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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Briana's Wonderland World--Part 1

There once was a girl name Briana, she is teleported from her world to other worlds--Just as she followed the advice of Ariel from the Little Mermaid and truly did become part of their worlds! LOL! This is a new crossover story I've always wanted to work on, it's like going back to my childhood and coming up with these stories like I did as a kid. Crazy yes? Well, hope you guys like it. Please do. --KatDon 

Tired of the same thing over and over again; Briana Moran tells her black cat name Max how she would create a world of her own. Her free minded fantasy consisted of a world filled with contradictions and no reason. Everyday animals dressed up like humans living in small houses, a lonely girl like Briana would love to hold conversation with something as beautiful as flowers. Just like in wonderland! Briana believes this fantasy world to be peaceful and magical. However little does she know that in actuality the demented wonderland that she visits is just a subconscious location that teaches her that logic and reason in the real world are a good thing. In the meantime at a hotel; Briana looked over at the skyline and saw a beautiful sunrise. "Wow. It looks like it's going to be a great day." murmured Briana. She saw people walking by the beach but she saw something strange along the shore. She saw something shimmering and goes to investigate. However, she was talking nonsensical things when she came across a world of her own! At that moment; Briar saw zombies were attacking a young boy with black hair so she goes and rescues him, the boy is thankful and introduces himself as Mokuba, who turns out to be Seto Kaiba's nice younger brother. Briana got Mokuba to safety with her magic powers as they encountered the Clown Prince of Crime--The Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Metallo, Ra's Al Ghul and his daughter Talia as Mokuba went back to Kaiba Corporation as he told his older brother Seto what happened. Seto shows an interest in Briana for some reason. Just then, Briana felt something dark controlling her as she went to torment Takato, Henry, Rika and their Digimon mentally! Finally; Briana snaps out of it and feels guilty however she apologizes as the trio and their Digmon forgive her until they ran into Him! The most evil entity who wanted to twist Briana into a sick, twisted character so she took her magic powers upon Him and wrecked him in the most brutal ways with her mind and Him was screaming out of defeat before fading away. Suspicious of the duelers being defeated for their wicked deeds. Briana was getting dubious by the minute; she believes that the snide, bravado, and elusive rich boy Seto Kaiba is behind all this. She wasn't sure what was going on but she was going to find out. However, she encountered Seth's younger brother name Mokuba. "I'm sorry, my brother is unavailable. If you want, I can set up an appointment for another time..." Mokuba explained. Mokuba was Seto's little brother and assistant to a group called Kaiba Corporation, they have been close ever since childhood. But the difference between them is Mokuba was much nicer than his jerk off big brother. "Mokuba, I am not leaving, I like to make one measly complaint with the burnt up criminals and how they are burnt alive that way. There is something going on and I like to know what it is." demanded Briana. Mokuba sighed, he ran his fingers through his hair. "Look, this isn't a good time. My brother had suffered a mental breakdown and needs his rest. I apologize." He explained. Briana has no choice but to accept defeat; she let out a sigh. "Phew." She thought. Briana exhaled, "Fine then." She said, "But when he wakes up and all better, tell him this--I am on his tail and we are observing him very closely. If he is responsible for all this, there won't be any mercy from me."  Mokuba nodded, "Sure thing. I'll tell him that when he wakes up." He said. Briana looked like she was leaving but she sneaked to the staircase. "Sorry, Seto. But I'm not leaving until I get some answers." She thought. Briana went up the stairs, that went to the rooftop. She couldn't help but feel paranoid, "Do I ever get the feeling I'm being followed?" She thought. Realizing what she was thinking; Briana brushed this off by laughing it off. "Ha, stupid." She mumbled. Briana reached the rooftop and looked over at the skyline. "There's nobody here. Weird!" She thought. Then, she heard a scritch-scratch sound behind her. Slowly; she turned around. "H--Hello?" She called. Nobody answered, but there was that sound again. And it was getting closer. Briana pulled out her weapon, ready to use it. "Come on out, I don't know who you are but I know you're out there." She warned. Suddenly, there it was--It was a monster, which resembled something inhuman. It had horned wings on its back, and bared its fangs. It snarled at the horrified Briana. "Goodness Gracious! What is that abomination? I never saw anything like it." She breathed. The creature pounced Briana, it growled and snarled more. Drool dripped from its mouth. Its eyes glowed of red. But the rabbit creature cried out in pain and fell to the floor dead. Trembling yet relieved; Briana examined the dead monster bunny. Just then, she felt a shadow upon her. She looked up to see that it was the same boy she saw at the shore. "It's you." Briana gasped. She gets up and faced him. "What are you doing here? Are you involved with Seth? Just tell me, who are you? Really?" Briana asked. The boy looked at her apathetically before pulling out a gun. "Sorry." He said, "Time to say goodbye." Briana looked at him, terrified. The boy looked at her face, "Who are you? You remind me of someone...." Briana looked shy and flustered. The boy comfort her trouble. 

