This is the first chapter to my anime crossover, Phenomenon Serendipity. It's more redux and different from the YouTube podcast version so apologies to all you wonderful people and also for delaying on the Cosmic Convergence chapters. All rights of anime belong to original creators, I am just simply writing a story and this is NOT fan fiction, I know some of you heard that from so many others however I am so sick of hearing this. I am writing this story of my very own anime crossover and one day I will get it publish in a book someday. Please be nice in the comments, I had thought of a crossover since I was a kid and I've been in the process of creating Phenomenon Serendipity since 2011 as I remember it clear as day. Enjoy! Want to see the project on my YouTube? Go to this link here:
Chapter 1
Long ago…It started in a town where it was full of the most superficial bastards who pretend to be anybody’ friend and stab them in the back—It was called the Fire Burn Hills. There was one girl who suffered so much and nobody helped her so now there is a curse place upon the people in this town! How did all begin? Where it all did started? There once was a bullied girl by the name of Ophelia Fury. Ophelia was bullied and abused from school and at home. It was then Ophelia suffered so much that it haunted her as she was determined to have her revenge! Ophelia had befriended girls like Viola, Daisy and her friends however they betray her. One day during a drill; her so-called friends moved over to where Ophelia was standing, near a drain, and begin to crowd the poor girl, getting in her face and nudging her towards the open manhole. They pushed her and she tripped over and fell head-first down the manhole. When they saw her falling, the girls started giggling and when Ophelia's name was called out, they shouted "She’s down in the sewer!" All of the other students began laughing. But when the teachers looked down the manhole and saw Ophelia's body lying at the bottom in the muck, the laughter abruptly stopped. Her head was twisted around at an odd angle and her face was covered in blood. Worse still, she wasn’t moving. There was nothing any of the teachers could do for her. Ophelia was dead. When the police arrived and went down into the sewer, they determined that she had broken her neck. Her face had been torn off when she hit the ladder on the way down and her neck snapped when she landed on her head on the concrete at the bottom. Then, a few minutes, her head turned back into place. As she lied in her own blood, she turned to the horrified crowd and smiled: "Don't cry, I'm okay." Ophelia then got up and walked off, not bothered by her blood-stained clothes. One day, she came across a party where her attackers were and then she shouted at them: "I WILL NOT REST UNTIL ALL OF YOU ARE DEAD!!! MY CHILDREN WILL MURDER YOU!!" Her powers scared everyone and she vanished but she was never seen again! And now these four sisters came along. Could these four girls be the daughters of Ophelia? Has Abigail placed a curse upon the city of the paradise land? And if so, could Ophelia Fury still be alive? Today; Briar Devlin is 20 years old as she and her mother currently lived in Indiana. Since moving from her hometown Florida, Briar begins to realize how easily she fits into Indiana than she did with Florida. There was a reason to get away was the divorce from Eleanor’s husband and Briar’s father Orion. Orion was an abusive and manipulative parental guardian who had abuses and mistreats both his wife and daughter throughout Briar’s childhood! During the divorce procedure; Orion was trying to get custody and accused Eleanor of brain-washing their only daughter! In truth; Briar gives out her testimony about the abuse she and her mother suffered at the hands of her dad. Today; Briar was at her grad bash with her pals and twelve classmates: Jeremy, Sally, Bancroft 'Bink', Sheila, John, Edward, Sybil, Ted, Ruby, Murphy, Elma and Trevor. They were talking and laughing, catching up on good times! It was amazing how life passes by so fast, there’s no slowing down or going back. All they could do is remember all the fun memories while enjoying life! “Man, can’t believe it’s the last year of our lives.” Lee said. “Aww Lee, you’re so dramatic. I don’t think you’ll ever change.” Thea replied, laughing. Briar smiled sadly, “I’m going to miss you guys.” She said. “We will too, Briar. You’ve been a great friend to us.” Sally said. Briar beamed, she and her twelve friends gathered around to raise their glass; they clicked together before sipping their beverages. Just then; Jeremy surprised everyone with tickets to the new action film, Nightfall Soars. Briar and her friends got excited, they had been about this movie for quite some time over the past week and they were going to see it! Briar and her classmates got the theater, got snacks, as well as the best seats in the house. So far, Nightfall Soars was just an awesome as everyone claimed it was! The dialogue was well written, the story line was interesting and the action sequences were top-notched. Briar and her pals were enjoying the movie; this was something they would remember for the rest of their lives. Little did they know is that it won’t be in a positive manner, it will end badly! During the climax of the film; a man came in and pulls out a gun & opened fired, the gun man caused panic in the theater. Briar didn’t understand, she thought it was part of the movie though the entire scene was real. Briar ducked as she heard the gun went off, she crawled on her hands and knees. She called out: “Jeremy? Sally?” Briar didn’t see her friends anywhere in sight but she kept moving. “Guys? Jeremy? Sally?” She hollered. “Augh, I’m bleeding!” Jeremy exclaimed. “Jeremy please!” Sally was reassuring, tending to his wounds. “You gotta stay strong, hold on Jeremy!” Briar saw Sally was pressing the wound where Jeremy was on the floor, he was in pain. The gun man stood over Jeremy and Sally from behind, Briar gasped in horror. Sally saw the gun man, she turned to Briar gasped in horror. Sally saw the gun man, she turned to Briar as she called out: “Get out of here, Brie!” Jeremy shouts back. “Save yourself, Briar! Get out of here now!” The gun man drew his weapon and pointed at her two friends. Sally and Jeremy cried out, “BRIE!!!!” The gun went off, Briar gasped before she let out a scream of terror. The gun man reloaded his gun, he pointed at Briar. Briar knew at this moment that she was going to die. She closed her eyes but by some miracle, the police sirens are heard so the gun man escaped. Leaving Briar alive and traumatized. She was shaken by what she witnessed before her eyes. Alive, yes though she cried uncontrollably; crumpling to the ground, shaken with fear and grief. The massacre of that exact theaters had only 57 victims and 12 deceased bodies, one survivor was a high school graduate name Briar Devlin, she and her classmates were celebrating grad bash for it was the last year of high school before graduating. Briar attended graduation alone and went to the funeral of her friends, where she had an emotional breakdown! She wakes up in the hospital where her mother Eleanor Vale picked her up and drove her home. As soon as they arrived home; Eleanor asked Briar, “Can I cook you something to eat?” But Briar shook her head, “No thanks.” She said in a sad tone. She always headed upstairs where she would have nightmares about the incident: She would see her friends’ lifeless, bloodied corpses sprawled onto the floor. She then saw the gun man pointing the gun at her and pulled the trigger! Which caused Briar to wake up in cold sweat and burst into tears, the tragedy took a toll on her emotionally. She barely picked up the phone every time her father calls. At first, his messages sound sympathetic however a week goes by and his messages become menacing and controlling. Accusing Eleanor of keeping Briar away as he threatens to get the police to arrest Eleanor! But Briar wasn’t going to fall for that, it was another way for her to pick up the phone. She fell for this many times, never again. After days of staying in; Briar looked out to see the sun was shining and decided to go for a walk, her mother agrees as it will do her some good. During her walk, Briar saw a white rabbit. Briar was surprised to see a rabbit in the clearing, the cute bunny hopped away but for a strange reason Briar followed it! She ran after the rabbit, wondering where it was going! Soon; Briar lost sight of it and came across a wishing well. She peered into it though she could’ve sworn she saw something down below shimmering. Briar tried to see what it was however she lost her footing and fell down into the abyss of the wishing well. In the meantime, other worlds have worm holes that consumed people in but these worm holes were not ordinary ones as they were teleporting others from their worlds and into something unknown.
