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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Twisted Faeries--Outro

Epilogue: I Do Believe in Fairy Tales, Especially Twisted Ones! 

And they live happily ever after...Wait! This is not the end, it has already begun. Sure, it's fairy tale but it is life. It goes on for an infinity as we have our own opinions. But there's no such things as sweet dreams in reality, only in our minds there is sweet dreams. Some want the using and some want the abusing, it's so horrible. There are some that want to kill you, some that want to rape you, some that want to take your money, some that want to backstab or manipulate you. There are messed up folks out there that do really bad things so be careful, reader, and watch your back. Don't be scared of being naive, because you are still learning. You are learning that things are not always bright and colorful as they seem, they are also gloomy and waxen. 

Now, try and say it, go on! Say those words! Say, "I do believe in fairy tales!" Why? Because it almost like your life, it is so beautiful. Yes, life is crap, it is also disturbing, but mostly is good and beautiful. Why is it crap? Because of the cruelty, the backstabbing pain, the nervous breakdowns, the tears, and also the horror of seeing things splatter before your eyes. The disturbing part is the sexual temptation, the sanguine, the gore, the tasteless humor and the color green slime makes us sick so much that we could vomit or purge ourselves by sticking an index finger down your throat and spew when you don't need to. But the good part? There's some people out there who are kind, understanding, and show such good respect. The beauty of it is that there is love that can ease the pain, it is so beautiful that it makes you want to cry. Cry happy tears, tears of joy by miracles and love that is always around you. 

So now, reader, you do believe in fairy tales...even the twisted ones. Would you look at that? It's snow, Reader. What a blessing, can you feel the chilly weather while trying to stay warm? Drinking cocoa? Sleeping with your warmest quilt by the fireplace? Dream about the Nutcracker, plus Gift of Magi, and A Christmas Carol? I believe the Nutcracker is the most dreamy one I think of. It's so dreamy, even the animals are hibernating, they sleep through the whole winter and wake up when spring comes. 

Lucky for me; I live in Florida. I never like snow because when I was a child; I went swimming in the cold, cold pool indoors so I had a horrible allergy rash across my whole body and they were red bumps across my skin. It turned out that I was allergic to the cold: Earlier before; I had upchuck....Not such a good holiday for me. Then, I had bumps on my skin again everytime I would swim in the cold pool back at home. I develop a fear for cold stuff, except ice cream--LOL!, so ice cold water, ice cold pools, anything ice cold, I will not do. But also Halloween has passed. What happen to you? Trick or Treat? Visit a haunted house? Or...what is it? Also, Thanksgiving. Turkey? Chicken? Goose? Duck? It doesn't matter though, does it? Well, I won't butt in. Enjoy this next second novel, hope the stories here you might like. 

Happy New Year, this is where new beginnings start. So what's your new year's resolution? Tell me, please. It's OK if you don't want to. I don't know what mine is, so hard to say. Resolutions are like promises, I don't believe in promises. I believe in trying so hard and make something come true soon. That's what I believe in. I broke promises before and I am not willing to do it again but I made a vow to myself after I broke my last promise, I vowed that I will never make promises; I will try my best at things. But Reader, you can believe in your own religion and opinions, I am not here to chuck anything down your throat in a forceful manner. I am simply sharing you my own opinions, that's what I believe in. 

Twisted Faeries--Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Holiday Seasons

Leon and Jane start dating, holy cow! But that's nothing, Maisie and Hero start dating, double holy cow! It seems this is the perfect. Even, Maisie seems happy as well as Jane. In the meantime, Bruno and the Cloud Cuckoo Land Gang head towards Gonzo Town, where they meet Arthur, Leif, and more as humorous mishaps occurred: They've been cooking weird dishes, The Cuckoos show Leif and Artie of Teach Me How to Douggie, Dealing with a 'demon' name Pellamore, and Happy Tree Friends maniac Ted. It is a Halloween season as it begins with Lucy singing eerily to a lyric from a children's Halloween song called Witch's Brew: "Dead leaves, seaweed, rotten eggs too. Stir them in my witch's brew, I got magic! Alakazamakazoo. Spiderweb, moldy bread, mucky mud too. Stir them in my witch's brew, I got magic! Alakazamakazoo. Ooooooohhhhh, My witch's brew. Ooooooohhhhh, What's it gonna do to you? Boo!" Carmen sings eerily to the second verse, "Floor wax, thumbtacks, purple paint too. Stir them in my witch's brew, I got magic! Alakazamakazoo. Finger nails, lunch pails, apple cores too. Stir them in my witch's brew, I got magic, Alakazamakazoo. Ooooooohhhhh, My witch's brew. Ooooooohhhhh, What's it gonna do to you? Boo!" Samantha stars singing the last part in an eerily way as well, "Wrinkled prunes, mushrooms, motor oil too. Stir them in my witch's brew. I got magic, Alakazamakazoo."

In-sync, The girls giggle and sing the last part of the song eeriely, "I got magic, Alakazamakazoo." But behind them was bloody bodies and rotted flesh. In the morning, Sylvia reads about how bullies have been murdered for their torture against others. The deaths are unknown and there are no witnesses or suspects. At a cosplay event, Sylvia & Twisted Faeries meet Lucy, Carmen, and Samantha at the convention. The three girls are dressed in Lolita fashion: Lucy is a Gothic style, Carmen is a Guro style, and Samantha is a Sweet style. But trouble arises when bullies start teasing mercilessly towards Lucy, Carmen, & Samantha. Ludovico Technique Private Horror Show: Disturbing movies display in this aversion therapy torture is done by the three banshees. Sylvia learn about the 'Three Sisters' are banshee hybrids and discover their shocking past: Their names aren't Lucy, Carmen, or Samantha. Carmen is the real name, but Lucy's real name is Dahlia, who survived a school shooting but was discovered by a killer and was tortured to death but left with a Glasgow smile. Carmen was a bullied victim, but she was pushed down a manhole. Samantha's real name is Elena, who was tortured to death by her so-called aunt, her children and the children's friends as 'punishment' for Elena's parents' check did not come in the mail. 

Dahlia surprise attacks Alice, Patroklos, and the others after stalking him around an investigation of Lovers' Lane but hear a report on the 'Phantom Girl' is heading towards Lovers' Lane. Alice, Patroklos, and the others head towards a bridge, where Dahlia, in a bunny costume, nearly kills them with an axe. Dahlia chases them with the axe as Alice and her team are horrified to find the victims' bodies mutilated and also the carcasses of poor rabbits that have been eaten by Dahlia. Meanwhile, Carmen attacks Maisie and her team by saying, "Teke, Teke, Teke. I will cut you in half and you will be left with your torso to the left and your legs will be over there." For the time being, Elena causes a Fatal Fare and ends up murdering a taxi driver after giving him complex directions and drives him off a cliff. She uses a Human Faced, Black Dog called the Jinmenken after a bully and she causes a group of bullies to tremble violently after telling them of Gozu, aka Cowhead. She ends up killing a group of mean girls, who use a Ouija Board called Kokkuri-san. 

Maria Sophia and her squad arrived at a building, they go to the third stall on the fourth floor. They knock on the stall door. "Elena, Are you here?" called Kira. "Yes, I'm here." replied a voice. The four of them turned to see Elena stands in with bobbed hair, a red skirt, a buttoned shirt, she has one hand white clean while the other is bloodied red. With her is a three-headed lizard hissing at them, Megan looks frightened. Elena has emotions of mischievous, malevolent, and benign all mixed together. She tortures them the same way she was tortured when she was a living being: She whipped them with a belt, burn their hands with cigarettes, removing the girls' clothes, and forces a Coca Cola bottle into her vagina. Megan and Kira were tortured of a heated needle which Elena carved into Megan's stomach as well as Kira's chest saying: 'Twisted Faerie'. Cimmeran watches in horror as he suffers hallucination of Caryl, which causes Shade to attack Elena and tells her to stop this. 

