” hollered Juno. “It’s time for war!” The sisterhood replied loudly. “What is it time for?” Juno exclaimed. “It’s time for blood!” The girls bellowed vocally. “What is it time for?” Juno shrieked. “It’s time for TEA!” The sisterhood shouted. “Why is that?” Juno demanded. “Somewhere it’s always time for tea!” The sisterhood shouted. “What are we?” Juno asked loudly. “We’re homicidal!” The sisterhood replied in unison of shouts. “What are we gonna do?” Juno screamed. “Find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of the Crossed's foreheads! The sisterhood screeched “How come?” demanded Juno. “This is our revolution!” protested the sisterhood with pride in their yells. “How?!” yelled Juno. “We’ve got the tools, we’ve got the time to punish a most worthy crime against humanity, we’ve been trained by the very best. We must eradicate the Humanitarians as revenge is a dish that is best served now!” The sisterhood cried, “Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate the enemy! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate!” Soon, Juno and the girls got a call to about the Crossed are attacking the mall so the girls headed over there! Juno pushed shells into the shotgun's chamber and worked the pump. Crouching there behind the counter, she raised the gun and aimed at a Crossed glaring, and fired. His lower jaw disappeared in a flash and he hit the floor. She took two steps in that direction when a female Crossed pushing a mercifully empty baby carriage rushed clumsily at her. Patchy worked the pump and fired again. Her aim was uncanny and its head exploded in a gray haze spraying her with flesh confetti. She kicked at the still rolling baby carriage and pumped the gun. The Crossed were closing on her with alarming speed. Her chances of reaching the hall were now very slim. Desperately she looked around trying to find the most likely spot to break through. Just a few feet to her right a group of teenage Crossed. They were in low-slung sweatpants and basketball jerseys began to chuckle in breathless voices. Suddenly her desperation turned to fury. She fired wildly into the teenagers, killing them all. One more Crossed appeared behind her but Juno held the empty shotgun like a bludgeon awaiting his inevitable attack. Proud of herself; she cleaned her weapon and swung the gun. But went further into the room and found something disturbing: There was a Juno guy pulled a chrome .38 pistol out from behind his back and put it to his temple. The frown on his face curled up into a smile and suddenly he winked at me as his head explode outward and splatter against the wall. He raised his head up to look at me with blood filled eyes. The flesh was starting to peel away off of his face and he opened his mouth to expose a mass of maggots that had begun feeding on his tongue. The Crossed man say in a gurgling failing voice. “You’re just like me and you’ll end up just like me.” But he is kicked as his body fell apart as it was devoured by the maggots it seemed to be hosting. “Nothing but food for the flies! Hahahahahahah!” When Juno turned away, she saw something more sickening: The Crossed girl begun peeling off her clothes frantically. She stripped down to her underwear in silence. The girl begun to claw at her skin leaving long bleeding scratch marks over her chest and stomach. The girl was tearing chunks of her own flesh off now and discarding them on the ground with her clothes. And finally peeled away the skin from her torso exposing the bleeding muscle beneath. Fat and sinew fell off of her shredded body as she removed more and more of her skin. Her slimy blood drenched hand reach out and grab on while her shredded flesh pressed to my body. The skin began to slough off her face leaving bulging eyeballs in an exposed bloodstained skull. Her lip-less mouth opened and she leaned into with a protruding tongue. “Food for the flies…You’re going to rot with the maggots, sweetie.” She taunted but Juno used a machete and killed the Crossed girl in pieces with Juno panting, then she exclaimed at the top of her lungs: “You can take everything dear to me. Hell, you can have the entire human race, ya freaks! But this world is Mine! Ya hear me? MINE!!! IT'S THE MOST PRECIOUS THING IN THE WORLD, YOU GONNA BE SHITTIN' BRICKS WHEN I'M THROUGH WITH YOU COCKSUCKING FUCKERS!!!!!”
