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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Amazon Star: Bedlamites and Hedonists--Halloween Special Event!

Amazon Star presents a Halloween Special Event! The most amazing special ever about a girl that comes back from the dead after she is supposingly killed and now causes madness for the feeble that are jealous and some that are insane for her beauty. It seems Katherine and other survivors must get their friends back to their sane selves! Inspired by Junji Ito's two mangas: Tomie and Uzimkai; Siobhan Cullen is the most wicked seductress of Amazon Star than the former antagonist Tertia!

The prologue opens to a man at night of a graveyard, where he is burying a dead girl: The man is Marcel Hopkins, a young high school teacher and the dead girl is Siobhan Cullen, who is a teenage high school student. After he buried the girl; Mr. Hopkins runs away from the graveyard but after he left, a hand reaches out from the dead girl’s grave! The next day; it is announced that Siohban is dead but she arrives at school, surprising everyone by the fact that she has returned from the dead that has no wound on her from her murderer. Siobhan corners Mr. Hopkins and punishes him for slaughtering her, Siobhan places a whirlpool-like mark on the teacher’s hand that begin to agonizes him until it killed him. The students are shocked at this as Siobhan glares at them, “Anyone have an issue of wanting to kill me?” she asked coldly.  

All the students shake their heads nervously as Siobhan smiles in approval at this, People show consecration to Miss Cullen but they also grow curious of whom Siobhan really is! There had been gossips of Siobhan: Some say she is immortal and can delay aging to her skin. Some say she is a witch and they think she was born in the Victorian era, some say she is a seer or a guardian to the wickedness that have a ‘dark heart’. The actually truth is that the delaying age about Siobhan is true but the rumors are not true nevertheless she has accelerate healing as she recovered from anyone who hurt her in a cruel way towards her: Her lesions would convalesced after people would considered her dead! Weeks ago; Siobhan Cullen was a new student as her alluring beauty seems to drive all the boys crazy as they were love-struck for her! On the other hand, the girls are jealous of Siobhan’s charming delicacy and want to be good-looking as her! Siobhan might have emotional manipulation to those that are effecting others that might be loving her or wanting to be like her!

Siobhan did kill people by using the whirlpool mark on others: High school jock name Denzel Keyes was a deceased victim to Siobhan, who killed him with the whirlpool mark after him and his friends gang raped & murdered her. A mean clique set a cruel prank on her that actually eliminated her! Siobhan places the whirlpool mark on the girls and killed her; she makes them suffer of a merciless death that was so horrifying to everyone in the school! No one would have dreamed that a high school student would do something so menacing to a mean girl and her friends. The principal tried to persuade her however he is charmed by her allure and kills her until he is nearly killed nonetheless he is spared by the pretty girl. But Siobhan warns him if he try to conquer her then she will show no mercy next time because she is dead serious and the principal, who now fears her, obeys to this warning however he ponders about who is this mysterious girl. 

It seems to Siobhan that she must make changes to her whirlpool marks and decides to use the sex symbol marks for other usage: The blue circle with an arrow to the bottom right is for the boys and the pink circle with a plus sign on the circle of above. The boys’ logo stands for ‘Love Struck’ where the boys will be under a hex of an insane love spell that they will slaughter anyone that will injure her and the girls’ logo stands for ‘Pious Votary’ where girls will be overzealously senseless for their doyenne! Siobhan is told by her servant girl that there are some agents of BleMarmaro that would be ‘dying’ to try out her great power of these emblems for all genders to enjoy in the arousing of enthralling someone’s emotions being played with. Siobhan is interested in this as she departs in a hurricane-like portal to find these promising folks! 

At a Halloween cosplay; Katherine Donovan and her friends from BleMarmaro are dressed up in Tim Burton themed clothes, each of them from a great Burton film: The Nightmare before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, Batman, Beetlejuice, Corpse Bride, Frankenweenie, Vincent, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street and Alice in Wonderland. During the cosplay, a hurricane came and destroyed the building while causing harm to Katherine and the others while everyone escaped. After the storm; Kathy and her remaining gang: Anferney, Nettie and Anna! The four of them search for their friends until they found dead bodies of other cosplayers, each of them are dead however some are alive with several of injuries. Kathy and her three friends aid the survivors however they run into Nikki, who is fretting about where Miguel is! She seems worried about him but Anna assures her that everything will be OK. Kathy runs into other BleMarmaro agents: Sallow-face songster Courtney Drury, Vianna Harte, Sara Wilkes & Aaron Torin. They were sent by the Wise Teacher to search for the other agents until they unexpected to see madness! 

