My friends, we shall continue more on our lovely Artem Payne. Artem Payne were inspired by the 2015 movie Victor Frankenstein! Gosh, I am so obsessed with James McAvoy! I got him on the brain. He just makes my skin shivered deliciously. LOL! Anyway, let's proceed. --KatDon
Chapter 6: Pretty Thing, the Fairest of them All
Artem pressed into Evita, he felt the barrier and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes and focused on the beautiful creature beneath him. The instinct to push him away from her was intense. The pain had been shocking to her. It ripped and burned her. She cried out as her breathing was hard, but she knew that the pain would cease; she just had to wait. She flexed her fingers and slowly opened her eyes; the dark brown orbs glistened. She licked her lips. “Ar—Artem!” Evita gasped. “Evita, please. It’ll be over soon.” Artem whispered. Evita was letting her spasming channels and gasping, speechless in the aftermath, feeling like an incredible dervish of energetic presence had just stormed through her body. Until she could take it no more! Evita sat up a little, Artem held the surgical tools in hand with a confused look. Evita glared at him, “You idiot, I cannot stand this pain! I feel like I’m going to explode!” She exclaimed. “It’s part of the surgery, I don’t mean to arouse you so please lay back down. It’s almost finished.” Declared Artem. He kept scrutinize inside of Evita, who was moaning and biting her lips but it was all over. After sewing her back up; Artem moved back and said, “Stand, my darling.” Evita slowly rose up, careful not to do any further damage. She stood there and was given the knife by Artem, Evita looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “Try it out.” Artem said. So Evita took the knife from him and looked it over. Her fingers moved into her blouse to tease her twitching scars. As she held the ruby-red dagger in her hand, she lifted her skirt. Evita wasted no time in pushing the head of the cold knife into her thigh-high hips. She began to thrust the exquisite device into her slick laceration hard and fast. She leaned against the corner wall and bit her tongue to keep from crying out as she drove herself higher and higher. Her eyes remained open as the head of the dagger slid in and out. She felt her excitement grow as she increased her rhythm and as the embers burning inside her reached their highest point! Evita dropped to her knees and came, she felt the inner embers licked at her soul and the lava poured down her veins. She covered the smooth rod with her blood batter soaked her fingers with her nectar and saw it drip onto the floor as her body rocked back and forth. Inside she was being consumed as the walls of fire burned deep inside her. Her eyes rolled back and she tried to breathe as well as stay quiet. The need to scream was overwhelming and when the rod made one last thrust into her, sheets of the fiery liquid coated her fleshy walls as Evita became one with the dagger. Blood oozed on the ground, Jerome let out a shaky breath and he watched in terror. Evita stopped as she slid the dagger out while Artem asked, “How do you feel?” Evita flipped her hair while let out shudder but she smirked, “I feel. Fan.Tas.Tic.” She said, emphasizing each word. Artem reflecting her smirk with his own, “Wonderful!” He said in a soft tone. Meanwhile, a young lady was waiting for the guy to drink his liquor. The girl looked like a teenager, despite her dress choice of skimpy only slightly at some place but she looked firm and calm. This teenage girl name Silence Duguid and she is 15 year old who takes her revenge on a man by discreetly poisoning his drink with white powder concealed in her ring. As he falls dead, Silence calls for help however she is arrested for poisoning the man. Silence is taken to a women's prison, where she is led to her cell by two prison guards, who strip her of shoulder-padded dress and left lying nude, while she is mocked by the other women prison inmates. Eventually; Silence is bailed out and exits. All her life while training; Silence was a lonely girl. She sat up in her tower and talked to the little voices that niggled in the back of her mind. She lived a lonely life. And to think that all she did was sitting by that window, gazing out at the yonder blue and the world below. She had to live with the inconceivable boredom. There was only so much she could do and slowly, driving her insane. So Silence made her decision. She stood on the window pane. She had taken time to think it over. If she made the jump without dying, she could live for once. Silence was no ordinary girl living in a cruel world, she is qualified to fight against the things she is up against, and she's a young teen girl who needs to make sure her body is in tip top shape to do battle with invaders that are destructive. Silence knows her chances of survival are slim and she may be losing hope. She could hear her teacher was then tries giving her some more hope, and reassuring her she can make it through. In one world those evil men may defeat her, they may finally kill her. This squad is destructive and malicious bastards. They are to kill and destroy. No positive things can be done by it. The people don’t believe Silence will defeat and survive in the outcome, they don’t believe Silence will make it, but her master still has faith in her and is telling her that she will remain strong. Silence causes trouble, she’s abrasive. She doesn’t care who gets in her way. Since Silence doesn’t care who or what is in her way anymore, people fall for her constantly, but she kill people like it’s nothing to her. Something happened to Silence....After she does what she has planned to do with it, will never be the same girl as she was before getting the gun, and doing any criminal actions with it. She shoves him off of her. However, he then physically assaults Silence, first punching her in the back of her head before pushing her through the glass top of a coffee table. The man attempts to strangle Silence, but she is able to break free, and gain enough time to locate bullets and a gun in a case.
When he turns around to attack her again, Silence shoots him in the head, causing his brains to be splattered on the wall. She then climbs out a window and down the fire escape. In a bit of bait-and-switch, it’s not Silence who was found in the apartment, but the man that attacked her, whom she killed and ditched the body without any trace of fingerprints. That man is now reaping what he initiated. Silence begins to feel sadness that is overriding all other emotions and possibly actions. The deaths of his family members is motivation to keep pursuing the ones that killed them. Praying just isn’t doing it for her, she feels that she needs revenge and she can’t look past her family being murdered. Then, as Silence is skipping down the street; a child predator went after her. As she descends into an underground area, he pulls out a cloth with chloroform. Just as he is about to attack, she screams and begins utilizing her militant-like martial arts and enhanced powers to beat the man. She raises him into the air with one hand and defeats him by slamming him against walls and shooting bullets into and through his body. Using a pen to add a pitch black mark to a tally on the pad of paper, adding another victim of her justice to the count. Even if he thinks she’s crazy, she isn’t. Yet. Even though she didn’t want to kill him, she was pushed so far by the horrible thing he did to her. She — in the heat of passion, anger, rage, sadness — couldn’t stop the emotions she was feeling to the point where she went out and she shot him. Silence knows what she had done was wrong, and now she is constantly thinking about it. She has a guilty conscience. She needs to move on before someone finds out about this! At first it was first it was just what seemed like a small altercation nothing really to worry about. however because she failed to see how severe the situation was it evolved into a real problem that she could have avoided. "What has gotten into me? I killed this man. I wasn’t thinking the moment I shot…Now the police are looking for me and I have to flee!" thought Silence. She didn’t mean to hurt him and take him away from his loved ones. When she took her firearm out, she took his heartbeat away! She feels really bad for shooting someone down, and she looks back at her actions and regrets them so bad… What has she become? Obviously she killed a man. She probably did this by accident or on purpose. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do or where she is going to go after she shoots him. Tugging, crying at herself for thinking back at what she has done and now realizing she could face actions for her criminal actions namely killing a man. She was out of town to where no one can find or recognize her. But she remembered to stay strong as she knew that he wasn't good enough for her anyway. Silence thought about her once good friend and her betrayal; she trusted her and thought something like this would never happen; their once valuable friendship has gone to ruins. Her so-called friend decided to weaken their bond between each other by attacking Silence physically, mentally and emotionally where she is weak, unable to defend for herself. They were in a happy relationship before the problems between them started. Her friend’s unfruitful relationship left so many scars that they aren’t able to be cured by just moving on. After the day she had; Silence sat there, working on her laptop, while she sat there and thought about her past that involved with horrific experiments: It begins with the soldiers tore the young women away from their loved ones and their families, gave them some surrogate mothers and kept other traumatized women in isolation rooms, sometimes for up to a year. A doctor began expanding his project. He and his assistant created a dark metal box designed to isolate the women from everything in the outside world.
Within days, the women kept inside the pit were driven insane, incessantly rocking and clutching at themselves, tearing and biting their own skin and ripping out their hair. When finally removed from isolation, they were too traumatized to interact with others, and some were so shocked and depressed that they starved themselves. Then, the women restrain and inseminate by crazed and perverted men, then they would later watch and photograph the mentally ill mothers physically abusing and killing their own babies or causing miscarriages as well as kamikazes. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed the cruel doctors to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, the assistants gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. Due to unsanitary conditions in the next week, it was virtually inevitable that these children would contract disease. One doctor sent to investigate the outbreak, proposed an experiment that would assist in developing a vaccine. However, the experiment required deliberately infecting children with the disease. Though the doctor’s study was controversial from the start, critics were eventually silenced by the permission letters obtained from each child’s parents. In reality, offering one’s child to the experiment was oftentimes the only way to guarantee admittance into the overcrowded institution. These un-consenting subjects were lured to safe-houses by prostitutes on the payroll, unknowingly given hallucination drugs and other mind-altering substances, and monitored from behind one-way glass. With an experiment involved with blood pressure and blood flow; the researchers used 113 children ranging in age from one hour to three days old as test subjects. In one experiment, a catheter was inserted through the umbilical arteries and into the aorta. The child's feet were then immersed in ice water for the purpose of testing aortic pressure. In another experiment, up to 50 children were individually strapped onto a circumcision board, then tilted so that their blood rushed to their head and their blood pressure could be monitored. Individual children did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis; instead they were told they had 'bad blood' and could receive free medical treatment, rides to the clinic, meals and burial insurance in case of death in return for participating. Standard treatments for syphilis were toxic, dangerous, and of questionable effectiveness. Part of the original goal of the study was to determine if patients were better off not being treated with these toxic remedies. For many participants, treatment was intentionally denied. Many patients were lied to and given placebo treatments—in order to observe the fatal progression of the disease. Silence and her sisters, even her mother, had survived from all the pain through all that however she knew the pain wasn't completely gone from all what she'd been through! Nobody knew that Silence has hidden strengths that nobody is aware of. She can be herself when no one is around to judge her. She is taking things farther in this mission alone. She can clearly tell that this mission will want her to take things to the next level. In the past, she has something to lose. But now she feels like a super badass, like a female 007 that kicks ass way harder than all the guys out there. Because she is dangerous! Silence might look like an innocent young girl, but she’s tough. Whether to stick to her old ways, playing with other people with emotions, killing people, and moving on; she feels like she's changed for some reason. Silence causes trouble, she’s abrasive. She doesn’t care who gets in her way. Since Silence doesn’t care who or what is in her way anymore, people fall for her constantly, but she kill people like it’s nothing to her. Something happened to Silence....After she does what she has planned to do with it, will never be the same girl as she was before getting the gun, and doing any criminal actions with it. She shoves him off of her.