People are hung by the tongue over bubbling pools of gore. Others are stabbed in the eyes with red hot irons. Clouds of worms trail over the landscape devouring everything in their path. But the worst is reserved for minorities. The Crossed throwing women off a cliff and ladies having their eyes burnt out by the souls of their children. It was a gigantic, smoky chamber filled with a suffocating indescribable stench in eternal darkness. The Crossed tiptoe from pit to pit, unleashing special tortures tailor-made for each new soul, while they burn innocent people with fire. There was a road sloping gently downhill towards an everlasting pit. Suddenly, people he knows start sprinting past him and over the edge. Into the pit, Crossed children are writhing like mad dogs, tearing flesh off other children's faces and throwing it high into the air. And that’s just for starters. People are lying motionless, the Crossed chewing on their eyeballs, hearts, hands, and legs. In one an all-consuming fire rages, while in the other violent hail and snow beat down endlessly. In each valley, thousands of people are under choking darkness, globes of black flame hang in the air, rising out of the burning pit then falling back in. Each globe contains a single human, trapped in burning agony without even their loved ones for company. And people are attacked by the Crossed and running away to safety. There were dirty, run-down cities, collapsing buildings and swamps where the Crossed engage in all sorts of depraved activities. They slither between the buildings, consuming people who wander into their clutches. There are big, decaying cities rife with violence. The Crossed shared houses and would spend all day beating each other, fighting, getting drunk, and robbing one another in the streets. In more extreme versions of these places, every single building would be a brothel where patrons were forced to copulate in excrement, while the city burned around them. Other types of cities included dark forests crawling with the Crossed, dank caves, and endless deserts. Those in the river of fire also have their entrails pierced by iron hooks, stones smashed in their faces, and their lips cut off with red-hot razors. Some of them are also eaten from the inside out by the Crossed, just in case all this ultra-violence wasn’t bad enough already. Other victims have their hands and feet cut off and are feasted on by the Crossed. But once again, the worst punishments are distinctly politically ambiguous. People are dropped in a pit full of pitch to suffer for all eternity, while women are chained up in red-hot irons and carted off by other Crossed. People are cooked down to soup in gigantic frying pans, the Crossed with red-hot pitchforks push people off mountains, and surgery-minded Humanitarians chop people up into little bits, then magically put them back together to be chopped up again. The Crossed claw off their own faces and make their victim lead a wild cow across a narrow bridge studded with nails while these monsters try to devour him. One superhuman Crossed is a gigantic beast capable of swallowing 9,000 men at a time. Once inside, people who’ve been eaten are then eaten again, this time by thousands of frightened dogs, snakes, rats, and other toothy things, all while being burned and suffocated in the stomach. The victims lose the power to feel love, happiness, or anything other than cruelty and misery. In her most haunting passage, a victim that cries out how it would give anything to be able to love again, to witness even one small act of kindness in the whole of the torment she suffered. Unfortunately, such a thing is completely impossible. Not only do the Crossed have to put up with physical misery, they’ve cursed people with mental misery too. People’s genitals being burned with fire, naked women being flogged, and adulterers tied naked together. One man is tied to a stake naked, completely unharmed except for an animal eternally ripping at his genitals. A classroom of middle school kids mutilated into shredded corpses covered in glass, concrete, and their own dismembered bones and blood. There was a girl who was vivisected repeatedly, without anesthesia and had large chunks drilled or gouged out of her body. A woman having her arm ripped off as she screams in agony. A man having his face stomped flat. And a man has his right eye gouged from his head. A man's eyes gouged out, tongue cut out, limbs hacked off, and finally decapitation. And all of him is eaten. Two Crossed girls giggling over the man before they munch down on them. Many boys dies in a shower of acid blood, stabbed, strangled and drowning in blood. The Crossed killing their victims in the incinerator or body pool. One kid who had half her head cut off and shows the upper half of her head, eyes wide and bloodshot in utter terror as it's discarded. The Crossed killed a guy by stabbing him in the neck. Torture chambers are transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, having human forms. They were floating about in that conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames which issued from within themselves, together with great clouds of smoke. Now they fell back on every side like sparks in huge fires, without weight or equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fright. The Crossed were distinguished by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals. People are seen in a chase of a pointless game to get a black banner while the Crossed bite them and are sucking their blood. Leaden, smoky mist and the blazing backdrop against which the person endures a fearful crossing of the river. One of the victims try to get on the ground from the bloody rivers but they are pushed back in. The Crossed lurk around and take the victims into the chaotic storms, where they swirl into the madness. There are soft noise as a Crossed woman pulls away to have blood dripping from the sides of her mouth. The man is shown to have two punctured marks on his neck. The Crossed woman turns back to the man and ripped his chest open as she devours his blood and heart. People are seen lying the mud while filth and 'droppings' rained down hard on them. Two Crossed girls are seen pushing boulders at one another in a raging matter. Into another terror, there is a swampy river, where a girl is seen being tortured by the Crossed as a person watches her suffering in delight. People are seen trying to commit suicide to escape their living hell but they are in deep and despair, they blame other people for putting them in a place like this because of giving up on hope, the Crossed are seen taking their tearful rage on nature. Girls are lashed with whips, forced to lie in a river of 'droppings', are hung upside down while