Suddenly; Brenton, Corin, Miguel, Jordan and Travon attack out of nowhere to attack. Katherine saves them from the boys and demands to know what is going on with them until she sees a strange whirlpool mark on them: Brenton has one mark on his cheek, Corin has one on neck, Miguel has one on his chest, Jordan has one on his stomach and Travon has one on his forehead. Katherine asked what is going on as she reaches out to touch the mark on Brenton, who hits her and tells her not to touch it because his “admirer” gave it to him as he attacks her along with the other boys! Tov, Derek, Liesel and Auburn comes to Kathy and her friend’s aid as they fight alongside their friend in contrast to the other spell bounded/mind-controlled boys, who eventually escaped to slaughter every man that would try and hurt their paramour governess! Siobhan is surprised to see that her whirlpool marks have charmed only the 'cute boys' and thinks her marks are about finding the 'cute ones'. The marks are programming stereotypical tiny machines as Siobhan is picky about her boys because she wants them skinny, lean, good-looking--Not fat, not 'ugly' but perfect.

In the meantime; Anna and Nettie are searching for help until they run into Cleo, who is happy to see them. She is worried about where Rachel, Geena and Sheba are because she hasn’t seen any sight of them! Anna assures her that they must be around here somewhere since the hurricane must have blown them away. Just then; Rachel, Geena and Sheba appear but there is something odd about them: Sheba has a whirlpool mark above her left breast, Geena has the exact same on her upper thigh and Rachel has one on her right wrist. The girls attack Cleo, Nettie and Anna—who fights back against their mind-controlled friends and they are muddled about what is going on with their friends. Kathy, Cleo, Liesel, Tov, Derek, Nikki, Anferney, Anna and Nettie found shelter at a safe house, where they managed to figure out a plan for them to find a way to help their friends, who are possessed by the mark that has altered them into a jinx conjoining mind control until Kathy has a premonition of Siobhan Cullen is behind the madness of their friends. She is seen singing in an enchanted yet eerie tone to a Halloween song:

"Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate. The first one said, 'oh my it's getting late.' The second one said, 'there are witches in the air.' The third one said, 'but we don't care!' The fourth one said, 'let's run and run and run.' The fifth one said, 'I'm ready for some fun!' OOOhh OOOhh went the wind, And out went the lights. And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight." While searching for the mysterious Siobhan; Kathy and stayers run into trouble with Nazi Zombies, Orcs, Robots, Noire Antiheroic gangs and Nazi Spartans! It’s all madness in anticipation of Kathy, who sees retentions about Siobhan: As a child; Siobhan’s parents were ‘storm chasers’ until they were killed by a horrible tornado as Siobhan fell with angst pending of fear that took over but the strange girl became fascinated with hurricanes and tornados! Siobhan received her accelerate healing after she was nearly killed by a hurricane until a mysterious girl—her servant girl—saves her and gives her supernatural powers of accelerate healing and delaying as well as emotional manipulation and 'sleight of hand and heart' to others. She also has the ability to use a strand of her hair to posses any person while also kills them in a very obscene death scenes.

During the doomsday catastrophe in order to save their friends, Kathy and the survivors face off against a satanic cult that believe that Last Judgment will be the day that they will take over the world and destroy Christians off the face of the earth by 2012! Kathy tells them that she have no time to hear this however they don’t stop their insane babbling until Anferney tells them with confirmation in his voice: “YOU FOOLS!  There is no such thing as ‘the end of the world’! Pay attention, Misery is a circumstance of existence……..You moreover to absorb to deal thru it or you’ll go below! You’re in denial of your own fate about Judgment Day because it will never happened and the earth will stay strong for the fact that it will become a better place for whoever divinity created this place!" The Satanic cult gets angry at this as they start to chant, "For Satan! For Satan! For Satan!" This starts to scare Kathy as she starts to have a panic attack but she recovers instantly and Kathy tells them to escape from this terrible cult. Katherine and the other survivors ran away from the cult until they stumble upon Alice and her burlesque gang but it seems they have new members: Regina & Heidi! 