However, he then physically assaults Silence, first punching her in the back of her head before pushing her through the glass top of a coffee table. The man attempts to strangle Silence, but she is able to break free, and gain enough time to locate bullets and a gun in a case. When he turns around to attack her again, Silence shoots him in the head, causing his brains to be splattered on the wall. She then climbs out a window and down the fire escape. While she slept; Silence went to sleep as they went to her world where she saw memories in her mind that scared her into waking up. There was a memory that Silence could see in her mind that involved with Andrea: When the priest makes inappropriate advances toward Andrea and begins to touch her in a lewd manner, Andrea throttles and strangles him almost death, yelling: "you never do that again!" This is upsetting towards the priest and allowing her to escape. Andrea goes into the basement to her shrine, where she keeps her strange items, one of them being a jar full of large cockroaches, which she keeps alive by feeding them. She also still has the girl's doll and puts on her mask. One day, the priest was found out for his inappropriate crime against children. Andrea remains detached from what is happening. In the confusion, a few policemen run into the church and arrest the priest, while Andrea, still having not received communion, walks out of the church and pulls out a picture of the murdered bodies, fondling photo and smiling to herself. In the massacre; Andrea and her sisters killed their tormentors were ominous words. Andrea faced one as she used her powers and told the bully, "Go to sleep." Mora also said to another bully by saying, “You should’ve done that....You met a terrible fate, haven’t you?” Kitty and Polly giggled at the sight of this. Next, Andrea said to a gang of people and retorted them: “Pop goes the weasel!” And to one who escaped but tripped and fell as Andrea laughs at the student, “You’re two slow…” When the student ask what the heck was she and Andrea look down at him while she said, "I am the darkness within....I am your greatest fear....! I am what you made me, I am God!” And kills him. In this case scenario as she looked back on that memory; Andrea is admitting to her weakness and fragility, people like to claim they are bad for some reason. The beautiful people corrupts and selfishness is already in human nature. In dreams, crazy things happen as she dreams of a world where the huge amounts of blood she’s become accustomed to having as a vigilante come so easily as just having to pick all the evil people she could want off their bodies. Andrea and her sisters are seen as dirty through the lens of society, she wants to fit in society and belong somewhere. No matter what she knows things will not get better! She wants her tormentors fear the ones who are different and unknown. They are getting bullied until the point of dying on the inside. She’s looking through her plans and journals on how she is going to pull this off and she’s getting rid of her conscience. She wants revenge to the kids that are making fun of her and her sisters. And now, they snapped and start a massacre that nobody will ever forget that shocked the world. There are some reports that the sisters were affiliated in the massacre. Andrea hated her school and only had bad memories of it! Fifteen people were killed. Andrea, Mora, Kitty, and Polly killed these students and one teacher by themselves with supernatural powers. They also wounded 23 students. This has been forever a debate as to why these girls did what they did, because according to themselves in their journals, they too mocked and bullied people as stated in the recently uncovered diaries of the sisters. The sisters are heading to a birthday party, presumably for a boy of around the same age.
A boy sitting underneath a staircase, perhaps in a basement or cellar. He has his hands over his eyes and appears to be counting for the game hide-and-seek. From here, the sisters are smiling evilly, and Andrea is holding a knife behind her back whilst the piano behind her appears to be playing itself. Later; Kitty and Polly are playing a xylophone together while making eerie sounds. The sisters are playing and soaked in blood. Then; Andrea staring blankly with a pick-axe in her hands, “It was Mother who came to us. She reached out to me….Mora….Kitty…And Polly…She showed us what must be done. This is our moment sister, this is where the corruption of the cruelty must be punished. They all must go to sleep, they won’t wake up. Why do you think they deserve it, dear sister? It’s because they shouldn’t done that to innocent people. They would meet a terrible fate if they did, but not to blasphemous but they are too slow and we are God. Maybe not our Lord but we are like cruel gods to those that stand in our way….They deserve to die, they all deserve to die!” Silence recalled the memories from her life before she became who she is right now. It wasn’t until Silence saw that there was the murder amongst pretty girls: The first girl was Rosemary. Rosemary is walking. The dismal face of the girl was slowly curling into a smirk. Rosemary's face began to fall apart. Her eyes rolled on the bottom of her chin like two marbles in a fishbowl, and her curled smile was pointing upward on the left side of her face while the smile turned into a creepy grin. Then, her face looked as if it was decaying while she walked faster and then fell down in anguish however there was a needle beside her. The second girl was Pansy. Pansy is sitting on the edge of her bed, looking very forlorn. She put his hands over his eyes and cried quietly for a full minute more when a voice says the words loudly, "DO IT" and in her hands a shotgun. She immediately puts the gun in her mouth and pulls the trigger. Gore and organic matter splatters the wall behind her, and she flies back with the force. The third girl was Ruth but friends called her ‘Rue’. Rue is picked up off the ground, levitated upwards on her back, and then Rue screamed as she burst into flames, instantly hurting her. She ran and fell into the pool as she drowned. There was a girl name Fenella that was being tortured. Fenella’s lips were burnt to a deep shade of red. Her face was turned into a pure white color, she felt the knife carved a smile into her cheeks and how the tormentor burned out the eyelids. Then holding a knife slowly raised and gutted the poor girl. There was another girl name Columbine, who screamed as someone who was slicing her stomach open, the person than removed entrails, put candy in there and stabbing Columbine in the heart. The fourth girl named Bellis is a lost cause: Bellis falls out a window from an airplane and her corpse against tombstone of her grave. There was the last girl name Violet. Violet went through tragedies of her sisters: Buttercup was a stillborn, Nettie has a nervous breakdown, and Orchid has an abortion. Violet suffered so much of images of her siblings inside her head that she took an overdose of medication and died. Someone was stalking and killing all of the other girls. That night; Silence was sleeping in her room as she had an image of Andrea peering over at her and mentions about the murdered girls: “It makes no difference... he deserved to die. They all deserve to die.” Said Andrea. She vanished but her voice echoed in Silence’s head: “You must have sensed it, she cannot see in your mind but perhaps you can see into hers. A life of waking from one nightmare only to find yourself deep in another. She is a prisoner, floating in darkness... Like the unborn in the womb... Soon, I will find her... And I will set her free...” The next day, Silence was listening to radio signals as she was trying to find Artem when she looked and saw her sister Andrea there. Andrea smirked at Silence as she said, “So tell me: how does it feel to abandon our dear friend? Hm, can't say I enjoyed it very much. I missed him too much.” She looked sad as she looked at a childhood drawing of what looks like her, the other sisters—including Silence, and a young boy who had a name next to him that says Artem. Silence looked pained at that name; Andrea saw her sad glance as she said: “You know what I think? I think you felt guilty for leaving him behind, and that's what kept you on the run.” Then, Silence and Andrea heard shouting from the building. “Hmm. Sounds like his feeble attempt to clean up their mess isn't going so smooth...Make no mistake: We are being hunted, Cynthia.” Andrea hissed, speaking out with Silence’s real name that made her stomach lurched. That night; Silence was sleeping in her room as she had an image of Andrea peering over at her and mentions about the murdered girls: “It makes no difference... he deserved to die. They all deserve to die.” Said Andrea. She vanished but her voice echoed in Silence’s head: “You must have sensed it, she cannot see in your mind but perhaps you can see into hers. A life of waking from one nightmare only to find yourself deep in another. She is a prisoner, floating in darkness... Like the unborn in the womb... Soon, I will find her... And I will set her free...” The next day, Silence was listening to radio signals as she was trying to find Artem when she looked and saw her sister Andrea there. Andrea smirked at Silence as she said, “So tell me: how does it feel to abandon our dear friend? Hm, can't say I enjoyed it very much. I missed him too much.” She looked sad as she looked at a childhood drawing of what looks like her, the other sisters—including Silence, and a young boy who had a name next to him that says Artem.
Silence looked pained at that name; Andrea saw her sad glance as she said: “You know what I think? I think you felt guilty for leaving him behind, and that's what kept you on the run.” Then, Silence and Andrea heard shouting from the building. “Hmm. Sounds like his feeble attempt to clean up their mess isn't going so smooth...Make no mistake: We are being hunted, Cynthia.” Andrea hissed, speaking out with Silence’s real name that made her stomach lurched. There was a conversation coming from the radio between Constable Lazarro, his partner Blake Mistral, and Gideon Sullivan as they mentioned on kidnapping Artem and Jerome. Silence heard this in terror as Andrea looked at this with Mora, Kitty, and Polly also witnessing this. “Sullivan isn't fooling anyone. He has no intentions of leaving any witnesses, can't afford with blackmailing. Make sure you hold your ground or die, sister.” Warned Andrea. Silence went to track down Artem. After her mission ended and Artem and Jerome was safe; Silence turned off the TV before going to bed. At a later time in the dayspring; Andrea walked down the sidewalk as she skipped along the way. She was walking up and down the path when she spots a boy sleeping but it wasn't just a boy. It was a boy who looked cute, he was so perfect in anyway. Although sleeping; Andrea could make out different details about him: How he has tousled hair, black hair. His eyes were closed as his skin complexion was tanned and he wore attire that was all black with red and black shoes. Andrea blushed, he looked cute. He looked pretty. She grazed his cheek lightly with her hand however the boy stirred as he woke up. Andrea was so startled that she backed away but tripped and fell! The boy saw her and asked, "Are you OK?" He got up to help her, Andrea starred at him as she looked a bit embarrassed. The boy smiled, "You seem OK." He said. Andrea shrugged, "I guess I just fell..." She said. However; she looked up and he was gone. Andrea ran away as she hurried back to the dark apartment where she reunited with her sisters. Kitty and Polly were playing as they were yammering incoherently while Mora was cleaning and cooking but she saw Andrea panting as she was smiling. "You look happy, Sister." She said. "Sister, I saw someone today." Andrea said with excitement. "You did? What was it?" Mora asked. "A boy, he’s so amazing." Andrea claimed. Mora looked at her, "A boy?" She asked. "This boy is different. I like every part of him. Especially his eyes, they're beautiful." Andrea said dreamily. She managed to tell the sisters. Kitty and Polly did not care; they were wound up in their own little world! However after a few days, Andrea poisons the boy’s food and he dies. Andrea told what happened: "He was about to explode. He wants me put my mouth on it or at least give him a bucking bronco. He got all frustrated and annoyed, like she was offended that I’ve been willing to kiss. He sat there stroking away enthusiastically as he is moaning about how good it felt, while I pressed myself against the passenger door. When he was almost finished, he said in a breathless voice, ‘Where do you want me to put it? Where should I pop? Can I put it on you or can you at least give me your hand?’ and also, ‘Oh my god, I am so embarrassed, I can't believe I just did that, but you are so beautiful I couldn't help it.' So I killed him after I excuse myself….I miss him…Miss him so much….” Andrea was upset at how horrible she thinks of him a lot. In the next day of midday; Silence Duguid walked to the fair, her hair pulled up in an elegant bun and in a cerulean blue dress. The dress has an elegant V neck, shoulder pleats draping comfily around her, and a cinched fabric around her waistline of her gown’s skirt.