Later on while walking alone; Briana turned around to see who it was, but she saw that no one was there. Briana kept walking, a little faster however the person who was stalking her was closing in on her. Briana quickly turned around to face her stalker. She was surprised to see that it was—Seto Kaiba. "Oh, it's only you." Briana said coldly. "What do you want?" "I just want to talk to you." replied Seth. "I would like to thank you for saving my brother Mokuba." This made Briana suspicious. "I wasn't doing it for you; I was saving innocent lives who were at stake." She snapped. Seto nodded, "That's what I like about you." He answered. "Selfless. Caring. And your powers continued to amazed me." Seto then reached into the back and said, "I got something that will make your eyes sparkle." He pulled out a slim box and hands it to her. Briana r took it curiously, she opened the box to see a necklace of white pearls with a sea blue charm to the necklace. "Oh, it's so pretty. You got this for me?" Briana asked, touched by his kindness. "Yes. For your heroic efforts that is." replied Seth but a smirk appeared on his face. "I feel you need to be more honored in a special way, like...Maybe joining me in a more--dueling sensation." He said. Briana's face fell, she closed the box and glared at him. "I can't believe this! First, you give me this gift. And now you tell me this about joining you in Dueling Monsters in your way? Oh no, I don't think so. I'll take your gift but I'll have to refuse your offer." She said. Seto was disappointed by this news. "Hmph. That's a shame, really." He said. "I am not fighting crime by burning criminals to a crisp. I won't. Never!" Briana declared. Then, she storms away. Seto watches her go before a smirk appeared on his face. "Oh, I'll make you change your mind. You'll be writhing in pain until I hear you sing your acceptance to my offer." He said to himself, he chuckled in a sinister matter. That night after everyone went to bed; Briana begins to have a strange dream where an angler fish, a white kind, chased after tiny fish and bite into some sort of coral that looked like a brain. And then, Briana wakes up with a start, "What? Why am I awake?" She wondered. Then, her eyes glowed a whitish blue colored pupil as her activated as it destroyed the place. "What is going on?" She thought. Watching her movements are being controlled; Seto snickers quietly of this. Her powers were losing control and was going out of line. Perfect! Briana tried to restrained herself of her movement to her arms and legs but she couldn't. It was hopeless! Briana didn't understand what was going on and it was scaring her. Seth sneered, "Got you now." He thought. Mokuba glanced at his older brother, he didn't like this one bit. Not at all. It wasn't good to him. Briana was shocked to see her limbs moving on their own and she's not doing this. "What the heck?" He exclaimed. "It--It's not me, I feel like I'm being mind controlled." Briana protested. Then, she could hear a voice in her mind sniggering. "Guess you know what I can maneuver." said the voice in her mind. Briana was shocked, anger fired up in her chest. "Seto Kaiba, what the heck are you doing in my head, you jerk?" demanded Briana. Seth leered at her, "You refused my offer. Nobody refuses Seto Kaiba and gets away with it! So now you have to pay. You see, that necklace I gave you had a virus which the virus injected into your neck and traveled up to you brain. Making more of a movement in your limbs, by my control. It's both painful in both body and mind." He explained. Briana gritted her teeth, "Son of a gun--" She remarked but her arms twisted around and she grimaces in great anguish. "Uh-uh! Watch your tongue. Say one more bad word or disrespect me, and you. will. die." threatened Seto. Fear flooded her face, "You wouldn't." growled Briana. "I would. Back talk towards me and you won't get to breathe ever again!" warned Seth viciously. "Get out of my head, Seth! Leave. Me. ALONE!!!!" begged Briana. "You can't stop me, Briana Moran. I can control every muscle, every nerve, every vessel in your body." Seto declared, laughing insanely. He then made Briar run away with her looking back as she was lured over to Kaiba Corporation, she tried to fight back from entering in there but she knew it was no use and fell to the ground as Seth laughed with insanity. Then, Briana