Dahlia is still chasing Alice and her crew hide as they prepare to pounce her. They broke her axe however they doesn't stop her then, she hunts them down! Carmen chases Maisie and the others with a saw and Maisie breaks the saw in a fight however Carmen pulls out a scythe. "Aww, give me a break!" groaned Leon. The chase continues until Maisie and her crew run into Alice and the others. They team up and defeat Dahlia and Carmen. Once defeated; Dahlia goes in the fetal position and mutters to herself while maniacally giggling, "I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth, I will carve your mouth...."

Carmen is also in the fetal position and muttering to herself crazed-like, "Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay. Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay. Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay. Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay.Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay. Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay. Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay. Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay. Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay. Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay. Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay. Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay. Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay. Vengeance is mine, the tyrants will pay." Alice and Maisie try to comfort them however Dahlia and Carmen scratched them and escape. In the meantime, Sylvia, Heath, and Poppy sneak into the Ludovico Technique Private Horror Show and they destroy it. Sylvia has a vision of Elena torturing Maisie and her squad so she and her friends head over to save them. Sylvia struggles against Elena while Heath and Poppy protect Maisie, Kira, Megan, and Cimmeran from the three headed lizard. 

Once Elena is defeated, she mutters to herself: "Why Auntie, I didn't do no wrong....I HATE YOU F**KING B**CH!!!" she runs away. Sylvia and the others of Twisted Faeries are relieved that it is over and return home. Bullies are seen tormenting kids and start singing, "Dead leaves, seaweed, rotten eggs too. Stir them in my witch's brew, I got magic! Alakazamakazoo. Spiderweb, moldy bread, mucky mud too. Stir them in my witch's brew, I got magic! Alakazamakazoo. Ooooooohhhhh, My witch's brew. Ooooooohhhhh, What's it gonna do to you? Boo! Floor wax, thumbtacks, purple paint too. Stir them in my witch's brew, I got magic! Alakazamakazoo. Finger nails, lunch pails, apple cores too. Stir them in my witch's brew, I got magic, Alakazamakazoo. Ooooooohhhhh, My witch's brew. Ooooooohhhhh, What's it gonna do to you? Boo! Wrinkled prunes, mushrooms, motor oil too. Stir them in my witch's brew. I got magic, Alakazamakazoo. I got magic, Alakazamakazoo." That's when Dahlia, Carmen, and Elena appear & kill the bullies. They are seen walking away, the 'Three Sisters' are in silent and swaying with each other while singing eerily and repeatedly the chorus of AFI's Miss Murder, "Hey Miss Murder, Can I? Hey Miss Murder, Can I? Make beauty stay if I, take my life...Oh.....Hey Miss Murder, Can I? Hey Miss Murder, Can I? Make beauty stay if I, take my life...Oh....."  

Long ago, a troll creating a magic mirror where anyone's reflection will be zombified! In the present of Christmas season; Patroklos & Alice are tending to the rose garden inside the greenhouse. Alice noticed how much hard work they have done and would like for the both of them to take a break. While drinking tea; Patroklos tells Alice about a Yuki-Onna as Alice is interested in his story! Patroklos is walking around when he sees a reflecting glass as he glances at a zombified reflection of himself and broke down in a rage while hurrying to the garden and destroying the garden in his hallucinating state but Alice snaps him out of his illusional trance as Patroklos is upset while breaking down into tears! Alice is shocked to see him like this, She puts her arms around him as Patroklos--in his emotional state--pushes her back but Alice hugs him & weeps with him. 

One day while grief-stricken; Patroklos is approached by a mysterious woman, who gives him a liplock kiss that paralyzed him! Vetchling, who was watching this scene, attempts to save her friend but is overpowered by this woman, who gives Patroklos another liplock and he falls asleep as the woman whisked him away! Eventually; Vetchling finds Alice and takes her back to Twisted Faeries. Vetchling tells the others what happened as they have no idea where Patroklos's whereabouts are. That night; Alice has a dream of where Patroklos is as she finds out about the mysterious woman is really the Snow Queen, Jadius 'Jade'! In the morning, Alice tells the others in a meeting of what she had a dream about as she wrote down the names of the characters while telling them briefly about the story. Ashton thinks that this sounds crazy but the others found interested yet peculiar so they decide to find the troll while also attaining information from him. At the troll's lair; Alice and the others found a horrifying mirror that allows anyone's reflection to be zombified as the troll brings these look-alike dopplegangers to life! Alice uses her powers against the troll and demands information from him while receiving a warm coat and objects. 

Meanwhile; Patroklos wakes up in an wintery castle, where he meets the Snow Queen. Her skin was pure white as well as her hair, she was wearing a snowy coat and she introduces herself for she has grown infatuated with Patroklos as she would like him to stay here forever. During his stay, Patroklos learns about the Snow Queen's tragic past of how she was involved in an accident that made her into the virtually immortal yet enchanted woman of ice and snow! Patroklos confronts her about this and is attempting to leave but falls into a trap of an icicle cage so that could prevent him from leaving. Alice and the others finally arrived at the Snow Queen's palace, where a battle takes place. But Alice discovers her life support of crystals as she attempts to destroy them however the Snow Queen recoils in horror at this while begging to be spared and Alice & the others by releasing Patroklos however he is comatose so Alice wakes him up by kissing his cheek with the power of warmth. Patroklos awakens as Alice and the others are overjoyed so they return home while the Snow Queen smiles sadly as they left. 

Meanwhile on Christmas Eve; Alice is seen tending to the garden. After she is finished; Alice smiles mischievously. On Christmas Day, Alice leads an annoyed Patroklos, who has his eyes closed, to the greenhouse and tells him to open his eyes. Patroklos opens his eyes  and is shocked to see a newly mended garden of red, white, pink, yellow and poinsettias. Alice shows him a glass window ceiling of the greenhouse of  the destroyed flowers! Patroklos is touched of tears rolling down his face but the tearful boy sees something that makes him smile: A shimmering mistletoe! He gestures Alice come under it without her knowing and kissed her fully on the lips. Alice is shocked and realizes the mistletoe while laughing along with Patroklos. In the epilogue: The Snow Queen is sad until she receives a present from Patroklos and she is happy as she hopes to see him soon. 

After the time they knew each other and dating since July, Sylvia and Heath become intimate in a shower and commit safe sexual intercourse in the private bedroom of Twisted Faeries. Sylvia reveals to have a fear towards sexual intimacy as this is her first time since she had always been a virgin. In the wake of keeping it quiet, Sylvia finally opens up the relationship to her mother, who is shocked but she is understanding. Especially when she learns Sylvia got intimate with Heath and a reference of Donna Martin is mentioned. (Donna Martin is a character from Beverly Hills 90210 and 90210) 

Around the new year, Karen finds a mysterious figure and confronts him but as she got closer, she found herself flushing at the guy. He was an attractive guy, taller than her, has dark brown hair, ultramine blue eyes, and Karen is amazed by his eyes. She thoughtfully interrogates herself of acting weird until she gives in to the feeling. Karen snaps out of it and attempts to kill him, however the young man embraces her and he pleads with her not to kill him. Karen, who is now flushing, thinks she cannot kill him so she decides to help him. Treating the young man's injuries as she keeps safe at an abandon warehouse; The young man is thankful as he reveals that he used to be a psychological killer as he killed innocent lives but now he is looking for redemption. Karen decides to help him and the young man is grateful, knowing she is not like any other girl he met. Karen introduces herself and she is startled by the young man's name, Joaquin. She remarks that she likes that name--"It's beautiful." she said.