Meanwhile; Briar then woke up in a different city that was huge that she discovered that was called Dopple Walker City. That’s when Briar noticed a building of a glass-like building that was taller and noticeable. She was curious so much that she didn't watch where she was going, Briar slammed into someone! "Oh hey--" She started to say but she saw that it was an orange haired boy who has light skin and leaned muscular figure built. He wore black attire. "Hi." Briar said, surprised. "I'm sorry, I didn't know where I was going, and I apologize!" Although the guy looked cool-headed, he nodded. "It's fine." He answered. Briar is touched by his smile, he sure was nice. "Are you OK?" asked the guy. "Uh, yeah." said Briar quickly. "What's your name?" asked the young man. "My name is Briar." answered Briar. "I'm Ichigo, Ichigo Kurosaki." said the young man. Briar nodded, "Do tell, Ichigo. Are you what they call a Soul Reaper?" She asked. Ichigo looked at her with surprise, "How--How did you know?" He asked. Briar looked over at him and said with a smile, "I don't know. I guess my mind can read your mind." She replied. Ichigo looked at her with dazed amazement, "OK. Let's find out where we are." He finally said. Briar seemed intrigued, "'We'? As in us? Together?" She asked. "I like to get to know you, Ichigo. I really do." Ichigo smiled back and they both journeyed into the unknown. Meanwhile; a young man who is around 18 years old with pink hair and was pretty feisty looking. His name is Natsu Dragneel. Next to him was his cat—Exceed—name Happy with him. “Happy?” Natsu said. “Yeah Natsu?” Happy inquired. “I don’t think we’re in Fairy Tail anymore.” Stated Natsu. “Aye. We most definitely are not in Fairy Tail anymore.” Agreed the blue Exceed. That’s when Natsu stopped for a moment, "Wait, did you hear something?" He said. Happy turned to him, "What? You hear something?" He asked. Natsu nodded, "Yeah, something's coming..." He said. A sword was swinging around and a black hair guy in uniform as well as swords which is the hot headed Rin Okumura! "What the--?" Natsu said. "Look out!" Happy exclaimed as he and Natsu dodged him, however a fight breaks out until finally, a voice cries out: "Hold it!" They all stopped when they saw Briar and Ichigo. "What are you guys doing?" Briar asked. Rin looked at them, "Who are you guys?" He asked. "I'm Briar Devlin and this is my acquaintance, Ichigo Kurosaki." introduced Briar, gesturing towards Ichigo next to him. Natsu cocked his head, "What a couple of freaks doing here?" He remarked. Ichigo and Rin turned to him as they glared at Natsu: "WHO ARE YOU CALLIN’ A FREAK?!" The fight breaks out; Happy got out of the way. He went towards Briar who are stared at everyone fighting and rolled her eyes up to the ceiling, and then she flexed out her hand and yelled, "SHUT UP!!!" The others were lifted from the ground, Briar couldn't believe that she was the only doing this. Then she drops them down safely, she sighed and smiled. "Now, tell me....who's a freak?" asked Briar with a witty look on her face. The others stared up in amazement, "Ohhhh...." They chorused. “Aye…” Happy agreed. One minute later; Ichigo,Natsu, Happy, and Rin were standing up like soldiers. Briar paced left and right from them. "Listen up!" She said to them. "We come from different places of our homes, and brought here for an unknown reason. So, If we're going to find some answers, we need to ventured to the unknown and find this person responsible for this; we must put our colors--our personalities aside--and become one....Any questions?" Natsu raised his hand, "Ma'm, I have one." He said in a loud tone. Briar turned to him, "Yes Dragneel?" She asked. Natsu then talked normally, "Um...Exactly where do we start?" Briar nodded, thinking about that. "Ah, that's a very good question my friend." She turned to the horizon of the city, pointing over to a building. "You see that building over there? This building stands out than the rest of them, it has stained glass windows. I'm curious to know what's in there." And so they set off to their journey! Briar wasn't the only one, the other girls found friendships and heading to that strange building too; Chloe and her new friends are awesome too because they saved her life, these people were: Renji, Chad, Gajeel, and Yukio Okumura. Randi met some girls that started off in fights with one another however she accidentally reveals her nymph hybrid form, which amazes them. The girls she befriends them are Rukia, Orihime, Lucy, Erza and Shiemi. Maggie & Bella Venetia ‘B.V.’ meet some people who were belligerent but stand for justice and this army: Kenpachi and Squad 11, Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, Lector, Frosch, Yukino, Rufus, Orga, Minerva Orlando, Dobengal, Ryuji ‘Bon’ and Konekomaru. Even Tilda's group is a bunch of strange folks however they are a bunch of badass warriors that seem to suit her: Gray Fullbuster, Juvia, Lyon, Lamia Scale, Izumi, Paku, and Captain Hitsugaya. And Marina's posse is charming, beautiful of people: Blue Pegasus of the Trimens, Ichiya Nichiya, and Jenny. While heading to the headquarters building; Briar saw a little girl chasing a butterfly. She smiled at the little girl who wore a pretty rose-pink dress and Mary Jane shoes. The girl was about to reach for the butterfly when multiple gun men fired their bullets into the little girl, killing her! Briar felt her heart drop, the gun men aimed their weapons at her and launched their ammunition into Briar but she realized she was still living and the bullets into her body cavity dropped out, numerous cartridges hitting the floor with a thousand clinging noises to the ground. The gun men trembled in fear, clutching their firearms; Briar’s eyes were blood shot and filled with tears where her expression was mixed with sadness and angry. That’s when a conjuring of rage immediately unleashed that murdered the entire squadron. Briar didn’t touch them but some sort of paranormal activity caused something surging from her mind. She couldn’t understand as she was screaming while also crying and she wouldn’t let her enemies get away so easily. Ichigo, Natsu, Happy and Rin are shocked to see this. Briar had tears in her eyes; thinking about her dead friends and their dreams which were gone forever. Now she was pissed, the gun men looked scared so they try to leave but Briar held them against their will and then killed them one by one with her telekinetic powers. The commotion started to attract the attention of others: Chloe, Randi, Maggie, BV, Tilda, Marina and their new friends heard this. Curious, they walked over there to see what was going on. When they got closer, they were shocked to see Briar losing control! When it was over; Briar picked up the lifeless body of the little girl, dug up a grave for her and buried the corpse of the child. Later on, Briar and her team--With Chloe, Randi, Maggie, BV, Tilda, Marina, and their gangs following--as they head for the stained glass windows building where they come across the front where a security scanner examines them. "Subject Examination Approved." said a computer voice. Then the double doors opened automatically opened at once. The computer voice said, "Please enter the door on your left, Alem Favian is waiting for you." Briar beamed with pride.