writhed on the floor. Her body parts--Hands, fingers, toes, feet, and legs--were twisted around on their own. "Stop....Please, stop! I can't take much more of this...." She begged. "Accept my offer and I'll let you breathe!" Seth replied. "NEVER!" screeched Briar. "Fine. I'll make you suffer more and more...AND MORE!" cried Seth. Mokuba gasped, "No! Why we are punishing her? She saved my life! Brother, don't do this!" He thought. Briana begins to cry, it was too much for her to bare all this pain. "Help....Me....Please!" She thought through her tears. As she wept of her tears; a shimmering light appears before her. Briana looked up, she saw that it was an angel, she wore white. "Who are you?" Briana asked. "Hush, do not cry my daughter. I have come to save you from your pain." replied the angel. All of a sudden; Seto couldn't believe what he was seeing, "What--?" He said. Just then he was seized by hands and looked up to see who it was. "What the heck is going on? What did you two do to her?" demanded Relena. "It was big brother's idea really!" protested Mokuba truthfully. "You've gone too far! You shouldn’t do this at all!" protested Quatre. Briana rested in the arms of the girl, Melfina, as Briana admires Melfina for her beauty and goodness. 

Relena found a boy lying on the beach. The boy woke up with a start and he escapes. The second scene shows of Relena giving Heero an envelope, which he rips it up into pieces. Relena is saddened however Heero wipes her tears away but he leans beside her, vowing to kill her. Relena wonders why but one day, she confronts Heero however she is held at gunpoint. Heero cannot bring himself to pull the trigger. The next scene shows Heero fighting in war in his giant robot but he falls defeated as he thought of Relena before passing out. Heero wakes up to see Relena sitting beside him, she smiles at him before she gets up and walks away. Heero watches her go, wondering why can't he kill her. Just then, a mysterious figure was watching Briana, who noticed that she is being stalked and attacked by thugs. Briana escapes and runs but the thugs came up to her. "Release her!" A voice commanded. One of the thugs laughs at the figure, "Like we would!" He said.  The figure reveals himself, "I said, release her! In the presence of Shadow the Hedgehog, I command you to let the lady go. Now!" commanded the ultimate lifeform. The thugs show some respect for him. "Shadow the Hedgehog!" Briana looked up, "He's the ultimate lifeform?" She gasped softly. The black yet edgy looks at the thugs,  "Causing trouble aren't we boys?" He said. The thugs beg for mercy however Shadow pulls out a Chaos Emerald and shouted: "CHAOS CONTROL!!!!" In the meantime; Briana was alone and singing to herself: "Oh, thinking about all our younger years. There was only you and me, We were young and wild and free. Now nothing can take you away from me. We've been down that road before, But that's over now. You keep me coming back for more...Baby you're all that I want. When you're lying here in my arms, I'm finding it hard to believe...We're in heaven. And love is all that I need, And I found it there in your heart. It isn't too hard to see, We're in heaven." She changed the song to various others: "So lately, been wondering...Who will be there to take my place, When I'm gone, you'll need love, To light the shadows on your face. If a great wave shall fall, It'd fall upon us all. And between the sand and stone, Could you make it on your own? If I could, then I would, I'll go wherever you will go, Way up high or down low...I'll go wherever you will go.....I don't wanna say that I'm sorry, Cause I know there is nothing wrong. Don't be afraid there is no need to worry, Cause my feelings for you are still strong...Hold me in your arms, And never let me go. Hold me in your arms, Cause I need you so. I can see it in your eyes, There is something...Something you wanna tell me. I see it in your eyes, There is something, That you hide for me. Is there a reason why? There is something, Something you wanna tell me.....Baby, I'm so into you. You got that somethin'. What can I do? Baby, you spin me around, The earth is movin' but I can't feel the ground. Every time you look at me, My heart is jumpin', it's easy to see. Lovin' you means so much more, More than anything I ever felt before. You drive me crazy, I just can't sleep. I'm so excited, I'm in too deep, Oh... crazy, But it feels alright. Baby, thinkin' of you keeps me up all night....I'm sitting here alone up in my room, Thinking about the times that we've been through (oh my love). I'm looking at a picture in my hand, Trying my best to understand. I really want to know what we did wrong, With the love that felt so strong. If only you were here tonight, I know that we could make it right. I don't know how to live without your love, I was born to make you happy. 