Joaquin and Karen start to fall in love but Joaquin seems scared, "I never fall in love before and I don't I could." Joaquin said. "Why?" asked Karen. "Because I--I'm a monster." Joaquin replies. Karen insists that he's no monster and Joaquin yells at her for not seeing the 'real' him. After the arguement, Karen wonders what is wrong and she seems to hurt him. On Sunday was not a good day so Karen tried to call Joaquin but he didn't reply to his cellphone and Karen seems frustrated. But Karen loves Joaquin so much and she would like to win his love for him by giving his heart 'a break'. At a karaoke, Karen speaks a little before singing: "You know, us couples are struggling hard. Emotionally and I've been through this with my first boyfriend. He had a troubled past and is not sure of forgiving himself because it was so traumatic. To my love, Joaquin, I'm gonna give your heart a break mister." She begins performing Demi Lovato's "Give Your Heart a Break", this touches Joaquin as he realize that Karen does care. After the performance, Joaquin and Karen bond closely and share a kiss with each other. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Twisted Faeries--Chapter 5

Chapter 5: A Pair of Ignorant Fools, A Gray Matter, Slapsticks & Turmoils

McKay Academy's autistic school, Enigma Academy, which features one of the elementary class. The students are Matilda, Daphne-Carla, Lewey, Dodge, Carter, Arley, Jack, and Ripley. Enigma Academy's high school features not only Sylvia but others: Rosa, Theo, Harold, Billy, Pepper, and Queenie. The teacher from last year, Mr. Vermeil, is no longer their teacher. It is now Sylvia's job coach, Ms. Kent. There are some others that might be their teachers too: Mr. Chester and Mrs. Shell, who is Ms. Worthington's sister. Agnes "Aggie" Worthington is introduced as Sylvia's one on one teacher from last year. Now, Sylvia is working with her again. Haifa Valor, Taylor Worthington's soon-to-be finacee, is introduced as a worker at McKay Academy and the tiniest, cutest lady that anyone can see. Sylvia must deal with crazy, spoiled, annoying children in elementary school within Enigma Academy. 

She also must deal with a teacher that is sometimes has rudeness and can be quite rash, even her own class, and teacher! At Twisted Faeries; Sylvia, Alice, Maisie, Maria Sophia, and Amber receive their own 'laser' weapons: Luminesce Cutlass for Sylvia, Luminesce Vorpal Saber for Alice, Luminesce Chainsaw for Maisie, Luminesce Rifle for Maria Sophia, and Luminesce Boomerang for Amber. They are presented with appliances called Luminesce Gadgets, where have nice names to them: Luminesce Vaporizer, Luminesce Digital Recorder, Luminesce Grapple Gun, and Luminesce Unseen Camcorder. Meanwhile: Karen's teammates and friends are: Mizaru Pierce, Kikazaru Hark, Shizaru Enders, Iwazaru Parley, Icarus Hermes, Psyche Delia, and Brites Ultramine. Karen meets three people that changed her life, as well as her team's lives, forever: A pair of ignorant, foolish boys and a gray matter girl. 

It began at Karen graduated student and is a part time worker at a school called Undertaker Ground Public School, where she encounters an ignorant yet arrogant and troubled boy. Karen uses her wits towards him when he tried to humiliate her. It wasn't until after school when the boy comes to 'bother' her. "I'm Cody, Cody Kane." said the ignorant boy. "Cody, that don't sound Spanish." remarked Karen. Cody remarked back, "So? Wasn't my idea, retard. What did your saddled with?" "I wasn't saddled with anything, Co-dee. My name is Karen." Karen replies with sarcasm. "Carrie?" Cody said with a grin. "Karen! Karen Lustwing." Karen said, annoyed. "Lustwing? Why is that a sin name?" Cody mocked. Now she was ticked: "FYI, dude. There's a red color called 'lust'." Karen said. Cody irritated her more, "And I'm supposed to know this, how?" Karen rolled her eyes and muttered, "Shut up." "What? What? Can't hear you." Cody jabbed. Karen try not turn around as she groaned softly. But all of a sudden; A mellow yet ringing voice calls out, "Cody!" 

Smirking; Karen turns and replies, "I think I heard someone calling you, Kane." Cody looked shocked, "What? I didn't hear anybody." He said nervously. "Oh, I definetly heard somebody. Kane the Brother's Keeper!"  Karen snarled. "Cody, Ven aquí!" said the voice once more. Cody cussed under his breath, "Shit, Mom!" he turned and calls back, "Ya voy, ya voy! Espera." He nervously laughs at Karen, who gives him a dirty look. "Well, great to meet a teenager call girl." remarked Cody and he leaves. Karen watches him go but a creature, called a Screamo, attempts assault. The Screamo lets out a supersonic scream and attacks Mrs. Kane! Karen comes to her rescue as well as Cody's. Cody is shocked to see Karen injuring the Screamo and tending to Mrs. Kane's wounds. Cody is knocked out. 

Later, Karen enters the library to see Cody Kane there with Psyche Delia, setting up books and Karen keeps an eye on Cody's thoughts. While alone with Cody; Karen uses a truth drug into an injection towards him, she interrogates him about why is helping out with her crew. Cody says that he was planning to blackmail Karen about him knowing the truth! Psyche Delia is shocked at this and she is upset that she thought that she could trust him, Cody laughs at this and mocks her about it but he is instantly tortured by Karen of her powers. Karen gives her own exaction against Cody: If he told anyone about Neo Phobia; Psyche Delia would hire a savage assassin to go after Jennifer "Jenna" Larue and that assassin will torture her to death while Cody will watch in bounds. Cody is terrified of this and obeys to Eurydice! Later, Cody is seen pouting in a chair as Karen interrogates him, Cody talks about how his 'boss' offers him membership to Twisted Faeries in order to get some information about Noemi Fisher, aka Lady Candy. It turns out that Bowie, Missy, and Jenna know too because Psyche Delia, Brites, and others saved them too. 

Cody and Karen are seen walking away from the scene, Karen expresses her depression but Cody remarks on how Karen is doing her job because she is avoiding school! Karen is angry as she tells him that she has half days and she is a peer counselor. She even tells him that he is a 'sadist pig that picks on the innocent' such as that one autistic kid for ambling around all the time! Just then; Karen noticed that several ribs are sticking out and casually stick them back in, which they rapidly healed. Cody is awe-strucked by this sight however Karen ask him what is he looking at! Cody looks away mortified, Karen teases him bittersweetly that he is such a 'deviant character' and Cody tells her to shut up! Karen laughs as Cody ask what is so funny and she mutters for him out of earshot: "Just like the animes...Could it be?" Cody ask her to repeat that and Karen lashes out at him verbally and the two keep walking. 

Karen and Cody start to argue a lot lately. For an example while making dinner. "Wow, they're getting along well." remarked Bowie. "I know, right?" replied Missy. "Hi Missy." a voiced piped up. Missy turned and smiled, "What's up, Brites?" Brites plop onto a chair and stretch her arms out, "Nothing much, how are you doing?" "Pretty good." said Bowie sarcastically. "Hey everyone, food's ready." announced Karen brightly. "All right, looks good." complimented Missy. Cody remarks, "Wouldn't say that until you try it. She burnt some of it--OW!" He cried. Karen scoffs at him and tells the others, "Ignore this wolf, now hurry and let's eat."

"Yeah, hurry up jit!" Cody shouted. Karen is shocked at this as she gives him a good punch in the face; shocking Bowie, Jenna, and Missy. Cody coughed as he demands to know what was that for! Karen commands Mizaru to get him off the floor and hold him good. Mizaru obeys as Karen beats Cody in the face! "What the f**k, jit?!" spat Cody. Karen grabs his shirt and screams back of each word emphasis, "You did not just said that familiar phrase!!!" She angrily grabs the back of his shirt and take him out for a 'lesson'! In a momentarily; Karen is seen belting out one of the songs by Vanessa Carlton, "C'est La Vie", to annoy Cody and it works: He is irritated, rolling his eyes and covering his ears. Karen sings like a sailor crooning his heart out on his vessel on one verse from the song over and over: "I've been taking what you've given, Now I'm thinkin' I've been livin', The fantasy of your sweet smile. Sad as blue and blue as only, You can cast the color on me, Can you see my fire red? Ohh... Ohh...C'est La Vie, C'est La Vie here in my lonely. C'est La Vie, C'est La Vie here in my lonely without him...." She sometimes warbles out: "Boy you swallow truth like honey!!!!" to make Cody's ears bleed! 