"Neato!" She said. Maggie gives her a look, "'Neato'?" He asked. Briar gives him a look, "Riddle me this, twitch." She remarked. Randi giggles, "'Twitch'. Good one." Briar smiled, everyone walks in and saw a man they never met before. He had his hair is short and wore a white attire. He was meditating as Briar and the others walked in. Briar spoke up, "Hello? Are you the one responsib--" however the guy said: “Dirt.” Replied the wise man. Briar looked at him, “What?” She inquired. “Dirt on the ground, you’re tracking dirt on the ground.” Briar turned around, sure enough she was tracking soil around the ground. Briar felt bad, “Oh I’m sorry.” She apologized. “Would you like me to clean it up?” The wise man, which hasn’t opened his eyes, shook his head. “No, that won’t be necessary.” He opened his eyes and looked over at Briar and the others: “What can I help you with?” He asked. Briar said, “Um, I need answers I guess.” The wise man looked at her, “You guess?” He asked. Emily realized this and clarified, “No. I need answers. I need to find out where the heck am I.” The wise man smiled, “Yes. That wasn’t so hard was it?” He said. Briar smiled with an embarrassed expression. However, the wise man—by the name of Alem Favian—was a very excellent mentor. Very calm, patient, and good to Briar. He was more willing to tell her that she has come to a world filled with monsters. “So, this world I fell into; you kill monsters that were experimented upon?” Briar asked. “Indeed, so you need to find the identity of this person. It seems history is repeating itself.” Alem replied. “What do you mean?” Briar asked. So Alem explained the history within Dopple Walker City’s old town originally called Double Walker: Long ago; after the invasion of menacing soldiers; a man name Marcello Hallows, his partner Deimos Falcone and his army established ghettos in several cities, away from Fire Burn Hills where people were effectively imprisoned. Living conditions in the cramped ghettos was appalling, and disease, hunger and overcrowding killed tens of thousands. The soldiers deported people from all over occupied Double Walker to these ghettos, modeled after the ghettos that had established all over. Marcello set up special concentration camps where they could deport millions of people of race, religion, & orientation and impersonally kill them systematically by cramming hundreds of them at a time into specially constructed gas chambers, and take their bodies to revive them. However, some of them remained but they suffered a fate worse than death. Disturbing human experiments aren’t something the average person thinks too much about. Rather, the progress achieved in the last years of Double Walker's history is an accomplishment everyone was reminded of almost daily. Achievements made in fields like bio-medicine and psychology mean that we no longer need to worry about things like deadly diseases or pushing skin as a form of insanity. For better or worse, the cruelest side of humanity has developed more effective ways to gather information, treat skin abnormalities, and even kill each other. But what we are not constantly reminded of are the human lives that have been damaged or lost in the name of this progress. Some children unwitting source of cells which then cultured for the purpose of medical research. Though researchers had tried to grow cells before, some others were the first successfully kept alive and cloned. Their cells have been instrumental in the development of vaccine, research, gene mapping, and countless other scientific endeavors. After requesting that the Double Walker's government provide Marcello with information on imprisonment, deprivation, humiliation, torture, brainwashing, hypnoses, and more, Marcello’s research team began to formulate a plan through which they would develop secret drugs and various brain damaging procedures. People screamed, their arms thrashing as there was melted flesh, bleeding stumps of where hands and arms used to be, and bones were exposed. The medics arrived but they didn't look like any medics, they took all those with damaged bodies and others who didn't suffer the same effects. The people with no damaged skin try to escape but they were knocked unconscious. Inside, it was a horror scene: A man was in pain as metal bars against his chest yelled out and grimaced. A woman was screaming and blabbering something incoherently as needles were being injected into her. A room was filled with large portions of skin and muscle. Lungs, hearts, and other organs scattered the floor. Rib cages ripped open and seen with maggots feasting on the meaty matter of the body. In another window of a room; a female scientist bent over and picked up a hand saw from the left side of where she was sitting. She held it in front of her, showing it to the observers. Then, she placed the jagged blade on the side of the patient's cheek. Slowly, she began slicing into the patient's right cheek. Blood drizzled down the patient's neck as the scientist did it. The side of her teeth began to show after about ten seconds. As the saw went lower on the patient's face, more of her teeth began to show on the side. Blood covered almost the entire right side of her face. She eventually got to the bottom of her jaw bone, and sawed a tiny piece off of it too. Her cheek fell to the ground with a small thud, and the scientist put the saw in her lap and looked emotionless. Then, the poor patient screamed in extreme pain. She screamed, and put her hands over her now absent cheek. She continued to scream in agony for about ten seconds. She pushed the patient back on the autopsy table as the scientist then raised the saw up to her right shoulder, and began cutting just as slowly. Marcello and Deimos was mutilating bodies to show his artwork and he wants to show the world his great masterpieces and has pushed people when he could see their flaws and believe he could fix them. He kills them by wither having their mouths taped shut, stabbed repeatedly, or shoot them. Victims of assistants was forced to watch, if he tries to intervene then he would deal with his father of his physical abuse or emotional torture. Marcello did horrendous experiments to people, making them his lab rats and causing them to have their bodies change in somewhat disturbing imagery. And made children into superhuman weapons, putting people through difficult tasks as Marcello would cry out: "YES! YES! WRITHE AND BE REBORN INTO BEAUTY!!!!" He see stitches on the victims, rashes and bloodied while also pus inducing scars and other things that were gross. In result, the victims succumb and die. The soldiers tore the young women away from their loved ones and their families, gave them some surrogate mothers and kept other traumatized women in isolation rooms, sometimes for up to a year. A doctor began expanding his project. He and his assistant created a dark metal box designed to isolate the women from everything in the outside world. Within days, the women kept inside the pit were driven insane, incessantly rocking and clutching at themselves, tearing and biting their own skin and ripping out their hair. When finally removed from isolation, they were too traumatized to interact with others, and some were so shocked and depressed that they starved themselves. Then, the women restrain and inseminate by crazed and perverted men, then they would later watch and photograph the mentally ill mothers physically abusing and killing their own babies or causing miscarriages as well as kamikazes. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed the cruel doctors to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, the assistants gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. As the children grew up; a doctor then begins experimenting on the children. The children willingly allowed the cruel doctors to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the children experienced long-term harm. The next day; the children were placed in experimental groups, the assistants gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the progression of their life. Due to unsanitary conditions in the next week, it was virtually inevitable that these children would contract disease. One doctor sent to investigate the outbreak, proposed an experiment that would assist in developing a vaccine. However, the experiment required deliberately infecting children with the disease. Though the doctor’s study was controversial from the start, critics were eventually silenced by the permission letters obtained from each child’s parents. In reality, offering one’s child to the experiment was oftentimes the only way to guarantee admittance into the overcrowded institution. These un-consenting subjects were lured to safe-houses by prostitutes on the payroll, unknowingly given hallucination drugs and other mind-altering substances, and monitored from behind one-way glass. With an experiment involved with blood pressure and blood flow; the researchers used 113 children ranging in age from one hour to three days old as test subjects. In one experiment, a catheter was inserted through the umbilical arteries and into the aorta. The child's feet were then immersed in ice water for the purpose of testing aortic pressure. In another experiment, up to 50 children were individually strapped onto a circumcision board, and then tilted so that their blood rushed to their head and their blood pressure could be monitored. Individual children did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis; instead they were told they had 'bad blood' and could receive free medical treatment, rides to the clinic, meals and burial insurance in case of death in return for participating. Standard treatments for syphilis were toxic, dangerous, and of questionable effectiveness. Part of the original goal of the study was to determine if patients were better off not being treated with these toxic remedies. For many participants, treatment was intentionally denied. Many patients were laid to and given placebo treatments—in order to observe the fatal progression of the disease. After hearing this; Briar is shocked and cannot believe this city had gone through havoc from all that had happened. Other people in the room are shocked to hear this, but Alem just remain calm however he looked upset too. Once everyone recovered what they heard; Briar was appropriate enough to ask again: “You sure you didn’t send us here?” Alem shook his head, "Oh no, I'm not. You