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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Amazon Star: Bedlamites & Hedonists--Season 2 Finale

Hey all you peeps, This is the season finale of Amazon Star but stay tuned for more episodes in the newest season. This is a live action/animated homage but it's more like live action meets anime/manga. Kinda hot huh? XD Anyway, I decide to do this because an idea popped into my head: There was Cool World and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? so why not ones where the 'live action' world meets the anime world. I did it for the cosplayers & the anime/manga fans. Hope you guys like it! :) Enjoy!

episode: Hotto Topikku

Years ago; A wealthy young girl name Rosalind Ludovico was seven through nine when she was child abuse physically and a bullied victim from middle school to junior high. Later, Rosalind is 16 and she is in a better place from her hellish demons: Her abusive father and the bullies that tormented her. She is haunted by them in her dreams and goes insane however she stumbles upon a drawing on the wall of the door so she takes a look and is surprised to find it real while opening it and discovers the world of anime. In the present; 17 year old Rosalind is seen with her own charming anime boys: Dean Phoenix--Loner, March Springer--Emo, Russell Wendell--Charmiastic psychopath, Kane Jarrett--Darkly mysterious yet harsh guy, Sean Torrence--Cynical and mischievous young man. Although they are devotees to her but they do not show any signs of overzealous and impulsive, They are crazy to be with her although Sean seems to be obsessed with her somehow because of the perfect body and perfect life as he wish to leave his anime world to the realm he always dreamed of. Rosalind privately warns him of the dangers, the abusive people, the crimes and other horrible things out there.  

There is an interesting stuff going on: Electra Storm is a vocaloid that is dressed in pink and black while hanging out with her two best friends: Lilith Towers, a snobby accent young lady but she is very a compassionate person and another friend yet devoting fan of Rosalind Ludovico. Her creator was Tyrone Stark, a consensus reality anime/manga fan and believes that he & Electra are soul mates that are entwined to be one. Electra Storm is a sexy young vocaloid with a creepy, violent and dark side. A inspired combination of sex symbolism women and creepy little girls. Tyrone's eccentric father, Samson, is a therapist that tries to help his son however he fails to get his son out of the fantasy because Tyrone is sadly out of touch with reality. Meanwhile, Katherine is writing an interesting anime/live action short story about Calinda Ludwig is an anime fan and graphic novelist, where she has somehow a connection with a guy name Sven, a boy from the anime world! In the meantime: Eurydice is creating an anime/manga project based upon Katherine Donovan and her adventures, she is naming it 'Freak Girl', with the protagonist name Rosario Hart aka Rose Heart. Eurydice names the project called Hotto Topikku! However one day; The anime comes to life as Eurydice manages to lure Katherine, Cleo, Amanda and the others into the world of Freak Girl. 

While there; Cleo is dazzled and ultimately sexually assaulted by the hyper-sexually emo name Martel, the satyriasis character based on Corin, because he is infatuated with Cleo and wants her to belong in the anime world. Katherine and her friends are shocked when they are told by Rosario Hart about it so Kathy goes to Neo Phobia and request Tavish for help: Sextus told her that she must inject Cleo with Donovan's own blood but must help Martel with mending his sanity and repairing his broken heart. Katherine and the others search for Martel's 'love' and found Faustine! In the meantime, Katherine and Neo Phobia are greeted by Rosalind, who would like to help them. Kathy demands to know why is she doing this. Rosalind says that she is in control of this anime world and this place exist with--or without--their creators! Rosalind then leads Neo Phobia to Martel's whereabouts as Cleo breaks the boy's heart gently. Just then: Martel faces off against Corin while Cleo is turned back into a human. Faustine is reunited with Martel, who is happy to see her, and 

Meanwhile; Rosalind and her anime boys are working on a project called: Grindhouse--The Ludovico Technique Project. It is a special project to kidnap the bullies and posers from her past. The bullies and posers are James "Jamie" Keats, Zeke Manuel, Gene Kester, Tara Veda Lindon, Ciara Fraser, Bessie Keyes, Ella Maccabee, Maya Devis & Starla Garnett. Inspired by the fictional aversion therapy from the satirical film: A Clockwork Orange; Rosalind will use her victims by injecting a nausea-inducing drug while specula holds the eyelids wide open. Dean ask if she is insane of doing something like that, Rosalind smirks and asked "Wouldn't you?" Dean smiles back passionately. Rosalind and her anime boys track down the erstwhile bullies and posers as they perform the Ludovico Technique Project and use movies to traumatized them. But these movies are known as the 'sickest movies of all time' and they were! These tasteless yet disturbing films are: Salo or 120 Days in Sodom, Guinea Pigs--Mermaid in the Manhole, Irreversible, The Human Centipede: First Sequence and its sequel: Full Sequence. During this process; Dean and the boys are sickened by the Human Centipede film as they are traumatized. Sean is repulsed as he is seen taking the barf bag and vomiting into it, he coughs eventually after upchucking. 

There's been so much brutal murders going on: Neo Phobia realizes that there is a cannibal lurking the anime world, it is a female cannibal and her name is Nixie Mohawk. In her early cannibalism; Nixie was high on PCP and she killed her boyfriend in beliefs of demon possession while devouring his vital organs. Nixie was found lurking the streets naked and covered in blood, screaming at the sky! During her time in rehabilitation, Nixie escapes and start more on her crimes however she was lured into the anime world by her monstrous creation: Dobutsu. Dobutsu and Nixie are haunting Rosalind's anime boys because of the hungry cannibal! Nixie seduced the boys before she attacks them, Katherine saves Rosalind and the boys while fighting Nixie and Dobutsu. Nixie chants Kesha's song, Cannibal, as her 'theme' of cannibalism so Katherine and Neo Phobia team up with their counterparts in order to destroy these monsters. 

After the project is over; Rosalind is confronted by her father, who attacks her, and Katherine sees this happening as she tells everyone to hurry. Rosalind is seen tortured by her father, who calls her names: 'b**ch', 'sl**' and 'psycho babe' while hitting her hard. Kathy trembles in fear as she has flashbacks of her dad happy, cheeful and loving while violent yet mean and harsh towards her on another basis. She has a flashback of her dad attempting to take the car in the school parking lot and she loses it by seizing Mr. Ludovico, beating him up and almost strangling him while everyone witnesses this in shock. Eurydice managed to calm Katherine down before using her torture powers to finish off the abusive father. Rosalind watches her father parish away from her eyes. Katherine, Neo Phobia, their anime counterparts and Rosalind make peace with one another as they depart back to their realms as they hope to see them again.

In the epilogue; Eurydice is seen creating more idea characters for the other world and smiles in a mischief way! 

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