Shocked at those words; she smiles: "Well, there is one thing I want." Karen answered. Later; she squeals in delight at the issue of Otaku USA with the gang from the anime Fairy Tail! Karen blabbers on how she always wanted this, Bowie stares at her and ask her if this the 'real' her. Karen answers with a solemn look and sarcasm if he wants to make something out of it, Cody claims that it is sort of charming! Karen blushes but she lets out a laugh, "Right!" then she sings a little, "Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies." Bowie remarks on her voice but Karen believes he is lying and Bowie is left in disbelief as Cody is cracking up. Karen is giggling like a psychopath while Cody tries to see what she is reading but Karen moves away and he is annoying her. So Karen uses her Tae Kwon Do moves against him and a secret weapon. "KAREN CHOP!!!!" she cried, karate chop motion towards his head. Cody grimaces in pain and asked in a frazzled tone, "Uh, was that necessary?" "Yeeeesssss! It was, so shut up." remarked Karen. 

Karen and the others learn about Stiff Kittens Dollhouse: Mind control girls, sugar-coated lifestyle to pain, and executioner with an axe. The gang start their investigation there but while doing so, they are nearly ambushed by guards and separates. They keep in contact with each other through walkie talkies. Cody is acting cocky by singing, "Oh my God, Becky look at her butt. Tuchei." hummed Cody. But he is hand gagged by Brites. Cody breaks free from her grip. "What in the name of John Jacob hell are you singing?" demanded Brites. "What? That's Drake's 'The Motto'--" Cody started to say but is cut off by Brites hissing, "Look, Kane! You keep making noises, those bastards are going to find us." Cody sighs in defeat and replies: "Fine! I'll stop singing. I hope Karen is doing OK, Hope she returns safely." Brites look at his face and comforts him. Cody and Brites end up facing a sadistic seductress, who nearly tries to kill Cody but Brites steps in to give the seductress a good punch. Cody tries to fight too however he cannot fight a girl at all because it makes him uncomfortable. Karen, Bowie, Jenna, and Missy are watching the battle as Lustwing is annoyed and communicates Cody through the walkie talkie. Cody answers it but he cringes at the loud scream coming from it. 

"WHAT IN THE FRICKING HELL YOU ARE DOING, KANE?! Are you going to let that little w**re kick your ass like you have no tomorrow. You can't give in, she's crazy and you're not. Get back out there and show her what you're made of." After the communication had ended, A Spanish lullaby plays. It sounds like "Are You Sleeping Brother John?" but the lyrics sound like this: "¿Estás durmiendo? ¿Estás durmiendo? Corazón Hermano, hermano del corazón. Las muchachas bonitas están muriendo, las niñas bonitas se están muriendo. Mátalos a todos, matarlos a todos." The lullaby that causes Cody to shift into his split personality and causes a massacre. Karen stops him, by calling him Cody but the split shouts at her: "My name is Rosario Thaddeus, I am not Cody--He is not here." 

Karen fights Cody and snaps him out of it. Cody snaps back to his original self as he doesn't remember anything that happened. Bowie tried to convince him however he has no common sense of having a split personality. Cody is wounded badly so Karen heals him with her powers and gives him her perspective of what cruelty is like and how vengeance is. Recovering from Karen's healing powers; He responds back: "Is that what you believe?" "Yes I do." Karen says with coldness in her voice. "What the hell are you like this? Why don't you trust people like Bowie? And all the others?" demanded Cody. Katherine finally screams at him, "Why?! I'll tell you why!!! I WAS THE MOST POPULAR BITCH OF SCHOOL AND HUMILIATED TWO GEEK BOYS, WHICH THEY STARTED A MASSACRE SO I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU NOT FACE THE SAME PATH I HAD BEFORE!!!!!" She almost lost control of her powers until she stops to take a few deep breaths and mutters under her breath: "I'm in control." she repeats it over and over again until she is sane again. 

Psyche Delia lets out a sigh of relief before she gestures Brites to come and they leave together. Later, Karen and Cody are seen walking quietly but the silence was broke: "Karen....?" Cody asked softly. "What?" Karen snaps, annoyed. Remorseful; Cody replies back with a choked up voice: "I'm sorry about what happened." There was silence until Karen scoffs back with a bittersweet smile, "Hmph, C'est la vie. I don't think about him badly, it must be me that believes he is a 'good person'."  Eventually when his split personality starts massacres towards evil and torture; Cody learns about Stiff Kitten Dollhouse and learns that he witnessed girls get tortured there when he was 10 years old, he even witnessed his childhood first love name Verbena killed for misbehaving at a formal dinner. Cody learns about his split, Rosario Thaddeus, who is quite diverse from himself: Proud, strict, cold outlook on life, entertain by challenges, competitive, loyal, heartless, malicious, and sadomasochistic.

Cody has a meltdown as soon as he learns his true nature and confesses this to Karen and the others. Karen and her gang take Cody to Twisted Faeries, where they meet the leader name M.Elizabeth Blackfrost. Lady Blackfrost aids Cody by putting him in a trance and he meets Rosario. He and his split have a heart-to-heart talk before uniting as one. Soon, Cody becomes a different person, similar to when he was ten years old, and he emotionally confesses how he wants to destroy Stiff Kittens. He sinks to the ground, weeping silently. When Lady Blackfrost touched his shoulder, Cody embraces her while burying his face. Lady Blackfrost is shocked before she enfolds him back, smiling, that he'll be fine. Learning about Cody's condition; Mrs. Worthington, her daughters, her son, and Haifa learns about this so that's when Sylvia reveals the truth about herself and Twisted Faeries. Everyone is shocked, including Lorelai. Although shocked, Mrs. Worthington, her family, and friends vow to keep this a secret but Mrs. Worthington would like to meet Lady Blackfrost! 

Sylvia is shocked of hearing this and she wonders what is she going to tell the others. The next day, Lady Blackfrost appears at McKay Academy in a light blue button shirt, dark ebon skirt that reaches up to her knees, and heels. She explains to Mrs. Worthington and Lorelai about Twisted Faeries. Haifa, Aggie, Taylor, Romero Cook--Aggie's boyfriend, and Lorelai do not seem bothered but are quite interested in the discoveries. 

Twisted Faeries--Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Back in the Day 

In modern era; Sylvia is seen in her room with headphones on. Listening to Natalia Kills' "Zombie" but changes to Deadman Wonderland's theme, titled "One Reason", and she remembers her past: When she was a child; Sylvia was born with mild anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, and auditory sensitives. Her auditory sensitives were displayed when she was a little bit younger: She found unfamiliar laughter emotionally painful for her and cover her ears, sometimes she would either hum or yell to not hear the noise because she could still here it. She endured it so long, people couldn't understand why so she sometimes explains. Some people were at ease while others weren't and avoid her--which hurt Sylvia badly. In her childhood; Sylvia was abused physically, mentally, and emotionally by her father. Her father did not accept her daughter not being 'normal' and refuse to let her plug her ears over unexplored noises. Warden always tell her to deal with it and that this is life, he put her down and upsetting Young Sylvia. 

Sometimes, Sylvia would get picked up early after having an emotional yet physical meltdowns so she would get slapped across her face or rear ends. Her stuff would be taken away, and would only get them back unless she was a 'good girl'. Lorelai would be upset but she forgives her, however Warden would hold the grudge so much and after days, he would return back to normal as if nothing occurred. But Sylvia was not the only being abused, Lorelai--her mother--was verbally and physically abused by her husband for 21 years. After dealing with this long enough, Lorelai opens up to friends and is convinced to move out to get away. With the help of Ms. Worthington, Lorelai found a house at Nirvana Haven and decides to move there. She and her children prepare to pack when all of a sudden, Warden, comes homes from work and finds them all doing what's going on. Warden learns what's happening as he slowly goes insane and takes the car. 

Immediately, Sylvia, Hunter, Bruno, and Lorelai pack their things while fleeing with Mrs. Worthington. They arrive at their empty new house and decide to get air mattresses. They also went back to the old house the next day, when Warden was gone, to get the rest of this stuff. Friends of the Shea family help out as this was hard work but Sylvia worries if Warden was going to show up. More kindness of friends brought couches, beds, and tables. Sylvia remembers some good memories and bonds with her mother, Lorelai, over the time she was developing change from Warden. That's when Sylvia 'opened her eyes' as she and her younger brother, Bruno, witnessed Warden stealing the second car that Lorelai 'stolen' before. Lorelai sees this too and Sylvia frantically convinced her to call the police. Lorelai does as the police arrived. Once it's over, Sylvia is emotionally wrecked as she realize how selfish her father was. 