people probably haven't met her but she didn't mean no harm, she was supposed to follow orders...Please forgive her." He said. Briar looked at him, this is was surprising. A girl was the cause of all this? "Who is she?" asked Randi. "Sylver Eden." Alem said. As he said this; the girl appeared and introduced herself timidly, “Hi. I’m Sylver Eden.” Everyone looked at one another, "This is the one responsible?" wondered Briar. “Let me explain why I did this, first of all my name is Sylver Eden. The reason why I did this because we need to find someone who is brave enough, emotionally understanding enough to help others and fight to save the blood of innocence.” Sylver said in a serious tone. Just then; Sylver pulled out one of a device with a screen on it. "This is interactive touch screen monitor device is called the Memory Portray Device or MPD for short. It is a memory device that plays back good, bad, and traumatic memories of others. No camera recorded, it already can keep storage of memories like this. But besides that, this device has different applications--It has different applications: One is a telecommunication where you press on the speaker and ask the MPD anything. You don't have to type; you can always speak into it to. Whatever you guys want." During that time; Briar discovers her powers: She can manipulate objects with her mind. Telekinesis is one of the basis of many superpowers that are based on controlling and manipulating, and may evolve to the point that a telekinetic can control anything at a subatomic level. Briar can read or sense another person's thoughts communicate with them mentally and affect their minds and thoughts. She has the ability to transmit information from mind to another, and receive information from another mind. Briar can absorb memories selectively, gaining some form of advantage to see a person's past. That way she can be more perspective of others! On a good note; Briar can absorb powers from others, usually temporarily and the victims naturally regain their lost power, however Briar's gift is different: She is able to mimic and replicate the powers of others around oneself. This ability strictly psychic as it simply mimics the psychic energy outputs, genetic structure or superhuman physiology that enables abilities in other people. And she soon learns of her healing factor: Her wounds can recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs, sometimes slowing, or even stopping, aging. The rate and amount of healing varies widely; some can re-grow missing limbs, others must put the limb back in place for rapid regeneration. She is generally in very good physical shape as their bodies are constantly reverting to healthy state, granting them nigh-inexhaustible stamina and vitality. At higher levels, users can regenerate not just their cellular tissues, but also her new DNA, undoing genetic mutations and breakdown, as well as maintaining one's youth by extending telomeres. This also gives her immunity to diseases and infections, undoing any unwanted symptoms, as well as provide a form of self-sustenance, forgoing the needs for oxygen and food intake. Regeneration differs from wound healing, which involves closing up the injury site with a scar. Chloe has a power of darkness as she can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. Her shadow and dark powers is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energy it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: one can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, and teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows. Randi is a half human, half nymph as she has the ability either is or can transform into an nymph, female nature spirit typically associated with a particular location or land-form of more powerful being, often a deity. They dwell in mountains and groves, by springs and rivers, and also in trees and in valleys and cool grottoes. Although they would never die of old age nor illness, and could give birth to fully immortal children if mated to a god, they themselves were not necessarily immortal, and could be beholden to death in various forms. She has a connected to various aspects of sky, including breezes and stars. Randi has some sort of connected to various landforms, including glens, pastures, valleys and mountains. Randi has a connected to various bodies of water, from sea to springs, lakes and rivers as well as connected to particular trees. Maggie’s ability has the power of blood, where she uses her blood to create clothes. Maggie possesses a living outfit that is symbiotically bound to their body. Though not a superpower itself, it does grant powers to the user. She is able to utilize blood with their physical combat, creating weapons or tools, enhancing their own abilities or directly manipulating their opponents’ blood. She becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come into contact with or are near blood, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the blood or even slow or stop aging and can solidify, or crystallize, the blood within themselves or others to use as weapons or tools. Tilda can create, shape and manipulate water, inorganic compound with liquid, gas like steam and vapor of water, and solid states like ice, including changing them from one state to other. She is able to utilize water with their physical combat, using it both as weapon and defense, summoning waves to batter their opponents or whips to cut or bind. Tilda can use expert combat skills while underwater where it is very hard to move around under normal circumstances. She is instantly adapted to the water and can move fast and strong without watery restrictions or water pressure. Tilda can release/use water to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks. She can create, shape and manipulate ice, water frozen into a solid state and appears naturally in forms of snow, hail, icicles, ice spikes and candles, glaciers, pack ice, frost, and polar ice caps, and cold by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things colder, for various effects and combinations. Tilda is able to utilize ice manipulation with their physical combat, allowing them to both create tools and weapons for attack and manipulate the environment for their advantage such as freezing the ground and sudden ice-walls. And Marina’s supernatural gift is where she can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to simply as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight. She can use light in their physical combat, making their attacks extremely fast, mixing precision strikes with broader effects and unpredictability. Marina can release and use light to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, both projected, and used as a part of melee attacks. Marina can create, shape and manipulate holy light that's highly effective against the supernatural, such as demons and/or angels. The effectiveness, in question, can range from trapping and/or immobilizing to outright banishing or killing supernatural threats. Furthermore, divine light may have other properties and abilities, such as healing, summoning angels to the material plane. She can create, shape and manipulate light of beneficial nature; that which strengthens, enhances and causes anything or everything to flourish it comes across, representing the sustaining and preserving side of light, which in turn ignores most of the common limitations and weaknesses of its normal elemental variety. In essence, this is about solely controlling the pure positive powers of light. The girls discover that they all can fly and move through the air. They hover and float in the air unassisted, allowing themselves to carelessly float in the air and prevent their bodies from making contact with the ground below. Just then; Briar and the girls saw creatures approaching her! They were known as the Infestations, where she remembered what Master Favian told her: Infestations are quite hideous in appearance. They exhibit spinal dis-figuration, giving them a hunchback-like appearance. Their teeth become sharper and disfigured; their sight changes causing them to have vision that is largely influenced by movement; their limbs become much longer, giving them the ability to climb up walls, and to make small jumps to and from different spots in the blink of an eye. Their skin is also taut against their bodies; pulled tightly around their lengthy frames - their skin is much like a glossy and stretched. Their bodies grow and lengthen. While their skin is being stretched, their bodies are prone to almost all danger, including bullets and other various weapons. Their only weakness is gunfire, because fire burns off this outer layer of skin, and not only causes extreme pain, but it also makes them vulnerable to other lethal threats. They also lose their hair and eventually lose their male and female characteristics, becoming skeletal, with pasty, wax-like complexion in appearance. They are savage, humanoid experimental monsters. They often wear hospital pants, but are sometimes naked. When they are not wearing pants, it can be observed that they do not have reproductive organs; this is for surgically removed for unknown reasons; possibly because of damage and their faces are mutilated. But their sharp teeth have something crazy going on with them. Briar and the others managed to take down the Infestations. Later, Briar is confronted by a girl by the name of Katrina Salvatore who tries to attack her but it turns out Katrina has the same abilities as Brie. Katrina reads Briar’s thoughts and changed her mind on attacking her! In the heat of the moment; Briar learns Katrina is her half sister and could see the painful memories. Katrina, in her emotional state, turned away and ran off as she felt so guilty.