Her arm has her arm sling with a man that wore a tan-colored suit who glanced at a nervous Silence fiddling with a lanyard of the Leading Light around her neck. The man smiled kindly at Silence, “Do not fret, the show won’t start in over an hour. I’m sure you’ll have the chance to meet her.” He assured her in a gentle voice. Silence looked at the man, she smiled at him and nodded. Silence and the man walk to the circus tent however the ring master of the tent stopped them. “I’m sorry you cannot enter, may I ask why you are here?” He said. The man smiled, “I am Darko Maverick and this is my student Silence Duguid. We’re here for the meet and greet of Lady Amory.” He said. The ring master looked surprised, “Ah yes! She’s in here, come right in.” He replied, he led the two inside. The ring master glances at them before he smiled saying: “Your student here is to see Miss Cherie, is she not?” Darko nodded, “Yes, I’m here to support.” He replied. The ring master chuckled, “You’d be surprise on how much my debutante is excited to meet her.” The word ‘debutante’ made Silence shuddered a bit, she hated that word oh so very much! However, she managed to stay calm as much as she can. Silence and Darko passed all of the freaks, the jugglers, and clowns. Finally, they reached the trapeze as a young lady in a sky blue aerial costume; it was sequin and had a one shoulder strap. The layered lines feature a vintage but low leg line. The woman did a half turn, a pirouette, straight jumps, and splits. The woman eventually stopped a moment to catch her breath as the ring master called: “Cherie, come down here! Your biggest fan is here!” The woman glanced down to see Silence and smiled, she climbs down to meet Silence. “Well hello there, my muted fan. It’s good to see you again.” Greeted the woman. Silence smiled back at her, her cheeks were a pinkish red. This beautiful trapeze aerialist is Cherie Amory: She has a gorgeous British accent, dark black hair and a fair complexion that glowed as she appeared to be radiant. At once, Silence wrote her reply on a piece of paper and displayed it on there: “Good to see you, Miss Amory. Thank you for having me.” Cherie laughed, “No need to be formal. Call me Cherie.” She said. Cherie talked with Silence for a bit and offered her to try the trapeze. Silence agrees as she changed in the dressing room into a vertical striped leotard with a skirt; however Silence was no beginner on the trapeze. She did flips, somersaults, and catching the bar with ease as it swung by. Cherie watched her, spellbound. Silence landed on the other side as it was Cherie’s turn: “All right you show off!” She teased, “Let’s see if you can keep up with a professional.” She took the bar and did her usual routine, arching into a curve backwards and overturns in aerials, balancing her stunts and all she was trained for. There she went—Back and forth Cherie went until the subito cord begins to stretch further until it breaks. Cherie plummeted down to the ground, Silence gasped as she leaps and catch Cherie in her arms. Silence broke her fall but in the process, Cherie’s shoulder was sprained and dislocated it. Just then, a figure came emerging from the shadows. The figure, whoever it was, injected a serum into Cherie and all of a sudden, her dislocated was feeling a whole lot better but went to rest and the figure was already gone. After they left; Darko smiled, “You did good. Now Cherie will think highly of you.” He replied. Silence looked shy however Darko commented gently: “Look, I know you want to make good and you don’t have much self esteem but I have faith that you are stronger and special.” Silence written down her answer and showed it to him: “Thank you.” The next day, it was in the news but there were details that got mixed up! Silence rescued Cherie from falling to her death and Cherie broke her shoulder until Silence whipped out a syringe with a serum that helped her heal her shoulder! However, Silence thought the people who did the newspaper has become quite scandalous but she begins to have a vision of an angry Andrea who looked menacing in her stare. “Now you made yourself a target, sister. That hussy of a trapeze artist had to go and blab this shit!” There was anger in Silence’s eyes as Andrea looked surprised before a pleasant smile appeared on her face. “Oh…..! You want him to find you? Well, well, well….I’ll bet Artem will be intrigued by whatever plan you have.” Andrea remarked while giggling. The vision faded and Silence threw the newspaper down in anger! She has a memory of a woman wearing a long pink gown, messy hair, flowers in a garland crown and insanity in her aura. That was Silence’s mother, Abigail. In the break of dawn to the next day; Artem was slumped over his working table in his siesta while Jerome was asleep in a chair. It was morning when they heard rustling of papers and sounds of footsteps not too familiar to them. Artem and Jerome woke up to see men in their home-lab. Artem try to get up however a guy held a gun at him, the guy smirked and he shook his head as if to say “I wouldn’t if I were you.” Then, an elderly spoke up, “I’d take it you gentlemen are what your revived creation refers to you as ‘miracle doctors’.” Artem and Jerome are fully aware of who this guy was, “You are the admiral by the name of Emmanuel.” Artem stated. “Correct, Artem. Please, let me introduce my good members.” Emmanuel said. He gestured to a man and his resurrected Wendigo. “This is Terron Sachiel and his revived creation, Frey.” Terron nods, “How do you do? Sorry we came in, your ‘lady’ by the name of Evita was a bit headstrong to let us in but we persist.” Avowed Terron. His voice was polite and timid. “Quite all right.” Artem remarked. “Wait a minute; you were Shiriki Hume’s partner and friend, right?” Jerome inquired. Terron smiled, he nodded while saying: “I am still good friends with him. Not to worry.” Emmanuel said, “Now that the formalities. I believe I have a task for you that involves with Abigail Carroll and her daughters.” The name left Artem shocked; he remembered the name of that girl! The guy who held the gun at Artem earlier was Vitus Lamberto and a young lady who was a Wendigo by the name of Hedy Twan. Hedy was originally created by Wister Menlough, a man who was a businessman and inventor very well known. Hedy and Vitus worked for Admiral Emmanuel, especially his no nonsense secretary Clementine Pettavel. Later on; Emmanuel was having a meeting with other members such as Samurai and Officer Moriel ‘Morio’ Tetsuya, Commanding General Olyn Buford, Lyosha and his brother Kolya. “Is that it, Admiral?” Olyn asked. “No, we’re still waiting for more to come.” Emmanuel answered. There was a knock on the door, Miss Pettavel’s voice ringed out: “Admiral Sir, the Hiroki Clan is here.” Emmanuel was surprised as he and the other men seated exchanged glances. Emmanuel didn’t invite them to the meeting but not wanting to be rude, he called out: “Uh sent them in.” The doors burst open, Edom entered as he looked at those who were seated and spoke up: “Gentlemen, I believe we have much to discuss.” Meanwhile; Jerome was studying his gaze upon Frey, he looked human by his clothes and his appearance but he has a staring, zombie-like expression. Terron noticed Jerome gawking at Frey, “Oh don’t mind him lad. Frey is no trouble.” He assured him. “I just cannot believe he’s a Wendigo. If I saw him across the street, I would never think he was a revived creature.” Jerome remarked. Terron laughed a little, “Yes, I agree with you.” He answered, “He looks human but that’s the same to say about your creation by the name of Evita.” Artem shrugged, “You do have a point.” He agreed. Evita kept her eyes on Frey with curious intentions and begins to take note of him on his eerie pale features, he was nicely dressed, and his yellowish amber eyes like honey. “I think you’re greatest creation would be great use to us.” Jerome said. “Oh he would, but I see him more than just an experiment. He is my friend as well.” Terron answered warmly.
Artem sneered over at Jerome, “What an adorable lab rat you would make, Jerome.” He remarked. Jerome glanced at Artem, “Don’t spoil this for me, Artem.” He warned. “I’ve seen lab rats. I know when I see one.” Artem said darkly. “You know Mr. Sinclair, you are lucky to have someone like Artem. I don’t think I would have that kind of friend. I mean, look at me. I just revived my first.” Terron said, looking forlorn. Jerome placed a hand on Terron’s shoulder and said. “There’s so much more to you know just pain and anger. There’s good in you too, and you can harness all that. You have a talent that no one can match, not even me.” Terron was very surprised, he smiled with confidence. “Thank you, Jerome. You’re a good man.” Jerome nodded meekly with a shy grin. Outside of the club; Artem, Jerome, Evita, Terron, and Frey could see the building so they know the creatures inside are acting on instincts and hunger. Artem glanced at Jerome, “Ready for this?” He asked. Jerome nodded, “Let’s find out!” He confirmed. And they enter inside. When they inside, Artem and the others saw the building was empty except cult figure people that have been hacked, slashed yet half eaten. However; Abigail was nowhere in the club! Artem noticed someone alone at the bar amongst the dead bodies, drinking a whiskey from a glass. Artem and Jerome approached the guy, Marvin Percy. Artem was the first spoke up: “Pardon me, I’m Artem Payne and this is my assistant…” Jerome finished, “….Jerome Sinclair.” Nevertheless; only Marvin speaks out harshly, “Go screw yourselves, boys, it’s been a long day.” Artem look at him and saw a picture of Lily, “Do you know anyone by the name of Lily?” He asked. Marvin looked at him, Artem smiled sardonically. “You do know her; maybe we can help each other.” He stated. In the meantime; Lily was on the run, she ran until her lungs felt like they were going to burst. She had to stop for a moment, catching her breath in the process. She never stopped to rest! Lily furiously punched and brutally stabbed at the monster spawn, she knew more was coming at her and prepared for battlefield! However, she heard a voice so familiar to her from behind: “You can’t! You’ll die, you have to let go. I know what this means to you but you will expire in these conditions, please! Lily…Calm down.” That posh and strong Scottish voice soothed her temper, she felt someone’s arms seized her by her waist and lift her up. Lily realized what was happening as she thrashed and kicked while shouting: “GET OFF ME! GET OFF ME!” Artem exclaimed, “Calm down!” His tone was firm. Lily stuttered her words, “Wha--?” Artem then called out, “Jerome! We’re over here! Get Terron, Frey, and Evita to help us!” Lily was still writhing, “Who are you?” She asked. “Artem Payne.” Artem said. Lily was shocked, “You?! How did you find me?” She inquired in a demanding voice. “Your mentor, Marvin Percy, helped me out. Evita and Frey tracked your scent. Just calm down!” Artem insisted firmly. This made Lily stopped flailing her arms as she calmed down. “….I thought my friends were going to die.” Artem put his arms around her into an embrace, “It’ OK, I’m glad to see you again. And don’t fret, they’re fine.” Jerome came with Evita, Terron, and Frey as they approach Lily and Artem. “Master, are you all right?” Evita inquired. “I am. And so is she.” Artem said, referring to Lily in his arms. Artem smiles down at her, Lily grinned back with a smile. Then, there were hostages and Constable Lazarro was there! Lily was so scared that she ran off! “I believe the back-up squad should be able to help us out with the deed.” Constable Lazarro said, he turned but he and the others were stunned to see before them that the entire back-up squad was annihilated in such a gory fashion.