Regina is a beautiful woman that is looking for trouble as she would play the Black Jack Wheel while her assistant, Heidi, assist her in the game! The Black Jack Wheel is where on only the red is when you win while black is where you lose! However; Kathy has a lucky streak and wins every red the arrow points to. Regina managed to get Kathy to land on the black of the number 21 on it however Katherine somehow made the black 21 mark turned red! Regina and Heidi are enraged until something disturbing happens: Reginald turns into a black drooling-like saliva demoness while Heidi becomes a sexual yet dangerous succubus. Kathy and the others fight them as they scare them away while Alice is impressed on how well Kathy and her friends did and makes her escape, "See you soon.......Anferney beloved!" she murmurs. After finding Siobhan and her hideout, Kathy and her surviving friends corners the mind controlling freak girl, who tells her how she can feel their 'mojo prescence' coming as she finds this a bad sign. Kathy remarks at her, "Yeah you scare me too, toots. Sending out mind controlled minions, Letting loose a small amount of a Satan cult really is a creepy feeling towards someone like me." 

Siobhan laughs, "Oh Katherine." she purred, "I regard your lips be in motion although I perceive is 'blah, blah, BLAH!' If you need to look out for someone, LOOK OUT FOR YOUR BLOOD!!!!!! I long for your beautiful insanity, Katherine Donovan." Katherine and the others fight their way to Siobhan however the mind controlled slaves as Kathy is about to strike Cullen however the witch shifts to a different direction--In the corner of the lair. "Show your face back now, you can't dash absent always!" Tov called back to her. "Correct, very correct. I acquired a diminutive sport for you fellows if you be capable of frolic laterally." Siobhan replies. "Oh yeah? What's the impasse?" asked Derek. "Oh, it's not plentiful. It's an amusement I enjoy to cavort thru all my bothersome guests!!!! I will foxtrot a modus operandi and if you copy that literal solitary, you're certain.... on behalf of pronto! If not, you'll breathe your last breath! HA, HA, HA!" "Oooooh, A mystic sport version of Ship Captain's Orders, huh? Sounds fun." Nettie says. Kathy and the others play along with the game as they seem to copy the exact same but it got faster and faster nevertheless they got each move right! Siobhan is upset about this so she attacks Katherine and rips her stomach out of her body, which concluded that Kathy falls down to the ground while Anna screams out her friend! Siobhan laughs maniacally as she finally has the stomach while Kathy from deep within her hollow body has Cammeo is about to activate. The parasite-like roots are growing within her as a blood curdling, Wilhelm scream is heard inside the shell of the hollow girl! 

After her stomach was pulled out; Katherine emerges as a heart less being as she surprises Siobhan, who demands to know what sorcery is this! She cries out that no girl would have the same ability as her because she is ‘invincible’! The organ less Katherine doesn’t answer and fights Siobhan with no mercy until she (Kathy) decides to spare Siobhan because she is just a ‘broken female’. She retrieve her stomach back in its placed as Siobhan screams: “NOOOO!!!!” The whirlpool marks vanished from the boys and the girls as they are confused from what just happened until they see Katherine glowing in the light as she seems to transforms into a winged divinity called a Valkyrie! Her inner beauty and outer beauty begins to break the spell and the boys become attract to it for an intense split second as Siobhan escapes from the precious moment as she vows for revenge. Kathy's hair is glowing of blonde, she is a lot more stronger as she seems to notice this. 

Once this process ends; Katherine turns back to normal and she faints however she awakens in her room to see Brenton beside her, who tells her to rest. Katherine falls back asleep until finally, she hears inside her mind: "This is not over yet, Just you wait. I will return!" Kathy's eyes shot open as she whispers in the darkness: "No, It's not. 

The End                                                      

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