After dealing with the dramatic Warden for quite some time, Lorelai decides to divorce him once and for all, but also wants her maiden name--Falcone--back as well. During the separation; Lorelai Falcone and Warden's divorce and sharing custody of Bruno. Warden causing problems by blaming his ex wife and he looks older since he always wear a grim and starts to have a bald spot in his hair. How Warden found the 'angel dog', Tangela, is not too much of a story: He found her when she ran away from her owner, so Warden cared for her. But Warden drove all the neighbors crazy. He even drove Lorelai's former neighbor, but a good friend to Lorelai, name Tiberius insane so she keeps watch for his car so she doesn't have to hear him. How the Shea family knows about this is by another good friend and neighbor name Tom. Lorelai is surprised as she believed that she thought she and her children was the only ones that could not stand him--Now the neighbors were going crazy too! 

While entering early middle school, she wasn't bullied until her skillful writing caught the attention of the bullies: Keats and his gang use to pick on her because of this, they sometimes look like they were gonna hit her and when Sylvia would react in horror, they would laugh & walk away. There was this one girl, whom she was friends with once, that spread a rumor that she is writing about a boy she likes. Sylvia was harassed for it and she was verbally unbraiding by one of her teachers, who made sexual jokes that sounded sick to her but not to everyone else! She was also bullied by girls after mistaken her to believe she liked Pokemon when looking it up. The real truth was that Sylvia was doing research on a voice actor of the english dubbed. This caused Sylvia to hate Pokemon, although she respects someone that likes but she loathes that anime 'kid show'. 

In a different school, the current one she goes to today, Sylvia was dealing with antisocially mean people that she followed, before eventually realizing they were the 'wrong peeps' for her. She was still emotional and was a mess but some people help her to turn her from a sad, uptight girl to a happy, comical lass. Sylvia became badly influenced by the distasteful crowd she used to hang out with and became a harsh, judgmental young lady. She was also dealing with a negative-attituded guy that falls asleep in each class daily. Sylvia is annoyed at this, the negative attitude guy made mean jokes, that people find funny but Sylvia finds them hurtful. After dealing with him for long enough, she declares that she cannot befriend with him and stops hanging out with him. Sylvia is considers herself strange as the reasons are displays: She eats a hotdog with no ketchup, mustard, etc. She eats a plain cheeseburger, she eats a beef and cheese taco--which is folded like a burrito--to prevent the droppings from falling. She likes to drink juice: fruit punch, orange juice, and apple juice. As a child, she tried soda but she coughed and retch a little because the fizzy soft drink was 'too much'! 

While at the grocery store one day alone, Sylvia meets her doppelganger, Karen Lustwing, who was once a Queen Bee and caused a school massacre after pranking two geek boys, who caused the shooting in order to end the pain of being bullied. In the meantime, Milena has a obsessive crush on Harden McCartney but she would get nervous around him. Everytime she see him, she would run away; shy. Her sister, Electra, is quite annoyed and gives her advice on how to talk to her crush. Milena walks up to talk to Harden, but she is shocked to find out that he has a girlfriend, Valora Sydney, and Milena walks away--heartbroken. At home, she has an emotional fit and starts ripping out lovey dovey stuff she wrote in her diary, she throws her diary about Harden in the trash, breaks a CD she made for him, and delete all the hearts from her Facebook. Electra, who was watching this, manages to calm Milena down and comforts her that she can screw Harden. 

There once was a girl name Ashley "Leah" Deacon is a bullied girl that discovers her powers: telekinesis. The young prioress, Claudia Deacon, is a fundamental Christian and the sister of Leah. Their parents abandoned them when the girls were at the ages of 4-5 years old. After being involved with a extremist religious group, She claims that everything in the world is a sin. When Leah begs her sister to let her go, Claudia refuses as she claims 'acts of sin' take place but Leah uses her powers to convince her. Claudia agrees however she is frighten that her own dear sister is turned into 'sin'. At a Masquarade ball, where salsa and waltzing is there! Love is in the air for Maisie, Leon, Hero, and Jane: Leon and Jane & Maisie & Hero; wondering if this is destiny for them. Chelsea Glasgow is the club vocalist while changing costumes of Jessica Rabbit, Holli Would, Betty Boop, Fairy Tale and Wonderland pin ups. Covering Natalia Kills's song, "Wonderland"; Chelsea dresses up as a pin up Alice in Wonderland costume while her backup singers/dancers dress up in Fairy Tale pin up costumes. 

The scenario is a Moulin Rouge-esque style performance. Sylvia, Heath, and Poppy watch from above at the sights. Claudia Deacon, who is attending the ball as request by Leah, has a strong infatuation for Leon and expresses her lustful desire but Leon is disgusted of her lustful feelings. For the time being; Sylvia, Heath, and Poppy help out Leah and introduces her to her friends. Maisie befriends Leah after seeing her lack of happiness but Leah's powers are revealed to Maisie and the others. Claudia struggles with her inner lust for Hero and her hatred towards  Twisted Faeries for bewitching: She pleas with the Virgin Mary, whom she refers to her as Stella Maris, to save her from temptation. She calmly walks over to the incense-filled thurible as she begs to Stella Maris as some sort of confession that she has feelings for her 'dear' Hero. She sees some sort of provocative image of Hero in the incense, and draws away in horror from the the scented air. Claudia accuses Hero of turning her to sin and denies her liability. Claudia begs to Stella Maris for forgiveness as she wants to be saved from Hero's 'sinful' acts. Clenching her fists, she states that Hero must choose her or die. She backs against the wall while clutching strands of hair as she rocks back and forth, Claudia prays to God, whom she refers to him as The Holy Trinity, to have mercy on her. 

While partying at the club, Carmen sets a trap for Leah to 'lose it' and she uses pig's blood. Pig's blood gets poured down on Leah after she stepped into the trap. Illusional laughter is heard which causes Leah to lose her sanity and starts a massacre, much pleasure to Carmen. Illusional screams are heard when Leah finally 'lost it'! Twisted Faeries are only the survivors as Sylvia uses her sensory powers to calm down Leah, who escapes in a fit of tears. She runs into Claudia, who breaks down and confesses about how alone she feels without their mother that abandoned them. Leah embraces her sister but is stabbed badly by Claudia and she kills her with her telekinesis. Loss of blood, Leah is at the verge of dying and cries out for Maisie before passing out. That's when she is possessed by Carmen. Carmen confronts Maisie and her gang, but Maisie says that Leah is her friend and a family member of Twisted Faeries. 

Carmen is shocked and leaves Leah's body, where Maisie saves her life by cleaning her wound and giving her a blood transfusion. Leah is taken to the medics of Twisted Faeries and is made a new member there! Finally, Leah found friends that accept her for who she really is. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Twisted Faeries--Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Fables of Lies 

The preface opens with Alice having a dream: She dreamed of dead children laying in a pool of blood. She dreamed of a dripping sound and finding a body dripping of blood, also lifeless. She wakes up scared and falls asleep but another nightmare appears: She dreamed of hearing a dripping sound: "What the hell is that dripping sound?" she asked, and she goes to check as she turns off the faucet. But hears the dripping again later, "The hell? I thought I--" she muttered. She finds out it's the other bathroom and turns off that faucet. However, she hears the same dripping and she gets irritated: "Not again, jeez--" she mumbled. She finds out it is the kitchen. Nevertheless, she hears the dripping and goes to check, this time she's upset: "All right, that's it. Whatever it is, it could be--" but stop to find a bloody body hanging in the air on a chandler. Alice screams and wakes up to the sunrise, relieved that it was all a dream. 