Four sisters were covered in blood while grinning from ear to ear; Andrea wore a burgundy dress with a lace trim as well as black velvet lace-up detailing the back and front. Mora wore a violet-purple dress with short sleeves and a white collar with a single button closure in the back. Kitty wore a sequin overlay bodice, a ribbon banded around the waist with a chiffon flower and a tulle and ribbon at the hem of her dress skirt. And Polly wore a sleeveless, sparkly pink and white dress with a three layered skirt that reached her knees. All four sisters wore ballet slippers. “Demon children of the harpy.” Muttered Constable Lazarro. “Who are you?!” called Edom. Andrea curtsy, she wiped the blood from her face. “Good evening gentlemen, so nice to see some familiar faces.” She greeted. Andrea glanced over at the constable and purred, “Hello Jacindo. I missed you my darling, deluded templar.” The constable’s body overwrought by the sight and sound of Andrea. “Hello gypsy.” Constable Lazarro greeted darkly. In his hand; he has a crucifix. “Gypsy, huh. That’s original. Then again, I’ve been called worst my dear boy.” Andrea remarked. “Why are here? You came here to assist your precious Artem, aren’t you? You’re wasting time; you can’t get him out of this.” Constable Lazarro uttered. Andrea grins at him with an insane smile on her face that shows her white pearly teeth, “I don’t think it’s us you have to worry about.” Then begins to sing in a creepy but beautiful tone in her voice, “One, two, Mother's coming for you; three, four, won't you lock the door? Five, six, I'm done with this, seven eight it's getting late. Nine, ten never sleep again....Ring around the rosie; a pocketful of organs. Oh no, oh no. Heads fall down. Ring around the rosie; lost and oh so lonely, left to lie, with hateful eyes, you're all going to die.” At that moment, someone fell from above and landed as the woman rise up slowly. Her hair in her face for a moment, it was none other than Abigail who was standing there. Lily felt her heart pounding in her chest, she couldn’t believe it was her! Artem was in shock. “She’s here, Abigail Carroll.” Terron notified softly. “I can’t believe it’s her.” Whispered Frey, it was the first time Artem heard him talk. “It’s her! I know it!” Lily gasped. Lily looked stunning: Her hair is lush and adorned with a headdress made from roses and ivy-looking leaves. She wore an emerald-green ivy leaf dress, she wore no shoes and she resembled a saint. “Mother.” Andrea stated. “No, not her.” Gasped Constable Lazarro. “Ja—cin—do…..Where are you? Come out, come out wherever you are.” She glanced over, “There you are.” Abigail said, her voice sounded like she was singing. “Angel of darkness—Cease this torment at once!” The constable demanded. “I am NOT THE ANGEL OF DARKNESS, I AM AN ANGEL OF MUSIC AND DEATH TO THE WICKED!!!” Abigail exclaimed. Then she begins to mutter things to herself: “Who needs love?...Don't believe...Be delusional....Its allies don't believe....Love is nothing...Poison....Lies....Danger....Poison....Pretending....There is no happy ending....Disaster....Hate....There is no happy ending....Disaster.....Love is pain....Love is pain....Nobody warned you....We're all alone....There is no happy ending…”
At that moment; her light skin became very pale and almost translucent. Shades of her eyes have gray and black under her eyes. Her eyes prickled with black tears. Her headdress became darker: The flowers became limp, flaccid; they drooped and begins to lose freshness. The leaves became dead and replace with black locust thorns, her emerald green ivy leaf dress became a one shoulder dress that looks like it was composed entirely of mangled flesh, with teeth at the front of the skirt. Her legs and feet are steeped in blood. The gown looked like it had been made from pieces of meat, twisted into shapes and one shape of a heart. Chaos invokes as Andrea took down the constable and his league of his own while Mora freed Admiral Emmanuel, Vitus Lamberto, Samurai and Officer Moriel ‘Morio’ Tetsuya, Commanding General Olyn Buford, Lyosha and his brother Kolya as she helped them escaped and lead them to safety. Artem felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see Hedy Twan who says: “Come along, we must flee while we have the chance.” She leads Artem, Jerome, Evita, Terron, and Frey away. They managed to hurry to a vehicle and got in. The driver is the admiral’s secretary, Miss Pettavel. “Sorry for all the trouble but the admiral was in danger.” She stated. Soon, the vehicle sped away! All of them were trying to catch their breaths. “Thank you.” Artem said in a breathless voice. “No worries, as I stated before. The admiral was in danger and Hedy managed to track you down. Your scent, I see that you two are hunted down with a bounty on your heads.” Miss Pettavel simply stated. “You know our studies on death, it’s quite…Quite fascinating.” Artem said, laughing a little. “Well, yes but the constable is hounding you for you for a massacre examination.” Miss Pettavel replied. Artem looked at her in surprise, “Massacre examination, you say?” He said to Jerome. “Jerome, this is a massacre examination. We shall get our lawyers for this.” Miss Pettavel then proceeds to talk, “Constable Lazarro is trying to find records and by the grace of God, keep your heads down.” Artem glance at the secretary with a smug look, “Are you a secretary or a theologian? Let me tell you something, life is merely the impediment and upshot of practical science of matter.” Miss Pettavel put her foot on the brakes abruptly, she turned to Artem and said: “Be careful Mr. Payne. You havoc with irate exertions. And there’s no leniency in essence.” She then started driving. However she continues, “You know, for men such as you gents, who are so obsessed with death you think of yourselves above violence. Curious.” Terron couldn’t help but glance at them with a smile on his face. “We don’t think of ourselves so above violence. It’s just we seem to got ourselves into these circumstances.” Protested Jerome. “That’s understatement.” Remarked Miss Pettavel. “What are you saying, Miss Pettavel?” Artem asked. Miss Pettavel didn’t turn her had but she replied, “People like the constable or Gideon want you to be overlooked. They believe that antecedents want to entomb you and no soul will recall your name. That’s why Admiral Emmanuel is trying to save you. That’s why I am here.” Artem and Jerome glanced at each other in shock before looking back at her. “You mean; he knew we caused the accident?” Artem asked. “Yes, and he pretty knew it was you because of all the hell your father put you through.” Miss Pettavel said with a matter of fact tone in her voice. However, the vehicle crashed while the collision caused everyone to lose conscious. By the time Artem and Jerome woke up, they saw that Miss Pettavel was OK, she was fine. Artem turned to see who it was, Jerome looked over and they seemed shocked. Andrea and her sisters are walking down the sidewalk and came upon Artem, who was waking up on the bench where he was resting and sat up to look at Andrea smiling at him. “Did you like it?” Andrea asked. Artem glared at her, “You mean this madness?” He remarked. Andrea came closer, “You’re not terrified of me like you used to?” She inquired. “No. I was scared of what you become.” Artem admitted. It was at this moment Andrea begins to cry, “Oh my dear Artem, forgive me. I have wronged you, for this is not life. This is not life. You are not live. Live. You and he were supposed to at the heart of a scientific enterprise that will change the world. You and he were to create life out of death!” She protested. But she got angry as she said, “But your work is nothing more than demonic nature, something godless.” Artem spoke out, “There is no Devil, Andromeda. No God. Only humanity--only me. But I believe I'm entering the realm of madness, but I'm fine with that.....The most unpleasant lesson one can learn is letting go, but everything in this world is connected and nothing's truly ever gone. She will always be a part of me.” His eyes looked sad yet dreamy. “You mean, us?” Andrea asked in a hopeful voice. “Yes. Even Cynthia.” Artem whispered. “Do you think your family will forgive you if they saw you like this?” Mora asked.
Artem glared at her, “Shut up about them!” He snapped. “I’m just saying, that’s all.” Mora recalled. “What are you up to? This curse your mother has started.” Artem replied Andrea said while she smiled and said: "Just think what fun I'll have to cause this town to corrupt into madness...See you around." Andrea and her sisters turned as they went away. Artem tries to catch up to them but he was too late. He snarled in anger, he then heard Jerome called out his name! Artem decided to let this go, for now at least. “Well, I can see you gents are in one piece.” A voice said. Artem and Jerome turned around to see Terron Sachiel, Frey, Hedy Twan, Admiral Emmanuel, Vitus Lamberto, Miss Pettavel, Moriel ‘Morio’ Tetsuya, Commanding General Olyn Buford, Lyosha and his brother Kolya. “You’re safe, alive…” Artem sighed. “Well done, gentlemen. You got out of there in one piece.” Admiral Emmanuel stated. Artem bowed his head, “I know we cause you great trouble.” He said. “Artem, my dear boy. You do not cause any trouble. I was surprised by Andrea and those other strange girls that managed to help us. We were taken out by surprise from Edom Hiroki. I don’t know how he found out about you, but it has something to do with that god fearing extremist constable. Please be more careful next time, men.” The admiral explained. Artem nodded, “Of course.” He answered. “We shall.” Jerome said. Emmanuel nodded, “All right then. I got a little something for you gentlemen.” He said. He sent them on assignments out there. Picture this: A person is dying from an unfortunate event, where they did nothing wrong and were just an innocent person. And then, they are visited by what it appears to be their angel of death to bring them peace. Only it wasn’t an angel of death, but an angel of renewal life. Some of these people went through hardships and are given a chance to live again. Stephen Fisher and his girlfriend, Zoe Alfred, was attending a middle school soccer game at night where Stephen’s brother Stanley was playing. Sadly; his team wasn’t winning and it got really boring! So, Stephen leans over as he whispered: “Want to try a hit?” Zoe’s eyes widened, she knew what he meant. “What about Stan?” Zoe asked. Stephen waved a hand in dismay, “Don’t worry. We won’t be long. C’mon.” He assured her. Stephen and Zoe sneak off to somewhere private, to start a joint where Zoe blew into a drug induced reefer and coughed out puffs of smoke. “Oh--!” She wheezed a little. “Careful, don’t breathe it in too deep. All right?” Stephen chided. “Ack! Sorry, geez Stef—You’re lucky my mom or your brother isn’t here or I’ll be in trouble!” griped Zoe. “My bad.” Apologized Stephen. He grinned at her, “Is it awesome or what?” Stephen asked. Zoe stopped coughing before she smiled, “It’s so strong but I feel weird in a good way.” She replied. Just then, they heard someone approaching as he hollered: “Yo! Got a hit?” Stephen and Zoe look at each other, they got a bad feeling from this situation so Stephen said: “Uh, yeah man…But, we don’t have much. Sorry.” The shady guy nodded, “Cool. I got something better if you want some.” He offered. Polite as she was trying to be; Zoe said, “Oh! That’s all right but we were just leaving.” With that, Stephen and Zoe walked off but heard the guy called, “Come back!” Stephen turned and hollered back, “Sorry we got to go!” But the guy said something that scared the two, “That wasn’t a request.”