their feet are burning, forced to walk backwards blindfolded, Humanitarians tear at their flesh and cause them to bleed, and walk in circles 1000 times. One of them is crucified to the ground, as the others are forced to walk on her. The girls are giving remedies after they were bitten by the Crossed in a room, the wounds of the victims continue to open and close, & they are suffering of diseases and plagues. And the victims are alive in a frozen lake. Victims' skin getting ripped off, veins popping, and of course, blood. The Crossed electrocute a girl with a cattle prod while taking a bath. A man suffered from an infection caused by the grafting of said contraption onto his face by the Crossed. A man starved to death after contracting a tapeworm infestation, thanks to the Crossed. The Crossed had amputated both the boy's legs to replace them with the stilts. Another man committed suicide afterward by shooting himself, not wanting to be caught. Another guy died after being gunned down by the Crossed. A girl died from internal injuries after her spinal cord was ruptured by one of the Crossed. There were helpless people chained to walls and various torture devices, and the Crossed messily shoot the flesh off their bones and activate the devices they're trapped in before they can proceed. They were every brute. Every sadist. Every rapist, pedophile, renderer, and torturer. Every ethnic cleanser, serial murderer, zealot, tyrant, and holy killer. Every terrorist and bomber. Every smirking criminal in office. Every shitty, cruel parent who never should have had kids. And every bad, debasing thing that men and women have to do to deal with the evil bastards that their marks left slashed across innocent souls. The Crossed just pulls a girl's head off like a doll. They tear people into pieces, and causes one scientist's intestines to explode out of her. One of the Crossed tear off a boy's limbs, down to her fingers, even after she had been neutralized as a threat. Depravity abounds throughout the Crossed who commit crimes that are like a breathtaking marathon of horrific sadism. The unbelievably abhorrent behavior from the Crossed, but less predictable is the unpalatable conduct from the human population. Is the arrival of the Crossed endemic of humanity facing against inhumanity as a result of our world’s transgressions against one another. It’s not just Crossed who rape, kill and torture. As a matter of fact, more casualties result from human on human violence in other group of survivors.
Vivian and her sister lived with her mother. After her twin sister was murdered by the Crossed, she attacked her mother and attempted to gouged out her eye but failed. Vivian's mother survived the encounter though Vivian managed to calm down by her mother's reassurance. Rose went to a prestigious school and likes playing the violin, but she is too frightened to play for her father. Upon learning about her talent with the violin; her father was enraged upon discovering Rose's talent, he keeps her in his custody to prevent her from shedding light on the goings-on in the mansion. She became a target for her father and his murderous friends. She spends her days cleaning, cooking and taking care of the family. Rose and her mother endures her father's abuse for a number of years before Rose is abused so badly that her mother nurses her back to health and tells her the truth about how their father is now a Crossed! Eventually Rose has her fill of her father's violent escapades and masterminds an escape from the mansion which comes to an end at the middle of the bridge across to the city. Having no other way out, and unwilling to face her fate if seized by her father and his friends who are now the Crossed, Rose and her mother jump into the icy waters of the ocean. Her mother almost drowned but Rose saved her. Juliet is from the Oriental area of the city, but due to her young age when arriving at the city has no memory of where exactly from. She is often a target for ridicule by most of the student body, the exception being her friend who cared for her, who loves her for the exact reasons the other girls shun her. They become best friends. One cold night, while playing in the attic, Juliet finds a miniature portrait of herself and surmises that she is about to leave but she promises that will write her friend upon first opportunity, she leaves with the coachman to face her glorious future. Months after a letter from her friend makes it to Juliet, urging her friend to run away from the school immediately because of an outbreak of the Crossed. A few years later, Juliet is arrested for vagrancy and dumped on the doorsteps the prison. Upon being reunited with her friend, Juliet’s best friend helps her escape and was killed by the Crossed. Misera was eighteen years old at the beginning of her career. She is a bright but troubled girl with a surprising breadth of life experience. At this age, Misera has already abandoned school, had an affair with her high school boyfriend that had broke up with her and was seeing someone else. Then, Misera attempted suicide by swallowing fifty aspirin with alcohol when she learned that her ex boyfriend had killed his current girlfriend and learns he became a Crossed. Lucy is the most powerful girl. Her utter disregard for authority makes her a frustrating and entertaining figure in the eyes of the others. Whether engaging in complicated pranks or escaping from the hospital, Lucy ensures that the routine of the school never goes uninterrupted for long. Lucy is proud of herself as 'crazy' and revels in the attention her antics earn her. Suniva is a dangerously attractive figure for the other girls, and the dark side of her personality can appear without warning. Lucy veers from extravagantly kind to perversely cruel. But things changed when she saw her sister dressed as a suburban mother, child in tow who are now the Crossed. Having no other choice; she killed them both. Emotionally scarred; Lucy vowed vengeance against the Crossed! Willow was a fragile depressive who serves as a constant companion to her lover. Willow aspires to an almost domestic kind of normality at the hospital. She develops a serious relationship with her lover. Her lover became a Crossed and poured gasoline over her face and upper body and set her aflame. Once rescued; Willow is dazed as she appears to be at peace, even cheerful. One day, Willow suddenly becomes aware of the awful extent of her injuries and is inconsolable while having a break down about her lover. The depth of her unhappiness is revealed, however, when her mother pours scalding hot caramel on Willow’s hand to test if she could still feel pain; Willow has no reaction at all.
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