"Patroklos, I don't feel safe. Can we go home?" asked Alice. "But I thought you said it was fine." said Patroklos. Alice begged, "Please, I'm scared." Patroklos tried to convince her, "Alice, This creep isn't going to climb up here. Why would he do that? Even if he did, it's locked good." but stopped and realized something logic, "Wait, He might use that hook and break in and open the door." he noted. "Yeah, That's why I'm scared." Alice said. Patroklos sighed, "OK, Let's go." he said. Alice starts the car and Patroklos hears something scratching at his door, he is startled and turns around, "Holy--Did you hear that? It sounds like something scrapped against my door!" he exclaimed. "Relax, you must be imagining things." laughed Alice, "I mean, we got pretty nervous when we heard the broadcast." They arrived at Twisted Faeries, Alice got out to open Patroklos, but is shocked to find hanging on the door handle was a hook! Alice took the hook off and hide it in her pocket before letting Patroklos out, quickly, as she has nightmares of the psychopath. 

The Finn couple needed some time off from parenting their children, Jackson, Jillean, and Rosalba so they call Alice. Alice and Patroklos arrived around 4:00 p.m. as they and the children had a nice time. But around 9 o'clock at night, The phone rings. Alice answered, thinking it is the parents: "Hello?" she asked. However she can hear heavy breathing and an insane laughter startles her before hanging up. "Who was that?" asked one of the children, Jackson. "Nothing, it was just some nut." replied Alice, "What did I miss?" At 9:30, the phone rings--it's the man that called before and he said, "Did you check the children? If not, I'll be there soon." he said and laughed maniacally before hanging up. "Who was it?" asked Patroklos, looking concern. "I don't know. Must be a crazy person." said Alice. At 10:00, the phone rang again and Patroklos, answered it: "Hello?" he said but he was frightened by the caller's creepy tone: "Did you check the children? One more hour." said the caller, he laughed insanely before hanging up. 

"He said 'one more hour.' What's going on, Alice? Is this caller that's the the 'crazy person' from before?" asked Patroklos. "Yeah, but don't worry. He must be fooling around." replied Alice. "I'm scared, you guys." said Jillean. Around 10:30, The phone awakened as it awaken Patroklos so he answers it but it was the caller again. "Did you check the children? Very soon now." The caller said, he laughed and Patroklos demands: "Who are you? What do you want? Why are you doing this?" but the caller hung up. "Is it him?" asked Alice and the children. Shaken, Patroklos says: "Yes...OK, Now I'm scared. I'm calling 911 to complain." The 911 operator simply assured him that if that guy called again, he would try to trace the call. Around 11:00, the phone rang again and Alice answered it slowly while saying hello: "Did you check the children? Pretty soon now." said the caller, he laughed and hung up. Alice called the operator, and almost once she called back: "Alice, Listen carefully; That person is calling from a line upstairs. Did you hear me? He's calling from the upstairs room! I'm sending a police car, get everyone out there now!" 

Suddenly, The attic door opened and a man walked down the stairs. Alice got the children out while Patroklos deals with the man, who was smiling in a strange way. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife, Patroklos fights him as the man, name Corbin Moonstone, who remarks that a 'child' like himself, Patroklos says he may look young but he is an older teen. Corbin attacks however Patroklos shows off, confidently, of his martial arts as he defeats him. Finally, the police found Moonstone and arrested him. It said that Moonstone was the lunatic with the hook and was looking for it. Alice gives the hook to the police and they left but Alice trembles when she sees Moonstone's creepy smile. Since the Corbin Moonstone incident, Alice and Patroklos are recovering by a kind nurse name Belva Damon. Belva invites them to her house and she provides shelter, food, and hospitality to the duo. Alice and Patroklos seem to like it here but soon discover Belva has amazing things that seem paranormal and fictional: There are paper flowers, the clouds are like cotton candy, the sky is purple mountain majesty, and fairies--It's titled Neverland's Finest Place. There is a lion, a white witch, a mouse, and satyrs. A magical place of prime stupefaction that isn't real but only real in dreams! 

But Belva Damon is a disturbing woman that keeps a collection of horror films that are considered 'shocking' such as The Last House on the Left, I Spit on Your Grave, and more. Damon also cried over sad movies and would be seen with tears streaming down her face. Belva starts to behave badly towards Alice and Patroklos but begs them not to leave when they threaten to leave her. Alice and Patroklos learn that Belva is a child murderer and tried to escape but are locked away. However, A thief and hacker name Chelsea Glasgow helps them escape and tells them Belva used to kill her children differently. Chelsea tells Alice and Patroklos to take down Damon before she can do this to anyone else. Alice and her partner confronts Belva however she attacks with a stiletto but Patroklos and Alice fought back. It ends up with Chelsea murdering Belva mercilessly and helps the two escape. Chelsea disappears but hopes to meet again. While walking in silence, Alice begins to tell her terrifying tale: As a child; she befriend a young yet attractive young man name Carlisle Ludovico, who is a photographer, a guy good at math, and a good storyteller. 

Ludovico was a friend of the family but one night changed everything. Ludovico lost his grips of insanity and he murdered Alice's family. Alice was transferred to a whorehouse, where she worked there as an exotic dancer. She suffered of sexual abuse, things that were sugar coated, and it was so horrible that she went to a mental recovery in Wonderland until she was discovered by Lady Blackfrost, who cared for her with kindness. Patroklos is amazed as he ask why didn't she tell him. Alice said that it was all because of the mental and emotional trauma she suffered from! 

In the mean time, Maria Sophia is drugged and kidnapped by supermodels, who sold her to the Russian mafia for sexual slavery. Maria Sophia is hold captive in a tower, she is alone except for other girls. The girls talk about sleeping with different partners in order to gain money. Maria Sophia is horrified as she couldn't sleep and she has a lot of stress about the human trafficking because there is nothing she can do. Cimmeran and the Blackfrost sisters are searching for Maria Sophia however Shade suffers a hallucination as he flashbacks of Caryl again: Young Cimmeran is searching panicky for his sister, but Caryl turns out that she was away at school so Cimmeran waited for her to come home. 

All of a sudden; Maria Sophia remembers her powers of Aries and she smiles coyly of a plan she came up with in her mind. Dancing for a couple of guys, Maria Sophia gets the highest bet for her virginity, but before she does 'it' though she has a look of indifference on her face. She takes off her rob, revealing a red, white, and black lingerie as she transforms into her Aries form and burns her client into the fire. Maria Sophia watches with sinister across her face. Cimmeran, Kira, and Megan enter as they are shock of what they are witnessing. Remembering the Shiloh incident, Cimmeran and the Blackfrost Sisters believe that could be some sort of serenity to avenge the memory of what he did to her. 

One day, it was payback; Sylvia, Heath, and Poppy are seen walking towards the high tower of Twisted Faeries, where a smirking Alice is waiting. She remarks that they are 'fashionably early', "Especially you Poppy." said Alice with low malice. "Please tell me you are not still mad from last time?" asked Poppy, annoyed. "Oh yeah, let's just say that I am." Alice said bitterly. Just then, Maisie's voice startles the others, "You think you're the only one?" She falls off the top and lands perfectly on his feet. "I got some angst against this chick!" "Me too." said Maria Sophia, appearing from the left. "I do as well." said Amber, appearing on the right. "You think you can beat me?" asked Poppy with a sneer. "Is that a challenge?" inquired Maisie. "Absolutely." Poppy answered and attacks. 

The fight begins as Sylvia, Heath, Patroklos, Odelia, Claire, Ashton, David, Vetchling, Neon, Cimmeran, Kira, Megan, Jane, Leon, and Hero watch this intense battle until a voice screeches, "Wait, my demons! I will happy to aid you unclean maniacs!" It was Edward, Bruno's hyperactive yet insane friend. "Edward!" exclaimed Sylvia with glee. Edward looked at her with wide, horror eyes before pointing and yelling, "DEMON!" The joins Alice, Maisie, Maria Sophia, and Amber in this battle. He glances at the girls before doing a flaring arms dance briefly. Maria Sophia is the only one giggling while the girls give Edward weird glances. Poppy remarks before attacking, "Look out, my darlings!" she sang. "Oh, you better not." warned Edward. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!" cried Poppy before attacking as Edward takes the hit. 