Terrified; Stephen and Zoe exchanged glances before they hurried back to see the game has ended, Stanley was talking with the coach and meet with his brother and Zoe. The three of them were in the car; Stephen was driving as he, Zoe and Stan were talking when they felt a bang on the side. Stephen could see out of the corner of his eye that there was a vehicle on the opposite side of his car which was hitting against Stephen’s car on purpose and honking the horn. Zoe was freaking out, “Stephen! What the hell is going on?” She demanded. “Some asshole is getting aggressive on the road!” Stephen replied. “Stephen, I’m scared!” sobbed Stanley. “Just hold on, Stan!” called Stephen. Stephen was trying to steer away from the other car however that car hit behind hard! “Shit, shit, shit! What’s he doing? What does he want?” Stephen muttered. He drove away fast when he felt his vehicle’s tires squealed. His tires were shot at as the car crashed, then everything went black. All three were injured in the crash; Stanley was going to be OK while Stephen and Zoe were in critical condition. The couple suffered from ruptured organs, fractured skull, and splintering bones. As they lie in the hospital cots; they were not aware of a gentleman, whose attire was of trousers and a vest with a dress shirt. A coat, shoes, and a top hat. He looked over at Stephen and Zoe, the gentleman took out a needle, he then got it prepared with a sort of serum and injected into the IV bag. Into their bloodstreams. The gentleman smiled towards the two as he put the needle away. An hour later; Stephen and Zoe woke up as their injuries were healed. They saw the gentleman was sitting there, reading but he was surprised to see them awake. “Are you the doctor that saved our lives?” Stephen asked. “Yes, I am Artem Payne. Irony, yes I know but you can say I’m a ‘miracle doctor’.” Artem remarked. “Thank you, Mr. Artem.” Zoe gushed happily. Artem nodded but states firmly, “Do not speak of this to anyone. There seems to be some type of conspiracy. A scandal, rather.” So Stephen and Zoe were grateful however they kept it a secret. With new changes; Stephen and Zoe found the identity of their assaulter and scared him as Stephen and his girlfriend’s new form as Wendigos, they scared some sense to their car attacker! It sure shake his boots a bit so he would never do this again. A sorority of girls—Celeste Burch, Kristen Tanner, Robin Ashley, Jean Schwartz, Gigi Luben, and Shirley Kim—were contracted with some sort of transmitted virus. They were panicking and emotional but seeing their reputation as party girls; the sorority were victim blamed and are dehumanized by the college there. However no one could help them when they tested positive! However there was one or two that took sympathy on the girls. Artem and Jereom found culprits which they matched to the girls. Their names were Ken Hampton, Winfred Keefir, Ladon Nelson, Antero Lelyveld, Dietrich Beachwood, and Trebor Wicks. A heartless frat boys who cut holes into the protection brand called Happy Cap before getting down and dirty. These hooligans took no remorse so Artem decide to teach them a lesson. In the morning; Trebor Wicks came for a couch on an online ad that had been posted and he answered it. He just arrived to a strange area; he found the townhouse and knocked on the door. Artem answered, “Why hello there, are you the couch guy right?” He asked. Trebor nodded, “Yup.” He said. “Splendid. Come in, my good man.” Artem welcomed. Trebor enters and looks around, “Nice place you got ‘ere. So, the couch is here, eh?” He inquired. “Yes, here we have a bit of upholstery of the couch.” Artem replied. “Shit man, that is?” Trebor said, pointing over to the sofa. Artem smiled, nodding his head. Trebor looked over at it, “Damn. I ain’t seen nothing like that since back in the day.” He remarked.
Just then, Trebor turned and the last thing he saw before passing out was Artem hitting him in the head with a crow bar! Artem glanced down at the unconscious Trebor, “You stupid hob-knocker, you won’t get this couch.” He slowly smirked as his eyes were crazed, Jerome had a blank stare. At around 10 am; Dietrich Beachwood and Antero Lelyveld were inside Artem and Jerome’s townhouse, they looked around while trying to make small talk. “Shit bro’, this is like where you live dudes?” Dietrich asked. “Of course, what’s wrong? You don’t like it?” Jerome inquired. “Nah man, the place has a nice touch.” Antero mentioned. “Nice touch? Dude, god! It’s dirty as hell in here! Do you freaks, like, clean? What the hell is wrong with you freaks? How’re you gonna get girls in a place like this?” Dietrich complained. Artem pulled out a bat and shouted, “SHUT UP!!!” He bashed both guys, knocking them out cold. “Pain in the arse.” Remarked Artem. In the afternoon; Ladon Nelson and Winfred Keefir were called in for a wreckage problem, they came up to the door and knocked. Artem answer the door, “Hello.” He said. “Hey man.” Ladon greeted. “You called for a wrecked pipe?” Artem nodded, “Yes, lad. Come in.” He said. Only Ladon went in, however Winfred claims: “I got the car running. I’ll be back, all right?” He went to turn off the van when he heard Ladon screamed. Winfred hurried back and entered the townhouse in a panic. “Ladon, Ladon, you OK?” He called. Winfred found his friend in a heap, Ladon was bleeding from the side of his head. Just then, Winfred turned around and was hit with a frying pan. At around sunset; Ken Hampton arrived at a townhouse and he was greeted by Artem and Jerome. Ken was worried for his friends, he talks about how they disappeared and he was concerned for his friends! Artem and Jerome pretend to show sympathy before Artem use a fire iron to burn Ken and knocks him out with a golf club. Jerome breathed a sigh, “That’s all of them.” He said. He looked over and said, “So shall we begin?” Artem looked determined with a sardonic grin, “Let’s.” He confirmed. Now all six were gathered for the sickest and most vengeful experiments.
In the next few days after; Artem kneeled as he smiled as six Wendigos in bondage of blood stained ropes that bound them together. Gloves in disposal trash and surgical tools were on side tables, The creatures bared their teeth and snarled, “Well how do you feel?” Artem asked sarcastically. “You….bastards! What have you done?!” One of the monsters asked. Artem smirked down at him, “Oh Ken, you never looked better.” He said. “You sick ass! I’m gonna kill ya!” Wendigo Ken cried. Artem angrily kicked at Ken and his friends. “No, you’re not going to kill anyone else with your lethal virus.” He said. Then, he stated, “The girls you infected have been ‘cured’ by me.” As soon as he said that; six female Neanderthals attacked Ken and his friends. The female Wendigos were actually Celeste Burch, Kristen Tanner, Robin Ashley, Jean Schwartz, Gigi Luben, and Shirley Kim. Artem and Jerome watched them killed Ken and his frat buddies. Artem let out a snicker, then he laughed a little but frowned as he remarked, “Poor fools.” Two best friends, Sophia Burton and Laura Sekiguchi, were spending time together. They had gone to a music store and now they were having lunch. The two girls were talking about music when Sophia noticed a guy towards them, the stopped behind Laura and spoke to her, “Hey doll…I wanna beat you cakes and wax your ass cheeks. Want me to have a squeeze at your kahuna funbags?” The guy asked in a creepy tone. Laura, who was confused by what the guy said, as she asked Sophia: “What is he talking about?” Sophia knew what this guy was talking about; she lean over and whispered frantically, “Get your things. We’re getting out of here.” The girls packed their things until the guy put a clammy hand on Laura’s shoulder. “Come on, you’ll like it.” He said. Laura was scared however Sophia pulled her friend close and told the guy, “Back off! She doesn’t know who you are!” The guy pulled out a gun while saying, “Shut up.” Sophia and Laura screamed while the guy started firing. Moments later; Sophia and Laura were in the empty morgue as they were shot dead. Just then, a man and his partner enter the morgue. They both approach the untouched bodies of the girls, needles are out and an injection onto the corpses. The carcasses shook about until they came back to life from the serum from the syringes. Sophia and Laura are shocked to see they were revived and saw two people there. “Are you ladies all right now?” A British voice inquired. Sophia and Laura turned to see who it was, “You must be the guy that saved us.” Remarked Sophia. “Thank you sir, you saved us. What’s your name?” Laura said. Artem introduced himself, “Artem Payne and this is my assistant Jerome Sinclair.”
Later on; Laura and Sophia scared the gun man by chasing him while in their new forms as Wendigos. The shooter went crazy and he ended up in a psychiatric hospital for awhile. Four friends were going camping. They gotten a late start as they were busy hiking at night for some firewood, it wasn’t such a good idea at this hour but there was four of them so it was fine. As they were looking and gathering wood, the boys saw someone in the shadows approaching them. It was a red neck hillbilly name Ethan Murray, who offered the boys some firewood he has. “No, it’s OK. We got enough.” One of the boys claimed, trying to sound polite. However, Ethan claims: “Nahhhhhh, c’mere bois! I got enough f’r yooooouuuu.” His voice sounded sing song. However, the lead guy and his friends felt uneasy about this hillbilly. His teeth were black, he smelled like he hadn’t shower in a long time, his clothes were dirty and wasn’t so clean. Another guy replied calmly, “No thanks. But it was nice of you to offer.” Ethan the Red Neck got mad, he then begin to talk incoherently to himself while he seemed aggressive. The four boys got nervous as they try to figure out what to do. However, Ethan begins to become deranged and pulled out an ax! The first boy and his friends were freaking out as they ran away! Even if he was overweight; Ethan was pretty fast but not that smart. He swung his ax as his weapon grazed one of the boys’s temple of his forehead, as well as another’s head got a gash from trying to defend himself from Wild Ethan. The third boy’s shoulder was slashed and the fourth of the boys’ tendons were sliced barely opened. The four friends hid from the brainless, violent hillbilly who went passed them. Despite themselves; the boys were scared he might come back nonetheless so much blood was lost almost while the four teens passed out! However; the boys could manage to see Artem and Jerome approaching before passing out. Artem and his assistant found the boys by the blood trails that were still fresh. Artem knew that the four boys didn’t have much longer to live. He then injected the syringe into each of the boys. Every time he did the injected process, Artem cleaned the needle before repeating the same step. The boys’ wounds were healed, they awoke and decide to stalk and scared Ethan the Red Neck, which he got scared so easily. Two best friends, Declan Roth and Rhett Shadows, were having a sleepover which Declan invited Rhett over. The boys played video games, eat junk food, watch movies, and doing prank calls. When it was Rhett’s turn, he dialed in random numbers and someone picked up. After chuckles from both friends; Rhett got serious and said, “Excuse me, can I borrow the wheels from your car?” The caller responded, “What’s your name?” Rhett said, “My name is Jack.” The caller said something that chilled both boys to the bone, “Really? You sure it isn’t Declan?” Rhett’s face fell, he looked at Declan who was also shaken by the caller’s response. Rhett hung up the phone as the two friends discussed what was going on. A few moments later; they heard the front door’s knob turning but luckily it was locked in place. But the friends heard the backdoor opened and Rhett suddenly cursed to himself, realizing he forgot to lock the backdoor. It was too late now, the boys try to get upstairs but they weren’t fast enough as Declan was tackled by a guy in a hood. The hooded man started beating Declan with great ferociousness, Rhett remembered the pocket knife he brought just in case and hurl it in the guy’s shoulder. The guy cried out in pain before knocking Rhett out unconsciously. Rhett and Declan woke up a few minutes later, where they came across a strange gentleman, who was putting something in his pocket that he had patted, by the name of Artem. “Hello gents, you all right?” He asked. Rhett and Declan were dazed, they found their attacker had escaped from the house, Artem said that he heard the commotion and managed to scare the guy off. Rhett and Declan thanked Artem, who just tipped his hat and left. After he was gone, both boys begin to notice in the mirror that their eyes look different as well as their teeth. They grinned at each other, “Cool.” They both stated in unison.