Lola never thought she came to this city once again. How did she get to the agency of Evermore? Lola was walking in the rain of the city of DWC, she was soaking wet—drenched from the drops falling on her. Just then, she felt like she was being followed and look behind her. There was somebody following her, she is terrified and runs to hide in a warehouse. As she adjusted her eyes, Lola could see there was a dim light in the room of the warehouse. Lola noticed there was boxed piled in neat stacks however she looked around and saw a figure peering at her through the window. Lola jumped back in horror, but she fell and cringed as she fell on something hard. She looked down and saw she was sitting on a gun so she picked it up. The door of the warehouse creaked open; Lola scrambled up and hid behind the box. She was holding the gun in her hands as she heard footsteps coming in her direction! Lola approached the figure with the gun in her hand pointed at the figure. She squeezed the trigger however she missed while the gun hit somebody else. Lola was so shocked that she dropped the gun and ran over to the other figure behind the first one. She saw it was a girl and saw blood on the girl’s shoulder as she was bleeding and unconscious. Lola was shocked for what she done, she thought she killed her and begins to cry emotionally. The figure tries to touch Lola’s shoulder but she pushed the person away while crying harder! She must’ve cried herself to sleep because she woke up in a ward-looking room and comes across her old friend Endymion who greets her. Lola comes across the girl she accidentally shot and apologizes but the girl forgives her. The girl’s name is Momo Hinamori; she’s the nicest girl that Lola has ever met. There was a thug-looking man name Shuhei Hisagi and a forlorn guy name Izuru Kira. Lola saves Shuhei and Izuru in time and protects them from the Infestations however she is pounced and she is is making her way to the window. Lola climbs the building to the window where Shuhei notices Lola's presence and opens the window, which causes Lola to lose her balance but she grabs the ledge. Shuhei attempts to reach her when Lola lets go and falls down with Shuhei screaming her name. Lola is seen falling but she wakes up. Lola sighs and removes the debris from her head that struck her; she complains about that earthquake however Shuhei demands for her to help him. Brushing the dust away; Lola tells him to do it himself, Shuhei commands her to do as he says. Lola smiles and replies that they are not alike after all. After a while; Lola remarks on how they're rescue is not here yet and Shuhei tells to look out but they feel a rumble as they look through the security cameras as Shuhei gasp in horror: "Oh crap!" Lola exclaimed, “Infestations?!" Just before the Infestations appeared as Lola and the others took down the Infestations as they make their way through until they end up being chased by a horde of other monsters. In a dream; Lola is lying in a translucent dress under the blue glow of the moon. Everything around her was crashing into and destroying! Horses begins to panic, People are all huddled under a cave while holding hands and awaiting her fate. More things happened to her in her dreams; Sylvia hopes to push through a possible barrier or achieving her goals without going through a cognitive process. At the end of the day she is just as lonely as she started off because she failed to make her dreams come true! With the fears and low self; Lola is too scared in showing her full potential her nervousness. Things are rare where she continued as her dreams became a realistic nature. Lola feels so close to success in her dream but she can’t keep it because she’ll eventually wake up. Lola had herself and her emotions thus she felt it. Since the sins she committed; she feels helpless and has no control over it. Lola is having revelations while tripping; her sense of reality and worldview are rapidly changing while she’s really just sitting there doing nothing in reality. It was at this moment where she discovers her psionic telekinesis that shocked Endymion and his father. Lola has been torture incessantly by Deimos Falcone and Marcello Hallows for the hell he's put her through. It’s so bad that she uses up her pent up aggression and anguish to enact revenge on those who have wronged her. She somehow transforms from a normal, non-harming person into an unstable and insane being. The negative emotions that were caused due to Marcello have manifested themselves, altering Lola's persona. There were no lines that weren’t crossed when it came to tormenting Lola. The pent-up anger has built up to the point where she’ll enact her revenge on those who caused her pain. However, the compassionate person that is Lola who is realizing what she has done so she is trying to bring herself back to physical existence. This dark side of Lola is threatening to not wake Lola’s bad self, who some people try to provoke her, and Lola is now being possessed by the inner dark persona within. There is the willingness and zeal of military personnel to fight for their country, but also draws a contrast with how it feeds a sort of sick desire for violence that ultimately traumatizes them. This idea is simply that the individual is trying to dislocate and separate the mindset from the events going on around him. so if one was to dream in black and white they would see the enemy as simply wrong and allies as right. Dislocating any feelings those might have for them as other humans. Her trauma has controlled herself so much that she’s become disabled from reality! Lola leaves off the flock together part to illustrate this person can stay strong without the aid of anyone else. She describes Marcello as an angel of having crooked wings, and spreading blight instead of sowing seeds of goodness. The evil angel has spread its disease such that it resides even within Lola's memories. Believing the angel can help her, Lola begs for its aid. However, the evil angel has no intention of saving her, but rather, stealing her life and leaving her with nothing. Finally realizing that the wicked angel has come to only wreak havoc upon her, she willingly gives herself up to it, ready for her fate. The evil angel, finally having penetrated her soul, has made her into a victim and is now destroying her from the inside out, making her hear voices and hallucinate friendship. It is almost silent dying and rotting from the inside, the angel quietly entered her and is now into her soul. Realizing this, she yet again begs for another savior! The angel’s work is finally coming to a close. Lola cannot stop time because her hands are broken. She got high as she thought life was not worth it. Now she realizes that she took everything for granted! She begs the spirits of her family to leave her and her self-destructive ways behind. Because of her past mistakes living a life of guilt, she’s accepted her cruel fate. She knows she was lying to herself all along about the damage she self-inflicted, and has chosen hell to atone for it. She begins to fade away into atonement for her sins and reiterating her wish for loved ones that they do not follow in her footsteps! The only way to escape the path she is on is to stop being in denial. For her, it is too late, however. She begs her deceased family to forgive her for taking her life for granted. Lola realizes this now that she is on her way to hell in atonement for her sins. Why is she accepting her punishment? All for the sake of her family. As if looking at a reflection of herself, Lola sees a part of herself that she doesn’t like. She is wondering when it will be over and she will go back to being normal. She sees Marcello is evil, but she’ll keep his secret. Lola knows she can’t beat the pain and troubles! She has been after her throughout her life. She’s tried a lot and bared a lot of pain to get her but failed. Sylvia still has faith that she can find the old part of herself that wasn’t dependent on anything else, that there is still life left inside him. Lola is going to commit wholeheartedly and give her best effort to be done with it all, begging her sins to just go away. Something she really wants, but isn’t good to her. Everybody is all prisoners to the apple of their eyes. If they are prisoner things can’t really get worse, unless she knows the apple of her eye is bringing her end. Lola may have abandoned that life but still haven’t learned that she will burn this whole world down. Some fights are just exhausting because of the anger, pain and suffering. But by experiencing all that anger, pain and suffering she will lose fear. When people can’t find their peace of mind, they lose their mind. Sometimes problems are so big that only Heaven may be able to help her! Sometimes problems are so big that only Heaven may be able to help her. How this has been occurring for so long that she can’t even begin to think, while her most recent lost love is suffering from her mistakes, she is fighting to make it through the day just to die when she returns home to an empty home. She no longer sees the bright side of life anymore. The entire ordeal has left her exhausted; physically, mentally, and emotionally. The walls of her life have begun to crumble around her as a result. The days linger on and she wants a sign that she is OK. She wants to be back to herself, can feel her slipping away from him; she may be getting help, but she’s not the same person she once was and because of that she constantly sees herself at her worst. She wants to help her stay alive, but she has no idea how to help. She needs her to give her some sort of direction. Lola can’t handle the pain nor does she want to deal with it. She doesn’t want to go on. She no longer sees any worth to life. She is asking for help with the situation and wonders if anyone is able to help. But she realizes that there’s no one who can really help her. She’s alone. The pain has ruined her forever. She may be alive physically, but emotionally, spiritually, she’s dead. The pain was too much for her and she broke, thinking that she’s already dead as she has a gaping hole where he heart should be. She will pick herself back up nevertheless, but still knows she will only fall back down. Scars are like memories won’t disappear anywhere, and scars will remind her about everything she has passed. She holds her breath & let’s herself talks or screams at her until she’s done, so when she’s finished she tries to talk but she just doesn’t care anymore. Lola is afraid of hurting people or if her past is revealed, she’ll be tortured or worse abandoned by others. She will keep everything a secret so nobody will ever know and won’t get anguished again. Meanwhile; Briar, Chloe, Rin and Yukio are dealing with Infestations where they attacked Briar and Chloe as they bit into them—Briar got bitten in the neck while Chloe got bitten in the wrist! The girls screamed as they fainted, when Briar woke up as she, Rin and Yukio could see Briar’s memories past playing on projection: A girl happy smiling and playing. Another memory shows of that happy girl crying as she tries to cover her ears from the