The fight continues as Sylvia notes on how impressive that Poppy is not breaking a sweat, unlike the other girls. Heath reminds her that his sister went crazy during training. Knowing this is going to be brutal, Sylvia encourages Edward to finish off Poppy, "Do it for, Narnia!" cried Sylvia. Edward suddenly snapped as he becomes hysterically dramatic. "Yes, for Narnia....FOR NARNIA! WAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Edward outrageously headbutts Poppy in her chest. "Oh, crap!" Poppy cried in pain. Edward stares at her on the ground before pumping his fists in the air. "I win!" He announces, "I am King of the Demons, yaaaaaahhhhh!" "Any comments?" Sylvia asked. Edward stands like a shoulder after letting out a whoop, "My work here is DONE!!!!!!!!" He exclaims. He walks away as the others stare at him, Sylvia laughs and says: "What would we do without Eddie." 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Twisted Faeries--Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Getting Butterflies, Much? 

Amber Grant is sent on a mission by Lady Blackfrost, who arms her with a jackal name Gunn, a Shuchon--a teddy bear-like puppy name Treasure and a unicorn name Pallas. She encounters a tornado and her animal companions until Amber and her animal friends are saved by an attractive, childlike appearance, and semi pale boy name Torny Heinz. Torny tortures Amber by giving her scars & she is scared of him so much that Torny becomes infatuated with her before passionately kissing her lips. Amber knee kicks him between his legs and confronts him. After insulting and realizing they don't seem to hate each other, Torny and Amber call a truce while becoming fast friends. Torny gives Amber a basket and a cloth for her teddy bear puppy as she finds it cute. On their journey, Amber, Torny, and their animal companions run into three other people, a lone wolf name Luca Arcenciel and his bloodthirsty friend name Lumen Stonemason. Even a bashful, weak young lady name Precious Botticelli. Luca Arcenciel is a calm 17 year old boy that rarely gets flustered or annoyed. Whenever he does get annoyed, he maintains a cool tone in his voice. On the other hand, Lumen Stonemason is a sadistic streaked 15 year old boy with a moody behavior, he is overall cheerful, can have a foul mouth when upset, he is needy for affection, self centered, cold hearted, quiet, upbeat, and calm at times. 

In the past, Lumen was abused by his father and his mother neglected him. After dealing with the pain for 6 years, Lumen ran away from home and was happy eventually after hearing his father was killed as his mother commit suicide. But Precious Botticelli is different. She's a vulnerable, faint hearted young lady which Torny takes pleasure in mercilessly teasing her and screwing with her psychically and emotionally. It is hinted that Torny has romantic feelings and he messes with Precious because he is aroused by her cowardly behavior. In the past, She was born to a mother that was impossible to please and siblings that mistreated her. Precious's father turn out to be cheating his wife and Precious is accused of knowing about it but she didn't know however no one believes her. Amber and team end up facing cases of murders as well as a disturbing realm of tentacle erotica. Precious is frightened by this as she reveals to have a phobia of sexual intercourse, because she had not lost her virginity and doesn't know what making love is. They learn about of an incubus, who had been listening to Precious and attempt to assault her with lust. 

But Torny saves her while Amber sends out her ferocious animals to destroy the tentacles but they are no match however Luca takes them all down. Amber and the others are awestruck, however Lumen taunts him about it but Luca comments him of being jealous. Amber lets out an 'oooh' and tells a pissed Lumen: "You got told, son!" and everyone laughs, except Lumen. At the same time elsewhere, Cimmeran Shade's past is revealed: His beloved sister, Caryl, was killed in front of him while he escaped from unknown danger. Since Caryl's death, Cimmeran suffers hallucinations over the traumatic memory. Kira and Megan are concern for Cimmeran's condition. In reality; Cimmeran, Kira, and Megan deal with a two faced person that acts different around everyone else. They also deal with Cimmeran's former crush, April, who returns after hearing that Cimmeran has come back. But realizing she is not worth it, Cimmeran leaves her. There seems to be something wrong with Cimmeran because of his psychological trauma from seeing Caryl dying: Anytime he hangs out with Maria Sophia or any ingenue-looking girl; he hallucinates memories of Caryl and gets a panic attack. The most valuable thing that reminds him of Caryl is a necklace, the Hope Diamond replica she received from their father--Chancellor Shade--as a gift. 

However, Maria Sophia had dealt with struggles in her life: Unhappy relationships, 'drowning' in abuse of liasion, recovery from it, suffering of acute manic behavior after the abuse, the numbness of taking lithium for her sharp frenzied conduct, and how she found Twisted Faeries where she finds her 'happy ending' and 'new beginning' there. The following with dealing with a mission that involve victims captured and part of sex trafficking; Maria Sophia, Cimmeran, Kira, and Megan return with another assignment had been completed. They are faced with another mission: They must investigate a domed city, which is synchronize peacefully under an entire authority structure. A series of murders are happening and nobody knows who is causing this. Patients are infected with a mental illness that threatens the domed city. 

Maria Sophia and the others accept this assignment, despite the gruesome details, as they head to the domed city in Vermont. There, they meet a shy yet flimsy young man name Shiloh. His mother is an abusive woman that used to hurt him physically, mentally, and sexually. Maria Sophia and her gang discover a ghastly secret from Shiloh: There is some kind of evil force that uses mirrors as a gateway to kidnap its victims and places them in a cellar, which this evil force drives them mad. During the investigate, Maria Sophia learns she is being stalked by someone and she is scared to know who it is. Paranoia races through her mind and breaks down while begging for help from her friends. This causes Cimmeran hallucinates a memory of Caryl: Caryl finds her hand is bleeding and begs Cimmeran to help her so Cimmeran does. Cimmeran comforts Maria Sophia and they decide to turn in and investigate more in the domed tomorrow. Maria Sophia endures nightmares and she wakes up to find mail of undying love, weird gifts of disturbing & grisly things, and a Guro Lolita outfit. Maria Sophia, Cimmeran, Kira, and Megan are disturbed so they threw the stuff away; much dismay to the stalker. 

Continuing with the investigation on her own, Maria Sophia discovers an underground place of 'eternal damnation' called Hades' Slaughterhouse where they see people are tortured by 'demons'. In Hades' Slaughterhouse, She can see Shylock's mother in there as she is being tortured there for her crimes. Maria Sophia is horrified and learns of the video footage of the victims in the cellar are place under an illusion that they are buried alive. Later; Maria Sophia is cornered by Shiloh, who reveals to be the stalker. Megan, Kira, and Cimmeran try to rescue her but they failed. Shiloh kidnaps them as he explains how he was upset at Maria Sophia for rejecting his gifts of 'love' and he turns out to be the evil force that had been torturing his victims for bullying him and place them in the Hades' Slaughterhouse after spending time in the cellar--which is an illusion for being buried alive and dead already. 

Shylock attempts to rape when Samantha appears, in a black hood, with a hawser and in a slo-mo sequence, Samantha is using the hawser to choke Shylock; killing him while screaming in Bulgarian: "Sprete go, bolno kopele!" (which is Bulagrain that means 'stop it, sick bastard!'). Maria Sophia watches in amazement as Shylock's blood drops on her body and Samantha doesn't stop until the attempt rapist falls down dead of blood dripping still. Maria Sophia is shocked as she watches Samantha unlock the cellar and lets Cimmeran and the Blackfrost Sisters out. Maria Sophia and the others leave the domed city of Vermont and return to the sanity of Twisted Faeries. Maria Sophia suffered nightmares of the domed city of Vermont and is hysterically crying but doesn't know why. Seeing this, Cimmeran has a hallucination of Caryl again: Caryl is seen comforting a young Cimmeran, who was suffering a nightmare. Cimmeran comforts Maria Sophia as he tells her, "You are not alone."