Meanwhile, Artem got outside where the attacker is actually alive but has become a Wendigo but had his limbs cut off! The creature begin to snap its teeth, Artem smirks down at it. “My, my. You really are a piece of work aren’t you?” He said. And took out his scalpel while stabbing it through the heart! Artem and Jerome dispose the evidence, they cleaned up the grisly crime. “I always wonder, is the right way for the elixir of life through monstrosity.” Artem thought. Marie Downing was a young lady in her late teens and early twenties found her own self bleeding and looked like crap. She staggered around as she remembered that the sisterhood of Gamma Delta Iota members tortured her during Marie’s initiation! She humiliated herself in order to join the sorority, now the friends she once trusted had abused in these horrendous tasks and brutal fashion! The girls of the sorority were Katya Davis, Tierra Solar, Zoe Oliver, Marigold ‘Goldie’ Fownes, Chiyo Newman, Riva Zephyr, Heather Marlowe, Olivia Conners, Mikko Phillippe, and Rinako Mizuhara. The ringleader was the head of the sorority by the name of Miranda Perez. While she stumbled; Marie was discovered by a strangely attractive yet eccentric man name Artem, whom he and Jerome carried Downing back to their townhouse. In her emotional and dying state; Marie told them what happened, Artem and Jerome nursed her back to health but gave her a serum where she became a Wendigo. She exact revenge on the sorority, pretending to be a haunt and scared the girls so much, including Miranda, so they won’t repeat the same thing to the other girls again. Artem watched this as he thought, “Underneath the beautiful things, this life is full of savages. But to those that fight savages, become savages themselves.” Jerome couldn’t help but ask, “How long are we going to do this?” Artem just replied, “As long as there is justice, we shall continue.” And the two men departed from sight. Basketball player, baseball player, football player, soccer player, tennis player, street performing dancer, hockey player, golf player, volley ball player, boxer and wrestler. They had it all—Fame, respect, recognition, and success! That is until things came crashing down with scandal, blackmailing, addiction, troubles with personal matters as they all try to take their own lives. Until each struggling yet dying athletes came across an uncommon stranger and his ‘dear friend’.
They are Artem Payne and Jerome Sinclair, they helped these lamentable, hapless people that have wronged or want a second chance in life! All of them became Wendigos for many reasons, some to be heroes while others for seekers of revenge. Artem is curious by the actions of these people; he could see the willingness people go through to achieve to wipe the slate clean. “I wonder, should I wipe my own slate clean from my past? No, I’m not like them. I can’t even change my own past.” He thought to himself. Four teachers were leading six students out of the school in a calm, orderly fashion. The teachers were Kazan Tanaki, Menachem Buxton, and Elise Swann while the six students were Edward Cannon, Avana Poppleton, Ian Hawks, and Marcus Hartley. There was a school shooting happening though the shooter wasn’t near where they were…Boy, how they were so wrong about that. They came across the hooded shooter who pointed his weapon at the ten of them, who begged and pleaded for their lives. However, the gun man paid no attention and pulled the trigger! Later on in an empty church, ten coffins are opened. The coffins belong to the students and teachers that died. Just then, somebody entered the church while equipped with syringes of weird serums. He and his accomplice injected the needles into the corpses. The dead martyrs were revived from their caskets. All ten of them climbed out and sauntered out of the church. In the interim; Willow O'Winsbury sat at her dressing table in the manor bastion, staring at herself in her magic mirror. She had already asked it many times that week who was the fairest of them all but she just couldn't help asked once again. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" Willow asked in her gentle voice. To her horror the mirror said "Artem Payne is the fairest of them all." To head such words made Mira so angry she set out on a little mission. She walked into her bathroom and took out the little tube of poison from the cabinet. She got an apple from the fruit bowl and put a couple of drops of poison on it. That is all it took. She hid it in a basket surrounded with other apples then dressed up in an old cloak with a hood and set off on her way to visit Artem. When she got to his townhouse she knocked on the door. In a while; Artem bites into the apple. The apple was so red, so delicious looking, and the woman seemed so harmless, so he ate it. As soon as his lips touched the crimson apple, Artem fell to the floor. Artem was rescued by Abigail and Jerome as they saved him from death. They knew it was Willow so Abigail hatched a plan. Willow heard about Artem’s ‘death’ and decide to come see how he looked. When she arrived to see his ‘corpse’, she was shocked to see how beautiful he looked still and kissed his forehead. At that moment; Artem woke up when he saw Willow, Artem screamed and started to stab her until she was dead, the apple had not work on Artem he injected his serum into 3 corpses and changed the other 4 carcasses into hungry Wendigos, they stayed hiding in the forest for the wicked people to chomp. Artem would stand outside, luring people into the cottage, so the hungry little friends could eat. One day, Evita scared him one night when he was snooping around in her room so he ran off and got surrounded by the Wendigos as one of them bit Artem. Seconds later; the Beast came and fought them away and he is guiding it back to the castle. She carried Artem back there due to the fact he was unconscious. After being treated; Artem woke up in a bed feeling weak but different, many people see him walking out at the castle gate, luring them into his castle for the Wendigos’ next meal.
Later, a prissy woman was exhausted from the day she had and it was almost getting dark soon so they decided to spend the night at a strange castle so she went there and found that the door was ajar. She was so curious that she decided to go in and found it empty. She closed the door behind her and the gang, calling out: "HELLO!!!!! ANYONE HOME!!!!" Nobody answered and the prissy woman reluctantly moved around with caution. She found a room with the door halfway opened. She was puzzled and tucked it in her front pocket. "Lovely, isn't it?" A sultry voice of a young man asked. Startled, Emily turned around to see a dark haired young man, fair skin and a rose pinned to the blouse of his waistcoat. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just...." The woman started to say, but the man laughed. "Now, now, don't be frightened. It's all right, you can stay here. Please, wait here while I got and fetch you some food and water." He said with kindness in her voice. The woman was grateful and sat there, waiting but she was curious to know that there was another door. She could've sworn that she could smell a particular stench that didn't seem right. Opening the door, the woman made a gruesome discovery: Bodies, corpses of people were there....Their bodies torn apart and blood oozed on the floor. The woman was terrified as the hairs on the back of her neck stood up when she sensed someone behind her. The man grinned darkly back at the woman, his eyes were glowing blue in a vibrant fashion. "Awww, it's not nice to sneak around in people's houses...I believe, it's time I teach you....A LESSON!" Then, the man unleashed a female Wendigo and killed the woman. Artem looked at the woman’s corpse and in his hand was a newspaper with an article about a woman who killed her children and is on the run. “You probably didn’t know but that female Wendigo was your daughter.” Artem muttered, he chuckled darkly to himself. Meanwhile; four sisters are out in the dark as they made their way. It was Andrea, Mora, Kitty, and Polly! Andrea’s hair was partially done up into two pigtails by black hairpieces with a headdress is connected by a black headband. She wears a short black, frilly style dress with a layer of white ruffles over black ruffles of the skirt. The top has a raindrop shape opening between her breasts, and the straps of the top cross before reaching her neck on either side. The top has an open back with two x-shaped crossing stitches tightening it at her waist. A strip of pink goes down either side at the front of her top and ends at bows above her ruffles. Five golden buttons are distributed evenly going down the top on either side between the pink strips. She has a white collar of lace parted in the center of her neck that reaches over her collar bones. It is bound by a pink ribbon with a large bow on the right side of her neck. It has a golden oval decoration in the center and a pair of ribbons trailing from it that reaches her hips. She wears detached, loose black sleeves that are puffed up under her shoulders run past her hands, becoming wider toward the end. It has two gold buttons at the cuff. A black ribbon is tied into a bow at the top outermost sides of these sleeves, and its tails reach the length of the sleeves. White lace frills decorate the tops of the sleeves and longer white frills hang out under the sleeves. The white also peeks out in a slit at the puffy part of the sleeves under either ribbon. Under these sleeves, she wears a pair of black gloves that are tighter against her skin and reach her knuckles. Each one has a pair of pink stripes running down from her knuckles to the end of the glove. They can only be seen when the loose sleeves over them are slid back.
Mora’s bangs cover her left eye. She wears a headband formed of two parallel golden strips piercing through her hair from the edge of her hairline. Mora wears a sleeveless open-back dress including a collar with gold beads covering her throat. The chest piece is black while the rest of the dress is white. The gown splits open at her outer thighs, freeing her legs for movement. Mora wears black sleeves separated from the gown that reach her mid-upper arms and come down to her arms to her middle fingers, where each sleeve is attached to a ring. She is barefoot. Kitty was dressed in sailor fuku, which consists of a blouse with red trim around the collar with a grayish blue sailor-style collar which also has red trim and a similarly colored skirt with a belt. The red uniform ribbon which is thinner than normal sailor fuku, is attached to the bottom right end of the collar. She wears thigh length grayish blue stockings and dark blue dress shoes along with it. And Polly has a fluffy tail as long as she wore a black headband. Polly wears dangling earrings with sapphire orbs. Polly wears a white sleeveless collared shirt with a black knot. She has a brown belt, and she wears short black shorts. Polly wears black cuffs on his forearms, and has black socks that reach up to a few inches below her knees. She also wears black boots with heels that she leaves unzipped halfway. They have gathered for they have an assignment at hand from Mother, for they have to complete the task of tearing the whole world down for their greatest cruelty that society has treated towards them! Andrea, Mora, Kitty, and Polly examined their dearest ‘savior’ Artem who is strongly defined by his boyishness: he has a soft, round face, baby blue eyes, cherry-red lips. The color of his mouth is so deep at times that it almost looks like he's wearing lipstick! With his fair complexion, the young man resembles a living porcelain doll, and his fragility becomes evident when he goes berserk physically and emotionally. No matter how old he gets, he's still gorgeous and youthful-looking for his age—this alludes to him embracing his former naivety again, and it makes him look much more helpless and vulnerable. Being boyishly beautiful! Andrea wrote an entry about him in her diary that says: “He's such a damned pretty human being, but if you look at him, he only really seems to get off being total bastards. People believe he has an endangered subconscious. He's easily corrupted and seems kind of like a prick. Though his boyish good looks and playful sleaziness make these scoundrels much more charismatic than they by all rights deserve as his experiments are a piece de résistance. He is gorgeous on the surface. You can't take your eyes off someone like Mr. Artem. I think I could watch him read the phone book. I mean, I’m losing my grip on reality. Everywhere I look I see Artem Payne. This can’t be good for my sanity. But hey, I think I'm going to get lucky tonight.” However, she also wrote something in her next entry, “Artem Payne lacks recognition from his peers. They all believe he’s mad but he’s not. He is a genius. He is beautiful, he denied this but it’s true! The way he dismisses himself as not being ‘beautiful’. Artem may be corrupted by his desire to become the first scientist who can turn death into a temporary condition. With all these people disapproving of him; this cause Artem to feel out of place with the rest of society and wanting to challenge its oppressive rules. Moreover, Artem wears his emotions on his sleeves. Though he's very intelligent, handsome, self-absorbed, emotionally volatile, tormented by his past, his beliefs, which he considers to be morally superior, clash with society's contradictions, and he's extremely stubborn. The single-minded pursuit of his goals becomes detrimental to both his mental health and his friendship with Jerome.” Around night, Artem was at his workstation while everyone slept. He looked at the clock that struck at midnight, Artem glanced at the calendar and his face softened. He pulled out a picture frame” There is a woman with long blond hair that reached down her waist. Her bangs were parted on the side of her face; she has blue eyes, and wore a blue dress with a white fabric to accentuate her chest.