screaming coming from downstairs. A third shows a man screaming as the girl cowers and whimpers, "Don't you dare cry or I'll give you a good damn reason to cry!" The man shouted. The girl was a young version of Briar, who was abused as child. One memory showed of Briar around 15 years of age as she and her mother move away from her father, who had pleaded with them not to go. But Briar and her mother did not listen. Her father tried to stop the car, he was yelling: "BRIAR, DADDY LOVES YOU!!!" Briar's mother locked the doors as she drove away, while Briar's father screamed, "I will find you and bring you home! You hear me? I WILL FIND YOU!!!" "What the--?" Rin thought, "What is all this?" Briar thrashes about violently from her friend, "Stop it!" She cried. "Get away, GET AWAY! PLEASE!" More memories invaded before Rin and Yukio, they saw the movie theater massacre. Rin was horrified, "Ah...What...?" He thought. "Stop this..." He saw in his mind of people getting shot and all sorts of people tortured to death. Briar shot up scared of her scar being noticed and runs away but she was walking for awhile. Starting to remember old memories that were kept held in for so long, and is now feeling the pain again from it. In reference for all the many times Briar got by when she held on to her insecurities, and assumptions. After all the pain Briar goes through, she continues to fall. She can’t give up on herself, even though she would be better off if she did so. She wishes she doesn’t need to chase them and try to work things out. They're like an appendix to her, it’s in most of our bodies, but there’s no real general or vital use for it. "I still fight and I don’t know why....I still fight and I don’t know why." thought Briar while thinking of Rin and Yukio "If my heart breaks into despair and sadness, why are you the one that cures them? If love isn’t something that makes sense, why doesn't it make so much sense to me?" She heard someone calling her, “Brie!” Briar turned around, "Rin? Yukio?" She asked. The brothers look at her, "Why are you so scared?” Unable to respond; Briar was bleeding from the wound as she wanted to die, she fainted however Rin and Yukio rush to save her. Poor Briar who was crying and she could barely breathe however she lives. Briar smiles and so her life to recovery would begin. She was going to get stronger and never cause anymore problems with her powers. Later while she was released; Briar encounters Sylver who looked shyly at Briar and said, "You remind me of someone I used to know." Briar looked at her perplexed, "I do? Like who?" She asked. Sylver felt like an idiot. She looked away, "I...Sorry, not important." said Sylvia quickly. "Great, just great! My first impression is that she reminds me of…Ugh, why the hell I have to go and say that!" "No, no. You can tell me." assured Briar. Sylver looked up at her hopeful, Was she trying to be nice? Or was it just an act for her to look annoyed and then be rude to her later? She didn't know. Briar smiled, "If you don't want to, it's OK." She assured her. Just then, Briar and the other girls are called for a mission. Briar turned to Sylver and said, "I'll see you later then?" Sylver brightens up, "Um, OK." She said. As Briar left, Sylver feels like maybe...Just maybe, Briar can be her friend. Deep within the new world mission; there is a circus where ring leader name Hirato. He is assisted by Tsukumo, Eva and Yogi as they are known as Second Ship. Then, we got the First Ship with Tsukitachi, Kichi, and Jiki. The only way out of this madness is the guidance and protection by a childlike boy name Nai. And his big brother type friend name Gareki. While watching the urban horror show; The Infestations creep in and made their attack. The others thought it was part of the fun but when the brutal murders are shown, screams are heard. Briar is shocked by this. But she's not the only one; Chloe and Randi are stunt by all of this as well. Not sure what to do; Briar turned to Solo, "Solo?" She asked with anxiousness. Solo smiled and nodded, "Go crazy." With an excited grin, Briar ready to spring: "All right, let's get dangerous!" She jumps and heads over to fight the Infestations. At the same time; Chloe smiled with excitement. "Yes, it's go time!" She said. Maggie, BV, Marina, and Randi also joined the party! Tilda smiled, she ran her fingers through her hair. She then said before she jumped, "Going turbo!" The three girls saved the ‘circus people’ from the monsters: Briar pounced and wrestled one of the Infestations. Once the Infestations were dealt with, the people were awed before they showed their gratitude. But then she felt someone hugging her. She looked to see Nai was the one hugging her, "Yes! You saved Circus. We owe you one." said the boy. Briar is embarrassed, she never wanted this kind of attention but it was nice for the appreciation. Her walkie talkie radio squawked, "Retreat, retreat, we have to get back!" Solo was saying. "Oh man." muttered Briar. She turned to everyone and said, "Sorry. Gotta jet." There was a moment of silence with astounded expressions on each of the cast of Circus members. "Who were those girls?" Nai asked. "I have no idea." Gareki admitted. The next day, at the Carnival, it had all the fun rides. There were people screaming on the roller coaster. People on the merry-go round, there was fun in the air. Food of cotton candy, popcorn, hot dogs, and prizes. Briar and the others look around with dubious expressions on their faces. "Is this place too saccharine?" asked Maggie, looking around. "Ugh, the atmosphere. It makes me nauseous." groaned BV with disgust. "Yeah, that whole 'taste like diabetes' scenario makes me feel like a crap sack world is underneath this honeyed place." Randi agreed. "I wonder if this is something that I dreamed...." Chloe saw something that caught her eye and took Briar by the hand. "Wait, what are those?" She asked, pointing over to the stand where it had mesmerizing jewelry. They seem to glisten of rainbow, absolutely far-fetching. "Now these are a price worth seeing." Briar remarked. They walk over there and took a look at this. Chloe is quite fascinated in this. "Beautiful...." She mumbled. "They are." A childlike voice spoke up. Briar and Chloe turned to see a young boy with fair hair. He beamed as a cheerful child would; he wore something that a young boy would wear. Briar seemed at ease, "They are gorgeous." She said. The girl name Tsukumo nodded, "Thank you." said the girl. For the time being, Tilda looked around to see the colors in the air as she danced around, feeling magic in the air of how beautiful this place. However, she was daydreaming so much that she didn't watch where she was going. Because she bumped into someone else: "Aaah!" The person said.
"Yipe!" She yelped. Tilda and the other person stumbled down as she cries, "Good Lor--Whoa!" Down, down they went but Tilda uses her water powers to save her and the person she is tumbling with. "Hey, pal! What the hell?" Tilda demanded. "Sorry about that." The person said. He was a good looking guy, Tilda felt like a jerk to this totally attractive guy with glasses, which he was adjusting. "Hello...It's OK. I'm fine, it's no big deal." Tilda apologized. "You serious?" asked the guy. "Yeah, my bad. And I'm dead serious." confirmed Tilda. "Fascinating." The guy complimented. Tilda smiled, the guy realized he forgot to introduced himself. "Oh, sorry. Jiki." He introduced. Tilda shake his hand, "Tilda Oxford." She said. Meanwhile Briar was exploring the places of the fair when she accidentally ran into someone, it was Nai again. "Oh, I remember you!" Nai said with delight. Briar is shocked, "Um...Hi." She said. "What are you doing here?" He asked happily. "Uh, enjoying the fair?" answered Briar in a questioning tone. Nai hugged her, "I'm glad you're OK." He said, he pulls Briar to meet the others and invites her to be part of tonight's show. Briar tried to refuse however Solo made a telepathic connection, "It's all right, Brie. Make the boy happy." And so she accepts. But Gareki doesn't seem to trust Briar. At tonight's show, Nai and Briar are performing about two friends sadly departing from one another but Nai added some lines. "Well, how about you join....Circus!" exclaimed Nai. The crowd gasps in delight, Briar look stunt. "Join Circus?" She asked. Nai sounded excited. "Yeah!" He squealed. Briar wasn't amused, "I'm sorry, why do you want me--Wait, you mean..." She said. Briar is shocked, she read Nai's mind. He was serious! "Yeah, I mean. You may be new to these parts but we can help you out." Nai explained. "You guys?" Briar asked. "It sounds like fun, we can teach all the tricks and the trades...." Nai started to ranted but Briar begin to cut in. "Whoa, whoa. Slow down. I am not joining Circus, I'm sorry. I can't!" She said. Nai looked stunt, "What do you mean?" He asked with timidness. Briar looked at the crowd who looked complex. Then back to Nai and whispered, "May I talk to you? Off stage?" She looked pleading. "No, you can tell me to the crowd." Nai said, gesturing towards the people. Briar sighed, "All right, you can't ask a stranger you don't know to join." She admitted. "You're not a stranger, you are my friend!" Nai protested. "What do you know about friendship?" Briar asked. Nai looked down, "I know that you and I have a great friendship. You don't have to be scared." He pleaded. Briar cannot drag him into her life like this. "I--No, it will never work out. I'm sorry, Nai." She said. She turned to the crowd." Everyone much obliged for coming. But, alas, The show is over." And turned on her heels and walked. Nai watched her, "What? Wait, Briar!" He grasped her hand. Briar tried to wriggle her away, but the boy wouldn't let go. "Nai, please let go of me!" She said. "Briar, please! I know you don't want to but I can help you." begged Nai with innocent eyes looking at him. Briar looked at him sadly, "You can't...." She said. She gingerly pry his fingers away and walks off. Nai is stunt, he felt tears in his eyes. "What did I do to you?" He cried. "Stop it, Nai." Briar said, in a nervous tone. Nai runs after her, "No, no more hiding. What is the matter? I want to be your friend but you have to tell me." He exclaimed, still trying to understand her. Briar turned around fiercely, "NO!" She cried. But she accidentally loses control. Her powers made Nai fall backwards but he wasn't hurt. He looked up at Briar but it's not fear that crosses his face, "Brie...Your