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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Amazon Star: Bedlamites & Hedonists

episode: Family Matters

Summer is over and Katherine goes back to school but before school started, Kathy learns that she is having half days because she must get credits in order to graduate from high school. Her struggling subject is geometry while her teacher is a yammering, nitpicking Jamaican educator! Kathy is not to thrill however she is pretty ecstatic about the half days. In the program; There are some children that seemed harmless but after a few days, Kathy learns that one student, Ellen, is has meltdowns when nothing goes her way. Another student name Elizabeth, whom seems to be difficult because of the fact that she talks things that do not make sense, she asked endless questions that contained 'Why' and also she wouldn't hear the person as she would say 'Yes'--even though that wasn't the exact answer to the question of something. The teacher of the program is Kaiser Machiavelli, who is a kind man that is sensitive to his students but can be a joker at times too! But a severely explosive young man name Rex talks to himself out loud and cause joyous, obnoxious noises that would bother Kathy. Kaiser manged to tell him nicely to calm down however Rex would continue as this would upset Kathy more but she tries to get through it a bit! Katherine and her family are fed up with Mr. Donovan so with Cheryl's help (Cheryl is a good friend to Kathy's mother) they managed to find a new place for Kathy, her mother and brothers: Jimmy and Jay. 

The first place they stop to is Vanilla Sky Neighborhood, where they find out that there is a small pool and there is bigger space in the room, which Jimmy becomes interested in. The second place is Lake House Acres, where it is different as Katherine seems to like that better. After for awhile; Mrs. Donovan decides to buy an apartment at Lake House Acres and so, Kathy and her mother as well as Jay signed the paper work after school lunch. After Jimmy got picked up; The family started to pack however Mr. Donovan demands to know what is going on so a family meeting is being held as Kathy's brothers and mother explain what is going on. When the talk is over; Mr. Donovan thinks that this seems to be a permanent goodbye however it isn't! Just then, Mr. Donovan took the car with the boys' stuff in it! Jimmy finds out and calls out for Jay as both boys ran out quickly, which surprises Kathy as her mother calls Cheryl to tell her what has happened. After hearing about the situation from her friend; Cheryl orders her to get her family to pack everything and she (Cheryl) will be right over! After packing their things, taking Mr. Donovan's large TV, taking the dog and they left in Cheryl's car with all the stuff. After a 10 minute drive; Kathy, her family and Cheryl finally arrived at Lake House Acres as they get everything packed up inside their new home! 

Kathy, Jay, Mrs. Donovan and Cheryl went out shopping for groceries, air mattresses and sheets but everyone is so tired so they went home, got everything ready and went to sleep after Cheryl departs. The next day on Saturday, It was hot and exhausting day of packing the rest of their things but after a while everyone got something to eat! After getting food; Everyone said a prayer before chowing down as Kathy and her family are told firmly to keep their new house clean: No more food in the room, no garbage and they must eat at the table from now on. Kathy and her family vow to do so! Peace has come to Katherine, Jay, Jimmy and Mrs. Donovan can now relax after a few days of packing and unpacking while also departing one place to another. It was so frustrating and exhausting until they can ease their stress finally. They can sleep better and think about the positive future, but eventually something happens: Mr. Donovan is injured while dropping the boys' stuff at his new place at work. This is seems a bit of a shock yet the family has no idea of what does he want from them. They are unsure about this, they feel bad for what happened however they are willing to help him and Mr. Donovan agreed to stop fighting. 

The boys are willing to work out a deal with him of getting their stuff back, Kathy is anxious about what is going on however her mother tells her not to worry about it nevertheless Kathy worries about it still. In the early days before the move; Mr. Donovan unplugged the route cable to the computer and stole the DirecTV card from the system. Eventually, He returned in backwards. What's also horrible is that Mr. Donovan claims that his wife never communicates with her but Mrs. Donovan communicates with him by texting him through cellphones--Just not verbally! Mrs. Donovan had taken her husband's car as it is getting fixed but the mechanic says that the vehicle is so disgusting that is filled with cockroaches and ants as the seats are filled with dirty water and mildew. He requested a new car but he would try to work on it! After days of working on the car; The car is fixed and the seats that were filled with mildew and filthy water are now removed. Mrs. Donovan can easily drive in the car and she will drive in the newly fixed car. At school for Katherine; It has become easy: She must get credits for geometry in those half days but for her other classes--They do not need so much! Kathy is having a hard time dealing with the other children and she hates being in charge however her teacher, Mr. Machiavelli, feels her pain and talks to her about it. 

One day; Katherine is being cornered by her peers about why is she having half days and they believe that she is skipping school however she tries to explain but she gets cut off everytime she tries to explain. Kathy seems irritated at not only students but her peers in her programming school; The students, with the mental disabilities, are driving her mad and easily stressing her out! At home, Her mother tells her that Mr. Donovan would like to take Katherine to attend to an infant's baptism this Saturday at 10 o'clock but comforts her about how much she loves her and how it is not easy because the other relatives would tell their side of the story from Mr. Donovan as Katherine cannot handle that right away and must let things settle into the holidays. Katherine accepts as Mrs. Donovan apologizes but Katherine tells her mother not to worry about it. The four members of the Donovan family, and the puppy, are safe--For now! There had been some disasters such as troubled students are always into mischief that the principal, Cheryl, does not enjoy. Katherine is having a hard time with some of the peers in her new class however she must learn that it is life. 

There is more drama a little bit around October and November: Mr. Donovan wants custody of Jimmy however he doesn't so he gets a divorce from his wife instead! He doesn't stop with the lies and the deceiving protests of his wife, which no one believes! Mr. Donovan is happy to hear Kathy when she calls and says nice things as he would like to see her on Thanksgiving however Kathy is not sure. After her phone call; Her father threatens to call the police in order to see his son but Jimmy sends him an email on how he does not want to see him and wants him to give Jimmy more time because he still wants to be away from Dad for now until he is ready! Kathy does not tell anyone about what goes on as she needs stuff to work on: She must not get into arguments with the other troublemaking students, she must see her 'best friend' again soon and would like to go to another anime convention. 

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