This was Artem’s mother name Veronica. A short boy with a cheerful but youthful smiling face. He has dark grey eyes and short, blond hair as he was dressed in a shirt with rolled up sleeves, grey trousers, suspenders, and brown shoes. This was Artem’s little brother Hatim, he was a cute admirer of his older brother Artem the most and believed his brother would grow up to big a great scientist. Next to the boy was a tall boy with brown hair, green eyes, and fair skin. This was Artem’s older brother Judoc. Besides Hatim was a little girl with platinum blond hair in pigtails, she wore a pink dress and full but pale red lips. She was Leslie, Artem’s little sister. And next to Judoc was a girl that was almost at his height. She looked like an angel with her golden blond hair and brown eyes while maintaining a slender frame. Her name was Ilta. Artem looked at the portrait with sad eyes as he whispered, “Oh my family, I missed you so much.” He thought of some memories from his past life: He thought about the time he was young as Leslie was singing a hymn. Young Artem turned to his little sister when she had finished, “That was beautiful Leslie.” He said. “Thank you, brother.” Piped Leslie. “OK, here. It’s done.” Artem replied and he place a crown of flowers on Leslie’s head. “There.” Young Artem said. This made Leslie smile happily, “Oh thank you brother! I love it!” She chirped. “I’m glad.” Replied Young Artem with a grin. “Artem! Leslie! Are you out here?” Veronica called. “We’re here!” Young Artem hollered back. Leslie got up and hurried over to her mother and Ilta, who were approaching. “Mummy, Ilta!” Leslie said, bouncing up and down. “Look! Look! Artem made me a crown! I’m a princess!” Veronica smiled, “I see. Well, you make a beautiful princess.” She complimented. Ilta turned to Artem, “So you played with her all day?” She asked. “Yes.” Young Artem said. “Uh huh, let’s do this again Artem! Today was fun!” Leslie added. “Yes, but next time; Ilta and Mother should join us.” Artem agreed. “Don’t forget Papa, Hatim, and Judoc! They should join us!” Leslie pointed out. “Yes, they should.” Answered Young Artem, “Imagine that—a family event.” Veronica nodded, “Very much so.” She said. “I do believe so as well.” Echoed Ilta. Suddenly, Ilta begin to cough into fits of wheezing! Artem looked at his sister with concern, “Ilta?” He asked. “What’s wrong sister?” Leslie inquired. Ilta continued to cough in response, “Hack! Hack!” The coughs sounded horrendous. “Sweetie!” Veronica said to Ilta. “Don’t worry, mum. It’s just another one of my fits, I’m not getting sick.” Ilta replied. “If you’re not feeling well, I’ll get Neville to get you some medicine.” Veronica assured her. But Ilta responds with an annoyed expression, “No! I mean, no thank you—I can get it myself.” She clarified. “Ilta, are you OK?” Young Artem asked. Ilta put a smile on her face, “Don’t worry about me, Artem. I’m OK, I promised.” She said. Artem smiled back, “OK.” He said. Ilta ruffled her brother’s hair playfully and her smile widened. Veronica said, “Now then, let’s go in. I’ve made my specialty of Sunday roast.” Leslie clapped her hands happily, “I love Mummy’s Sunday roast but more of her cooking.” She squealed. “Yes, Mother’s cooking is the best.” Artem agreed. In the present; Artem placed the frame on the desk and got up to go under his bed where he keeps souvenirs of the past in a box. In it was a stuffed bear from Leslie as a gift, a storybook that Ilta and Veronica that would read to him as a child, and mementos from his innocent childhood. The items in the box has tears staining a little inside and Artem placed the box down gently as his hand covered his eyes, “Mother…Leslie…Hatim…Judoc…Ilta…” He thought. He moved his hand away, his eyes were bloodshot red and puffy. Artem sighed, “Damn! I shouldn’t be up this late. I need to get some sleep.” He muttered. Artem puts the box away, turned off the lights, and got into bed. His eyes felt heavy as he went to a deep sleep! He dreamt of darkness however he heard himself as a child and his sister Ilta. He heard his youngest self ask his sister, “Ilta…Why do you hate Father so much?” Ilta’s voice didn’t say anything but she responds: “I don’t hate him but he’s so dramatic. Hot tempered. And so delusional.” Artem was interrupted by a scream, a female’s scream so blood curdling and loud that woke him up. He got up as his head out from his room, Jerome was also coming to meet him and the two of them head down! Artem and Jerome saw newer Wendigos swarming all over the place but Artem somehow recognized the monsters which used to be the children experimented on before by Neville! “Artem, come this way! Hurry!” A familiar voice calls out. Artem turned around to see a light brown haired boy, he wore trousers and T-shirt. He has no shoes on. “Oliver? Oliver Harold?” Arem asked. “Please, Artem. Come with me.” The boy begged. He reached a hand out however Artem was horrified to see Oliver’s left eye was missing and was bleeding from the socket. “Dear God!” gasped Artem. He and Jerome fled as they got away to somewhere safe when they saw Emmanuel there. “What’s happening?” exclaimed Artem. “It’s her that’s doing this, Abigail and her daughters are causing a storm.” Emmanuel remarked. “Abby?! How did she get her hands on my work?” Artem exclaimed. “We’re not sure about that.” Emmanuel replied. Artem sighed, “So, what do you think I should do?” He asked. “There are some skeletons from your past that wander and you must find Abigail. I believe she and her daughters are the ones causing the havoc around here. Find her, gents. We cannot let them get away with this!” Emmanuel said. So, Artem and Jerome are to set off after to find Abigail and to stop the monsters. While exploring around to find Abigail; Artem and Jerome entered a room where they see a woman’s back towards them. “Hello? Is anyone there?” Artem called. No one answered. So Jerome approaches the woman, “Miss? Are you all right?” He asked.
Just then; the woman turned around swiftly where she’s bleeding from her head down to her face and neck. She wore a black dress with black and white striped sleeves. Black stockings and matching shoes with buckles. Artem recognized the woman as the mother by the name of Astrid Craylan. Astrid exclaimed, “Give me back my baby! Give me back my baby!” Artem and Jerome were very startled as they fled from the room, shutting the door behind them. Panting out of fear; Jerome asked, “Who was that?” Artem managed to reply in between gasps, “Astrid…She’s the mother whom her daughter was taken from.” Artem angrily slammed his fist to the wall, “DAMMIT! Out of all the people Abigail revived, she had to choose her!?” He exclaimed. Moments later; the two young men opened the door to find Astrid is gone but on the floor was a small pool of blood by the window, Artem and Jerome breathe a sigh of relief however in small blood pool was a shiny key. Artem took the key, washed it and places it in his pocket but he couldn’t waste time for he and Jerome had to find Abigail and fast! The two young men walked down the halls, they noticed down below to see more Wendigos down there. They were walking about and moaning to themselves! Artem and Jerome sneak away as they came across the closet door, they opened it and found a library. There, they looked around and found a book on the human anatomy when they found a piece of paper with a code on there so Jerome took it in his hand. At that moment; Artem and Jerome were startled to see a little girl in a cotton fabric gown as she had tears and snot running down her face. “Mommy, mommy! Where are you, mommy? Help me, mommy!” She said. She gripped onto Artem, who shows him the memory: The little girl was strapped onto an autopsy table, a teenage Artem watched her with pity and Neville was screaming at his son, “GIVE HER THE MEDICINE!!!” Artem was reluctant but he did what he was told. “I’m so sorry.” Teen Artem said. He injects a syringe into the girl, which caused her to a spout out saliva and blood. In the present; Artem pushed the girl away. The girl collapses backwards as she burst into tears, “Mommy…Mommy…H—Help me!” Artem looked at the girl with a calm expression but he was tortured by the past. “Oh Serenity.” Artem thought. As the child wept, she heard someone calling her name. Little Serenity saw Astrid, she smiled and she got up to reunite with her mother. Artem and Jerome watch with content as Serenity and Astrid turned to them, smiling. “Thank you, Artem.” Serenity said. Artem looked surprised over how the little girl remembers him name and grinned with a touched look. Both mother and daughter disappeared into a bright light. Artem looked around, “Where did they go?” He muttered. But he saw something on the ground. It looked like a gem so he picked it up and looked it over. Artem tucked it away however they found body bags and bloodied coverlets. Artem looked under and saw a head there, startling Artem and Jerome! Artem tucked it away as he took a step back. All of a sudden, the gentlemen saw a headless Wendigo hybrid body suddenly got up and walked over to a blood splattered sheet as he removed it to reveal a head. Artem saw the head was a failed experiment of Neville’s work by the name of Gotti. “You found me…” Gotti rasped. Gotti placed his head back and turned to Artem, “Thank you sir.” He said with a raspy whisper. In a blink, he was gone. Moving along, the two went into another chamber and closed the door. But what they saw made them shocked. Artem and Jerome were shocked to see a person hanging in the air and tied up. It was a brute of a man with a shaved head as he was a Wendigo that had his name still tagged to him—Terminus! Terminus was once a mentally-illed man as a huma. Being now a Wendigo figure, he was screaming: “CUT ME FREE!!! CUT ME FREE!!!” Artem stared at it and then turned to Jerome to say: “Cut him loose.” Jerome looked at him in shock, “What?” He asked. “Release him from his prison. He shouldn’t suffer no more.” Artem replied. Jerome sighed, “All right. Let Frankenstein’s monster go and find his creator.” He answered. Jerome climbed up the ladder and cut Terminus down.
Instead of attacking the two; Terminus thundered out and caused a ruckus. Artem and Jerome managed to back there however there was footprints that lead to the prison floor. While walking down a prison floor; Artem and Jerome heard someone crying as they were saying, “My eyes…my eyes…I can’t see…” Artem recognized another memory from his coming of age time, the girl was Dodie. His cruel father instructed Artem to pluck Dodie’s eyes out, there won’t be any anesthesia needed, she was strapped in a chair while her eyes were forced open by the use of specula. Teen Artem took a set of pliers and hesitantly did the deed. In the present, Artem looked over to see on a small table of a bottle with eyes on them. A note said, “Dodie’s Eyes”. Artem saw the prison door was slightly ajar but he wasted no time to widened the door until he came before the girl. The girl could sense someone in front of her as she let out a squeal-like gasp but Artem shushed her, “Don’t be afraid. It’s just me.” He whispered. “Remember?” Dodie perked up, “Oh yes. Neville’s boy. You were nicer than your daddy.” She said. “Yes, hold still. I have a surprise for you but remain still, this won’t hurt. I promise.” Advised Artem. Dodie was confused but she did what she was told. Artem opened the bottle as he took the eyes and he gingerly place in each of the sockets. Wendigo Dodie begin to squirm and whimper for a bit, Artem whispered: “Shh, it’s OK. It’ll be over soon.” Once he was done; Artem place his hands around Dodie’s face, cupping it. Then, Dodie slowly opened her eyes. She put her hand over mouth and stepped away to look around her surroundings. “I—I can see! I can see!” She exclaimed. Dodie giggled happily and glanced at Artem, “Thank you.” She disappeared, this is where Artem finds a vintage styled perfume bottle in the room, and the color was purple and a small top that resembles glass. “Mother’s fragrance. Perhaps I shall take it with.” He thought, “Don’t worry Mum. I’ll take good care of it.” Then, he and Jerome proceed on ahead when all of a sudden there were scuffling noises as they made their way to see a lot of handprints all over the place, blood on the walls from where the woman’s hands and dead bodies of Wendigos of previous inhuman experiments amongst humans were previously.