Alice's fear against the Griffin--aka The Jabberwocky is an imprint in her mind after defeating the Headless Horseman. But one day, Alice and Patroklos meet Lumen, Patroklos's childhood rival from the fifth grade. Lumen confronts Patroklos as he unleashes his power, Timor Feeble (An ability against those they are weaken to their fears) however Alice, Neon, Vetchling, Ashton, David, Odelia, and Claire come to destroy the Timor Feeble. Lumen is surprised to see Patroklos 'made friends'. He declares war against them but he is defeated. He appears again to confirm his vow, he fights Alice, Patroklos, and the others but the they defeated him in a humorous matter. Yukio returns for constant rematches and he complains about this with his maid, Hikari. So Hikari suggests to 'burn them' and Lumen takes her suggest by creating a fiery power. He leaves to go after them but returns five seconds later, clenching teeth under his angry breath: "Crap, Crap, Crap!" He looks over at the smug Hikari and points a warning finger, "Not one, utters a word...." he said. "OK, I wasn't going to say anything anyway." She said. Then Hikari giggles silently when Lumen left. Lumen is even more manic when he challenges Patroklos and the others, who surprised him by saying they give up and leave. Lumen is stunt, he is upset as he races them. He defeats the four of them, laughing at his victory. Patroklos and the others smile smugly, they tell Lumen to turn around.  

He does and he is stunt to see that he learns that he is defeated. Lumen laughs nervously and shamefully admits that they won but he turns scary as he will not rest until they are taken down. He is being lead away by his maid, Hikari, who apologizes for the insanity. After they left, Alice and the others are left awkward. Meanwhile, Bruno tries to figure out about a strange cow, name Jeff, and believes he is the Holy Cow. If Jeff doesn't reveal himself, Bruno will make him into 'butt cheese'. However, this fails so badly and Bruno is left dissatisfy and takes this out on Hunter, his older brother. Since the battle between Alice and Poppy; Bruno's friend, Edward, has a fear towards Poppy and claims that she is demon. When Sylvia gets 'abducted', Bruno and his gang--The Cloud Cuckoo Land--chase after Poppy and Heath so they can 'rescue' Sylvia. However they lose sight of them so they decide to rest. Edward suggests humorously to contact their financier, Godzilla, but Bruno refuses because Godzilla could eat the kidnappers. "Sister napper, Sadistic bitch! When I see that demon lady, BOOM! Goes the TNT!" yelled Edward. Bruno tells him to shut up and Edward only says: "Meeehhhh." 

While talking about Sylvia of absurd theories of why Bruno's older sister is kidnapped, they are startled by a loud sound: "I demand a RE-COUNT!!!!" exclaimed Edward. When questioned about why he said, Edward claims that Godzilla ate 20 percent of his gold in his 'bank'. Bruno face palms himself before having a hissy fit. At a gothic-punk store; Sylvia, Heath, and Poppy are checking out the latest merchandise. When Poppy is looking at creepy dolls, She is startled by her brother's voice. "Sis, are you wearing pants?" asked Heath with a grin. Poppy turns to give him a look before replying, "I am wearing pants, yes!" "Shall we prove it?" Sylvia asked, pulling her dress up and it turns out that she's wearing pants. "Yup, she's wearing pants." she said. Heath says with a laugh, "I'm not!" "Oh my God! No, wait! Yes you are." and trio cracks up. Later, Bruno and the others are confronted by Sylvia, Heath, and Poppy. Edward sees Poppy and gets frantic: "She's a demon! Save me! Ah, Ah! AH! SAVE ME, SHE'S A DEMON! HEEELLLLPPPPP!" He said, parody quotes of Sylvester from Looney Tunes. Sylvia solemnly ask what are they doing, Edward accuses Poppy of 'kidnapping' however Sylvia explains that 

Poppy's infant cousins: Thomas (3 year old), Elmo (1 year old), Percy (2 years old), and Mickey (months old) come to visit. The babies turn out to be cherubic Cupid-like beings with arrows to create insane chaos in order to amuse themselves. Poppy seems to terrify Edward more and she ask about why is scared. Bruno replies that it is because of the fact from a traumatic moment and this worsens Edward's fear in a comical matter. All of a sudden, Edward blurts out in an insane tone: "SYLVIA, YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS DEMON!!!!" and dashes outside. He is seen running around as he screams: "I WILL NOT REST UNTIL YOU ARE VANQUISH FROM EXISTENCE!!!" and "TNT, TNT!!!" The cousins are amused as they cause humorous insanity towards Edward, who considers the babies 'demon-ized' too. 

For the time being, Sylvia and Twisted Faeries face a PMS female creature, called The Curse, is causing 'the monthlies' for all the girls in Twisted Faeries. The Curse is sexually aroused by the cute boys and also gets turned on by their attacks. Sylvia is also turned on by the war going on, she seems to like it! She turns out to be obsessed with heroic battles and epic parts. However she is defeated on two rounds against Sylvia and Twisted Faeries. During the fight, Maria Sophia's dress gets ruined: "Did you guys ruin my dress? Oh my God, There's a hole in the bottom of this thing!" Maria Sophia complained. "Relax! I don't think it's gone." Maisie said. "No, she's not." Amber agreed. Just then, The Curse appears and she says with a sexy sneer, "I'm not dead yet." "Whoa, the third struggle? Are you kidding me?" exclaimed Alice. "Oh yeah, I'm loving this! I can do this all night, sweetie. Ask around!" declare Sylvia. "It's true, she's insane." Alice points out. 

Sylvia devises a plan with her friends and she fights back. Ashton attacks The Curse in an impressive mood but instead of feeling pain, she feels absolute bliss vibrate through her. "Oh yeah.....Your powers are leaving an imprint on me.....I'm loving this! I can't get enough." moaned The Curse, pleasured. Sylvia is disgusted at the creature, David and Ashton feel the same way about 'turning on' the monster. She attacks more as she soughs in contentment. Sylvia discovers her weakness and gives her a good blow, thus defeating her. Afterwards, Maisie, Leon, Hero, and Jane face a vampire name Essence Myron, who is aroused by the aroma of sweet scented blood from Hero. She lured him away from Maisie and the others as she attempt to sip his blood but Maisie rescues him and destroys Essence. Hero is grateful for Maisie for helping him and Maisie remarks, "That's what friends and comrades do for one another." The humorous part of this that it is a love rectangle for Maisie and the others: Jane likes Leon, Leon likes Maisie, Maisie loves Hero, and Hero loves Jane. It gets pretty crazy, despite the seriousness of Maisie's blood drinking habit. 

Things change for Vetchling and Neon when a young, timid, and beautfiul girl name Belovett "Cutesy" Brown discovers a host/hostess club called Throbbing Heart while under the guise of a boy but after a humorous mishap, her identity is exposed. She falls for the most dazzling host, Casanova "Cas". While at Throbbing Heart; Vetchling falls for Romeo and Neon falls for Lothario. Lothario and Romeo are also from the Throbbing Heart. Neon's partying and alcoholism bothers Lothario when Neon gets a wake up call, after nearly dying in a car accident, and decides to stop partying while getting serious but her personal demons are revealed about drug abuse and sexual abuse. Belovett has stage fright but she is overcoming her fears, thanks to Amber Grant, and they perform a sign language hands dance to Tone Damli's "Butterflies" song: On the stage, Belovett is frightened when all of a sudden, the music--Butterflies by Tone Damli Aaberge--comes on and Amber comes beside Belovett as the two of them perform the sign language hand dance as butterflies emerge on the third chorus, surprising everyone. 

Fundamental Christians are accusing Twisted Faeries of witchcraft and unholiness towards society. They are attacked by three witches: Lucy, Carmen, and Samantha create an illusion of something similar of Revelation inside the extremist Christians' minds and make them go crazy of fear, panic, and torture of such visions. Lucy, Carmen, and Samantha take on a clique, their boyfriends, and two ignorant teachers because they caused bullying and cruelty towards a fat girl name Macy. Macy was a girl that suffered of seizures and the surgeries she went through made her mentally slow. Macy was called a 'tub of lard' and a 'snail' for no reason by this clique. Lucy, Carmen, and Samantha are anti-heroines/Byronic Heroines that interest Sylvia, who wonders who they are and why are they doing this.