powers....are real...." He whispered. Briar shakes her head and fled. She fled from Circus as fast as her legs could take her, Nai calls out Briar's name however she couldn't face him. She just couldn't. She was so ashamed. She ran off and flew off however Nai didn't stop there, he wanted to go after her and convince her that he wasn't afraid of her. Gareki was angry that he wants to kill Briar however Chloe won't let him do that. The three of them heads out, while Maggie and BV heads after with Yogi in between them as Marina stayed with a pink colored hair doctor name Akari. Tilda runs her fingers through her hair as her ice-water powers are revealed to Tsukitachi, Kichi, and Jiki who watch with wide eyes at this. Tilda looked at their gaping faces and grinned before she sped away with a trail of ice behind her. Jiki was shocked but smiled, "Well, well. I knew something about her seemed special." He muttered. Tsukitachi, Kichi and Jiki followed the ice trail where Tilda was discovered creating a tower made from water however she froze the tower after she molded it together. Tilda enter inside and did some re-decorating and create an ice piano where she was playing the piano while singing. But then she senses Tsukitachi and the other two while she managed to catch them by frozen their feet. “So, care to tell me why are you stalking me?” Tilda asked, she smiled down at them. “I don’t blame you but hey, here to talk about what you saw in me. I can relate.” Tsukitachi responded with a chuckle, “If you unbound us from the ice, maybe we can talk.” He offered. Tilda accepted with the request and melt the bounds while they are now able to talk to him. In the meantime; Nai finally found Briar, who was sitting by the creek. "Hey Brie. Are you OK?" He asked. "Hi Nai." said Briar sadly, not looking at him. "Please, don't blame yourself. I'm not hurt, see?" Nai said. "I could've killed you." replied Briar, her eyes squeezed shut. "I know, but you didn't. But please, open your heart and allow me to come in. I wanna help you but you need to invite me in. Control this power; I know we can work together on this." Nai said with hope. Briar turned to him frantically, "How Nai? What ability to help me? Help me control my powers when I can't figure it out myself?" She demanded. Nai didn't know what to say, "I--I don't know. I just want to help you...I'm not leaving my friend." He protested desperately. Gareki arrived with Chloe behind him, he was angry that Briar harmed Nai. Nai tried to stop him, talking to him that Briar didn't mean it. Just then, there was a glow coming from her. There was a woman by the name of Brynhilde who reveals herself to be reincarnated into Briar as well as other Valkyries and told Nai and Gareki everything. Briar reveals to be an agent and recruits them both as the rest of Cricus was recruited into the organization of Evermore! Not long after, Briar went on another mission to another world but no one expected what came before them. It was hell; it had always been to hell. "What is this place? Oh god...!" gasped Briar. Her gang observes this as they couldn't believe this was such a nightmare. Destruction, like the apocalypse with giants. What kind of world was this? Maggie was panicking and freaking out as she begins to lose her mind a little by the shock she was seeing of this place. Briar and the others were shocked to see a monster confronting her. Then Briar could hear its thoughts. "You--you want to eat me? No, I won’t let you!" said Briar to the monster. She flexed her hand and uses her telekinesis to kill this monster. The monster convulsed, it twisted, and then finally; it exploded! There was a mass of beige substances splattered all over her! Briar was stunt for a while before a grin broke over her face. She giggled to herself, "I did it! Ew....I really did it! I can't believe it! I just hope nobody saw--" She turns around as her smile faded. "--That."What she saw was a 15 year old boy. Dark brown hair. Teal eyes. Light tanned skin. He was a teenage soldier, who looked horrified at Briar. He saw it, he saw her kill that beast. "Oh crap." Briar thought. "Busted! How do I get myself out of this?" She slowly smiled kindly, "Hello there---" she greeted but the boy lunged at her, "AAAAHHHH!" He cried. The boy begins to claw at her like a wild man. Trying to punch her but Briar restrained the boy. "Hey! Hey!" She protested, the boy did not yield. "Stop! Cease! Take it easy! Will you stop?! I am not going to hurt you!" Briar held the boy's fists away from her. "Who are you?!" The boy demanded. "My name is Briar Devlin. I swear, I will not hurt you. Here, I am not going to hurt--" She reaches over to touch his face but the boy recoiled away. "Get away, no! Don't you dare--Don't--" But he was helpless, Briar was calm as she stroke her hand on his face. At once, Briar could read his mind, know his name. But not completely of a lot. "Did you seriously kill that Titan?" asked the boy, softly. Briar did a double take. "That's a Titan?" She asked in disbelief. The boy looked at her with amazement, "You never saw one before?" he asked. "I heard of them…but in all honesty, I didn't know that was an actual Titan!" Briar pointed out. Just then, a voice called out. "Eren! Who are you talking to?" Another boy in the same uniform as the other guy's was standing there. He looked young, quite a fetching fellow. "Nobody!" Eren called, he turned back to Briar fiercely. "Listen, you gotta get out of here now!" He demanded. "Why? I can help!" Briar persisted. "No, you--" Eren started to say but the boy calls back: "Eren, who is that?" "No one!" Eren snapped. He turned to Briar with pleading eyes. "Please, get out now!" He begged. "I can help. I can hear that your thoughts are disoriented so--" Briar insisted, but Eren stopped her out of shock. "What?" He gasped. "You--you--can read minds? You can hear my thoughts inside of your own head?" Eren was trembling out of fright. "Of course I can." Briar said, in a matter of fact tone. Eren was shaken out of fear. The blonde haired boy appeared, "Eren? Who is this?" He asked. Briar smiled and held out her hand, "Briar Devlin. It's a pleasure to meet you." she said. The boy was stunt, he shook her hand though. "I'm Armin Arlert." He said. A girl with short length hair appeared, wearing the same uniform as Eren and Armin. "Eren, Armin, who is this girl?" She asked in a voice so soft but full of curiosity. "Wow, this your girlfriend?" Briar asked, to Eren. Eren glared at her, "She's not my girlfriend!" He declared. "Who are you? A witch?" The girl asked. "I am no witch, I am an ally and I came to help." Briar said. "No, she's--" Eren started to say, but the girl stopped him. "Hold up, Eren. This girl may able to help." She said, coming to Briar's rescue. "Sh'yeah, I killed a Titan without touching it." Briar admitted. Armin and the girl were shocked. "How?!" They asked. "I have an ability where I can move obstacles or other things with my mental conscious." Briar explained. Armin and the girl looked at each other, they turned to Eren. "You know about this?" Armin asked. "Yeah, but she doesn't know what the military does here." Eren said. "Let her help, Eren. She can be of help to us." The girl said. Eren was irked but he agreed. Briar smiled with delight, "Thank you." She said. The girl turned to her, she stretched out her hand. Although her stern face remained unchanged; she sounded nicer. "I'm Mikasa Ackerman." She nodded.
"I'm Briar Devlin…" Briar said but other Titans attacked as Briar, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin prepared for battle. They ran from them while battling. “Who are you? Why the hell did you come here?” screeched Eren. "Be careful, Eren Jaeger. Don't do anything reckless!" Briar called out. "How did you know my name?" Eren asked with shock. Busted! Briar turned away, "Later!" She shouted. The Titans were chasing after them. Briar thought craftily as she reached over to Jack, carried him into her arms and flied! Eren was amazed by this, "What? You can fly?" He asked. Mikasa and Armin watched in amazement but they followed the gliding Briar. "YOU! CAN! FLY!" Eren shouted, Briar smiled at him. Mikasa and Armin were amazed as well: "Oh..." Armin breathed. The two followed Briar and Eren to wherever they are going. In meantime; a stoned face captain and others cadets are under attack by the Infestations and Titans alike. But lately, they were struggling against them and things weren't going too well. That was about to change when someone looked up and saw something in the distance. "Look, up there!" One of the soldiers called. Immediately, the stoned face captain saw someone standing on a mountain top. It was Tilda, which she hollers: "Soldiers, heed my words, I am here to delivery you from the hands of the Infestations. Witness a miracle I will perform." The others looked at each other with confusion, the stoned face captain watched what she can do. Tilda took a deep breath and flexed her hands out. She then said to herself, " element...the only thing I ask for for a little control." All of a sudden; to everyone was shocked to see a body of water in the sky. Then, the water came onto the Infestations and drowned them. Tilda then said to the water, "Water flowing through...." She chanted, ".....Freeze up when this spell is through." The water turns into a huge block of ice prison for the creatures. Then she glided down and kicked the ice block, which exploded in pieces. Tilda landed among the pieces, she saluted. "Tilda Oxford, reporting for duty." She announced. She beamed and then looked to see stoic-faced captain looking at her. "Captain Levi Ackerman. Nice to meet you." said the stoic faced guy. Another soldier, name Jean Kirstein, noticed Lola Nikita as he suddenly has pity for her. By her depressed look, she seemed sad. Marina came from the shadows to aid a startled female soldier, whose name is Historia Reiss, and comforted her, "Are you all right, Senorita?" asked Marina softly. Historia looked up and nodded, "Yeah. I'm shocked but I'm OK." Back with Briar; they managed to find a quiet, abandoned place and landed there. Briar let Eren go safely from her grasp."So, whatcha think?" Briar asked with a smile. Eren was speechless until he remembered what happened. "Arrrgghhh!!!!!!!" He shouted. Eren charged at her with a blade but it smashed into a wall. "You're right, you're right. I was trying to show you--" Briar said quickly as possible. "You....You!" Eren