'Cause your the only one within my heart, I was born to make you happy. Always and forever you and me, That's the way our life should be. I don't know how to live without your love, I was born to make you happy. You might think that I won't make it on my own, But now I'm....Stronger than yesterday, Now it's nothing but my way. My loneliness ain't killing me no more. I, I'm stronger...They go, Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl? And they say...She's so lucky, she's a star. But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking--If there's nothing missing in my life, Then why do these tears come at night?....To me....Tell me, Why do you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're, Acting like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated. And life's like this you, You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into...Honesty, you promised me I'm never gonna find you fake it. No, no, no.....He was a skater boy, She said see you later boy. He wasn't good enough for her, She had a pretty face, But her head was up in space. She needed to come back down to earth.....No, I just don't understand why, You won't talk to me. It's hurts that I'm so unwanted for nothing, Don't talk words against me...I want to scream, It makes me feel alive...Yeah!!!!....Is it enough to love? Is it enough to breathe? Somebody rip my heart out, And leave me here to bleed. Is it enough to die? Somebody save my life, I'd rather be anything but ordinary please"

Realizing trouble was ahead; Briana ran out and found a building as The Delightful Children confronts her: "Briana, so you somehow become stronger. Not surprising....But you're path of peace will be demolished." They said, talking as one--like they were a person. They fought against Briana, but they laid down, defeated by her hands. They glared up at Briana. The Delightful Children were shocked, they looked away before chuckling insanely. They looked up; sneering at Briana, "Y'know, we would've gone away with it too...If it weren't for you meddling little girl." They said. Briana smirks back at them, "Hmph, like I never heard that before." She scoffed. She leaned over and said, "Now tell me...Your eyes, they look familiar. Are you the one responsible for all the madness?" "No, I did." A voice said. Briana looked up to see a dark silhouetted man. "Father." Briana said, giving him a glare. "Father." said the Delightful Children, as if it was one person saying it. "So, you're Father." Briana said. "Yes, I am. Why that's the first time I address myself in front of my enemies." Father remarked. "You really are a selfish jerk-off aren't you?!" Briana demanded. "Oh, am I? I think you should....LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!!!" Father cried, throwing Katherine to the ground. She gets up but saw Father and his fire as well as The Delightful Children. "I'm going to finish you just like I did with your daddy." Father exclaimed, raising his weapon as if he was ready to stab her. Briana cringed away, but she noticed she was dying and looked to see Heero Yuy, the other Gundam pilots and Kaiba were defending her. Briana was touched by this, she gets up, "You think you're zombies can go and defeat us? I will rise and I won't fall again. You may have scared me but you will not make me a coward!" She exclaims. All together; Briana and her friends defeated Father, who was injured very badly. "Father!" cried the Children, rushing over to aid him. "Well done, Briana. But don't think this is over, I will be back to destroy you." Father said, there was a smoke that covered him and his children. By the time the fog cleared; Father and the Delightful Children were already gone. "And I'll be ready." Briana claimed. Briana and the others went home, where she becomes a legendary warrior and a heroine.

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