The gentlemen moved on ahead, where they entered a room and saw someone standing there. Artem and Jerome were shocked to see a lady with blood stained hands. The woman wore a black bodice with an oiled navel in front, long sleeves and a long, black leather skirt down her ankles. Her hair reached down to her waist while she has wild eyes as she stared at the two young men. “Abigail, are you responsible for this chaos?” Artem asked. Abigail stared at Artem with a smirk on her face. Artem became angry, “Answer me!” He demanded. “Aww, what’s the matter Artem? You’re not afraid of having the skeletons from your closet come out to play are you?” Abigail taunted. Artem’s hand clenched into a fist, “You brought back the victims that my father did to them! Why?” He asked. Abigail grown serious, “They are Wendigos, yes. But unto time, they will become my army of Night Parade. Not of demons but what they are referred to as perhaps ghosts…Only, they are not.” She explained. She walks away while saying, “You really shouldn’t put your trust in Emmanuel. He sounds promising however he offers you nothing more than pain and suffering. He will cause your downfall. Don’t trust him, Artem. I wouldn’t want your boyish ass to be wiped clean off by him.” With that she strolled and disappeared into the dark. Artem felt his body was covered in goosebumps so he and Jerome continued on ahead. In the cafeteria-styled room, Jerome was startled as he got Artem’s attention, “Artem, look over there!” He whispered. Artem looked and he couldn’t believe what he was seeing before his eyes. A Wendigo boy was weak from hunger, Artem recognized the boy as Speedy Guttenberg. Speedy muttered to himself, “So…hungry…” Speedy wore a straitjacket with the upper half is loosely tied of brown leather belts, his left shoulder exposed. The lower half is loose and the back tightens. Artem loosed the restraints and he walked into the kitchen to see it looked clean. Artem looked to see in the refrigerator of meals unopened but luckily they were not expired so Artem cooked a mean and brought it to the boy. “Here, would you like this?” Artem asked in his kindest voice. Speedy looked at him, he sniffed the air and saw food he was holding. “Ahhh…” He said with a sigh, “Smells good.” In an instant; Speedy gobbled down on the meal, in between bites he said: “Yummy! Taste so good, just like mom!” This shocked Jerome, who glanced at his friend but Artem wasn’t surprised. Artem knew Speedy: He was hardly given any food until Teen Artem decide to sneak some food until Teen Artem decide to sneak some food for him. When he got to the basement, Artem was shocked to see Speedy feasting on his own mother. Once Speedy was done; he turned to Artem after wiping his face, smiled and stated: “Well not up to Mom customaries but it was scrumptious.” Speedy looked at Artem and suddenly looked shy, he shyly hands Artem a napkin, “Have this sir….As thanks for giving me good food. Well, um…Thanks, I guess.” Artem smiled, “Why you are a gracious little lad aren’t you?” He remarked. Speedy smiled, he then was gone after the lights blinked on and off. Artem and Jerome moved along ahead but they were feeling quite exhausted.
While they passed out; Oliver and Andrea watched them both. Andrea said to Oliver, “My dear boy, would you kindly help me get these gents to a special room please? Somewhere safe.” Oliver nodded, “Yes m’lady.” He confirmed. And he did help Andrea get Artem and Jerome somewhere safe. Moments later; Artem woke up in a bed, in another bed on the left was Jerome sleeping and Artem turned to see a girl smiling at him. She has dirty blond hair in a pixie haircut style and wore a straitjacket was loose of the brown leather straps and barefoot. Artem jumped, nearly falling out of the bed! The girl begin to giggle, Artem sputtered the girl’s name: “Ava!” The pixie hairdo girl was Aveline ‘Ava’ but she was referred to as ‘Avalanche’. Now; Avalanche was a Wendigo! She was holiding a purple fragrance bottle, Artem saw it was his mother’s perfume. “Give that back!” He demanded. Ava giggled as she tried to get away but she was impaled to the wall. Artem let out a gasp, “No!” He said softly in a heartbreaking voice. Ava’s playful expression became sorrowful; she looked up and saw it was a girl. Artem was shocked to recognized the girl is Silence Duguid, “Cynthia?” He said in a soft voice. Silence has a cold, blank expression on her face! She wrote something down that made Artem’s blood cold: “Go to the autopsy room. It’s a massacre, trust me. There’s something wrong with this place.” Artem took a look at Silence, who look back without any words. So, Artem and Jerome were lead to the autopsy room where it was downstairs basement so they head down there. It was quiet going down and there were rooms of body parts in jars and other diseases in containers. They walked down the autopsy room and opened the door. Then, there was a horrible discovery: “What? Is that Bodies? What the hell...?” Artem stuttered. The bodies were of Shiriki Hume, Vitus Lamberto, Officer Moriel ‘Morio’ Tetsuya, Commanding General Olyn Buford, Lyosha and his brother Kolya. “I see you found the sacrifices, what a pity.” Artem and Jerome turned around, there was Emmanuel standing there. Wearing a blood stained aprons over his suit and his hair was messy. “Emmanuel!” Artem said. Emmanuel smiled in a sadistic manner, “Ah, my secret has been discovered. You caught me red handed.” She said but glares at Artem, “You are such a fool, aren't you Artie? So naive, such a fool!” Artem felt his body quivered, “Emmanuel? How could you?” He managed to say. “Oh, Artie. You were always such a mad scientist. Like your father, how much he had experimented on children. And years later, here you are…Experimenting.” Emmanuel said, he had a calm look however that didn’t help with the crazed expression in his eyes. Jerome felt uneasy about this and he looked scared so badly that he thought he was going to lose it. “I don’t experiment on life in the sickest way like my father did. I only want to bring life out of death.” Artem claimed.
Emmanuel chuckled, “Is that so? Or perhaps you want to do it because you couldn’t save the people that were victims of your papa. Daddy did a lot of sins but as they said: ‘Like father, like son.’” He said. Jerome looked over at the intense expression on Artem’s face. “Stop it.” Artem growled angrily. “I mean, you have great scientific expectations. You could go far, test out babies and how would they survive these challenges.” Continued Emmanuel, he grinned with the most sadistic smile on his face. He couldn’t stop ranting: “How would a woman be with an animal sewn up inside her body? Someone having their parts removed and reattached? How sick and disturbing but it’s the beauty of experimentation, yes?” Artem looked uneasy and he begins to retch silently however he swallowed the spews of vomit back up. Emmanuel grinned wildly, “How about attaching mouths to the backside? Haha! Sounds like that movie with the sick doctor! But we’re all sick doctors aren’t we?” Emmanuel digressed. Then he looked at Artem & Jerome and said, “Why don't you come with me? You two and I could have a better life! You will never see your precious Abigail and her daughters again! Maybe Artie, you’ll be just like your Daddy.” He swayed side to side. “NO!” Artem said; he and Jerome were about to leave but Emmanuel stopped them: “What's wrong? You look so sad, don't you like it here?” She asked. Artem shivered. "I can't....I DON'T WANT TO WORK WITH SOMEONE WITH YOU!" shouted Artem. "You're a freak, a monster!!!!!!" Jerome hollered, the two of them ran away until they meet Silence who was rushing them both to her. Artem, Jerome and Silence tried to escape as Artem tried to open the door but found it locked. “What? Why won’t it open?” Artem hissed. Just then, Emmanuel’s voice ringed out: “Arrr—tie!” Jerome gasped, “Oh god, no!” There was banging on the door so they had to get out of there, Silence signaled to let her try but Artem said: “You lead us out of here; I’ll handle it all right? You are strong but I just want to get out of here, love.” Silence nodded, so Artem jiggled the door handle as the three heard banging and rapid knocking. Artem let out wheezing that came out heavily, he rattled the handle and muttering: “Come on, open! Open!” But the door behind them burst open and Emmanuel appeared with insanity in his eyes, “I FOUND YOU!” He cried. Artem screamed. He try jiggle it harder so he used all his strength and broke the door down, Silence grabbed his hand and they ran for their lives while the insane, passionate Emmanuel chased them down with a sickle waved around. Artem, Jerome, and Silence turned a corner as they hid in the corner. There was silence until a commotion got louder and louder. Emmanuel, Terron, and Frey’s voice echoing. Then, something Terron said where Emmanuel growled, “YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS BASTARDS!!!!” and kicked Terron and Frey to the ground. He does it over and over again however Artem pounced Emmanuel! He tackled him to the ground while Terron and Frey got near Jerome. Emmanuel broke free and smacked Artem to the ground hard. He had the sickle over as he was about to kill him when there was a gunshot that hit him in the chest. Then, again was another and multiple bullets fired into him until Emmanuel dropped down. He was now dead. The shooter was Clementine Pettavel, she was followed by Hedy Twan who was escorting her. Clementine hobbled over, she look down at the lifeless body of Emmanuel. “You were a worst case aren’t ya, Admiral? You lying son of a bitch!” grumbled Miss Pettavel.
Instantly afterwards; Artem gathered his things from his room and got everything together. The same thing went with the others as they evacuated from the nightmare of that mansion! Once everyone got out, Miss Pettavel caused the flames on fire. When asked how Silence got here, Miss Pettavel explained that she got a call from Darko. He sent Silence over there and could see the monsters there. Artem smiled, “Thank you Cynthia.” He said. “I just want you to know, you saved me. Jerome. Thank you, darling.” His voice was soft and sweet that made Silence’s heart melt. Silence embraced Artem before she skipped out of here. After watching the building being burned away; Artem, Jerome, Evita, Terron Sachiel, his revived creation Frey, Hedy Twan, and Clementine Pettavel each headed to their own paths. Terron, Frey, and Hedy went with Miss Pettavel while Artem, Jerome, and Evita head back to the townhouse. Artem was shaken from it all but he couldn’t help to hear singing in his head: “One, two, Mother's coming for you; three, four, won't you lock the door? Five, six, I'm done with this, seven eight it's getting late. Nine, ten never sleep again....We're going to get you. We're going to eat you. Take no prisoners; you’ll all feel our wrath! Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what you're at! Up above the world you fly, like a tea tray in the sky....When the Jabberwocky is slain, when the Queen of Hearts shouts no more. Then, the Cheshire cat doth approach. Saying 'we're all mad here, and so are you.' Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what you're at! Ring around the rosie; a pocketful of organs. Oh no, oh no. Heads fall down. Ring around the rosie; lost and oh so lonely, left to lie, with hateful eyes, you're all going to die.” Artem felt a chill ran up his spine as he dreaded for the days to come! The days of Abigail Carroll and her four menacing daughters: Andromeda, Morena, Katherine, and Paula!
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