warned. "Right, sorry! Sorry!" Briar apologized."OK, OK, Take it easy." She claimed. Eren nodded, "Are you an angel? A demon?" He asked. “Not at all, I just…I don’t know what I am but I can tell you one thing. I am no demon nor angel. I come in peace and came to know you—Eren Jaeger. Please, let me talk to the authorities and explain what’s going on.” Briar explained. At once; Eren lowered his weapon and nodded. “OK. I’ll trust you. But if you pull anything, I’ll kill you.” He said. Briar nods, obeying to his word but she fear of being hurt again. Mikasa and Armin came by, “Are you OK?” Mikasa asked. “I am now.” Eren said. Mikasa and Armin stared at Briar with curiosity. Wondering who she is. Briar, Eren, Chloe, Armin, Randi, and Mikasa walked back to the base of the camp where there were staring from the others. Eren looks at Briar, "Well, ask them if you want to talk to the 'authorities'." He whispered. Briar was nervous around these people, she cleared her throat and spoke up, "Hello there...Is there someone I can talk to? Please?" Just then, the commanding leader Hange Zoe appears before her. "I may be useful for any assistance." She said to her. A few minutes later, Hange & Levi are seen talking to Briar who was seated and looking rather shy. "Let me see if I heard you right, you are trying to tell me you took on a Titan with just your mind. You didn't even touch it, am I correct?" asked Hange Zoe. Briar nodded. "Yes ma'm." She said. "That thing wanted to eat me...And I didn't, I didn't want to die so I had no choice but...Is that a problem?" Hange shook her head, "No. Not at all. I think you did it to survive and I must say I am impressed." She admitted. "Can I say something?" said Levi, "I like to see some proof of your power." Briar looked at him with disbelief, "Right now?" She asked. Levi nodded, "Yes." He said. "Me and my big mouth." thought Briar. She stood up as she said slowly, "OK..." Briar straightened herself together, she rolled her shoulders back and then she closed her eyes as she whispered, "...Here goes...." Concentrated; she was about to summon this power but the distraction of the door bursting open made her lose concentration. A soldier's voice called out, "Commander Hange, I apolo--" Briar spun to him to glare however her telekinesis accidentally sent the man backwards, "Ahhhh!" He cried. "No!" Briar screeched, using her telekinesis to save the soldier, who was shocked over what just happened. "Do not tell anyone." begged Briar. The soldier was so frightened that he couldn't speak; he was speechless so Hange came to him and said, "I would advise you not to speak of what you saw to anyone. I believe this 'witch' you would try to accuse will not be in this record." Briar is relieved and is left off easily. While exploring in the forest, Briar saw Eren training but then she watched in horror as Eren turned into a Titan, “Oh dear Lord! He’s a Titan?” She thought. Titan Eren begin to do all sorts of combat moves in order to take down these savage, killer monsters. Briar hides behind a tree, watching him work hard at his skills. Once Eren was done, he changed back to normal but he fell unconscious. This is it, this was her chance to see inside his head and she rushed over there. Briar kneel down at the unconscious Eren, she placed her hands on the side of his face and begins to read his mind: In a flash; she saw it. His memories. More clear though. His mother’s death, the training of the soldiers, Eren getting eaten, in the belly of the beast, turning into a Titan and other tragic memories that were so emotional. "Eren...I don't want to hurt you, I just want to understand you. To feel better, to feel like I'm not the only one." Briar thought, talking to him in his thoughts. Suddenly, she felt a burst of pain through her. "What's happening? I feel--Augh! It hurts!" She said, gasping. Eren regained consciousness, he was shocked to see what was happening. "Oh no!" He thought. Briar begin to change into a Titan, she was unaware of what is going on but for the first time, she wanted to fight. She saw other Titans and she went after them fiercely. She lunged at them as she rescues lives like the other soldiers and kills them. As soon as she is done; the soldiers stared at her in fear. Titan Briar approached them and placed her claw-hand on Chloe. A few moments later; she was in astonishment. “Briar Devlin? Is that you?” asked Chloe. Briar transformed back to normal. She gasps as she fell unconscious to the ground. "Did Briar just--?" asked Connie. "How did she do that?" Maggie inquired. Erwin glanced at her body, his face was calm and relaxes but he looked concern at this mysterious girl. "Briar Devlin, what are you?" He thought. As Briar woke up, she realize everyone was looking at her in shock and she was helped by Eren, Jean and Armin. At that moment; Briar is in trouble as she encounters monsters but is saved by Eren and Jean. It wasn’t until Eren looked up and his eyes widened with terror. "LOOK OUT, BRIAR!" He cried. Too late, she is being held hostage by an Infestation. The Infestation looked over and gouged her heart out. "Nooo!!!!!!" cried Eren and Jean. The groups of Infestations were cackling with glee but they wouldn't laugh for long. Briar rise up, her eyes were hollow and black with red pupils. She had blood coming from the whole in her chest. Her appearance was different: There were her hair became red like mahogany, her clothes matched her hair and her face was vein-like cascading on the sides of her face. Eren couldn't believe this; she was rising as some sort of undead being who was slaughtering the creatures in order to get her heart back. And she did kill them all, she butchered them. She beheaded them, and then she made their limbs go numb so she can split them apart in a grisly way. Eren & Jean were shocked by this. They couldn't believe that someone like her would such things. Finally, Briar faced the lead monster, which it was holding her heart so she puts up a pretty good fight. She broke his legs and the heart went up, Briar caught it in her hand and placed it back in her chest. The hole in her chest closed up and she turned back to normal. Eren and Jean could only stare at her in amazement. Who was this girl? Whoever she was, she was nothing out of the ordinary.
Then, Briar was brought before the authorities who question her and were brutal so Briar try to speak up but again she is told to be quiet! “If you ignore me you’ll be sorry.” Warned Briar. “Lady Briar, we advised you to shut your mouth!!!” The judge exclaimed. That’s when Briar lost her temper, “You better listen to what I say whether you people like it or not!” She exclaimed. Briar has her powers out of control as objects fell over and break while windows break too. Everyone in the court room is trembling, they muttered amongst themselves. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin managed to stay calm but they were in shock as well as Solo and the girls. “You people…You and your accusations…You dare to judge others as well as me by my appearance….How could you, I AM NOT A DISGRACE NOR SHOULD I BE TREATED LIKE I’M NOT PRESENT!!! SOMEONE OF MY FAMILY CAUSE ME AND MY MOTHER GREAT PAIN AND DISTRESS!!!! I’M TRYING TO MAKE GOOD!!!” She exclaimed, “I AM BRIAR DEVLIN—I AM MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Her rage cause everyone to feat her when Levi stopped her and everyone were scared by the sight. Even the witnesses that spoke against her were filled with culpability and were shaken in their boots. So the judge decides to spar her! Briar was let go as she calms down, she stumbled towards Eren & the others before she passed out from emotional fatigue. In the morning; Briar was on a horse and she looked out at the forest path and looked back to see Commander Hange and the others. "You want me to gallop down this path? Are you sure?" asked Briar. "Just a warm up, just to see how much you improve on your skills." assured Commander Hange. Briar seemed anxious about this task, "I don't know if I'm up for this." She commented. Captain Levi came besides her, putting a hand on her shoulder, "You can do it, and you’re the best we got." He said. "Really?" asked Briar. She was trembling and then she brightens up, "OK. I'll do it!" She exclaimed. Briar took the reins and prepared herself. She closed her eyes for a moment but then opens them instantly. Pulling on the reins; Briar cried, "HI-YAH!" And she galloped down the path while the others ride behind her but Briar was much faster. She looked back to see they were still following her. She felt faint fear but mostly she felt excitement running through her body. Briar had never felt such adrenaline through her; she tilted her head back and spread her arms out. Briar was snapped back to reality by the sound of the horse neighing, it brought her back to earth and she managed to stop the horse. She panted and panted but she laid her head down on the back of the horse however she sat up when the others approached. Commander Hange nodded. The others were impressed with this girl's ability. Briar was so excited that she fist pumps the air and cheered, "Woo hoo!" However, one day there was some eerie things going on and figures as well as shapes that terrified the others when all of a sudden Briar noticed her nose bleed so much and she fainted as they wake up to meet a teenage girl, taunting her and her friends. "My name is Rosemary Fury, let’s have some fun." Rosemary explains that she is requiting for a dead loved one as she fights Briar and the others, who run from her and Rosemary cries out, “Come back here!” Briar got separated from the others however Rosemary went after her and found a room, “Come out of hiding, you stupid girl!” Crying and pleading; Briar calls out while sobbing against the pillar she was behind: “Please…Stop, have mercy! Why are you doing this?” Rosemary shouts out, “COME OUT!!!” Briar then bellowed, “YOU NEED THERAPY, YOU’RE A TOTAL PSYCHO!!!” She then let out a slight wept. Rosemary mocked her tone of voice, “Oh, I’m a total psycho? Ha-ha-ha-ha….” She said as she let out a heavy breath as she continued, “If you don’t come out of there, I will eviscerate your guts out and fill you up like a barrel with candy but it will be medically laced of my poison...Your choice!!!” She begins to fire guns at random objects like crazy while Briar tries to stay sane. However, Levi scared off Rosemary with attacking her in many attempts.
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